Shaivi Shah - AUDIT
Shaivi Shah - AUDIT
Shaivi Shah - AUDIT
Unmodified Report
The Unmodified Report, also known as "unqualified report" or "clean report",
is issued by the auditor when he is satisfied with the financial statement. The
auditor is satisfied with the statement when it presents the true and fair value
of the business operation. An unmodified report gives confidence to the
shareholders and investors so that they can decide on the basis of the
independent audit report.
Modified Report
Types of Modified Opinions
There are three types of modified opinions, namely.
1. A qualified opinion
2. An adverse opinion
3. A disclaimer of opinion
Qualified Opinion Adverse Opinion Disclaimer of Opinion
The auditor, having The auditor shall express The auditor shall disclaim
obtained sufficient an adverse opinion when an opinion when he is
appropriate audit the auditor, having unable to obtain sufficient
evidence, concludes that obtained sufficient appropriate audit
misstatements are appropriate audit evidence and he
material, but not evidence, concludes that concludes that the
pervasive. misstatements, possible effects on the
individually or in the financial statements of
aggregate, are both undetected
material and pervasive misstatements could be
both material and
Qualified Opinion
The auditor shall express a qualified opinion when:
a) The auditor, having obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence,
concludes that misstatements, individually or in the aggregate, are
material, but not pervasive, to the financial statements; or
b) The auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence on
which to base the opinion, but the auditor concludes that the possible
effects on the financial statements of undetected misstatements, if any,
could be material but not pervasive.
Example of a Qualified Opinion paragraph in audit report: In our opinion,
except for the incomplete disclosure of the information referred to in the
Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph, the financial statements give the
information required by the Companies Act, 2013, in the manner so required
and give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles
generally accepted in India:
Disclaimer of Opinion
The auditor shall disclaim an opinion when the auditor is unable to obtain
sufficient appropriate audit evidence on which to base the opinion, and the
auditor concludes that the possible effects on the financial statements of
undetected misstatements, if any, could be both material and pervasive.
The auditor shall disclaim an opinion when, in extremely rare circumstances
involving multiple uncertainties, the auditor concludes that, notwithstanding
having obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding each of the
individual uncertainties, it is not possible to form an opinion on the financial
statements due to the potential interaction of the uncertainties and their
possible cumulative effect on the financial statements.
Example of a Draft Disclaimer of Opinion: We were engaged to audit the
financial statements of ABC Private Limited (“the entity”) which comprises the
Balance Sheet as at March 31, XXXX, the statement of Profit and Loss, (the
statement of changes in equity) and statement of Cash Flows for the year then
ended, and notes to the financial statements, including a summary of
significant accounting policies. We do not express an opinion on the
accompanying financial statements of the entity. Because of the significance of
the matters described in the Basis for Disclaimer of Opinion section of our
report, we have not been able to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit
evidence to provide a basis for an audit opinion on these financial statements.
1- Unqualifies Opinion
An auditor gives an unqualified opinion if, according to him, the financial
statements are factual and fair, and there is no material misstatement in them.
2- Qualified Opinion
This type of audit report opinion is given by the auditor if, in the financial
statements, there is no material misrepresentation. The misstatements are material
but not pervasive. In other words, there is a material impact on the financial
statements, but the misstatements are not widespread (do not affect a large number
of accounts).
3- Adverse Opinion-
The worst type is the adverse opinion that an auditor can give. It reflects that an
entity's financial statements are materially misstated, misrepresented, and do not
reflect its correct financial performance. In such a case, the misstatements are both
material and pervasive. There is a material impact on the financial statements, and
the misstatements affect a large number of accounts.
The auditor believes ABC Company faces a going concern issue and is unable to
survive another year. The company disagrees and prepares its financial statements
on a historical cost basis instead of on a liquidation basis. In such a scenario, a
GAAP departure reservation is made. Since ABC Company prepared its financial
statements on a historical cost basis, most of its accounts are incorrect. An adverse
opinion due to a GAAP departure would be issued.
4- Disclaimer of Opinion-
In case the auditor fails to frame an opinion about the company's financial
statements, he gives a disclaimer of opinion. The disclaimer can be the lack of
audit evidence or the restriction by the client to examine all the records etc. It can
only be issued due to a scope limitation. In this case, the misstatements are
material and pervasive. In other words, the auditor is unable to collect sufficient
appropriate audit evidence from basing its audit on and, as a result, a large number
of accounts are not verifiable.
Example: Disclaimer of opinion due to a scope limitation
The auditor is looking to review the company's minutes book, which contains
essential information regarding the board of directors meeting and the audit
committee. ABC Company does not permit the auditor to review the minute's
book. In such a scenario, a disclaimer of opinion reservation is made. Since the
auditor is unable to access the minute's book, a majority of the company's accounts
cannot be verified. A disclaimer of opinion due to a scope limitation would be