Meshing Test Simulation
Meshing Test Simulation
Meshing Test Simulation
Design and Simulation of Meshing Performance of Modified
Straight Bevel Gears
Mingzhang Chen 1 , Xiaoshuang Xiong 2, * and Wuhao Zhuang 1
Abstract: As key components to transmit power and motion between intersecting shafts, it is
necessary to design feasible tooth axial modification to improve the meshing performance and
bearing capacity of straight bevel gears. The main purpose of this paper is to propose an effective
axial modification method of straight bevel gears considering alignment errors. In this paper, the
meshing performance of two kinds of tooth axial modification method (tooth end relief and symmetric
crowned modification) for straight bevel gears is investigated by the finite element analysis (FEA).
The results show that the tooth end relief is an optimal method to enhance the meshing performance
of gears in different installations for decreasing transmission errors, reducing maximum contact
stress and bending stress and improving the distribution of contact stress and bending stress. This
research provides a suitable tooth end relief method of straight bevel gear with alignment errors.
Keywords: alignment error; contact stress and bending stress; straight bevel gear; symmetric crowned
modification; tooth end relief; transmission error
1. Introduction
Citation: Chen, M.; Xiong, X.;
As key components to transmit power and motion between intersecting shafts, straight
Zhuang, W. Design and Simulation of
Meshing Performance of Modified
bevel gears are extensively applied in automobiles and mechanisms for the advantages
Straight Bevel Gears. Metals 2021, 11,
such as smooth transmission, high load-carrying capacity and low noise. In practical
33. straight bevel gear drives, the non-uniform deformation of tooth and alignment errors of
met11010033 gear pairs always exist. However, non-uniform deformation of tooth and alignment errors
of gear pairs directly affect the meshing performance and transmission quality of straight
Received: 13 November 2020 bevel gear drives, which may decrease the transmission stability and load uniformity
Accepted: 24 December 2020 of gear drives greatly and increase the vibration and noise of gear drives dramatically.
Published: 26 December 2020 Therefore, it is of great importance to put forward an optimal design of straight bevel gears
to enhance the stability and safety of the gear transmission in different alignment errors.
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu- In recent years, much research on gear tooth meshing performance and gear tooth
tral with regard to jurisdictional claims modification have been carried out. In gear tooth meshing performance aspects, Xie et al. [1]
in published maps and institutional combined the theoretical calculation and finite element analysis to investigate spur gears
affiliations. meshing performance. Ouyang et al. [2] established a new tribo-dynamic model of the
spur gear pair to predict the meshing performance. Wang and Hua [3] obtained meshing
performance of non-modification spiral bevel gear pairs with alignment errors by finite
Copyright: © 2020 by the authors. Li-
element analysis (FEA). Lin [4] studied effect of machining errors and alignment errors on
censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This
the meshing performance by FEA. Litvin et al. [5] investigated the meshing performance of
article is an open access article distributed loaded spiral bevel gears with alignment errors by FEA. Zhu et al. [6] studied the influence
under the terms and conditions of the of shaft alignment errors on loaded tooth contact in crossed gears. The paper published by
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) Chen and Tang [7] presented the contact path and transmission errors of spur gears with
license ( single alignment error and coupling alignment errors.
takes part in the cutting. The mathematical generation of gear teeth by the planing tool 2 is
described by the following Equation (2) [16].
→ →
r1 = M1e · Mep · M p f · M f g · r g
cos ϕ1 − sin ϕ1 0 0
0 0 1 0
sin ϕ1 cos ϕ 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 −1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
cos α 0 − sin α 0
cos ϕ g sin ϕ g 0 0 r
0 1 0 0 − sin ϕ g cos ϕ g 0 0 0
sin α 0 cos α 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
r (cos ϕ g sin α cos ϕ1 + sin ϕ g sin ϕ1 )
r (cos ϕ g sin α sin ϕ1 − sin ϕ g cos ϕ1 )
r cos ϕ g cos α
→ →
where r1 is the radius vector of gear tooth surface point, r g is the radius vector of point C at
the base circle of gear planing tool 2. Matrices Mi provide the coordinate transformations
from the movable coordinate system Sg attached to the planing tool 2 to the movable
coordinate system S1 attached to the gear. According to the ratio of instantaneous angular
velocities of the gear and planing tool 2, the relation between ϕg and ϕ1 can be described
by the Equation (3).
ϕ g = ϕ1 sin α (3)
In the practical cutting of the gear, the angle α is equal to the angle of base cone.
The rotational angle ϕg must be larger than the critical angle ϕc . The critical angle ϕc is
represented by the Equation (4).
tals 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW ϕc = cos−1 (cos θ a / cos θb ) 4 of 22 (4)
− cos−1 (cos θc / cos θb )
where θ a and θ b are the angle of tip cone and base cone, respectively, and θ c is the angle of
Addendum coefficient ha*
cutting beginning cone. 0.8 0.8
Headspace coefficient Combined c the Equations (1)–(4), the 0.188
assembling models 0.188
which are illustrated in
Face width (mm) b
Figure 2 are accomplished in 3D modeling9.75 9.75
software [17]. The basic geometrical data of the
Gear aperture (mm) sample straight
Rc bevel gear pair are shown in Table 1.
7.0275 10
Figure 2. Illustration
Figure 2. of assembling
Illustration of models.
assembling models.
