Configuring VRRP-A High Availability
Configuring VRRP-A High Availability
Configuring VRRP-A High Availability
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Table of Contents
• VRRP-A Overview
• VRRP-A Configuration
• VRRP-A Failover
• VRRP-A Interfaces
VRRP-A Overview
VRRP-A is the ACOS implementation of high availability that is completely different from the industry-standard implementa-
tion of Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP). For purposes of operational familiarity, it borrows concepts from VRRP, but
is significantly different from VRRP. VRRP-A will not inter-operate with VRRP.
VRRP-A simplifies configuration of multi-system redundancy, and allows up to eight ACOS devices to serve as mutual back-
ups for IP addresses.
VRRP-A is supported only on ACOS devices that are deployed in gateway (route) or one-armed mode. Transparent mode
deployments (inline deployments) are not supported.
• IPv4 static range lists and individual mappings for inside source NAT
VRRP-A Configuration
This section contains the following:
This type of configuration is called Active-Standby mode, because only the active device processes traffic.
If the standby device stops receiving hello messages from the active device, operation for the VRID
fails over to the standby device. The device to which operation fails over becomes the new active
device for the VRID.
To configure the heartbeat, edit the Hello Interval field on the System > VRRP-A > Global page in the
GUI, or use the hello-interval command in the CLI.
Priority Priority is used to help determine the order in which standby devices should become active devices.
For more information, see “VRRP-A Active / Standby Device Selection” on page 12.
The configuration example in Figure 2 is called Active-Active mode, because both devices can potentially process traffic on
different VIPs.
A VRID is a logical container grouping functional configuration elements (for example, NAT pools, virtual servers, or floating IP
addresses) together. Those elements, in turn, are picked up and processed by another device in the VRRP-A set in case of a
By default, the shared partition and each L3V partition has its own VRID. The numerical value for this default VRID is 0; in pre-
vious releases, you could configure this VRID using the keyword default, which is no longer supported in Release 4.0.
Admins with write privileges for the partition can assign a floating IP address to the partition’s VRID. Generally, the floating IP
address provides redundancy for the default gateway IP address used by downstream devices. (For more information, see
“VRRP-A and Floating IP Addresses” on page 20.)
Parameters related to selection of the active device and to failover also can be configured.
.A total of 512 VRIDs can be configured; 32 on the shared partition (numbered 0-31), and 8 each on each L3V partition (num-
bered 0-7).
A maximum of 512 VRIDs are supported on one device. Any time this number is exceeded, VRIDs are automatically config-
ured as follower VRIDs or can be explicitly configured to be added as a follower VRID. To configure a leader or a follower VRID.
refer to “Configuring a Leader and Follower VRID” on page 36.
The last 2 bytes (nnnn portion) of the address indicate the partition ID, VRRP-A set ID, and VRID.
Figure 3 shows an example configuration with VRID instances spanning L3V partitions across separate physical devices.
In this example, a pair of ACOS devices are configured with L3V partitions. The VIPs and other IP resources in each partition
are backed up by the partition’s VRID. At any given time, one of the devices is the active device (A) for a VRID and the other
device is the standby (S) for the VRID. For more information about how the active device is selected, see “VRRP-A Active /
Standby Device Selection” on page 12.
• Priority Calculation
• Preemption
• Preemption Delay
NOTE: VRRP-A active device selection is unrelated to, and completely independent of, aVCS
vMaster device selection in a virtual chassis.
The VRRP-A device selection process consists of two levels of failover considerations:
While both weight and priority are factored in to failover decisions, the weight of the VRID takes precedence over the VRID’s
Each VRID is allocated a fixed, total weight of 65534 and each event is allocated a corresponding, configurable weight of 1-
255. When the event occurs, the configured weight for the event is deducted from the total weight assigned to the VRID.
Some events (for example, when an interface goes down) are considered to be critical for a VRID and will reduce the VRID’s
weight. ACOS devices that are part of the same set periodically exchange their weight information with peer ACOS devices.
VRRP-A determines the Active or Standby status based on received weight information. Based on the newly computed
weight, a failover will occur from an ACOS device of a lower weight to another ACOS device of a higher weight. This concept
is called preemption.
Preemption based on weight is always enabled. Preemption based on priority can be enabled or disabled.
When you configure VRRP-A using the GUI or command line at the VRRP-A configuration level, you can specify the priority
assigned to each event. When the event occurs, the value you assign to the event will be deducted from the priority you
configure from 1-255 for the VRID of a given ACOS device.
However, if you specify a value for a failed event using a VRRP-A failover template, you are configuring the weight assigned to
an event that will be deducted from a fixed total weight of 65534 assigned to every VRID for an ACOS device.
The fixed total weight for a VRID is not user configurable, unlike the priority assigned the VRID for an ACOS device which is
configurable. A failed event will result in a deduction of the weight assigned to the event from the fixed total weight for the
VRID. Since the weight of each VRID is tallied to figure out the weight and/or priority of an ACOS device, when multiple
devices are configured with VRRP-A, this value is used to gauge the device that will serve as the Active or the Standby device.
When the weight for all VRRP-A enabled devices are unequal, the device with the highest weight will serve as the Active
device, the rest will be placed in a Standby state.
Priority Calculation
Every few seconds, VRRP-A recalculates the priority for each VRID on the active device for the VRIDs.
To calculate the priority, VRRP-A subtracts the priority values for all optional failover trigger events that have occurred from
the configured priority value. The lowest value to which the priority can be reduced is 1.
Once the link or server health is restored, the failover trigger event is no longer occurring and the priority value is not sub-
tracted during the next priority calculation.
For example, if the track event delay is 5 seconds, and a tracked link goes down for 3 seconds, then comes back up, no
failover is triggered. Failover is triggered only if the link stays down for at least 5 seconds.
The track event delay can be from 1-tenth second to 10 seconds. The default is 3 seconds.
Preemption allows failover to be triggered by manually changing the priority on one or more devices so that the active
device no longer has the highest priority for the VRID.
Preemption is enabled by default. If preemption is disabled, failover is not triggered by manual priority changes.
Preemption can be configured on an individual VRID basis, by shared partition admins and private partition admins.
Preemption Delay
If VRRP-A preemption is enabled, failover can be triggered by VRRP-A configuration changes, in addition to network changes.
