Mod 1
Mod 1
Mod 1
Lecture 1
Introduction to catalysis
The science and technology of catalysis is of great significance as it affects our daily life. Four
major sectors of the world economy; petroleum and energy production, chemicals and polymer
production, food industry and pollution control, involve catalytic processes.
Fig. 1. Four major sectors of world economy that involve catalytic processes
Catalysts are used to produce fuels such as gasoline, diesel, heating oil, fuel oil etc. Production of
plastics, synthetic rubbers, fabrics, cosmetics etc. involve catalytic processes. The production of
clean energy from renewable energy sources, such as hydrogen for fuel cells and transportation
fuels from non-edible biomass are also catalyst dependent processes. Automobile emission
catalysts are used to reduce emissions of CO, NO x and hydrocarbons from mobile vehicles.
Catalysts are also used in the production of the polymers including adhesives, coatings, foams,
textile and industrial fibers. The pharmaceutical industry uses catalysts for production of drugs
that are used to save lives and improve the health of people. Catalysts are also widely used in
food processing. More than 90 % of industrial processes actually use catalysts in one form or the
other. Owing to expanding need of mankind, production in all sectors is increasing at a fast rate
and catalysis science and technology has a major contribution in this. Thrusts are being given in
the areas of catalyst upgrading to new and more efficient catalysts. Increasing catalyst life is
another area of importance to maximize catalyst efficiency.
History : Catalyst technology has been used for many centuries. It ranged from inorganic
catalyst to make soaps to enzyme catalysts for producing wines, cheese and other food and
beverages. The industrial catalyst technology started with the large-scale production of sulfuric
acid on platinum catalyst in 1875. In subsequent years, various major catalytic processes were
invented. In 1903, ammonia oxidation on Pt gauge was developed by Ostwald for nitric acid
production. Another major breakthrough was ammonia synthesis with promoted iron in 1908-
1914 by Mittasch, Bosch and Haber.
The economic significance of the catalyst industry is enormous. The catalytic processes
contribute greater than 35% of global GDP. The world catalyst industry amounts to US $ 12
billion. It is expected to grow annually by 6 % to US $16 billion US$ in 2012. Polymerization
catalysts are expected to grow most rapidly due to significant expansion in polymer industry.
Enzyme and organometallic catalysts will also grow. Reduction of sulphur levels in fuels and
ongoing shifts towards heavy grade crude oil with high sulphur content is expected to contribute
to the growth of catalytic hydrocarbon industry.
Catalytic reactions
A catalyst accelerates both the rates of the forward and reverse reaction. Equilibrium of a
reversible reaction is not altered by the presence of the catalyst. For example, when oxidation of
SO2 is carried out in the presence of three different catalysts, namely Pt, Fe 2O3 and V2O5 , the
equilibrium composition is the same in all three cases. Another important characteristic of
catalyst is its effect on selectivity. The presence of different catalysts can result in different
product distribution from the same starting material. For example, decomposition of ethanol in
the presence of different catalysts results in different products as shown below.
1. Heterogeneous
2. Homogeneous
Heterogeneous catalysis
In heterogeneous catalytic reaction, the catalyst and the reactants are in different phases.
Reactions of liquid or gases in the presence of solid catalysts are the typical examples.
An example is the Contact Process for manufacturing sulphuric acid, in which the sulphur
dioxide and oxygen are passed over a solid vanadium oxide catalyst producing sulphur
trioxide. Several hydrocarbon transformation reactions such as cracking, reforming,
dehydrogenation, isomerization also fall in this category.
Homogeneous catalysis
In a homogeneous catalytic reaction, the catalyst is in the same phase as the reactants.
Typically, all the reactants and catalysts are either in one single liquid phase or gas phase.
Most industrial homogeneous catalytic processes are carried out in liquid phase. Ester
hydrolysis involving general acid-base catalysts, polyethylene production with
organometallic catalysts and enzyme catalyzed processes are some of the important
examples of industrial homogeneous catalytic processes.
