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Chemistry: Ogun State School of Nursing Practice Questions For Enterance EXAMS 2022

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OGUN STATE SCHOOL OF NURSING electronegativity of elements P and Q


EXAMS 2022 is 3.0. The bond that willbe formed
EXAMINATIONS). A. metallic
B. covalent

1. An element X has electron

configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5.
Which of the following statementsis
correct about the element?
A. lt has a completely filled p-
B. lt has 5 electrons in its
outermost shell.
C. lt belongs to group ll on the
periodic table
D. lt is a halogen

2. Beryllium and aluminium have

similar properties because they
a. are both metals
b. belong to the same group
c. belong to the same period
d. are positioned
diagonally toeach other

3. If the difference in
C. co-ordinate
D. ionic

4. How many protons, neutrons

and electrons respectively are
present in the element 60
Co? 27

A. 27, 33 and 33
B. 33, 27 and 27
C. 27, 33, and 27
D. 60, 33 and 60

5. The radioactive radiation

used in studying the arrangement
of particles in giant organic
molecules is

A. γ- rays
B. α- particles
C. X- rays
D. β – particles

6. A silicon-containing ore has

92% 28
Si, 5% 29
Si and 3% Si.

Calculate the relative atomic mass

of the silicon.

A. 14.00
B. 29.00
C. 28.11 B. deliquescence
D. 28.00 C. hygroscopy
D. hydrolysis
7. The nitrogen obtained fromair
has a density higher than the one 10. 16.55g of lead (ll)
from nitrogen-containing trioxonitrate (V) was dissolved in
compounds because the one from 100g of distilled water at 20⁰C,
air is contaminated with calculate the solubility of thesolute
in moldm-3
A. water vapour [Pb = 207, N = 14, O = 16]
B. oxygen
C. rare gases A. 0.05 g
D. carbon (IV) oxide B. 2.00 g
C. 1.00 g
8. Water is said to be D. 0.50 g
temporarily hard when it contains
11. The dispersion of a liquid in a
A. Ca(HCO3)2 and Mg(HCO3)2 salts liquid medium will give
B. Ca(HCO3)2 and CaCO3 salts
C. Mg(HCO3)2 and CaSO4 salts A. an emulsion
D. CaSO4 and Ca(HCO3)2 salts B. a fog
C. a gel
9. On exposure to the D. an aerosol
atmosphere, a hydrated salt losesits
water of crystallization to become 12. The major and most effective
anhydrous. This way of controlling pollution is to
phenomenon is referred to as

A. efflorescence
A. improve machinery so that the A. log10 [OH-]
substances released from B. log10 1
combustion are less harmful
C. log10 [H3O+]
B. pass strict laws against it by
D. log10 1
individuals and companies
C. educate people on the causes
and effects of pollution 16. Which of the following salts
D. convert chemical wastes to will turn blue litmus red?
harmless substances before
releasing them into the A. Sodium tetrahydroxozincate (ll)
environment B. Potassium hydrogen
tetraoxosulphate (lV)
13. The basicity of CH3COOH is C. Sodium trioxocarbonate (lV)
D. Zinc chloride hydroxide
A. 4
B. 1 17. Zn(s) + CuSO4(aq) → ZnSO4(aq)
C. 2 + Cu(s)
D. 3 In the reaction above, theoxidation
number of the reducing agent
14. The colour of litmus in a changes from
neutral medium is
A. 0 to +4
A. purple B. 0 to +2
B. pink C. +1 to +2
C. yellow D. +1 to +3
D. orange

18. H2O(g) + C(s) → H2(g) + CO(g)

15. The mathematical expression The oxidizing agent in the
of pH is reaction above is
A. CO(g) 21.The substance often used for
B. C(s) vulcanization of rubber is
C. H2O(g)
D. H2(g) A. Chlorine
B. hydrogen peroxide
19. Calculate the quantity of C. Sulphur
electricity in coulombs required to D. tetraoxosulphate (vi) acid
liberate 10g of copper from a copper
compound 22.Metals of the first transition
[Cu=64, F = 96500 Cmol-1] series have special properties
which are different from those of
A. 32395.5 groups I and II elements because
B. 30156.3 they have partially filled.
C. 60784.5
D. 15196.5 A. s-orbitals

20. How many faraday of

electricity is required to produce
0.25 mole of copper?

A. 1.00F
B. 0.01F
C. 0.05F
D. 0.50F
B. p-orbitals C. M is more electronegative than
C. d-orbitals Zinc
D. f-orbitals D. Zinc is more electropositive
than M.
23.A particle that contains 11
protons, 12 neutrons and 10 26.Calculate the quantity of
electrons is probably a electricity in coulombs required to
liberate 10g of copper from a
A. Neutral non-metal copper compound.
B. metallic ion
C. non-metallic ion A. 32395.5
D. neutral metal. B. 30156.3
C. 60784.5
24.A catalyst increases the rate of D. 15196.6
a chemical reaction by providing a [Cu 64 F = 96500c]
path that
27.The IUPAC names for the
A. raises the activation energy compounds CH3COOH and
B. increases the temperature CH2=CH2 are respectively
C. lowers the activation energy
D. increases the concentration A. acetic acid and ethane
B. ethanoic- acid and ethene
25.A metal M displaces Zinc from C. methanoic acid and ethylene
ZnCl2 solution. This shows that D. ethanol and ethene.

A. electrons flow from Zinc to M 28.The boiling point of water is

B. M is more electropositive than higher than that of methanol
Zinc because
A. water is an oxide while 4. removing the products as soon
methanol is an alcohol as they are formed.
B. inter-molecular forces in water 5. Powdering the reactant if solid
are stronger than those in
methanol A. 1, 2 and 3
C. Water is an inorganic B. 1, 3 and 5
compound while methanol is C. 2, 3 and 5
organic D. 3 and 4
D. Water is a compound while
methanol is a covalent compound 31. An element with atomic
number twelve is likely to be
29.If an element x of atomic
number Z and mass number y is A. electrovalent with a valency of
irradiated by an intense 1
concentration of neutrons, the B. electrovalent with a valency of
relevant nuclear equation is 2
C. covalent with a valency of 2.
A. Z
D. covalent with valency of 4.
x+ 1
n→ y-1
Y 0 z+1

B. Y
x+ 1
n→ y+1
Z 0 z
C. Y
Zx + 1
0n → y
32.Which of the followingphysical
D. Y
Zx + 1
0n → y+1
properties decreases across the
periodic Table?
30. Which combination of the
following statements is correct?
A. ionization potential
B. Electron affinity
1. Lowering the activation energy
C. Electronegativity
2. conducting the reaction in a
D. Atomic radius.
gaseous state.
3. Increasing the temperature.
33.If a gas occupies a container of
volume 146cm3 at 18⁰c and0.971
atm, its volume in cm3 at
36.When large hydrocarbon
s.t.p is molecules are heated at high
temperature in the presence of a
A. 133
catalyst to give smaller molecules,
B. 146
the process is known as
C. 266
D. 292
A. disintegration
B. Polymerization
34.50cm3 of carbon (ii) oxidewas
C. cracking
exploded with 150cm3 of air
D. degradation
containing 20% oxygen by
volume, which of the reactants
was in excess?

A. Carbon (ii) oxide

B. Carbon (iv) oxide
C. Oxygen
D. Nitrogen

335.The formula CH2O for ethanoicacid is regarded

s its

A. molecular formula
B. general formula
C. empirical formula
D. Structural formula
B. an oxidizing agent C. gas or liquid particles dispersed
C. a dehydrating agent in liquid.
D. a reducing agent. D. Liquid particles dispersed in
37.Smoke consists of
39.In the electrolysis of dilute
A. solid particles dispersed sulphuric acid using platinum
inliquid electrodes, the products obtained
B. solid or liquid at the anode and cathode are:
particlesdispersed in gas

38. If concentrated sulphuric acid

Anode Cathode
is added to sugar and warmed A. sulphur hydrogen
gently, the sugar changes from B. hydrogen oxygen
C. oxygen hydrogen
white to brown and finally to a
D. hydrogen sulphate ions
black mass of carbon. In this
reaction, concentrated sulphuric
acid is acting as 40. P(g) + Q(g) ⇋ 3R(s) + S(g) ΔH is
A. a drying agent Which of the following will

increase the yield of R?

A. using a larger closed vessel 43.If the electron configuration of
B. increasing the temperature an element is 1S2 2S2 2p5, how
C. Removing some S many unpaired electrons are
D. Adding a positive catalyst there?

