Pyramid Guide n39 Jan-Feb 1979

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International Bi-Monthly Newsletter • Single Copy $1.00 • Yearly $6.00 Canada $7.00 • Overseas, by Air $10.



Centuries old rutnors declare the enduring presence of an
ancient Genesis floodline circumscribing the Great Pyramid
in Egypt. If the limestone block casing, pillaged for use in
Cairo buildings was in fact mostly removed over the last
thousand years, then the high watermark from the great
deluge of Biblical times (if it did exist) must have disap-
peared with the destroyed exterior masonry.
Nevertheless, mystical writers still maintain the notion
that marks of water erosion can still be seen along the upper
reaches of the Great Pyramid. Doreal, claimed that the
mighty, man-made stone mountain at Giza registers a
waterline stain 300 feet above its base. The long and meti-
culous records of altemating rising and falling Nile eleva-
tions fail to show this mighty river as the cause.
“.. .One of the first things I checked,” writes Tom Valen­
tine, in his recent book THE GREAT PYRAMID, Man’s
Monument to Man... “When I visited the Great Pyramid... PYRAMEDIONS TOWER ABOVE PERUVIAN JUNGLE’S
(Chan) Thomas (cataclysmologist) had been told a water­ HIGHEST TREETOPS...Assuming that the fallest trees shelter-
mark exists all the way around the masonry... about 200 feet Ing this ancient, lost city are 100 feet high, these recently dis­
up from the base. I’ve never read any mention of such a covered, South American Pyramids (and there are twelve) may
thing,” Tom adds, “and it seems to me that (Pyramidolo- even exceed the Great Pyramid in height.
gists—Pyramid explorers (Charles P.) Smythe, (William) A great sage once said: “Those remaining of the world’s
Petrie and (David) Davidson wouid have noticed (the water­ earliest constructed Pyramids when located on a global map
mark if) it had existed. “no such watermark was there...” will reveal a profound secret message.” Researchers believe
Even at 300 feet above the Pyramid’s base, a waterline at more than ever that the Great Pyramid is the “Rosetta
this elevation wouid only be 467 feet above the average low Stone” of the Universe, and now it seems that it is con­
level of the Nile River nearby, a rather shallow record, con- nected with some very special planetary scheme of pyramids
sidering the world deluge in Noah’s time when the ark pre- emerging from peculiarly remote and unlikely hiding places
sumably rose to a point 14,000 feet up on Mt. Ararat before in the north and south latitudes. One site of intense interest
the drowning seas finally began to subside. But another Con­ marks a pyramid complex and possible lost Incan city first
nection occurs with mention of (pyramid) ziggurats in observed as dots of manmade origin appearing on a Landsat
Genesis. II Satellite photo taken 569 miles over a Peruvian Jungle
Leonard Woolley, archeologist in 1927-28, made some im­ areajn 1975.
portant excavations on the site of the ancient Sumerian city Eight miniscule specks later observed on the photo by
of Ur, now in Iraq on the Euphrates River, some 800 air Philip Miller, a world adventurer from Ft. Lauderdale,
miles east of Cairo and the Great Pyramid. Woolley found Florida, led him to organize a twenty-five man expedition
an eight foot thick layer of clay formed by Sedimentation into the eastern jungle slopes of the Andes. At this writing,
from surface waters 40 feet below ground-level. The young it’s not eertain if Miller has completed his proposed June
archeologist compared the Biblical version of Genesis with Ist, 1978 mission into the Peruvian interior west of the
the much older Gilgamesh accounts of a great deluge; and Amazon basin, but the explorer had already made a per­
by examining a long succession of ancient Sumerian kings, sonal flight reconnaissance over the region March 28, 1978.
and previous archeological validations of Biblical writings, Two Peruvian explorers showed the photo to Miller and
Woolley determined that this particular alluvial deposit of Herb Sawinski who made the preliminary studies of the phe­
clay was evidence confirming the flood of Noah according to nomenon. All observed eight tiny dots lying alongside a
the time described in the Bible. nearly inaccessible, mountain ridge. A pattem of fleck in
two parallel rows, two deep and four wide suggested that
they were the works of man and not natural geologic struc­
tures. But Miller, flying over 15,000 foot peaks to the site
Some 90 miles east of Cuzco, discovered to his surprise that
the eight photo dots were in fact twelve ancient pyramids
grown over with Vegetation. The pyramid layout extended
for some 2% miles with the monuments perhaps attaining
heights some 500 feet in height above the forest treetops: if
so, Miller says this could well be the archeological find of
the Century. Continued on page 3
THE CASE FOR DISTILLED WATER by Damayana Fourth Dimension Reachout page?
Z’ve been drinking distilled water for more than four years now.
I seldom drink tap water from municipal supplies — only when I
have no other choice — when travelling or visiting friends, etc. We have ample research available today to show that there are
After using distilled water for so many years I can readily smell several ways to pierce the veil separating moments of active aware­
and taste the often polluting organisms, inorganic minerals and ness and memory. Clear recall of past events, subjects read, num­
unwholesome additives so evident in various metropolitan water bers, names and so on, can be learned once the functions of mental
Service lines. Some tap water is so bad I dislike even brushing my impress and means of desired recollection are rightly understood.
teeth or rinsing out my mouth with the stuff, so I try to carry a After long study, research and experimentation with memory
quart bottle of distilled water in my car at all times. readiness and the means to channel certain sought for information
Upon investigation I was shocked to discover the following Prob­ into conscious awareness, I have found the following seif-discoveries
lems existing with ordinary tap water. most useful: A. To simplify a complex but natural activity of mind,
1. Every other American may be drinking water that fails to meet there are three basic functions of memory one can work with in the
federal Standards (ref. U.S. Health Service). beginning. 1. Short-Term, 2. Intermediate, and 3. Long-Term
Memory. Short-Term Recall, is often applied when we don’t Want
2. Some minerals and Silicon cannot be assimilated by the body to clutter our minds with trivia; in looking up a phone number and
and may become deposited in one's internal organs, joints and remembering it just long enough to dial the digits after having
arteries. I have seen what some household tap water can do to closed the phone book. If the line happens to be busy, we frequent­
tamish, clog and erode plumbing, so I’m not too surprised with ly have to look the number up again, having already forgotten it in
this revelation; however, I once worried that distilling would re- a matter of minutes, sometimes even seconds.
move valuable minerals from our drinking water; but now I Intermediate Recall, is automatically used when one needs to re-
realize it's safer to have them filtered out (all minerals by dis­ tain certain information for a limited period of time, such as the
tilling) as I can replace these minute quantities of body assimi- phone number of a friend we may be stayihg with for several weeks
lating minerals by eating fresh uncooked vegetables, grains, and while on vacation, etc. In time the number fades away from con-
other live natural foods. Besides if one needed to refy on water venient recollection once the need for this information has outlived «
supplies for their daily ration of minerals, they would find its usefullness.
swamp water highly rieh in organic mineral content, but of Long-Term Memory, expressed so often with elderly, senile per-
course, one would be foolish to go that route. Plants thrive on sons who can vividly recall the most minute details of their youth ’
inorganic minerals, humans don’t!! but who peculiarly fail to remember seemingly important names,
3. Some surface waters are known to contain agricultural qnd in­ instructions or significant points in a conversation just concluded.
dustrial wastes, insecticide residues, fertilizers and other un­ But one doesn’t have to be old to forget things in this männer, we
wholesome pollutants carried into the atmosphere from auto all have memory lapses with short and intermediate term — mem­
