Climate Change (1) Final

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The Earth System

Climate change, periodic modification of Earth’s climate brought about as a result
of changes in the atmosphere as well as interactions between the atmosphere and
various other geologic, chemical, biological, and geographic factors within the
Earth system.

The problem with climate change explained by Bill McKibben

The atmosphere is a dynamic fluid that is continually in motion. Both its physical
properties and its rate and direction of motion are influenced by a variety of
factors, including solar radiation, the geographic position of continents, ocean
currents, the location and orientation of mountain ranges, atmospheric chemistry,
and vegetation growing on the land surface. All these factors change through time.
Some factors, such as the distribution of heat within the oceans, atmospheric
chemistry, and surface vegetation, change at very short timescales. Others, such as
the position of continents and the location and height of mountain ranges, change
over very long timescales. Therefore, climate, which results from the physical
properties and motion of the atmosphere, varies at every conceivable timescale.
Climate is often defined loosely as the average weather at a particular place,
incorporating such features as temperature, precipitation, humidity, and windiness.
A more specific definition would state that climate is the mean state and variability
of these features over some extended time period. Both definitions acknowledge
that the weather is always changing, owing to instabilities in the atmosphere. And
as weather varies from day to day, so too does climate vary, from daily day-and-
night cycles up to periods of geologic time hundreds of millions of years long. In a
very real sense, climate variation is a redundant expression—climate is always
varying. No two years are exactly alike, nor are any two decades, any two
centuries, or any two millennia.
This article addresses the concept of climatic variation and change within the set
of integrated natural features and processes known as the Earth system. The nature
of the evidence for climate change is explained, as are the principal mechanisms
that have caused climate change throughout the history of Earth. Finally, a detailed
description is given of climate change over many different timescales, ranging
from a typical human life span to all of geologic time. For a detailed description of
the development of Earth’s atmosphere, see the article atmosphere, evolution of.
For full treatment of the most critical issue of climate change in the contemporary
world, see global warming.

The Earth system

iceberg Karakum HYPERLINK

Karakum-Desert-Turkmenistan.jpg" Desert, Turkmenistan

deciduous trees
The atmosphere is influenced by and linked to other features of Earth,
including oceans, ice masses (glaciers and sea ice), land surfaces, and vegetation.
Together, they make up an integrated Earth system, in which all components
interact with and influence one another in often complex ways. For instance,
climate influences the distribution of vegetation on Earth’s surface
(e.g., deserts exist in arid regions, forests in humid regions), but vegetation in turn
influences climate by reflecting radiant energy back into the atmosphere,
transferring water (and latent heat) from soil to the atmosphere, and influencing the
horizontal movement of air across the land surface.
Earth scientists and atmospheric scientists are still seeking a full understanding of
the complex feedbacks and interactions among the various components of the
Earth system. This effort is being facilitated by the development of an
interdisciplinary science called Earth system science. Earth system science is
composed of a wide range of disciplines, including climatology (the study of the
atmosphere), geology (the study of Earth’s surface and underground
processes), ecology (the study of how Earth’s organisms relate to one another and
their environment), oceanography (the study of Earth’s oceans), glaciology (the
study of Earth’s ice masses), and even the social sciences (the study of human
behaviour in its social and cultural aspects).
A full understanding of the Earth system requires knowledge of how the system
and its components have changed through time. The pursuit of this understanding
has led to development of Earth system history, an interdisciplinary science that
includes not only the contributions of Earth system scientists but
also paleontologists (who study the life of past geologic
periods), paleoclimatologists (who study past climates), paleoecologists (who
study past environments and ecosystems), paleoceanographers (who study the
history of the oceans), and other scientists concerned with Earth history. Because
different components of the Earth system change at different rates and are relevant
at different timescales, Earth system history is a diverse and complex science.
Students of Earth system history are not just concerned with documenting what has
happened; they also view the past as a series of experiments in which solar
radiation, ocean currents, continental configurations, atmospheric chemistry, and
other important features have varied. These experiments provide opportunities to
learn the relative influences of and interactions between various components of the
Earth system. Studies of Earth system history also specify the full array of states
the system has experienced in the past and those the system is capable of
experiencing in the future.
Undoubtedly, people have always been aware of climatic variation at the relatively
short timescales of seasons, years, and decades. Biblical scripture and other early
documents refer to droughts, floods, periods of severe cold, and other climatic
events. Nevertheless, a full appreciation of the nature and magnitude of climatic
change did not come about until the late 18th and early 19th centuries, a time when
the widespread recognition of the deep antiquity of Earth occurred. Naturalists of
this time, including Scottish geologist Charles Lyell, Swiss-born naturalist and
geologist Louis Agassiz, English naturalist Charles Darwin, American botanist Asa
Gray, and Welsh naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace, came to recognize geologic and
biogeographic evidence that made sense only in the light of past climates radically
different from those prevailing today.

Long-term data sets reveal increased concentrations of the greenhouse gas carbon
dioxide in Earth's atmosphere

Geologists and paleontologists in the 19th and early 20th centuries uncovered
evidence of massive climatic changes taking place before the Pleistocene—that is,
before some 2.6 million years ago. For example, red beds indicated aridity in
regions that are now humid (e.g., England and New England),
whereas fossils of coal-swamp plants and reef corals indicated that tropical
climates once occurred at present-day high latitudes in both Europe and North
America. Since the late 20th century the development of advanced technologies
for dating rocks, together with geochemical techniques and other analytical tools,
have revolutionized the understanding of early Earth system history.

The occurrence of multiple epochs in recent Earth history during which
continental glaciers, developed at high latitudes, penetrated into northern Europe
and eastern North America was recognized by scientists by the late 19th century.
Scottish geologist James Croll proposed that recurring variations in orbital
eccentricity (the deviation of Earth’s orbit from a perfectly circular path) were
responsible for alternating glacial and interglacial periods. Croll’s controversial
idea was taken up by Serbian mathematician and astronomer Milutin
Milankovitch in the early 20th century. Milankovitch proposed that the mechanism
that brought about periods of glaciation was driven by cyclic
changes in eccentricity as well as two other orbital parameters: precession (a
change in the directional focus of Earth’s axis of rotation) and axial tilt (a change
in the inclination of Earth’s axis with respect to the plane of its orbit around
the Sun). Orbital variation is now recognized as an important driver of climatic
variation throughout Earth’s history (see below Orbital [Milankovitch] variations).

