CHEM218 Example 3
CHEM218 Example 3
CHEM218 Example 3
a. !Richard III
b. Henry VII
c. James I
d. Edward V
6. What was the last colony the UK ceded marking the end of the British Empire?
a. India
b. Australia
c. Ireland
d. !Hong Kong
7. Which King of England was faced with the Peasants039; Revolt in 1381?
a. !Richard II
b. Edward II
c. Henry IV
d. Edward III
10. Which of these positions did the astronomer and physicist Isaac Newton not
a. Warden of the Royal Mint
b. Professor of Mathematics
c. Member of Parliament
d. !Surveyor to the City of London
2. Which of these people is NOT a part of the Internet comedy group Mega64?
a. Rocco Botte
b. Shawn Chatfield
c. Derrick Acosta
d. !Jon Jafari
1. In the comic book quot;Archiequot;, Betty is friends with Veronica because she
is rich.
a. !False
b. True
5. In the DC Comics 2016 reboot, Rebirth, which speedster escaped from the Speed
Force after he had been erased from existance?
a. Jay Garrick
b. !Wally West
c. Johnny Quick
d. Eobard Thawne
6. The main six year old protagonist in Calvin and Hobbes is named after what
a. Calvin Coolidge
b. Phillip Calvin McGraw
c. Calvin Klein
d. !John Calvin
10. In Black Hammer, what city did the heroes save from the AntiGod?
a. Star City
b. Rockwood
c. MegaCity One
d. !Spiral City