exhausts, etc., and find their way into waterways from runoff ory experiences frequently caused by inattention, boredom, fatigue,
following a rainstorm. These include cadium, asbestos, arsenic, mindwandering and so forth.
cyanides and other poisonous substances. Pollutants from rivers Long-Term Memory experiences can surface to immediate
and streams have decreased marine life in the seas by 40% over awareness after being buried for several years within the deeper
the last 20 years. recesses of mind, those figuratively forgotten or willful events
dredged up by some particular need, or through some unexpected,
4. Boiling water for purification leaves one with a false sense of
associative happening "in the now.”
security. While some bacteria will be destroyed, the purest
The veil separating so-called consciousness and clear memory can
water disappears into the atmosphere as steam. Nitrates, heavy
be seen through, ever so dimly in several ways, as suggested at the
metals, such as lead and so on remain in the water, proportion-
beginning of this article: the veil can be pierced through hypnosis,
ately greater in content than before boiling.
in trance States; by mediums, through association; training leading
5. The Chemicals of chlorine, phosphates, sodium aluminates, to an understanding of the linkages or clear channels connecting
flourine, alum, lime, carbon and soda ash are commonly added one's logical, reasoning mind with its various memory banks; and
to drinking water in an attempt to purify municipal supplies. interne contemplation or meditation, with the latter methods being
6. An estimated 40% ofAmericans consume water previously used the most preferable and reliable. Bill Cox (to be continued)
earlier for industrial or domestic purposes. Tap water in some Dear Bill Cox,
cities may have been used by fellow Americans up tofive times I am still experimenting with pyramids. I rooted some African
before I indulge in it, according to where I’m located at the time Violets and planted them and had a pyramid hanging from the
as a water consumer and depending upon the goals of a water wall over them, about two feet from the violets. They grew really
Company or municipality to make it potable and hopefully saft fast and are beautifal plants now fall of blooms. They are in 3Vi
for drinking. inch pots and the plants rneasure 14 inches across. i
7. Soft water Systems do not distill inorganic and possibly harmfal My husband put a large pyramid over four tomato plants. We
minerals. had lots of tomatoes, very large. Then we brought them in and put
them under a pyramid until time to eat or cook them. They were
8. Water hardens as it runs over or through the ground. The more delicious.
itfilters through the soil the harder it becomes. And the nastier Please keep the Pyramid Guide coming to our house. Sincerely,
its u.ste, the more concemed I become... Margaret Allison, 10 Violet St., Hampton, Va. 23663
PYRAMID GUIDE i____________________________________________
An international bi-monthly newsletter, issued each year: Jan-Feb; Mar-
Apr; May-June; July-Aug; Sep-Oct; Nov-Dec. Published by Life Under­
standing Foundation, a religious, non-profit Organization. P.O.Box 30305
(741 Rosari ta Lane) Santa Barbara, Calif. 93105. Phn (805)632-5151. Bill
Cox, Editor. Annual Subscription $6.00 U.S., $7.00 Canada, AB other
foreign, (for prompt Service) by airmail only, $10.00.
Opinions expressed by contributing writers do not necessarily reflect
those of the Pyramid Guide, Life understanding Foundation, its editor or
editorial staff.
Copyright © 1978, by Life Understanding Foundation. Printed in the
United States of America. All right reserved. No part of this newsletter may
be used or reproduced without expressed, written permission of Life Under­
standing Foundation.
THE PURE PRANATARIAN is one who essentially 2. Terese Neumanaite, described in Viktoras“
extracts from earth’s higher elements, the Kulvinskas' outstanding book, Survival. Into
air and ethers, in the form of Prana, life the 21st Century. Terese herseif, has sur-
energies associated with the spiritual and vived since 1926, on a daily serving of only
pyschic and vital forces of human beings. one teaspoon of water and the host of Holy
Prana therefore, is belived to noürish and Communion. Terese, too, has thrived with
stimulate one's various vehicles, devoid short periods of rest in the form of twenty
of Chemical supply (food and water). minute meditations.
As evidence that Pranatarism may be attain- Her foodless living has been observed by
able and a desirable toward a harmonious scientists, showing to them and others that
evolution, here are two Contemporary, well contrary to Standard belief, one needn't
documented cases: 1. Giri Bala, the non- eat quantities of food and water, gross
eating, female saint referred to in Para- Chemical nourishment in order to survive;
mahansa's remarkable book Autobiography of that this universal concept can only be the
a Yogi, first published in 1946. result of humankinds' longtime, mental im-
The saintly lady, reportedly vitalized her prisionment through Maya or Illusion.
body with Cosmic Energy extracted from the Terese, also demonstrated abundant energy in
sun and ether by applying certain methods carrying out her daily physical activities,
well understood by Yogi masters. tending the church flower garden and so on.
Besides not eating, Giri Bala, who appears So the Pranatarian is a cut above the Fruit-
to be past middle age in one photo, exper­ arian and Vegetarian, the etemal "Faster."
ienced the ideal state of awareness known
as continuity of consciousness, where the
thin_ line between sleep and wakefulness
disolves; where deep rest may be gained by
one so endowed, at any hour and for any
length of time without the disciple ever
losing so-called conscious awareness, also
known in the ordinary sense as the nightly
little death or sleep.
(continued from page 1)
Furthermore, upon closer inspection from the air, Miller
perceived what appeared to be yellowish stone walls, prob­
ably exposed in that great tangle of verdant green by Con­
stant seasonal rains and erosion. Moreover, a stone path or
roadway led downslope from the pyramid row into some­
thing resembling an ancient lost city. Could the site some-
how be connected with the legendary gold of the Incas re-
moved from Cuzco and hidden by the Indians during the
pillaging by Juan Pizzaro, Spanish conquistador in 1532?
Philip Miller, president of the Ft. Lauderdale Explorer’s
Club, “Adventures Unlimited” is an experienced backcoun-
try scout, having explored several far-flung temple, cave,
ocean bottom and buried treasure sites in South America,
Mexico and the West Indies. The ’Guide wishes Philip and
his companions the best in their bold adventure, estimated
to require a financial ‘nut’ of one-quarter million dollars.
Their route takes them out of the ancient Incan capitol Cuz­
THE MERCURY MYSTERY...The progression of these three
co, about 300 miles southeast of Lima, Peru. From Cuzco photos taken of the ‘Merkur’ statue located above a 50 year-old
the entourage travels to a remote mountainous ranchsite 55 warehouse on the Kdbmagergave in Copenhagen, and recently
miles away. Beyond this first stop the explorers reportedly converted Into a walking Street, where random photos taken in
have to negotiate another 89 miles, most of it by motorboat the vicinlty of the post office buildlng across the way In the fall of
upstream along the Pantiacolla River. The group must then 1977. Though the pictures were snapped by the photographer
find their way the remaining seven miles through an ascend- with no specific purpose in mind produclng the unexpected re­
ing, forested area before reaching the pyramid, lost city sults, they were taken at different times on the same day and with
complex. some change in photo perspective. Allowing for glare, overexpo-
It will be interesting to learn of the outcome of this expe­ sure and so forth, the stränge phenomenon took place showing
the metallic emblem in Mercury’s right hand fadlng away into in-
dition, and two additional, separate safaris involving French visibillty. Latest reports indlcate that the hand-held Symbol is
and Japanese explorers. A follow-up to these reports is now back in the deity’s grip, if it ever left at all. (Photo by Claud of
in progress and will hopefully appear in an early, future edi­ Canada) Picture story courtesy of Psi researcher, Robert Paddi-
tion of Pyramid Guide. son (Inset left) of Copenhagen, Denmark.
This llttle-known plant grows profusely in
desert regions producing seed beans which