41. The mass of silver deposited A. 2

when a current of 10A passed B. 5
through a solution of silver saltfor C. 1
4830s is D. 4

A. 108.0g 44.Which of the following gases

B. 54. 0g can best be used fordemonstrating
C. 27.0g the fountainexperiment?
D. 13.5g
(i) Nitrogen
42. CO(g) + H2O(g) →CO2(g) + H2(g) (ii) Ammonia
from the reaction above, calculate (iii) Nitrogen (i) oxide
the standard heat change if the (iv) Hydrogen chloride
standard enthalpies of formation
of CO2(g), H2O(g) and CO2(g) in A. (ii) and (iii)
KJmol-1 are -394, -242 and -110 B. (i) and (iii)
respectively. C. (ii) and (iv)
D. (ii) only
A. -282KJmol-1
B. -42KJmol-1 45.The coloured nature of
C. +42KJmol-1 transition metal ions are
D. +262KJmol-1 associated with their partially
A. f-orbital 48. In the reaction: 3CuO +
B. S-orbital
→ 3Cu + 3H2O + N2 how many
C. P-orbital
electrons are transferred for each
D. d-orbital
mole of copper produced?

46.Which of the following

A. 4.0 x 10-23
separation processes is most likely
B. 3.0 x 10-23
to yield high quality ethanol (≥
C. 1.2 x 1024
95%) from palm wine?
D. 6.0 x 1024

A. fractional distillation without a

49.The electronic configuration of
an element is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3S2 3p3.
B. simple distillation with a
How many unpaired electrons are
there in the element?
C. fractional distillation with a
A. 5
D. column chromatography
B. 4
C. 3
47.The products formed on
D. 2
hydrolysis of

50. 8.0 g of an element X reacted

with an excess of copper (II)
tetraoxosulphate (VI) solution to
deposit 21.3g of copper.
The correct equation for the
reaction is

A. X(s) + CuSO4(aq) → Cu(s) +

B. X(s) + 2CuSO4(aq) → 2Cu(s) + 552.
C. 2X(s) + CuSO4(aq) → Cu(s) +
D. 2X(s) + 3CuSO4(aq) → 3Cu(s) +
X2(SO4)3(aq) The electrons of two atoms Y and

[Cu = 64]. Z are arranged in shells as shown

above. The bond formed between

51.In the manufacture of iron in the atoms of Y and Z is

the blast furnace, iron (III) oxide is

mixed with coke and limestone, E. ionic

and different reactions occur in F. covalent

the process. Which of the G. dative

following, statements are truewith H. metallic.

respect to these reactions?

53.A gas sample with an initial

A. The coke is a powerful reducing volume of 3.25 dm3 is heated and

agent and easily converts the iron allowed to expand to 9.75 dm3 at

oxide to iron. constant pressure. What is the

B. The calcium carbonate reacts ratio of the final absolute

with SiO2, an earthly impurity in temperature to the initial absolute

the ore, to form calcium silicate temperature?

C. The coke will react with theiron

produced to form steel A. 3:1

D. The calcium carbonate B. 5:2

decomposes to give calciumoxide, C. 5:4

which then forms calcium silicate D. 8:3

with the earthly impurity.

54.The chemical used for
coagulation in water purification is
A. aluminium tetraoxosulphate
(VI) A. the atomic number
B. copper tetraoxosulphate (VI)
C. sodium tetraoxosulphate (VI)
D. calcium tetraoxosulphate (VI)

55.A liquid that will dissolve

fat is

A. hydrochloric acid
B. calcium hydroxide
C. kerosene
D. water

56. When air, which contains the

gases: oxygen, nitrogen.
carbon dioxide, water vapour
and the rare gases, is passed
through alkaline pyrogallol and
then over quicklime, the only
gases left are:

A. nitrogen and carbon dioxide

B. the rare gases
C. nitrogen and oxygen
D. nitrogen and the rare gases

57. The number of atoms in

one mole of a substance is
equal to
B. the Avogadro number 61.The refreshing and characteristic
C. the gas constant taste of soda water and other soft
D. the number of electrons. drinks is as a resultof the presence
in them of
58. Which of the following
terms indicates the number of A. carbon (IV) oxide
bonds that can be formed by B. carbon (II) oxide
an atom? C. soda
D. glucose
A. Oxidation number
B. Valence 62.Which of the following are mixtures?
C. Atomic number
D. Electronegativity
i. Petroleum
ii. Rubber latex.
59. The structural formula
iii. Vulcanizer's solution
ofethanoic acid is
iv. Carbon (II) sulphide

60. Environmental pollution

is worsened by the release
from automobile exhausts of A. i, ii and iii
B. i, ii and iv
A. water vapour
B. steam
C. smoke
D. heavy metals
C. i and ii only
D. i and iv.

63.A balanced chemical equation

obeys the law of

A. conservation of mass
B. definite proportions
C. multiple proportions
D. conservation of energy

64.A given amount of gas

occupies 10.0 dm3 at 4 atm and
273°C. The number of moles of
the gas present is

A. 0.89 mol
B. 1.90 mol
C. 3.80 mol
D. 5.70 mol
[Molar volume of a gas at stp. =
22.4 dm3]

65.According to Charles' law, thevolume of

a gas becomes zero at

A. 0°C
B. -100°C
C. -273°C
D. -373°C 69.The type of bonding in
[Cu(NH3)4]2+ is
66.A substance that is used as a
ripening agent for fruits is A. coordinate
B. electrovalent
A. ethene C. metallic
B. propane D. covalent.
C. methane
D. butane 70.Which of the following is an
example of a chemical change?
67.The Sulphide which isinsoluble
in dilute hydrochloric acid is A. dissolution of salt in water
B. rusting of iron
A. FeS C. melting of ice
B. CuS D. separating a mixture by
C. ZnS distillation
D. Na2S
71.To what temperature must a
68.What is the pH of 0.001 moldm- gas at 273K be heated in order to
solution of the sodiumhydroxide? double both its volume and
A. 14
B. 13 A. 298K
C. 12 B. 546K
D. 11 C. 819K
D. 1092K
72.According to the Kinetic
Theory, an increase in
temperature causes the kinetic C. CH3

energy of particles to: D. CnHn

A. decrease
B. increase
1. D
C. be zero
2. A
D. remain constant
3. D 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. C 8.

73.An element used in the A 9 A 10. No Answer 11. C 12.

production of matches is C 13. B 14. B 15. B 16. B 17. B

18. C 19. B 20. D

A. nitrogen
B. aluminium 21. C 22. C 23. B 24. C 25. B
C. copper 26. D 27. B 28. B 29. B 30. B
D. Sulphur 31. B 32. D 33. A 34. C 35.. C
36. C 37. C 38.. B
74.Which of the following gases may not be
39.C 40. C 41. B 42 B 43. C
dried with concentrated sulphuric acid?
44. B 45. D

A. HCl(g)
46. B 47. C 48. C 49. C 50. A
B. NH3
51. D 52. B 53. A 54 A 55. B
C. CI2
56. D 57. B 58. B 59. D 60. C
D. SO2 61. A 62. A 63. A 64. A 65. C
66. A 67 D 68 D 69 A 70 B
75.Consecutive members of an 71. D.
alkane homologous series differ
B. CH2
75. B
PHYSICS ADOPTED FROM JAMB AND statement that is true about this
WAEC motion is that, the car

1. Two cars moving in the same

A. decelerates between points F
direction have speeds of
and H
100kmh -
B. accelerates between points F
and 130kmh-1. What is the velocity
and G
of the faster car asmeasured by an
C. has a constant speed between
observer in the slower car?
points E and
D. has no acceleration between
A. 130 kmh -1
point F and G.
B. 230 kmh-1
C. 200 kmh-1
3. A stone and a feather dropped
D. 30 kmh-1
from the same height above the
earth surface. Ignoring air
resistance, which of the following
is correct?

