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Jurnal Pendidikan

e-ISSN: 2443-3586 | p-ISSN: 1411-1942

Website http://jurnal.ut.ac.id/index.php/jp

Development of Interactive E-Module on Learning IPAS

Yunita Susanti1*, Suci Islami1, Windy Widya Kusuma Ningrum1, Asep Nuryadin1,
Muhammad Aizuddin bin Ab Alim2
1Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
2Sekolah Kebangsaan Alor Bakat, Kelantan, Malaysia

*Corresponding Author: yunita5ts@upi.edu

Abstract: This research aims to develop an interactive e-module as an additional learning

media for fourth-grade elementary schools in the Natural and Social Sciences subject (IPAS).
The study was conducted utilizing the ADDIE approach of research and development. Fourth-
grade students and instructors at SDN Cikadongdong verified the product before it was
released. Observation, interviews, and questionnaires were used as the primary methods of
data collection. The results of product trials based on the teacher’s response showed a score of
95.8%, which was in the very good category. In addition, students’ responses based on
interview results showed that the students liked the interactive e-module because the
appearance of the interactive e- module was attractive, not boring, and easy to use. Thus, it can
be concluded that the interactive e-module is considered a very good category and is suitable to
use as an additional learning medium in fourth-grade Natural and Social Sciences learning.

Keywords: Elementary school, interactive e-module, natural and social sciences learning


Human existence is influenced by several elements, one of which is education

(Fadhilah at al., 2022; Nasrah & Elihami, 2021). Education, as defined by Law No. 20 of
2003, is the process by which individuals acquire the knowledge, skills, and values
necessary for contributing members of society, the country, and the state (Lestari at al.,
2022; Sukmayadi & Yahya, 2020). With education, humans can develop various aspects
of life. Learning occurs when there is interaction between students and their learning
environment, such as with teachers, peers, and other learning resources (Siregar, 2018;
Gultom & Suhartini, 2021). In addition, learning is successful if it fulfills the components
of learning itself, one of which is the use of learning media, which is seen as something
that is used as a communication link between class members in the learning process
(Miftah, 2013; Ulfa & Purnamaningsih, 2022). In the current era, the very high speed of
development of information technology directly demands developments in other fields,
one of which is the field of education. To keep up with the times, educators are required
to move quickly to adjust to technological developments by using technology in the
learning process (Khairrani, 2019; Susanti & Sholihah, 2021). Media is an important

Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2023 1

in the development of learning technology because learning media in the form of
electronic media or other learning machines can help the continuity of learning
activities and make it easier and smoother (Miftah, 2013; Puspitarini & Hanif, 2019).
Digital learning media development is needed because of curriculum demands,
adjusting learning to student characteristics, and solving problems (Sari at al., 2021;
Sukmayadi & Yahya, 2020). Especially in 21st-century learning, the use of technology is
commonplace. The results of observations made in the learning process in grade 4 SDN
Cikadongdong, which already uses the independent curriculum in learning, teachers
only use printed textbooks and some conventional learning media, have yet to be
introduced and used digital-based learning media. Based on student learning outcomes
in grade 4 SDN Cikadongdong, there are learning outcomes with low student
understanding when using only conventional learning media, including IPAS subject
matter on “plants as a source of life on earth.” It is necessary to introduce and use
digital learning media, one of which is an e-module, which will make it easier for
students to understand the material and make it interactive in the learning process. A
Module is a program that is compiled and designed for student learning continuity and
is equipped with various components such as teacher instructions, student activity
sheets, and so on(Riyana, 2012; Susanti & Sholihah, 2021). The E-module or electronic
module is an innovation in presenting digital or electronic modules that students can
use freely (Agustin at al., 2021; Sidiq & Suhendro, 2021).
Based on the discussion, researchers developed an e-module in the IPAS subject
matter of “plants as a source of life on earth”. Software applications are needed for the
product manufacturing process. One of them is the Flip PDF Corporate application,
which is known as software the use to make modules like books (Susanti & Sholihah,
2021; Asrial et al., 2021). Making an E-module using software, namely the Flip PDF
Corporate Edition application, has the aim of making the display of teaching materials
or textbooks into electronic books in the form of flipbooks. This device can be
downloaded for free via the internet to be accessed using any electronic device,
including mobile devices. This flipbook is presented not only with text but also with
many colorful images, as well as learning videos that can be accessed directly and
linked to the YouTube account where the video was taken so that the learning process
will be more interesting and not boring (Erlina et al., 2022; Asrial et al., 2021) . Through
drag, drop or click, it is easy for users to create an e-module assisted by Flip PDF
Corporate, which allows adding various animated media such as images, audio, video,
animated text, hyperlinks, and so on (Putri & Slamet, 2021; La Aba et al., 2022). This is
evidenced by research conducted by Susanti and Sholihah with the conclusion that the
Flip PDF Corporate-based e-module on the area and volume of the ball is valid, practical
and effective for grade VI students of SDN I Gamping, Talungagung.


