Arihant 9 Years JEE Main-95-104

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MARCH ATTEMPT ~ 17 March 2021, Shift I

JEE Main 2021


Section A : Objective Type Questions 5. An electron of mass m and a photon have
same energy E. The ratio of wavelength of
1. A triangular plate is shown below. A force electron to that of photon is
F = 4 i$ − 3$j is applied at point P. The torque at (c being the velocity of light)
point P with respect to point O and Q are 1/ 2 1/ 2
a. 
1 2m 
b. 
1 E 
Y  
c E  c  2m 
1/ 2
c. 
E 
 d. c (2mE )1/ 2
 2m 
6. Two identical metal wires of thermal
conductivities K1 and K 2 respectively are


connected in series. The effective thermal


conductivity of the combination is

60° 60° 2K 1K 2 K1 + K 2
a. b.
10 cm X K1 + K 2 2K 1K 2
K1 + K 2 K K
a. −15 − 20 3 , 15 − 20 3 c. d. 1 2
K 1K 2 K1 + K 2
b. 15 + 20 3 , 15 − 20 3
c. 15 − 20 3 , 15 + 20 3
d. −15 + 20 3 , 15 + 20 3
7. The vernier scale used for measurement has
a positive zero error of 0.2 mm. If while
2. When two soap bubbles of radii a and taking a measurement, it was noted that '0'
b( b > a) coalesce, the radius of curvature of on the vernier scale lies between 8.5 cm and
common surface is 8.6 cm, vernier coincidence is 6, then the
ab a+ b correct value of measurement is ……… cm.
a. b.
b −a ab a. 8.36 b. 8.54
b −a ab c. 8.58 d. 8.56
c. d.
ab a+ b
8. An AC current is given by I = I1sinωt + I2 cos ωt.
3. A polyatomic ideal gas has 24 vibrational A hot wire ammeter will give a reading
modes. What is the value of γ?
I12 − I 22 I12 + I 22
a. 1.03 b. 1.30 c. 1.37 d. 10.3 a. b.
2 2
4. If an electron is moving in the nth orbit of the I1 + I 2 I1 + I 2
c. d.
hydrogen atom, then its velocity v n for the 2 2 2
nth orbit is given as
a. v n ∝ n b. v n ∝
1 9. A modern grand-prix racing car of mass m is
n travelling on a flat track in a circular arc of
c. v n ∝ n 2 d. v n ∝ 2
radius R with a speed v. If the coefficient of
n static friction between the tyres and the
26 ONLINE JEE Main 2021 ~ Solved Papers

track is µ s , then the magnitude of negative z ω

lift f L acting downwards on the car is
(Assume forces on the four tyres are identical B
and g = acceleration due to gravity)

A r M

 v2   v2 
a. m  + g b. m  − g a. L A and L B are both constant in magnitude and
 s R  µ
 s R  direction
 v2   v2  b. L B is constant in direction with varying
c. m  g −  d. − m  g + 
 µ sR   µ sR  magnitude
c. L B is constant, both in magnitude and
10. A car accelerates from rest at a constant rate d. L A is constant, both in magnitude and
α for some time after which it decelerates at direction
a constant rate β to come to rest. If the total
time elapsed is t seconds, the total distance 13. For what value of displacement the kinetic
travelled is energy and potential energy of a simple
4αβ 2 2αβ 2 harmonic oscillation become equal?
a. t b. t
(α + β) (α + β) a. x = 0 b. x = ± A
αβ αβ A A
c. t2 d. t2 c. x = ± d. x =
2(α + β) 4(α + β) 2 2

