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Measuring the Customer Experience in Online Environments: A Structural Modeling

Author(s): Thomas P. Novak, Donna L. Hoffman and Yiu-Fai Yung
Source: Marketing Science , Winter, 2000, Vol. 19, No. 1, Special Issue on Marketing
Science and the Internet (Winter, 2000), pp. 22-42
Published by: INFORMS

Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/193257

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Measuring the Customer Experience in
Online Environments: A Structural
Modeling Approach

Thomas P. Novak * Donna L. Hoffman * Yiu-Fai Yung

eLab, Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 37203
novak@ecommerce.vanderbilt.edu * hoffman@ecommerce.vanderbilt.edu
SAS Institute, Inc., Yiu-Fai.Yung@sas.com

other events occurring in the consumer's surrounding physi-

cal environment lose significance. Self-consciousness disap-
Intuition and previous research suggest that creating a com-
pears, the consumer's sense of time becomes distorted, and
pelling online environment for Web consumers will have nu-
the state of mind arising as a result of achieving flow on the
merous positive consequences for commercial Web provid-
Web is extremely gratifying.
ers. Online executives note that creating a compelling online
In a quantitative modeling framework, we develop a
experience for cyber customers is critical to creating com-
petitive advantage on the Internet. Yet, very little is known structural model based on our previous conceptual model of
about the factors that make using the Web a compelling ex- flow that embodies the components of what makes for a com-
perience for its users, and of the key consumer behavior out- pelling online experience. We use data collected from a large-
comes of this compelling experience. sample, Web-based consumer survey to measure these con-
Recently, the flow construct has been proposed as impor- structs, and we fit a series of structural equation models that
tant for understanding consumer behavior on the World test related prior theory. The conceptual model is largely
Wide Web, and as a way of defining the nature of compelling supported, and the improved fit offered by the revised model
online experience. Although widely studied over the past 20 provides additional insights into the direct and indirect in-
years, quantitative modeling efforts of the flow construct fluences of flow, as well as into the relationship of flow to
have been neither systematic nor comprehensive. In large key consumer behavior and Web usage variables.
parts, these efforts have been hampered by considerable con- Our formulation provides marketing scientists with op-
fusion regarding the exact conceptual definition of flow. erational definitions of key model constructs and establishes
Lacking precise definition, it has been difficult to measure reliability and validity in a comprehensive measurement
flow empirically, let alone apply the concept in practice. framework. A key insight from the paper is that the degree
Following the conceptual model of flow proposed by to which the online experience is compelling can be defined,
Hoffman and Novak (1996), we conceptualize flow on the
measured, and related well to important marketing vari-
Web as a cognitive state experienced during navigation that
ables. Our model constructs relate in significant ways to key
is determined by (1) high levels of skill and control; (2) high
consumer behavior variables, including online shopping and
levels of challenge and arousal; and (3) focused attention;
Web use applications such as the extent to which consumers
and (4) is enhanced by interactivity and telepresence. Con-
search for product information and participate in chat rooms.
sumers who achieve flow on the Web are so acutely involved
As such, our model may be useful both theoretically and in
in the act of online navigation that thoughts and perceptions
not relevant to navigation are screened out, and the con- practice as marketers strive to decipher the secrets of com-
sumer focuses entirely on the interaction. Concentration on mercial success in interactive online environments.
the navigation experience is so intense that there is little at- (Internet Marketing; Electronic Commerce; Online Consumer
tention left to consider anything else, and consequently, Behavior)

MARKETING SCIENCE C) 2000 INFORMS 0732-2399/00/1901 /0022/$05.00

Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2000, pp. 22-42 1526-548X electronic ISSN

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1. Introduction Schwartz 1996, Tchong 1998), very little is known

In the late 1990s, analyst estimates of business-to- about the factors that make using the Web a compel-
consumer electronic commerce were repeatedly re- ling customer experience and of the key consumer be-

vealed after the fact to be too conservative. Forrester havior outcomes of this compelling experience. Con-

Research, for example, revised its initial $4.8 billion sequently, our aim in this paper is to develop and test
consumer e-commerce forecast for 1998 to $7.8 billion a general model of the online customer experience. We
by the year's end (Forrester Research 1998), while the see this model development as an important early step
Boston Consulting Group (1998) boldly upped Forres- on the path toward a comprehensive understanding of
ter's estimate to $13 billion. By the year 2000, Forrester consumer behavior in new media environments such
expects electronic commerce in the consumer sector to as the Internet.
reach $33 billion (Forrester Research 1998). Hoffman and Novak (1996) recently proposed that
The United States Federal Government expects the creating a commercially compelling website depends
digital economy created by the Internet to accelerate on facilitating a state of flow (Csikszentmihalyi 1977)
world economic growth well into the new millennium for its consumers, and suggest that an important ob-
(Henry et al. 1999). By the year 2003, Internet com- jective for online marketers is to provide for these
merce conducted globally is expected to reach $3.2 tril- "flow opportunities" (Hoffman and Novak 1996, p.
lion, representing 5% of global transactions (Forrester 66). Previous researchers (e.g., Csikszentmihalyi 1990,
Research 1998). Exuberant statistics aside, online ex- Ghani et al. 1991, Trevino and Webster 1992, Webster
ecutives and Internet marketing academics alike agree et al. 1993) have noted that flow is a useful construct
that the need to develop a comprehensive understand- for describing more general human-computer inter-
ing of consumer behavior in commercial online envi- actions. Hoffman and Novak extended the idea to en-
ronments is urgent.
compass consumer navigation behavior in online en-
To date, there has been a lack of genuine knowledge
vironments such as the World Wide Web, and they
about what contributes to effective interactions with
defined flow as "the state occurring during network
online customers, although intuition and previous re-
navigation which is: (1) characterized by a seamless
search (Dholakia and Bagozzi 1999, Hoffman and
sequence of responses facilitated by machine interac-
Novak 1996a) suggest that creating a compelling on-
tivity, (2) intrinsically enjoyable, (3) accompanied by a
line environment for Web consumers will have nu-
loss of self-consciousness, and (4) self-reinforcing." To
merous positive consequences for commercial Web
experience flow while engaged in an online pursuit,
providers. Indeed, Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Am-
consumers must perceive a balance between their skills
azon.com, one of the Internet's leading online retailers,
and the challenges of the interaction, and both their
notes that creating a compelling online experience for
skills and challenges must be above a critical threshold.
cyber customers is the key to competitive advantage on
the Internet (Weber 1999). Bezos (1999) further argues Hoffman and Novak (1996a) provided, but did not

that delivering a compelling customer experience is empirically test, a conceptual model of flow that de-

even more important online than offline. This is be- tailed its antecedents and consequences. The construct

cause it contributes to strong word-of-mouth online- is important to online marketers because it underlies

the most important driver of customer traffic to com- what makes for a compelling online experience
mercial websites (Cognitiative 1999)-and offers an (Dholaki and Bagozzi 1999, Hoffman and Novak
opportunity to add differential value as the Web in- 1996a). As such, it has implications for commercial
creasingly offers consumers full information about website design, online advertising, market segmenta-
product alternatives (Haubl and Trifts, this issue; tion, and Internet marketing strategies. Theoretically,
Lynch and Ariely, this issue). conceptualizing and modeling consumers' perceptions
Though marketers are beginning to gain an under- of flow on the Web can expand scholars' knowledge
standing of the marketing strategies that will attract of interactive consumer behavior in this emerging
visitors to websites (Hoffman et al. 1995, Morr 1997, discipline.

