Symbols, Units and Quantities

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Section 5: Appendices

Section 5: Appendices

Symbols, units and definitions of physical quantities

You should be able to state the symbols for the following physical quantities and, where indicated, state
the units in which they are measured. The list for the Extended syllabus includes both the Core and the

You should be familiar with the following multipliers: M mega, k kilo, c centi, m milli.

Core Supplement

Quantity Usual Usual unit Quantity Usual Usual unit

symbol symbol
length l, h … km, m, cm, mm

area A m2, cm2

volume V m3, cm3

weight W N

mass m, M kg, g mass m, M mg

time t h, min, s time t ms
3 3
density g / cm , kg / m

speed u, v km / h, m / s, cm / s

acceleration a acceleration a m / s2

acceleration of g acceleration of free g m / s2

free fall fall
force F N

gravitational field g N / kg
momentum p kg m / s

impulse Ns

moment of a force Nm

work done W, E J, kJ, MJ

energy E J, kJ, MJ

power P W, kW, MW

pressure p N / m2 pressure p Pa
atmospheric mm Hg

temperature ,T °C

Cambridge IGCSE Physics 0625 47

Section 5: Appendices

Core Supplement

Quantity Usual Usual unit Quantity Usual Usual unit

symbol symbol
thermal capacity C J / °C
(heat capacity)

specific heat c J / (g °C),

capacity J / (kg °C)

latent heat L J

specific latent heat l J / kg, J / g

frequency f Hz, kHz

wavelength m, cm

focal length f cm

angle of incidence i degree (°)

angle of reflection, r degree (°)

critical angle c degree (°)

refractive index n

potential V V, mV
current I A, mA

e.m.f. E V

resistance R Ω

charge Q C

48 Cambridge IGCSE Physics 0625

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