11. A solenoid of 1000 turns per metre has a 14. A Carnot's engine working between 400 K
core with relative permeability 500. Insulated and 800 K has a work output of 1200 J per
windings of the solenoid carry an electric cycle. The amount of heat energy supplied to
current of 5 A. The magnetic flux density the engine from the source in each cycle is
produced by the solenoid is a. 3200 J b. 1800 J c. 1600 J d. 2400 J
(Permeability of free space = 4 π × 10−7 H/m)
a. πT 15. The thickness at the centre of a plano convex
b. 2 × 10−3 πT lens is 3 mm and the diameter is 6 cm. If the
π speed of light in the material of the lens is
c. T
5 2 × 108ms −1, then the focal length of the lens
d. 10−4 πT is
a. 0.30 cm b. 15 cm c. 1.5 cm d. 30 cm
12. A mass M hangs on a massless rod of length l
which rotates at a constant angular 16. The output of the given combination gates
frequency. The mass M moves with steady represents
speed in a circular path of constant radius.
Assume that the system is in steady circular A
motion with constant angular velocity ω. The Y
angular momentum of M about point A is LA B
which lies in the positive z-direction and the
angular momentum of M about B is LB . The a. XOR gate b. NAND gate
correct statement for this system is c. AND gate d. NOR gate
MARCH ATTEMPT ~ 17 March 2021, Shift I 27

17. A boy is rolling a 0.5 kg ball on the 23. The equivalent resistance of series
frictionless floor with the speed of 20 ms −1. combination of two resistors is s. When they
The ball gets deflected by an obstacle on the are connected in parallel, the equivalent
way. After deflection it moves with 5% of its resistance is p. If s = np, then the minimum
initial kinetic energy. What is the speed of value for n is ……… .
the ball now ? (Round off to the nearest integer)
a. 19.0 ms −1
b. 4.47 ms −1 24. Four identical rectangular plates with length,
c. 14.41 ms −1 3
l = 2 cm and breadth, b = cm are arranged
d. 1.00 ms −1 2
as shown in figure. The equivalent
18. Which level of the single ionized carbon has xε
capacitance between A and C is 0 . The
the same energy as the ground state energy d
of hydrogen atom? value of x is ……… .
a. 1 b. 6 (Round off to the nearest integer)
c. 4 d. 8

19. Two ideal polyatomic gases at temperatures A B C

T1 and T2 are mixed so that there is no loss of D
energy. If f1 and f 2, m1 and m 2 , n1 and n2 be
the degrees of freedom, masses, number of
molecules of the first and second gas
respectively, the temperature of mixture of
these two gases is
n1T1 + n 2T2 n1 f1T1 + n 2 f 2T2 d d d
a. b.
n1 + n 2 n1 f1 + n 2 f 2 25. The radius in kilometre to which the present
n1 f1T1 + n 2 f 2T2 n1 f1T1 + n 2 f 2T2 radius of Earth (R = 6400 km) to be
c. d.
f1 + f 2 n1 + n 2 compressed so that the escape velocity is
increased 10 times is ……… .
20. A current of 10 A exists in a wire of cross
sectional area of 5 mm2 with a drift velocity
26. Consider two identical springs each of spring
constant k and negligible mass compared to
of 2 × 10−3 ms −1. The number of free electrons
the mass M as shown. Fig.1 shows one of
in each cubic metre of the wire is
them and Fig.2 shows their series
a. 2 × 106 b. 625 × 1025
c. 2 × 1025 d. 1 × 1023 combination. The ratios of time period of
oscillation of the two SHM is b = x , where
Section B : Numerical Type Questions Ta
value of x is ……… .
21. For VHF signal broadcasting, ……… km 2 of
(Round off to the nearest integer)
maximum service area will be covered by an
antenna tower of height 30 m, if the
receiving antenna is placed at ground. Let
radius of the Earth be 6400 km.
(Round off to the nearest integer).
(Take π as 3.14) Tb
22. The angular speed of truck wheel is Fig. 1
increased from 900 rpm to 2460 rpm in
26 s. The number of revolutions by the truck
engine during this time is ……… .
(Assuming the acceleration to be uniform). Fig. 2
28 ONLINE JEE Main 2021 ~ Solved Papers

27. The following bodies, the plates with a constant mechanical

1. a ring energy of ……… pJ.
2. a disc (Assume no friction)
3. a solid cylinder
4. a solid sphere 29. Two blocks ( m = 0.5 kg and M = 4 .5 kg) are
of same mass m and radius R are allowed to arranged on a horizontal frictionless table as
roll down without slipping simultaneously shown in figure. The coefficient of static
from the top of the inclined plane. The body 3
which will reach first at the bottom of the friction between the two blocks is . Then,
inclined plane is ……… . the maximum horizontal force that can be
(Mark the body as per their respective applied on the larger block so that the blocks
numbering given in the question) move together is …… N.
(Round off to the nearest integer. Take,
g = 9.8 ms −2)