By default, when preemption is enabled, failover can occur as soon as 3 seconds after an applicable configuration change
takes effect.
This release enables you to configure a delay between VRRP-A configuration changes and the failover that occurs due to the
changes. The default VRRP-A preemption delay is 6 seconds (60 units of 100 ms); the value can be customized to a value from
100 ms (1 unit of 100 ms) to 25.5 seconds (255 units of 100 ms).
NOTE: Preemption delay is only valid when VRRP-A is configured in multi-active environments,
where a minimum of three active devices are configured.
In deployments where many sessions are synchronized, setting the preemption delay to a longer value can help ensure
there is time for session synchronization to be completed before failover.
For more information about configuring preemption delays, see “Configuring Preemption Delays” on page 26.
In this example, the priority of VRID 0 is set to 255 for the shared partition and partition CorpB on device 1, and for partitions
CorpA and CorpC on device 2. The active/standby state of each VRID on each device is based on these priority settings. The
“A” in the illustration denotes the active
If more than one device has the highest priority value, the device with the lowest device ID becomes the active device. For
example, if the VRID priority is left set to the default value on all devices, device 1 becomes the active device for the VRID.
VRRP-A selects the device that has the second-highest priority for a VRID as the standby device for the VRID. In VRRP-A
deployments on more than 2 devices, if more than one device has the second-highest priority value, the device with the
lowest device ID becomes the standby device. Figure 6 shows an example.
The priority for VRID 0 in partition CorpB is set to 255 on device 1 but is left to its default value on the other devices. Since
device 2 is has the lowest device ID number among the remaining devices, device 2 becomes the standby for the VRID
(denoted by “S” in the illustration). The other devices are backups (denoted by “B” in the illustration).
If session synchronization is enabled, sessions are copied from device 1 to device 2. If a failover occurs, device 2 becomes the
active device and device 1 becomes the standby device. Sessions are not synchronized to the backups.
If the standby device becomes unavailable or its priority value is reduced below the priority value on another backup device,
the other device becomes the new standby for the VRID, as shown in Figure 7.
NOTE: In VRRP-A deployments of 3 or more devices, moving the active role to a backup other
than the standby can cause loss of synchronized sessions, since sessions are synchro-
nized only from the active device to the standby device.
To avoid loss of sessions in this case, first change the priority on the backup so that it will
assume the role of standby. Then, when VRRP-A fails over, the standby will have the syn-
chronized sessions.
VRRP-A Failover
Failover of a VRID from the active ACOS device to the standby ACOS device can be triggered by any of the following events:
• The standby ACOS device stops receiving VRRP-A hello messages from the active ACOS device.
• The VRRP-A priority on the active device is dynamically reduced below the priority on the standby device. The priority
can be dynamically reduced when a tracked default gateway, data port, or VLAN goes down, a tracked route is not in
the data route table, or a VIP’s real server fails its health check.
• The VRRP-A priority on the active device is manually reduced below the priority on the standby device by an adminis-
trator, and preemption is enabled.
Policy-Based Failover
VRRP-A provides flexible event tracking and policy-based failover support through configurable templates. This feature
allows policy-based failover even when VRRP-A preemption is disabled and the ACOS device typically would remain in a
Active state, despite VRID priority changes. It allows for event-based failover once a tracked event occurs.
For more information, see “VRRP-A Policy-Based Failover Template” on page 39.
You can configure the priority of a VRID to be dynamically reduced based on changes in system or network conditions. For
example, you can configure link tracking on an Ethernet port. If the link goes down, the VRID priority on the device is
reduced by the configured amount. Figure 8 shows an example.
In this example, link tracking is enabled for Ethernet port 6, and configured to reduce the VRID priority by 155 if the link goes
down. Device 1 has the higher configured priority value for VRID 0 in partition CorpB, and is the active device. However, if the
link on Ethernet port 6 goes down, the priority is dynamically reduced below the priority value on device 2. Device 2 there-
fore becomes the active device for the VRID.
See “Events Tracked for Weight via the Templates” on page 43 for a summary of events that can be tracked.
By default, none of the dynamic failover triggers are configured. They can be configured on an individual partition basis.
The force-self-standby option provides a simple method to force a failover, without the need to change VRID priorities and
use preemption.
The option can be entered by shared partition admins and private partition admins. If entered in the shared partition, the
option applies to all VRIDs on the device. If entered in a private partition, the option applies to all VRIDs within that partition
but does not affect VRIDs in other partitions.
The option remains in effect until one of the other failover triggers occurs or the device is reloaded or rebooted. The option is
not added to the configuration and does not persist across reloads or reboots.
In a typical VRRP-A deployment, floating IP addresses are configured for each of the ACOS device interfaces that are used as
nexthop interfaces by other devices. Figure 9 shows a simple example.
In this example, a device uses ACOS device IP address as its default gateway. This address is configured as a floating
IP address on the ACOS device, and always resides on the active VRRP-A device.
Because the address is configured as a floating IP address on the ACOS device, the address remains reachable by the client
even if a VRRP-A failover occurs. For example, if VRRP-A fails over from device 1to device 2, then the floating IP address also
moves to device 2.
NOTE: A floating IP address can not be the same as an address that already belongs to a device.
For example, the IP address of an ACOS device interface can not be a floating IP address.
To help other devices find a floating IP address following failover, the new active ACOS device sends IPv4 gratuitous ARPs (for
an IPv4 floating IP address) or ICMPv6 neighbor advertisements (for an IPv6 floating IP address). The other devices in the net-
work learn the new MAC address from the gratuitous ARPs or neighbor advertisements.
• Automated – Uses ACOS Virtual Chassis System (aVCS) to automatically synchronize the configuration. See “Auto-
mated Configuration Synchronization” in Configuring ACOS Virtual Chassis Systems.
• Manual – Use the configure sync CLI command. For more information, refer to the Command Line Interface Refer-
Session synchronization applies primarily to Layer 4 sessions. Session synchronization does not apply to DNS sessions. Since
these sessions are typically very short-lived, there is no benefit to synchronizing them. Likewise, session synchronization does
not apply to NATted ICMP sessions or to any static NAT sessions. Synchronization of these sessions is not needed since the
newly active device will create a new flow for the session following failover.