MARKETING SCIENCE/VOl. 19, No. 1, Winter 2000 23

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Structural Modeling Approach to the Customer Experience Online

In this paper, we use a quantitative modeling frame- As described by Hoffman and Novak (1996) and de-
work to develop a structural model that embodies the fined formally in our structural model that follows in
components of what makes for a compelling online ex- ?2, flow on the Web is a cognitive state experienced
perience. We use data collected from a large-sample, during online navigation that is determined by (1) high
Web-based consumer survey to measure these con- levels of skill and control; (2) high levels of challenge
structs and fit a series of structural equation models and arousal; and (3) focused attention; and (4) is en-
that test related prior theory from Hoffman and hanced by interactivity and telepresence (e.g., Steuer
Novak's conceptual model. We begin by describing the 1992). This cognitive state has been characterized as an
flow construct and previous models of flow that have "optimal experience" (Csikszentmihalyi 1997) that is
been proposed. In the second section, we use prior "intrinsically enjoyable" (Privette and Bundrick 1987).
marketing and consumer behavior theory to specify a Flow comprises the "complete involvement of the ac-
range of testable hypotheses, involving the relation- tor with his activity" (Mannell et al. 1988), and is "ex-
ship of model constructs to consumer behavior and perienced by people who are deeply involved in some
Web usage. Section 3 briefly describes our online data event, object or activity ... they are completely and
collection and sample splitting procedures. The results totally immersed in it ... Indeed, time may seem to
of our empirical analysis are contained in ??4 through stand still and nothing else seems to matter while en-
6. We use a two-stage structural modeling approach to gaged in the consumption event." (Lutz and Guiry
test the conceptual model. We begin by purifying the 1994).
measurement model prior to fitting our base model. A Consumers who achieve flow on the Web and per-
series of model modifications applied to our calibra- ceive the online experience to be compelling are so
tion sample produces a revised conceptual model, acutely involved in the act of online navigation that
which we cross-validate using a new sample. Section thoughts and perceptions not relevant to navigation

7 uses the constructs derived from our structural mod- are screened out, and the consumer focuses entirely on

els to predict marketing outcomes corresponding to the interaction. Concentration on the navigation ex-

general and specific categories of Web usage, including perience is so intense that there is little attention left to

online shopping and Web applications such as the ex- consider anything else, and consequently other events

tent to which consumers search for product informa- occurring in the consumer's surrounding physical en-

tion. We conclude in ?8 with a discussion of the theo- vironment lose significance. Self-consciousness disap-

retical and managerial implications of the most pears, the consumer's sense of time becomes distorted,

comprehensive effort to date to bring quantitative and the state of mind arising as a result of achieving

modeling to bear upon the measurement of consumer flow on the Web is extremely gratifying.
It is important to note that in this paper we are con-
experience in computer-mediated environments.
cerned with flow experienced while using the Web in
1.1. The Flow Construct general, as opposed to flow experienced on a specific
In ?2, we present our formal structural model of the website. Thus, the goal that may lead to flow is not

compelling online customer experience. Our struc- specific, as in, for example, shopping online for a

tural model centers about the construct of flow. The sweater, but rather relates more generally to the pro-

flow construct was pioneered by Csikszentmihalyi, cess of network navigation occurring across multiple
who has written extensively on this topic during websites within a particular Web session. Subsequent

the past 20 years (e.g., Csikzentmihalyi 1977, 1990, research will be able to use this general model to ad-

1997; Csikzentmihalyi and Csikzentmihalyi 1988; dress the characteristics of customer experience on spe-
cific websites.
Csikzentmihalyi and LeFevre 1989). While flow has
been studied in a broad range of contexts including 1.2. Previous Models of Flow
sports, work, shopping, games, hobbies, and computer Our conceptual model of flow owes a debt to various
use, we focus on flow during consumer navigation of models that have been proposed earlier in the litera-
the Web. ture. A good starting point is the comprehensive

24 MARKETING SCIENCE/VOl. 19, No. 1, Winter 2000

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Structural Modeling Approach to the Customer Experience Online

listing of eight components of flow provided by structural modeling (e.g., Ellis et al. 1994, LeFevre
Csikszentmihalyi (1997): (1) a clear goal, (2) feedback, 1988, Nakamura 1988, Wells 1988). These segmenta-
(3) challenges match skills, (4) concentration and focus, tion models attempt to account for all possible com-
(5) control, (6) loss of self-consciousness, (7) transfor- binations (channels) of high/low skills and challenges,
mation of time, and (8) the activity becomes autotelic thus defining flow solely on the basis of the constructs
(that is, perceived as worth doing for its own sake). of skill and challenge. This narrow focus has provided
While structural relations among the constructs are not an in-depth understanding of the role of these two
specified, the constructs are grouped according to constructs.
whether they specify antecedent conditions of flow (1, Early research identified three channels or segments:
2, and 3), its characteristics (4 and 5), or the conse- (1) anxiety (high challenge/low skill); (2) flow (high
quences of the experience (6, 7, and 8). challenge/high skill or low challenge/low skill); and
Our model builds upon previous, simpler structural (3) boredom (low challenge/high skill). However,
models that have examined a limited subset of these greater empirical support has been found for a refor-
components of flow in the context of work-related mulated four-channel model where anxiety and bore-
human-computer interaction (e.g., Trevino and dom are defined as before, but flow is now defined as
Webster 1992, Webster et al. 1993, Ghani et al. 1991, only high skills and high challenges and apathy is in-
Ghani and Deshpande 1994). Ghani et al. (1991) fit a troduced as low skills and low challenges. Numerous
causal model in their study of computer-mediated in- researchers (e.g., Ellis et al. 1994, LeFevre 1988,
teraction and found control and challenges predicted Nakamura 1988, Wells 1988) have found clear patterns
flow, which was operationalized as four items for en- of differences among the four "flow segments."
joyment and four for concentration. Control and flow An eight-channel model (Massimini and Carli 1988,
predicted exploratory use, which in turn predicted ex- Ellis et al. 1994) extends the four-channel model by al-
tent of use. lowing for intermediate (moderate) levels of skill and
Ghani and Deshpande (1994), in a later study ex- challenge. Two intermediate segments-control and
ploring flow occurring among individuals using com- arousal-are identified, where control corresponds to
puters in the workplace, included skill as well as chal- high skill and moderate challenge, and arousal corre-
lenge. The resulting causal model is simple but quite sponds to high challenge and moderate skill. The
interesting in that skill leads to control, which leads to eight-channel model provides theoretical justification
flow. Skill also directly affects flow, as does perceived for considering control and skill to be multiple indi-
challenge. This model provides empirical support for cators, in our structural model, of one higher-order
definitions that specify that flow occurs when chal- construct, and for considering arousal and challenge to
lenges and skill are both high, because skill and chal- be multiple indicators of a second higher-order
lenges independently contribute to flow. construct.
Trevino and Webster (1992) fit an alternative causal
model in their study of workers' perceptions of flow
2. Research Hypotheses
during e-mail and voice mail interactions. They used
a different operational definition of flow that consisted 2.1. Hoffman and Novak's Model of Flow
of four items measuring control, attention focus, curi- A general conceptual model of flow in interactive
osity, and intrinsic interest. Skill was measured, but computer-mediated environments (CME) is described
not challenges. They also identified ease of use as a in detail in Hoffman and Novak (1996a). Their pro-
mediating variable between skill and flow. posed model served to reconcile inconsistencies in pre-
Another influence on our research are the "flow vious definitions and models and laid the groundwork
channel segmentation models," which are based on for formal empirical testing. In Figure 1, we summarize
Csikszentmihalyi's (1997) definition of flow in terms of without loss of generality the key features of Hoffman
the congruence of skills and challenges. Flow channel and Novak's conceptual model of the customer expe-
segmentation models provide a simpler alternative to rience in online environments.

