Irjet Music Information Retrieval and Ge

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


, ,
1Government Engineering College, Rajkot, Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University
Abstract - In this hectic world, music plays a vital role. feature extraction from musical data as a first step of the
There are many genres of music available that people love to genre classification will significantly influence how the
listen to, and there is a dire need to classify them. Classifying model behaves with the unseen data. All the algorithms
the music according to their genre is indeed a challenging are trained based on all the features of the GTZAN
task. As music consists of various features, fetching the dataset. In the first part of the work, we train our models
essential and appropriate features is a crucial task in the field using the extracted features from the .wav music file of
of Music Information Retrieval (MIR) and Genre the dataset. In the second part, we extract the required
Classification. Previous research on music genre classification features from the music file. These features are provided
systems centered primarily on the use of timbral as input to various models like SVM, Decision Tree, KNN,
characteristics, which restricts the output. In this study, we Random Forest, and Deep Neural Network. Based on
have used various machine learning algorithms and Deep those features, we classified the music genre. The
Neural Network to classify the music based on their genre. In overview of the classification system is described in
machine learning, we have used the SVM classifier, Decision figure 1. In this paper, we compare the accuracy score of
Tree classifier, K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) classifier, and various models, highlighting other features like the
Random Forest classifier for the task of genre classification. confusion matrix.
These algorithms are prevalent in the task of classification.
Our work compares the accuracy of different machine
learning classification algorithms and Deep Neural Networks,
where Deep Neural Network has the highest accuracy of 80%.

Key Words: music feature extraction, music information

retrieval, deep neural network, machine learning,
Librosa, TensorFlow.

As the number of songs keeps on growing, people find it
relatively hard to manage the songs of their taste. Since Figure-1: Overview of Music Genre Classification System
listening to music online has become very convenient for
people, thanks to the rise of online music streaming services The remainder of the paper is structured as follows.
such as Spotify, iTunes, and others, users expect the music Section 2 of this paper puts some light on the previous
to be recommended by the service. To make that possible, work related to this field, while in section 3, the
we need to study people's listening choices and identify the structuring of the dataset is explained. Section 4 covers
genre that they listen to, which is the best way to do so. various classification algorithms and their details. The
Owing to the rapid growth of the digital entertainment results and evaluations are mentioned in section 5 of this
industry, automatic classification of music genres has study, followed by the sections for conclusion and
acquired significant prominence in recent years. One way to references.
effectively classify the song is genre-based classification.

This paper focuses on the application of machine learning to

automatically classify the audio file based on its genre. The

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1025
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Classifying the music without human interaction has been a In this proposed solution, we have used the GTZAN
fascinating problem for lots of people working from dataset, which is popular in the field of Music Information
different branches like signal processing, machine learning, Retrieval. The dataset comprises the audio files which
and music theory. There is a vast amount of research work were gathered in the year 2000-2001 from a variety of
related to audio and music classification. sources like CDs, microphone recordings, radio.

The task of music classification is based on two different This dataset contains 100 music files of each genre. There
aspects, namely symbolic and audio. Symbolic classification are a total of 10 genres so in total there are 1000 music
mostly relies upon symbolic formats like MusicXML and files. 10 genres include Blues, Classical, Country, Disco,
MIDI. Several models have suggested conducting a symbolic Hip-hop, Jazz, Metal, Pop, and Rock. It contains a 30
classification of music genres. The input is used as a seconds audio clip of sampling rate 22050 Hz at 16 bit.
collection of instruments, musical sound, rhythm, dynamics,
pitch figures, melody, etc. for a wide selection of multi-class Source:-
generic classifiers. Symbolic music classification on audio
files is highly impractical as making an effective audio 4. METHODOLOGY
transcription system ought to be more difficult than audio
genre classification itself. This section elaborates upon the task of data
preprocessing followed by feature description and the
A work by Tzanetakis and Cook in (2002) [3], where two proposed approaches used for classification of music
researchers performed music genre classification using the genre, Machine learning techniques and Deep Neural
timbral-related features, texture features, and pitch-related Network.
features based on the multi-pitch detection algorithm. Some
of the features used in this work include MFCCs, roll-off, and 4.1 Preprocessing
spectral contrast. Their system achieved an overall accuracy
of 61%. The work proposed by Lidy and Rauber (2005) [4] To improve the model results, we processed the data by
discusses the contribution of psycho-acoustic features to normalizing it and then converting the labels into
detect music genres. categorical values. Since the dataset is very diverse in
each feature, normalization of the data was necessary.
A variety of experiments, with the recent popularity of deep We tried out different normalization methods like
neural networks, extend these methods to speech and other Standard Scaling, Z-score, Decimal Scaling, and Min-Max
types of audio data (Abdel- Hamid et al., 2014; Gemmeke et normalization, where Min-Max normalization gave the
al., 2017 [5]). The audio in the time domain is not entirely best results. In this technique of data normalization, a
clear for feedback in neural networks due to the linear transformation is performed on the original data.
tremendous sampling rate. Nevertheless, it was discussed The data is fetched along with the minimum, and
for audio generation tasks in Van Den Oord et al. (2016) [6]. maximum value and each value is replaced according to
The spectrogram of a signal that captures both frequency the following formula.
and time information is a common alternative

Where A is the given data, max(A) and min(A) are the

In our proposed solution, we have compared the
minimum and maximum values of A, respectively.
performance of several machine learning and deep learning
newmax(A), newmin(A) is the max and min value of the
algorithms that we have used for the task of music genre
range(i.e., boundary value of range required),
respectively. v’ is the new normalized value and v is the
old value of each entry in data.

