NHBC Standards 2023 Complete Compressed
NHBC Standards 2023 Complete Compressed
NHBC Standards 2023 Complete Compressed
Effective from 1 January 2023
Welcome to the
NHBC Standards 2023
Welcome to NHBC Standards 2023. This new edition will apply to every new home
registered with NHBC where the foundations have been laid on or after
1 January 2023.
Through NHBC Accepts, our comprehensive review service for innovative systems, we are
supporting the growth of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC). We are developing our
Standards in line with this emerging sector, while also ensuring builders, investors, lenders,
and homeowners all have the confidence that innovative construction systems have been
rigorously assessed and can be used in homes covered by our Buildmark warranty.
New homes built today are safe, comfortable and increasingly sustainable. NHBC will
continue to support the industry to address climate change, the environment and broader
sustainability issues.
I am confident that you will find our new Standards a useful reference point as we all work to
build safe, high-quality homes for everyone.
If you have any questions regarding the new Standards, please liaise with your usual
NHBC contact.
Steve Wood
Chief Executive Officer
Part 1 – Welcome
Contact us
What’s changed
Part 2 – Introduction
2.1 The Standards and Technical Requirements
Part 3 – General
3.1 Concrete and its reinforcement
3.2 Cold weather working
3.3 Timber preservation (natural solid timber)
Part 4 – Foundations
4.1 Land quality – managing ground conditions
4.2 Building near trees
4.3 Strip and trench fill foundations
4.4 Raft, pile, pier and beam foundations
4.5 Vibratory ground improvement techniques
Part 7 – Roofs
7.1 Flat roofs, terraces and balconies
7.2 Pitched roofs
Part 8 – Services
8.1 Internal services
8.2 Low or zero carbon technologies
8.3 Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery
Part 9 – Finishes
9.1 A consistent approach to finishes
9.2 Wall and ceiling finishes
9.3 Floor finishes
9.4 Finishes and fitments
9.5 Painting and decorating
Contact us
Useful contact information is shown below, should you need to contact us for:
advice and guidance from our technical helpline
support for Standards online.
Technical helpline
For technical help and advice,
Call: 0344 633 1000 and ask for ‘Technical’,
or Email: technicalsupport@nhbc.co.uk
Standards online
The online version of the NHBC Standards 2023 is freely available to all visitors to the
NHBC website. Complete with supplementary technical content and further guidance notes,
supporting links to external sites and 3D animations, Standards online expands and optimises
the NHBC Standards 2023 for use on desktop and mobile devices.
Visit: www.nhbc.co.uk/standards
For any questions or comments regarding Standards online,
Email: technicalsupport@nhbc.co.uk
Contact us
If there is anything else you would like to talk to us about.
Call: 0344 633 1000
Visit our contact us tool:
www.nhbc.co.uk/contact-us or
Write to:
Milton Keynes Office
NHBC, NHBC House, Davy Avenue, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes, Bucks MK5 8FP
Edinburgh Office
NHBC Scotland, Suite 4, 5 New Mart Place, Edinburgh EH14 1RW
Belfast Office
NHBC, Northern Ireland and Isle of Man, Holyrood Court, 59 Malone Road, Belfast BT9 6SA
NHBC Accepts
Further guidance on Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) can be found at
What’s changed?
What’s changed?
Major technical changes
As well as more minor changes to Chapters 3.3, 5.1, 6.2, 6.4, 6.7, 6.8, 9.5, the following major technical changes have been
made to this edition of the Standards:
Chapter 5.3 - new guidance on inspection chambers Chapters 8.1 to 8.3 - amended in readiness for the
plus additional guidance on surface soakaway design for carbon reduction requirements expected in the Future
gardens less than 100m2 in area Homes Standard. New guidance on heat pump design
and specification/certification requirements; solar thermal
Chapter 5.4 - guidance on the protection of below ground
systems; space heating systems
structures against water ingress to align with BS 8102:2022
Chapter 9.1 - new guidance on decorative coatings
Chapter 6.1 - new guidance on the provision of horizontal
to steelwork
movement joints on masonry clad buildings and increasing
cavity wall performance standards Chapter 10.1 - new guidance on the provision of ground gas
precautions to an integral or attached garages as well as
Chapter 6.4 - updates to both concrete upper floor design
new guidance on supporting single leaf garage walls up to
and timber I joist deflection limits
200mm thick.
Chapter 6.7 - updates to guidance on the weathertightness
of windows, doors and glazing
Chapter 7.2 - updates to underlay and sarking, ventilation;
vapour control and insulation; battens, fixing of tiles and
slates; valleys and hidden gutters and traditional roof
arrangements; protection of trussed rafter roofs and
bracing requirements
The Standards and
Technical Requirements
Chapter 2.1
This chapter introduces the NHBC Standards
and contains the Technical Requirements.
1 The Standards and Technical Requirements 2023
Chapter 2.1
of homes acceptable to NHBC. The home is defined in NHBC Rules for builders and developers registered with NHBC.
The Standards come into effect for every NHBC registered home whose foundations are begun on or after 1 January 2023,
and they apply throughout the UK, unless otherwise stated.
Technical Requirements
The Technical Requirements are shown in blue text in this chapter, and must be met by the builder.
Performance standards
The performance standards support the Technical Requirements and are shown in bold black text backed with a shaded box.
Where the performance standards are followed, the Technical Requirements for that particular item of work will be met.
Alternative standards of performance will be acceptable only if, in the opinion of NHBC, the Technical Requirements for that
particular item of work are met and the standard achieved is not lower than the stated performance standard.
Guidance on how the performance standard may be met is shown in black text and is based on normal construction procedures
and recommended practices which have been shown to be satisfactory and acceptable over time. NHBC will consider alternative
methods to meet specific requirements, subject to prior consultation and evaluation.
Guidance is also contained in illustrations and digital 3D models.
Guidance is provided to demonstrate specific technical principles, and should not be used as working construction details.
Limitations on use
The Technical Requirements, performance standards and guidance form acceptable technical benchmarks for a particular item
of work, but do not form a complete specification and should not be used as such in contracts. Individual chapters cover, as far
as practical, the requirements for particular elements of construction. To avoid repetition, some cross-referencing is made
between chapters.
The NHBC Standards do not apply to:
health and safety matters relating to building operations planning matters except where specifically referred to in
these Standards.
Such matters are covered by statutory requirements.
Where a difference exists in how to interpret the Technical Requirements, performance standards and guidance, this would
generally be resolved by further consultation, failing which, NHBC will exercise its right to decide in accordance with the
NHBC Rules.
Where required, samples of materials, products and systems shall be tested in accordance with Technical Requirement R3 and
the NHBC Rules.
The Standards and Technical Requirements 2023 2
Chapter 2.1
the time of Building Regulation approval, unless other recommendations are agreed by NHBC in writing.
The standards referred to in the NHBC Standards comprise specifications, codes of practice and published documents that are
published by BSI, the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
All work shall be within acceptable tolerances. Where applicable, account should be taken of Chapter 9.1 ‘A consistent approach
to finishes’. In other situations, tolerances will be those currently acceptable in the house-building industry.
NHBC is indebted to members of the Technical Forum, the Scottish Technical Subcommittee and the Northern Ireland Technical
Subcommittee for their work in developing and maintaining the NHBC Standards.
NHBC also wishes to acknowledge the help given by consultants, authoritative organisations, individuals and staff.
Technical Requirements
The Builder shall ensure that the work complies with the Technical Requirements.
R1 Statutory requirements
Work shall comply with all relevant Building Regulations and other statutory requirements relating to the completed
construction work.
NHBC will generally accept work that accords with relevant Building Regulations/Building Standards and supporting documents.
Exceptions would be where NHBC has a higher standard.
R2 Design requirement
Design and specification shall provide satisfactory performance.
Chapter 2.1
R3 Materials requirement
All materials, products and building systems shall be suitable for their intended purpose.
The structure of the home shall, unless specifically agreed otherwise in writing with NHBC, have a life of at least 60 years.
Individual components and assemblies, not integral to the structure, may have a lesser durability and need planned
maintenance, repair or replacement during that period.
Account shall be taken of the use and location of materials, products and building systems in relation to:
durability of both the structure and individual components position on the site
and assemblies position within the structure.
geographical location
Materials, products and building systems will normally be acceptable if they comply with the following:
functions critical to performance are: structure, fire resistance, weatherproofing, durability, thermal and sound insulation,
services including heating appliances and flues. Any of the following are acceptable:
performance in accordance with standards set by NHBC, or
where no NHBC standard is set, compliance with the relevant British Standard or equivalent European Technical
Specification approved by a Committee for Standardisation, provided they are used in accordance with the relevant Code
of Practice, or
compliance with standards not lower than those defined in a relevant British Standard specification or equivalent,
provided their use is accepted by NHBC, or
satisfactory assessment by an appropriate independent technical approvals authority accepted by NHBC, or
use of materials and products in accordance with well established satisfactory custom and practice, provided that such
custom and practice is acceptable to NHBC, or
acceptance, in writing, by NHBC Accepts.
compliance with the above acceptance criteria for critical functions or strictly in accordance with manufacturers’
recommendations for the specific use
reclaimed materials may only be reused with the prior agreement of NHBC. Independent certification of suitability may
be required
reference should be made to R3a iv
reference should be made to Chapter 3.3 ‘Timber preservation (natural solid timber)’
aggregates derived from recovered inert waste, e.g. recycled aggregate, should only be used where it can be demonstrated
that the inert waste material has been fully recovered, has ceased to be a waste as defined by the Waste Framework
Directive 2008 and has become a product. To this end, recovered aggregates produced by a supplier complying with a
recognised defined quality management scheme such as the WRAP Quality Protocol and meeting end-of-waste criteria,
will be acceptable to NHBC.
Equivalents to British Standards or technical approvals authority shall be those accepted in the UK.
R4 Workmanship requirement
All work shall be carried out in a proper, neat and workmanlike manner.
The Builder shall ensure that:
a) the conditions of the materials, products and the completed work are satisfactory
b) appropriate precautions are taken to prevent damage
c) account is taken of the following:
the requirements of the design
suitable methods of unloading and handling
proper protection during storage
use of correct installation methods
protection against weather during construction (including excessive heat, cold, wetting or drying)
protection against damage by following trades.
The Standards and Technical Requirements 2023 4
Chapter 2.1
The following shall be designed by Chartered Civil or Structural Engineers whose status (including professional indemnity
insurance) is accepted by NHBC:
a) foundations on hazardous ground where the hazard makes special consideration necessary. (Note: This would not apply to
matters for which NHBC sets standards, such as building near trees, except where specified to the contrary)
b) foundations and superstructure of every building over three storeys in height
c) c ertain types of foundations and retaining walls, as required in the individual chapters of the NHBC Standards
ny structural element which is not based on specific design criteria as laid down in the chapters of the NHBC Standards
d) a
ny dwelling not constructed in accordance with UK traditional practice.
e) a
Other structural elements may be designed by a Chartered Civil or Structural Engineer or others whose status
(including professional indemnity insurance) is accepted by NHBC.
The structural design shall take account of the durability requirement in Technical Requirement R3 Materials.
In England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man, structural design may be undertaken by the Builder’s own Engineer or
a Consulting Engineer employed by the Builder. Where specialist subcontractors undertake the design, it must be separately
appraised by the Builder’s own Engineer or by a Consulting Engineer employed by the Builder to ensure that the site
investigation, choice of foundations, siting and construction of dwellings are properly taken into account and that the design is
appropriate for the loading and conditions.
In Scotland, the Engineer shall be independent of the Builder and specialist subcontractor.
Account shall be taken of all parts of the following British Standards:
Eurocodes and their respective National Annexes BS EN 1993. Eurocode 3: ‘Design of steel structures’
BS EN 1990. Eurocode 0: ‘Basis of structural design’ BS EN 1995. Eurocode 5: ‘Design of timber structures’
BS EN 1991. Eurocode 1: ‘Actions on structures’ BS EN 1996. Eurocode 6: ‘Design of masonry structures’
BS EN 1992. Eurocode 2: ‘Design of concrete structures’ BS EN 1997. Eurocode 7: ‘Geotechnical design’.
Alternatively, designs in accordance with BS 8103 ‘Structural design of low rise buildings’ will be acceptable.
The Builder shall:
require the Engineer to issue clear instructions for require the Engineer or his representative to carry out such
site personnel inspections as may be required by NHBC to ensure the
not permit departure from the design without the adequacy of the design and construction.
Engineer’s written consent
The Builder shall ensure that the Engineer visits the site during construction:
when the foundations have been designed under this when specifically required by NHBC in these Standards.
Technical Requirement, or
The Engineer shall satisfy himself that the design is suitable for the conditions encountered on the site of each dwelling.
When requested by NHBC, the Builder shall:
produce such design documents, calculations and arrange for NHBC staff to have access to places where
prescribed forms of certification as NHBC requires off-site fabrication is taking place.
for scrutiny
provide design documents and assembly instructions,
solely for the use of NHBC staff
Concrete and its
Chapter 3.1
This chapter gives guidance on meeting
the Technical Requirements for concrete
and its reinforcement.
3.1.1 Compliance 01
3.1.2 Provision of information 01
3.1.3 Storage of materials 01
3.1.4 Site-mixed concrete 01
3.1.5 Ready-mixed concrete 03
3.1.6 Concrete specification 03
3.1.7 Admixtures 06
3.1.8 Special types of concrete 07
3.1.9 Design of reinforced concrete 07
3.1.10 Installation of reinforcement 08
3.1.11 Blinding concrete 09
3.1.12 Formwork 09
3.1.13 Before concreting 10
3.1.14 Casting 10
3.1.15 Curing 10
3.1.16 Testing 11
3.1.17 Glossary 11
1 Concrete and its reinforcement 2023
Chapter 3.1
Concrete design and specification should comply with the relevant British Standards. Mix design should take account
of strength and durability, and follow recognised standards and practices. Alternatively, mixes in accordance with the
guidance in this chapter will be acceptable. This applies to plain and reinforced concrete, whether precast or in-situ.
Concrete and its reinforcement shall comply with the Technical Requirements.
Concrete and its reinforcement that complies with the guidance in this chapter, which covers plain and reinforced concrete,
Materials shall be properly stored to avoid impairing the performance of the finished concrete.
Concrete should be mixed using an appropriate method to achieve the required strength and durability. Except for very small
quantities, a mechanical mixer should be used. Where hand mixing, add an extra 10% of cement to the quantities shown in
Tables 2 and 3.
Concrete and its reinforcement 2023 2
Chapter 3.1
mixed, and precautions taken, as described in susceptible to alkali attack or excessive
BRE Digest 357 moisture movement, or unfamiliar materials
fine and/or of coarse proportions mixed as are used
specified within the limits of the aggregate carbon
proportioned to ensure a reasonable range (ACR), when subject to aggressive
consistency, when supplied as a mixture sulfate ground conditions
assessed in accordance with Technical
Requirement R3 where materials are
recovered or proprietary.
The information below applies to cement strength class 32.5 and 20mm maximum aggregate size. Where cement strength class
42.5 or higher is used, the cement weight should be decreased by 10%.
Table 2: Mix proportions by weight
Standardised prescribed Consistence class (slump in mm) Cement (kg) Fine aggregate (kg) Coarse aggregate (kg)
ST1 S1 (10-40) 230 770 1155
ST2 S2 (50-90) 265 760 1135
ST2 S3 (100-150) 285 735 1105
ST2 S4 (160-210) 300 815 990
ST3 S2 (50-90) 295 745 1120
ST4 S2 (50-90) 330 735* 1100
ST5 S2 (50-90) 375 720* 1080
* Fine aggregate grading to be grades CP or MP only of BS EN 12620.
Chapter 3.1
When designated mixes are used, the ready-mix supplier will only require the mix designation, and consistence class.
(see 3.1.6 Table 4)
Delivery information should be checked to ensure that the concrete meets the requirements given in the design.
3.1.6 Concrete specification Also see: BRE Digest 357, BRE Special Digest 1, BS 8500, BS 8500-1 and BS EN 206
Concrete shall be specified correctly to ensure adequate strength and durability. Issues to be taken into
account include:
a) concrete in non-hazardous conditions e) effects of chlorides
b) exposure to climatic and atmospheric conditions f) effects of alkali-silica reaction
c) exposure to aggressive ground conditions g) aggregates.
d) exposure to sulfates and acids in groundwater
Concrete mixes should be suitable for particular end uses and specified in accordance with BS 8500-1 as either:
designated mix, which is supplied ready mixed, or standardised prescribed mix for site mixing.
Designated mixes should conform to Table 6 of BS 8500-2 2015. Standardised prescribed mixes should conform to Tables 2 and 3
in this chapter.
Mixes should also be designed for the expected conditions of the geographical location of the site and the location of the concrete
element in the structure. Higher grade concrete has greater resistance to chemical and mechanical damage and should be
specified accordingly.
In addition to the issues in this section, durability is reliant on:
correct control of the water:cement ratio good curing.
full compaction of the placed concrete
Concrete in non-hazardous conditions
general reinforced concrete exposure class(3) to BS8500-1:
– nominal cover to reinforcement of 35mm (which is the minimum
cover of 25mm plus an allowance in design for deviation of 10mm).
a.) XC1 (dry) and XC2 (wet, rarely dry). RC25/30 (4)
b.) XC3 (moderate humidity), XC4 (cyclic wet and dry) and XF1 RC32/40 - S2
(freeze/thaw attack and no de-icing agent).
– nominal cover to reinforcement of 40mm (which is the minimum
cover of 30mm plus an allowance in design for deviation
of 10mm).
a.) any exposure class (XC1-4 and XF1). RC28/35 (5)
In-situ external concrete
drives and paths PAV1 ST5(6) S2
foundations for precast concrete paving slabs. GEN1 ST1 S1
1 Consistence class S3 should be used for strip foundation concrete and consistence class S4 should be used for trench fill foundation concrete.
2 ST4 mix for house and garage floors may only be used in conjunction with Chapter 5.2 ‘Suspended ground floors’. In all other cases, the designated mix should
be used.
3 Exposure classes (XC1-4 and XF1) are defined in BS 8500-1 Table A.1.
4 In this situation, ST4 mix may be used only for small quantities of concrete. In all other cases, the appropriate designated mix should be used.
5 In this situation, an ST5 mix may be used only for small quantities of concrete. In all other cases, the appropriate designated mix should be used.
Not suitable in areas of severe exposure to frost attack. This is equivalent to exposure class XC4 above.
Chapter 3.1
Table 6: Aggressive chemical environment for concrete (ACEC) site classification(1) and applies to concrete exposed to ground
with a pH value greater than 2.5
Sulfate and magnesium Natural soil Brownfield(3) ACEC class for
Design sulfate 2:1 water/ Ground Total potential Static Mobile Static Mobile
class for site soil extract water sulfate(2) water water water water
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
SO4 Mg SO4 Mg SO4 pH pH pH(5) pH(5)
mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l %
DS-1 <500 All Mg <400 All Mg <0.24 >2.5 >2.5 AC-1s
values values >5.5(6) >6.5 AC-1
2.5 -5.5 5.6-6.5 AC-2z
4.5-5.5 AC-3z
2.5-4.5 AC-4z
DS-2 500-1500 All Mg 400-1400 All Mg 0.24- >3.5 >5.5 AC-1s
values values 0.6 >5.5 >6.5 AC-2
2.5-3.5 2.5-5.5 AC-2s
2.5-5.5 5.6-6.5 AC-3z
4.5-5.5 AC-4z
2.5-4.5 AC-5z
For concrete quality and APM for ACEC classes above AC-2z, follow specialist advice. For the full list of ACEC classes, refer to Table A.2 of BS 8500-1 or
BRE Special Digest 1 Table C1 for natural ground locations, and Table C2 for brownfield locations.
2 Applies only to sites where concrete will be exposed to sulfate ions (SO4), which may result from the oxidation of sulfides such as pyrite, following
ground disturbance.
3 Applies to locations on sites that comprise either undisturbed ground that is in its natural state or clean fill derived from such ground.
4 ‘Brownfield’ is defined as sites which may contain chemical residues remaining from previous industrial use or from imported wastes.
5 An additional account is taken of hydrochloric and nitric acids by adjustment to sulfate content.
6 For flowing water that is potentially aggressive to concrete owing to high purity or an aggressive carbon dioxide level greater than 15mg/l, increase the ACEC class
to AC-2z.
Effects of chlorides
Chlorides, which are contained in all concrete materials, increase the risk of corrosion in metal and can reduce the chemical
resistance of concrete, therefore chloride content of fresh concrete should be limited in accordance with BS EN 206 Table 15.
Cured concrete can be damaged by chlorides in the ground, sea spray, or products used for de-icing highways, and specialist
guidance should be followed.
Aggregates should be of a grade which ensures adequate durability of the concrete. Certain types of aggregate are shrinkable
and require special precautions in mixing. Certain types of aggregate may be susceptible to alkali attack or excessive
moisture movement.
Proprietary and recovered aggregates should only be specified where they have been assessed in accordance with Technical
Requirement R3.
3.1.7 Admixtures
Admixtures shall only be used to enhance the performance and durability of concrete.
Chapter 3.1
Proprietary concrete, no-fines or lightweight concrete should be of a quality and density appropriate for the conditions and use.
Where no-fines concrete is used, a render, cover coat or cladding should be applied to the finished structure.
Proprietary methods of reinforcement, e.g. glass fibre, should be assessed in accordance with Technical Requirement R3.
Structural design should be in accordance with Technical Requirement R5 and the mix properly detailed.
Reinforced concrete should be designed by an engineer in accordance with Technical Requirement R5. BS 8103-1 can be used
for the design of suspended ground floors in homes and garages.
End restraint
Where the ends of slabs are cast monolithically with concrete members, surface cracking may develop over the supports.
Reinforcement should therefore be provided in accordance with BS EN 1992-1-1.
Concrete cover
There should be adequate cover to the reinforcement,
especially where it is exposed or in contact with the ground.
Cover should be adequate for all reinforcement, including
main bars and stirrups. No ties or clips should protrude into the
concrete cover.
cover measured
between links
For concrete not designed by an engineer, the minimum cover and formwork
for reinforcement should be in accordance with Table 8.
Table 8: Minimum cover for reinforcement for concrete not designed by an engineer
Position of the concrete Minimum cover (mm)
In contact with the ground. 75
External conditions. 50
Cast against a DPM on sand blinding. 40
Against adequate blinding concrete. 40
Protected or internal conditions. 25
Concrete and its reinforcement 2023 8
Chapter 3.1
Fire resistance
Concrete cover to reinforcement should be adequate to resist fire. Requirements for fire resistance are given in BS EN 1992-1-2.
Cover required by BS EN 1992-1-1 will normally provide up to one hour of fire resistance for columns, simply supported beams
and floors.
Carbonation reduces the corrosion protection of the reinforcement by increasing porosity and decreasing alkalinity. Such corrosion
can be reduced by providing as much concrete cover as possible, and by ensuring that the wet concrete is of good quality and
properly compacted to reduce the rate of carbonation.
3.1.10 Installation of reinforcement Also see: Chapter 5.2
Reinforcement shall be installed in accordance with the design. Issues to take into account include:
a) shape, placing and condition of reinforcement bars c) support for reinforcement.
b) lapping bars and mesh
mild steel
top layer
Chapter 3.1
'bob-and-hook' 'U-bar'
3.1.12 Formwork
Formwork shall be structurally adequate and constructed in a workmanlike manner.
Formwork should be accurately set out in relation to relevant reference lines and benchmarks. Accuracy is essential to ensure that
the correct cover to the reinforcement is maintained.
Formwork and its supports should be rigid enough to maintain the correct position and to withstand extra loads and accidental
knocks likely to occur during placement and compacting. Wedges, inserts and boxes should be firmly secured to avoid
displacement during vibration.
Concrete and its reinforcement 2023 10
Chapter 3.1
For concrete which is to be left untreated, or with minimum finishing, formwork joints should be tight to avoid grout loss and
ragged edges. Joints between shutters should be constructed for easy stripping. Any holes for bolts or spacers should be drilled
with care to avoid disfiguring or splintering the formwork surface and giving a poor finish.
Formwork should be capable of being struck without damage to the concrete. Formwork should be dismantled without shock,
disturbance or damage to the concrete. Support for load-bearing elements should not be removed until the concrete has achieved
sufficient strength, as detailed by the designer. Props under suspended floors or beams should be released from the centre,
outwards, to avoid overloading.
Installations and final preparations shall be completed before concreting starts.
Concrete shall be cast so as to achieve the required design strength and durability.
The temperature of the concrete at the point of use should not be less than 5°C (41°F). Fresh concrete is susceptible to frost
damage, and freezing can cause internal damage that is not immediately obvious.
Concrete should not be placed in or under water, unless it has been specially designed for that use.
Sufficient concrete should be mixed or ordered, so that it can be placed in a continuous process.
Concrete should be deposited as close as possible to its final location. Transportation on site should be as fast and efficient as
possible in order to avoid segregation and to ensure full compaction of the placed concrete.
Site-mixed concrete should be placed within 30 minutes, and ready-mixed concrete within two hours, of water being added to the
cement. Additional water should not be added to ready-mixed concrete unless under the supervision and approval of the supplier.
Concreting should, wherever possible, be carried out in one operation, taking account of:
weather conditions time to allow for surface finishing.
available daylight
Concrete cast in one operation (i.e. without construction joints) should always be as square in shape as possible and not
greater than:
reinforced concrete 60m2 unreinforced concrete 16m2.
Construction joints should be formed only where unavoidable and in consultation with the engineer. These should not be
positioned next to a return in the foundation. Before work continues beyond the joint, shuttering used to form the joint should
be removed.
Reinforced concrete should be fully compacted using poker vibration unless the design states otherwise. Poker vibration should
be carried out by experienced operators to ensure complete coverage and to avoid honeycombing. Vibrating beams or hand
tamping may be used to consolidate slabs up to 150mm thick, unless the design details otherwise. Excessive use of vibration can
cause segregation and prevent concrete reaching an adequate strength.
Concrete performance relies on the curing process. The design should clearly indicate where there are any special requirements
for curing concrete.
Freshly poured concrete should be kept moist by covering as soon as the surface is hard enough to resist damage. This is
particularly important in hot, windy or cold weather to prevent the surface drying out too rapidly, or freezing. Damp hessian, damp
sharp sand or an impervious sheet (such as polyethylene) are acceptable as surface coverings. Alternatively, a curing agent can
be applied to the surface.
11 Concrete and its reinforcement 2023
Chapter 3.1
No load should be applied to the work until the concrete has cured sufficiently. It is recommended that plain unreinforced concrete
made with ordinary Portland cement is left for at least four days to cure.
It is possible to proceed with substructure masonry above strip or trench fill foundations on unreinforced ordinary Portland cement
concrete at an early stage, provided that care is taken to protect the surface from damage.
Reinforced concrete or concrete containing cement replacements, such as PFA, will require a longer curing period. This will
normally take seven days, during which the concrete structure should not be loaded.
Any curing agents should comply with Technical Requirement R3 and should be applied strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions. Curing agents should never be used on floors which are to receive either a topping or a screed, as it
could affect the future bond. Curing periods may be extended at low temperatures.
3.1.16 Testing
Testing shall be carried out to the full satisfaction of NHBC.
Testing, where required, shall be conducted to BS EN 12390 by UKAS approved laboratories. Test cubes should be prepared as
requested by the engineer. These should be marked, cured and stored safely until testing.
Proof of testing, with reports, certificates and allied documentation, should be kept for reference and made available to NHBC
upon request.
Ready-mixed concrete supplier should prepare test cubes in accordance with quality assurance procedures.
3.1.17 Glossary
Aggressive chemical A system for the classification of aggressive ground conditions that are derived from design
environment for concrete sulfate class. It takes into account the site (natural or brownfield) and the mobility and pH of
classification (ACEC class) ground water. Brownfield, ‘mobile’ water and low pH (acidic) conditions may have adverse effects
on buried concrete and hence result in a more severe ACEC class.
Additional protective These are defined as the extra measures that could be taken to protect concrete where the basic
measures (APM) concrete specification might not give adequate resistance to chemical attack.
Design chemical class This defines the qualities of concrete that are required to resist chemical attack. The DC class
(DC class) is derived from the ACEC class of the ground and other factors, including the type of concrete
element and its required structural performance.
Design sulfate class A site classification based on the determined sulfate (including potential sulfate) contents of
(DS class) the ground and/or ground water. It is also dependent on the type of site, presence or absence
of magnesium ions, pyrite, and for pH less than 5.5, chloride and nitrate ions. Five levels of
classification are given that are equivalent to those given in BRE Digest 363 (now superseded).
Enhanced concrete quality An incremental step in concrete quality that could be used as an Additional Protective Measure
(APM). Each increment in concrete quality is counted as an extra APM.
Mobile ground water Sites where water is free to flow into an excavation to give a standing water level are affected by
mobile ground water. The threshold ground permeability is greater than 10-6 m/s (i.e. 86mm/day).
Static ground water The sites where the free flow of water is confined due to either permanently dry conditions or the
soil is relatively impermeable (of permeability less than 10-6 m/s).
Total potential sulfate (TPS) The total potential sulfate content is the result of the combination of sulfates already present in
the ground and that which may be added due to the oxidation of pyrite in the ground.
Cold weather working
Chapter 3.2
This chapter gives guidance on meeting
the Technical Requirements for cold
weather working.
3.2.1 Compliance 01
3.2.2 External conditions 01
3.2.3 Materials 01
3.2.4 Concreting 01
3.2.5 Masonry 02
3.2.6 Rendering, plastering and screeding 02
3.2.7 Admixtures 03
3.2.8 Painting 03
1 Cold weather working 2023
Chapter 3.2
Sitework which complies with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable.
Work should be planned in advance, and account taken of site and climatic conditions either by:
Where air temperature is below, or likely to fall below, 2°C, work should not proceed unless the precautions detailed in this chapter
are adopted.
A thermometer should be sited in the shade and used to indicate if temperatures are rising or falling.
3.2.3 Materials
Materials shall be adequately protected against cold weather.
Materials should:
not be used if frozen
be protected using appropriate covers to prevent damage by
snow, ice, frost or damp.
Appropriate covers should be provided for bricks and blocks,
sand, aggregates and cement, to prevent them from becoming
saturated and damaged by frost.
Where it is necessary to continue building during longer periods
of colder weather, heaters should be used to protect materials.
3.2.4 Concreting Also see: BS EN 13670 Table 4 Curing class 2 and Table F1 Curing class 2
Concrete shall not be placed in cold weather unless suitable precautions are taken.
Site-mixed concrete
If the air temperature drops to 2°C, concrete work should not proceed unless:
the ground into which the concrete is to be placed is the water for mixing is heated, but not above 60°C
not frozen (cement should not be heated)
the aggregate temperature is above 2°C the cast concrete can be properly protected, taking account
the aggregate is free of frost and snow of the cross-sectional area and location.
where work is to continue, it may be necessary to steam frozen aggregates, and very cold aggregate can still
heat aggregates or to use hot air blowers below covers remain frozen.
Masonry shall not be laid in cold weather unless suitable precautions are taken.
Chapter 3.2
3.2.7 Admixtures
Admixtures shall be used correctly and in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Painting shall not be carried out when there is a risk of damage due to cold weather.
3.3.1 Compliance 01
3.3.2 Durability 01
3.3.3 Sitework 03
3.3.4 Protection and storage 03
3.3.5 Treatment of cut surfaces 04
3.3.6 Compatibility with metal 04
3.3.7 Further information 04
1 Timber preservation (natural solid timber) 2023
Chapter 3.3
Durability to biological Inherent resistance of a wood species or a wood-based material against wood decay organisms
Heartwood Inner zone of wood that, in the growing tree, has ceased to contain living cells or to conduct sap
Sapwood Outer zone of wood that, in the growing tree, contains living cells and conducts sap.
(The durability of sap wood is minimal whatever the species)
Service situation Situation of exposure of the wood element in use.
Softwoods Are typically mixture of wood types including juvenile wood, and would contain a high percentage
of sapwood, which may be difficult to distinguish from the heartwood and it is usually impractical
and uneconomical to exclude it.
Use classes Are based on differences in environment exposures that can make the wood or wood-based
products susceptible to biological deterioration. Table 1 of BS 8417 summarizes the use class
system and gives examples of typical service situations. Also see BS EN 335 for applications.
Wood species Trade name according to EN 13556 which can on occasion include more than one botanical
tree species
Durability classes Durability classes are systems of determining and classifying durability of wood species
or wood-based materials to various wood destroying organisms based on test methods
described in relevant EN Standards. The following grade scales are used depending on
the destroying organisms:
A five-grade scale (DC 1-5) for decay basidiomycete fungi and soft rotting micro-fungi
(Table 1 of BS EN 350 & expanded in Table 2 of this chapter)
A two-grade scale (DC D & S) for wood-boring beetles - Hylotrupes bajulus, Anobium
punctatum etc (Table 2 of BS EN 350)
A three-grade scale (DC D, M & S) for termites and marine organisms
(Tables 3 & 4 of BS EN 350)
This chapter gives acceptable treatment schedules for the treatment of natural solid timber but does not cover:
products such as plywood and wood particle boards treatment process techniques, which is the
the condition before the treatment responsibility of the organisation carrying out
the operation.
It is important that treatment of timber and joinery is carried out to appropriate standards which are both suitable and safe.
Treatments in accordance with procedures set out in British Standards, Codes of Practice, or which have been satisfactorily
assessed by an independent authority in accordance with Technical Requirement R3, will generally be acceptable. The
specification should state the specific treatment and standard required.
All preservatives should meet the requirements of the Control of Pesticides Regulations (1986) administered by the Health and
Safety Executive. The safety instructions published by the manufacturers should be followed.
3.3.2 Durability
Timber and joinery used in the construction of homes shall either have adequate natural durability or, where
treatment is undertaken, receive a satisfactory preservative treatment against fungal decay and insect attack.
The natural durability of heartwood varies between wood species. For some end users, the natural durability of the heartwood of a
particular species may provide sufficient durability to be used without preservation. BS EN 350 defines the durability of commonly
available wood species and the WPA Wood Selection Guide gives advice as to whether natural durability alone is appropriate for a
specific Use Class.
Timber preservation (natural solid timber) 2023 2
Chapter 3.3
Timber component groups and preservative treatment required are shown in Table 1 below (based on BS 8417), which provides
information to establish the appropriate type of treatment according to the particular element and conditions of use. Table 2
provides information on the timber species and durability of heartwood to protect against attack from fungal decay. Sapwood is
generally regarded as not durable, unless proven otherwise by test data.
Table 1: Timber component groups and preservative treatment
Component Examples Use Desired Preservative type required Preservative treatment
group class service not required
life Copper Water- Organic Boron(2)
organic(1) based solvent or
organic(1) micro-
Internal joinery, Architraves, internal doors, 1 60 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Unless a specific request for
intermediate intermediate floor joists treatment against insect attack
floor joists has been made.
Roof timbers (dry) Pitched roofs: rafters, purlins, 1 60 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Unless a specific request for
joists, wall plates treatment against insect attack
has been made.
Roof timbers As above 1 60 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Where timber used is:
(dry) in areas with softwood – heartwood only(3)
house longhorn and of durability class 1 –
beetle 3(4) or
Roof timbers Flat roof timbers, timbers in 2 60 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Where timber used is:
(risk of wetting) pitched roofs exposed to risk heartwood only(3) and of
of condensation, sarking, durability class 1 – 2(4)
tilling battens, valley boards,
porch posts – coated and
held clear of the ground
and standing water in a free
draining shoe made from
suitably durable material
such as galvanized or
stainless steel.
Roof timbers (risk As above 2 60 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Where timber used is
of wetting) in heartwood only(3) and of
areas with house durability class 1 – 2(4).
longhorn beetle
External walls/ Timber frames (protected from 2 60 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Where timber used is
ground floors moisture), ground floor joists, heartwood only(3) and of
l-beam studwork durability class 1 – 2(4).
Sole plates(5) 2 60 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Where timber used is
heartwood only(3) and of
durability class 1 – 2(4).
External joinery, Window frames, door frames, 3 30 (7) (7)
✓ ✓ Where timber used is
coated (not in doors, cladding (coated), heartwood only(3) and of
ground contact)(6) soffits, fascias, barge boards durability class 1 – 2(4).
Uncoated external Decking (where the deck is up 4 15 ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ Where timber used is
timbers (not in to 600mm from ground level)(8) heartwood only(3) and of
ground contact) durability class 1 – 2(4).
Uncoated external Timber cladding (uncoated) 3 15 ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ Where timber used is
timbers (not in heartwood only(3) and of
ground contact) durability class 1 – 2(4).
Timber in contact Decking timber in ground 4 15 ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗ Where timber used is
with the ground contact (where the deck is up heartwood only(3) and of
to 600mm from ground level) (8)
durability class 1 – 2(4).
Timber in contact Timber retaining walls up to 4 15 ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗ Where timber used is
with the ground 1m high and within heartwood only(3) and of
garden areas(7) durability class 1 – 2(4).
Timber in contact Timber retaining walls greater 4 30 ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗ Where timber used is
with the ground than 1m high and within heartwood only(3) and of
garden areas(7) durability class 1(4).
Timber in contact Timber retaining walls up 4 30 ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗ Where timber used is
with the ground to 600mm high and in a heartwood only(3) and of
boundary situation(9) durability class 1(4).
1. Preservative treatment of timber should be in accordance with the recommendations of BS 8417:2011+A1:2014, Table 4.
2. Preservative treatment of timber should be in accordance with the recommendations of BS 8417:2011+A1:2014, Table 5.
3. Almost always, packs of timber contain sapwood. It should be assumed that timber is sapwood and preservative treated accordingly unless the timber has been
specifically selected as heartwood only.
4. Natural durability classes are given in Table 2.
3 Timber preservation (natural solid timber) 2023
Chapter 3.3
5. Sole plates should be positioned above DPC. Preservatives used should be resistant to leaching or, for boron, treatment should be to full cross-section retention
standard. Treatment should be carried out in accordance with BS 8417.
6. The hardwoods known as Meranti, Seraya or Lauan should be treated in the same way as European redwood / Scots Pine when used for joinery.
7. The pressure treatment process used for these types of preservative will cause timber to swell, so these treatments are generally not used for window or door frames
and other uses where dimensional precision is required.
8. Decking that is more than 600mm in height should have a desired service life of 60 years. Reference should be made to Chapters 7.1 ‘Flat roofs and balconies’ and
10.2 ‘Drives, paths and landscaping’.
9. Where timber structures more than 600mm high are used for retaining ground in boundary situations, they should be designed with a desired service life of 60 years.
Reference should be made to Chapter 10.2 ‘Drives, paths and landscaping’.
1 2 3 4 5
Very durable Durable Moderately durable Slightly durable Not durable
Hardwoods Kapur (Sabah, Oak (American Keruing Oak (American red) Birch
Burma) white, (Sabah, Elm (Dutch, English, white, (silver,
Padauk (white, European) Malaysian) rock, wych) European,
Andaman) Mahogany Oak Beech (silver) paper,
Teak (Malaysian) (American) (Tasmanian, yellow)
Opepe Chestnut Turkey) Chestnut
Afromosia (sweet) Mahogany (European
Louro (red) (African) horse)
Basralocus Beech
Guarea (European)
Iroko Ekki
Karri Sycamore
Jarrah Alder
Okan Kempas
Softwoods None Cedar Larch (European, Pine (Canadian red, None
(imported hybrid, Japanese, Corsican, jack, parana,
western red) tamarack, western, ponderosa, radiata, Scots,
maritime) southern, western white,
Fir (North yellow, lodgepole)
American Douglas, Spruce (Eastern Canadian,
UK Douglas) Engelmann, European
Pine whitewood, Sitka,
(Caribbean pitch, western white)
American pitch) Fir (noble, silver, balsam,
Cedar grand)
(UK western red) Hem-fir (USA and Canada)
Redwood (European)
3.3.3 Sitework
Sitework shall follow established good practice and workmanship.
Checks should ensure that, when timber is delivered to site, timber and joinery products have received the specified treatment.
This should be stated on the delivery note.
It is important when timber and joinery products are stored that they are:
protected from damage immediately upon delivery stored to limit the risk of distortion
protected from the weather stored to allow air to circulate.
stored off the ground
Timber preservation (natural solid timber) 2023 4
Chapter 3.3
Timber should not be cut after treatment, but where this is unavoidable, all such surfaces should be retreated with a suitable colour
tinted preservative, to enable confirmation that re-treatment has occurred. Only in situations where colour tinting will affect the
appearance of the timber fixed to the home will clear preservatives be acceptable.
Applied preservatives should be compatible with the original treatment.
Measures shall be taken to prevent adverse effects from incompatibility between metal components and
treated timber.
Copper-containing treatments can cause corrosion between mild steel and aluminium. Where moisture is expected, the following
fittings should be used when in contact with timber treated with copper-containing preservatives:
occasional dampness – galvanised fittings likely wetting – austenitic stainless steel fittings.
Timber treated with copper containing preservatives should be re-dried to a moisture content of 20% for at least seven days before
being in contact with metal fittings.
4.1.1 Compliance 01
4.1.2 Initial Assessment – desk study
(all sites) 03
4.1.3 Initial Assessment – walkover survey
(all sites) 04
4.1.4 Initial Assessment – results 04
4.1.5 Basic Investigation
(sites where hazards are not
identified or suspected) 05
4.1.6 Detailed Investigation
(sites where hazards are
identified or suspected) 05
4.1.7 Managing the risks
(sites where hazards are found) 06
4.1.8 Unforeseen hazards 07
4.1.9 Documentation and verification 07
4.1.10 Guidance for investigations 07
4.1.11 Further information 09
1 Land quality – managing ground conditions 2023
Chapter 4.1
This chapter provides a framework for managing geotechnical and contamination risks, with the objective of
ensuring that:
all sites are properly assessed and investigated for sites are properly remediated where necessary or
potential geotechnical and contamination hazards appropriate, and design precautions are taken
foundations and substructure designs are suitable for appropriate documentation and verification is provided
the ground conditions to NHBC.
Assessment of the site and the surrounding area shall comply with the Technical Requirements. Items to be
taken into account include:
a) suitability of persons for the level of investigation d) notification in writing to NHBC of hazardous
b) geotechnical and contamination issues ground conditions.
c) investigation procedures
Ground investigations and management of risk that complies with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable.
The process to assess and manage the ground conditions
is as follows:
Initial Assessment Initial Assessment:
NHBC requires all sites to be assessed by a desk study and ■ desk study
■ walkover study
a walkover survey. The results should be used to determine ■ results.
Where hazards are identified, design precautions or Provide documentation
and verification
remediation will be required to minimise their effects.
If any unforeseen hazards are found during the course of Start construction phase
construction, further investigation is likely to be required.
Documentation and verification Unforeseen hazards
NHBC requires documentation and verification to show that: No
Finish construction
the site has been properly assessed and investigated phase
where necessary, suitable precautions are incorporated
into the design
all necessary remediation has been carried out.
Notification of potential hazards and associated risks
If a site (defined in the Rules as an area of land that is covered by a single detailed planning consent or series of consents
relating to continuous development) is classed as ‘hazardous’, NHBC must be notified in writing a minimum of eight weeks
before work starts. Failure to provide such information may delay the registration process, the construction work and the issuing
of NHBC warranty.
3 Land quality – managing ground conditions 2023
Chapter 4.1
localised ground variability (laterally and with depth) which may result in
subsidence, settlement and/or excessive tilt
collapse compression or inundation settlement of non-cohesive fills which may
result in subsidence, settlement and/or excessive tilt.
Low bearing capacity ground settlement of foundations and substructures.
Former buildings or structures underground obstructions producing variations in bearing capacity and
settlement characteristics.
Adjacent buildings effect on stability of both new and existing buildings.
Drains, including land drains contamination, flooding, waterlogging and interruption of land drainage systems.
Sulfates in ground or ground water expansive reaction
chemical attack on concrete, mortar and bricks or blocks made with cement.
Contamination from substances which may be carcinogenic, toxic, asphyxiating, corrosive,
phytotoxic, combustive, explosive or radioactive.
Solution features in chalk and limestone, underground cavities.
including swallow holes
Unstable ground subject to landslip ground movement.
Seas, lakes and rivers adjacent to land erosion
exposure to saline.
evidence of imported soil including local surface depressions, tipped material or rubbish,
particularly if it is hot or has an odour.
Soils and rocks the basic ground type
evidence of peat, silt or other highly compressible material at or below the surface
cracking or stickiness of the surface which may indicate a shrinkable sub-soil
sudden changes in conditions, e.g. clay to chalk or soil to rock.
Surface water a high water table indicated, e.g. by waterlogged ground
and vegetation signs of flooding
reeds or water-loving plants
springs, ponds, wells, ditches or streams
the source of any discoloured water.
Vegetation vegetation which may indicate the nature of the soils
sparse dead or dying vegetation
type and condition of vegetation on land adjoining the site
species, height and condition of the trees
species, height, spread and condition of hedges and scrub on clay
evidence of former trees, hedges or scrub on clay.
Structural information damage to structures, e.g. cracking in buildings, on or around the site
other evidence of movement, e.g. tilting or distortion
any structures or services below ground.
Local information local knowledge of the site, e.g. mining, refuse tipping or flooding
local industrial history records indicating past and present uses of the site
place names and street names that may give clues to previous site usage,
e.g. Brickfield Cottage, Water Lane, Tin Shop Hill.
Initial results should be evaluated for suspected hazards and the results recorded, and include the following as appropriate:
site plans, including dates, previous and current uses, and photographs, including aerial photographs, showing points
proposed site layout of interest or concern (e.g. areas of ground instability),
geology of the site, including geological maps, previous site interpretation of aerial photographs, and dates of
investigations and laboratory test results photographs
list of sources of information consulted and copies of the
information obtained.
5 Land quality – managing ground conditions 2023
Chapter 4.1
4.1.5 Basic Investigation (sites where hazards are not identified or suspected) Also see: BS EN 1997-2
Where hazards are not suspected, a Basic Investigation of the site, including geotechnical and
contamination investigations, shall be carried out by a suitable person and recorded to the satisfaction
of NHBC.
The Basic Investigation aims to provide assurance for all sites, regardless of how free of hazards they may appear, and forms the
minimum requirement for a site investigation.
The number and depth of trial pits should be located so they are representative of the site and will depend upon the:
proposed development inconsistency of the soil and geology across the site.
nature of the site
Trial pits should be located outside the proposed foundation area, and generally be a minimum of 3m deep. The distance from
the edge of the foundation should not be less than the depth of the trial pit. Where trial pits do not provide sufficient information,
boreholes will be necessary.
Basic geotechnical and contamination investigations should be conducted and include:
physical tests, such as plasticity index tests, to support the a basic contamination investigation based on sampling and
results of the Initial Assessment testing of soil taken from trial pits during the
geotechnical investigation.
During the excavation of the trial pits, the use of sight and smell may help to identify certain contaminants.
If the Basic Investigation reveals the presence of geotechnical and/or contamination hazards, or has not addressed all of
the original objectives, or where there is any doubt about the condition of the ground, further Detailed Investigation should
be conducted.
The problems and liabilities which have to be managed in order to develop the site should be clearly communicated in the Detailed
Investigation report.
Further investigation should be conducted if the Detailed Investigation has not satisfactorily addressed all of the
original objectives.
Land quality – managing ground conditions 2023 6
Chapter 4.1
constraints that apply, for example:
factors associated with the site and surrounding area time constraints may influence the choice of solution, but do
which could restrict the design precautions or remediation not alter the requirement for effective remediation.
techniques should be identified
local and statutory requirements should be met to avoid
abortive works
Design precautions
Solutions for dealing with geotechnical hazards include:
specialist foundations such as rafts, piling and ground beams ground improvement techniques such as vibro, dynamic
compaction and surcharging.
Remediation techniques
Solutions for dealing with contamination hazards include:
risk avoidance by changing the pathway or isolating the process-based treatment to remove, modify, stabilise or
target, by adjusting the layout and/or by building protective destroy contaminants by physical, biological, chemical or
measures into the construction thermal means.
engineering-based treatments that remove or isolate
contaminants or modify the pathway by excavation,
providing ground barriers or covering and capping
Chapter 4.1
Evidence may still be required by NHBC to substantiate that contamination and hazards are not present on the site.
Investigation technique
A site investigation normally comprises techniques which are classed as either indirect or direct.
Indirect investigations use geophysical techniques, including electromagnetic, resistivity, seismic, gravity and ground radar, to
interpret ground conditions. Conducted from the surface, they measure variations in properties of the ground, both horizontally and
vertically, to define subsurface conditions. Geophysical methods rely on contrasts in the physical properties, for example, between
sand and gravel and rockhead. Contrast may also be provided by faulting, underground cables and pipelines or by cavities.
Direct investigation techniques involve intrusive activities to enable the retrieval and examination of the ground using trial pits,
trenches, boreholes or probes.
Trial pits allow the detailed inspection, logging, sampling and in-situ testing of large volumes of natural soil or fill and the
assessment of ground water conditions. Trenches are extended trial pits, or linked trial pits, which are excavated where
greater exposure of the ground conditions is required. Trial pits and trenches should be positioned where they will not
affect future foundations.
Boreholes are typically formed using the following techniques:
Light cable percussion drilling A shell and auger rig – typically used in the UK to drill boreholes in soils and weak rocks.
Continuous flight auger Exploratory boreholes may be drilled in soils by mechanical continuous flight augers of
various sizes. Hollow stem methods are typically employed where sample retrieval is required.
Rotary drilling Either open-hole drilling or rotary coring, is used to investigate rock and sometimes stiff soils,
such as boulder clay.
Probing techniques Used to analyse the relative density of soils and for environmental sampling and monitoring
(such as chemical and physical testing of gases, liquids and solids).
Land quality – managing ground conditions 2023 8
Chapter 4.1
The number and type of samples taken should be:
appropriate for the results of the desk study, the walkover taken, stored and transported so that they avoid
survey and the site investigation cross-contamination.
appropriate for the range of ground materials encountered
and the proposed development
Samples are used to enable soil and rock descriptions to be made and to provide material for physical and chemical testing.
‘Undisturbed’ soil and rock samples undergo minimal disturbance, so provide a more reliable indication of the physical soil
properties than ‘disturbed’ samples.
Ground water should be collected from appropriately designed monitoring wells which should be screened and sealed to ensure
that the relevant stratum is being monitored.
Gas sampling should be carried out from appropriately designed monitoring wells, boreholes or window sampling holes are
typically used. Identification of the probable source and the measurement of gas flow are important for risk assessments.
Testing may be undertaken in-situ, or in a laboratory.
A wide variety of in-situ tests can be used to support the results of direct testing. These range from basic tests undertaken by
geologists or engineers using simple hand-held devices or portable test kits to methods that require specialist personnel
and equipment.
Testing laboratories should participate in quality assurance programmes and be accredited for relevant tests by bodies such as
UKAS and MCERTS. Physical tests on soil and rock materials are carried out to provide the following information on ground:
strength settlement
relative density consolidation characteristics
deformation permeability.
Chemical tests on soils, rocks, ground water and gases can be carried out to provide an indication of potential contamination
on the site.
9 Land quality – managing ground conditions 2023
Chapter 4.1
measures for methane and carbon dioxide ground gases for ‘Information on the processes, materials and wastes
new buildings.’ associated with individual industries’
BS 8576 – ‘Guidance on investigations for ground gas – Department of the Environment – Waste Management Paper
Permanent gases and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)’ No 27 – ‘Landfill Gas: A technical memorandum on
BS 10175 – ‘Investigation of potentially contaminated sites’ the monitoring and control of landfill gas’ and Environment
BS EN ISO 14688 – ‘Geotechnical investigation and testing. Agency/Scottish Environment Protection Agency LFTGN 03
Identification and classification of soil: Part 1. Identification ‘Guidance on the management of landfill gas’
and description. Part 2. Principles for a classification’ CLEA (Contaminated Land Exposure Assessment)
BS EN ISO 22476 – ‘Geotechnical investigation and testing. guidance and software Science Reports SR 1,2,3 and 7
Field testing’ NHBC and Environment Agency R&D Publication 66 –
CIRIA C665 – ‘Assessing risks posed by hazardous ground ‘Guidance for the safe development of housing on land
gasses to buildings’ affected by contamination’.
CIRIA C716 – ‘Remediating and mitigating risks from volatile CL:AIRE – ‘Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012:
organic compounds (VOC) vapours from land affected Interpretation for Managing and Working with Asbestos in
by contamination’ Soil and Construction and Demolition materials:
CIRIA C735 – ‘Good practice on the testing and verification of Industry guidance’
protection systems for buildings against hazardous HSE – ‘Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012’
ground gases’
Building near trees
Chapter 4.2
This chapter gives guidance on meeting the
Technical Requirements when building near
trees, hedgerows and shrubs, particularly
in shrinkable soils.
4.2.1 Compliance 01
4.2.2 Provision of information 01
4.2.3 Building near trees 02
4.2.4 The effects of trees on
shrinkable soils 03
4.2.5 Foundations in all soil types 06
4.2.6 Excavation of foundations 06
4.2.7 Foundations in shrinkable soils 06
4.2.8 Design and construction of
foundations in shrinkable soils 08
4.2.9 Foundation depths for specific
conditions in shrinkable soils 09
4.2.10 Heave precautions 10
4.2.11 New drainage 13
4.2.12 Foundation depth charts 13
4.2.13 Foundation depth tables 16
4.2.14 Example 22
4.2.15 Further information 24
1 Building near trees 2023
Chapter 4.2
The combination of shrinkable soils and trees, hedgerows or shrubs represents a hazard to structures that requires
special consideration. Trees, hedgerows and shrubs take moisture from the ground and, in cohesive soils such as clay,
this can cause significant volume changes resulting in ground movement. This has the potential to affect foundations
and damage the supported structure. In order to minimise this risk, foundations should be designed to accommodate
the movement or be taken to a depth where the likelihood of damaging movement is low.
This chapter gives guidance for common foundation types to deal with the hazard and includes suitable foundation
depths which have been established from field data, research, NHBC data and practical experience. The depths are
not those at which root activity, desiccation and ground movement are non-existent, but they are intended to provide
an acceptable level of risk. However, if significant quantities of roots are unexpectedly encountered in the base of the
trench, the excavation may need to be deepened.
The interaction between trees, soil and buildings is dependent on many factors and is inherently complex. The
relationship becomes less predictable as factors combine to produce extreme conditions. These are signified by the
need for deeper foundations. Depths greater than 2.5m indicate that conditions exist where prescriptive guidance is
less reliable.
The services of a specialist arboriculturalist may be helpful for the identification of the type and condition of trees that
may affect building work. This includes trees both on and adjacent to the site.
Consideration has been given to the potential effects of climate change in the guidance provided.
The following situations are beyond the scope of the guidance in this chapter and will require a site-specific
assessment by an engineer (see Technical Requirement R5):
foundations deeper than 2.5m within the influence underpinning.
of trees
ground with a slope of greater than 1 in 7
(approximately 8°) and man-made slopes such as
embankments and cuttings
When building near trees, hedgerows or shrubs, all foundations shall comply with the Technical
Foundations near trees, hedgerows or shrubs that comply with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable.
4.2.3 Building near trees Also see: Technical Requirements R5 and BS 5837
When building near trees, hedgerows or shrubs, the designs shall take account of:
a) physical growth of young trees c) removal of existing trees and hedgerows.
b) protection of remaining trees and hedgerows
Before the site is cleared, a survey is required to record the location, heights and species of trees, hedgerows and shrubs on and
adjacent to the site, which may affect the proposed development.
If the location of previously removed vegetation is not known, local enquiries and reference to aerial photographs should be
carried out. Alternatively, the design should assume the worst conditions, or an engineer consulted to undertake a site-specific
design based on all relevant information and in accordance with Technical Requirement R5.
Where root growth is noted within shrinkable soil and where records are not available, an engineer should be consulted to
assess whether volume change is likely.
safe distance. Where this cannot be achieved, precautions which allow for future growth should be taken which include:
reinforcing foundations to resist lateral forces laying paving and other surfaces on a flexible base to allow
bridging walls or structural slabs over the roots, allowing for some movement.
sufficient clearance or reinforcing to avoid cracking
Chapter 4.2
out on the fine particles and any medium and fine sand particles. Soil particles with a nominal
diameter greater than 425μm are removed by sieving beforehand and the smaller particles analysed.
This is a requirement of BS 1377 which specifies the test procedure.
Modified Plasticity Defined as the Ip of the soil multiplied by the percentage of particles less than 425μm.
Index (I’p) I’p = Ip x % less than 425μm
Alternatively, the Plasticity Index may be used without modification. For pure clays and other soils with 100% of particles less
than 425μm, the result will be the same. However, for mixed soils such as glacial tills, use of the Modified Plasticity Index may
result in a more economic design.
The volume change potential should be established from site investigation and reliable local knowledge of the geology.
Sufficient samples should be taken to provide confidence that the results are representative. High volume change potential
should be assumed if the volume change potential is unknown.
Table 3 shows the water demand categories and the average mature heights to which healthy trees of the species may be
expected to grow in favourable ground and environmental conditions. This information:
should be used for trees that are to remain or are scheduled may be used even when actual heights are greater.
to be planted
Building near trees 2023 4
Chapter 4.2
White poplar 15 Horse chestnut 20
Crack willow 24 Sweet chestnut 24
Weeping willow 16 Lime 22
White willow 24 Japanese maple 8
Norway maple 18
Mountain ash 11
Pear 12
Plane 26
Plum 10
Sycamore 22
Tree of heaven 20
Walnut 18
Whitebeam 12
Coniferous trees:
Lawson’s cypress 18 Cedar 20
Leyland cypress 20 Douglas fir 20
Monterey cypress 20 Larch 20
Monkey puzzle 18
Pine 20
Spruce 18
Wellingtonia 30
Yew 12
Tree identification can be assisted by reference to a tree recognition book. Information may be obtained from suitable alternative
authoritative sources for trees not listed in this chapter.
When the species is known but the subspecies is not, the greatest height listed for the species should be assumed.
Where hedgerows contain trees, their effect should be assessed separately and the height of the species likely to have the
greatest effect should be used.
5 Building near trees 2023
Chapter 4.2
Table 3a: Guidance for factors affecting the mature height and water demand of trees
Influencing factor Guidance
Heavy crown reduction The mature height should be used, or a registered arboricuturalist should be consulted to undertake
or pollarding (previously a site-specific assessment.
or planned)
Removal of trees The water demand of a semi-mature tree may be equal to that of a mature tree, though for a sapling
(previously or planned) or young tree will be significantly less.
mature height Height H should be determined in accordance
with this diagram when:
in this range use deriving foundation depths when trees have
H = mature height been removed, based on tree height at the
as listed in Table 3
time of removal
checking the appropriate level from which
depths should be measured when trees
remain and the ground level is increased,
in this range use
H = actual height based on tree height at time of construction
relative to original ground level, or
determining if heave precautions are to
High rainfall reduces moisture deficits caused by trees
and hedgerows, while cool, damp weather reduces the
rate of water loss from trees thus reducing the risk of Thurso 0.50m (500mm)
soil movement.
The driest and hottest areas in the UK generally exist in 0.45m (450mm)
southeast England; therefore, the greatest risk occurs in that Dingwall
area and diminishes with distance north and west. A 50mm Inverness Peterhead
Aberdeen 0.40m (400mm)
decrease can be made to the foundation depth Fort William
determined in accordance with this chapter for every Pitlochry
50 miles distance north and west of London. Where it Oban Perth 0.35m (350mm)
4.2.6 Excavation of foundations Also see: Chapter 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 and Technical Requirement R5
Excavation of foundations shall take account of the design and be suitable to receive concrete.
Where trench bottoms become excessively dried or softened due to rain or ground water, the excavation should be re-bottomed
prior to concreting.
Foundation depths should be measured on the centre line of the excavation and from ground level determined from
Clause 4.2.9.
Some root activity may be expected below the depths determined in accordance with this guidance. However, if significant
quantities of roots are unexpectedly encountered in the base of the trench, an engineer should be consulted to determine if the
excavation should be deepened.
4.2.7 Foundations in shrinkable soils Also see: NHBC Foundation Depth Calculator App: www.nhbc.co.uk/apps
Foundations shall be capable of accommodating the effects of trees, shrubs and hedgerows on shrinkable
soils without excessive movement. Items to be taken into account include:
a) foundation type d) foundation depths related to the zone of influence of
b) distance between tree and foundation new tree planting
c) method of assessment of foundation depths e) foundation depths related to new shrub planting.
Landscape and foundation designs should be compatible, and planting schedules produced by a qualified landscape architect or
other suitably qualified person and agreed with the local planning authority before work commences on site.
Foundation type
Foundations to all permanent structures, including garages, porches and conservatories, should take account of the effects of
soil desiccation. Foundation types that are acceptable in shrinkable soils include strip, trench fill, pier and beam, pile and beam,
and raft, providing they:
are capable of supporting the applied loads without include suitable heave precautions.
undue settlement
Variations to the foundation depths derived from this chapter may be permitted where:
it is necessary to take account of local ground conditions designed in accordance with Technical Requirement R5.
other foundation depths are traditionally acceptable
Root barriers are not an acceptable alternative to the guidance given.
Chapter 4.2
with this chapter to a soil volume change potential be assumed in the absence of
depth derived from the water demand of the tree derived information.
charts in Clause 4.2.12, appropriate tree height (H)
tables in Clause 4.2.13
or the Foundation Depth distance (D) of the tree(s) from the foundations
Calculator App geographical location of the site north and west of London
appropriate heave precautions.
Design by an engineer in the recommendations of this chapter When this method is used and it
accordance with Technical site investigation results in foundation depths or other
Requirement R5 advice, when necessary, from a registered arboriculturalist details less onerous than those
or other competent person whose qualifications are derived from this chapter, the design
acceptable to NHBC. should be submitted to NHBC prior
to work commencing on site.
Table 5: Where foundation depths are in accordance with column A or column B in Table 4, tree planting should be
restricted to:
Water demand No tree planting zone for column A in Table 4 No tree planting zone / zone of influence for
column B in Table 4
High 1.0 x mature height 1.25 x mature height
Moderate 0.5 x mature height 0.75 x mature height
Low 0.2 x mature height 0.50 x mature height
from foundation.
Chapter 4.2
Raft foundations
Raft foundations in shrinkable soils will only be acceptable where all of the following apply:
design is by an engineer in accordance with the raft is generally rectangular in plan with a side ratio of
Technical Requirement R5 not more than 2:1
NHBC is satisfied that the raft is sufficiently stiff to resist foundation depth is derived in accordance with Clause
differential movements 4.2.7, and is less than 2.5m.