Session synchronization is disabled by default and can be enabled on individual virtual ports.
VRRP-A Interfaces
VRRP-A sends hello messages and session synchronization messages on the ACOS device’s VRRP-A interfaces.
Each ACOS device providing VRRP-A for a VRID must have at least one Up Ethernet interface that can reach the other ACOS
devices. If an ACOS device can not receive hello messages from the other devices for the VRID, the ACOS device's VRRP-A
state becomes Active. In this case, there is more than one active VRRP-A device for the same VRID, which is invalid. One of the
active VRRP-A devices is the ACOS device that does not have a connection to the other devices. The other active VRRP-A
device is the ACOS device that can still reach the other ACOS devices (standby VRRP-A devices).
By default, no VRRP-A interfaces are explicitly configured. In this case, VRRP-A uses all Up Ethernet interfaces to send and lis-
ten for hello messages. For an interface that belongs to more than 1 VLAN, the ACOS device uses the lowest VLAN ID to
which the interface belongs.
If a data interface has both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, the primary IPv4 address is used.
Admins with write privileges for the shared partition can explicitly specify the ACOS device interfaces to use as VRRP-A inter-
faces. In this case, the specified interfaces are used as VRRP-A interfaces by the shared partition and all L3V partitions.
For individual L3V partitions, the interface requirement differs depending on whether VRRP-A interfaces are explicitly config-
• If no VRRP-A interfaces are explicitly configured (the default situation), each L3V partition must have at least one
Ethernet interface that can reach the other L3V partitions for the VRID.
• If at least one interface in the shared partition is explicitly configured as an VRRP-A interface, that interface is used for
the shared partition's VRID hello messages, and for the hello messages of all the VRIDs in the L3V partitions.
• Router interface – An upstream router (and ultimately, clients) can be reached through the interface.
• Both – Both a server and upstream router can be reached through the interface.
NOTE: In the current release, the interface type is informational only. This setting does not
affect VRRP-A operation or interface tracking.
2. Select the VRRP-A Interface tab, then select the interface type you want to enable from the drop-down list.
3. For the interface you want to enable for VRRP-A, click Edit in the Actions column.
4. On the Update VRRP-A Interface page, select the options you want to configure for the VRRP-A interface.
You can enable or disable VRRP-A, or set the interface type and state (see “VRRP-A Interface Types and VRRP-A State” on
page 22).
For specific information about the fields on this screen, refer to the online help.
Then, you can configure the interface type and state. The following example allows both upstream routers and real servers to
be reached through this interface, and assign the interface to VLAN 2:
Using the GUI to Configure the Session Synchronization Interface for VRRP-A
1. Hover over System in the menu bar, then select VRRP-A.
2. Click the Settings tab and select Global; this should be the active page by default.
3. Near the bottom of the page, expand the Session Sync Port category to display the configuration area for the feature.
6. If the interface belongs to more than one VLAN, specify the VLAN ID in the VLAN field.
7. Click Add.
9. Click OK.
Using the CLI to Configure the Session Synchronization Interface for VRRP-A
To specify the Ethernet interface on which to receive synchronized sessions, use the vrrp-a preferred-session-sync-port ether-
net command on the device that you want to receive the session information.
For example, if you want to receive session information on Ethernet port 2 on device ACOS-2:
1. Specify the VRRP-A device ID and set ID, then enable VRRP-A using the enable command:
ACOS(config)# vrrp-a common
ACOS(config-common)# device-id 5
ACOS(config-common)# set-id 10
ACOS(config-common)# enable
ACOS-Active(config-common)# exit
You can specify a device ID from 1-8, and a set ID from 1-15. Note that the prompt is updated to reflect whether the
device is a standy device, or the active device.
NOTE: If aVCS is configured, use the same number as the device’s aVCS device ID.
The following example configures a floating IP address ( for VRID 13:
ACOS-Active(config)# vrrp-a vrid 13
ACOS-Active(config-vrid:13)# floating-ip
To place VRRP-A VRID 2 into a forced-self-standby state, issue the following command:
To place VRID 2 in a self-standby state even after a restart or reload, use the following command:
If you issue the vrrp-a force-self-standby command, the partition or device will not be placed in a force-self-standby state
after the device reload or restart completes. You must configure self-standby with vrrp-a force-self-standby-persistent to
have your device retain its self-standby state after a future reload or restart operation.
To place all VRIDs in partition (partA) in self-standby state even after a restart or reload, execute the following command in
partition “partA:”
2. Edit the value in the Preemption Delay field, to a value from 1-255. The default VRRP-A preemption delay is 6 seconds
(60 units of 100 ms). You can globally set the delay to a value from 100 ms (1 unit of 100 ms) to 25.5 seconds (255 units
of 100 ms).
3. Click OK.
In the example below, the show vrrp-a command reveals three devices in Active-Active-Active mode:
To see how preemption delay works, suppose we track route
device-context 3
priority 160
route priority-cost 255
An interface becoming unavailable would also cause the route to disappear and then reappear. Without preemption delay,
the following sequence of events would occur (all times given are approximate and will depend on your exact configura-
• After the interface goes down, the route disappears (less than 1 second)
• The ACOS device notices the missing route and lowers the device priority for the VRID (less than 1 second).
• The devices notice the route and restore the original device priority for the VRID (less than 1 second)
In the same scenario, with preemption delay configured for 25.5 seconds:
• After the interface goes down, the route disappears (less than 1 second)
• The ACOS device notices the missing route and lowers the device priority for the VRID (less than 1 second).
• The devices notice the route and restore the original device priority for the VRID (less than 1 second)
Simple Deployment
The following commands deploy VRRP-A on a set of 4 ACOS devices.
Commands on ACOS-1
Enter the following commands on ACOS-1:
Commands on ACOS-2
Enter the following commands on ACOS-2:
Commands on ACOS-3
Enter the following commands on ACOS-3:
Commands on ACOS-4
Enter the following commands on ACOS-4:
• On device ACOS-1, the priority value is set to 255 on the shared partition’s VRID 0 and partition CorpB’s VRID 0. The pri-
ority value is left set to its default (150) for CorpA and CorpC; the priority does not need to be set since this is the
default value.
