Mat102 Week 5 Annotated

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MAT102 - Week 5 Lecture Activities!

Adapted from M. Tvalvadze’s Materials

with edits and additions by J. Thind

Fall 2022

Key Concepts - Truth Tables, Logical Equivalences, Negations

1. Two statements are logically equivalent if they have the same truth

2. We can use the list of “standard” logical equivalences to break down more
complicated compound statements.

3. The negation of a statement P is denoted ¬P.

4. Negations can often be better understood if we use the logical equivalences

from 3.4 to simplify them (especially for compound statements).

5. Be careful with negating statements with quantifiers:

⇣ ⌘
5.1 ¬ (8x 2 A)P(x) = (9x 2 A)¬P(x)
⇣ ⌘
5.2 ¬ (9x 2 A)P(x) = (8x 2 A)¬P(x)
Key Concepts - Proof Strategies

1. Negations are a key part of both contrapositive and contradiction proofs.

2. They also show us what to look for if we want to find a “counterexample”

to a statement, which is used to demonstrate that a statement is false.

3. The equivalence of P =) Q and ¬Q =) ¬P is the basis of the proof

technique called “contrapositive”.

4. In a “direct proof” of an implication P =) Q, we assume that P holds,

then try to derive Q.

5. In a “proof by contrapositive” we prove 6= Q =) ¬P. That is, we

assume ¬Q and try to derive ¬P.

6. In a “proof by contradiction” we show that a statement is true, by

showing its negation is false. This is usually done by showing that if we
assume the negation we arrive at a contradiction.
If the statement has the form P =) Q, then we assume P ^ (¬Q) and
try to derive a contradiction.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this week’s activities you should be able to:

1. Check if two statements are logically equivalent.

2. Negate compound statements using the “standard” negations of the


3. Construct negations of statements given in either symbolic form or as an

english sentence.

4. Identify what you need to do in each of the three proof strategies.

5. Try a variety of strategies when starting the rough work for a proof.

6. Implement a strategy to prove a given mathematical statement.

Truth Tables and Logical Equivalences

1. Let P(x) be the assertion that “x is odd” and let Q(x) be the assertion
that “x 2 1 is divisible by 4”.

For each of the statements below, determine if it it’s true or false. Justify
your answer.

h i
1.1 8x 2 Z P(x) =) Q(x) .

h i
1.2 8x 2 Z Q(x) =) P(x) .

2. Let n be a natural number. Prove that if 300 < n3 < 400, then n is
divisible by 7.

this is rough work for a
2nd proof which uses
Negations contradiction

Write the negation of the following statement.

“For any field F and any a 2 F, if a3 = 1, then a = 1.”

Is the statement true or false? If it is true, prove it. If it is false, find a

Proof Strategies

p p
1. Let x, y > 0. Prove that if x 6= y , then x + x 6= y + y.

2. Prove that there are no integers n, m so that

(2m + 2)2 (2n + 1)2 = 2022.

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