Trending the trends: Fourteen years of research
Enterprise Mobile only—
Ambient Internet Intelligent Rebooting the INTERACTION
mobility and beyond computing of Things interfaces digital workplace
Wireless Social Social Social
and mobility Social business reengineering activation
computing Human
Asset User Design as Digital Dimensional AR and VR Mixed Digital Beyond
Bespoke Through
User empowerment a discipline engagement marketing go to work reality reality marketing
for billions the glass
User engagement
EXPONENTIAL INTELLIGENCE engagement Gamification Industrial
goes to work crowdsourcing
DATA AND ANALYTICS automation Industrialized Dark Enterprise data Machine data Data-sharing INFORMATION
Information analytics analytics sovereignty revolution made easy
Big data Finding the face Amplified Machine AI-fueled Digital MLOps:
Above the
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
TECHNOLOGY MODERNIZATION CIO operational CIOs as CIO as CIO as CIO survey: CIO survey: CIO survey: Global study:
excellence revolutionaries postdigital venture Creating Navigating Manifesting The kinetic
CYBER catalyst capitalist legacy legacy legacy leader
TRUST Business IT worker Right- IT No-collar Finance and DEI tech: Tools Flexibility,
of IT of the future speed IT unbounded workforce the future of IT for equity the best ability
application management IPv6 (and this Real-time Autonomic Inevitable Reengineering Connectivity Architecture Supply The tech stack BUSINESS OF
time we mean it) DevOps platforms architecture technology of tomorrow awakens unchained goes physical TECHNOLOGY
DevSecOps Ethical In us
Digital No such thing as Cyber- Risk Risk Risk Risk Zero CYBER
and the cyber technology Cyber AI
Cyber- identities hacker-proof security implications implications implications implications
imperative and trust
trust we trust AND TRUST
security Cyber
intelligence Outside-in Technical
Services architecture debt reversal
thinking Almost-enterprise
Best-of-breed applications Reinventing In-memory Core Reimagining The new Core IT, disrupt Connect CORE
enterprise applications the ERP engine revolution renaissance core systems core revival thyself and extend MODERNIZATION
The end of the
death of ERP Measured Social impact Exponentials Exponentials Beyond the Horizon Field notes
innovation Exponentials Exponentials HORIZON
of exponentials watch list watch list digital frontier next from the future NEXT
P 01 02 03 04 05 06 E
Table of contents
04 08
Executive summary Prologue
16 25 33
Trend 1 Trend 2 Trend 3
Through the glass: Immersive internet for Opening up to AI: Learning to trust our Above the clouds: Taming multicloud chaos
the enterprise AI colleagues
40 51 61
Trend 4 Trend 5 Trend 6
Flexibility, the best ability: Reimagining In us we trust: Decentralized architectures Connect and extend: Mainframe
the tech workforce and ecosystems modernization hits its stride
70 78
Epilogue Acknowledgments
P 01 02 03 04 05 06 E
summary Deloitte’s 14th annual Tech Trends report explores
the impact of emerging technology opportunities
Prologue: A brief history of the future
The entire history of IT has been a steady evolution
in the innovation areas of interaction, information, of the same three enduring eternities: interaction,
and computation, and the foundational areas information, and computation. The future of IT will
of business of technology, cyber and trust, and continue to march along these same three tracks
core modernization. Through the stories of pio- toward specific, convergent endgames: simplici-
neering organizations, we note what’s happening ty, intelligence, and abundance. Three additional
now across sectors and geographies, highlight categories—the business of technology, cyber
new technologies and approaches that stand to and trust, and core modernization—acknowledge
become the norm within 18 to 24 months, and the reality that business drives technology, not the
project where the trends could be headed next other way around, and that extant systems and
during the coming decade. investments need to play nicely with pioneering
innovations so that businesses can seamlessly
operate while they grow. Taken together, these
six macro technology forces are the backbone of
information technology.
Executive summary 4
P 01 02 03 04 05 06 E
Eyes to the sky: around the unique capabilities afforded by an the business world is having to develop a new un-
Three enduring eternities “unlimited reality,” others provide immersive envi- derstanding of what it means to trust machines.
The history of IT has been a steady evolution of ronments for employees to streamline operations
pioneering innovations in interaction, information, or collaborate and learn. As technology advances Trend 3
and computation, the three enduring eternities of further over the next decade, organizations Above the clouds: Taming multicloud chaos
modern computing. should be ready for reality to move online through To simplify multicloud management, some enter-
expanded ways of interacting with mixed reality. prises are beginning to turn to a layer of abstraction
Trend 1 and automation that sits above the burgeoning
Through the glass: Immersive internet for Trend 2 multicloud. Known alternately as metacloud or
the enterprise Opening up to AI: Learning to trust our supercloud, this family of tools and techniques can
For a generation, the connection to the digital world AI colleagues help cut through the complexity of multicloud en-
has been mediated through an ever-shrinking With AI tools increasingly standardized and vironments by providing access to common
series of rectangular screens. Now, as technolo- commoditized, few businesses may realize true services such as storage and computation, AI, data,
gists recognize that screens can’t keep shrinking competitive gains from crafting a better algorithm. security, operations, governance, and application
forever, the paradigm is shifting again, toward Instead, what will likely differentiate the truly development and deployment. Metacloud offers a
interfaces that take users through the glass and AI-fueled enterprise from its competition will be single pane of control for organizations feeling
into immersive virtual experiences, including how robustly it uses AI throughout its processes. overwhelmed by multicloud complexity.
the digital world known as the metaverse. Over The key element here, which has developed much
the next few years, tangible, conversational, and slower than machine learning technology, is trust.
virtual interfaces will likely continue to graduate As machines encroach on humanlike tasks that
from tech to toy to enterprise tool. While some go beyond basic number crunching and enter the
companies build lucrative business models realm of discernment and decision-making via AI,
Executive summary 5
P 01 02 03 04 05 06 E
Feet firmly on the ground: into creative sources for finding talent, and pro- Organizations may be able to cement their cred-
Three foundational forces viding a compelling talent experience, companies ibility by helping reinvent a more decentralized
Existing systems and investments—represented can meet their talent goals. In the longer term, internet—Web3—in which a single, immutable
by the business of technology, cyber and trust, organizations should plan to brush up on their version of the truth is based on public blockchains.
and core modernization—should integrate well humanities, as AI technology advances enough In this world, digital natives are increasingly likely
with pioneering innovations so that businesses to carry out many of the lower-order tasks that IT to demand higher-quality proof and higher-order
can seamlessly operate while they grow. teams are burdened with today. truth. Digital ledger technologies and decentralized
business models that achieve consensus through
Trend 4 Trend 5 code, cryptography, and technology protocols are
Flexibility, the best ability: Reimagining the In us we trust: Decentralized architectures demonstrating that none of us is as trustworthy as
tech workforce and ecosystems all of us.
In the last year, many organizations have been en- Blockchain-powered ecosystems are becoming
gaged in a heated competition for a limited sup- key not only to developing and monetizing digital Trend 6
ply of technology talent. Yet with technical skills assets but also to creating digital trust. As orga- Connect and extend: Mainframe
becoming outdated every few years, hiring for nizations begin to understand blockchain’s utility, modernization hits its stride
current needs is not a winning long-term strategy. they’re realizing that building stakeholder trust Rather than rip and replace legacy core systems,
Rather than competing in scarcity, savvy leaders could be one of its primary benefits. From every- enterprises are increasingly looking to bring them
consider an abundance frame, wherein technolo- day enterprise applications to blockchain-native into the modern era by connecting and extending
gy talent can be curated, created, and cultivated. business models, decentralized architectures them to emerging technologies. Through tried-and-
Companies should be prepared to eschew IT or- and ecosystems disintermediate trust, placing true approaches to legacy system modernization,
thodoxies and prize flexibility as the best ability. it not in a single person or organization but businesses are leveraging mainframes—and their
By building a skills-based organization, tapping distributing it across the community of users. precious data—to drive digital transformation.
Executive summary 6
P 01 02 03 04 05 06 E
Widening the aperture—
From infoTech to xTech
Historically, to enterprise audiences, “technology”
has served as shorthand for information technology.
But separate and distinct from enterprise IT, an
extended set of technologies—or xTech—are on
the horizon. Rooted in the formal, natural, and
social sciences, these academic and research
areas are brimming with patent and startup activity,
technology maturity and advancements, academic
and grant investments, and venture capital funding.
And they’re attracting the best and brightest talent.
We anticipate six emerging technology disciplines
to eventually rival IT in their impact on business
innovation: space and aeronautical engineering;
cellular and biomolecular engineering; brain and
nervous systems applications and interfaces;
climate, sustainability, and the environment;
autonomous and precision robotics; and power,
energy, and battery technologies.