• On device ACOS-2, the priority value is set to 255 on the default VRIDs in partitions CorpA and CorpC. The priority
value is left set to its default (150) for the shared partition and for CorpB; the priority does not need to be set since this
is the default value.
These commands also configure a floating IP address for each VRID. Figure 5 on page 15 does not include the floating IP
addresses. (For more on floating IP addresses, see “VRRP-A and Floating IP Addresses” on page 20.)
Commands on ACOS-1
ACOS-1(config)# vrrp-a common
ACOS-1(config-common)# device-id 1
ACOS-1(config-common)# set-id 1
ACOS-1(config-common)# enable
ACOS-1(config-common)# exit
ACOS-1(config)# vrrp-a vrid 0
ACOS-1(config-vrid:0)# floating-ip
ACOS-1(config-vrid:0)# blade-parameters
ACOS-1(config-vrid:0-blade-parameters)# priority 255
ACOS-1(config-vrid:0-blade-parameters)# exit
ACOS-1(config-vrid:0)# exit
ACOS-1(config)# active-partition CorpB
Current active partition: CorpB
ACOS-1[CorpB](config)# vrrp-a vrid 0
ACOS-1[CorpB](config-vrid:0)# floating-ip
ACOS-1[CorpB](config-vrid:0)# blade-parameters
ACOS-1[CorpB](config-vrid:0-blade-parameters)# priority 255
ACOS-1[CorpB](config-vrid:0-blade-parameters)# exit
ACOS-1[CorpB](config-vrid:0)# exit
Commands on ACOS-2
ACOS-2(config)# vrrp-a common
ACOS-2(config-common)# device-id 2
ACOS-2(config-common)# set-id 1
ACOS-2(config-common)# enable
ACOS-2(config-common)# exit
ACOS-2# active-partition CorpA
More information about these commands can be found in “VRRP-A VRID Configuration Commands” on page 66.
Trunk Tracking
The following commands configure the ACOS device to track the status of a trunk (but not ports within the trunk). The VRRP-
A protocol will reduce the priority of the device by 100 if the trunk goes down.
The following commands configure the ACOS device to track the status of a trunk, as well as the status of ports within the
trunk. If trunk 2 goes down, the priority of the associated VRID is reduced by 150. If a port within the trunk goes down, the
priority of the associated VRID is reduced by 40.
VLAN Tracking
The following command configures tracking of VLAN 69. If the VLAN is quiet for more than 30 seconds, 50 is subtracted from
the VRID priority.
For more information about enhanced VLAN tracking capabilities, see “Increased VLANs for VRRP-A Failover Tracking” on
page 33.
Gateway Tracking
The following commands configure tracking of gateway If the gateway stops responding to pings, 100 is sub-
tracted from the VRID’s priority value.
Route Tracking
The following command configures tracking of routes to destination network 3000::/64. If the IPv6 route table does not con-
tain any routes to the destination, 105 is subtracted from the VRID priority.
The following commands configure tracking of routes to destination network 5000::/64. If the IPv6 route table does not con-
tain any routes to the destination, 80 is subtracted from the VRID priority.
Preemption Delay
The following commands configure the desired preemption delay value of 200 milliseconds:
For more information about preemption delay, see “Preemption Delay” on page 14.
If VRRP-A stops detecting traffic on a VLAN, VRRP-A reduces the priority for the VRID. The priority value to subtract can be
specified individually for each VLAN.
• Using the priority tracking option—The tracking option performs failover by decreasing a VRID's priority value.
• Using failover policy templates—The failover policy template performs failover by decreasing a VRID's weight value.
• Configure all 64 VLANs that can be tracked using a single failover policy template or split over multiple templates.
• Configure a mix of both options mentioned above. That is configure 32 VLANS using the tracking option and config-
ure the remaining 32 VLANs using a failover policy template.
NOTE: Tracking options and the failover policy template can track the same VLANs. For exam-
ple, you configure 64 VLANs using the tracking option. You can also configure tracking
of 64 of the same VLANs using a fail-over-policy template. In essence, you are still only
tracking 64 VLANs.
vrrp-a vrid 31
vlan 1000 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1001 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1002 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1003 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1004 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1005 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1006 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1007 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1008 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1009 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1010 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1011 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1012 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1013 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1014 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1015 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1016 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1017 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1018 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1019 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1020 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1021 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1022 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1023 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1024 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1025 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1026 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1027 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1028 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1029 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1030 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1031 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1032 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
vlan 1033 timeout 30 priority-cost 1
The following example shows how 11 VLANs of differing timeout values and weights are being tracked in a failover template
called test.
vrrp-a fail-over-policy-template test
vlan 222 timeout 50 weight 100
vlan 223 timeout 30 weight 200
vlan 224 timeout 40 weight 160
vlan 225 timeout 80 weight 105
vlan 226 timeout 65 weight 118
vlan 227 timeout 43 weight 145
vlan 228 timeout 67 weight 120
vlan 229 timeout 59 weight 156
vlan 230 timeout 33 weight 66
2. In the L3V partition, configure the VRID you wish to designate as the follower.
Configuration Example 2
To configure a leader in the shared partition, issue the following commands:
2. Use the following show command to display your VRID leader configuration:
ACOS(config)# show vrrp-a vrid-lead
vrrp-a vrid-lead default-vrid-lead
partition shared vrid 0
vrrp-a vrid-lead myname
partition p1 vrid 0
3. In the L3V partition, configure the VRID to follow the lead VRID:
ACOS[p1](config)# vrrp-a vrid 3
ACOS[p1](config-vrid:3)# follow vrid-lead myname
5. As the Admin, if you want to change the VRID’s role from being a follower to standalone VRID again, issue the following
ACOS[p1](config)# vrrp-a vrid 3
Change the role of vrid 3 from follower to standalone? (y/n)y
Again, to view your configuration, use the show run command:
ACOS[p1](config)# show running-config
vrrp-a vrid 3
If you try to remove a VRID that is configured as a lead VRID and that has other VRIDs that follow it, you will not be allowed to
remove it. You must remove the VRIDs that are configured as followers before you remove the lead VRID.