EstablishmentofofFinite FiniteElement
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) simulatesthe
Element Analysis (FEA) simulates thereal
(geometryand and
condition)by by using
using aa mathematical
approximationmethod. method. InIn addition,
addition, simple
simple and
and interacting
interacting elements
elements are are applied
applied to approximate
to approximate the the
realreal system
system of infinite
of infinite unknowns.
unknowns. FEA
FEA considers
considers the the solution
solution domaindomain to betocomposed
be composed of many
of many small small interconnected
interconnected subdo-
mains called finite elements, assumes an appropriate (simpler)
called finite elements, assumes an appropriate (simpler) approximate solution for each approximate solution for
each element, and then deduces the solution to the problem by
element, and then deduces the solution to the problem by solving the general conditions solving the general condi-
(such (such as equilibrium
as the the equilibrium conditions
conditions of the
of the structure)
structure) of this
of this domain.
domain. This
This solution
solution is
is not
anan exact
exact solution,but
solution, butananapproximate
approximatesolution,solution, because
because the actual actualproblem
bybya simpler
a simpler
Becauseit is it
difficult to gettoanget
is difficult accurate solution
an accurate for most
solution forpractical prob-
most practical
lems, the finite
problems, theelement methodmethod
finite element not onlynot hasonly
highhasprecision, but also can
high precision, but adapt
also canto various
adapt to
various shapes,
complextherefore FEA becomes
shapes, therefore an effective
FEA becomes means of
an effective engineering
means analysis.
of engineering analysis.
The specificprocesses
processes to to create
create the finite
finite element
bevelgeargearpair are
are shown as as
(1) Based material property
propertyand andloadload parameter.
parameter. TheThefinitefinite
element modelmodel
element of a straight
of a
bevel gear
straight bevelpair
gear is pair
is performedwith Solid185 (8-node
with Solid185 isoparametric
(8-node isoparametrichexahedron
hexahedron element).
The material
ement). is 40Cr is
The material steel
40Cr with
properties of Young’s
the properties modulusmodulus
of Young’s E = 2.1 ×E10=5 2.1 MPa and
× 10 5
Metals 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 22
where subscript i represents the critical position P1, P2, P3 and P4; Δδi is the circum
displacement difference at the critical position; δim is the circumferential displace
meshing tooth along the contact line at the critical position. δiu is the circumferen
placement of the tooth without mesh along the contact line at the corresponding p
Figure 4. Illustration of gear mesh.
Figure 4.When T = of
Illustration 50gear
Nm, the circumferential displacement difference curves at criti
The circumferential displacement
tions of the driving pinion are shown difference can be calculated
in Figure 5. by Equation (5) [13].
shown in Figure displacement
5, the∆δdifference
circumferential can be calculated
displacementby Equation (5) [13]. increase
i = | δim − δiu | (5)
ally from the toe of the tooth toΔthe δ i = heel
δ im − δofiu
the tooth and reach the maximum (5) at
where tooth. Iti represents
of thesubscript can be also the seen
position P1 , P2 , P3 and P4 ; ∆δ
the circumferential i is the circumferential
displacement differences r
where subscriptdifference
displacement i representsat the
the critical
position; P1δ, im
P4; Δδi is the circumferential
maximum difference
displacement at the critical position P3 which is the final point of single pairofcontact.
of meshing tooth alongatthe
at the δcritical
im is the circumferential
position. δiu is thedisplacement
displacementthe of comprehensive
along the contact
the tooth withoutlinedeformation
at the
mesh along critical of theline
the contact tooth
iu is iscorresponding
thethe biggest at position.
circumferential P3 dis-
because on
When Tthe
= 50and
tooth the
the bending
Nm,without torque
mesh along
circumferential the is great.
displacement These
line at the circumferential
differencecorresponding displacemen
curves at critical posi-
When T = 50 Nm, the circumferential displacement
ence curves provide a significant basis for modification.
tions of the driving pinion are shown in Figure 5. difference curves at critical posi-
tions of the driving pinion are shown in Figure 5.
As shown in Figure 5, the circumferential14.12 μm displacement differences increase gradu-
Circumferencial displacement difference (mm)
ally 0.0145
the toe of the tooth to the heel of Heel of
the the tooth
tooth and reach the maximum at the heel
of the tooth. It can be also seen that the circumferential displacement differences reach the
0.0125 at the critical position P3 which is the final point of single pair contact. In other
0.0120 Toe of the tooth δp
0.0115 the comprehensive deformation 2of the tooth is biggest at P3 because one tooth
0.0110 δp3
bears all load and the bending torque isδpgreat. These circumferential displacement differ-
0.0100 4
curves provide 10.2 μam significant basis for modification.
0.0080 14.12 μm
Circumferencial displacement difference (mm)
0.0075 Heel of the tooth
0.0125 δp1
0.0055 Toe of the tooth δp2
0.0110 0 2 4 6δp3 8 10
0.0100 Longtudinal direction (mm)
0.0095 10.2 μm
Figure TheThe circumferential
circumferential displacement
differencedifference curvesPat
curves at positions positions
1, P2 , P3 and PP
4 .1, P2, P3 and P4.
As shown in Figure 5, the circumferential displacement differences increase gradually
from the toe of the tooth to the heel of the tooth and reach the maximum at the heel of
0 2 4 6 8 10
the tooth. It can be also
Longtudinal seen
direction (mm) that the circumferential displacement differences reach the
maximum at the critical position P3 which is the final point of single pair contact. In other
Figure 5. The circumferential displacement difference curves at positions P1, P2, P3 and P4.
words, the comprehensive deformation of the tooth is biggest at P3 because one tooth bears
all load and the bending torque is great. These circumferential displacement difference
curves provide a significant basis for modification.