chemically yield a liquid wax. The substance
doesn’t go rancld, decompose or change in
viscosity under extreme temperature« and
L. to R. Robert Chaney, host at ‘Astara’ in Up-
makes an ideal lubricant for everythlng
land, Calif., Karinne’ Pevamlk, Public relations
from auto transmissions to wrlstwatches dlrector, and (R) Past President Henry Nagorka,
and cosmetics. Nothing compares with the U.S. Psychotronic« Association.
Jojoba extract, except whale sperm which
has been banned for importation to the
Psionics Researchers met at Oglethorpe
U.S. since the Endangered Speeles Act of
College in Atlanta, Georga last August ’78
1971. The plant sometimes referred to as
in a 4th annual Conference and Psychotron-
the “Goat Nut” is growing in Asian, Afri-
ics update. The three-day program was
can, Latin American, U.S. and South Pa­
both informative and stimulating with the
cific regions. It happily flourishes along
following highlights featured:
freeways and seems impervious to attack
Robert Beutlich of Rebco Industries in
from auto exhausts and related air pollu-
Chicago spoke on “THE RING THAT
tants. The oil of Jojoba (Ho-ho-ba) has al­
SINGS” producing some mathematical
ready reached the level of commercial dis-
equations that tend to bridge the physical
tribution in U.S. health food Stores. Give it
and prephysical dimensions. “The human
being is a totally resonant electrical Cir­
cuit,” he said. “In working out the formula
for the precious stones in Aaron’s Breast-
plate, their mathematical vibratory Identi­
ties and resonant relationships, Beutlich
RE: THE CAMERON CONE said, “I was somewhat dlsmayed to find
In material recently sent to the ‘guide,’ prov- that in musical vibratory terms they pro­
ing that the Cheops Pyramid Is an OCTANT (le.
duced a dissonance.”
COMMERCIAL CRUDE OIL FROM l/8th of a sphere), I showed that for a cone to
similarly constitute 1/8 of a sphere, the cone’s Robert Miller and Paul Sauvin gave a
EUPHORBIA LATH.YRIS, another desert
‘apex’ angle would have to be 82.8°. Note how presentation on the Methods of Detecting
loving plant is now potentially feasible, ac­
close it is to Vern Cameron’s 90° angle cone. and Measuring Healing Energies, “which
cording to a July 1978 report. Dr. Melvin
Veme’s not being concemed about one-eighth can change the hydrogen surface tension of
Calvin, a Nobel laureate Chemist has been of a sphere was trying to make incomlng energy water, the color of certain crystals and
experimenting with the Euphorbis (Caper reflect out in a parallel beam like an auto head- cloud chamber detection of healing ener­
Spurge, also called the Mole or Gopher lamp — which is a parabolic-reflector, with the gies. It is now a reality” they said. “Para-
Plant) and notes that it produces a milky buib at the focus, a kind of ray gun. One can electrlclty is a measurable amount, (a
latex of hydrocarbons and water. Photosyn­ only do this with a 90° angle cone. I previously
quantity) of energy which can lower the
thesis enables the Euphorbla to capture pointed out that the normal triangle or ‘octant’
of a sphere is 3 planes mutually at right angles. surface tension of water within three to fif-
carbon dioxide from the earth’s atmos-
This is the radar comer-reflector, because it re- teen minutes.” Apparently the bonding en­
phere, separating the hydrogen from the
sembles a corner cut off from a rectangular box. ergy assoclated with atoms is affected in
water and turnlng it into a sugar-llke car-
The radar corner reflector is used as a marker/ some mysterious way. The healers energy
bohydrate with only one oxygen atom on buoy to give a good radar echo from mudbanks' rays can also be transferred from mentally
each carbon atom. Some plants can eventu- and other submerged navigational obstructions. charged water into a plant under the con­
ally reduce the carbohydrates to the level of The corner reflector also mirrors a beam back scious, and/or superconscious will of the
hydrocarbons with the oxygen atom con- out parallel to the direction it came from. Just spiritual healing practltloner.
spicuously absent, and this is no less than like Camekon’s 90° angle cone! Why not try
mocking-up a few comer-reflectors to see if they
Dr. Galen Hieronymus, spoke on “From
Petroleum. the “Black Box” to the Radiation Labora-
Dr. Calvin, crushed a harvest of Euphor- work as well as the Cameron cones? If there’s
something about that l/8th of a sphere princi­ tory—The Evolving Psychotronic Instru­
bia Lathyrls, releaslng the latex and mixed mentation.” “Masonite is hydroscopic,
ple used in the Great Pyramid, and l/8th of a
it with an acetone solvent to produce black subject to moisture in the air and therefore
sphere being an 82.8° cone, then Cameron’s 90°
crude oil. This product will be a non-pol- angle cone has an interestingly close measure- a poor material to use in building psycho-
luting source of energy and the answer to ment. tronlc, radionic or psionic devices,” he
the wanlng supply of fossil fuels. “By the said. Dr. Hieronymus also described the
year 2,000,” says Dr. Calvin,” the U.S. en­ subtle difference between Emanation and
ergy shortage will be 20 times more severe Radiation. “Emanation,” he went on, “is a
than it was during the Arab oil embargo of constant auric force surrounding a form,
1973.” He envisions a serles of Euphorbia while Radiation disslpates its energy beam-
Lathyrls plantations spread over arid, now ing outward, inversely as the square of the
unused iands in the Southwest United distance attained.”
States and desert regions the world over. Other Speakers inciuded Dr. Henry C.
The plant can also save earth’s atmosphere Monteith “Occult and Elementary Particle
from expected devastation caused by pollu- Physics...” Thomas E. Bearden, of the
tants emanating from fossil fuels. ENER-MAGNETIC’S OMNI-DIRECTIONAL U.S. Army Missile Command, “Soviet Psy­
PYRAMID...“with a powerful magnet installed chotronic Weaponry”...Dr. Charles White­
IN STRÄNGEST EUROPE... Peter Rajtazzi in the apex,” according to the inventor, “it house “Etheric Energies...” Dr. Paul
Read abont the marvels and little known facts of serves as a functional household appUance, and
can easily be used Inside a refrigerator. Pyramids
Laussac & Mauro Pinhlero Brazilian repre-
greater Europe, of Madonnas, Miracles, Magic, sentatives of Psychotronix International
Monsters and Mausolea, Runes, Art mysteries without additional magnetic fields are subject to
a restrictlon of 8-10 of their volume for Items “Parallel Universes...” and Robert C.
and off the beaten path mysteries still in evidence
today. For details, write to author: 90 Neville that spoil at room temperature. For more infor­ Beck, Director of Alpha-Metrlcs Co. “Ex­
Avenue, Hove, Sussex, England. mation, see ENER-MAGNETIC PYRAMIDS treme Low Frequency (ELF) and EEG En-
ad, this issue. trainment...”
Greetings, Bill;
Figure 1. gives the latitude of the Great Pyramid and the loca-
tions of the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricom. Figure 2.
shows that at noon on the day of the winter solstice, the peak of
the shadow is 270feet north ofthe north base of the pyramid. Fig­
ure 3. shows that all four faces are illuminated as does Figure 4.
For the north face to be in a Stage between being illuminated or
not, the sun must be about 8.2 degrees south of the equatorial
plane. The times when this occurs has been scientiflcally deter-
mined. I believe it occurs in late spring and early fall.
Incidently, geodists have adopted locationsfor the tropical zones
, of 23°27’ north and south latitudes. Some three years ago, two
French geodists, Petrone and La Platier, tried to determine the
shift in the equatorial plane by examining ancient astrological
data. They found evidence to indicate that the tropical zones may
have been located at 23°31’32” in the year 2,200 B.C. If so, that
wouid put the point you had in mind 271.8714 feet north of the
north base ofthe pyramid. The difference is only 1.8 feet but it
could be important iftrying to locate the mouth ofa vertical shaft,
to a hidden chamber or lost hall of records.
On the occurrence of noon and its accuracy, several ancient
"wells” in Egypt, the Roman empire and Greece were constructed
so that the exact time of ‘noon’ could be determined. There are
about five obelisks, one in China and one in Mexico, where the
same appears to have been true: Some time-out to be accurate to
+3 seconds oftime.
It is worthwhile for you to explore the Great Pyramid shadow
patterns. they could prove to be very interesting. Best wishes, Bill.
Sincerely, E.D. Robinson, 2903 Collins Ave., Wheaton, MD 20902.