Executive summary 7
P 01 02 03 04 05 06 E
Several years ago, at a demo day at Silicon Valley’s The reader took in punch cards, permitting user
Computer History Museum, I came face to face interaction with the machine. The store held
with the history of the future. At the time, I was information—numbers and interim results—until
a venture capitalist on the hunt for the next big they could be acted upon by the mill, which per-
thing. During a break from startup pitches from formed mathematical computations.
the best and brightest entrepreneurs, I wandered
A brief history of among the museum exhibits, where I stumbled Babbage couldn’t have known then that these
the future upon a modern recreation of the first comput- three fundamental functions would still exist today,
er, designed in the 1840s by English polymath serving as the enduring foundation of modern
Charles Babbage. computing. In fact, as we demonstrated in a joint
research report with the World Economic Forum,
I was fascinated to read about Babbage’s Victorian- the entire history of IT has been a steady evolution
era designs, particularly his Analytical Engine, of these same three eternities: interaction, infor-
a mechanical general-purpose computer that mation, and computation.1 In turn, it stands to
he worked on with fellow mathematician Ada reason that the future of IT will continue to march
Lovelace. The Analytical Engine shared many fea- along these same three tracks toward specific,
tures with modern digital computers, including three convergent endgames: simplicity, intelligence,
key components: the reader, the mill, and the store. and abundance (figure 1).
Prologue 8
P 01 02 03 04 05 06 E
Prologue 9
P 01 02 03 04 05 06 E
What’s next for interaction? Information: Toward intelligence What’s next for information?
The technologies that power human-computer When Babbage designed his Analytical Engine, As our information systems continue to advance,
interaction get more complex, but user experi- information meant numbers and, later, mathe- machine intelligence itself will become increas-
ences get simpler. matical operations. Over time, arithmetical calcu- ingly well rounded.
lations gave way to relational databases of clearly
So what’s simpler still? Ambient experiences, defined and structured data. By the aughts, da- Computer scientist Larry Tesler once quipped,
in which ubiquitous digital assistants monitor tabases became advanced enough to manage “Artificial intelligence is whatever hasn’t been
the environment, awaiting a voice, gesture, or unstructured data such as text, audio, and video. done yet.”2 The future of AI, then, might be broadly
glance, reacting to (or proactively anticipating) This structured and unstructured data could, in defined as exponential intelligence: a progression
and fulfilling our requests. And beyond that? Neural turn, be mined for patterns and trends. So began up the curve of capabilities that have, to date,
interfaces that afford direct communication be- the era of descriptive analytics. seemed “uniquely human.”
tween biological thought and digital response.
Today’s smart thermostats accept voice control; The last decade or so saw the rise of predictive Affective AI—empathic emotional intelligence—
tomorrow’s will know you feel chilly and proac- analytics: what we can expect to happen based will result in machines with personality and
tively adjust to ensure your comfort. Researchers on observed patterns and trends. Today, cog- charm. We’ll eventually be able to train mechan-
are already exploring how neural interfaces might nitive automation systems combine predictive ical minds with uniquely human data—the smile
help people with certain disabilities use brain analytics with algorithms and AI to make useful on a face, the twinkle in an eye, the pause in a
signals to control external devices. data-driven decisions in real time. voice—and teach them to discern and emulate
human emotions. Or consider generative AI:
creative intelligence that can write poetry, paint
a picture, or score a soundtrack.
Prologue 10
P 01 02 03 04 05 06 E
After that, we may see the rise of general purpose Today, the shift to the cloud has, in turn, given What’s next for computation?
AI: intelligence that has evolved from simple math further rise to decentralization—technologies As computers continue to miniaturize, virtualize,
to polymath. Today’s AI is capable of single-tasking, and platforms rooted in the cryptographically and decentralize, our capacity to process data,
good at playing chess or driving cars but unable secure blockchain. Decentralization recognizes create and curate content, develop and code,
to do both. General purpose AI stands to deliver that millions of processors, disks, and resources and solve problems is on an unstoppable march
versatile systems that can learn and imitate a col- sit idle for much of the time, and that they can toward abundance.
lection of previously uniquely human traits. be marshaled as resources. Decentralized stor-
age, compute, domain name system (DNS)—and Fueled by decentralized networks, edge comput-
Computation: Toward abundance yes, currencies—spread the work and the trust ing, and advanced connectivity, the spatial web is
Computation turns inputs into outputs. From mill across a community of network participants, likely to blur the lines between physical and virtual
to mainframe to minicomputer to client server, demonstrating that none of us is as capable, or as environments. As reality itself increasingly comes
advances in computation were a story of minia- trustworthy, as all of us. online, digital content will be seamlessly woven
turization: Moore’s law and the relentless march into our physical spaces, inseparable from our
towards better, faster, cheaper, and stronger. In shared personal and professional experiences. And
practice, that changed over the decades with waiting in the wings? Quantum computing—going
advances in virtualization, culminating in modern beyond bits entirely, and harnessing the quirky
cloud architectures. Computing became a dis- laws of quantum mechanics to speedily solve
tributed utility, promising elasticity, flexibility, and previously intractable problems with physics rath-
possibility to those embracing it. er than mathematics.
Prologue 11
P 01 02 03 04 05 06 E
Tech Trends 2023: Eyes to the skies, Startups often embrace the mantra “move fast
feet firmly on the ground and break things.” It’s easier for them to be
Futurists don’t have crystal balls. Instead, we sub- disruptive because they’re definitionally starting
scribe to the notion that “the future is already from zero and don’t yet have a legacy to protect.
here, albeit unevenly distributed.” Our Tech Trends Established organizations, on the other hand,
team has spent the better part of 14 years looking very much do. Successful businesses realize they
across all sectors and geographies for glimpses of can’t risk breaking “now” in pursuit of “new.” Our
pioneering leaders building distinct facets of the responsibility is to balance our pioneering inclina-
future, today. Fully half of the trends that we’ve tions with the solemn duty of stewardship; to do
chronicled fit into the three enduring categories no harm, the Hippocratic oath of IT. Responsible
of interaction, information, and computation de- enterprise professionals must nurture what they
scribed above. have now as they seek to navigate to what’s next.
Prologue 12
P 01 02 03 04 05 06 E
systems and investments need to play nicely with DATA AND ANALYTICS
pioneering innovations so that businesses can
seamlessly operate while they grow.
Taken together, we call these the six macro tech- INTERACTION COMPUTATION
nology forces of information technology (figure 2).
Prologue 13
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Prologue 14
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Prologue 15
Trend 1
Through the glass:
Immersive internet for the enterprise
P 01 02 03 04 05 06 E
Since the first computer was built, businesses and While the term metaverse was coined in 1992, Businesses have also doubled down on virtual
consumers have enjoyed a progression toward sim- and virtual worlds have been popular in online worlds, with tens of billions in venture capital
pler and more intimate interactions with technolo- games over the past two decades, a marked shift investment in the past year, and analysts esti-
gy. Professors wielding punch cards gradually gave has occurred in recent years. The proliferation mating a US$800 billion market by 2024.2 Despite
way to business people brandishing PCs and, more of affordable augmented and virtual reality (AR/ the hyperbole around the metaverse, leaders
recently, mobile and wearable devices. In a sense, VR) technology and the cultural shift brought on should consider it not as a diminished proxy for
the connection to the digital world has been medi- by the COVID-19 pandemic have catalyzed the in-person experiences but instead as an enriched
ated through a series of ever-shrinking rectangular acceptance and importance of digital worlds as alternative to email, text chat, and heads in square
screens. Networking and computational advance- viable places for human connection. In addition, boxes. In other words, the metaverse is best
ments have led users to constantly switch back architectural challenges that slowed previous in- thought of as a more immersive incarnation of
and forth between their devices and physical real- carnations of immersive spaces, such as Second the internet itself: “internet plus” as opposed to
ity. Now, as technologists recognize that screens Life, have since been partially mitigated by the “reality minus.”
can’t keep shrinking forever, the paradigm is shifting elasticity of cloud computing.