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1026
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

To preprocess our dataset we have used pandas and NumPy 4.2.4 Spectral bandwidth
library. Machine Learning related tasks for classification are
done using the scikit-learn library, and the Deep Neural Spectral Bandwidth is the difference between the upper
Network is written using Tensorflow Keras. and lower frequencies in a continuous band of
frequencies of an audio signal. It is typically measured in
4.2 Manually Extracted Features hertz. The p-th order spectral bandwidth corresponds to
the p-th order moment about the spectral centroid and is
In this section, we have described various musical features calculated as
used to train the machine learning algorithms and Deep
Neural Network for the classification task. We have used
Librosa, a python library for extracting the features.

4.2.5 Spectral Roll-off

4.2.1 Chroma
For each frame, the roll-off frequency is specified as the
A chroma vector is typically a 12-element feature vector
center frequency for a spectral bin such that at least
indicating how much energy of each pitch class (C, C#, D, D#,
roll_percent (0.85 by default) of the energy of the
E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B), is present in the signal.
spectrum in this frame is contained in this bin and the
bins below. It can be used to, e.g., by setting roll_percent
4.2.2 Root Mean Square Energy (RMSE) to a value close to 1 (or 0), we can approximate the
maximum or minimum frequency.
The RMSE of a signal corresponds to the total magnitude of
the signal. For audio signals, that roughly corresponds to 4.2.6 Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients
how loud the signal is. The energy in a signal can be
calculated as follows:
The mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) of the
signal are a small number of features that describe
concisely the overall form of a spectral envelope
After that, the root mean square value can be computed as:
(generally about 10-20). In MIR, it is often used to
describe timbre.

The calculation of RMSE is done frame by frame and then 4.2.7 Zero Crossing Rate (ZCR)
we take the average and standard deviation across all
frames. A zero-crossing point refers to one where the signal
changes sign from positive to negative. The entire 10-
4.2.3 Spectral centroid second signal is divided into smaller frames, and the
number of zero-crossings present in each frame is
determined. The features are chosen by calculating the
Every frame has a pre-specific frequency band number. And
average and standard deviation of the ZCR score for all
the spectral contrast is measured as the difference between
maximum and minimum magnitudes within each frequency the frames.

This section provides insights into the classification

techniques used to perform music genre classification. In
this study, we have proposed two approaches for
classification. The first approach, which is detailed in this
section is based on Machine Learning techniques in

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1027
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

which we have used four classifiers K nearest neighbors 4.4.1 Dense Neural Network
(KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree and
Random Forest. The name dense suggests that in the network, all the
layers are fully connected by the neurons. Every neuron
4.3.1 Implementation Details in a layer is input from all neurons in the last layer, so
they are connected densely. This means that the dense
This section gives details about the implementation of layer is a completely connected layer, which means that
machine learning algorithms that we have used. We have all neurons in a layer are connected to those in the next
implemented all the machine learning classifiers using layer.
scikit-learn library.
● ReLU: ReLU stands for the Rectified Linear Unit.
It is the most popular activation function that is
1. SVM: Support Vector Machine is a supervised
chiefly implemented in hidden layers of Neural
learning method for classification and regression. In networks. It is non-linear in nature, which means
this technique, we try to find a plane that has the we can easily backpropagate the errors and have
maximum margin. So, there is a maximum distance multiple layers of neurons being activated by the
between the data points of both classes. We have ReLU function. The ReLU layer applies the
used Linear, Poly, and Radial Basis Function (RBF) function f(x) = max(0, x) to all of the values in the
kernels. It is implemented as a one-vs-rest input . In other words, this layer only changes all
the negative activations to 0 and maintains the
classification task, and we got the best accuracy
positive values.
with Linear Kernel.
● Dropout: The Dropout layer is used to prevent
2. KNN: K Nearest Neighbors is simple and easy to the problem of overfitting in neural networks. It
implement a supervised learning algorithm that is randomly sets a fraction ‘rate’ of input units to 0
widely used for the task of classification. The basic at each update during training time. This
idea behind KNN is that similar things are near to simplifies the neural network and decreases
each other, or in other words, the same traits exist training. In each iteration, we use a different
nearby. The KNN classifier captures the notion of combination of neurons to predict the final
similarities among objects based on mathematics, output. Figure 2 provides insight into the
like the calculating distance between the objects. In structural change in the neural network after
KNN, the test sample is assigned a class value to the adding a dropout layer. In our work, a dropout
class of the majority of its nearest neighbors. The rate of 0.3 is used, which means out of ten
KNN algorithm is based on the K value, which neurons, three will be shut off randomly.
determines the number of training neighbors to
which a test sample is compared. The most suitable ● Softmax: Softmax is the form of logistic
value of K that we found is 13. regression where it converts the input value into
vectors of probability distribution that sums up
4.4 Deep Neural Network to 1. The class having the highest probability is
considered as the predicted class.
In this section, we describe the second approach of
classification, Deep Neural Network. A deep neural network
is an architecture inspired by biological systems. DNN is
Feed-Forward Networks where raw input flows from the
input layer to the output layer without going backward. To
extract the high-level features progressively from the raw
input, it uses multiple layers.