Relative significance
Catalytic processes have great significance and about 90 % of all chemical industry involves
catalytic processes. Of all the industrial catalytic processes, approximately 80 % involve the use
of solid catalysts, 17 % homogeneous catalysts and rest 3 % biocatalysts. Thus, heterogeneous
catalysts, particularly solid catalysts, dominate the industrial catalytic processes. Though the
contributions of homogeneous catalytic processes in chemical industry are significantly smaller
than that of heterogeneous catalytic processes, but because of high selectivities, homogeneous
process are finding increasing importance for production of many important value added products
such as manufacturing of tailor made plastics, fine chemicals, pharmaceutical intermediates etc.
In general, it is believed that the entire surface of the solid catalyst is not responsible for
catalyzing any reaction. Only certain sites on the catalyst surface actually participate in the
reaction and these sites are called active sites on the catalysts. These sites may be the unsaturated
atoms resulting from surface irregularities or atoms with chemical properties that enable the
interaction with the adsorbed reactant atoms or molecules. Activity of the catalyst is directly
proportional to the number of these active sites available on the surface and is often expressed in
terms of turnover frequency. Turnover frequency is defined as the number of molecules reacting
per active site per second at the condition of experiments.
A solid catalytic reaction A B goes through the following steps. The steps are illustrated in
Fig 3.
1. Transportation of reactant (A) from bulk fluid to pore mouth on the external
surface of catalysts pellets
2. Diffusion of the reactant (A) from the pore mouth through the catalyst pores to the
immediate vicinity of internal catalytic surface
3. Adsorption of reactant (A) onto the catalyst surface
4. Reaction of (A) on the catalyst surface producing product (B)
5. Desorption of the product (B) from the surface
6. Diffusion of the product (B) from interior part of the pores to the pore mouth on the
external surface
7. Transfer of the product (B) from pore mouth on the external surface to the bulk fluid
The overall rate of reaction is equal to the rate of slowest step in the mechanism. When the mass
transfer and diffusion steps [1,2,6,7] are very fast compared to adsorption and reaction steps
[3,4,5], concentration in the immediate vicinity of the active sites is the same or indistinguishable
from that in the bulk fluid. Consequently, the transport or diffusion steps do not affect the overall
rate of the reaction. Alternatively, if reaction and diffusion steps are fast compared to the mass
transfer steps, then mass transfer does affect the rate of reaction. When mass transfer from the
bulk phase to the pore mouth is slow and affects the reaction rate, then changing the flow
conditions past the catalyst should change the overall reaction rate. In case of porous catalysts,
diffusion within the catalyst pores may limit the reaction rate. Under this condition external flow
does not affect the reaction rate but internal diffusion does affect.
Book References
Lecture 2
As discussed in the previous section, heterogeneous solid catalysis is strongly associated with
adsorption phenomenon. In solid catalysis, at least one of the reactant needs to be adsorbed on the
surface of the catalyst. Adsorption of a component ‘A’ on surface of material ‘B’ is defined as
preferential accumulation of the component ‘A’ on the surface of the material ‘B’. The
component ‘A’ is called adsorbate and surface ‘B’ is called adsorbent. The surfaces include both
external surface and internal surface due to the pores. For highly porous material, the internal
surface area due to the pores is much higher than the external surface area. The pores in a solid
material can be of different dimensions. Pores with diameter less than 2nm (20 A 0) are called
micropores, pores in the range of 2- 50 nm (20 – 500 A 0) are called mesopores, whereas pores
greater than 50 nm are called macropores. The pore size distribution of a catalyst is affected by
preparation condition and amount of loading of active component. Usually a wide pore size
distribution exists in a catalyst. However, catalyst can also be designed to have a very narrow
pore size distribution. Fig 1 shows the schematic representation of a typical porous solid catalyst
particle having both the mesopores and micropores. The active sites are dispersed throughout the
porous matrix. Under suitable conditions of temperature and pressure, a gas can gradually adsorb
on the solid surface and finally lead to its complete coverage.