5. Determination of the Axial Modification of the Tooth.
As mentioned above, the circumferential displacement difference at the he
2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW
tooth is larger than the other parts of the tooth. The contact stress is both higher a
6 of 22
Metals 2021, 11, 33 and heel of the tooth. So the tooth ends are damaged easily. Therefore,6 in order to
of 22
the meshing performance of gear drives, the teeth of the driving pinion need ax
5. Determination fication to lower
of the Axial the stress
Modification ofconcentration
the Tooth. at the tooth end. In this paper, two kinds
As mentioned above,methods
Determination of theofAxial
the circumferential crowned
Modification modification
of difference
the Tooth at the heel and of thetooth end relief are
tooth is larger than As teeth.
other Moreover,
parts of the tooth.
above, anTheoptimal
contact tooth
the circumferential stress ismodification
both higher
displacement method
at the
difference is proposed
toethe heel
at of the by
and heel of thetooth
tooth. So
hensively the tooth
is largeranalyzing ends
than the otherare
parts easily. Therefore,
of the tooth. in order
of gear
The contact stress to improve
is both in at
higher different
the toe andalignme
the meshing performance
heel of The of gear
the tooth. So drives,
the theends
tooth teethareof damaged
the driving pinion
easily. need axial
Therefore, in modi-to improve the
key symmetric crowned modification parameter is the modification di
fication to lower the stress
meshing concentration
performance at the
of gear tooth
drives, theend. In of
teeth thisthepaper, two
driving kindsneed
pinion of mod-
axial modification
ification methods߂T.ofThe modification
symmetric crowned parameters
modification of tooth
and tooth end relief
relief contain
are used the modification di
to lower the stress concentration at the tooth end. In this two kindsto of modification
߂T and
design teeth. Moreover,
methods ofan the relief length
optimal tooth
symmetric crowned ߂L (Figure
modification 6). As
method shown in
is proposed
and tooth Figure
end reliefbyare 5,
compre-it can be seen
used to design teeth.that the
hensively analyzing
Moreover,the meshing
an optimal displacement
performance of gear
tooth modification difference
drives of the alignment
proposed toe and errors.
the heel analyzing
by comprehensively of the tooth is
The key symmetric
the meshing crowned
μm,performance modification
respectively. parameter
of gear 7 presents
drives is the
in differentthe modification
alignment dimension
errors. of contact stress along t
߂T. The modification The parameters
key of tooth
symmetric end relief
crowned contain the
modification modification
parameter is the dimension
tion of the tooth width. It shows that the contact stress increasesdimension
sharply at the t
߂T and the relief
∆T.length ߂L (Figure 6).parameters
The modification As shown in ofFigure 5, it can
tooth end becontain
relief seen that themodification
the maximal dimension
circumferential∆Tand the length
and the relief
of the of
length ∆L
difference contact
the toestress
(Figure and
6). Astheincreasing
heel ofinthe
sharply area
tooth 5,is it10.2
Figure canand
at the tooth end is a
be seen that the
tenth ofFigure
14.12 μm, respectively.
maximal the tooth
circumferential width.
7 presents the distribution
displacement of contact
difference of stress
the toealong
and the
the direc-
heel of the tooth is
tion of the tooth width.
10.2 It shows
and 14.12 µm, that the contact
respectively. stress7 increases
Figure presents thesharply at the tooth
distribution end stress along
of contact
and the lengththe
of direction
the contactofstress increasing
the tooth width. sharply
It showsareathatatthe
tooth end is about
stress onesharply at the
tenth of the tooth end and the length of the contact stress increasing sharply area at the tooth end is
about one tenth of the tooth width.
Equivalent contact stress (MPa)
540 560 Heel
540 Toe
500 0.1b
0 2 4804 6 8 10
Longitudinal direction (mm)
Figure 7. The distribution of contact stress along the direction of tooth width.
0 2 4 6 8 10
In the paper, the relief the one tenth of the tooth width, lengthsLongitudinal
selected aredirection
namely, ߂L1 = Figure
߂L2 = 0.1b =
7. The 0.975 mm.
distribution Modification
of contact parameters
stress along are presented
the direction in Table 2.
of direction
tooth width.
Figure 7. The distribution of contact stress along the of tooth width.
After the modification parameters are determined, the modification gear tooth surface
In the paper, the relief lengths selected are equal to the one tenth of the toot
namely, ߂L1 = ߂L2 = 0.1b = 0.975 mm. Modification parameters are presented in
After the modification parameters are determined, the modification gear tooth
Metals 2021, 11, 33 7 of 22
In the paper, the relief lengths selected are equal to the one tenth of the tooth width,
namely, ∆L1 = ∆L2 = 0.1b = 0.975 mm. Modification parameters are presented in Table 2.
After the modification parameters are determined, the modification gear tooth surface equa-
tion can be derived based on the modification parameters and the geometric relationship.
where Rc is the arc radius, b is the tooth width, ∆T is the modification dimension and R is
the outer cone distance.
The schematic drawing of the symmetric crowned modification arc curve is presented
in Figure 8. As shown in Figure 8, arc M0 M is the symmetric crowned modification arc
curve and line P0 P is the unmodified curve. The line P0 M0 is perpendicular to the line P0 Oc 0
and the line PM is perpendicular to line POc . The unit vector n p which is parallel to the
line PM can be derived by following Equation (8):
(sin( β sin α) cos β−cos( β sin α) sin α cos β)
cos2 ( β sin α) sin2 α+sin2 ( β sin α)
( cos ( sin α) sin α cos β+sin( β sin α) sin β)
→ √ β
np = (8)
cos2 ( β sin α) sin2 α+sin2 ( β sin α)
So, according to the relationship between the point P on the unmodified gear tooth
surface and the point M on the modification gear tooth surface, the modification gear tooth
surface Σ1 (Figure 6a) can be generated by the following Equation (9):
Figure 8. 8. Schematic
Schematic illustration
illustration ofof
thethe symmetric
symmetric crowned
crowned modification.