Evidence for climate change

All historical sciences share a problem: As they probe farther back in time, they
become more reliant on fragmentary and indirect evidence. Earth system history is
no exception. High-quality instrumental records spanning the past century exist for
most parts of the world, but the records become sparse in the 19th century, and few
records predate the late 18th century. Other historical documents, including ship’s
logs, diaries, court and church records, and tax rolls, can sometimes be used.
Within strict geographic contexts, these sources can provide information
on frosts, droughts, floods, sea ice, the dates of monsoons, and other climatic
features—in some cases up to several hundred years ago.
Fortunately, climatic change also leaves a variety of signatures in the natural
world. Climate influences the growth of trees and corals, the abundance and
geographic distribution of plant and animal species, the chemistry
of oceans and lakes, the accumulation of ice in cold regions, and the erosion
and deposition of materials on Earth’s surface. Paleoclimatologists study the traces
of these effects, devising clever and subtle ways to obtain information about past
climates. Most of the evidence of past climatic change is circumstantial,
so paleoclimatology involves a great deal of investigative work. Wherever
possible, paleoclimatologists try to use multiple lines of evidence to cross-check
their conclusions. They are frequently confronted with conflicting evidence, but
this, as in other sciences, usually leads to an enhanced understanding of the Earth
system and its complex history. New sources of data, analytical tools, and
instruments are becoming available, and the field is moving quickly. Revolutionary
changes in the understanding of Earth’s climate history have occurred since the
1990s, and coming decades will bring many new insights and interpretations.

Ongoing climatic changes are being monitored by networks of sensors in space, on

the land surface, and both on and below the surface of the world’s oceans. Climatic
changes of the past 200–300 years, especially since the early 1900s, are
documented by instrumental records and other archives. These written documents
and records provide information about climate change in some locations for the
past few hundred years. Some very rare records date back over 1,000 years.
Researchers studying climatic changes predating the instrumental record rely
increasingly on natural archives, which are biological or geologic processes that
record some aspect of past climate. These natural archives, often referred to
as proxy evidence, are extraordinarily diverse; they include, but are not limited
to, fossil records of past plant and animal distributions, sedimentary and
geochemical indicators of former conditions of oceans and continents, and land
surface features characteristic of past climates. Paleoclimatologists study these
natural archives by collecting cores, or cylindrical samples, of sediments from
lakes, bogs, and oceans; by studying surface features and geological strata; by
examining tree ring patterns from cores or sections of living and dead trees; by
drilling into marine corals and cave stalagmites; by drilling into the ice sheets
of Antarctica and Greenland and the high-elevation glaciers of the Plateau of Tibet,
the Andes, and other montane regions; and by a wide variety of other means.
Techniques for extracting paleoclimatic information are continually being
developed and refined, and new kinds of natural archives are being recognized and

Causes of climate change

It is much easier to document the evidence of climate variability and past climate
change than it is to determine their underlying mechanisms. Climate is influenced
by a multitude of factors that operate at timescales ranging from hours to hundreds
of millions of years. Many of the causes of climate change are external to the Earth
system. Others are part of the Earth system but external to the atmosphere. Still
others involve interactions between the atmosphere and other components of the
Earth system and are collectively described as feedbacks within the Earth system.
Feedbacks are among the most recently discovered and challenging causal factors
to study. Nevertheless, these factors are increasingly recognized as playing
fundamental roles in climate variation. The most important mechanisms are
described in this section.
Solar variability
The luminosity, or brightness, of the Sun has been increasing steadily since its
formation. This phenomenon is important to Earth’s climate, because the Sun
provides the energy to drive atmospheric circulation and constitutes the input for
Earth’s heat budget. Low solar luminosity during Precambrian time underlies the
faint young Sun paradox, described in the section Climates of early Earth.

Radiative energy from the Sun is variable at very small timescales, owing to solar
storms and other disturbances, but variations in solar activity, particularly the
frequency of sunspots, are also documented at decadal to millennial timescales and
probably occur at longer timescales as well. The “Maunder minimum,” a period of
drastically reduced sunspot activity between 1645 and 1715, has been suggested as
a contributing factor to the Little Ice Age. (See below Climatic variation and
change since the emergence of civilization.)

Volcanic activity
Mount Pinatubo
Volcanic activity can influence climate in a number of ways at different timescales.
Individual volcanic eruptions can release large quantities of sulfur dioxide and
other aerosols into the stratosphere, reducing atmospheric transparency and thus
the amount of solar radiation reaching Earth’s surface and troposphere. A recent
example is the 1991 eruption in the Philippines of Mount Pinatubo, which had
measurable influences on atmospheric circulation and heat budgets. The 1815
eruption of Mount Tambora on the island of Sumbawa had more dramatic
consequences, as the spring and summer of the following year (1816, known as
“the year without a summer”) were unusually cold over much of the world. New
England and Europe experienced snowfalls and frosts throughout the summer of

Volcanoes and related phenomena, such as ocean rifting and subduction,

release carbon dioxide into both the oceans and the atmosphere. Emissions are low;
even a massive volcanic eruption such as Mount Pinatubo releases only a fraction
of the carbon dioxide emitted by fossil-fuel combustion in a year. At geologic
timescales, however, release of this greenhouse gas can have important effects.
Variations in carbon dioxide release by volcanoes and ocean rifts over millions of
years can alter the chemistry of the atmosphere. Such changeability in carbon
dioxide concentrations probably accounts for much of the climatic variation that
has taken place during the Phanerozoic Eon. (See below Phanerozoic climates.)

Tectonic activity
Tectonic movements of Earth’s crust have had profound effects on climate at
timescales of millions to tens of millions of years. These movements have changed
the shape, size, position, and elevation of the continental masses as well as
the bathymetry of the oceans. Topographic and bathymetric changes in turn have
had strong effects on the circulation of both the atmosphere and the oceans. For
example, the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau during the Cenozoic Era affected
atmospheric circulation patterns, creating the South Asian monsoon and
influencing climate over much of the rest of Asia and neighbouring regions.
Tectonic activity also influences atmospheric chemistry, particularly carbon
dioxide concentrations. Carbon dioxide is emitted from volcanoes and vents in rift
zones and subduction zones. Variations in the rate of spreading in rift zones and the
degree of volcanic activity near plate margins have influenced atmospheric carbon
dioxide concentrations throughout Earth’s history. Even the
chemical weathering of rock constitutes an important sink for carbon dioxide.
(A carbon sink is any process that removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by
the chemical conversion of CO2 to organic or inorganic carbon compounds.)
Carbonic acid, formed from carbon dioxide and water, is a reactant in dissolution
of silicates and other minerals. Weathering rates are related to the mass, elevation,
and exposure of bedrock. Tectonic uplift can increase all these factors and thus lead
to increased weathering and carbon dioxide absorption. For example, the chemical
weathering of the rising Tibetan Plateau may have played an important role in
depleting the atmosphere of carbon dioxide during a global cooling period in the
late Cenozoic Era. (See below Cenozoic climates.)

Orbital (Milankovich) variations

The orbital geometry of Earth is affected in predictable ways by the gravitational
influences of other planets in the solar system. Three primary features of Earth’s
orbit are affected, each in a cyclic, or regularly recurring, manner. First, the shape
of Earth’s orbit around the Sun, varies from nearly circular to elliptical (eccentric),
with periodicities of 100,000 and 413,000 years. Second, the tilt of Earth’s axis
with respect to the Sun, which is primarily responsible for Earth’s seasonal
climates, varies between 22.1° and 24.5° from the plane of Earth’s rotation around
the Sun. This variation occurs on a cycle of 41,000 years. In general, the greater
the tilt, the greater the solar radiation received by hemispheres in summer and the
less received in winter. The third cyclic change to Earth’s orbital geometry results
from two combined phenomena: (1) Earth’s axis of rotation wobbles, changing the
direction of the axis with respect to the Sun, and (2) the orientation of Earth’s
orbital ellipse rotates slowly. These two processes create a 26,000-year cycle,
called precession of the equinoxes, in which the position of Earth at the equinoxes
and solstices changes. Today Earth is closest to the Sun (perihelion) near the
December solstice, whereas 9,000 years ago perihelion occurred near the June
These orbital variations cause changes in the latitudinal and seasonal distribution
of solar radiation, which in turn drive a number of climate variations. Orbital
variations play major roles in pacing glacial-interglacial and monsoonal patterns.
Their influences have been identified in climatic changes over much of the
Phanerozoic. For example, cyclothems—which are interbedded marine, fluvial,
and coal beds characteristic of the Pennsylvanian Subperiod (323.2 million to
298.9 million years ago)—appear to represent Milankovitch-driven changes in
mean sea level.

Greenhouse gases
greenhouse effect on Earth
Greenhouse gases are gas molecules that have the property of absorbing infrared
radiation (net heat energy) emitted from Earth’s surface and reradiating it back to
Earth’s surface, thus contributing to the phenomenon known as the greenhouse
effect. Carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapour are the most important
greenhouse gases, and they have a profound effect on the energy budget of the
Earth system despite making up only a fraction of all atmospheric gases.
Concentrations of greenhouse gases have varied substantially during Earth’s
history, and these variations have driven substantial climate changes at a wide
range of timescales. In general, greenhouse gas concentrations have been
particularly high during warm periods and low during cold phases. A number of
processes influence greenhouse gas concentrations. Some, such as tectonic
activities, operate at timescales of millions of years, whereas others, such as
vegetation, soil, wetland, and ocean sources and sinks, operate at timescales of
hundreds to thousands of years. Human activities—especially fossil-
fuel combustion since the Industrial Revolution—are responsible for steady
increases in atmospheric concentrations of various greenhouse gases, especially
carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).

Adirondack Mountains
Perhaps the most intensively discussed and researched topic in climate variability
is the role of interactions and feedbacks among the various components of the
Earth system. The feedbacks involve different components that operate at different
rates and timescales. Ice sheets, sea ice, terrestrial vegetation, ocean
temperatures, weathering rates, ocean circulation, and greenhouse gas
concentrations are all influenced either directly or indirectly by the atmosphere;
however, they also all feed back into the atmosphere, thereby influencing it in
important ways. For example, different forms and densities of vegetation on the
land surface influence the albedo, or reflectivity, of Earth’s surface, thus affecting
the overall radiation budget at local to regional scales. At the same time, the
transfer of water molecules from soil to the atmosphere is mediated by vegetation,
both directly (from transpiration through plant stomata) and indirectly (from
shading and temperature influences on direct evaporation from soil). This
regulation of latent heat flux by vegetation can influence climate at local to global
scales. As a result, changes in vegetation, which are partially controlled by climate,
can in turn influence the climate system. Vegetation also influences greenhouse gas
concentrations; living plants constitute an important sink for atmospheric carbon
dioxide, whereas they act as sources of carbon dioxide when they are burned
by wildfires or undergo decomposition. These and other feedbacks among the
various components of the Earth system are critical for both understanding past
climate changes and predicting future ones.

Human activities
decline in Arctic sea-ice coverage
Recognition of global climate change as an environmental issue has drawn
attention to the climatic impact of human activities. Most of this attention has
focused on carbon dioxide emission via fossil-fuel combustion and deforestation.
Human activities also yield releases of other greenhouse gases, such
as methane (from rice cultivation, livestock, landfills, and other sources)
and chlorofluorocarbons (from industrial sources). There is little doubt among
climatologists that these greenhouse gases affect the radiation budget of Earth; the
nature and magnitude of the climatic response are a subject of intense research
activity. Paleoclimate records from tree rings, coral, and ice cores indicate a clear
warming trend spanning the entire 20th century and the first decade of the 21st
century. In fact, the 20th century was the warmest of the past 10 centuries, and the
decade 2011–20 was the warmest decade since the beginning of modern
instrumental record keeping. Many climatologists have pointed to this warming
pattern as clear evidence of human-induced climate change resulting from the
production of greenhouse gases.

Climate change within a human life span

Regardless of their locations on the planet, all humans experience climate
variability and change within their lifetimes. The most familiar and predictable
phenomena are the seasonal cycles, to which people adjust their clothing, outdoor
activities, thermostats, and agricultural practices. However, no two summers or
winters are exactly alike in the same place; some are warmer, wetter, or stormier
than others. This interannual variation in climate is partly responsible for year-to-
year variations in fuel prices, crop yields, road maintenance budgets,
and wildfire hazards. Single-year, precipitation-driven floods can cause severe
economic damage, such as those of the upper Mississippi River drainage
basin during the summer of 1993, and loss of life, such as those that devastated
much of Bangladesh in the summer of 1998. Similar damage and loss of life can
also occur as the result of wildfires, severe storms, hurricanes, heat waves, and
other climate-related events.

wind erosion
Climate variation and change may also occur over longer periods, such as decades.
Some locations experience multiple years of drought, floods, or other harsh
conditions. Such decadal variation of climate poses challenges to human activities
and planning. For example, multiyear droughts can disrupt water supplies, induce
crop failures, and cause economic and social dislocation, as in the case of the Dust
Bowl droughts in the midcontinent of North America during the 1930s. Multiyear
droughts may even cause widespread starvation, as in the Sahel drought that
occurred in northern Africa during the 1970s and ’80s.

Seasonal variation
Every place on Earth experiences seasonal variation in climate (though the shift
can be slight in some tropical regions). This cyclic variation is driven by seasonal
changes in the supply of solar radiation to Earth’s atmosphere and surface. Earth’s
orbit around the Sun is elliptical; it is closer to the Sun ( 147 million km [about 91
million miles]) near the winter solstice and farther from the Sun (152 million km
[about 94 million miles]) near the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.
Furthermore, Earth’s axis of rotation occurs at an oblique angle (23.5°) with
respect to its orbit. Thus, each hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun during
its winter period and toward the Sun in its summer period. When a hemisphere is
tilted away from the Sun, it receives less solar radiation than the opposite
hemisphere, which at that time is pointed toward the Sun. Thus, despite the closer
proximity of the Sun at the winter solstice, the Northern Hemisphere receives less
solar radiation during the winter than it does during the summer. Also as a
consequence of the tilt, when the Northern Hemisphere experiences winter, the
Southern Hemisphere experiences summer.
Earth’s climate system is driven by solar radiation; seasonal differences in climate
ultimately result from the seasonal changes in Earth’s orbit.
The circulation of air in the atmosphere and water in the oceans responds to
seasonal variations of available energy from the Sun. Specific seasonal changes in
climate occurring at any given location on Earth’s surface largely result from the
transfer of energy from atmospheric and oceanic circulation. Differences in surface
heating taking place between summer and winter cause storm tracks and pressure
centres to shift position and strength. These heating differences also drive seasonal
changes in cloudiness, precipitation, and wind.

Seasonal responses of the biosphere (especially vegetation) and cryosphere

(glaciers, sea ice, snowfields) also feed into atmospheric circulation and climate.
Leaf fall by deciduous trees as they go into winter dormancy increases
the albedo (reflectivity) of Earth’s surface and may lead to greater local and
regional cooling. Similarly, snow accumulation also increases the albedo of land
surfaces and often amplifies winter’s effects.

Interannual variation
Interannual climate variations, including droughts, floods, and other events, are
caused by a complex array of factors and Earth system interactions. One important
feature that plays a role in these variations is the periodic change of atmospheric
and oceanic circulation patterns in the tropical Pacific region, collectively known
as El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) variation. Although its primary climatic
effects are concentrated in the tropical Pacific, ENSO has cascading effects that
often extend to the Atlantic Ocean region, the interior of Europe and Asia, and the
polar regions. These effects, called teleconnections, occur because alterations in
low-latitude atmospheric circulation patterns in the Pacific region influence
atmospheric circulation in adjacent and downstream systems. As a result, storm
tracks are diverted and atmospheric pressure ridges (areas of high pressure) and
troughs (areas of low pressure) are displaced from their usual patterns.
As an example, El Niño events occur when the easterly trade winds in the tropical
Pacific weaken or reverse direction. This shuts down the upwelling of deep, cold
waters off the west coast of South America, warms the eastern Pacific, and reverses
the atmospheric pressure gradient in the western Pacific. As a result, air at the
surface moves eastward from Australia and Indonesia toward the central Pacific
and the Americas. These changes produce high rainfall and flash floods along the
normally arid coast of Peru and severe drought in the normally wet regions of
northern Australia and Indonesia. Particularly severe El Niño events lead
to monsoon failure in the Indian Ocean region, resulting in intense drought in India
and East Africa. At the same time, the westerlies and storm tracks are displaced
toward the Equator, providing California and the desert Southwest of the United
States with wet, stormy winter weather and causing winter conditions in the Pacific
Northwest, which are typically wet, to become warmer and drier. Displacement of
the westerlies also results in drought in northern China and from
northeastern Brazil through sections of Venezuela. Long-term records of ENSO
variation from historical documents, tree rings, and reef corals indicate that El
Niño events occur, on average, every two to seven years. However, the frequency
and intensity of these events vary through time.
Climate change since the emergence of
Human societies have experienced climate change since the development
of agriculture some 10,000 years ago. These climate changes have often had
profound effects on human cultures and societies. They include annual and decadal
climate fluctuations such as those described above, as well as large-magnitude
changes that occur over centennial to multimillennial timescales. Such changes are
believed to have influenced and even stimulated the initial cultivation and
domestication of crop plants, as well as the domestication and pastoralization of
animals. Human societies have changed adaptively in response to climate
variations, although evidence abounds that certain societies and civilizations have
collapsed in the face of rapid and severe climatic changes.

Centennial-scale variation
Historical records as well as proxy records (particularly tree rings, corals, and ice
cores) indicate that climate has changed during the past 1,000 years at centennial
timescales; that is, no two centuries have been exactly alike. During the past 150
years, the Earth system has emerged from a period called the Little Ice Age, which
was characterized in the North Atlantic region and elsewhere by relatively cool
temperatures. The 20th century in particular saw a substantial pattern of warming
in many regions. Some of this warming may be attributable to the transition from
the Little Ice Age or other natural causes. However, many climate scientists believe
that much of the 20th-century warming, especially in the later decades, resulted
from atmospheric accumulation of greenhouse gases (especially carbon dioxide,
The Little Ice Age is best known in Europe and the North Atlantic region, which
experienced relatively cool conditions between the early 14th and mid-19th
centuries. This was not a period of uniformly cool climate, since interannual and
decadal variability brought many warm years. Furthermore, the coldest periods did
not always coincide among regions; some regions experienced relatively warm
conditions at the same time others were subjected to severely cold conditions.
Alpine glaciers advanced far below their previous (and present)
limits, obliterating farms, churches, and villages in Switzerland, France, and
elsewhere. Frequent cold winters and cool, wet summers ruined wine harvests and
led to crop failures and famines over much of northern and central Europe. The
North Atlantic cod fisheries declined as ocean temperatures fell in the 17th century.
The Norse colonies on the coast of Greenland were cut off from the rest of Norse
civilization during the early 15th century as pack ice and storminess increased in
the North Atlantic. The western colony of Greenland collapsed through starvation,
and the eastern colony was abandoned. In addition, Iceland became increasingly
isolated from Scandinavia.
The Little Ice Age was preceded by a period of relatively mild conditions in
northern and central Europe. This interval, known as the Medieval Warm Period,
occurred from approximately AD 1000 to the first half of the 13th century. Mild
summers and winters led to good harvests in much of Europe. Wheat cultivation
and vineyards flourished at far higher latitudes and elevations than today. Norse
colonies in Iceland and Greenland prospered, and Norse parties fished, hunted, and
explored the coast of Labrador and Newfoundland. The Medieval Warm Period is
well documented in much of the North Atlantic region, including ice cores from
Greenland. Like the Little Ice Age, this time was neither a climatically uniform
period nor a period of uniformly warm temperatures everywhere in the world.
Other regions of the globe lack evidence for high temperatures during this period.
Much scientific attention continues to be devoted to a series of severe droughts that
occurred between the 11th and 14th centuries. These droughts, each spanning
several decades, are well documented in tree-ring records across western North
America and in the peatland records of the Great Lakes region. The records appear
to be related to ocean temperature anomalies in the Pacific and Atlantic basins, but
they are still inadequately understood. The information suggests that much of
the United States is susceptible to persistent droughts that would be devastating for
water resources and agriculture.
Climate change since the advent of humans
The history of humanity—from the initial appearance of genus Homo over
2,000,000 years ago to the advent and expansion of the modern human species
(Homo sapiens) beginning some 150,000 years ago—is integrally linked
to climate variation and change. Homo sapiens has experienced nearly two full
glacial-interglacial cycles, but its global geographical expansion, massive
population increase, cultural diversification, and worldwide ecological domination
began only during the last glacial period and accelerated during the last glacial-
interglacial transition. The first bipedal apes appeared in a time of climatic
transition and variation, and Homo erectus, an extinct species possibly ancestral to
modern humans, originated during the colder Pleistocene Epoch and survived both
the transition period and multiple glacial-interglacial cycles. Thus, it can be said
that climate variation has been the midwife of humanity and its
various cultures and civilizations.

The Last Glacial Maximum

During the past 25,000 years, the Earth system has undergone a series of
dramatic transitions. The most recent glacial period peaked 21,500 years ago
during the Last Glacial Maximum, or LGM. At that time, the northern third
of North America was covered by the Laurentide Ice Sheet, which extended as far
south as Des Moines, Iowa; Cincinnati, Ohio; and New York City. The Cordilleran
Ice Sheet covered much of western Canada as well as northern Washington, Idaho,
and Montana in the United States. In Europe the Scandinavian Ice Sheet sat atop
the British Isles, Scandinavia, northeastern Europe, and north-central Siberia.
Montane glaciers were extensive in other regions, even at low latitudes
in Africa and South America. Global sea level was 125 metres ( 410 feet) below
modern levels, because of the long-term net transfer of water from the oceans to
the ice sheets. Temperatures near Earth’s surface in unglaciated regions were about
5 °C (9 °F) cooler than today. Many Northern Hemisphere plant and animal species
inhabited areas far south of their present ranges. For example, jack pine and
white spruce trees grew in northwestern Georgia, 1,000 km (600 miles) south of
their modern range limits in the Great Lakes region of North America.

Climate change and the emergence of agriculture

The first known examples of animal domestication occurred in
western Asia between 11,000 and 9,500 years ago when goats and sheep were first
herded, whereas examples of plant domestication date to 9,000 years ago
when wheat, lentils, rye, and barley were first cultivated. This phase of
technological increase occurred during a time of climatic transition that followed
the last glacial period. A number of scientists have suggested that, although climate
change imposed stresses on hunter-gatherer-forager societies by causing rapid
shifts in resources, it also provided opportunities as new plant and animal resources

Glacial and interglacial cycles of the Pleistocene

The glacial period that peaked 21,500 years ago was only the most recent of five
glacial periods in the last 450,000 years. In fact, the Earth system has alternated
between glacial and interglacial regimes for more than two million years, a period
of time known as the Pleistocene. The duration and severity of the glacial periods
increased during this period, with a particularly sharp change occurring between
900,000 and 600,000 years ago. Earth is currently within the most recent
interglacial period, which started 11,700 years ago and is commonly known as
the Holocene Epoch.
The continental glaciations of the Pleistocene left signatures on the landscape in
the form of glacial deposits and landforms; however, the best knowledge of the
magnitude and timing of the various glacial and interglacial periods comes
from oxygen isotope records in ocean sediments. These records provide both a
direct measure of sea level and an indirect measure of 16
global ice volume. Water
molecules composed of a lighter isotope of oxygen, O, are evaporated more
readily than molecules18bearing a heavier isotope, 18O. Glacial periods are
characterized by16high O concentrations and represent a net transfer of water,
especially with O, from the oceans to the ice sheets. Oxygen isotope records
indicate that interglacial periods have typically lasted 10,000–15,000 years, and
maximum glacial periods were of similar length. Most of the past 500,000 years—
approximately 80 percent—have been spent within various intermediate glacial
states that were warmer than glacial maxima but cooler than interglacials. During
these intermediate times, substantial glaciers occurred over much of Canada and
probably covered Scandinavia as well. These intermediate states were not constant;
they were characterized by continual, millennial-scale climate variation. There has
been no average or typical state for global climate during Pleistocene and
Holocene times; the Earth system has been in continual flux between interglacial
and glacial patterns.

North American ice sheets

European ice sheets

The cycling of the Earth system between glacial and interglacial modes has been
ultimately driven by orbital variations. However, orbital forcing is by itself
insufficient to explain all of this variation, and Earth system scientists are focusing
their attention on the interactions and feedbacks between the myriad components
of the Earth system. For example, the initial development of a continental ice sheet
increases albedo over a portion of Earth, reducing surface absorption
of sunlight and leading to further cooling. Similarly, changes in terrestrial
vegetation, such as the replacement of forests by tundra, feed back into
the atmosphere via changes in both albedo and latent heat flux
from evapotranspiration. Forests—particularly those of tropical and temperate
areas, with their large leaf area—release great amounts of water vapour and latent
heat through transpiration. Tundra plants, which are much smaller, possess tiny
leaves designed to slow water loss; they release only a small fraction of the water
vapour that forests do.
The discovery in ice core records that atmospheric concentrations of two
potent greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide and methane, have decreased during past
glacial periods and peaked during interglacials indicates important feedback
processes in the Earth system. Reduction of greenhouse gas concentrations during
the transition to a glacial phase would reinforce and amplify cooling already under
way. The reverse is true for transition to interglacial periods. The glacial carbon
sink remains a topic of considerable research activity. A full understanding of
glacial-interglacial carbon dynamics requires knowledge of the complex interplay
among ocean chemistry and circulation, ecology of marine and terrestrial
organisms, ice sheet dynamics, and atmospheric chemistry and circulation.
The last great cooling
The Earth system has undergone a general cooling trend for the past 50 million
years, culminating in the development of permanent ice sheets in the Northern
Hemisphere about 2.75 million years ago. These ice sheets expanded and
contracted in a regular rhythm, with each glacial maximum separated
from adjacent ones by 41,000 years (based on the cycle of axial tilt). As the ice
sheets waxed and waned, global climate drifted steadily toward cooler conditions
characterized by increasingly severe glaciations and increasingly cool interglacial
phases. Beginning around 900,000 years ago, the glacial-interglacial cycles shifted
frequency. Ever since, the glacial peaks have been 100,000 years apart, and the
Earth system has spent more time in cool phases than before. The 41,000-year
periodicity has continued, with smaller fluctuations superimposed on the 100,000-
year cycle. In addition, a smaller, 23,000-year cycle has occurred through both the
41,000-year and 100,000-year cycles.
The 23,000-year and 41,000-year cycles are driven ultimately by two components
of Earth’s orbital geometry: the equinoctial precession cycle (23,000 years) and
the axial-tilt cycle (41,000 years). Although the third parameter of Earth’s orbit,
eccentricity, varies on a 100,000-year cycle, its magnitude is insufficient to explain
the 100,000-year cycles of glacial and interglacial periods of the past 900,000
years. The origin of the periodicity present in Earth’s eccentricity is an important
question in current paleoclimate research.

Climate change through geologic time

The Earth system has undergone dramatic changes throughout its 4.5-billion-year
history. These have included climatic changes diverse in mechanisms, magnitudes,
rates, and consequences. Many of these past changes are obscure and controversial,
and some have been discovered only recently. Nevertheless, the history of life has
been strongly influenced by these changes, some of which radically altered the
course of evolution. Life itself is implicated as a causative agent of some of these
changes, as the processes of photosynthesis and respiration have largely shaped the
chemistry of Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and sediments.

Cenozoic climates
The Cenozoic Era—encompassing the past 66 million years, the time that has
elapsed since the mass extinction event marking the end of the Cretaceous Period
—has a broad range of climatic variation characterized by alternating intervals
of global warming and cooling. Earth has experienced both extreme warmth and
extreme cold during this period. These changes have been driven by tectonic
forces, which have altered the positions and elevations of the continents as well as
ocean passages and bathymetry. Feedbacks between different components of the
Earth system (atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, cryosphere, and oceans in
the hydrosphere) are being increasingly recognized as influences of global and
regional climate. In particular, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide have
varied substantially during the Cenozoic for reasons that are poorly understood,
though its fluctuation must have involved feedbacks between Earth’s spheres.
Orbital forcing is also evident in the Cenozoic, although, when compared on such
a vast era-level timescale, orbital variations can be seen as oscillations against a
slowly changing backdrop of lower-frequency climatic trends. Descriptions of the
orbital variations have evolved according to the growing understanding of tectonic
and biogeochemical changes. A pattern emerging from recent paleoclimatologic
studies suggests that the climatic effects of eccentricity, precession, and axial tilt
have been amplified during cool phases of the Cenozoic, whereas they have been
dampened during warm phases.
The meteor impact that occurred at or very close to the end of the Cretaceous came
at a time of global warming, which continued into the early Cenozoic. Tropical and
subtropical flora and fauna occurred at high latitudes until at least 40 million years
ago, and geochemical records of marine sediments have indicated the presence of
warm oceans. The interval of maximum temperature occurred during the late
Paleocene and early Eocene epochs (59.2 million to 41.2 million years ago). The
highest global temperatures of the Cenozoic occurred during the Paleocene-Eocene
Thermal Maximum (PETM), a short interval lasting approximately 100,000 years.
Although the underlying causes are unclear, the onset of the PETM about 56
million years ago was rapid, occurring within a few thousand years, and ecological
consequences were large, with widespread extinctions in both marine and
terrestrial ecosystems. Sea surface and continental air temperatures increased by
more than 5 °C (9 °F) during the transition into the PETM. Sea surface
temperatures in the high-latitude Arctic may have been as warm as 23 °C (73 °F),
comparable to modern subtropical and warm-temperate seas. Following the PETM,
global temperatures declined to pre-PETM levels, but they gradually increased to
near-PETM levels over the next few million years during a period known as the
Eocene Optimum. This temperature maximum was followed by a steady decline in
global temperatures toward the Eocene-Oligocene boundary, which occurred about
33.9 million years ago. These changes are well-represented in marine sediments
and in paleontological records from the continents, where vegetation zones moved
Equator-ward. Mechanisms underlying the cooling trend are under study, but it is
most likely that tectonic movements played an important role. This period saw the
gradual opening of the sea passage between Tasmania and Antarctica, followed by
the opening of the Drake Passage between South America and Antarctica. The
latter, which isolated Antarctica within a cold polar sea, produced global effects on
atmospheric and oceanic circulation. Recent evidence suggests that decreasing
atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide during this period may have initiated
a steady and irreversible cooling trend over the next few million years.
A continental ice sheet developed in Antarctica during the Oligocene
Epoch, persisting until a rapid warming event took place 27 million years ago. The
late Oligocene and early to mid-Miocene epochs (28.4 million to 13.8 million
years ago) were relatively warm, though not nearly as warm as the Eocene.
Cooling resumed 15 million years ago, and the Antarctic Ice Sheet expanded again
to cover much of the continent. The cooling trend continued through the late
Miocene and accelerated into the early Pliocene Epoch, 5.3 million years ago.
During this period the Northern Hemisphere remained ice-free, and paleobotanical
studies show cool-temperate Pliocene floras at high latitudes on Greenland and
the Arctic Archipelago. The Northern Hemisphere glaciation, which began 3.2
million years ago, was driven by tectonic events, such as the closing of the Panama
seaway and the uplift of the Andes, the Tibetan Plateau, and western parts of North
America. These tectonic events led to changes in the circulation of the oceans and
the atmosphere, which in turn fostered the development of persistent ice at high
northern latitudes. Small-magnitude variations in carbon dioxide concentrations,
which had been relatively low since at least the mid-Oligocene (27.8 million years
ago), are also thought to have contributed to this glaciation.

Phanerozoic climates
The Phanerozoic Eon (541 million years ago to the present), which includes the
entire span of complex, multicellular life on Earth, has witnessed an extraordinary
array of climatic states and transitions. The sheer antiquity of many of these
regimes and events renders them difficult to understand in detail. However, a
number of periods and transitions are well known, owing to good geological
records and intense study by scientists. Furthermore, a coherent pattern of low-
frequency climatic variation is emerging, in which the Earth system alternates
between warm (“greenhouse”) phases and cool (“icehouse”) phases. The warm
phases are characterized by high temperatures, high sea levels, and an absence of
continental glaciers. Cool phases in turn are marked by low temperatures, low sea
levels, and the presence of continental ice sheets, at least at high latitudes.
Superimposed on these alternations are higher-frequency variations, where cool
periods are embedded within greenhouse phases and warm periods are embedded
within icehouse phases. For example, glaciers developed for a brief period
(between 1 million and 10 million years) during the late Ordovician and
early Silurian, in the middle of the early Paleozoic greenhouse phase (541 million
to about 359 million years ago). Similarly, warm periods with glacial retreat
occurred within the late Cenozoic cool period during the late Oligocene and
early Miocene epochs.
The Earth system has been in an icehouse phase for the past 30 million to 35
million years, ever since the development of ice sheets on Antarctica. The previous
major icehouse phase occurred between about 359 million and about 252 million
years ago, during the Carboniferous and Permian periods of the late Paleozoic Era.
Glacial sediments dating to this period have been identified in much of Africa as
well as in the Arabian Peninsula, South America, Australia, India, and Antarctica.
At the time, all these regions were part of Gondwana, a high-
latitude supercontinent in the Southern Hemisphere. The glaciers atop Gondwana
extended to at least 45° S latitude, similar to the latitude reached by Northern
Hemisphere ice sheets during the Pleistocene. Some late Paleozoic glaciers
extended even further Equator-ward—to 35° S. One of the most striking features of
this time period are cyclothems, repeating sedimentary beds
of alternating sandstone, shale, coal, and limestone. The great coal deposits of
North America’s Appalachian region, the American Midwest, and northern Europe
are interbedded in these cyclothems, which may represent repeated transgressions
(producing limestone) and retreats (producing shales and coals) of ocean shorelines
in response to orbital variations.
The two most prominent warm phases in Earth history occurred during
the Mesozoic and early Cenozoic eras (approximately 252 million to 35 million
years ago) and the early and mid-Paleozoic (approximately 500 million to about
359 million years ago). Climates of each of these greenhouse periods were distinct;
continental positions and ocean bathymetry were very different, and terrestrial
vegetation was absent from the continents until relatively late in the Paleozoic
warm period. Both of these periods experienced substantial long-term climate
variation and change; increasing evidence indicates brief glacial episodes during
the mid-Mesozoic.
Understanding the mechanisms underlying icehouse-greenhouse dynamics is an
important area of research, involving an interchange between geologic records and
the modeling of the Earth system and its components. Two processes have been
implicated as drivers of Phanerozoic climate change. First, tectonic forces caused
changes in the positions and elevations of continents and the bathymetry of oceans
and seas. Second, variations in greenhouse gases were also important drivers of
climate, though at these long timescales they were largely controlled by tectonic
processes, in which sinks and sources of greenhouse gases varied.

Climates of early Earth

The pre-Phanerozoic interval, also known as Precambrian time, comprises some 88
percent of the time elapsed since the origin of Earth. The pre-Phanerozoic is a
poorly understood phase of Earth system history. Much of the sedimentary record
of the atmosphere, oceans, biota, and crust of the early Earth has been obliterated
by erosion, metamorphosis, and subduction. However, a number of pre-
Phanerozoic records have been found in various parts of the world, mainly from
the later portions of the period. Pre-Phanerozoic Earth system history is an
extremely active area of research, in part because of its importance in
understanding the origin and early evolution of life on Earth. Furthermore, the
chemical composition of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans largely developed during
this period, with living organisms playing an active role. Geologists,
paleontologists, microbiologists, planetary geologists, atmospheric scientists, and
geochemists are focusing intense efforts on understanding this period. Three areas
of particular interest and debate are the “faint young Sun paradox,” the role of
organisms in shaping Earth’s atmosphere, and the possibility that Earth went
through one or more “snowball” phases of global glaciation.

Faint young Sun paradox

Astrophysical studies indicate that the luminosity of the Sun was much lower
during Earth’s early history than it has been in the Phanerozoic. In fact, radiative
output was low enough to suggest that all surface water on Earth should have been
frozen solid during its early history, but evidence shows that it was not. The
solution to this “faint young Sun paradox” appears to lie in the presence of
unusually high concentrations of greenhouse gases at the time,
particularly methane and carbon dioxide. As solar luminosity gradually increased
through time, concentrations of greenhouse gases would have to have been much
higher than today. This circumstance would have caused Earth to heat up beyond
life-sustaining levels. Therefore, greenhouse gas concentrations must have
decreased proportionally with increasing solar radiation, implying a feedback
mechanism to regulate greenhouse gases. One of these mechanisms might have
been rock weathering, which is temperature-dependent and serves as an important
sink for, rather than source of, carbon dioxide by removing sizable amounts of this
gas from the atmosphere. Scientists are also looking to biological processes (many
of which also serve as carbon dioxide sinks) as complementary
or alternative regulating mechanisms of greenhouse gases on the young Earth.

Photosynthesis and atmospheric chemistry

The evolution by photosynthetic bacteria of a new photosynthetic pathway,
substituting water (H2O) for hydrogen HYPERLINK
""sulfide (H2S) as a reducing
agent for carbon dioxide, had dramatic consequences for Earth system
geochemistry. Molecular oxygen (O2) is given off as a by-product of
photosynthesis using the H2O pathway, which is energetically more efficient than
the more primitive H2S pathway. Using H2O as a reducing agent in this process led
to the large-scale deposition of banded-iron formations, or BIFs, a source of 90
percent of present-day iron ores. Oxygen present in ancient oceans oxidized
dissolved iron, which precipitated out of solution onto the ocean floors. This
deposition process, in which oxygen was used up as fast as it was produced,
continued for millions of years until most of the iron dissolved in the oceans was
precipitated. By approximately 2 billion years ago, oxygen was able to accumulate
in dissolved form in seawater and to outgas to the atmosphere. Although oxygen
does not have greenhouse gas properties, it plays important indirect roles in
Earth’s climate, particularly in phases of the carbon cycle. Scientists are studying
the role of oxygen and other contributions of early life to the development of the
Earth system.

