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*Balance is a condition or quality which *Emphasis is the art of making a specific

gives a feeling of rest, repose, equilibrium, or element be noticeable or draw attention to the
stability. eye. Emphasis shows that you have a point to
your piece.
Formal or Symmetrical Balance - is the
balance of equal visual weights placed at Emphasis by Focal Point- One way used to
equal distance from the axis. draw attention in the design is the use of a
focal point.
Informal or Asymmetrical Balance - is the
balance of unequal visual weight, the heavier Emphasis by Contrast-Uses the differences
one being nearer the axis between things to make something stand out.
*Proportion in art is the comparative Emphasis by Placement-The location of
harmonious relationship between two or more elements within a piece can help to highlight
elements in a composition with respect to size, the focal point
color, quantity, degree, setting, etc.; i.e. ratio.
Emphasis by Color-The general use of a
2types color or color family is used to set a tone or
"Bad Proportion"- creates lack of harmony.
Emphasis by Movement-Elements of
Good Proportion- Create harmony in the
different color, value, or shape direct the
watcher's eyes to a focal point.
*rhytm -
Emphasis by Difference-You can create
Rhythm in art is a visual principle that creates
emphasis by introducing an element that is
a sense of movement and flow within an
*Contrast - this principle is synonymous to
opposition or contradiction
Alternating rhythm describes an artwork
Two-Dimensional Media:
that contains an interchangeable repetition of
Drawing and Painting
two or more components.
Random rhythm describes an artwork Drawing is the first step in producing artwork
containing elements that repeat without a but sometimes, an artist’s drawing is the
specified order or arrangement. finished artwork.
Drawing Media-Some of the popular
Flowing rhythms are created when organic
drawing media are graphite pencils, colored
shapes and forms are repeated, or where
pencils, crayons, colored markers, pens,
repetition is irregular.
pastels, and chalks.
Regular rhythm – Like the beating of a
Shading is the use of light and dark values to
create the illusion of form. There are four
Progressive rhythm defines an artwork main shading techniques
containing repeated elements in a pattern that
 Hatching. This technique consists of
shifts as they repeat, either in size or color.
drawing thin lines that run in the same
 Crosshatching. Shading created using Casting. In casting, molten metal or another
crisscrossing lines is called substance is poured into a mold and allowed
crosshatching. to harden.
 Stippling. Shading that creates dark Assembling. In this process, also called
values by means of a dot pattern is constructing, a variety of different materials
referred to as stippling. are gathered and joined together to make a
 Blending. Artists perform blending by sculpture
changing the color value little by little.
Technological Media:
*Painting is the process of applying color Photography, Film and Video
to a surface using tools such as a brush, a Photography -is the technique of capturing
painting knife, a roller, or even your optical images on light- sensitive surfaces
fingers. Media of Photography
Painting Media Daguerreotype-L.J.M. Daguerre invented a
Oil-Based Painting-First used in the 1400s, process of creating silvery, mirrorlike images
oil paint remains a popular medium today. on a copper plate.
True to its name, oil paint uses linseed oil as Wet Plate Method-Invented in 1950s. It used
its binder. glass coated with chemicals to record the
Water-Soluble Painting-The most popular of image, which was then transferred to paper or
water-based painting media, watercolor takes cardboard.
its name from its solvent, water. Film- A movie, or motion picture, like any
Three-Dimensional Media: The Sculpture work of art is created for others to enjoy.
Sculpture -is a three-dimensional work of art. Film Camera-It has a mechanism that moves
Sculpture is art that is made to occupy space. the film through the camera
Media of Sculpture-Like other artists,
sculptors use a wide variety of media in their Video- Videotape records and stores images
work and sounds as magnetic impulses
SCULPTURE IN THE ROUND-This type Video Camera-Video is a remarkable
of sculpture is surrounded by space. Another development because, unlike film, it does not
name for sculpture in the round is require special processing or printing.
freestanding sculpture.
sculpture projects into space from a flat
Sculpting Techniques
Modeling. In this process, a soft, pliable
material is built up and shaped. Media such as
clay, wax, and plaster are used in modeling.
Carving. In carving, the sculptor cuts, chips,
or drills from a solid mass of material to
create a sculpture.

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