MARKETING SCIENCE/VOl. 19, No. 1, Winter 2000 25

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Structural Modeling Approach to the Customer Experience Online

Figure 1 Hoffman and Novak's (1996a) Conceptual Model the Web (StartWeb), how much time per day the re-
spondent spends using the Web (TimeUse), and how
much time the respondent expects to use the Web in

________:b2| (H7) _ ( SKILL/> ( the future (ExpectUse). TimeUse and ExpectUse were
not included in the base model but are used later when
Start WebCONTROL H2) (HS we examine the relationship between the model con-
structs and consumer behavior variables.
(=> I(40(;UvALe / (H2) / \(H8)
Our survey instrument was developed on the basis
\\~~~~~Caleg E xploratory
of extensive pilot testing and incorporates existing
(HS) (H4) B
scales where appropriate. A working paper available
from the authors summarizes a series of four small-
scale pretests and two large-scale pilot tests used to
(H5) , Focused (H4) >^'TELEPRES/
TIME DIS develop our final survey instrument. Table 1 lists the
66 items corresponding to the 13 model constructs and
three background variables used in our final survey.
Eight sets of items-playfulness, focused attention, im-
portance, arousal, control, positive affect, time distor-
Hoffman and Novak's conceptual model of online tion, and exploratory behavior-were identical to the
customer experience owes an important debt to pre- items used in one or both of the two large-scale pilots.
vious models of flow conceptualized in the context of The seven-item playfulness scale is from Webster
human-computer interaction but is unique in several and Martocchio (1992) (alpha = 0.782 and 0.828 in two
important ways. First, it has been specifically formu- pilot studies). The four-item focused attention scale is
lated to represent the general customer experience in from Ghani and Deshpande (1994) (alpha = 0.638 and
interactive online environments, with special attention 0.830 in the two pilots). We included McQuarrie and
to the commercial Web environment. Second, it pro- Munson's (1991) five-item importance subscale for the
vides more rigorous operational definitions of key involvement construct (alpha = 0.876 and 0.923 in the
model constructs than existed previously and estab- two pilots). Three constructs in the final survey-
lishes reliability and validity in a comprehensive mea- arousal, control, and positive affect-consist of the
surement framework. Finally, unlike prior models of four-item scales used by Havlena and Holbrook (1986),
flow, this new model specifies an explicit structure for as derived from Mehrabian and Russell's (1974) longer
direct and indirect influences on flow and provides a six-item original versions of these three scales. Coeffi-
mechanism for determining whether and how model cient alphas for arousal, control, and positive affect in
constructs relate to external marketing variables such the second pilot study were, respectively, 0.650, 0.685,
as product information search and online shopping be- and 0.861. The two-item scale for time distortion had
haviors that are relevant to the commercial online en- a coefficient alpha of 0.703 in the second large-scale
vironment. These advances have been achieved by
pilot. The eight-item exploratory behavior scale is
carefully conceptualizing existing constructs in terms
modified from Baumgartner and Steenkamp (1996)'s
of Web use and introducing new constructs uniquely
20-item exploratory buying behavior tendencies scale.
related to the consumer's Web usage experience.
Items El through E8 were obtained by rewording
2.2. Construct Definition items 8, 9, 1, 4, 11, 12, 16, and 20 to make them appli-
The model we test in this paper has 13 constructs that cable to exploratory behavior on the Web. Coefficient
are operationalized with nine-point rating scales (scale alpha for this scale was 0.788 in the second large-scale
values from strongly disagree to strongly agree) or se- pilot.
mantic differential scales. In addition, three Web usage Four-item scales for skill and challenge were devel-
variables specify when the respondent started using oped over the series of pretests and pilots, beginning

26 MARKETING SCIENCE/VOl. 19, No. 1, Winter 2000

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Structural Modeling Approach to the Customer Experience Online

with a set of 15 items for each construct. In the large- batims of those respondents who did report experi-
scale pilots the four skill items had a coefficient alpha encing flow on the Web was highly consistent with
of 0.864 and 0.858, and the four challenge items had a reports of flow in other literature.
coefficient alpha of 0.876 and 0.799. In the final survey, Below we discuss our research hypotheses. Hypoth-
we included two additional items for skill and control eses are not stated in a causal manner because the di-
(items S5, S6, C5, and C6 in Table 1). rection of causality cannot be determined from our
The seven-item telepresence scale was modified data. All hypotheses will be tested according to the
from items developed by Kim and Biocca (1997). Be- paths in a structural model we fit to the data. In a struc-
cause these items differed from the items used in the tural equation model, the "causal" relationships be-
large-scale pilots, we do not report coefficient alphas tween variables are represented by directed paths. Sig-
from the pilot studies. Telepresence, described as "the nificant paths between variables are assumed to

compelling sense of being present in a mediated vir- provide support for the hypotheses.

tual environment," (Kim and Biocca 1997, Steuer 1992)

2.3. Relationship Among Model Constructs
is treated as a separate construct from time distortion,
the perception of time passing rapidly when engaged
2.3.1. Direct Influences on Flow
in an activity.
The three-item speed of interaction scale is based HYPOTHESIS 1. Greater skill at using the Web and
upon Steuer's (1992) three-part conceptualization of in- greater perceived control during the Web interaction cor-
teractivity. Our previous pilots attempted to measure respond to greater flow while using the Web.
three aspects of interaction, including: (1) the speed of
the interaction; (2) the mapping of the interaction (i.e., HYPOTHESIS 2. Greater challenge and arousal corre-
how natural and intuitive the interaction is perceived spond to greater flow.
to be by the user); and (3) the range of the interaction
(i.e., the number of possibilities for action at a given
HYPOTHESIS 3. Greater telepresence and time distor-
tion correspond to greater flow.
time). However, in the second large-scale pilot, we
were able to achieve acceptable alphas only for speed
Skill refers to the Web consumer's capacity for action
of interaction (alpha = 0.688, two-item scale) and use
during the online navigation process and control taps
only that aspect here. For this study, we added a third
the consumer's ability for action (Azjen 1988). Control
item to measure speed of interactivity.
comes from both the Web user's perception of her abil-
Finally, we directly measured flow in the present
ity to successfully navigate through the Web environ-
study with a three-item scale following a narrative de-
ment and her perception of how the Web responds to
scription of flow. Chen et al. (1999) have successfully
her inputs. Challenges specify the consumer's oppor-
used a similar approach in eliciting examples of ex-
tunities for action on the Web, and arousal serves as a
periences of flow among Web consumers. To minimize theoretical correlate of challenge.
bias, these items appeared at the end of the survey. In Hypotheses 1 and 2, taken together, form the heart
August 1998, we conducted a small sample qualitative of most definitions of flow that have appeared previ-
survey completed by 147 respondents, in which we ously in the literature. Only when consumers per-
provided them with the narrative description of flow ceive that the Web contains challenges congruent
shown in Table 1 and asked them if they had ever ex- with their own skills can flow potentially occur
perienced flow on a specific website, and if so to describe (Csikszentmihalyi and Csikszentmihalyi 1988). Oth-
that experience. Forty-seven percent of the respon- erwise, consumers may become bored or anxious (Ellis
dents said they experienced flow at specific websites et al. 1994). The idea that flow requires high levels of
and provided descriptions of their interactions with skill and challenge is also consistent with optimal
these websites. No respondent expressed confusion stimulation level theory (e.g., Holbrook and Gardner
about the definition of flow, and a reading of the ver- 1993, Raju 1980, Steenkamp and Baumgartner 1992).

MARKETING SCIENCE/VOL 19, No. 1, Winter 2000 27

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Structural Modeling Approach to the Customer Experience Online

Table 1 Variables Used in the Flow Survey

Construct Name Variable Description:

Web usage StartWeb When did you start using the Web? (6 categories)
TimeUse How much time would you estimate that you personally use the Web? (6 categories)
ExpectUse In the coming year, how much do you expect to use the Web, compared to your cur
(5 categories)

Arousal Al Stimulated/relaxed
A2 Calm/excited (R)
A3 Frenzied/sluggish
A4 Unaroused/aroused (R)

Challenge Cl Using the Web challenges me.

C2 Using the Web challenges me to perform to the best of my ability.
C3 Using the Web provides a good test of my skills.
C4 I find that using the Web stretches my capabilities to my limits.
C5 How much does the Web challenge you, compared to other things you do on the computer?
C6 How much does the Web challenge you, compared to the sport or game you are best at?

Control Col Controlling/controlled

C02 Influenced/influential (R)
C03 Dominant/submissive
C04 Guided/autonomous (R)

Exploratory behavior El I enjoy visiting unfamiliar websites just for the sake of variety.
E2 I rarely visit websites I know nothing about. (R)
E3 Even though there are thousands of different kinds of websites, I tend to visit the same types of websi
E4 When I hear about a new website, I'm eager to check it out.
E5 Surfing the Web to see what's new is a waste of time. (R)
E6 I like to browse the Web and find out about the latest sites.
E7 I like to browse shopping sites even if I don't plan to buy anything.
E8 I often click on a link just out of curiosity.