For information about how to do this, see “VRRP-A/aVCS Status in Command Prompt” in the Command Line Interface Refer-
VRRP-A provides flexible event tracking and policy-based failover support via a template. This feature allows policy-based
failover even when VRRP-A preemption is disabled and the ACOS device typically would remain in an Active state, despite
VRID priority changes. It allows for event-based failover once a tracked event occurs.
• You may create multiple templates, however only one template can be associated with a particular VRID. For example,
if you create two templates called “template1” and “template2,” you can only associate either template1 or template2
with VRID1. Assuming template1 and template2 have different events configured and you want template1 (that
tracks for VLANs and gateways) to also address the events that template2 tracks (for interfaces and routes), edit tem-
plate1 to include the events covered by template2. You cannot associate both templates to VRID1 to have it track all
four events (VLANs, gateways, interfaces, and routes).
• Create templates with unique names, however, the second time you try to create a template with the same name,
you will enter the template module and can edit the events listed in the template.
• You can associate the same template to multiple VRIDs. For example, VRID1 and VRID23 can both be attached to tem-
• You may create multiple templates, however only one template can be associated with a particular VRID. For example,
if you create two templates called “template1” and “template2,” you can only associate either template1 or template2
with VRID1. Assuming template1 and template2 have different events configured and you want template1 (that
tracks for VLANs and gateways) to also address the events that template2 tracks (for interfaces and routes), edit tem-
plate1 to include the events covered by template2. You cannot associate both templates to VRID1 to have it track all
four events (VLANs, gateways, interfaces, and routes).
• Create templates with unique names, however, the second time you try to create a template with the same name,
you will enter the template module and can edit the events listed in the template.
• Associate the template to the default VRID. Private partitions only contain a default VRID. That is, only one template
can be associated to the default VRID.
• Since each private partition can have its own template, and templates cannot be shared across multiple partitions,
template names do not need to be unique. For example, template1 can be the template for private partition1 and
template1 can be the template for private partition2. They can be named the same, but can track different events for
different VRIDs.
• When the ACOS devices in a VRRP-A configuration have unequal weight, the one with the higher weight will be the
Active device. Refer to Higher Weight Scenario“Higher Weight Scenario” on page 41.
• If all ACOS devices have equal weight, the ACOS device with the higher priority will be the Active device. Refer to
Higher Priority Scenario“Higher Priority Scenario” on page 42.
• If the two ACOS devices have equal weight and equal priority, the device with the lower Device ID will be the Active
device. Refer to “Equal Weight and Priority Scenario” on page 42.
After an event results in a reduction of the weight, Unit 1 now has a weight of “65334” for VRID1, and a failover was triggered
that placed Unit 1 in a Standby state:
After an event results in a reduction of the priority, Unit 1 now has a priority of “1” for VRID1, and a failover was triggered that
placed Unit 1 in a Standby state:
After an event results in an increase in weight, Unit 1 and Unit 2 both have an equal weight and priority, yet a failover is
triggered based on the device ID. For VRID1, Unit 1 is lower than Unit 2, it is now is in Active state instead of the Standby
The following graphic visually represents where tracking can be enabled for an ACOS device:
NOTE: For details on additional template rules, refer to “Template Rules and Partitions” on
page 39.
1. Go to System > VRRP-A > Failover Policy Template to view the Failover Policy Template page.
For a description of the different events, see “Events Tracked for Weight via the Templates” on page 43.
When an event occurs, the specified weight will be subtracted from the weight of the VRID, possibly causing a failover.
For more information about this screen, refer to the online help.
Your failover template will be listed in the Failover Policy Template page.
1. Create your failover policy template. For example., create a template with the name template1:
ACOS(config)# vrrp-a fail-over-policy-template template1
a. For gateway tracking, indicate the gateway IP address and assign a weight for the gateway in the event of a failure.
For example, if gateway fails, 50 will be subtracted from the weight of the VRID:
ACOS(config-fail-over-policy-template:template1)# gateway weight 50
b. For interface tracking, indicate the interface type, interface number, and assign a weight for that interface in the
event of a failure. For example, if Ethernet interface 1 fails, 35 will be subtracted from the weight of the VRID:
ACOS(config-fail-over-policy-template:template1)# interface ethernet 1 weight 35
c. For route tracking, indicate the route number and assign a weight for that route in the event of failure. For example,
if route /24 fails, 70 will be subtracted from the weight of the VRID:
ACOS(config-fail-over-policy-template:template1)# route /24
weight 70
d. For trunk tracking, indicate the trunk identification number and assign a weight for that trunk in the event of failure.
For example, if trunk 4 fails, 25 will be subtracted from the weight of the VRID:
ACOS(config-fail-over-policy-template:template1)# trunk 4 weight 25
e. For VLAN tracking, indicate the VLAN identification number, the timeout value, and assign a weight for that trunk in
the event of failure. For example, if VLAN 6 fails, 40 will be subtracted from the weight of the VRID:
ACOS(config-fail-over-policy-template:template1)# vlan 6 timeout 30 weight 40
3. Assign a failover template to a VRID from the Global configuration level. For example, to assign template1 to VRID 0:
ACOS(config)# vrrp-a vrid 0
ACOS(config-vrid:0)# blade-parameters
ACOS(config-vrid:0-blade-parameters)# fail-over-policy-template template1
2. Follow the instructions in “Configuring Templates in the Shared Partition” on page 47.
If you specify the name of the template, the show vrrp-a fail-over-policy-template command will display the contents of that
Use the show vrrp-a command with the detail option to display comprehensive information on your current VRRP-A con-
VRRP-A stats
Peer: 1, vrid default
Port 1: received 25685 missed 3
To view information on all the fail-over policy templates, you can use the show vrrp-a fail-over-policy-template
This chapter describes the commands used to configure VRRP-A high availability.
• vrrp-a common
• vrrp-a fail-over-policy-template
• vrrp-a force-self-standby
• vrrp-a force-self-standby-persistent
• vrrp-a interface
• vrrp-a l2-inline-peer-ip
• vrrp-a l3-inline-mode
• vrrp-a ospf-inline
• vrrp-a peer-group
• vrrp-a restart-port-list
• vrrp-a vrid
• vrrp-a vrid-lead
vrrp-a common
Description Enter VRRP-A configuration mode, where additional VRRP-A commands are available.