The modification arc G′N′ is represented by the following Equation (11) [13]:
y1 (r , Rc1 ) = Rc1 −
Rc12 − [r − ( R − b + ΔL1 )]2
x1 (r , Rc1 ) = r
R − b ≤ r ≤ R − b + ΔL
y2 (r , Rc 2 ) = Rc 2 −
Rc 2 2 − [r − ( R − ΔL2 )]2
x2 (r , Rc 2 ) = r
R − ΔL ≤ r ≤ R
where subscript
(a) i represents the arc curve G′N′ and GN,(b) Rci is the arc radius, b is the tooth
width, ߂Ti is the modification dimension, ߂Li is the relief length and R is the outer cone
Figure 9. Schematic illustration of the tooth end relief (a) modification principle (b) modification
Figure 9. Schematic illustration of the tooth end relief (a) modification principle (b) modification
curves G′N′ and GN.
curves G0 N 0 and GN.
Like the symmetric crowned modification, the unit vector n p which is parallel to
modification arc G0 N 0 is
be also calculated byrepresented by(9).
the Equation theThe
following Equation
modification (11)
gear [13]:surface
In practical
Σ1 and Σ2 (Figurestraight
9b) gear drives,
be generated alignment
by the
q following errors always
Equation exist and directly af-
fect the meshing performance 2
y1 (r, Rc1 )and
= transmission
Rc1 − Rc1 2 −quality
[r − ( Rof− straight
b + ∆L1 )]bevel gear drives,
= β α α β +
which may decrease thex transmission r cos( sin
stability )sin
and cos
load uniformity of gear drives greatly
1 and c1 ) =
(r, R
sin( β sin α )sin β + y ( r , R ) x In this paper, the mesh-
and increase the vibration noise of gear
R − b≤ r ≤ R − b + ∆L1 drives dramatically.
i ci np
ing performance of modifiedgear drives both in standard installment and with alignment
y = r cos( β sin α ) sin α sin β − (13)
errors has been studied to evaluate
the tooth modification effect. We choose the alignment
r sin( β sin α ) cos β + yi (r , Rci ) yn
errors in Table 3 [17]. p
where subscript i represents the arc curve G0 N 0 and GN, Rci is the arc radius, b is the tooth
width, ∆Ti is the modification dimension, ∆Li is the relief length and R is the outer cone
Like the symmetric crowned modification, the unit vector n p which is parallel to the
line PG can be also calculated by the Equation (9). The modification gear tooth surface Σ1
and Σ2 (Figure 9b) can be generated by the following Equation (13):
where subscript i = 1, 2.
Figure 10.
Figure 10. Distribution
forfor pinion
pinion (left)
(left) andand
thethe gear
gear (right)
(right) in standard
in standard installment.
installment. (a)
(a) No
No modification,
modification, (b) Case4
(b) Case4 and and (c) Case1.
(c) Case1.
Figure 11.11.Distribution
stress on
on tooth
tooth surface
surface for
gear(right) when
(right) ߂P∆P
when = 0.1. (a) No
= 0.1. (a) modi-
fication, (b)(b)
modification, Case4 andand
Case4 (c) (c)
Metals 2021, 11, 33 12 of 22
Metals 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 22
Figure 12. Distribution of contact stress on the tooth surface for pinion (left) and the gear (right) when ߂G = 0.1. (a) No
Figure 12. Distribution of contact stress on the tooth surface for pinion (left) and the gear (right) when ∆G = 0.1. (a) No
modification, (b) Case4 and (c) Case1.
modification, (b) Case4 and (c) Case1.
Figures 13 13 and
and 14 14 show
show thethe distribution
distribution of of contact
contact stress
stress on
on the
the tooth
tooth surface
surface ofof no
modification, Case4 and Case1, when ߂E = 0.02 and ߂E = −0.02, respectively.
modification, Case4 and Case1, when ∆E = 0.02 and ∆E = −0.02, respectively. As shown As shown in
in Figures 13a13a
and 14a,
and thethe
14a, gear
gear pair
contact andand local
stress at the toe and the heel of the tooth, when ߂E = 0.02 or ߂E = −0.02,
stress at the toe and the heel of the tooth, when ∆E = 0.02 or ∆E = −0.02, respectively. respectively. It canIt
be seen from Figure 13b that the contact area of the tooth end relief gear
can be seen from Figure 13b that the contact area of the tooth end relief gear tooth when tooth when ߂E =
0.02 is at the modification start point near the toe of the tooth. However,
∆E = 0.02 is at the modification start point near the toe of the tooth. However, the contact the contact area
of theoftooth
area end relief
the tooth gear gear
end relief toothtooth ߂E = ∆E
whenwhen −0.02
= −is0.02
at the
is atmodification
the modificationstart point near
start point
theof theof
heel tooth, as shown
the tooth, in Figure
as shown 14b. As
in Figure shown
14b. in Figure
As shown 13c, the13c,
in Figure contact ellipse
the contact
area of area
ellipse the symmetric crowned
of the symmetric modification
crowned gear tooth
modification gearmoves a little atolittle
tooth moves the toe of the
to the toe
of thefrom
tooththe middle
from the of the tooth,
middle when
of the ߂Ewhen
tooth, = 0.02.∆EHowever,
= 0.02. as presented
However, asin Figure 14c,
presented in
the contact ellipse area of the symmetric crowned modification gear
Figure 14c, the contact ellipse area of the symmetric crowned modification gear tooth tooth moves a little
to the heel
moves of the
a little tooth
to the from
heel thetooth
of the middle
fromof the tooth,
middlewhenof the߂E when ∆E = −0.02.
= −0.02.
Metals 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 22
Metals 2021, 11, 33 13 of 22
Figure 13.
13. Distribution
Distribution of
of contact
contact stress
stress on
on the
the tooth
tooth surface
surface for
for pinion
pinion (left)
(left) and
and the
the gear
gear (right) when ߂E
(right) when ∆E == 0.02.
