Integrated Water Management

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Integrated water management

Chandrika Narahari and Amrut Kulkarni


Water management is important

because :

1. Population growth and higher

living standards will cause ever
increasing demands for good
quality municipal and industrial
Water supply

2. conjunctive use of surface

water and groundwater, water
pollution control, flexibility,
regional approaches, weather
modification, and
sustainability. Agricultural
water management are the
major OBJECTIVES of water Water pollution
management. control
 The present world
population of about six
billion is projected to
almost double in this
 1,400 people (mostly
children) die every hour
due to waterborne
diseases .
 In future Creating many
large cities including
megacities with more
than 20 million people
that will have mega water
needs, produce mega
sewage flows, and have
mega problems.
 Renewable water supply of at least
2,000 m3 per person per year is
necessary If only 1,000–2,000 m3
is available, the country is water
stressed, while below 500 cubic
meters per person per year, it is
water scarce. Nomadic desert
people can subsist on only a few
m3 per person per year . The
global renewable water supply is
about 7,000 m3 per person per
year Thus, there is enough water
for at least three times the present
world population. Hence, water
shortages are due to imbalances
between population and
precipitation distributions
Water Storage via Dams

 Future climatic changes may

also include more weather
extremes, like more periods
with excessive rainfall and
more periods with low rainfall
that cause droughts.
 In relatively dry climates, small
changes in precipitation can
cause significant changes in
natural recharge of
Water Storage via Dams

 Build water reserves during times

of water surplus for use in times of
water shortage.
 However, good dam sites are
getting scarce and dams have a
number of disadvantages like
interfering with the stream ecology,
adverse environmental effects,
displacement of people for new
dam reservoirs, loss of scenic
aspects and recreational uses of
the river, increased waterborne
diseases and other public health
problems, evaporation losses
(especially undesirable for long-
term storage), high costs, potential
for structural problems and failure.
Water Storage via Dams

 One of the advantages of dams

is that they can be operated to
even out the flow in the
downstream river, regardless of
seasonal or longer-term
variations in rainfall. On the other
hand, the ease to turn the
turbines off and on to meet
peaking power or other short-
term fluctuations in electricity
demands can adversely affect the
downstream ecology..
 In relatively dry climates, small
changes in precipitation can
cause significant changes in
natural recharge of groundwater. KRS DAM
Water Storage via Dams

 On the other hand, the ease to

turn the turbines off and on to
meet peaking power or other
short-term fluctuations in
electricity demands can
adversely affect the downstream
 One way to make dam
operation for generation of
hydropower environmentally
more acceptable and in
compliance with environmental
laws is to increase the capacity
for generation of thermal power.



 Recharge of Groundwater: water cannot be

stored above ground, it must be stored
underground, via artificial recharge of
groundwater. Already, more than 98% of the
fresh liquid water supplies of the world occurs
 Artificial recharge may be implemented with
in-channel and off-channel infiltration systems.
In-channel systems consist of low dams
across the streambed or of T- or L-shaped
levees in the streambed to back up and
spread the water so as to increase the wetted
area and, hence, infiltration in the streambed.
Off-channel systems consist of specially
constructed shallow ponds or basins that are
flooded for infiltration and recharge. Where
stream flows are highly variable, upstream
storage dams or deep basins may be
necessary to capture short-duration high-flow
events for subsequent gradual release into
recharge systems.

 A significant nonpoint source of groundwater pollution is agriculture, with its use of

fertilizer, pesticides, and salt containing irrigation water that contaminate the drainage water
as it moves from the root zone to the underlying groundwater.
 Where groundwater levels are high, drains need to be installed to remove the drainage
water from the soil and to avoid water logging and Stalinization of the soil. Discharges from
the drains then contain salt and residues of agricultural chemicals and, hence, they are a
source of water pollution. The least undesirable ultimate disposal of this water may be in
the oceans.
Pollution of natural waters

 Pollution of natural waters will become increasingly serious as

growing populations demand more high-quality water while at the
same time producing more wastes that will often be returned to those
 whereas until now, pollution control has been based on controlling
effluent discharges, the next phase will also control nonpoint sources
of pollution, mainly due to urban and agricultural runoff, drainage of
groundwater into surface water, and atmospheric fallout. The main
pollutants of concern are nutrients and sediment, but they could also
include certain pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and other chemicals of
emerging concerns.
 The TMDL concept is a dramatic switch from effluent based
standards to ambient water standards, and from controlling point
sources to controlling entire watersheds.
Water Reuse

 All water is recycled through the global hydrologic cycle. However, planned local water
reuse is becoming increasingly important for two reasons .
 One is that the discharge of sewage effluent into surface water is becoming
increasingly difficult and expensive as treatment requirements become more and more
stringent to protect the quality of the receiving water for aquatic life, recreation, and
downstream users. The cost of the stringent treatment may be so high that it becomes
financially attractive for municipalities to treat their water for local reuse rather than for
 The second reason is that municipal wastewater often is a significant water resource
that can be used for a number of purposes, especially in water short areas. The most
logical reuse is for no potable purposes like agricultural and urban irrigation, industrial
uses (cooling, processing), environmental enhancement (wetlands, wildlife refuges,
riparian habitats, and urban lakes), fire fighting, dust control, and toilet flushing. This
requires treatment of the effluent so that it meets the quality requirements for the
intended use. Adequate infrastructures like storage reservoirs, canals, pipelines, and
dual distribution systems are also necessary so that waters of different qualities can
be transported to different destinations. Aesthetics and public acceptance are
important aspects of water reuse,
Virtual Water

 Water-short areas can minimize their use of water by importing

commodities that take a lot of water to produce like food and electric
power, from other areas or countries that are blessed with more
water. The receiving areas then are not only getting the commodities,
but also the water that was necessary to produce them. Since this
water is ‘‘virtually’’ embedded in the commodity, it is called virtual
 As economies and trade become more and more global in scope,
global movement of food from water rich to water poor countries
should be just as feasible as moving petroleum products from oil rich
to oil poor countries. To ensure that global distribu-tion of food will
not be used as political weapons, it should be internationally
controlled with representation of the importing countries. Other
opportunities for saving local water resources by importing virtual
water include import of electric power from areas with more abundant
water for cooling of thermal power plants, with dams for hydroelectric
power production, or with coastal areas that provide ocean water for

 Increasing populations and uncertain climatic changes will pose

heavy demands on water resources in the future. Holistic
approaches, integrated water management principles, and
international cooperation will be necessary to develop sustainable
sys-tems and prevent catastrophes..

 Integrated Water Management for the

21st Century : Problems and Solutions
BY Herman Bower

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