Ever since the dawn of recorded history man has dreamed of fly­
ing, often envious of the llberating bnoyancy of soaring birds, but­
terflies and the ever-present, seldom seen Angels of heaven. Some­
times man through invention and an extraordlnary amount of falth
has tried to make his dreams come true, all the way from flapping
his arms blllowed with salls, to grandiose notions of anti-gravity.
duce störe. Archltectaral concept and design by Robert Armon.
As the history books show, many have tried but most have falled,
Dear Mr. Cox, many glvlng up their llves in the attempt.
I wonder ifyou've read in the June '77 Atlantic Monthly: LIFE But in our time, llghter than air — craft and equipment, rocket-
ON MARS, by David Chandler? Paraphrased, it States “some ry and other mechanlcal devices, llterally designed to overpower
surprising formations have been seen, the most inexplicable of and somewhat release from the pull of gravity are now in vogue.
which are the three-sided pyramids found on the plateau Elysium. Now the UFOs are with us, fütting through the skies seemingly
Scientists have tried to find a natural geological process to account free from the tag of gravitation. Various investlgators agree that
for the pyramid formations; some two miles across at the base... the motive force invoived in navigating a flying saucer may be none
As yet the pyramids’ origin are far from being explained in con- of the foregoing, and that they are likely powered by celestlal,
ventional terms...” solar, higher electrical or magnetic energies of one kind or another.
Is this not a surprising bit of information, especially to those of The ancient races, most notably the Egyptians, Greeks and Su-
us who are interested in pyramids? (See Mars pyramid photo and merians yearned for the day when ordinary man could fly; the
caption in #31 Sept.-Oct. '77 issue ofthe Pyramid Guide, eds.) I great legacy of their paintings, stone sculptures, artifacts and his­
wonder why this information has never been publicized before? 1 toric inscriptions attest to the fact. Prior to the time on earth of
hadn ’t previously heard about this phenomenon and presume you these clvilizations who left us a record of their activitles, were the
haven ’t either; but there it is, buried away in Chandler’s LIFE ON earlier races only known to us through mythological writings and
MARS article: rather interesting, do you not agree? sculpture. At least some of them could fly or their gods, demlgods
Mary Jane Doty, Elgin, Illinois. and angeis became airbome at times.
The Flying Man (above left) in vertical liftoff wears a Buck
BACK ISSUES OF THE PYRAMID GUIDE NEWSLETTER...In any Rogers type Rocket Belt, only a Science fiction dream a half Cen­
combination or series...$1.00 each, 1 through 39. Life Understanding tury ago. Photo courtesy of, and thanks to: Bell Aerospace Textron,
Foundation, P.O. Box 30305, Santa Barbara, CA 93105 Buffalo, New York.
(Part I of Two Parts)
by James R. Morgan, M.S., F.R.C.
Reprinted by permisslon of the author and (abridged from) The Roslcru-
cian Digest, article of the same name, January 1976 edition.
Because of my training In the Rosicrucian Order and other studies of
the Hermetic Wisdom, I was aiready conversant with Egyptian and Orien­
tal esoteric values. I was therefore astounded to see so many points of simi-
larity between the symbolism of an indlgenous American culture and the
Old World. I had read scientific reports describing Indian dances as
“hunting magic” and “primitive Incantatlons.” That mislnformation made
me all the more startled to see flrsthand that genuine Indian ceremonials
were extremely profound esoteric rituals...
Personal visits to important archaeological sites throughout North
America, has convinced me beyond doubt that trade and cultural ex-
Pre-Columbian Indians, and I suspect other ancient people as weil, went
change during thousands of years of pre-Columbian times had been vastly
further and attached very great Importance to the motions of the planets.
more extensive and enormously more potent In a cultural sense than most
Their change from evenlng to morning stars, and vlce versa, for Mercury
Professional archaeologists have realised...Therefore, I undertook a and Venus was of paramount significance. Even the Bible contalns refer-
tboroughgolng analysls of available Information about Meso-american
ences to such astronomical phenomena: Job 38:6-7: “.Jwho laid the cor-
astronomy and related subjects.
nerstone thereof; When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons
TEXTBOOK VERSIONS OF INDIAN CALENDAR of God shouted for joy?” Also Job 38:31: “Canst thou bind the sweet In-
OPEN TO QUESTION fluences of the Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?”
It was one of the greatest intellectual shocks of my life to realize, after
minutely analyzing the quantitative technlcal Uterature, that much of the Dear Mr. Cox:
information about the American Indian calendar which one flnds in gener­ A manuscript is presently pending before El Palacio, the official
al texts, and in populär articles is simply untrue! In particular, the Mayan Journal ofthe Museum ofNew Mexico, in -which I show how Cha-
calendar was neither original nor accurate. It was only one of many Meso- co’s Great Kiva “Computers, ” and also Stonehenge, could monitor
american calendars, all of which were derived from fundamental roots that the yearly motions of all the visible planets in addition to that of
go so far back into antiqulty that their origin is qulte obscure. The Mayan the sun, moon and Venus as indicated in the first paper. I show
calendar took no account of a leap year correction and consequently had also how the Chaco Great Kivas could duplicate Dr. Fred Hoyl's
drifted so far out of synchronlzation with the real world of nature that the thesis that the Aubrey Holes of Stonehenge were an eclipse-predict-
Spanish and Indians could have been celebrating New Year in July rather ing working model of the Zodiac. Additionally I suggest some re-
than in December when the conquistadors arrived in the sixteenth Century. finements of the Hoyl Idea that makes it simultaneousfy agreeable
It is however, completely true that the Mayan calendar uniquely deflned
to ages old Hermetic calendarical and divination principles. Also
every day over extremely long periods of time, but was achieved in a per-
in the second paper I show how, by means of simple observations
fectly arbitrary männer similar to our Julian day count.
without telescopes together with use of the elementary geometrical
CHACO INDIANS TUNED TO COSMOS principle of similar triangles, ancient astronomers could have
Thus the Chaco Indians of New Mexico may indeed have achieved a evolved a remarkably accurate notion ofa heliocentric solar System.
major scientific “breakthrough” by observationally keylng their Version of Not published anywhere is a considerable volume of personal re­
the basic Mesoamerican calendar to the astronomical phenomenon of Win­ search relating to the "WHY” of ancient man’s deep concem with
ter solstice in a very practical männer. At winter solstice of each year the astronomy. When I realized that ancient civilizations all over the
sun reaches its most southerly declination and “turns around” to start a world had spent such huge percentages of their skilled manpower
new yearly cycle. By this simple idea, but technologlcaily exacting proce- on astronomy, I reasoned that more than esthetic values were in-
dure the Chacoans elevated their timekeeping regime above the shackles of volved. Accordingly I have executed extensive Computer studies of
Superstition and placed it in perpetual and practical synchronlzation with celestial rhythms that show why 52 years and certain fractions and
nature. The more I delved into the minute details of the Native American multiples thereof were important and practical units oftime.
calendar, the more clear it became that the. original concepts must have Chaco''s Great Kiva Computer studies show the importance of
been highly mystical...twenty-day names — crocodlle, wind, Hzard, and
considering the sun and Jupiter as a double star pair, the gravita-
so on — denoted astrobiological and dlvination characteristics. Certalnly
these names must be alluding to cosmological forces rather than Uterally to
tional equilibrium of which is rhythmically perturbed by the move-
