Chapter 13
Chapter 13
Chapter 13
The nature and meaning of law has been described by various jurists. However, there is no
unanimity of opinion regarding the true nature and meaning of law. The reason for lack of
unanimity on the subject is that the subject has been viewed and dealt with by different jurists
so as to formulate a general theory of legal order at different times and from different points of
view, that is to say, from the point of view of nature, source, function and purpose of law, to
meet the needs of some given period of legal development.
Therefore, it is not practicable to give a precise and definite meaning to law which may hold
good for all times to come. However, it is desirable to refer to some of the definitions given by
different jurists so as to clarify and amplify the term ‗law‘.
Law is the command of the sovereign, Law is an instrument to regulate human behaviour, be it
social life or business life.
Law is a system of rules that are created and enforced through social or governmental
institutions to regulate behaviour. Law is a system that regulates and ensures that individuals
or a community adhere to the will of the state. The nature and meaning of law has been
described by various jurists. However, there is no unanimity of opinion regarding the true
nature and meaning of law. For the purpose of clarity and better understanding of the nature
and meaning of law, we may classify various definitions into five broad classes:
Realistic Positivistic
Definition of Definition of
Various Law
Definition of
Sociologial Historical
Definition of Definition of
Law Law
1. Natural School
Under this school fall most of the ancient definitions given by Roman and other ancient
Jurists. “Justice” is the main and guiding element of law.
In other words, the law consists of rules recognised and acted upon by the courts of
Justice. It may be noted that there are two main factors of the definition. First, that to
understand law, one should know its purpose: Second, in order to ascertain the true
nature of law, one should go to the courts and not to the legislature.
Ulpine defined Law as ―the art or science of what is equitable and good.
Cicero said that Law is ―the highest reason implanted in nature.
Justinian’s Digest defines Law as ―the standard of what is just and unjust.
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In all these definitions, propounded by Romans, ―justice is the main and guiding
element of law.
Ancient Hindu view was that ‗law‘ is the command of God and not of any political
sovereign. Everybody including the ruler, is bound to obey it. Thus, ‗law ‘is a part of
―Dharmaǁ. The idea of ―justice is always present in Hindu concept of law.
Salmond, the prominent modern natural law thinker, defines law as ―the body of
principles recognised and applied by the State in the administration of justice.
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• Law is not static. As circumstances and conditions in a society change, laws are also
changed to fit the requirements of society. At any given point of time the prevailing law of
a society must be in conformity with the general statements, customs and aspirations of
its people.
• The object of law is order which in turn provides hope of security for the future. Law is
expected to provide socio-economic justice and remove the existing imbalances in the
socio-economic structure and to play special role in the task of achieving various goals
enshrined in our Constitution.
(i) Customs or Customary Law: Custom is the most ancient of all the sources of law and
has held the most important place in the past, though its importance is now diminishing
with the growth of legislation and precedent. The customs may be divided into two
– Customs without sanction: are those customs which are non-obligatory and are
observed due to the pressure of public opinion. These are called as “positive
– Customs having sanction: are those customs which are enforced by the State. It is
with these customs that we are concerned here. These may be divided into two
(i) Legal Customs: These customs operate as a binding rule of law. They have been
recognised and enforced by the courts and therefore, they have become a part of
the law of land. Legal customs are again of two kinds:
(a) Local Customs: Local custom is the custom which prevails in some definite
locality and constitutes a source of law for that place only. Thus, local customs
may be divided into two classes:
– Geographical Local Customs
– Personal Local Customs
(b) General Customs: A general custom is that which prevails throughout the
country and constitutes one of the sources of law of the land.
(ii) Conventional Customs: These are also known as “usages”. These customs are
binding due to an agreement between the parties, and not due to any legal authority
independently possessed by them. Before a Court treats the conventional custom
as incorporated in a contract, following conditions must be satisfied:
– It must be shown that the convention is clearly established and it is fully known
to the contracting parties. There is no fixed period for which a convention must
have been observed before it is recognised as binding.
– Convention cannot alter the general law of the land.
– It must be reasonable.
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Supreme Court
The expression ‗all courts‘ used in Article 141 refers only to courts other than the Supreme
Court. Thus, the Supreme Court is not bound by its own decisions. However, in practice, the
Supreme Court has observed that the earlier decisions of the Court cannot be departed from
unless there are extraordinary or special reasons to do so (AIR 1976 SC 410). If the earlier
decision is found erroneous and is thus detrimental to the general welfare of the public, the
Supreme Court will not hesitate in departing from it.
