BCG Online Case Assessment User Guide 2023

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BCG Online Case

User reference guide & helpful tips
Welcome to BCG!
In preparation for your upcoming Online Case
Assessment with BCG, we have created this
short document to help you get ready.

Please take the time to read through this

document, which explains what you can expect
during the Online Case Assessment and
provides some tips and tricks to help you be

Best of luck!

What you can expect from BCG's
Online Case Assessment

100% online, taken from your home on your personal computer;
conducted by our chatbot, Casey

~30 minutes: short introduction video + 25 min to complete the
case + 1-min video recording at the end

Assessment Details
Case consists of 8-10 questions + a video recording at the end

Questions can be multiple choice, short answer,or fill-in

At the end, you will be asked to answer a question over video. You
will have 1 minute to prepare, and 1 minute to record the video.
Example of the
case interface
(1 of 3)

Casey will guide you through the test questions,and give

you relevant context as needed
You will be asked some
multiple-choice questions;
please read the questions
Example of the
case interface
(2 of 3)

Casey will occasionally remind

you of remaining time until the
end of the test
You can also view the running
countdown clock in the top right

Example of the case interface (3 of 3)
Start screen Preparing your answer (60 sec) Recording your answer (60 sec)

At the end, you will need to After you click “Start Recording”, Once recording starts,a timer on
record a video of yourself the question will appear. There the top left will let you know how
will be a countdown to let you many seconds you have left to
When prompted,please allow know how many seconds you record. to use your have left.
microphone and camera
The recording starts after the
Click “Start Recording” to countdown runs out , or click
begin the process. “Start Now” to begin recording.
We recommend that you complete this practice case prior to your formal
assessment, to familiarize yourself with the format.

Note: the practice case is shorter than the real case and does not include the video
recording. But it has the same level of the difficulty as the real assessment.

• You will have 25 mins to complete the assessment. Casey will help you
Tips to set keep track of time, however, please plan accordingly.

you up for • You will not be able to go back and reference exhibits, review, or change
previous answers.
success before
you take the • All answer submissions are final. You must work through the case in the
order of questions asked. You will not receive your final score.
online case • You will have only 1 attempt to record your 1-min video at the end of the
assessment •

You will be given 1 min to prepare your answer, and 1 min to record your
delivery via video

• Please refer to the following FAQs for additional technical information

Tips & tricks during the assessment: time management
Countdown clock on the right
corner helps you to track how
much time left

Before every question, you'll

see question number and how
many questions left
Every 5 minutes you'll have a
pop-up reminder on how much
time left
Assumed knowledge & glossary of key terms
Remember, this is a 'real' case study assessment, you should prepare for this test as you would a regular case study
interview. That means some business knowledge will be required, as well as some analytical problem solving – we
strongly recommend that you practice case study interviews before attempting the test. In order to help get you started
we have included an initial & non-exhaustive glossary of business terms below, to give you an idea of the kind of
language that may be used in the assessment.

• Revenue/Sales: the total amount of money received by a business for providing goods and services. This is often calculated as the number of units sold multiplied by the price.

• Fixed costs: business costs that are not dependent on the amount of goods or services produced by the business. Fixed costs usually include things like rent and interest.

• Variable costs: business costs that change as the amount of goods and services produced by a business changes. Variable costs may include things like raw materials or delivery
costs. Variable cost per unit refers to total variable costs divided by units sold.

• Gross profit: the income of a business remaining after the costs of production and distribution (typically, the variable costs associated with producing the goods or services) have
been subtracted from revenue.

• Net profit: the income of a business given by revenue minus all costs and expenses that the business incurs.

• Market share: the portion of an industry controlled by a given business. A firm's market share by revenue is typically calculated as its revenue divided by the combined revenue of
all businesses in the same industry.

• Complementary goods: products which tend to be consumed together share a beneficial relationship with other products (e.g. an iPhone and mobile applications). Thus, increasing
demand for one tends to increase demand for the other.

• Substitute goods: products which can be used for the same or similar purposes. Substitute goods can be considered interchangeable (e.g. skim milk and semi-skim milk).

• Expected profit: The profit that a business expects to make, weighted by the probability of all potential profit outcomes. For example, if there is a 60% chance that a business will
make $100,000 on a deal, and 40% chance that it will lose $50,000, then the expected profit on the deal is 60% x $100,000 + 40% x (-$50,000) = $40,000.
Frequently Asked Questions (1/3)

How do I access the test? What if I don't receive an invitationemail?

An invitation email will be sent to you from our technology partner,Impress.Please follow the
instructions on the invitation email to start the assessment.

If you do not receive the email,please check your junk/spam folder for an email from

If you still do not see an email,reach out to your recruiter and they will re-send you the link

What hardware and other technical requirements are needed to complete this test?
A webcam-enabled laptop and a calculator are both required for this test.Do not access the test on
a mobile phone.
Please use Chrome,Firefox,or Opera as the web browser.Do not use Internet Explorer.Google
Chrome is the preferred browser for this test.Please disable VPN.

Please ensure that you have a stable internet connection while taking the test,especially because
you will need to record a video of yourself and the end.

Frequently Asked Questions (2/3)

Do I have to complete the test in one sitting? How do I troubleshoot if my webcam isn't properly
Yes,you need to complete the test in one sitting,as the timer will connected to the technical platform for the video
continue to run even if you are portion of the exam?
logged out. Your webcam should automatically connect to the platform.
However,in the unlikely event that this occurs,please ensure
If you are interrupted,you can log back in using the same invitation that other applications that may access or interfere with your
email and password.You will be brought back to the same place where webcam (such as other videoconferencing apps) are switched
you left off, but time will have elapsed. off. If your browser continues to experience issues accessing
your webcam, try rebooting, changing to another approved
browser (Chrome, Firefox, Opera),or to another computer.
I can't see all of the question content in my test browser –
Do note that if the internet connection is slightly unstable, the
what should I do?
video service may take up to 30 seconds to connect and
You may find it useful to zoom out on your browserin order to fit all
initiate.If you continue to experience issues,please try again
the text in one screen.(For instructions on how to do this in Chrome,
with another Internet connection.
click here)

Frequently Asked Questions (3/3)

What if a testing session is interrupted because of poor internet Will I know my score at the end of the interview?
connection or accidental closure of the chat bot? No.Similar to a live or face-to-face case interview,you will not
Click “Refresh” on your browser. You will not lose the progress that know how you scored in the Online Case Assessment. Note that
you have made and will be able to get back to the same question scoring varies by question type, and each question may carry a
through the invitation link within 25 mins after the moment when different weight.
your test began. All answers will be recorded in the platform. Delays
can be minimized by ensuring that you have a stable internet
connection. What do I do if I am unable to record the video portion?
While unlikelythis will happen,we will still have your
quantitative/general test results.We suggest you self-record your
My exhibits won't load / open in one of the questions – answer to the video recommendation prompt using your mobile
what do I do? phone or other device and send this recording to your recruiter.
Please refresh the page if you face delays in loading either the
exhibit or the bot (click on the refresh button on the browser,or
highlight the weblink and press enter).

Good Luck!

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