a crocodlle in the river or to a sheiter on the hill, and so on. It made no
ment of the other planets. This “modulation” of the Jupiter-in-
more sense to assign literal translations to these names than it would to do duced solar tide by the motion of the other planets, I conjecture,
«o with our own symbols for zodiacal signs. induces corresponding variations in the gravitational “stirring” of
Ancient American Indians like other people in the world, had been more the sun's surface thereby altering the quantity as well as the quality
deeply concemed with subtle esoteric principle» and astrobiological of energy the sun radiates to space. I believe this to be an impor­
rhythms than with a civil calendar. This was a key that unlocked a Pan­ tant mechanism by which planetary movements significantly alter
dora’» box of clues. terrestrial energy levels and thereby influence life processes.
Not evident in any publication is the further important fact that
I have continuously been an active Student of the Hermetic “phi-
Though Professional archaeologists are reluctant to acknowledge that losophies” for at least a third ofa Century. This has given me prac­
ancient Indians used lunar cycles, I maintain that lunar cycles were no less tical insights into several principles that are unacceptable to the
Important to man than were the solar cycles, especially fertility and growth archaeology “establishment” but which are nonetheless fundamen­
processes... Early American Indians recognized and used the lunar month tal concepts in the Indian Way. In particular I argue that ancient
as a unlt of time and as a monitor of natural rhythms. They divlded the
Indian medicine men and other ancient shamen the world over,
lunar month into four phases In the same way as the rest of the world has
divlded it since the dawn of civillzation...Ancient Indians recognized the
had a highly developed “sixth sense” by which they gained know­
same alternation of active and passive polarities of the lunar astrobiologi­
ledge offundamental natural principles “directly,” and by means
cal force...They likely divided each phase of the moon into one negative of which they could “project” their consciousness to distant places
and one positive period, thus generating eight polarity periods of about without the physical body. As scientific evidence that this is real
three and one-half days each during the course of a lunar month. By rec- and not nonsense, I point to the work of Stanford scientist Dr.
ognizlng two tide cycles during each day, it’s logical that the interval be­ Karl Pribram who offers plausible physical mechanisms for the
tween each daily passage of the moon was divided into eight equal polarity “wild” talents of clairvoyance etc. Sincerely, James R. Morgan,
' unlts of about three hours’ duratlon. Rt. 1, Box 1, Cundiyo Rd., Santa Fe, N.M. 87501
A special feature of Inqulty and Information. A concerted search for evidence of the lost, sunken conti­
nent of Atlantis continues while some meteorologists predict
a rise in ocean levels of accelerated proportions in our time.
If they’re correct, man is again the culprit in Charge.
FATAL FOSSIL FUELS — Cause for this concern is well-
founded, based on scientiflc fact. A stern warning follows
from scientists who say that something must be done to stop
a current, forced melting of the Antarctic ice sheet. The ac­
tual culprits in service, they say, are gasoline, oil, natural
gas and coal (fossil fuels) which have been buming at an
ever increasing rate over the last two centuries. As a result,
carbon dioxide saturates earth’s atmosphere and causes a
potential overheating of our planet (the so-called greenhouse
effeet). This is explained by the fact that a carbon dioxide
blanket surrounds our planet and Alters the sun’s ultraviolet
radiations while infrared radiations from earth are prevent-
GROTTO OF ARTEMUS...Cliffside, cave temple entrance of Pakht ed from escaping. So, according to scientists this phenome­
(Sekhet), lies in a transverse gorge near Beni Hasan in Egypt. non has been gradually heating up the world’s atmosphere
Groups of people since prehistoric times have at one time over the last 200 years. Buming fossil fuels has in large
or another occupied many of the world’s great caverns and measure replaced wood burning, which benevolently helps
grottos. From cave-wall markings, petroglyphs, petrographs to stabilize the atmosphere. By contrast, the eventual pollu-
and the artifacts of early man there’s ample evidence that tants from fossil fuels which industry takes out of the ground
inner earth cavities and caves served as planetary places of are unfortunately pumped up into earth’s all-pervasive sea
human habitation. Then, there are recorded those legendary of air.
inner realms of elevated dominion; the subterranean king- SEAS CLAIMING THE LAND — The earth’s carbon
dom, Shanalor and fmally the most venerable place of the dioxide blanket has increased some 15% during the past
“Holy Ones” on (in) earth, AGHARTA (Agharti). Century, but 5% of it has occurred since 1973. If the trend
A fascinating story about Agharta comes down to us doesn’t change, scientists predict that the carbon-dioxide
through time, since the days of Ghengis Khan, from a place accumulation can increase to levels between 30 and 45% in
on the Mongolian Plain near Tzogan Luk, on the shore of the Century ahead. Meteorologists say the world’s plants and
the River Amyl. The ancient legend alludes to the last min- water surfaces can’t keep up with the conversion and ab-
ute escape of a Mongolian tribe fleeing before the clutches sorption necessary and fossil fuels created in the ground
of the driving Mongolian Chieftan and his merciless hench- over millions of years are predictably running out. If we
men. “A small band of refugees hid themselves in a subter­ don’t have the threat of a sinking continent as reported in
ranean country,” according to the tale, “after passing the times of Atlantis maybe we’re confronted with a drown-
through the smoking gate that served as portal to the sub­ ing one, or maybe both.
terranean kingdom Agharti.” A Soyot residing near the
Lake of Nogan Kul presumably revealed the entrance to
Ferdinand Ossendowski, adventurer, scientist, and an offi-
cer of the French Academie, some 57 years ago. No exact
details of its location were given in an exciting account by
Ossendowski in the journal of his travels, but it must have
been near the trail in his journey through the westem sector
of outer Mongolia (approximately 98° East Longitude 47°
North Latitude).
Lamas supposedly cut out the tongue of a hunter who also
found his way inside and back out again, to keep him from
relating what he had seen in Agharti and divulging the mys­ TENT OF BEDAWEEN ARABS.
tery of mysteries. “Finally in his December years it was said,
“the old hunter disappeared into the subterranean kingdom hollows of the world...A peculiar light exists in the caves
never to be seen again.” which nourishes vegetables and plants and renders disease-
Ossendowski received additional information from Hu- free long life to the many different races of people who live
tuktu Jelyb Djamsrap, a native living in the mountainous there.”
region of Narabanchi Kure, probably near the suspected en­ More details of the legend continued to unfold as an old
trance of Agharti. Hutuktu, the Pandita of Erdeni Dzu, Bhuddist Brahman from Nepal described a journey he made
spoke excitedly of the ‘KING of the WORLD,’ from the to the ancient kingdom of Jenghiz (Siam) whereupon he
subterranean realm, one of majestic appearance and a sailed three days with a fisherman to an Island. There they
worker of miracles; unerring prophet and master of earth, reportedly met people with two tongues and the ability to
ethers and subplanes. The Pandita, on his deathbed said he speak with each separately in different languages. The
lived according to the will of the Goro, the “Great One.” Brahman claimed he and the fisherman saw stränge crea-
More supportive data about Agharti came to Ossendowski tures (not of this world), such as birds with teeth that caught
from the favorite Gelong Lama and Prince Chultun Beyli. fish from the sea for their masters. The inhabitants of this
“When the continents disappeared under the water in an­ stränge island said the people had come up from the Sub­
cient times,” said the Gelong, “the people retreated into the terranean Kingdom. To Be Continued.
byDonRobbins ।