Over the next couple of years, virtual interfaces 1.1 billion gamers.6 Crucially, these gamers often Whether through gaming or other means,
will likely continue to graduate from tech to toy to gather online not just for gameplay but for the 25% of consumers could be spending at least
tool as companies build business models around social and commercial possibilities offered by the one hour in the metaverse each day by 2026,
the capabilities afforded by an “unlimited reality.”
immersive internet. while 30% of businesses are estimated to
Innovative companies are likely to reduce costs, in- have products and services ready.10 By the
crease customer engagement, and pioneer entire- About a quarter of US gamers have attended an time the metaverse becomes a full-blown en-
ly new offerings for a piece of the budding market. in-game event in the last year: The Fortnite con- terprise norm, a sound strategy could make
Investing in technologies such as edge computing certs of Ariana Grande and Charlie Puth attract- the difference between winners and losers in the
and AR/VR devices may become table stakes, so ed millions of players. A striking 82% of those at-
burgeoning market.
intentional, strategic adoption will be crucial. tending live in-game events also made a purchase
because of the event, either in the form of digital The entire digital gaming
Now goods or physical merchandise. In fact, luxury
Growth: Mixed reality experience Plussers South Korea, and Saudi Arabia are exploring how
and engagement For another set of companies, new AR/VR tech- the metaverse can improve public services.13
nologies present an avenue to augment, or ”plus,”
Promoters their products and services in ways that are spe- Pioneers
Companies that have used the existing internet cific to the immersive internet. Like restaurants The last category of revenue generation is re-
primarily to promote their products and ser- that used the web to fulfill delivery orders during served for companies aiming to take higher risks
vices will likely continue to be promoters in the the pandemic, ”plussers” can cash in on today’s on the metaverse’s potential—just as some com-
metaverse. Instead of a banner ad in the middle metaverse interest without reinventing their busi- panies created online-only business models in
of the article they’re reading, consumers may ness model. For example, the United Kingdom’s the early 2000s. Such companies are already de-
see interactive billboards while taking a stroll in Lawn Tennis Association (LTA), which organiz- veloping key foundational metaverse technolo-
the metaverse or enter a virtual storefront like es Wimbledon each year, recently augmented its gies, platforms, products, services, content, and
those set up by Ralph Lauren. Companies in
brand by embedding AR messages into tennis ball other enabling components. A prime example is
this category may not consider the metaverse canisters. Upon scanning a QR code, players see Niantic, the maker of the mobile game Pokémon
a core part of their product model but a way a tailored AR message from a prominent tennis Go, which popularized the possibilities of an AR
to engage consumers as the technology be- figure, inviting them to an event or encouraging metaverse for tens of millions of users and grew
comes more prevalent. them to continue practicing. 12
in valuation from US$150 million to US$9 billion.14
Companies that want to replicate this success
Through limited and strategic additions, even or- are already investing in metaverse designers and
ganizations that are not digital natives can attract creators who can envision exciting digital futures.
younger consumers and update their offerings Before the economic landscape of the metaverse
for a more immersive internet. For example, gov- changes from fluid to concrete, pioneers will need
ernments as diverse as the city of Santa Monica, to make their moves.
Value: Optimization and process Importantly, not all enterprise simulations re- participation rates, how long trainees are spending
improvement quire headsets to engage with advanced sce- on lessons, and the steps they are struggling with—
nario and strategic planning. Many impactful leading to improved training effectiveness. Case
Enterprise simulation deployments are still using more traditional in point: Exelon, the largest electric utility in the
The metaverse need not be entirely about top- “glass”—tablets, laptops, kiosks, etc.—to allow United States, has seen significant benefits from
line growth. Indeed, many may look to immersive a wide range of stakeholders to engage with rolling out VR trainings. Since electrical substa-
digital experiences to preserve, protect, and tools to better understand, predict, and optimize tions can be dangerous to the uninitiated, the
optimize their existing business models. Virtual their businesses. For instance, Stora Enso, a lead- virtual environment allows Exelon’s staff to build
testing grounds can reduce the cost of designing, ing provider of renewable products in packaging, muscle memory for donning protective gear and
building, and operating complex machinery in biomaterials, wooden construction, and paper, solving electrical issues, without risking their
capital-intensive industries such as aviation. For and one of the largest private forest owners in the safety.18
example, both Airbus and Boeing are creating world, aims to develop a digital twin of a forest
digital twins of new airplanes and outfitting their to provide decision support for its forestry prac- Despite the media focus on revenue potential,
mechanics with AR headsets, leading to quality titioners and protection of biodiversity through some of the best uses of the immersive internet
improvements above 70%. Similarly, NVIDIA
sustainable forest management. 17
may be in creating equitable access to company
has developed an Omniverse platform, where man- processes and developmental opportunities, just
ufacturers like BMW can simulate entire factories. Augmented workforce experience as some of the best enterprise uses of the inter-
The automaker expects to see a 30% gain in effi- Other enterprises are looking to immersive tech- net have been in storing and accessing internal
ciency by applying AI to optimize floor movements.16
nologies such as AR/VR to provide personalized data online.
experiences for learning and collaboration that
are intuitive, streamlined, and scalable. These solu-
tions have the ability to provide better data on
technologies. Potential paths for the next decade • Spatial interaction. AR tools such as smart
of progress include: • Thought-based control. Brain-computer glasses and motion sensors can enable
interfaces (BCIs) represent an extreme in spatial interaction, allowing users to interact
simplifying user interactions with technology. directly with physical data without creating
While chips in brains may sound like science a digital copy. For example, patrons can walk
fiction, noninvasive BCI technology is already up to a restaurant wearing smart glasses
finding its way into AR/VR headsets, which
and be treated to a display of hours, current
should eventually allow users to control digi- promotions, and reviews. Or, by suppressing
tal avatars and environments using thoughts. images in their glasses, a group of friends can
attend a concert without seeing any of the
city billboards in view.23
1. Second Life Community, “2021 update: Life in the 9. Hypebeast, “A virtual Gucci bag sold for more money December 17, 2021; Microsoft, “Airbus drives innova-
cloud,” accessed October 27, 2022; Austin Wood, “‘It’s on Roblox than the actual bag,” May 26, 2021. tion and accelerates production with Azure mixed
just impossible’: Devs explain why big online games reality and HoloLens 2,” accessed October 27, 2022.
always seem to break at launch,” GamesRadar+, Feb- 10. Deloitte, “Unbounding: Deloitte’s unlimited reality on
ruary 23, 2019. the metaverse”; Gartner, “Estimated metaverse use 16. Deloitte, Connect and extend: NVIDIA’s vision for
case among consumers and businesses worldwide in modernizing legacy applications, Deloitte Insights,
2. Bloomberg Intelligence, “Metaverse may be $800 2026,” Statista, February 7, 2022. November 9, 2022.
billion market, next tech platform,”
December 1, 2021. 11. Ralph Lauren, “Virtual stores—Beverly Hills,” accessed 17. Matthias Nilsson (senior vice president, Stora Enso),
November 4, 2022. interview, July 28, 2022.
3. Deloitte, “Unbounding: Deloitte’s unlimited reality on
the metaverse,” accessed October 27, 2022. 12. Deloitte, The Lawn Tennis Association elevates its 18. Deloitte, Virtual reality helps Exelon put safety first,
game with digital engagement tools, Deloitte Insights, Deloitte Insights, November 18, 2022.
4. Statista, “Digital Media – Worldwide,” accessed November 10, 2022.
October 27, 2022. 19. Peter Grad, “Digital device serves up a taste of virtual
13. Jonathan Keane, “South Korea is betting on the food,” Tech Xplore, May 25, 2020.
5. Statista, “Digital video game revenue worldwide from metaverse - and it could provide a blueprint for
2017 to 2027, by segment (in billion U.S. dollars),” others,” CNBC, May 30, 2022; Decerry Donato, “Santa 20. Axios, “OVR Technology is bringing smell to virtual
October 17, 2022. Monica is using the metaverse to gamify its shopping reality,” May 24, 2021.
district,” dot.LA, December 13, 2022; Deloitte, Saudi 21. Charlie Fink, “HaptX ready to ship enterprise data
6. Statista, “Number of digital video game users Arabia’s digital government stays ahead of the curve,
worldwide from 2017 to 2027, by segment,” accessed gloves,” Forbes, January 26, 2021.
Deloitte Insights, October 28, 2022.
October 27, 2022. 22. Scott Hayden, “Digital frontier: Where brain-computer
14. AppMagic, “Annual revenue generated by Pokémon interfaces & AR/VR could one day meet,” September
7. Kevin Westcott, Jana Arbanas, Chris Arkenberg, Brooke Go worldwide from 2016 to 2022 (in million U.S.
Auxier, Jeff Loucks, and Kevin Downs, 2022 Digital 4, 2019.
dollars),” Statista, August 30, 2022; Mansoor Iqbal,
media trends, 16th edition: Toward the metaverse, “Pokémon Go revenue and usage statistics (2022),” 23. Amy Webb, “500 tech trends for 2021,” Medium,
March 28, 2022. Business of Apps, June 30, 2022. March 18, 2021.
8. Kevin Westcott et al., 2022 Digital media trends, 16th 15. Eric M. Johnson and Tim Hepher, “Boeing wants to 24. Deloitte, Future of Screens: Four future scenarios for
edition: Toward the metaverse, Deloitte Insights, build its next airplane in the ‘metaverse’,” Reuters, 2030, accessed October 27, 2022.
March 28, 2022.
Computers were once seen as more or less The degree to which businesses and workers a few clicks. The top-performing facial recogni-
infallible machines that simply processed learn to trust their AI “colleagues” could play an tion vendors ranked by the National Institute of
discrete inputs into discrete outputs, whose important role in their business success. Most Standards and Technology deliver comparable
calculations were never wrong. If a problem organizations today say they’re data-driven. Many performance, and they’re all easily accessed
ever arose in a calculation or business process, even call themselves AI-fueled companies. There’s
through cloud-based services.4 It’s what you do
it was definitionally caused by human error, not plenty of evidence suggesting businesses that use with the tool that’s important—and whether your
the computer. AI pervasively throughout their operations perform people, customers, and business trust the results.
at a higher level than those that don’t: Enterprises
But as machines encroach on ever-more humanlike that have an AI strategy are 1.7 times more likely So what may matter in the future is not who can
tasks that go beyond basic number crunching and to achieve their goals than those that lack such craft the best algorithm, but rather who can use
enter the realm of discernment and decision-making a vision.
