Soal PPM

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Ch 14.1- Ch 14.

1. Writing Call Options A call option on Illinois stock specifies an exercise price of $38.
Today, the stock’s price is $40. The premium on the call option is $5. Assume the
option will not be exercised until maturity, if at all. Complete the following table:
Assumed Stock Price at The Net Profit or Loss Per Share to be a
Time Call Option is About to Earned by The Writer (Seller) of The Call
Expire Option
$37 $5
39 $4
41 $2
43 $0
45 $-2
48 $-5
2. Purchasing Call Options A call option on Michigan stock specifies an exercise price
of $55. Today, the stock’s price is $54 per share. The premium on the call option is
$3. Assume the option will not be exercised until maturity, if at all. Complete the
following table for a speculator who purchases the call option:
Assumed Stock Price at The Net Profit or Loss Per Share to be a
Time Call Option is About to Earned by The Writer (Seller) of The Call
Expire Option
$50 $-3
52 $-3
54 $-3
56 $-2
58 $0
60 $2
62 $4
3. Purchasing Put Options A put option on Iowa stock specifies an exercise price of $71.
Today, the stock’s price is $68. The premium on the put option is $8. Assume the
option will not be exercised until maturity, if at all. Complete the following table for a
speculator who purchases the put option (and currently does not own the stock):
Assumed Stock Price at The Net Profit or Loss Per Share to be a
Time Call Option is About to Earned by The Writer (Seller) of The Call
Expire Option
$60 $3
64 $-1
68 $-5
70 $-7
72 $-8
74 $-8
76 $-8
3.Role of Securities Firms in Swap Market. Describe the possible roles of securities firms
in the swap market.
Peran dari Securities Firms pada swap market diantaranya yakni sebagai perantara atau
intermediary dalam mencocokkan dua pihak yang terlibat dalam pertukaran swap dan
berperan sebagai dealer yang mengambil posisi counterparty dalam mengakomodasi pihak
yang akan melakukan swap
13. Use of Interest Rate Swaps. Explain why some companies that issue bonds engage in
interest rate swaps in financial markets. Why do they not simply issue bonds that
require the type of payments (fixed or variable) that they prefer to make?
Ketika menerbitkan obligasi, perusahaan berisiko harus membayar premi dengan suku bunga
tetap yang lebih tinggi daripada suku bunga variable sehingga perusahaan lebih suka
menerbitkan obligasi tingkat variable walaupun melakukan pembayaran tetap. Untuk itu,
interest rate swap memungkinkan perusahaan untuk menerima arus masuk tingkat variable
yang digunakan untuk menutupi pembayaran kepada pemegang obligasi dan arus keluar
tingkat tetap yang digunakan untuk melakukan pembayaran kepada pemegang obligasi. Hal
ini juga memungkinkan adanya pertukaran pembayaran suku bunga variable dengan
pembayaran suku bunga tetap dalam menerbitkan obligasi.
14. Use of Currency Swaps. Explain why some companies that issue bonds engage in
currency swaps. Why do they not simply issue bonds in the currency that they would
prefer to use for making payments?
Perusahaan bisa saja berada di negara yang tidak mengenal obligasi dengan denominasi mata
uang tertentu sehingga diperlukan currency swaps agar perusahaan bias menerbitkan obligasi
di Negara lain dalam denominasi mata uang yang berbeda. Dengan begitu, perusahaan dapat
menukar mata uang apapun yang biasanya diterima dalam arus kas masuk dengan mata uang
yang diperlukan untuk melakukan pembayaran kupon atau pokok obligasi.
1. Vanilla Swaps Cleveland Insurance Company has just negotiated a three-year plain
vanilla swap in which it will exchange fixed payments of 8 percent for floating payments
of LIBOR plus 1 percent. The notional principal is $50 million. LIBOR is expected to be
7 percent, 9 percent, and 10 percent (respectively) at the end of each of the next three
a. Determine the net dollar amount to be received (or paid) by Cleveland each year.
1 2 3
LIBOR 7% 9% 10%
Floating Rate received 8% 10% 11%
Fixed rate paid 8% 8% 8%
Swap differential 0% 2% 3%
Net dollar amount $0 $1.000.000 $1.500.000
received based on
principal of $50 million

b. Determine the dollar amount to be received (or paid) by the counterparty on this
interest rate swap each year based on the assumed forecasts of LIBOR.
Year 1 = $0; Year 2 = $1.000.000 terbayar; dan Year 3 = $1.500.000 terbayar
1. Bank Balance Sheet
Create a balance sheet for a typical bank, showing its main liabilities (sources of funds) and
assets (uses of funds).
2. Bank Sources of Funds
What are four major sources of funds for banks? What alternatives does a bank have if it
needs temporary funds? What is the most common reason that banks issue bonds?
14. Bank Use of Credit Default Swaps
Explain how banks have used credit default swaps.

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