NHBC is satisfied that the raft is founded on granular infill
placed and fully compacted in layers and in accordance with
the engineer’s specification. Where required by NHBC, site
inspections are to be undertaken by the engineer to verify
suitable compaction of the fill
Strip and trench fill foundations in non-shrinkable soils overlying shrinkable soil
Non shrinkable soils such as sands and gravels may overlie shrinkable soil. Foundations may be constructed on overlying
non-shrinkable soil if all the following are satisfied:
conditions of Chapter 4.3 ‘Strip and trench fill foundations’
are met
consistent soil conditions exist across each plot and this is foundation
depth depth X
confirmed by the site investigation depth
depth of the non-shrinkable soil is greater than ¾ foundation B
¾X shrinkable
depth X, where X is the foundation depth determined using T equal to or greater than B
charts in Clause 4.2.12, tables in Clause 4.2.13 or the non-shrinkable soil
Foundation Depth Calculator App, assuming all the soil shrinkable soil
is shrinkable
the thickness T of non-shrinkable soil below the foundation is
equal to, or more than, the width of the foundation B
proposals are submitted to, and approved by, NHBC prior to
work commencing on site.
Where any of the above are not met foundation depths should be determined as for shrinkable soil.
Figure 2: L evels from which foundation depths are Figure 3: L evels from which foundation depths are measured
measured where trees or hedgerows are removed where trees or hedgerows are proposed
tree to be removed proposed tree
proposed tree
tree to be removed l
d leve
l groun
ve l origina
nd le
inal a b b
orig a
a Use the lower of:
a) minimum foundation depth (see Table 4 column B)
b) foundation depth based on mature height of tree.
Use the lower of:
a) foundation depth based on appropriate tree height (see Table 3a)
b) minimum foundation depth (see Table 4 column B).
ground level
shrinkable soils as shown below.
Infill should: 1.25m max. depth
extend beyond the edge of the foundation by a distance equal angle of repose of infill material
level formation
to its natural angle of repose, plus 0.5m.
fully compacted infill material
Steps in foundations
On sloping ground, foundation trenches can be gradually stepped so that the required foundation depth is reasonably uniform
below ground level.
Where foundations are to be stepped to take account of the influence of trees, hedgerows and shrubs, they should be
stepped gradually, with no step exceeding 0.5m.
Foundations, substructures and services shall be suitably designed and detailed to prevent excessive
movement due to heave. Heave precautions shall be incorporated into foundations and substructures in
accordance with the design. Items to be taken into account include:
a) potential for ground movement e) other foundation types
b) minimum void dimensions f) suspended ground floors
c) proprietary heave materials g) paths and driveways.
d) heave precautions for foundations
Where foundations and substructure may be subject to heave, they should be protected by voids, void formers or
compressible materials.
Where proprietary materials are used, the design of foundations and substructure should take into account the upward force
transmitted through the compressible material or void former prior to collapse (refer to manufacturer’s data).
This section provides guidance on heave precautions for common building elements when located within the influence of trees
which are to remain or be removed, including:
trench fill foundations other foundation types
pier and beam foundations paths and driveways
pile and beam foundations new drainage.
11 Building near trees 2023
Chapter 4.2
Void formers consist of materials that collapse to form a void into which the clay can swell. The void dimension is the ‘remaining
void’ after collapse. The thickness of the void former should be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Figure 4: H
eave precautions for trench fill foundations up to Figure 5: H
eave precautions for pier and beam foundations
2.5m deep
3D 3D
void (see Table 7) void (see Table 7)
backfill compressible material
450mm max or void former to embedment of
inside face of external anchorage bars to
ground beams be 40 bar
compressible material or designed by an
compressible material
or void former engineer
beneath ground (see Technical
vertical face beams Requirement R5)
to sides of piers
500mm 500mm
■ Where the excavation is battered or if there is overbreak or
concrete overspill, it may be necessary to consult an engineer.
Figure 6: H
eave precautions for pile and beam foundations Raft foundations constructed in accordance with
Clause 4.2.8 and Clause 4.2.9 should provide adequate
3D protection from heave.
void (see Table 7)
compressible material
or void former to
inside face of external embedment of
ground beams pile tension
to be 40 bar
diameters or
designed by
an engineer
(see Technical
Requirement R5)
compressible material optional rigid
or void former beneath slip liner
ground beams
pile length to
engineer's design
Chapter 4.2
Drainage shall be in accordance with the design and allow for ground movement.
To protect against the effects of heave, drainage should be designed:
to take account of potential ground movement as shown in to use alternative means of catering for the movement
Table 9, including where pipes and services pass through when sufficient falls cannot be provided, for example by
substructure walls or foundations deepening the excavation and laying the pipework on a
with gradients which may need to be greater than those granular bedding of suitable thickness to reduce the extent
in Chapter 5.3 ‘Drainage below ground’ as these do not of potential movement.
account for possible ground movement
Existing land drains should be maintained or diverted.
Where no value is given in the table, minimum foundation depths apply (i.e.1.0m, 0.9m and 0.75 m for high, medium and low
volume change potential soils respectively).
Building near trees 2023 14
Chapter 4.2
Chart 1: Soils with HIGH volume change potential – Modified Plasticity Index 40% or greater
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Broad-leafed trees
Coniferous trees
M h
Chart 2: Soils with MEDIUM volume change potential – Modified Plasticity Index between 20% and less than 40%
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Broad-leafed trees
Coniferous trees
Foundation depths (m)
15 Building near trees 2023
Chapter 4.2
Chart 3: Soils with LOW volume change potential – Modified Plasticity Index 10 to less than 20%
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Broad-leafed trees
Coniferous trees
Minimum depth 0.75m
Foundation depths (m)
Building near trees 2023 16
Chapter 4.2
11 1.00 1.30 1.70 1.95 2.15 2.30 2.40 2.50 11 1.00 1.25 1.45 1.60 1.75 1.90 2.00
12 1.00 1.10 1.50 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.30 2.45 2.50 12 1.00 1.25 1.45 1.60 1.75 1.85
13 1.00 1.35 1.65 1.90 2.10 2.20 2.35 2.45 2.50 13 1.00 1.05 1.25 1.45 1.60 1.70
14 1.00 1.20 1.50 1.75 1.95 2.10 2.25 2.35 2.45 2.50 14 1.00 1.10 1.30 1.45 1.60
15 1.00 1.40 1.65 1.85 2.00 2.15 2.25 2.35 2.45 2.50 15 1.00 1.10 1.30 1.45
16 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.90 2.05 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.45 16 1.00 1.15 1.30
17 1.00 1.10 1.40 1.65 1.80 1.95 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 17 1.00 1.15
18 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.70 1.90 2.00 2.15 2.25 2.30 18 1.00
19 1.00 1.15 1.40 1.60 1.80 1.95 2.05 2.15 2.25 19 1.0m minimum foundation depth
20 1.00 1.30 1.50 1.70 1.85 2.00 2.10 2.20 20
21 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.75 1.90 2.00 2.10 21
22 1.00 1.10 1.30 1.50 1.70 1.85 1.95 2.05 22
23 1.00 1.20 1.45 1.60 1.75 1.90 2.00 23
24 1.00 1.10 1.35 1.50 1.65 1.80 1.90 24
25 1.00 1.25 1.45 1.60 1.75 1.85 25
26 1.00 1.15 1.35 1.50 1.65 1.80 26
27 1.00 1.05 1.25 1.45 1.60 1.70 27
28 1.00 1.20 1.35 1.50 1.65 28
29 1.00 1.10 1.30 1.45 1.60 29
30 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.50 30
31 1.00 1.15 1.30 1.45 31
32 1.00 1.05 1.25 1.40 32
33 1.00 1.15 1.30 33
34 1.00 1.10 1.25 34
35 1.00 1.20 35
36 1.00 1.10 36
37 1.0m minimum foundation depth 1.00 1.05 37
38 1.00 38
17 Building near trees 2023
Chapter 4.2
Table 12: HIGH volume change potential soil and MODERATE water demand tree
Broad-leafed trees Coniferous trees
Foundation depth (m) Foundation depth (m)
Distance Tree height H (m) Distance Tree height H (m)
D (m) 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 D (m) 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
1 2.20 2.25 2.25 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 1 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.15 2.15 2.20 2.20 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.30 2.30
2 1.95 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.20 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.30 2.30 2.30 2 1.40 1.60 1.75 1.85 1.90 2.00 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.10 2.15 2.15
3 1.70 1.85 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.15 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.25 3 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.55 1.65 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.00
4 1.50 1.65 1.80 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.10 2.15 2.15 2.15 4 1.00 1.10 1.30 1.40 1.55 1.60 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90
5 1.25 1.50 1.65 1.75 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.05 2.10 2.10 5 1.00 1.00 1.15 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75
6 1.00 1.30 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.00 2.05 6 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.35 1.40 1.50 1.55 1.60
7 1.00 1.10 1.35 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.75 1.85 1.90 1.90 1.95 2.00 7 1.00 1.00 1.15 1.25 1.35 1.40 1.50
8 1.00 1.20 1.35 1.50 1.60 1.65 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.90 8 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.35
9 1.00 1.20 1.35 1.50 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85 9 1.00 1.05 1.15 1.20
10 1.00 1.10 1.25 1.40 1.50 1.55 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 10 1.00 1.00 1.10
11 1.00 1.15 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.55 1.65 1.70 1.75 11 1.00
12 1.00 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 12
13 1.00 1.05 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.55 1.60 13
Table 13: HIGH volume change potential soil and LOW water demand tree
Broad-leafed trees
Foundation depth (m)
Distance Tree height H (m)
D (m) 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
1 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75
2 1.40 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.60 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.70 1.70 1.70
3 1.20 1.35 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.65 1.65 1.65
4 1.00 1.20 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.60 1.60
5 1.00 1.15 1.25 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.50 1.55 1.55
6 1.00 1.15 1.20 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.50
7 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.40 1.45
8 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.35 1.40
9 1.00 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35
10 1.00 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30
11 1.00 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25
12 1.00 1.10 1.15 1.20
13 1.0m minimum foundation depth 1.00 1.10 1.15
14 1.00 1.05
15 1.00
Building near trees 2023 18
Chapter 4.2
Table 14: MEDIUM volume change potential soil and HIGH water demand tree
Broad-leafed trees Coniferous trees
Foundation depth (m) Foundation depth (m)
Distance Tree height H (m) Distance Tree height H (m)
D (m) 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 D (m) 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
1 1 Foundations greater than 2.5m
2 Foundations greater than 2.5m 2 2.15 2.30 2.45 2.50 deep to be engineer designed
3 2.40 2.50 deep to be engineer designed 3 1.70 1.95 2.15 2.25 2.35 2.45 2.50
4 2.20 2.35 2.45 4 1.25 1.60 1.85 2.00 2.15 2.25 2.30 2.40 2.45 2.50 2.50
5 1.95 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 5 0.90 1.25 1.55 1.75 1.95 2.05 2.15 2.20 2.30 2.35 2.40 2.45
6 1.75 2.00 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.45 2.50 6 0.90 1.25 1.50 1.70 1.85 1.95 2.05 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.30
7 1.55 1.85 2.05 2.20 2.30 2.35 2.45 2.50 7 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.65 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.15 2.20
8 1.35 1.70 1.90 2.05 2.20 2.25 2.35 2.40 2.45 2.50 8 0.90 1.00 1.25 1.45 1.60 1.75 1.85 1.95 2.00 2.10
9 1.15 1.50 1.75 1.95 2.10 2.20 2.25 2.35 2.40 2.45 2.50 2.50 9 0.90 1.05 1.25 1.45 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 1.95
10 0.90 1.35 1.60 1.80 1.95 2.10 2.20 2.25 2.30 2.35 2.40 2.45 10 0.90 1.10 1.25 1.45 1.55 1.65 1.75 1.85
11 0.90 1.15 1.50 1.70 1.85 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.25 2.30 2.35 2.40 11 0.90 1.10 1.25 1.40 1.55 1.65 1.75
12 0.90 1.00 1.35 1.60 1.75 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.25 2.30 2.35 12 0.90 1.10 1.25 1.40 1.50 1.60
13 0.90 1.20 1.45 1.65 1.80 1.95 2.05 2.10 2.20 2.25 2.30 13 0.90 0.95 1.10 1.25 1.40 1.50
14 0.90 1.05 1.35 1.55 1.70 1.85 1.95 2.05 2.10 2.20 2.25 14 0.90 1.00 1.15 1.25 1.40
15 0.90 1.20 1.45 1.60 1.75 1.85 1.95 2.05 2.10 2.20 15 0.90 1.00 1.15 1.25
16 0.90 1.10 1.35 1.55 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.05 2.10 16 0.90 1.00 1.15
17 0.90 1.00 1.25 1.45 1.60 1.70 1.85 1.90 2.00 2.05 17 0.90 1.05
18 0.90 1.15 1.35 1.50 1.65 1.75 1.85 1.95 2.00 18 0.90
19 0.90 1.05 1.25 1.40 1.55 1.70 1.80 1.90 1.95 19
20 0.90 1.15 1.35 1.50 1.60 1.75 1.80 1.90 20
21 0.90 1.05 1.25 1.40 1.55 1.65 1.75 1.85 21
22 0.90 0.95 1.15 1.35 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 22
23 0.90 1.10 1.25 1.40 1.55 1.65 1.75 23
24 0.90 1.00 1.20 1.35 1.45 1.60 1.70 24
25 0.90 1.10 1.25 1.40 1.50 1.60 25
26 0.90 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.45 1.55 26
27 0.90 0.95 1.15 1.30 1.40 1.50 27
28 0.90 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.45 28
29 0.90 1.00 1.15 1.30 1.40 29
30 0.90 1.10 1.20 1.35 30
31 0.90 1.00 1.15 1.30 31
32 0.90 0.95 1.10 1.25 32
33 0.90 1.05 1.15 33
34 0.90 1.00 1.10 34
35 0.90 1.05 35
36 0.9m minimum foundation depth 0.90 1.00 36 0.9m minimum foundation depth
37 0.90 0.95 37
38 0.90 38
19 Building near trees 2023
Chapter 4.2
Table 15: MEDIUM volume change potential soil and MODERATE water demand tree
Broad-leafed trees Coniferous
Foundation depth (m) Foundation depth (m)
Distance Tree height H (m) Distance Tree height H (m)
D (m) 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 D (m) 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
1 1.85 1.85 1.90 1.90 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90
2 1.65 1.75 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 2 1.25 1.40 1.50 1.55 1.65 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.75 1.80 1.80 1.80
3 1.45 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 3 0.90 1.10 1.25 1.35 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.65 1.70 1.70
4 1.30 1.45 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.75 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 4 0.90 0.95 1.10 1.25 1.30 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.55 1.60
5 1.10 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.70 1.75 1.75 1.80 5 0.90 0.90 1.05 1.15 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50
6 0.90 1.15 1.30 1.40 1.45 1.55 1.60 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.70 1.75 6 0.90 0.95 1.10 1.15 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40
7 0.90 1.00 1.15 1.30 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.65 1.70 7 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.15 1.25 1.30
8 0.90 1.05 1.20 1.30 1.35 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.55 1.60 1.65 8 0.90 0.95 1.05 1.10 1.20
9 0.90 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 9 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.10
10 0.90 0.95 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 10 0.90 0.90 0.95
11 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 11 0.90
12 0.90 1.05 1.15 1.20 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 12
13 0.90 0.95 1.05 1.15 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 13
Table 16: MEDIUM volume change potential soil and LOW water demand tree
Broad-leafed trees
Foundation depth (m)
Distance Tree height H (m)
D (m) 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
1 1.35 1.40 1.40 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.50 1.50
2 1.20 1.30 1.30 1.35 1.35 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.45 1.45 1.45
3 1.05 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.30 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.40 1.40 1.40
4 0.90 1.05 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.35 1.35 1.35
5 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.20 1.25 1.25 1.30 1.30 1.30
6 0.90 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.20 1.25 1.25 1.30
7 0.90 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.15 1.20 1.20 1.25
8 0.90 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.20
9 0.90 1.00 1.05 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.15
10 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.10
11 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10
12 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05
13 0.9m minimum foundation depth 0.90 0.95 1.00
14 0.90 0.95
15 0.90
Building near trees 2023 20
Chapter 4.2
Table 17: LOW volume change potential soil and HIGH water demand tree
Broad-leafed trees Coniferous
Foundation depth (m) Foundation depth (m)
Distance Tree height H (m) Distance Tree height H (m)
D (m) 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 D (m) 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
1 2.35 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 1 2.15 2.25 2.30 2.30 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40
2 2.15 2.25 2.30 2.30 2.35 2.35 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.45 2 1.80 1.95 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.25 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.35
3 2.00 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.30 2.30 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.40 3 1.45 1.65 1.80 1.90 1.95 2.05 2.10 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.20 2.25
4 1.80 1.95 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.25 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.35 4 1.05 1.35 1.55 1.70 1.80 1.85 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.05 2.10 2.15
5 1.65 1.80 1.95 2.00 2.10 2.15 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.30 5 0.75 1.05 1.30 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05
6 1.45 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.15 2.20 2.20 2.25 6 0.75 1.05 1.25 1.45 1.55 1.65 1.70 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95
7 1.30 1.55 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.05 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.15 2.20 7 0.75 0.80 1.05 1.25 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.65 1.75 1.80 1.85
8 1.10 1.40 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.10 2.15 8 0.75 0.85 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.45 1.55 1.60 1.70 1.75
9 0.95 1.25 1.45 1.60 1.75 1.80 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.05 2.10 9 0.75 0.90 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.45 1.50 1.60 1.65
10 0.75 1.10 1.35 1.50 1.65 1.75 1.80 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.00 2.05 10 0.75 0.90 1.05 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.55
11 0.75 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.55 1.65 1.75 1.80 1.90 1.95 1.95 2.00 11 0.75 0.90 1.05 1.20 1.30 1.35 1.45
12 0.75 0.85 1.10 1.30 1.45 1.60 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95 12 0.75 0.95 1.05 1.15 1.25 1.35
13 0.75 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90 13 0.75 0.80 0.95 1.05 1.15 1.25
14 0.75 0.90 1.10 1.30 1.45 1.55 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85 14 0.75 0.80 0.95 1.05 1.15
15 0.75 1.00 1.20 1.35 1.45 1.55 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 15 0.75 0.85 0.95 1.05
16 0.75 0.90 1.10 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 16 0.75 0.85 0.95
17 0.75 0.80 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.45 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.75 17 0.75 0.85
18 0.75 0.95 1.10 1.25 1.35 1.45 1.55 1.60 1.70 18 0.75
19 0.75 0.85 1.05 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.55 1.65 19
20 0.75 0.95 1.10 1.25 1.35 1.45 1.50 1.60 20
21 0.75 0.90 1.05 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.45 1.55 21
22 0.75 0.80 1.00 1.10 1.25 1.35 1.40 1.50 22
23 0.75 0.90 1.05 1.20 1.30 1.35 1.45 23
24 0.75 0.85 1.00 1.10 1.25 1.30 1.40 24
25 0.75 0.95 1.05 1.15 1.25 1.35 25
26 0.75 0.85 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 26
27 0.75 0.80 0.95 1.05 1.15 1.25 27
28 0.75 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 28
29 0.75 0.85 0.95 1.05 1.15 29
30 0.75 0.90 1.00 1.10 30
31 0.75 0.85 0.95 1.05 31
32 0.75 0.80 0.90 1.05 32
33 0.75 0.85 1.00 33
34 0.75 0.80 0.95 34
35 0.75 0.90 35
36 0.75 0.85 36
37 0.75m minimum foundation depth 0.75 0.80 37 0.75m minimum foundation depth
38 0.75 38
21 Building near trees 2023
Chapter 4.2
Table 18: LOW volume change potential soil and MODERATE water demand tree
Broad-leafed trees Coniferous
Foundation depth (m) Foundation depth (m)
Distance Tree height H (m) Distance Tree height H (m)
D (m) 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 D (m) 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
1 1.50 1.50 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.60 1.60 1.60 1 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.45 1.45 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.55 1.55 1.55
2 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.45 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 2 1.00 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.45 1.45 1.45
3 1.20 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.40 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 3 0.75 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.30 1.35 1.35 1.40
4 1.05 1.15 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.35 1.40 1.40 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 4 0.75 0.80 0.95 1.00 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.20 1.25 1.25 1.30
5 0.90 1.05 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.35 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.45 5 0.75 0.75 0.85 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.20
6 0.75 0.95 1.05 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.30 1.35 1.35 1.40 1.40 6 0.75 0.80 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15
7 0.75 0.85 0.95 1.05 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.30 1.35 1.35 7 0.75 0.75 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05
8 0.75 0.85 0.95 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.25 1.30 1.30 8 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.95 0.95
9 0.75 0.90 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.25 1.30 9 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90
10 0.75 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.20 1.25 10 0.75 0.75 0.80
11 0.75 0.85 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.15 1.20 11 0.75
12 0.75 0.85 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.15 12
13 0.75 0.80 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 13
Table 19: LOW volume change potential soil and LOW water demand tree
Broad-leafed trees
Foundation depth (m)
Distance Tree height H (m)
D (m) 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
1 1.10 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
2 1.00 1.05 1.05 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15
3 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.15
4 0.75 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.10 1.10 1.10
5 0.75 0.85 0.90 0.95 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05
6 0.75 0.85 0.90 0.90 0.95 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.05 1.05
7 0.75 0.85 0.85 0.90 0.95 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00
8 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.90 0.95 0.95 1.00
9 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.90 0.95 0.95
10 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.85 0.90 0.90
11 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.85 0.90
12 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.85
13 0.75m minimum foundation depth 0.75 0.80 0.85
14 0.75 0.80
15 0.75
Building near trees 2023 22
Chapter 4.2
4.2.14 Example
The following is an example of how to determine foundation depths using the information in this chapter.
The process may be repeated to allow the foundation to be stepped as its distance from the tree increases.
Step 1
Determine the volume change potential of the soil. Ensure the site investigation includes representative sampling and testing.
Site at Oxford, building near a Lombardy poplar (to be retained) and a sycamore (to be removed).
From laboratory tests:
Plasticity Index, Ip = 36%
Test results also report that 100% of particles are smaller than 425µm.
Modified Plasticity Index, I’p = 36 x100 = 36%
Volume change potential = medium
(In the absence of tests, assume high volume change potential.)
This example is typical of Oxford clay. More than 35% of the particles are smaller than 60µm and therefore the soil is shrinkable.
100% of the particles are smaller than 425µm and therefore I’p is the same as the Ip.
A typical boulder clay also has more than 35% of particles smaller than 60µm and is therefore also shrinkable. However, it may
have only 80% of its particles smaller than 425µm, in which case, the I’p is 80% of the Ip.
A typical clayey sand may have less than 30% of its particles smaller than 60µm, in which case, the soil would be non-shrinkable.
Step 2
Establish the species, mature height and water demand of all trees and hedgerows within the influencing radii.
Lombardy poplar Sycamore
Mature height = 25m Mature height = 22m
Water demand = high Water demand = moderate
Step 3
Plot the trees and hedgerows relative to the foundations and
draw their zones of influence to determine which trees will
zone of influence
affect the foundation design. Use a scaled plan. of Lombardy poplar
1.25 x 25 = 31.25m
Lombardy poplar
mature height 25m 10m
sycamore 8m
height 22m
zone of influence
of sycamore
0.75 x 22 = 16.5m
23 Building near trees 2023
Chapter 4.2
Step 4
Establish the appropriate tree height H to use.
Always use the mature height for remaining and proposed trees and hedgerows. The appropriate height to use for removed trees
and hedgerows depends on the actual height when they are removed.
Lombardy poplar Sycamore
Tree to remain. Therefore: Tree to be removed
H = mature height Mature height = 22m
= 25m Actual height = 15m
Actual height greater than 50% mature height. Therefore:
H = mature height
= 22m
Step 5
Measure the distance D from the centre of the trees or hedgerows to the face of the foundation.
Lombardy poplar Sycamore
Distance D = 10m from foundation Distance D = 8m from foundation
Step 6
use the NHBC Foundation Depth Calculator App, or select step 6T if using tables in Clause 4.2.13.
select steps 6C (a) and (b) if using charts in Clause 4.2.12
to derive depths, or
Step 6C (a)
Calculate D/H value
Distance D from face of foundation (step 5) divided by the appropriate tree height H (Step 4).
Alternatively D/H can be obtained from Clause 4.2.12.
Lombardy poplar Sycamore
D = 10 = D/H = 0.4 D = 8 = D/H = 0.36
H = 25 H = 22
Step 6C (b)
Determine foundation depth using the charts in Clause 4.2.12 as follows:
Volume change potential Chart number
High 1
Medium 2
Low 3
The Lombardy poplar is the tree requiring the greater depth (2.33m).
Building near trees 2023 24
Chapter 4.2
Step 6T
Determine foundation depth using the tables in 4.2.13 as follows:
Volume change potential Tree water demand Table number
High High 11
Moderate 12
Low 13
Medium High 14
Moderate 15
Low 16
Low High 17
Moderate 18
Low 19
Step 7
Adjust the depth according to the climatic zone.
A reduction may be made for distance north and west of London, but the final depth should not be less than the minimum given
in each chart and table.
Oxford is between 50 and 100 miles NW of London. From 4.2.5, a reduction of 0.05m is permitted.
Final foundation depth = 2.33 – 0.05 = 2.28m
Acknowledgements: NHBC gratefully acknowledges the help given by authoritative organisations and individuals in the
preparation of this chapter, particularly: Building Research Establishment; Dr P G Biddle, arboricultural consultant.
Strip and trench
fill foundations
Chapter 4.3
This chapter gives guidance on meeting
the Technical Requirements for strip and
trench fill foundations.
4.3.1 Compliance 01
4.3.2 Provision of information 01
4.3.3 Ground conditions 01
4.3.4 Hazardous ground 02
4.3.5 Setting out 02
4.3.6 Services and drainage 03
4.3.7 Safe transmission of loads 03
4.3.8 Sloping ground and
stepped foundations 05
4.3.9 Excavations 05
4.3.10 Reinforcement 06
4.3.11 Concrete 06
4.3.12 Movement joints 06
4.3.13 Construction joints 06
1 Strip and trench fill foundations 2023
Chapter 4.3
Strip and trench fill foundations shall comply with the Technical Requirements and provide adequate
support to all load-bearing elements.
Strip and trench fill foundations that comply with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable.
Foundations should be designed by an engineer in accordance with Technical Requirement R5 where:
buildings exceed three storeys in height trench fill foundations are deeper than 2.5m
supporting/retaining walls form habitable rooms they will be deeper than those of an adjoining construction.
below ground
Elements of the building requiring foundations include:
external walls chimney breasts
separating (party) walls piers.
internal load-bearing walls
In Scotland, a sleeper wall is defined as a load-bearing element and therefore should be provided with a suitable foundation.
In England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man, sleeper walls should be provided with suitable foundations where the
oversite concrete is:
cast on shrinkable clay soils where heave could take place less than 100mm thick.
cast on infill deeper than 600mm
Designs and specifications shall be produced in a clearly understandable format, include all relevant
information and be distributed to all appropriate personnel.
Clear and fully detailed drawings should be available on site to enable work to be carried out in accordance with the design.
Design and specification information should be issued to site supervisors, relevant specialist subcontractors and/or suppliers.
All necessary dimensions and levels should be indicated and relate to at least one benchmark and reference points on the site.
Information on ground conditions, the site investigation and the foundation design may be requested by NHBC, including sites
which may not be classified as hazardous.
Both designers and site operatives need to be aware of the ground conditions and any features requiring special attention, such
as existing sewers or other services, the water table and the presence of any hazardous substances, including sulfates.
Where toxic materials or those likely to present a health hazard are found, all available information should be supplied to NHBC,
together with proposals for remediation.
Full details of junctions, steps, movement joints and any critical sequences of construction should be provided.
4.3.3 Ground conditions Also see: Chapters 3.2, 4.1, 4.2 and 5.2
Strip and trench fill foundations shall be adequate, of a suitable depth and taken to a suitable bearing
stratum. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) the home design and layout c) frost susceptible soils and cold weather construction
b) ground conditions d) shrinkable and volume change soils.
Ground conditions
All relevant information about the history of the site, plus the nature and load-bearing capacity of the ground, should be available
before the foundations are designed. Information may be available from:
NHBC aerial photographs, Ordnance Survey maps and geological
local authorities maps and surveys.
gas, water and electricity companies
Strip and trench fill foundations 2023 2
Chapter 4.3
Site assessment surveys may require supplementary investigations involving trial pits and boreholes.
The design should specify the minimum foundation depth.
Table 1: Minimum foundation depths in shrinkable soil
Modified Plasticity Index Volume change potential Minimum depth (m)
40% and greater High 1.0
20% to less than 40% Medium 0.9
10% to less than 20% Low 0.75
Shrinkable soils are classified as containing more than 35% fine particles (clay and silt) and have a Modified Plasticity Index of
10% or greater.
These minimum depths may only be used where any existing or proposed trees or shrubs are outside the zone of tree influence.
Heave is possible in shrinkable soil where trees have been, or are being, removed.
Strip and trench fill foundations on hazardous ground shall be designed by an engineer, and notice given to
NHBC before work commences.
Where hazardous ground has been identified, NHBC must be notified eight weeks before work starts. Hazardous ground is
defined in Chapter 4.1 ‘Land quality – managing ground conditions’.
trench lengths
trench widths
length of diagonals between external corners. trench
Walls should be located centrally on the foundation, unless
specifically designed otherwise.
Any discrepancy in dimensions should be reported promptly to
the designer. Resulting variations should be distributed to all trench width
Chapter 4.3
4.3.6 Services and drainage Also see: Chapters 5.1 and 5.3
All strip and trench fill foundations shall be installed to:
a) adequately protect existing services and ground b) make allowance for drainage and other services.
water drainage
BS EN 1991-1-1 UK National Annex to Eurocode 1. ‘Actions on structures. General actions. Densities, self-weight,
imposed loads for buildings’.
BS EN 1991-1-3 UK National Annex to Eurocode 1. ‘Actions on structures. General actions. Snow loads’.
BS EN 1991-1-4 UK National Annex to Eurocode 1. ‘Actions on structures. General actions. Wind actions’.
BS 648 ‘Schedule of weights of building materials’.
Strip and trench fill foundations 2023 4
Chapter 4.3
ground more than (kN/linear metre)
20 30 40 50 60 70
fill) Minimum width of strip foundation (mm)
Rock Not inferior to Requires at least a pneumatic or other Equal to the width of the wall plus 50mm
sandstone, limestone mechanically operated pick for excavation. each side.
or firm chalk
Gravel Medium dense Requires pick for excavation. 250 300 400 500 600 650
Sand Wooden peg 50mm square in cross-section
is hard to drive beyond 150mm.
Clay Stiff Can be indented slightly by thumb. 250 300 400 500 600 650
Sandy clay
Clay Firm Thumb makes impression easily. 300 350 450 600 750 850
Sandy clay
Sand Loose Can be excavated with a spade. 400 600 Does not fall within the
Silty sand Wooden peg 50mm square in cross-section provisions of this guidance
Clayey sand can be easily driven. where the total load
exceeds 30 kN/linear m.
Silt Soft Finger can be pushed in up to 10mm. 450 650
Sandy clay
Clay or silt
Silt Very soft Finger can be easily pushed in Refer to specialist advice.
Clay up to 25mm.
Sandy clay
Clay or silt
Chapter 4.3
Design dimensions
Inaccuracy may prevent walls and piers from being located centrally and therefore result in eccentric loading of foundations and
possible foundation failure.
Excess excavation should be avoided. Accurate trench digging is particularly important where the width of the foundation is only
slightly wider than the wall to be supported.
Acceptance from the foundation designer is required where the foundation design is modified.
Localised effects
At soft spots, excavations should be deepened to a sound bottom or the concrete should be reinforced. Hard spots should
be removed.
Where roots are visible at the bottom or sides of trenches, especially in clay soils, excavations may need to be taken deeper,
or special precautions determined by an engineer in accordance with Technical Requirement R5.
Reinforcement for strip and trench fill foundations shall ensure the safe transfer of loads and be suitable for
localised ground conditions.
Reinforcement should be:
appropriately sized
placed correctly
clean and free from loose rust
secured at laps and crossings
supported to ensure that they are 75mm above the base of
the foundation or as indicated in the design.
75mm min. cover
If in doubt about any soft spots, the designer’s advice should
be taken before placing the concrete. 75mm side cover
4.3.11 Concrete
Also see: Chapters 3.1 and 3.2
Concrete for foundations shall be:
a) of a mix which is suitable for the intended use c) correctly mixed, placed and cured.
b) durable against chemical or frost action
Where movement joints are specified, they should be continuous with those in the superstructure.
4.4.1 Compliance 01
4.4.2 Provision of information 01
4.4.3 Site conditions 01
4.4.4 Hazardous ground 02
4.4.5 Services and drainage 02
4.4.6 Safe transmission of loads 03
4.4.7 Construction 03
4.4.8 Engineer checks 05
4.4.9 Compressible materials 05
4.4.10 Reinforcement 05
4.4.11 Concrete 05
4.4.12 Movement joints 05
4.4.13 Resistance to moisture 06
1 Raft, pile, pier and beam foundations 2023
Chapter 4.4
Raft, pile, pier and beam foundations shall comply with the Technical Requirements and provide adequate
support to load-bearing elements.
Raft, pile, pier and beam foundations that comply with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable.
Relevant Standards and codes of practice include:
BS EN 1991 ‘Actions on structures’.
BS EN 1992 ‘Design of concrete structures’.
BS EN 1997-1 ‘Geotechnical design. General rules’.
BS 10175 ‘Investigation of potentially contaminated sites. Code of practice’.
chimney breasts
Differential settlement
Foundations should be designed to avoid any local stress points or any differential settlement.
Foundations for terraced homes, or those adjoining an existing building, may require special precautions to prevent damage
from differential settlement. Foundations for attached bays, porches, garages, conservatories and other structures should be a
continuation of those for the main home, unless the design indicates an alternative which takes account of differential movement.
4.4.4 Hazardous ground Also see: Chapters 3.1, 4.1, 4.2 and BRE Special Digest 1
Raft, pile, pier and beam foundations shall take account of ground conditions and hazards. Where
hazardous ground has been identified, notice shall be given to NHBC before work commences.
Where there is hazardous ground, the design of foundations must be carried out by an engineer in accordance with
Technical Requirement R5.
Where hazardous ground has been identified, NHBC should be notified in writing at least eight weeks before work on site begins,
in accordance with NHBC Rules.
Where toxic materials, or those likely to present a health hazard are found, all available information should be supplied to NHBC,
together with proposals for remediation.
Sulfate and acids
Sulfates and other chemicals can cause expansion and disruption of concrete. High acidity, for example in peat, or permeable soil
with acidic ground water can cause damage to concrete. Where sulfates or high acidity in ground or ground water are present,
reference should be made to Chapter 3.1 ‘Concrete and its reinforcement’ for guidance concerning acceptable
concrete mixes.
Where concrete is at risk from chemical attack from the ground, or where the ground water is highly mobile, the level of sulfate
and other chemicals should be determined in terms of the ACEC class (aggressive chemical environment for concrete class),
in accordance with BRE Special Digest 1.
4.4.5 Services and drainage Also see: Chapters 5.1, 5.3 and 8.1
Raft, pile, pier and beam foundations shall take account of new and existing services. Issues to be taken
into account include:
a) provision for new services b) adequate protection of existing services and drainage.
Chapter 4.4
Fill for raft foundations should be in accordance with Chapter 5.1 ‘Substructure and ground-bearing floors’.
Semi-raft foundations on made ground:
The following notes are to be used as a guide for engineers designing raft foundations, but are by no means exhaustive.
Special consideration will be required for certain sites.
raft foundations are to be designed by a chartered civil or beams are to use properly formed reinforcement in
structural engineer taking account of ground conditions and accordance with BS EN 1992-1-1
the results of the site appraisal and ground assessment where mesh is used in beams, it should be delivered to the
sufficient internal beams are to be provided to stiffen the slab site pre-bent
adequately all beams should be cast on a minimum of 50mm
the area between downstand beams should not be greater concrete blinding
than 35m2 minimum cover to reinforcement should be 40mm
the ratio of adjacent sides on plan should not exceed 2:1 floor slabs should be a minimum 150mm thick, with nominal
the minimum depth of perimeter and party wall beams is to top face reinforcement as a minimum and anti-crack
be 450mm. On larger homes, some internal beams should reinforcement in the bottom face, where appropriate
be of the same depth as the perimeter beams stools or similar should be used to support floor slab mesh
perimeter and internal beams should be sufficiently wide at during casting
their base to carry their total loading at the allowable bearing corners and junctions to beams should be adequately tied
pressure for the site using similar reinforcement to the beams
beams are to be designed to span 3m simply supported and a minimum cavity drain of 225mm below the DPC is to
cantilever 1.5m be maintained.
Piled foundations:
The design of all piled foundations should specify precautions for cohesive soils where volume changes can occur.
The bearing capacity and integrity of piles should be confirmed by testing, when required.
distance from
distance from
boundary distance from
distance from
Chapter 4.4
The engineer should undertake site visits to ensure that the design of the foundation is suitable for the actual ground conditions
encountered, and that the construction is in accordance with the design.
Materials used to accommodate heave should be assessed in accordance with Technical Requirement R3 and used in
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and independent assessment when applicable.
4.4.10 Reinforcement
Reinforcement of raft, pile, pier and beam foundations shall be in accordance with the design, sufficient to
ensure the safe transfer of loads and be suitable for localised ground conditions.
4.4.11 Concrete
Concrete for raft, pile, pier and beam foundations shall be:
a) of a suitable mix design to achieve the required b) correctly mixed, placed and cured.
strength and resistance to chemical and frost action
Mixing, placing, testing and curing of concrete should be carried out as indicated in Chapter 3.1 ‘Concrete and its reinforcement’
and when work is carried out in cold weather, Chapter 3.2 ‘Cold weather working’.
Suitable mix
Concrete should be of a mix which:
will achieve the required strength and not impair the is sufficiently resistant to chemical and frost action.
performance of the foundation
Correctly mixed, placed and cured
Before concrete is placed, excavations and reinforcement may need to be approved by the engineer or their representative and,
in England and Wales, foundations should be approved by the person responsible for building control inspections.
Concreting should:
be carried out in one operation (as far as possible) be placed as soon as possible after the excavation or after
take account of weather conditions and available daylight the reinforcement has been checked
be placed in even, compact and reasonably dry trenches.
4.4.13 Resistance to moisture Also see: Chapters 5.1, 5.2 and 5.4
Raft, pile, pier and beam foundations shall prevent the passage of moisture to the inside of the home and,
where necessary, include a drained cavity and damp proof membranes.
Cavity walls should drain below the DPC and should:
prevent water crossing from the outside to the inside have a minimum 225mm clear cavity below the DPC
prevent the flooding of cavities above the DPC where strip, trenchfill or ground beams are used, or have a
minimum 150mm clear cavity below the DPC where other
types of foundations are used, provided that weep holes
and other necessary measures are taken to ensure that the
cavity can drain freely.
DPC cavity trays are not an acceptable waterproofing to the edges of specialised foundations, such as rafts and ground beams.
225mm DPC
min. 150mm min.
weep hole
cavity tray
4.5.1 Compliance 01
4.5.2 Hazardous sites and ground hazards 01
4.5.3 Desk study and site investigation 01
4.5.4 Confirmation of suitability
for treatment 02
4.5.5 Suitability of ground conditions 02
4.5.6 Compatibility of the ground,
design and treatment 05
4.5.7 Acceptable methods 06
4.5.8 Materials for use as fill 07
4.5.9 Granular material 08
4.5.10 Sitework 08
4.5.11 Adjacent excavations 09
4.5.12 Verification of completed treatment 09
1 Vibratory ground improvement techniques 2023
Chapter 4.5
The vibratory process is generally applied to weak natural soils and filled ground. The purpose is to improve the
load-bearing capacity, reduce settlement and provide an adequate bearing stratum for the foundation supporting
the home.
investigations include:
BS 10175 ‘Investigation of potentially contaminated sites – Code of practice’.
BS EN 1991 ‘Actions on structures’.
BS EN 1997-1 ‘General rules’.
BS EN 1997-2 ‘Ground investigation and testing’.
BS EN 14731 ‘Execution of special geotechnical works – Ground treatment by deep vibration’.
BS EN ISO 14688 ‘Geotechnical investigation and testing – Identification and classification of soil’.
BS EN ISO 14689 ‘Geotechnical investigation and testing – Identification and classification of rock’.
BS EN ISO 22476 ‘Geotechnical investigation and testing – Field testing’.
BR 391 ‘Specifying vibro stone columns’.
ICE ‘Specification for Ground Treatment’.
4.5.2 Hazardous sites and ground hazards Also see: Chapter 2.1, 4.1 and 4.2
Vibratory ground improvement techniques on hazardous sites shall be reported to NHBC before work on
site commences, and be designed to take account of the characteristics of the site, including any
ground hazards.
Hazardous sites, as defined in the NHBC Rules, should be reported to NHBC in writing at least eight weeks before
sitework begins.
Details of ground hazards to be taken into consideration are given in Chapter 4.1 ‘Land quality – managing ground conditions’
and Chapter 4.2 ‘Building near trees’.
4.5.3 Desk study and site investigation Also see: Chapter 2.1, 4.1 and 4.2
The engineer shall ensure a desk study and site investigation are undertaken and findings used to inform
the design.
The engineer should establish the scope of, and supervise, the site investigation, taking account of the findings of the desk study,
and relevant standards listed in Clause 4.5.1.
The specialist contractor should be satisfied that the site investigation provides adequate and representative information in order
to design the ground improvements. The results of the site investigation and desk study should be sent to NHBC prior to work
starting and should, as a minimum, determine the items listed in Table 1.
Vibratory ground improvement techniques 2023 2
Chapter 4.5
Previous structures Includes any potential underground obstructions or hard-spots, e.g. basement walls,
floor slabs, which remain.
Occurrence of Includes the presence and extent of contaminated substances or gases present
contaminated substances or suspected.
4.5.4 Confirmation of suitability for treatment Also see: Chapter 2.1, 4.1 and 4.2
The builder shall obtain written confirmation from the engineer and specialist contractor that the site is
suitable for the proposed ground improvement system.
NHBC should be notified prior to work starting, that the site is suitable for the proposed system. The engineer and specialist
contractor should agree the following in writing before work commences on site:
design objectives tests to be conducted on completion of the work
detailed schedule of work responsibility for procedures and tests.
programme of work
The following considerations should be taken into account:
layout and depth of the stone columns and the accuracy to responsibility for procedures and tests
be achieved calculations and case histories required to justify the ground
safety issues to be incorporated into the design to allow for improvement proposals together with the layout of the stone
unforeseen circumstances columns and details of the equipment and process to be
criteria for non-acceptance of the vibrating poker work tests used on site.
to be conducted on completion of the work
These written agreements should be made available to NHBC before work commences on site.
4.5.5 Suitability of ground conditions Also see: Chapter 2.1, 4.1 and 4.2
Vibratory ground improvement techniques shall only be conducted on suitable ground and be appropriate
for the site conditions. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) unsuitable ground conditions c) ground water conditions.
b) detrimental factors
The engineer should assess the ground and be satisfied that it is suitable for treatment. Conditions acceptable for treatment are
only those within zones A and B of Chart 1.
3 Vibratory ground improvement techniques 2023
Chapter 4.5
Zone B
Percentage passing
50 Zone A
0.002 0.006 0.02 0.06 0.2 0.6 2 6 20 60 200 mm
Fine Medium Coarse Fine Medium Coarse Fine Medium Coarse
Clay Cobbles
Silt Sand Gravel
Fill containing Ground where organic material forms more than 15% of fill by volume.
degradable material
Vibratory ground improvement techniques 2023 4
Chapter 4.5
Detrimental factors
When specifying vibratory ground improvement techniques, the following factors should be considered:
partial depth treatment of filled ground. The engineer should obstructions and variations in the density of fill and natural
be satisfied with the anticipated performance of both the ground (hard spots) and the location of changes in the
treated and untreated zones profile of the natural underlying ground, e.g. edges of pits
the specialist contractor should take responsibility for the or quarries, slopes, or manmade obstructions such as
treated zone and the depth of treatment soakaways or drainage runs
alterations to the oversite level before or after treatment, or the minimum depth of soil treated, which should allow for the
the disturbance of ground by excavations after treatment interaction of adjacent foundations
soils with a Modified Plasticity Index of 10% or greater; stone columns that may form vertical drains, allowing the
foundations should be designed to accommodate passage of water to a moisture-susceptible strata, or provide
volume changes seepage paths for gases.
house A house B
foundation depth in
accordance with interaction of adjacent foundations
Chapter 4.2
Chapter 4.5
Surface water sewers should be used for rainwater disposal where possible, but where soakaways are necessary, these should
be positioned so that their construction and operation is not detrimental to the treated ground.
The effect of any new or existing sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) should be taken into account when vibro improvement
techniques are proposed.
design loading
reinforced concrete
strip foundation raft or semi-raft foundation
for both types of foundation, top and bottom reinforcement the reinforced concrete foundation should be designed to
should be provided span between the centres of adjacent stone columns unless
the depth of foundations to be a minimum of 600mm below a more rigorous structural analysis is carried out to show
the surface of the treated ground, and founded on firm that an alternative detail is acceptable
material of adequate bearing capacity if partial depth treatment of filled ground is proposed then
where the treated ground is of a granular nature, a a suitably designed reinforced concrete raft or semi-raft
reinforced concrete strip foundation will normally be foundation should be used
acceptable provided that the full depth of all fill material if during excavations for foundations in treated ground it is
is treated found that excessive depths of concrete are required, then
if the treated ground is of a cohesive nature, a suitably precautions should be taken to ensure overall stability of
designed raft, semi-raft or reinforced concrete strip the foundations, and the engineer should be satisfied that
foundation will normally be acceptable construction of the foundation will not be detrimental to the
treated ground.
Notice to NHBC
Where vibratory ground improvement is proposed, NHBC should be informed of:
proposed development proposed start date of treatment.
appointment of the specialist contractor
Chapter 4.5
4.5.8 Materials for use as fill Also see: BRE Special Digest 1 Part 1, BRE Digest 433 and BS EN 771
Stone fill for forming columns shall be compatible with the ground conditions, and be suitable for the
vibratory ground improvement process.
Column fill should be a clean, hard, inert material. Limestone fill may not be acceptable in acidic ground conditions.
Suitable sources for fill material
All material used for fill should be suitable.
Where the material is of a stable and uniform type from one source, it may only be necessary to check its suitability once.
Regular inspections and/or testing may be required where material is variable or from a number of sources.
Where material is obtained from stockpiles, the uniformity should be checked. Different forms of stockpiling can affect particle
size and grading. The outside of a stockpile may be weathered and may not be the same as unweathered material. The use of
recycled aggregate as fill should comply with BRE Digest 433 or other suitable guidance as agreed with NHBC.
Hazardous materials
The following materials require testing to ensure their suitability for use as fill to support structural foundations and slabs, or as
backfill to associated trenches:
acid wastes toxic materials
reactive materials materials that cause noxious fumes, rot, undue settlement or
materials that include sulfates, e.g. gypsum damage to surrounding materials.
organic materials
Test requirements for fill material
Tests should be carried out by a suitably qualified person with a detailed knowledge of the:
material to be tested proposed conditions of use.
The samples which are tested must be representative of the true nature of the material. It may be necessary to take a number of
samples to find out the material characteristics of the fill.
Sulfate content should be expressed as a percentage SO4 by weight on the basis of acid soluble testing, taking full account of the
recommendations of BRE Special Digest 1 Part 1.
Fill material requiring NHBC acceptance
The following types of fill should not be used unless written agreement has been obtained from NHBC:
colliery shale and any other residue from mineral extraction material obtained from demolition
slags on wet sites, or sites with a high water table, crushed or
furnace ashes and other products of combustion broken bricks which have no limit on their soluble salt
content (as defined in BS EN 771).
Vibratory ground improvement techniques 2023 8
Chapter 4.5
4.5.10 Sitework
When using vibratory ground improvement techniques, the builder shall ensure that the engineer visits the
site and provides competent supervision throughout the ground treatment process. Issues to be taken into
account include:
a) engineer checks c) managing unforeseen circumstances.
b) location, depth and alignment of columns
Engineer checks
The engineer should provide competent site supervision throughout the ground treatment process and at critical stages, including:
the inspection of setting out where installation data differs from design assumptions
the installation of columns during the early stage of the work where changes in treatment layout are required.
checking of materials
Some aspects of sitework may be the responsibility of the engineer or their representative, or of the specialist contractor, rather
than of the builder.
2m max.
2m max.
Chapter 4.5
Suitable testing
Tests should be carried out to establish the degree of ground improvement, the load-bearing characteristics and
settlement potential.
The specialist contractor should:
predict the results from his experience of work on the type of agree results and tolerance with the engineer with
ground prior to the test taking place actual results.
agree results and tolerance with the engineer prior to testing
Where the results are vastly different, a further investigation may be necessary.
Where a threefold improvement were predicted and only a twofold improvement achieved, this could indicate that the ground was
different to that identified in the investigation, or that the treatment carried out differed from the specified treatment.
Tests on ground containing clay soils may need to be conducted several days after completion to allow excess pore pressures
to dissipate. The engineer may choose any appropriate combination of the tests detailed in Table 4, with the agreement of NHBC.
Vibratory ground improvement techniques 2023 10
Chapter 4.5
Mini zone tests should be continued for a sufficient time to allow creep behaviour to
be quantified. Allowances for this time should be made in the overall project programme.
Zone test An isolated pad or strip footing is used to test
up to eight stone columns and the intervening
ground. Loadings which should simulate the
dwelling loads are held for 24 hours at
predetermined stages to examine
creep behaviour.
In-situ test Where vibration will improve the ground itself, e.g. granular materials, then in-situ testing
is appropriate.
Improvement can be assessed when the in-situ test results are compared with the
pretreatment investigation.
Trial pits Trial pits can be excavated around trial stone columns to prove that they are fully formed and to
the required depth and diameter.
This is a destructive test, and allowance should be made accordingly.
Recording of work
A comprehensive record of all works should be made available to NHBC, including:
information concerning the treatment on-site changes
depth of fill any other relevant information.
volume of stone used
Substructure and ground
bearing floors
Chapter 5.1
This chapter gives guidance on meeting the
Technical Requirements and recommendations for
substructures (excluding foundations), including:
substructure walls, ground bearing floors where
infill is no deeper than 600mm, and installation of
services below the damp proof course (DPC).
5.1.1 Compliance 01
5.1.2 Provision of information 01
5.1.3 Transfer of loads 01
5.1.4 Ground conditions 01
5.1.5 Services and drainage 02
5.1.6 Ground below fill 03
5.1.7 Fill below floors 03
5.1.8 Infill up to 600mm deep 04
5.1.9 Materials used for fill 04
5.1.10 Harmful or toxic materials 04
5.1.11 Regulatory solutions 05
5.1.12 Walls below DPC 05
5.1.13 Durability 06
5.1.14 Mortar 07
5.1.15 Wall ties 07
5.1.16 Blinding 07
5.1.17 Ground floor slab and concrete 07
5.1.18 Laying the ground-bearing floor slab 08
5.1.19 Damp proof course 08
5.1.20 Damp proofing concrete floors 09
5.1.21 Thermal insulation 09
5.1.22 Installation of insulation 10
5.1.23 Further information 10
1 Substructure and ground bearing floors 2023
Chapter 5.1
Substructures and ground-bearing floors shall comply with the Technical Requirements.
Substructures and ground-bearing floors that comply with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable.
Ground-bearing floors may only be used where the depth of infill is less than 600mm deep and properly compacted.
5.1.3 Transfer of loads Also see: Chapters 4.1, 4.3, 5.2 and 6.1
Substructures and ground-bearing floors shall ensure that loads are supported and transferred to the
5.1.4 Ground conditions Also see: Chapters 4.1, 4.2, 5.2, 10.1 and BRE Report 211
Substructure and ground-bearing floors shall not be adversely affected by ground conditions, and take
account of:
a) ground hazards d) effect of sloping ground on depth of infill and
b) bearing capacity of the ground wall construction
c) nature of the ground e) site works and construction.
Ground hazards
Hazards likely to affect substructure and ground-bearing floors include contaminated materials, waterlogged ground and
chemicals, particularly sulfates.
Where it is necessary to reduce the entry of hazardous gas, which should be identified in the site investigation, such precautions
should be acceptable to NHBC.
Bearing capacity
Ground-bearing floors may not be suitable where the bearing capacity and nature of the ground varies, even where the depth of
infill is less than 600mm. Special measures may be needed to restrict settlement, such as the use of suspended floor construction.
H greater
H than 4 x T
suspended floor
where the infill is
more than 600mm
where cavity
fill is omitted
T = t1 + t2
Site works and construction
Special precautions may be needed to prevent damage to the substructure from site operations on adjoining ground such as
ground treatment, or surcharging due to infill.
5.1.5 Services and drainage Also see: Chapters 5.3, 5.4, 6.2 and 8.1
Substructure and ground-bearing floors shall be installed to:
a) adequately protect existing services and ground b) have suitable surface and subsoil drainage
water drainage c) make allowance for drainage and other services.
Chapter 5.1
opening masked
on both sides
flexible joint flexible joint
Services should be sleeved where they pass through a structural element. Where required, they should be arranged so that future
access can be obtained without affecting structural stability.
When unidentified services, ducts, cables or pipes are exposed, advice should be sought from local offices of statutory
undertakings and service supply companies.
properly compacted
infill and backfill
Substructure and ground bearing floors 2023 4
Chapter 5.1
Ground-bearing slabs are not acceptable where infill exceeds 600mm in depth.
Where the design requires in excess of 600mm of infill at any point within a self-contained area, the floor construction over the
whole of that area is required to be independent of the fill and capable of supporting:
self-weight other imposed loads.
non load-bearing partitions
5.1.9 Materials used for fill Also see: BRE DG 522 ‘Hardcore for supporting ground floors of buildings’
Materials used for fill shall be suitable for the intended use and, unless appropriate precautions are taken,
free from hazardous materials. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) sources of fill materials b) hazardous materials.
furnace ashes and other products of combustion or broken bricks which have S1 designation according
colliery shale and any other residue from mineral extraction to BS EN 771.
Hazardous materials
The following fill materials require testing to ensure their suitability for use with ground-bearing slabs or as backfill to
associated trenches:
reactive materials materials that cause noxious fumes, rot, undue settlement or
organic materials damage to surrounding materials
toxic materials acid wastes.
materials that include sulfates, e.g. gypsum
5.1.10 Harmful or toxic materials Also see: BRE DG 522 ‘Hardcore for supporting ground floors of buildings’
Harmful or toxic materials present in the fill or in the ground shall be identified to the satisfaction of NHBC
and not affect the performance of the substructure and ground-bearing slab.
Precautions should be taken by either:
ensuring that made ground and fill materials are free from designing the construction to contain, resist and prevent
harmful or toxic substances, or the adverse effects of such materials, using means
acceptable to NHBC.
Tests for sulfate content should comply with the recommendations of BRE Special Digest 1 Third Edition by a suitably qualified
person who has a detailed knowledge of the:
material being tested proposed conditions of use.
5 Substructure and ground bearing floors 2023
Chapter 5.1
The samples tested must be representative of the material, so it may be necessary to collect multiple samples to
identify characteristics.
Where there are likely to be harmful levels of sulfate:
the floor slab should be of an appropriate mix to resist the concrete blocks in substructure walls should be sulfate
sulfate attack or be protected by an impervious layer of 1200 resistant and suitable for the fill and ground conditions
gauge (0.3mm) polyethylene sheet, or 1000 gauge (0.25mm) the mortar should be sulfate resisting to comply with of
where it complies with Technical Requirement R3. This may BS EN 1996-1-1.
also serve as a DPM
Fill containing expansive materials or chemicals is not acceptable for use as infill or backfill.
Table 1: Regulatory solution for fill, including recycled and secondary materials
Location Materials used on: Regulatory solution
England and Wales Site of origin CL:AIRE Code of Practice.
Other sites and less than 5000t Registration under a U1 exemption with the EA is required at the
receiving site.
Other sites and over 5000t Ensure that the supplier has followed the WRAP protocol.
Northern Ireland Any site Registration under a paragraph 19 exemption with the SEPA/NIEA is
and Scotland required at the receiving site.
5.1.12 Walls below the DPC Also see: Chapters 6.1 and 6.2
Substructure and walls below the DPC shall be suitably constructed. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) construction of walls acting as temporary b) concrete cavity fill.
retaining walls
In such cases, the wall should either be designed by an engineer in accordance with Technical Requirement R5 or the thickness
(T) should be as indicated in Table 2.
t1 t2 T
where cavity
fill is omitted backfill placed after
T = t1 + t2 concrete cavity fill
fill compacted equally
on both sides
Substructure and ground bearing floors 2023 6
Chapter 5.1
This guidance is only applicable to the temporary condition and where problems such as hydrostatic pressure are not present.
Frost damage occurs on saturated masonry exposed to freezing conditions. Bricks, blocks and mortars located 150mm above and
below ground level are the most likely to be damaged by frost.
Masonry walls below the DPC should be designed and constructed as described in Chapter 6.1 ‘External Masonry Walls’.
Recommendations for the design strength of bricks, masonry blocks and mortars are given in BS EN 1996-1-1.
Bricks should be of suitable durability, especially in the outer leaf below the DPC, or where they could be frozen when saturated.
Bricks used in retaining walls should be suitable for the exposure and climate, as recommended by the manufacturer.
Clay bricks should comply with BS EN 771, which classifies bricks according to their durability designation (F) and to the content
of active soluble salts (S).
Generally, bricks are designated to F1,S2 or F1,S1. If in doubt as to suitability, bricks of F2,S2 or F2,S1 should be specified, or the
manufacturer consulted and written confirmation obtained in relation to:
geographical location location in the structure.
Calcium silicate bricks for use below DPC should be at least compressive strength class 20.
Concrete blocks for use below the DPC should meet BS EN 771 and one of the following:
minimum density of 1500kg/m3 assessed in accordance with Technical Requirement R3.
minimum compressive strength of 7.3N/mm2
Where it is necessary to resist sulfate attack and ensure adequate durability, blocks made with sulfate-resisting cement and/or a
higher than normal cement content should be used.
Where there is doubt regarding the suitability of the block, particularly where acids or sulfates occur, written confirmation of its
suitability should be obtained from the manufacturer in relation to:
geographical location location in the structure.
7 Substructure and ground bearing floors 2023
Chapter 5.1
Mortar mix
Mortar should comply with the design and should take account of the strength, type and location of the masonry. The selection of
mortar for use below the DPC should follow the recommendations given in BS EN 1996-1-1.
The use of proprietary mortars and admixtures should:
account for the type of masonry unit and its location only be used in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
For non-clay bricks or blocks, mortar should be used in accordance with the brick manufacturer’s recommendations.
Sulfate resistance
Sulfate-resisting cement should be used where:
sulfates are present in the ground, ground water or masonry recommended by the brick manufacturer.
In such cases, sulfate-resisting cement to BS EN 197-1 should be used.
Substructure and walls below the DPC shall use wall ties suitable for their intended use.
Wall ties should comply with BS EN 845-1 or be assessed in accordance with Technical Requirement R3.
Where cavity insulation batts or slabs start below DPC level, the vertical and horizontal spacing of wall ties should be compatible
with the spacing to be used above DPC level.
5.1.16 Blinding
Blinding shall provide a suitable surface for the materials above.
Infill should be sufficiently blinded to receive the concrete, and DPM where required, using the minimum thickness necessary to
give a suitable surface.
Concrete blinding may be needed where voids in the fill could result in loss of fines from the blinding. Where hardcore fill is used,
smooth blinding, e.g. sand or other suitable fine material, is essential to avoid puncturing a sheet DPM.
Where the ground floor is to be reinforced, blinding should be firm and even, to give good support for the reinforcement and to
maintain the design cover using reinforcement stools, where appropriate.
5.1.17 Ground floor slab and concrete Also see: Chapter 3.1
Ground-bearing floors shall be of adequate strength and durability, and use concrete mixed and reinforced
as necessary to support floor loads safely and resist chemical and frost action.
Ground-bearing concrete floor slabs should be at least 100mm thick, including monolithic screed where appropriate.
Substructure and ground bearing floors 2023 8
Chapter 5.1
5.1.18 Laying the ground-bearing floor slab Also see: Chapters 3.1 and 9.3
5.1.19 Damp proof course Also see: Chapters 5.4, 6.1 and 6.3
Damp proof courses shall adequately resist moisture from reaching the inside of the building. Issues to be
taken into account include:
a) positioning of DPC’s b) DPC materials.
Positioning of DPC’s
DPCs should be:
positioned a minimum of 150mm above external finished of the correct width and fully bedded
ground or paving level either welded or lapped by 100mm minimum
linked with any DPM impermeable.
membrane linked
with a stepped DPC
DPC level
ground level
Where homes are ‘stepped’ on a sloping site, care should be taken to link DPCs and DPMs so that all parts of each home
are protected.
DPC materials
Acceptable materials for DPCs include:
Bitumen based materials BS 6398
Polyethylene, (should not be used below BS 6515
copings,in parapets or for tanking)
Proprietary materials Technical Requirement R3
DPCs and flexible cavity trays should be of the correct dimensions. At complicated junctions, preformed cavity trays of the correct
type and shape should be used.
Brick DPCs are only suitable to resist the upward movement of moisture and should:
consist of two courses of engineering bricks, be bedded and jointed in a 1:¼:3, cement:lime:sand,
laid broken bond or equivalent, mortar.
9 Substructure and ground bearing floors 2023
Chapter 5.1
Ground-bearing concrete floor slabs should be protected against ground moisture by providing a continuous damp proof
membrane (DPM). The DPM should:
have sealed laps of at least 300mm wide take account of possible differential movement.
link with wall DPCs to form an impervious barrier to prevent
moisture reaching the interior of the dwelling
Care should be taken not to trap moisture when a combination of damp proofing and vapour control layers are used.
When the DPM is located below the slab, a blinding layer of
sand should be provided to fill voids in the hardcore and to DPC laps DPM
of basements and other below ground structures’ should be concrete cavity fill
followed where steps between floor slabs are greater
than 150mm.
