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C&S in Pastures Chap 09 22/10/01 1:39 pm Page 175

Effects of Large Herbivores on
Competition and Succession in Natural
Savannah Rangelands

Christina Skarpe
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, Trondheim, Norway

Introduction the section ‘large herbivores and plant communities’,

ways in which the competitive success of plants with
Aims of this chapter different characteristics may influence vegetation
succession and the composition of plant communi-
The aim of this chapter is to discuss how large ties will be discussed. The section ‘Herbivory and
herbivores influence competition between plants plant competition on an ecosystem scale’ will
and thereby may drive or change succession of consider how large herbivores interact directly and
vegetation in savannah rangelands and thus influ- indirectly with ecosystem processes and thereby
ence the structure and function of ecosystems. change the system within which plants compete for
Savannahs are managed to support many different resources. Emphasis will be on African savannahs but
production systems based on consumptive and/or examples from other regions will be included.
non-consumptive use of a variety of herbivorous
mammals. The impact of large herbivores, including
all herbivorous mammals, domestic and wild, weigh- Savannah vegetation and competition
ing more than c. 5 kg, i.e. about the size of a dikdik,
will thus be considered in general terms. Large herbi- Savannas can be subdivided into different types
vores in savannah rangelands utilize both herbaceous according to structural or functional characteristics.
and woody plants, and impact by herbivory on both Functionally, savannahs may be divided either
these vegetation components will be discussed. along a moisture gradient, into, for example,
Large herbivores influence the patterns of com- humid, subhumid, semi-arid and arid savannahs, or
petition in savannah vegetation by changing the according to nutrient availability, into rich and
resource uptake of some plants, hence altering poor savannah. On a continental scale, the rainfall
resource availability for others. To understand how gradient and the soil fertility gradient tend to be
competition between plants is affected by grazing negatively correlated (Huntley, 1982; Scholes and
and browsing animals, the traits and strategies that Walker, 1993), resulting in semi-arid savannahs
plants adopt to obtain or maintain competitive generally being nutrient-rich and subhumid savan-
power and fitness in a savannah environment with nahs tending to be nutrient-poor. Savannahs may
large herbivores will be considered in the section also be divided into those with a long and continu-
‘adaptations by plants to herbivory’. Thereafter, in ous evolutionary history of herbivory by large

© CAB International 2001. Competition and Succession in Pastures

(eds P.G. Tow and A. Lazenby) 175
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mammals and those in which herbivory has been harmful substances. Depending on diet and
discontinued for hundreds or thousands of years anatomy of mouth and digestive system, large her-
prior to the introduction of livestock. bivores have been divided into: (i) ‘browsers’ or
Water availability determines the length of the ‘concentrate selectors’, including animals feeding
growing season in most savannahs, and there is on leaves and twigs from woody plants and on
generally a strong correlation between rainfall and forbs; (ii) ‘bulk and roughage eaters’ or ‘grazers’,
annual biomass production of grasses (Walter, eating grass and grasslike plants (graminoids); and
1939; Rutherford, 1980). In wet savannahs, with (iii) ‘intermediate feeders’ mixing both food cate-
much grass biomass, competition between plants is gories (Hofmann and Stewart, 1972, Hofmann,
primarily for light, giving a competitive advantage 1989). Most animals mix different food categories,
to tall-growing species. In dry savannahs, biomass is at least to some extent, and the feeding classes
restricted by water limitation, plants often have a should be seen as points along a continuum.
low stature and much of the competition is for As the general physiological requirements are
under-ground resources, such as water and nutrients similar for different mammalian herbivores, food
(Milchunas et al., 1988). There is evidence that preferences may be assumed to be more or less
grasses and woody species largely compete in differ- similar. This has also been demonstrated for species
ent soil layers; grasses are generally shallow-rooted, with comparable body size and the same digestive
whereas woody species have access to both shallow system (Owen-Smith and Cooper, 1987). However,
and deeper soil layers, but have exclusive access to the ability to utilize food of poor quality increases
the latter (Walter, 1954; Walker and Noy-Meir, with increasing body size, and also differs with
1982). Nutrient availability in the environment digestive system (Owen-Smith, 1988; Hofmann,
influences plant growth rate as well as plant chemical 1989). Thus, the mixed large herbivore communities
composition. While plants in nutrient-rich environ- of natural savannahs exert a more diverse utilization
ments are often adapted to fast growth, plants in of the vegetation than a system with one herbivore
nutrient-poor systems tend to be inherently slow- species (Prins and Olff, 1998), and hence have a
growing. Competition for resources is probably more diverse impact on competition between plants.
important, at least periodically, in both systems In terms of metabolic mass, both domestic and
(Grubb, 1992). indigenous large herbivore communities in savan-
nahs are in most cases dominated by grazers, e.g.
cattle, sheep or wildebeest (Cumming, 1982). Most
The savannah large herbivores savannahs are used as rangelands for livestock:
cattle (Fig. 9.1), sheep, goats (Fig. 9.2), Indian
Large herbivores eat many kinds of plant biomass buffaloes, equids and camelids. In addition, the
in savannahs, including roots and tubers, flowers, African savannahs include areas with the highest
fruits, bark, wood, leaves and shoots (Bergström,
1992). Generally, large herbivores select food items
in order to maximize the rate of intake of digestible
nutrients and energy, while minimizing intake of