AI most effectively. As algorithms increasingly
via artificial intelligence (AI), the business world is shoulder probabilistic tasks such as object detec-
developing a new understanding of what it means Yet the underlying AI tool implemented in a giv- tion, speech recognition, and image and text
to trust machines. en workflow matters less. With cloud vendors
generation, the real impact of AI applications may
increasingly offering prebuilt models, any busi- depend on how much their human colleagues
ness can access world-class AI functionality with understand and agree with what they’re doing.
People don’t embrace what they don’t under- ity to have honest discussions, and a willingness tools their company uses, and 47% of business
stand. We spent the last 10 years trying to get to accept feedback to improve performance. leaders have concerns about transparency,7 the
machines to understand us better. Now it looks Implementing AI with this framework in mind ability for users to understand the data that went
like the next 10 years might be more about inno- may help the team view AI as a trusted copilot into a model.
vations that help us understand machines. rather than a brilliant but taciturn critic. When
applications are transparent, resilient, and Enterprises are also grappling with a related
Developing processes that leverage AI in transpar- dependable, they can become a natural part of concept, explainability, the ability of a model to
ent and explainable ways will be key to spurring the workstream. give an explicit justification for its decision or
adoption. recommendation. Explainability in AI systems
Data transparency Algorithmic explainability One automaker in the United Kingdom is tack-
Transparent data-collection methods enable the One of the biggest clouds hanging over AI today ling this problem by bringing front-line workers
end user to understand why certain pieces of is its black-box problem. Because of how certain into the process of developing AI tools. The
information are being collected and how they’re algorithms train, it can be very difficult, if not manufacturer wanted to bring more AI into the
going to be used. When users have this control, impossible, to understand how they arrive at a rec- vehicle-assembly process by enabling machine
they can make informed decisions about whether ommendation. Asking workers to do something learning to control assembly robots and identify
the AI tool represents a fair value exchange. 9
simply because the great and powerful algorithm potentially misaligned parts before the vehicle
behind the curtain says to is likely to lead to low gets too far into the assembly process. At the
The Saudi Tourism Authority used this approach levels of buy-in. start of the development process, engineers
when developing a new application for travelers. bring in frontline assembly workers to gauge
The app uses AI to guide tourists through their their perception of problems and use that to
stay in the country, recommending restaurants, inform development. Rather than dropping AI
attractions, and other activities based on loca- into an arbitrary point in the production process,
tion and preferences. But importantly, the user they use it where the assemblers say they most
is in control of the data they provide to the app. need help.
Visitors can determine how much or how little
data they hand over, or can opt out completely, The tools ultimately built are interpretable
with the understanding that giving the app less because the workers’ input forms the basis of
data access may mean less-tailored recommenda- alerts and recommendations. In other words,
tions. This stands in contrast to many apps that
it’s easy for assemblers to see how the AI plat-
have all-or-nothing data access requirements that form’s recommendations map to the problems
generally serve as a poor foundation for trust. 11
they themselves helped define. By bringing in
workers at the start and helping them under- expressing the likelihood of certain outcomes But reliable doesn’t necessarily mean perfect. Just
stand how the AI functions, developers are able or conditions as percentages—like a weather as human coworkers will never deliver perfect
to support the assembly team with trusted cobot forecast predicting a 60% chance of rain—which results every time, AI too will make mistakes. So
coworkers rather than a silicon overlord dictating can make assessing reliability a challenge. the bar for reliability is not perfection, but rather
opaque instructions. But workers need to know how accurate and pre- how often it meets or exceeds an existing perfor-
cise AI is, particularly in critical scenarios such as mance standard.
AI reliability health care applications. 12
1. Beena Ammanath et al., Becoming an AI-fueled orga- 10. Deloitte, Saudi Arabia’s digital government stays
nization: State of AI in the enterprise, 4th edition, ahead of the curve: How a nationwide technology in-
Deloitte Insights, October 21, 2021. novation ecosystem is enhancing the digital govern-
ment experience for citizens—and staying focused
2. Ibid. on the future, Deloitte Insights, October 28, 2022.
3. Abdullah A. Abonamah, Muhammad Usman Tariq, and 11. Catharine Bannister and Deborah Golden, Ethical
Samar Shilbayeh, “On the commoditization of artifi- technology and trust: Applying your company’s
cial intelligence,” Frontiers, September 30, 2021. values to technology, people, and processes, Deloitte
4. Patrick Grother et al., Face recognition vendor test Insights, January 15, 2020.
(FRVT), National Institute of Standards and Technolo- 12. Saif and Ammanath, “‘Trustworthy AI’ is a framework
gy, July 2021. to help manage unique risk.”
5. Deloitte, The Transportation Security Administra- 13. Ammanath et al., Becoming an AI-fueled organization.
tion makes digital transformation human, Deloitte
Insights, October 5, 2022. 14. Prafulla Dhariwal et al., Jukebox: A generative model
for music, Cornell University, April 30, 2020.
6. Appen, The state of AI and machine learning, ac-
cessed October 26, 2022. 15. IBM, “Closed captioning software: Leverage AI with
speech recognition for automatic captioning on live
7. Ibid. broadcasts and online video,” accessed October 26,
8. Reid Blackman and Beena Ammanath, “When — and 2022.
why — you should explain how your AI works,” Har- 16. Sam Altman (blog), “DALL•E 2,” April 6, 2022.
vard Business Review, August 31, 2022.
17. Tori Orr, “So you want to be a prompt engineer: Criti-
9. Irfan Saif and Beena Ammanath, “‘Trustworthy AI is a cal careers of the future,” VentureBeat, September 17,
framework to help manage unique risk,” MIT Technol- 2022.
ogy Review, March 25, 2020.
The early days of cloud computing felt boundless. But enterprises are awakening to the gray lining
Freed from the limitations of on-premises serv- of the cloud. As developers’ enthusiasm for the
ers, developers could build exciting new products latest cloud services and tools grew, so too did
and services tethered only by their imagination. the number of platforms businesses were sup-
Unconstrained by bureaucratic processes gov- porting. This has created a tangled web of cloud
erning resource utilization, software engineers tools that are sometimes interconnected but just
enjoyed an infinitely scalable palette that could as often redundant.
seemingly manifest exactly what they needed
at the push of a button. And as vendors began
adding more and more capabilities providing
advanced functionality like machine learning to
their platforms, the cloud quickly became a one-
stop-shop for all needs, everywhere.
Whatmacro forces of information technology
is a metacloud?
come from managing multiple cloud instances FIGURE 1: What is a metacloud?
while slaying the dragon of multicloud complexity.
Sits above an organization’s ARTIFICIAL
Provides access INTELLIGENCE
to common services such as Provides consistent,
The approach known as metacloud involves build- various cloud platforms, storage
Sits above an organization’s Providesand compute,
access to artificial
ANALYTICS such asdata, centralized control over
Provides consistent,
ing a compatibility layer that provides access to leveraging native technical
various cloud platforms, security, operations, governance, and application
storage and compute, artificial intelligence, data, multiple cloud instances
centralized control over
leveraging through APIs
native technical development and deployment
security, operations, governance, and application through
multiple acloud
common interface
common services such as storage and compute,
standards through APIs development and deployment through a common interface
AI, data, security, operations, governance, and
application development and deployment. This
compatibility layer logically sits above a busi-
ness’ various cloud platforms and leverages their INTERACTION COMPUTATION
native technical standards through APIs—with
the result that applications still enjoy the strong
security of the cloud provider, but in a consistent
manner with centralized control. Metacloud TECHNOLOGY MODERNIZATION
does this through a common interface, giving
administrators centralized control over their AND
multiple cloud instances. In a paper presented at TRUST
the Association of Computing Machines’ HotOS
conference, computing luminaries Ion Stoica
and Scott Shenker explain that the compatibility
layer in the metacloud can be centered around
APIs (figure 2). This is how the compatibility layer
sends instructions to each of the separate cloud Metacloud may also elevate security. Each cloud Challenges of metacloud
interfaces. They compare the cloud compatibility platform generally has good security standards and, in From a technical perspective, Stoica and Shenker
layer with a computer’s operating system, manag- a silo, performs well. Problems arise when enterprises believe metacloud makes perfect sense. From a
ing a computer’s resources and exposing APIs to start mixing and matching. With multiple platforms to business perspective, things get more complicated.
manage, the task of configuring necessary security
settings becomes more daunting. “Hackers can “We think achieving a widely usable compatibility
Benefits of metacloud leverage multiple clouds against each other,” says layer is, on purely technical grounds, easily achiev-
With an extra layer of abstraction and automation David Linthicum, chief cloud strategy officer at able,” they write. “The problem is whether the
between the various cloud platforms, organizations Deloitte. “They’re not breaching technology; they’re market will support such an effort because, while
don’t need as much specialization in their workforce. breaching humans.” Metacloud can eliminate this
the compatibility layer has clear benefits for users, it
Instead of specializing in specific cloud platforms, problem by allowing developers to set one security naturally leads to the commoditization of the cloud
cloud developers can build more general skills. configuration from the compatibility layer that is providers, which may not be in their interests.”8
executed across each cloud platform through its
native interface. The other potential pitfall of this approach is that
enterprises are on the hook for building it themselves.
