Garden Glory Project
Garden Glory Project
Garden Glory Project
ISYS 317
Problem Description:
• Garden Glory is a partnership that provides gardening and yard maintenance services to
individuals and organizations. Garden Glory is owned by two partners. They employ two office
administrators and a number of full- and part-time gardeners. Garden Glory will provide one-
time garden services, but it specializes in ongoing service and maintenance. Many of its
customers have multiple buildings, apartments, and rental houses that require gardening and
Consider the sample list below of owners, properties, and services. Submit Answers to the
following Questions:
1) Describe modification problems (with Examples) that are likely to occur if Garden Glory
A) The first problem we identified within the Garden Glory spreadsheet is the redundancy of
data when entering information about owners, properties, and services. For example,
when looking at the spreadsheet, if multiple services are provided to the same owner or
B) In addition, another problem persistent within the original spreadsheet is the lack of
scalability. As the business grows, the spreadsheet should be able to grow with the
company. In this instance, the spreadsheet hinders growth. Ultimately, it will become
unmanageable to maintain this spreadsheet with multiple owners, properties, and
C) Deleting one row removes data across multiple themes in the current spreadsheet. There
is no place to record the owner if there is no property attached to the owner. There is no
place to record multiple services for the same property. There is no clear way to identify
multiple owners of the same property. Changing the information of an owner requires
2) Split the list into tables such that each has only one theme. Create appropriate ID
columns. Use a linking column to represent the relationship between entities. Demonstrate
that the modification problems you identified in step 1 have been eliminated. Ensure that
A) Table 1:
The OWNERS table includes the various owners associated with the properties being
serviced. The table captures the owners’ information in one dataset, allowing for a more
accessible review of the data related to the owners. The dataset includes owner IDs,
owner names, owner emails, and owner type. Furthermore, the table is a key for the
additional tables, allowing users to quickly reference the OWNERS table to track who
The OwnerID serves as the primary key as the data is significant and is used to link
B) Table 2:
The PROPERTIES table includes the properties associated with their owners and
geographical location. The table captures the properties dataset, allowing for a clear
overview of the properties, types of properties, and their owners. The dataset includes
property IDs, owner IDs, property name, property type, and the property address.
Furthermore, the table bridges the information between the OWNERS and
The PropertyID serves as the primary key as the data is significant and is used to link
The OwnerID serves as the foreign key as the data feeds into the PROPERTIES table
C) Table 3:
The SERVICES table includes the services associated with the owners and their
properties. The table captures the services dataset, giving a clear overview of the service
IDs, types of services, and their date with cost information. The dataset includes service
ID, property ID, owner ID, service type, service date, and the cost for service.
Furthermore, the table connects the info between the OWNERS and PROPERTIES
datasets and their related services. With the Services table, users can quickly identify the
properties and owners with their IDs and the services they receive.
The ServiceID serves as the primary key as the data is significant and identifies the theme
of the table. Additionally, the ServiceID allows for users to reference the types of service
The PropertyID and OwnerID serves as the foreign keys as the data feeds into the