For more information about these additional commands, see “VRRP-A Common
Configuration Mode Commands” on page 60.
vrrp-a fail-over-policy-template
Description Create a failover policy template for VRRP-A. The template provides a mechanism for event
tracking and can enable a policy-based failover to occur. Using a template, assign weight-
related values per event that will be reduced from the fixed total weight of an ACOS device
of 65534. The weight of a device can determine whether the device will serve as an Active or
Standby device. This command allows you to specify the weight value per event that may
cause a device to failover when the event occurs.
Replace template-name with the name that you are assigning for the VRRP-A failover
policy template. This template must be associated to a particular VRID to take effect.
This command changes the CLI to the configuration level for the specified failover-policy
template, where the following commands are available.
Command Description
[no] Specify the IP Address of an IPv4 or IPv6 default gateway. VRRP-A periodically tests
gateway gateway-IP-address connectivity to the IPv4 and IPv6 default gateways connection to a real server by
weight value pinging them. If a gateway stops responding, VRRP-A reduces the weight for the
VRID. The weight value to subtract can be specified individually for each gateway’s
IP address that you configure in the tracking events list.
[no] interface Specify a weight for each interface that you are planning to track. If the link goes
interface-type down on an Ethernet data port, VRRP-A reduces the weight for the VRID. The
interface-number weight value to subtract can be specified individually for each Ethernet data port.
weight value
[no] route Indicate the IPv4 or IPv6 route that you wish to track. If the route matching the
route-number subnet specified options is not in the data route table, VRRP-A reduces the weight for the
weight value VRID.
[no] trunk trunk-id Indicate the trunk you wish to track. If the trunk or individual ports in the trunk go
weight value down, VRRP-A reduces the weight for the VRID. The weight value to subtract can
be specified for the trunk and for individual ports within the trunk.
[no] vlan vlan-id Indicate the VLAN you wish to track. If VRRP-A stops detecting traffic on a VLAN,
timeout timeout-value VRRP-A reduces the weight for the VRID. The weight value to subtract can be spec-
weight value ified individually for each VLAN.
Default None
Usage Use this command on any ACOS device to indicate weight values per tracked event via a
failover policy template.
Example The following commands help you to create a template called “template1” and specify
events that will reduce the weight of the VRID:
vrrp-a force-self-standby
Description Force the ACOS device to change from active to standby or backup.
Parameter Description
all-partitions Causes all partitions to change to standby state.
vrid num Causes only the specified VRID to change to standby state.
Default N/A
Usage This command provides a simple method to force a failover, without the need to change
VRRP-A configuration settings.
vrrp-a force-self-standby-persistent
Description Force a specific VRID to change from active to standby or backup, and remain in backup state
even after the device is reloaded.
Replace num with the VRID number whose state you want to change.
Default N/A
Usage This command provides a simple method to force a failover, without the need to change
VRRP-A configuration settings.
vrrp-a interface
Description Configure a VRRP-A interface.
Parameter Description
port-num Configures the specified interface as the VRRP-A interface.
trunk-num Configures the specified trunk interface as the VRRP-A inter-
This command places you in a configuration sub-mode where you can configure the type
and state of the interface using the following commands:
Command Description
both Configures the interface so that both real servers and upstream
routers can be reached through this interface.
no-heartbeat Prevents heartbeat packets from being sent out on this inter-
router-interface Configures the interface so that upstream routers (and ulti-
mately, clients) can be reached through the interface.
server-interface Configure the interface so that real servers can be reached
through the interface.
vlan vlan-id Configures the interface to be part of the specified VLAN.
Mode All up data interfaces within a partition are VRRP-A interfaces for that partition. If an interface
is a tagged member of multiple VLANs, only the VLAN that has the lowest-numbered IP
address for the interface is used as an VRRP-A interface.
Usage This command is valid only in the shared partition. However, the interface(s) specified by the
command are used by all partitions.
Example Configure ethernet interface 3 as the VRRP-A interface, and configure the interface so that
real servers can be reached:
vrrp-a l2-inline-peer-ip
Description Configure a peer IP address in Layer 2 inline mode HA deployments.
ACOS devices require a connection mirror IP address to be configured in Layer 2 inline mode
VRRP-A deployments. A connection mirror interface is a unicast IP address on the peer ACOS
device in the VRRP-A set. This peer IP address is optional in earlier releases but usually is
configured anyway for session synchronization purposes. Specifying a connection mirror IP
address is mandatory for proper operation of ACOS devices in Layer 2 Inline mode VRRP-A.
The connection mirror IP address is used for session synchronization (also called “connection
mirroring”). Until a connection mirror IP address is specified, the ACOS device remains in
Standby state.
If a connection mirror IP address is not configured, a log message such as the following is
generated every 5 minutes:
vrrp-a l3-inline-mode
Description Enable Layer 3 Inline mode.
ACOS(config)#vrrp-a l3-inline-mode
vrrp-a ospf-inline
Description Enable OSPF inline mode.
Replace vlan-id (1-4094) with the VLAN for which you do not want to filter OSPF packets.
Example Enable OSPF inline mode and do not filter packets on VLAN 13.
vrrp-a peer-group
Description Configure a VRRP-A peer group. This allows you to configure unicast IP/IPv6 addresses
through a layer 3 link (Layer 3 inline mode). Heartbeat messages are routed to the destina-
This command places you in a sub-configuration mode, where you can configure the peer
address with the peer command:
Example The following example shows how to configure as a VRRP-A peer:
ACOS(config)#vrrp-a peer-group
Parameter Description
port-num Configure the specified ethernet port to receive sync sessions.
trunk-num Configure the specified trunk port to receive sync sessions.
vlan-id If your interface is part of a VLAN, specify the VLAN ID.
Default The default behavior is for VRRP-A (on the backup device) to automatically select the Ether-
net interface on which to receive sync sessions.
vrrp-a restart-port-list
Description Causes the ports on the standby system to be restarted after the transition from the standby
mode to active mode.
Beginning with release 4.0.1, you can configure the restart time using “restart-time” on
page 65.
This command places you in a sub-configuration mode where the following command is
NOTE: You must omit at least one port connecting the ACOS devices from the restart port-
list, and heartbeat messages must be enabled on the port. This is so that heartbeat
messages between the ACOS devices are maintained; otherwise, flapping might
Usage Use this command in inline mode configurations to cause the router connected to the ACOS
device to relearn MACs, including MACs for the real servers. Without this command, the
router might continue to try to reach the real servers through the ACOS device that becomes
the Standby ACOS device after a failover.