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of typical porous support impregnated with active component
In the bulk of the adsorbent, the molecules are associated with their neighbours equally in all
direction and the molecular forces are therefore balanced. However on the adsorbent surface, the
molecules are bounded to the inner molecules at one side leaving unbalanced molecular forces on
the other side. These unbalanced molecular forces on adsorbent surfaces create the attractive
force for the adsorbate molecules approaching the surface. These molecular forces are weak in
nature and called van der Waals attraction forces.
Types of adsorption
1. Physisorption
2. Chemisorption
The phenomenon of adsorbate molecules attaching themselves to adsorbent surface under the
influence of van der Waals forces is called physisorption or physical adsorption. The van der
Waals forces mainly consist of dipole –dipole interactions. This is an exothermic process with a
low enthalpy change known as heat of adsorption. This process resembles liquefaction and heat
of adsorption for physisorption is also known as heat of liquefaction.
At higher temperature, the adsorbed molecules can undergo electronic rearrangement with the
surface molecules. This phenomenon is called chemisorption. The electronic rearrangement may
include formation and breaking of chemical bonds. The electronic rearrangement occurs only
when there is significant interaction between adsorbate and the adsorbent molecules. Hence all
adsorbate will not be chemisorbed on all adsorbent surfaces. Chemisorption process is selective
and an adsorbate molecule will chemisorbed only on selected adsorbent. The adsorption
processes are shown in Fig 2. The Fig. 2(a) depicts the situation when the adsorbate molecule
approach any adsorbent surface under the influence of attractive forces created by the unbalanced
molecular forces on adsorbent surfaces. The Fig. 2(b) represents the phenomenon, when any
molecule is physisorbed on surface by van der Waals forces. No bond formation occurs in this
situation. A chemisorption situation is represented in Fig. 2(c) when there is a weak bond
formation between adsorbate and adsorbent molecule. As discussed above, the adsorbate
molecule will be chemisorbed only on selected adsorbent surface with which it can interact
Adsorbate molecule
Unsaturated bond
Bulk material
1. Since physisorption involves only weak molecular interaction, the associated enthalpy
changes are small (in the range of 10 to 40 kJ /mol) . On the other hand, in case of
chemisorption, enthalpy change is quite large and can range from 80-400 kJ /mol.
2. The Fig. 3 compares the volume of gas adsorbed as a function of temperature under
physisorbed and chemisorbed conditions. In physisorption, the molecules are adsorbed on
surface by weak interaction. With increase in temperature, adsorbed molecules gain excess
energy and their tendency to escape from the surface increases. Hence volume of gas
adsorbed on the surface decreases with temperature as shown in Fig. 3. However, the
chemisorption involves higher interaction energy between adsorbate and adsorbent molecules
and hence is favored by temperature rise. Hence at low temperature range volume of
adsorbed gas increases with temperature. However, at higher temperature range as the
adsorbed molecules gains excess energy, rate of desorption becomes higher resulting in
decrease in adsorbed gas volume as shown in Fig. 3.
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Volume of gas
Fig. 3. Volume of gas adsorbed as a function of temperature for physisorption and chemisorption processes
Monolayer Multilayer
Solid surface
4. Chemisorption is specific for adsorbate and adsorbent pair. Specific solid adsorbent can
undergo electronic interaction only with specific adsorbate gas molecule.
5. Physisorption is highly reversible while chemisorption can be irreversible.
6. Physisorption is important for estimating the total surface area. It also provides a basis for
estimating the pore volume and pore size distributions. On the other hand, chemisorption is
important in estimation of area of catalytic active sites as well as its dispersion.