Fig. 9.2. Domestic mixed feeder – browsing goats

Fig. 9.1. Masai herd in open savannah, Tanzania. in degraded arid savannah, Sudan.
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species richness and biomass of wild large herbivores hypothesis (Grime, 1973; Connell, 1978) suggests a
on earth (Sinclair and Arcese, 1995), including bell-shaped response of species diversity along an
antelopes of many species, African buffalo, pigs, axis of disturbance, with low diversity/high
zebras, giraffes, rhinoceroses, hippopotamus and dominance caused at one end by competitive
elephant. Present-day South American savannahs exclusion and at the other by excessive disturbance.
have comparatively few indigenous large herbivores, Huston (1979, 1985) describes the development of
including deer and capybara (Ojasti, 1983). In vegetation as a result of the dynamic balance
Australia the indigenous herbivores are all marsupials, between the rate of competitive exclusion and the
some of which have shown a marked increase in reduction of populations through disturbance.
numbers with the provision of water for livestock Milchunas et al. (1988) stress the importance of
(Newsome, 1975, 1983). The Asian savannahs, to a gradients from similar to divergent selection
large extent of anthropogenic origin, also have few pressures for competition and herbivory tolerance
indigenous large herbivores, but livestock grazing for vegetation changes following herbivory. They
there has in some places a very long history (Misra, suggest that plant adaptations for competition and
1983, and references therein). for herbivory tolerance diverge with increasing
primary production. Further, adaptations tend to
change from intolerance to tolerance of grazing with
Herbivory and plant–plant interactions an increasingly long evolutionary history of grazing
(Milchunas et al., 1988).
Large herbivores, as a rule, eat only part of the The hypotheses of Paine (1966, 1971), Grime
plants they feed upon and, except for small annuals (1973) and Huston (1979, 1985) deal generally
and seedlings, direct mortality of plants caused by with predation and disturbance, respectively, rather
large herbivores is low (Crawley, 1983). The effect than explicitly with large herbivore impact. Some
of large herbivores on plant survival and fitness is of these hypotheses are based on two assumptions,
largely mediated by changes in interactions between namely that: (i) herbivory is a disturbance; and (ii)
plants, including competition, apparent competi- herbivory leads to reduced competition between
tion (i.e. when plants have adverse effects on one plants. The two assumptions are closely related
another via the effects both have on a third organ- both to each other and to plant competition, as
ism, e.g. a herbivore), facilitation and mutualism, disturbance on a community or ecosystem level can
involving, for example, mycorrhizas and nitrogen- be understood as an event leading to directed
fixing bacteria (Allen and Allen, 1990; Louda et al., change in vegetation, i.e. a succession (Skarpe,
1990; Tainton and Hardy, 1999). Many effects of 1992). Further, changes in plant species composi-
herbivory on vegetation have been described, and tion during a succession are largely caused by
emphasis has been on different aspects, such as changes in competitive hierarchies.
grazing resources for livestock, plant biomass Whether or not herbivory is a disturbance is a
production or species diversity. Correspondingly, matter both of the history of the vegetation con-
different models have been employed to explain the cerned (Milchunas et al., 1988; Milchunas and
effects, as described below. Lauenroth, 1993) and of the spatial and temporal
The increaser–decreaser–invader concept scale of observation (Skarpe, 1992). The introduc-
(Sampson, 1919) is based on grazing-induced tion of herbivory to a vegetation developed without
changes in species composition. In 1975, Stoddart grazing/browsing will change the competitive hier-
et al. described herbivore impact in Clementian archy between plant species, leading to a succession,
terms as a regressive succession away from a climax and would hence be a disturbance. On the other
situation, with changes after cessation of herbivory hand, in a vegetation developed with herbivory, the
as the corresponding progressive succession back to cessation of grazing or browsing would be a distur-
the climax. The predation hypothesis of Paine bance and lead to vegetation changes. The concept
(1966, 1971) has been used to describe herbivore of disturbance is scale-dependent, and patches of
impact in terms of predation. It predicts that predators, vegetation may undergo directed change at some
by breaking the dominance of the most successful period of time, while the vegetation on a larger scale
competitor in the local prey community, will release only shows non-directed dynamics (Skarpe, 1992).
resources for other prey species, thus increasing On the scale of plant individuals, the defoliation of
species diversity. The intermediate disturbance single tillers in a continuously grazed sward takes
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place as discrete events (O’Connor, 1992), trigger- What plants do and can do in relation to herbivory
ing a response in the plant, and may temporarily is a result of adaptation of the species during evolu-
change its competitive ability. Such defoliation may tion and of the triggers and opportunities provided
thus be a disturbance for the plant, but not for the by the environment to express these adaptive traits.
sward as a whole. Large herbivores remove biomass, often photo-
Herbivory does not necessarily lead to relaxed synthesizing tissue, and nutrients therein from the
competition between plants. Only herbivory of such plant. They thereby deprive the plant both of its
a high intensity that the total vegetation is reduced nutrient capital and its means of production. This
to an extent where limiting resources are not fully implies changes in the plant’s ability to acquire
utilized by plants would lead to a reduction in com- resources, both absolute and relative to neighbours,
petition. Changes in herbivory may lead to changes and hence influences competitive interactions (Dirzo
in the kind of competition, e.g. a shift from canopy and Harper, 1982; Fowler and Rausher, 1985).