Flow Instructions: The word "flow" is used to describe a state of mind sometimes experienced by people who are deepl
involved in some activity. One example of flow is the case where a professional athlete is playing exce
tionally well and achieves a state of mind where nothing else matters but the game; he or she is complet
and totally immersed in it. The experience is not exclusive to athletics: Many people report this state
mind when playing games, engaging in hobbies, or working.
Activities that lead to flow completely captivate a person for some period of time. When one is in flo
time may seem to stand still, and nothing else seems to matter. Flow may not last for a long time on a
particular occasion, but it may come and go over time. Flow has been described as an intrinsically enjoya
Thinking about your own use of the Web:
Fl Do you think you have ever experienced flow on the Web?
F2 In general, how frequently would you say you have experienced "flow" when you use the Web?
F3 Most of the time I use the Web I feel that I am in flow.

Focused attention FAl Not deeply engrossed/deeply engrossed

FA2 Absorbed intently/not absorbed intently (R)
FA3 My attention is not focused/my attention is focused
FA4 I concentrate fully/I do not concentrate fully (R)

28 MARKETING SCIENCE/VO1. 19, No. 1, Winter 2000

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Structural Modeling Approach to the Customer Experience Online

Table 1 (Continued) Variables Used in the Flow Survey


Construct Name Variable Description:

Interactivity 11 When I use the Web there is very little waiting time between my actions and the computer's response.
(speed) 12 Interacting with the Web is slow and tedious. (R)
13 Pages on the websites I visit usually load quickly.

Involvement IM1 Important/unimportant

(importance) IM2 Irrelevant/relevant (R)
IM3 Means a lot to me/means nothing to me
IM4 Matters to me/doesn't matter
IM5 Of no concern/of concern to me (R)

Playfulness P1 I feel unimaginative when I use the Web. (R)

P2 I feel flexible when I use the Web.
P3 I feel unoriginal when I use the Web. (R)
P4 I feel uninventive when I use the Web. (R)
P5 I feel creative when I use the Web. (R)
P6 I feel playful when I use the Web.
P7 I feel spontaneous when I use the Web.

Positive affect PAl Happy/unhappy (R)

PA2 Annoyed/pleased
PA3 Satisfied/unsatisfied (R)
PA4 Melancholic/contented

Skill S1 I am extremely skilled at using the Web.

S2 I consider myself knowledgeable about good search techniques on the
S3 I know somewhat less than most users about using the Web. (R)
S4 I know how to find what I am looking for on the Web.
S5 How would you rate your skill at using the Web, compared to other things you do on the computer?
S6 How would you rate your skill at using the Web, compared to the sport or game you are best at?

Telepresence Ti I forget about my immediate surroundings when I use the Web. (R)
T2 Using the Web often makes me forget where I am.
T3 After using the Web, I feel like I come back to the "real world" after a journey.
T4 Using the Web creates a new world for me, and this world suddenly disappears when I stop browsing.
T5 When I use the Web, I feel I am in a world created by the websites I visit.
T6 When I use the Web, my body is in the room, but my mind is inside the world created by the websites

T7 When I use the Web, the world generated by the sites I visit is more real for me than the "real world."

Time distortion TD1 Time seems to go by very quickly when I use the Web.
TD2 When I use the Web, I tend to lose track of time.

(R) indicates the item was reverse-scaled.

Telepresence, or the mediated perception of the en- Hoffman and Novak (1996a) introduced this antece-
vironment, is the perception that the virtual environ- dent of flow, and we include it here. The sense of a
ment with which one is interacting is more real or distortion in time perception (Csikszentmihalyi 1977),
dominant than the actual physical environment. in which the consumer is unaware of time passing so

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Structural Modeling Approach to the Customer Experience Online

that time appears to pass more quickly, is a corre- function of her online experience. Thus, the absolute
late. length of time an individual has been online
The eight-channel flow model (Massimini and Carli (StartWeb) is expected to exert a positive influence on
1988, Ellis et al. 1994) theoretically motivates two of these two constructs, which in turn are hypothesized
the three higher-order factors in our structural model. to positively influence her ability to achieve flow in the
The eight-channel model considers the pairs of con- commercial environment.
structs (1) skill and control and (2) challenge and
2.3.3. Consequences of Flow.
arousal to be multiple indicators of closely related un-
derlying latent constructs. The three higher-order fac- HYPOTHESIS 8. Greater flow corresponds to greater ex-
tors used in the model greatly simplify the formulation ploratory behavior.
and interpretation of the structural model.
HYPOTHESIS 9. Greater flow corresponds to greater posi-
HYPOTHESIS 4. Greater focused attention corresponds tive effect.
to greater flow, telepresence and time distortion.
Previous research has identified numerous positive
Focused attention refers to a "centering of attention consequences of flow, including increased exploratory
on a limited stimulus field" (Csikszentmihalyi 1977, p. behavior (Webster et al. 1993, Ghani and Deshpande
40). Webster et al. (1993) have noted that the computer 1994, Ghani et al. 1991) and positive subjective expe-
functions as the limited stimulus field, and respon- riences (Webster et al. 1993, Csikszentmihalyi 1977).
dents report being "mesmerized" during their We hypothesize a positive relation for these two flow
computer-mediated interactions. Note that we hypoth- outcomes.
esize that focused attention has both a direct effect on
flow and an indirect effect through its direct influence 2.4. Relationships of Model Constructs to

on telepresence and time distortion. Consumer Behavior and Web Usage

The hypotheses below relate to how the model con-
2.3.2. Indirect Influences on Flow. structs specifying the online customer experience re-

HYPOTHESIS 5. Greater importance corresponds to late to important consumer behavior and Web mar-
keting variables.
greater focused attention. Webster et al. (1993)found a posi-
tive association between intrinsic interest and focused atten-HYPOTHESIS 10. Flow and closely related constructs such
tion. Enduring involvement (Zaichkowsky 1986), operation- as telepresence, time distortion, and exploratory behavior,
alized here as importance, is formed by the presence of will be greater for respondents who use the Web for "Ex-
situational and/or intrinsic self-relevance and affects the periential"
at- uses such as online chat, and entertainment, than
tention effort (Celsi and Olson 1988). This hypothesis fol-
for "Task-Oriented" uses such as Work, searchingfor specific
lows directly from Hoffnan and Novak (1996a). reference information, or online job listings.
HYPOTHESIS 6. Greater speed of interaction corre-
This is motivated by the theory that such experien-
sponds to greater focused attention, telepresence and time
tial uses lead individuals to see the Web as a more
distortion, and flow.
playful environment (Ghani and Deshpande 1994,
As noted above, we consider only the speed of in- Hoffman and Novak 1996a).
teraction and hypothesize its links to a number of con-
HYPOTHESIS 11. Consumers who more recently started
structs. Thus, our operationalization of interactivity is
using the Web are more likely to use it for experiential ac-
somewhat limited.
tivities; those who have been using the Web for a long time
are more likely to use it for task-oriented activities (see
HYPOTHESIS 7. The longer the respondent has been us-
ing the Web, the greater the skill and control. Hammond et al. 1997).

A consumer's skill at using the Web and her per- Along the same lines, Hoffman and Novak (1996a)
ceived control over her online actions are, in part, a argued that a consumer's early Web experiences were

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Structural Modeling Approach to the Customer Experience Online