Examples :
The potential energy variation of a molecular system as it approaches a solid surface can be
depicted by the potential energy diagram, where the potential energy is plotted as a function of
distance of the approaching molecule from adsorbent surface. When the molecule approaches the
surface, at first it becomes attracted by a weak attractive force resulting in relatively flat potential
minimum corresponding to non – dissociative physical adsorption. Then depending on extent of
interaction it can be carried to non-dissociative chemisorbed state and finally to stable dissociated
state. When the extent of interaction is less, the adsorbate molecules are only physically adsorb
on the adsorbent surface or may occur in non-dissociative chemisorbed state. If the interaction is
only van der Waals type then the adsorbates will be in physisorbed state. In case of stronger
electronic interaction the process may be directly carried on to dissociative chemisorption. If the
crossing points are below the line of zero potential energy as shown in Fig. 5, then the overall
process is non-activated. If they are above, the overall process requires activation.
Book References :
J.J. Carberry , Chemical and catalytic reaction Engineering, Dover Publications, 2001
J. M. Thomas & W. J. Thomas, Principles and Practice of Heterogeneous Catalysis, VCH,
J. M. Smith , Chemical Engineering Kinetics, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1981
R. J. Farrauto & C. H. Bartholomew, Fundamentals of Industrial catalytic Processes,
Blackie Academic & Professional, 1997
D.M. Ruthven, Principle of adsorption & adsorption processes, John Wiley & sons, 1984.
Lecture 3
Adsorption kinetics
Rate of adsorption : From kinetic theory the rate of collision, rc, is the rate at which molecules
of a gas strike a bare surface per cm2 per sec at pressure p. The rc is given as rc
2 mkB T
1/ 2
molecules /cm2 .sec, where ‘kB’ is Boltzmanns constant, ‘m’ is mass and ‘T’ is temperature.
Then the rate of adsorption is r r s ------------------[1]
2 mk BT
a c 1/ 2
The ‘s’ is known as the sticking coefficient and defined as fraction of molecules bombarding or
impinging on the catalyst surface that stick to the surface on impact. The ‘s’ is also called the
sticking probability.
Now whether a molecule will be adsorbed (chemisorbed) depends on two main parameters:
activation energy and configuration. Only those molecules possessing the required activation
energy can be chemisorbed. Even if the molecules possess the necessary energy they may not be
chemisorbed if the configuration of the molecule and surface site do not allow the activated
complex to be traversed. The fraction of molecules possessing the required energy is
exp , where is the activation energy for chemisorption.
RT a
The configuration probability that a molecule will occupy a single site is proportional to the
fraction of unoccupied surface, 1-θ, where θ is the fraction of surface covered.
E s 1 exp
a --------------[2]
p Ea
or r exp f
2 1/
2 mkBT
fragments. The type of adsorption depends on extent on interaction between adsorbate and
adsorbent surface molecules.
In actual adsorption, the observed rate decreases rapidly with increasing surface coverage which
implies that the activation energy increases with the surface coverage, θ. The condensation
coefficient also varies with θ. These variations are caused by surface heterogeneity, that is the
activity of the adsorbent sites varies and different sites posses different values of and Ea . The
most active sites are associated with lowest activation energy. Hence probability of occupation of
these sites by adsorbate molecules is higher. Further, the interaction between occupied and
unoccupied site also affects the rate of adsorption. Hence and Ea should be represented as
function of θ.
p Ea
ra exp 1
2 mk T
Rates of desorption
dt a RT
where, Ed is activation energy for desorption, is the pre-exponential factor of the desorption
rate coefficient, Na is the number of binding sites for the adsorbed molecules and m is kinetic
order for desorption process. Kinetic order suggests the nature of elementary steps that governs
the desorption. A zero-order kinetics indicates that desorption occurs from multilayer where
desorption is independent of coverage. A first order kinetics indicates the presence of single
surface species whereas second order kinetics indicates recombination of adsorbate atoms leading
to production of a diatomic molecule that is then desorbed.