competition for light to root competition for nutri- Plants respond to herbivory by changing resource
ents (Milchunas et al., 1988). Competition always allocation, and will either maximize nutrient uptake
takes place within constraints set by biotic and abi- and compensate for lost resources or minimize the
otic environmental factors (Tilman, 1977) and, in loss of resources (Grime, 1983; Berendse and
order to maintain competitiveness, plants adapt to Elberse, 1990; Grubb, 1992). The competitive suc-
the combined effects of these factors in the most cess of the different strategies depends on, among
resource-economic way. This implies that different other factors, the relationship between resource avail-
plant traits give competitive advantage in environ- ability in the environment and the herbivory pres-
ments with different combinations of impact fac- sure (Berendse, 1985; Berendse et al., 1992; Grubb,
tors, of which herbivory may be one. 1992). This theme is developed further in the fol-
While most vegetation ecologists regard compe- lowing paragraphs on plant compensation for eaten
tition as one important ecological factor, few good biomass and on plant resistance to herbivory.
field experiments have been carried out showing
competition in interaction with environmental
constraints, e.g. herbivory. In addition, there is still Compensation for eaten biomass
considerable debate on theories and definitions
related to competition (Tilman, 1977, 1987; Herbivory may either promote or reduce growth of
Grime, 1983; Keddy, 1989; Grace, 1990, 1991). It plants or plant parts (Noy-Meir, 1993). External
is, therefore, often difficult to state the role of com- factors known to influence the degree of compen-
petition and other forms of plant–plant interac- satory growth include timing of herbivory relative to
tions in individual cases of herbivory-induced the phenological development of the plant
change or difference in vegetation. The suggestion (Laycock, 1967; Wolfson, 1999), intensity and fre-
by Tilman (from Grace, 1991) to measure competi- quency of herbivory (Mueggler, 1972; Harper,
tive success as the ability to dominate in the habitat 1977; Wallace et al., 1985; Olson and Richards,
will be adopted in the following sections. 1988), plant-available nutrients (Bryant et al., 1983;
McNaughton and Chapin, 1985), plant-available
water (Cox and McEvoy, 1983), age and kind of tis-
sue eaten (Milthorpe and Davidson, 1966; Crawley,
Adaptations by Plants to 1983), history of herbivory in the system (Olson
Herbivory and Richards, 1988) and events following the her-
bivory, e.g. much or little rainfall, fire or repeated
What should a clever plant do? grazing/browsing (Walker, 1987). The degree of
compensation is the sum of positive and negative
In 1982 Norman Owen-Smith and Peter Novellie effects of herbivory on the productivity of the plant
published a paper with the title ‘What should a under the given conditions (Noy-Meir, 1993).
clever ungulate eat?’ As plants are not just passive Herbivory, as a rule, reduces the leaf area, implying
prey, but respond in various ways to being eaten, the loss in total photosynthesis and hence production;
corresponding question ‘What should a clever plant on the other hand, light levels for remaining leaves
do to compete successfully for resources in an envi- may increase, and so may photosynthesis rate per
ronment with hungry herbivores?’ is equally relevant. leaf area or mass (Gifford and Marshall, 1973;
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Senock et al., 1991). Nutrients stored in shoots or experimentally cut biomass under all conditions,
leaves are lost with herbivory, but at the same time but less so with N fertilization.
competition between remaining plant modules for Grasses are generally tolerant to grazing, and
resources and often the ratio between net and gross may show vigorous compensatory growth. Except
production (i.e. between production of biomass and when flowering, most species have meristems posi-
that plus ‘maintenance costs’ for the plant) increases, tioned low, under the main grazing level, allowing
as total biomass is reduced (Jefferies et al., 1994). rapid regrowth of tillers after grazing (Vickery,
Active apical meristems are often removed, but dor- 1984). At flowering, the apical meristem in most
mant meristems may be activated for vegetative and grasses is elevated to a level where it is vulnerable to
eventually generative growth (Murphy and Briske, grazing (Wolfson, 1999). Removal of the apical
1992; Järemo et al., 1996). meristem often stimulates tillering from activated
Compensatory growth can result in exact axillary buds, but this is not always the case (Olson
compensation, when the production of the grazed and Richards, 1988; Murphy and Briske, 1992).
plant is the same as in an ungrazed control, or in Generally, low-growing grasses are better competi-
under- or overcompensation, when a grazed plant tors under grazing than tall ones, as a reduced
produces less or more, respectively, than the control proportion of their biomass is grazed. In grazed
(Noy-Meir, 1993). Compensatory growth has vegetation competition for light, favouring tall
mostly been measured as mass of shoots and leaves, species, is less important than in ungrazed swards
sometimes as generative output and rarely as total (Milchunas et al., 1988). Grazing-tolerant grasses
plant biomass production. often respond to herbivory by attaining low stature
Genetic traits, which are often connected with and high shoot density while maintaining a large
ability for compensatory growth, include high leaf area, and by physiological and morphological
potential resource uptake, high potential growth processes that enhance compensatory growth
rate, availability of dormant, easily activated following herbivory (McNaughton et al., 1983). In
buds/meristems and nutrient stores, and meristems this way grasses maximize resource capital and
that are inaccessible to the herbivores concerned uptake and hence competitive ability. Oesterheld
(Noy-Meir, 1993). Where nutrient availability is and McNaughton (1988) found that three clones
high relative to herbivore pressure, rapidly compen- of the grass Themeda triandra from the Serengeti