Suitable materials for DPM’s include:
1200 gauge (0.3mm) polyethylene sheet bitumen sheet to BS 6398
minimum 1000 gauge (0.25mm) polyethylene sheet where it materials that comply with Technical Requirement R3.
complies with Technical Requirement R3
5.1.21 Thermal insulation Also see: Chapters 6.1, 9.3 and BRE Report ‘Thermal insulation: avoiding risks’
Ground-bearing floors and walls below the DPC shall be thermally insulated to comply with building
regulations and be suitable for the intended use. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) floor insulation c) cold bridging.
b) wall insulation
Floor insulation
Thermal insulation materials for use below ground-bearing slabs should have:
appropriate density for the location low water absorption.
Insulation to be positioned below both the slab and DPM should be resistant to ground contaminants. The following materials are
acceptable for use as insulation:
expanded polystyrene boards (grade EPS 70) a proprietary material that complies with
to BS EN 13163 Technical Requirement R3.
Wall insulation
Cavity insulation materials, super lightweight blocks, blocks with face bonded insulation or integral insulation should be:
manufactured and used to comply with a British Standard used in compliance with Technical Requirement R3.
and relevant code of practice, or
Substructure and ground bearing floors 2023 10
Chapter 5.1
The thickness of materials should be suitable for the required level of performance:
England and Wales See Clause 6.1.7.
Scotland See Clause 6.1.7
Cold bridging
The design should ensure that any risk of cold bridging is minimised, especially at junctions between floors and external walls.
Precautions include:
extending cavity insulation below floor slab level facing supporting substructure with insulation
linking floor and wall insulation – where homes are stepped or staggered, the wall forming
providing perimeter insulation to floors the step or stagger may require insulation
particular attention should be paid to ensuring cold bridging
is addressed at door openings.
at the edge of the slab, it should be protected whilst the
concrete is being poured and tamped.
DPM trimmed to
avoid bridging
5.2.1 Compliance 01
5.2.2 Provision of information 01
5.2.3 Contaminants 01
5.2.4 Proprietary systems 01
5.2.5 Transfer of loads: concrete floors 01
5.2.6 Reinforced concrete 02
5.2.7 Construction of suspended
concrete ground floors 02
5.2.8 Transfer of loads: timber floors 02
5.2.9 Thermal insulation and cold bridging 03
5.2.10 Damp-proofing and ventilation 03
5.2.11 Floor finishes 04
5.2.12 Floor decking 04
1 Suspended ground floors 2023
Chapter 5.2
5.2.1 Compliance Also see: Chapters 2.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.5 and 5.1
Suspended ground floors that comply with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable.
Ground floors should be constructed as suspended floors where:
the depth of fill exceeds 600mm the ground has been subject to vibratory improvement
there is shrinkable soil that could be subject to movement ground or fill is not suitable to support ground-bearing slabs.
(See Chapter 4.2 ‘Building near trees’), expansive materials
or other unstable soils
5.2.3 Contaminants Also see: Chapter 4.1, 10.1, BRE Report 211 and Approved Document C
Suspended ground floors shall be designed and constructed to ensure that adequate measures are taken
against the adverse effects of ground contaminants, including adequate protection against hazardous gas.
Any contaminants in, or above, the ground should be identified to the satisfaction of NHBC, following the guidance given in the
appropriate British Standard, and precautions against health hazards caused by contaminants should be taken.
Precautions acceptable to NHBC may be necessary to reduce the entry of hazardous gas; such conditions should be identified in
the site investigation.
Proprietary concrete flooring systems should be designed in accordance with BS EN 1992-1-1. Where a system incorporates
elements which cannot be designed to this standard, e.g. polystyrene infill blocks, the floor should be assessed in accordance with
Technical Requirement R3.
5.2.5 Transfer of loads: concrete floors Also see: Chapters 4.1, 4.2, 5.2 and BRE Report 211
Suspended ground floors shall be designed and constructed to transmit all loads safely to the supporting
structure without undue movement. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) dead and imposed loads b) end bearings.
Loads should be calculated in accordance with BS EN 1991-1-1.
Precast concrete suspended ground floors should be:
designed by an engineer in accordance with chosen from the manufacturer’s details which are based on
Technical Requirement R5 recognised standards and codes of practice.
proprietary systems which have been assessed in
accordance with Technical Requirement R3, or
End bearings
Bearings on supporting walls should be designed either:
by an engineer in accordance with in accordance with BS 8103-1.
Technical Requirement R5, or
Bearings on supporting walls should be as recommended by the manufacturer, and in no case less than 90mm.
Suspended ground floors shall use suitably mixed and reinforced concrete, which will achieve sufficient
strength to support floor loads safely and be sufficiently durable to remain unaffected by chemical or
frost action.
Guidance for the specification and use of in-situ concrete, additives and reinforcement is contained in Chapter 3.1
‘Concrete and its reinforcement’.
5.2.7 Construction of suspended concrete ground floors Also see: Chapter 6.4
Suspended ground floors shall be designed and constructed to ensure the safe support of the intended
loads and be reasonably level.
Concreting should be carried out in accordance with:
the design information relevant parts of NHBC guidance for concrete,
including Chapter 3.1 ‘Concrete and its reinforcement’.
Care should be taken to ensure that DPCs are not damaged or displaced. All sitework for precast concrete floors should be carried
out in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
5.2.8 Transfer of loads: timber floors Also see: Chapters 4.3 and 6.4
Timber suspended ground floors, including the decking material, shall be designed and constructed to be
suitable for their intended use. Issues to be taken into account include the:
a) support of self-weight, dead and imposed loads and b) safe transmission of loads to the supporting structure
limited deflection c) adverse effects of shrinkage and movement.
Chapter 5.2
Particular attention should be paid to ensuring cold bridging is addressed at door openings.
5.2.10 Damp-proofing and ventilation Also see: Chapters 4.2, 5.1, 5.4, 6.1, 6.3 and 9.3
Suspended ground floors shall be designed and constructed to resist the passage of moisture into the
building. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) damp-proofing b) ventilation.
Where DPMs are required, they should be linked with any DPCs in the supporting structure, in order to provide continuous
protection from moisture from the ground or through the supporting structure.
DPMs should be properly lapped in accordance with Chapter 5.1 ‘Substructure and ground-bearing floors’.
In-situ concrete:
Dampness from the ground and supporting structure should be prevented from reaching the floor by using linked DPMs and DPCs
to provide continuous protection.
Where there is a risk of sulfate attack, in-situ or oversite concrete should be protected with polyethylene sheet that is a minimum:
1200 gauge (0.3mm), or 1000 gauge (0.25mm) if assessed in accordance with
Technical Requirement R3.
Precast concrete:
Additional damp-proofing may not be necessary where:
the underfloor void is ventilated and DPCs are provided ground below the floor is effectively drained, if excavated
under bearings of precast floors in accordance with CP 102 below the level of the surrounding ground.
Where proprietary floor systems are used, adequate moisture-resistant membranes should be installed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
Vapour control layers may be necessary to protect floor finishes, and where used, should be positioned in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
Timber ground floors:
Timber used for suspended ground floors should be treated or naturally durable, in accordance with Chapter 3.3
‘Timber preservation (natural solid timber)’, and the ground below the floor covered with:
50mm concrete or fine aggregate on a polyethylene 100mm concrete.
membrane laid on 50mm sand blinding, or
In Scotland, the deemed-to-satisfy specification of the building regulations should be followed.
Suspended ground floors 2023 4
Chapter 5.2
Ventilation should be provided to precast and timber suspended floors. This is generally provided by ventilators on at least two
opposite external walls, with air bricks properly ducted in accordance with Chapter 6.1 ‘External masonry walls’. Where this is
not possible, suitable cross ventilation should be provided by a combination of openings and air ducts. Ventilation should not be
obtained through a garage.
Sleeper walls and partitions should be constructed with sufficient openings to ensure adequate through ventilation. If necessary,
pipe ducts should be incorporated in adjoining solid floors, separating walls or other obstructions.Where underfloor voids adjoin
ground bearing floors, ventilation ducts should be installed.
Void ventilation should be provided to whichever gives the greater opening area:
1500mm2 per metre run of external wall 500mm2 per m2 of floor area.
In the case of timber floors, ventilators should be spaced at no more that 2m centres and within 450mm of the end of any wall.
A minimum ventilation void of 150mm should be provided below the underside of precast concrete and timber suspended floors.
On shrinkable soil where heave could take place, a larger void is required to allow for movement according to the volume
change potential.
high volume change potential – 150mm (300mm total void) low volume change potential – 50mm (200mm total void).
medium volume change potential – 100mm
(250mm total void)
condensation or spillage.
Guidance for suitable floor finishes is given in Chapter 9.3 ‘Floor finishes’. Care should be taken to prevent trapping any water
spillage below timber floors.
Other floor decking should be assessed in accordance with Technical Requirement R3 and should be installed in accordance with
manufacturers’ recommendations.
Acceptable installation details and materials used for decking are detailed in Chapter 6.4 ‘Timber and concrete upper floors’.
Drainage below ground
Chapter 5.3
This chapter gives guidance on meeting the
Technical Requirements for foul, surface water
and ground water drainage systems.
This chapter does not apply to the adoption of
sewers under Section 104 agreement of the Water
Industry Act 1991 or the Sewerage (Scotland)
Act 1968. For information on standards required
for adopted sewers, contact the local sewerage
undertaker and other relevant authorities.
5.3.1 Compliance 01
5.3.2 Provision of information 02
5.3.3 Preliminary work 02
5.3.4 Foul and surface water disposal 02
5.3.5 Drainage system performance 03
5.3.6 Ground water drainage 04
5.3.7 Design to avoid damage and
blockages 04
5.3.8 Durability 08
5.3.9 Septic tanks and cesspools 09
5.3.10 Septic tank outputs 10
5.3.11 Surface water soakaways 12
5.3.12 Component requirements 14
5.3.13 Excavation 15
5.3.14 Protection of pipework 15
5.3.15 Laying pipework 16
5.3.16 Protection of work 17
5.3.17 Testing 18
1 Drainage below ground 2023
Chapter 5.3
Access point Provision to access a sewer or drain for maintenance or inspection and includes any manhole,
inspection chamber or rodding eye
Curtilage The area of land around a building, or group of buildings, which is for the private use of the
occupants of the buildings
Freeboard The distance between the design water level and the top of a structure, provided as a
precautionary safety measure against early system failure
Gully Assembly to receive water for discharge into a drainage system
Infiltration system Are systems that are specifically designed to promote infiltration of surface water or treated effluent
into the ground. There are many different types of drainage components which can be used to
facilitate infiltration. Some of these include soakaways, infiltration trenches, infiltration basins and
drainage fields for use in wastewater treatment
Inspection chamber Structure with a removable cover constructed on a drain or sewer that permits the introduction of
cleaning and inspection equipment from surface level, but does not provide access for personnel
Local authority Includes an authority acting in any relevant capacity:
including a Local Planning Authority (LPA), Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) or SuDS Approval
Body (SAB).
Manhole Structure with a removable cover constructed on a drain or sewer to permit entry by personnel
Manhole top Upper part of a manhole or inspection chamber consisting of a frame and cover and/or grating
Private drain Is a drain used for the drainage of one building or any buildings or yards appurtenant to buildings
within the same curtilage
Public sewer A sewer for the time being vested in a water company in its capacity as sewerage undertaker
Rising main A sewer through which foul sewage and/or surface water is pumped
Satisfactory outfall or Point of discharge which has been specifically designed to discharge the foul sewage or surface
effective discharge point water and for which there is a legal right to discharge. This can be another sewer or a watercourse
(if there is a legal right to discharge) or an area of land or another infiltration drainage component.
Septic tank Is a form of wastewater treatment plant and refers to both traditional in-situ constructed septic
tank as well as prefabricated septic tank (or small wastewater treatment systems for up to 50 PT)
conforming to BS EN 12566.
position of any septic tank or cesspool in relation to details of soakaways (including size or volume and
adjacent buildings surrounding details).
5.3.4 Foul and surface water disposal Also see: BS EN 752, Clause 5.3.11 and BRE Digest 365
Drainage systems shall be designed in accordance with relevant codes and standards to convey foul
effluents and surface water satisfactorily to an appropriate outfall. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) connections to sewers d) compatibility with other systems
b) connections to surface water disposal systems e) capacity of private sewers
c) rights of connection to disposal systems f) treatment plants for more than one home.
Connections to sewers
Connections to public sewers require the agreement of the responsible authority, which should be consulted as to the type and
position of the connection.
Connections to private sewers require the agreement of the owners of the sewer. This should be obtained as part of the
design process. Where the private sewer subsequently discharges into a public sewer, the local sewerage undertaker should be
notified of the proposal.
3 Drainage below ground 2023
Chapter 5.3
public combined
an interceptor should be installed on the surface water side of sewer
the foul sewer junction, or
trapped gullies should be used.
Where ground water drains are connected to surface water
drains, there should be a silt trap on the ground water side of
the junction.
sited at least 10m away from water courses and homes designed by a suitably qualified engineer.
5.3.5 Drainage system performance Also see: Chapter 4.1, 8.1, BRE Report 211 and BRE Report 212
Drainage shall be suitably located and prevent health hazards. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) ventilation of drainage systems c) siting of septic tanks and cesspools
b) prevention of gases entering the home d) pumped systems.
Pumped systems
Where a gravity system is not possible, pumped systems may have to be used and should be designed in accordance with
BS EN 752 and BS 6297. The installation should include:
a holding tank of sufficient volume to contain 24 hours of suitable equipment housing.
domestic effluent based on 120L/150L per head per day
a suitable warning system providing visual and/or audible
signals to indicate malfunction
Layout of pipes
Where ground water drainage is required, depending on the site contours and ground conditions, it may be designed as:
a natural system a fan-shaped system
a herringbone system a moat system.
a grid system
Pipe construction
Pipe perforations should be holes or slots to suit the nature of the ground.
Ground water drain systems connected to foul, surface water or combined drains should discharge into the drain through a
catchpit. Where suitable, ground water drainage may discharge into a soakaway, preferably through a catchpit or
into a watercourse.
Drainage systems shall minimise the risk of damage and blockage. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) ground stability e) access and connections
b) pipe runs f) drainage covers and gully grids
c) pipe sizes g) ground water
d) gradients h) flooding.
Ground stability
Proper allowance should be made for ground movement.
Pipes should have flexible joints and additional precautions taken to prevent leakage where required. Where ground movement
could be significant, for example in made-up ground or clay soils, the following issues should be taken into account:
the use of flexible pipes and flexible joints a support system designed by an engineer in accordance
design gradients that are steeper than the minimum with Technical Requirement R5
requirements for flow rate and pipe size conditions where ground movement is likely to adversely
affect the drain.
In non-uniform or saturated soils where movement at the trench bottom can be expected, soft spots should be removed and
replaced with suitable material. Immediately after excavation, the protective blinding should be placed in the trench bottom.
5 Drainage below ground 2023
Chapter 5.3
Pipe runs
Pipe runs should be designed to maintain a self-cleansing velocity (0.7 m/s). They should be as straight as practicable with
minimal changes of direction. Bends should only occur in, or next to, inspection chambers and manhole covers. Curves should
be slight so that blocked pipes can be cleared.
Pipe sizes
Pipe sizes should be designed for the maximum peak load in accordance with BS EN 752.
Ground water drains and soakaways should be designed with sufficient capacity for normal weather conditions.
Design gradients should:
be as even as practicable where peak flows exceed 1.0L/second, the gradients in
where flows are less than 1.0L/second, gradients for Table 2 may be used:
100mm diameter pipes should not be flatter than 1:40
Table 2: Minimum gradients
Pipe diameter (mm) Minimum gradient
100 1:80
150 1:150
Where peak flows are greater than 1.0L/second, 100mm pipes should serve a minimum of one WC and 150mm pipes should
serve a minimum of five.
inspection chamber
All access points should be located as shown in the design information and should:
be accessible for rodding and cleaning not cross boundaries or kerb lines.
Inspection chambers and manholes should:
be of sufficient size for the depth of invert, and the invert depth for the fitting or chamber should not
exceeded those given in Table 3.
Drainage below ground 2023 6
Chapter 5.3
Manhole up to Equal to or less than 150 750 x 675(7) 1000(7) 750 x 675(2) NA(3)
1.5m deep to 225 1200 x 675 1200 1200 x 675(2)
soffit 300 1200 x 750 1200
Greater than 300 1800 x (DN+450) The larger of 1800 or (DN+450)
Manhole Equal to or less than 225 1200 x 1000 1200 600 x 600 600
greater than 300 1200 x 1075 1200
1.5m deep 375-450 1350 x 1225 1200
to soffit Greater than 450 1800 x (DN+775) The larger of 1800 or (DN+775)
Manhole shaft(4) Steps(5) 1050 x 800 1050 600 x 600 600
greater than Winch(6) 900 x 800 900 600 x 600 600
3.0m deep to
soffit pipe Ladder(5) 1200 x 800 1200
1 Larger sizes may be required for manholes on bends or where there are junctions.
2 May be reduced to 600 x 600 where required by highway loading restrictions and subject to a safe system of work being specified.
3 Not applicable due to working space needed.
4 Minimum height of chamber in shafted manhole 2m from benching to underside of reducing slab.
5 Minimum clear space between ladder or steps and the opposite face of the shaft should be approximately 900mm.
6 Winch only; no steps or ladders, permanent or removable.
7 The minimum size of any manhole serving a sewer, i.e. any drain serving more than one home, should be 1200mm x 675mm rectangular or 1200mm diameter.
8 Tables 3 & 4 have been reproduced from Tables 11 and 12 of Approved Document H by permission of HMSO.
Chapter 5.3
Traditional construction
The minimum specification for traditional manholes and inspection chambers is as follows:
Base Minimum 100mm concrete.
Walls Brick, blockwork or concrete should be appropriate for the ground conditions.
100mm minimum thickness is suitable for depths up to 0.9m where no vehicular traffic loads are
encountered and there is no ground water pressure.
Elsewhere, 200mm minimum thickness should be provided.
Rendering Where required, rendering should be applied to the external faces of the wall.
Benching Benching should be steel trowelled to provide:
a smooth finish
rounded corners
a fall of not less than 1:12.
Table 5: Type of covering and grid required for inspection and manhole covers and frames
Group 1 Areas which can only be used by pedestrians and cyclists.
Group 2 Footways, pedestrian areas and comparable areas, car parks or car parking decks.
Group 3 For gully tops installed in the area of kerbside channels of roads which when measured from the kerb edge,
extend a maximum of 0.5m into the carriageway and a maximum of 0.2m into the footway.
Group 4 Carriageways of roads, including pedestrian streets, hard shoulders and parking areas, and suitable for all
types of road vehicles.
Proprietary items, e.g. covers to plastic manholes, should be in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations.
Drainage below ground 2023 8
Chapter 5.3
Ground water
Foul and surface water drainage systems should prevent the ingress of ground water.
Where there is a risk of flooding, the advice of the relevant river authority should be followed.
Drainage systems shall be adequately durable and protected against damage. Issues to be taken into
account include:
a) loads from foundations d) drainage under buildings
b) bedding of pipes e) chemicals in ground and ground water.
c) loads from overlying fill and traffic
adjacent trenches, or
Where the bottom of a drainage trench is below foundation level, the trench should be filled with concrete to a suitable level.
B is within A-150mm
from the bottom of foundation
Bedding of pipes
Bedding should be in accordance with Clause 5.3.15.
Chapter 5.3
A septic tank is a form of treatment plant and requires a suitable outfall for treated effluent discharge, which is agreed with the
relevant authority.
A cesspool is a tank which stores effluent and has to be emptied periodically.
The capacity of the septic tank should be based on the number of people it will serve, using the formula: C = 180P + 2000
C = Capacity of tank in litres. Minimum 2700L.
P = Design population/potential occupancy. Minimum four occupants.
Cesspools are required to be at least 18m3 capacity per two users (plus another 6.8m3 per each extra user). A 45-day holding
capacity calculated at 150 litres/head/day should be provided.
Septic tanks shall have suitable drainage connections. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) outfall d) field drains
b) flow velocity e) underdrains.
c) soakaways for septic tanks
The designer should ensure at an early stage that consent for discharge will be given, or select an alternative method of
drainage. Certain locations and ground conditions may preclude the use of proprietary septic tanks. Septic tank sewage systems
should have:
satisfactory outfall disposal placement that accounts for topography and ensures that
water is drained away from the building.
Where a septic tank drainage system is to be installed, NHBC requires:
evidence of a satisfactory percolation test copies of relevant consents and approvals before
work commences.
Flow velocity
A dip pipe should be provided with:
the top limb rising above scum level, and the bottom limb extending about 450mm below top
water level.
Soakaways for septic tanks
Soakaways in porous subsoils
A soakaway may be used where the outfall from a proprietary septic tank is to discharge to a porous subsoil at a level above that
of the winter water table. Soakaway constructions generally consist of an excavation filled with brick bats or other large pieces
of inert material, or unfilled but lined, e.g. with dry laid brickwork or precast concrete (porous or perforated) rings, from which the
effluent may percolate into the surrounding ground. Proprietary septic tanks should be assessed in accordance with Technical
Requirement R3.
Soakaways which are not filled should be covered by a slab incorporating an inspection cover.
The size of the soakaway should be determined as described in this chapter and the area of the bottom of the soakaway should
equal the area of trench bottom in Chart 1 below.
Where the porous strata is overlaid by less permeable subsoil, a borehole may be permitted by the appropriate authority on
obtaining a discharge consent.
Where soakaways are to be used, the use of tertiary treatment unit may be required to minimise the amount of suspended solids
in the treated wastewater and use of grease trap to part cleanse kitchen wastewater, upstream of a packaged treatment plant
may also be necessary to minimise the risk of fat clogging up the soakaway system.
Where a geotextile wrapped cellular soakaway is the desired outfall for a single unit treatment plant or a proprietary septic tank,
it should be designed for the discharge from the treatment plant to flow via silt trapped chamber before entering the soakaway.
The chamber should be regularly maintained (together with the treatment plant) to ensure suspended particles discharge into the
soakaway are minimised.
Soakaways in less porous subsoils
In less porous subsoils, a sub-surface irrigation system may be used, which should be designed:
using approved means to determine the percolation rate according to the area of sub-surface drainage from which
the length of land drain can be found, determined by the
following procedure.
Percolation test procedure for septic tanks:
Step 1 Excavate a hole 300mm square and 250mm deep below the proposed invert level of the land drain.
Step 2 Fill with water to depth of 250mm. As an aid, mark a stick 250mm from one end,
place in the hole and fill to the mark. Allow the water to drain away overnight.
Step 3 Refill to a depth of at least 250mm and note the time taken (in seconds) to drain away completely.
Step 4 Repeat the exercise two more times and calculate the average of the three results, as follows:
percolation value (s) = time to drain away (seconds)
depth of water (mm)
The results of the percolation test should be used in accordance with Table 6 to determine a suitable method of drainage.
11 Drainage below ground 2023
Chapter 5.3
200 8 persons
Field drain trench area (m2)
7 persons
150 6 persons
120 5 persons
100 4 persons
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percolation value
400 600 wide
350 750 wide
300 900 wide
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Drain trench floor (m2)
Drainage below ground 2023 12
Chapter 5.3
Field drains
Field drains should be:
sited according to topography, ensuring that water is laid on a 150mm bed of clinker, clean gravel or broken
drained away from the building stone (20mm–50mm grade) and trenches filled to a level
formed with perforated pipe, laid at least 500mm below 50mm above the pipe and covered with strips of plastic
the surface material to prevent entry of silt
laid in trenches with a uniform gradient less than 1:200 with backfilled with as dug material.
undisturbed ground 2m wide between trenches and at least
8m from any building and 10m from any water course
Where the level of the water table is expected to rise in the winter months to within 1m of the field drain invert, it is not accept-
able to use subsurface irrigation.
Where underdrains are necessary, drainage trenches should
be constructed a minimum of 600mm deeper than the pipe soil, gravel or 300-600mm
level specified in the design. other topping
tar paper
The lower part of the drainage trenches should be filled with
pea gravel. A second system of drainage pipes should be laid broken tile as
cover to joint
on the bottom of the trenches to convey surplus drainage to an
outfall in a surface ditch or watercourse.
sand and
Soakaway drainage shall be sited and constructed to provide adequate short term storage for surface water
and adequate percolation into the surrounding ground. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) soakaway location b) soakaway design.
Soakaway location
Soakaways should be:
built on land lower than, or sloping away from, buildings in soil of low permeability, only be provided where no
sited at least 5m from the foundations of a building alternative system is available.
sited to take account of topography, ensuring that water is
drained away from the building
Soakaway design
NHBC will require a percolation test for a soakaway, PVC sheet or
concrete blinding
especially where there is:
doubt about the ground,
a large quantity of run-off into the soakaway which may
swamp the ground.
Where the ground is free draining and granular, a test may not
be necessary.
In soil, chalk and fill material subject to modification or effective depth
instability, the advice of a specialist geotechnologist should be D
diameter D
13 Drainage below ground 2023
Chapter 5.3
Small soakaways
Small soakaways are holes filled with granular material, e.g. broken brick, crushed rock or gravel, with particle size
10mm to 150mm.
PVC sheet or concrete blinding should be laid over the fill to prevent topsoil being washed down into the soakaway.
Large soakaways
Large soakaways consist of a pit lined with dry jointed or honeycomb brickwork.
Alternatively, precast perforated concrete rings or segments may be laid dry and surrounded with granular material.
Large soakaways should be designed in accordance with BRE Digest 365, and the volume calculated to ensure suitable capacity
including checking appropriate time to emptying half the storage volume.
Percolation test procedure for small surface water soakaway
The rate at which water will disperse into the ground depends on the permeability of the ground, which varies with soil type.
The percolation test provides an assessment of how the ground drains.
The following test procedure and design approach may be adopted where the soakaway is for a single dwelling development
with a total drained area of less than 100m2.
As the test hole can be used as part of a soakaway, it should be:
dug in a place that could be used as a soakaway to the same depth as the proposed drain.
at least 5m from the foundations of a building
Percolation test procedure for surface water soakaways
Step 1 Bore a hole 150mm in diameter with an auger, to a depth of one metre.
Step 2 Fill with water to depth of 300mm. As an aid, mark a stick 300mm from one end, place in the hole and fill up to
the mark. It takes approximately 5.5 litres to fill a volume of this size.
Step 3 Observe the time taken in minutes for the water to soak away.
Step 4 Where possible, the test should be repeated and the average time used.
Step 5 A second group of tests are carried out after the hole has been bored out to a depth of two metres, still using a
300mm depth of water.
Step 6 Where the soil appears to become more permeable with depth, it may be useful to deepen and retest the bore in
one-metre stages.
Design of soakaway
The relationship between the diameter or effective depth required for a soakaway, to suit a given collection area, e.g. roof or
paved surface, and the average time (T) resulting from the test is shown in the graph below.
The diameter and effective depth below invert level are assumed to be the same dimension (D).
Test time (T) = 900 minutes
Plan area to drain = 150m2
Drainage below ground 2023 14
Chapter 5.3
From the graph below, the diameter and effective depth of the soakaway (D) are both 2.8m.
200 D
D = 2.8
100 D=
D= D=
1.5 2.0m
0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 4400
900 Time (T) in minutes
Where the ground is of low permeability; dig separate soakaways to drain smaller but distinct parts, for example:
one side of a roof to one soakaway the driveway or yard to a third soakaway.
the other side to a second soakaway
Where the permeability of the ground increases with depth; tests in the deepened trial holes will give shorter percolation times.
It may be more cost effective to build a smaller soakaway at a greater depth below the surface.
Chapter 5.3
5.3.13 Excavation
Excavations shall ensure that the invert levels and gradients required by the design are achieved. Issues to
be taken into account include:
a) setting out dimensions c) width of trenches.
b) depth of trenches
Depth of trenches
Excavate to the depths specified in the design.
Where any trench is excavated lower than the designed bottom level, it should be refilled to the designed level.
Fill material should be:
granular material, or concrete mix GEN1 or ST ½, (not for field drains).
Hard spots should be undercut and removed so that local stress points under pipes are avoided. Soft spots should be filled with
suitable well-compacted material.
Width of trenches
Trenches should be as narrow as possible within working limits and allow a minimum 150mm working space on each side of
the pipe.
Drainage systems shall have pipework adequately protected against damage. Issues to be taken into
account include:
a) pipes passing through substructure walls c) movement joints.
b) pipework under finishes
Flexible joints should be made in accordance with the pipe manufacturer’s recommendations.
150mm 150mm
max. max.
opening masked
on both sides
flexible joint
Movement joints
Where rigid pipes are to be encased in concrete,
movement joints should be:
provided around the spigot next to the socket either at
5m maximum intervals or at each joint
13mm thick compressible board.
Pipes should be firmly supported throughout their length and bedded as specified in the design to resist loads from overlying fill
and traffic.
Where pipework is installed under a suspended floor and is supported on ground or fill where movement is likely to occur,
additional provisions may be required. See Clause 5.3.8.
Bricks, blocks or other hard material should not be used as temporary supports to achieve the correct gradients, as they may
create hard spots which can distort the completed pipe run.
Pipes should be either:
bedded on granular material, minimum 100mm deep, or laid directly on the trench bottom, where the trench bottom
can be accurately hand trimmed with a shovel but is not so
soft that it puddles when walked on.
For 150mm diameter and 100mm diameter drains, a bed and surround granular material like pea gravel in accordance with Table
8 (to a thickness of 100mm all round the drain) will be acceptable for drains under gardens, paths and drives.
Proprietary systems should be assessed in accordance with Technical Requirement R3 and supported in accordance with
the manufacturer’s recommendations. Some proprietary systems permit a minimum of 50mm depth of bedding in
certain circumstances.
Depressions should be formed where necessary in the trench bottom to accommodate pipe joints.
17 Drainage below ground 2023
Chapter 5.3
Bedding material and specification should be in accordance with Table 8. Backfill and bedding that includes recycled or
pipe supported on pipe supported on a
secondary materials should conform to the appropriate regulatory requirements for
trench waste, as defined
bottom bedin
of the Waste
granular Framework
Directive 2008.
Table 8: Bedding size
Nominal pipe size Bedding material complying with BS EN 13242
110mm flexible pipes 4/10mm pipe bedding gravel
100mm rigid pipes
160mm flexible pipes 2/14mm pipe bedding gravel
150mm rigid pipes
Sidefill and backfill
Sidefill and backfill should be placed as soon as the pipes have been bedded, jointed and inspected.
Sidefill should be either granular material or selected backfill material from the trench excavation, free from:
stones larger than 40mm frozen material
clay lumps larger than 100mm vegetable matter.
Backfill should be well compacted and placed in layers no deeper than 300mm. Mechanical compacting should only be used
when compacted backfill is over 450mm above the crown of the pipe.
5.3.17 Testing
All foul and surface water drainage systems shall be adequately watertight, and tested where appropriate.
Inspection and testing should be arranged when required by:
the local authority NHBC.
the sewerage undertaker
Before backfilling, visual inspections are required and the builder is advised to test. When the home is handed over, the system
must be in full working order and free from obstruction.
Waterproofing of
basements and other
below ground structures
Chapter 5.4
This chapter gives guidance on meeting the
Technical Requirements for the waterproofing of
basements and other structures below, or near to,
ground level.
5.4.1 Compliance 02
5.4.2 Provision of information 02
5.4.3 Waterproofing 03
5.4.4 Ground conditions 03
5.4.5 Structural stability 04
5.4.6 Design considerations 04
5.4.7 Waterproofing systems 06
5.4.8 Handling, storage and protection 09
1 Waterproofing of basements and other below ground structures 2023
Chapter 5.4
This chapter includes guidance for walls, floors and foundations below, or near to, ground level that are intended to
prevent the passage of water from the ground (including from sources such as run-off, burst pipes etc.) entering the
building near to or below ground level.
Guidance for the following types of waterproofing systems is included in this chapter:
Type A waterproofing barriers Type C drained cavity construction.
Type B structurally integral construction
Constructions that are at risk of coming into contact with water and generally require waterproofing include:
basements storage or plant rooms
semi-basements service ducts, or similar, that are connected to the
below ground parking areas below ground structure
lift pits stepped floor slabs where the retained ground is greater
cellars than 150mm.
Types of construction that, depending on the findings of a risk assessment, may require waterproofing include:
external walls where the lowest finished floor level is voids caused by split levels.
less than 150mm higher than the external ground level
Typical examples of construction types:
Waterproofing should be provided where due to the construction details and the
ground conditions, there is a risk of contact with ground water (see Table 1)
Waterproofing is required
Stairs adjacent to the structure Stepped floor slabs where the retained Raised external ground levels
ground is greater than 150mm
Type C drained cavity Construction that incorporates a cavity, generally formed with a cavity drain membrane.
construction Water is removed from the cavity via a managed drainage system.
Waterproofing design A suitably qualified person co-ordinating the team involved in the design of waterproofing to basements and other
specialist below ground structures.
Waterproofing system A fully assessed and certified system of compatible materials and components used to provide waterproofing. These
are normally considered to be Type A, B or C as defined above.
Retained ground In this chapter retained ground levels are taken from the top of the retained ground to the lowest finished floor level.
Also see: Chapter 2.1, BS 8102 and The Basement Information Centre ‘Guidance Document
5.4.1 Compliance - Basements for Dwellings’ and ‘Basements: Ground Gases and Structural Waterproofing’
Basements and other below ground structures shall comply with the Technical Requirements.
Waterproofing of basements and other below ground structures, including foundations, walls and floors that complies with the
guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable.
Chapter 5.4
Waterproofing design
Waterproofing systems should be designed by a waterproofing design specialist. Designers who have successfully completed
the Certified Surveyor in Structural Waterproofing (CSSW) qualification available from the Property Care Association (PCA) are
generally acceptable to NHBC. An alternative demonstration of competence may be acceptable, subject to successful review.
The waterproofing design specialist should be appointed in the early design stages to co-ordinate with other designers, including
the engineer, and to ensure satisfactory integration of the waterproofing system.
Risk-based design
Waterproofing should be appropriate to the risk, and generally assume exposure to a full height of water during the design life of
the building.
Combined systems should be used where:
a Grade 3 environment is needed, and the wall retains more than 600mm.
Alternatively, where the builder has demonstrated that the water table is permanently below the underside of the lowest floor slab,
a Type B structurally integral concrete system is acceptable without further protection from a combined system.
The following Types of waterproofing are acceptable where a Grade 1b environment is needed and more than 600mm of ground
is retained:
Type A fully bonded barrier Type C
Type B a combined system.
The ground conditions should be fully considered by the engineer and waterproofing design specialist in the design of the
waterproofing system.
NHBC may request investigation and a report of the ground conditions where the below ground waterproofed structure:
retains more than 600mm of ground, measured from the top comprises more than 15% of the perimeter of an individual
of the retained ground to the lowest finished floor level building (e.g. terraced homes, apartment blocks and
detached garages), measured on plan.
The ground conditions report should take into account appropriate investigations, as described in Table 1.
Table 1: Investigation of ground conditions
Further investigation Guidance and information
Desk study, including review of: www.environment-agency.gov.uk/homeandleisure/floods
ground water and flooding issues www.bgs.ac.uk/research/groundwater/datainfo/levels/home.html
flood potential of the site www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/stationdata
available ground water data
SuDS impact assessment
flood risk assessment
topography of the site
effects of adjacent surface finishes.
Contaminated or aggressive ground and/or Testing required where there is the potential for chemically
ground water conditions. aggressive ground and/or ground water.
Water level change, including potential for flash flooding Identifying likely fluctuations and short-term flooding events.
and waterlogging.
Impact assessment of ground water flow where the Interpretative report by a qualified engineer, hydrologist or
construction is likely to have a ‘damming’ effect. hydrogeologist to include:
assessment of the direction of ground water flow
damming effects on the ground water regime
damming effect of adjacent structures.
Waterproofing of basements and other below ground structures 2023 4
Chapter 5.4
Where it is necessary to establish the water table, a detailed hydrogeological assessment should be undertaken by a suitably
qualified engineer, and include:
long-term water level monitoring over at least one year to information based on a suitable number of boreholes
capture seasonal fluctuations monitored at intervals of three months or less.
short-term flooding events that typically occur during
autumn and spring
5.4.5 Structural stability Also see: Chapters 4.1, 4.2 and 5.1
Elements forming a waterproofing structure below ground including: foundations, walls and floors,
shall adequately resist movement and be suitable for their intended purpose. Issues to be taken into
account include:
a) site conditions d) movement
b) structural design e) design co-ordination.
c) durability
Site conditions
Parts of the building constructed below ground level that form the structural elements of usable spaces should be designed by an
engineer in accordance with Technical Requirement R5 where they are retaining more than 600mm. Issues that should be taken
into account include:
characteristics of the site hazards.
ground conditions
Structural design
The structure should be designed to take account of all imposed loads and actions, including:
ground movement buoyancy
lateral forces from ground water, retained ground and loading from other parts of the building
ground surcharge loads temporary loading conditions.
The structure should be designed to be sufficiently durable against site hazards, including:
chemicals cyclical wet-dry conditions.
frost action
Movement within the structure should be limited to the capacity of the waterproofing system’s resistance to such movement,
ensuring that the designed level of watertightness is achieved. Detailed guidance for the limitation of movement should be
provided where appropriate.
Movement joints in below ground waterproofed structures should be avoided. Where it is necessary to provide movement joints,
the design should ensure satisfactory in-service performance, including watertightness. Such joints should be accessible for
maintenance, and not permanently concealed by other structural elements of the building.
Design co-ordination
Structural design should be co-ordinated with the design of the waterproofing.
5.4.6 Design considerations Also see: Chapters 5.1, 5.2. 5.3 and 6.3
The waterproofing of all elements, including walls, floors and foundations, forming below ground structures
shall be suitable for intended use. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) grade of waterproofing protection d) joints, abutments and service penetrations
b) waterproofing systems, materials and components e) steps and level changes.
c) interface with the above ground structure
Chapter 5.4
Where there is doubt about potential use, minimum Grade 3 protection should be considered in the waterproofing design.
manufacturer’s recommendations.
Proprietary waterproofing systems, materials and components should be assessed in accordance with Technical Requirement R3.
Penetrations through the waterproofing should be avoided where possible. Where penetrations cannot be avoided, the design
should detail the method of waterproofing to ensure that it is watertight and durable.
Penetrations, including those for wall ties, services and drainage systems, should:
be suitably separated to allow for proprietary seals to be account for differential settlement and movement between
correctly installed the structure/finishes and services.
Also see: Chapters 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, BS 8102 and The Concrete Centre ‘Concrete basements
5.4.7 Waterproofing systems Guidance on the design and construction of in-situ concrete basement structures’
The waterproofing shall be suitable for intended use and installed in accordance with the design. Items to be
taken into account include:
a) Type A waterproofing barriers c) Type C drained cavity
b) Type B structure, integral d) ancillary components.
Appropriate sequencing of work will enable logical and timely construction of the waterproofing system and prevent unnecessary
damage to completed elements of work. Installation should be undertaken in accordance with the design and the installation
method statement detailing the sequence of works.
liquid-applied membranes
geosynthetic (bentonite) clay liners
mastic asphalt to BS EN 12970
cementitious systems
pre-applied fully bonded systems
proprietary systems or products assessed in accordance with
Technical Requirement R3.
Plain polyethylene sheet should not be used as a
waterproofing system.
Only fully bonded systems assessed in accordance with Technical Requirement R3 for the specific purpose should be
used internally.
Design at junctions and corners should account for proprietary components and be in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations. Waterproofing barriers should return at corners to prevent water tracking behind.
The substrate to which the Type A system is to be applied should be clean, free from debris and prepared in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations. Bonded sheet membranes should only be applied directly to masonry substrates that are smooth
and have flush pointed joints.
7 Waterproofing of basements and other below ground structures 2023
Chapter 5.4
Type A waterproofing should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions by operatives:
who are suitably qualified or have been trained by the who are fully aware of the design and the manufacturer’s
manufacturer or supplier, and recommendations for installation.
Completed waterproofing should be protected by:
protection board, or carefully placed backfill material.
The manufacturer’s recommendations for climatic conditions at the time of installation should be followed.
given in BS 8102 for Grades 1a and 1b. Specialist advice water resisting
reinforced concrete
should be sought where other Type B systems are specified.
Ready-mixed concrete should be of sufficient strength and
durability, and from a supplier operating under a quality control
system acceptable to NHBC such as:
the Quality Scheme for Ready-Mixed Concrete (QSRMC), or
the BSI Kitemark scheme.
Other suppliers may be accepted if they operate to a standard
acceptable to NHBC.
The concrete mix should be agreed between the engineer and the waterproofing design specialist, and:
achieve the necessary robustness, be suitable for the environmental exposure and
durability and waterproofing ground conditions.
Type B waterproofing should be installed:
by suitably qualified operatives who are fully aware of the in accordance with the design.
requirements for placing concrete and reinforcement and for
installing ancillary components used in Type B systems
The line, level and position of formwork and reinforcement should be checked prior to concrete placement to ensure that it is in
accordance with the design.
Penetrations from tie bars etc. should be made good in accordance with the design.
Where joints are formed in concrete, surfaces should be clean and free of excessive laitance. Hydrophilic strips should be
protected from water before the joint is formed.
Quality management systems and quality audits should be used to record and monitor the placement of concrete on site.
Monitoring records should be supplied to NHBC as requested.
Design details for reinforced concrete structures should include:
concrete specification proportion of any admixture
the type of concrete proposals for limiting crack widths
concrete strength consideration of temporary support to the formwork
Waterproofing of basements and other below ground structures 2023 8
Chapter 5.4
high-strength concrete may be specified in order to achieve the reinforcement should be used to control crack widths,
the necessary level of waterproofing, but post-construction which should be in accordance with the design, but not be
crack injection may be required in order to deal with cracking greater than 0.2mm max. for both flexural cracks and for
induced by increased thermal and shrinkage strains cracks that pass through the section
a minimum section thickness of 250mm should be used in
the design.
Type C drained cavity construction
Type C systems that include a cavity drain membrane which forms a waterproof barrier are acceptable to NHBC when assessed in
accordance with Technical Requirement R3. Where a Type C system is formed using a drained masonry cavity wall, the guidance
in BS 8102 should be considered. Particular care should be taken if adopting Type C systems on contaminated sites to ensure no
pathways are introduced that could present a risk or risks to the end user(s) and/or that systems are suitably chemically resistant;
specialist advice should be sought.
Type C systems should be designed to include a drainage system that adequately disposes of water to a suitable outlet, either by
gravity or through a sump and pump. The drainage channel, sump and pump should include appropriately located access points
for servicing and maintenance. To prevent backflow, the drainage system should be fitted with a one-way valve. Also, in areas
which are susceptible to flooding the guidance in BS 8102 concerning inclusion of a flood loop should be considered.
Type C waterproofing should be installed in accordance with
the manufacturer’s instructions by operatives:
who are suitably qualified or have been trained by the cavity
manufacturer or supplier
who are fully aware of the design and the manufacturer’s
recommendations for installation
using the fixings recommended by the manufacturer.
Pump systems should operate automatically and include:
a primary pump
a secondary pump with battery or generator backup
a suitable audio or visual alarm that indicates pump failure. drainage sump
discharging to
suitable outlet
Further guidance on multi-level and inverted cavity drain
systems can be found in BS 8102.
9 Waterproofing of basements and other below ground structures 2023
Chapter 5.4
Ancillary components
Ancillary components should be assessed as part of the waterproofing system. Alternatively, an assessment of compatibility and
satisfactory performance should be provided for materials and products that are interchangeable between different systems.
Ancillary components include:
preformed junctions and corners waterstops
reinforcement hydrophilic strips.
wall linings
Proprietary products and systems should be protected and tested before backfilling occurs.
External masonry walls
Chapter 6.1
This chapter gives guidance on meeting the
Technical Requirements for external
masonry walls.
6.1.1 Compliance 01
6.1.2 Provision of information 02
6.1.3 Structural design 02
6.1.4 Fire resistance 04
6.1.5 Acoustic resistance 05
6.1.6 Exposure 05
6.1.7 Thermal insulation 08
6.1.8 Concrete blocks 10
6.1.9 Bricks 11
6.1.10 Stone masonry 12
6.1.11 Construction of masonry walls 12
6.1.12 Lintels 16
6.1.13 Materials suitable for mortar 18
6.1.14 Mortar 19
6.1.15 Render 20
6.1.16 Cladding 20
6.1.17 DPCs and cavity trays 21
6.1.18 Wall ties and bedjoint reinforcements 26
6.1.19 Handling materials 27
6.1.20 Protection of the works
during construction 28
1 External masonry walls 2023
Chapter 6.1
This chapter provides guidance on external masonry which is used for the outer and inner leaves of a cavity wall construction,
cladding to framed structures and to the limited solid wall construction used in housebuilding such as garages. General guidance
on masonry cavity wall construction including the masonry inner leaf of a cavity wall are also provided within this chapter.
The guidance is consistent and complementary to that provided within Chapter 6.9 Curtain walling and cladding which should be
used for products and systems falling under that description.
There is a strong link to all chapters in Part 6 of this standards, particularly Chapters 6.2 – 6.5 and 6.10.
The aim of this chapter is to provide clarity for external and cavity walls constructed of clay and concrete bricks and blocks as
well as natural stone.
Coordinating size Size of a coordinating space allocated to a masonry unit including allowances for joints
Coursing unit Masonry unit, commonly of brick sizes, used to assist in achieving the storey height of a wall in
conjunction with full height blocks
Fully filled cavity The insulation thickness is such that the it will be in full contact with both leaves of masonry
when the building meets normal construction tolerances.
Manufactured stone masonry Facing masonry unit having at least one exposed face with a close structure formed from
unit either one or two homogeneous mixtures of aggregate, cementitious binder and other
materials moulded under pressure and/or vibration and with or without further processing,
intended to resemble and be used as an alternative to natural stone
Masonry Assemblage of masonry units laid in a specified pattern and joined together with mortar
Masonry unit Preformed component intended for use in masonry construction
Natural stone masonry unit Masonry unit manufactured from natural stone
Recessed joints Where the mortar is raked out, about 5mm from the wall face. There are certain exposure
conditions where these should not be used (clause 6.1.6).
Work size Size of masonry unit specified for its manufacture, to which the actual size conforms within
permissible deviations.
Where proprietary products are to be used, manufacturers generally have specific requirements for fixing and/or assembly.
This information should also be made available for reference on site so that work can be carried out satisfactorily in accordance
with the design and specification.
Compliance with relevant standards
Design of masonry walls should comply with relevant standards:
Structural design BS EN 1996-1-1 ‘Eurocode 6. Design of masonry structures. General rules for
reinforced and unreinforced masonry structures’.
PD 6697 Recommendations for the design of masonry structures to
BS EN 1996-1-1 and BS EN 1996-2.
Intermediate floors, roofs and walls designed BS 8103 (all parts) ‘Structural design of low-rise buildings’.
to provide lateral restraint to external walls
Ancillary components BS EN 845-1Specification for ancillary components for masonry. Wall ties,
tension straps, hangers and brackets
BS EN 845-2 ‘Specification for ancillary components for masonry. Lintels and
BS EN 845-3 Specification for ancillary components for masonry. Bed joint
reinforcement of steel meshwork’.
Walls of homes, or buildings containing Designed by an engineer in accordance with Technical Requirement R5.
homes, over three storeys high
Lateral restraint
Lateral restraint provided by concrete floors:
Concrete floors, with a minimum bearing of 90mm onto the wall, can provide adequate restraint. Concrete floors running parallel
to, and not built into, walls require restraint straps to provide restraint to the wall.
Lateral restraint provided by timber floors:
Timber joisted floors can provide adequate restraint when joists are carried by ordinary hangers to BS EN 845-1, and connected
to the wall with restraint straps. In buildings up to two storeys, timber joisted floors can provide adequate restraint without
strapping when:
the minimum bearing onto masonry is 90mm joists are carried by BS EN 845-1 restraint-type hangers
(or 75mm onto a timber wall plate), or with performance equivalent to a restraint strap spaced at a
maximum of 2m centres.
3 External masonry walls 2023
Chapter 6.1
Concentrated loads
Concentrated loads should be designed by a suitably qualified Engineer, for example at the bearing of trimmers, lintels, multi-ply
trusses or steel beams.
Where bearing stresses under concentrated loads are greater than the strength of the supporting masonry wall, padstones and
spreaders should be provided.
Padstones and spreaders may be required, to support concentrated loads.
Where partition walls abut an external wall constructed of similar materials, fully bonded or tied joints are acceptable. Partition
walls may act as buttressing wall mentioned above. To reduce the risk of cracking, a tied joint is preferable where:
materials have dissimilar shrinkage or expansion there is a connection between a load-bearing wall on
characteristics, e.g. dense concrete and aircrete concrete foundations and a non load-bearing wall supported on a
ground-bearing slab.
Tied joints should be formed using expanded metal, wire wall ties or a proprietary equivalent, spaced at maximum 300mm intervals.
Dissimilar materials should not be used in the same wall (e.g. clay bricks as “make up” courses in concrete blockwork walls).
Movement joints
Movement joints should be included in long lengths of walling to control expansion or contraction of masonry panels and reduce
unsightly cracking, and detailed so that stability is maintained. Where possible, joints should be hidden in corners, or behind
rainwater pipes, and:
run the full height of the superstructure masonry wall continue from those provided in the substructure to the
superstructure (movement joints may be needed in the
superstructure and not in the substructure, providing
suitable allowance is made for relative movement).
Vertical movement joints should be provided in the outer leaf, in accordance with Table 1.
Table 1: Suitable dimensions and spacings for movement joints(1)
Material Joint width (mm) Normal spacing (m)
Clay brick 16(2) 10 – 12
Dense concrete bricks 10 7.5 – 9
Lightweight concrete block and brick (aircrete or using 10 6(4)
lightweight aggregates)(3)
Dense concrete block and reconstructed walling (using dense aggregate)(3) 10 7.5 – 9(3)
Any masonry in a parapet wall 10 Half the above spacings and 1.5
from corners (double frequency)
Natural stone masonry 10(5) 15 – 20(6)
1 Manufacturer’s guidance for the provision of movement joints and bed joint reinforcement should be considered.
2 For clay bricks, the joint width in mm should be spacing in metres+30%. i.e at 8m movement joint spacing the joint width should be 10mm.
3 Lightweight concrete masonry units are generally made of aggregates that have a gross density not exceeding 1,500 kg/m³. Dense concrete masonry units are
generally made of aggregate that have a gross density exceeding 1,500 kg/m³.
4 The ratio of length to height of the panels should generally not exceed 3:1
5 As defined within PD 6697.
6 Located no more than 7.5m from an external corner.
External masonry walls 2023 4
Chapter 6.1
The spacing of the first movement joint from a return should easily compressible filler
not be more than half of the dimension in Table 1.
Movement joints are not generally necessary in the inner leaf 10mm
of cavity walls, but consideration should be given to providing:
movement joints in rooms with straight unbroken lengths of
wall over 6m
bed joint reinforcement as an alternative to movement joints
in areas of risk, e.g. under window openings.
Wall ties should be provided on either side of movement joints, in accordance with Clause 6.1.18.
Where masonry walls form panels in a framed structure, movement joints should be provided in accordance with BS EN 1996-2
and PD 6697.
Movement joints should be formed using the correct materials, and account taken of:
joint width and depth surface preparation and backing materials
anticipated movement and capability of the material likely design life of the joint.
Clay bricks expand and require movement joints formed from easily compressible materials, such as:
flexible cellular polyethylene foam rubber.
cellular polyurethane
Concrete bricks and blocks contract, and the following materials are acceptable for use in contraction joints:
hemp cork.
The joints should be formed using semi-rigid, closed cell polyethylene or other suitable materials.
To perform effectively a sealant in a movement joint should be applied against a suitable debonding joint filler board/backing rod
so that the sealant only adheres to the two opposing masonry faces
Damp-proof courses
Damp-proof course (DPC) materials should conform to BS 8215 and PD 6697 Table 1.
Designers should pay adequate attention to the characteristics of the materials chosen for DPCs. Materials that squeeze out
or are impaired on highly stressed walls are undesirable and should not be used as DPCs. DPCs adhesion to mortar and their
ability to resist sliding and/or shear stresses should be considered especially in relation to lateral loading.
Where DPCs are required to provide resistance to shear e.g. in frame or crosswalled structures, the design of wall panels should
reflect this and the deemed to satisfy rule of Approved Document A or equivalent regulation may not be appropriate.
In general, advice on the resistance to compression, tension, sliding and shear should be sought from the manufacturers of DPC.
Cavity barriers need to achieve a minimum of 30-minute fire resistance (E 30 and EI 15).
Where a cavity is fully filled (in full contact with both leaves) with non-combustible insulation (Euroclass A1 in accordance with
BS EN 13501-1) a cavity barrier is not required.
Where cavity barriers are used, they should be sized appropriately for the dimensions of the cavity. Normally they are installed
under compression and as such maintaining the design cavity width is critical.
Significant reduction in cavity width will mean that the barrier cannot be fitted without creating problems for the following leaf
of masonry. Significant widening in the cavity width will mean that the barrier may not be fitted with the appropriate level of
compression and its performance may be impaired.
5 External masonry walls 2023
Chapter 6.1
The density of external walls and the position of openings adjacent to separating walls should be in accordance with Building
Regulations and, where relevant, an assessment which complies with Technical Requirement R3. Refer to the Robust Details
Handbook for the specification of separating wall and floor constructions and their associated flanking walls.
Where different block materials are used e.g. aggregate separating wall with aircrete inner leaf, differential drying and cracking
can occur, so it is important that the separating wall goes through (and not up to) the inner leaf.
External walls shall be suitable for their exposure and resist the passage of moisture to the inside of
the home. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) durability c) freeze/thaw cycles.
b) rain penetration
Masonry can become saturated, and may remain so for long periods. Therefore, precautions should be taken to resist frost
damage and sulfate attack affecting:
parapet walls and copings masonry below the DPC at ground level
sills and projections freestanding walls.
Masonry units and mortar should comply with BS EN 1996-1-1 and be used in accordance with Table 15 of PD6697 and the
manufacturer’s recommendations. In addition, mortar mixes should be selected from BS EN 998:2 Table NA.1. and only cement
types listed in BS EN 998:2 NA1.2 should be used.
Cement with sulfate-resisting properties should be used where S1 clay bricks are used in the following situations:
below the DPC where there are sulfates present in parapets
the ground freestanding walls
below the DPC where there is a high risk of saturation rendered walls
retaining walls areas of severe, or very severe, exposure to driving rain.
Reclaimed bricks should only be used where in accordance with Technical Requirement R3.
Rain penetration
In prolonged periods of driving rain, water will penetrate the outer leaf of a masonry wall. The following should be taken
into account:
site-specific exposure to wind-driven rain wall tie drips will be located in the centre of the cavity
suitability of the wall construction and insulation method cavity trays, DPC’s and weep vents should be installed in
design detailing for the local exposure, and the likely quality accordance with this guidance.
of workmanship on site
single skin garage walls, additional care needs to be taken
to ensure this type of structure does not allow for water
penetration prematurely
Exposed parts of the building should be given particular attention when selecting a suitable construction method, as this may
affect the choice for the whole building.
External masonry walls 2023 6
Chapter 6.1
Complete resistance can only be achieved with an impervious cladding. However, the following approaches can reduce the risk
of rain penetration:
providing cladding to the wall designing protective features to keep the wall dry, e.g.
increasing the clear cavity width (minimum 50mm) or the projecting sills and deep overhanging eaves and verges
width of full-fill cavity insulation (increasing the cavity width ensuring mortar joints are fully filled. Where full cavity
for full-fill cavity insulation greatly reduces the risk of rain insulation is proposed, recessed joints should not be used
passing through the cavity) following the recommendations of any assessment of the
rendering the wall and specifying crack-resistant insulation and the manufacturer’s recommendations
backing material ensuring that cavities are not bridged.
Sills, copings and similar features should be weathered Figure 1: Exposure zones
and throated unless adequate alternative provision is made
to protect the brickwork from saturation, frost damage and
staining and meet the requirements of BS 5642 pts 1 & 2.
Variations to the exposure shown on the map can only be Dornoch
made by site-specific calculations using BS 8104 ‘Code of
practice for assessing exposure of walls to wind-driven rain’. Inverness
Exposure zones Exposure to wind-driven rain (litres/m² per spell) Variations to the exposure shown on Dunbar
Glasgow Edinburgh
the map can only be made by site-specific
Very severe 100 or more calculations using BS 8104 “Assessing
exposure of walls to wind driven rain”
Severe 56.5 to less than 100 and the table above.
Hebden Bridge
Colwyn Bay Doncaster
Manchester Grimsby
Bangor Sheffield
Chester Macclesfield Lincoln
Bala Nottingham
Shrewsbury Leicester
Llanidloes Birmingham Peterborough
Llandrindod Wells Northampton
Hay-on-Wye Cambridge
Brecon Colchester
Gloucester Luton
Swansea Swindon Welwyn Garden City
Bristol Newbury London
Cardiff Weston-super-Mare Staines
Watchet Aldershot
Barnstable Taunton Gatwick Dover
Exeter Brighton
7 External masonry walls 2023
Chapter 6.1
Freeze/thaw cycles
Common factors which affect the level of freeze/thaw cycles include:
degree of exposure (incidence of frost) localised protection of the masonry by roof overhangs,
saturation of the masonry trees and other buildings.
frost resistance of the masonry
Good detailing can limit persistent wetting and reduce the risk of frost attack:
paths should drain away from walls to avoid saturating a coping or capping should be provided for all parapet walls,
bricks near the ground. chimneys and freestanding walls, unless clay bricks of F2
sills, copings and similar features should have a weathered and S2 classification to BS EN 771-1 are used.
upper surface. masonry units and mortar should be used in accordance
with Table 15 of PD6697.
Copings should have:
an overhang a continuous supported DPC which projects beyond the line
throatings a minimum of 30mm clear of the wall of the wall.
exposure to frost. SY TF WS
In areas of severe exposure to frost, the following types of LD WR
brick are acceptable: SA
clay facing bricks which are frost-resistant F2,S2 or NP OX
F2,S1 to BS EN 771-1 CF
clay bricks which are classified in the manufacturer’s BA KT CR ME
published recommendations as satisfactory for EX
the exposure DT BH PO BN
concrete bricks with a minimum strength of 20N/mm2 TQ
to BS EN 771-3 TR
The insulation value of the wall must meet the requirements of the relevant Building Regulations. Cold bridging should be
avoided. Particular care is needed:
at openings between external walls and roofs, internal walls and floors.
Thermal Insulation materials
Thermal Insulation materials, either full, or partial fill that will be placed in the cavity between the outer and inner leaf of masonry
should be:
the subject of current certification for use in this application assessed in accordance with Technical Requirement.
from an appropriate third party technical approvals body
Thermal Insulation materials may:
either be built in during, or retrofitted after the fully or partially fill the cavity.
construction process
Materials shall be considered as full fill cavity insulation where:
they are designed to be in full contact with both leaves described as full fill in their technical approval document
of masonry although a narrow residual cavity is retained between the
outer leaf and the outer face of the insulation.
Partial fill cavity insulation materials shall be installed on the cavity face of the inner leaf and the appropriate residual cavity to the
outer leaf as specified in ‘Construction Type’ is maintained.
All retro-fill insulation systems, including, blown mineral wool expanded polystyrene beads and UF foam should be:
installed by a member of a surveillance scheme acceptable installed by operatives trained by the assessment holder,
to NHBC and approved by the assessment holder and the
assessing organisation.
Workmanship should be maintained when installing insulation to minimise the risk of damp penetration or condensation to the
on the inner leaf. Gaps in the insulation layer can provide routes for moisture ingress from the outer leaf to the inner leaf and
also create localised cold spots where condensation can form. Gaps between the board and the inner leaf can result in thermal
bypass (this is exacerbated by gaps at board junctions). Insulation material should be:
close butted with no gaps fully engaged with the adjacent board edges where a ship
in full contact with the inner leaf lap or other interlocking edge detail is provided
taped at the joints where it is formed of rigid boards with installed in accordance with the
non-compressible edges1 manufacturer’s recommendations.
1 Where the insulation has a low e facing the tape face shall have the same low e value
Chapter 6.1
The first row of insulation boards or batts should be supported on wall ties:
with a minimum of two ties to each board or batt which coincide with horizontal joints in the insulation.
Where wall ties need to be closely spaced, e.g. at reveals, it is acceptable to make a neat cut in the insulation to accept the
extra ties.
Rigid insulation boards should:
be stored flat without bearers, otherwise they may distort, be rejected where warped.
making them difficult to fix against the wall
Rigid insulation should not be continuous across the end of a separating wall or floor. A flexible (mineral wool) cavity closer
should be used in line with these elements, and the rigid butted up to these. The cavity closers should also be installed at the
ends of separating walls where blown fill in used in the external cavity.
Insulation materials
Before installing retro-fill insulation materials the home should be in a condition ready to receive the insulation, this will be
defined in each systems instruction documents, but would normally require that:
the cavity wall is inspected by the installing team areas that cannot be accessed during the retro-fill process
the roof is in place, the tops of the walls protected from by appropriate adaptation of the installation method
the rain and window, door and other openings in the cavity (e.g. below gas membranes or low level continuous DPCs
should be closed or where there is a cavity tray one course above a lintel) are
insulated with appropriate built-in materials.
Rigid insulation should not be continuous across the end of a separating wall or floor. A flexible (mineral wool) cavity closer
should be used in line with these elements, and the rigid butted up to these. The cavity closers should also be installed at the
ends of separating walls where blown fill in used in the external cavity.
Construction type
The following are recommendations and guidance according to construction type:
Partial fill cavity insulation
Where partial cavity insulation is installed:
it should only be fixed against the cavity face of the wall ties long enough to allow a minimum 50mm
inner leaf embedment in each masonry leaf should be used.
a minimum 50mm clear cavity between the partial cavity
insulation and the outer leaf should be maintained
In areas of very severe exposure in England and Wales, a residual cavity of 75mm is required where the outer leaf is
fairfaced masonry.
Full fill cavity insulation
Where the cavity is to be fully filled with insulation:
the type of insulation, its thickness and the wall construction fairfaced masonry includes clay, concrete bricks and blocks
should be suitable for the exposure of the home and dressed natural stone laid in an appropriate mortar
(see Table 2) preferably with struck, weathered or bucket handle joints
render on an external leaf of clay bricks (F2,S1 or F1,S1 cavity walls of random rubble or random natural stone
designation bricks to BS EN 771) is not permitted in areas should not be used
of severe or very severe exposure to wind-driven rain painted finishes on bricks or render are not acceptable
recessed mortar joints should only be used in where they are likely to cause damage (including frost
sheltered areas damage or sulfate attack).