0.02. (a)
(a) No
modification, (b) Case4 and (c) Case1.
modification, (b) Case4 and (c) Case1.
Metals 2021,
2021, 11,
11, x
of 22
Figure 14.
14. Distribution
Distribution of contact stress
of contact stress on
on the
the tooth
tooth surface
surface for
(right)when ߂E==−
when∆E −0.02.
0.02. (a)
(a) No
modification, (b) Case4
modification, (b) Case4 and
and (c)
(c) Case1.
Figure 15
15 presents
presents the
the distribution
distribution ofof contact
contact stress
stress on
on the
the tooth
tooth surface
surface of
of no
no modi-
fication, Case4
Case4 and
and Case1, when ߂γ
Case1, when ∆γ == 1.
1. As
As shown
shown inin Figure
Figure 15,
15, the
the contact
contact areas of the
tooth pair
pair of
of no modification,
modification, tooth end relief and symmetric crowned modification are
basically the
the same
same as that in the standard installation.
As mentioned above, the two modification methods can all avoid edge effect caused
by shearing action. By comparison of the contact area of no modification, tooth end relief
and symmetric crowned modification, it can be found that both the two modification
methods can improve the contact area and increase the bearing capacity of the gear pair.
Metals 2021,
2021, 11,
11, x33FOR PEER REVIEW 1515ofof 22
Figure 15.
15. Distribution
Distribution of
of contact
contact stress
stress on
on the
the tooth
tooth surface
surface for
for pinion
pinion (left)
(left) and the gear
and the gear (right)
(right) when ߂γ == 1.
when ∆γ 1. (a)
(a) No
modification, (b)
(b) Case4
Case4 and
and (c)
(c) Case1.
As mentioned above, the two modification methods can all avoid edge effect caused
by Influenceaction.
of Modification on the Tooth
By comparison of the Contact
contact Stress
area of no modification, tooth end relief
and symmetric
According to crowned
the study modification,
by Deng [18],itthe canfatigue
be found that
failure both
of the the two
driving modification
pinion including
contact andcanbending
the contact
is thearea
main and increase
fatigue the bearing
failure capacitybevel
for the straight of thegear
engineering machinery. So, in this paper, it is necessary to pay more attention to the contact
6.2. Influence
stress of Modification
and bending stress foron the
theTooth Contact Stress
modification driving opinion. In Table 4, we list the
average values to
According ofthe
contact by stress
Deng of nothe
[18], modification,
fatigue failure tooth enddriving
of the relief and symmetric
pinion includ-
crowned modification in the single pair contact zone in different installment
ing contact and bending fatigue is the main fatigue failure for the straight bevel gear pair conditions.
in 16a illustrates
engineering machinery.the variation
So, in this of paper,
contactitstress in a whole
is necessary to paycycle for attention
more the unmodified
to the
gears in different installment conditions. It can be seen from
contact stress and bending stress for the modification driving opinion. In Table Figure 16a that the alignment
4, we list
the ∆P, ∆G
average andof∆E
values thehave great
contact effect
stress on modification,
of no the contact stresstoothforendthe unmodified
relief and symmetricgears
and the alignment
crowned modification errorin ∆γ
thehas littlepair
single effect on the
contact contact
zone stress compared
in different installment with standard
installment. Furthermore, the alignment errors increase the maximal
Figure 16a illustrates the variation of contact stress in a whole cycle for the unmodified contact stress greatly.
This is because the alignment errors ∆P, ∆G and ∆E result in the end contact of gear pairs.
Case2 491.5 508.0 496.0 491.1 496.4 493.8
Case3 443.7 504.4 522.7 489.1 431.1 449.3
Case4 441.3 494.9 503.8 482.6 419.0 442.0
Metals 2021, 11, 33 16 of 22
Figure 16c shows the variation of contact stress in a whole cycle for the symmetric
crowned modification gears with alignment errors. As presented in Figure 16c, the contact
stress in the whole cycle for the symmetric crowned modification gears with alignment
Table 4. Average values of the contact stress for the driving in single contact zone.
errors decreases dramatically. Furthermore, it can be also found that the alignment errors
have little
Pacific on
Gearthe contact
stress for the symmetric crowned modification gears. By
Transmission Co. ∆P = 0.1 ∆G = 0.1 ∆E = −0.02 ∆E = 0.02 ∆γ = 1
the application of symmetric crowned
LTD, Taizhou, Misalign- modification,
/MPa /MPa the fluctuation
/MPa of contact stress
/MPa /MPa in the
single pair China
contact zone reduces greatly and the contact stress decreases drastically too. It
Unmodified gear 594.4 698.3 849.5 705.4 661.4 602.4
can be found from Table 4465.9
Case1 that the contact
483.9 stress of tooth end
476.2 471.1relief without
471.0 misalignment
Case2 that of symmetric
is smaller than 491.5 508.0
crowned 496.0
modification. 491.1 mainly496.4
This 493.8contact
because the
Case3 443.7 504.4 522.7 489.1 431.1 449.3
area of tooth end relief is larger
Case4 441.3 and 494.9
spread uniformly
503.8 along
482.6the tooth width unmodified
419.0 442.0
zone (Figure 10b).
Maximum equivalent contact stress (MPa)
Without misalignment
Δ P=0.1 ΔG=0.1
1600 Δ E=-0.02 Δ γ=1
Δ E=0.02
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
2000 2000
Without misalignment 1900 Without misalignment
Maximum equivalent contact stress (MPa)
Maximum equivalent contact stress (MPa)
1800 1800
Δ P=0.1 Δ G=0.1 Δ P=0.1 ΔG=0.1
1600 Δ E=-0.02 Δγ=1 1600 Δ E=-0.02 Δ γ=1
Δ E=0.02 1500 Δ E=0.02
1400 1400
1200 1200
1000 1000
800 800
600 600
400 400
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
(b) (c)
Figure 16.16.Variation
Figure Variationof
of contact stressininaawhole
contact stress whole cycle
cycle forfor
(a) (a) unmodified,
unmodified, (b) tooth
(b) tooth end(Case4)
end relief relief (Case4) and (c) symmetric
and (c) symmetric
crowned modification
modification (Case1) drivingopinion
(Case1) driving opinion with
with alignment
alignment errors.