S h F

θ 30. If 2.5 × 10−6 N average force is exerted by a

28. A parallel plate capacitor whose capacitance light wave on a non-reflecting surface of
C is 14 pF is charged by a battery to a 30 cm2 area during 40 min of time span, the
potential difference V = 12 V between its energy flux of light just before it falls on the
plates. The charging battery is now surface is …… W / cm2.
disconnected and a porcelain plate with (Round off to the nearest integer. Assume
K = 7 is inserted between the plates, then the complete absorption and normal incidence
plate would oscillate back and forth between conditions are there.)

Section A : Objective Type Questions 2. Which of the following is an aromatic
1. With respect to drug-enzyme interaction,
identify the wrong statement
a. Non-competitive inhibitor binds to the a. b. ⊕
allosteric site.
b. Allosteric inhibitor changes the enzyme's
active site.
c. Allosteric inhibitor competes with the ⊕
c. d.
enzyme's active site.
d. Competitive inhibitor binds to the enzyme's
active site.
MARCH ATTEMPT ~ 17 March 2021, Shift I 29

3. 6. Which of the following is correct structure of
Ethylene glycol
H+ (Major product)
a. H 2N H
The product A in the above reaction is
a. OH
b. O b.

c. H

d. O
4. A central atom in a molecule has two lone OH
pairs of electrons and forms three single
bonds. The shape of this molecule is
a. see-saw 7. Cl O–Na+
b. planar triangular
c. T-shaped
d. trigonal pyramidal +NaOH

5. Given below are two statements.

Statement I Potassium permanganate on The above reaction requires which of the
heating at 573 K forms potassium manganate. following reaction conditions?
Statement II Both potassium permanganate a. 573 K, Cu, 300 atm b. 623 K, Cu, 300 atm
and potassium manganate are tetrahedral and c. 573 K, 300 atm d. 623 K, 300 atm
paramagnetic in nature.
8. The absolute value of the electron gain
In the light of the above statements, choose
enthalpy of halogens satisfies
the most appropriate answer from the options
a. I > Br > Cl > F b. Cl > Br > F > I
given below
c. Cl > F > Br > I d. F > Cl > Br > I
a. Statement I is true but statement II is false
b. Both statement I and statement II are true 9. Which of the following compound cannot act
c. Statement I is false but statement II is true as a Lewis base?
d. Both statement I and statement II are false a. NF3 b. PCl5
c. SF4 d. ClF3
30 ONLINE JEE Main 2021 ~ Solved Papers

10. Reducing smog is a mixture of 14. Br A

a. smoke, fog and O 3 CCI4 (Major product)
b. smoke, fog and SO 2
c. smoke, fog and CH2 == CH CHO
d. smoke, fog and N2O 3
Product A is
11. Hofmann bromamide degradation of Br
benzamide gives product A, which upon 3

heating with CHCl3 and NaOH gives product a. CH3 b. CH3

B. The structures of A and B are
NH2 NH2 Br
c. CH3 d.
a. A= B=
Br Br
15. A colloidal system consisting of a gas
NH2 NC dispersed in a solid is called a/an
a. solid sol b. gel
c. aerosol d. foam
b. A = B=
16. The incorrect statement(s) about heavy
water is (are)
NH2 NH2 (A) used as a moderator in nuclear reactor.
CHO (B) obtained as a by-product in fertiliser industry.
c. A= B= (C) used for the study of reaction mechanism.
(D) has a higher dielectric constant than water.
Choose the correct answer from the options
O O given below :
CHO a. (B) only
b. (C) only
d. A = B= c. (D) only
d. (C) and (D) only

