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STD 10 Half Yearly Exam 2022 - Kanchipuram DT

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StandardX Reg No 1
Marks: 100
Time: 3.00 hrs Part-
14x1 14
Note Answer all the questions
and write the code with
ii) Choose the most suitable answer
corresponding answer
the appropriate synonym for the talicised words:
1 When school began there was a bustle
c) noise d) confusion
a) rush b) change
2. His parents circled around raising a proud cackle
c) high pitch d) shout
a) sharp noise b) blunt noise
3. Philip was an inventor and ingenious mechanical engineer.
d) famous
a) good b) clever c) generous
Choose the appropriate antonym for the italicised words:
4. The little man was startled
c) saddened d) at ease
a) surprised b) exited
5. Boost the morale in the country.
C) mettle d) confidence
a) fear b) attitude
6. Assistive technology has helped a talented mind or overcome physical impairments.
a) cross b) surrender c) succeed d) conquer
7. Choose the correct plural form for 'data' from the following
a) datass b) datum c) dati d) datae
8. Form a derivative by adding the right prefix to the word possible
C) im d) il
a) ir b) dis
9. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation_NLC
a) Neyveli Lead Corporation b) Neyveli Lignite Corporation
d), National Legal Council
c) National Lignite Council
10. Complete the following sentence with the most appropriate word given below
Passengers belts' during the
should wear the seat
a) take on b take out ctakein d) take off
11. Choose the suitable option to pair with green to form a compound word.
a) dress b) house c) glass d) pen
12. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate preposition given below.
John Mathew exercised Louise everyday.
of c) with d) to
a) in
13. Complete
the following sentence by using the most appropriate of the tense given below
in the kitchen, when the door bell rang.
b)were cookingc) had cooked d) cooked
a) cooking.
from the given four alternatives:
14. Choose the most appropriate linker
you work hard, you will score good marks.
c)when d) but
a) unless b)
Part-I 3x2 6
Section-(Prose) two:
sentence or
three ofthe following questions in
Answer any
examine him?
15. Why didn't Holmes let Watson to
16. What did Aditya offer Sanyal?
17. What prompted the seagull to fly finally?
18. What does the term "circumnavigation"
Section Il (Poetry)
3 x2 6
Answer any three of the following
19. "A silly young cricket accustomed to sing
the warm, sunny months of gay summer and spring"
Through mentioned here.
the cricket? b) Name the seasons
a) What was the routine of
20. "What happened inside that house (2) XEnglish
I really don't knowW
I guess it will always be
a mystery"
Does the poet know what happened in the house?
b) What is the mysterious about the house?
21. "There's a family nobody likes to
They live, It is said on a complaining
a) Where does the family live? b) Why street
do think the street is named as complaining street?
22. "We were cast and
wrought and hammered to design
We were cut and field and tooled and
a) Whom does we refer to? b) Howgauged
to fit
are they made to fit?
Section- Il (Grammar)
Answer any three of the following: 3x2 6
23. Rewrite the following
sentence to the other voice
Please do not walk on the grass.
24 Rewrite into indirect speech.
Sheila said, "I must wash.up"
25. Punctuate the following :
come here come here he called
26. Transform the
following into a compound sentence
Besides beinga dancer, she is a
27. Rearrange the
words into coherent order to make a meaningful sentence.
a) slept/ But / on / zigzag/ undisturbed
b). beckoning / caling / they were / to him / shrilly
Section-IV (Writing) Compulsory You are here
28. A stranger wants to go to SBI ATM.
1x2 2
Guide him to reach his|destination.


Bharathi Salai

Part Ill
Section 1 (Prose) 2x5 10
Answer any two of the following in utmost 10 lines:
29. How did Watson help his friend to arrest the criminal?
30. Describe the struggle underwent by the young Seagull to overcome its fear of
31. Give an account of the tast day of Mr.M.Hamel in school.
32.. "Technology is a boon to disabled" - Justify
Section II (Poetry) 2x5 10
Answer any two of the following
33. "Some crickets havé four legs and some have two"
Elucidate this statement from the poet's point of view.
34. How is mystery depicted in the poem, "The House on Elms Street"
35. Read the following stanza and answer the questions given below
In the dim of past nor holding back in fear
From what the future veils; but with a whole
And happy heart that pays its toll
To youth and age, and travels on with cheer
(3) X English
a) Pick out rhyming words from the above lines.
b) Write the rhyme scheme of the poem.
C) ldentify the figure of speech employed in the first line ofthe given stanza.
d) Pick out the alliterating words in the third line.
36. Paraphrase the following stanza
"Strong is she in her faith and beliefs
Persistence is the key to everything"
Says she. Despite the sighs and grooms and moans,
She is strong in her faith, firm in her belief
Answer any one of the following
Section-Ii (Supplementary) 1x5 5