From 16bthe shows
abovethe variation
results, of contact
it can stress in a whole
be concluded cyclethe
that both for the tooth
tooth endendrelief
relief and the
gears in different installment conditions. As shown in Figure 16b, the maximal contact
symmetric crowned modification can decrease the contact stress greatly and improve the
stress in all kinds of installment condition reduces greatly by the application of tooth end
bearing capacity of gear pair. Moreover, the contact stress of tooth end relief (Case4) is
relief. Moreover, the contact stress in the single pair contact zone for the tooth end relief
smaller than the other
gears with alignment three.
errors also reduces drastically which can be also seen from Table 4.
Figure 16c shows the variation of contact stress in a whole cycle for the symmetric
6.3. Influence
crowned of Modification
modification on alignment
gears with the Distribution
errors.ofAsTooth Contact
presented Stress 16c, the contact
in Figure
the whole
paper,cycle for the symmetric
the contact crowned modification
stress distribution of meshing gears
at the pitch cone
has been investigated. Figure 17 presents the contact stress distribution forerrors
errors decreases dramatically. Furthermore, it can be also found that the alignment the unmodi-
have little effect on the contact stress for the symmetric crowned modification gears. By
fied gear along the tooth width in different installment conditions. As shown in Figure 17
the application of symmetric crowned modification, the fluctuation of contact stress in the
the contact
single stresszone
pair contact without misalignment
reduces is larger
greatly and the contactat the decreases
stress tooth end, especially
drastically too.the
It heel of
the tooth. The contact stress is concentrated in the heel of the tooth, when ߂G = 0.1, ߂E =
−0.02. On the contrary, the contact stress is concentrated in the toe of tooth, when ߂E =
0.02. Furthermore, the contact stress is concentrated in the position close to the heel of the
tooth, when ߂P = 0.1, although the contact stress declines a little at the heel of the tooth
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
(b) (c)
Figure 16.11,Variation
2021, 33 17 of(c)
of contact stress in a whole cycle for the (a) unmodified, (b) tooth end relief (Case4) and 22 symme
can beFrom
found the
Table 4 results, it canstress
that the contact be concluded
of tooth end that both the
relief without tooth end relief
symmetric crowned modification can decrease the contact stress the
smaller than that of symmetric crowned modification. This mainly because contact
greatly and imp
area of tooth end relief is larger and spread uniformly along the tooth width unmodified
bearing capacity of gear pair. Moreover, the contact stress of tooth end relief (C
zone (Figure 10b).
Fromthan the other
the above three.
results, it can be concluded that both the tooth end relief and the
symmetric crowned modification can decrease the contact stress greatly and improve the
6.3. Influence
bearing capacityofofModification on the Distribution
gear pair. Moreover, of Tooth
the contact stress Contact
of tooth Stress
end relief (Case4) is
smaller than the other three.
In this paper, the contact stress distribution of meshing tooth pair at the pit
6.3. been investigated. Figure
of Modification on 17 presents
the Distribution the
of Tooth contact
Contact stress
Stress distribution for the u
paper, the tooth width
the contact in different
stress distribution of installment
meshing toothconditions. As shown
pair at the pitch cone in Fi
has been investigated. Figure 17 presents the contact stress distribution
the contact stress without misalignment is larger at the tooth end, especially the for the unmodified
gear along the tooth width in different installment conditions. As shown in Figure 17, the
the tooth. The contact stress is concentrated in the heel of the tooth, when ߂G = 0
contact stress without misalignment is larger at the tooth end, especially the heel of the
tooth. Oncontact
the contrary, the contact
stress is concentrated stress
in the heel ofisthe
tooth, when ∆G in= the toe= of
0.1, ∆E tooth, wh
On theFurthermore, the contact
contrary, the contact stress isstress is concentrated
concentrated in the toe in the position
of tooth, when ∆Eclose to the he
= 0.02.
tooth, when ߂P = 0.1, although the contact stress declines a little at the heel of th
Furthermore, the contact stress is concentrated in the position close to the heel of the tooth,
This is∆Pbecause
= 0.1, although the contact error
the alignment stress declines
߂P = 0.1a little at the
causes heel of
a little the tooth. This
excursion is conta
for the
because the alignment error ∆P = 0.1 causes a little excursion for the contact point from
from the heel to the toe along the pinion tooth width. The conclusion can be obtain
the heel to the toe along the pinion tooth width. The conclusion can be obtained from
Figure that thethe alignment
alignment errors
errors causecause the serious
the serious edge of
edge contact contact of the unmodif
the unmodified
gear again.
800 without misalignment
Equivalent contact stress (MPa)
Δ P=0.1 Δ G=0.1
700 Δ E=-0.02 Δγ =1
Δ E=0.02
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Longitudinal direction (mm)
Figure Contactstress distribution
stress for the
distribution unmodified
for driving opinion
the unmodified drivingalong toothalong
opinion widthtooth
in widt
different installment conditions.
different installment conditions.