more likely to be characterized by an experiential, term, sophisticated Web users than the general popu-
time-passing quality, but that over time, Web naviga- lation. Participants were solicited using both online
tion would evolve and become more goal-directed. and traditional media. These included announcements
placed on Internet-related newsgroups, banner ads
HYPOTHESIS 12. Flow and closely related constructs such
placed on specific pages on high exposure sites (e.g.,
as telepresence, time distortion, and exploratory behavior
Yahoo, Netscape, etc.), banner ads randomly rotated
have a negative relationship with the length of time the re-
through high exposure sites (e.g., Webcrawler, etc.),
spondent has used the Web.
announcements made to the www-surveying mailing
Hammond et al. (1997) found in a small-scale lon- list maintained by GVU, and announcements made in
gitudinal study that after four months, ratings of four the popular press.
scales related to fun and exploration of the Web de- After the five weeks of the survey period, a total of
clined for novice, intermediate, and experienced users, 12,570 respondents filled out at least one of the 10 sur-
with the greatest declines occurring for novice users. veys that composed the ninth WWW User Survey. Of
We would also expect a decline in flow because we these 12,570 respondents, 2,061 completed our flow
anticipate that a respondent's skill at using the Web survey. We eliminated 99 respondents who had miss-
(Hypothesis 7) will increase more rapidly than their ing data on any of the items in the survey. The missing
evaluation of the challenge of the Web (which may data rate was so low because respondents were auto-
even decline over time). matically prompted by the Web server to complete
These hypotheses have important implications for omitted items. This amounted to showing a respon-
Internet marketing applications involving website de- dent all items she did not complete and offering the
sign. For example, a critical challenge facing the Inter- opportunity to complete these items. This data collec-
net manager is how to design a single website that can tion strategy produced an initial analysis sample of
provide a compelling online experience to both novices 1,962 respondents with no missing data.
and experienced online consumers alike. In addition to the flow survey items shown in Table
1 we also used items from a second survey, the "Web
and Internet Usage Survey," fielded in the ninth GVU
3. Online Data Collection
WWW User Survey. This survey was completed by a
Our final instrument was administered as a Web fillout
total of 9,147 respondents. Then we selected those
form that was posted from April 10 to May 15, 1998,
1,654 respondents who completed both our flow sur-
in conjunction with the ninth WWW User Survey'
vey and the usage survey. These 1,654 respondents
fielded by the Graphic, Visualization, and Usability
composed our final analysis sample.
Center (GVU) at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Following Cudeck and Browne (1983), we used a
Respondents who registered to participate in the sur-
cross-validation procedure to assess model fit. To min-
vey were given a unique identifying code and were
imize capitalizing on chance when applying model
presented with an online menu of 10 different surveys
modification procedures to the calibration sample, the
regarding Web usage behavior, including our flow sur-
sample of 1,654 respondents was randomly split in un-
vey, which they could fill out.
even fashion, as recommended by Wickens (1989). The
Because the GVU WWW User Survey employs non-
majority of respondents were randomly assigned into
probabilistic sampling and self-selection (GVU 1997),
a calibration sample of 1,154 respondents and the re-
it is not representative of the general population of
mainder into a validation sample of 500 respondents.
Web users. Comparison with population projectable
surveys of Web usage (e.g., Hoffman et al. 1996) shows
that the GVU User Survey sample contains more long-
4. Purifying the Measurement
We adopted a two-step approach to model construc-
'http: / /www.gvu.gatech.edu /user_surveys/survey-1998-04/ tion and testing (Anderson and Gerbing 1988). First,

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we "purified" the measurement model by eliminating 5. Structural Models

measured variables and latent factors that were not
well fit by an initial confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) 5.1. Test of Hoffman and Novak's (1996a)

model. Second, we fit a theoretical base model and a Conceptual Model

series of revised models to the measured variables re- Using the model purification process, our empirical
modeling was based on only the latent factors and 45
tained in the first step.
measured variables that were used in model CFA7.
Following Anderson and Gerbing (1988), the first as-
The base model shown in Figure 2 was fit first. The
sessment should be whether any structural model ex-
standardized parameter estimates are shown in Figure
ists that has an acceptable goodness-of-fit. Thus, we
2. The base model is based on prior theory because it
began by fitting a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA)
corresponds to Hoffman and Novak's (1996a) concep-
model that included covariances between all pairs of
tual model shown in Figure 1, with one modification.
latent factors. The base model for the CFA, model
Because positive affect was eliminated in the process
CFA1, included the latent factors and measured vari-
of purifying the measurement model, it was not in-
ables for arousal, challenge, control, exploratory be-
cluded in the base model.
havior, flow, focused attention, importance, play, posi-
The base model provides an excellent initial fit2 (CFI
tive affect, skill, speed, telepresence, and time
= 0.892, RMSEA = 0.050). In many ways, one could
distortion, all from Table 1.
argue that the base model provides an acceptable fit.
Maximum likelihood estimation was used to fit the
However, we still fit a series of model modifications to
CFA model using the calibration sample of 1,154 re-
identify ways in which the fit could be improved and
spondents. Overall goodness-of-fit for this initial
any problems with the base model.
model was reasonable, with root-mean-squared error
The standardized path coefficients in Figure 2, with
of approximation (RMSEA) equal to 0.051. Browne and the exception of the paths from interactivity/speed to
Cudeck (1993) suggest that RMSEA values about or telepresence, and focused attention are all significant
below 0.05 indicate a close fit of the model of model in at p < 0.05. All significant coefficients were in the hy-
relation to degrees of freedom, and values below 0.08 pothesized direction. Estimated correlations among
indicate a reasonable fit. However, Bentler's (1990) the four independent variables in the base model,
comparative fit index (CFI) was 0.854, below the min- StartWeb, speed, importance, and challenge/arousal
imum value of 0.9 suggested (Bentler 1990) as indica- were all significant (p < 0.05), with the exception of the
tive of good model fit, and below the median CFI of correlation between StartWeb and speed (t - 1.91).
0.95 in 14 marketing studies as summarized by
5.2. Refining the Theoretical Model
Baumgartner and Homberg (1995). Thus, we pro-
Wald tests of free parameters (Bentler and Dijkstra
ceeded to improve the fit of the model via a series of
1985, Bentler 1995) suggested which paths in the theo-
model modification tests.
retical base model with small t-statistics should be
Lagrange multiplier (LM) tests were used to identify
dropped from the model. In addition, Lagrange mul-
measured variables that loaded on multiple latent fac-
tiplier tests suggested numerous parameters that could
tors and latent factors on which numerous extraneous
be added to the model (Bentler and Dijkstra 1985,
measured variables loaded. Such measured variables
Bentler 1995). We performed a series of revisions to our
and latent factors were deleted from the model, as
base model, using the Wald and LM tests summarized
summarized in Table 2. All measurement models were
in Table 3. All models were fit to the calibration sample
fit to the calibration sample data. The final measure-
ment model, CFA7, eliminated latent factors for play
2During the model modification process, the variance estimate of the
(pl-p7) and positive affect (pal-pa4), and also elimi-
latent factor for skill produced by EQS was constrained at the lower
nated measured variables tl, sl-s4, and c5-c6. Fit of bound of zero. Thus, we constrained the variance of skill to the var-
this final model in the calibration sample was excellent, iance of the higher-order factor for telepresence/time distortion,
with CFI = 0.922 and RMSEA = 0.044 + / - 0.02. which was the latent factor with the smallest estimated variance.

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Structural Modeling Approach to the Customer Experience Online

Table 2 Model Modification Process for Purifying the Measurement Model

Model CFI RMSEA Deleted Reason for Deletion Using Lagrange Multiplier Test

CFAl 0.854 0.051 - None: base model for CFA

CFA2 0.881 0.047 p6, cl, c2, c4 Deleted variables double-loaded on additional latent factors
CFA3 0.893 0.045 p7, c3 Deleted variables double-loaded on additional latent factors
CFA4 0.899 0.047 p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 Many measured variables loaded on the latent factor for play (pl-p5)
CFA5 0.904 0.047 pal, pa2, pa3, pa4 Many measured variables loaded on the latent factor for positive affect (pal-pa4)
CFA6 0.911 0.045 ti Deleted variable double-loaded on additional latent factors
CFA7 0.922 0.044 s5, s6 Deleted variables double-loaded on additional latent factors

Figure 2 The Base Model data.3 As can be seen, successive model changes lead-
~~il Control ing from the base model shown in Figure 2 to the re-
.90 49 vised model shown in Figure 3 were relatively minor,
_____ 60(H7) SKI with three paths dropped, one covariance term

./ \ \, ~~~~~~~~.07 (HS) \
t 15(H1)
/ \1 _ dropped, and three paths added. The most significant
f,06 { \\;.29 Flow change is that the revised model replaces the path from
I ' 4,- \ i4 \.^(H8) flow to exploratory behavior with a path from tele-
,12 presence/time distortion to exploratory behavior.
Challe .7ngeH Exploratory Overall fit o
.. 20 00 \(H6)< = 0.045 (90% confidence interval of [0.044, 0.047]) and
\\, / .12(H6) CFI = 0.911. The R2 statistics for structural equations
. Focue 41) TELEPRESI
Attention T~~~IME DIS

.78 .80 3As in the base model, in the revised model shown in the second
Tel.- T,me row of in Table 3, the variance estimate for latent factor for skill was
constrained to the variance of arousal (the latent factor with the
smallest estimated variance). Constraints were not required in sub-
sequent models.