By eliminating unnecessary cloud services, enterpris- Right now, there are few vendors offering metacloud
es can reduce their security exposure, enhance user as a service. Instead, development teams will need
privacy, lower costs, and do more with less. Teams to take the lead building each of the connections
may become less specialized in their abilities, and and the ultimate interface themselves. It’s a complex
thus more capable of tackling whatever higher-level, solution to dealing with complexity, but the ultimate
generalized problem comes along. 7
outcome should be greater simplicity.9
1. Harvard Business Review, “How to manage the com- 11. Kacy Clarke, Ken Corless, Glen Rodrigues, and Lars
plexity of multi-cloud environments,” June 23, 2022. Cromley, IT, disrupt thyself: Automating at scale,
Deloitte Insights, December 7, 2021.
2. Aaron Tilley, “The battle for the cloud, once Amazon
vs. Microsoft, now has many fronts,” Wall Street
Journal, July 25, 2021.
7. Ibid.
The history of technology conjures images of lab In the last year, workers with this type of knowl- “My strategy is to create an
coat–wearing PhDs wrangling information out of edge have been at an all-time shortage: More than
room-size mainframes. Previously synonymous half of IT executives were unsuccessful in filling a
environment that unleashes the
with advanced scientific knowledge, the use position.1 Headlines about the Great Resignation potential of my staff. They should
of technology is now ubiquitous and becoming abound, and companies often appear to be en- be getting poached by the best
more democratized, and recently, more decen- gaged in a heated competition for tech talent. But companies and yet not leaving
tralized. Technologists have exchanged lab coats with technical skills becoming outdated every 2.5
for crewnecks and black jeans; yet, when it comes years on average,2 hiring for current needs is not
because they love the work.”
to technology talent, organizations are still on a winning long-term strategy. Rather than com- —Sathish Muthukrishnan,
the lookout for advanced scientific knowledge, peting for scarce tech talent, leaders would be chief information, data, and digital officer,
in the form of advanced degrees and years of wise to consider an abundance strategy, wherein Ally Financial3
engineering experience. technology talent can be curated, created, and
cultivated. In other words, don’t compete when
you can create.
To attract talent, organizations are often relying Rather than competing for the same talent using
on a single approach, such as increasing com- the same methods as others, technology leaders
pensation, providing flexible work arrangements, should recognize there is no one-size-fits-all
and reskilling or upskilling. However, as the talent strategy for talent. For instance, Joe Weider, chief
shortage continues, choosing just one of these technology officer (CTO) of Lincoln Financial
solutions is unsustainable. As other companies Group, says he couldn’t match the salaries of-
match or improve their job offers, tech talent fered by large tech companies, but he retained his
may keep leaving for new opportunities, leaving talent in other ways. “We’re taking employees out
organizations to play a zero-sum game to attract of the market by doubling down on our flexibility
talent. For instance, in the last year, 82% of US and our company culture, including bringing in
enterprises were prevented from pursuing digital staff for engaging offsites and creating oppor-
transformation projects due to a lack of resources tunities for peer recognition,” says Weider.10 By
and skills.9 expanding how they think about the tech talent
problem beyond a single approach, enterprises
can expand the scope of their solutions over the
coming months.
Flexible skills needed to fulfill those requirements. Then they can Enterprises ahead of the curve are already
Deloitte research has shown that the traditional segment their needs into hard technical (e.g., data crowd-sourcing talent, through gig workers or
concept of a job is one of the key hindrances to science), tech-related skills (e.g., Agile QA or cus- contractors, to fill gaps and free up their inter-
meeting targets for growth, agility, and diversity, tomer success), and human skills (e.g., resilience), nal resources to focus on the most challenging
equity, and inclusion (DEI). Many organizations are based on a forward-looking strategy. Crucially, a and interesting work.15 Debbie Browning, CTO
pivoting toward talent models that center on skills skills-based approach can enable organizations to of Workwear Group in Australia, did just that
rather than jobs. For instance, Mercedes-Benz has be more creative in addressing their talent short- when she had trouble hiring talent. “We’re a lean
organized some of its IT talent into “capability sets” ages. For instance, the SecureAmerica Institute, a organization,” she says. “It’s more effective for
to improve flexibility for assigning staff to new roles public-private research collaborative focused on us to scale with managed services than internal
or new products. The results speak for themselves:
US manufacturing resilience, has helped manufac- hiring.”16 Moreover, Deloitte research shows that
Skills-based organizations are more than 100% turers train talent accustomed to manual labor to digitally mature organizations are more likely to
more likely to place talent effectively and 98% more be advanced machine operators. 14
have a robust ecosystem strategy that can ex-
likely to retain high performers. In fact, recent
pand their access to skills (54% vs 40% of aver-
shifts have made a skills-based approach more Flexible sourcing age organizations).17
attainable, according to Patrick Noon, Bechtel’s Organizations that develop a flexible approach
chief information and digital officer: “Recruiting for to skills may find it easier to adopt an abundance At a time when 78% of technology talent said
critical skills is easier because I can recruit from strategy when it comes to sourcing talent for DEI initiatives are an important factor when ac-
anywhere for jobs for remote work.” 13
those skills. Instead of only hiring, they can plan cepting job offers, leaders should consider that a
to outsource, offshore, train, or retrain talent, or skills-based approach can make it easier to pro-
Technology leaders looking to adopt this model leverage other components of their ecosystem to mote equity.18 For example, some CIOs have part-
should start with their business requirements and fill their needs. nered with organizations to offer a nine-month
determine which human and technical skills are training program from which underrepresented
candidates graduate to work in cybersecurity • Lateral moves. Contrary to conventional ver- • New operating models. IT divisions are
and programming. 19
Such initiatives, coupled tical pathways, organizations should design not known for their flexibility. To create
with the right development opportunities (e.g., career paths that allow for lateral progression experiences that allow for employees to
mentoring, rotational programs, externships) between different technologies. Seventy-four work at the right pace with the right part-
can even empower organizations to create fresh percent of workers believe they need to nerships, organizations should consider
talent instead of fighting over a limited supply. update their skills at least once every six instituting a few different modes of opera-
months to do their job effectively in a digital tions for technology work, as we’ll discuss
Flexible career paths environment. 21
in our forthcoming 2023 Global Technology
Employees are looking for interesting work and Leadership Study.
flexible career paths—and companies should • Talent marketplaces. An internal talent mar-
adapt to meet these needs. This shift in mindset is ketplace where employees can find short-term
perhaps best represented by a move from “10X” 20
projects or new teams can promote inter- “Today, the flexibility of talent
engineers to “10-job engineers”: serial specialists nal mobility and allows them to discover to perform work is dependent
who can build depth in multiple areas over the purposeful and meaningful work. For tech on creating a culture of mobility
course of a career. Businesses can explore some talent, the No. 1 incentive in a new job
that facilitates workers taking
of the following methods to create careers and (chosen by 54% of respondents) was the
experiences that retain employees: work they would do. Or, as Diogo Rau, chief on new roles and learning
information and data officer of Eli Lilly and new skills.”
Company, says, “You can’t pay good engineers
—Fortune 100 CIO
enough to do boring work. Offer a purpose
that excites people.”22
1. Deloitte analysis. 13. Patrick Noon (CIO of Bechtel Group), interview, June 24. Sumit Batra (managing director, American Airlines)
14, 2022. and Anne Moroni (vice president, American Airlines),
2. Ibid. interview, September 28, 2022.
14. Rob Gorham, Jr. (executive director, SecureAmerica
3. Sathish Muthukrishnan (chief information, data, and Institute), interview, June 22, 2022. 25. Deloitte, Automation helps the Virginia Department
digital officer at Ally Financial), interview, June 6, 2022. of Health bring workers into the future, Deloitte
15. Cantrell, Griffiths, Jones, and Hiipakka, The skills- Insights, October 21, 2022.
4. BrandEssence and PR Newswire, “Low-code develop- based organization.
ment platform market revenue worldwide from 2018 to 26. Mike Geyer (project manager, NVIDIA), interview,
2025 (in billion U.S. dollars),” Statista, March 9, 2021. 16. Debbie Browning, (CTO of Workwear Group), inter- August 30, 2022.
view, June 2, 2022.
5. Deloitte, 2023 Global Technology Leadership Study, 27. Andrew Van Dam, “The most-regretted and lowest
forthcoming. 17. Deloitte, 2023 Global Technology Leadership Study, paying college majors,” Washington Post,
forthcoming. September 2, 2022.
