5 Irjet-V5i923
5 Irjet-V5i923
5 Irjet-V5i923
B.E. Mechanical Engineering, KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Belagavi, Karnataka, INDIA
Abstract - Although thermodynamics seems to be a complex the laws progress, there is a refinement in the constraints of
science, it has complete pervasion over human life and the the process. The Third law of thermodynamics deals with the
relevance of the laws can be felt thereby. The first law of disorder of the system during a process. It dictates the effect
thermodynamics describes the quantified inter-conversion of of a process on the system-surrounding interface. Every
heat and work, the second law highlights the quality aspect of process, whether reversible or irreversible has a path
this process and lays certain constraints on the followed which is positive. Thus every path contributes to
thermodynamic processes. The third law describes the the increase in disorder of a system-surrounding interface.
disorderliness of a system and sums up saying the This can be understood by considering the following
disorderliness of the universe is increasing continuously. These example. While moving downhill in a car, when the brakes
aspects can be experienced in practical human life wherein are applied, the kinetic energy is converted to heat by the
every commodity that has a certain use, needs to be regularly brake shoes and the car comes to rest. But the same energy
maintained for service failing which, there will be increase in cannot be regained by reversing the process wherein the car
disorder and the commodity will become unusable. This paper moves uphill and the brakes are cooled. Thus in a reversible
considers three cases viz. Industrial setup and machines, process, every path contributes to increase in disorderliness
Automobiles and the Human Body, where the laws of of the universe. Considering this as the basis, following study
thermodynamics govern the serviceability and efficiency of the can be undertaken wherein for every commodity in use,
system. A conclusion is drawn towards the end indicating the there is a tendency of increase in disorder. It is not possible
pervasiveness of the laws of thermodynamics. to stop this but by certain methods, the disorder can be
controlled indeed.
Key Words: Thermodynamics, energy, entropy, heat,
work, efficiency, maintenance 2. THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 113
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 09 | Sep-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
3. INDUSTRIAL SETUP AND MACHINES inaccuracies introduced in the system. Because of this, the
sheet metal eventually corrodes, the battery gradually loses
In order to have a continuity of study, let an automobile its functional ability, the rotating and reciprocating parts of
manufacturing industry be considered. The setup mainly the engine undergo wear and deform over a period of time.
comprises of dies that are used to form the sheet metal to the The efficiency of functioning of these parts depends greatly
desired shape, assembly units or workstations where the upon the frequency of application. But in the correct context,
assembly takes place and a testing unit where the testing continuous use also introduces inaccuracies due to excessive
takes place. For the study, there should be certain defined wear. This renders an image of pervasion of the second and
input and a desired output on the basis of which, the third law of thermodynamics, not only in thermal or heat
efficiency of the process can be measured. related process but also in the processes where use of
materials is concerned.
Consider the setup comprising of dies and punches where
sheet metal forming has to be undertaken. Every set has to 5. THE HUMAN BODY
work for a determined number of cycles. On operating the
dies once, there certain amount of wear that takes place. A To further extend the study, the human body shall be
cumulative effective of this leads to considerable wear. The considered as the system and principle of disorder shall be
principle of disorder lies in the fact that if allowed to work addressed thereby. The human body is indeed a marvel of
without maintenance, the dies tend to be more inaccurate bio-mechanics, thermodynamics and life sciences. In this
while forming the sheet metal. For that matter, the section, the organ system, circulatory system and the
effectiveness of maintenance depends upon the ability to digestive system shall be considered and effect of ageing and
restore the lost dimensions which further adds to the improper care on the disorderliness of the system shall be
inaccuracy. Thus the setup has an inbuilt tendency to wear if highlighted. This study shall be undertaken considering only
kept unattended and even if regularly maintained, there is the thermodynamic aspect.
increase in inaccuracy of the die over a period of time. This
requires efficient design and replacement after the end of The human body is a combination of systems. There is
serviceable life. extreme control and coordination among these systems.
However, every living being has four major characteristics
Another setup is the Assembly workstation which has viz. locomotion, respiration, reproduction and growth. When
fixtures to aid the assembly of the automobile. The factor it comes to growth, it is an irreversible process wherein
that further contributes to the disorder of the system is the there is visible increase in disorder of the body as a law of
product variety that the company may offer. This requires nature.
proper upkeep of the fixtures when not in use. Additionally,
when the same fixture is used for a large number of The cell is a basic unit of life. Group of cells forms a tissue
assemblies, there is increase in wear of the fixture that adds and group of tissues forms an organ. A group of organs make
to further errors in alignment of the components and an organ system. Every organ system is connected to
variations in the torque required to join the same. perform a specific task. However, as the person grows, there
is reduction in the effectiveness of the organs due to various
This clearly shows that the metallic as well as the non- reasons attributed to food, life style and so on. The organs
metallic components of the setup have a natural tendency to are continuously subjected to varying operating conditions.
reach disorder if left unattended or regularly maintained as Due to the effect of intermittent changes, the organs lose
the lost accuracy cannot be regained by maintenance. As their strength, vigor and get easily fatigued. The increase in
explained in the example mentioned in the introduction, disorder occurs when a particular organ is not properly
every process thus adds to increase in disorder to validate functional and undergoes medical treatment. Post treatment,
the third law of thermodynamics. the organ rarely completely regains its lost functionality.
This gradually hinders the functionality of other organs and
4. AUTOMOBILES there is disorder introduced that prevails and magnifies
Continuing the study further, the product of the automobile
manufacturing company i.e an automobile shall be taken up The circulatory system comprises of the heart, the veins and
as an example to explain the application of the third law of arteries. The concept of disorder introduced in the system
thermodynamics. Right from the day on which a particular can be understood by something that can be experienced by
automobile is commissioned, it begins its journey towards frequent travelers. During overnight journeys, some of the
deformation and disorder. On regular use, there are fatigue travelers prefer buses or trains that have sitting or semi-
stresses induced in the components that tend them to lose sleeping arrangement wherein the traveler is more or less in
their strength over a considerable period of time. The sheet a sitting posture. Due to gravity, the posture and extended
metal used to build the structure of the automobile, tends to period of lack of movements, blood tends to accumulate in
corrode even though there is a protective coating applied to the limbs and the same can be validated by observing
it. This can be experienced by the automobile users to a huge slightly swollen feet in the morning. Thus, if left unattended,
extent. Disorder sets up in every system if it is left there can be increase in the local blood pressure of the foot
unattended and if maintenance is carried out, there are
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 114
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 09 | Sep-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 115