External masonry walls 2023 10
Chapter 6.1
Table 2: Suitable wall constructions for use with full-fill cavity insulation
Exposure Suitable wall construction Minimum insulation thickness (mm)
category Built-in insulation Retro-fill (other than UF foam) UF foam
Very severe Any wall with impervious cladding 50 50 50
Fairfaced masonry with impervious cladding 100 125 N/A
to all walls above ground storey
Any wall fully rendered(2) 75 75 N/A
Fairfaced masonry(1) 150 150 N/A
Severe Any wall with impervious cladding or render (2)
50 50 50
Fairfaced masonry with impervious cladding 50 75 50
or render(2) to all walls above ground storey
Fairfaced masonry 75 75 N/A
Moderate Any wall with impervious cladding or render 50 50 50
Fairfaced masonry with impervious cladding 50 50 50
or render to all walls above ground storey
Fairfaced masonry 50 75 75
Sheltered Any wall with impervious cladding or render 50 50 50
Fairfaced masonry with impervious cladding 50 50 50
or render to all walls above ground storey
Fairfaced masonry 50 50 50
1 In very severe exposure locations, fairfaced masonry with full cavity insulation is not permitted in cavity widths of less than 150mm.
2 Render on an external leaf of clay bricks (F2,S1 or F1,S1 designation bricks to BS EN 771) in severe or very severe exposures is not permitted where the cavity
is to be fully filled with insulation.
3 This table covers walls where the external leaf does not exceed 12m in height.
4 The exposure category of the home is determined by its location on the map showing categories of exposure to wind-driven rain.
5 Fairfaced masonry includes clay and concrete bricks and blocks and dressed natural stone laid in an appropriate mortar preferably with struck, weathered or
bucket handle joints. Cavity walls of random rubble or random natural stone should not be fully filled.
The thickness of materials should be as required in the design, and in accordance with Building Regulations.
Insulated dry linings
Where an insulated dry lining contains a combustible insulant, to prevent early collapse of the lining in a fire,
the plasterboard should be:
a minimum of 12.5mm thick mechanically fixed to the masonry inner leaf.
Intended loads
Concrete blocks should:
comply with BS EN 771-3 & 4 and PD 6697 and be used in be used in accordance with the
accordance with BS EN 1996-2 and PD6697 manufacturer’s recommendations.
be of sufficient compressive strength for the application
The maximum load-bearing capacity of the wall should not be exceeded. Other factors may dictate the strength of blocks
required in certain circumstances, e.g. sulfate resistance may require blocks of greater strength.
For one and two storey homes, blocks with a minimum compressive strength of 2.9N/mm2 could be used.
For three storey homes or those with storey heights over 2.7m, 7.3N/mm2 blocks are required for certain parts of the structure,
unless structural design shows that strengths lower than 7.3N/mm2 are suitable.
11 External masonry walls 2023
Chapter 6.1
Other characteristics
Concrete blocks may have been specified according to their specific characteristics.
Tolerances should be declared in accordance with the relevant product standard
6.1.9 Bricks
Bricks shall be capable of supporting intended loads and have appropriate resistance to the adverse effects
of freeze/thaw and sulfate attack.
The design strength of bricks should comply with:
BS EN 1996-1 the design.
Clay bricks
Table 3: Classification of clay bricks according to their freeze/thaw resistance and active soluble salt content in accordance
with BS EN 771-1
Durability Freeze/thaw resistance Active soluble salt content
F2,S2 Freeze-/thaw-resistant (F2), durable in all building situations (S2) low
F2,S1 Freeze-/thaw-resistant (F2), durable in all building situations (S1) normal
F1,S2 Moderately freeze-/thaw-resistant (F1), durable except when saturated and (S2) low
Bricks that are freeze-/thaw-resistant (F2,S2 or F2,S1 to BS EN 771) should be used where there is a high risk of prolonged
wetting and freezing including:
external facing work in Scotland areas of the country subject to exceptionally severe
exposed parts, including copings, sills, parapets and freeze/thaw exposure. See Clause 6.1.6.
chimneys which have no overhang to provide protection
In areas of severe freeze/thaw exposure outside Scotland, bricks that are moderately freeze-/thaw-resistant (F1,S1 or F1,S2 to
BS EN 771) may be used for general wall areas, provided they are classified in the manufacturer’s published recommendations
as satisfactory for the exposure. Further guidance can also be found within the Brick Development Association “Severely
exposed brickwork” publication.
Bricks that are not freeze-/thaw-resistant (F0,S2 or F0,S1 to BS EN 771) are not acceptable for use externally, unless completely
protected by a cladding which can satisfactorily resist the passage of water.
Where brickwork may become saturated, moderately freeze-/thaw-resistant bricks (F1,S1 or F1,S2 to BS EN 771) are not
appropriate where there is a risk of vulnerability to frost. In saturated conditions, sulfate-resisting cement mortar is required for
S1 designation bricks.
For one and two storey homes, clay bricks to BS EN 771, with a minimum compressive strength of 9N/mm2 should be adequate.
For three storey homes; clay bricks to BS EN 771 with a minimum compressive strength of 13N/mm2 are acceptable.
External masonry walls 2023 12
Chapter 6.1
masonry structures to BS EN 1996
Stone for copings and sills BS EN 12059 Natural stone products. Dimensional stone work. Requirements
Stone masonry as the outer leaf of a cavity wall will be acceptable where it:
provides an adequate weather-resisting structure in complies with BS EN 12370 or has evidence that it is not
conjunction with any brick or block backing, and/or susceptible to salt crystallisation when used below
vertical DPMs DPC level
complies with the guidance in this chapter for follows good local recognised practice to provide a
brickwork/blockwork high standard.
Where squared or random rubble is used it is important that the stone masonry is “ brought to course” at regular intervals of not
more than 450mm. Bedjoints of up to 25mm wide would be acceptable, and the selection and installation of the correct wall ties
should be carefully considered.
6.1.11 Construction of masonry walls Also see: Chapter 7.1, 9.1 and PD 6697
Construction shall ensure a satisfactory standard of brickwork and blockwork. Issues to be taken into
account include:
a) finished appearance e) corbelling
b) bonding f) chasing for services
c) construction g) protection of ancillary components.
d) openings
The construction of masonry walls should comply with the following:
requirements of BS EN 1996-2 Eurocode 6. Design of and BS 8000-3 Workmanship on construction sites.
masonry structures. Design considerations, selection of Masonry. Code of practice.
materials and execution of masonry
13 External masonry walls 2023
Chapter 6.1
Finished appearance
A site reference panel should be constructed to agree a
benchmark for workmanship and products.
The appearance of a masonry wall depends upon the:
materials used
setting out
When setting out masonry:
avoid cutting bricks or blocks, except when it is essential
avoid irregular or broken bonds, particularly at openings
fair faced masonry bricks should be set out dry, prior to
commencement of works.
A regular bonding pattern should be maintained. External walls should be bonded to partitions and party walls as required by
the design. Either:
tooth every alternate course, or tie with wall ties, expanded metal or equivalent at maximum
Where joist hangers are not used, joist filling should be brickwork or blockwork and without excessive mortar joints.
Joist filling should be:
12mm below the top of flat roof joists to allow for checked to ensure the cold roof ventilation is not blocked.
timber shrinkage
the recessed portion of timber joists should be treated
Clay bricks and concrete blocks should not be mixed. Where a different size of masonry unit is needed to ensure correct
coursing, small units of the same material should be used to reduce cracking and problems due to different thermal
insulation properties.
Where the inner leaf of a cavity wall is being used for thermal insulation, and where a different size of masonry unit is used to
ensure correct coursing, the unit should have similar thermal insulation properties to the masonry used for the rest of the wall.
External masonry walls 2023 14
Chapter 6.1
The difference in heights between the two leaves of a cavity wall under construction can be up to six block courses, provided the
ties are sufficiently flexible to ensure coursing is achieved without breaking the bond. To keep the wall plumb, do not over-reach
at changes of lift; wait for the next scaffolding lift. With thin layer mortar construction having an assessment which complies with
Technical Requirement R3, it is normally permissible to build the inner leaf to storey height ahead of the outer leaf. In such cases
the recommendations of the assessment and the manufacturer’s recommendations should be followed.
Natural stone should be washed and wetted prior to construction.
Cavities should be constructed so that:
they are uniform and in accordance with the design, where partial cavity insulation is used, it is against the inner
including wall tie specification and cavity width leaf of the cavity.
mortar is struck from all joints as work proceeds the thickness of the external leaf is consistent, any stone
cavity trays and wall ties are clear of droppings and debris used should not project into the cavity
mortar droppings are removed cavity barriers are installed as the work progresses.
where cavity insulation is used, mortar droppings are
removed from the top edge
board used to
keep cavity clean
Chapter 6.1
Masonry may be built around either:
the frame in-situ, or
a profile or template to enable the frame to be fitted later.
Openings should be the correct size, square and:
the spacing between the masonry and frame should allow for
movement and tolerance
the frame should not be distorted by forcing bricks against
the jamb.
When window and door frames are built-in, they should be frames should not be distorted
fixed with:
frame cramps
proprietary cavity closers, or
plugs and fixings.
For feature brickwork sections the masonry should only be T
self supporting.
wall tie thickness not
Where courses are corbelled outwards in ordinary masonry,
on this side
one above another; the extent of corbelling should not exceed
that shown in the diagrams on the right.
Where reinforcing is used, corbels should be designed by an
engineer in accordance with Technical Requirement R5.
R23 Austenitic-ferritic stainless steel to EN 10088 (all parts)
1 Material/coating reference in accordance with the relevant part of BS EN 845.
2 These products are not suitable for use in contact with the outer leaf of an external cavity wall or a single leaf cavity wall.
Components in contact with, or embedded in, an inner leaf which is damp or exposed to periodic wetting (e.g. below the DPC)
should be protected in the same way as components in contact with, or embedded in, an outer leaf.
6.1.12 Lintels Also see: Chapter 6.5 and BRE Report ‘Thermal insulation: avoiding risks’
Lintels, and supporting beams, shall be installed correctly, safely support the applied loads and be of
the type and dimensions appropriate to their position within the structure. Issues to be taken into
account include:
a) thermal insulation and condensation c) placing lintels.
b) durability and resistance to water entering the home
Chapter 6.1
Lintels should:
comply with BS EN 845-2 ‘Specification for ancillary not have brickwork or masonry which overhangs more
components for masonry’, where steel or concrete than 25mm
be designed in accordance either with Technical have cavity trays where they are specified in the design
Requirement R5 or the manufacturer’s recommendations have padstones and spreaders provided under the
be provided where frames are not designed to support bearings, where necessary
superimposed loads not have concentrated loads applied before the
be wide enough to provide adequate support to the manufacturer’s requirement of fully bedded brickwork is met
walling above (this is to avoid overstressing).
Lintels should extend beyond the opening (at each end) by the minimum lengths shown in Table 5.
Table 5: Lintel bearing
Minimum bearing length (mm)
Span (m) Simple lintel Lintel combined with cavity tray
Up to 1.2 100 150
Over 1.2 150 150
Where separate lintels are used to support the inner and outer masonry leaves:
the cavity, at the head of the opening, should be closed off the cavity tray should be built into the inner leaf and taken
with an insulated cavity closer to the outer face of the external wall directly over the outer
a cavity tray should be installed to protect the cavity closer lintel and not between the cavity closer and lintel.
from moisture in the cavity
Separate cavity tray protection should be provided when corrosion protection to the lintel is inadequate, or the shape of the lintel
is unsuitable, such as when:
the profile of the lintel does not form a cavity tray steel lintels in external walls have material/coating in
accordance with L11, L14 and L16.1, see Table 4.
In Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and areas of severe or very severe exposure to driving rain, a separate cavity tray
should be provided over all lintels.
Lintels should be:
austenitic stainless steel (molybdenum chrome nickel located and sized so that the external edge of the lintel
alloys) where used in aggressive environments, projects beyond, and therefore offers protection to,
e.g. coastal sites the window head.
Placing lintels
The design should be checked and lintels should:
be an appropriate size for the opening and the end bearings
(at each end)
have padstones where required, e.g. for long spans
be installed level on a solid bed of mortar (not soft or full block for
lintel bearing
non-durable packing)
correct bonding
be set out to ensure that lintels bear on a full block below supporting
not have brickwork or masonry which overhangs more
than 25mm.
Concrete floor units or other heavy components which bear on lintels should be positioned carefully to avoid damage or
shock load.
Chapter 6.1
Mortar shall be of the mix proportions necessary to achieve adequate strength and durability and be
suitable for the type of masonry. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) sources of sulfate c) preparing mortar
b) admixtures and additives d) joints.
Unless recommended otherwise by the brick manufacturer, the mixes in Table 6 should be used for clay bricks. In the case of
concrete bricks, particular attention should be paid to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Table 6: Mortar mixes using ordinary Portland or sulfate-resisting cements
Location Recommended Recommended Recommended Mortar Equivalent
cement:lime: cement:sand masonry designation Mortar Class to
sand mix mix cement: to BS EN 1996-1-1
sand mix BS EN 1996-1-1
General wall area In areas of severe 1:½:4½ 1:3½ 1:3 (ii) M6
above the DPC or very
severe exposure
– high durability
Other exposure 1:1:5½ 1:5½ 1:4½ (iii) M4
categories –
general use
Below DPC level High durability 1:½:4½ 1:3½ 1:3 (ii) M6
and in chimney
Cappings, Low permeability 1:0 to ¼:3 – – (i) M12
and sills
Air-entraining plasticiser can be incorporated in the following general use and high durability mortars:
1:1:5½, cement:lime:sand, or 1:1:4½, cement:lime:sand.
Retarded mortar
Retarded mortar and most premixed mortars can be used over a longer period of time than site-mixed, cement:lime:sand
mortars. When using retarded mortar:
follow manufacturer’s recommendations and timescales temporary bracing of larger walls, e.g. at gable peaks and
do not use it beyond the time for which it is effective long walls, may be necessary due to delayed setting times.
protect it against freezing prior to use
Sources of sulfate
Mortar is vulnerable to deterioration by sulfates, especially when masonry is saturated for long periods of time. Clay bricks
contain soluble sulfate (S1 designations have no limit on their sulfate content) and so a suitable mortar should be used.
To reduce risk, cement types listed in BS EN 998:2 NA1.2 with sulfate resisting properties alternatively CEM II cements based on
blast-furnace slag are in widespread use where sulfate resistance is required should be used:
below the DPC level when sulfates are present in when there is a high saturation risk (examples below).
the ground
when clay bricks (F2,S1 and F1,S1 to BS EN 771) are used
High saturation risk situations are:
below the DPC freestanding walls
areas of severe or very severe exposure to driving rain rendered walls
parapets chimney stacks.
retaining walls
Mortars containing an air-entraining plasticiser are more resistant to freeze and thaw damage when set, but do not prevent
freezing before the mortar is cured.
White cement to BS EN 197 and pigments to BS EN 12878 may be used, but pigments should not exceed 10% of the
cement weight, or 3% where carbon black is used.
Preparing mortar
When preparing mortar:
ensure the mix is appropriate for the use and location
plant and banker boards should be kept clean
mixers should be kept clean to operate efficiently
the colour should be consistent.
When laying bricks and blocks:
mortar which has started to set should not be retempered
they should have a solid mortar bedding and fully filled
perpends, to reduce the risk of rain penetration and
dampness in the wall.
properly filled joints reduce
Note Thin layer mortars are supplied in bag form and should be mixed with risk of rain preparation
water on site strictly following the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Jointing is preferable to pointing because it leaves the mortar undisturbed. Struck (or weathered) and bucket handle joints are
preferable for external walls. Unless the design states otherwise, only bucket handle or weathered joints should be used.
Recessed joints should not be used where:
bricks are not frost-resistant, e.g. clay F1,S1 or F1,S2 to bricks are perforated closer than 15mm to the face
BS EN 771, unless the brick manufacturer has confirmed there is no reasonable shelter from driving rain, e.g.
their use for that particular location in writing from buildings or groups of trees within 50m and of
the home is built on steep sloping ground, facing open similar height to the home
countryside or within 8km of a coast or large estuary the cavity is to be fully filled with cavity insulation.
6.1.15 Render Also see: Chapter 6.11
The surface to which render is applied, shall be appropriately constructed and satisfactorily resist the
passage of moisture.
Walls to be rendered should be constructed in accordance with the relevant parts of this chapter. For detailed guidance on
‘Render’, see Chapter 6.11.
Cladding shall satisfactorily resist the passage of moisture and be of the quality, type and dimensions
required by the design. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) masonry cladding to framed structures d) vertical tile or slate cladding
b) joints e) stone veneer cladding.
c) materials for cladding
This clause is for low rise applications where the masonry is used directly for weather tightness or used in conjunction with other
vertical cladding for weather tightness. Chapter 6.9 covers curtain walling and other structural cladding.
Refer to the Robust Details Handbook to check compatibility of lightweight external treatments.
flexible movement joints should be provided at the vertical movement joints should be provided at corners
underside of each horizontal support member the inner leaf should be adequately tied to the
the masonry outer leaf should have a minimum two-thirds structural frame.
of its width supported securely by the concrete frame or a
metal angle. See diagram (water exclusion detail not
included for clarity)
21 External masonry walls 2023
Chapter 6.1
Joints between claddings and adjacent materials should:
be detailed to be watertight under the particular exposure have provision for differential movement, where necessary.
conditions of the site
with preservative.
Battens Battens should be: of the size specified in the design
pretreated with preservative.
Proprietary cladding systems Technical Requirement R3
Timber cladding should be in accordance with Chapter 3.3 ‘Timber preservation (natural solid timber)’.
DPCs and related components shall be provided to prevent moisture rising or entering the building. Issues
to be taken into account include:
a) provision of DPCs and cavity trays c) parapet details.
b) stepped cavity trays
At complicated junctions, clear drawings and the design should be provided, and preformed cavity trays used.
The following materials are acceptable for use as DPCs:
bitumen to BS EN 14967 plastic and rubber to BE EN 14909
polyethylene to BS 6515 (except as cavity trays in walls, proprietary materials assessed in accordance with
below copings, in parapets and as cavity trays) Technical Requirement R3.
Table 9: Positions where DPCs and cavity trays are generally required
Location Provision of DPCs and cavity trays
Base of walls, piers, etc. A DPC should be provided a minimum 150mm above adjoining surfaces and linked with
the DPM in solid floors.
Base of partitions built off oversite The DPC should be the full width of the partition.
where there is no integral DPM
Base of wall built off beam, slab, etc. Detail to prevent entry of damp by driving rain.
Parapets Beneath coping, and 150mm above adjoining roof surface to link with the roof upstand.
In cavity walls over openings, A cavity tray should be provided to direct any water that enters the cavity to the outside.
air bricks, etc. The cavity tray should fully protect the opening.
At the horizontal abutment of all A cavity tray should be provided 150mm above any adjoining roof or balcony surface.
roofs over enclosed areas and The tray should be lapped over any roof upstand or flashing to ensure water penetrating
balconies to walls into the cavity does not enter the enclosed area.
At sloping abutments of all roofs Preformed stepped cavity trays should be provided above the roof surface and linked to
over enclosed areas to cavity walls the roof upstand or flashing to ensure any water penetrating into the cavity does not enter
the enclosed area.
Doorsteps A DPC should be provided behind a doorstep where it is higher than a wall DPC.
Sills Where precast concrete or similar sills incorporate joints or are of a permeable material,
a DPC should be provided beneath them for the full length and be turned up at the back
and the end of the sill.
Jambs in cavity The reveal should be protected throughout its width by a continuous DPC. The width of
the DPC should be sufficient to be fixed to, or overlap, the frame and fully protect the
For very severe exposure conditions, rebated reveal construction or a proprietary closer,
suitable for the conditions, should be used.
Stone heads Where precast concrete or similar stone heads incorporate joints or are made of a
permeable material, a DPC should be provided beneath them for the full length and built
into or fixed to the inner leaf wall.
DPC level
DPC turned up at
back and ends of sills
level of
wall DPC
DPM behind
doorstep links
with DPC
23 External masonry walls 2023
Chapter 6.1
Cavity trays
Cavity trays should be provided at all interruptions to the cavity (e.g. window and door openings and air bricks) unless otherwise
protected (e.g. by overhanging eaves). Cavity trays should:
provide an impervious barrier and ensure that water be shaped to provide 100mm minimum vertical protection
drains outwards above points where mortar droppings could collect
cover the end of the lintel and project sufficiently beyond the be provided where the cavity is bridged by air bricks,
lintel ends to allow a stopend linked to the DPC/cavity tray etc. and the DPC should extend 150mm beyond each
accommodated within a naturally occurring perp joint side of the bridge
provide drip protection to door and window heads where not otherwise protected (e.g. by a roof at an
have a 140mm minimum upstand from the inside face of the appropriate level), be provided over meter boxes
outer leaf to the outside of the inner leaf be in one continuous piece or have sealed or welded joints
not be low-density polyethylene (LDPE) to BS 6515 be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s
have appropriate third party certification recommendation.
stop end
140mm min.
at least two weep holes
per opening, not
more than 450mm
combined lintel projects
groove in window sufficiently beyond the lintel
head prevents ends to allow a stopend
DPC oversails lintel to rain penetration linked to the DPC/cavity tray
protect timber door and accommodated within a
window head naturally occurring perp joint
The upstand part of the cavity tray should be returned into the inner leaf unless it is stiff enough to stand against the inner leaf
without support. In Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and areas of very severe exposure to driving rain, the upstand part
of the damp proof protection should be returned into the inner leaf of masonry (this does not apply at sloping abutments).
The concrete fill in a cavity wall should stop at least 225mm below the base DPC. This may be reduced to 150mm where special
foundations, such as rafts, are used.
External masonry walls 2023 24
Chapter 6.1
minimum 150mm min.
150mm min.
Where full fill or partial fill insulation is installed, particular care needs to be taken to ensure the insulation continuity is maintained
around the cavity tray.
25mm 25mm
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 1 Stage 2
25 External masonry walls 2023
Chapter 6.1
Preformed stepped cavity trays should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and positioned:
to suit the dimension of the flashing (which should be in so that the stepped cavity tray cannot discharge behind
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations or a flashing (where it is necessary to cut bricks or blocks,
minimum width of 65mm) the bond should be maintained in the following joint).
Parapet details
Parapet walls should have:
a DPC under the coping, and a DPC tray starting 150mm 3D DPC supported
throating clear
of brickwork
minimum above the roof over cavity tray
To be installed using a dpc sheet material. This should be
undertaken only by a competent installer to ensure the correct
protection is achieved. Consideration should be made to the
use of a preformed cavity tray.
45 mm
External masonry walls 2023 26
Chapter 6.1
Table 10: Spacing of wall ties
Maximum horizontal spacing (mm) Maximum vertical spacing (mm)
General wall area 900 450
Jamb openings, movement joints, etc. Within 225 of opening Not more than 300(1)
Top of gable walls 225 (parallel to the top of the wall) Not more than 300(2)
Top and bottom of openings 450 N/A
1 Vertical spacing and number of ties may need adjusting to produce equivalent number of ties when using insulation boards.
2 Vertical spacing and number of ties may need adjusting to produce equivalent number of ties when using studded or spandrel panels.
Water should be prevented from crossing the cavity. Care should be taken to avoid:
ties sloping down to the inner leaf ties having mortar droppings on them.
drips being off-centre
Cavity walls should be coursed so that the wall tie is level or slopes outwards.
additional ties
at movement joints
50mm 50mm
225mm min. min.
Chapter 6.1
Materials should be handled with care during construction to avoid damage and staining. Chipped or fractured bricks are not
acceptable for facework.
Bricks that are tipped on delivery or moved about the site in dumper trucks often have a high degree of wastage.
The unloading of all bricks and blocks, especially facing bricks, should be:
by mechanical means directly onto a firm level surface.
Unless bricks have been blended by the manufacturer, bricks from different batches should be mixed to avoid colour patching.
To reduce the risk of efflorescence, newly erected masonry should be covered. This also prevents the mortar being washed out
of the joints by rain and stops masonry becoming saturated. Bricks and blocks that become excessively wet can suffer from:
staining and efflorescence lack of mortar adhesion to mud-stained surfaces.
increased drying shrinkage, with a greater risk of cracking
The work place should be kept clean to reduce mortar splashes to a minimum. Any accidental mortar smears should be lightly
brushed off the face after the mortar has taken its first set.
6.1.20 Protection of the works during construction Also see: Chapter 3.2
Mortar mixed at high temperatures may have a higher water content, a lower air content and a shorter board life. The quality of
the bond between the mortar and the brick or block is dependent on having the correct amount of water and so this bond may
be affected.
To reduce the impact of higher temperatures:
store bricks and blocks in the shade to help control where ready-to-use mortar is being stored on site it is
heat gain important to keep it well covered in the tub
spraying with modest amounts of clean water can keep their dry Silo Mortar - where the dry sand and cement mortar is
temperature down and to stop the suction but, do not stored on site in a hopper and mixed with water on demand,
soak them this offers the added advantage of being able to mix small
mixing equipment can be shaded from direct sunlight prior batches which can be used up quickly.
to use
mortar tubs and mortar boards should be rinsed with cool
water before coming into contact with the mortar
6.2.1 Compliance 01
6.2.2 Provision of information 01
6.2.3 Design and certification 01
6.2.4 Load-bearing walls 02
6.2.5 Fixing the frame 04
6.2.6 Nails and staples 05
6.2.7 Sheathing 05
6.2.8 Differential movement 05
6.2.9 Fire resistance 10
6.2.10 Protection from moisture 10
6.2.11 Timber preservation 12
6.2.12 Vapour control layers 12
6.2.13 Breather membranes 13
6.2.14 Wall ties and fixings 14
6.2.15 Insulation 14
1 External timber framed walls 2023
Chapter 6.2
External timber framed walls shall comply with the Technical Requirements.
External timber framed walls that comply with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable.
Where the components of the timber frame cannot be inspected on site (e.g. closed panels or fully fitted out volumetric units)
the system should be subject to review by NHBC. Please refer to the NHBC Accepts website at www.nhbc.co.uk/builders/
The fixing schedule should detail every connection which is to be made on site, including those for structural connections,
framing, wall ties, breather membranes, sheathing and vapour control layers, and should show as appropriate:
number and spacing of fixings method of fixing, e.g. skew nailing.
size and type of fixing, including material and
corrosion protection
Where wall design relies on plasterboard to take racking forces, the design should:
clearly define those walls include the type and spacing of fixings required.
Alternatively, timber frame superstructures from Gold level members of the Structural Timber Association’s Assure scheme, who
have engaged Silver/Gold level structural designers and engineers, are acceptable without additional certification.
The registered builder should ensure that a letter from the manufacturer is available on site for inspection by NHBC.
Designs should be submitted to NHBC when proposed buildings are four storeys or more and the floor joists are solid timber.
External timber framed walls 2023 2
Chapter 6.2
Timber elements
Load-bearing timber framed walls should be in accordance with BS EN 1995-1-1, and take into account:
wind loads floor loads.
roof loads
supported by
cripple studs
adequate, and resist racking due to wind and other forces.
Where masonry cladding is used, additional studs may be
required at openings to fix wall ties.
Multiple studs should be included to support multiple joists and
other point loads, unless otherwise specified by the designer.
Where head binders are not provided, joists and roof trusses,
including girder trusses and other similar loads, should bear
directly over studs.
Joints between panels and other elements
Wall panels should be:
securely fixed together, and securely fixed to the floor and constructed to prevent buckling.
roof framing
At joints between wall panels, sole plates and head binders should be provided to bind panels together. Joints in sole plates and
head binders should:
occur over a stud not coincide with joints between panels.
3 External timber framed walls 2023
Chapter 6.2
12mm 12mm
Packing exceeding 20mm should be agreed between the timber frame manufacturer’s engineer and NHBC. The following
methods are generally acceptable to NHBC for packing up to 20mm.
When the first lift construction (including wall panels, first floor
structure, or roof structure in a single storey building) has been
erected, permanent packing should be placed under the sole permanent packing
under each stud
plate, which can be: sole plate
The upper sole plate should then be fixed on top and levelled
permanent packing
with temporary spacers inserted between the sole plates. under each stud
sole plate
When the first lift construction has been erected, permanent
packing should be inserted under each load point, e.g. stud or
post. As this method uses an additional sole plate, the extra
shrinkage should be taken into account.
Fixing panels
The wall panels should be adequately fixed to the sole plate so that the frame can resist both lateral and vertical forces.
When fixing panels:
fixings, including nailed joints and sheathing, should be as sole plates and head binders should be provided to bind the
scheduled in the design panels together.
they should be securely fixed together, to the floor and to
the roof framing
into masonry, solid concrete blocks should be specified as the blocks in beam and block floors should be grouted
BS EN 771 with a minimum crushing strength of 7.3N/mm2 care should be taken not to spall edges of masonry
and positioned to receive fixings or slabs.
When anchoring the frame:
the sole plate should be adequately anchored to the care should be taken to avoid splitting timber plates or
substructure so that the frame can resist both lateral and damaging the substructure.
vertical forces
Fixing to plate
Fixing to stud
Holding-down devices should be durable, as detailed in the design and manufactured from:
austenitic stainless steel to BS EN 10088-1, galvanised mild steel with zinc coating to BS EN ISO 1461,
minimum grade 1.4301 minimum coating 940 g/m2 on each side.
Sole plate anchors within the internal envelope should be galvanised mild steel, minimum coating Z275.
5 External timber framed walls 2023
Chapter 6.2
6.2.7 Sheathing
Sheathing shall be durable and capable of providing structural resistance to racking
The following materials are acceptable:
Plywood BS EN 636-2 or BS EN 636-3
Oriented strand board BS EN 300 type OSB/3 or 4
Moisture-resistant chipboard BS EN 312 type P5 or P7
Medium board BS EN 622-3 type MBH.HLS1 or MBH.HLS2
Impregnated soft board BS EN 622-4 type SB.HLS
Proprietary sheathing materials Technical Requirement R3 and used in accordance with the assessment.
Plasterboard may contribute to a buildings racking resistance when used in accordance with PD 6693-1. Particular attention
should be taken when it comes to walls that are not separating walls comprising two or more built-up layers of plasterboard
having a minimum thickness of 30mm and walls where plasterboard is combined with a wood-based sheathing on the same wall
diaphragm where limitations or exclusions apply.
Timber structures shall account for differential movement between the timber frame wall and other
building elements.
As the timber frame dries out, it will shrink and the overall height will reduce. The extent of the differential movement
increases with the number of storeys, and will typically occur between the timber frame and other parts of the
construction, including:
door and window openings staircases and lift shaft enclosures (where they are not
eaves and verges timber framed)
balconies (including Juliet balconies) the interface of the timber frame with any other
service entries construction at each floor level where cladding is fixed
openings for drive-throughs to the timber frame.
Movement joints should be provided to accommodate the expected movement. Joints should be detailed to:
accommodate the expected amount of shrinkage or be protected by a cover strip where the movement gap/joint
expansion safely is expected to be more than 35mm.
provide a weather resistant and durable joint
In the absence of project-specific calculations, gaps in accordance with Table 1 should be provided.
External timber framed walls 2023 6
Chapter 6.2
Table 1 is based on the following:
bottom rail of panel
the table allows for a 2mm thickness of compressible
material in closing gaps. Check the manufacturer’s sole plate
structural decking
product details
timber components are not saturated and have normal
moisture contents at the time of construction, e.g. less than
20% and tight-jointed construction joist
timber frame floor cross-section is as shown below, with stud
maximum 45mm deep timber plates/binders Timber frame construction on which Table 1 is based
Chapter 6.2
allow for
sill not built
into masonry
allow for
allow for
movement allow for
no differential movement
no differential movement
allow for
75mm min.
timber frame
Timber frame interface with concrete or masonry stairs and common areas
transition piece timber frame
(transition piece
after movement
External timber framed walls 2023 8
Chapter 6.2
allow for
allow for
service passing B
through wall
allow for
movement A
Drive through
timber frame
timber floor
allow for
lintel/beam ceiling
Section A-A through
Section B-B
9 External timber framed walls 2023
Chapter 6.2
Lightweight wall cladding – joint at each floor level (with and without insulation in cavity)
movement across
floor zone
vertical batten *10mm for
allow for
allow for
allow for movement
movement decking
balcony structure
independent of
timber frame
opening gap
allow for
slotted holes movement
fix to masonry
cladding subject
to engineer’s
sliding joint
External timber framed walls 2023 10
Chapter 6.2
Timber walls and panels shall control and resist the spread of fire and smoke. Issues to be taken into
account include:
a) cavity barriers and fire stops c) fire resistance of the wall or panel.
b) services
All building elements should have adequate fire resistance. Materials in accordance with building regulations are acceptable;
other materials should be assessed in accordance with Technical Requirement R3.
For guidance on the prevention of fire during construction; refer to ‘Fire Prevention on Construction Sites’ jointly published by
the Construction Federation and the Fire Protection Association (www.thefpa.co.uk), and guidance from the Structural Timber
Association (www.structuraltimber.co.uk) under the ‘Site Safety Strategy’, including the ‘16 Steps to Fire Safety’ and the
‘Design Guide to Separating Distances’.
breather membrane
fire stop between lapped over
batten and above DPC tray
fire stop
below underlay
cavity closed
at eaves
cavity barrier of mineral wool
or fire-resisting board in boxed eaves
Only the services shown in the design should be installed in separating walls and:
service outlets should not impair the fire resistance of floors service mains should not pass through separating
and walls wall cavities.
Notching or drilling of structural timber members should be carried out as detailed in the design. If these details are not available,
the designer should be consulted before such operations are begun.
In Scotland, services are not permitted within a timber framed separating wall.
6.2.10 Protection from moisture Also see: Chapter 6.1 and 6.9
Timber structures and panels shall be adequately protected from the effects of moisture. Issues to be taken
in to account include:
a) cavity construction b) DPCs.
Cavity construction
A drained and vented cavity should be provided to reduce the risk of rain penetrating the frame. Cavity widths, measured
between the cladding and sheathing, should be in accordance with Table 2.
11 External timber framed walls 2023
Chapter 6.2
In areas of very severe exposure to wind driven rain, wall construction should include a 50mm cavity between the sheathing and
the cladding and:
a high performance breather membrane (see Clause masonry cladding which is rendered or clad with an
6.2.13), or impervious material.
Drained and vented cavities should not contain electricity cables other than meter tails.
DPCs and trays should be:
fitted at openings to prevent rain penetration installed below the sole plates of ground floor walls and
internal partitions.
In Northern Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man, and in areas of severe or very severe exposure to driving rain, masonry should
form a rebate at the reveals of openings to avoid a straight through joint where the frame abuts the masonry.
weepholes drain
any moisture
sealant to resist
driving rain
External timber framed walls 2023 12
Chapter 6.2
Cavities should:
extend below DPC to allow drainage be suitably drained to prevent water build-up.
be kept clear and be vented to allow limited, but not
necessarily through, movement of air
The lowest timber should be a minimum of 75mm or 150mm above ground level, depending on the drainage arrangements.
3D 3D weep vents
DPC turned up
to lap with VCL
timber seal between
150mm min. wall and floor lowest timber
above barriers or 75mm min.
ground between skirting above ground level 225
level board and floor mm
drainage holes min.
weep holes
drainage next to This detail is only acceptable in
masonry cladding situations where the site is not subject
to a high water table or where the
cavity will not have standing water
the timber frame.
Vapour control layers should be:
500 gauge (125 micron) polyethylene sheet, vapour control placed to cover the external framed wall area, including
plasterboard or a product assessed in accordance with rails, studs, reveals, lintels and sills
Technical Requirement R3 fixed at 250mm centres to the top and bottom of the frame,
adequately fixed to the warm side of the insulation and at laps and around openings
frame (framing timbers should have a moisture content of lapped with the DPC
less than 20%) made good where damage has occured.
Joints in vapour control membranes should:
have 100mm minimum laps be located on studs or noggings.
Where vapour control plasterboard is used, joints should be:
positioned on studs or noggings cut with care to avoid displacing the vapour control material.
filled, taped and finished
13 External timber framed walls 2023
Chapter 6.2
When bitumen impregnated fibre building board is used and a breather membrane is not specified, the joints of the boards
should be closely butted and horizontal joints sealed to prevent water ingress.
When a breather membrane is not required, the bottom frame members should be protected from water in the cavity.
membrane detailed
to protect the sole plate
staggered joints
protects lowest
External timber framed walls 2023 14
Chapter 6.2
6.2.15 Insulation Also see: BRE Report ‘Thermal insulation: avoiding risks’
against noggings
behind service panels.
In England and Wales, account should be taken of Accredited Details.
Water and heating services within walls should be on the warm side of the insulation.
Where partial fill cavity insulation with a 50mm residual cavity is used, it should be assessed in accordance with
Technical Requirement R3 as an integral part of the wall system.
Internal walls
Chapter 6.3
This chapter gives guidance on meeting
the Technical Requirements for internal
walls, including:
separating and compartment walls
internal partition walls.
6.3.1 Compliance 01
6.3.2 Provision of information 01
6.3.3 Supporting load-bearing
internal walls 01
6.3.4 Masonry walls 01
6.3.5 Load-bearing timber walls 03
6.3.6 Fire resistance 04
6.3.7 Sound insulation 05
6.3.8 Partitions: internal non load-bearing 07
6.3.9 Construction of timber partitions 07
6.3.10 Construction of steel
framed partitions 09
6.3.11 Construction of proprietary systems 09
6.3.12 Plasterboard 09
6.3.13 Damp proof courses 10
6.3.14 Components 10
1 Internal walls 2023
Chapter 6.3
6.3.4 Masonry walls Also see: Chapters 6.1, 6.4 and 9.2
Internal masonry walls shall be designed to support and transfer loads to foundations safely and without
undue movement. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) structural elements e) lateral restraint
b) mortar mix and jointing f) masonry separating walls
c) workmanship g) lintels and beams.
d) bonding and tying
Structural elements
Structural design of masonry walls should be in accordance with BS EN 1996-1-1.
Bricks and blocks should be selected in accordance with their intended use and as recommended in Table 1.
Table 1: Bricks and blocks in buildings up to three storeys high
Height of wall Unit Minimum compressive strength
One or two storey Blocks 2.9 N/mm2
Bricks 9.0 N/mm2
Lowest storey of a three storey wall, or Blocks 7.3 N/mm2
where individual storeys exceed 2.7m Bricks 13.0 N/mm2
Upper storeys of a three storey wall Blocks 2.9 N/mm2
Bricks 9.0 N/mm2
Where buildings are more than three storeys high, masonry should be designed in accordance with Technical Requirement R5
and the block strength specified in the design.
Precast concrete blocks
Concrete blocks should comply with BS EN 771. The maximum load-bearing capacity of the wall should not exceed the
recommendations of the manufacturer.
Flue blocks should be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Internal walls 2023 2
Chapter 6.3
Bricks should comply with the relevant British Standards:
Clay bricks BS EN 771-1
Calcium silicate bricks BS EN 771-2
Concrete bricks BS EN 771-3
Internal masonry walls and associated works should be:
constructed in lifts/stages to prevent the distortion of wall
panels during construction
accurately set out
reasonably plane and true
plumb, with courses level.
Chapter 6.3
Lateral restraint
Load-bearing masonry walls, including separating walls, should be provided with lateral restraint at:
each floor level ceiling level below a roof.
Restraint straps should be provided to separating walls on each level, at a maximum of 2m centres, when the floor:
is not on, or near, the same level does not provide adequate restraint.
Lateral restraint should be provided in accordance with Chapter 6.4 ‘Timber and concrete upper floors’.
Timber floors
Adequate restraint can be provided by timber floors where joists have a minimum 90mm bearing. Alternatively, restraint should
be provided by:
restraint straps with a minimum 30mm x 5mm restraint type joist hangers to BS EN 845-1 with a
cross-section, or performance equivalent to restraint straps, or
proprietary straps in accordance with Chapter 6.4.
Concrete floors
450mm min.
Adequate restraint can be provided by concrete floors that
have a minimum 90mm bearing on to the wall. Alternatively, restraint straps
at 2m centres
restraint should be provided by: to each floor
restraint straps that are a minimum of 450mm long with 450mm min.
the end turned down between a joint in the concrete floor
or suitably fixed with screws.
reinforced concrete
lintel right way up
designed by an engineer in accordance with
Technical Requirement R5.
lintel bearing
For masonry: on full block
Internal load-bearing timber walls shall be designed to support and transfer loads to foundations safely and
without undue movement. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) structural elements c) timber quality.
b) timber separating walls
Structural elements
Structural design of load-bearing timber walls should be in accordance with BS EN 1995-1-1.
Internal walls 2023 4
Chapter 6.3
a suitable grade in accordance with BS EN 14081-1 dry graded and marked in accordance with BS 4978
and BS EN 338 when visually graded.
Timber should have a maximum moisture content of 20% at the time of dry lining to minimise shrinkage.
Internal walls shall have adequate resistance to the spread of fire. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) fire resistance c) services
b) typical construction d) materials.
The guidance below does not apply to Scotland, and reference should be made to the Technical Handbooks.
Fire resistance
Internal walls should provide fire resistance in accordance with building regulations.
Typical construction
Internal walls of hollow or cavity construction (fire-resisting or otherwise) should have cavity barriers installed at:
the perimeter junctions with fire-resisting floors and walls.
Fire-resisting walls should be fire stopped or constructed to resist fire spread at:
their perimeter openings for doors and pipes, etc.
junctions with other fire-resisting walls, floors and roofs
5 Internal walls 2023
Chapter 6.3
Where services such as pipes, cables and ducting pass through fire-resisting walls, penetrations should be fire stopped.
Services should not penetrate plasterboard layers of separating walls.
Fire stopping should be:
Suitable fire stopping materials include:
mineral wool intumescent mastic or preformed strip
cement mortar proprietary sealing systems assessed in accordance with
gypsum plaster Technical Requirement R3.
Walls shall be insulated with materials of suitable thickness and density to provide adequate resistance to
the transmission of sound. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) sound-resisting construction b) rooms which contain a WC.
Sound-resisting construction
Masonry separating walls
In England and Wales, separating walls may be built in accordance with Robust Details ‘Resistance to the passage of sound’.
To maintain sound insulation:
the correct blocks should be used Close the junction between separating and external cavity
fully fill joints, mortar beds and perpends walls with flexible cavity stops
use only approved wall ties care should be taken when specifying dry lining, as the
space wall ties 900mm minimum horizontally and 450mm thickness of plasterboard layers, and the methods of sealing
minimum vertically and fixing, can affect the transmission of sound
avoid any reduction in the thickness of masonry holes, voids and hairline cracks should be avoided or made
ensure spaces around joists are fully filled with masonry good, as they can significantly reduce the effectiveness of a
and pointed with sealant around the joist sound-insulating wall.
Internal walls 2023 6
Chapter 6.3
In masonry separating cavity walls, wall ties should be type A separating wall taken through
in accordance with Building Regulations. and tied to inner leaf
Flanking walls
The construction of the flanking wall and the position of openings should comply with building regulations.
Rooms containing a WC
The construction should comply with building regulations, including the recommended sound reduction between rooms that
include a WC and:
living rooms studies
dining rooms bedrooms, except where the WC is ensuite.
To achieve the required level of sound reduction, 75mm timber
studwork or 45mm steel framing should be constructed
with either: one layer
of 12.5mm
two layers of 12.5mm plasterboard (each sheet 10 kg/m 2 plasterboard
on each side
min) on each side, with joints staggered and filled and 25mm
wool quilt
one layer of 12.5mm plasterboard (each sheet 10Kg/
m2 min) on each side and 25mm unfaced mineral wool
(10Kg/m3 min) between the studs.
Other forms of studwork construction may be acceptable where in accordance with the guidance in supporting documents to the
building regulations or where independent evidence of performance is available.
Blockwork partitions
Masonry partitions provide adequate sound insulation without additional treatment where:
blocks have a minimum density of 600kg/m3 and are blocks are tied at every course to adjoining walls, with joints
finished on both sides with 13mm of plaster or 12.5mm fully filled.
plasterboard, and
7 Internal walls 2023
Chapter 6.3
Proprietary partitions
Independent test evidence of the system’s performance is required in accordance with Technical Requirement R3. Criteria for
testing is not provided in R3.
of mineral wool (10kg/m3 min) and be adequately supported to line the enclosure or
avoid contact with the floor decking or ceiling. wrapthe pipe with 25mm
unfaced mineral fibre
Sound insulation should be provided to soil pipes passing
the material of the enclosure
through homes by an encased boxing, using material (15kg/ should have a mass of
m2) and wrapping the pipe with a minimum 25mm of unfaced 15 kg/m2
Construction of timber stud internal walls shall ensure adequate stability, including:
a) setting out and workmanship c) fixing.
b) size of timber members
Partitions should:
be firmly fixed to each other and to abutting walls; be fixed to noggings when parallel to structural elements
noggings or extra studs should be used where necessary not be over wedged against floor joists or roof trusses.
be fixed to the structure where possible
extra stud
Noggings should be provided to support fittings, such as radiators, wall mounted boilers, sanitary fittings and kitchen units.
9 Internal walls 2023
Chapter 6.3
Proprietary partitions should be assessed in accordance with Technical Requirement R3, and:
constructed and specified according to the manufacturer’s correctly positioned, square and plumb.
recommendations, including construction sequence
Timber or other additional fixings should be provided for radiators, electrical outlets, switches etc.
DPCs shall be installed where required to prevent moisture entering the building.
Load-bearing partition walls built on foundations should have a DPC. Where partitions which could be affected by residual
damp (e.g. timber or steel) are placed on concrete floors, a DPC should be provided directly below, even where there is a DPM
beneath the slab.
DPCs should be:
at least the width of the wall or partition continuous or lapped by a minimum of 100mm.
linked with any adjoining DPM
screed on
DPM DPC below
above slab stud partition
partition on
DPC above
DPM DPM below
basements and other below ground structures’.
6.3.14 Components
Walls ties and related items shall be of the appropriate type and strength and shall have adequate durability.
Joist hangers, restraint straps, bond ties, etc. should be protected against corrosion. Ferrous metals with the following levels of
protection are acceptable:
post-galvanizing to BS EN ISO 1461, or pre-galvanizing to BS EN 10143.
Timber and concrete
upper floors
Chapter 6.4
This chapter gives guidance on meeting the
Technical Requirements for timber and
concrete upper floors.
6.4.1 Compliance 01
6.4.2 Provision of information 01
6.4.3 Upper floor design 01
6.4.4 Fire spread 02
6.4.5 Sound insulation 03
6.4.6 In-situ concrete floors
and concreting 03
6.4.7 Precast concrete 03
6.4.8 Timber joist spans 04
6.4.9 Timber joists 06
6.4.10 Construction of timber floors 06
6.4.11 Joists supported by
intermediate walls 08
6.4.12 Joists connected to steel 08
6.4.13 Joists into hangers 09
6.4.14 Timber joist and restraint straps 10
6.4.15 Strutting 12
6.4.16 Joists and openings 13
6.4.17 Multiple joists 13
6.4.18 Notching and drilling 14
6.4.19 Floor decking 15
6.4.20 Floating floors or floors
between homes 17
1 Timber and concrete upper floors 2023
Chapter 6.4
Timber and concrete upper floors shall comply with the Technical Requirements.
Timber and concrete upper floors that comply with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable.
Upper floors shall support and transmit loads safely to the supporting structure without undue deflection.
Issues to be taken into account include:
a) loads and support to partitions c) support of external envelope and projections.
b) steelwork
floor structure, decking and finishes walls and partitions supported by the floor
ceilings and applied finishes permanent fixtures such as boilers,watertanks etc.
Imposed loads should be calculated in accordance with the relevant British Standards, including BS EN 1991-1-1
which recommends:
1.5kN/m2 for self-contained homes values for communal areas serving flats or maisonettes.
Bearers or additional joists should be used to support heavy loads.
Joists built into separating walls may provide lateral support, and should be detailed to ensure that sound insulation and fire
resistance requirements are met.
Masonry partitions
Where first floor masonry partitions cannot be built directly in line with ground floor masonry walls, steel or reinforced concrete
support should be specified. Masonry should not be supported on joists.
Lightweight partitions
Where multiple solid timber joists support lightweight non load-bearing partitions which are parallel to the joists, they should be
suitably fixed together. Where I-joists and metal web joists are used, they should:
be positioned centrally below a non load-bearing support the weight of the non load-bearing partition by
partition and, where necessary, additional joists noggings or bearers fixed to the joists on either side.
should be doubled or tripled in accordance with the Unless designed otherwise, noggings should be a minimum
manufacturer’s recommendations 38mm x 90mm minimum at 600mm centres and fixed with
metal clips. The sole plate of the non load-bearing partition
should be fixed to the noggings, or
be in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
Timber and concrete upper floors 2023 2
Chapter 6.4
Steelwork supporting upper floor should be:
designed by an engineer in accordance with Technical sized to allow an adequate bearing of the floor system.
Requirement R5 and comply with Chapter 6.5 ‘Steelwork’
Structural continuity of the floor should be provided by the use of continuous decking fixed to joists on both sides of a transverse
steel joist.
Steel beams should be protected by a suitably durable paint coating as detailed in Chapter 6.5 ‘Steelwork’.
and moisture movements of the envelope, in addition to any residual floor deflection that may be expected from the supporting
structure. The concrete floor together with any associated horizontal (e.g., masonry) movement joint it supports should be
appropriately designed taking into consideration the following:
floor deflection behind the cladding/envelope/balcony building elevation and load paths
cladding (e.g., masonry) support system deflections elastic shorting of structural columns and walls
cladding (e.g., masonry) joint details building sway.
Further guidance on horizontal movement joints in masonry can be found in Chapter 6.1 - External masonry walls.
Chapter 6.4
To counteract fire spread:
combustible material should be kept away from structural timber should be separated from sources of heat
heat sources in accordance with Chapter 6.8 ‘Fireplaces, chimneys
and flues’.
Trimmed openings
3D min. 450mm
Where voids in precast concrete floors are to be trimmed:
specifications and drawings should be followed straps at max.
2m centres
steel trimmer shoes may be used.
Double beams, common around trimmed openings, should strap tight
be adequately supported until all voids have been solidly blockwork
concreted and the concrete has reached its design strength.
Restraint straps and ties precast
should be shown in the design
are generally required where beams run parallel with
the wall.
be assumed
Where lightweight non load-bearing partitions weigh up to 1.0kN (101.9kg) per metre run and are parallel to the joists,
the following applies:
partitions may be directly supported by one or two where similar lightweight partitions run at right-angles to
additional joists the joists, the maximum spans in Tables 1 and 2 should be
partitions should be fixed through the floor decking into the reduced by 10%
joist(s) beneath for all other additional loads, joist sizes should be
designed by an engineer in accordance with
Technical Requirement R5.
5 Timber and concrete upper floors 2023
Chapter 6.4
Table 1: Permissible clear spans for domestic floor joists. Table 2: Permissible clear spans for domestic floor joists.
Strength class C16 Strength class C24
Imposed load not exceeding 1.5 kN/m2. Imposed load not exceeding qk = 1.5 kN/m2 or qk = 0.90 kN.
Service class 1 or 2. Service class 1 or 2.
Dead load gk (kN/m2) excluding self-weight of joist Dead load gk (kN/m2) excluding self-weight of joist
Size of joist gk not more gk not more gk not more Size of joist gk not more gk not more gk not more
than 0.25 than 0.50 than 1.25 than 0.25 than 0.50 than 1.25
Joist spacing (mm) Joist spacing (mm)
400 450 600 400 450 600 400 450 600 400 450 600 400 450 600 400 450 600
Breadth Depth Maximum clear span (m) Breadth Depth Maximum clear span (m)
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
38 97 1.76* 1.66* 1.43 1.64* 1.55* 1.35 1.43 1.35 0.71 38 97 2.05* 1.94* 1.68 1.91* 1.80* 1.57 1.64 1.56 1.37
38 120 2.36* 2.23* 1.94 2.18* 2.07* 1.80 1.86 1.77 1.55 38 120 2.63* 2.53* 2.26 2.48* 2.38* 2.09 2.13 2.02 1.78
38 145 2.85* 2.74* 2.48 2.68* 2.58* 2.32 2.33 2.22 1.96 38 145 3.17* 3.05* 2.77 2.99* 2.87* 2.60 2.61 2.51 2.25
38 170 3.33* 3.20* 2.90 3.14* 3.02* 2.73 2.74 2.63 2.37 38 170 3.71* 3.57* 3.24 3.50* 3.36* 3.05 3.06 2.94 2.65
38 195 3.81* 3.67* 3.32 3.59* 3.45* 3.12 3.14 3.01 2.71 38 195 4.25* 4.08* 3.71 4.00* 3.85* 3.49 3.50 3.36 3.04
38 220 4.29* 4.13* 3.74 4.05* 3.89* 3.52 3.53 3.39 3.06 38 220 4.78* 4.60* 4.17 4.51* 4.33* 3.93 3.95 3.79 3.42
44 97 1.89* 1.78* 1.54 1.76* 1.67* 1.45 1.53 1.45 1.27 44 97 2.19* 2.07* 1.81 2.04* 1.93* 1.69 1.75 1.66 1.46
44 120 2.48* 2.39* 2.08 2.33* 2.21* 1.94 1.98 1.88 1.66 44 120 2.77* 2.66* 2.41 2.61* 2.50* 2.24 2.26 2.15 1.90
44 145 2.99* 2.88* 2.61 2.82* 2.71* 2.45 2.46 2.36 2.09 44 145 3.33* 3.20* 2.91 3.14* 3.02* 2.74 2.75 2.64 2.38
44 170 3.50* 3.37* 3.05 3.30* 3.17* 2.87 2.88 2.77 2.50 44 170 3.90* 3.75* 3.40 3.67* 3.53* 3.20 3.22 3.09 2.79
44 195 4.00* 3.85* 3.49 3.78* 3.63* 3.29 3.30 3.17 2.86 44 195 4.46* 4.29* 3.90 4.21* 4.04* 3.67 3.68 3.54 3.20
44 220 4.51* 4.33* 3.94 4.25* 4.09* 3.71 3.72 3.57 3.23 44 220 5.01* 4.82* 4.39 4.73* 4.55* 4.13 4.15 3.98 3.61
47 97 1.95* 1.84* 1.60 1.81* 1.72* 1.50 1.57 1.49 1.31 47 97 2.26* 2.14* 1.87 2.10* 1.99* 1.74 1.80 1.71 1.51
47 120 2.54* 2.44* 2.15 2.39* 2.27* 2.00 2.04 1.94 1.71 47 120 2.83* 2.72* 2.47 2.67* 2.56* 2.31 2.32 2.21 1.96
47 145 3.06* 2.94* 2.67 2.88* 2.77* 2.51 2.52 2.42 2.15 47 145 3.40* 3.27* 2.97 3.21* 3.09* 2.80 2.81 2.70 2.44
47 170 3.58* 3.44* 3.12 3.37* 3.24* 2.94 2.95 2.83 2.56 47 170 3.98* 3.83* 3.48 3.76* 3.61* 3.28 3.29 3.16 2.86
47 195 4.09* 3.94* 3.57 3.86* 3.71* 3.36 3.38 3.24 2.93 47 195 4.55* 4.38* 3.98 4.30* 4.13* 3.75 3.77 3.62 3.27
47 220 4.60* 4.43* 4.02 4.34* 4.18* 3.79 3.80 3.65 3.30 47 220 5.12* 4.93* 4.48 4.83* 4.65* 4.23 4.24 4.08 3.69
50 97 2.00* 1.89* 1.65 1.87* 1.77* 1.54 1.61 1.53 1.34 50 97 2.32* 2.20* 1.92 2.15* 2.04* 1.79 1.85 1.76 1.55
50 120 2.59* 2.49* 2.22 2.44* 2.34* 2.05 2.09 1.99 1.75 50 120 2.88* 2.77* 2.52 2.72* 2.62* 2.37 2.38 2.27 2.01
50 145 3.12* 3.00* 2.72 2.94* 2.83* 2.56 2.57 2.47 2.21 50 145 3.48* 3.34* 3.04 3.28* 3.15* 2.86 2.87 2.76 2.50
50 170 3.65* 3.51* 3.19 3.44* 3.31* 3.00 3.01 2.89 2.61 50 170 4.06* 3.91* 3.55 3.83* 3.69* 3.35 3.36 3.23 2.92
50 195 4.17* 4.02* 3.65 3.94* 3.79* 3.44 3.45 3.31 3.00 50 195 4.64* 4.47* 4.07 4.38* 4.22* 3.38 3.85 3.69 3.35
50 220 4.70* 4.52* 4.11 4.43* 4.26* 3.87 3.88 3.73 3.38 50 220 5.22* 5.03* 4.58 4.93* 4.75* 4.32 4.33 4.16 3.77
63 97 2.23* 2.11* 1.84 2.07* 1.97* 1.72 1.78 1.70 1.50 63 97 2.52* 2.43* 2.14 2.38* 2.26* 1.99 2.03 1.94 1.72
63 120 2.80* 2.69* 2.44 2.64* 2.54* 2.28 2.30 2.19 1.94 63 120 3.11* 2.99* 2.72 2.94* 2.83* 2.57 2.57 2.47 2.22
63 145 3.37* 3.24* 2.95 3.18* 3.06* 2.78 2.79 2.68 2.42 63 145 3.74* 3.60* 3.28 3.54* 3.40* 3.09 3.10 2.98 2.70
63 170 3.94* 3.79* 3.45 3.72* 3.58* 3.25 3.26 3.13 2.84 63 170 4.37* 4.21* 3.84 4.13* 3.98* 3.62 3.63 3.49 3.17
63 195 4.50* 4.33* 3.94 4.25* 4.09* 3.72 3.73 3.58 3.25 63 195 5.00* 4.81* 4.39 4.72* 4.55* 4.14 4.15 4.00 3.62
63 220 5.06* 4.87* 4.44 4.78* 4.60* 4.18 4.20 4.04 3.66 63 220 5.61* 5.41* 4.94 5.31* 5.12* 4.66 4.68 4.50 4.08
75 120 2.96* 2.85* 2.59 2.79* 2.69* 2.44 2.45 2.35 2.09 75 120 3.29* 3.17* 2.88 3.11* 2.99* 2.72 2.73 2.62 2.38
75 145 3.56* 3.43* 3.12 3.37* 3.24* 2.94 2.95 2.84 2.57 75 145 3.96* 3.81* 3.48 3.74* 3.60* 3.28 3.29 3.16 2.87
75 170 4.16* 4.01* 3.65 3.93* 3.79* 3.44 3.45 3.32 3.01 75 170 4.62* 4.45* 4.06 4.37* 4.21* 3.83 3.85 3.70 3.36
75 195 4.75* 4.58* 4.17 4.49* 4.33* 3.94 3.95 3.80 3.45 75 195 5.27* 5.08* 4.64 4.99* 4.81* 4.38 4.40 4.23 3.85
75 220 5.34* 5.15* 4.70 5.05* 4.87* 4.43 4.45 4.28 3.88 75 220 5.92* 5.71* 5.22 5.61* 5.41* 4.93 4.95 4.76 4.33
38 140 2.75* 2.64* 2.39 2.59* 2.49* 2.21 2.24 2.13 1.88 38 140 3.07* 2.95* 2.67 2.89* 2.77* 2.51 2.52 2.42 2.15
38 184 3.60* 3.46* 3.14 3.39* 3.26* 2.95 2.96 2.84 2.56 38 184 4.01* 3.86* 3.50 3.78* 3.63* 3.29 3.31 3.17 2.87
38 235 4.58* 4.40* 3.99 4.32* 4.15* 3.76 3.77 3.62 3.27 38 235 5.10* 4.90* 4.46 4.81* 4.62* 4.20 4.21 4.04 3.65
89 184 4.74* 4.57* 4.17 4.48* 4.32* 3.94 3.95 3.80 3.45 89 184 5.25* 5.07* 4.63 4.98* 4.80* 4.38 4.39 4.23 3.85
89 235 5.99* 5.78* 5.29 5.68* 5.48* 5.00 5.01 4.83 4.39 89 235 6.64* 6.41* 5.87 6.30* 6.08* 5.56 5.57 5.37 4.89
Structural solid timber joists should be specified according to the strength classes in BS EN 338, e.g. C16 or C24 and
marked with:
the strength class, or evidence of species and grade made the identification of the company responsible for the grading
available so as to determine the strength class (when graded to BS 4978 or BS EN 14081).
When graded to BS 4978:
the species should be included in accordance with BS EN 338 can be used to determine strength class.
BS EN 1912 or the class strength specified
Regularised timber should be used for solid timber joists, and be:
dry graded to BS 4978 or BS EN 14081 marked ‘DRY’ or ‘KD’.
Materials should be checked on delivery for conformity with the design.
Joists should be stored on bearers or in racks and
be protected.
Timber should not be used where:
it is excessively bowed, twisted or cambered
it has large edge knots or shakes
it has a waney edge more than half the thickness
it is damaged or has any sign of rot.
Upper floors shall be constructed in a workmanlike manner and provide satisfactory performance.
Issues to be taken into account include:
a) levelling c) support.
b) joist spacing and clearance
Bearings for joists should be level. The floor should staircase
be levelled:
from the staircase trimmer and trimming joist
in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations
using hard packing; loose or soft packing should not
be used.
Chapter 6.4
The figures in brackets should only be used when the joist is not providing restraint to the wall.
Joists may be:
supported on joist hangers or on internal load-bearing walls built into the inner leaf of an external cavity wall, with care
taken to ensure air-tightness.
Where joists are built into separating walls, fire-and sound-resisting performance, in accordance with building regulations, should
be taken into account.
the manufacturer.
Where there are concentrated loads:
web stiffeners should be used for I-joists
uprights between the flanges, held in place by punched
metal plate fasteners or bottom chord (flange) support, metal web
should be used for metal web joists
the manufacturer’s recommendations should be followed.
uprights at uprights at
intermediate bearing end bearing
Where joists are supported on walls, noggings may be required at the top flange along the wall to support the floor decking,
and at the bottom flange to support the plasterboard ceiling. Where joists are not built into brickwork or blockwork, blocking
should be provided at the joist bearing. The blocking may be used for fixing plasterboard and floor decking.
overlapping joists intermediate intermediate support
nailed together support for I-joist for metal web joist
100mm max.
Chapter 6.4
Where connected to steel beams, I-joists should not be notched at the flange, and should:
bear directly into the steel beam where the bearing is more have blocking fixed to the steel beam to enable the I-joists
than 45mm. Strutting, (noggings 38mm x thickness of to be face fixed using joist hangers. Strutting is not required
flange) should be provided at the top and bottom flanges, or when hangers the full depth of the joist are used to face fix
joists to the blocking.