This study employs the R&D methodology, which includes five stages (analysis,
initial product design, development, implementation, and evaluation) according to the
ADDIE development model (Cahyadi, 2019; Hidayat & Nizar, 2021). According to
Nuryadin at al. (2021) & Lestari et al. (2023), the ADDIE framework has seen extensive
use in digital education, so the ADDIE model is considered suitable for developing an
interactive e-module in this study.
Respondents are people involved in development and research to evaluate the
products produced. This research involved test respondents and user respondents. Test
respondents are experts in their fields to assess the products produced. The interactive

2 Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2023

e-module developed will be tested by 1 (one) expert, who is a lecturer in the field of
learning media as a media expert. The expert is a lecturer majoring in Elementary
School Teacher Education at the University of Education Indonesia. The user
respondents were teachers and fourth-grade students of SD Negeri Cikadongdong
Tasikmalaya who conducted the trial.
Data collection techniques in developing interactive e-module on the content of
IPAS subject matter of plant sources of life on earth in grade IV elementary schools are
observation techniques, interviews, and questionnaires. Observation is carried out by
directly observing field conditions carried out by identifying places or objects as
research sites. While interviews were conducted by asking questions to teachers to
collect data as a needs analysis in the preliminary study and conducting questions and
answers with students to get student responses after using interactive e-module
products. Also, filling out questionnaires by media experts and grade 4 SDN
Cikadongdong teachers for the data collection process related to the assessment of the
products developed.


This research produces products in the form of interactive e-modules on the

material of plant sources of life on Earth. The description of the development results of
each stage carried out as follows:

Analysis Stage
In the analysis stage, researchers conducted a needs analysis by collecting data
from interview activities related to the research. In analyzing the problem, researchers
conducted a preliminary study at Cikadongdong Elementary School. They found that the
teacher only used printed textbooks and some conventional learning media in the
learning process. However, there are low student learning outcomes due to students'
difficulty in understanding material that only uses conventional learning media. One of
the topics that use only conventional learning is the material of plants as a source of life
on Earth. After finding the problem, the researcher analyzed the needs of students who
should begin to be introduced to digital learning media. The digital learning media is
packaged in an attractive, educational and effective manner that can be accessed via
mobile phones or laptops in the form of an interactive e-module, which students can
use independently and easier to understand the material. This agrees with Partono
(2019) & Nazifah & Asrizal (2022) that e-modules are seen as needed by 21st-century
students with various features that make e-modules more attractive and more
interactive so that they can be used independently and multiplatform because they can
be accessed through various electronic devices.

Design Stage
The results of the analysis stage become the basis for the design stage. What this
stage does is to design an interactive e-module by realizing the flowchart that will be
used in the production process. A flowchart is a graphical representation of program
steps and sequences (Budiman et al., 2021). Flowcharts can provide step-by-step
solutions to overcome problems that occur in the process that can be seen in Figure 1
(Sari et al., 2021; Nurhikmah et al., 2021).

Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2023 3

Figure 1. Flowchart of Interactive E-module

Development Stage

Figure 2. Display of electronic media after importing

The third stage is development. Researchers began to develop electronic-based

modules using the Flip PDF Corporate Edition application. First, researchers conducted
pre-production by collecting several book sources to be used as a reference for
preparing electronic-based modules. Then, at the production stage, researchers carried
out several activities, including asking illustrators for help to design the front cover and
back cover,
4 Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2023
making materials for the contents of electronic-based modules using the Canva
application, then compiling and designing each page of the electronic-based module
content using Canva. After that, the file is converted into PDF. The next step is to make
the material a digital-based module, which is done with the help of Flip PDF Corporate
Edition. The first process is to run the flip pdf corporate edition application, click New
Project and select version HTML5, browse the electronic-based module PDF file, and
click Import Now. After the PDF file is imported, the next module display can be seen in
Figure 2.
Table 1. Revision Results Based on Validator Assessment
Assessment Before After
Aspect Improvement Improvement
Changing the cover

Add an author or None

about the author section

Added main menu None

and video

Add interactive None


Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2023 5

After opening the display above, the researcher can choose the background of the
electronic-based module display and customize the menu display, flip display, and logo.
Then, the researcher adds the Flip PDF Corporate Edition file to the download settings
so students can download it and read it offline. The last process is for researchers to
upload online then log in and click publish. The process takes time, as it is completed, a
link will be published to students and redirected to the application. The matching file,
in either
*.fbr or.zip format, is also readily accessible, allowing students to read the book without
installing FlashPlayer or any other third-party software. FlipBuilder allows for many
output formats, including HTML, ZIP, APP, and FBR, to ensure the module is compatible
with as many platforms as possible (Erniwati et al., 2022; Islami et al, 2021).
At this stage, researchers also tested the product before field testing, which was
carried out by expert review, namely media experts. Expert review is carried out by a
media expert lecturer. The purpose of this validation is to find out related to the
development of products that have been developed to have good validity, as well as to
get recommendations and suggestions for improving the instruments that have been
developed. In terms of expert validation of the test instrument, the percentage score
obtained was 75%; based on this percentage, the results of the validation of the test
instrument by the expert were included in the sufficient criteria. These results reveal
that the product design developed can be used for trials. Based on the results of the
validator trial on the validation instrument, the product development of the IPAS
electronic-based module needs improvement according to the results of the validity test
by the expert. Some aspects along with the revision results can be seen in Table 1.
Based on the Table 1, it displays the revision results from the validation expert
regarding the developed electronic-based module. Some improvements after validation
are changing the cover of the electronic module display, adding author or about the
author, adding videos and interactive menus, and adding menu features.

Implementation Stage
The fourth stage is the Implementation stage. After the electronic-based IPAS
learning module product has been developed, the next step is implementation.

Figure 3. Implementation of the e-module media part of the material in class

Figure 4. Implementation of e-module media part games in class

Products developed into electronic-based IPAS modules in the form of

6 Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2023
are then randomly tested on respondents, grade IV (four) students at SDN
Cikadongdong. This research obtained 12 students as respondents in the product
development trial and

Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2023 7

provided an assessment of the test instruments provided. Based on the data from the
trial results, several limitations were found. The constraints were regarding the
availability of laptops and internet electronic devices, thereby hindering
implementation activities. Furthermore, many respondents are not familiar with the
use of electronic devices, so guidance is needed in the implementation process.

Evaluation Stage
The final stage is evaluation, where there are practical test activities for
electronic- based module development products using educator response
questionnaires and student response interviews. Large-scale experimental tests were
carried out on 12 fourth-grade students at Cikadongdong State Elementary School.