A. The stone and feather will both

reach the ground at the same
The diagram above shows a
B. The stone will reach the ground
velocity-time graph. The
C. The feather will reach the
ground first
D. The feather will be blown away
by the wind while stone will drop
4. A car moves with an initial Which of the following options
velocity of 25 ms-1 and reaches a represents positions of stable
velocity of 45 ms-1 in 10s. What equilibrium?
is the acceleration of the car?
A. II, V and VIII
A. 5 ms-2 B. I, II and VII
B. 25 ms-2 C. III, VI and IX
C. 20 ms-2 D. III, IV and VIII
D. 2 ms-2
7. A bob of weight 0.1N hangsfrom a
5. An object is weighed at massless string of length 50cm.
different locations on the earth.
What will be the right A variable horizontal force which
observation? increases from zero is applied to
pull the bob until the string makes
A. Both the mass and weight vary an angle of 600 with the vertical.
B. The weight is constant while The work done is
the mass varies
C. The mass is constant while the A. 0.250 J
weight varies B. 0.025 J
D. Both the mass and weight are C. 0.050 J
constant. D. 0.500 J

6. 8. The surfaces of conveyor belts are

made rough so as to

A. prevent the load from slipping

B. make them stronger
The diagram above represents
balls in an undulating surface.
C. enable them to carry more load A. 200 N
D. protect them while carrying B. 100 N
load. C. 150 N
D. 300 N
9. A machine of velocity ratio 6
requires an effort of 400N to raise 12. The accurate measurement of
a load of 800N through 1m. Find the relative density of a substance
the efficiency of the machine. in its powered form is done with a
beam balance and
A. 50%
B. 22.2% A. an eureka can
C. 33.3% B. a burette
D. 55.6% C. a pipette
D. a density bottle.
10. If a wire 30cm long is
extended to 30.5cm by a force of 13. A hydrometer is an
300N. Find the strain energy of instrument used in measuring
the wire.
A. density of liquid
A. 7.50 J B. relative density of a liquid
B. 750.00 J C. relative humidity of a liquid
C. 75.00 J D. vapour pressure of a fluid
D. 0.75 J
14. One special advantage of
11. In a hydraulic press, the alcohol water over mercury as a
pump piston exerts a pressure of thermometric liquid is its
100 Pa on the liquid. What forceis
exerted in the second piston of A. low freezing point
crosssectional area 3 m2? B. low boiling point
C. high specific heat capacity 17. Heat is radiated by all hot
D. low density. objects in the form of

15. Two metals P and Q of lengths A. light energy

l1 and l2 are heated through the B. solar energy
same temperature difference. If C. infrared ray
the ratio of the linear expansivities D. x-rays.
of P to Q is 2:3 and the ratio of
their lengths is 3:4. What is the 18. If a container is filled with ice
ratio of increase in lengths of P to to the brim, what happens to the
Q? level of water when the ice
completely melts?
A. 5:7
B. 2:1 A. The water in the glass
C 1:2 outflows.
D. 7:5 B. The level of water drops.
C. The level of water remains
16. The density of a certain oil on unchanged
frying becomes 0.4kgm-3 with a D. The level of water goes up.
volume of 20m-3. What will be its
initial volume when its initial 19. The small droplet of water
density is 0.8kgm-3 assuming no that forms on the grass in theearly
loss of oil due to spillage? hours of the morning is

A. 10 kgm-3 A. dew
B. 5 kgm-3 B. mist
C. 8 kgm-3 C. fog
D. 12 kgm-3 D. hail.
20. A vapour is said to be 10m. if the efficiency of the machine
saturated when is 40%, how much work is done?

A. a dynamic equilibrium exists A. 120 J

such that more molecules return to B. 80 J
the liquid than are leaving it. C. 500 J
B. the vapour pressure is D. 300 J.
C. the temperature of the vapour 22. Which of the following could
varies be effectively used to reduce
D. a dynamic equilibrium exists friction?
between liquid molecules and the
vapour molecules. A. Petrol
B. Kerosene
C. Grease
21. machine is used to lift a
D. Water.
load of 20 N through a height of

23. A copper wire was subjected

to a tensile stress of 7.7 x 107 Nm-
. Calculate the tensile strain of the
wire. [Young modulus = 1.1 x

A. 2.2 x 10-4
B. 2.0 x 10-5
C. 7.0 x 10-3
D. 7.0 x 10-4
24. An object weighs 22kg in 27. The phenomenon that shows
water an 30kg in air. What is the that increase in pressure lowers
up thrust exerted by the liquid the melting point can be observed
on the object? [g = 10 ms-2] in

A. 80 N A. regelation
B. 50 N B. sublimation
C. 520 N C. condensation
D. 220 N. D. coagulation.

25. A block of aluminium is 28. If the volume of a gas

heated electrically by a 30 W increases steadily as the
heater. If the temperature risesby temperature decreases atconstant
100˚C in 5 minutes, the heat pressure, the gas obeys
capacity of the aluminium is
A. Charles’ law
A. 200 JK-1 B. Graham’s law
B. 900 JK-1 C. Boyle’s law
C. 90 JK-1 D. pressure law.
D. 100 JK-1
29. Steam burn is more severe
26. A perfect emitter or absorber than that of boiling water because
of radiant energy is a
A. steam burn is dependent on
A. red body relative humidity
B. conductor B. steam burn is independent of
C. black body relative humidity
D. white body. C. steam possess greater heat
energy per unit mass
D. water boils at a higher A. 0.40cm3
temperature B. 0 14cm3
C. 0.12cm3
30. Which of the following types D. 1.20cm3
of waves needs a medium for
propagation? 33. I. Change of state
II. Diffusion
A. X-rays III. Radiation
B. Sound waves IV. Osmosis
C. Light waves
D. Radio waves. Which of the processes above canbe
explained using the kinetic theory?
31. The ground is always cold at
night because the A. I, II and IV
B. I, II, III and IV
A. atmosphere reflects the sun’s C. I, II and III
energy at night D. I, III and IV.
B. atmosphere absorbs the sun’s
energy at night 34. When the human eye loses its
C. earth radiates heat to the power of accommodation, the
atmosphere at night detect is known as
D. sun no longer shines at night.
A. long-sightedness
32. A metal of volume 40cm3 is B. short-sightedness
heated from 30⁰C to 90⁰C, the C. presbyopia
increase in volume is ..... D. astigmatism.
[Linear expansivity of the metal=
2.0 x 10-5K-1]
35. A length of wire has a C. Radio waves
frequency of 255Hz when D. Infrared-rays.
stretched by a force of 225 N. If
the force increases to 324 N, what 38. When a red rose flower is
is the new frequency of vibration? observed in blue light, what colour
does the observer see?
A. 356 Hz
B. 306 Hz A. Yellow
C. 512 Hz B. Red
D. 488 Hz. C. Blue
D. Magenta.
36. A certain far-sighted person
cannot see objects that are closer 39. The eclipse of the sun occurs
to the eye than 50cm clearly. when the
Determine the power of the
converging lens which will enable A. moon’s umbra falls on some
him to see at 25cm. part of the earth
B. moon is between the sun and
A. 0.04 D the earth
B. 0.06 D C. earth is between the sun and
C. 0.02 D the moon
D. 0.03 D. D. moon is not completely hidden
in the earth’s shadow.
37. Which of the following
electromagnetic waves has the 40. A cannon is fired from town X.
highest frequency? After how long is the sound heard
at a town Y 4.95 km away?
A. X-rays [velocity of sound in air = 333
B. Ultra-violet rays ms-1]
A. 15 s
B. 0 s
C. 10 s
D. 12 s

41.The magnification of an object

2cm tall when placed 10cm in
front of a plane mirror is

A. 6.0
B. 1.0
C. 0.7
D. 0.6

42. After reflection from the

concave mirror, rays of light
from the sun converges

A. At the radius of curvature

B. At the focus
C. Beyond the radius of curvature
D. Between the focus and radius C. II & III only
of curvature D. II only

43. A glass block of thickness 45. The use of lenses is NOT

10cm is placed on an object. If applicable in the
an observer views the object
vertically, the displacement of A. projector
theobject is B. human eye
C. periscope
A. 3.33cm D. telescope
B. 5.00cm
C. 6.67cm 46. Dispersion of white light
D. 8.50cm is theability of white light to

44. I. Rays of light travel A. Penetrate air, water and glass

from a less dense medium B. Move in a straight line
to a denser medium C. Move around corners
II. The angle of incidence is D. Separate to its component
greater than critical angle. colours
III. Rays of light travel from a
denser medium to a less 47. A newly charged 12V
dense medium accumulator can easily start a
car whereas eight new dry cells
Which of the statements aboveare in series with an effective e.m.f.
conditions for total internal of 12V cannot start the same
reflection to occur? car because

A. I & II only A. The current capacity is high

B. I & III only B. The current capacity is low
C. It cannot be re-charged 1.0 x 10-8C enters a magnetic
D. It cannot easily be
connectedto a car


Six identical cells, each of e.m.f. 2V

are connected as shown above. The
effective e.m.f. of the cell is

a. 0V
b. 4V
c. 6V
d. 12V

49. The fuse in an electric

deviseis always connected to
the ----

a. Neutral side of an
b. Earth side of an electric
c. Live side of an electric supply
d. Terminal side of an

50. A particle carrying a charge of

field at 3.0 x 102ms-1 at right
angles to the field. If the force on
this particle is 1.8 x 10-8N, what is
the magnitude of the field?