6. Ibid.
18. Deloitte analysis. 28. Peter Oggel (chief technology officer, Irdeto BV), inter-
7. Deloitte analysis.
19. Deloitte, 2023 Global Technology Leadership Study, view, May 19, 2022.
8. Ibid. forthcoming. 29. Deloitte, 2023 Global Technology Leadership Study,
9. Ibid. 20. Codegiant, “How To Become A 10X Engineer [The 10X forthcoming.
10. Joe Weider (CTO, Lincoln Financial Group), interview, Engineer Meme and Definition],” June 2, 2018. 30. Mike Bechtel, Khalid Kark, Nishita Henry, Innovation
June 16, 2022. 21. Deloitte analysis. Study 2021: Beyond the buzzword, Deloitte Insights,
September 30, 2021.
11. Bernd Rumscheid (head of digital solutions and data 22. Diogo Rau (chief information and data officer of Eli
in Mercedes-Benz’s finance division and IT group func- Lilly and Company), interview, June 21, 2022.
tions), interview, September 23, 2022.
23. Anjali Shaikh, Kristi Lamar, and Ranjit Bawa, Paving di-
12. Sue Cantrell, Michael Griffiths, Robin Jones, and verse paths to technology leadership: Diversity and
Julie Hiipakka, The skills-based organization: A new inclusion in tech, Deloitte Insights, March 6, 2020.
operating model for work and the workforce, Deloitte
Insights, September 8, 2022.
We noted last year in Blockchain: Ready for From cybercrimes to data misuse, digital trust is- Moving forward, we anticipate further opportuni-
business that exciting and creative enterprise sues undermine confidence in traditional institu- ties for organizations to cement their credibility
use cases built on blockchain-powered systems tions and the technology that powers them. With with their key stakeholders by helping reinvent
are driving real productivity and value at scale. As
digital ledger technologies and decentralized a more decentralized and transparent internet.
organizations begin to understand blockchain’s business models that achieve consensus through Web3, what many call this next iteration of the
utility and promise, they’re realizing that stake- code, cryptography, and technology protocols, internet, posits a future in which the loudest
holder trust-building could be one of its primary decentralized architectures disintermediate trust voices can’t overshadow a single, immutable ver-
benefits. In fact, blockchain-enabled “trustless” and distribute it across network participants. sion of the truth, based on public blockchains.
systems—so-called because trust is not placed in In this world, forward-thinking digital natives are
a single person or organization but in the commu- As decentralized platforms and protocols increasingly likely to demand higher-quality proof
nity of users—could be an antidote to diminishing mature, many organizations are beginning to of truth. Indeed, we anticipate tomorrow’s leaders
faith in government, media, money, businesses, invest responsibly and explore at their own to assert “chain or it didn’t happen.”
and other civic and private institutions. pace. From everyday enterprise applications to
blockchain-native business models, these orga-
nizations are demonstrating that none of us is as
trustworthy as all of us.
Cybersecurity Organizations are beginning to discover how Amid a crisis of faith in which seeing isn’t believ-
Many of the attributes of decentralized archi- trustless business models and operations could ing, and people can’t tell the truth from a lie, many
tectures could lead to better cybersecurity in help them solve data-related credibility issues and of us have been waiting on a superhero: a person,
the long term. For example, transferring control win much-needed confidence across employee company, or technology that might somehow
of digital identity from the platform to the user and customer groups, business ecosystems, and serve as an unimpeachable arbitrator to help us
could help reduce the amount of sensitive data industries. And there are positive societal implica- settle quarrels and distinguish fact from fiction.
stored by third parties and eliminate single, data- tions to consider as well. Decentralized, trustless architectures are begin-
rich attack points. It would be difficult for hackers ning to teach us that we are the heroes we’ve
to compromise enough network nodes to control been looking for; and that none of us, in fact, is as
the consensus mechanism used to validate data trustworthy as all of us.
blocks. And encrypting the entire blockchain can
help ensure that the data stored within it is not
accessed or changed wrongfully and provides an
audit trail.24
1. Wendy Henry and Linda Pawczuk, Blockchain: Ready with Daml Finance,” October 11, 2022; Digital Asset, 17. Ridhima Khan (vice president of business development
for business, Deloitte Insights, December 7, 2021. “Customer Story: Goldman Sachs,” accessed Novem- at Dapper Labs), interview, August 31, 2022.
ber 1, 2022.
2. Edelman, 2022 Edelman trust barometer, January 18, 18. Ben Constantly, “Three ways blockchain could
2022; Jeffrey M. Jones, “Confidence in U.S. institu- 8. Deloitte, The chemistry of trust: Part 1: The future of dramatically change the digital advertising
tions down, average at new low,” Gallup, July 5, 2021; trust, accessed November 1, 2022. industry,” Forbes, March 24, 2021.
David Michels, “The trust crisis in business,” Forbes,
June 17, 2019; Sanjay Nair, In technology we trust(ed), 9. Deloitte, “Enterprise blockchain,” accessed 19. Scarlett Woodford, Digital advertising fraud: Market
Edelman, February 25, 2020; Knight Commission on November 1, 2022. forecasts, key trends, and competitor landscape
Trust, Media and Democracy, Crisis in Democracy: 2022-2026, February 21, 2022.
10. Deloitte, Digital credentialing app Excelsior Pass
Renewing trust in America, The Aspen Institute, helps New York state open for business, Deloitte 20. Darryn Pollock, “Advertising fraud falls flat when
February 2019. Insights, October 3, 2022. faced with transparency: How can blockchain help?,”
3. Web 1.0, the original internet, debuted in the mid-1990s, Forbes, November 22, 2018.
11. Ibid.
featuring static websites. Over time, it evolved into Web2 21. Deloitte, Opening up to AI: Learning to trust our AI
or Web 2.0, the current version of the internet. Web2 fea- 12. Henry and Pawczuk, Blockchain: Ready for business. colleagues, Deloitte Insights, December 6, 2022.
tures dynamic websites, user-generated content, social
13. Arthur Parkhouse, “A look at LVMH’s Blockchain con- 22. Stevens Institute of Technology, TechPulse Report: A
and community websites, and heavy user participation.
sortium,” Hypebeast, August 17, 2022. perspective of Americans’ attitude toward artificial
4. Natie Rackiewicz (chief data officer of Gannett), email intelligence, November 2021.
14. LVMH, “LVMH partners with other major luxury
interview, October 11, 2022.
companies on Aura, the first global luxury blockchain,” 23. Vyacheslav Polonski, “People don’t trust AI—Here’s
5. ValueExchange, Doing tokenization right, accessed press release, April 20, 2021. how we can change that,” Scientific American, January
November 1, 2022. 10, 2018.
15. Deloitte, JICA uses blockchain transparency to com-
6. Ibid. bat child labor, December 7, 2022. 24. Toshendra Kumar Sharma, “The future of cyber
7. Lucy Carter, “DLT is on the move, say SIBOS panel- 16. Wikipedia, “Attention economy,” October 25, 2022; Mar- security: Blockchain technology,” Blockchain Council,
lists,” Asset Servicing Times, October 13, 2022; Digital tin Greenberger, Computers, communications, and the December 13, 2021.
Asset, “Digital Asset Accelerates asset tokenization public interest (Baltimore: John Hopkins Press, 1971).
The trusty old mainframe may seem synonymous But a funny thing happened on the road to ob- The trick is getting the mainframe to communi-
with a bygone era of computing. Left behind by solescence. People kept using mainframes. No cate with modern applications, and this is where
cloud computing and walled off from next-gen matter how attractive cloud platforms become leading enterprises are getting creative. To be sure,
functionalities such as artificial intelligence and or how imperative modern features are to leading enterprises have been working on this problem for
business process as a service, it once seemed
businesses, the mainframe continues to offer a years, but they’re giving it a fresh look as they see
destined for the dustbin of IT history. compelling value proposition. Mainframes often the costly and potentially risky work associated
host applications that can’t be moved to the cloud with cloud migration. Rather than rip and replace
because it would be either too cost-prohibitive legacy core systems, businesses are increasingly
due to the substantial work needed to refactor looking to link them to emerging technologies us-
applications or too risky due to the possibility of ing innovative new connectors so that each family
breaking system dependencies. of systems can do what it does best (figure 1).
FIGURE 1: Mainframe pros and cons That’s the approach taken by Meuhedet, an Israeli
health insurance and care provider, whose mainframe-
based electronic medical record system continues
to serve as an effective store of patient data. “The
Cons Pros
vision is not to move on from legacy systems—
Businesses that say integrating legacy Business and IT executives who say
tools with new applications is a challenge mainframes have long-term viability because they work,” says Katy Bar-Shalom, the
60% 75% organization’s chief information officer. “The
things they do are good, just not good enough.
But with layers, web services, and applications,
we can enlarge and bring new data and insights
Businesses that say lack of business Business and IT executives who expect to
agility is a problem with legacy systems expand their mainframe footprint to our medical staff.”2
57% 90%
Business users today expect to rely on modern appli-
cations such as CRM, data dashboards, and machine
learning—and reconciling the business logic between
Business leaders who say it’s moderately or extremely Business and IT executives who expect mainframe
difficult to acquire the right talent to maintain mainframes computing performance to grow in the years ahead mainframes and modern applications can be a techni-
90% 70% cal challenge. This is partly because most mainframe
code is written in COBOL, a language few computer
science majors learn today. Modern applications are
typically at the heart of enterprise’s digital transfor-
mation efforts, and legacy systems are often seen as
a hurdle.