Masonry supporting joist hangers should be checked for level and height. The top flange loading on the joist hanger should
not be greater than the strength of the supporting masonry. Where joist hangers are supported on lightweight blockwork, the
suitability of the hanger should be checked. Joist hangers which meet BS EN 845-1 have a stamp indicating the minimum
compressive strength of block for which they are suitable.
Hangers should:
be detailed in the design, including the type of support to
be used for joists, trimmers and trimming joists
have a 75mm minimum bearing on masonry
comply with BS EN 845-1 or another acceptable clause
described in Technical Requirement R3
have performance equivalent to restraint straps at 2m
timber to timber to heavy duty
centres where required to provide restraint timber hanger masonry hanger hanger
be the correct size for the joist or trimmer
be nailed through each circular hole in the vertical sides gap between joist and
hanger is 6mm max.
bear on level beds and be tight to the wall
not be cut into the walling.
Where connected to hangers, I-joists should not be notched at the flange, and should have:
a minimum bearing of 45mm onto the hanger the tabs of the hanger bent and nailed to the bottom flange.
Hangers should be:
the full depth of the joist and restrain the top flange, or at least 0.6 x the depth of the joist and have stiffeners
(full depth) fixed to both sides of the web.
joist hanger
tabs bent over
and nailed to flange
6.4.14 Timber joist and restraint straps Also see: Chapter 6.1 and BS 8103-1
Restraint straps and joist hangers suitable for taking tensile forces may be required to tie walls and upper floors together or when
the external wall is stabilised by a connection to the floor. Straps should:
be detailed in the design, including the size, position bear on the centre of bricks or blocks and not on
and fixings mortar joints
be galvanised steel with a 30mm x 5mm cross-section or be be fixed on the side, top or bottom, as appropriate to the
in accordance with Technical Requirement R3 joist type.
have adequate packing between the wall and the first joist
restraint strap held tight top fixed strap strap centered on block
against blockwork and tight to wall
side fixed
11 Timber and concrete upper floors 2023
Chapter 6.4
Restraint straps should be provided along the direction of the joists and spaced at a maximum of 2m centres. They are not
generally required at the ends of joists in buildings up to, and including, two storeys where:
restraint type joist hangers in accordance with joists are built into a wall and bear at least 90mm on
Technical Requirement R3 are used, or the wall.
Where joists run parallel to the wall, straps should be fitted along the joists with a maximum spacing of 2m, and:
be supported on noggings and extend over at least have noggings provided to receive two additional nails
three joists (for solid joists, two 4.76mm diameter x 50mm long wood
be fixed with two screws or nails into each joist screws (No.10) or 4mm diameter x 75mm round nails
(8 SWG) can be used in each joist).
I-joist with
restraint strap max. 2m centres nogging
I-joists should not be notched and have:
solid timber noggings no less than 0.5 x the depth of the noggings made from short lengths of I-joist, or solid timber
member and a maximum of 150mm fixed between the webs the full depth of the I-joists, or
and located beneath the top flange, with the straps installed noggings half the depth of the member x depth of the flange
through small slots neatly cut through the top of the web of laid on their side between the flanges.
the joists
When nailing into laminated veneer lumber flanges:
care should be taken to prevent splitting nails should be driven in at an angle (not horizontally) and
should not protrude from the flanges.
noggings for small slots neatly
I-joists cut through the top
of the webs
6.4.15 Strutting
Strutting shall be provided where required to distribute loads and ensure adequate rigidity of the
floor structure.
Strutting should: herringbone strutting blocking
(minimum 38mm thick and 0.75 x the depth of the joist).
Table 4: Strutting for solid timber and I-joists
Joist span (m) Rows of strutting
Under 2.5 None needed
2.5-4.5 1 (at centre of span)
Over 4.5 2 (at equal spacing)
Strutting to I-joists should be: strongback
provided in accordance with the Table 4, where required.
Metal web joists
Strutting to metal web joists should be:
provided in accordance with Table 5
solid timber ‘strongback’ bracing.
Table 5: Strutting for metal web joists
Joist span (m) Rows of strutting
4-8 1 (at centre of span)
over 8 2 (at equal spacing)
13 Timber and concrete upper floors 2023
Chapter 6.4
Upper floors shall have adequately sized and properly supported trimmer joists around openings.
Trimmed and trimming joists should be:
detailed in the design designed in accordance with Technical Requirement R5.
Connections between joists should be made with suitable ‘timber-to-timber’ hangers, and:
where face fixing I-joists to another I-joist, be provided with where metal web joists are used as a trimming joist to
backer blocks on both sides of the web of the trimmer support another metal web joist, have timber uprights
between the flanges of the trimmer.
void trimmer trimmed joists single or double trimmer in
accordance with the design
fixings should be in accordance with the engineer’s washers or single-faced connectors should be used
specification and should be checked before the ceiling is with bolts
fixed, including the tightness of bolts ensure that timber is not damaged by over-tightening.
toothed plate, split ring and shear plate connectors should
be provided where required
nails spaced
at approx.
450mm centres
restraint straps can be slotted into webs immediately
below the top flange.
Chapter 6.4
min. 10mm
expansion gap
joist or nogging
When fixing:
fixings should have a maximum spacing of 300mm along where boards abut a rigid upstand, a minimum 10mm
continuously supported edges and intermediate supports expansion gap should be provided; for large areas of
boarded floor, a wider expansion gap may be required at
upstands and intermediate expansion gaps of 2mm per
linear metre of floor should be provided.
Oriented strand board flooring
When fixing oriented strand board flooring:
boards should be laid over supports in the direction where boards abut a rigid upstand, a minimum 10mm
indicated on the board, with the stronger axis at right angles expansion gap should be provided; for large areas of
to the supporting joists boarded floor, a wider expansion gap may be required at
boards should be long enough to span two joists upstands and intermediate expansion gaps of 2mm per
nails should be flat headed, annular grooved nails, linear metre of floor should be provided.
3mm in diameter
Plywood flooring
When fixing plywood flooring:
boards should be laid with the face grain at right angles to fixings should have a maximum spacing of 150mm around
the supports the perimeter and a maximum spacing of 300mm on
end joints should occur over joists or noggings intermediate supports
an expansion gap of at least 1.5mm-2mm should be
allowed between each panel.
Nails for fixing plywood should be in accordance with Table 8.
Proprietary flooring
Proprietary flooring should be:
certified in accordance with Technical Requirement R3 installed in accordance with certification requirements.
Protection against damage
Floor decking should be stored:
on a hard base indoors where possible.
under cover
Where timber decking is to be installed before the home is watertight, the manufacturer should confirm suitability.
Floors should not be overloaded, especially with materials during construction, and be protected against damp, plaster splashes
and other damage.
17 Timber and concrete upper floors 2023
Chapter 6.4
6.5.1 Compliance 01
6.5.2 Design guidance 01
6.5.3 Steel grade and coatings 03
6.5.4 Installation and support 05
6.5.5 Padstones 05
6.5.6 Connections 06
6.5.7 Examples 07
1 Steelwork 2023
Chapter 6.5
6.5.2 Design guidance Also see: Chapters 6.1, 6.3 and 6.4
Steelwork shall be designed to support and transmit loads to the supporting structure without undue
movement or deflection. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) support of masonry partitions b) support of timber floors, including trimmed openings.
Where any of the conditions are not met, steelwork should be designed in accordance with Technical Requirement R5.
Method of applying tables:
ensure that all conditions apply. check the span of the beam(s)
identify the masonry partition construction and thickness use Table 2 to determine a suitable steel section size
use Table 1 to establish the load per metre run use Table 6 to determine if padstones are required.
An example is provided at the end of this chapter.
Table 1: Load of partition to be supported
Type of masonry for supported partition Maximum masonry Structural thickness (mm)
(not more than 2.7m high density (kg/m3) 100 90 75
and plastered both sides)
Load (kN/m run)
Dense masonry 2000 6.8 6.2 5.4
Medium masonry 1400 5.1 4.8 4.2
Lightweight masonry 800 3.5 3.3 2.9
Steelwork 2023 2
Chapter 6.5
3 to 5 Up to 3 127 x 76 x 13
3 to 3.5 152 x 89 x 16
3.5 to 4 178 x 102 x 19
Over 4 (2)
5 to 7 Up to 2.5 127 x 76 x 13
2.5 to 3 152 x 89 x 16
3 to 4 178 x 102 x 19
Over 4 (2)
For spans up to 4m, universal column 152mm x 152mm x 23kg/m (smallest size available) may be used.
2 For spans over 4m, beams should be designed by an engineer in accordance with Technical Requirement R5.
joists and the ceiling is plasterboard with a plaster skim coat padstones are provided where required in accordance
or a plastic finish (Artex or similar) with Table 6
allowance has been made of 0.5kN/m2 for self-weight clear span of beam does not exceed 4.4m
(floor and ceiling load) connections between steelwork beams are in accordance
the floor does not support masonry partitions with Clause 6.5.6, or are designed by an engineer
the floor support is one of the methods shown in Figure 1.
Where any of the conditions are not met, steelwork should be designed by an engineer in accordance with Technical Requirement R5.
Method of applying tables:
use Figure 1 to determine the area supported by use Table 7 to determine if padstones are required
the beam(s) where steel beam-to-steel connections are required,
check the span of the beam(s) refer to the connections in Clause 6.5.6.
use Table 3 to determine a suitable steel section size
Ensure that all conditions apply.
Figure 1: Effective areas supported by steel beams
wall wall
under B under A A
Chapter 6.5
void void void
Where any area shown as ‘void’ contains a staircase, add 2m2 to the effective area supported by any beam which fully or partially
supports that staircase.
Table 3: Size of steel beam supporting timber floor
Effective area Effective trimmer span Smallest suitable steel section size (mm x mm x kg/m)
supported (m2) = clear span + 100mm (m) Universal beam Universal column
0 to 20 0 to 2.0 127 x 76 x 13 152 x 152 x 23
0 to 20 2 to 2.5 127 x 76 x 13 152 x 152 x 23
20 to 30 152 x 89 x 16 152 x 152 x 23
0 to 10 2.5 to 3 127 x 76 x 13 152 x 152 x 23
10 to 20 152 x 89 x 16 152 x 152 x 23
20 to 30 178 x 102 x 19 152 x 152 x 23
0 to 10 3 to 3.5 127 x 76 x 13 152 x 152 x 23
10 to 30 178 x 102 x 19 152 x 152 x 23
30 to 40 203 x 133 x 25 152 x 152 x 30
0 to 10 3.5 to 4 152 x 89 x 16 152 x 152 x 23
10 to 20 178 x 102 x 19 152 x 152 x 23
20 to 30 203 x 102 x 23 152 x 152 x 23
Table 4: Environment categories for component groups in different locations and exposure conditions
Component group Location Description of exposure condition Environment categories
External Outside a home Above splash zone C4 or C5(1)
At ground level within splash zone C5(2)
(up to 150mm above ground)
Outside or basement Below ground level C5(2)
Internal Sub-floor void (3)
Unventilated C3
Ventilated C2
Internal Kitchen/bathroom, etc. Moist humid conditions – protected against condensation C2
Kitchen/bathroom, etc. Moist humid conditions – exposed to condensation C2
Rooms other than Warm dry C2
kitchen/bathroom, etc.
In roof void Unheated dry C2
Internal/external Façade Embedded or partially embedded in building envelope C5(4)
For construction located within 500m of coastal shoreline.
2 Alternatively, steelwork may be encased in concrete.
For steelwork not in contact with the ground.
4 For steelwork in contact with, or embedded in an external masonry wall, for at the contact / embedment length.
Alternatively, guidance on suitable atmospheric corrosivity categories (C1 – C5) and appropriate protective coatings for domestic
construction may be based on the recommendations given on the website www.steelconstruction.info. A site specific
assessment is required in order to determine an appropriate classification level for the steelwork. A suitable protective coating
specification is to be determined by the designer in accordance with the coating manufacturer’s recommendations.
Table 5: Protective coatings for hot rolled structural steelwork for atmospheric corrosivity category (recommended for housing
applications only)
Atmospheric Surface Protective coating(1, 2, 3) Site or Making good of
corrosivity preparation(4) Material Minimum coating thickness Number factory damaged areas of
and risk (d.f.t.)(5) / weight(6) of coats applied protective coating
C1 N/A None required. N/A N/A N/A N/A
Very low
C2 Thoroughly clean High build zinc 80 µm(8) 1 or 2 Factory Thoroughly wire brush
Low surface prior to phosphate epoxy damaged areas and
abrasive blast primer(7) build up coats using
cleaning to Sa 2½. the same materials
and to the same d.f.t.
C3 Thoroughly clean High build zinc 80 µm(8) 1 or 2 Factory Thoroughly wire brush
Medium surface prior to phosphate epoxy damaged areas and
abrasive blast (7)
primer, followed build up coats using
cleaning to by high build 120 µm 1 the same materials
Sa 2½. recoatable epoxy and to the same d.f.t.
micaceous iron
oxide (MIO) (200 µm in total)
C4 Hot dip 460 gms/m² 1 Factory To be determined
High galvanize to by the designer in
BS EN ISO 1461(9) accordance with
the manufacturer’s
C5 Hot dip 710 gms/m² 1 Factory To be determined
Very high galvanize to by the designer in
BS EN ISO 1461(9) accordance with
the manufacturer’s
here steelwork is to be given a decorative finish, the protective coat is to be compatible with the decorative finish.
1 W
Manufacturers’ recommendations should be followed.
Where steelwork is to be protected by intumescent paint for fire purposes, manufacturers’ recommendations should be followed.
All fixings and fittings to the structural steel elements are to be protected against corrosion in a manner that is both commensurate and compatible with the
protective coatings.
Surface preparation to BS EN ISO 12944-4.
Coating thicknesses given represent nominal dry film thickness (d.f.t.).
Thicknesses and weights shown represent the coating to be applied to each face of a steel section.
Epoxy primers have a limited time for over-coating. Manufacturers’ recommendations should be followed.
80 µm can be in one coat or as 20 µm pre-fabrication primer plus 60 µm post-fabrication primer.
Alternatively, use products manufactured from austenitic stainless steel in accordance with the recommendations of BS EN 1993-1-4:2006.
5 Steelwork 2023
Chapter 6.5
Where shop-applied protective coatings have been damaged, the coatings should be made good on site prior to being built into
the works, as indicated in Table 5 ‘Making good of damaged areas’.
Where steelwork is to be welded, the protective coating system specified by the designer should be used.
Where steelwork is to be protected by intumescent paint for fire purposes, this should be in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
6.5.5 Padstones
Steelwork shall be supported by padstones where required to distribute point loads safely to the supporting
structure without undue movement or deflection.
Where a steel beam is supported by masonry, a padstone may be required to spread the load over a larger area to
prevent overstressing. Padstones should be in accordance with:
the engineer’s design, or the guidance given in this chapter.
Where the inner leaf of the cavity wall contributes to the overall thermal performance of the wall, padstones should:
have similar thermal properties to the masonry used for the not create a cold bridge.
rest of the inner leaf, or
Padstones should be formed in one unit with a minimum compressive strength of 10 N/mm2 from:
in-situ concrete clay bricks, or
precast concrete engineering bricks (when less than 215mm x 100mm).
concrete blocks
6.5.6 Connections
Connections shall be chosen and installed to achieve the required structural performance.
Steelwork connections should:
be in accordance with the guidance in this chapter, or where other forms of connection (e.g. high strength friction
grip bolts) are required, be designed by an engineer in
accordance with Technical Requirement R5.
Only weld, cut or drill steelwork where it is required by the design.
Bolts for connections should comply with the design information and relevant British Standards, including:
BS 4190 ‘Specification for ISO metric black hexagon bolts, screws and nuts’.
BS EN 1011 ‘Welding. Recommendations for welding of metallic materials’.
BS EN 14399 ‘High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading’.
BS EN 1993-1-8 ‘Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures. Design of joints’.
The connection methods detailed in this chapter are suitable for connecting steel beams used to support floor loads only, using
black bolts or welding.
25mm 25mm
10mm max.
Joints between beams of similar size
10mm max. (neither beam deeper than 170mm)
Chapter 6.5
6.5.7 Examples
1 Using information about the supported wall and Table 1: Wall supported by steel beam:
■ 75mm thick
load per metre run = 4.2kN/m. ■ medium density (1200kg/m3)
■ plastered both sides
2 U
sing the load per metre run, the span of the beam ■ 2.6m high.
and Table 2:
suitable section size = 178 x 102 x 19 UB.
52 x 152 x 23 UC is not suitable as it is too wide for the
inner padstone/wall.
3 U
sing information about the wall supporting the beam
(100mm thick), the walls supported by the beam outer
(medium density block) and Table 6: 100mm
Steel beam: padstone
■ opening 3.8m 100mm
■ min 100mm bearing at each end.
6.6.1 Compliance 01
6.6.2 Provision of information 01
6.6.3 Fire precautions 01
6.6.4 Lighting 02
6.6.5 Glazing 02
6.6.6 Structural design 02
6.6.7 Headroom and width 03
6.6.8 Design of steps 03
6.6.9 Landings 04
6.6.10 Guarding 05
6.6.11 Handrails 05
6.6.12 Staircases made from timber and
wood-based products 07
6.6.13 Concrete staircases 08
6.6.14 Steel staircases 08
6.6.15 Proprietary staircase units 08
6.6.16 Protection 08
1 Staircases 2023
Chapter 6.6
Staircases which comply with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable. Further guidance can be found in BS 5395-1.
Staircases should be designed to meet relevant building regulations, taking into account the fire resistance of components and
smoke ventilation. Further guidance can be found in BS 9991 and BS 9999.
Timber staircases are acceptable in a single family home where there are no more than four storeys, excluding the basement.
In houses of three or more storeys, and flats in buildings of three or more storeys, additional provisions may be required to comply
with relevant building regulations.
Further information on fire precaution and staircases can be found in the Building Control Alliance Technical Guidance Note 19.
Staircases 2023 2
Chapter 6.6
Artificial light sources should be provided to all staircases and landings within homes and common areas, and be controlled by
two-way switching. Alternatively automatic light-sensitive controls may be used.
6.6.5 Glazing Also see: GGF Safety and Security Glazing Good Practice Guide
Glazing near staircases (where contact could be made by someone using the stairs) shall be suitable for its
Where staircases are located close to glazing, any glass below the minimum guarding height or within a zone where a user may
make impact, the glass should either not break or be designed to break safely. The glazing should be at least one of the following:
protected by a balustrade or railing (balustrade spacing toughened or laminated glass
should be a maximum of 75mm) constructed using glass blocks.
Timber stud walls may require additional noggings to provide appropriate fixing locations, and block walls should be sufficiently
robust to support the required loads and to receive appropriate fixings. It should be noted that stairs generally are unable to be
secured to metal stud walls.
Differential movement
When considering differential movement in relation to setting out, levels and finishes, allowances should be made for:
casting tolerances creep and shrinkage
deflection under load storey height.
foundation settlement
3 Staircases 2023
Chapter 6.6
Stairs should have a minimum of 2m clear head room (H) over the entire length and width of the stairway and landing, as
measured vertically from the pitch line or landing.
The overall floor opening should be checked off plan and on site prior to the stairs being installed:
for size to accept the stairs, with sufficient clearance to
enable installation
to allow for sufficient headroom.
Where staircases form part of a means of escape, reference
should be made to the relevant building regulations.
pitch line
Staircases should be accurately located and fixed with the string at the correct angle to ensure all treads are level.
Stairs should be dimensioned so that the rise (R) and the going (G) is between 550mm and 700mm when using the equation:
2R + G.
Staircases 2023 4
Chapter 6.6
In each flight:
treads should be level the treads should overlap by a minimum of 16mm, where the
the rise and going of steps should be equal riser is open
account should be taken of the thicknesses of screeds. Floor open risers should not have gaps greater than 100mm and
finishes that reduce the bottom rise by a maximum of 12mm are not permitted for common stairs.
are acceptable
stair finish
gaps 100mm max.
all risers
Where stairs are open to the weather, designers should consider that grip may be affected by water or dust, and one of the
following should be specified:
a non-slip finish a non-slip insert to each tread.
Tapered treads and winders
The rise of tapered treads should be consistent throughout the
staircase. The going should be:
uniform and no less than the going of the associated straight spacing
centre line
flight, measured from the centre line of the straight flight
a minimum of 50mm at the narrowest point.
centre line
6.6.9 Landings
Landings shall allow safe use of the staircase.
Chapter 6.6
6.6.10 Guarding
Staircases shall have adequate guarding and be constructed to reduce the risk of being climbed or
falling through.
is required where the drop is more than 600mm at any point may be required where a stair abuts an opening window,
along the open sides of stairs and landings to comply with relevant building regulations.
Guarding should be:
provided along the full length of the flight, including landings a solid wall or balustrading
capable of resisting a horizontal force of 0.36kN/m at its in accordance with Table 2.
minimum required height, in accordance with BS 6180
Balustrading should:
100mm diameter spheres cannot pass through
be fixed securely
not be climbed easily by children, e.g. have no horizontal
foot holds which would enable climbing
not have openings larger than 100mm in diameter.
Where guardrails or balustrades are long, newel posts may not
be sufficient to transfer the horizontal forces to the structure,
and intermediate posts may be required. The method of fixing
A handrail is required for flights of stairs that rise over 600mm. The handrail (throughout the full length) should:
be securely fixed and located in accordance with the design
be a vertical distance of 900mm–1000mm (or
840mm–1000mm in Scotland) above the pitch line
have a 25mm minimum clearance from any surface
ensure a firm handhold
have rounded ends or be returned to the wall to reduce the
risk of clothing being caught
be continuous, smooth and unobstructed.
Staircases 2023 6
Chapter 6.6
For tapered treads/winders, the handrails to the outside of the stairs should provide a safe handhold for the full rise of any stairs
with a total rise greater than 600mm.
In England, Wales and Scotland, where the staircase has between one and four tapered treads/winders, the newel post may be
used to provide a safe handhold. In Northern Ireland, a handrail should be fitted to the outside of all tapered stairs.
In England, Wales and Scotland, a handrail is not required on the outside of the stairs if the newels provide a safe handhold.
There should be a minimum distance between newels of 100mm to provide a hand grip.
Chapter 6.6
string securely
Strings should be glued to the newel posts and secured with fixed to wall
Timber used for external staircases should be in accordance with guidance from the Timber Decking and Cladding Association.
Finished joinery should be free from splits, knocks and other damage which would impair its structural performance or finish.
Nails should be punched below the surface of the wood and stopped. Further guidance can be found in BS 1186-2.
Handrails should:
have a smooth finish and be free from rough edges not have any sharp edges, including brackets or
screw heads.
Staircases 2023 8
Chapter 6.6
Staircases made from concrete shall be suitable for their intended purpose and be of suitable quality.
In-situ construction
Guidance for in-situ concrete can be found in Chapter 3.1 ‘Concrete and its reinforcement’.
Shuttering for concrete elements or connections should be constructed to ensure a consistent rise and going.
Chairs or spacing blocks should be used to provide cover to reinforcement in accordance with Chapter 3.1.
Formwork should be struck in accordance with the design information.
Design information on the spacing of bolt fixings for balustrades or handrails should be followed.
Balustrading for concrete staircases should be:
grouted into the preformed holes or pockets bolted to brackets cast into the concrete.
Care should be taken when using expanding fixings near the edges of concrete.
6.6.15 Proprietary staircase units
Proprietary staircases shall be suitable for their intended purpose and of suitable quality.
Proprietary staircases and associated components should comply with Technical Requirement R3.
6.6.16 Protection
Stairs shall be free from damage and unsightly marks.
6.7.1 Compliance 01
6.7.2 Provision of information 01
6.7.3 In service performance 01
6.7.4 Timber doors and windows 03
6.7.5 Non-timber windows and doors 04
6.7.6 Installation 04
6.7.7 Glazing 05
6.7.8 Security 07
6.7.9 Ironmongery 09
6.7.10 Material storage and protection 09
6.7.11 Completed work 10
1 Doors, windows and glazing 2023
Chapter 6.7
Doors, windows and glazing shall comply with the Technical Requirements.
Doors, windows and glazing which comply with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable.
Doors and windows shall be tested and classified for air permeability, watertightness, and wind resistance in accordance with the
following standards:
BS 6375-1 BS EN 1027 and BS EN 12208
BS EN 1026 and BS EN 12207 BS EN 12211 and BS EN 12210.
The classification levels should be suitable for the site exposure conditions and selected in accordance with BS 6375-1.
Coupled door and window assemblies contained within a single storey should:
be supplied as a system using products and materials include suitable seals within coupling joints such as
fully specified by the system supplier to achieve the impregnated foam or flexible polymer gaskets (it is not
In Scotland, Northern Ireland, and areas of very severe exposure, ‘check reveals’ should be used. The frame should be set back
behind the masonry outer leaf with a minimum 12mm overlap to the frame.
Bay windows should be linked to DPCs at reveals to maintain weathertightness and detailed to minimise thermal bridging.
Doors, windows and glazing 2023 2
Chapter 6.7
12mm min.
to frame
‘rebated’ or ‘check’ reveal in
areas of very severe exposure
model 15
Fire safety
Fire-resisting doors and positive self-closing devices should be fitted where they are required by building regulations.
Thermal break
Metal frames should incorporate thermal breaks to increase their thermal resistance.
Door frames, windows and their fittings should be adequate to withstand operational loads. BS 6375-2 provides guidance on
characteristics and classes of performance appropriate for the UK.
Structural loads should be carried on lintels, beams or appropriate structural elements. Where frames are required to carry
structural loads, they should be designed accordingly.
Chapter 6.7
6.7.4 Timber doors and windows Also see: Chapter 3.3 and 9.5
Timber and wood-based materials shall be of suitable quality and be naturally durable or suitably treated.
Issues to be taken into account include:
a) classification and use c) preparation and finish.
b) drying shrinkage
In England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man, planted stops are not permitted on frames to external doors.
External doors should be 42.5mm minimum (44mm nominal) in thickness.
Drying shrinkage
To minimise drying shrinkage, the moisture content of joinery, when fixed, should not exceed the value given in Table 2.
Table 2: Moisture content of joinery
Joinery items Moisture content (%)
Windows and frames 17
Internal joinery:
Intermittent heating. 15
Continuous heating. 12
In close proximity to a heat source. 9
On delivery, the moisture content should be within +/-2% of the values specified.
6.7.6 Installation
Doors and windows shall be correctly located and securely fixed. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) workmanship and fixing d) door hinges
b) hanging doors and opening lights e) window boards
c) general ironmongery f) bay windows.
Internal door frames and linings should:
match the thickness of the wall, partitions and finishes be securely fixed, to prevent curling.
be blocked off walls wherever possible, to allow for
full architraves
Timber trim should be:
sufficiently wide to mask joints fixed to minimise movement and shrinkage.
Architraves should be:
parallel to frames and linings fixed with an equal margin to each frame member
accurately mitred, or scribed, to fit neatly and tightly fixed securely.
When fixing components:
nails should be punched below the surface of the timber damage should be avoided.
with holes stopped
Chapter 6.7
General ironmongery
Hinges and other ironmongery should be:
housed neatly and flush with the surface supplied with a full set of matching screws.
Locks should:
turn easily have keyholes which are properly aligned.
not be fitted in mortises too tightly
Door hinges
To reduce twisting, doors should be hung on hinges in accordance with Table 1.
Table 1: Door hinges
Type of door Hinges
External 1½ pairs x 100mm
Internal door 1 pair x 75mm
Fire door In accordance with the door manufacturer’s recommendations
Airing or cylinder cupboard 1½ pairs x 75mm
Window boards
Window boards should:
have a flat and level top surface be of a moisture resistant grade where MDF is used.
be fixed close to the frame and adequately secured against
twisting and other movement, particularly any back slope
towards the frame
Bay windows
Bay windows should be:
adequately supported and secured to the structure, properly linked to DPCs at reveals.
to prevent sagging or twisting
6.7.7 Glazing
Glass and the method of glazing shall be installed in accordance with the design and to ensure adequate
in-service performance. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) standards e) condition before installation
b) glazing compounds f) sizing
c) glazing systems g) rebates
d) insulating glass units h) bead glazing.
Where there is a high risk of accidental breakage, glazing should be designed and selected to comply with relevant
building regulations.
Where there is a particular risk (such as door side panels or ‘low level’ glazing) and where fully glazed panels can be mistaken
for doors, toughened or laminated glass, or other materials such as acrylic or polycarbonate, may be required.
The glass supplier should provide documentation to confirm:
the properties of the glass used compliance with the appropriate British Standards.
Glazed materials and units should be:
compatible with the levels of safety and security that identified as safety glass with a permanent marking
are required (includes glazed shower/bath screens).
Glazing should ensure adequate in-service performance. The quality and thickness of normal window glass should:
be specified to suit the design wind loads for the location comply with BS 6262 and relevant data sheets issued by
the Glass and Glazing Federation.
Doors, windows and glazing 2023 6
Chapter 6.7
Glazing and materials should comply with appropriate British Standards, including:
BS 5516 ‘Patent glazing and sloping glazing for buildings’.
BS 6262 ‘Code of practice for glazing of buildings’.
BS EN 1279 ‘Glass in buildings-insulating glass units’.
BS EN 572 ‘Float glass’.
BS EN 14449 ‘Laminated glass’.
BS EN 12150 ‘Toughened glass’.
BS EN 572 ‘Wired glass’.
BS EN 1096 ‘Low-e coated glasses, including hard and soft coated’.
Glazing compounds
Glazing compounds should:
be compatible with the frame finishes be in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
Linseed oil based putty should not be used in the installation of laminated glass or insulating glass units.
Glazing systems
Drained and vented systems
Drained and vented systems should be used for site fixed insulating glass units and where units greater than 1m2 are used, to
allow moisture that enters the glazing channel between the frame and the edge seal of the insulating glass unit to drain away
and prevent long-term moisture contact with the edge seal. Drained and vented systems should have:
a minimum 5mm gap between the frame’s lower rebate and the edge seal of the insulating glass unit
the edge seal of the insulating glass unit adequately protected.
adequate drainage and ventilation through holes,
slots or channels
Fully bedded systems
Fully bedded systems are acceptable for factory glazing only where the insulated unit is less than 1m2, and should:
comply with the relevant parts of BS 8000, not have gaps around the perimeter of the insulating
BS 6262 and BRE Digest 453 glass unit.
Partially bedded insulating glass units may be fixed on site where bedded at the top and sides, providing the rebate platform is
drained and vented.
Site glazed systems
Where doors and windows of materials other than timber are delivered to the site unglazed, all glazing should be carried out in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Appropriate fixing and sealing systems should include:
distance pieces, unless load-bearing tapes are used appropriate beads
setting blocks suitable glazing compounds, sealants,
location blocks, where required gaskets and/or capping.
In external situations, the bottom bead should:
project slightly over the rebate edge be fixed to the rebate platform.
Insulating glass units
Insulating glass units should:
carry a CE mark to BS EN 1279 and have third-party have a dual seal or a single seal of hot melt butyl and
certification, e.g. BSI Kitemark desiccant in at least one long and one short section of the
be checked to ensure they comply with the design, including spacer bar.
glass type, gas filling, edge seal type and dimensions
7 Doors, windows and glazing 2023
Chapter 6.7
To account for thermal expansion, the following gaps should be provided:
3mm gap between the glass edge and the frame 5mm gap at the bottom bead for drained systems.
Insulating glass units should not be cut or punctured on site.
Rebates for glass should be:
the correct size for the glazing rigid and true.
primed where timber
Insulating glass units should be:
protected from sunlight at the edges by the frame positioned to ensure the spacer bar is below the level of the
frame’s sightline.
Setting and location blocks should be of a suitable and resilient material.
In drained and ventilated frames:
dimensions of holes and slots should be checked to ensure drainage channels in the rebate should be free from
that effective drainage can occur obstructions that could prevent effective drainage.
Bead glazing
Beads and linings should be used for:
internal glazing locations where shock absorption is required.
6.7.8 Security
Doors, door frames, windows and locks shall be designed and specified to improve their resistance to
unauthorised entry. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) locking functionality of main entrance doors e) glazing
b) locking functionality of secondary access doors f) framed wall construction
c) opening limitation device g) door and frame connections
d) view outside h) windows.
Locking devices fitted to main entrance doors should permit emergency egress without the use of a key when the home
is occupied.
Homes with an alternative means of escape via a door
the door should be held closed on a latch enhanced security can be achieved by providing the facility
deadlocking should be operated by a key externally and to deadlock the internal thumb turn when leaving the home
a handle or thumb turn internally (BS 8621 locks and unoccupied (BS 10621 locks and PAS 10621 multi point
PAS 8621 multi point locks meet these requirements) locks meet these requirements).
Doors, windows and glazing 2023 8
Chapter 6.7
Homes opening directly to the outside without an alternative means of escape via a door
the door should be held closed on a latch deadlocking should be operated by a key externally and
a handle or thumb turn internally (BS 8621 locks and
PAS 8621 multi point locks meet these requirements).
Homes without an alternative means of escape opening onto a communal access
the door should be held closed with a roller bolt or a latch deadlocking should be operated by a key externally and
operated by a handle internally and externally a handle or thumb turn internally (BS 8621 locks and PAS
8621 multi point locks meet these requirements).
View outside
There should be a means of giving a wide angle view of the area immediately outside the main entrance door of individual
homes. Acceptable methods include:
a through-door viewer closed-circuit camera and displays (not connected
clear glazing either to part of the door or a to a TV).
convenient window
Any glazing which, if broken, would permit release of the internal handle or thumb turn by hand or arm entry should be laminated.
Opening lights on ground floor windows and others which are readily accessible from the outside may be fitted with lockable
devices which cannot be released without a key.
9 Doors, windows and glazing 2023
Chapter 6.7
6.7.9 Ironmongery
Ironmongery shall be suitable for the intended use.
Ironmongery should be provided in accordance with the design. Materials used for critical functions should comply with the
appropriate standards, including:
BS EN 1935 ‘Building hardware. Single-axis hinges. Requirements and test methods’.
BS 3621 ‘Lock assemblies operated by key from both the inside and outside of the door’.
BS 8621 ‘Lock assemblies operated by key from the outside of the door and by handle or thumb turn from the inside of
the door’.
BS 10621 ‘Lock assemblies in which the operating mode can be switched between the normal BS 8621 operating mode
and a secure mode in which no egress is possible’.
BS EN 1906 ‘Building hardware. Lever handles and knob furniture. Requirements and test methods’.
BS EN 12209 ‘Building hardware. Mechanically operated locks and locking plates. Requirements and test methods’.
BS EN 1154 ‘Building hardware. Controlled door closing devices. Requirements and test methods’.
Where doors to rooms containing a bath or WC have a securing device, it should be of a type capable of being opened from the
outside in an emergency.
In sheltered accommodation, additional special provisions may be needed for all door locks, limiters and other fasteners, to en-
able wardens to gain access when necessary.
Joinery, door and window components shall be adequately protected against damp and decay. Issues to be
taken into account include:
a) storage b) cut ends.
Where joinery is stored on site, precautions should include:
avoiding wetting during unloading
stacking external joinery on bearers off the ground and
covering with waterproof material
storing internal joinery in a weather protected condition.
Cut ends
Where pretreated joinery is cut or adjusted on site, the affected
surfaces should be retreated with appropriate preservative in
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Doors, windows and glazing 2023 10
Chapter 6.7
Fireplaces, chimneys
and flues
Chapter 6.8
This chapter gives guidance on meeting the
Technical Requirements for fireplaces,
chimneys and flues.
6.8.1 Compliance 01
6.8.2 Provision of information 02
6.8.3 Solid fuel – fireplaces and hearths 02
6.8.4 Solid fuel – combustion air 03
6.8.5 Solid fuel – flue pipes 03
6.8.6 Solid fuel – chimneys 04
6.8.7 Solid fuel – outlets and terminals 05
6.8.8 Gas – fireplaces and hearths 06
6.8.9 Gas – combustion air 07
6.8.10 Gas – flue pipes 07
6.8.11 Gas – chimneys 08
6.8.12 Gas – outlets and terminals 10
6.8.13 Oil – fireplaces and hearths 11
6.8.14 Oil – combustion air 12
6.8.15 Oil – flue pipes 12
6.8.16 Oil – chimneys 12
6.8.17 Oil – outlets and terminals 13
6.8.18 All – fireplaces and hearths 14
6.8.19 All – fireplace surrounds 14
6.8.20 All – flue pipes 15
6.8.21 All – flue liners 15
6.8.22 All – flues 16
6.8.23 All – chimneys 17
6.8.24 Masonry 19
6.8.25 Mortar 19
6.8.26 DPC 19
6.8.27 Flashings 19
6.8.28 Terminals 20
6.8.29 Flue testing 21
6.8.30 Further information 21
1 Fireplaces, chimneys and flues 2023
Chapter 6.8
In this chapter, the following terms are used:
ridge terminal flue and chimney terminal flue and chimney terminal
flue lining
roof space
first floor
gas appliance
flue pipe
free standing
solid fuel open hearth
party wall
Fireplaces, chimneys and flues shall comply with the Technical Requirements, and be designed to
ensure efficient operation of the appliance, an adequate supply of combustion air and protection for the
building fabric.
Fireplaces, chimneys and flues which comply with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable.
Installations should be provided with an adequate supply of combustion air:
as stipulated by statutory requirements and Where a fixed combustion appliance is provided,
building regulations appropriate provisions shall be made to detect and give
to ensure satisfactory combustion of fuel and the efficient warning to the release of carbon monoxide.
working of flues and chimneys
Where a chimney or flue is provided:
it should be continuous from the hearth or appliance to the a notice plate containing safety information about any
outside air hearths and flues should be securely fixed in an unobtrusive
but obvious position within the home.
The design of homes which incorporate chimneys and flues should ensure that all details of the associated elements are
considered and appropriate provisions made. This should include the following:
fire risk and separation terminals and outlets
hearths and the constructions adjacent to hearths limitations on the appliance or open fire which can
and flues be installed, and fuel which can be used.
chimneys and flues, including projections through
the building
Fireplaces, chimneys and flues 2023 2
Chapter 6.8
Good workmanship and effective supervision during construction are essential to ensure that fireplaces, chimneys and flues
function correctly in use.
Fireplaces, chimneys and flues should be designed and installed to minimise the risk of the building catching fire. The design of
timber frame construction should ensure that combustible material is:
suitably separated from heat sources, or shielded, where permitted.
Constructional hearths should be: 150mm min.
plan view
provided for open fires or closed combustion appliances in
accordance with building regulations and the min.
manufacturer’s recommendations
a minimum of 840mm in any direction for
freestanding appliances
the adjacent diagram shows the minimum dimensions from
the appliance to the edge of the hearth.
225mm min.
300mm for closed
min.* appliances
Chapter 6.8
150mm 150mm
min. x
75mm min. solid non-combustible material
t = thickness of solid non-combustible material as follows:
x less than 50mm = t (200mm min.)
x more than 50mm = t (75mm min.)
England, Wales and the Isle of 50% of throat area(1) If design air permeability is less than 5.0m3/h,
Man then 300mm2/kW for first 5kW of appliance is the
rated output and 850mm2/kW for the balance of
appliance rated output
If design air permeability is greater than 5.0m3/h
then 850mm2/kW of appliance is the rated output
Scotland For fireplaces up to 450mm wide Above 5kW rating, 550mm2/kW
(measured between fire bricks), 1500mm2
For fireplaces wider than 450mm,
manufacturer’s details should be followed
Northern Ireland 50% of throat area(1) Up to 6kW rating, 550mm2
Over 6kW, add 550mm2 for each kW above 6kW
1 Where the fire has a canopy, the open air vents should be 50% of the flue area.
1.5xD shield
D 4xD
flue pipe
flue pipe
requirement in Northern Ireland
requirement elsewhere
(D = external diameter of the flue pipe)
b) flue liners d) resistance to weather.
Chapter 6.8
Flue liners
Flue liners should:
have rebated or socketed joints installed with the socket or be reasonably smooth on the inside
internal rebate facing uppermost be correctly jointed with mortar (the space between the
be installed in accordance with the liners and the brickwork should be filled with weak insulating
manufacturer’s recommendations concrete unless the manufacturer recommends
be non-combustible an alternative)
be properly jointed at their junctions with the starter block, have any changes in direction formed using purpose-made
or lintel, and the outlet terminal bends (cut pipes are not acceptable).
Resistance to weather
In areas of severe or very severe exposure, cavities should be continuous up to roof level. This applies to:
cavities below roof level where the stack forms part of an the complete chimney structure, including the
external cavity wall fireplace recess.
In areas of severe or very severe exposure, and where the chimney breast is gathered in, the lower projecting masonry should
be protected against damp penetration with a suitable capping and cavity trays (see Clause 6.8.28b).
Above the roof:
chimney DPCs should link with flashings; where the roof is face brickwork should not have recessed joints
steeply pitched (where the difference in level between the where lead trays are in contact with mortar, they should be
lower and higher intersection of the chimney with the roof protected with a thick coat of bitumen or bitumen paint
will be more than 450mm) two DPCs should be used at where chimneys are to be rendered, render should be in
suitable levels accordance with Chapter 6.11 ‘Render’.
plastic DPCs are not suitable
Outlet position
The flue will generally function more effectively where the A B C D
outlet is in a low pressure zone, taking account of
prevailing winds.
A low pressure zone generally occurs:
on the lee side and at the ridge of a pitched roof
close to the windward side of a flat roof.
Where the efficiency of the flue may be affected by adjacent
trees or buildings in the ‘low pressure’ zone, the design
should account for their effects.
Where down draughts occur, e.g. on hillsides or near tall trees
and buildings, the height of the flue outlet may have to be
increased or a fan-assisted flue installed.
Fireplaces, chimneys and flues 2023 6
Chapter 6.8
Terminals should be:
purpose-made components sealed to the flue liner.
built into the top of the masonry to a minimum of 125mm or
0.25x the length of the terminal, whichever is the greater
An acceptable terminal can be achieved where the top flue liner projects a minimum of 20mm above the chimney capping.
Chimney cappings
Chimney cappings should:
be weathered, monolithic slabs
be designed to protect the masonry below purpose-made
project a minimum of 50mm, and have a drip 30mm from cappings
the face to shed water clear of the masonry. min.
flue outlet.
Brick chimneys which do not have this type of capping should
be constructed using frost-resistant masonry.
Chapter 6.8
Back boilers
Hearths for back boilers should be constructed of solid non-combustible materials, a minimum of:
125mm thick, or 25mm thick and placed on non-combustible supports which
are a minimum of 25mm high.
Other gas appliances plan view 150mm min.
Hearths for other types of appliance should be constructed of
non-combustible materials which: 150mm
are a minimum of 12mm thick
comply with the plan dimensions for back boilers.
In some cases, the provision of a hearth is not required,
e.g. where the flame or incandescent material is at least
225mm above the floor.
For all forms of gas appliances the hearths should be marked
front of 225mm min.
at the edges to: appliance from front
of appliance
provide a warning to the home owner
hearth for back boiler
discourage combustible floor finishes, such as carpet,
from being laid too close to the appliance (this can be
achieved by introducing a change in level).
1.8m max.
Flues and flue liners
Flue blocks for use with gas appliances should comply with BS EN 1858 (Concrete) or BS EN 1806 (Clay).
Table 4: Gas flue sizes
Serving Minimum flue size
Non fan-assisted Gas fire Either:
individually flued gas a circular flue with a minimum 12000mm2 cross-sectional area
burning appliances up (125mm diameter), or
to 70kW input, excluding a rectangular flue with a minimum 16,500mm2 cross-sectional
balanced flue area and a minimum dimension of 90mm.
Any other at least the cross-sectional area of the outlet from
the appliance.
Inset live or decorative Open fire within a fireplace either a circular or rectangular flue with a minimum dimension
gas fuel effect appliances opening up to 500mm x 550mm of 175mm.
Rigid flue liners should comply with BS EN 1856 or be as described in Clause 6.8.6. Flexible flue liners are not acceptable in a
new build.
Chimneys for gas appliances must not incorporate an adjustable draught control.
Masonry chimneys
Flues within masonry chimneys should be in accordance with the requirements relevant to flues for solid fuel appliances
(see Clause 6.8.6b).
Brickwork or blockwork chimneys for gas appliances should, at minimum, have the same level of fire resistance as each
compartment wall or floor which it forms part of, or passes through. The compartment wall may form the chimney wall where it is
a masonry material.
9 Fireplaces, chimneys and flues 2023
Chapter 6.8
Gas flue blocks are at least 140mm wide. Where this is wider
than the wall leaf: ridge tile adaptor
vertical DPM
D Below gutters, soil pipes or drain pipes 300 75 (3)
E Below eaves 300 200 (3)
F Below a balcony or car port roof 600 200 (3)
G From a vertical drainpipe or soil pipe 300 150 (4) (3)
H From an internal or external corner, or to a 600 300 (3)
boundary alongside the terminal(2)
I Above ground, roof or balcony level 300 300 (3)
J From a surface or a boundary facing the 600 600 (3)
K From a terminal facing the terminal 600 1200 (3)
L From an opening in the car port into the 1200 1200 (3)
M Vertically from a terminal on the same wall 1500 1500 (3)
N Horizontally from a terminal on the same wall 300 300 (3)
P From a structure on the roof N/A N/A 1500 (for a ridge terminal) N/A
2000 (for any other
terminal, as given in BS
Q Above the highest point of intersection with N/A Site in accordance Site in accordance with 150
the roof with manufacturer’s BS 5440-1
1 An opening here means an openable element, such as an openable window, or a fixed opening, such as an air vent. However, in addition, the outlet should not
be nearer than 150mm (fanned draught) or 300mm (natural draught) to an opening into the building fabric formed for the purpose of accommodating a built-in
element, such as a window frame.
2 Boundary as defined in paragraph 0.4. of Approved Document J: smaller separations to the boundary may be acceptable for appliances that have been shown to
operate safely with such separations from surfaces adjacent to, or opposite, the flue outlet.
3 Should not be used.
4 This dimension may be reduced to 75mm for appliances of up to 5kW input (net).
11 Fireplaces, chimneys and flues 2023
Chapter 6.8
Where a flue outlet is not serving a balanced flue appliance, it should be:
situated at roof level, so that air can pass freely across it fitted with a flue terminal where the flue diameter is less
at all times than 170mm (larger diameter flues should be fitted with a
a minimum of 600mm from openings terminal where required by Building Regulations).
600mm P
Q 2000mm
Precautions should be taken, where appropriate, to prevent damp penetration in accordance with the requirements for resistance
to frost attack and weathering for solid fuel appliances (see Clause 6.8.6).
All flues which bridge the cavity of an external wall should have a means of preventing moisture crossing the cavity,
e.g. a moisture drip collar set in the centre of the cavity. For timber frame construction the guidance in IGE/UP/7 should be
adopted in relation to non combustible sleeving and to maintain the integrity of the vapour control layer.
appliance appliance
have a free area which is at least the same size as the where possible, be vertical (where this cannot be achieved,
outlet of the appliance there should be no more than two bends, which should not
be more than 45° from vertical).
Factory-made insulated chimneys should:
be designed in accordance with BS EN 1856 and BS EN have a minimum operating life of 30 years
1859 and installed in accordance with BS EN 15287, or be where they are part of a component system, comply with
assessed in accordance with Technical Requirement R3 BS EN 1856 and installed in accordance with BS 5440.
Chapter 6.8
Flue liners
As for gas flue pipes where the flue gases are unlikely to exceed a temperature of 250°C (see Clause 6.8.10). As for solid fuel
flue pipes where the flue gases are likely to exceed a temperature of 250°C or the temperature is not known (see Clause 6.8.5).
Flexible flue liners are not acceptable for new build.
Resistance to weather
Resistance to weather as for solid fuel (see Clause 6.8.6).
F From an external or internal corner, or from a surface or boundary alongside the 300
G Above ground or balcony level 300
H From a surface or boundary facing the terminal 600
J From a terminal facing the terminal 1200
K Vertically from a terminal on the same wall 1500
L Horizontally from a terminal on the same wall 750
M Above the highest point of an intersection with the roof 600(6) 1000(5)
N From a vertical structure to the side of the terminal 750 (6)
O Above a vertical structure which is less than 750mm (pressure jet burner) or 2,300mm 600(6) 1000(5)
(vaporising burner) horizontally from the side of the terminal
P From a ridge terminal to a vertical structure on the roof 1500 Should not be used
1 Terminals should only be positioned on walls where appliances have been approved for such configurations when tested in accordance with BS EN 303-1
or OFTEC standards OFS A100 or OFS A101.
2 An opening means an openable element, such as an openable window, or a permanently open air vent.
3 Not withstanding the dimensions above, a terminal should be at least 300mm from 3 combustible material, e.g. a window frame.
4 To provide protection to combustible material, fit a heat shield at least 4 750mm wide.
5 Where a terminal is used with a vaporising burner, the terminal should be at least 2.3m horizontally from the roof.
6 Outlets for vertical balanced flues in locations M, N and O should be in accordance with 6 manufacturer’s instructions.
Fireplaces, chimneys and flues 2023 14
Chapter 6.8
50mm min.
internal wall
external wall
690mm-840mm 350mm
690mm-840mm 350mm
appliance recess with raft lintel: fire place recess for inset open fire (without boiler unit)
suitable for free-standing room heater
Chapter 6.8
Fixings should be of durable material and be appropriate for the type of surround and the supporting wall or floor to which the
surround is to be fixed. Fixings should generally be of stainless steel to BS EN ISO 3506 ‘Mechanical properties of
corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners’ and be specified to provide suitable strength and durability. Materials that
comply with recognised standards which provide equal or better performance are also acceptable.
Methods that rely solely on adhesive for fixing fireplace surrounds to the structure are not acceptable.
More information on the installation of all types of natural and artificial stone fireplace surrounds can be found in the Stone
Federation Great Britain ‘Fireplace Surrounds’ data sheet (www.stonefed.org.uk).
reinforced concrete
raft lintel
non-combustible rope
fireplace surround
clamping ring
are specified, they should be fitted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Flue pipes should be jointed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, fixed socket up and correctly aligned.
Table 9: Acceptable standards for flue pipes
Flue material Guidance
Flue pipes for gas appliances BS EN 1856
Cast iron flue pipes BS EN 1856
Mild steel flue pipes BS 1449 (minimum 3mm wall thickness)
Stainless steel flue pipes BS EN 10088 (minimum 1mm thick) and be one of the
following grades: 1.4401, 1.4404, 1.4432 or 1.4436
Vitreous enamelled flue pipes BS EN 1856, low carbon steel coated internally and externally with acid-resisting enamel
Liners suitable for solid fuel appliances, and generally suitable for other fuels, include liners whose performance is at least equal
to the designation T450 N2 S D 3, as described in BS EN 1443, such as:
clay flue liners with rebates or sockets for jointing meeting other products that are independently assessed in
the requirements for class A1 N2 or class A1 N1 as accordance with Technical Requirement R3.
described in BS EN 1457
concrete flue liners meeting the requirements for the
classification type A1, type A2, type B1 or type B2 as
described in prEN 1857(e18) January 2001, or
Alternatively, imperforate clay pipes with sockets for jointing as described in BS 65:1991 are acceptable.
Joints should be made in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, generally using:
fire cement, or refractory mortar
Joints should be fully filled, and surplus material cleared from the inside of each joint as the flue is built.
Spaces between the lining and the surrounding masonry should be:
filled with weak insulating concrete, or in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations,
with the specified material providing adequate protection.
Ordinary concrete should not be used to fill the space between the lining and the surrounding masonry.
Suitable mixtures for weak insulating concrete include:
one part ordinary Portland cement to 20 parts suitable one part ordinary Portland cement to 10 parts perlite.
lightweight expanded clay aggregate, minimally wetted
one part ordinary Portland cement to six parts
vermiculite, or
This does not apply to a floorboard, skirting, dado or picture rail, mantel shelf or architrave.
Twin wall flue systems should comply with:
BS EN 1856, or be assessed in accordance with
Technical Requirement R3.
17 Fireplaces, chimneys and flues 2023
Chapter 6.8
Construction of chimneys
Masonry chimneys should be properly bonded to, or supported by, the adjoining walls of the building.
Foundations to a chimney should:
be the same depth as adjacent wall foundations where the chimney forms part of the wall, be a minimum of
be designed to avoid uneven settlement 100mm wider than the chimney base.
Chimneys which:
are of block, brick or stone should have a minimum wall form part of a compartment wall, and are not back to back
thickness of 100mm, excluding the lining thickness with an adjacent chimney, should have a minimum wall
are built in a cavity separating wall should form two leaves, thickness of 200mm separating it from the other building
each a minimum of 100mm, between the flue and or home.
adjoining building
Factory-made insulated chimneys should be assembled, erected, anchored and protected in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
Masonry for chimneys:
below roof level may be constructed using the same bricks should be frost resistant above the roof unless protected
and mortar as used for the general brickwork by a capping projecting by a minimum of 50mm
constructed with hollow or cellular blocks should be suitable (in Scotland, frost-resistant bricks should be used for all
for the construction of chimneys and filled with concrete as facing brickwork).
the work proceeds
Connections between flue blocks and ridge terminals should be made:
as detailed in the design using the correct fittings and supports as specified by
the manufacturers of the flue blocks, flue pipe and
ridge terminal.
min. plan of chimney at upper floor level
plan of recess
Fireplaces, chimneys and flues 2023 18
Chapter 6.8
Timber chimney frame construction External chimney breast with masonry inner leaf
40mm min. air space where
chimney is less than 200mm
cavity maintained
around chimney
with cavity wall hearth min.
ties as required 125mm thick
joists on hangers
In Scotland, joists, etc. should be min. 200mm from the inner surface
of the flue; brickwork or blockwork in chimney construction should
be min. 100mm thick with a min. density of 1 600 kg/m3; for brick capping see Detail B
aircrete blocks should be min. 150mm thick.
cavity tray
see Detail A
Other alternatives may be suitable, provided they meet the appropriate performance standards.
Chapter 6.8
cover flashing
saddle overlapping back
flashing gutter flashing
stepped flashing
turned in at joints one-piece tray
(min. 25mm) turned down on
cover flashing DPC tray four sides
overlapping back turned up at stepped side
gutter flashing two sides flashing
DPC tray at front
apron level
turned up apron
at three sides flashing
chimney stack at ridge
6.8.24 Masonry
Masonry shall be capable of supporting intended loads and have appropriate resistance to the adverse
effects of frost and sulfates.
Masonry, including bricks, blocks, stone for masonry and reconstructed stone, should:
be in accordance with BS 6461 or BS EN 15287-1 and where blocks are used, have a minimum block density of
BS EN 771 1500 kg/m3 unless designed by an engineer in accordance
where clay bricks are used in external chimney stacks, with Technical Requirement R5.
be of durability rating F2,S1 (as described in BS EN 771) or
In Scotland:
frost-resistant bricks should be used for all external where 100mm blocks are used for chimney construction,
facing brickwork they should have a minimum density of 1,500 kg/m3.
Mortar shall be batched and mixed to achieve adequate strength and durability.
Mortar should be in accordance with Chapter 6.1 ‘External masonry walls’, and include sulfate-resisting cement where flue gases
are liable to affect the masonry, e.g. above roof level.
6.8.26 DPC
Materials for damp-proofing shall adequately resist the passage of moisture into the building.
The following are acceptable for use as DPCs:
bitumen to BS 6398 proprietary materials assessed in accordance with
polyethylene to BS 6515 (not to be used in the chimney Technical Requirement R3.
stack above roof level)
6.8.27 Flashings
Flashings and trays shall be capable of adequately resisting the entry of moisture into the building.
Suitable materials for flashings and trays include:
milled sheet lead (minimum code 4) to BS EN 12588 proprietary materials assessed in accordance with Technical
zinc alloy complying to BS EN 988 and 0.6mm thick Requirement R3.
Fireplaces, chimneys and flues 2023 20
Chapter 6.8
6.8.28 Terminals
Flue terminals shall be suitable for their purpose and assist the functioning of the flue. Issues to be taken
into account include:
a) draught improvement b) chimney capping.
Relevant standards for flue terminals
BS EN 13502 ‘Chimneys. Requirements and test methods for clay/ceramic flue terminals’.
BS EN 1858 ‘Chimneys. Components. Concrete flue blocks.’
BS EN 1856 ‘Chimneys. Requirements for metal chimneys’.
chimney cappings
min. min. resistant
50mm 30mm (F2,S1) bricks
chimney pot
chimney details with brick capping
The terminal of a masonry flue should be jointed to the flue lining with cement mortar to form a seal.
Draught improvement
Where downdraughts may occur, terminals designed to increase updraught should be fitted. However, a terminal will not
overcome problems caused by high pressure zones. Where relevant, the Solid Fuel Association or other authoritative body
should be consulted.
Chimney capping
Where a chimney is to be capped:
a single unjointed concrete or stone capping should be used the slab should project 50mm beyond the sides of the
it should project and be throated to cast water away from chimney, and the withes between flues should be carried to
the face of the chimney the underside of the slab.
Decorative brick cappings should be carefully constructed to avoid rain penetration and frost damage. The use of frost-resistant
bricks may be required.
In Scotland, bricks used for facing brickwork should be frost-resistant.
21 Fireplaces, chimneys and flues 2023
Chapter 6.8
For gas appliances, more sophisticated flue tests may be required and should be conducted by the appliance installer.
Flues for oil appliances
Flues for oil fired appliances should be tested as required by the appliance manufacturer.
6.9.1 Compliance 03
6.9.2 Provision of information 03
6.9.3 Certification 03
6.9.4 Loads 03
6.9.5 Support and fixings 04
6.9.6 Durability 05
6.9.7 Interfaces 05
6.9.8 Insulation 05
6.9.9 Damp proofing and vapour control 06
6.9.10 Installation and tolerances 07
6.9.11 Electrical continuity and
earth bonding 07
6.9.12 Maintenance 07
6.9.13 Glazing, gaskets and sealants 08
6.9.14 Cavity barriers and firestops 08
6.9.15 Ventilation screens 08
6.9.16 Handling and storage 08
6.9.17 Curtain walling 09
6.9.18 Rainscreen cladding 11
6.9.19 Insulated render and brick
slip cladding 13
1 Curtain walling and cladding 2023
Chapter 6.9
This chapter gives guidance on the forms of curtain walling and cladding acceptable to NHBC. Curtain walling and
cladding systems that do not conform to the descriptions in this chapter will not generally be acceptable.
Conservatories are not covered by this chapter.
Guidance on the use of other types of cladding, including brickwork, rendered masonry, vertical tile and slate cladding
and timber cladding, is given in Chapter 6.1 ‘External masonry walls’ and Chapter 6.2 ‘External timber framed walls’.
Curtain walling 3D
Comprising a prefabricated or site assembled support
framework with infill panels and/or wall sections with glazing
systems which include:
structural silicone glazing
mechanically fixed structural glazing
slope glazing, excluding patent glazing
coupled door and window frame assemblies
(including spandrel panels) which are one storey or more
in height, or not contained between a floor and ceiling.
Rainscreen cladding
an outer skin of panels which have unsealed, open, baffled
or labyrinth (rebated) joints
a minimum 50mm pressure equalised air gap between the
insulation and the panels
an insulated and airtight backing wall.
Insulated render
Comprising insulated render systems fixed to a backing wall.
In-service The manner or quality of functioning of a material, product or system.
Insulated render A cladding system applied externally to an insulating layer which is fixed to a backing wall.
Interstitial Condensation caused by vapour from within the building condensing on colder surfaces within the
condensation wall construction, often occurring due to a cold bridge.
Negative pressure Where the air pressure on the internal face of the system is greater than that on the external face.
Positive pressure Where the air pressure on the external face of the system is greater than that on the internal face.
Primary components Components and parts of the system that are not easily replaceable. These may include:
cladding panels insulation
fixings vapour control layers
framing weathering components.
Pressure equalisation The creation of an air cushion within the cavity to reduce the amount of water passing through the
joints of a rainscreen. Compartmentation and adequately large joints are required to achieve
pressure equalisation.
Rainscreen The part of the assembly, generally the outermost, that prevents the majority of rain from penetrating
the wall. Some water may pass through the joints of a rainscreen, but this should be limited by
appropriate detailing of open joints or the provision of baffled or labyrinth joints.
Rainscreen cladding A façade that provides a barrier to wind and rain and which typically includes a vapour control layer,
system air barrier, supporting framework and fixings, insulation, breather membrane, cavity/air gap and
cladding panels. Traditional tile hanging and timber cladding are not classed as rainscreen cladding
systems under the definitions of this chapter.
Replaceable Those which are readily replaceable without compromising the design and durability of the building
components or the need for progressive dismantling of the envelope. Where this cannot be achieved, components
should be designed as primary components. A method statement should be provided to demonstrate
how components will be replaced with specific reference to accessibility as detailed in this chapter.
Secondary Components and parts of the system that are easily replaceable. These may include:
components cladding panels internal linings
external finishes seals and sealant
glazing and gaskets window and door furniture.
3 Curtain walling and cladding 2023
Chapter 6.9
Separating floors Floors and walls designed to provide separation between homes.
and walls
Slope glazing A drained and ventilated sloped roofing system.
Systems For the purposes of this chapter, this term refers to acceptable forms of curtain walling,
rainscreen cladding, insulated render systems and brick slip cladding systems.
Spandrel panel A panel used in place of glazing units to hide the edges of floor slabs, ceiling details, insulation, and
other building elements.
Test pressure The pressure at which testing is conducted.
Vapour control layer A layer used to restrict the passage of water vapour into the construction to reduce the risk of
interstitial condensation.
6.9.3 Certification
Curtain walling and cladding systems shall be adequately tested, certified and designed in accordance with
appropriate standards.
Curtain walling and cladding systems should have certification confirming satisfactory assessment, undertaken by an
independent technical authority. Where applicable, certification should be in accordance with CWCT Standard for systemised
building envelopes (or a suitable alternative acceptable to NHBC). Independent technical approvals authorities acceptable to
NHBC include:
British Board of Agrément (BBA) certification bodies considered by NHBC to be a
Building Research Establishment (BRE), or suitable alternative.
6.9.4 Loads
Curtain walling and cladding systems, including brackets and fixings, shall allow movement without
causing damage or deformation, and safely transfer loads to the building.
Dead loads and live loads should:
be transferred safely to the building’s structure be calculated in accordance with BS EN 1991-1-1 and
without undue permanent deformation or deflection of BS EN 1991-1-4, and take account of internal and external
any component pressures, the location, shape and size of the building.