sating plants may be competitively advantaged and differed in height inversely to the grazing pressure
come to dominate the vegetation, as will be exem- at the sites where they were collected. Field obser-
plified in the following. The higher the herbivory vations of Panicum repens in a grassland in
pressure, the more the plant is deprived of nutrients, Zimbabwe showed the grass to have higher shoot
active and dormant buds and photosynthesizing density, shorter shoots and shorter internodes at the
tissue, thus reducing its uptake of nutrients, sites with highest grazing pressure (estimated from
production and competitive ability. Where nutrient faecal counts). There was no difference in leaf area
availability is low relative to the intensity of her- index with grazing pressure (Skarpe, 1997).
bivory, plants with strategies other than fast growth Rhizomatous grasses with an ability for vegetative
are likely to gain competitive dominance. Thus, reproduction have an advantage over those with
herbivory pressure and nutrient availability are both obligate reproduction from seed in environments
important for the net outcome of plant compen- where flowers have a high probability of being
satory growth (McNaughton and Chapin, 1985; eaten. O’Connor (1991) found that the proportion
Maschinski and Whitham, 1989) and competitive of a rhizomatous genotype of Digitaria eriantha
success (Dirzo and Harper, 1982; Crawley, 1983). increased consistently with heavy grazing.
McNaughton et al. (1983), in a controlled experi- Browse from trees and shrubs (from here on
ment, found that the sedge Kyllinga nervosa Steud, referred to as trees) is an important food resource,
a very common plant in part of the Serengeti, over- seasonally or all the year, for many species of live-
compensated for above-ground biomass removed at stock and wild large herbivores in savannah
moderate defoliation and high N availability, (Cumming, 1982). In a review of browsing in
undercompensated at severe defoliation and just African savannah, Bergström (1992) distinguishes
compensated under other conditions. Coughenour three modes of browsing on trees: the pruning of
et al. (1985) showed that Themeda triandra Forsk., shoots with or without leaves and the picking or
also from the Serengeti, undercompensated for stripping of leaves. Twig browsing often leads to
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vigorous compensatory growth in savannah trees. A cost in resources withdrawn from growth and
number of studies of natural browsing or experi- reproduction. Plants can avoid herbivory by large
mental clipping of acacias show high degrees of mammals either by having a major proportion of
compensation (Pellew, 1984; Dangerfield and the resources unavailable for the herbivore, e.g. in
Madukanele, 1996). Twig browsing often results in lignified stems or underground organs (Fig. 9.3), or
bigger, but fewer, annual shoots (du Toit et al., by developing defences of different kinds. In the
1990). Simulated browsing (clipping) and elephant first case, a cost for the plant is the reduced propor-
impact (stumping) on Combretum apiculatum in a tion of photosynthetic tissue; in the latter, it is allo-
savannah in Botswana, resulted in the clipped trees cation of resources to structural or chemical
producing fewer shoots than the controls, but of defence. Therefore, ‘the production of defences is
about the same total biomass. In contrast, the only favoured by natural selection’ – i.e. gives a com-
stumped trees produced the biggest individual petitive advantage – ‘when the cost of production is
shoots, but only reached 15% of the total shoot less than the benefit of enhanced protection from her-
biomass on control trees (Bergström et al., 2000). bivores’, according to the optimal defence theory
Browsing of leaves may lead to different responses (Coley et al., 1985). A number of hypotheses have
from those to twig pruning, at least in temperate developed this optimal defence theory further, in
environments (Danell et al., 1994). Compensation efforts to predict more precisely under which condi-
for defoliation in savannah trees varies with time tions plants would evolve defence mechanisms of dif-
and intensity of browsing. Most studies have found ferent types, in order to maximize competitive ability
rapid regrowth of leaves after defoliation early in and fitness.
the growing season, but not if the impact was late The plant apparency hypothesis (Feeny, 1976)
in the season (Guy et al., 1979 (cited in Bergström, predicts that plants that are apparent in space (i.e.
1992); Cissè, 1980; Teage, 1985). This seems have high cover) or in time (i.e. have palatable parts
resource-effective, if the cost of refoliation is that persist during periods when most of the vegeta-
weighed against the expected photosynthetic life- tion is unpalatable), and hence risk a high rate of
time of the leaf. Many trees refoliate after high but herbivory, would invest in defences, particularly in
not after low intensity of defoliation (Cissé, 1980). chemical defences. Similar ideas were expressed by
It is known that trees and herbaceous vegetation Rhoades and Cates (1976). The resource availability
in savannah may inhibit each other and that excessive hypothesis (Coley, 1983), further developed by Coley
grazing of the field layer may lead to competitive et al. (1985), proposes that plants growing at
advantage of trees (Walker and Noy-Meir, 1982; resource-poor sites are generally obligatory slow-
van Vegten, 1983; Stuart-Hill and Tainton, 1989; growing and not well able to compensate for lost
Skarpe, 1990). However, little is known about the nutrients/biomass; they would be expected to invest
influence of browsing of trees on competitive inter- more in defence than would plants growing in more
actions between trees or between trees and herba-
ceous vegetation (Bergström and Danell, 1987;
Owen-Smith, 1988). Stuart-Hill and Tainton
(1989) found that simulated browsing (clipping) of
Acacia karroo led to decreased production of a
surrounding grass sward, implying that the clipping
increased the competitiveness of the tree. Browsing
megaherbivores, primarily African elephant, have a
strong influence on tree growth and survival and
hence on tree competitiveness with both other trees
and the herbaceous layer (Owen-Smith, 1988).

