Estimation of Serum Urea
Estimation of Serum Urea
Estimation of Serum Urea
• It is formed by urea cycle in the liver from free ammonia generated during protein
• Since historic assays for urea were based on measurement of nitrogen, the term blood
urea nitrogen (BUN) has been used to refer to urea determination.
-Urea synthesis:
• Protein metabolism produces amino acids that can be oxidized.
• This results in the release of ammonia which is converted to urea (via urea cycle) and
excreted as a waste product.
• Following synthesis in the liver, urea is carried out in the blood to the kidney which is
readily filtered from the plasma by glomerulus.
• Most of the urea in the glomerular filtrate excreted in the urine, and some urea is
reabsorbed through the renal tubules.
• The amount reabsorbed depends on urine flow rate and extent of hydration (the
amount of urea reabsorbed increases with dehydration).
-Urea synthesis:
- Clinical Application:
1-Plasma urea Concentration:
• Measurement of Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) alone is less useful in diagnosing kidney
diseases because it’s blood level is influenced by dietary protein and hepatic function.
• Estimation of Blood urea nitrogen (BUN).
Urea test’s procedure:
Blank Standard Test
(Zeroing) (40 mg/dl) ( ? mg/dl)
WR (R1+R2) 1 ml 1 ml 1 ml
Standard (R4) - 10 µ -
Serum - - 10 µ
DW 10 µ - -
wait 5 minute at RT cº
R3 250 µ 250 µ 250 µ
Ab. (test)
Conc.(test) = X Conc.(standard) mg/dl
-Reference Value: