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Name of teacher Mr. RaviKant Dwivedi Sir

Designati¡n Chemistry Teacher
Name of school St Xavier's High School
Certified that Kunal Shukla of Class
completed his project file XIJ-PCB has
under my supervision.
Certify that the project is in
guideline íssued by accordance with the
Central Board of Secondary

Internal Examiner
External Examiner

I would ike to sincerely
andprofusely thank our
chemístry teacher Mr.Ravikant Dwivedi Sir
(chemistry) and our lab attendant for their able
guidance and for their support for comnport for
completing our project.
We would also ike to extend our
gratitude to
our Principal of St. Xavier's for
with the facilities that were required.

Thanking you!
Kunal Shukla
Natural milk is an opaque white fluid secreted by the
mammary gland of female mammal. The main
constituents of natural milk are proteins,
carbohydrates, minerals,vitamins, fats and water and
is acomplete balanced diet. Fresh milk is sweetish
taste. However, when it is kept for a long time at a
temperature 35 ± 5°C it becomes sour because of
bacteria present in air. These bacteria convert lactose
of milk into lactic acid which is sour in taste. In acidic
conditions casein of milk starts separating out as a
precipitate. When the acidity in milk is sufficient and
temperature is around 36°C, it forms semi-solid mass,
called curd.

Soya bean milk is made from soybeans. It resembles

natural milk. The main constituents of soya bean milk
are proteins, carbohydrates, fats minerals
vitamins. It is prepared by keeping soyabens dipped
in water for sometime. The swollen soyabeans are
mixed with
then crushed to a paste which is then
water. The solution isfiltered and filtrate is soyabean
SOYoeanS originated in "eastern balf of north Ching" or also northeastern China, and appea o
Deen donesticated around the 11th century BC ol hut ite uge in soups and beverages ae Omy
attested at much later dates. Soy gruel was first noted in the
3rd century D 7l4a soy "wine" in the
4th century,"
and a tofu broth (doufujiang) c. 1365 amid the collapse of the Mongol Yuan.
Asdoujiang, this drink remains a common watery form of soymilk in
China, usually prepau
fresh soybeans. Its popularity increased during the Oing dynasty, apparently due to the diseovely
that gently heating doujiang for at least 90 minutes hydrolyzed its raffinose and
oligosaccharides which can cause flatulence and digestive pain among lactose-intolerant
adults.s By the 18th century, it was popular enough that street vendors were hawking it;n
the 19th, it was also common to takeacup to tofu shops to get hot, fresh doujiang for breaktast. It
was already often paired with youtiao, which was dipped into it. The process was industrialized
in early Republican China. By 1929, two Shangh¡i factories were selling over 1000 bottles a day
and another in Beijing was almost as productive itself l Following disruption from the Second
World War and the Chinese Civil War, soy milk began to be marketed in soft drink-like fashion in
Hong Kong, Singapore, and Japan in the 1950s.

The first non-dairy milk--almond milk was created in the Levant around the 13th centuryl and
spread to England by the 14th. Soymilk was mentioned in various European leters from
China beginning in the 17th century. "Soy milk" entered the English language (as "soy-bean
milk") in an 1897 USDA report. (20|1211 Li Yuying established Caséo-Sojaïne, the first soy milk
"dairy", in Colombes, France, in 1910; he received the first British and American patents for soy
milk manufacturing in 1912 and 1913. J.A.Chard began production of "Soy Lac" in New York
City, United States, in 1917. Harry W. Miller-an American businessman forced to relocate his
factory from Shanghaiowing to World War II -was similarly complled by the USDA and the US
dairy industry to use the tern "Soya Lac" rather than "soy milk" l13 John Harvey Kellogg had been
working with what he called "soymilk" at his Battle Creek Sanitarium since 1930, but was similarly
compelled to market his acidophilus-enriched beverage as "Soygal" when it began commercial
production in 1942,22)

A string of 40 court cases against Rich Products between 1949 and 1974 finally established that
non-dairy "milks" and imitation dairy products were "a new and distinct food", rather than inferior
and illegal knock-offs. Cornell researchers established the enzyme
lipoxygenase as responsible
for the "beany" flavor of soy milk made in 1966; the same research
established a process for
reducing or eliminating the bean flavor from commercial products.2 With Tetra Pak cartons

* Measuring cylinder
$ Glass-rod
Muslin cloth
$ Soyabeans
$Buffalo milk.
Fresh curd
Distilled water
1. Soak about 150 g of sovabeans in sufficient amount
of water so that they ae completely dipped in it.
Keep them dipped for 24 hours.
2. Take out swollen soyabeans and grind them to a
very finr paste-mortar.
3. Add about 250 ml pf water this paste and filter it
through amuslin cloth. Clear white filtrate is
soyabean milk. Compare its taste with buffalo
4. Take 50ml of buffalo milk in three beakers and hat
the beakers to30",40 and 50 respectively. Add 4
spoonful curd to the beakers. Leaves the beakers
undisturbed for 8hours and curd is ready.
5.Similarly, take 50 ml of soyabean milk in three
other breakers and heat the breakers to 30, 40
and 50 respectively. Add 4 spoonful curd to each
of these beakers. Leave the beakers undisturbed for
8hours and curd is formed.
drink produced by soaking and
Soy milk, also known as soya millk or sovmilk. is a plant-based
particulates. It is a stable
grinding soybeans, boiling the mixture, and filtering out remaining
of the manufacture of
emulsion of oil, water, and protein. Its original form is a natural by-product
in the
tofu. Originating in East Asia, it became acommon beverage in Europe and North Amernca
later halfof the 20th century, especially as production techniques were developed to give it a
and consistency more closely resembling that of dairy milk. Along with similar vegetable-based
"milks", like almond and rice miIk, soy milk may be used as a substitute for dairy milk by
individuals who are vegan or lactose intolerant, while others may consume it for environmental or
health reasons,

r Names

In China, the usual term AK dôujiäng (lit. "bean broth") is used for the traditional watery and
beany beverage produced as a by-product of the production of tofu, whereas store-bought products
designed to imitate the flavor and consistency of dairy milk, and which may contain a mixture of
dairy and soy, are more often known as Wdòun¯i ("bean milk").

In other countries, there are sometimes legal impediments to the equivalents of the name "soy
milk". In such jurisdictions, the manufacturers of plant milks typically label their products the
equivalent of "soy beverage" or "soy drink".

Naming in the European Union

In the European Union, "milk" by law refers exclusively to "the normal mammary secretion
obtained from one or more milkings without either addition thereto or extraction therefrom" Only
cow's milk is allowed to be named "milk" on packaging, and any other milks must state the name of
the respective animal: for example, "goat milk" or "sheep milk". The naming of soy drink as
milk became subject of a 2017 court case before the Court of Justice of the European Union
after a
German consumer protection group filed an unfair competition complaint about a
describing its soya and tofu products as 'milk' or 'cheese'. The Court of Justice ruled that such
designations cannot be legally used for purely plant-based products and that additions indicating the
plant origin of the products (soy milk) does not influence that prohibition l5!
extending its shelf-life, Hong Kong-based Vitasoy reintroduced soy milk to the US market in 1980
and brought it to 20 othcr countrics within a fcw ycars. 231 Alpro similarly began production in
Belgium in 1980, quickly becoming Europe's leading producer 23 New production technology and
techniques began to permit soy beverages with an appreciably more milk-like flavor and
consistency in the mid-1980s 25)

Soy milk is made from whole soybeans or full-fat soy flour. 26 The dry beans are soaked in water
for a minimum of three hours up to overnight depending on the temperature of the water. lhe
rehydrated beans then undergo wet grinding with enough added water to give the desired solids
content to the final product which has a protein content of 1-4%, depending on the method of
production. 261 The ratio of water to beans on a weight basis is 10:1 for traditional soy milk. The
resulting slurry or purée is brought to a boil in order to improve its taste properties by heat
inactivating soybean trypsin inhibitor, improve its flavor, and to sterilize the product.Pa Heating
at or near the boiling point is continued for a period of time, 15-20 minutes, followed by the
removal of insoluble residues (soy pulp fiber) by filtration.a

Processing requires the use of an anti-foaming agent or natural defoamer during the boiling step.
Bringing filtered soy milk to a boil avoids the problem of foaming. It is generally opaque, white or
off-white in color, and approximately the same consistency as cow's milk. Quality attributes
during preparation include germination time for the beans used, acidity, total protein and
carbohydrates, phytic acid content, and viscosity.ka Raw soy milk may be sweetened, flavored, and
fortified with micronutrients Once fully processed, soy milk products are typically sold in plastic
bottles or plastic-coated cartons, such as tetrapaks. [271


With soybean production increasing worldwide during the early 21st century,,281 and consumer

interest in plant milks growing from demand in Asia, Europe, and the United States PI28|29)
milk became the second-most plant milk consumed (after almond milk) by 2019 BIS01 Soy milk
sales declined in the United States during 2018-19, mainly due to the rising popularity of
almond milk and loss of market share to the successful introduction of oat milk BH

According to market research in 2019, the worldwide market for soy milk was growing at an anna!
rate of 6%, and was forecast to reach $11 billion in total commerce by 2025 LH Grow th in
consumption was due mainly to expanding the flavors of swectened soy milks and uses in dessert,
whereas unswectened soy milk was being used particularly in Asia-Pacific countries as an
ingredient in snacks and various prepared foods.


Nutritional content of cow, soy, almond and oat milks

Cow milk Soy milk (unsweetened; Almond milk Oat milk
Nutrient value
(whole, vitamin D calcium, vitamins A and (unsweetenedy (unsweetenedy0
per 243 g cup addedyå3l addedy
Energy, kJ (kcal) 620 (149) 330 (80) 160(39) 500 (120)
6.95 1.55 3
Protein (g) 7.69
3.91 2.88
Fat (g) 7.93
0.5 0.5
Saturated fat (g) 4.55
4.23 1.52 16
Carbohydrate (g) 11.71
0 2
Fiber (g)
1 0 7
Sugars (g) 12.32
301 516 350
Calcium (mg) 276
292 176 390
Potassium (mg) 322
90 186 140
Sodium (mg) 105

Vitamin B12 2.70 1.2

503 372 267
(IU) 395
119 110 144
Vitamin D(IU) 124
Cholesterol (mg) 24 0

unsweetened commercial nutrient-fortified brand of soy
A cup (243 ml) serving of a generic
lg of sugar), 4g of fat and 7g of
provides 80 calories from 4 g of carbohydrates (including
appreciable levels of vitamin A, B vitamins, and
protein.D This processed soy milk contains
vitamin Din a
Fange of 10 to 45%% of the
sionificant content it has a Daily Value, with calciun
glycemic index of 3414M1 nd tmagnesium also in

Soy milk flavor quality differs

in China. the according to the cultivar of Mybean ued in its
desirable sensory qualities are amouthfeel production Even
appearance (crcamy)resembling milk MThese traits (smooth but thick), color (off-white), and
correlated with a soy milk's content of proteins, along with apleasing aroma are
woluble solids, and ol )
testing suggests consumers prefer yiscous soy In the United
milk with swect arormatic flavors like States.
actively dislike the "beany" or"brothy" flavors resembling traditional doujiang" yarilla and
In acidic hot drinks such as
coffee, curdling can sornetimes occur
cup). To help prevent this (essentially forrming Tofu in the
manufacturers sometimes add acidity regulators,
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Soy milk soup with salt and vinegar, along with vegetables and
Soy milk is a common beverage in East Asian cuisines. In Chinese cuisine,
"sweet" soy milk is
made by adding canc sugar or simple syrup. "Salty" or "savory" soy milk is often
combined with
chopped pickled mustard greens, dried shrimp, youtiao croutons, chopped spring onions, cilantro.,
pork flo55, and/or shallots, along with yincgar, Sesane oil, soy sauce, and/or chili oil, Both are
traditional breakfast foods, served hot or cold depending on the season or personal preference. At
breakfast, it is often accompanied by slarchy carbohydrate-rich foods like mantou (a thick, fluffy
kind of roll or bun), youtiao (deep-fried dough sticks), and shaobing (sesame flatbread). Japanese
cuisine uses soy milk to make yuba and as an occasional base for nabemono. In Korean cuising, soy
milk is used as the broth for making kongguksu, a cold noodle soup eaten mostly in summer. In
many countries, soy milk is used in yegan and vegetarian food products and as a replacement for
cow's milk in many recipes.P Soy milk is also used in making imitation dairy products such as
SOy_yogut, SOy cream, soy kefir and
soy-based cheese analogues. (28129) t is also used as an
ingredient for making milkshakes, pancakes, smoothies, bread., mayonnaise, and baked goods, 2

Ecological impact

Mean greenhouse gas emissions for one glass (200g) of different milks

Milk Types Greenhouse gas emissions (kg C02-Ceq per 200g)

Cow milk 0.62

Rice milk 0.23

Soy milk 0.21

Oat milk 0.19

Almond milk 0.16

is ecologically advantageous. Cows require

Using soybeans to make milk instead of raising cows animal, which can
more energy in order to produce milk, since the farmer must feed the
90 to 180 litres (24 to
up to 24 kilograms (53 1b) of food in dry matter basis and
consume Legumes,
water a day, producing an average of 40 kilograms (88 lb) of milk a day.
48 US gal) of which they are grown.
the soybean plant, also replenish the nitrogen content of the soil in
(specifically in the
soybeans in South America is a cause of deforestation
The cultivation of majonty
other large-scale environmental harm. However, the
Amazon rainforest) and a range of farming is widespread,
cultivation worldwide, especially in South America where cattle
of soybean production.1
intended for livestock fodderrather than soy milk

MILK 2 40°

For buffalo milk, the best temperature for the

formation of good quality and tasty curd is ..C
and for soyabean milk, is C.
In Making this project I take help
the following book name as:
1. (N.C.E.RI.)Chemistry
2. Modern's AB.C. Chemistry
3. SChand Chemistry

And from Internet.

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