When an adsorbate molecule in the gas phase comes in contact with the surface of the adsorbent,
an equilibrium distribution of the adsorbate molecules takes place between the adsorbent surface
and the gas phase. This equilibrium distribution depends upon various factors including partial
pressure of adsorbate, temperature, nature of adsorbate, and the surface area and nature of
adsorbent. Adsorption isotherm shows the amount of molecules adsorbed on the solid surface as a
function of the equilibrium partial pressure at constant temperature.
Adsorption isobar shows the variation of adsorbed species with temperature at constant pressure.
The adsorption-desorption isotherm characterize the adsorbent. It depicts the nature of adsorption
- desorption process occurring on the surface and also reveals the pore structure of the adsorbent.
Often the isotherm is expressed as standard volume adsorbed as a function of relative pressure.
Relative pressure is defined as the ratio of actual gas partial pressure over the saturated vapor
pressure of adsorbate (P0) under constant temperature. By Brunauer empirical classification, five
types of isotherms are observed for solid adsorbents as shown in Fig 1.
Volume of
gas adsorbed
Type I isotherm is for very small pores or microporous adsorbents. Adsorption occurs by filling
of the micropores. The adsorbate uptake rate depends on the accessible micropore volume rather
than total internal surface area. Type II and Type IV isotherms are observed for non-porous or
macroporous adsorbents with unrestricted monolayer-multilayer adsorption. At first the
adsorption volume rapidly increases at low relative pressures of less than 0.01 due to interaction
of the adsorbate molecules with the higher energetic region followed by the interaction with less
energetic region. When the monolayer formation of the adsorbed molecules is complete,
multilayer formation starts to take place corresponding to the ‘sharp knee’ of the isotherms. As
the relative pressure approaches unity an abrupt rise indicates the bulk condensation of adsorbate
gas to liquid. Type III and Type V isotherms do not have the ‘sharp knee’ shape implying
stronger adsorbate – adsorbate interactions than adsorbate-adsorbent interaction.
Hysteresis Loop
In case of isotherms for nonporous material, the desorption curve traces the adsorption curve.
However, for the mesoporous and macroporous materials, desorption curve do not retrace the
adsorption curve resulting in a wide loop. This is known as hysteresis loop and corresponds to the
capillary condensation of adsorbate in the multilayer region, pore filling and emptying
mechanism. The nature of the hysteresis loop is associated with different pore shapes and is
shown in Fig 2.
Type A hysteresis is attributed to cylindrical or tubular type pores of adsorbent with a narrow
distribution of uniform pores. It is characterized by steep and narrow parallel adsorption and
desorption curves. Type B has a long flat plateau adsorption with a steep desorption curve. This is
a complex structure of pores with interconnected networks or ink bottle shaped pores. Type C
represents aggregates of adsorbent that contain parallel plates, slit- shape pores or wide capillaries
(> 500 A0). Type D is associated with slit- shape pores that are mainly in the micropore region.
1. Surface is energetically uniform, that is all the surface sites have the same activity for
2. Adsorbed molecules do not interact with the other adsorbed molecules on the surface.
3. Heat of adsorption is therefore constant throughout the fractional surface coverage of 0 to
4. Adsorption of all molecules occurs by the same mechanism and results in the same
adsorbed structure.
5. Extent of adsorption is less than one complete monolayer coverage.
When a gas is in contact with a solid surface, the gas molecules continuously strike the surface
and a fraction of these adhere. However, the more energetic molecules also continuously leave
the surface. Eventually, the equilibrium is established so that the rate of adsorption equals the rate
at which the molecules leave the surface.
Now, the rate of adsorption is equal to the rate of collision of molecules with the surface
multiplied by a factor ‘s’ representing the fraction of the colliding molecules that adhere to the
surface. At a given temperature, the rate of collision will be proportional to the partial pressure
‘p’ of the gas (its concentration) and the fraction ‘s’ will be constant. Hence, the rate of
adsorption per unit of bare surface will be r a = rc s = k΄p s = k p , where k is the constant
involving ‘s’ and proportionality constant ‘k΄’.
Now, since the adsorption is limited to a monolayer coverage, the surface can be divided in two
parts :
At equilibrium , ra rd
or kp(1 ) k '
or Kp
1 Kp
where K=
pressure .
adsorption equilibrium constant,
Further can be written as
where v = volume of gas adsorbed and vm = volume of gas adsorbed at monolayer coverage.
vm 1 Kp
This is known as the Langmuir isotherm. Among the empirical isotherms, only Type I isotherm
( Fig.1) agrees with the Langmuir equation. The Langmuir equation is valid for less than
monolayer coverage and therefore more suited for chemisorption as chemisorption is limited to
monolayer coverage. Deviations for other isotherms are mainly due to certain assumptions such
These assumptions correspond to constant heat of adsorption. However, for real systems, the heat
of adsorption changes with surface coverage. The adsorption of H 2 on metal films of Fe, Ni, W,
drops with the increase in surface coverage. Two other well known isotherms, Temkin isotherm
and Freundlich isotherm, are derived in terms of dependency of heat of adsorption on fraction of
surface coverage. The Temkin isotherm may be derived from the Langmuir isotherm by assuming
that the heat of adsorption decreases linearly with increasing surface coverage θ. The result is
= k1 ln k2 , where k1 and k2 are constants at a given temperature. The Freundlich isotherm
can be derived assuming a logarithmic decrease in heat of adsorption with surface coverage, i.e
greater than unity. The adsorption of H2 gas on tungsten follows this isotherm.
An equation for adsorption isotherm can also be derived by equating the rates of adsorption and
desorption at equilibrium. From equations [3] and [4], at equilibrium,
ra rd . For the simplest
p E Ed
exp a 1 exp
1/ 2
2 mkBT
p 2 mk T
1/ 2
(1 )
1/ 2 H
or p 2 mk T exp
(1 )
NPTEL – Chemical Engineering – Catalyst Science and Technology
Or p
where 2 mk T
1/ 2
b(1 ) B
If heat of adsorption remains constant with coverage, b is a function only of temperature and
p b(1 )
or bp
The Langmuir model is also used to evaluate adsorption equilibrium data in a multi-adsorbate
system and is known as extended Langmuir model. The extended Langmuir model mostly has
been used to evaluate adsorption equilibrium data in binary system. The extended Langmuir
model was first proposed by Butler and Ockrent [1]. Their model was based on the same
assumptions as that of Langmuir model for single adsorbates. That is the model assumed (i) a
homogeneous surface with respect to the energy of adsorption, (ii) no interaction between
adsorbed species, and (iii) that all adsorption sites are equally available to all adsorbed species.
Assuming the rate of adsorption of a species at equilibrium is equal to its rate of desorption, the
following equations were derived.
X1 Xm1b1C1
1 b1C1 --------------------[7]
X2 Xm2b2C2
1 b1C1
Where, the X1 and X2 are the amount of solute 1 and solute 2 respectively, which are absorbed
per unit weight or per unit surface area of absorbent at equilibrium concentrations C 1 and C2,
respectively. The Xm1 and Xm2 are the maximum values of X1 and X2 , respectively, that can be
obtained in single solute system and correspond to monolayer coverage of the adsorbent. The b 1
and b2 are constants and function of the energy of adsorption of solutes 1 and 2, respectively, in a
single solute system.
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When some of the adsorption sites are inaccessible or unavailable to one type of solute in
a bisolute system then, a fraction of the adsorption occurs without competition that is Xm1
≠ Xm2. Jain and Snoeyink [2] proposed the following equations taking into account
adsorptions with and without competition.