Table 3 Model Modification Process for Purifying the Theoretical Model

Model CFI RMSEA Model Modifications

Base Model 0.892 0.051 (none - base model)

Step 1 0.900 0.048 Drop: focus flow
Drop: speed - telepresence/time dist
Add: challenge/arousal -> focus
Step 2 0.906 0.046 Drop: speed ->focus
Add: importance -> skill/control
Step 3 0.906 0.046 Drop: covariance of startweb and speed
Convert challenge/arousal from an independent
variable (change covariances with startweb, spe
Step 4 0.911 0.045 Add: telepresence/time distortion -> explore
Revised Model 0.911 0.045 Drop: flow -e explore

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Structural Modeling Approach to the Customer Experience Online

Figure 3 Revised Theoretical Model found these two constructs to exhibit adequate reli-
ability, and we include them in our structural models.
However, future improvement in measuring these
constructs is desirable.
'5 CONT; .12

5.3. Implications for Hypotheses

i X .~~~~~~~~~07 _ Looking at the results for the base and revised models,
for the most part our hypotheses were supported. The
direct paths to flow from skill (HI), challenge (H2), and
telepresence (H3) are positive and significant. How-
''.21i11 CHaLLJ
ever, there was no support for the hypothesis that

\ \ // ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~.69 /6
greater focused attention corresponds directly to
.18iorit Focised o .72 TmLEPl
~~i~POftI1~~~~) Atteellon ~~TIMAE DIS greater flow (H4), although focused attention was
found tofor
shown in Table 4 provide further evidence correspond
tBhaviorto greater telepresence and time
Tale- Tm
distortion (H4), thereby influencing flow indirectly
through these variables. Interactive speed exerts a di-
rect positive influence on flow (H6), but greater speed
did not correspond to greater focused attention or tele-
shown in Table 4 provide further evidence for the and
presence su- time distortion (H6). Greater importance
periority of the revised over base model. was positively associated with greater focused atten-
Composite reliabilities estimated from the revised tion (H5), and the longer the respondent had been us-
model in the calibration sample, with the exception of ing the Web, the greater her skill and control in the
control (0.533) and arousal (0.574), were greater than Web environment (H7).
0.750.4 Although the reliabilities for the control and Although we did not hypothesize paths between
arousal constructs are below 0.6, previous research has challenge and StartWeb, speed, and importance, we
included covariance terms for each of these pairs in the
base model. In the revised model, challenge negatively
4Full details of estimating the composite reliabilities are provided in
relates to StartWeb and positively relates to speed and
a working paper available from the authors.
importance. Two significant relationships were not an-
ticipated: Challenge was positively related to focused
attention, and importance was positively related to
Table 4 R-Square Statistics for Structural Equations skill. Estimated correlations among the remaining in-
dependent variables are similar to those in the initial
Base Revised
theoretical model.
Latent Factor: Model Model
The results for H8, the relationship of flow to ex-

Skill 0.806 0.833 ploratory behavior, are more complex. The base model
Challenge 0.257 0.242 supports H8, but the revised model does not. How-
Speed ever, the model shown in Step 3 of Table 3 represents
Focused Attention 0.273 0.628 an alternative revised model, which is discussed in de-
Telepresence 0.637 0.608
tail in a working paper available from the authors.
Arousal 0.512 0.621
While the Step 3 model provides an acceptable fit and
Control 0.242 0.270
supports the hypothesized relationship between flow
Time Distortion 0.603 0.643 and exploratory behavior, the working paper describes
Exploratory Behavior 0.191 0.356 how model modification indices as well as overall
Flow 0.580 0.543 measures suggest the revised model provides a supe-
Skill/Control 0.365 0.496 rior fit to the data. Nonetheless, given that this inter-
Challenge/Arousal 0.347
mediate model provides a reasonable fit, future re-
Telepresence/Time Distortion 0.469 0.514
search will need to determine whether exploratory

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Structural Modeling Approach to the Customer Experience Orline

behavior is best modeled as an outcome of flow (H8 was used to test whether ac and av were significantly
supported) or as a parallel and independent outcome different from each other.5
of telepresence (H8 not supported). Altogether, we performed 110 tests of the equiva-
Finally, as positive affect was dropped from the lence of the unstandardized parameter estimates be-
model in the measurement purification process, H9 tween the calibration and validation samples and
was obviously not testable. found 20.9% of all parameters were significantly dif-
ferent, with I t I > 1.96. Although the observed rate of
20.9% rejections seem to be much higher than the cor-
6. Cross-Validation of Structural responding nominal rate of 5%, the estimates obtained
Models within each sample were correlated. Hence, the 110
We used two approaches to cross-validating the base tests were not independent and the 5% nominal rate,
and revised models. For each model, a less restrictive which assumes 110 independent tests, could serve only
cross-validation was performed first by fitting the re- as a rough benchmark. It is thus more useful to treat
vised measurement and latent variable model shown these test results as indications of potential model re-
in Figure 3 to the validation sample, but with the pa- finement or modification in the future modeling. Of
rameters re-estimated. Second, a usual cross-validation particular interest are the test of differences in path
(as described in Cudeck and Browne 1983) was per- coefficients among latent factors in the revised model
formed by applying the final structural model with the and the measured variable StartWeb. Estimates of only
estimated parameter values from our calibration sam- two such path coefficients differed (in magnitude but
ple to the validation sample. not direction) across calibration and validation sam-
We first re-estimated the parameters of the mea- ples, suggesting that the revised model cross-validates
surement and latent variable model for the revised well.
model in the validation sample ("Validation 1" column
in Table 5). Validation sample RMSEA was acceptable
7. Relationship of Model
(0.046), and CFI dropped only slightly below 0.9
(0.896). For the base model, CFI dropped from 0.892 to Constructs with Consumer
0.879, while RMSEA remained unchanged at 0.050. Behavior Variables
In our second approach to cross-validation ("Vali- In this section we relate estimated scores on model con
dation 2" column in Table 5), we applied calibration structs to a series of outcome variables dealing with
sample parameter estimates to the validation sample. consumer behavior on the Web. We consider two sets
This produced an anticipated drop in overall of measured variables as outcomes of constructs in the
goodness-of-fit beyond that found in the first ap- flow model: (1) Web Applications, consisting of 21 rating
proach. RMSEA was still reasonable in the revised scales dealing with extent of Web use, and specific ap-
model (0.048), but CFI dropped to 0.874. The base plications the Web is used for (n = 1654 in the com-
model CFI dropped to 0.857 with this more stringent bined calibration and validation samples); and (2) Web
validation, but RMSEA remained about the same at Shopping, consisting of 13 binary variables specifying
0.051. features that are "most important" when shopping, or
The Schwarz criterion is lower for the revised model considering shopping, on the Web (n = 481 respon-
than the base model, in the calibration sample and in dents in the combined calibration and validation sam-
both approaches to cross-validation, further support- ples who completed an additional survey on Internet
ing the superiority of the revised model. shopping). Additionally, we (3) examine how the
We performed a series of follow-up t-tests, testing model constructs change over time by exploring the
the equivalence of calibration and validation sample
parameter estimates in the revised model. A simple t-
ratio defined by t = (a, - aV)/Ud, where Cd is the stan-
5Details of estimating the standard errors are provided in a working
dard error for the difference of parameter estimates, paper available from the authors.