Figure 18 shows the contact stress distribution for the tooth end relief gear along the
tooth width in 18 shows
different the contact
installment stressAs
conditions. distribution for 18,
shown in Figure thethe
tooth end
contact relief
stress of gear a
the width
tooth in different
end relief gear tooth installment conditions.
in different installment As shown
conditions in concentrated
is mainly Figure 18, the in conta
the unmodified zone along the tooth width and is larger at the two beginning
of the tooth end relief gear tooth in different installment conditions is mainly conc modification
points. The contact stress of two beginning modification points is lower than the end
contact stress of the unmodified gear. It can be also seen from Figure 18 that the contact
stress of the tooth end decreases greatly through the tooth end relief.
in the unmodified zone along the tooth width and is larger at the two beginning
cation points. The contact stress of two beginning modification points is lower
in the unmodified zone along the tooth width and is larger at the two beginning
end contact stress of the unmodified gear. It can be also seen from Figure 18 that
cation points. The contact stress of two beginning modification points is lower
Metals 2021, 11, 33 tact stress of the tooth end decreases greatly through the tooth end relief.
18 of 22
end contact stress of the unmodified gear. It can be also seen from Figure 18 that
tact stress of the tooth end decreases greatly through the tooth end relief.
without misaligment
500 ΔP=0.1 ΔG=0.1 Heel
stress (MPa)
450 E=-0.02misaligment
Δwithout Δγ=1
500 ΔΔE=0.02
P=0.1 ΔG=0.1
stress (MPa)
450 ΔE=-0.02 Δγ=1
contact contact
The middle of tooth
stress (MPa)
contact stress
without misalignment
200 ΔP=0.1 ΔG=0.1
ΔE=-0.02 Δγ =1
without misalignment
100 ΔE=0.02
ΔP=0.1 ΔG=0.1
ΔE=-0.02 Δγ =1
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 ΔE=0.02
Longitudinal direction (mm)
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure Contact stress
stress distribution
Longitudinal for thefor
direction (mm) the symmetric
symmetric crownedcrowned modification
modification driving
driving opinion opi
(Case1) along
along the the
widthwidth in different
in different installment
installment conditions. conditions.
Figure 19. Contact stress distribution for the symmetric crowned modification driving op
As mentioned
(Case1) along theabove,
tooth both
widthtooth end reliefinstallment
in different and symmetric crowned modification can
As the
eliminate mentioned above,
edge contact of the both tooth
straight bevelend
tooth and symmetric
caused crowned
by alignment errors. modifica
eliminate the edge contact of the straight bevel gear tooth caused by alignment e
As mentioned
6.4. Influence above,
of Modification on theboth tooth ofend
Distribution relief
Tooth andStress
Bending symmetric crowned modific
eliminate the edge contactstress
of the straight of
bevel gear tooth caused by alignment e
6.4. In this paper,
Influence of the bending
Modification distribution
on the Distributiontheofdriving
Tooth pinion at the
Bending pitch
Stress cone
has been investigated. Figure 20 presents the bending stress distribution for the driving
pinion In this
6.4. Influence
of no paper,
modification,the bending
of Modification
tooth endon stress
relief distribution
and symmetric of of the
crowned driving
modification pinion
in at the pi
has been conditions,
installment investigated. Figure 20
respectively. presents
It can the from
be also seen bending
Figurestress distribution
20a that the point of for the
maximum In this paper, theis bending stress distribution of=the
∆E 0.02,driving
∆γ = 1 orpinion at the p
pinion ofbending stress
no modification, neartooth
the toe of the
end tooth,
relief and when
symmetric crowned without
modification i
misalignment. However, the point of maximum bending stress is near the heel of the tooth, for the
has been investigated. Figure 20 presents the bending stress distribution
ent installment conditions, respectively. It can be also seen from Figure 20a that t
when ∆E of
=− no
0.02, ∆P = 1 or ∆G tooth
modification, end relief
= 0.1. From and symmetric
the analysis crowned that
above, it is concluded modification
of maximum
alignment errors bending
have a stress
great isonnear
effect the the toestress
bending of thedistribution
tooth, when for ߂Eunmodified
the = 0.02, ߂γ = 1 or
ent installment conditions, respectively. It can be also seen from Figure 20a that
misalignment. However, the point of maximum bending stress is near the he
of maximum bending stress is near the toe of the tooth, when ߂E = 0.02, ߂γ = 1 or
tooth, when ߂E = −0.02, ߂P = 1 or ߂G = 0.1. From the analysis above, it is conclu
misalignment. However, the point of maximum bending stress is near the he
tooth, when ߂E = −0.02, ߂P = 1 or ߂G = 0.1. From the analysis above, it is conclu
Metals 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 19 of 22
Metals 2021, 11, 33 19 of 22
the alignment errors have a great effect on the bending stress distribution for the unmod-
ified pinion.
driving Compared
pinion. to Figure
Compared 20a–c, 20a–c,
to Figure it can be found
it can that thethat
be found point
of maximum
bending stress for the both three kinds tooth is near the toe of tooth, when
bending stress for the both three kinds tooth is near the toe of tooth, when ߂E ∆E = 0.02, ∆γ==0.02,
1 ߂γ =
or without misalignment. However, the point of maximum bending stress of tooth end
1 or without misalignment. However, the point of maximum bending stress of tooth end
relief and symmetric crowned modification is in the middle of the tooth, when ∆E = −0.02,
relief and symmetric crowned modification is in the middle of the tooth, when ߂E = −0.02,
∆P = 1 or ∆G = 0.1. Moreover, the distribution of bending stress for tooth end relief and
߂P = 1 or ߂G
symmetric = 0.1.
crown Moreover, isthe
modification distribution
uniform, and theofbending
stressforfor tooth
tooth end
end relief and
is smaller. crown modification is uniform, and the bending stress for tooth end relief is
3 20 To e Heel 300
3 00
2 80
2 60
2 40
2 20 220
2 00 200
1 80 180
witho ut misalignment without misalignment
1 60 160
Δ P=0.1 Δ G=0.1 ΔP=0.1 ΔG=0.1
1 40 140
Δ E=-0.02 Δγ =1 ΔE=-0.02 Δγ=1
1 20 Δ E=0.0 2 120
1 00 100
80 80
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Lo ngitu dinal d irection (mm)
(a) Longitudinal direction (mm)
3 20
3 00
2 80
2 60
Bending stress (MPa)
2 40
2 20
2 00
1 80
1 60 w ith ou t m isalig nm en t
Δ P = 0.1 Δ G = 0 .1
1 40
Δ E =- 0.02 Δ γ= 1
1 20
Δ E =0 .02
1 00
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
L on gitud ina l direc tion (m m )
Figure 20.20.