There is a class of problems that is deep and needs lift and shift,12 but that approach simply replicates More than 90% of business
to be executed through world-class capability. For existing roadblocks in the cloud. Then there’s the
these types of problems, mainframes may share cost to consider. Legacy applications running on
leaders say it’s moderately
some characteristics with supercomputers, partic- on-premises hardware may already be paid for or extremely difficult to
ularly as mainframe processing power continues and shifting those applications to the cloud could acquire the right talent to
to increase. For jobs that require high volume and constitute new costs. maintain mainframes.
precision—such as checking account balances at
large, international banks—mainframes are likely This doesn’t mean there’s no cost to keeping ap-
to grow even more capable and continue as the plications in a mainframe, however. Especially
choice for enterprises. When processes get more given the lack of skilled workers available, finding
complex and require shifting data between appli- people to maintain these systems—or worse, re-
cations—training machine learning algorithms, spond in the case of an outage—could become
for example—cloud may offer better functionality. very expensive. More than 90% of business lead-
ers say it’s moderately or extremely difficult to
Whether to keep applications in mainframes or acquire the right talent to maintain mainframes.13
move them to the cloud will continue to be a com- And maintaining applications in an on-premises
plex question. While refactored applications can environment could carry the opportunity cost of
work more seamlessly with modern, cloud-native causing businesses to miss out on the broader
applications, the process of refactoring takes a gains that come with digital transformation en-
lot of work. Many businesses instead choose to abled by cloud technologies.
Dave Linthicum, chief cloud strategy officer Enterprises will have to weigh the costs and ben-
at Deloitte Consulting LLP, says the pull of the efits of moving applications from mainframes to
cloud is strong today because it’s trendy and the cloud. They should evaluate what business
mainframes are generally seen as passé. And needs have changed, and what opportunities
while cloud platforms are likely to offer ad- exist in cloud versus mainframes to meet those
vanced capabilities that are difficult to replicate needs. With more and more modern applica-
in a mainframe environment, businesses should tions emerging that extend the functionality of
still carefully ex- amine the business rather than the mainframe, it may not always make sense to
jumping into the cloud to be on the cutting edge. throw out processes that are working simply in
the name of modernization.
“People manage by what they read in magazines,”
Linthicum says. “They aren’t necessarily mak-
ing decisions based on business requirements.
They’re making emotional decisions based on
where they think they should go. It may work if
you spend a lot of money, but you may incur a
million dollars more in operational costs because
you move to a platform that is difficult to adjust to
the needs of the business.”14
1. Beena Ammanath, Frank Farrall, David Kuder, and Ni- 10. Allied Market Research, Mainframe market by type (Z
tin Mittal, MLOps: Industrialized AI, Deloitte Insights, systems, GS series, and others) and industry vertical
2021. (BFSI, IT & telecom, government & public sector,
retail, travel & transportation, manufacturing, and
2. Katy Bar-Shalom (CIO, Meuhedet), interview, July 7, others): Global opportunity analysis and industry
2022. forecast, 2018-2025, April 2019.
3. Deloitte, Hello mainframe, our old friend, 2021. 11. BMC, “2020 BMC Mainframe survey results,” press
4. Tata Consultancy Services and MasterCraft, “Mod- release, October 1, 20202.
ernizing Mainframe Applications for the Cloud,” 12. Tata Consultancy Services and MasterCraft, “Modern-
accessed November 14, 2022. izing Mainframe Applications for the Cloud.”
5. Scott Buchholz, Abdi Goodarzi, and Tom McAleer, 13. Deloitte, Hello mainframe, our old friend.
Core renaissance: Revitalizing the heart of IT,
Deloitte Insights, January 30, 2015. 14. Dave Linthicum (chief cloud strategy officer, Deloitte,
LLC), interview, September 12, 2022.
6. Colonel William Young (commander of the 350th
Spectrum Warfare Wing, United States Department of
the Air Force), interview, June 30, 2022.
7. Ibid.
Since 2010, when our Tech Trends team began
researching how emerging technologies are
transforming and disrupting business in excit-
ing and unpredictable ways, we’ve talked with
hundreds of business and technology leaders.
Through our conversations with these innovators,
Widening the we developed—and continue to fine-tune—our
aperture: From macro forces framework, as we discussed in the
infoTech to xTech prologue (figure 1).
Epilogue 70
P 01 02 03 04 05 06 E
are drawing our attention to an extended set of DATA AND ANALYTICS
technologies—or xTech—that, to date, have been
separate and distinct from enterprise IT. Spurred INFORMATION
by our clients’ experiences, we sought to define x.
Our team of futurists went prospecting for poten- INTERACTION COMPUTATION
tial futures. We drink our own champagne here at
Deloitte, so we embarked on a principled explo-
ration of emerging tech horizons, as described in TECHNOLOGY
the Tech Trends 2020 chapter Horizon next.1 For TECHNOLOGY MODERNIZATION
inspiration, we turned to the sciences. After all, AND
information technology is rooted in the formal TRUST
sciences (figure 2). TRUST
Epilogue 71
P 01 02 03 04 05 06 E
Through a process of sensing, scouting, and scan- FIGURE 2: The scientific roots of IT
ning2, we widened the aperture by surveying natural
and social sciences, the scientific disciplines adjacent
to the formal sciences. In search of xTech, we explored
Sciences Technology
trends in R&D in these academic and research areas,
and found some signals among the noise (figure 3). LOGIC Information technology (IT)
Formal sciences MATHEMATICS
We monitored patent and startup activity, technology STATISTICS
maturity and advancements, academic and grant
investments, and venture capital funding. We also
looked at talent trends to identify the industries
and sectors attracting the best and brightest pro-
fessionals and grads.
SpaceTech: Space and tation and applications in low-Earth orbit (LEO)—
In dissecting the data, we found that a handful of aeronautical engineering Earth-centered orbits with an altitude of 2,000
distinct IT-adjacent categories are snagging the Once the exclusive province of government en- kilometers (1,200 miles) or less—is flourishing,
lion’s share of talent and treasure. The technologies tities, space and aeronautical engineering has particularly as NASA’s focus has evolved to deep
in each of these categories look to solve fundamen- quickly become a vibrant enterprise opportunity, space exploration,3 launch costs have decreased,
tal quality-of-life challenges and constraints. We with government space agencies turning over and companies begin to understand the benefit
expect these six emerging technology disciplines many aspects of space flights, launches, and oper- of space technologies and discoveries to life here
to eventually rival IT in their impact on business ations to private companies over the last couple of on Earth.
innovation (figure 4). decades. Private industry investment in transpor-
Epilogue 72
P 01 02 03 04 05 06 E
earth observation capabilities, and national security
Natural sciences
satellites4—as well as in-orbit servicing, assembly,
and manufacturing; commercial launch services and
ground systems; scientific research and develop-
ment; and commercial human spaceflight. INTERACTION
Formal sciences MATHEMATICS Information technology (IT)
BioTech: Cellular and biomolecular Formal sciences MATHEMATICS Information technology (IT)
engineering STATISTICS
Sitting at the convergence of biology and engi- TECHNOLOGY
neering, the field of cellular and biomolecular ARCHAEOLOGY
engineering provides the ability to deconstruct COMMUNICATIONS
and architect cells, tissues, and molecules, rath- ECONOMICS
Social sciences
er than relying on natural selection to produce GEOGRAPHY
Social sciences
optimal outcomes. Insight into complex biological PSYCHOLOGY
systems—plants, animals, and even people—at the SEMIOTICS
molecular scale has already resulted in the com- SEMIOTICS
plete sequencing of the human genome as well as SOCIOLOGY
Epilogue 73
P 01 02 03 04 05 06 E
Epilogue 74
P 01 02 03 04 05 06 E
and technology by translating brain signals RobotTech: Autonomous and precision tion. This domain will be supported by adjacent
(thoughts) into commands and enabling humans robotics advancements in AI, interconnectivity of Internet
to perform physical actions. BCIs measure the Autonomous and precision robots extend the of Things smart devices, edge computing, digital
activity of the brain and central nervous system value of AI applications from software-based twins, remote operation, satellite and 5G commu-
and translate it into commands that can control decision-making systems to physical robots and nications, and advanced materials.