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Table 5 Cross-Validation Results

(Without Fixed Estimates) (With Fixed Estimates)

Model Statistic Calibration Validation 1 Validation 2

Base Model df 924 923a 1035

Chi-square 3570.587 2068.794 2386.383
CFI 0.892 0.879 0.857
RMSEA 0.050 0.050 0.051
RMSEA 90% Cl (0.048, 0.052) (0.047, 0.053) (0.049, 0.540)
Schwarz criterion -2944.527 - 3667.289 - 4045.736

Revised Model df 925 925 1035

Chi-square 3103.910 1909.378 2226.089
CFI 0.911 0.896 0.874
RMSEA 0.045 0.046 0.048
RMSEA 90% Cl (0.044, 0.047) (0.0432, 0.049) (0.045, 0.051)
Schwarz criterion -3418.255 - 3839.134 - 4206.030

aln the base model, there are more degrees-of-freedom in the calibration s
was set for convergence in the calibration sample. This constraint is sample

relationships among the constructs and when the re- longer periods of time are more likely to use the Web
spondent starting using the Web. for task-oriented activities.
Estimated scores for five first-order latent factors To interpret the pattern of correlations, we per-
(speed, importance, focused attention, flow, and ex- formed a canonical correlation of the 21 Web applica-
ploratory behavior) and three higher-order factors tion variables with StartWeb and scores on the eight
(skill/control, challenge/arousal, and telepresence/ model constructs shown in Table 6. Four canonical cor-
time distortion) from the revised model were com- relations were significant (p < 0.0001), with squared
puted in the calibration sample. The estimated covar- canonical correlations of 0.355, 0.278, 0.061, and 0.045.
iance matrix for the latent factors and all measured Because there is a substantial drop in magnitude from
variables was obtained from the model estimates and the second to third squared canonical correlation, we
structural equations. Least-squares regression coeffi- display only the two-dimensional plot here. However,
cients of the latent factor scores on the observed vari- inspection of correlations with the third canonical vari-

ables were obtained using this estimated covariance able reveals that challenge/arousal is the model con-

matrix, and linear combinations of the variables using struct correlating most with the third canonical vari-

these regression coefficients were used as the esti- able (0.610), and ExpectUse is the usage variable

mated latent factor scores. The same regression coef- correlating most (0.180); thus, the third canonical vari-

ficients were then used to obtain estimated scores in able serves to separate challenge/arousal from the
other model constructs, and the observed correlation
the validation sample, and the two samples were com-
in Table 6 is consistent with this interpretation.
bined for further analysis.
Figure 4 presents a plot of the correlations of
StartWeb and the eight model constructs (columns of
7.1. Web Applications Table 6) with their first two canonical variables, shown
Table 6 reports significant (p < .05) correlations of as vectors. Also shown are correlations of the 21 Web
StartWeb and scores on the latent factors from the re- application variables (rows of Table 6) with the same
vised model with 21 Web applications. The significant two canonical variables. These 21 variables are repre-
correlations in the first column of Table 6 support Hi 1, sented as points to simplify the visual display but are,
because consumers who have used the Web for the of course, also vectors from the origin. Because we

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Table 6 Significant (p < 0.05) Correlations Between Scores on Model Constructs and Outcome Variables for Web Applic

Model Constructs from Revised Model

Start Skill/ Chall Telep/

Outcome Variable: Web Speed Import Focus Control Arous TD Flow Explore

Expected Use -0.128 0.105 0.181 -0.065 0.229 0.143 0.081 0.118
Medical Info 0.102 0.103 0.143 0.044 0.145 0.110 0.100 0.164
Chat Groups -0.099 0.115 0.155 0.187 0.059 0.206 0.257 0.204 0.198
Instead of TV -0.086 0.092 0.181 0.205 0.065 0.208 0.291 0.222 0.304
Fun 0.113 0.133 0.145 0.095 0.140 0.227 0.184 0.242
Personal 0.106 0.163 0.152 0.168 0.137 0.198 0.187 0.186
Hours Used 0.200 0.157 0.340 0.229 0.408 0.218 0.207 0.220 0.203
Time Use 0.222 0.186 0.360 0.203 0.406 0.198 0.200 0.211 0.190
Telephone Listings 0.133 0.109 0.160 0.108 0.200 0.108 0.098 0.126 0.118
Reference Material 0.182 0.109 0.237 0.135 0.315 0.124 0.075 0.110 0.088
Maps 0.155 0.117 0.153 0.090 0.217 0.066 0.070 0.087 0.118
Product Information 0.201 0.074 0.216 0.097 0.302 0.077 0.057 0.077 0.092
Newsgroups 0.097 0.070 0.075 0.139 0.059
Electronic News 0.130 0.089 0.137 0.076 0.187 0.088 0.055 0.088
Frequency of Visit 0.360 0.127 0.284 0.081 0.495 0.101
Research Material 0.238 0.083 0.179 0.056 0.302 0.057 0.060
Shopping 0.198 0.176 0.072 0.259 0.061 0.079
Financial Info 0.198 0.083 0.176
Job Listings 0.152 0.120 0.061 0.166 0.058 0.079 0.078
Real Estate 0.140 0.081 0.137 0.061
Work 0.371 0.127 - 0.073 0.356 - 0.094 - 0.178 - 0.074 - 0.189

Figure 4 The Relationship Between Model Constructs and Web Ap-

plications have chosen the set of canonical variables for the
TELEPRESENCE/TIME DISTORTION model constructs as the basis for the plot, to best rep-
EXPLORATORY BEHAVIOR resent these variables the correlations of the model
constructs with the canonical variables are larger than
FLOW those of the 21 Web application variables.
The vertical direction of Figure 4 shows a number of
important results. First, the model constructs of tele-
presence/time distortion, exploratory behavior, fo-
Instead of Watching TV

ChatGroups Fun Hours Used

cused attention, and flow, as well as challenge/
|//*/Pe 6nal %Time Use
arousal, are correlated with recreational uses of the
Expected Use @
Medical hone Listings
Web, such as instead of watching TV, chat groups, fun,
Ele ap .Reference Material SKILLUCONTROL
J tngs Product Info

Nea 0te * * Frequency of Use and personal use. Thus, H10 is supported. The hori-
Re ~te Research Material
Financial Info
zontal direction relates the skill/control construct to
more task-oriented activities, such as reference mate-
Work* rial, research, shopping, and product information. Ad-
ditionally, StartWeb is positively correlated with skill/
control and work use, supporting Hi 1.

MARKETING SCIENCE/VOl. 19, No. 1, Winter 2000 37

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Structural Modeling Approach to the Customer Experience Online

Table 7 Model Constructs and Web Shopping

Model Constructs from Revised Model

Skill/ Chall/ Telepres/

Speed Import Focus Control Arous Time Dist. Flow Explore

Web Shopping Item: Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High

Easy to Contact 0.41 0.53 0.41 0.53 0.44 0.50 0.46 0.48 0.38 0.56 0.41 0.83 0.45 0.48 0.42 0.52
Easy Ordering 0.68 0.76 0.65 0.79 0.65 0.79 0.69 0.74 0.66 0.79 0.64 0.80 0.66 0.76 0.63 0.81
Easy Payment 0.49 0.53 0.45 0.57 0.49 0.53 0.50 0.52 0.48 0.54 0.48 0.55 0.50 0.62 0.46 0.57
Easy Returns 0.42 0.46 0.43 0.44 0.42 0.45 0.46 0.42 0.38 0.50 0.41 0.46 0.43 0.44 0.38 0.49
Easy to Cancel 0.41 0.42 0.40 0.42 0.41 0.41 0.44 0.39 0.37 0.45 0.33 0.41 0.38 0.44 0.35 0.50
Quick Delivery 0.65 0.59 0.58 0.65 0.60 0.64 0.61 0.63 0.60 0.64 0.57 0.67 0.67 0.56 0.58 0.65
Customer Support 0.49 0.51 0.45 0.56 0.45 0.55 0.58 0.46 0.44 0.58 0.48 0.56 0.45 0.55 0.46 0.55
Cutting Edge 0.13 0.16 0.14 0.15 0.12 0.17 0.12 0.17 0.11 0.18 0.11 0.19 0.09 0.20 0.12 0.17
Variety 0.70 0.79 0.70 0.79 0.72 0.76 0.71 0.77 0.71 0.77 0.70 0.78 0.70 0.78 0.89 0.80
Quality Information 0.70 0.74 0.67 0.77 0.72 0.72 0.67 0.76 0.69 0.75 0.71 0.73 0.72 0.72 0.67 0.77
Reliability 0.70 0.68 0.69 0.69 0.71 0.68 0.67 0.71 0.68 0.70 0.69 0.69 0.68 0.70 0.67 0.71
Security 0.76 0.75 0.76 0.75 0.73 0.78 0.75 0.77 0.74 0.78 0.76 0.75 0.77 0.74 0.72 0.79
Low Prices 0.67 0.64 0.67 0.64 0.68 0.68 0.62 0.89 0.68 0.65 0.64 0.67 0.65 0.66 0.63 0.68

Note: Bold pairs significant at p < 0.05.