Br Br 17. The correct order of conductivity of ions in

water is
12. Mesityl oxide is a common name of a. Na+ > K + >Rb + >Cs +
a. 2,4-dimethyl pentan-3-one b. Cs + > Rb + > K + > Na+
b. 3-methyl cyclohexane carbaldehyde c. K + > Na+ > Cs + > Rb +
c. 2-methyl cyclohexanone d. Rb + > Na+ > K + > Li+
d. 4-methyl pent-3-en-2-one
18. What is the spin-only magnetic moment
13. Which of the following reaction is an value (BM) of a divalent metal ion with
example of ammonolysis? atomic number 25, in it's aqueous solution?
a. C 6H5COCl + C 6H5NH2 → C 6H5CONHC 6H5 a. 5.92 b. 5.0
c. zero d. 5.26
b. C 6H5CH2CN → C 6H5CH2CH2NH2
c. C 6H5NH2 →
C 6H5 NH3Cl−
19. Given below are two statements.
Statement I Retardation factor (R f ) can be
d. C 6H5CH2Cl + NH3 → C 6H5CH2NH2
measured in metre/centimetre.
MARCH ATTEMPT ~ 17 March 2021, Shift I 31

Statement II R f value of a compound remains constant in all solvents.

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
a. Statement I is true but statement II is false.
b. Both statement I and statement II are true.
c. Both statement I and statement II are false.
d. Statement I is false but statement II is true.

20. The point of intersection and sudden increase in the slope, in the diagram given below,
respectively, indicates.
Cu 2O
200 O →2
4Cu+ 2 FeO
300 O →2
2Fe+ 2
2CO 2 +O
O 2→ 2 →2
∆G°/kJmol–1 of O2

600 2 2Zn
n +O 2→
700 2
l O3 A
900 → 2/3A 2
+O 2
1000 4/3A
O 2→
1100 2Mg+

0°C 400°C 800°C 1200°C 1600°C 2000°C

273K 673K 1073K 1473K 1873K 2273K
a. ∆G = 0 and melting or boiling point of the metal oxide
b. ∆G > 0 and decomposition of the metal oxide
c. ∆G < 0 and decomposition of the metal oxide
d. ∆G = 0 and reduction of the metal oxide

Section B : Numerical Type Questions

21. The reaction of white phosphorus on boiling with alkali in inert atmosphere resulted in the
formation of product A. The reaction of 1 mol of A with excess of AgNO3 in aqueous medium gives
…… mol(s) of Ag (Round off to the nearest integer).

22. 0.01 moles of a weak acid HA (K a = 2.0 × 10–6) is dissolved in 10

. L of 0.1 M HCl solution. The degree of
dissociation of HA is …… × 10−5 (Round off to the nearest integer).
[Neglect volume change on adding HA. Assume degree of dissociation << 1]

23. A certain orbital has n = 4 and m l = − 3. The number of radial nodes in this orbital is …… (Round off
to the nearest integer).
32 ONLINE JEE Main 2021 ~ Solved Papers

24. NO2 For the reaction,

3CaO + 2Al → 3Ca + Al2O3 the standard
HNO3 reaction enthalpy ∆ rH° ……… kJ.
H2SO4 (Round off to the nearest integer).

In the above reaction 3.9 g of benzene on

28. 15 mL of aqueous solution of Fe 2+ in acidic
medium completely reacted with 20 mL of
nitration gives 4.92 g of nitrobenzene. The
0.03 M aqueous Cr2O2− 7 . The molarity of the
percentage yield of nitrobenzene in the
Fe 2+ solution is …… × 10−2 M (Round off to
above reaction is ……… % (Round off to the
the nearest integer).
nearest integer).
(Given, atomic mass C : 12.0 u, H : 1.0 u, 29. The oxygen dissolved in water exerts a
O : 16.0 u, N : 14.0 u) partial pressure of 20 kPa in the vapour
25. The mole fraction of a solute in a 100 molal above water. The molar solubility of oxygen
aqueous solution ……… ×10−2 in water is …… × 10−5 mol dm−3.
(Round off to the nearest integer). (Round off to the nearest integer).
[Given, atomic masses H : 1.0 u, O : 16.0 u] [Given, Henry’s law constant (KH )
= 8.0 × 104 kPa for O2 , density of water with
26. For a certain first order reaction 32% of the dissolved oxygen = 10 . kg dm−3 ].
reactant is left after 570 s. The rate constant
of this reaction is …… ×10−3s −1. (Round off to 30. The pressure exerted by a non-reactive
the nearest integer). gaseous mixture of 6.4 g of methane and
[Given, log10 2 = 0.301, In 10 = 2.303] 8.8 g of carbon dioxide in a 10L vessel at
27°C is …… kPa (Round off to the nearest
27. The standard enthalpies of formation of integer)
Al2O3 and CaO are −1675 kJ mol−1 and (Assume gases are ideal, R = 8.314 J mol−1 K −1
−625 kJ mol−1 respectively. Atomic mass, C : 12.0 u, H : 1.0 u, O : 16.0 u)