Plant resistance to herbivory

Fig. 9.3. To have a large proportion of biomass
While compensatory growth and competition for underground may be an adaptation to herbivory,
resources involve similar adaptations in plants drought and/or fire: Tylosema esculenta in the
(Järemo et al., 1996), resistance to herbivory has a Kalahari, Botswana.
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Effects of Large Herbivores on Competition and Succession 181

resource rich environments. The carbon-nutrient found in studies of both wild browsers in South
hypothesis of Bryant et al. (1983; 1991) is based on Africa (Cooper and Owen-Smith, 1986) and
the metabolic costs of different plant defences. Grubb domestic goats in Tanzania (Gowda, 1996).
(1992) formulated the multidimensional scarcity–
accessibility hypothesis, basically stating that resources
that are scarce (for the animal or for the plant), attrac- What clever plants do – some conclusions
tive and available must be defended. Such situations
include plants in patches of nutrient-rich vegetation in In most vegetation, competition is an important
a generally resource poor-landscape, nutrient-rich determinant of plant survival and fitness. To gain
plants in a permanently or seasonally nutrient-poor competitive superiority, plants must maximize
vegetation, and nutrient-rich plant parts, such as resources acquired relative to competitors under the
single meristems in some species, which are scarce prevailing environmental conditions, including, for
and difficult for the plant to replace. example, droughts, frost, fires or herbivory. To do
Defence mechanisms can be: (i) structural, e.g. this, plants have, during evolution, attained specific
spines of different shapes and origins; or (ii) chemical, characteristics, or the ability to express such charac-
with different chemical composition and effects on teristics, to minimize any negative impact by
the animals (Bergström, 1992). More indirect plant environmental factors on resource economy.
defences include, for example, ant-symbiosis sys- A number of plant features or strategies are
tems (Fig. 9.4) (Janzen, 1979; Sabelis et al., 1997). believed to have evolved, at least partly, as means to
Plant defence mechanisms are inherited by the cope with loss of biomass to large herbivores. In situa-
species, but the degree of expression can be modi- tions where the potential for resource uptake is high
fied by the environment, and both chemical and relative to losses to herbivores, plants with adaptations
structural defence can be induced by herbivory for rapid compensatory growth may gain competitive
(Milewski et al., 1991). Georgiadis and dominance. Where potential resource uptake is low
McNaughton (1988) found that the grass Cynodon relative to the risk of losses to grazing and browsing
plectostachyus developed high levels of the potent animals, competition may instead favour plants that
poison cyanide in response to defoliation. Gowda minimize loss of resources. This includes slow-growing
(1997) found that pruning of young Acacia tortilis plants in resource-poor environments and plants or
resulted in increased growth of spines. That physi- plant parts that constitute a scarce resource for large
cal defence reduces bite size and/or feeding rate herbivores, e.g. plants in nutrient-rich patches in a
and/or total biomass eaten from the plant has been generally nutrient-poor vegetation and particularly
nutrient rich-plants or plant parts. Strategies to
minimize loss of resources include having a large
proportion unavailable to herbivores or developing
structural or chemical defence against such animals.
Changes in herbivory regime may change
competitive hierarchies between plants with different
adaptive traits or strategies. This may lead to
vegetation succession and changes in plant commu-
nities, which are discussed in the following section.