VRRP-A port restart toggles a specified set of ports on the formerly Active ACOS device by
disabling the ports, waiting for a specified number of milliseconds, then re-enabling the
ports. Toggling the ports causes the links to go down, which in turn causes the devices on
the other ends of the links to flush their learned MAC entries on the links. The devices then
can relearn MACs through links with the newly Active ACOS device.
vrrp-a vrid
Description Access the configuration level for a VRID.
Specify the VRID (0-31). If configuring a VRID in an L3V partition, you can specify 0-7.)
This command changes the CLI to the configuration level for the specified VRID.
The commands available at this level are summarized in “VRRP-A VRID Configuration
Commands” on page 66.
vrrp-a vrid-lead
Description Configure a VRID as the “leader” VRID, with other VRIDs to operate as followers.
This command changes the CLI to the configuration level for the specified VRID leader,
where the following command is available:
This command designates this VRID as the leader for a specific partition.
Usage For the leader VRID only, you can configure all capabilities, such as configuring the failover
policy template, the preempt mode, priority, and tracking options. For follower VRIDs, you
can only configure Floating IP Addresses.
If you try to remove a VRID that is configured as a lead VRID and that has other VRIDs that
follow it, you will not be allowed to remove it. You must remove the VRIDs that are
configured as followers before you remove the lead VRID.
Example The following command configures a VRID lead in the shared partition:
• arp-retry
• dead-timer
• device-id
• disable-default-vrid
• enable
• hello-interval
• hostid-append-to-vrid
• inline-mode
• preemption-delay
• restart-time
• set-id
• track-event-delay
VRRP-A common configuration mode is accessed by entering the vrrp-a common command:
ACOS(config)#vrrp-a common
Description Change the number of additional gratuitous ARPs, in addition to the first one, an ACOS
device sends after transitioning from Standby to Active. These ARPs are sent at intervals of
500 milliseconds.
Replace num with the number of additional gratuitous ARPs to send, after sending the first
one. You can specify 1-255.
Example Send 3 additional gratuitous ARPs when the system becomes active.
ACOS(config)#vrrp-a common
ACOS(config-common)#arp-retry 3
Description Change the number of hello intervals during which a standby device will wait for a hello
message from the Active VRRP-A device, before declaring the device to be down and begin-
ning failover.
Replace num with the maximum number of hello intervals to wait for a hello message. You
can specify 2-255.
Default 5
Usage For information about the hello interval, see “hello-interval” on page 63.
ACOS(config)#vrrp-a common
ACOS(config-common)#dead-timer 25
Description Specify the VRRP-A device ID of the device.
Default N/A
Usage If aVCS is configured, use the same number as the aVCS device ID.
ACOS(config)#vrrp-a common
ACOS(config-common)#device-id 7
Description Disable VRRP-A on the device.
Syntax disable
ACOS(config)#vrrp-a common
Description Disable the default VRID on the shared partition.
ACOS(config)#vrrp-a common
Description Enable VRRP-A on the device.
Syntax enable
ACOS(config)#vrrp-a common
Description Change the interval at which the active device sends VRRP-A hello messages out its VRRP-A
Replace 100-ms-units with the number of 100 ms (milliseconds) intervals between each
hello message. You can specify 1-255 intervals of 100 ms.
ACOS(config)#vrrp-a common
ACOS(config-common)#hello-interval 4
Description This command enables you to identify the members of the VRRP-A set by serial number.
The show vrrp-a hostid command can be used to view the serial number of each device in
the VRRP-A set. By default, these serial numbers, which act as unique identifiers for all devices
in the VRRP-A set, are included in the VRRP-A hello packets for all VRIDs.
This command causes the device serial numbers to be sent in the VRRP-A hello packets for
the specified VRID only.
You can specify default, which is VRID 0, or specify a VRID number from 1-31.
Example Example configuration; device serial numbers should be included in the hello packets for
VRID 3 only:
Description Enable a specified ethernet port or trunk to be in Layer 2 inline hot standby mode.
Inline deployment allows you to insert a pair of ACOS devices into an existing network
without the need to reconfigure other devices in the network.
Inline support applies specifically to network topologies where inserting a pair of ACOS
switches would cause a Layer 2 loop.
Parameter Description
port Ethernet port number.
trunk Trunk number.
Example Configure ethernet port 2 as the port to be used in the inline deplyment:
ACOS(config)#vrrpa-a common
ACOS(config-common)#inline-mode preferred-port 2
Description Configure a delay between VRRP-A configuration changes and the time that preemption will
take effect.
For more information about preemption delay, see “Preemption Delay” on page 14.
Replace 100-ms with the number of 100-millisecond units to wait before having
preemption take effect. You can configure the delay to range from 1-255 units, with each
unit equal to 100 ms. The maximum value is 25.5 seconds (255 units of 100ms).
ACOS(config)#vrrp-a common
ACOS(config-common)#preemption-delay 200
Description The amount of time for ports on the standby system to be restarted after the transition from
the standby mode to active mode.
Usage This command applies only to VRRP-A interfaces in a restart port list configured by the vrrp-a
restart-port-list command.
Description Specify the VRRP-A set ID.
Default 1
ACOS(config)#vrrp-a common
ACOS(config-common)#set-id 4
Description Change the delay waited by the ACOS device before beginning failover in response to prior-
ity changes.
Replace 100-ms-units with the number of milliseconds (ms) to wait before beginning
failover. You can specify 1-100 intervals of 100 ms.
Default 30 (3 seconds)
ACOS(config)#vrrp-a common
ACOS(config-common)#track-event-delay 20
• blade-parameters
• floating-ip
• follow
• preempt-mode
VRRP-A VRID configuration mode is accessed by entering the vrrp-a vrid command. For example:
Description Enter vBlade configuration mode.
Commands available for configuring blade parameters are described in “VRRP-A Blade
Parameter Configuration Commands” on page 68.
Description Specifies the IP addresses that downstream devices should use as their default IPv4 or IPv6
gateways. Regardless of which device is active for the VRID, downstream devices can reach
their default IPv4 or IPv6 gateway at the floating IP address.
