Course Uploading Manual - Tutorialspoint

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Welcome to TutorialsPoint!

It is an honored to have you associated with TutorialsPoint.

Once you register yourself as an Instructor on TutorialsPoint. Login using the credentials,
you will be getting an access to the Instructor’s Dashboard.

In the Instructor’s Dashboard the Instructor can upload courses, upload e-books, view the
sales report, check the payment details, answer the queries asked by the students and
create coupon codes and share it with in their network.

“Course Uploading Manual” contains guidelines that will help the Instructors to upload
the learning materials (videos, e-books, resource files) and help them publish the course
on TutorialsPoint.

For any assistance in the uploading, kindly feel free and drop an email at:

We will get back to you!

Step- by- Step guidance to Upload the Course

STEP 1- Click on Create course

This window will open

STEP 2- Fill in the details & add an image by clicking on ‘Upload Image’. Use the below
image as a reference

STEP 3- After filling the details, click Save and Next.

STEP 4- Click on 'Course Details' to open this window
Level - Beginner Level(Default)
Certificate Available- Check this box to provide a course completion certificate
Tags- Tags help search engines find your course for users
(Note - More number of relevant Tags makes your course search better)

STEP 5- After filling the details, click Save and Next.

STEP 6- On the Curriculum page, (For uploading individual videos and
Resource files)
Step A: Click on Add Section

Step B: Add section name and Click on Save

Section is created as “NEW1”

Step D: Click on Add Lectures and Enter the Lecture name
Step E: Click on Add Videos OR Drag and Drop the videos
Step F: Once you see the preview of the video, the video is uploaded

Step G: Click on Save

Note: (for Non-MP4 format videos - It takes time to upload and process)

Step H: To add the resource files, click on the Attach Resource File
Option and Upload the resource files. (Please refer to the following
Steps to upload bulk Video & Resource files

Step A: click on the library tab at the top

Step B: Select a file to upload - you can upload from a computer/

google drive/dropbox/one drive

Step C: Select multiple videos by pressing Shift+ select the videos and

upload them (It takes time to upload so please wait)

Step D: Now all videos are successfully uploaded and

added to the library.

Step E: Now click on Add video

Step F: Select choose from Library for
video uploading

Step G: Select the video by clicking on

the checkbox

Step H: After clicking the video will get

selected automatically

Step I: Click on add button to save the videos.

Step J: Congrats, your course video is uploaded!

Follow the same steps to add more sections and video

STEP 7- Click on Next to set the Price

STEP 8- Choose the type of pricing you want for your course.

Note: If the pricing type is selected as “Free” the course would be sold for Free
on the platform

Here once you set the Original Price and Discounted Price in USD, LEFT click on
the mouse, all the others will automatically be set (Price your course

What is Original Price and Discounted Price?

“Original Price " is the actual price. In simple language, the MRP of the course
and "Discounted Price " is the price at which the course you are offering. So, if
you place Rs.100 as Compare price and Rs.50 as the selling price, the website
will strike out Rs.100 and sell the courses at Rs.50
If you opt for “Participate in company promotional pricing”
Your course will be listed in our promotional activities.
Example: If we decided to run a promotion pricing of $10 and you opt for it,
your courses will also be selling under $10

STEP 9- After filling the details, click Save and Next.

STEP 10- Submit the course from “Draft” to “Moderate”

STEP 11- Click “Yes, Submit”

STEP 12- Click “OK”

Congratulations!! Your Course is Submitted for Review and will be Published

Once the course is submitted to review, thorough quality check
analysis is done.
The video/audio quality of the course is checked.

(Note: Remove watermark of any other competitive Ed-tech

organization )

To Publish a course it takes 6-7 business days

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