Snowball Earth hypothesis

Geochemical and sedimentary evidence indicates that Earth experienced as many
as four extreme cooling events between 750 million and 580 million years ago.
Geologists have proposed that Earth’s oceans and land surfaces were covered by
ice from the poles to the Equator during these events. This “Snowball
Earth” hypothesis is a subject of intense study and discussion. Two important
questions arise from this hypothesis. First, how, once frozen, could Earth thaw?
Second, how could life survive periods of global freezing? A proposed solution to
the first question involves the outgassing of massive amounts of carbon dioxide
by volcanoes, which could have warmed the planetary surface rapidly, especially
given that major carbon dioxide sinks (rock weathering and photosynthesis) would
have been dampened by a frozen Earth. A possible answer to the second question
may lie in the existence of present-day life-forms within hot springs and deep-sea
vents, which would have persisted long ago despite the frozen state of Earth’s
A counter-premise known as the “Slushball Earth” hypothesis contends that Earth
was not completely frozen over. Rather, in addition to massive ice sheets covering
the continents, parts of the planet (especially ocean areas near the Equator) could
have been draped only by a thin, watery layer of ice amid areas of open sea. Under
this scenario, photosynthetic organisms in low-ice or ice-free regions could
continue to capture sunlight efficiently and survive these periods of extreme cold.

Abrupt climate changes in Earth history

An important new area of research, abrupt climate change, has developed since the
1980s. This research has been inspired by the discovery, in the ice core records
of Greenland and Antarctica, of evidence for abrupt shifts in regional and
global climates of the past. These events, which have also been documented
in ocean and continental records, involve sudden shifts of Earth’s climate system
from one equilibrium state to another. Such shifts are of considerable scientific
concern because they can reveal something about the controls and sensitivity of the
climate system. In particular, they point out nonlinearities, the so-called “tipping
points,” where small, gradual changes in one component of the system can lead to
a large change in the entire system. Such nonlinearities arise from the complex
feedbacks between components of the Earth system. For example, during
the Younger Dryas event (see below) a gradual increase in the release of fresh
water to the North Atlantic Ocean led to an abrupt shutdown of the thermohaline
circulation in the Atlantic basin. Abrupt climate shifts are of great societal concern,
for any such shifts in the future might be so rapid and radical as to outstrip the
capacity of agricultural, ecological, industrial, and economic systems to respond
and adapt. Climate scientists are working with social scientists, ecologists, and
economists to assess society’s vulnerability to such “climate surprises.”
The Younger Dryas event (12,900 to 11,600 years ago) is the most intensely
studied and best-understood example of abrupt climate change. The event took
place during the last deglaciation, a period of global warming when the Earth
system was in transition from a glacial mode to an interglacial one. The Younger
Dryas was marked by a sharp drop in temperatures in the North Atlantic region;
cooling in northern Europe and eastern North America is estimated at 4 to 8 °C
(7.2 to 14.4 °F). Terrestrial and marine records indicate that the Younger Dryas had
detectable effects of lesser magnitude over most other regions of Earth. The
termination of the Younger Dryas was very rapid, occurring within a decade. The
Younger Dryas resulted from an abrupt shutdown of the thermohaline circulation in
the North Atlantic, which is critical for the transport of heat from equatorial
regions northward (today the Gulf Stream is a part of that circulation). The cause
of the shutdown of the thermohaline circulation is under study; an influx of large
volumes of freshwater from melting glaciers into the North Atlantic has been
implicated, although other factors probably played a role.
Paleoclimatologists are devoting increasing attention to identifying and studying
other abrupt changes. The Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles of the last glacial period are
now recognized as representing alternation between two climate states, with rapid
transitions from one state to the other. A 200-year-long cooling event in the
Northern Hemisphere approximately 8,200 years ago resulted from the rapid
draining of glacial Lake Agassiz into the North Atlantic via the Great Lakes and St.
Lawrence drainage. This event, characterized as a miniature version of the Younger
Dryas, had ecological impacts in Europe and North America that included a rapid
decline of hemlock populations in New England forests. In addition, evidence of
another such transition, marked by a rapid drop in the water levels
of lakes and bogs in eastern North America, occurred 5,200 years ago. It is
recorded in ice cores from glaciers at high altitudes in tropical regions as well as
tree-ring, lake-level, and peatland samples from temperate regions.

See how climate change affects marine ecosystems

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Humans and other species have survived countless climatic changes in the past,
and humans are a notably adaptable species. Adjustment to climatic changes,
whether it is biological (as in the case of other species) or cultural (for humans), is
easiest and least catastrophic when the changes are gradual and can be anticipated
to large extent. Rapid changes are more difficult to adapt to and incur more
disruption and risk. Abrupt changes, especially unanticipated climate surprises, put
human cultures and societies, as well as both the populations of other species and
the ecosystems they inhabit, at considerable risk of severe disruption. Such
changes may well be within humanity’s capacity to adapt, but not without paying
severe penalties in the form of economic, ecological, agricultural, human health,
and other disruptions. Knowledge of past climate variability provides guidelines on
the natural variability and sensitivity of the Earth system. This knowledge also
helps identify the risks associated with altering the Earth system with greenhouse
gas emissions and regional to global-scale changes in land cover.
Stephen T. Jackson

This document explains that there are well-understood physical mechanisms
by which changes in the amounts of greenhouse gases cause climate changes.
It discusses the evidence that the concentrations of these gases in the
atmosphere have increased and are still increasing rapidly, that climate
change is occurring, and that most of the recent change is almost certainly due
to emissions of greenhouse gases caused by human activities. Further climate
change is inevitable; if emissions of greenhouse gases continue unabated,
future changes will substantially exceed those that have occurred so far. There
remains a range of estimates of the magnitude and regional expression of
future change, but increases in the extremes of climate that can adversely
affect natural ecosystems and human activities and infrastructure are

Citizens and governments can choose among several options (or a mixture of
those options) in response to this information: they can change their pattern of
energy production and usage in order to limit emissions of greenhouse gases
and hence the magnitude of climate changes; they can wait for changes to
occur and accept the losses, damage, and suffering that arise; they can adapt
to actual and expected changes as much as possible; or they can seek as yet
unproven “geoengineering” solutions to counteract some of the climate
changes that would otherwise occur. Each of these options has risks,
attractions and costs, and what is actually done may be a mixture of these
different options. Different nations and communities will vary in their
vulnerability and their capacity to adapt. There is an important debate to be
had about choices among these options, to decide what is best for each group
or nation, and most importantly for the global population as a whole. The
options have to be discussed at a global scale because in many cases those
communities that are most vulnerable control few of the emissions, either past
or future. Our description of the science of climate change, with both its facts
and its uncertainties, is offered as a basis to inform that policy debate.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. Climate
Change: Evidence and Causes: Update 2020. Washington, DC: The National
Academies Press.

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