Observers in England have noted peculiar sensations, such

as dizzyness and faintness occuring in the vicinity of standing
stones or circles, particularly when the stones are touched.
Apparently an “earth current” is concentrated in the stones
in some mysterious way. The alignment of ancient sites and
structures along leys (old track lines) is believed by some to
amplify this force. Perhaps these alignments define surface
lines and patterns directly above Underground watercourses
which are carriers or amplifiers of energy currents.
In their recent book, The Secret Country, the Bords describe
the ubiquity of quartz among the different minerals used in the
construction of stone circles. They believe the piezoelectricity
in quartz might be instrumental in allowing this mineral to
transmit, or even störe earth currents. Quartz consists of
chains of alternating Silicon and oxygen atoms which are
arranged in geometrical helices. Thus the spiral structure
vortex can be built up in two different ways, depending upon
the Orientation of the spiral, whether it is a left or right-handed
La Pyramide de Falicor».
spinning form. In organic substances, the two forms of a par­
ticular molecule rotate the plane of polarized light either to the FALICON PYRAMID...near Nice, France, was apparently erected above a
right or left, and to the obvious asymmetry of the human subterranean chamber. A 2-1/2 meter high portal rhounted in the Pyra­
hands, which are mirror images of each other. This asymmetry mid’s eastem face was originaily decorated with a sun-wheel which was
is often termed “chirality" a fundamental property of many of broken off by vandais in 1921. The sun-wheel was the sacred symbol of the
of the complex organic molecules that constitute living matter. Jains, a dualistic ascetic group of followers organized in the 6th Century by
The asymmetry of the quartz helix suggests links exist in this a Hindu reformer in revolt against the caste System in India. Their literary
particular structure. works were recorded in Sanskrit. As. animists, they believed everything has
a soul. The oldest and nearest village to the Falicon Pyramid was called
Helical bans of force have been detected both with magne- Jain, according to ancient documents. The Contemporary name for the
tometers and by dowsing on some standing stones. This Community is Gaina. Some researchers familiär with the Falicon structure
energy seemingly changes polarity with a suspected link be­ say the Jains constructed Pyramids in Europe and as far away as South
tween this helical or spiral force, in the wealth of spiral carv- America, with the Falicon Pyramid dated at 4,300 years or more. Picture
ings öbserved upon standing stones and natural rockfaces. and story, courtesy of Peter Ratazzi, author of “In Strängest Europe” (see
But what is this force stored in, or transmitted through these ad page 4).
spirals and helices? The piezoelectric properties of quartz and
its ability to convert mechanical deformation (compression) Dear Bill Cox:
into a static Charge arises because the open structure of the Have Pyramid cavities been resonated at radio frequencies? A
helical array has an innate compressability. The generation of radio ham came up with a Driven Discontinuous Ring Radiator, a
a static Charge might allow discharge, or “earthing” to occur fat circular shape with one small section or gap left out. The
when the stone is touched. Furthermore, static electricity stretched-out length ofthe tube used for the ring relates harmoni-
affects ionization in the surrounding air, sometimes with pro- cally to the frequency. If it is fed from one side of the gap, which
found physiological effects. The structure of quartz possibly apparently resonates, it produces a phantom vertical antenna effect
converts earth currents. If quartz is linked to Underground exactly the same length as the ring itself. The thing never really got
watercourses, a conversion from hydrostatic pressure into off the ground because ofthe difficulties offine-tuning the gap dis-
static electricity may occur. The periodicity of the force ob- tance — very critical — with an extemal circuit handy to the oper­
served couid be a reflection of the original energy Variation ator. It seems possible that a phantom cone might be thrown up
transformed by the quartz. which radiates like a rod antenna; almost like resonating a thought­
Many inorganic substances, both mineral and ceramics (the form shape. Best always, W. T. Bill Vrooman, 2521 No. Benson
latter being the decomposition product of the former in many Rd., Fairfield, Conn. 06430.
cases) are capable of picking up and storing an electrical
Charge. The spatial Orientation of their electrical defects or
storage capacity might influence the nature of the image stored ni Not receiving your newsletter..? ADDRESS
by the substance. Therefore it’s possible that the precise |‘x CHANGED..? Be sure to notify us if you move,
geometry of many stone circles: the exact configuration of hill- as the post office doesn't forward non-profit
forts, mounds and tumps constructed by the ancients, were t... foundation [3rd dass, hulk] mail.
aimed at retaining this elusive force, until such time as it couid
be discharged. Though the nature of the current is unknown, THE PYRAMID OF AMATERASH...The form of a triangle, opening an
the energy collecting and/or producing materials chosen for energy vortex, develops at last into a pyramid. It is somehow connected
these alignment sites likely contain well-established electrical with lines of flowing energy to all pyramids. The Amaterash temple is a
properties once stored, concentrated and amplified, possibly stabilizer, spiritualizer, an energy accumulator and New Age Catalyst.
for later release and use by the sages of the past. Seven years ago three penniless women students dedicated themselves to
founding a center of spiritual unfoldment and growth, which welcomed all
seekers on the lighted path. “Through Divine guidance,” they say, the
ladies found the perfect (Sacred) site—a Pacific ocean, view knoll on 40
acres, easily accessible, some 100 miles north of San Francisco. There, with
volunteer labor, donated resources and a “Divinely manifested Ioan,” the
three students met the building deadline exactly, nine months to the day.
“The Masters’ Plan,” they say, “called for us to build it, and as we now
realize, it is now time for the right person(s) to organize a spiritual retreat
there, being the next (cosmo)logical step in the 40’ X 40’ pyramid’s unfold­
ment. We seek positive energy and financial help, and are open to possibili-
ties; partners, a new owner or whatever... Inquiries welcome...c/o M.S.,
66-206 Haleiwa Road, Haleiwa, Hawaii 96712.