A. 6.0 x 10-1T
B. 6.0 x 10-2T
C. 6.0 x 10-3T
D. 6.0 x 10-4T

51. What will happen to the

boiling point of pure water
when it is heated in a place
30m below sea level?
A. It will be more than 100°C. C. mechanical wave.
B. It will be less than 100°C. D. seismic wave.
C. It will still be at 100°C.
D. It will be fluctuating. 55. A transverse wave and a
longitudinal wave travelling in
52. The rise or fall of liquid the same direction in a medium
in anarrow tube is because of differ essentially in their
A. frequency.
A. viscosity of the liquid. B. amplitude.
B. surface tension of the liquid. C. direction of vibration of the
C. friction between the walls of particles of the medium
the tube and the liquid. D. period of vibration of the
D. osmotic pressure of the liquid. particles of the medium.

53. The mechanism of heat 56. What is the velocity of

transfer from one point to sound at 100°C, if the velocity
anotherthrough the vibration of of sound at 0°C is 340m𝑠−1?
the molecules of the medium is
A. 497m𝑠−1
A. convection. B. 440m𝑠−1
B. conduction C. 397m𝑠−1
C. radiation D. 240m𝑠−1
D. diffusion
57. If a sonometer has a
54. A wave travels through fundamental frequency of
stretched strings is known as 450Hz, what is the frequency of
the fifth overtone?
A. electromagnetic wave.
B. micro wave.
a. 0Hz
b. 456Hz

58. A man 1.5m tall is

standing 3m in front of a A. 41°.

pinhole camera whose distance B. 49°.

between the hole and the C. 55°.

screen is 0.1m. What is the D. 61°.

height of the image of theman

on the screen? 61. Total internal
reflection willnot occur

A. 0.05m when light travels from

B. 0.15m.
C. 0.30m. A. water to air.

D. 1.00m. B. water into glass.

C. glass to air.

59. A ray of light passing D. glass into water.

through the centre of curvature

of aconcave mirror is reflected 62.

by the mirror at

A. 0°.
B. 45°.
C. 90°.
What does the diagram above
D. 180°

60. From the diagram below,

a. telescope in normal use.
calculate the incident angle i.
b. microscope in normal ofintensity 105V𝑚−1.
use.telescope in abnormal use.
c. microscope in abnormal use.

63. If the linear magnification

of the objective and eyepiece
convex lenses of a compound
microscope are 4 and 7
respectively, calculate the
angular magnification of the

A. 2.
B. 3.
C. 11.
D. 28.

64. The angle of deviation of

light of various colours passing
through a triangular prism
increases in the order

A. red → green → blue.

B. green → violet → blue.
C. blue → red → green.
D. blue → green → red.

65. Calculate the force acting

on an electron of charge 1.5 x
10−19Cplaced in an electric field
A. 1.5 x 10−11N
B. 1.5 x 10−12N
C. 1.5 x 10−13N
D. 1.5 x 10−14N

66. Capacitors are used in

the induction coil to

A. control circuits.
B. dissipate energy.
C. prevent electric sparks.
D. prevent distortion of electric
67. A cell of emf 1.5V is
connected in series with a 1Ω
resistor and a current of 0.3A
flows through the resistor.
Find the internal resistance of
the cell.

A. 4Ω.
B. 3.0Ω.
C. 1.5Ω.
D. 1.00Ω.

68. Which of the following

obeys ohms law?

A. electrolytes.
B. metals.
C. diode. 28. B 29 D 30. C 31. D 32. NO
D. glass. 33 B 34. D 35 C 36. C 37. B 38. A 39. C

40.B 41 B 42 B 43. A 44. C

69. A house has ten 40W and
five100W bulbs. How much will 45 C 46. D 47
B 48 B 49 C
it costthe owner of the house to
keep them lit for 10 hours if the
51. A 52. B
cost ofa unit is ₦5?

53 6 A6 B
A. ₦90. B 0 1
5 C 5 B 5 A 5 A 5 A .
B. ₦50. 54.
5 6 7. 8 9.
C. ₦45 . . .
6 C 6 C
D. ₦40.
5. 6
70. electric device is rated .
An 70.B
2000V, 250V. Calculate the
maximum current it can take.

A. 9A.
B. 8A.
C. 7A.
D. 6A.


1. D 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. C
7. B 8. A 9. C 10.D 11. D 12.
D 13. A 14. D 15. C 16. A 17. C
18.B 19. A 20.D
21. D 22. D
23.A 24. A 25. C 26. D 27. B
D. Gravity



1. The oily substance that

lubricates the mammalian hair to
keep it flexible and water repellent
is secreted by the

A. sweet glands
B. sebaceous glands
C. fatty cells
D. granular layer

2. The outer layer of the kidney

where the Bowman's capsules are
found is the

A. cortex
B. pelvis
C. medulla
D. pyramid

3. Which of the following stimuli

is likely to elicit a nastic response
in an organism?

A. Touch
B. Light intensity
C. Chemical substances
4. In the male reproductive 7. I. Stomata → Spirogyro
system of a mammal, sperm is II. Alveoli → Earthworm
stored in the III. Malpighian tubule →

A. van deferens IV. Contractile vacuole →

B. urethra Protozoa.

C. epididymis
D. seminiferous tubules
Which of the above structures is
correctly matched with the
5. Chemosynthetic organisms in which it is found?
organisms are capable of
manufacturing their food from A. III
simple inorganic substances
through the process of
C. I
A. oxidation
B. denitrification
8. A food chain always beginswith a
C. reduction
D. phosphorylation A. consumer
B. decomposer
6. The part of the human C. producer
gut that has an acidic content D. primary consumer
is the

9. Mycorrhizae promote plant

A. stomach growth by
B. duodenum
C. ileum
A. absorbing inorganic ions fromthe
D. colon soil
B. protecting it from infection
C. helping it to utilize
D. serving as a growth regulator

10. The barrier between

maternaland foetal blood is the

A. placenta
B. liver
C. umbilical chord
D. uterine wall

11. The blood component that

has the greatest affinity for
oxygen is the

A. lymphocytes
B. leucocytes
C. erythrocytes
D. thrombocytes

12. Which of the following

organisms is mainly found in
the marine habitat?

A. Achatina
B. Tilapia
C. Dog fish
D. Tortoise
13. The two halves of the pelvic A. tropical rainforest
girdle are joined together at the B. desert
C. montane forest
A. public symphysis D. guinea savanna
B. ilium
C. pubis
16.The part of the mammalian ear
D. obturator foramen
responsible for the maintenance of
balance is the
14. I. Adoption of appropriate
nocturnal habits
A. cochlea
II. Burrowing
B. pinna
III. Adjusting their internal body
IV. Possession of many sweat

Which of the above are ways in

which desert animals adapt to
extreme heat of the environment?

A. I and IV only
B. II and III only
C. I and II only
D. I, II and III only

15. Low annual rainfall, sparse

vegetation, high diurnal
temperatures and cold nights are
characteristic features of the
C. perilymph A. the movement of food and
D. ossicles water
B. suction pressure
17.The path followed by air as it C. transpiration pull
passes through the lungs in D. the transport of gases and
mammals is water

A. trachea → bronchi → 20.Which of the following organs

bronchioles → alveoli regulates the levels of water,
B. bronchi → trachea → alveoli → salts, hydrogen ions and urea in
bronchioles the mammalian blood?
C. trachea → bronchioles
→bronchi→ alveoli A. Liver
D. bronchioles → alveoli → B. Kidney
bronchi →trachea C. Bladder
D. Colon
18.The movement response of a
cockroach away from a light 21.The sequence of the one-way
source can be described as gaseous exchange mechanism in
a fish is
A. positive phototaxism
B. negative phototaxism A. operculum → gills → mouth
C. negative phototropism B. gills → operculum → mouth
D. positive phototropism C. mouth → operculum → gills
D. mouth → gills → operculum
19.The vascular tissues in higher
plants are responsible for 22.The type of asexual
reproduction that is common to
both Paramecium and protists is
A. budding Weight of basin and roasted
B. sporulation soil = 95.5g
C. fragmentation
D. fission
The percentage of humus in the
soil sample is
23.In nature, plants and animals
are perpetually engaged in
A. 16.7%
mutualism because
B. 17.6%
C. 26.7%
A. they are rivals
D. 16.2%
B. all animals rely on food
produced by plants
25.An example of a filter -feeding
C. they utilize respiratory wastes
animal is
of each other
D. they are neighbours
A. shark
B. butterfly
24.In an experiment to determine
C. whale
the percentage of humus and
D. mosquito
water in a soil sample,the following
results wereobtained:
26.Which of the following is a
feature of the population pyramid
Weight of the evaporating of a developing country?
basin alone = 80.5g
Weight of basin and soil = A. long lifespan
101.5g B. low birth rate
C. low death rate
Weight after drying the soil in
D. short lifespan
the oven = 99.0g
27.The interaction of a community A. liver of humans
of organisms with its abiotic B. reticuloendothelial cells of
environment constitutes humans
C. Malpighian tubules of mosquito
A. niche D. brain of humans
B. a food chain Use the diagram below to
C. an ecosystem answer question 2 and 3
D. a microhabitat

28.The vector of the malaria

parasite is

A. female Aedes mosquito

B. female Anopheles mosquito
31.The organelle responsible for
C. male Culex mosquito
heredity is labelled
D. female Culex mosquito

A. l
29.Which of the following
B. ll
instruments is used to measure
C. lll
relative humidity?
D. I

A. Hydrometer
32.The part labelled IV is the
B. Thermometer
C. Hygrometer
D. Anemometer

30.Exo-erythrocytic phase of the

life cycle of malaria parasite
occurs in the
A. mitochondrion
B. cell wall
C. endoplasmic reticulum
D. nucleus

33.Which of the following is

most advanced in the
evolutionary trend of animals?