external software or hardware systems. They have machines that can make decisions and complete
the potential to make controlling computers as movement-based actions. An autonomous robot ClimateTech: Climate, sustainability,
natural as thinking. can scan and understand its surroundings and and environmental technology
figure out where to go and what to do, without Climate change is proving to be one of the most
In the near term, BCIs will be used for assistive any special physical infrastructure. This includes intractable issues of our time. In response to the
technologies; in the long term, for revolutions autonomous cars and trucks and micromobil- climate crisis, many businesses are prioritizing
in human-computer interaction. Today’s state- ity options, such as bikes, scooters, and small net-zero policies and business models. Technol-
of-the-art technology features noninvasive EEG delivery vehicles. Precision robots are dexterous, ogy could be the most powerful weapon in the
electrodes that relay brain signals to AI-trained multifunctional, and intelligent robots used to net-zero arsenal. “Technology is part of the [cli-
algorithms, which predict the meaning of the signal complete highly specific and exacting actions in mate] solution, not part of the problem,” says
and transmit commands to control a device. R&D is industrial, agricultural, marine and space explora- Inger Andersen, executive director of the United
primarily focused on restorative, therapeutic, and tion, and medical and surgical applications. Nations Environment Program.”6
assistive applications for people with paralysis or
other disabilities. Future applications could include Autonomous and precision robotics advance- Relevant climate technology areas include renew-
elective placement of BCIs that could help humans ments include those in traditional manufacturing, able energy, decarbonization, sustainable material
enhance their thinking, capabilities, and skills. cobot automation, autonomous transportation, development, heat abatement technologies, and
logistics, process virtualization, and optimiza- supply chain optimization. Digital technologies,
Epilogue 75
P 01 02 03 04 05 06 E
too, can play a viable role. For example, solutions solutions such as pumped storage hydropower and Coming soon: Deloitte Technology Futures: Space-
leveraging IoT, AI, and big data can help orga- flywheel energy storage can help stabilize energy Tech. Scheduled for launch in mid-2023.
nizations measure, analyze, and track carbon grids, make them more efficient, and ensure that
emissions. And advances in sensors, robotics, energy isn’t wasted. See you in the future.
and AI are helping businesses (and consumers)
manage energy use more efficiently. What’s next?
Given the emergence—and the importance—of
Mike Bechtel
EnergyTech: Power, energy, and battery these IT-adjacent technology domains, to continue
Chief futurist, Deloitte Consulting LLP
technology to focus solely on IT would be to ignore a broad
Many power, energy, and battery technologies can spectrum of potentially transformational business
help lessen the impact of climate change, but we applications on the next technological horizon.
categorize them separately from climate technolo- What does all of this mean for Tech Trends? Our
gies because others simply help make energy more flagship report will remain focused on IT, but it will
abundant, safer, or less expensive. be joined shortly by a series of Tech Futures reports
that will consider these exciting emerging techno-
Bill Briggs
For example, advancements in nanotechnology logical frontiers. In our first issue, we’ll take a look
Global chief technology officer, Deloitte
and materials are helping to improve battery life at the “what,” “so what,” and “now what” stemming
Consulting LLP
for vehicles and phones and to reduce dependence from pioneering advancements in space systems
on infamously scarce and hard-to-obtain materi- and aeronautical engineering.
als such as cobalt and lithium. And energy storage
Epilogue 76
P 01 02 03 04 05 06 E
2. Ibid.
Epilogue 77
P 01 02 03 04 05 06 E
Our insights can help you take Mike Bechtel The NExT team
Chief futurist, The Novel and Exponential Technologies (NExT)
advantage of emerging trends. Deloitte Consulting LLP team is a team of futurists and researchers that
mibechtel@deloitte.com senses—and makes sense of—emerging tech-
nologies that have the potential for widespread
If you’re looking for fresh ideas business impact. With our pragmatic approach to
to address your challenges, futurism, we help organizations shape strategic
Bill Briggs business agendas and set an intentional course
let’s talk. Global chief toward tomorrow.
technology officer,
Deloitte Consulting LLP If you’d like to connect and discuss more, please feel
wbriggs@deloitte.com free to contact us at usNExTteam@deloitte.com.
Acknowledgments 78
P 01 02 03 04 05 06 E
Executive editor
Mike Bechtel
Chief futurist
Deloitte Consulting LLP
As chief futurist with Deloitte Consulting LLP, Prior to joining Deloitte, Bechtel led Ringleader
Mike Bechtel helps clients develop strategies to Ventures, an early stage venture capital firm he
thrive in the face of discontinuity and disruption. cofounded in 2013. Before Ringleader, he served
His team researches the novel and exponential as CTO of Start Early, a national not-for-profit
technologies most likely to impact the future focused on early childhood education for at-risk
of business, and builds relationships with the youth. Bechtel began his career in technology
startups, incumbents, and academic institutions R&D at a global professional services firm, where
creating them. his dozen US patents helped result in him being
named that firm’s global innovation director. He
currently serves as professor of corporate inno-
vation at the University of Notre Dame.
Acknowledgments 79
P 01 02 03 04 05 06 E
Hiroki Akahoshi, James Allan, Beena Ammanath, Mikako Kawashima, Tomoyuki Kibe, Andreas Klein, Emad Tahtouh, Daichi Tanaka, René Theunissen,
Volker Barent, Yousef Barkawie, Dylan Best, Ian Jaakko Kontiainen, Tilman Lesch, Mark Lillie, David Benjamin Thornhill, Andries van Dijk, Markku
Blatchford, Osama Butt, Yasar Butt, Francisco Linthicum, Joe Little, John Low, Daniel Martyniuk, Viitanen, Anush Viswanathan, Tyler Welmans, Anna
Calvao, Marlisio Campos, Joseph Cody, Allan Josh Massad, Rob Massey, Ingo Matzner, Patrick Wiacek-Kocot, Amanda Williamson, Anja Wittig,
Cook, Ken Corless, Lars Cromley, Ruchir Dalmia, Mclvor, Niamh McPherson, Alessandro Menezes, Yushi Yamamoto, Kevin Young, Frances Yu, and the
Gianluca D’Antonio, Tim de Looijer, Jose Maria Nitin Mittal, Tomohiro Morimura, Takafumi Moriya, Knowledge Services team.
De Santiago, Jefferson Denti, Lou DiLorenzo, Kellie Nuttall, Graeme Oakley, Koren O’Brien,
Erica Dodd, Rebecca Donelly, Liz Douglass, Laura Rodrigo Oliveira, Sejal Patel, Nathaniel Paynter, Lilly
Entwistle, Peter Fach, Michael Falkinder, Frank Pencheva, Timo Perkola, Angelle Petersen, Dalibor
Farrall, Jochen Fauser, Bernhard Goebl, Eyal Petrovic, Felipe Piccirilo, Brett Raux, Nicholas Reed,
Goldberg, Nuno Goncalves, Kevin Govender, Jill Michael Roos, Axel Rupp, Basit Saeed, Stuart Scotis,
Hammerschmidt, Stephen Harrington, Wendy Akitaka Senda, Laura Shact, Anjali Shaikh, Catrina
Henry, Takahisa Inaba, Per Kall, Khalid Kark, Sharpe, Eduardo Silva, Raj Singh, Cindy Skirvin,
Acknowledgments 80
P 01 02 03 04 05 06 E
Special thanks
Natalie Martella Haas, our master conductor Adrian Espinoza and Heidi Morrow for continu-
who kept the Tech Trends engine running and ing to push the boundaries on how we think and
the train on track. Thank you for your leadership create (with humans and machines). The way
and poise under pressure. Not only did you help you’re able to translate our words into design is
evolve the program to be better but also you commendable, and the report gets more impres-
helped build our Trend Lines collection from the sive every year.
ground up.
Ed Burns and Abhijith Ravinutala for deftly
Stefanie Heng for relentlessly pursuing excel- navigating the myriad of brainstorming sessions,
lence, gracefully navigating a myriad of oppor- client interviews, and research, and turning it into
tunities, and advising us all on this journey. Your insightful prose. We are beyond lucky to have you
leadership has enabled Tech Trends to reach new on the team and helping us evolve and improve
heights, and we’re eager to see it come to frui- Tech Trends.
tion. Thank you for your wisdom, grace, and com-
mitment to the team. We are so grateful for you. Kelly Raskovich for being the team’s loudest
cheerleader and supporter. Thank you for your
Caroline Brown for a remarkable first year as guidance, partnership, and willingness to lean in on
editor and leader of our brilliant designers and all the things, from the big picture ideas down to
writers. You stepped into your new role seam- the nitty gritty details.
lessly and your partnership and collaboration
have been invaluable.
Acknowledgments 81
P 01 02 03 04 05 06 E
Raquel Buscaino, Lucas Erb, Angela Huang, Sarah Sylvia Chang, Melissa O’Brien, Joanie Pearson,
Mortier, and Bennie Seybold for a fantastic fresh- Jim Slatton, Alexis Werbeck, Molly Woodworth,
man year! Thank you for joining us on the journey and the Green Dot Agency. Thank you for another
from research to interviews to report development incredible year of collaboration and trust in exper-
and more. imenting and exploring a new design approach. It
keeps getting better.
Alison Cizowski, Deanna Gorecki, Mary Hughes,
and Mikaeli Robinson for always rising to the occa- Scott Buchholz for your historical leadership, on-
sion across all things marketing, communications, going mentorship, and forever friendship. We’re
and PR. You continue to impress and find new and privileged and grateful to call you our colleague.
improved ways to bring Tech Trends to the public.
Acknowledgments 82
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