Large Herbivores and Plant

The importance of net primary production
and evolutionary history of herbivory

As seen above, different traits allow plants to survive

Fig. 9.4. Morphological and indirect defences: and compete successfully in environments with
thorns and ant galls in Acacia drepanolobium, different resource availability and rate of herbivory.
Tanzania. Thus, a change in grazing or browsing regime may
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modify competitive relationships between plants between years than to differences in grazing
and lead to vegetation succession. A vegetation between sites. Only a strongly stoloniferous genotype
developed with large herbivores will change if her- of D. eriantha consistently increased with grazing
bivory is discontinued, and an ungrazed vegetation pressure (O’Connor, 1991). In some neotropical
will change if herbivory is introduced. savannahs, which for a considerable time have
Milchunas and Lauenroth (1993) compared evolved without much herbivory, bunch grasses
grazed and ungrazed vegetation in a worldwide data with low tolerance for defoliation often dominate
set from 236 sites. For dry ‘grasslands’ and ‘shrub- (Sarmiento, 1992). Rusch and Oesterheld (1997)
lands’, including savannahs, they found changes in found that grazing in the subhumid flooding
community physiognomy, i.e. general features of the pampa of Argentina led to decreased biomass
vegetation, species composition, species diversity and production and invasion of exotic forbs. Sarmiento
potential for invasion by alien species to be largely a (1992) refers to a Venezuelan savannah managed as
function of: (i) net primary productivity or biomass a mowed lawn for 15 years. After this time, none of
production; (ii) evolutionary history of herbivory; the original perennial grasses persisted, but were
and (iii) level of current herbivory. These three replaced with Panicum maximum and Hyparrhenia
factors, in decreasing importance, explained more rufa (aliens of African origin, adapted to grazing)
than 50% of the variance in species composition. and with annuals and two indigenous perennials,
The importance of biomass production for com- Paspalum virgatum and Axonopus compressus, usually
munity response to herbivory is consistent with the found as pioneers in disturbed sites.
hypothesis for, on the one hand, convergence of
adaptive traits for herbivore tolerance and competi-
tion for below-ground resources in dry savannah Herbivory intensity
with low productivity, and, on the other hand, the
contrast between adaptive traits for herbivore tolerance In the global studies by Milchunas et al. (1988),
and for competition for light in subhumid, highly actual grazing pressure was less important than
productive savannahs (Milchunas et al., 1988). In productivity and grazing history for variation in
the first case, for example, low stature and stolonif- composition between grazed and ungrazed vegeta-
erous growth are suitable adaptations both for tion. On a smaller geographical scale, given a
underground competition, which is important in certain rainfall regime and evolutionary history of
dry savannahs, and for dealing with herbivory. In herbivory, the intensity of grazing/browsing is
the latter case, tall growth is an advantage in com- important in determining competitive hierarchies
peting for light, which is important in subhumid between plant species, and hence vegetation
savannahs, but a disadvantage if herbivore pressure composition. Pronounced vegetation changes can
is high. This would imply less difference between be seen along gradients in grazing pressure, e.g.
grazed and ungrazed vegetation in semi-arid than in with distance from watering points (Lange, 1969;
subhumid environments, as found by Milchunas Skarpe, 2000). Some heavily grazed vegetation in
and Lauenroth (1993). the Kalahari resembles vegetation in drier areas of
In vegetation with a long evolutionary history the same system in terms of composition of species
of grazing most or all plant species are adapted to and growth forms (Skarpe, 1986). This can be
herbivory, whereas in vegetation without such a interpreted in the light of the model by Milchunas
history most plant species will not be adapted to et al. (1988) – that plants with traits making them
herbivory. A substantial change in species successful competitors in an arid environment are
composition is thus likely to occur if grazing/ also well adapted to herbivory.
browsing is introduced. Consequently, Milchunas The increase of Karoo species, mainly dwarf
and Lauenroth (1993) found less difference shrubs, in South African savannah (Fig. 9.5), is
between ungrazed and grazed vegetation with a long described by Acocks (1975) as a response to heavy
evolutionary history of grazing than in vegetation livestock grazing. The dwarf shrubs employ a different
without such a history. strategy from the grasses, in that they minimize the
O’Connor (1991), working in dry South loss of nutrients (see Berendse, 1985), rather than
African savannah with a long history of herbivory, maximizing the uptake, hence gaining competitive
found changes in species composition of small tussock advantage with intensive herbivory in a relatively
grasses to be more related to differences in rainfall nutrient-poor environment. Since the mid-1980s,
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Effects of Large Herbivores on Competition and Succession 183

Some conclusions on herbivores and plant


Milchunas and Lauenroth (1993) showed that, on a

global scale, net primary production, evolutionary
history of herbivory and current level of herbivory,
in decreasing order, explained the major part of
plant community changes with grazing/browsing.
The pattern was explained as differences in plant
adaptation to herbivory causing differences in com-
petitive ability and hence in, for example, species
composition and potential for invasion by alien
species. However, on a local scale, variation in
potential net primary production and evolutionary
history is small, and intensity of herbivory becomes
an important factor for plant community changes
Fig. 9.5. Differently managed semi-arid rangeland: (Frost et al., 1986; Skarpe, 1986; Walker, 1987).
heavily grazed with mainly dwarf shrubs on one
side of the fence, moderately grazed and grass
dominated on the other, South Africa.
Herbivory and Plant Competition
on Ecosystem Scale
there has been an increase in medium tall grasses at
Large herbivores setting the scene for plant
the expense of dwarf shrubs and prostrate grasses
around some Kalahari pans (natural temporary
water-holes surrounded by slightly saline soils) used
This chapter began with a consideration of the
by wildlife (C. Skarpe, unpublished). The change
adaptive traits or strategies that give plants a com-
coincides in time with a sharp decline in the
petitive advantage with herbivory under different
wildebeest population in 1983, until then the main
conditions of resource availability. There is now
bulk grazer in the area. If there is a cause-and-effect
considerable evidence that large herbivores can
relation behind the coincidence in time, it might be
influence resource availability for plants both
explained as the reverse of the succession recorded
directly and indirectly, and hence set the scene for
by Acocks (1975).
direct interaction between large herbivores and
Savannah vegetation, particularly arid savan-
plant competitive patterns (Botkin et al., 1981;
nahs, are dynamic, shifting between dominance of
Pastor et al., 1993; Ritchie et al., 1998). For example,
different plant species and life-forms as a result of
large herbivores have been shown to influence
stochastic rainfall, occasional fires and small and nutrient cycling, plant biomass production and
large herbivores (Frost et al., 1986; Walker, 1987). spatial patterns in vegetation, fire regime and rate
Indigenous large herbivores in such environments and direction of successional processess, as well as
are highly mobile, and leave the area when food switching of systems between alternative states
gets scarce and low in moisture content (Noy-Meir, (Hobbs, 1996). All these phenomena influence and
1979/80). Domestic stock is often supplemented are influenced by competition between plants
with water and tends to use the arid savannahs adapted for different environments and herbivory,
more permanently. This may result in a reduction as shown below.
in regeneration of perennial palatable species,
which are outcompeted, probably as seedlings, by
ephemerals and/or unpalatable species (Acocks, Large herbivores and nutrient cycling
1975; Werger, 1977). Le Houérou (1989) hypothe-
sises that this process long ago caused a change in The cycling rate of nutrients is often more impor-
much of the Sahel, from vegetation dominated by tant for nutrient availability to plants than the total
perennial grasses to the present predominantly nutrient capital in the system (Vitousek, 1982;
annual vegetation. Aber and Melillo, 1991). Large herbivores influence
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184 C. Skarpe