E. Liver fluke
F. Earthworm
G. Snail
H. Cockroach

34.Which of the following is the

lowest category of

I. Class
J. Species
K. Family
L. Genus

35.Plants that show secondary

growth are usually found
among the

A. thallophytes
B. pteridophytes
C. monocotyledons 39.Which of the following
D. dicotyledons possesses mammary gland?

36.The fungi are distinct group of A. Dogfish

eukaryotes mainly because they B. whale

have C. shark
D. catfish

M. spores
N. no chlorophyll 40.The feature that links birds to

O. many fruiting bodies reptiles in evolution is the

P. sexual and sexual reproduction possession of

37.An arthropod that is A. feathers

destructiveat early stage of its life B. break

cycle is C. skeleton
D. scales

Q. butterfly
R. mosquito 41.Countershading is an adaptive

S. bee feature that enables animals to

T. millipede
A. fight enemies

38.An animal body that can be cut B. remain undetected

along its axis in any plane to give C. warn enemies

two identical parts is said to be D. attract mates

U. radially symmetrical 42.Which of the following plant

V. bilaterally symmetrical structures lacks a waterproof

W. asymmetrical cuticle?

X. symmetrical
A. leaf B. Loran thus
B. stem C. Rhizopus
C. root D. Tapeworm
D. shoot
46.The structure labelled I is the
43. In the mammalian male
reproductive system, the part A. zygospore
that serves as a passage for B. conidiophore
both urineand semen is the C. sporangium
D. hypha
A. urethra
B. ureter Use the diagram below to
C. bladder answer questions 47 and 48.
D. seminal vesicle

44. In plants which of the

following is required in minute
quantities for growth?
47.The organelle responsible for

A. Copper sexual reproduction is

B. Potassium
C. Phosphorus A. IV

D. Sodium B. I

45. Which of the following D. III

organisms is both parasitic and

autotrophic? 48.The part labelled IV is
responsible for

A. Sundew
A. respiration
B. ingestion
C. locomotion Use the diagram below to
D. osmoregulation answer questions 49 and 50.

49.The part labelled I is the

A. pulmonary artery
B. bicuspid valve
C. aorta
D. vena carva

50.Oxygenated blood is pumped to

the entire body from the part

B. I

Use the diagram below to

answer questions 51 and 52.
53.The breeding postureillustrated
in the diagram is known as

A. reproductive swimming
B. amplexus
51. The experiment
demonstrates C. mating
D. courtship

A. hydrotropism
B. phototropism 54.The diagram shows that the

C. thigmotropism organisms are

D. hydrotropism
A. viviparous

52.The part marked I will contain B. hermaphrodite

a high concentration of C. ovoviviparous

D. oviparous

A. ethylene
B. abscisic acid 55.Insulin is produced by the

C. auxin endocrine organ labeled

D. ascorbic acid
A. I

Use the diagram below to B. IV

answer questions 53 and 54 C. III


56.Which of the following will be

true of dog II which lost its tail in
an accident if it mates with dog III?
A. all its offspring will be 58.The type of protectiveadaptation
bornwithout tails exhibited by the animal is
B. 3/4 of its offspring will be
bornwithout tails A. flash coloration
C. none of its offspring will B. countershading colouration
beborn without a tail C. warning colouration
D. 1/4 of its offspring will be born D. disruptive colouration
without tails.
59. The structure labeled I is
57.If the dogs are offspring of a
monohybrid cross and the gene G A. tactile
for grey head is dominant over as B. radiosensitive
illele g, the individual whose C. photosensitive
genotype is likely to be gg is D. chemoreceptive

A. I

Use the diagram below

toanswer questions 58
and 59.
1. B 2. A 3. C
4. C 5. D

6. A 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. A
11. C 12. C 13. A 14. C 15. D
16. A 17. A 18. C

19. A
20. B
21. D 22. D 23. B 24. A 25. C
26. C 27. C 28. B 29. C 30. A

31. B 32 C 33. D 34. B 35. B 36. B

37.A 38. A 39. B 40. D 41 B 42.C
43. A 44. A 45. A

46. A 47. D 48. D 49. A 50. B

51. B 52. C 53. C 54. D 55. C
56. C 57. C 58. C 59. B 60. A

4. At what rate will be interest on

₦400 increase to ₦ 24 in 3 years
Percentage error in the
reckoning in simple interest?

A. 4%
A. 0.40%
B. 2%
B. 0.01%
C. 3%
C. 0.25%
D. 5%

2. Simplify 3 7 1
5. If p: q = 2
(4 of ÷9 ) 3 : 5 and q: r = 3 : 1,
6 4 2
9 2
find 𝑝: 𝑞: 𝑟.

A. 1/25
B. 1/4 A. 9:10:15

C. 1/5 B. 12:15:16

D. 1/36 C. 12:15:10
D. 10:15:24

3. A student measures a piece of

rope and found that it was 1.26 m 1
6.Evaluate (81 ) x 2−1
long. If the actual length of the
A. 1
B. 7.14 x 10-1

B. 6 C. 7.14 x 10-2

C. 3
D. 1

7.Given that log 2 = 0.3010, log7 =

0.8451. Evaluate log 112.

A. 2.5441
B. 2.0491
C. 2.1461
D. 3.1461

8. Rationalise 2√3+√5



C. 3√15 − 11
D. 3√15 − 11

9. Express the product of 0.21

and 0.34 in standard form

A. 7.14 x 10-3

D. 7.14 x 10-4
Which of the Venn diagrams
below represents P' ∩ Q' ∩ R' ?

10. In a survey of 50 newspaper

readers, 40 read Champion and
30 read Guardian, how many
readboth papers?

A. 15
B. 5
C. 10
D. 20

11. Make Q the subject of

formulaif P M(X + Q)+ 1


A. M
B. M
C. M
D. M

D. 7.14 x 10-4
12. If 9x2 + 6xy + 4y2 is a factor A. 5
of 27x3 - 8y3, find the other factor. B. 12
C. 6
A. 3x - 2y D. 3
B. 2y - 3x
17. If x is inversely proportional
C. 2y + 3x 1 when y = 2, find
to y and x = 2

D. 3x + 2y x if y = 4

14. Factorize completely x A. 21
B. 5
C. 4
A. 2x+4
D. 11
x(x+5) 4
B. 2(x+2)

C. 2(x+2)
18. For what range of values of x
D. is 1 𝑥 + 1 > 1x + 1
2 4
2(x−2) 3 2

15.Solve for x and y if x - y = 2and x2 - y2 =

A. x > −3
8 2

B. x >3

A. (1, 3) C. x <2

B. (3, 1) D. x > −
C. (-1, 3)
D. (-3, 1)
19.Solve the inequalities −6 ≤ 4
— 2𝑥 < 5 − 𝑥
16. If y varies directly as the
square root of x and y =3 when x
A. -1 ≤ x < 6
= 16, calculate y when x = 64
B. -1 < x ≤ 5
C. -1 < x < 5 D. 64
D. -1 ≤ x ≤ 6
23. A binary operation ⊕ on real
numbers is defined by x ⊕ y = xy
+ x + y for two real numbers x
and y. Find the value of 3 ⊕ −
20.Solve the inequality 𝑥2 + 2𝑥 > 3


A. −
A. x < -3 or x > 5
B. 1
B. -5 < x < 3 3

C. x < 3 or x > 5 C. -1

D. x > 3 or x < -5 D. 2

21. Find the sum of the first 18 2 3 4 1

24. If │ │=│ │, find the

5 3x
terms of the series 3, 6, 9..., 36. C. 54
value of x.