English decisions have only persuasive value in India. The Supreme Court is not bound by the
decisions of Privy Council or Federal Court. Thus, the doctrine of precedent as it operates in
India lays down the principle that decisions of higher courts must be followed by the courts
subordinate to them. However, higher courts are not bound by their own decisions (as is the
case in England).
Kinds of Precedents
(i) Declaratory and Original Precedents:
− A declaratory precedent is one which is merely the application of an already
existing rule of law. A declaratory precedent is as good a source of law as an
original precedent.
− An original precedent is one which creates and applies a new rule of law. In
the case of a declaratory precedent, the rule is applied because it is already a
law. In the case of an original precedent, it is law for the future because it is
now applied.
− In the case of advanced countries, declaratory precedents are more
numerous. The number of original precedents is small but their importance is
very great. They alone develop the law of the country. The legal authority of
both is exactly the same.
(ii) Persuasive Precedents: A persuasive precedent is one which the judges are not
obliged to follow but which they will take into consideration and to which they will
attach great weight as it seems to them to deserve. A persuasive precedent,
therefore, is not a legal source of law; but is regarded as a historical source of law.
Thus, in India, the decisions of one High Court are only persuasive precedents in
the other High Courts.
(iii) Absolutely Authoritative Precedents: An authoritative precedent is one which judges
must follow whether they approve of it or not. Its binding force is absolute and the
judge’s discretion is altogether excluded as he must follow it. Such a decision has a
legal claim to implicit obedience, even if the judge considers it wrong. An
authoritative precedent is a legal source of law.
Every court in India is absolutely bound by the decisions of courts superior to itself.
The subordinate courts are bound to follow the decisions of the High Court to which
they are subordinate. A single judge of a High Court is bound by the decision of a
bench of two or more judges. All courts are absolutely bound by decisions of the
Supreme Court.
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Ratio Decidendi
When we say that a judicial decision is binding as a precedent, what we really mean is
that a rule or principle formulated and applied in that decision must be applied when
similar facts arise in future. This rule or principle is the ratio decidendi which is at the
centre of the doctrine of precedent. The expression ratio decidendi has different
meanings. The first meaning which is the literal translation of the expression is ‘the
reason for deciding’. Ratio decidendi is as ‘the rule of law proffered by the judge as the
basis of his dicisions.
Where an issue requires to be answered on principles, the principles which are deduced
by way of abstraction of the material facts of the case eliminating the immaterial elements
is known as ratio decidendi and such principle is not only applicable to that case but to
other cases also which are of similar nature.
It is the ratio decidendi or the general principle which has the binding effect as a
precedent, and not the obiter dictum
Obiter Dicta
The literal meaning of this Latin expression is “said by the way”. The expression is used
especially to denote those judicial utterances in the course of delivering a judgement
which taken by themselves, were not strictly necessary for the decision of the particular
issue raised. These statements thus go beyond the requirement of a particular case and
have the force of persuasive precedents only. The judges are not bound to follow them
although they can take advantage of them. They some times help the cause of the reform
of law.
Supreme Legislation is that which proceeds from the sovereign power in the State or
which derives its power directly from the Constitution. It cannot be replealed, annulled or
controlled by any other legislative authority.
Subordinate Legislation is that which proceeds from any authority other than the
sovereign power. It is dependent for its continued existence and validity on some
superior authority. The Parliament of India possesses the power of supreme legislation.
In our legal system, Acts of Parliament and the Ordinances and other laws made by the
President and Governors in so far as they are authorised to do so under the Constitution
are supreme legislation while the legislation made by various authorities like
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Corporations, Municipalities, etc. under the authority of the supreme legislation are
subordinate legislation.
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(ii) Sources of English Law: The chief sources of English law are:
(a) Common Law: The Common Law, in this context is the name given to those
principles of law evolved by the judges in making decisions on cases that are
brought before them. These principles have been built up over many years so as to
form a complete statement of the law in particular areas.
(b) Law Merchant: The Law Merchant is the most important source of the Merchantile
Law. Law Merchant means those customs and usages which are binding on traders
in their dealings with each other. But before a custom can have a binding force of
law, it must be shown that such a custom is ancient, general as well as commands
universal compliance. In all other cases, a custom has to be proved by the party
claiming it.
(c) Principle of Equity: Equity is a body of rules, the primary source of which was
neither custom nor written law, but the imperative dictates of conscience and which
had been set forth and developed in the Courts of Chancery. The procedure of
Common Law Courts was very technical and dilatory. Action at Common Law could
be commenced by first obtaining a writ or a process.