Section A : Objective Type Questions 4. The system of equations kx + y + z = 1,
1. The inverse of y = 5 logx
is x + ky + z = k and x + y + zk = k 2 has no
solution, if k is equal to
a. x = 5log y b. x = ylog 5
1 1 a. 0 b. 1 c. −1 d. −2
c. x = y log 5
d. x = 5log y
−1 −1 −1 −1
5. If cot (α ) = cot 2 + cot 8 + cot 18
2. Let a = 2i$ − 3$j + 4k$ and b = 7$i + $j − 6k$ . If + cot −132 + ..... upto 100 terms, then α is
r × a = r × b, r ⋅ ( $i + 2$j + k$ ) = − 3, then. a. 1.01 b. 1.00 c. 1.02 d. 1.03
r ⋅ (2i$ − 3$j + k$ ) is equal to
6. The equation of the plane which contains the
a. 12 b. 8
Y-axis and passes through the point (1, 2, 3) is
c. 13 d. 10
a. x + 3z = 10 b. x + 3z = 0
3. In a ∆PQR, the coordinates of the points P c. 3x + z = 6 d. 3x − z = 0

and Q are (−2, 4) and (4, −2), respectively. If  0 sinα   2 1

the equation of the perpendicular bisector of 7. If A =   and det  A − I = 0, then
 sinα 0   2
PR is 2x − y + 2 = 0, then the centre of the
circumcircle of the ∆PQR is a possible value of α is
π π π π
a. (−1, 0) b. (−2, − 2) c. (0, 2) d. (1, 4) a. b. c. d.
2 3 4 6
MARCH ATTEMPT ~ 17 March 2021, Shift I 33

8. If the Boolean expression ( p ⇒ q) ⇔ (q * (~ p)) boy and a girl plays against a girl, then n is
is a tautology, then the Boolean expression equal to
( p * (~ q)) is equivalent to a. 5 b. 2 c. 4 d. 6
a. q ⇒ p b. ~q ⇒ p 1
c. p ⇒~ q d. p ⇒ q 16. The value of 4 + is
9. Two dices are rolled. If both dices have six 1
faces numbered 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 11, then the 1
probability that the sum of the numbers on 4 + .... ∞
the top faces is less than or equal to 8 is 2 4
4 17 5 1 a. 2 + 30 b. 2 + 30
a. b. c. d. 5 5
9 36 12 2 4 2
c. 4 + 30 d. 5 + 30
5 5
10. If the fourth term in the expansion of
( x + x log 2 x ) 7 is 4480, then the value of x, 17. Choose the incorrect statement about the
where x ∈ N is equal to two circles whose equations are given below
a. 2 b. 4 c. 3 d. 1
x 2 + y 2 − 10x − 10 y + 41 = 0
11. In a school, there are three types of games and x 2 + y 2 − 16x − 10 y + 80 = 0
a. Distance between two centres is the average
to be played. Some of the students play two
of radii of both the circles.
types of games, but none play all the three
b. Both circles' centres lie inside region of one
games. Which Venn diagram can justify the another.
above statement? c. Both circles pass through the centre of each
d. Circles have two intersection points.