A. 505
A. -6
B. 513
B. 6
C. 433
C. -12
D. 635
D. 12

22. The second term of a

geometric series is 4 while the 25. Evaluate |
fourth term is 16. Find the sum of
the first five terms
A. 25
B. 45
A. 60
C. 15
B. 62
D. 55
1 2𝑥

4 2 −1
2 3 −1|
−1 1 3
26. The inverse of matrix N = 29. A chord of circle of radius 7
[ 2 3] is cm is 5 cm from the centre of the
1 4
maximum possible area of the
A. 2 1
[ ]
5 3 4

4 −3
B. 1 [ ] A. 4√6 cm2
5 −1 2
2 −1 B. 3√6 cm2
C. 1 [ ]
5 −3 4
C. 6√6 cm2
D. 1 [4 1
] D. 2√6 cm2
5 3 2

27. What is the size of each

C. 98 cm2
interior angle of a 12-sided
D. 28 cm2
regular polygon?

A. 120°
B. 150°
C. 30°
D. 180°

28. A circle of perimeter 28cm is

opened to form a square. What is
the maximum possible area of the

A. 56 cm2
B. 49 cm2
30. A solid metal cube of side 3
cm is placed in a rectangular
tank of dimension 3, 4 and 5 cm.
What volume of water can the
tank nowhold?

A. 48 cm3
B. 33 cm3
C. 60 cm3
D. 27 cm3

31.The perpendicular bisector

of aline XY is the locus of a

A. whose distance from X is

always twice its distance from Y
B. whose distance from Y is
always twice its distance from X
C. which moves on the line XY
D. which is equidistant from the 35. A man walks 100 m due West
points X and y from a point X to Y, he then walks
100 m due North to a point Z.
32. The midpoint of P(x, y) and Find the bearing of X from Z.
Q(8, 6). Find x and y. midpoint =
(5, 8) A. 195°
B. 135°
A. (2, 10) C. 225°
B. (2, 8) D. 045°
C. (2, 12)
D. (2, 6) 36. The derivatives of (2𝑥 + 1)(3𝑥
+ 1) is
33. Find the equation of a line
perpendicular to line 2𝑦 = 5𝑥 + 4 A. 12x + 1
which passes through (4, 2). B. 6x + 5
C. 6x + 1
A. 5𝑦 − 2𝑥 − 18 = 0 D. 12x + 5
B. 5𝑦 + 2𝑥 − 18 = 0
C. 5𝑦 − 2𝑥 + 18 = 0 37. Find the derivative of sin 𝜃
cos 𝜃
D. 5𝑦 + 2𝑥 − 2 = 0

34. In a right-angled triangle, if

tan θ = 34. What is 𝑐o𝑠𝜃 − 𝑠i𝑛𝜃?

A. 2

B. 3

C. 1

D. 4
A. 𝑠e𝑐2 𝜃
B. 𝑡𝑎𝑛 𝜃𝑐o𝑠e𝑐 𝜃
C. 𝑐o𝑠e𝑐𝜃𝑠e𝑐 𝜃

38. Find the value of x at

theminimum point of the
curve 𝑦 = 𝑥3
+ 𝑥2 − 𝑥 + 1
A. 1
given by x, 2x, 3x, 4x and 5x

B. −1 respectively. Find the value of x.

A. 24⁰
B. 30⁰
C. 33⁰
D. 36⁰

C. 1 42.In the diagram above, PQR is a

D. 1 circle centre O. If < QPR is XO, find

< QRP.
39. Evaluate ∫ (3
− 2x) 𝑑𝑥
A. X⁰

A. 3
B. 5
C. 2
D. 6

40. Find ∫ cos 4 𝑥𝑑𝑥

A. 3 sin 4𝑥 + 𝑘

B. −1 sin 4𝑥 + 𝑘

C. −3 sin 4𝑥 + 𝑘

D. 1 sin 4𝑥 + 𝑘

41.The angles of a polygon are

B. (90 – 𝑥)°
C. (90 + 𝑥)°
D. (180 – x)°

43.Find the area of the


A. 91 cm2
B. 78 cm2
C. 60 cm2
D. 19 cm2

44. A circular arc subtends

angle 150° at the centre of a
circle of radius 12 cm.
Calculate the area of the
sector of the arc?

A. 30 π cm2
B. 60 π cm2
C. 120 π cm2
D. 150 π cm2
45.Calculate the volume of a 48.The distance between the point
cuboid of length 0.76 cm, breadth (4, 3) and the intersection of 𝑦 =
2.6 cm and height 0.82 cm. 2𝑥 + 4 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑦 = 7 − 𝑥 is

A. 3.92 cm3 A. √13

B. 2.13 cm3 B. 3√2
C. 1.97 cm3 C. √26
D. 1.62 cm3 D. 10√5

46.The locus of a pointequidistant 49.Find the equation of the line

from the intersectionof lines 3𝑥 − through the points (-2, 1) and
7𝑦 + 7 = 0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 4𝑥 − 6𝑦 + 1 = 0 is a (− , 4)

A. line parallel to 7𝑥 + 13𝑦 + 8= 0

A. y = 2x - 3
B. circle
B. y = 2x + 5
C. semicircle
C. y = 3x - 2
D. bisector of the line 7𝑥 + 13𝑦 +
D. y = 2x + 1

50.If angle θ is 135⁰,

47.The gradient of the straight line evaluate
joining the points P(5, -7) and Q(- cos θ
2, -3) is

A. 1
A. 12
B. 25 B. √2
C. −47
C. −√2
D. −23 2

D. −1

51.The locus of a dog tethered toa

pole with a rope of 4m is a C. circle with radius 4m
D. semi-circle with diameter 4m
A. semi-circle with radius 4m
B. circle with diameter 4m 52.Find the mid-point of S(−5, 4)
and T(−3, −2)
A. 4, −1 B. y = x + 5
B. −4, 2 C. y = -x + 5
C. 4, −2 D. y = x – 5
D. −4, 1
55. Calculate the mid-point of the
53.The gradient of a line joining(x,4) and (1,2) line segment y − 4x + 3 = 0,
is 1. Find the value which lies between the x-axis
and y-axis.
of x

A. −5 2 3
A. (− , )
B. 5 3 2
3 3
C. 3 B. ( , −
D. −3 8 2
3 3
(, )
8 2
3 3
D. (− , )
2 2

56. Find the equation of the

straight line through (-2, 3) and perpendicular to 4x + 3y - 5 = 0

A. 5x - 2y - 11 = 0
B. 3x - 4y + 18 = 0
C. 3x + 2y - 18 = 0
54. In the figure above, what is the D. 4x + 5y + 3 = 0
equation of the line that passes the
y-axis at (0,5) and passes the x-axis 57.If sin θ = 12, find the value of
at (5,0)?
1 + cos θ

A. y = -x − 5
A. 5
B. 25 A. -cos 2𝑥 + k

C. 18 B. cos 2𝑥 + k
C. 1 cos 2𝑥 + k
D. 8
D. −1 cos 2𝑥 + k

58. If y = 4x3 - 2x2 + x, find dy


61. Evaluate ∫(2x + 3)2 dx

A. 12x2 − 4x + 1
B. 8x2 − 2x + 1 A. 1 (2𝑥 +
12 3)4 + k

C. 8x2 − 4x + 1
B. 1 (2𝑥 + 3)6 + k
D. 12x2 −2x + 1 12

C. 1 (2𝑥 + 3)42 + k
1 3

59. If y = cos 3x, find dy D. (2𝑥 + 3)2 + k

dx 3

A. −3sin 3𝑥
B. 1 sin 3𝑥
3 62. Evaluate ∫ sin 2𝑥 dx
C. −1 sin 3𝑥

D. 3 sin 3𝑥

60. Find the minimum value of y

= x2 − 2x−3

A. −4
B. 4
C. 1
D. −1
63. The pie chart above
shows the monthly
distribution of a man's
salary on food items. If
he spent
₦8,000 on rice, how much did he
spend on yam?
A. ₦42,000 D. 4
B. ₦18,000
C. ₦16,000 67. Find the standard
D. ₦12,000 deviation of5, 4, 3, 2, 1

64. The mean of 2 - 4, 4 A. √10

+ t, 3 - 2t and t - 1 is B. √2
C. √3
A. −2 D. √6
B. t
C. −t 68. In how many ways
D. 2 can a team of 3 girls be
selected from 7 girls?

Values 0 1 2 3 4
Frequency 1 2 2 1 9 7!

65. Find the mode of the B.


distribution above C.
D. 3!4!
A. 4
B. 1 Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6
C. 2 Frequency 18 22 20 16 10 14
D. 3
69. The table above

66. Find the median of represents the outcome of

5, 9, 1, 10, 3, 8, 9, 2, 4, 5, throwing a die 100 times.