Curtain walling and cladding 2023 4
Chapter 6.9
Fixings should be manufactured from:
phosphor bronze BS EN 573 and BS EN 755 aluminium alloy
silicon bronze appropriate plastics
BS EN ISO 3506 stainless steel materials assessed in accordance with
mild steel with coatings to BS EN ISO 2081, BS EN 1461, Technical Requirement R3.
or other appropriate treatment in accordance with
BS EN ISO 12944 or BS EN ISO 14713
Materials that comply with recognised standards and which provide equal or better performance to those above will generally be
acceptable to NHBC.
Pull-out or destructive testing of anchors and fixings should:
comply with BS8539 and BS5080 be carried out in accordance with the design
comply with the Construction Fixings Association Guidance carried out at a frequency agreed with NHBC.
Note ‘Procedure for Site Testing Construction Fixings’
Chapter 6.9
Curtain walling and cladding systems shall provide satisfactory durability (subject to routine inspection
and maintenance). Timber shall be either naturally durable or preservative treated to provide adequate
protection against rot and insect attack.
The system should be designed to avoid the need for disproportionate work when repairing or replacing individual components.
In addition:
primary components should provide satisfactory secondary components should provide satisfactory
in-service performance for the design life of the building in-service performance for a minimum of 25 years.
The curtain walling system should be constructed with corrosion resistant or adequately protected materials. The risk of
bimetallic corrosion should be avoided by the isolation of dissimilar metals.
Systems should not include materials liable to infestation by micro-organisms, fungi, insects or vermin.
6.9.7 Interfaces
Curtain walling and cladding systems shall have suitable interfaces and resist the penetration of water
and wind.
The design should indicate the contractor responsible for constructing interfaces.
Interfaces, including those between curtain walling and cladding systems, and those between curtain walling and cladding sys-
tems and other elements of the building (e.g. walls, roof, doors and windows), should be carefully designed and detailed to be
weather resistant, and prevent moisture reaching parts of the wall that it could adversely affect.
The design should take account of:
differing profile characteristics tolerances and deviation
movement the erection sequence
continuity of insulation, vapour barriers and planned maintenance.
breather membranes
6.9.8 Insulation
Reference should be made to BRE document BR135 – 2003 ‘Fire performance of external thermal insulation for walls of multi-
storey buildings’ when specifying the type of insulation system to be installed.
Curtain walling and cladding 2023 6
Chapter 6.9
Rainscreen cladding
The backing wall should be adequately insulated, particularly at exposed areas. Where open joints are used, a continuous and
durable breather membrane should be provided over the outer face of the insulation.
Where the insulation is fixed to the backing wall, a minimum of one non-combustible fixing per 1m2 or per insulation batt,
whichever is the lesser, should be provided in addition to the other fixings.
Insulated render
A minimum of one non-combustible fixing per 1m2 or per
insulation batt, whichever provides the greater number,
should be provided in addition to the other fixings.
Non-combustible fixings should be fixed through the
mesh reinforcement. each layer cut
to fit neatly
around flue outlet
Insulation should be suitable to receive the
render finish, and keyed where appropriate.
Brick slip cladding
Where the insulation is fixed to the backing wall, a minimum
of one non-combustible fixing per 1m2 or per insulation batt,
whichever is the lesser, should be provided in addition to the
other fixings.
For curtain walling systems, the DPC/DPM should extend the full height of the system and have appropriate details at each
interface (including floors, walls, roofs, balconies and terraces).
7 Curtain walling and cladding 2023
Chapter 6.9
The following materials are acceptable as flashings:
BS EN 12588 rolled lead sheet (minimum Code 4) BS EN 988 zinc alloys
BS EN 485 and BS EN 573 aluminium and aluminium alloys stainless steel.
Breather membranes
Breather membranes should:
comply with BS EN 13859-2: 2014 be in accordance with Technical Requirement R3.
(Type 1 in areas of very severe exposure), or
Systems should be installed by operatives who:
are competent hold a certificate confirming that they have been trained by
are familiar with the system being installed the system manufacturer, supplier or installer.
Systems should be completed, within reasonable tolerances, in accordance with the design, and allowing for the line, level,
plumb and plane of the completed wall to be within reasonable tolerances for the materials involved.
6.9.12 Maintenance
Curtain walling and cladding systems shall have appropriate access arrangements for the purposes
of cleaning, inspection, maintenance and repair.
Provision should be made for safe future access to the façade. Access should generally be provided from a safe working
platform, such as a cradle or mobile elevating platform.
Appropriate arrangements should be made for the replacement of failed insulating glass units without incurring excessive costs
for gaining access.
Curtain walling and cladding 2023 8
Chapter 6.9
in accordance with the design at penetrations through the cladding.
at the top and bottom of the rainscreen
Chapter 6.9
Acoustic performance
Noise from the curtain walling system caused by loads, movements and changes in the environmental conditions should be
accommodated without being intrusive.
The curtain walling system should be designed to resist the passage of airborne and impact sound within the building. To reduce
flanking transmission, precautions may be required at the:
edges of separating floors outer ends of partition walls
outer ends of separating walls junctions with roof constructions and parapets.
Weather resistance
Curtain walling systems should have: Figure 1: Curtain walling to insulated render system:
external and internal air and water seals with a drained horizontal section
and ventilated cavity at each interface 3D internal DPC/DPM
drained and ventilated glazing rebates including gaskets
and seals. internal seal
external seal
Figure 2: Curtain walling to balcony/terrace: vertical section Figure 3: Curtain walling to conventional brick and block
wall: horizontal section
internal seal
internal DPC/DPM
DPC/DPM external
linked to
membrane external
Curtain walling and cladding 2023 10
Chapter 6.9
Figure 4: Curtain walling to soffit: vertical section Figure 5: Curtain walling to roof, including coping detail:
vertical section
Air infiltration
Curtain walling systems should be sealed with preformed
factory-moulded ‘picture frame’ type vulcanised EPDM or
picture frame
silicone internal gaskets. Gaskets and sealants should: gasket
be used to resist the flow of air from the outside to the interior
surface of the curtain walling system
comply with BS 6213 and be used in accordance with typical profile
manufacturer’s recommendations.
Particular attention should be given to the interfaces between
the curtain walling system and the walls, roof, doors,
windows and cladding system.
Off-site testing
Air and water testing of the ‘prototype’ curtain walling system should be carried out in accordance with, and pass, the CWCT
Standard (test sequence A or B), when tested at a test pressure of 600 pascals. Panels tested should be of a similar size and
configuration to those to be used on the building.
Where the maximum calculated design wind pressure is above 2400 pascals, the test pressure should be increased to 0.25 x the
design wind pressure.
The ‘prototype’ should remain watertight during and after the test.
At a test pressure of 600 pascals, an air infiltration rate no higher than 1.5m3/hr/m2 for fixed glazed panels is permissible,
provided there is no evidence of concentrated leakage.
Wind resistance, serviceability and safety testing should be carried out in accordance with the CWCT Standard.
11 Curtain walling and cladding 2023
Chapter 6.9
Site testing
Site testing should:
be conducted to determine resistance to water penetration, ensure a minimum of 5% of the completed curtain walling
including joints and interfaces which are intended to be system is tested, especially in vulnerable areas such as
permanently closed and watertight joints and interfaces.
ensure a representative sample of the finished installation is
hose tested in accordance with the current CWCT Standard
for curtain walling
Other testing may be acceptable where it is considered to be a suitable alternative by NHBC.
The results of the test should be made available to NHBC.
Acoustic performance
Noise from the rainscreen cladding system caused by rain striking the outer surface of panels should be accommodated without
being intrusive through the use of material that is:
noise absorbing, or anti-drumming.
Weather resistance
To ensure moisture is directed to the outside, DPC/DPM arrangements should be correctly formed with suitable upstands and
stop ends, including at the junction between the rainscreen cladding and any other component or system. External and internal
air and water seals and a drained cavity should be provided at all interfaces.
The air gap between the face of the insulation and the back of the panels should be of sufficient width and have suitably sized
drainage, allowing any water passing the joints to:
run down the back of the rainscreen panels be discharged externally without wetting the insulation or
the backing wall.
Free drainage
Air gaps should be adequately ventilated and the following
minimum widths maintained behind all rainscreen panels:
50mm for panels with open joints, or 10mm min. 10mm
min. min.
38mm for panels with baffled or labyrinth (rebated) joints.
Open, baffled or labyrinth (rebated) joints should have a
minimum 10mm opening, unless specified otherwise.
open joint baffled joint labyrinth (rebated)
Air infiltration
Before installation of the system, the backing wall should be reasonably airtight with:
masonry walls jointed to a high standard, i.e. each joint filled framed walls, including a rigid sheathing on the cavity face,
with each joint taped or sealed.
Where reasonable airtightness cannot be achieved:
a separate continuous vapour permeable air barrier should joints should be taped or sealed.
be provided on the outer face of the backing wall
Rainscreen cladding systems that have open joints between
1.5m max.
the panels should be designed to be pressure equalised. The
cavity should be compartmented by: 6.0m max.
The NHBC Standard for compartmentation is in addition to building regulations (to control the spread of smoke and fire), but may
be used for the same purpose.
Cavity closers should:
be rigid and installed in accordance with the enable ventilation and drainage to be maintained in
manufacturer’s recommendations accordance with the design.
Rainscreen cladding systems, including panels, should have current certification confirming satisfactory assessment by an
appropriate independent technical approvals authority accepted by NHBC.
Site testing
On-site hose or sparge bar testing should be carried out with emphasis on interfaces that are designed to be permanently closed
and watertight.
The building should remain watertight during and after the test.
13 Curtain walling and cladding 2023
Chapter 6.9
6.9.19 Insulated render and brick slip cladding Also see: Chapter 6.2
Insulated render and brick slip cladding shall be designed and installed to ensure adequate
in-service performance. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) weather resistance d) insulated render: reinforcement and render
b) thermal bridging and condensation e) brick slip cladding: slips, carriers and joints.
c) air infiltration
Weather resistance
Timber and steel framed backing walls should have a cavity 15mm min. drained 15mm min.
and vented cavity drained cavity
between the wall and the insulation which is:
a minimum of 15mm wide
drained and vented (for timber frame)
drained (for steel frame).
A cavity can increase the risk of damage from impact,
especially at low level, around balconies and where cradle
systems etc. can come into contact with the façade. Suitable
precautions to resist impact damage should be provided e.g.
by the provision of a rigid board behind the insulation whilst
maintaining the cavity.
timber frame steel frame
The following illustrations show typical interfaces and general design principles:
Figure 6: Insulated render system to Figure 7: Penetration of gas flue Figure 8: Brick slip cladding to
windows and doors: through insulated render insulated render system:
horizontal section system on horizontal section
light gauge steel frame:
horizontal section
internal seal
DPC/DPM external
external seal
reinforcement continuous
across face of insulation
Render should:
not be applied where the surface has contamination, be mixed to ensure colour consistency where coloured
dust or loose particles pigments are specified
have the appropriate number and thickness of coats in be specified and used with the appropriate trims to form
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations corners, returns and features in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
be set out and designed to ensure that excessive cutting of
brick slips is avoided, i.e. in the storey heights, at corners and
around openings
have coursing arranged to suit lintel heights.
Mortars, proprietary mortars and grouts should be specified: insulation (carrier) neatly cut
around openings and positioned
to enable each joint to be adequately filled and to avoid excess cutting of slips
appropriately struck
in accordance with the system
manufacturer’s recommendations.
Light steel framed walls
and floors
Chapter 6.10
This chapter gives guidance on meeting the
Technical Requirements for light steel framed
walls and floors and:
a pplies specifically to ‘warm frame’
construction using 0.45-3.2mm thick framing
does not apply to light steel framed walls used
in basements.
6.10.1 Compliance 01
6.10.2 Provision of information 01
6.10.3 Structural certification 02
6.10.4 Structural design of load-bearing
floors and walls 03
6.10.5 Structural design of infill walls 06
6.10.6 Roofs 06
6.10.7 Steel and fixings 06
6.10.8 Detailing of steel joists 08
6.10.9 Restraint 09
6.10.10 Construction of load-bearing walls
and external infill walls 09
6.10.11 Interfaces with staircases 10
6.10.12 Fixing floor decking and ceilings 10
6.10.13 Other design issues 11
6.10.14 Behaviour in relation to fire 11
6.10.15 Acoustic performance 11
6.10.16 Moisture control 12
6.10.17 Insulation 13
6.10.18 Vapour control layers 13
6.10.19 Breather membranes 14
6.10.20 Cladding, lining and
sheathing boards 14
6.10.21 Wall ties 16
6.10.22 Services 16
6.10.23 Further information 16
1 Light steel framed walls and floors 2023
Chapter 6.10
Stud partitions are considered in Chapter 6.3 ‘Internal walls’. LSF systems that do not comply with the principles of this chapter
should be assessed in accordance with Technical Requirement R3.
Where the components of the LSF cannot be inspected on site (e.g. closed panels or fully fitted out volumetric units) the system
should be treated as a building system as defined in Chapter 2.1, Requirement R3 and subject to assessment by an appropriate
independent technical approvals authority or by assessed under the NHBC Accepts service www.nhbc.co.uk/accepts.
The LSF system shall be adequately tested and certified. The design of superstructures with primary
structural components formed from LSF shall be checked by an NHBC registered LSF certifier.
Primary structural components formed from LSF require two-stage certification confirming that both the system and the project
have been checked. External infill does not require Stage 1 and 2 certification (see Clause 6.10.5).
holding down
connections within the system
connections with other building elements
structural integrity
positions and sizes of holes through members.
Additional checks where LSF is module-to-module connections (strength as well as accuracy)
used in volumetric construction module-to-foundation connections
rigidity in transportation
Where there are various configurations (e.g. types of claddings), the manufacturer will need to specify which options SCI is
to consider in its assessment. Upon satisfactory completion, SCI will approve the manufacturer’s system manual and issue a
numbered ‘system certificate’ which includes:
a detailed description of the system information for reference by the designer and LSF
details of usage limitations project certifier.
3 Light steel framed walls and floors 2023
Chapter 6.10
Structural floors
Floors should:
be of the correct type have a typical maximum joist spacing of 600mm, although
be fitted in the specified location greater spacings may be applied when designed by an
have suitably sized trimmers around floor openings engineer in accordance with Technical Requirement R5 or
Static criteria for the maximum permissible deflection of a single joist due to:
imposed load, limited to (span/450) dead and imposed loads, limited to the lesser of (span/350)
or 15mm.
Dynamic criteria:
the natural frequency of the floor should not be less than the deflection of the floor (i.e. a series of joists plus the floor
8Hz for dead load plus 0.2 x imposed load; this can be decking) when subject to a 1kN point load should be limited
achieved by limiting the deflection of a single joist to 5mm to the values in Table 2.
for the given loading.
Table 2: Deflection with point loads of 1kN
Span (m) Maximum deflection (mm)
3.5 1.7
3.8 1.6
4.2 1.5
4.6 1.4
5.3 1.3
6.2 1.2
The deflection of a single joist is dependent on the:
overall floor construction number of effective joists that are deemed to share the
applied 1kN point load (typical values are given in Table 3).
Table 3: Typical values
Floor configuration Number of effective joists
400mm joist centres 600mm joist centres
Chipboard, plywood or oriented strand board 2.5 2.35
Built-up acoustic floor 4 3.5
50mm oversite concrete or 50mm fine aggregate on 1200 100mm oversite concrete on a compacted clean, inert
gauge (0.3mm thick) polyethylene membrane laid on 50mm hardcore bed. Where necessary, this concrete should be
sand blinding, or protected against sulfate attack by the use of a lapped
polyethylene DPM, not less than 1200 gauge (0.3mm thick)
or 1000 gauge where assessed in accordance with Technical
Requirement R3.
Floors should have a 150mm minimum void below the floor which is ventilated by:
openings on at least two opposite sides 1500mm2 per metre run of external wall or 500mm2 per m2
of floor area (whichever provides the largest area).
Where there is shrinkable soil, heave can occur. The minimum underfloor void ventilation requirement should be increased
as follows:
high potential – 150mm (300mm total) low potential – 50mm (200mm total).
medium potential – 100mm (250mm total)
See Chapter 4.2 ‘Building near trees’ for definitions of high, medium and low volume change potential.
For concrete ground floors refer to Chapters 5.1 ‘Substructure and ground-bearing floors’ and 5.2 ‘Suspended ground floors’.
Concrete upper floors
Concrete floors may be used with LSF and may be constructed using either thin precast units or in-situ concrete placed on steel
decking. The deflection of simply supported composite floors should be limited to take account of the long-term effects of creep
and shrinkage. Composite floors should be appropriately propped until the concrete reaches the required strength and should
not be overloaded during construction. Guidance can be found in Section 6.3 of SCI publication P402 ‘Light steel framing in
residential construction’.
5 Light steel framed walls and floors 2023
Chapter 6.10
Structural walls
The structural design of the building should ensure adequate resistance to loadings including dead loads, imposed loads, wind
loads and snow loads, in accordance with:
BS EN 1991-1-1 BS EN 1991-1-4.
BS EN 1991-1-3
Further guidance on deflection limits can be found in SCI guidance P402 ‘Light steel framing in residential construction’.
Individual studs should generally:
be sized to meet structural requirements, allowing for board consider deflection if not designed to carry vertical loading
fixings at joints and construction tolerances from the primary structure.
have a maximum spacing of 600mm
Alternative stud arrangements should be agreed with NHBC.
Lintels, including trussed lintels, should be:
provided to any opening in load-bearing panels where
one or more studs is cut or displaced to form the
opening, but are not required where an opening falls
between studs
securely fixed to supporting studs to ensure that loads
are fully transferred.
At openings, additional studs may be required to provide support
or fixing points for wall ties, cladding and wall linings.
Multiple studs should be included to support multiple joists,
unless otherwise specified by the designer.
Where panels are diagonally braced with a flat strip, the brace should be fixed to each stud at the intersection to minimise
bowing in the bracing member. Alternatively, bracing may be tensioned using alternative methods where included in the scope of
the Stage 1 certification.
Appropriate holding-down devices should be provided to resist uplift, where necessary. The anchorage for holding-down devices
should have sufficient mass to resist the uplift forces (See Clause 6.10.10).
Where roof trusses sit directly on a top track, the design should consider all loads, such as:
wind uplift vertical loading (assuming that trusses may be offset
lateral support from studs).
Overall stability
Methods to provide overall stability should either:
be designed to BS EN 1993-1-1, or be tested to BS EN 594.
Wall panels may provide stability using one or more of the following techniques:
6.10.5 Structural design of infill walls Also see: Chapters 7.1 and 7.2
Infill walls shall be designed to support and transfer loads to the structure safely and without undue
distortion or movement.
Infill panels should be designed to resist the expected wind loads, any loads transferred by the cladding system, and those
imposed by windows and doors within the panels. Load concentrations resulting from the presence of openings should also be
considered. The design should be in accordance with BS EN 1993-1-3. Additional information can be found in SCI publication
ED017 ‘Design and installation of light steel external wall systems’.
6.10.6 Roofs
Roofs supported by LSF constructions shall be designed to support the roof coverings and transfer loads
safely and without undue movement.
Connections between LSF walls and timber or LSF pitched roofs require careful consideration in the design.
LSF pitched or flat roofs should only be used in warm-roof or hybrid construction, i.e. with insulation over rafters (or joists in
flat roofs).
Condensation risk should be considered in accordance with BS 5250.
Steel grade
Steel should be in accordance with BS EN 10346 and of any of the following grades:
S280 S390
S320 S420
S350 S450.
Protection against corrosion
All steel should be pre-galvanised in accordance with BS EN 10346 (minimum 275g/m2 zinc coating (Z) or 150g/m2 aluminium-
zinc alloy coating (AZ)). Structural steel members should not be altered without the approval of the designer. Welded zones
should be cleaned and treated with a zinc-rich paint to prevent corrosion.
Where the LSF floor is to be located at 150mm or more above the external ground level, the junction between the ground floor
joists and their support should be designed to maintain the durability of the floor. Light steel floor joists and ring beams in such
floors should be galvanised to 450g/m2.
Alternatively, they can be galvanised to 275g/m2 with additional protection of a two-coat bitumen-based coating to BS 1070,
BS 3416 or BS 6949, or have a two-coat liquid asphaltic composition applied. Ring beams to ground floors should be totally
protected, and joists protected for a minimum of 300mm adjacent to an external wall support or ring beam.
Where steel is used less than 150mm above ground level the guidance in Clause 6.10.16 should be considered.
Chapter 6.10
Holding-down devices
Holding-down devices should be suitable for the environment they will be exposed to, and manufactured from:
mild steel with zinc coating to BS EN ISO 1461 stainless steel to BS EN 10095 (suitable for
most environments).
Light steel framed walls and floors 2023 8
Chapter 6.10
Installation details
Joists or floor beams should be:
spaced as shown in the design joined with the correct type, size and number of fixings.
accurately cut to length in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure a tight fit
Where light steel joists are supported by steel joists, cleats or web stiffeners should be used in accordance with the design.
Joists may be doubled up to support partitions or to form trimmers.
Continuous joists on load-bearing intermediate walls should be reinforced as required by the design.
Where joists overlap on load-bearing intermediate walls, they should be fixed together with bolts or screws. This is to prevent the
floor decking being pushed up, or the ceiling being cracked, when the cantilevered part of the joist moves upwards.
Prevention of roll
Bridging and blocking should be provided in accordance with the design
to prevent roll.
Floors constructed using joists with an asymmetric web, e.g. of C or
Sigma profile, can cause the floor to roll. To avoid roll, unless otherwise
specified in the design, one of the following alternatives should be used
where the span exceeds 3.5m for C joists or 4.2m for Sigma joists:
a continuous line, or lines, of proprietary steel herringbone
struts provided between the joists; the pairs of struts should
have a physical gap between them so that they do not rub
against each other at the cross-over point and create noise.
solid blocking provided to every alternate pair of joists with
ties between them as shown.
joists alternately reversed and tied together in pairs.
joists alternately reversed and continuous ties
(e.g. resilient bar) fixed to the joist flanges.
Where joists bear onto steelwork or are supported by cleats, blocking is
not necessary adjacent to the supports.
9 Light steel framed walls and floors 2023
Chapter 6.10
6.10.9 Restraint
Restraint strapping shall be provided in accordance with the design.
Where external walls, not constructed from LSF, are to be stabilised by a connection to the floor, straps may be required.
Straps will generally be fixed to the web of the joist, to suit the masonry courses.
Where joists run parallel to the wall, straps should be supported on noggings fixed between the joists. Straps should be placed
at a maximum of 2m apart and carried over three joists. Packing should be provided between the wall and the first joist.
Straps should be fixed with suitable bolts, screws or rivets and should bear on the centre of bricks or blocks, not across
mortar joints.
The following should be in accordance with the design:
the setting out of the structure onto which the LSF is to
be erected.
the transfer of loads from the LSF. where insulation is
stepped, DPC required
with upstand and
The supporting structure may have local deviations in level along its dressed down face of
length, and packing will be required to achieve the required tolerances
and to provide for effective load transfer.
Concrete kickers should be carefully formed, ensuring that the concrete
is adequately compacted and the top surface is suitably flat and level.
Shims should be of pre-galvanised steel or other suitable material, e.g. not timber.
Wall frames should be checked to ensure that they are dimensionally accurate before erection commences.
LSF should be correctly positioned, square and plumb, and within the
following tolerances: nominal line line of
of frame frame
the vertical position of members should be within +/-5mm per
storey relative to the base 5mm max.
the horizontal position of base rails should not vary in
alignment by more than 5mm in 10m.
Light steel framed walls and floors 2023 10
Chapter 6.10
The frame should be anchored to resist both lateral movement and uplift in accordance with the design, including bolt-down
brackets where required.
anchor fixed
to studs
anchor in
with design
anchor built
into masonry
bolt-down bracket
Accommodation of deflection
Infill walls should accommodate anticipated deflection within the primary frame in accordance with the structural design.
Floors and walls shall be designed to accommodate installation of any staircases without compromising
Wall linings should be continuous behind the string of staircases. Also see: Chapter 6.4
Fixing connections should be coordinated to ensure fire protection continuity and structural adequacy.
Chapter 6.10
Guidance within supporting documents to the building regulations should be fully considered in the design and construction of
LSF walls, floors and roofs.
Detailing and specification of components should be in accordance with the steel frame manufacturer’s recommendations and/
or guidance from SCI (see guidance in P424 ‘Light steel framing in fire’) and supported with representative test evidence to
appropriate standards such as BS 476:21 or BS EN 1365:1 for load-bearing walls, BS 476:22 or BS EN 1364:1 for infill walls and
BS EN 1365:2 for floors.
The performance of specific details should be taken into account, including:
fire protection to the structure around openings detailing around service penetrations
detailing of cavity barriers, including moisture protection compartmentation including interfaces with fire doors.
to the barrier
Separating floors
The floating part of a floor should be separated from the main structure and surrounding walls by a resilient layer.
Where boards are laid loose over insulation without battens, joints should be glued.
Light steel framed walls and floors 2023 12
Chapter 6.10
base rail
150mm min.
15% of the external perimeter (of an individual building, e.g. row of above external external wall
ground level insulation to
terraced homes, apartment blocks and detached garages, measured extend 150mm
min. below
on plan) to accommodate level thresholds can be accepted. The cavity steel frame
should be kept clear and allow drainage. Wall insulation should overlap
the base rail by a minimum of 150mm.
Alternatively, where the base rail or lowest steel is less than 150mm above ground level (or waterproofing layer of a flat roof,
balcony or terrace), the design should consider the following:
factory-applied protection to the steel frame to achieve drainage of the cavity (ground conditions should be
a design life of 60 years. This may be LSF: considered where the cavity discharges below
– Galvanised to 600g/m2, or ground level)
– Galvanised to 275g/m2 with the addition of two coats of insulation to limit thermal bridging and interstitial
heavy duty bituminous paint, 200μm total thickness condensation. NHBC may ask for thermal modelling of
sheathing, or backing boards to waterproofing, used the junction to demonstrate that these issues have been
below 150mm, should be service class 3 in accordance sufficiently limited.
with BS EN 13986
Where levels are raised above the base rail or lowest steel:
local areas of LSF walls (less than 15% of the external in addition, where more than 15% of the external perimeter
perimeter) retaining up to a maximum of 600mm of has ground levels above the internal floor finish (up to a
ground can be acceptable, subject to appropriate maximum of 600mm), the structure should be designed by
waterproofing design an engineer in accordance with Technical Requirement R5.
Waterproofing should be designed by a waterproofing design specialist and be in accordance with Chapter 5.4 ‘Waterproofing of
basements and other below ground structures’.
The manufacturer of the waterproofing system should confirm compatibility between the waterproofing and sheathing board,
which should be supported by test evidence.
13 Light steel framed walls and floors 2023
Chapter 6.10
Insulation shall be correctly installed, be of a suitable material and thickness to comply with building
regulations and reduce the risk of interstitial condensation.
Insulation should:
be inert, durable, rot and vermin proof, and should not be extend 150mm below the base rail to minimise thermal
adversely affected by moisture or vapour bridging and maintain a warm frame
cover the whole external face of the wall and be complete be tightly butted with joints of rigid board insulation taped,
within the frame where required by the design.
Foil-faced insulation boards with an integral facing on one side only should be fixed with the foil face on the cavity side.
b) sheathing
External cladding
The design and construction of the external walls should fully consider:
cavity drainage restraint
differential movement fire resistance.
In external walls, a clear cavity should be provided between the external insulation and the cladding. The cavity should:
be drained have drainage at its base, equivalent to 500mm2/m run,
have cavity trays and weep holes installed where the cavity e.g. for masonry, one open perpend every 1.5m
is not fully maintained, e.g. at cavity barriers have drainage openings placed to prevent the ingress
be kept clean, free of obstructions and capable of of rain.
draining freely
Chapter 6.10
Sheathing boards should be:
of a suitable strength and quality attached using suitable quality fixings.
compatible with the steel frame
Sheathing boards contribute to meeting many of the critical performance issues described in Table 7 and cannot be easily
replaced, so they should be specified in accordance with the design life of the building.
Sheathing boards should be appropriate for the exposure of the building and suitable for use in humid conditions.
Table 10: Requirements for sheathing board materials
Material Relevant standards Minimum thickness (mm)
Cement bonded particle board BS EN 13986 By design
BS EN 634
BS EN 12467
Oriented strand board (OSB3 required) BS EN 300 8.0
Plywood BS EN 13986 5.5
BS EN 636
Proprietary materials Technical Requirement R3 Technical Requirement R3
Fixings used to apply sheathing boards should be selected in accordance with the board manufacturer’s instructions and be
suitably specified for strength and long-term durability in the anticipated exposure condition.
Sheathing boards should be adequately protected from weather during construction. This can be done through a combination of:
the use of water resistant boards with accredited proof of sequencing construction to minimise daily exposure with
performance in accordance with Technical Requirement R3 fully waterproof temporary coverings overnight and during
the use of sealed jointed water resistant insulation to reduce inclement weather.
water penetration
the application of a breathable membrane to the
sheathing board
For all sheathing board types, junctions between adjacent boards, and at interfaces with other building elements, should be
sealed and/or taped in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
A breather membrane should be used to provide protection to the building during and after construction in areas of very severe
exposure to wind-driven rain.
Wall ties for masonry cladding should be according to the design and:
installed at a minimum density of 3.7 ties/m2, e.g. spaced spaced at jambs of openings, a maximum of 300mm
at a maximum of 600mm horizontally and 450mm vertically within 225mm of the masonry reveal
vertically (except where alternative densities have been (additional studs may be needed to achieve this)
demonstrated by building specific calculation and accepted kept clean and free from mortar droppings.
under the Stage 2 certificate)
6.10.22 Services
Services shall be adequately protected from damage.
Service mains and service outlets should be:
designed to ensure the fire resistance of walls and floors is installed in accordance with the design
not impaired on the warm side of the insulation.
designed to ensure that the required sound insulation of
walls and floors is maintained
Light steel joists or studs should not be notched to accommodate services. Holing of structural light steel members should be
carried out in accordance with this chapter and the manufacturer’s recommendations. On-site hole cutting should be avoided,
as badly cut edges can have an adverse effect on the durability of the frame and may cause damage to pipes and cables.
Where on-site adaptation of the frame is unavoidable, it should be undertaken by the manufacturer, with prior notification to
NHBC, and completed in line with the steel frame designer’s remedial details with all cut edges treated and badly cut edges
avoided. Significant adaptations should be overseen by the design engineer.
Grommets should be used around the edge of service holes to protect electrical cables and reduce the risk of bimetallic
corrosion between the LSF and copper pipes. Swaged holes for electric cables and plastic piping do not require grommets.
In Scotland, services are not permitted within:
framed separating walls separating wall cavities.
6.11.1 Compliance 01
6.11.2 Provision of information 01
6.11.3 Weather conditions 02
6.11.4 Backgrounds 03
6.11.5 Accommodation of movement 04
6.11.6 Mixes 05
6.11.7 Detailing 08
6.11.8 Render onto board backgrounds 10
6.11.9 Finishes 11
1 Render 2023
Chapter 6.11
This chapter is arranged in sections covering:
site and factory-made render detailing.
render onto board backgrounds
Render, including site-made, factory-made and render onto board backgrounds shall comply with the
Technical Requirements.
Render that complies with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable.
Table 1: Process chart for the application of site - and factory-made render to masonry backgrounds
Process Steps See clause
Structure design Identify a suitable background material compatible with the intended render finish and 6.11.4
consider any preparation requirements
Consider how movement will be controlled, i.e. are movement joints or bed joint 6.11.5
reinforcement needed?
Render design
Select an appropriate render strength that is compatible with the background 6.11.6
Determine the exposure zone which will influence the render's thickness 6.11.6
Construction Protect the background from adverse weather conditions at the earliest opportunity during 6.11.3
and following construction
Assess the likely weather conditions prior to and after rendering 6.11.3
Assess the background, e.g. suction and surface preparation, and apply a preparation coat 6.11.4
where necessary
Consideration should be given to likely weather conditions and, where required, measures taken to allow render to
cure satisfactorily.
When applying render in wet conditions:
the background should not be saturated curing render should be protected from heavy rainfall
downpipes or temporary downpipes should be used to specialist preparation coats should be used in accordance
prevent the background or completed render from with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
becoming saturated
When applying render in hot conditions the following precautions should be considered:
avoid curing render from being directly exposed to lightly spray the render with clean water to prevent
strong sunlight rapid drying.
When applying render in cold conditions:
the air temperature should be at least 2°C and rising the background should not be saturated.
the background should be free from visual signs of frost
Where the air temperature is at, below or likely to fall below 5°C, appropriate precautions such as covering with a hessian sheet
should be used to protect curing render.
Factory-made render should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations for weather conditions.
Acrylic renders have different curing requirements which should be taken into account.
3 Render 2023
Chapter 6.11
6.11.4 Backgrounds
Backgrounds shall be appropriate for their intended purpose and suitably prepared to receive render.
Issues to be taken into account include:
a) preparation of masonry backgrounds c) ribbed metal lath.
b) preparation of clay brick backgrounds
To provide an appropriate bond, clay brick backgrounds with a water absorption rate of between 9% and 15% should generally
have sufficient suction to provide a mechanical key. Alternatively, when rendering onto bricks, one or more of the following
methods of improving the key can be adopted:
keyed bricks used mortar joints raked out to a depth of 10-12mm (although this
a spatterdash coat applied may increase curing time).
Render on an external leaf of clay bricks (F2,S1 or F1,S1 designation bricks to BS EN 771) in severe or very severe exposures
is not permitted where the cavity is to be fully filled with insulation.
Rendered walls shall be detailed to reduce the risk of damage due to movement in the background. Issues
to be taken into account include:
a) movement in masonry background c) movement in ribbed metal lath render.
b) dissimilar materials
The construction should include appropriate measures to reduce the risk of damage to the render caused by movement in the
background, such as shrinkage, thermal or differential movement. The designer should follow the guidance in this chapter,
together with the render/background manufacturer’s recommendations. Alternatively, provision for movement should be designed
by an engineer in accordance with Technical Requirement R5.
Areas of the building to be rendered should be identified prior to construction, and movement control considered as part of
the design.
not align with openings such as windows, doors or meter boxes.
external render
1 The guidance in this table is generally acceptable for render coats in accordance with Table 5 and factory-made one-coat render based on
1:1:6 mix = 3.5N/mm².
2 Specialist advice from the block and render manufacturer should be sought.
3 Specialist advice should be sought where clay brick backgrounds are used.
5 Render 2023
Chapter 6.11
Dissimilar materials
Backgrounds should not be constructed from materials of
different densities. Where possible, render should not be
continuous across dissimilar materials. Where this cannot be
avoided the render should:
be stopped at appropriately formed movement joints, or
have austenitic stainless steel lath reinforcement carried min. 300mm metal lath reinforcement and separation strip
across the joint with a separation strip, such as building
paper, behind.
Where significant differential movement is likely to occur, such as the junction between masonry and board backgrounds, render
should be stopped either side of an appropriately formed joint.
The render mix shall be appropriate for the intended purpose, be compatible with the background and be
designed to minimise the risk of de-bonding, cracking and crazing. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) sand e) application of site-made render
b) mix design f) factory-made renders
c) admixtures and bonding agents g) lime.
d) coat thickness of site-made render
Render coats should not be stronger than the background or any previous coat to which they are applied. Weaker coats can be
achieved by reducing the cement content of each coat or by using the same mix but decreasing the coat thickness.
Potable water should be used for mixing render.
Sand for render should be well-graded category 2, in accordance with BS EN 13139. Sand with excessive fine material, clay or
silt can shrink and crack so should be avoided.
A sharp gritty or coarse sand is required for strength in the backing coats, but finer sand should be used for the finishing coat.
Typical sand grades should be:
5mm down to 0.075mm – undercoat(s) 1.18mm down to 0.075mm – final coat.
Mix design
Designation ii, iii and iv (strength class M6, M4 and M2) mixes are generally used for rendering.
Stronger mixes are generally more moisture resistant; however, they are also more prone to shrinkage, which increases the
likelihood of the render cracking. Weaker mixes may be appropriate for weaker backgrounds in less exposed zones.
For exposure zone classification, see Clause 6.1.6.
Render 2023 6
Chapter 6.11
1 With fine or poorly graded sands, the lower volume of sand should be used.
2 Where soluble salts could be present in the background, mixes should have sulfate-resisting properties.
3 Where pigments are specified, batching should be undertaken with care to ensure colour consistency pigments to BS EN 12878 can be used but should not
exceed 10% of the cement weight, or 3% where carbon black is used (white Portland cement may be used).
Admixtures and bonding agents should:
be assessed in accordance with Technical Requirement R3 be compatible with the render
be used in accordance with the not be used with factory-made renders without the prior
manufacturer’s recommendations approval of the render manufacturer.
The effect on the adhesion of subsequent render coats should be considered when water-repelling agents are used.
Plasticisers and air entrainers should comply with BS EN 934 and not be used in mortars containing masonry cement.
Chapter 6.11
1 Designation iii (M4) should be used for the final coat in severe or very severe exposure zones.
2 For block classifications, see Table 2.
3 Specialist advice should be sought for low density aircrete backgrounds.
Where a three-coat render is used, this should include a second undercoat that is:
the same thickness but a slightly weaker mix than the first a slightly thinner coat of the same strength mix.
undercoat, or
Surfaces should be appropriately prepared to receive following coats. This can be achieved by either combing or scratching.
The final coat should be applied to an undercoat that is suitably keyed.
The size of the background to be rendered should be assessed to determine if it can be rendered in the time available.
This will help to establish the most suitable location for day joints.
The final coat should be of uniform thickness and not used to even out irregularities, which should be accommodated in
previous coats.
Factory-made renders
Factory-made renders should be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, including those for
ancillary components.
Factory-made renders with a declared mix in accordance with Table 4, applied to the thickness recommended in Table 6, and
that otherwise comply with the recommendations for site-made renders, will generally be acceptable to NHBC.
Render 2023 8
Chapter 6.11
Render mixes containing hydrated lime can improve the ability of the render to accommodate movement, improving resistance to
cracking and crazing. The use of lime should be in accordance with BS EN 459.
Natural hydraulic lime (NHL) is used without cement, which can allow greater moisture vapour movement through the structure.
Specialist advice may be required for the use of NHL render.
6.11.7 Detailing
Rendering shall be detailed to ensure appropriate weathertightness and durability. Issues to be taken into
account include:
a) copings, cappings and sills e) exposed elements
b) abutments and interfaces f) ancillary items
c) weepholes g) render below the DPC
d) detailing at openings h) resistance to sulfate attack.
Extending sills or sub-sills beyond window reveals can help to disperse water and prevent staining.
metal coping
throating clear plywood plate
DPC supported of the render
over cavity tray
optional render 40mm overhang
optional render
150mm 150mm
min. min.
weep holes weep holes
(max. spacing 1m) (max. spacing 1m)
render render
Chapter 6.11
Weepholes should be provided:
where required for ventilation to timber
frame construction
to the last tray at stepped abutments
in severe or very severe exposure zones where rendering is
returned back into the window or door head (weepholes are
not required where the render is not returned)
to cavity trays on parapet walls. min. two weep holes per
opening in severe or very
severe exposure zones
To prevent staining, weepholes should be of a type which restricts render stopped
the entry of wind-driven rain. against corner bead
Detailing at openings
Design features around openings and at the head of the external min. 12mm overlap to frame
rendering should provide shelter and help shed water away
from the surface below. sill
Exposed elements
Render to exposed masonry elements, such as parapets, freestanding walls, pillars, retaining walls or chimneys, should be of a
type appropriate for severe exposure conditions.
When rendering both sides of freestanding or parapet walls of single leaf construction, care should be taken to prevent damage
caused by moisture becoming trapped. For example:
the detailing should prevent the masonry from rendering both sides of single leaf walls in areas of very
becoming saturated severe exposure to frost attack should be avoided
the wall should be protected from rain during construction (see Clause 6.1.6c).
Bricks with S1 or S0 designation are not recommended for exposed elements that are to be rendered.
Ancillary items
Stop beads and render stops should be austenitic stainless steel or PVC. Long runs of steel beads and stops should be avoided
due to their expansion potential.
Corner beads should have an appropriate projection to prevent thin tapering of the render which reduces the its
overall thickness.
Beads should be:
adhesive-fixed using a material appropriate for external mechanically fixed using suitably durable fixings.
use and in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations, or
Render below the DPC
To prevent damage caused by prolonged periods of wetting -, it is preferable to stop the render at DPC level. Where rendering is
continued below the DPC, the following precautions should be taken:
for site-made render, use a stronger mix (M4) that is sulfate factory-made render used in accordance with the
resisting, or manufacturer’s recommendations.
Render 2023 10
Chapter 6.11
in exterior conditions, including resistance to weather prior
to the render being applied.
Chapter 6.11
Weather resistance
Timber and steel framed backing walls should be protected with breather membranes and have a minimum 25mm cavity.
Cavities to timber framed walls should be drained and vented, and cavities to steel framed walls should be drained.
Movement joints
Movement joints should be provided to accommodate movement in timber frame structures. Where board backgrounds are used,
movement joints should be:
formed in accordance with the system positioned to accommodate calculated deflection
manufacturer’s recommendations or movement
continued through the background board provided at floor zones.
Board backgrounds
Board backgrounds to be rendered should be external grade and recommended for use in the render manufacturer’s
system manual and third-party certification.
Boards should be set out in accordance with the system manufacturer’s recommendations, taking account of possible
compression, deflection and alignment of joints in relation to openings in the external wall, such as windows and doors.
The render should have alkali-resistant mesh embedded into the base coat across the whole surface.
Edges of boards should be suitably treated to provide protection from weather during construction and to maintain durability after
the render is completed.
6.11.9 Finishes
Finishes shall be to a satisfactory standard. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) decorative finishes b) appearance.
Decorative finishes
The choice of decorative finish should take account of :
Render on external walls should be reasonably consistent in texture, finish, colour and line. Clause 9.1.2b provides further
guidance on tolerances to render finishes.
Consideration should be given to detailing that will avoid obvious staining (e.g. the positioning of discharge pipes).
Completed render should be protected from damage that could be caused by construction activities.
Render may not be resistant to staining and may require periodic maintenance such as cleaning.
Flat roofs, terraces
and balconies
Chapter 7.1
This chapter gives guidance on meeting the
Technical Requirements for flat roofs, terraces
and balconies.
7.1.1 Compliance 02
7.1.2 Provision of information 03
7.1.3 Flat roof, terrace and balcony
general design 03
7.1.4 Drainage 05
7.1.5 Flat roof, terrace and balcony
structural design 07
7.1.6 Timber structure and deck 08
7.1.7 Concrete decks 11
7.1.8 Profiled self-supporting metal decks 12
7.1.9 Profiled self-supporting metal
roofing 13
7.1.10 Thermal insulation and
vapour control 15
7.1.11 Waterproofing layer and
surface treatments 18
7.1.12 Green and biodiverse (brown)
roofs – including roof gardens 23
7.1.13 Blue roofs 24
7.1.14 Raised podium 25
7.1.15 Detailing of flat roofs 25
7.1.16 Accessible thresholds and upstands 28
7.1.17 Parapets and guarding to
terraces and balconies 30
1 Flat roofs, terraces and balconies 2023
Chapter 7.1
Air and vapour control Continuous layer of impermeable material to prevent the movement of air and water vapour.
layer (AVCL)
Balcony Accessible external amenity platform over an open space above ground level, with direct access
from a building.
Balconies may take the form of:
access balcony – providing pedestrian access to two or more dwellings. (Sometimes referred
to as a ‘walkway’ or ‘access deck’)
enclosed – protected from rain by a roof or balcony above and walls or weather screens to the
sides, (sometimes referred to as a ‘winter garden’)
freestanding – fully, or partially, supported independent of the building structure
inset – recessed inwards from the external wall line of a building
open – has guarding but no other form of vertical enclosure
projecting – cantilevered from the external wall line of a building.
Biodiverse (brown) roof Surface often of rubble, site excavated soil, sometimes with the inclusion of logs and rocks etc. to
replicate the ecology of the local area and seeded or left to self-seed.
Blue roof Roof installation designed for temporary attenuation of rainwater to delay entry into the urban
drainage system and prevent flooding (Blue Roofs are not for water storage use).
Cold roof Insulation below the deck with a ventilated void between the deck and breather membrane
supported on the insulation.
Deck The structural substrate, including timber boarding or sheeting, profiled metal sheeting on joists/
purlins or, the upper surface of in situ or pre-cast concrete and any applied screed.
Design fall The fall that a roof should be designed at to accommodate initial and long-term deflection and
achieve at least the required ‘finished fall’ in use. The ‘Design fall’ is normal taken as twice the
‘Finished fall.’
Finished fall The minimum fall that should be achieved on the waterproofing layer once the roof has been
installed and fully loaded.
Firring A tapered batten which creates a fall to a timber deck.
Flat roof A roof with a maximum slope of 10 degrees from the horizontal.
Flat roof build-up The roof components above the deck including, as applicable, AVCL, insulation, waterproofing
layer, and surface finish/topping.
Fully supported hard Flat hard metal sheeting forming the weather skin and fully supported on a deck.
metal roofing
Fully supported soft Soft metal sheeting (lead) forming the weather skin and fully supported on a deck
metal roofing
Green roof - extensive Roof topping of a shallow growing medium supporting plants such as sedums, grasses,
wildflower species etc. Generally low maintenance and access for maintenance only.
Green roof - intensive Roof topping of a growing medium to support trees, shrubs, lawns etc. and may include hard
landscaping, and used as an amenity space (sometimes referred to as a Roof Garden).
Interstitial condensation Condensation that occurs within or between layers of construction.
Inverted warm roof A roof with Insulation placed directly above the waterproofing layer.
Paving/Decking A protection layer on which people walk, above the waterproofing layer, on a balcony or terrace.
Profiled self-supporting Profiled metal deck, spanning between structural supports e.g. purlins, and supporting the flat roof
metal deck build-up
Profiled self-supporting Profiled metal sheeting forming the weather skin and spanning between structural supports
metal roofing e.g. purlins.
Flat roofs, terraces and balconies 2023 2
Chapter 7.1
Terrace External surface for amenity use, above an internal space, above ground level and with direct
access from a building. For waterproofing and thermal purposes, a terrace is treated as a flat roof.
Terraces may take the form of:
private terrace – for the use of a single dwelling
access terrace – providing pedestrian access to two or more dwellings (Sometimes referred to
as a ‘walkway’ or ‘access deck’)
raised podium – a terrace, other than an access terrace, above ground level, over a
non-habitable area(s) such as a car park or plant room(s). The podium itself may provide hard
and/or soft landscaped amenity areas
buried podium is a roof structure at, or below, ground level with hard and/or soft landscaping
and sometimes vehicular access for emergency vehicles or parking. Waterproofing to the
podium is linked to the tanking of the basement structure below, as described in Chapter 5.4.
Warm roof A roof with Insulation placed directly below the waterproofing layer.
Water flow reducing A vapour permeable loose laid layer, resistant to water, UV, and rot, used to reduce the flow of
layer (WFRL) water and fines into the insulation layer in an inverted warm roof system.
Waterproofing layer Layer of impermeable flexible material forming the primary barrier to water ingress.
Zero fall roofs Roofs with a finished slope which lies between 0 and 1:80 and which achieve a finished drained
surface that has no back falls or ponding
Flat roofs, terraces and balconies shall comply with the Technical Requirements
Flat roofs, terraces and balconies which comply with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable to NHBC.
Other sources of information include:
BS 6229 Flat roofs with continuously supported flexible CIRIA C753 SuDS Manual 2015
waterproof coverings. Code of practice National Federation of Roofing Contractors (NFRC)
BS 8579 Guide to the design of balconies and terraces – e.g. NFRC Technical Guidance Note for Construction and
BS 8217 Reinforced bitumen membranes for roofing. Design of Blue Roofs. Roofs and podiums with controlled
Code of practice temporary water attenuation
BS 8218 Code of practice for mastic asphalt roofing Mastic Asphalt Council (MAC) Mastic asphalt
BS 8747 Reinforced bitumen membranes for roofing – The technical guide
BS 5250 Code of practice for control of condensation in Single Ply Roofing Association (SPRA) Single Ply:
buildings Design Guide
BS 5427 Code of practice for the use of profiled sheet for Federation of Traditional Metal Roofing Contractors
roof and wall cladding on buildings (FTMRC) ‘UK Guide to Good Practice – 3rd edition’
BS 6915 Design and construction of fully supported lead Lead Contractors Association ‘Lead Sheet in Roofing.
sheet roof and wall coverings. Code of practice The Ultimate Guide to Best Practice’
BS EN 507 Roofing products from metal sheet – Lead Sheet Training Academy ‘The complete manual’
Specification for fully supported roofing products of The GRO Green roof code of practice for the UK
aluminium sheet The Green Roof Organisation GRO fire risk guidance
BS EN 1090-4 Execution of steel structures and aluminium document
structures. Technical requirements for cold-formed structural Roofing and Waterproofing Test Association (RAWTA)
steel elements and cold-formed structures for roof, ceiling, Liquid Roofing and Waterproofing Association (LRWA)
floor and wall applications Code of Practice Specification and Use of Liquid Applied
BS EN 12056 Gravity Drainage Systems inside buildings. Waterproofing systems for Roofs, Balconies and Walkways
Part 3 Roof drainage, layout and calculation Siphonic Roof Drainage Association (SRDA) A guide to
BS 8490 Guide to siphonic roof drainage systems Siphonic Roof Drainage
BS 8204 Screeds, bases and in situ floorings Metal Cladding and Roofing Manufacturers Association
Where a flat roof or terrace is above another home, it should provide satisfactory acoustic performance in accordance with
relevant building regulations.
Where applicable, flat roofs, balconies and terraces should meet the relevant fire protection requirements in accordance with
relevant building regulations.
3 Flat roofs, terraces and balconies 2023
Chapter 7.1
Individual Elements
Solid RC Deck Composite RC deck Warm roof
waterproofing layer waterproofing layer
screed insulation
concrete slab
with and without
Cold roof
waterproofing layer
ceiling finish
Inverted warm roof
joists WFRL
waterproofing layer
ceiling finish
Flat roofs, terraces and balconies 2023 4
Chapter 7.1
Roof toppings
Green Roofs
green roof with intensive planting
green roof with extensive planting
growing medium
growing medium
filter layer/reservoir
drainage layer
waterproofing layer
waterproofing layer
waterproofing layer
5 Flat roofs, terraces and balconies 2023
Chapter 7.1
structural deck
7.1.4 Drainage
Flat roofs, balconies and terraces shall have adequate and effective rainwater drainage to a suitable outfall.
Issues to be considered include:
a) drainage system c) zero fall roofs
b) falls d) deck survey.
Drainage system
A drainage system of outlets and downpipes should be:
provided to all flat roof, balcony and terrace areas installed ensuring any gutters, including box gutters,
of sufficient size to accommodate normal rainfall and sized are provided with stop ends where applicable, and with
to cope with concentrated flows including the accumulative sufficient falls to provide effective drainage to
effect of one roof draining on to another outlets/downpipes
fixed in accordance with the design and supported and provided with overflow(s) to avoid flooding in the event of
jointed in accordance with the one or more drainage outlets becoming blocked.
manufacturer’s recommendations
Where a downpipe discharges above ground level, or above a drainage gully, the downpipe should be fitted with a shoe.
A design approach for free draining balconies can be accepted if rainwater will always be routed away from the building to drain
via a suitably formed soffit drainage tray that directs water to run outwards over a continuous formed perimeter edge. But where
this drainage design is installed for stacked balconies on multi-storey elevations - the rainwater will tend to cascade down from
these edge drainage slots as water runs off each balcony.
Under typical wind driven rainstorm conditions the water runoff volumes from these balcony catchment surfaces will
progressively increase in a downward direction until the full volume of water reaches ground level. This can adversely affect
locations such as main entrances to apartment buildings as well as any access doorways and private gardens of individual
homes situated at ground level.
Therefore, in addition to the free draining balcony design there is a requirement for design of ground level drainage to effectively
prevent ponding or flooding of water. This drainage design is required along all building perimeter locations where thresholds,
access locations and other places of regular use will exist.
Rainwater outlets should:
be of the size and number required to deal with the expected be accessible for maintenance
rainfall intensity in accordance with BS EN 12056-3 be insulated to avoid surface condensation on the outlet
be positioned to provide effective drainage to all areas of and downpipe if passing through habitable areas.
the roof
be recessed to facilitate the free flow of water without
forming ponding at the junction with the waterproofing layer
Flat roofs, terraces and balconies 2023 6
Chapter 7.1
Where a flat roof, balcony or terrace has an upstand on all sides, drainage should consist of a minimum of two outlets connected
to separate downpipes, or one outlet plus an overflow. The overflow should be:
provided through parapet walls or perimeter upstands of higher capacity than the combined capacity of the
sized for effective Flow rate and positioned to prevent other outlet(s)
water from entering the building, particularly in relation to positioned to discharge safely away from the building
door thresholds and low window sills be visible when in operation.
The finished roof, balcony or terrace should have effective drainage to the outlet(s) without creating back falls or ponding on the
waterproofing layer and WFRL where fitted.
For medium to large, and complex roof layouts and roofs where the ‘design fall’, as shown in Table 2, is not used for the design,
a detailed analysis should be undertaken to establish overall and local deflection, under load and long-term creep, and direction
of falls. Allowances should be included for workmanship and construction tolerances particularly with steel frame erection
tolerances. The effects of localised loadings from features such as planters, service equipment, etc. should be included in
the design.
The design should show how ponding will be avoided, e.g. by placing outlets at points of maximum deflection, by use of a
screed, use of tapered insulation, or firrings, to take out the deflection and form falls to outlets.
Where falls are formed by use of screeds follow the guidance in clause 7.1.8.
600 38 50
Chapter 7.1
Deck Survey
Prior to laying the waterproofing layer(s) a site survey of the deck should be carried out by the deck erector and any back
falls should be addressed. Depending on the deck material this may be achieved by applying localised screed, to remove the
depression and create falls to outlets, the adjusted areas should be resurveyed to ensure no back falls remain, or by providing
additional rainwater outlets at the point(s) of maximum deflection. A formal handover procedure should be undertaken between
the deck erector and the waterproofing contractor.
be produced by an engineer in accordance with Technical have adequate provision for movement in larger roofs
Requirement R5, and BS EN 1991-1-1, BS EN 1991-1-3, particularly where the span of the roof deck changes. e.g. in
BS EN 1991-1-4 and BS 8579: 2020 for balconies L-Shaped buildings; joints should be continuous through the
be designed to address both short term and long-term vertical upstands, walls and edges of the building
deflection to provide an effective drainage strategy with no include support steelwork and joists which are square, true
back falls or ponding and free from twists or sagging
resist wind uplift by self-weight or by being anchored to have adequate crack control/dimensional stability to avoid
the main structure – where required, holding down straps damage to directly applied AVCL and waterproofing layer,
should be provided at maximum 2m centres at particularly liquid applied waterproofing.
the perimeters
have adequate provision for the additional loads where
a flat roof is to act as a terrace, roof garden, for support
of permanent service equipment, and for additional loads
during construction
Where joists and concrete roof elements are used to provide lateral restraint, they should:
have a minimum bearing of 90mm, or have restraint straps at 2m centres (maximum) where joists
or concrete beams are parallel to walls.
Flat roofs, terraces and balconies 2023 8
Chapter 7.1
The use of timber in balcony and terrace constructions may also be restricted by fire protection requirements set out in the
National building regulations.
Timber, including solid and engineered joists, should be:
checked for conformity with the design upon delivery retreated along the cut edges with a coloured preservative,
rejected where excessively wet, damaged or not of a where preservative treated timber has been cut
suitable quality or shape be temporarily covered to prevent wetting, unless the
stored under cover to prevent wetting but avoid sweating waterproofing is to be installed immediately.
preservative treated or naturally durable, in accordance with
Chapter 3.3 ‘Timber preservation (natural solid timber)’
Timber decks should be formed from one of the materials listed in Tables 3, 4 and 5.
1 Thickness of deck may need to be thicker to resist pull-out forces on fixings.
2 All square board edges to be supported.
3 Moisture content between 16-20% at time of fixing.
4 For curved roofs two layers of thinner boards to achieve min thickness.
9 Flat roofs, terraces and balconies 2023
Chapter 7.1
Table 4: Materials used for deck for fully supported traditional hard metal roof coverings
Material Minimum thickness of
deck (mm)
Plywood board to BS EN 636, Class 3.2, ‘S’ 1 square edged with 2-3mm gaps between boards 3 18 2
Pre-treated timber square edged sarking boards, width 100-125mm with 3-5mm gaps between 4 18
1 Avoid yellow and maritime pine or low-quality softwoods.
2 For curved roofs two layers of thinner boards to achieve min 18mm thickness.
3 All board edges to be supported.
4 Moisture content between 16-20% at time of fixing.
1 Avoid oak, Douglas fir and western red cedar.
2 For curved roofs two layers of thinner boards to achieve min 18mm thickness.
3 All board edges to be supported.
4 Moisture content between 16-20% at time of fixing.
min 4 screw
fixings per
no gap between strap
the hanger
and the wall
notched to keep
ceiling line level
10mm where OSB Softwood tongued and grooved boarding should be:
for square edge or plywood abut
boards, 3mm for a rigid upstand closely clamped together with end joints staggered,
OSB and plywood
fixed with two ring shank nails to each joist or firring,
with nail heads punched below the timber surface.
Chapter 7.1
Screeds to falls
Where falls have not been formed in the concrete deck, falls may be formed by the application of a screed. Sand/cement screeds
used to form falls to concrete roofs should be:
free from ridges and indentations to a minimum thickness in Table 7 where a cement/sand
laid on a concrete deck that has been suitably prepared to screed 1:4 (cement:sand) is used
receive a screed suitably dry and primed to receive the waterproofing
finished with a wooden float to provide a smooth, system in accordance with the membrane
even surface for the air and vapour control layer and manufacturer’s recommendations.
waterproofing finish
Lightweight screed should only be installed by specialist contractors and have a topping of 1:6 (cement:sand) 15mm thick.
Table 7: Minimum screed thicknesses
Location of screed Nominal thickness (mm)
Bonded monolithically to in-situ or separate bonded to precast 40 (25 minimum)
Unbonded on separating layer 70 (50 minimum)
Proprietary polymer modified screeds In accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations
1 Precast units should be sufficiently rigid and properly grouted to avoid movement between units leading to cracking in the bonded screed. Movement joints/details
may be required over ends of precast units and at perimeters or abutments. The waterproofing layer detailing should take account of any movement joints.
2 Where a cast in situ concrete deck, designed and laid to falls, is found to have areas of ponding or back falls preparation work should be carried out to provide
effective drainage prior to the application of the waterproofing layer. Polymer modified screeds may be used to make up any depressions in the concrete roof to
avoid any ponding or correct any back falls. The adjusted areas should be resurveyed to ensure no ponding or back falls remain. The compatibility of the levelling
screed with the waterproofing layer should be confirmed by the waterproofing manufacturer.
Flat roofs, terraces and balconies 2023 12
Chapter 7.1
Permanent waterproofing layer should not be installed until the deck has cured and dried sufficiently to avoid trapping potentially
damaging moisture and to allow the application of the waterproofing in accordance with the membrane manufacturer’s
recommendations. A check should be carried out on the moisture content of the slab to meet the membrane manufacturer’s
recommendations. Where an adhesive bonded waterproofing layer is to be applied an adhesive bond test should be undertaken
to check whether the concrete is sufficiently dry to achieve the correct bond, (usually around 28 days for fully bonded
waterproofing or to manufacturer’s recommendations).
Permanent metal shuttering will significantly prolong the period needed to achieve an acceptable moisture content of the concrete before applying any waterproofing
layer. Perforated shuttering can assist drying out, any perforation should be factory made. Mechanical extraction/dehumidifier can also assist in the drying process.
Structural performance
Profiled self-supporting metal flat roofs should:
be constructed to ensure they achieve the required strength be side lap stitched to ensure it performs as a continuous
and durability, and be checked for conformity with the plane layer (unless the manufacturer
design upon delivery recommends otherwise)
comply with the manufacturer’s load and span tables and be adequately protected from construction loads
the relevant applied safety factor be suitably stored to prevent damage.
conform to BS EN 1090-4 (steel) and BS EN 1090-
5 (aluminium) and resist loads in accordance with BS
EN 1991-1-1,3 & 4 and be fixed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions
width (for bonded systems) (not including the crown
stiffener grooves)
have a crown which is minimum of 40% of the profile width
(for mechanically fixed systems)
Roof build-up
The roof build-up should:
be a ‘warm’ or ‘inverted warm’ roof design use a reinforced air and vapour control layer, or AVCL
have drainage falls formed by installing the profiled metal recommended by waterproofing manufacturer, in warm roof
sheeting at a slope or by use of tapered insulation build-ups where unsupported across the troughs
use insulation board with a compressive strength capable of incorporate a support board fixed profiles in inverted warm
spanning across the troughs of the profiled sheeting without designs to fully support the waterproofing layer.
crushing or be laid on a support board fixed across
the profiles
13 Flat roofs, terraces and balconies 2023
Chapter 7.1
Trough width
surface topping
An air and vapour control layer must be provided on the warm side of the insulation.
Subject to the profile manufacturer’s recommendations the AVCL can be formed by sealing the side and end laps of the metal liner or by the provision of a separate
AVCL membrane directly above the inner liner. The AVCL must be fully sealed around all penetrations and at the roof perimeter and have a vapour resistance of at
least 500 MNs/g. Note: if high density polythene is used it must be reinforced 1000 gauge or more and of virgin material.
Insulation should contact both the inner and outer metal layers. Any voids formed by the profile of the outer sheet metal roof
covering should be ventilated. Ventilation can be achieved by leaving open the profile at both ends of the sheeting above the
insulation. If profile fillers are fitted, they should leave a free area of not less than 5% of the cross-sectional area of the void.
Where the insulation is likely to be affected by local condensation, a breather membrane should be provided on top of the
insulation to discharge condensate externally in accordance with the profile manufacturer’s recommendations.
The profiled panels should be fixed using suitable fixings which avoid bimetallic corrosion in accordance with the manufacturer’s
Vapour permeable
structured underlay
Support rail
Inner liner metal sheet
Insulation skin
liner sheet
15 Flat roofs, terraces and balconies 2023
Chapter 7.1
Insulated Core
structurally bonded
to outer and inner
metal sheets.