18. Which of the following statements is correct

for the function g(α) for α ∈R, such that
(P) (Q) (R) π /3
sinα x
g (α ) = ∫ dx
a. P and Q b. P and R
π /6
cos x + sinα x
c. None of these d. Q and R
a. g (α ) is a strictly increasing function
12. The sum of possible values of x for b. g (α ) has an inflection point at α = −
 1  2
 8
tan−1( x + 1) + cot −1  = tan−1  is c. g (α ) is a strictly decreasing function
 x − 1  31
d. g (α ) is an even function
−32 31 30 33
a. b. − c. − d. −
4 4 4 4 19. Which of the following is true for y ( x) that
satisfies the differential equation
13. The area of the triangle with vertices dy
A( z), B( iz) and C ( z + iz) is = xy − 1 + x − y ; y (0) = 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
a. 1 b. |z|2 c. d. |z + iz|2 − −
2 2 2 a. y (1) = e 2 −1 b. y (1) = e 2 − e 2
14. The line 2x − y + 1 = 0 is a tangent to the c. y(1) = 1 d. y (1) = e 2 − 1
circle at the point (2, 5) and the centre of the
circle lies on x − 2 y = 4. Then, the radius of 20. The value of
the circle is
cos −1( x − [ x ]2).sin−1( x − [ x ]2)
a. 3 5 b. 5 3 c. 5 4 d. 4 5 lim+ , where [ x ]
x→ 0 x − x3
15. Team A consists of 7 boys and n girls and denotes the greatest integer ≤ x is
Team B has 4 boys and 6 girls. If a total of 52 a. π b. 0
single matches can be arranged between π π
c. d.
these two teams, when a boy plays against a 4 2
34 ONLINE JEE Main 2021 ~ Solved Papers

Section B : Numerical Type Questions 25. If a = α$j + β$j + 3k$ , b = − β i$ − α$j − k$ and
21. The maximum value of z in the following c = i$ − 2$j − k$ ,
equation z = 6xy + y 2, where 3x + 4 y ≤ 100 1
such that a. b = 1and b. c = − 3, then [(a × b) ⋅ c ]
and 4 x + 3 y ≤ 75 for x ≥ 0 and y ≥ 0 is ……… . 3
is equal to ……… .
cos(sin x) − cos x
22. If the function f ( x) = is
x4 2 3 
26. If A =  , then the value of
continuous at each point in its domain and
1 0 −1
f (0) = ,then k is ……… . det ( A 4) + det[ A10 − Adj(2A)10 ] is equal to …… .

  1 − 2 2x   27. If [⋅] represents the greatest integer function,

23. If f ( x) = sin cos −1   and its first
 1 + 2  
2x π /2

∫[x − cos x ]dx is ……… .
then the value of
derivative with respect to x is − log e 2 when 0
x = 1, where a and b are integers, then the 28. The minimum distance between any two
minimum value of|a 2 − b2| is ……… . points P1 and P2 while considering point P1 on
one circle and point P2 on the other circle for
24. Let there be three independent events E 1, E 2 the given circles equations
and E 3. The probability that only E 1 occurs is x 2 + y 2 − 10x − 10 y + 41 = 0
α, only E 2 occurs is β and only E 3 occurs is γ. x 2 + y 2 − 24 x − 10 y + 160 = 0 is ……… .
Let p denote the probability of none of
events occur that satisfies the equations 29. If the equation of the plane passing through
(α − 2β) p = αβ and (β − 3γ) p = 2βγ. All the given the line of intersection of the planes
probabilities are assumed to lie in the 2x − 7 y + 4 z − 3 = 0, 3x − 5 y + 4 z + 11 = 0 and
interval (0, 1). the point (−2, 1, 3) is ax + by + cz − 7 = 0, then
probability of occurrence of E 1 the value of 2a + b + c − 7 is ……… .
Then, is equal
probability of occurrence of E 3 30. If (2021) 3762 is divided by 17, then the
to ……… . remainder is ……… .

For solutions scan
Physics the QR code

1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (b) 6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (c)
11. (a) 12. (d) 13. (c) 14. (d) 15. (d) 16. (b) 17. (b) 18. (b) 19. (b) 20. (b)
21. 1206 22. 728 23. 4 24. 2 25. 64 26. 2 27. 4 28. 864 29. 21 30. 25

1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (b)
11. (b) 12. (d) 13. (d) 14. (d) 15. (a) 16. (c) 17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (a)
21. 4 22. 2 23. 0 24. 80 25. 64 26. 2 27. 230 28. 24 29. 25 30. 150

1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (a)
11. (c) 12. (a) 13. (b) 14. (a) 15. (c) 16. (a) 17. (b) 18. (d) 19. (a) 20. (d)
21. 904 22. 6 23. 481 24. 6 25. 2 26. 16 27. 1 28. 1 29. 4 30. 4

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