37. Rearrange the jumbled sentence in coherent order:

a) He took care of the orderliness in the clinic.
b) Zigzag was a great trouble in the house.
c) Dr.Krishnan was surprised of the sudden change in zigzag.
d) Gone was zigzag's bored and grumpy expression.
e) Dr.Krishnan took him to the clinic.
38. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:
A second inventor, using as a basis some old experiments that dated from the 19th
century, had the ideaof moving a whole city in a single block. He suggested, as a
demonstration, the town of Saaf, situated fifteen miles from the sea, after conveying it
on rails down to the' shore, he would transform it into a seaside resort. Francis Bennett,
attracted by this project, agreed to take a half-share in it. The proposals heard and
dealt with Francis Bennett went to stretch himself out in an easy chair in the audition
room.Then pressing a button, he was put into communication with a central concert
After so busy a day, what a charm he found in the works of our greatest masters, based
on a series of delicious harmonic-algebraic formula! During his mail, phenotelephotic
communication had been set up with Paris.
i) In which century were the old experiments dated? And what was it?
i) Where was Saaf situated?
ii) What was the-proposal awaiting for Saaf?
iv) How and to whom was Francis Bennett connected?
v Pick out any words that refer to technolog
Section -IV 4x5 20
Answerany four of the following
39 Prepare an attractive advertisement using the hints given below
Mobile World smart phoneS accessories recharges free scratch card on every
purchase of mobile - Flower, Ba|aar, Ulundurpet.
40. You are the co-ordinator for the "Kalai Thiruvizha'" in your school. write a notice about
the competitions to be held in your school campus.
41. Write a complaint letter to the office of the PVWD department to take immediate action
of maintaining cleanliness in the children's park in your locality.
42. Look at the following picture and express your view on it in about five sentences:

(4) XEnglish ,
of thé following :
42. Makenotes are write a Summary passage blood cells
of blood cells, red blood cells, white
Our blood consists of three types are composed or
are small, thin and disc shaped. they
and platelets. The red blood cellscalled When blood passes through he
an ron containing component haemoglobin.
molecules pick up four oxygen molecules and supplies them to
Jungs each haemoglobin blood cells also transport the carbon-di-oxide from the tissues
the body's tissues. Red white blood cells are big
to the lungs. The lungs throw out this gas when we exhale. The
and few compared to red cells, numbering only one for every 700 red cells. They are
One kind, for
body's defenders, the soldiers that fight bacteria and other enemies. viruses. some
instance, destroys dead cells. Other kinds produce antibodies against
others consume and digest bacteria.
44. ldentify and correct the errors in the following sentences
a) lam fond at sweets. b) How anyone attended the function?
c) She love her father. d) His son-in-laws have come home.
e) Iprefer coffee than tea.
1x5 5
45. Quote from your
Section-V(Memoriter) Compulsory
Remember no men... ... air and water
Part IV (supplementary) 2x8 16
46. Write a paragraph of about 150 words by developing the following hints:
Uncle inventor bachelor mechanical engineer quite rich precious stones
author's mother uncle never help -butuncle called him - one week before death felt
sorry no relations gave an iron box dynamite precious stones - couldn't open
fearing dynamite explosion - will society of preservation of Human Vivisection (OR)
Mulan brave warrior saved China put in charge of all warriors doctor finds her
-girl soldiers revoke Mulan won another battle. emperor glad gave her prizes.
47. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below
In China, in abouf 1200 BC, people or traded shells, for the things they wanted.
Chinese people also traded metal tools for the things they wanted. For example, they
traded metal knives and shovels for the things they wanted. Later in China, people
made metal money. In about 100 BC, the Chinese made money of animal skin. the first
deer skin. It came from China about 900
paper money was made from white coloured
years later. In about 700 BC, people made the first round coins. The coins were made of
gold and These coins came from
silver. Lydia. Lydia was located where the country
called Turkey today.
the things they wanted?
a) What did the Chinese trade for made?
b) How was thefirst paper money c)Where was Lydia?
d) When did peoplemake the answer metal
first round coin? (OR)
that follow
Read the following: poem and the questions
A bird, came down the walkK-.
He did not know saw
He bit an Angle worm in halves
And ate the fellow, raw

And then, he drank a Dew

From a convenient Grass
And then hopped sidewise to the wall
To let a beetle poss.
He glanced with rapid eyes
That hurried all abroad -
They looked like frightened Beach, I thought
Velvet Head.
He stirred kis
b) How did the bird eat the worm?
a) What didbirdthe poet'see?
drink water? How? d) What are the eyes compared to?
c) Did the

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