nutrient cycling in a number of ways, e.g. by production, interactions between plants would
changing the quality and quantity of above- and favour slow-growing, nutrient-poor and/or chemi-
below-ground plant litter and by depositing dung, cally defended plant species. Under such condi-
urine and carcasses. There is evidence for a positive tions, animals would avoid feeding in a previously
relationship between plant palatability for large grazed/browsed patch (Hobbs, 1996), resulting in
herbivores and plant litter decomposition rate decreasing spatial heterogeneity in vegetation
(Horner et al., 1988). Fast-growing young plant composition and ecosystem processes.
parts, including compensatory growth after
herbivory, have often been shown to be palatable
Large herbivores and fires in savannah
for large herbivores (du Toit et al., 1990; Price,
1991), and the litter decomposes and mineralizes
Fire, as well as large herbivores, is an important
rapidly (Horner et al., 1988; Seagle et al., 1992). A
determinant of savannah structure and function,
contributing factor to the rapid turnover rate of
and most savannah plant species are more or less
nutrients in productive grazed or browsed areas is
adapted to fire.
often the conversion of a large proportion of the
Savannah fires are generally spread by dry grass
plant biomass to dung and urine. This often – but
fuel and, in situations where grazing reduces the
not always – increases mineralization rate (Day and
standing biomass of grasses beyond the point where
Detling, 1990). Thus, under some conditions,
it can carry a fire, the frequency and intensity of
herbivory may enhance nutrient cycling and
fires are much reduced (McNaughton, 1992). In
contribute to higher nutrient availability (Botkin et
such situations, plant species that have relatively
al., 1981; Hobbs, 1996; Mazancourt et al., 1998).
poor fire tolerance may gain a competitive advantage.
In such situations, fast-growing, rapidly compensat-
This applies, for example, to seedlings and saplings of
ing plants may gain competitive dominance (Roux,
some woody species, and a change in fire regime may
1969; McNaughton, 1985; Pastor and Naiman,
influence species composition, density and spatial
1992; Seagle et al., 1992). Animals will repeatedly
distribution of woody vegetation (Menaut et al.,
feed in such patches (du Toit et al., 1990; Lundberg
1990; Skarpe, 1991; Bond and van Wilgen, 1996).
and Danell, 1990) and may thereby maintain the
competitive hierarchies between plants and hence
the patchy structure of vegetation. McNaughton Switches between wooded and open
(1988) describes such preferentially grazed patches savannah
in the Serengeti, deviating in nutrient availability
from the surroundings. Lock (1972) found a simi- By direct and indirect effects on ecosystem processes,
lar patchy vegetation structure induced by hip- large herbivores may cause rapid successions or
popotami in Uganda. switches between different states of a system – for
The maintenance of the competitive advantage example, between densely wooded savannah and
for fast-growing palatable plant species probably open grassland (Noy-Meir, 1982; Hobbs, 1996).
depends on fine-tuned interactions between A change of wooded savannahs to more open
herbivory, vegetation and soil processes. Many grasslands has been described, particularly from
situations have been described (Hobbs, 1996), rangelands used by game in Africa. It has often
when herbivory depresses the competitiveness of been attributed to excessive killing of trees by
the nutrient-rich selectively eaten plants, which are elephants, but, as pointed out by Pellew (1983) and
then outcompeted by nutrient-poor, slow-growing, Belsky (1984), poor recruitment of saplings into
often chemically defended species. Litter produced the tree layer due to fires and browsers may be
by such plants tends to decompose and mineralize more important than increased mortality of mature
slowly, reducing the rate at which nutrients become trees. Woody seedlings and saplings resprouting
available to plants (Horner et al., 1988; Bryant et after browsing or fire may suffer from competition
al., 1991; Hobbie, 1992; Pastor et al., 1993). with the field-layer species for both light and soil
Ritchie et al. (1998) found that exclusion of large resources. Once established, woody species may
herbivores in a North American oak savannah led outshade high light-intensity-demanding grass
to increased N cycling in the soil and more plants species, and may compete for soil resources in a
with relatively high N content. In cases where deeper soil layer than the grasses (Walter, 1954;
herbivory reduces nutrient cycling and net primary Walker and Noy-Meir, 1982).
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Effects of Large Herbivores on Competition and Succession 185