The Equity Courts had their separate existence from the Common Law Courts in
England until the passing of the Judicature Act of 1873, when the separate
existence of such courts was abolished and all High Courts were empowered to
grant either or both the remedies (Common Law as well as Equity) according to the
circumstances of each case.
(d) Statute Law: “Statute law is that portion of law which is derived from the legislation
or enactment of Parliament or the subordinate and delegated legislative bodies.” It
is now a very important source of Mercantile Law. A written or statute law overrides
unwritten law, i.e., both Common Law and Equity.
Sources of Statute
of Equity Law
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Prior to 1872, mercantile transactions were regulated by the law of the parties to the suit (i.e.,
Hindu Law, Mohammedan Law etc.). In 1872, the first attempt was made to codify and
establish uniform principles of mercantile law when Indian Contract Act, 1872 was enacted.
Since then, various Acts have been enacted to regulate transactions regarding partnership,
sale of goods, negotiable instruments, etc. The main sources of Indian Mercantile Law are:
1. English Mercantile Law: The Indian Mercantile Law is mainly an adaptation of English
Mercantile Law. However, certain modifications wherever necessary, have been
incorporated in it to provide for local customs and usages of trade and to suit Indian
2. Acts enacted by Indian Legislature: The Acts enacted by the Indian legislature from
time to time which are important for the study of Indian Mercantile Law include, (i) The
Indian Contract Act, 1872,(ii) The Sale of Goods Act, 1930, (iii) The Indian Partnership
Act, 1932, (iv) The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, (v) The Arbitration and Conciliation
Act, 1996, (vi) The Insurance Act, 1938.
3. Judicial Decisions: Judges interpret and explain the statutes. Whenever the law is silent
on a point, the judge has to decide the case according to the principles of justice, equity
and good conscience. It would be accepted in most systems of law that cases which are
identical in their facts, should also be identical in their decisions. That principle ensures
justice for the individual claimant and a measure of certainty for the law itself.
4. Customs and Trade Usages: Most of the Indian Law has been codified. But even then,
it has not altogether done away with customs and usages. Many Indian statutes make
specific provisions to the effect that the rules of law laid down in a particular Act are
subject to any special custom or usages of trade.
The word Jurisprudence is derived from the word ‘juris’ meaning law and ‘prudence’ meaning
knowledge. Jurisprudence is the study of the science of law. The study of law in jurisprudence
is not about any particular statute or a rule but of law in general, its concepts, its principles and
the philosophies underpinning it.
Jurisprudence also improves the use of law by drawing upon insights from other fields of
study. Different jurists/ legal philosophers have used the term in different ways. The meaning
of ‘jurisprudence’ has changed over a period of time as the boundaries of this discipline are not
rigid. This amorphous nature is a subject of intense controversy among the scholars. But as
dissatisfaction with their conception of law grew in the later years and alternative conceptions
were offered, the term ‘jurisprudence’ came to acquire a broader meaning but a concrete
delineation of the boundary of the subject has proved elusive.
Howsoever the term jurisprudence is not defined; it remains a study relating to law. The word
‘law’ itself is used to refer more than one thing. Hence one of the first tasks of jurisprudence is
to attempt to throw light on the nature of law. However, various theorists define law in their
own ways and this leads to a corresponding jurisprudential study. For example, law has two
fold aspect: it is an abstract body of rules and also a social machinery for securing order in the
community. However, the various schools of jurisprudence, instead of recognizing both these
aspects, emphasize on one or the other.
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Sociological jurisprudence highlights the limitations of pure science of law and says that
since the very purpose for the existence of law is to furnish an answer to social problems,
some knowledge of these problems is necessary if one seeks to understand the nature of law.
Legal Theory
Legal theory is a field of intellectual enterprise within jurisprudence that involves the
development and analysis of the foundations of law. Two most prominent legal theories are the
normative legal theory and the positive legal theory. Positive legal theory seeks to explain what
the law is and why it is that way, and how laws affect the world, whereas normative legal
theories tell us what the law ought to be. There are other theories of law like the sociological
theory, economic theory, historical theory, critical legal theory as well.
1. It is a command.
2. It is given by a sovereign authority.
3. It has a sanction behind it.
Roscoe Pound He emphasized taking into account of social facts in making,
interpretation and application of laws. The goal of this theory was to
build such a structure of society where the satisfaction of maximum
of wants was achieved with the minimum of friction and waste.
According to him, any legal order to be successful in structuring an
efficient society, there has to be:
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