Table 2. Results of Educator Response at Research Schools

No Aspects Rated
1. Observation of the interactive e-module application 4
2. Observation of IPAS learning tools 3,5
Observation of IPAS learning video for Grade 4
3. Elementary School 4

Score obtained 11,5

Maximum score 12
Percentage 95,8%
Category Excellent

According to Table 2, 95.8 percent of educators rated the final electronic module
product as "very excellent" after it was put through its paces in a real-world test.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the results of the teacher response e-module
product test in grade 4 SD Cikadongdong are very good and suitable to use in the
learning process. This is in line with the research of Lestari at al. (2022) regarding
"Development of Professional Flif Pdf Based E-module on the theme of Global Warming
as a Grade VII Independent Learning Resource." It shows that the validity assessment
given by the science teacher reached 100% of the developed e-module because of
electronic-based media that follows the development of science and technology and is
Based on the results of interviews of student responses during the product trial
test, it can be said that this electronic module is of interest to grade IV students as this
electronic module is easy to use anywhere. Moreover, the flip book display on the
electronic module makes students not bored in using the electronic module, and they
can understand concepts and gain new experiences in conducting IPAS learning
activities on plant body parts material using electronic-based modules. Thus, the IPAS
electronic module is an alternative learning and teaching media for students and
teachers to achieve learning goals. This is in line with Ummi & Erita (2021) research on
"Integration of Thematic Instruction Beginning in Fifth Grade Using the Professional
Flip Pdf Application." It is said that electronic teaching modules can assist teachers in
learning activities. Also, in Mardhatillah (2022) regarding "E-Module Development
Using the Flip Pdf Corporate Application on Integrated Thematic Learning in
Elementary Schools", it is said that it can be effectively applied to thematic learning
with the results of improving student performance which reached 87%.

8 Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2023

Several inferences were drawn from the study's findings, including the validity of
the generated product—an electronic-based module covering the subject of plant body
parts. The expert validation findings reveal a 75% accuracy rate, this data is in the
sufficient criteria so that the product can be tested in elementary schools. Students'
responses towards the results of electronic-based module products on the topic of plant
body parts were declared good. Then, the teacher's response to the results of the
electronic-based module product on the topic of plant body parts was declared very
good. Based on the teacher response questionnaire results, the results obtained 95.8%
with a very good category. Therefore, the products that have been developed can be
categorized as feasible as part of learning materials and can be used in IPAS learning in
elementary schools. The obstacles in using Flip PDF Corporate Edition as IPAS learning
media in elementary schools are that teachers need to be more skillful and have much
free time to make it and use it with students. This e-module media is also not suitable
for schools that do not have adequate digital facilities.


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12 Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2023

Artikel 3: Development of Interactive E-Module on Learning IPAS
1. Desain Penelitian yang digunakan: Penekanan utama dalam desain penelitian ini adalah
pada pembuatan dan pengujian e-modul interaktif sebagai alat pembelajaran. Model
ADDIE digunakan untuk memastikan bahwa produk yang dikembangkan melalui
serangkaian tahap analisis, perancangan, pengembangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi..
2. Populasi dan Sampel: Responden adalah orang-orang yang terlibat dalam pengembangan
dan penelitian untuk mengevaluasi produk yang diproduksi. Penelitian ini melibatkan
responden tes dan responden pengguna. Para responden tes adalah ahli di bidang mereka
untuk menilai produk yang diproduksi. E-modul yang dikembangkan akan diuji oleh 1
(satu) ahli, yang merupakan dosen di bidang media pembelajaran sebagai ahli media.
Pakar adalah dosen jurusan Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar di Universitas Pendidikan
Indonesia. Para responden pengguna adalah guru dan siswa kelas empat SD Negeri
Cikadongdong Tasikmalaya yang melakukan trialinteraktif.
3. Teknik penarikan sampel yang digunakan: Dalam penelitian yang menggunakan
metodologi R&D (Research and Development) dengan model ADDIE (Analisis, Desain,
Pengembangan, Implementasi, dan Evaluasi) untuk mengembangkan e-modul interaktif,
pemilihan responden untuk pengujian produk yang dikembangkan merupakan langkah
penting. Dalam penelitian R&D seperti ini, teknik pengambilan sampel dapat dibagi
menjadi dua kelompok utama: Responden Tes (Evaluators) DAN Responden Pengguna:

Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2023 13

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