Dear Mr Cox, Buying or building a pyramid? These things you should know about! 9
I strongly desire to participate in PSI research which is the be- There are three elcctronwgnetic planes of consciousness:

ginning dawnfor better understanding of Man. l'm specifically in­ PHYSICAL MENTAL • SPIRITUAL
terested in precognition, psychokinesis, psychotronic generators WITHIN 20 YEARS: The electromagnetic frequencies of the earth w ill t hange:
and "pyramid power" and wish to approach the challenge by route They will change from the physical plane to the mental phne!

of the physical Sciences. I received my B.A. in ’75 with a major in Man's consciousness will have to change. Only those that seuk the true knowledge of wisdom,

Chemistry and minor in Mathematics along with numerous courses THE HEAVENLY FATHER - will be able to make this change! It is by His gracv. Y<m are made of
His spirit.
in Computer Science. Presently, I am employed as a programmer/ The pyramid was given by theangel Hennes, tohelpMankind raise hi* Irnqiient.irs to theelqptron
analyst, with 3 years experience, in a commercial Systems develop- spin of the mental plane. It is an electromagnetic antenna.


My interest in PSI started early with the reading of case his- PYRAMIDS MUST CREATE A VORTEX OF LIGHT THAT CAN HE SEEN AND FHl.T.
tories. Next, I followed the early experiments at Duke University ILLUSTRATION
while taking an independent study course in parapsychology at Col­ A AS ABOVE, SO BELOW!
lege. I’ve studied Soviet research in these fields and about para-
B Cheops has three frequencies or planes of consciousness. This is the reason
psychological investigations conducted at FRNM, Maimonides whv there are THREE chambers. To henefit from the pyramid. you cannot

Medical Center, Psychical Research Foundation, Neuropsychiatric mix the frequencies! Most pyramidologist» do not understand this.

Institute and Stanford Research Institute on OOBE, Kirlian pho­ C The pack-up-and-go pyramid that Ken Killick designed has ONLY the
t spiritual frequencies built into it! The mental and physical planes are
tography, survival after death, telepathy, ESP... to name only afew. NOT designed in the physical structure ol our pyramid!
In the study of PSI phenomena, attention has to be paid to psy-
chological and physiological conditions of the test subject and ex-
perimenter, who is not apart from the experiment, as in the study MENTAL------ GROUND LEVEL
ofa closed system in the physical Sciences; but rather who is a part PHYSICAL PLANE:
of the experimental system whether a test subject is involved or
That's why our pyramid works! It was designed right!
not. Finally, the experimental design has to exclude altemate pos­ Pyramids are «intennas! They help us advance into the
sible PSI phenomena as an explanation for the experimentell re­ MENTAL frequencies or planes ofconsciousness. WILL YOU
be ready when the Earth advances into this plane of
sults, as in the classic case of precognition and clairvoyance. The consciousness 20 years from now?
use of double blind experiment is one method of eliminating alter- Will YOU be among those humans who will have made a start
nate PSI explanations. on the long road to overcome Matter?

The dpproach to PSI research through psychology, physiology You don’t have to wait 20 years. Start today! Send today for
blueprints that will enable you to build a pyramid that will
and biology should be used in conjunction with the physical Sci­ develop ONLY the spiritual plane: INDOOR MODELS - S10;
ences to achieve successful PSI research, thus I am interested in BACKYARD PYRAMIDS: $20 (all three planes • SPIRITUAL.
MENTAL, PHYSICAL: see Illustration C above).
investigating the following:
Undecided? Free information available from:
1. Present physical laws andfunctional relationships in PSI studies Dean Hardy: RR #5: Dumont Lake, Allegan. Ml 49010
2. Types of energies involved
3. PSI parameters, physical and non-physical energies SRI RECORDS “SOUNDSCAPES...” Pianist Steve Halpern continues
4. New functional relationships formed by data analysis of these to add another dlmenslon to the human musical experience with his re- 1
cent record aibum teleases of STARBORN SUITE and PERUVIAN
Can you teil me where I can find research in the Parasciences WHISTLENG VESSELS. The former aibum 1s the third In a series hav-
involving Physics and Mathematics? Could your Organization sup- Ing the “soundscape” free floatlng quality that can trigger a deeper state
ply me with a list of universities where I could undertake under of relaxatlon in the Ustener. Some of Halpern'« afflclonados say the muslc
graduate and graduate studies in Physics and simultaneously be­ produces imagery that can only be described as “...a slow snowfall” or
come involved in PSI research? Can you fumish me with a list of “...crystal petals rlnglng in a solar wind.” Halpern says, “...One’s body
similar researehers whom I may contact? Your help will be appre- Is given a vibrational massage that allows one’s own center» to bioentrain.
ciated, as I am going to make my career in this field, thank you. It helps one’s centers to begin vibrating in phase with each other...all a
Cordially yours, Rickie C. Pancoe, 701 22nd Avenue, Bellwood, part of the Cosmic Chord,” according to Steve, “achleved through the
technlque of sustalning note«, rather than crisp, sharp tonet.”
Illinois 60104
It’s not always so Important what you hear on Halpern’» aibum», but
Answer: Dear Rickie, You'llfind a wealth ofuseful information in there’s the magic of what one doesn’t hear. The Peruvian Whlstllng Vessels
current and back issues of the Pyramid Guide. You may also write aibum features sounds long produced by members of the ancient Andean
to researcher R. Alan McConnell, 2520 N. W. 30th St., Miami, civillzatlon over the thousands of years which Steve beileves will provide a
Florida 33142 (eds.) psycho-acoustic, tlme-tunnel into the medltatlonal experience. For Infor­
mation write to: SRI RECORDS, P.O. Box 720, Palo Alto, Caiif. 94302
A letter to Pyramid Power V, Santa Monica, California
Dear Sirs,
I recently purchased one ofyour Pyramid sets, and my wife and
myself were so amazed and pleased with the results ofthe experi­
ments we purchased another larger Pyramid.
My wife's name is Joan and I am Walter Stanley Wootton and
we would like to become members of Pyramid Energy Research
Society. We also are interested in Meditation and I notice in your
Experimental Guide Book on page 23, a photograph of a young
lady wearing a smaller type of Pyramid on her head. Can one
meditate using the smaller type of pyramid in this way? Looking
forward to your kind reply, I remain, Yours sincerely, Mr. W5.
Wooton, Colwyn Bay, North Wales, U.K. The answer is yes. (eds.)