7.2. Online Shopping Last, we investigate changes in customer experience

Table 7 presents results from our set of Web shopping over time. Here, we dichotomized scores on the eight
items for the subsample of 481 respondents who com- latent factors to create binary variables indicating
pleted an additional survey on Internet shopping. The whether the respondent was above or below the me-
items shown in Table 7 represent a checklist of features dian on each factor. Table 8 reports the proportion
that respondents find important when they shop on scoring above the median on each dichotomized factor
the Internet. Table entries are the proportion of con- by levels of the "StartWeb" variable. The results sup-
sumers checking each feature, for those with low (be- port H12. Note that while the degree to which the on-
low the median) and high (above the median) scores line experience is compelling appears to decrease with
on the eight model constructs from the revised model years of experience online: Even after three to four
in Figure 3. years of online experience, nearly half the respondents
Consumers scoring above the median on the con- perceive the online environment to be compelling. For
structs related to a compelling online experience are, those in the highest experience group (4 + years), more
in general, more likely to rate as important shopping than a third do. Notice the dramatic effect for skill/
features that characterize what we call a "smooth" on- control. Virtually no novice Web users (less than six
line shopping experience. This includes easy ordering, months online) possess skill or a sense of control in the
easy to contact, easy to cancel, easy payment, easy re- online environment. In contrast, after four or more
turns, and quick delivery. Above all, customer support years of online experience, 82% of Web users do.
emerges as a key criterion of a compelling online shop-
ping experience. We also note that variety is important
to these consumers, as is quality information. Notice, 8. Discussion
however, that reliability, security, and low prices are Viewed from the perspective of classical marketing
not important factors that distinguish the compelling problems (e.g., choice and decision making, sales pro-
online experience. motion, retail strategy, models of consumer demand,

38 MARKETING SCIENCE/VOl. 19, No. 1, Winter 2000

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Structural Modeling Approach to the Customer Experience Online

Table 8 Changes in Model Constructs Over Time

When Started Using the Web

Construction from Revised <6 months 6-12 months 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-4 years 4+ years
Model: (n = 84) (n = 125) (n = 241) (n = 374) (n = 605) (n = 225)

Speed 0.55 0.58 0.54 0.44 0.53 0.42

Importance 0.35 0.42 0.46 0.47 0.56 0.55
Focused Attention 0.67 0.54 0.56 0.50 0.46 0.46
Skill/Control 0.02 0.10 0.21 0.41 0.70 0.82
Challenge/Arousal 0.80 0.64 0.59 0.52 0.44 0.35
Telepresence/Time Distortion 0.70 0.61 0.59 0.51 0.45 0.38
Flow 0.57 0.55 0.50 0.52 0.48 0.45
Exploratory Behavior 0.63 0.60 0.57 0.49 0.49 0.36

and so on), the reader may be tempted to ask what In this way, our model of customer experience in
relevance our model results have for marketing sci- computer-mediated environments begins to address
entists concerned with examining these problems in the elements that managers must consider in their on-
the context of the Internet. To take this a step further, line marketing programs. For example, our model re-
if the Internet represents just another distribution sults suggest that the website design must provide for
channel, retailing model, or vehicle for advertising, is enough challenge to arouse the consumer, but not so
there much to be gained by studying the components much that she becomes frustrated navigating through
of customer experience in that medium? the site and logs off. Unexpectedly, greater challenge
Yet it has been argued that the Internet has unique corresponded to greater focused attention online. This
characteristics that differentiate it from traditional means that engaging consumers online will arise in
marketing media in important ways (Hoffman and
part from providing them with excitement. Con-
Novak 1996a, 1996b). The contributions of this research
versely, if the site does not provide enough challenges
are perhaps best understood in the context of these
for action, potential customers will quickly become
differences. For example, a many-to-many, interactive
bored and log off. Additionally, because the Web
communication model underlies the Web medium
mixes experiential and goal-directed behaviors, the
(Hoffman and Novak 1996a). This means that consum-
model constructs can be used as a first step in evalu-
ers can interact not only with firms and other consum-
ating websites in terms of the extent to which they de-
ers, but also with the tools themselves; that is, they
liver these two types of experience.
interact with computers and related devices that me-
Not surprisingly, we found that the more important
diate the commercial environment. In a radical depar-
consumers considered the Web to be in general, the
ture from traditional media, consumers can also pro-
more likely they were to focus their attention on the
vide content, often outside the firm's control, to the
medium. These differences imply the need to under- interaction, and the more likely they were to be skilled

stand consumer behavior in an environment in which at using the Web. The latter is consistent with Mitchell

the rules of consumer engagement may very likely be and Dacin's (1996) observation that enduring involve-
different. Indeed, the Internet is best thought of not as ment is related to expertise.
a simulation of the "real world," in which case paral- Contrary to our hypothesis, higher levels of inter-
lels are easily drawn from existing marketing para- active speed were not associated with greater focused
digms (Novak 1999), but as an alternative real, yet attention or telepresence and time distortion. In part,
computer-mediated, environment in which the online this is likely because our measure of interactivity is
customer experience becomes paramount. unidimensional and so does not fully capture interac-

MARKETING SCIENCE/VOl. 19, No. 1, Winter 2000 39

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Structural Modeling Approach to the Customer Experience Online

tivity. On the other hand, Dellaert and Kahn (1999) influences on online customer experience. For exam-
found that Web waiting time negatively affects con- ple, the role of situational involvement is unexplored
sumer evaluation of website content only when slow in this research, as are distinctions between task-
speeds are not well managed, for example, by failing oriented and experiential navigation behavior and the
to provide information on waiting times. Thus, this re- role of consumer demographic variables.
cent research lends support to our result that interac- Investigating the relationship between online cus-
tive speed seems to affect challenge, but not attention. tomer experience and online marketing outcome vari-
A compelling online customer experience is posi- ables may also be productive. For example, the model
tively correlated with fun, recreational and experien- results presented here suggest that the "interactivity
tial uses of the Web, expected use of the Web in the metrics" of duration time and browsing depth recently
future, and the amount of time consumers spend on- proposed to measured marketing effectiveness on ad-
line, but negatively associated with using the Web for vertising sponsored websites (Hoffman and Novak
work-related activities. Currently, the online customer 2000, Novak and Hoffman 1997) will be highly posi-
experience in the purchase context is characterized by tively correlated with a compelling online customer ex-
shopping experiences that emphasize ease of use. perience. Ultimately, knowledge of the relationship
Task-oriented activities such as work and online search among the model constructs and marketing outcome
for product information and purchase relate most variables can lead to more effective interactions with
strongly to skill and control. These results suggest that online customers.
online shopping and task-oriented activities involving The present research may be effectively extended be-
product search do not yet offer the requisite levels of yond a retrospective general evaluation of customer
challenge and arousal, nor do they induce the sense of experience on the Web to its modeling in specific on-
telepresence and time distortion necessary to create a line situations. For example, apart from speed of inter-
truly compelling online customer experience. These action, the present research has not considered the spe-
findings thus demonstrate the utility of our model for cific elements of commercial website design that
leading the development of commercial websites in facilitate a compelling consumer experience, nor how
profitable directions. this experience is likely to vary across the wide range
The framework we tested and refined in this paper of commercial sites found on the Web today.
is also useful as an important first step toward subse- The importance to the global economy of commerce
quent predictive modeling with critical marketing conducted over the Internet is no longer in doubt
variables. For example, evidence is emerging that on- (Henry et al. 1999). Determining how to create com-
line environments offering full information improve mercial online environments that engage consumers so
the decision making process for consumers and offer that important marketing objectives, such as extended
greater benefits to online retailers than environments visit durations, repeat visits, and online purchase ob-
with less information (Haubl and Trifts, this issue; jectives may be achieved, are critical marketing tasks.
Lynch and Ariely, this issue). Though providing full We believe that modeling the relations among the com-
information to consumers may increase the possibility ponents of the online customer experience represents
of price competition, providing a compelling online ex- an important first step on this path.6
perience may significantly mitigate price sensitivity in
such environments.
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effort may also be fruitfully directed at the behavioral for their generous support of this research.

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