5, 5, 7, 3 and 6 What is the probability of

A. 3 obtaining at least a 4?

B. 6 A. 3

C. 5 B. 1
C. 1

D. 2


1. C 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. A
7. B 8. A 9. C 10. A 11. D 12. B

13. A 14. A 15. B 16. C 17. D

18. b 19. B 20. B 21. B 22. B 23. B 24. A

25. A 26. B 27. B 28. B 29. A 30. B 31.

D 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. B 36. D
37. A 38. B 39. C 40. C 41. D 42.
B 43. C
44. b 45. D 46. B 47. C 48. B 49. B
50. c

51. B 52. D 53. B 54. B 55. D

56. B 57. C 58. A 59. A 60. C
61. D 62. D 63. D 64. D 65. A
66. C 67. B 68. D 69. D
ENGLISH QUESTIONS ADAPTED FROM JAMB E. He takes a rather hazy view of

In each of questions 1 to 10, select the option that best 2. People are not interested inwho rules.
explains the informationconveyed in the sentence.

A. People are not ruled by the

1. Though Mr. Iro is a new chairman, he
leaders they want
views other members with jaundiced
B. People are not concerned about
who rules them
C. The rulers are not concerned
A. He takes a rather forceful
about the people
position on dealing with his
D. People who rule are not
interested in the ruled
B. He takes an unfavourable
position concerning his members
3. It was good to steer a middlecourse in
C. He takes a sickly view of his
whatever one does.

D. He takes a rather hazy view

A. It is always good to get
ofhis members
midway in anything one does
B. It is always good to act with
C. It is always good to move away
from the forefront
D. It is always good to work very

4. The witness said he had noaxe

to grind with his brothers
A. He had no hatred for the B. he managed to give a speech

brothers out of a difficult situation

B. He had no axe and therefore C. he managed to get himself out

stole the matchet of a difficult situation

C. He had no axe and therefore D. he managed to talk on his way.

borrowed their matchet

D. He had no vested interest in the 7. As regards the matter, we

brothers have crossed the rubicon

5. The footballers moved with A. we are completely at a loss

their tails between their legs. B. we are irrevocably committed

C. we are already qualified

A. they moved happily because D. we are perfectly committed

they won the match

B. they were unhappy because 8. Uche is full of himself

they had been despised by their

opponents A. He is conceited
C. they were ashamed because B. He is complete
they had been defeated C. He is a rich man
D. they moved with their tails D. He is careful.
between their legs.
9. As debutants in that
6. The headmaster tournament, the Super Eagles
managed to talk his way out of were up against their first
having to givea speech opponents by three goals to nill

A. he delivered a speech despite A. The Super Eagles were playing

the difficulty in the tournament for the first
time, but they won their match by choose the option nearest in
three goals to nothing meaning to the word or
B. Though the Super Eagles were phrase in italics
rated as the weakest side in the
tournament, they won their first 11. A political Impasse does not
match by three goals to nill offer the best opportunity for
C. Even though the Super Eagles merrymaking
were playing without some of their
regulars, they won their match by A. manifesto
three goals to nill. B. party
D. As the best attackers in the C. gridlock
match, the Super Eagles easily D. rally
defeated their opponents by three 12. We were all enthusiastic as

goals to nothing. we awaited the result of the


10. The woman was mournful

as her husband was found dead A. bemused

drunk B. agitated
C. elated

A. She was sad because of her D. nervous

husband was absolutely drunk

B. She was apprehensive that her 13.The uniform makes the guards

husband would drink again as look absurd

soon he recovered from the

drunken stupor A. dirty

C. She was sad because her B. smart

husband was drunk and always as C. sensible

helpless as a dead man D. ridiculous

D. She was mourning because

herhusband drank and died 14. The law is often tardy in
reacting to changing attitude

A. quick
B. slow
C. exclusive
D. generous

15. Isa and llu ate sumptuous

meal on their brother’s wedding

A. expensive
B. foreign
C. insipid
D. cheap

16. Kaltume crouched over the

paper on her desk

A. wrote on
B. stood on
C. walked over
D. bent over

17. The panacea for a

country’s economic mess lies
in systematic planning and

A. cure
B. hope
C. foresight
D. trouble
21. The girl’s father was
astounded to see her appear from
18. Thousands of the shrine
workers havebeen
victims of A. collected
retrenchmentsince the B. Overwhelmed
military came back to power C. embarrassed
D. Astonished
A. Unemployment 22. The director’s remark was

B. Trench mentality extremely apposite to the issue

C. Suffering being discussed
D. Increase in penury
A. Appropriate
19. The principal gave his speech B. Inconsequential
offhand at the sports meeting C. Emphatic
D. Adequate

A. calmly
23. Her reputation is without a
B. beautifully
C. unconcerned
D. unprepared
A. Problem

20. Jankoli was dressed in an old B. Fault

assortment of clothes C. Blessing

24. Ugo is eligible for the post

A. Avalanche
of secretary
B. Homogeneity
C. Sameness
A. Nominated
D. Melange
B. Invited
C. Qualified A. cot
D. Intelligent B. keep
C. norm
25. This is an abridged D. king
version of No Longer at Ease In each question 92 to 94,
A. An outdated choose the option that rhymes
B. An enlarged with the given word
C. An illustrated
D. A shortened 29. Fuel
In each of question 89 to 91,
choose the option that has the A. cruel
consonant sound as the one B. fool
represented by the letter(s) C. rule
underlined D. fiel

26. mention 30. match

(a) that A. harsh

(b) machine B. batch
(c) church C. such
(d) test D. watch

27. prestige 31. Sheer

(a) bag A. Sheila

(b) badge B. care
(c) reggae C.ear
(d) leisure D. (d)sherry

In each of question 66 to 85,

28. knot
choose the option that best
complete the gap (a) fourtnight
(b) fortnight
32. When his car tyre ….. on the (c) fourthnight
way, he did not know what to do (d) forthnight

(a) has burst 36. The policemen became

(b) had burst suspicious as the hoodlums…… in
(c) bursted their office
(d) burst
33. Lami’s father …. As a
gardener when he was young, but
now he is a driver

(a) had been working

(b) use to work
(c) has worked
(d) used to work

34. ……. He switches on the light,

the shadow disappears

(a) whenever
(b) except
(c) since
(d) until

35. it is important that you clear

the refuse in front of your house
every ……
(a) ferreted find his missing wristwatch
(b) ferreted
(c) ferreted about (a) scourged
(d) ferreted about (b)scoured
(c) scored
37. Suara needn’t come with (d) scouted
39. Ife asked me….
(a) does she
(b) will she (a) what time it was
(c) can she (b) what is it by my time
(d) need she (c) what time is it
(d) what time it is
38. Unoka…. the whole house to

40. to kill a rat, so we should be ….

In our approach to the task ahead 42. Here is Mr. Odumusu who

of us teaches English … in our school

(a) ecletic (a) pronuntiation

(b) eclectic (b) pronounciation

(c) eclektic (c) pronunciation

(d) eclectik (d) pronountiation

41. Audu took these action 43. Instead of… she lied

purely…. His own career

(a) pleading

(a) on furtherance of (b) her to plead

(b) in furtherance of
(c) to furtherance in
(d) in furtherance with
(c) her pleading
(d) Plead A. for

44. Of the three girls, Uka is B. from

the…. C. to
D. with

(a) so much notorious

(b) notorious 48. Our teacher defined... in his

(c) naught introductory

(d) naughtiest
A. Onomatopiea
B. onomatopoeia
45. I wonder how he will … being
C. onomatopoeia
absent from school for a long time
D. onomatopea

(a) make in 49. The philanthropist devoted

(b) make up himself... the poor

(c) make off

(d) make out A. to helping
B. in helping

46. Please sit on the… C. by helping

D. to be helping

(a) carier 50. Tinu likes apples... she does

(b) career not like oranges.
(c) carrier
(d) carrear A. or

In each of question 66 to 85, B. for

choose the option that best C. so

completes the gap(s) D. but

47. The girl says she is averse... 51. The students had a ... on

what others admire. Independence Day.

political parties to form a...
A. march past government
B. match pass
C. march pass A. co-operative
D. match pass
52. Do you mind ... another hour or

A. to wait
B. to have waited
C. wait
D. waiting

53. The continuous rain has really

... the soil.