Iconographic Theories-Computer Verified

Fraccaro’s Discovery-1977 Shadow-Phase Photos
“THE GIZA PYRAMIDS, FINAL DECODING” by McCollum, Fraccaro, & Robin­
son. 270 pages of text, diagrams, maps, secret chambers, the Sphinx decoded,
Computer analysis by Phi-math expert E.D. Robinson, actual on-the-scene photos,
and much more. $10 ppd in US & Canada. Overseas add $2._Send_to PoA Pub Co,j_
Box 163, Dearbom Hts Mi 48127.First printing, quantities limited.
Developed By
We are happy to announce a
new dimension of COLOR
■pyramid products. With the
rising cost of aluminum we
have successfully combined
clear color-tinted plastic tubes
with aluminum tubes to create
MIDS, DOWSING TOUR...led by Pyramid a new line of pyramid Systems
Guide editor, Bill Cox, April 28th through May which will seil at greatly
5th, search of higher energies and the reduced prices. We öfter Five
hidden meanings encoded within the Pyramids, new colors in plastic: RED,
stones, crystals and monuments; all included BLUE, GREEN, ORANGE,
among Mexico’s most extraordinary sites of anti­
quity... Pyramids of the Sun and Moon outside
Mexico City at Teotlhuacan; Merida, the “White
ORDER FORM (New Color Pyramid Systems)
Tour includes—where possible—on site dows­ 6” Generator $ 5.00 "1 Sleep in a Pyramid" Bumper $ 1.00
ing and inspection with comments regarding the 10" Generator $ 6.00 Sticker
15" Generator $ 7.00 "1 Sleep in a Pyramid” T-Shirt $ 5.00
high development of Prehistoric civilizations,
Dream Machine $20.00 "Pyramid Lady" T-Shirt $ 5.00
whose greater knowledge of energies, math and 10” Pyramid Crystal $ 7.00 6” Pyramid Stash Box $14.00
astronomy, has been obscured or lost through 15" Pyramid Crystal $10.00 Pyramid Smoking Stone $ 2.00
the ravages of time. For information, write: Grid of Nine 10” Pyramids $35.00
Pyramid Tours, P.O. Box 30305, Santa Barbara, Grid of Nine 15" Pyramids $50.00 NEW PYRAMID VIBRO ENERGIZER
Calif. 93105, or Phone [805] 682-5151. Grid of Twenty-five 10" Pyramids $80.00 Pyramid Vibro Energizer $12.00
15" Power Crystal $10.00 (Multiplies Pyramid Energy by 50!)
SECRET OF IMMENSE ENERGY AND PER­ 25” Power Crystal $16.00
Pyramid Crystal Pendant $10.00
vately taught System enables you to generate a Handling Charges: Grids $2.00 each
Austrian Crystal •
high Charge of natural body electriclty. Developed All others $1.00 each
Pyramid Necklace (Gold Plated) $10.00
by Shaftesbury teacher of greats (Churchill, California residents add 6% sales tax Pyramid Necklace (Silver Plated) $10.00
Roosevelt, MacArthur). Turn yourself into a
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cover hardback by Don Wilson, author of best-
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Pyramid Systems InternationaLInc.
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Inch (14 plcas or 2*1/, inches wide) available at books, by Verne L. Cameron and Bill Cox, $2.75 prompt reply, all inquirics requcsting informa­
only $9.00 per coltunn inch, per ad, per issue each. Unique and functionally Practical Dowsing tion by return mail in the USA. MUST include a
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per coltunn inch. Prices on special art work, locally and at a distance. scribers include 504 per page reply expected by
halftones, etc...will be cheerfully quoted upon air-... —_______
request. Life Understanding Foundation reserves CASSETTETAPES by BILL COX. recorded live, Not receiving your newsletter..? AD—
the right to edlt or reject any ads that do not on: SHAMBALLA, FORM ENERGY, and THE DRESS CHANGED.. ? Be sure to notify
meet with the Standards of this publication. For TWO ASPECTS OF MIND (INTUITION vs us if you move, as the post office doesn ’t
further Information writes L.U.F., P.O. Box INTELLECT). Now available @ $6.00 each. forward non-profit foundation [3rd dass,
30305, Santa Barbara, Calif. 93105.__________ Add 50<t for postage and handling. b ulk] mail.
Biorbythms, Pyramid Books, Psycho-acousticai TECHNIQUES OF PENDULUM DOWSING and TER...a combination Dowsing compasa,
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AS The Gobi Desert, legendary site of earth-to-sky, heavenly “Sham­
balla,” is the presumed home and working center of the world’s
all-time, great sages and lumlnaries, and Agharta (Agharti), the
inner earth reahn, reportedly inhabited by descendents of fleeing
Atlanteans who sought refuge within our planet’s immence cavems
and hoilow earth cavities prior to the sinking of the mythically lost
ABOVE continent. Both Shamballa and Agharta, are believed by some
mystics to be complimentary, focal points, seats of wisdom and
knowledge, lying at opposite ends of an extraordinarily powerful
but Invisible vertical axis or pillar of light, llnklng the two domalns
In planetary and humanttarian Service; with Shamballa being the
SO mythical headquarters of the Divine Contemplatives and Hier-
archical Belngs dlrecting the world Servers; and with the leaders In
Agharta carrylng out their function of balanclng and preserving
the beautiful, harmonizing but often disruptive forces in nature;
sometimes due to the thoughtless tamperlngs of man. The first of
an in-depth serles on these two mysterious domalns beging on Page
BELOW 8 of this edltion.
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