Figure Bending
Bending stress
stress distributionfor
distribution forthe
the driving
driving pinion
pinion in
in different
differentinstallment conditions—(a)
installment no no
conditions—(a) modification,
modification, (b)
(b) end
tooth toothrelief
end relief (Case4)
(Case4) andand (c) symmetric
(c) symmetric crownedmodification
crowned modification (Case
0.0021 0.0021
0.0020 0.0020
Transmission error (rad)
0 .0 017
0 .0 016
0 .0 015
0 .0 014
0 .0 013 W ithout misalignment
0 .0 012 Δ P=0 .1 Δ G =0.1
0 .0 011 Δ E =-0 .02 Δ γ =1
0 .0 010 Δ E =0. 02
0 .0 009
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
R ota tion al angle φ 1 (d eg)
(1) As shown in Figure 21a, theNotransmission modification errors of unmodified gear pairs increase
greatly, when ∆P = 0.1, ∆G =0.1, ∆E
Case2 = −0.02 or ∆E = 0.02. However, the increase of
transmission errors is not significant,
when ∆γ = 1. From the analysis above, it can be
Transmission error amplitude (rad)
concluded that the transmission errors of straight bevel gear pairs are sensitive to the
alignment error ∆P, ∆G and ∆E, but not sensitive to the alignment error ∆γ;
(2) Compared Figure 21a,b, it can be found that the variation of transmission errors
of tooth end relief is basically the same as that of no modification in different installment
errors of symmetric crown modification caused by alignment errors is not great; and
(3) The transmission error amplitudes of unmodified gear and different modifications
underΔP=0 different
Δ P=0.1 Δinstallment conditions
G=0.1 Δ E=-0.02 Δ E=0.02 Δ γ =1 are presented in Figure 22. From Figure 22, it is
found that the Alignment
tooth enderror type
relief (Case4) is relatively optimal which can greatly reduce the
Figure and noise
22. Variation ofof gear drives, error
transmission and Case1 and Case3
amplitudes are moderate,
of driving but Case2
pinion under is notmodifica-
different well.
From Case2, it can be found
tion in different installment conditions. that excessive modification value will decrease the meshing
stiffness, and then increase the transmission error amplitude.
0 .0 010 Δ E =0. 02
0 .0 009
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
R ota tion al angle φ 1 (d eg)
Metals 2021, 11, 33 21 of 22
Figure 21. Variation of transmission errors of driving pinion in different installment conditions—(a) no m
tooth end relief (Case4) and (c) symmetric crowned modification (Case1).
No modification
0.00070 Case4
Δ P=0 Δ P=0.1 Δ G=0.1 Δ E=-0.02 Δ E=0.02 Δ γ =1
Alignment error type
Figure Variation
22. 22. of transmission
Variation error amplitudes
of transmission of driving
error pinion underof
amplitudes different
pinion unde
in different installment conditions.
tion in different installment conditions.
7. Conclusions
From the analysis in this article of the simulation of meshing performance of modified
straight bevel gears, it can be concluded that:
(1) Both the tooth end relief and the symmetric crowned modification can avoid the
edge effect caused by shearing action and alignment errors, and improve the contact area
which increases the bearing capacity of gear pair. Moreover, Case4 (tooth end relief) is the
best modification method for decreasing the contacting stress greatly.
(2) Both the tooth end relief and the symmetric crowned modification can reduce the
sensitivity of bending stress to alignment errors. Furthermore, Case4 (tooth end relief) is
the best modification method for decreasing the bending stress greatly and reducing the
sensitivity of bending stress to alignment errors.
(3) Case4 (tooth end relief) is the most optimal method to decrease the transmission
error amplitude and reduce the meshing impact. However, excessive modification value
will decrease the meshing stiffness, and then increase the transmission error amplitude
such as Case2.
(4) Results show that Case4 (tooth end relief) is the better method to avoid the edge
contact, improve the contacting and bending fatigue life and reduce the vibration and noise
for straight bevel gear driving.
This research contributes to improving meshing performance of straight bevel gears.
Based on the investigation of this paper, the more effective modification method to improve
meshing performance of straight bevel gears will be investigated in the subsequent works.
θ Angle between two bevel gear planing tools (deg)
θa Angle of tip cone (deg)
θb Angle of base cone (deg)
θc Angle of cutting beginning cone (deg)
∆Φ1 Rotation angle of driving pinion (deg)
z Number of teeth
r1 Radius vector of gear tooth surface point
rg Radius vector of point at base circle of gear planing tool
rd Radius of the bottom rim of the pinion (mm)
Mi Matrix (N·m)
α Pressure angle (deg)
∆δi Circumferential displacement difference at critical position (mm)
δim Circumferential displacement of meshing tooth along contact line at critical position (mm)
δiu Circumferential displacement without mesh along contact line (mm)
δ Circumferential displacement of nodes on bottom rim of pinion under loaded (mm)
b Tooth width (mm)
∆Ti Modification dimension
∆Li Relief length (mm)
∆P Axial displacement of pinion (mm)
∆G Axial displacement of gear (mm)
∆E Change of center distance (mm)
∆γ Change of crossing angle (deg)
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