The panel side laps, and end laps should be sealed to provide an air barrier as part of the overall air leakage and vapour control
requirement of the building, in accordance with the panel manufacturer’s instructions.
Thermal insulation, vapour control and ventilation shall ensure satisfactory performance, and prevent the
formation of condensation which could adversely affect the construction. Issues to be considered include:
a) thermal characteristics of roof types c) control of water vapour.
b) types of insulation
Warm roof – The temperature of the deck is at or close to that of the building interior.
Inverted warm roof – The temperature of the deck is at or close to that of the building interior. The WFRL should be designed
and installed to collect and drain most of the rainwater to reduce water entering and cooling the insulation layer.
Condensation analysis should be calculated using an external temperature of -5C in accordance with BS 6229.
Types of insulations
Types of insulations and their use should be in accordance with Table 8.
Flat roofs, terraces and balconies 2023 16
Chapter 7.1
Table 8:
Insulation material Abbreviation BS EN Applications
Warm roof Inverted
warm roof ¹
Expanded polystyrene board EPS 13163 yes ² no ³
Extruded polystyrene board XPS 13164 Yes ² yes
Rigid polyurethane foam board PUR, or PU, 13165 yes no
Phenolic foam board PF 13166 yes no
Polyisocyanurate board PIR 13165 yes no
Cellular glass board CG 13167 yes no ³
Expanded perlite board EPB 13169 yes no
Cork board ICB 13170 yes no
Fibreboard, bitumen-impregnated (used in conjunction with EPS with yes no
hot applied waterproofing)
Composite boards or decks (e.g. Plywood + PIR) yes no
Resin bonded mineral wool rigid board MW 13162 yes no
Mineral wool quilts 4 MW 13162 no no
Vacuum insulation panels 5
VIP yes yes
1 Thermal insulation used in inverted roofs should be designed in accordance with ETAG 031-1
2 Suitably protected when using hot applied waterproofing
3 Unless the product has an independent third-party assessment for use in inverted warm roofs
4 Not suitable for warm or inverted warm roofs and only used in cold roofs
5 Suitably assessed in accordance with Technical Requirement R3.
extruded polystyrene (XPS), or expanded polystyrene protected by a breathable water flow reducing layer
(EPS) suitably assessed in accordance with (WFRL) to reduce the cooling effect of cold water flowing
Technical Requirement R3 into and under the thermal insulation and across the
suitable for external use waterproofing layer
ballasted to avoid floatation and wind uplift calculated to take account of the cooling effect of rainwater
suitable for the weight of the ballast and able to withstand seeping through the insulation board joints in accordance
anticipated traffic and design loads with BS 6229 and ETAG 031-1 and the dry calculated
thickness increased to allow for this cooling effect.
A WFRL should be designed and installed to drain most of the water from the roof. It should be installed at right angles to the designed slope of the roof, starting
at the bottom of the slope. All side and end laps should be a minimum of 300mm. The WFRL should be star cut around pipes and wrapped with additional piece of
membrane, turned up at upstands and penetrations, and turned down at drainage locations/outlets.
Chapter 7.1
modified bitumen membrane) if penetrated by mechanical be fixed to resist the calculated wind uplift forces.
fixings,(e.g. those securing the insulation boards to the deck)
AVCL’s for warm roof constructions supporting traditional hard metal roofs should have a minimum vapour resistance of
4000MNs/g and be fully supported.
Any fixings that penetrate the AVCL e.g. those securing insulation boards to the deck, should be carefully installed to avoid
creating open perforations that would allow water vapour to pass through.
Cold flat roofs are difficult to detail correctly but, where used, they should be in accordance with BS 6229 and BS 5250 and have:
an effective air and vapour control layer at ceiling level adequate cross ventilation (openings at both ends of each
an unobstructed minimum 50mm ventilation space above joist void equivalent to a minimum 25mm gap )
the insulation a maximum clear distance of 5m between ventilators on
opposite sides of the roof.
All ventilation gaps should have protective mesh or grilles (nominal 4mm openings) to avoid entry of large insects and birds.
Flat roofs, terraces and balconies 2023 18
Chapter 7.1
Environmental conditions should be suitable for installing the waterproofing layer. Issues to be considered include the following:
membranes should not be installed or handled when the membranes should not be installed on damp or frosted
product temperature and the air temperature is 5°C or less surfaces or when any rain, sleet or snow is falling.
unless otherwise agreed with the manufacturer.
self-adhesive bitumen membranes should not be installed
or handled below 5°C, unless otherwise permitted by
the manufacturer
Waterproofing layer should be:
secured in a manner that resists the wind uplift. checked by the contractor to ensure that the deck and
secured in a manner that allows expansion of metal decks insulation boards are waterproofed at the end of each day
installed in accordance with the design and the with ‘night joints’ and before inclement weather
manufacturer’s recommendations installed so that membrane laps near outlets do not
installed by a specialist roofing contractor approved by the impeded drainage i.e. outlets should be recessed to avoid
manufacturer, where a proprietary system is used forming a raised lip with the waterproofing layer
installed by the same contractor who installs the air and installed so that successive layers do not trap water.
vapour control layer, insulation and surface finish
Inverted roofs should:
not be used for slopes greater than 10 degrees installed with a separating layer between the waterproofing
be laid on a deck with no back falls or ponding layer and inverted warm roof insulation where required by
be designed to support the loads, particularly from ballast the membrane manufacturer.
needed to retain insulation
be ballasted to the depth specified in the design to resist
wind uplift, flotation and provide fire protection, using
minimum 40mm paving slabs or 20-40mm diameter
rounded shingle ballast minimum 50 mm deep, subject to
any other requirements to meet fire protection measures
The depth of ballast required to resist flotation may exceed the minimum depths needed to meet the fire protection.
19 Flat roofs, terraces and balconies 2023
Chapter 7.1
Table 12: Modified bitumen membranes used in an inverted warm roof construction
Deck Preparation First/preparatory layer Final layer/cap sheet ²
Concrete or screed Smooth surface Applied in accordance Applied in accordance with the membrane manufacturer’s
and prime with the membrane instructions
Mastic asphalt
Mastic asphalt should be:
to BS 6925, type 988 T25, 20mm thick on the flat and 3 x 10mm layers on horizontal surfaces and 3 layers with a
installed on black sheathing felt total thickness of 20mm on vertical surfaces, for upstands to
walls on Green roofs.
Polymer modified asphalt should be assessed in accordance with Technical Requirement R3.
Single-ply membrane
Single-ply membranes, including materials such as, PVC (polyvinyl chloride), Ethylene Propylene Diene Terpolymer (EPDM),
and TPO (thermoplastic polyolefin), should be:
either bonded to the insulation, mechanically fixed to designed and installed in accordance with SPRA guide
the deck or loose laid, and sealed and ballasted. Fixing assessed in accordance with Technical Requirement R3.
methods should be in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations
welded at laps using either hot air or a specific solvent with
or without taped seams
Table 13: Fully supported flat sheet hard metal roof coverings
Metal type Material Standard
Aluminium (Al) BS EN 485-1
Copper (Cu) BS EN 1172
Galvanised Steel (Gst) BS EN 10346
Stainless Steel (SS) BS EN ISO 9445 parts 1-2
Titanium Zinc (Zn) BS EN 988
Direct contact between dissimilar metal roof coverings and metal fixings can cause corrosion, similarly, rainwater from dissimilar
metal roofs should not discharge on to one another. Acid run-offs from timber cladding, contact with fresh cement mortar, and
acidic cleaners, can also affect metal roofing particularly Zinc, and in marine environments metal roofing can suffer unsightly salt
deposits. Various coatings have been developed to protect against corrosive environments and unsightly deposits. Advice on the
above aspects should be sort from the metal roofing manufacturer when considering the roof design.
It is essential that interstitial condensation does not build up on the underside surface of metal roof coverings. This trapped
moisture will increase the risk of corrosion developing in key parts of the construction containing metals such as Zinc, Galvanised
steel and Aluminium. Prevention of interstitial condensation should be achieved by a ventilated design for either of the ‘cold’ or
‘warm’ roof types - with each having a ventilated void beneath the deck supporting the metal covering.
21 Flat roofs, terraces and balconies 2023
Chapter 7.1
Ventilation needs to be effective in accordance with BS 5250 and BS 6229 with minimum 50mm ventilated void with continuous
25mm edge ventilation gaps and a maximum 5m between ventilation points in the direction of the joists. With verge to verge
cross ventilation, and ventilation in the direction of the joists and 5-10m between ventilation points, a ventilation gap of minimum
100mm and continuous edge ventilation gaps of 60mm is recommended. Intermediate mushroom ventilators are ineffective in
reducing these ventilation distances.
Ventilation gaps should have mesh or grilles (nominal 4mm openings) to stop the entry of large insects and birds.
Ventilation also helps form a protective patina to the underside of aluminium, galvanised steel and zinc. Timber sarking boards
with 3-5mm gaps between are the preferred deck option, if plywood is used it should have 3-5mm gaps between boards. The
metal should be laid on a structural underlay i.e. a breathable underlay with outer layer of bonded polypropylene mesh, which
assists air and moisture movement all in accordance with the metal roof manufacturer recommendations.
Ventilated cold roof design Ventilated warm roof design
metal standing metal standing
seam roof covering structural seam roof covering
underlay underlay
deck deck
ventilated void ventilated void
firrings or firrings or sub joists
sub joists
breather membrane
structural joists
and ceiling lining
roof system treated with patination oil directly after installation where
rainwater run-off may cause staining to adjoining surfaces.
Table 14:
Metal type Material Standard Code of Practice
Lead (rolled) BS EN 12588 BS 6915
Lead (machine cast) Third party assessment
Surface treatments
Surface treatments should be in accordance with Table 15
Table 15: Surface treatments for flat roofs
Material Access for maintenance only Access roof, walkway or terrace
Reinforced bitumen mineral surfaced cap sheets (e.g. type precast semi-porous concrete tiles bedded in
membranes S5P5) bitumen or approved adhesive
reflective stone chippings¹, bedded in a precast concrete proprietary paving slabs on
bitumen-based compound supports, or sand/cement blinding²
a minimum thickness of 50mm washed, proprietary decking systems³.
rounded 20-40mm shingle ballast laid loose
Single-ply membranes supplementary solar reflective coatings or proprietary flexible, non-slip walkway sheets or
other finishes not required tiles, compatible with the membrane product
where laid loose, membranes can be precast concrete proprietary paving slabs on
ballasted with a 50mm minimum thickness adjustable supports or suitable non-woven
of washed, rounded 20-40mm shingle polymeric protection layer
ballast installed on a non-woven polymeric proprietary decking systems with bearers set on
protection layer. an additional membrane or suitable non-woven
polymeric protection layer³.
Cold applied liquid products generally do not require proprietary surface treatments compatible with
roofing membranes supplementary solar reflective coatings or the membrane product
other finishes. proprietary non-slip walkway tiles compatible with
the membrane product
precast concrete proprietary paving slabs on
supports on a suitable non-woven polymeric
protection layer
proprietary decking systems with bearers set on
additional pads on suitable non-woven polymeric
protection layer/filter layer³.
Hot melt rubberised use in inverted/buried membrane applications or in roof garden/green roofs
bitumen systems must be protected with a substantial reinforced bitumen membrane protection sheet or
protection board
all upstands/details where the membrane becomes exposed need a protective membrane to be
applied to prevent UV degradation.
Mastic asphalt reflective stone chippings¹, bedded in a precast semi-porous concrete tiles bedded in
bitumen-based compound bitumen or approved adhesive
solar reflective paint in accordance with precast concrete proprietary paving slabs on
BS 8218. supports or sand/cement blinding².
1 Loose surface finishes should be prevented from being removed by weather and discharged into gutters and drainpipes. Chippings should be a minimum of
12.5mm limestone or white spar, not pea gravel.
2 Cement/sand blinding should be installed on two layers of 1000 gauge polyethylene separating membrane.
3 Decking systems should meet the required fire protection requirements for the overall roof system and should not float in the event of flooding.
Fire protection
The surface protection provided to the waterproofing layer must satisfy the fire protection requirements as set out in the National
building regulations.
Account must be taken of the waterproofing detail at abutments with a building and the extent that the waterproofing can be
dressed up the wall of the building and the jointing detail between the roof waterproofing and the cavity trays/dpc, this may
include the use of non-combustible trays, in the external wall of the building.
Extensive green roof systems should include non-combustible perimeter abutment strips to buildings, roof lights etc and at
regular intervals across the roof in accordance with the guidance in the GRO fire risk guidance document and National
building regulations.
23 Flat roofs, terraces and balconies 2023
Chapter 7.1
Green and biodiverse roof systems that do not comply with the principles of this chapter should be assessed in accordance with
Technical Requirement R3.
Both the green/biodiverse roof system and the waterproofing layer should be installed by a contractor trained and approved by
the system supplier.
Waterproofing layer should be either:
reinforced bitumen membrane single-ply membrane, or
mastic asphalt a liquid applied system, (cold or hot melt).
The system should in installed in accordance with the design and the waterproofing layer manufacturer’s recommendations and
integrity tested prior to covering (see integrity testing).
Other issues that should be considered when installing green roofs include the:
provision of a root barrier or use a waterproofing layer height of upstands in relation to soil height and flashings
that is resistant to root penetration in accordance with protection, reservoir and filter layers
BS EN 13948 moisture control of the soil.
Intensive green roof on warm roof deck Extensive green roof on warm roof deck
protection layer
root barrier reservoir
waterproofing layer protection layer/root barrier
insulation waterproofing layer
screed to falls screed to falls
structural deck – Reinforced Concrete
concrete deck Slab or Composite RC and profiled
ceiling finish steel deck depending on loadings.
ceiling finish
Intensive green roof on inverted warm roof deck Extensive green roof on inverted warm roof deck
soil and vegetation
filter layer
sedum blanket and growing medium
filter layer
drainage/reservoir layer
water flow reduction layer
insulation water flow reduction layer
protection layer/root barrier insulation
waterproofing layer protection layer/root barrier
waterproofing layer
screed to falls screed to falls
concrete deck structural deck – Reinforced Concrete
ceiling finish Slab or Composite RC and profiled
steel deck depending on loadings.
ceiling finish
Flat roofs, terraces and balconies 2023 24
Chapter 7.1
have a certified waterproofing system that is endorsed by system, to avoid water ingress into the building should
the manufacturer as fully suitable to be specified for a Blue the water attenuation level be exceeded. Operation of an
sustainable roof design overflow should be visible to warn of a potential blockage in
have supporting data to demonstrate compliance with the drainage system
relevant material standards and codes of practice have minimal penetrations of the waterproofing layer other
include waterproofing layer suitable for use in the blue roof than rainwater outlets and overflows
system and subject to independent third-party assessment be designed as a warm roof or inverted warm roof.
have specific flow restrictor outlets to meet the required
water discharge rate and which are accessible for
inspection and maintenance
If designed as an inverted warm roof the design should take into account the additional thickness of insulation, over and above
the dry state ‘U’ value calculation, that is required to compensate for the cooling effect of water penetrating the insulation and
reaching the waterproofing layer, in accordance with the guidance in BS 6229.
The design should also include sufficient topping of ballast, paving or green roof to avoid flotation of the insulation, Flotation
forces can be quite significant and occur before the attenuation system reaches full capacity.
Care should also be taken in the design and installation of the WFRL so that it performs as the principal drainage layer and
reduces water penetration to the insulation layer below.
25 Flat roofs, terraces and balconies 2023
Chapter 7.1
Where two metals are to be joined, they should be compatible and not cause bimetallic corrosion in that environment. Alternatively, they should be isolated from
each other.
The following illustrations are intended as a guide to demonstrate the general principles of the flat roof detailing commonly used
on flat roofs, terraces and balconies. Where indicated, the principles are applicable to other types of roof construction. Further
information on specific waterproofing systems may be obtained from BS 6229 and BS 8217.
Flat roofs, terraces and balconies 2023 26
Chapter 7.1
Concrete Decks
Upstands Skirting to rooflights or ventilator kerb
Upstands may be fixed to the wall. Similar details apply to inverted roofs.
Upstands should be a minimum of 150mm high. Allow for thickness of ballast to achieve a minimum
Similar details apply to inverted roofs with concrete decks. 150mm upstand.
Preformed preformed kerb
coping OSB or plywood surface treatment
(e.g.GRP) capping (where required)
surface treatment waterproof membrane
(where required) insulation
150mm screed to falls
Drip to waterproof membrane
coping insulation concrete deck
air and vapour control layer
concrete deck
air and vapour control layer
waterproof membrane
screed to falls
concrete deck
Timber decks
Mansard edge Pitched roof abutment
Elements should be firmly fixed to prevent peelback
in high winds. battens, tiles/slates surface treatment
surface treatment (where required) (where required)
waterproof membrane waterproof membrane
battens, tiles/slates
tilting fillet OSB or plywood
min. 150mm
300mm waterproof membrane
vapour control layer
Chapter 7.1
50 x 50mm
triangular fillet
finished topping
Water drainage at two levels
water flow reduction layer (WFRL) (Note: with a warm roof
drainage is at upper level only)
waterproofing layer
Flat roofs, terraces and balconies 2023 28
Chapter 7.1
perimeter upstands and thresholds and 6mm gap min. 150mm act as overflow
between decking/paving units splash zone
supporting waterproofing layer raised and drained rainwater cantilevered alternative hopper
slab with falls to outlet decking or paving outlet balcony discharge
on drained supports
29 Flat roofs, terraces and balconies 2023
Chapter 7.1
position of drainage
layer (WFRL)for an
Insulation inverted warm roof
Accessible threshold
Drainage arrangements should be effective and have a suitable overflow. The building should not flood where an outlet or
downpipe is blocked. This can be achieved by using:
at least one outlet and an overflow with at least the capacity two outlets connected to independent downpipes such that
of the outlet if one downpipe becomes blocked the other outlet(s) can
at least one outlet chute and hopper (Chute should be sized still cope with the discharge, or
to serve at least twice the discharge capacities to allow for setting the balcony kerb a minimum 25mm below the door
partial blockage without causing flooding into the building) threshold to discharge safely without causing any adverse
effect to the construction below.
Outlets beneath decking or paving should be clearly identified and accessible for maintenance.
To ensure adequate drainage:
10mm gaps should be provided between decking/paving spacers and supports which raise the decking or paving
units and perimeter upstands/thresholds should not obstruct the flow of rainwater to outlet(s).
4-6mm gaps should be provided between individual units of
decking or paving
A splash barrier around the perimeters should be provided:
to ensure water does not reach any part of the wall that using an impervious wall finish or cladding or by extending
could be adversely affected by the presence of moisture the waterproofing layer to form an upstand with cover
to a minimum of 150mm above the decking or paving flashing and cavity tray. Note: impervious masonry units
with porous bed joints are unsuitable within this zone.
Guarding should:
not be easily climbed by young children not inhibit the flow of drainage on the waterproofing layers
be to an adequate height or overflows in the event of a blocked outlet
be toughened glass, laminated glass (subject to meeting
fire regulations) or glass blocks (suitably reinforced) where
glazed balustrading is used
Stability of guarding
Guarding, including parapet walls and balustrading used as guarding, should be designed in accordance with BS EN 1991-1-1 to
resist horizontal loading and as required by building regulations. Care is needed when the design incorporates balustrading fixed
to parapet walls to ensure stability and prevent overturning. End fixings into walls or returns may be needed to ensure stability.
In balcony walls (especially long balconies) the structural stability should be checked, as cavity trays and DPCs in the wall can
create a slip plane that can seriously limit the ability of the wall to resist horizontal forces. In such cases, it may be necessary to
incorporate a ring beam or other support to ensure stability.
31 Flat roofs, terraces and balconies 2023
Chapter 7.1
Alternative metal/
GRP coping
Parapet detail with waterproofing taken over top of wall and finished with an edge trim
Drainage fall
Pitch pocket sealing detail around post fixed to deck Handrail fixing on an upstand formed in concrete roofs
waterproof membrane
surface treatment
Base of balustrade post raised above drainage level Balustrade post fixed to wall below coping/kerb
into wall/balcony edge to avoid
penetrating waterproofing layer
Particular attention should be given to use of materials or finishes that resist corrosion or unsightly surface staining in aggressive
environments such as coastal zones.
Ferritic stainless steel can suffer surface rusting/staining in coastal zones.
7.2.1 Compliance 01
7.2.2 Provision of information 01
7.2.3 Design of pitched roofs 01
7.2.4 Protection of trusses 03
7.2.5 Durability 04
7.2.6 Wall plates 04
7.2.7 Joints and connections 05
7.2.8 Restraint 06
7.2.9 Bracing for trussed rafter roofs 07
7.2.10 Strutting for attic trusses and
cut roofs that form a floor 09
7.2.11 Support for equipment 09
7.2.12 Access 09
7.2.13 Dormer construction 09
7.2.14 Underlay and sarking 10
7.2.15 Ventilation, vapour control
and insulation 11
7.2.16 Firestopping and cavity barriers 14
7.2.17 Battens 14
7.2.18 Roof coverings 15
7.2.19 Fixing tiles and slates 16
7.2.20 Weathering details 18
7.2.21 Valleys and hidden gutters 21
7.2.22 Drainage 21
7.2.23 Fascias and trim 22
7.2.24 Spandrel panels in cold roofs 22
1 Pitched roofs 2023
Chapter 7.2
Pitched roof structures and coverings shall comply with the Technical Requirements.
Pitched roofs that comply with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable.
Roofs with a tile or slate covering should be in accordance with BS 5534.
7.2.3 Design of pitched roofs Also see: TRADA Eurocode 5 span tables (3rd edition) and BS 8103-3
The sizing and spacing of members shall ensure structural stability and provide restraint to the structure
without undue movement or distortion. Issues to be taken into account include:
Structural timber should be of a suitable grade and specified according to the strength classes in BS EN 338, e.g. C16, C24 or
TR26 in accordance with BS EN 14081. When using BS 4978 grading rules:
the timber specification should be in accordance with the timber should be marked accordingly.
BS EN 1912, or the timber species and strength
class identified
4m or more 75mm 35mm
Ceiling finishes should be fixed according to the spacing of the support members and the thickness of the sheet.
Plasterboard should be fixed as follows:
9.5mm plasterboard should be fixed at a maximum support additional members will generally be required to support
spacing of 450mm coverings and finishes where trusses are spaced
12.5-15mm plasterboard should be fixed at a maximum further apart.
support spacing of 600mm
Where the width of a gable ladder exceeds that of the trussed rafter centres, noggings should be used to reduce the span of the
roofing tile battens.
Chapter 7.2
collar pole plate
spanning between
hanger load-bearing walls
wall plate
7.2.4 Protection of trusses Also see: International Truss Plate Association Technical Handbook
7.2.5 Durability
Timber shall be of suitable durability.
The following timber members should be naturally durable or treated in accordance with Chapter 3.3 ‘Timber Preservation
(natural solid timber)’:
porch posts bargeboard
tiling battens fascias and other trim.
Where the roof is to include a fully supported weatherproofing membrane, the following timber components should either be
naturally durable or suitably treated:
rafters sarking
purlins wall plates
ceiling joists battens for fixing vertical cladding.
Fixings used to connect the roof structure to the wall plate should be specified according to the roof construction and exposure of
the site.
Where trussed rafter roofs are not subject to uplift, a minimum of two 4.5mm x 100mm galvanized round wire nails, skew nailed,
one on each side of the trussed rafter, or truss clips (fixed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions) are acceptable.
Where the roof is required to resist uplift, skew nailing is unlikely to provide sufficient strength, and appropriate metal straps
should be used. Holding-down straps should be:
provided according to the geographical location and a minimum cross section of 30mm x 2.5mm and spaced
construction type at a maximum of 2m centres (galvanised steel straps are
provided where the self-weight of the roof is insufficient generally acceptable) or proprietary straps and fixings
against uplift fixed to the wall, or turned into a bed joint.
provided in accordance with the design
Fixings for straps should be:
in accordance with the design, and the lowest fixing should where into masonry, hardened 4mm x 75mm nails or 50mm
be within 150mm of the bottom of the vertical strap long No 12 wood screws (into suitable plugs).
of a material or finish which is compatible with the straps
Chapter 7.2
steel tie
angle tie spread of
hip rafter
plywood angle
tie prevents
wall plates
Pitched roofs 2023 6
Chapter 7.2
Adequate restraint shall be provided to support the structure, distribute roof loads and prevent wind uplift.
Strapping shall be of adequate strength and durability, and fixed using appropriate fixings.
Restraint straps, or a restraining form of gable ladder, should be used where required to provide stability to walls, and be
installed in accordance with the design.
Lateral restraint straps should be located:
for homes up to and including three storeys (two storeys in for homes four storeys or over, fixed at a maximum spacing
Scotland), at a maximum spacing of 2m of 1.25m.
Lateral restraint straps should be fixed to the roof structure by either:
fixing to solid noggings using a minimum of four 50mm x fixing to longitudinal bracing members using eight 25mm
4mm steel screws or four 75mm x 4mm (8SWG) round x 4mm steel screws evenly distributed along the length of
nails, with one fixing in the third rafter (Figure 1), or the strap (Figure 2). Alternatively, 100mm x 25mm timber
members, fixed over four trusses and nailed in accordance
with Clause 7.2.9 can be used where the position of the
strap does not coincide with a longitudinal binder.
Figure 1 Figure 2
strap underneath solid noggings, strap underneath the 25x100mm bracing fitted
fixed with a minimum of four longitudinal bracing (or an tightly to internal
fixings (at least one in the third rafter) additional timber member) fixed face of block
with a minimum of eight screws inner leaf
block removed
for clarity
packing between
rafter and wall
strap held tightly
against block
inner leaf
correct length and number of bends and twists a minimum size of 30mm x 5mm and have a minimum
provided at rafter level on gable walls, where the home is anchorage downturn to 100mm (or proprietary straps)
of masonry construction (larger or separating walls may fixed with the downturn on a substantial piece of blockwork,
require restraint at ceiling level) preferably fitted over the centre of an uncut block
protected against corrosion in accordance with BS EN 845-1 in accordance with BS EN 1995-1-1, where the home is of
Clause 6.1.11 Table 4 (sherardised straps or fixings are not timber frame construction.
acceptable in Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man)
In framed roofs, as an alternative, purlins and pole plates can be used to provide restraint where the timber abuts a gable
construction. Where purlins are used to provide restraint, the maximum permissible spacing is 2m unless the design
shows otherwise.
Gable ladders can be used to provide restraint to the external wall where:
there is blocking between the last trussed rafter and the the soffit board is cut carefully and then fixed securely to
inner leaf (maximum 2m spacing) restrain the outer leaf.
Chapter 7.2
7.2.9 Bracing for trussed rafter roofs Also see: BS EN 1995-1-1 and PD 6693-1
Trussed rafters shall be suitably braced to support applied loads and self-weight without undue movement.
For the purposes of this chapter, the guidance and use of standard trussed rafter bracing does not apply to homes on or near
exposed sites, e.g. flat coastal fringes, fens, airfields and moorland. In such cases, bracing should be designed by an engineer in
accordance with Technical Requirement R5.
Standard trussed rafter bracing, in accordance with Table 4, is generally acceptable, where the home:
has a rectangular roof (including hip ends) and is either a has trusses which are only supported at each end
duo-pitched or a mono-pitch structure does not have unsupported masonry spanning more
is not taller than 8.4m (to the underside of the ceiling tie) than 9m (between buttressing walls, piers or chimneys)
is braced in accordance with this chapter has a ceiling of plasterboard directly under each truss
is braced according to the conditions of the site and in (where there is no plasterboard, i.e. garages, additional
accordance with the design diagonal ceiling bracing and longitudinal binder bracing at
does not have trusses which span more than 12m each ceiling node point is required.
Bracing for roofs that are approximately square Bracing for larger roofs
Bracing for roofs less than 6.6m wide on detached Bracing for mono-pitch trusses
or staggered/stepped buildings
intersection intersection
detail detail
truss span
truss span truss
truss span
span truss
truss span
span truss span
Longitudinal bracing member at ridge node point Longitudinal bracing member at rafter node point
Applicable to all trussed rafter roofs. Not necessary where rigid Applicable to all rafter node points. Not necessary where:
sarking, such as OSB, timber boarding or plywood sheeting,
spacing between braced nodes is less than 4.2m, or
is used.
rigid sarking, such as OSB, timber boarding or plywood
sheeting, is used.
Longitudinal binders at ceiling node points Chevron bracing between webs
Applicable to all ceiling node points. Not necessary where the Where the span exceeds 8m. For mono-pitch roofs of any
spacing between braced nodes is less than 3.7m. span and duo-pitch roofs over 11m span, bracing should
be designed by an engineer in accordance with Technical
Requirement R5.
It should be approximately 45° to the web members.
more than 8m
Chapter 7.2
7.2.10 Strutting for attic trusses and cut roofs that form a floor
Strutting to attic trusses shall be provided to support the applied loads and self-weight without undue
movement or distortion.
Strutting should be provided:
in accordance with the design using herringbone (38mm x 38mm timber) or solid strutting
where the span between the node points which form the (a minimum of 0.75x the depth of the floor and a minimum
width of the floor of the attic truss exceeds 2.5m of 38mm thick).
where the span between the supports to a floor within a cut
roof exceeds 2.5m
Access hatches should be in accordance with Clause 7.2.15. Where an access hatch is required to provide fire resistance,
the fire-resistance period should be supported by test evidence.
lintel supports
dormer roof
Underlay should:
be provided to all tiled roofs be cut neatly to fit tightly around surface penetrations and
where it is above rigid sarking (fully supported), be of low not be torn, i.e. where pipes project through the underlay
vapour resistance, i.e. less than 0.25MNs/g (where the be dressed into the gutter where exposed at eaves level,
underlay is highly vapour-resistant, increased ventilation to be UV resistant or of type 5U felt or a proprietary eaves
the roof space or between the underlay and sarking should guard used
be provided as necessary) where traditional mortar pointing is used to bed ridge tiles,
be supported by a continuous fillet or proprietary eaves extend over the ridge
support tray to prevent sagging (which can form a water trap) continue over hips to form a 150mm minimum lap parallel
be securely fixed with the hip rafter
at vertical laps, be fixed only over rafters, and at horizontal at abutments, be supported and turned up by a minimum
laps be held in place by battens. Where no batten is provided of 100mm
over a horizontal lap, the underlay manufacturers guidance be draped to allow water to drain behind the tiling battens.
should be sought
11 Pitched roofs 2023
Chapter 7.2
At valleys:
the main roof underlay should be cut to the valley
batten line
a strip of underlay should be laid under the main roof
underlay and held down by the valley battens (where lapped to suit
pitch of roof
underlay supported
by tilting fillet and
dressed into gutter
Ridge or high-level ventilation equivalent to a continuous opening of 5mm should be provided at the highest point of each roof
slope in accordance with BS 5250 in the following situations:
unventilated cold roofs have insulation placed over a vapour permeable underlays are used on sloping roofs with
horizontal ceiling and a vapour-permeable underlay areas covered by non-permeable materials (e.g. flat roofed
(type LR) is used. The exception being where no ridge areas of mansard roofs)
or high-level ventilation is proposed to the roof void, the the roof is covered with high water vapour resistant (type
roofing underlay must be a low water vapour resistance HR) underlay and the pitch exceeds 35° or the span
(type LR) and air permeable underlay and hold current exceeds 10m (this is in addition to eaves ventilation).
certification for use in a non-ventilated application from an
appropriate third party technical approvals body, acceptable
to NHBC. Such membranes should have a water vapour
resistance, sd, not exceeding 0.05 m (0.25 MN∙s/g) and air
permeability of 34m3/m2.h at 50 Pa.
10mm 10mm
opening opening
roof pitch over 15°
Pitched roofs 2023 12
Chapter 7.2
Where high water vapour-resistant (type HR) underlay (e.g. types 1F/5U felts) is used, eaves ventilation should be provided on
opposite sides of the roof to permit cross ventilation, and:
where the roof pitch is 15°or more, ventilation equivalent to for mono-pitched roofs, cross ventilation should be in
a 10mm slot running the full length of the eaves should accordance with BS 5250 and have ventilation equivalent
be provided of a continuous high-level 5mm slot, in addition to
where the ceiling follows the slope of a roof, regardless eaves ventilation.
of pitch, or where a cold roof has a pitch less than 15°,
ventilation equivalent to a 25mm slot running the full length
of the eaves should be provided (a nominal clearance of
50mm should be maintained between the insulation and the
roof underlay)
10mm or 25mm
opening to suit pitch
mono-pitched roof
25mm 25mm
opening opening
room-in-roof (partially sloping ceiling) room-in-roof (completely sloping ceiling)
10mm or
25mm opening
to suit pitch
25mm 25mm
opening opening
roof pitch below 15°
pitched roof dormer
insulation above
min. 50mm cavity closer and
clear airway wall plate avoids
5mm a cold bridge
25mm 25mm
opening opening
room in roof (flat roof dormer)
13 Pitched roofs 2023
Chapter 7.2
Dormer construction
Ventilation to dormers should be provided from eaves to eaves or from eaves to ridge.
To reduce the risk of freezing or condensation forming
pipes insulated
on pipework, the following precautions should be taken: when above
loft insulation
where possible, water pipes should be below the main
roof insulation lap the tank
water pipes should be insulated in accordance with and the loft
Chapter 8.1 ‘Internal services’
roof insulation should be placed above and around water
tanks, but not below them
‘cold rising’ pipework above ceiling level should be
rising main insulated
insulated, even where it is below the main roof insulation. above ceiling level
Pitched roofs 2023 14
Chapter 7.2
Pitched roofs shall be constructed to provide adequate fire resistance and separation.
Firestopping should be provided in accordance with building regulations, including:
at the junctions between a separating or compartment wall above separating walls
and a roof within the boxed eaves at separating walls.
at the junctions between cavities
When providing firestopping:
gaps between compartments should be sealed firestop between
batten and above
separating walls should stop approximately 25mm below underlay
the top of adjacent roof trusses, and a soft fire-resistant
packing, such as mineral wool, should be used to allow for firestop
movement in roof timbers and prevent ‘hogging’ of the tiles below underlay
7.2.17 Battens
Battens and counter battens shall be adequately sized and spaced to support the roof covering.
Battens and counter battens should be:
in accordance with BS 5534, accompanied by a delivery cut square, butt jointed over rafters and nailed to each rafter
note and marked with the supplier, origin, grade and size they span
preservative treated fixed by skew driven nails on each side of the joint.
where cut ends are located in wet or dry verges,
treated with preservative
Counter battens should be fixed to the rafters and not only to sarking boards.
Battens should be:
a minimum of 1.2m long and span a minimum of fixed through counter battens to rafters
three rafters where on rigid sarking boards, supported on counter battens
set out in straight lines parallel to the ridge and to the at verges, tile battens should finish 25mm-50mm from the
gauge required for the tile or slate (the lap should not be face of the protecting undercloak
decreased as this would reduce weathertightness) sized in accordance with the roof covering manufacturer’s
set out so that the tiles project a minimum of 50mm over recommendations, but not less than shown in Table 9.
the gutter
Table 9: Minimum batten sizes
450mm span 600mm span
Depth Width Depth Width
Double lap slates Natural: sized or random 25mm 50mm 25mm 50mm
Fibre cement or concrete 25mm 38mm 25mm 50mm
Clay/concrete tiles Double lap 25mm 38mm 25mm 38mm
Single lap 25mm 38mm 25mm 50mm
1 Tolerances on the basic sizes of timber batten should be: width ±3 mm, depth −0 +3 mm.
15 Pitched roofs 2023
Chapter 7.2
Where slates and concrete or clay tiles are designated AA to BS 476-3, they can be used without limitation on pitched roofs.
Table 11: Acceptable characteristics for natural slates
Characteristics Grade (to BS EN 12326)
Water absorption less than 0.6% A1
Thermal cycle T1
Carbonate content less than 20% S1
Pitched roofs 2023 16
Chapter 7.2
Coverings shall be suitably fixed to protect the building from weather. Issues to be taken into account
a) eaves, ridge and hip tiles c) mortar
b) verges d) vertical tiling and slating.
Careful setting out will improve the finished appearance of the roof, help avoid problems such as unequal overhangs, and reduce
excessive tile cutting at abutments, chimneys and similar obstructions.
When installing coverings:
clay tiles that do not meet the dimensional and geometric double tiles, tile-and-a-half or half tiles can be used when
requirements given in BS EN 1304 should not be laid at available from the manufacturer (to avoid the use of
pitches less than 40° small sections of cut tiles). Alternatively, where the tile
joints between tiles and slates should be slightly open, manufacturer provides guidance, small sections of single
which provides some flexibility in setting out and should lap tile can be bonded to full tiles
help to avoid tile cutting (single lap interlocking tiles have a the bottom edges of double-lapped slate and plain tile roofs
tolerance of approximately 3mm at the joint) should be finished with an under-eaves course.
and the manufacturer’s recommendations twice where centre nailed.
slates and tiles should be fixed using clout or slate nails
(these should be either silicon bronze, aluminium
to BS 1202-3 or copper to BS 1202-2).
underlay dressed
into gutter below
under-eaves tiles
17 Pitched roofs 2023
Chapter 7.2
At hips:
underlay should continue to form a 150mm minimum lap where wet bedded tiles are used, they should be supported
parallel with the hip rafter at the base by a galvanized hip iron and project to the
centre line of the gutter.
Ridge and hip tiles should be mechanically fixed with self-sealing non-ferrous fixings into timber battens, and have a nominal
joint thickness of 10mm where wet bedded. Wet bedded ‘baby’ hip/ridge tiles to low level roofs, such as those over porches and
ground floor bay windows, do not require mechanical fixing, unless recommended by the manufacturer.
Proprietary dry fixed systems should be in accordance with BS 8612.
Unless a proprietary dry verge system or cloaked verge is used, tiles should be bedded into a 100mm wide bed of mortar on
an undercloak of cement-based board, plain tile or slate. Plain tiles should not be used as an undercloak below 30°pitch or
on a bargeboard.
Undercloak should be:
fixed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations bedded on roofing mortar and struck off flush with the
installed to a true line external surface of the wall (alternatively, a suitable exterior
installed at the correct level to ensure that the line of the grade bedding sealant should be used in accordance with
tiling is maintained where it passes over the wall, and not the manufacturer’s recommendations)
tilt inwards securely nailed to a true line where a bargeboard is used.
Where verge tiles and slates are wet bedded, pointing should be completed as soon as possible using the same mix.
Verge clips should be in full contact with the tile to resist uplift, nailed twice to battens and sized to ensure that they are in direct
contact with the top surface of the verge tile.
Where plain tiles and slates are used at the verge:
they should project 38-50mm beyond the gable wall natural slate verges should be formed with full slates and
or bargeboard either slate-and-a-half or half slates that are a minimum of
cut plain tiles are not acceptable, and purpose-made plain 150mm wide.
tile-and-a-half tiles should be used
Pitched roofs 2023 18
Chapter 7.2
When bedding tiles or slates in mortar:
the mortar should be 1:3 cement:sand with plasticiser pointing should be completed as soon as possible using the
the mortar should be a mix based on sharp sand with soft same mix
sand added to achieve workability; the proportion of sharp tiles should be wetted on their contact surface, and surface
sand should not be less than one third of the total sand water allowed to drain away before fixing
content (proprietary mixes may be accepted by NHBC concealed or decorative dentil tiles should be fully bedded
where they are shown to have similar strength, durability into joints in excess of 25mm thick.
and workability)
Weatherproofing shall be provided at abutments, flat roof intersections, changes in slopes and projections
to resist the passage of moisture to the inside of the building. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) abutments c) projections through the roof
b) flat roof intersection or changes in slope d) copings.
Flashing details should be appropriate for the roof and the type of roof covering used, in accordance with BS 5534. Where
flashings come into contact with metal, they should be formed using non-ferrous material.
Table 13: Suitable materials for flashings
Material Standard Additional information
Aluminium and BS EN 515 0.6-0.9mm thick, and protected from contact with mortar by a coating of
alloys bituminous paint
Copper BS EN 1172 Flashings, soakers and saddles should be:
fully annealed
0.55mm thick (0.7mm thick is suitable for gutters)
Rolled lead sheet BS EN 12588 Flashings, gutter linings etc. should:
be a minimum of yellow code, and soakers a minimum of green code
sections should not exceed 1.5m in length
Zinc alloy BS EN 988 Should be a minimum of 0.6mm thick
Proprietary Technical Requirement R3 Should be securely fixed in accordance with the
products manufacturer’s recommendations
At abutments:
flashings, soakers and gutters should be joints between the masonry and flashing should be pointed
provided as necessary with cement mortar or suitable exterior grade sealant in
lead flashings should have a minimum lap of 100mm accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
flashings should be tucked 25mm into a brick joint and
wedged in place at not more than 450mm centres, or a
minimum of one per step for stepped flashings
19 Pitched roofs 2023
Chapter 7.2
Where a flat or pitched roof over an enclosed area abuts a wall, or a balcony abuts a wall, cavity trays should be linked to the
flashing to prevent water penetrating into an enclosed area. Horizontal flashings should provide weathering to a minimum of
75mm above the intersection with the roof.
Where a pitched roof abuts the wall at an angle:
a stepped cavity tray linked to a stepped flashing stepped flashings should be a minimum of 65mm wide
should be used where slates, flat interlocking tiles or plain tiles are used,
stepped flashings should be cut from a strip a minimum of soakers (or a secret gutter) should be installed.
150mm wide
soakers beneath each stepped lead flashing
3D 3D tile and overlapped held in mortar joints
by the flashing with lead wedges
lead flashing
wedged into joint
min. below wall DPC
75mm min. 150mm
underlay turned
underlay turned up at abutment
up behind flashing
min. 150mm
cover flashing
stepped side
back gutter
front apron
Copings, including those manufactured from natural stone reconstituted stone, and GRP, should be securely fixed to gable walls
using suitably durable fixings, and be weathertight.
To resist wind uplift and gravitational forces, L-shaped brackets should be used to secure stone copings to masonry walls.
The brackets should:
have dowel bars that fit into restraint holes in the copings be fixed to a solid piece of masonry, with fixings of a
be manufactured from stainless steel suitable length, gauge and durability.
(such as type 304 to BS EN 10088-2)
DPCs should be installed under the coping to ensure that the wall is weathertight. The DPC should:
be bitumen-based material to BS 6398, or other material be fully bedded in mortar
assessed in accordance with Technical Requirement R3 be supported over the cavity.
extend the full width of the wall
Fixing methods that penetrate the DPC should be designed to ensure weathertightness. This can be achieved by extending the
lower DPC under the bracket, and installing the next section of the DPC over it to create a lap that covers the fixing point.
GRP coping
plywood plate
lead flashing seal
lead soakers cavity closer
light structure
Chapter 7.2
Further guidance can be found in Chapter 6.2 ‘External timber framed walls’.
Where the roof covering is slate or plain tiles, the following may be used:
a laced valley a mitred valley with soakers.
a swept valley
Valleys using valley tiles
Where valleys are formed using valley tiles:
purpose-made valley coursing tiles should be used where they should be mechanically cut to the correct rake
the roof uses plain tiles adjacent coverings should be neatly cut to form a smooth
purpose-made valley trough tiles should be supported junction, and preferably be cut from tile-and-a-half tiles
by gutter boards where the roof uses single lap they should be bedded in mortar with a minimum 100mm
interlocking tiles wide channel (minimum 125mm for pitches below 30°).
Lead-lined valleys
For lead-lined valleys, the tiles should be cut and bedded as for valley tiles, except that the mortar should be bedded on an
undercloak (to prevent direct contact between the lead and the mortar). Mortar should not bridge the welt detail.
Lead should be:
either code 4 (blue) or code 5 (red) laid in strips no longer than 1.5m
supported on gutter boards of 19mm exterior grade ply, or lapped by a minimum of 150mm, where pitches are
as specified in the design above 30°.
7.2.22 Drainage
Roof drainage shall adequately carry rainwater to a suitable outlet.
Drainage should be:
provided where roofs are greater than 6m2; however, fixed in accordance with the design, using the correct type
consideration should be given to providing drainage to of fittings for internal and external angles, outlets etc. to
smaller roofs such as dormer, porch roofs and balconies ensure efficient drainage of the roof
(see Clause 7.1.12) supported and jointed in accordance with the
of a sufficient size to accommodate normal rainfall, manufacturer’s recommendations
and sized to cope with concentrated flows, i.e. where insulated when passing through a home, in accordance with
there are dormer roofs Chapter 8.1 ‘Internal services’
designed and fitted to prevent erosion of the lower surface, installed ensuring gutters are provided with stop ends,
where water from a large roof surface discharges onto and are laid with a sufficient fall towards the outlet,
another surface unless designed to be flat.
Where gutters are behind parapet walls, a suitably sized overflow should be provided.
Where a downpipe discharges above ground level, or above a drainage gully, the downpipe should be fitted with shoes.
Pitched roofs 2023 22
Chapter 7.2
Fascias, bargeboards and soffits shall be appropriately fixed and treated against decay.
Table 14: Materials acceptable for facia boards
Exterior grade plywood BS EN 636 Class 3
High density fibre reinforced calcium silicate board BS EN 12467
Glass fibre reinforced cement (GRC) board BS EN 12467
Proprietary products Technical Requirement R3
Spandrel panels that comply with guidance from the Structural Timber Association or the Trussed Rafter Association will
generally be acceptable to NHBC.
Internal services
Chapter 8.1
This chapter gives guidance on meeting the
Technical Requirements for internal
services, including:
the supply of hot and cold water
electrical installations.
8.1.1 Compliance 01
8.1.2 Provision of information 01
8.1.3 Water services and supply 01
8.1.4 Cold water storage 03
8.1.5 Hot water service 04
8.1.6 Soil and waste systems 05
8.1.7 Electrical services and installations 06
8.1.8 Gas service installations 07
8.1.9 Meter boxes 07
8.1.10 Space heating systems 08
8.1.11 Installation 09
8.1.12 Extract ducts 10
8.1.13 Testing and commissioning 11
1 Internal services 2023
Chapter 8.1
Internal services shall comply with the Technical Requirements and take account of service entries, ground
hazards and chemical attack.
Internal services which comply with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable.
Adequate precautions against ground hazards and the entry of gas i.e. radon or gas, from landfill sites, should be provided
as necessary. Further guidance can be found in BRE Report 211 ‘Radon: guidance on protective measures for new dwellings’,
and BRE Report 212 ‘ Construction of new buildings on gas-contaminated land’.
8.1.3 Water services and supply Also see: water regulations and guides
Water services shall be based on the pressures and flow rates supplied from the incoming main.
Components shall be selected and installed to ensure satisfactory service for the life of the system,
with suitable precautions taken against corrosion and damage. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) suitability of materials and components c) durability
b) adequate supply d) protection from the cold.
Adequate supply
The design and installation of the water services supply should:
be in accordance with building regulations, statutory ensure that stop valves within the curtilage and outside the
requirements and the recommendations of the water supplier home are protected by a shaft or box
ensure drinking water is provided at the kitchen sink direct ensure service pipes are a minimum of 750mm below the
from the supply pipe or, where this is impracticable, from a ground surface – where this is not possible, adequate
storage cistern containing an adequate supply of precautions should be taken against frost and
drinking water mechanical damage
be based on a minimum 1.5 bar dynamic pressure at the ensure that underground ducts are sealed at both ends to
stop valve inside the home prevent the entry of fluids, vermin and insects
ensure a minimum 20L/min flow rate is available at the stop be of materials which are safe and minimise the risk
valve inside the home of corrosion
account for pressure and flow rate reductions (a wider be in accordance with the recommendations of the water
supply pipe may be required inside the home) supplier, including compatibility of the supply with the
account for pressure fluctuations and surges, which may materials and fittings.
occur within the system and potentially damage fittings
(surge arresters may be required)
The water system should be capable of being drained (hot and cold services separately).
The hot and cold water service should be installed using corrosion resistant pipes and fittings.
In areas where pitting corrosion of copper cylinders occurs, it may be necessary to fit aluminium protector rods. These should be
fitted during manufacture in accordance with the relevant British Standard. Sacrificial anodes should be installed where required
by the water supplier.
water pipes
cold air
Table 1: Minimum insulation thickness to delay freezing inside domestic premises for cold water systems
Chapter 8.1
any distance
Access should:
be provided to the main roof space and voids that contain include a minimum 1m2 platform located for
cisterns and tanks, etc. (not required to roof spaces maintenance purposes
containing only water pipes) include securely fixed boarded walkways between the
be via an opening (access hatch) with a minimum width of opening and the cistern or other permanent equipment
520mm in each direction (boarding should be securely fixed without compressing
not be located directly over stairs or in other the insulation).
hazardous locations
Internal services 2023 4
Chapter 8.1
Hot water service shall be provided in accordance with statutory requirements and be adequate for the
demand and consumption.
Hot water services should be designed in accordance with Tables 3, 4 and 5, and:
the minimum flow rate should be in accordance with the have the design flow rate available at each outlet when the
statutory requirements and generally be available; it may total demand does not exceed 0.3L/s (where simultaneous
be less where the pressure and flow rate of the incoming discharge occurs, the flow rate at individual outlets should
supply falls below 1.5 bar not be less than the minimum rate).
Table 3: Flow rate and temperature requirements
Outlet Design flow rate (1) Minimum flow rate (2) Supply temperature °C (3)
L/sec (L/min) L/sec (L/min)
Bath (from storage) 0.30 (18) 0.15 (9) 48
Bath (from combi) 0.20 (12) 0.15 (9) 40
Shower (non-electric) 0.20 (12) 0.10 (6) 40
Wash basin 0.15 (9) 0.10 (6) 40
Sink 0.20 (12) 0.10 (6) 50
1 The design flow rate should be used to establish the hot and cold pipe sizes to provide the flow rate quoted at each outlet when that outlet is used on its own.
2 The minimum flow rate should be available at each fitting when that fitting is used simultaneously with one or more other fitting(s) as shown in Table 4.
3 The supply temperature is the temperature at the outlet. In accordance with BS 8558 the water temperature at an outlet or thermostatic mixing valve should be at
least 50°C within 1 minute of running the water.
5 The hot water system should supply at least the hot water demand stated and take account of distribution heat losses through the pipework. The suitability of
instantaneous systems (combination boilers) will be limited by their performance as quoted by the boiler manufacturer.
Hot water storage should comply with the minimum capacity in Table 5 (based on a draw-off temperature of 60°C), and where
appliances require greater volumes, the capacity should be increased accordingly.
Table 5: Minimum storage requirements
Shower only Bath only Bath and shower(s)(1) Two baths
60L 120L 145L 180L
1 Maximum of two showers (excludes instantaneous electric showers).
Where systems are heated by off-peak electricity, the storage capacity should be in accordance with the recommendations of the
electricity supplier.
5 Internal services 2023
Chapter 8.1
Where homes have one bathroom or shower room, the system should be able to provide adequate hot water:
immediately after the bath has been filled, for tasks such for a second bath after 20 minutes.
as washing
Where homes have two or more bathrooms, the system should be able to provide adequate hot water immediately after each of
the baths have been filled, for tasks such as washing.
Where a shower is installed, adequate provision should be made to ensure that the outlet temperature of the water is not
significantly affected by the use of other hot or cold outlets in the home. This may be achieved by the provision of a thermostatic
shower mixing valve, the appropriate design of pipe sizes or dedicated supplies.
Instantaneous systems (using combination boilers) produce hot water on demand (generally at lower flow rates than
storage systems), and should only be used where:
simultaneous demand for hot water is limited. Where there storage combination boilers have the capacity as required
are three or more outlets, the design for simultaneous in Table 5. Where boilers can control and prioritise hot water
discharge can omit the outlet at the kitchen sink outputs the storage capacities can be less than the figures
in Table 5 subject to manufacturer’s recommendations on
meeting the demand.
Storage systems provide higher flow rates than instantaneous systems, and:
require a suitable space for the siting of the storage vessel where vented, should be provided with an expansion pipe.
Unvented hot water storage systems should be:
assessed in accordance with Technical Requirement R3, or installed by competent installers.
meet the requirements of BS EN 12897 and be the subject
of third-party certification, e.g. Kitemarking (applies to both
the assembled system and components)
Hot water cylinders should be:
supported in accordance with accessible for maintenance
manufacturer’s recommendations insulated as specified in the design.
installed vertically, unless designed otherwise
Where an immersion heater is fitted, it should be:
appropriate for the type of water supplied to the home located to facilitate replacement
controlled by a thermostat fitted with an on/off switch.
8.1.6 Soil and waste systems Also see: BS EN 752 and BS EN 12056
Soil and waste systems shall be in accordance with relevant building regulations and installed to ensure
that effluent is removed without affecting health or creating unnecessary noise and smell.
Soil and waste systems should be:
in accordance with the requirements of the water supplier 900mm
adequately ventilated at the head of underground drains
(this may be by a soil pipe or separate ventilation pipe)
openings soil pipe or
adequately ventilated at each branch ventilation
arranged to ensure foul air from the drainage system cannot
less than 3m
enter homes (e.g. ventilated to 900mm above openings when
within 3m)
fixed neatly and securely to provide the correct falls
fitted to prevent the entry of vermin.
Air admittance valves should:
be used to allow air to enter the drainage system (but do not have free movement of air around them which can be
avoid the need to ventilate it adequately) achieved by ventilation grilles, discreet gaps around the
where used to terminate a soil pipe, comply with boxing or ventilation of the boxing into a ventilated roof void
BS EN 12380 or be assessed in accordance with (the ventilation area should be 2500mm2 minimum unless
Technical Requirement R3 otherwise specified by the manufacturer)
not be positioned in areas which are liable to freezing where positioned within the home, be accessible
for maintenance.
Internal services 2023 6
Chapter 8.1
The junctions of wall tiling with baths and showers should be made watertight using a flexible sealant to accommodate
movement. The manufacturer’s instructions should be followed.
8.1.7 Electrical services and installations Also see: BRE report ‘Thermal insulation: avoiding risks’
Electrical installations shall be provided in accordance with relevant regulations, codes and standards.
The installation shall ensure safe and satisfactory operation and be protected from chemical attack.
Electrical services and installations should:
comply with BS 7671 ‘Requirements for be installed in accordance with the
electrical installations’ manufacturer’s recommendations
comply with BS 6004 ‘Electric cables. PVC insulated and ensure cables are not placed under, against or within
PVC sheathed cables for voltages up to and including thermal insulation, unless they have been appropriately
300/500 V, for electric power and lighting’ sized and derated
have fittings and components located in accordance with ensure PVC covered cables are not in contact with
relevant building regulations polystyrene insulation.
Rooms should be provided with the minimum number of 13A outlets listed in Table 6 (dual outlets count as two).
Table 6: Minimum number of outlets
Room Outlets Notes
Kitchen/utility 8 Where homes have separate areas, the kitchen should have a minimum of four outlets and the
utility room four. Where appliances are provided, a minimum of three outlets should be free for
general use.
Living or family room 8 A minimum of two outlets near the TV aerial outlet.
Bedrooms 6 (4) A minimum of six outlets for the main bedroom and a minimum of four outlets for other bed-
Dining room 4
Landing 2
Hall 2
Cables without special protection, such as an earthed vertically or horizontally in shaded zone
to switch or outlet 150mm wide
metal conduit, should be positioned:
vertically or horizontally from the outlet or switch being served
within the shaded zone in the diagram, or
a minimum of 50mm from the surface of a wall, or a minimum
of 50mm from the top or bottom of a timber joist, or batten in
a floor or ceiling.
Where the position of switches or sockets can be determined
from the reverse side of the wall or partition, the zone on one
side of the wall or partition applies to the reverse side.
7 Internal services 2023
Chapter 8.1
Lighting outlets
Lighting outlets should be provided:
in each room, hall, landing and staircases in the common areas of homes and controlled by either
with two-way switching at each floor level in a staircase manual switching or automatic light-sensitive controls.
Cooking spaces
Cooking spaces should:
have a minimum 30A supply which is suitably switched where provided, have cooker panels located to the side of
and terminated the cooker space.
have a 13A socket outlet where there is a gas supply
Electrical supply to gas appliances
Where a gas appliance requires an electrical supply, a suitable fixed spur or socket outlet should be provided.
Aerials are not required; however, one of the following should be provided:
a concealed, coaxial cable from the roof void to a terminal a conduit and draw wire or suitable alternative.
outlet in the main living room
8.1.8 Gas service installations Also see: Chapters 6.2, 6.8, BS 6400 and BS 6891
Gas service installations shall be adequate and comply with the gas safety regulations, and be in
accordance with relevant standards and codes to ensure safe and satisfactory operation.
Gas service installations should ensure:
service pipework up to and including the emergency control where there is a gas supply to the home, a gas point at
valve and meter is in accordance with the requirements of the cooker space should be provided. This is not required
the gas transporter, gas supplier and primary meter owner where an electric hob is provided
installation of pipework and appliances complies with where gas pipework is to be installed in timber frame,
relevant standards and codes including those published by allowance is made for differential movement.
the Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers (IGEM) or
Gas Safe Register (GSR)
Openings in walls for meter cabinets shall be structurally adequate and prevent dampness entering the home.
Openings set into external walls should be provided with: cavity tray
Where space heating is provided, it shall be in accordance with the relevant codes and standards, and
ensure safe operation.
Where appropriate, space heating systems should comply with the following:
BS 5410 ‘Code of practice for oil firing’.
BS 6798 Specification for selection, installation, inspection, commissioning, servicing and
maintenance of gas‑fired boilers of rated input not exceeding 70 kW net.
BS EN 14336 Heating systems in buildings. Installation and commissioning of water based heating
BS 8303 ‘Installation of domestic heating and cooking appliances burning solid mineral fuels’.
BS EN 12828 ‘Heating systems in buildings. Design for water-based heating systems’.
BSRIA guide BG 4/2011 ‘Underfloor heating and cooling’.
CIBSE Domestic heating design guide.
CIBSE guide A Environmental design.
TGN 8.2/01 Technical guidance heat pump design and specification.
Space heating appliances, including all components and controls, should be of a type approved by the relevant authority, including:
solid fuel – Solid Fuel Association, Heating Equipment electricity – British Electrotechnical Approvals Board
Testing & Approval Scheme oil – OFTEC.
The provision of whole home or central heating is discretionary. Where provided, it should be designed in accordance with
Table 7 and 7.1, recognised standards, and:
the number of air changes per hour from kitchens and the main living room should have a heating appliance or a
bathrooms should account for any mechanical ventilation heat output as part of a whole home heating system
where rooms contain open flued appliances, the rate of temperature calculations should be based on external
air change used for the design should be increased in temperature in line with table 7.1
accordance with BS EN 12831 the heating designs must include allowances where
room ventilation rates should be in accordance with applicable for thermal bridging
recognised standards and guidance e.g. CIBSE domestic the design may need to use elevated temperatures to take
heating design guide or other approved by NHBC into account frail, elderly or the infirm.
design temperatures should be verified by calculations and
not by performance tests
Chapter 8.1
8.1.11 Installation
Internal services shall not adversely affect the stability of the home and be installed to ensure
satisfactory operation. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) fitting of pipes and cables c) concealed services.
b) notching and drilling of joists
Metallic tape should be placed behind plastic pipework, where it is concealed behind wall surfaces, and would otherwise not be
located by a metal detector or similar equipment.
Joints in pipes should be made:
strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions using lead-free flux recommended by the pipe manufacturer,
with traces removed immediately after jointing.
Fire stopping should be provided around any services which penetrate fire-resisting floors, walls or partitions. Where a proprietary
system, such as an intumescent seal is used, it should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
holes separated
by a min. 3 x
hole diameter
Where the structural strength is impaired by notching or drilling, the element should be replaced or correctly repaired.
Holes should be spaced at a minimum of three times the hole diameter.
Notches and holes in the same joist should be separated by a minimum horizontal distance of 100mm.
Internal services 2023 10
Chapter 8.1
Instructions should be obtained from the designer when notching and drilling, where:
the joist is deeper than 250mm, or it is close to heavy loads, such as those from partitions,
the dimensions are not in accordance with Table 8, or cisterns, cylinders and stair trimming.
Preformed holes are provided, and additional holes and notches should not be cut without the approval of the manufacturer.
Metal web joists
Services should run in the gaps between the metal webs. Conduits may need to be inserted before the joists are fixed in position.
Lightweight steel
Light weight steel should be used in accordance with Chapter 6.10 ‘Light steel framed walls and floors’.
Concealed services
Services concealed in walls or floors should be located so that significant cracking of the surface does not occur. Where chases
in walls are necessary, their depth should not exceed:
1/6 thickness of the single leaf for horizontal chases 1/3 thickness for vertical chases.
Hollow blocks should not be chased unless specifically permitted by the manufacturer.
Pipes under floor screeds should:
min. 25mm cover
be protected by wrapping or ducting
have adequate allowance for thermal expansion, insulated pipe
particularly at changes of direction. within screed
Ductwork to intermittent and continuously running mechanical extract ventilation systems shall ensure
satisfactory performance and durability. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) building integration d) installation
b) resistance to airflow e) terminals.
c) control of condensation
Building integration
The route of ductwork should take account of other building elements. Ductwork passing through structural elements should not
adversely affect the structural or fire performance of the building. Where alterations to structural elements, such as I-joists,
are required, this should only be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, or be designed by an
engineer in accordance with Technical Requirement R5.
The fire requirements of the building should be in accordance with relevant building regulations and standards. Issues that
should be taken into account include:
suitable detailing of components passing through other the integrity of protected stairs and halls
Chapter 8.1
Control of condensation
Where extract ductwork passes through unheated spaces, it should be continuously insulated to achieve a thermal resistance
equivalent to a minimum of 25mm of insulating material with a thermal conductivity of 0.04W/(mK). This can be achieved
by using:
suitable pre-insulated ductwork, or a proprietary insulation system.
Alternatively, the ductwork can be fitted with a condensate trap that discharges to the outside or installing the duct to slope to
the outside.
unheated space
condensate trap
Ductwork should be installed in a neat and workmanlike manner, be securely fixed, and have:
adequate support throughout its length sealed mechanically fixed joints and connections.
Where ductwork passes through an external wall, it should be positioned to slope slightly outwards to prevent water entering
the building. Clips and supports for ductwork should be spaced at equal distances and in accordance with the ductwork
manufacturer’s recommendations. For rigid ductwork, they should not generally be more than 750mm apart.
Ductwork should not be in direct contact with other surfaces, such as plasterboard ceilings, that may transfer noise to the home.
Ventilation systems should terminate freely to open air.