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1028
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

labels are in the form of integers then we can use sparse

categorical cross-entropy.

The summary of the neural network is described in Table


a) Neural Net without b) Neural Net with

Dropout Dropout

Figure-2: The neural network structure with and without a

dropout layer

4.4.2 Implementation Details

We created our Neural Network using Tensorflow Keras. In

the first layer, we used 256 neurons with the 'ReLU'
activation function. The input size of the neural network is a
NumPy array of 26 elements, where each element
represents the value of each feature extracted from the
music. This layer is followed by three dense layers having Table-1 : Summary of the neural network with dropout
128 and 64 neurons respectively. We have also added layer
dropout layers in-between these dense layers with a After adding the dropout layer, the difference between
dropout rate of 0.3. training and validation accuracy is less (as shown in fig.
3), hence overcoming overfitting. We got 80% training
accuracy and a 71% validation score.

Since we have ten classes in total in the last layer, we used

ten neurons and 'SOFTMAX' as an activation function where
each neuron represents the probability of each class and
then the class having maximum probability is considered.
We have used sparse_categorical_crossentropy as a loss
function and Adam as an optimizer.

Adam: We have optimized our model using Adam

optimizer. Adam optimization algorithm can be seen as a
combination of RMSprop and stochastic gradient descent
algorithm with momentum. It is an adaptive learning rate
method that computes individual learning rates for different
parameters. Adam works by calculating the estimations of
the first and second moment of gradient to adapt the
learning rate for each weight of the neural network. We can a) Accuracy
explicitly provide the learning rate to the Adam optimizer to
specify how well the model learns. We have used the default
learning rate of 0.001.

Sparse Categorical Cross-Entropy: The only difference

between categorical cross-entropy and sparse categorical
cross-entropy is that, if the class labels are one hot encoded
then we can use categorical cross-entropy and if the class

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1029
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

5.2 Results and Discussion

In this section, the different classifiers used in the study

are evaluated based on the table 1 described in section

In our study, the Deep Neural Network performs best as

it has the highest training (80%) and validation (71%)
accuracy. While the decision tree classifier performs the
worst with the lowest accuracy due to its instability with
large data. It is evident that SVM with RBF kernel
outperforms decision tree. KNN is a widely used
b) Loss supervised learning classifier and it's easy to implement.
KNN performs better than SVM and decision tree in our
Figure-3: Learning curves: figure 3 (a) describes accuracy study. While a Random Forest classifier yields a far better
and figure 3 (b) describes the loss of neural network.
training accuracy but it fails to classify the test samples
5.2.1 Feature Importance
In this section of the paper we have discussed the evaluation
measures like accuracy, feature importance, and confusion
In this section we can analyze which features play a vital
matrix in order to evaluate the trained models.
role during prediction of genre, in the classification task.
To do this analysis, we have ranked the top 25 features
5.1 Accuracy
that are used to predict the genre of music. As shown in
figure 4, the ‘root mean square energy (rmse)’,
It is defined as the percentage of correctly classified test
‘chroma_shift’ and ‘mel frequency cepstral coefficients 4
labels. Table 2 provides the accuracy of the classifiers
(mfcc4)’ play a significant role in the music genre
detailed in section 4.
classification task. A previous study has shown that
Classifiers Training Validation ‘rmse’ plays an important role in the music genre
accuracy accuracy classification.

KNN 68% 62%

SVM 61% 62%

Decision Tree 60% 47.6%

Random Forest 77.6% 58.8%

Deep Neural 80% 71%

with dropout

Table-2: Comparing the training and validation accuracies

of various classifiers used

Figure-4: Feature Importance plot

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1030
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

5.2.2 Confusion Matrix tricky to classify, while genres like classical and pop are
easy to classify accurately. One future direction of
interest is to discover hidden relationships between
music genres across time, which is not only a topic of
interest, but it also has potential commercial applications.
This exploration could lead to use of machine learning to
determine artist influences that are directly applicable to
playlist creation and song recommendation.


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