Xm1 Xm 2 Xm2b1C1
+ 1 bC Xm2 ------------[9]
1 bC
1 1 1 1 2 2
X2 Xm2b2C2
1 b1C1
The first term on the right hand side of Eq. 9 is the number of molecules of solute 1 that adsorb
without competition on the surface area proportional to (X m1-Xm2). The second term represents
the number of solute 1 adsorbed on the surface area proportional to X m2 under competition with
solute 2 and is based on the Langmuir model for competitive adsorption. The number of
molecules of solute 2 adsorbed on surface area proportional to X m2 under competition with solute
1 can be calculated from Eq.10.
Book References :
J.J. Carberry , Chemical and catalytic reaction Engineering, Dover Publications, 2001
J. M. Thomas & W. J. Thomas, Principles and Practice of Heterogeneous Catalysis, VCH,
J. M. Smith , Chemical Engineering Kinetics, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1981
R. J. Farrauto & C. H. Bartholomew, Fundamentals of Industrial catalytic Processes,
Blackie Academic & Professional, 1997
D.M. Ruthven, Principle of adsorption & adsorption processes, John Wiley & sons, 1984.
Publication reference
Lecture 4
Langmuir equation is valid for adsorption less than monolayer coverage and therefore more
suited for chemisorption studies as it involves only monolayer coverage. Physical adsorption is
not limited to monolayer formation and multilayer adsorption can occur on subsequent layers.
Hence Langmuir isotherm is not applicable to multilayer adsorption. Brunauer , Emmette and
Teller derived an relationship between the volume of gas physically adsorbed and the partial
pressure of the adsorbate which is valid for multilayer adsorption. This relationship is utilized for
measuring the total surface area of an adsorbent.
s0 , s1 , s2 , be the surface area covered by 0,1,2,3……….i layers of adsorbed
molecules as shown in the Fig. 1. The total area of the adsorbent therefore, can be obtained by
the summation of all the individual surface areas.
S3 S4
So S1
Fig.1. The representation of s0 , s1 , s2 , s3 , s4 and s5 surface areas covered by 0,1,2,3,4 and 5 layers of adsorbed
molecules respectively.
Rate of adsorption on bare surface s is = a ps exp
0 1 0
Rate of desorption from surface area s having the first layer = bs exp
1 1 1 RT
Since at equilibrium s0 must remain constant, the rate of adsorption (or condensation) on bare
surface is equal to the rate of desorption (evaporation) from first layer. Therefore,
a ps exp Ed
b s exp
1 0
RT 1 1 RT
a ps b s exp
, where E E H heat of adsorption of first layer.
1 0 1 1 d a 1
This is Langmuir equation for unimolecular adsorption. It is assumed that a, b and H are
independent of the number of adsorbed molecules already present in the first layer.
s a ps b
2 1 2 2
Extending to layer s with ‘i’ no of layers, a ps b s exp
i 1 i1 i i
or ,
v is i
i 0
Av0 A
i 0
is i
s i i0
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v0 is volume of gas adsorbed per unit area of adsorbent surface and vm is the volume of gas
adsorbed when the entire adsorbent surface is covered with a complete unimoleculer layer.
For simplification, it is assumed that the heat of adsorption of the 2 nd, 3rd………upto ith layer are
equal to each other and equal to heat of liquefaction of the adsorbate.
Or H2 H3 ......... Hi HL
and b2 b3 ............ , g being an appropriate constant.