The encroachment of woody vegetation into Weber and Jeltsch (1998) used a spatially explicit
open savannah (Fig. 9.6), has been described from model to study dynamics of grasses and woody
savannah grazing lands all over the world (Walter, plants with different grazing pressure and different
1954; van Vegten, 1983; Hacker, 1984; Archer et degrees of spatial variation. They found that the
al., 1988; Skarpe, 1990). In most cases, the change increase in woody plants was positively related both
has been attributed to direct and indirect effects of to grazing intensity and to degree of patchiness in
heavy grazing by livestock, perhaps through the grazing. The model also predicted an increase in
interaction with changes in climate or atmospheric the probability for bush encroachment with
composition (Emanuel et al., 1985). Walter (1954) number of years the grazing continued (Weber and
and Walker and Noy-Meir (1982) describe bush Jeltsch, 1998). The mechanisms behind these
encroachment as a result of the reduction in findings are not clear, but may be related to
resource uptake and competitive ability by grasses grazing-induced spatially and temporally small-
under very heavy grazing, resulting in more scale competition patterns between woody and
resources being available for woody vegetation. herbaceous plants.
Shallow-rooted encroacher shrubs use resources in
the same rooting zone as grasses (Skarpe, 1990).
Reduced water uptake by grasses may also result in Large herbivores as ecosystem engineers –
more water penetrating to deeper soil layers, where some conclusions
it is exclusively available for woody species. Indirect
effects of herbivory facilitating the establishment of Large-herbivore food selection often encompasses
woody plants include the decrease in fire impact different scales, from landscape, in migratory
and, perhaps, changes in soil processes. wildlife and nomadic livestock, to ecosystem,
Bush encroachment is not linearly related to patch, plant or plant part (Senft et al., 1987). By
stocking rate, but seems to occur when grazing selective use, animals may influence the diversity of
pressure exceeds a threshold value (Skarpe, 1990), ecosystems in such different scales. Grazing and
presumably when grasses are damaged to the extent browsing large herbivores interact with the abiotic
where their competitive ability is seriously reduced. variation in landscapes, and may increase spatial
Herbivory intensity is not homogeneous even in variation by enhancing relatively resource-rich
the same paddock, but is spatially variable at differ- patches and the competitive advantage of fast-growing
ent scales (Senft et al., 1987; O’Connor, 1992). palatable plants. Under other conditions, large
herbivores will reduce the spatial variation, when
plant competition following grazing favours slow-
growing nutrient-poor plants (Hobbs, 1996). The
impact of large herbivores on ecosystem processes is
caused both by direct effects on plants, through
eating them, and by indirect effects, including
impact on soil processes and disturbance regime,
e.g. fire. The changes in ecosystem processes have
relevance for the competitive hierarchies between
plant species and growth forms, and subsequently
for future herbivory patterns.

Competition between plants is an important factor,
acting at least temporarily, in most vegetation. Large
herbivores generally do not kill the plants they feed
upon, but they do affect their competitive ability.
This may eventually lead to competitive exclusion of
Fig. 9.6. ‘Bush encroachment’: dense Acacia some species and to herbivory-induced succession,
mellifera scrub in heavily grazed range, Botswana. leading to changes in vegetation composition.
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186 C. Skarpe

Large herbivores feed selectively in order to change in herbivory regime. After an increase or
maximize the intake rate of digestible nutrients and decrease in herbivory, changes in the competitive
energy, while avoiding harmful compounds. Many patterns between plants will cascade through the
nutrients that are essential for herbivores are also community, and the vegetation will undergo a
essential for plants, which have developed different succession until the directed change in species com-
traits and strategies to secure resources to maintain position ceases and is replaced by non-directional
competitiveness and fitness in the presence of herbi- dynamics. Because of indirect effects of herbivory,
vores. Plants must at the same time adapt to many influencing, for example, the fire regime, nutrient
other environmental factors, such as insect herbivory, cycling and soil structure, after a return to the original
drought, fire, heat and frost. Competition will herbivory regime in most cases the succession will
generally favour plants with the most resource- not go through the same stages as when herbivory
economic adaptive traits for all biotic and non-biotic was first changed. Neither will the succession in
constraints. Therefore, it is often not possible to most cases end with the same vegetation composi-
point out a single environmental factor as the reason tion as before the first change took place.
for the development of a certain plant trait. For Small-scale, short-term effects of grazing and
example, to have a large proportion of biomass and browsing animals on savannah vegetation are fairly
nutrient stores underground may enhance competitive well known, even if the processes, including
success in relation to both large herbivores and fire competitive patterns, are often less well under-
and drought. This implies that a plant trait or strategy stood. Little is known about the significance of
that gives competitive advantages under intense large herbivores in a long-term perspective and on
herbivory in one environment may not do so in an ecosystem or landscape scale. Savannahs have
another. Rapid compensatory growth may be a good evolved with large herbivores, and it is doubtful
adaptation to herbivory in a resource-rich environ- whether savannah vegetation, as we know it today,
ment, but not in a poor one. Further, plant adap- would exist without a history of grazing and brows-
tations to certain environmental factors may at the ing large herbivores. Today the grazing intensity in
same time influence competitiveness under her- many savannahs is high, perhaps higher than before
bivory. Thus plants adapted to dry conditions would modern livestock keeping, and the species diversity
compete better under heavy grazing than would tall of herbivores is low. In most cases, one or a few
plants adapted to subhumid conditions. species of ruminant grazers, often cattle and/or
The evaluation of herbivore impact on plant sheep, dominate heavily. Many systems have no or
competition patterns is further complicated by the few browsers, and most systems lack megaherbivores.
highly dynamic nature of savannah vegetation in Further, animal mobility is becoming more
general and of dry savannahs in particular. In such restricted. The implications of these changes in the
systems, vegetation changes are largely event-driven, large herbivore fauna for the competitive patterns
triggered, for example, by rainfall, fires or insect in savannah vegetation, particularily related to the
outbreaks. The effect of large herbivores on plant woody component and to long-term spatial aspects,
competitive patterns interacts with such factors, perhaps are largely unknown.
as much by preventing change as by inducing it.
Large herbivores influence plant communities
by feeding selectively, i.e. by eating certain plants Acknowledgements
more than others. In that way, they maintain a
competitive hierarchy among plants and hence a I wish to thank Roger Bergström and the two editors
plant species composition that would change with a of this volume for comments on the manuscript.

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