Default N/A
Example The following example configures as the floating IP address for the VRID:
ACOS(config)#vrrp-a vrid 0
Description Configure a follower VRID.
Before you can use this command, you must have configured a leader VRID using the vrrp-a
vrid-lead command.
See “Configuring a Leader and Follower VRID” on page 36 for more information about leader
and follower VRIDs.
NOTE: This command only appears in an L3V partition; it does not appear in the shared
Example This example shows how to follow the lead VRID called “lead1” from the shared partition “p1”
on VRID 1:
ACOS(config)#active-partition p1
Current active partition: p1
ACOS[p1](config)#vrrp-a vrid 1
ACOS[p1](config-vrid:1)#follow vrid-lead lead1
Description Disables ability for failovers to be caused by configuration changes to VRRP-A priority or
device ID.
Parameter Description
disable Disable preempt mode.
threshold num Controls whether failovers can be caused by configuration
changes to VRRP-A priority or device ID.
The threshold specifies the maximum difference in priority value
that can exist between the active and standby devices without
failover occurring. You can specify 1-255.
The default is 0.
ACOS(config)#vrrp-a vrid 0
ACOS(config-vrid:0)#preempt-mode disable
• fail-over-policy-template
• priority
• tracking-options
VRRP-A Blade parameter configuration mode is accessed by entering the blade-parameters command. For example:
ACOS(config)#vrrp-a vrid 0
Description Apply the specified failover policy template to the VRID.
Replace template-name with the name of the template you want to apply to this VRID.
Failover policy templates are created with the vrrp-a fail-over-policy-template command.
Default N/A
Usage This command is changed from release 4.0, where it was available under VRRP-A VRID config-
uration mode. See the Release Notes for details.
Example The following example applies the policy template named “template1” to VRID 0:
ACOS(config)#vrrp-a vrid 0
ACOS(config-vrid:0-blade-parameters)#fail-over-policy-template template1
Description Specifies the preference of the device to become the active device for the VRID. The device
that has the highest priority value for the VRID becomes the active device for the VRID.
Default 150
Usage This command is changed from release 4.0, where it was available under VRRP-A VRID config-
uration mode. See the ACOS 4.0.1 Release Notes for details.
ACOS(config)#vrrp-a vrid 0
ACOS(config-vrid:0-blade-parameters)#priority 200
Description Accesses the configuration level for tracking options. Tracking options can dynamically
reduce the priority value used in dynamic failover.
For detailed information about event tracking, see “Events Tracked for Weight via the
Templates” on page 43.
Default N/A
Usage This command is changed from release 4.0, where it was available under VRRP-A VRID config-
uration mode. See the Release Notes for details.
• show vrrp-a
show vrrp-a
Description Display VRRP-A information.
Mode All
Example The following example shows sample output for the show vrrp-a command.
ACOS#show vrrp-a
vrid 0
Unit State Weight Priority
1 (Local) Active 65534 200
became Active at: Aug 7 10:40:19 2014
for 1 Day, 0 Hour,12 min
2 (Peer) Standby 65534 199
vrid 1
Unit State Weight Priority
1 (Local) Standby 65534 200
became Standby at: Aug 7 10:52:54 2014
for 0 Day,23 Hour,59 min
2 (Peer) Active 65534 250
vrid that is running: 0 1
Example The following example shows sample output for the show vrrp-a detail command.
VRRP-A stats
Peer: 2, vrid 0
The following table describes the fields in the preceding command outputs.
Field Description
vrid Virtual router ID
Unit VRRP-A device ID.
“Local” indicates this ACOS device. “Peer” indicates another ACOS device in the
same VRRP-A set.
State VRRP-A state:
• Active
• Standby
Weight Current VRRP-A weight of this device.
Priority Current VRRP-A priority of this device.
vrid that is running VRID that is currently running on the partition.
VRRP-A Stats
The following information is listed for each VRRP-A peer device.
Peer Device ID of the peer device, and the VRID.
Port Data port that connects this device (the Local device) to the peer device.
The received counter indicates the number of Hello packets received for the VRID
from the peer on this port.
The missed counter indicates the number of Hello packets that were expected for
the VRID but did not arrive from the peer on this port.
Heartbeat missed Number of Hello packets that were expected for the VRID from the peer but did
not arrive on any port.
Total packets received from peer Total number of Hello packets received from the peer.
Detail Fields
Note: The following fields appear only if you use the detail option.
Conn Sync Pkts Number of connection (session) synchronization packets sent by this partition for
the VRID.
Conn Query Pkts Number of session synchronization query packets sent by this partition for the
VRID. Query packets are sent by the standby device to request session information.
Conn Sync Create Session Pkts Number of creation packets for synchronized connections sent by this partition for
the VRID.
Conn Sync Update Age Pkts Number of update packets for synchronized connections sent by this partition for
the VRID.
Conn Sync Delete Session Pkts Number of delete packets for synchronized connections sent by this partition for
the VRID.
Total packets sent for vrid N Total number of Hello packets sent by this partition for the VRID. Separate counters
are listed for each data port used by this partition to send the packets.
Dup device ID Number of incoming hello packets that had the same device ID as this device (the
local device).
Field Description
Set ID mismatch Number of incoming hello packets in which the VRRP-A set ID was different from
this device’s set ID.
Version mismatch Number of incoming hello packets that had a different VRRP-A software version
that the one running on this device.
Error port Number of hello messages received from a non-existent port.
Error device ID Number of hello messages received from an invalid device ID (any device ID higher
than 8).
Switch to active, switch to standby Number of times the partition transitioned to Active or Standby for the VRID.
Peer IP IP address of the active peer for the VRID. The active peer is the device to which
this device (the local device) sends sessions for synchronization.
Mode All
Example The following command shows VRRP-A information for all the fail-over policy templates:
If you specify the name of the template, the show vrrp-a fail-over-policy
template command displays the contents of that template only.
Mode All
Mode All
Example The following command shows the virtual MAC addresses for the default VRID (0) and VRIDs
1 and 2:
Mode All
Mode All
Mode All
This example shows that two lead VRIDs are configured; the “default-vrid-lead” on the shared
partition, and also “lead1” on the shared partition.