a 2
a3 ai
a ps b s exp
1 0 1 1
a1 H1 a1
s p exp s H
y p exp 1
1 0 0
b RT b RT
1 1
as ps b H2
2 1 2 2 exp
a2 H2 a2 H2 p HL
s p exp s x p exp exp
2 1 1
b RT b RT g RT
2 2
s xs x s
3 2 1
s xi1s
y y
xi1 xis cxis c
i 1 0 0 0
x x
a1 H
p exp 1
y b RT a H H
c x 1p b 1 g exp 1 L
g RT
i v
is i
Substituting si cx we get
0 in
s s i
ix i
ix i
i1 i1
x s cs
c xi
0 0 s0
1 i1
x i x
1 x
1 x
Substituting ,
x 2
v 1 x
v cx cx--------------------------
1 x cx 1 x [2]
m 1
1 x
For adsorption on free surface, at saturation pressure of gas p0 , infinite no of layers can build up
p HL
x exp
g RT
1 p0 HL
g RT
p p0 HL
x exp
g p0 RT
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v p
vm p cp p
1 1
p p p
0 0 0
Or p
vm 1 c 1 cp p
p p----------------------
Or 1 c 1 [3]
v p0 vmc vmc p0
The Eq. 3 is known as the BET equation for multilayer adsorption. This equation can explain type
II isotherm.
Langmuir Chemisorption
v bp
vm 1 Physisorption
v c p1 n n 1 Chemisorption and
physisorption at low coverage
Temkin v Chemisorption
k 1ln k 2p
As discussed in the previous section for porous solids, the desorption curve lies above the
adsorption curve from
to some intermediate value resulting in a hysteresis loop. This
phenomenon occurs due to capillary condensation – evaporation process. It was recognized by
Kelvin that the vapor pressure of a liquid contained in a small diameter capillary is less than the
normal value for a free surface.
Consider a capillary filled with a liquid of surface tension σ. The change in free energy due to
evaporation of a differential volume of liquid ‘dv’ is n ∆G, where n . Here mol is the
p r p dv
2rdl cos nRT ln 2
RT ln n r dl
p = p0 mol mol
Or , ln
p0 cos θ = 1
p 2mol
This is the general form of the Kelvin equation assuming wetting angle to be zero. This equation
states that the pressure at which condensation or evaporation will occur is always less than the
free surface vapor pressure if the capillary radius is small enough for the given liquid. When a
nonporous solid or solid containing large pores is subjected to physical adsorption – desorption
equilibrium experiments, actual condensation of adsorbate will occur when the gas pressure
equals the vapor pressure at the prevailing temperature; that is at 1 . On other hand, if pores
However, this mechanism does not account for the occurrence of hysteresis loop, if filling of
pores on adsorption and their emptying on desorption follow the same mechanism. In this
physisorption mechanism, pores are assumed to undergo vertical filling and emptying. Therefore,
occurrence of hysteresis suggests that filling mechanism of pores is different than the desorption
mechanism. Later a different mechanism was forwarded for pore filling by Cohan [1]. It was
suggested that during adsorption, the pores may be filling radially instead of vertically. As gas
molecules are condensing radially on the surface of pores, the effective radius ‘r’ is decreased on
condensation of first layers. This causes further condensation at a fixed p/p o. In other words,
pores of a radius ‘r’ corresponding to a given p/po , fill instantaneously. In this condition, the
change in volume dv 2rldr and that of surface is 2ldr . Kelvin equation can be modified
as mol
p exp
For a given pore radius r , adsorption with radial capillary condensation occurs at
p p
ads exp
p p
des exp
Wetting angle is taken as zero. The adsorption pressure is related to the desorption pressure by
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NPTEL – Chemical Engineering – Catalyst Science and Technology
p p p . This implies that the pressure required to empty the capillary is proportional to
ads o des
Book References :
J.J. Carberry , Chemical and catalytic reaction Engineering, Dover Publications, 2001
J. M. Thomas & W. J. Thomas, Principles and Practice of Heterogeneous Catalysis, VCH,
J. M. Smith , Chemical Engineering Kinetics, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1981
R. J. Farrauto & C. H. Bartholomew, Fundamentals of Industrial catalytic Processes,
Blackie Academic & Professional, 1997
D.M. Ruthven, Principle of adsorption & adsorption processes, John Wiley & sons, 1984.
Journal reference