A. melted up
B. mopped up
C. satiated
D. saturated

54. The police described the boy

as being... hand

A. on by
B. up to
C. over at
D. out of

55. It was very easy for the two

B. colonial park.
C. collusion
D. coalition A. luxury buses moving fast
B. luxury buses fast moving
56. All farmers C. moving fast luxury buses
wereencouraged... D. fast-moving luxury buses
carry out
fumigation on their farms 58. Yours is to command... is to
A. to
B. from A. their
C. in B. theirs
D. with C. theirs'
D. their's
57. There are lots of... in the


59. Local governments are

A. neither have l
authorized to pass ---
B. I also never
C. neither myself
A. bye's-law
D. I myself haven't
B. bye-law
C. bye-laws
D. byes'-laws

60. Umar: I have never visited

the dentist. PASSAGE II
Stress is by far the most better understanding aboutstress,
common cause of ill health in our we can derive personal as well as
society, and may be the professional benefits.
underlying cause of as many as
70-80% of all visits to family Stress can be overcome without
doctors. It is also the problem undergoing duress. They often
that every doctor shares with say anyone who wants to help
patients. someone deal with his/her stress
should learn to handle his/hers
Experts note that stress is an first. The manifestations of stress
issue everyone can relate to are legion. It can contribute or
experimentally. In studying and
mimic just about any symptom you To master stress-change, you
can think of. However, the main have to figure out what you are
symptoms are physical, mental, doing that is contributing to your
emotional and problem and change it. These
behavioural. changes fall into behaviour,
thinking, lifestyle choices and / or
The causes of stress are multiple situations you are in. By getting
and varied but they can be to the root cause of your stress,
classified into external and you can prevent recurrences.
internal. External stressors can
include relatively getting sick or As a way of draining off stress
dying, jobs being lost or people energy, nothing beats aerobic
criticising or one becoming angry. exercise. To understand why, we
However, most of the stress need to review what stress is.
people experience is self- People often think of stress as
generated. pressure at work, a demanding
boss, a sick child or rush-hour
Experts tell us that we create the traffic.
majority of our upset indicating
that because we cause most ofour These may be triggers but stress
own stress, we can do something is actually the body reaction to
about it. This gives usa measure factors such as these. Stress isthe
of choice and control that we do fight-or-flight response in the
not always have when outside body, mediated be adrenaline and
forces acts on us. This also leads other stress hormones, and
to a basic premise about stress comprised such physiologic
reduction. changes as increased in heart rate
and blood pressure, faster
breathing, muscle tension, dilated
pupils, dry mouth and increased Adopted from VANGUARD,
blood sugar. In order word, stress 19TH March, 2008
is the state of increased arousal
necessary for an organism to 61.The expression, … stress is an issue
defend itself at a time of danger. everybody can relate to experimentally, means
Exercise is the most logical way to
dissipate the excess energy. It is
A. it is better understood when
what our bodies are trying to do
when we pace around or tap our
B. its problem can be solved by
legs and fingers. It is much better
to channel it into a more complete
C. everybody avoids it
form of exercise like a brisk walk,
D. everybody encounters it.
a run, a bike ride, or a game of
62.Which of the following is
trueaccording to the passage?
Just as we are all capable of
mounting up and sustaining a
A. Stress is mostly caused by
stress reaction, we have also
internal factors
inherited the ability to put our
B. Stress can only be avoided
bodies into a state of deep
during relaxation
relaxation called the ‘relaxation
C. Stress is better handled by the
D. The issues of stress can be
In this state, all the physiologic
solved with no effort
events in the stress reaction are
63.According to the passage,
reversed. Pulse slows, blood
themajor step in controlling
pressure falls, breathing slows
stress is
and muscle relax.
A. changing one’s attitude to
stressors A. hormonal disorder in the body
B. understanding the history of system
disease B. individually induced problems
C. visiting family doctors for C. bodily reaction to internal
check-up and treatment factors
D. constant exercise to dissipate D. bodily reaction to external
every energy factor

64.The experts feel one can

In each of question 66 to 85,
control one’s stress because
choose the option that best
complete the gap
A. its causes are understandable
B. it is not difficult to control
C. external factors contribute less 66. When his car tyre ….. on the

stress way, he did not know what to do

D. it is individually initiated
(a) has burst

65. From the passage, it can be (b) had burst

deduced that stress is (c) bursted

67. Lami’s father …. As a (a) ferreted

gardener when he was young, (b) ferreted

butnow he is a driver (c) ferreted about

(d) ferreted about

(a) had been working

(b) use to work 71. Suara needn’t come with

(c) has worked us...?

(d) used to work

(a) does she

68. ……. He switches on the light, (b) will she

the shadow disappears (c) can she

(d) need she

(a) whenever
(b) except 72. Unoka…. the whole house to

(c) since find his missing wristwatch

(d) until
(a) scourged

69. it is important that you (b)scoured

clear the refuse in front of your (c) scored

house every …… (d) scouted

(a) fourtnight 73. Ife asked me….

(b) fortnight
(c) fourthnight (a) what time it was

(d) forthnight (b) what is it by my time

(c) what time is it

70.The policemen became (d) what time it is

suspicious as the hoodlums……

in their office
74. There are many ways to (c) her pleading
kill a rat, so we should be …. In (d) plead
our approach to the task ahead
of us 78. Of the three girls, Uka is
(a) ecletic
(b) eclectic (a) so much notorious
(c) eclektic (b) notorious
(d) eclectik (c) naught
(d) naughtiest
75. Audu took these action
purely…. His own career 79. I wonder how he will … being
absent from school for a long time
(a) on furtherance of
(b) in furtherance of (a) make in
(c) to furtherance in (b) make up
(d) in furtherance with (c) make off
(d) make out
76. Here is Mr. Odumusu who
teaches English … in our school 80. Please sit on the…

(a) pronuntiation (a) carier

(b) pronounciation (b) career
(c) pronunciation (c) carrier
(d) pronountiation (d) carrear

77. Instead of… she lied 81. I want to … his chance to

acquaint you with the latest
(a) pleading development
(b) her to plead
(a) size 85. The school authority
(b) seize dismissed him for …. But I won’t
(c) sieze tell you about it yet
(d) cease
(a) certain reason
82. Getting a well-paid job (b) a reason
nowadays is on….. task (c) more reason
(d) a certain reason
(a) utmost
(b) upbeat In each of question 86 to 88,

(c) uphill choose the option that has the

(d) upfield same vowel sound as the one

represented by the letter(s)

83. The secretary has no right to underlined

… my affairs
86. bubble

(a) spy from

(b) meddle in (a) guy

(c) toy at (b) bull

(d) complain into (c) bumper

(d) gurgle

84. Bola studiously avoided… the

question 87. Weight

(a) parrying (a) whale

(b) answering (b) while

(c) projecting (c) wheat

(d) destroying (d) writhe

88. Leach (a) cot
(b) keep
(a) gear (c) norm
(b) cedar (d) king
(c) cheer
(d) death In each question 92 to 94,
choose the option that rhymes
In each of question 89 to 91, with the given word
choose the option that has the
consonant sound as the one 92. Fuel
represented by the letter(s)
underlined (a) cruel
(b) fool
89. mention (c) rule
(d) field
(a) that
(b) machine 93 match
(c) church
(d) test (a) harsh
(b) batch
90. prestige (c) such
(d) watch
(a) bag
(b) badge 94. Sheer
(c) reggae
(d) leisure (a) Sheila
(b) care
91. knot (c) ear
(d) sherry
In each of the question 95 to has the emphatic stress. Choose the
97, choose the appropriate option to which the given sentence
stress pattern from the option. relates
The syllables are written in
capital letters.
98. Uche LOVES Toyota cars

95. Termination
(a) Who loves Toyota cars?
(b) What brand of car does Uche
(a) terminaTION
(b) TERmination
(c) Does Uche hate Toyota cars?
(c) termiNAtion
(d) Does Uche love bicycles?
(d) terMInation

99. The POLICE arrested the

96. meditative

(a) meDItative
(a) Did the police placate the
(b) mediTAtive
(c) Meditative
(b) Who arrested the suspect?
(d) meditaTIVE
(c) Who did the police arrest?
(d) Did the police arrest the
97. Sugestible

(a) suggeSTIble
100. Maiduguri is the CAPITAL of
(b) Suggestible
Borno state
(c) suGGEstible
(d) suggestible
(a) Is Maiduguri the capital of
plateau state?
In each of the question 98 to
(b) Which state is Maiduguri the
100, the word in capital letters
capital of?
(c) Is Maiduguri a town in Bornostate?
(d) What is the capital of Bornostate?
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. A
61. A 62. B 91. C 92. A 93. B 94. C 95. C

63 A 64 D 65. B 96. C 97. C 98. C 99. B 100. C

66. D 67. D 68. A 69. B 70. C

71. A 72. B 73. A 74. B 75. B
76. C 77. A 78. D 79. B 80. C
81. B 82. C 83. B 84. B 85. A
86. C 87. C 88. A 89. B 90. D

91. C 92. A 93. B 94. C 95. C

96. C 97. C 98. C 99. B 100. C

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