The air flow resistance of terminals should not adversely affect
the performance of the ventilation system. Airflow resistance of
terminals can be obtained through testing in accordance with
BS EN 13141-2. terminal extracting
to open air
insulation removed
for clarity
8.2.1 Compliance 02
8.2.2 Provision of information 03
8.2.3 Clean Air Act 03
8.2.4 System design 03
8.2.5 Access 04
8.2.6 Handling, storage and protection 04
8.2.7 Sequence of work 04
8.2.8 Location 04
8.2.9 Building integration 04
8.2.10 Fixing 05
8.2.11 Electrical installation requirements 06
8.2.12 Pipes, insulation and protection
from cold 06
8.2.13 Ground collectors 06
8.2.14 Fuel storage 07
8.2.15 Safe discharge 07
8.2.16 Testing and commissioning 07
8.2.17 Handover requirements 07
8.2.18 Further information 07
1 Low or zero carbon technologies 2023
Chapter 8.2
This chapter provides guidance on low or zero carbon (LZC) technologies acceptable to NHBC. Other systems that
follow the general principles of this chapter may also be acceptable, subject to specific agreement with NHBC.
Additional requirements for solid fuel and oil fired boilers are given in Chapter 6.8 ‘Fireplaces, chimneys and flues’.
Guidance on other internal services is given in Chapter 8.1 ‘Internal services’. Additional guidance in TGN 8.2/01.
This chapter provides guidance on the following technologies:
expansion pump
generation export
inverter meter meter
AC mains supply
Wind turbine
Systems which convert wind energy into electricity.
generation export
inverter meter meter
consumer import
unit meter
AC mains supply
The schematic diagrams provided within the introduction are for illustrative purposes and do not indicate the only possible systems
acceptable to NHBC.
Low or zero carbon technologies 2023 2
Chapter 8.2
LZC technologies that comply with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable.
Relevant standards
LZC should comply with relevant standards including where applicable:
BS EN 61215 ‘Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules - Design qualification and type approval’.
BS EN 14511 Parts 1-4 ‘Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps with electrically driven
compressors for space heating and cooling’.
BS EN 61400-1 ‘Wind turbines’.
BS EN 61400-2 ‘Wind turbines. Small wind turbines’.
BS EN 14785 ‘Residential space heating appliances fired by wood pellets’.
BS EN 12809 ‘Residential independent boilers fired by solid fuel’.
BS EN 303-5 ‘Heating boilers for solid fuels, hand and automatically fired, nominal heat output of up to 300kW.
Terminology, requirements, testing and marking’.
BS EN 9806 Methods for testing durability, reliability, safety and thermal performance of fluid heating solar collectors.
BS EN 60068 Environmental testing of electrical equipment.
BS EN IEC 61730 Requirements for testing and construction of PV.
BS EN IEC 62108 Requirements for assessing the products capacity for long term operation in general open-air climates.
Fluorinated gas (F) Gas Guidance for users, producers and traders of HFCs, PFCs and SF6.
3 Low or zero carbon technologies 2023
Chapter 8.2
Product certification
LZC technologies should have current certification confirming satisfactory assessment by an appropriate independent authority
acceptable to NHBC.
Systems, products and installations that are assessed through the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) will generally be
acceptable to NHBC. Certification and test documentation should be made available to NHBC upon request.
Other certification bodies or test documentation may be acceptable where they are considered by NHBC to be a
suitable alternative.
Operative competency
LZC systems should be installed by operatives:
competent and familiar with the system being installed, and certified to a standard acceptable to NHBC.
Installers who have been trained in accordance with the MCS installer standards will generally be acceptable to NHBC.
Biomass boilers to be installed within a smoke controlled area should comply with the Clean Air Act 1993 or
Clean Air (Northern Ireland) Order 1981. Installations also need to consider any local air quality management plans
that are in effect and comply with the requirements.
LZC technologies should be designed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, certification scheme requirements
The design and location of LZC technologies should take account of factors such as orientation, roof pitch and shading.
For stand-alone wind turbine systems, suitable exclusion zones should be provided in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations and geographical location.
Design and location should take account of:
internal and external noise the effect on neighbouring properties, particularly the
vibration positioning of the LZC technology in relation to openings.
Each system should generally be supplied from one manufacturer as a package and not as individual components or materials.
However, where components from more than one manufacturer are used, they should be compatible to ensure
satisfactory performance.
LZC technologies should be installed so as not to adversely affect the performance of the building to which they are fixed, and in
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Multiple systems should be compatible with each other.
LZC technologies designed to contribute towards space and water heating should be designed in accordance with the
performance requirements in Chapter 8.1 ‘Internal services’.
8.2.5 Access
Appropriate arrangements shall be provided for the purposes of cleaning, inspection, maintenance and
repair of LZC technologies.
Safe access should be provided to the LZC technologies, including switchgear, inverters, meters and controls. This is to
enable the cleaning, inspection, maintenance and repair of systems. Access should be provided in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
To ensure performance, certain LZC systems and ancillary components should be installed in a logical and timely sequence in
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
8.2.8 Location
LZC technologies shall be correctly located.
LZC technologies, including ancillary components should be located and identified in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
Foundations and anchor points for stand-alone LZC technologies should be designed by an engineer in accordance with Technical
Requirement R5 to withstand the structural forces acting upon them.
5 Low or zero carbon technologies 2023
Chapter 8.2
The structure to which the LZC technology is attached should be assessed according to its ability to accept the loadings and
prevent detrimental effects arising from movement or vibration. The design of the structure should take account of:
the self-weight of the LZC components 3D mounted
imposed loads
wind loads integrated
snow loads
dynamic loading (where relevant).
Notching, drilling or chasing of structural components to
accommodate service pipes or cables should either comply
with Chapter 8.1 ‘Internal services’, or be designed by an
engineer in accordance with Technical Requirement R5.
Fixings, supports, bracketry and mounting frames should: flashing support
and head flashing
accommodate all static and dynamic loads in accordance
with the manufacturer’s recommendations solar panel
To avoid potential surface or interstitial condensation, the design should take account of thermal bridging, particularly where any
part of the system, including fixings, penetrates the thermal envelope.
Materials that comply with recognised standards, which provide equal or better performance to those above, are also acceptable.
The type, size, number, position and fitting tolerance of fixings should be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Issues that should be taken into account include:
the provision of suitable locking nuts and washers the isolation of aluminium from cementitious material.
the isolation of dissimilar metals
Electrical installations should comply with BS 7671 ‘Requirements for Electrical Installations’.
Where parallel electrical generation occurs, inverters should have a relevant Engineering Recommendation G83/2 type test
certificate and comply with all other parts of ER G83/2 for standard installations. Larger installations should comply with
ER G59/3-2.
The electrical installation should be capable of being isolated from all other electrical sources when required, for maintenance
or testing.
LZC technologies which generate electricity and are connected to the mains should automatically disconnect when there is a
mains power failure. This is to prevent them from feeding the network or local distribution system during a planned or unscheduled
loss of mains supply. This is known as ‘islanding’.
The inclusion of any lightning protection must be installed as directed by the equipment manufacturer.
The depth and layout of ground collectors should be specified to avoid freezing of adjacent ground. Where open loop systems are
proposed, consultation with the appropriate environment agency should be made and may require one or more of the following:
a licence to investigate groundwater a discharge consent.
an abstraction licence
Excavations for the installation of ground collectors should not adversely affect aquifers, foundations, drainage, water supply pipes
and other services. Design should take account of local planning authority guidance, including excavations that are close to trees
and hedgerows.
Ground collectors should be protected and tested prior to backfilling.
7 Low or zero carbon technologies 2023
Chapter 8.2
8.2.14 Fuel storage Also see: The HVCA Guide to Good Practice Installation of Biofuel Heating (TR/38)
Fuel storage for biomass boilers shall be suitable for the installation.
Solar thermal water heating systems should discharge into a storage vessel. The discharge pipework and vessel should be
suitable to withstand high temperatures.
The installer should check that the system is in accordance with the certification requirements, the manufacturer’s
recommendations and the design. Issues to be taken into account include:
the safety of the system the correct operation of the system.
the correct installation of the system
Upon completion, the installer should provide a certificate to confirm that the LZC technology has been installed, tested and
commissioned in accordance with the above.
ER G59/3-4 Recommendations for the Connection of recommendations for the protection against corrosion of iron
Generating Plant to the Distribution Systems of Licensed and steel in structures. Hot dip galvanizing
Distribution Network Operators’ BS EN ISO 14713-3:2017. Zinc coatings. Guidelines and
ER G83/2-1 Recommendations for the Connection of Type recommendations for the protection against corrosion of iron
Tested Small-scale Embedded Generators (Up to 16A per and steel in structures. Sherardizing
Phase) in Parallel with Low-Voltage Distribution Systems BRE Digest DIG 489 Wind loads on roof-mounted
BS EN ISO 14713-1:2017. Zinc coatings. Guidelines and photovoltaic and solar thermal systems’.
recommendations for the protection against corrosion of
iron and steel in structures. General principles of design and
corrosion resistance
Mechanical ventilation
with heat recovery
Chapter 8.3
This chapter provides guidance on mechanical
ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR) systems
acceptable to NHBC.
8.3.1 Compliance 01
8.3.2 Provision of information 01
8.3.3 Building integration 01
8.3.4 Noise 02
8.3.5 Design considerations 02
8.3.6 Access and operation 04
8.3.7 Ductwork 04
8.3.8 Fixing and jointing of ductwork 04
8.3.9 Commissioning and balancing 05
8.3.10 Handover requirements 05
1 Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery 2023
Chapter 8.3
Also see: Chapter 2.1, Approved Document F, Domestic Ventilation Compliance Guide, Section 3 of the
8.3.1 Compliance Technical Handbooks, Domestic Ventilation Guide in Scotland and Technical Booklets in Northern Ireland
MVHR design, materials and sitework shall comply with the Technical Requirements, and be installed by
competent operatives.
MVHR systems that comply with the guidance in this chapter and are in accordance with the relevant British Standards and
building regulations will generally be acceptable.
MVHR systems should be installed by operatives:
competent and familiar with the system being installed, and trained in accordance with the BPEC installer scheme,
or other suitable scheme acceptable to NHBC.
MVHR systems shall ensure compatibility with other building elements and not adversely affect the
performance of the building. Issues to be taken into account include:
a) weathertightness c) firestopping.
b) fixing of fan units
Proprietary roof terminals should be used to ensure the weathertightness of the roof covering.
The MVHR system should not adversely affect the fire performance of the building. Issues to be taken into account include:
ensuring that the fire requirements of the building are in location and type of firestops to be used
accordance with relevant building regulations integrity of protected stairs and halls
suitable detailing of components passing through other integrity of walls and floors.
elements of the building
Proprietary fire components should be suitably tested, and specified to take account of the test conditions.
Relevant standards include:
BS 476 ‘Fire tests on building materials and structures.’
BS EN 1365-2 ‘Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements. Floors and roofs.’
BS EN 1366-3 ‘Fire resistance tests for service installations. Penetration seals.’
8.3.4 Noise
MVHR systems shall be designed to minimise disturbance caused by noise.
MVHR fan units should be sized to run at their optimum speed and to provide suitable performance whilst taking the resulting
noise and vibration into account. Specifying MVHR fan units that can provide the required airflow rates when running at less than
full speed can reduce unnecessary noise.
Ductwork should be sized to allow air to pass freely without causing excessive noise disturbance. To reduce noise transfer
along ductwork, a short length of flexible duct can be installed adjacent to air valves and fan units. Other issues to be taken into
account include:
noise between habitable rooms location of the MVHR fan unit
external noise the type of mountings used to secure the MVHR fan unit.
MVHR systems shall ensure compatibility and satisfactory performance. Issues to be taken into
account include:
a) performance d) control of condensation
b) systemised approach e) protection from cold.
c) type and position of air valves and terminals
The MVHR system should be designed to provide satisfactory performance and be installed according to the design and
manufacturer’s recommendations. Variations from the design should maintain the satisfactory performance of the system and be
approved by the designer.
Issues that should be taken into account include:
ventilation rates as set out in appropriate building ensuring the even distribution of airflow, taking into account
regulations and standards airflow resistance, including from bends and fittings.
fan capacity, accounting for airflow resistance of
the system
Airflow resistance should be calculated using figures for air valves and terminals determined in accordance with BS EN 13141-2
and data supplied by the duct manufacturer. Ductwork should be as direct as possible to reduce the number of bends.
Allowance should be made for air transfer within the home. Where gaps between the underside of internal doors and the floor
finish are used for air transfer, the guidance in Chapter 9.1 ‘A consistent approach to finishes’ should be considered.
Systemised approach
The MVHR system should be designed as a complete package, taking into account the performance of all components
and materials, to ensure compatibility and the performance requirements of the system.
Particular consideration should be given where components from different manufacturers are specified on the same system.
3 Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery 2023
Chapter 8.3
To prevent cross-contamination, intake terminals should generally be separated from exhaust terminals and other potential
sources of pollution by a minimum of 1m measured on plan. Increased separation distances may be required between the intake
and any:
soil and vent pipe terminal biomass or solid fuel chimney terminal.
boiler flue outlet
Terminals should prevent the entry of birds and animals.
Control of condensation
Ductwork should be insulated to prevent condensation formation where:
it passes through spaces outside the insulated parts of carrying cold air through spaces that are within the insulated
the home, such as a roof void parts of the home.
This can be achieved by using suitable pre-insulated ductwork, or a proprietary insulation system with a thermal resistance
equivalent to a minimum of 25mm of insulating material, with a thermal conductivity of 0.04W/Mk.
Ductwork insulation, including that used for proprietary duct insulation systems and pre-insulated ducts should be:
inert, durable and suitable for use with the ductwork system installed in a neat and workmanlike manner to ensure that
continuous and vapour resistant there are no gaps
not adversely affected by moisture vapour installed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
Where a vapour control layer is incorporated, the joints should be sealed using appropriate tapes or sealants as recommended
by the manufacturer.
Table 1: Ductwork insulation
Type of duct Ductwork continuously insulated
Ductwork located inside the insulated Ductwork located outside the insulated part of
part of the home the home
Intake Yes Yes
Exhaust Yes Yes
Service (supply and extract) No Yes(1)
1 Additional insulation should be provided to protect the system from the cold.
Any condensate that forms within the fan unit or ductwork should be able to drain to a suitable outfall. Fan units should be
located to enable connection of the condensate drain to the soil and waste system via a dry trap.
To prevent damage to the components and ensure satisfactory operation, MVHR systems should be fitted with automatic
frost protection.
Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery 2023 4
Chapter 8.3
Horizontal sections of service ductwork, outside the insulated pre-insulated to achieve a thermal
performance equivalent to at least 25mm
parts of the home, should be insulated to achieve a thermal of insulating material with a thermal
conductivity of 0.04W/Mk
resistance equivalent to at least 150mm of insulating material
with a thermal conductivity of 0.04W/Mk. This may be
achieved by installing the ductwork between the layers
of horizontal insulation.
Condensate drains located outside the insulated part of the
home should be insulated to prevent freezing.
loft insulation used to achieve a total thermal performance
equivalent to at least 150mm of insulating material with
a thermal conductivity of 0.04W/Mk
8.3.7 Ductwork
Ductwork design and the materials used should be suitable for the intended purpose and not adversely
affect the performance of the building.
Ductwork should:
provide satisfactory performance for the life of the system
be routed as directly as practicable
be of a rigid or semi-rigid material suitable for use in
MVHR systems
be fixed in accordance with the manufacturer’s
air valve
Bends, connections and junctions should be formed using proprietary components that are part of the ductwork system.
Flexible ducting should:
only be located adjacent to fan units or air valves not be used to form bends.
not be more than 300mm in length
Where ductwork routes require alterations to structural elements, these should be in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations or in accordance with Technical Requirement R5.
Chapter 8.3
Parallel ductwork runs should be positioned to maintain a reasonably even gap.
To prevent condensate collecting, horizontal ductwork should be to a suitable outfall in accordance with the design, and installed
to a true line to avoid localised dips.
Where ductwork passes through an external wall, it should be positioned to slope slightly downwards to prevent water entering
the building.
Ductwork should be securely held in position by evenly spaced clips no more than 750mm apart, or in accordance with the
ductwork manufacturer’s recommendations.
Ductwork should not be in direct contact with other surfaces, such as plasterboard ceilings, that may transfer noise to the home.
The method and materials used for jointing ductwork should be specified by the duct manufacturer, and be:
durable and airtight sealed with purpose-designed connections in accordance
securely fixed with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Where tapes and sealants are used, they should be suitable for the intended purpose and be recommended by the
ductwork manufacturer. Issues to be taken into account in relation to the durability of the jointing method include:
thermal movement temperature
moisture compatibility with the duct material.
Tape should be installed in a neat and workmanlike manner, and surfaces should be dry and free from grease and dust
before applying. Excess sealant should not extrude to the inside of the duct.
Where the system cannot be balanced using the air valves and system controls, the complete system should be checked to
ensure that it complies with the design.
Any changes from the design should be referred back to the designer. Adjusting the fan speed above the designed output may
result in noise disturbance, and should be avoided.
A copy of the commissioning certificate should be made available to NHBC upon request.
9.1.1 Compliance 01
9.1.2 External walls 01
9.1.3 Internal walls and ceilings 04
9.1.4 Doors and windows 05
9.1.5 Floors 07
9.1.6 Glazing 07
9.1.7 Ceramic, concrete, terrazzo
and similar tile finishes 07
9.1.8 Fitted furniture 07
9.1.9 Joint sealants 08
9.1.10 Paint finishes 08
9.1.11 Sanitary ware 08
9.1.12 Other surfaces and finishes 09
9.1.13 Pitched roof coverings 09
9.1.14 Garages 09
9.1.15 External works 09
1 A consistent approach to finishes 2023
Chapter 9.1
Finishes that comply with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable.
This guidance:
is intended to apply when the home is substantially complete uses tolerances and finishes considered to be appropriate
and ready for NHBC pre-handover inspection for the house-building industry and takes precedence over
will be used by NHBC both during the construction process other recommendations
and when conducting resolutions under section 2 of the is not intended to deal with every situation which may arise,
Buildmark insurance cover and discretion should be exercised.
should be considered in conjunction with relevant
performance standards and guidance contained elsewhere
within NHBC Standards
Some elements may be subject to the effects of normal thermal or drying movement, and this may occur both before and
after completion.
Some materials are not uniform and are not intended to be; this includes reclaimed materials. Some colour and texture variation
is inevitable; this is often used as an aesthetic feature and should be recognised in appropriate tolerances or considered
separately. Acceptability of finished appearances will be in the opinion of NHBC.
The nature and extent of work necessary to remedy minor variations from the tolerances and finishes given should be
proportionate and appropriate to the circumstances: for example, how readily visible or extensive the affected part of the
construction is.
Fairfaced masonry
Fairfaced masonry should:
be reasonably uniform in texture, finish and colour, not have significant cracks in the facing bricks or other
including mortar damage, such as chips and marks greater than 15mm
not have excessive colour banding in diameter.
Where a fairfaced finish can only be achieved on one side (such as half brick walls), the other faces should be left neat and tidy.
Also note:
some mortar blemishes will occur on individual some brick products have features or marks which may be in
masonry units excess of 15mm in diameter
some variation will occur in the texture, finish and colour of some minor shrinkage cracking may occur between masonry
mortar, in individual masonry units and generally over units (bricks and blocks) and mortar joints.
the wall
efflorescence occurs naturally in some types of masonry. It is
not harmful and generally disappears over time
A consistent approach to finishes 2023 2
Chapter 9.1
masonry line
1m straight edge
straight at reveals
plumb in section
straight in section Example:
Example: Using 50mm wide spacing blocks, the plumb bob should be
Using 25mm wide spacing blocks, the masonry 42-58mm from the wall, measured at between 2.5-3m from
line should be 17-33mm from the reference line. the spacing block.
should generally be within ±15mm of the centre line of the next 5 successive perpend joints.
Also note:
to achieve setting out, perp joints in masonry panels
between openings may be offset with the perp joints in the
panels above and below. The joints within the panel should
not cumulatively displace.
3 A consistent approach to finishes 2023
Chapter 9.1
Render should:
equal spacing blocks
be reasonably consistent in texture, finish and colour
be flat, within a maximum ±4mm vertical and horizontal
reference line
deviation in 5m
be free from crazing (a set of hairline cracks, generally less
than 1mm in depth and no more than 0.2mm wide).
Also note:
there may be some colour variation in appearance due to
differences in suction of the background and orientation nominal line of wall
with max. ±4mm
of the wall deviation
Curtain walling
Curtain walling should be within:
reasonable tolerances and appearance for the materials a maximum deviation of ±2mm in any storey height or
structural bay width, and ±5mm overall, unless otherwise
specified in the design.
Rainscreen cladding
Rainscreen cladding should be within:
reasonable tolerances and appearance for the materials a maximum deviation of ±3mm in any storey height or
structural bay width, unless otherwise specified in
the design.
Brick slip cladding
Brick slip cladding should meet the same tolerances as fairfaced masonry.
Timber cladding
Variation in colour may occur in uncoated timber exposed to the weather, and the rate and extent may vary.
Also note:
the effects of normal weathering may cause certain
uncoated timber, over time, to develop a silver/grey colour.
Tile hanging
Panels should be reasonably uniform in appearance, particularly at abutments. Tiles should not have significant variations in
texture, finish and colour. See Clause 9.1.13.
Walls should:
be reasonably uniform, although there may be minor
textural differences around lights and other fittings
have no visible gaps between fittings and the surface flatness of wall finish: plumb of wall finish:
max. ± 3mm deviation max. 8mm out of plumb
(e.g. around switch plates) from a 2m straight edge
with equal offsets
in a storey height of
up to 3m
(applies in all directions)
have jointing tape fully covered and unobtrusive in the max. 12mm out of plumb
in a continuous wall height
finished surface greater than 3m
Ceilings should be: max. 3mm
deviation per 1m
level within a 3mm deviation per 1m for ceilings up to 6m
across (measured at the furthest points across the full width
of the ceiling)
measured between the furthest points
a maximum of 20mm out of level for ceilings over 6m across
flat within a ±5mm deviation, measured using a 2m straight
edge with equal offsets. level of ceiling
flatness of ceiling
5 A consistent approach to finishes 2023
Chapter 9.1
Setting out of corners, duct casings, access covers and any associated framing should be:
square provided with an appropriate decorative finish.
neat and tidy
Tolerances for corner details
max. 10mm
max. 10mm
±5mm max.
deviation in 250mm
Also note:
in plastered walls and ceilings, some tooling marks may small cracks may occur in wall finishes which pass across
be visible floors (e.g. in staircase walls)
some cracking (up to 2mm wide) may occur at wall, floor and where stair strings abut a wall, a crack of up to 4mm may
ceiling junctions, due to shrinkage and differential movement appear as a result of shrinkage of materials.
of materials
Where skirtings are installed:
the gap between the floor finish (without coverings) and the joints should present a continuous appearance when viewed
bottom of the skirting should not exceed 5mm at the time from a distance of 2m in daylight (some initial shrinkage of
of completion the skirting may already be evident at completion of
the property).
Also note:
the gap between the floor finish and the skirting may gaps may appear at joints and corners due to shrinkage,
increase due to normal drying out, shrinkage and/or and between the wall finish and skirting due to drying out,
deflection, particularly in timber floors shrinkage and fixing position.
Window frames should not be distorted in the opening, and a maximum from plumb of:
3mm when up to 1.5m in height 5mm when larger.
A consistent approach to finishes 2023 6
Chapter 9.1
Internal doors
Internal doors and frames should always be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, not be distorted in
the opening, and:
frames should be within 5mm of plumb over the height of the max. 5mm out of plumb
over height of frame
frame and not out of plumb in two directions (in one direction only)
the gap between the door and head or jamb should be a
maximum of 4mm (for double doors, the gap at the meeting
stiles should be within 4mm) and uniform frames should
not be distorted
distortion across doors should be limited to a maximum of in the opening
5mm max. 4mm gap between
5mm in height, and 3mm in width door and head or jamb
±5mm deviation of square into reveal up to 250mm deep (for fire doors the
the gap between the underside of the door and unfinished door distortion: manufacturer’s
max. 3mm recommendations
floor should to between 10mm and 22mm. The ventilation across width should be used;
requirements for the building need to be taken into account max. 5mm for double doors the
across height gap at the meeting stiles
when determining the gap beneath internal doors. should be max. 4mm
Fire doors The max. gap should not exceed 22mm, however, homeowners
will need to choose a covering to suit or adjust the door height
Fire doors should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
accordingly. The tolerances in this clause are without
prejudice to satisfactory performance for ventilation and fire resistance. In England and Wales, where the builder provides a floor finish there
should be a gap of 10mm between the bottom of the door and
floor finish (for a 760mm wide door)
External doors the dimensions are without prejudice to satisfactory performance
in terms of weathertightness, draught exclusion and fire resistance
External doors and frames should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, not be distorted in the
opening, and:
frames should be within 5mm of plumb over the height of the distortion across the door should be limited to a maximum
frame and not be out of plumb in two directions of 5mm in height and 3mm in width.
7 A consistent approach to finishes 2023
Chapter 9.1
9.1.5 Floors
Floors shall be built to appropriate tolerances.
9.1.6 Glazing
Glass shall be free from undue defects.
Glass should be checked in daylight, from within the room and from a minimum distance of 2m (3m for toughened, laminated or
coated glass). The following are acceptable where they are not obtrusive or bunched:
bubbles or blisters fine scratches not more than 25mm long
hairlines or blobs minute particles.
The above does not apply to areas within 6mm of the edge of the pane, where minor scratching may occur.
a distance of 0.5m.
A consistent approach to finishes 2023 8
Chapter 9.1
Also note:
no dimensional tolerance has been set for gaps between conspicuous surface abrasions caused during installation
adjacent doors and/or drawers or for their alignment, should be removed in accordance with the manufacturer’s
because some variation will be necessary to take account of recommendations, which may include filling, polishing out,
adjustments as part of the fitting process respraying or painting as appropriate
no dimensional tolerance has been set for the abutment of in rooms or areas where there is no daylight, scratches
adjacent worktops due to the variety of materials available should be viewed in artificial light from fixed wall or ceiling
and because minor variations, even with manufactured outlets and not from portable equipment
products, are inevitable and small differences in height may kitchen units should not delaminate, including those located
be unavoidable near hobs and extractor fans.
fitted furniture should be viewed from a distance of 0.5m
Also note:
in rooms or areas where there is no daylight, scratches
should be viewed in artificial light from fixed wall or ceiling
outlets and not from portable equipment.
9 A consistent approach to finishes 2023
Chapter 9.1
Other surfaces and finishes, such as fascia boards, meter cabinets and radiators, should:
be reasonably smooth and free from nail holes, cracks be reasonably uniform in colour, texture and finish.
and splits
have joints filled
9.1.14 Garages
Garages shall have an acceptable appearance.
align with the adjacent ground or surface finish (for be positioned so that the difference in height between
channels, the cover should be set below the the cover and adjacent hard surfaces allows for
adjacent ground) future settlement.
Wall and ceiling finishes
Chapter 9.2
This chapter gives guidance on meeting the
Technical Requirements for internal wall and
ceiling finishes.
9.2.1 Compliance 01
9.2.2 Provision of information 01
9.2.3 Plastering 01
9.2.4 Dry lining 02
9.2.5 Ceramic wall tiling 05
1 Wall and ceiling finishes 2023
Chapter 9.2
Wall and ceiling finishes shall comply with the Technical Requirements.
Wall and ceiling finishes that comply with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable.
The design, preparation and application of plasters should be in accordance with BS EN 13914-2 and BS 8481. Materials for
plastering should be in accordance with BS 8481 and those listed in Table 1.
Where plaster is intended to contribute to fire resistance or sound insulation, overall performance should be in accordance with the
building regulations.
Table 1: Materials for use in plastering
Plasters BS EN 13279 ‘Gypsum binders and gypsum plasters’.
BS 5270-1 ‘Specification for polyvinyl acetate (PVAC) emulsion bonding agents for
indoor use with gypsum building plasters’.
Metal laths and beads BS EN 13658-1/2 ‘Metal lath and beads. Definitions, requirements and test methods’.
Normal clay brickwork May require raked joints or the use of keyed bricks.
Concrete and calcium silicate brick Dependant on the suction and bond, may require use of a
- or blockwork spatterdash pretreatment or metal lathing.
Plasterboard Guidance is contained in BS 8212.
Wall and ceiling finishes 2023 2
Chapter 9.2
Dry lining should:
not be started until the building is provide performance in accordance with building regulations
Chapter 9.2
Vapour control
Vapour control layers should be used to reduce the risk of interstitial condensation, and be installed in accordance with:
Chapter 6.2 ‘External timber framed walls’ Chapter 7.2 ‘Pitched roofs’
Chapter 7.1 ‘Flat roofs and balconies’ Chapter 7.10 ‘Light steel framing’.
Detailing and support
Support should be provided to plasterboard in accordance with Table 5.
Table 5: Frequency of support for plasterboard
Board thickness (mm) Maximum timber support Intermediate noggings required Perimeter noggings required
centres (mm)
9.5 400 No Yes
450 Yes Yes
12.5 400 No Yes
450 No Yes
600 Yes Yes
15 600 No Yes*
* unless floor joist manufacturer’s or plasterboard manufacturer’s guidance state that no perimeter noggings are required.
Joints between boards should be neatly formed, flush, and suitably finished:
with scrim tape or paper tape, where boards are to lines of noggings
at board edges
be plastered first layer second layer of second layer
Nails or screws should not project above the board surface and should be:
10mm minimum from paper-bound edges 6mm minimum from edges of timber members.
13mm minimum from cut ends of boards
Wall and ceiling finishes 2023 4
Chapter 9.2
Adhesive dabs should be at 300mm centers measured vertically, each dab should be 50 mm to 75 mm wide and approximately
250 mm long and in accordance with Table 8.
Table 8: Dabs according to board dimensions
Thickness of wall board (mm) Width of wall board (mm) Dabs per board (rows)
9.5 900 3
9.5 1200 4
12.5 1200 3
Dry lining to receive ceramic wall tiling should be supported in accordance with Table 9 or the guidance given in BS 8212.
Table 9: Board fixing guidance for walls to receive ceramic tiles
Description Board thickness Support centres Additional support Maximum Comments
(mm) (mm) height (mm)
Timber frame 12.5, 15 400-450 No 3 600
(including stud walling) 600 Timber noggings 600mm 3 600
centres (measured vertically)
Timber battens 12.5, 15 400 Battens at head, base and 3 600
intermediate positions not
exceeding 1200mm centres
Direct bond 9.5 450 dabs of Horizontal dabs at 1/3 3 600 Complete at
adhesive in rows centers in height least 10 days
before tiling
Independent steel 2 x 12.5 400 Mid-point support 3 000
stud lining, 48mm or
48mm metal stud 15 400 2 700
partitions 2 x 12.5 each side, 400 3 600
or 2 x 15 each side
15 400 3 600
70mm metal stud 2 x 12.5 each side, 400 3 600
partitions or 2 x 15 each side
2 x 15 each side 600 Additional stud at 300mm up 3 600
to tile height
Chapter 9.2
Where the backing surface contains soluble salts, and where cement mortar is used as an adhesive, precautions should be taken,
such as the use of mortar with sulfate-resisting cement.
Gypsum plasters should not be used where:
repeated or persistent heating occurs, e.g. on flues or near repeated or persistent wetting may occur.
heat sources
Backgrounds may be improved by:
raking out masonry joints applying a bonding agent (particularly on very smooth and
hacking and scratching dense surfaces).
Tiles should be appropriate for their location and intended use. When specifying tiles, consideration should be given to:
surface finish edge shape
size and thickness fittings (coves, skirtings, etc.)
colour accessories (soap tray, paper holder, hooks, etc.).
Tiles should be:
fixed in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions solidly bedded in water-resistant adhesive on a
suitable for the location, intended use and background; their moisture-resistant background, where frequent
weight on lightweight plaster should not exceed 20kg/m 2 wetting occurs.
fixed according to the background, using cement mortar or
proprietary adhesive
Table 10: Standards for tiling
BS EN 14411 ‘Ceramic tiles. Definition, classification, characteristics, assessment and verification of constancy of
performance and marking’.
BS EN 12004 ‘Adhesives for ceramic tiles’.
BS EN 13888 ‘Grouts for tiles. Requirements, evaluation of conformity, classification and designation’.
BS 5385 - 1 ‘Wall and floor tiling. Design and installation of ceramic, natural stone and mosaic wall tiling in normal
internal conditions’
When tiling:
courses should be straight and even to form a plane and spacing should be sufficient to allow for expansion
regular surface, especially around fittings and fixtures up to sanitary fittings and fixings, the sealing method should
there should be no cut or unfinished tiles at exposed edges be in accordance with the design and account for movement
or external corners proprietary water-resistant grouting should be used in
joints should be even and cut neatly accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Wall and ceiling finishes 2023 6
Chapter 9.2
Floor finishes
Chapter 9.3
This chapter gives guidance on meeting the
Technical Requirements for floor finishes,
integral insulation
ceramic, concrete and similar tiles
flexible sheet and tiles
9.3.1 Compliance 01
9.3.2 Provision of information 01
9.3.3 Insulation 01
9.3.4 Screed 01
9.3.5 Ceramic, concrete, terrazzo
and similar tile finishes 03
9.3.6 Wood finishes 04
9.3.7 Flexible sheet and tile finishes 06
9.3.8 Asphalt finishes 07
9.3.9 Staircase finishes 07
1 Floor finishes 2023
Chapter 9.3
9.3.1 Compliance Also see: Chapters 2.1, 5.1, 5.2, 6.4 and 8.1
Floor finishes which comply with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable (structural floors should be in
accordance with the relevant Standards chapter).
9.3.3 Insulation
Thermal and acoustic insulation shall provide appropriate performance, and be suitable for the intended
location and use.
Materials and constructions which are in accordance with building regulations are generally acceptable.
Suitable sound insulation materials include:
flexible material proprietary products which have been assessed in
mineral fibre quilt insulation accordance with Technical Requirement R3.
board material for use under screeds (e.g. impact sound
duty (ISD) grade pre compressed expanded polystyrene)
Table 1: Thermal insulation materials
Material Standard Grade or description
EPS (expanded polystyrene) BS EN 13163 70
PUR (rigid polyurethane) BS 4841 For use under screeds
PIR (rigid polyisocyanurate)
Fibre building board BS EN 622 Insulating board (softboard)
Proprietary material Technical Requirement R3
Before screeding, background surfaces should be:
clean and free of debris (e.g. dust and gypsum removed); suitably prepared to provide an adequate mechanical key,
concrete should be wetted and brushed where bonded screeds are required, cement grouting or
a bonding agent should be specified to provide
adequate adhesion.
For concrete ground-bearing floors, a maximum 20mm monolithic screed may be acceptable as part of the required thickness.
the perimeter).
3 Floor finishes 2023
Chapter 9.3
9.3.6 Wood finishes Also see: BS 5250 and BRE Report ‘Thermal insulation: avoiding risks’
Wood and wood-based flooring shall provide a suitable wearing surface for the location and intended use.
Issues to be taken into account include:
a) thermal insulation and DPMs d) directly applied finishes
b) sound insulation e) indirectly applied finishes.
c) condition of the substrate
precast floor
ventilated void
Sound insulation
Floating floor finishes should be designed and constructed to:
isolate the floor finish from the supporting floor and walls avoid the use of fixings which penetrate the insulation layer
avoid excessive movement or squeaking ensure there are no airpaths, especially at the perimeter.
5 Floor finishes 2023
Chapter 9.3
Where flooring is to be installed on a resilient material on a separating floor, edges should be isolated from walls and skirtings by a
resilient layer.
Where a floor relies on a soft floor covering to provide the minimum standard of sound insulation, the covering should be fixed
permanently in position.
9.3.7 Flexible sheet and tile finishes Also see: BS 5250 and BRE Report ‘Thermal insulation: avoiding risks’
Flexible sheet and tile finishes shall provide a suitable wearing surface for the location and intended use.
with flathead ring shank nails or screws at 200mm-300mm centres (9mm from edges)
with fixings 2.5 x the thickness of the board across the boards, at 400mm centres.
Plywood or hardboard underlay should be fixed:
with ring shank nails or staples around perimeters, at 100mm centres (12mm from edges)
with nails/screws at least 10mm from the edge of the panel across the sheets, at 150mm centres.
Flexible sheet flooring materials should:
be stored in a clean and ventilated place not be exposed to temperatures less than 18°C for a period
not be stored in cold conditions, unless permitted by of 24 hours before, or during, laying.
the manufacturer
The substrate should be sufficiently dry to prevent adverse effects on the flooring, and where:
there is a risk of trapping moisture or interstitial flexible sheet or tile flooring is installed on ground bearing
condensation, permeable finishes should be used concrete floors, a DPM should be incorporated to prevent
rising moisture adversely affecting floor finishes.
When installing flexible sheet or tile flooring:
ensure underfloor services are not damaged surplus adhesive should be removed
it should be cut so that it fits neatly around fittings, pipes, etc. welded joints should be provided in accordance with the
adhesives should be spread evenly and left for the correct manufacturer’s recommendations
period of time to ensure full bonding adjustment after initial contraction or expansion should be
the surface should be pressed down firmly, loaded or rolled made where necessary.
as necessary to prevent curling, lifting or bubbling
Standards relevant to flexible sheet and tile finishes include:
BS EN ISO 10581 ‘Resilient floor coverings. Homogeneous poly(vinyl chloride) floor covering’
BS EN ISO 10595 ‘Resilient floor coverings. Semi-flexible/vinylcomposition (VCT) poly(vinyl chloride) floor tiles’
BS EN 650 ‘Resilient floor coverings. Polyvinyl chloride floor coverings on jute backing or on polyester felt backing or
on a polyester felt with a polyvinyl chloride backing’
BS EN 651 ‘Resilient floor coverings. Polyvinyl chloride floor coverings with foam layer’
Chapter 9.3
Staircase finishes shall permit safe usage and be suitable for their intended use.
The rise and going should remain uniform after application of the staircase finish, including at the top and bottom of the flight.
For communal stairs (e.g. in escape routes in blocks of flats), non-slip nosings or inserts should be:
provided where specified
9.4.1 Compliance 01
9.4.2 Provision of information 01
9.4.3 General provisions
– cupboards and fitments 01
9.4.4 Finishings and internal trim 01
9.4.5 Joinery 02
9.4.6 Airing cupboards, cupboards,
worktops and fitments 02
9.4.7 Ironmongery, prefabricated items
and other materials 02
9.4.8 Protection and handover 03
1 Finishings and fitments 2023
Chapter 9.4
Finishings and fitments which comply with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable.
A depth of 600mm can be assumed for appliances (where intended but not provided).
Space or facilities for laundering and cleaning items may be provided outside the kitchen area.
Space should be provided for general storage, clothes, linen and bedding. Airing cupboards are required in homes which do not
have central or whole home heating.
Kitchen units should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, ensuring that they are adequately fixed to a
suitable substrate.
Shelving supports should be fixed securely and so that shelves are level.
Skirting should:
be mitred and scribed at external and internal angles, tightly abut architraves
as appropriate run level and scribed to floors.
Proprietary trim, skirting and architraves should be fixed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Finishings and fitments 2023 2
Chapter 9.4
9.4.5 Joinery
Wood and wood-based materials shall be of the quality and dimensions required by the design.
Joinery and the materials used should be installed to established standards of workmanship, and have no visible defects after the
finish has been applied. Issues that should be taken into account include:
fit and construction of joints (including finger joints) construction of moving parts
gluing and laminating surface finishes.
Relevant standards include:
BS EN 942 ‘Timber in joinery. General requirements’
BS EN 312 ‘Particleboards’
BS 1186 ‘Timber for and workmanship in joinery’.
Ironmongery, prefabricated Items and other similar materials shall be suitable for the intended use.
Chapter 9.4
Appropriate protection should be provided to finishings and fitments (including to doors, trim, balustrades, fireplace surrounds,
panelling and other special features) to ensure they are not damaged. Kitchens, including cupboards, doors, fittings and worktops,
should be suitably protected.
Prior to completion and handover:
work should be left in a clean state temporary coverings and protection should be removed,
decorating should be completed in accordance with and the fitments and finishings cleaned and dusted.
Chapter 9.5 ‘Painting and decorating’
Painting and decorating
Chapter 9.5
This chapter provides guidance on meeting
the Technical Requirements for painting
and decorating.
9.5.1 Compliance 01
9.5.2 Provision of information 01
9.5.3 Storage 01
9.5.4 Conditions for painting
and decorating 01
9.5.5 Timber 01
9.5.6 Steel 02
9.5.7 Walls 02
9.5.8 Wallpapering 03
9.5.9 Other surfaces 03
9.5.10 Completed painting and decorating 03
1 Painting and decorating 2023
Chapter 9.5
Painting and decorating that complies with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable.
Paint finishes should be selected and applied in accordance with BS 6150 ‘Painting of buildings. Code of practice’.
Chapter 9.1 ‘A consistent approach to finishes’ provides further guidance on the quality of painting and decorating finishes.
9.5.3 Storage
Materials for painting and decorating shall be adequately protected from the weather.
The painting and decoration of external surfaces should not be undertaken where:
weather conditions may adversely affect the completed work surfaces are moist
frost occurs, or is due to occur, before the paint has been rain is expected before the paint dries.
applied or has dried
When decorating internal walls:
cold surfaces may cause problems with water-borne paints, surfaces should be free from condensation before applying
even though the air temperature may be above freezing paint and coatings; they should not be applied until the
paintwork should not be adversely affected by dust moisture has evaporated from the surface.
The painting and decorating of timber and timber-based materials shall be compatible with the species
of timber, provide adequate protection and be suitable for the intended use and location. Prefabricated
components and joinery shall be finished to a suitable quality, and protected.
When painting or decorating timber, the moisture content should be a maximum of 18%.
Paint and paint systems should be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, and be compatible with the
surface to be decorated.
Preparation should ensure:
door and window furniture is removed surfaces are free from dirt, dust and moisture
unsound wood, loose or highly resinous knots, etc. where there is deterioration of the primer or seal coat,
are cut out, replaced and made good surfaces are rubbed down and a second coat applied
raised grains, tool and machine marks are removed where joinery is delivered preprimed, priming meets the
surfaces are refinished with fillers and glasspaper requirements in this chapter
as appropriate where joinery is prefabricated, the first coat of paint or stain
nail holes, splits and other imperfections are stopped is applied before fixing.
sharp arrises are rubbed down (to enable an even coating)
Painting and decorating 2023 2
Chapter 9.5
Knotting should:
comply with BS 1336 ‘Specification for Knotting’ (this may be applied using a brush, or as part of the priming process
not be effective against heavy exudation of resin) for joinery.
One full round coat of primer should be applied to all surfaces to be painted, including:
hidden surfaces of external woodwork rebates for glazing and backs of glazing beads.
cut ends of external woodwork
Primers should be in accordance with BS 7956 ‘Specification for primers for woodwork’.
Paint or stain should be applied to external timber to provide protection and stability, even where the timber has been preservative
treated (unless the preservative treatment manufacturer confirms otherwise). Primer, paint and stain finishes should be compatible
with preservative treatment.
Undercoat and gloss should be applied ensuring that it provides a satisfactory finish, and:
it is not thinned (unless recommended by the manufacturer) a minimum of one priming coat, one undercoat and
each application is a full round coat and surfaces are lightly one finishing coat are used (unless an alternative
rubbed down with glasspaper between coats recommendation is made by the manufacturer)
each coat is applied within one month of the previous.
Stain and varnishes should be:
applied as recommended by the manufacturer to provide applied when the substrate is dry
appropriate cover suitable for the species of timber.
applied to surfaces which have been suitably prepared to
provide adequate adhesion and an acceptable appearance
Varnish should be applied with a minimum of three coats on interior surfaces. On exterior surfaces, varnish should be suitable for
the conditions (yacht or high gloss) and applied with a minimum of four coats. Surfaces should be sanded between coats.
Stain should:
be a two-coat system or be in accordance with the not be applied to door or window rebates which are to be
manufacturer’s recommendations glazed with linseed-oil putty.
BS EN 927-1 provides guidance on exterior wood coating systems.
Prefabricated joinery and components should be:
protected from damage stored under cover and primed, where supplied untreated,
supplied with, or given, a coat of primer before fixing as soon as possible after delivery
reprimed where primer is damaged.
Decorative finishes to steelwork shall provide adequate protection and be suitable for the intended use
and location.
Decorative finishes may be applied to galvanised steel following suitable preparation with a mordant wash.
Decorative finishes applied to steelwork that has been protected by coatings (including intumescent paint for fire resistance) in
accordance with Chapter 6.5 ‘Steelwork’, must be compatible with the protective coating. The manufacturer’s recommendations
should be followed. Any damage to the protective coatings should be made good prior to decorative finishes being applied.
9.5.7 Walls
Walls shall be finished to provide an even and consistent appearance, to established levels of workmanship.
Issues to be taken into account include:
be appropriate for the substrate, and be in accordance with not be applied to external brickwork or render where they
the manufacturer’s recommendations could trap moisture in the construction and cause frost
be applied to surfaces which are clean, free from dust and damage, sulfate attack or other detrimental effects.
loose deposits
3 Painting and decorating 2023
Chapter 9.5
Where bricks have no upper limit on their soluble salt content, the brick manufacturer’s written agreement to the application of a
finish should be obtained.
Where the decorative system is part of the weather resistance of the rendering, it should be assessed in accordance with
Technical Requirement R3.
Where surfaces have varying suction, they should be stabilised with a treatment recommended by the manufacturer.
Where building boards are used, coatings should be in accordance with the board manufacturer’s recommendations.
10.1.1 Compliance 01
10.1.2 Provision of information 01
10.1.3 Garage foundations 01
10.1.4 Garage floors 02
10.1.5 Garage walls 03
10.1.6 Resistance to fire spread 04
10.1.7 Security 04
10.1.8 Doors and windows 04
10.1.9 Garage roofs 04
10.1.10 Permanent prefabricated garages
and carports 05
10.1.11 Services 06
1 Garages 2023
Chapter 10.1
Garages which comply with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable.
Garage foundations should adequately support the imposed loads, taking account of ground conditions.
Further guidance is given in Chapter 4.3 ‘Strip and trench fill foundations’.
Hazardous ground
For foundations on hazardous ground, the following chapters are relevant:
4.1 ‘Land quality – managing ground conditions’ 4.4 ‘Raft, pile, pier and beam foundations’
4.2 ‘Building near trees’ 4.5 ‘Vibratory ground improvement techniques’.
Any existing fill on the site of the garage should be examined and identified. Where any potential health hazard or risk of damage
is indicated, appropriate precautions should be taken, as described in the following chapters:
4.1 ‘Land quality – managing ground conditions’ 5.1 ‘Substructure and ground-bearing floors’.
Type of foundation required for integral/attached garages
Foundations for integral or attached garages should be the same as those for the home, unless proper consideration is given to
each foundation, and the possibility of differential movement between them.
Adjacent structures
Foundations for garages should not impair the stability of the home or any other adjacent structure.
Underground services
Garage foundations that are to be above or near services should be constructed so that no excessive settlement of foundations or
damage to services occurs (see Chapter 5.3 ‘Drainage below ground’).
Garage floors will be acceptable where they are in accordance with any of the following:
Chapter 5.1 ‘Substructure and ground-bearing floors’ the guidance given in this chapter.
Chapter 5.2 ‘Suspended ground floors’
Unless ventilation is specifically required, the void beneath a garage floor which is suspended precast concrete may be
unventilated where:
the floor has adequate durability there is unlikely to be a build-up of soil gases.
the ground beneath is well drained
Bearing capacity of the ground
Where the depth of fill exceeds 600mm, concrete floors should be in accordance with Chapter 5.2 ‘Suspended ground floors’
and BS 8103-1.
Supporting fill should comply with the requirements in Chapter 5.1 ‘Substructure and ground-bearing floors’.
Where protection is needed to prevent attack by sulfates in either the ground, ground water or fill below the slab, an impervious
isolating membrane should be provided between the concrete and the ground.
Resistance of the floor to hazardous gas Also see: Chapter 5.1, 5.2
Where hazardous gas precautions are required and a property includes either an integral or attached garage, notwithstanding
the inclusion or omission of a connecting doorway or absence or presence of habitable accommodation above the garage, the
hazardous gas precautions should be continuous to the garage(s) and extend to the perimeter of the property.
Membranes should not be exposed and be protected against physical damage.
Following a site specific risk assessment and specialists advice, detached garages may also require hazardous gas precautions.
Floor drainage
When practicable, garage floors should to be laid to falls to ensure that water or spillage is directed out of the garage via the
vehicle doorway.
3 Garages 2023
Chapter 10.1
Structural topping
Where reinforced screeds are to be incorporated as structural topping, they should be designed by an engineer in accordance with
Technical Requirement R5.
Garage walls will be acceptable where they are in accordance with any or a combination of the following:
Chapter 5.1 ‘Substructure and ground-bearing floors’ the guidance given below.
Chapter 6.1 ‘External masonry walls’
Stability of walls above ground
Walls for detached garages and external walls for attached garages should:
be not less than 90mm thick have adequate lateral restraint against wind loading.
Fire resistance between homes and integral or attached garages, may be provided by:
a wall in brickwork, blockwork or fire-resisting studwork up to constructions where nominal half-hour fire resistance can
the underside of the roof covering be proven.
a half-hour fire-resisting floor or ceiling
fire-resisting fire-resisting
wall partition
10.1.7 Security
Garages shall be constructed to provide reasonable security against unauthorised entry, in particular where
garages are linked.
Where garages of different ownership are linked, walls should prevent direct access from one garage to another.
Doors and windows will be acceptable where they are in accordance with Chapter 6.7 ‘Doors, windows and glazing’.
Frames should be selected and fixed having taken into account the type and weight of the garage door.
Ease of operation
Proprietary doors and door gear should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Care should be taken to ensure that garage doors are in proper working order at handover.
Chapter 10.1
To prevent uplift, flat roofs and, where necessary, pitched roofs should be provided with holding-down straps at not more than 2m
centres where the roof members bear on the supporting wall.
Holding down straps should be:
provided where the roof pitch is below 15° or the roof has a a minimum cross-section of 30mm x 2.5mm (galvanised
lightweight covering with a laid mass of less than 50 kg/m2 steel straps are generally acceptable) or proprietary straps
where local experience suggests there is a risk from and fixings
wind gusts at least 1m long and have three fixings to the wall, or turned
provided in accordance with the design into a bed joint.
The building designer should specify all bracing. Trussed rafter roofs should be braced in accordance with Chapter 7.2 ‘Pitched
roofs’, unless the roof is designed and braced in accordance with PD 6693-1.
All timber bracing to trussed rafters should be at least 100mm x 25mm in section and nailed twice to each trussed rafter. Nailing
should be 3.35mm (10 gauge) x 65mm long galvanized round wire nails.
Detailing at abutments
Precautions should be taken at abutments between a garage roof and the main building or between stepped garages, including:
flashings and weatherproofing that allow for cavity trays that divert water from inside the cavity to the
differential movement external surface of the roof.
cover flashings formed from metal or other approved material
Movement joints in foundations and the structure should be continued through roof coverings and be provided with appropriate
weather protection.
10.1.11 Services
The provision of any service or appliance within a garage shall be in accordance with relevant regulations.
Issues to be taken into account include:
a) protection of water services against frost c) risk of fire or explosion.
b) provision of electricity
Where services or appliances are provided in garages, they should comply with the guidance below and with the following
chapters, as appropriate:
5.3 ‘Drainage below ground’ 8.1 ‘Internal services’.
Protection of water services against frost
A rising main should not be located within a garage.
A water supply or outlet in a garage should have adequate provision for isolating and draining down.
Pipes should be insulated and located so as to minimise the risk of freezing.
Provision of electricity
The provision of electric lighting and socket outlets in a garage is at the discretion of the builder.
All electrical installations should comply with BS 7671 ‘Requirements for Electrical Installations. IET Wiring Regulations’.
Drives, paths and
Chapter 10.2
This chapter provides guidance on meeting
the Technical Requirements for drives,
paths and landscaping, including:
private roads
shared private drives
private drives
car parking areas.
10.2.1 Compliance 01
10.2.2 Provision of information 01
10.2.3 Stability 01
10.2.4 Freestanding walls and
retaining structures 02
10.2.5 Guarding and steps 02
10.2.6 Drives, paths and landscaping 02
10.2.7 Materials 07
10.2.8 Garden areas within 3m of the home 08
10.2.9 Garden areas 08
10.2.10 Timber decking 08
10.2.11 Landscaping 08
1 Drives, paths and landscaping 2023
Chapter 10.2
Drives, paths and landscaping shall comply with the Technical Requirements.
Drives, paths and landscaping that comply with the guidance in this chapter will generally be acceptable.
All works should be completed in accordance with:
the design, and the ground remediation statement (where applicable).
Formation levels should be set out in accordance with the design.
10.2.3 Stability
Precautions shall be taken to ensure stability of the ground.
Where the ground may become surcharged during construction, precautions should be taken to ensure stability.
Flexible retaining walls such as gabion and timber structures should not be used to provide support to homes, garages, roads,
drives, car parking areas or drainage systems.
Retaining structures that give support to the foundations of a home should be completed before work starts on the construction of
the foundations of the home.
Drives, paths and landscaping 2023 2
Chapter 10.2
All retaining structures, more than 600mm high, should be designed by an engineer in accordance with Technical
Requirement R5.
Where timber structures more than 600mm high are used for retaining ground in boundary situations, they should be designed
with a desired service life of 60 years.
Where planters are provided, they should be designed to support the volume of retained soil and the plant species.
Guidance for the provision of handrails to steps that form an accessible approach can be found in supporting documents to
building regulations.
Homes should be provided with suitable access through the provision of private roads, shared private drives, private drives,
car parking areas and paths, as appropriate.
3 Drives, paths and landscaping 2023
Chapter 10.2
Underground drainage or services that are below a private road, shared private drive, private drive, car parking area, path or patio
should be protected against damage, as described in Chapter 5.3 ‘Drainage below ground’.
Edge restraint or kerbing should have a profile and foundation, which is suitable to form a permanent supporting edge for the
expected vehicle loads on the road or drive.
Pedestrian access should be provided via a path within the curtilage of each home to the main entrance and the secondary
entrance where present:
where entry to the home can be gained directly from a where a garage, carport or car parking area is provided
garage, a path to a secondary access door is not required within the curtilage, a path should be provided to it from
where the secondary entrance is to a mid-terrace home or the home.
ground floor flat, a path to a secondary access door is
not required
Where appropriate, a drive can be regarded as a path for the provision of access.
Paths should have a maximum slope of 1:6. On steeper sloping ground, steps may be required.
Table 1: Suitable path widths
Location and use Minimum width of hard Minimum overall width
standing (mm) (mm)
Within curtilage to main entrance, or any entrance designated by 900 900
Building Regulations.
Paths used for the removal of refuse to the collection point. 750 900
Paths adjoining a home (with hard standing 100mm or more from the 450 700
wall of the home).
All other cases. 450 600
Drives, paths and landscaping 2023 4
Chapter 10.2
Private roads, shared private drives and private drives should have adequate rainwater drainage and disposal.
Paved areas should:
have vertical alignment, finished levels, transition have surfaces with a minimum finished fall of 1:80 where
arrangements and gradients in accordance with the design they form private drives and paths
have surfaces with adequate falls, cross-falls and drainage drain away from the home (and garage), or drain to a
to ensure that surface water is suitably drained channel or other suitable means of collection and disposal
have sub-base levels with the same longitudinal gradient adjacent to the home
and cross-fall as the finished level not drain surface water from private areas onto
have surfaces not flatter than 1:40 or have a camber of 1:40 adopted areas
where no fall is available to avoid ‘flat spots’ not be within 2m of a soakaway.
Where paving slabs are laid abutting drainage channels and gully grates, etc., the upper surface of the paving slab should be set
approximately 5mm above the grating.
Where it is intended to use porous or permeable surfaces as part, or all, of the rainwater drainage system, reference should be
made to CIRIA report C753 - The Sustainable drainage system (SuDS) manual.
Construction details
The construction of private roads, shared private drives, private drives and car parking areas should be constructed in accordance
with the tables below and/or other published/approved design procedure.
Table 2a: Private road having frequent use by commercial vehicles
Road Footpath
Construction – road type(1) Bituminous mixtures Block pavers Bituminous
(asphalt) mixtures
Sub-base MCHW Volume 1 SHW Clause 803 Type 1 Table 3 Where California 225mm(3)
Unbound mixtures Granular sub-base material Bearing Ratio
Type 1 to table 8/2 (CBR) is 5% or
less = 150(3)
Where CBR is
greater than 5%
= Table 3
Base Asphalt concrete to BS EN 13108-1 and PD 100mm N/A N/A
(road base) 6691 utilising aggregate to BS EN 13043 and (AC 32 dense base
PD 6682-2 100/150 des)
Concrete designation N/A N/A N/A
(BS 8500-2:2015+A2:2019 table 6)
Binder Asphalt concrete to BS EN 13108-1 and PD 60mm 60mm 60mm
course (base 6691 utilising aggregate to BS EN 13043 and (AC 20 dense bin (AC 20 dense bin (AC 20 dense
course) PD 6682-2 100/150 des) 100/150 des) bin 100/150
Surface Stone mastic asphalt to BS EN 13108-5 and 30mm N/A 20mm
course PD 6691 with aggregate to BS EN 13043 and (SMA 10 surf 40/60) (AC 6 dense
(wearing PD 6692-2 surf 100/150
course) des)
Hot rolled asphalt to BS EN 13108-4 and PD 40mm N/A N/A
6691 utilising aggregate to BS EN 13043 and (HRA 55/10 surf 40/60
PD 6692-2 des)
Concrete designation N/A N/A N/A
(BS 8500-2:2015+A2:2019 table 6)
Bedding Coarse sand to BS 7533-3 category II of N/A 50mm N/A
course annex D
Pavers Block pavers to BS EN 1338 of Class 2 N/A 80mm N/A
weathering resistance and Class 3 abrasion, as
well as being of low potential for slip (Ref: Table
NA.2 of BS EN 1338)(7)
5 Drives, paths and landscaping 2023
Chapter 10.2
Table 2b: Shared parking and associated access areas having frequent use by commercial vehicles
Construction – road type(1) Bituminous mixtures Block
(asphalt) pavers
Sub-base MCHW Volume 1 SHW Series 800 (2) Clause 803 Type 1 Unbound Table 3 Table 3
mixtures granular sub-base material Type 1 to table 8/2
Base Asphalt concrete to BS EN 13108-1 and PD 6691 utilising aggregate 80mm (AC 32 dense base N/A
(road base) to BS EN 13043 and PD 6682-2 100/150 des)
Concrete designation (BS 8500-2:2015+A2:2019 table 6) 100mm grade GEN2(4) N/A
Binder Asphalt concrete to BS EN 13108-1 and PD 6691 utilising aggregate 60mm N/A
course (base to BS EN 13043 and PD 6682-2 (AC 20 dense bin
course) 100/150 des)
Surface Stone mastic asphalt to BS EN 13108-5 and PD 6691 utilising 30mm N/A
course aggregate to BS EN 13043 and PD 6682-2. (SMA 10 surf 40/60)
(wearing Hot rolled asphalt to BS EN 13108-4 and PD 6691 utilising aggregate N/A N/A
course) to BS EN 13043 and PD 6682-2
Concrete designation (BS 8500-2:2015+A2:2019 table 6) N/A N/A
Bedding Sharp sand to BS 7533-3 category II of annex D N/A 50mm
Pavers Block pavers to BS EN 1338 of Class 2 weathering resistance and N/A 80mm
Class 3 abrasion, as well as being of low potential for slip
(Ref: Table NA.2 of BS EN 1338)(7)
Table 2d: Private drives and parking areas having use by cars and light vehicles
Construction - road type (1) Bituminous Concrete Block Gravel
Mixtures pavers
Sub-base MCHW Volume 1 SHW Series 800 (2) Clause 803 Type 1 Table 3 Table 3 Table Table
Unbound mixtures granular sub-base material Type 1 to table 3 3
Base Asphalt concrete to BS EN 13108-1 and PD 6691 utilising N/A N/A N/A N/A
(road base) aggregate to BS EN 13043 and PD 6682-2
Concrete designation (BS 8500-2:2015+A1:2019 table 6) N/A N/A N/A N/A
Binder Asphalt concrete to BS EN 13108-1 and PD 6691 utilising 60mm (AC N/A N/A N/A
course (base aggregate to BS EN 13043 and PD 6682-2 20 dense bin
course) 100/150 des)
Surface Asphalt concrete to BS EN 13108-1 and PD 6691 utilising 25mm (AC N/A N/A (8)
Chapter 10.2
1 Minimum thickness of sub-base may be considered for reduction when using proprietary geogrid, provided they can be adequately justified and designed by an
Engineer in accordance with Technical requirement R5.
2 Specialist advice should be sort to improve the subgrade.
Concrete paths and patios should be not less than 75mm thick and have a tamped or textured finish. The concrete mix should
be suitable to give a durable and frost resistant surface, as described in Chapter 3.1 ‘Concrete and its reinforcement’. Movement
joints, not less than 10mm wide, should be provided across the full width of the path at not more than 4m centres. A movement
joint is not required at the abutment with a wall unless the opposite edge of the concrete is also restrained.
10.2.7 Materials
Materials shall be suitable for their intended use. Concrete shall be of a mix design which will achieve
sufficient strength for its purpose and be sufficiently durable to remain unaffected by chemical or
frost action.
Sub-base material should be type 1 to clause 803 Table 8/2, MCHW Volume 1 SHW Series 800.
Hot rolled and mastic asphalts and macadam should comply with relevant standards, including:
BS EN 13043 ‘Aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface treatments for roads, airfields and other trafficked areas’.
PD 6682-2 ‘Guidance on the use of BS EN 13043’.
BS EN 13242 ‘Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound materials’.
PD 6682-6 ‘Guidance on the use of BS EN 13242’.
Blocks, slabs, pavers, edgings, etc. should comply with relevant standards, including:
Timber decking, including support, should be naturally durable or treated with preservative to use Class 4 classification.
Decking that is more than 600mm above ground level should be:
in accordance with guidance published by the designed by an engineer in accordance with
Timber Decking and Cladding Association (TDCA), or Technical Requirement R5.
10.2.11 Landscaping
Planting shall be completed in a manner appropriate for the site conditions and layout. Possible future
damage to the home caused by planting shall be minimised.
Where trees or shrubs have been removed, are to be retained or are to be planted by the builder, precautions should be taken to
reduce the risk of future damage to homes and services in accordance with Chapter 4.2 ‘Building near trees’.