ICT Practical Revision Notes

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ICT Practical Revision Notes

Word Processing (MS Word)

 Serif – with flicks e.g. Times New Roman (short name  long font
 Sans-serif – without flicks e.g. Calibri, Arial (Long name  short font
 One part of document as 1 column and the rest in two columns a →
section break.
 When you want to move text to the next column a → column break.
 To force all further text onto the next page → page break
 A widow = single line that appears on the next page or column,
separated from the rest of the paragraph
 An orphan = single line that appears on the previous page or column,
separated from the rest of the paragraph.
 To add page numbers in the header/footer ------→ Place your cursor
where you want to put the number → Go to insert tab → Quick parts →
Select Numbering category → Select Page in field names → Click Ok
 Add the file size/name (including file path) → click on Quick parts in
Insert tab → click on Field → select File Size or File name.
 For file path → check the box to include file path.
 For file size → choose whether Kilobytes or Megabytes.
 Include date → click on Date & Time in Insert tab → choose an
appropriate format as specified. (If the date/month format is flipped →
change your region/ language settings on your computer to United
 Update fields if required (select auto update while inserting fields.)
Sum of fields in a report =SUM([Field_name])
Average of fields in a report =AVG([Field_name])
Minimum of fields in a
Maximum of fields in a
Count number of fields in a
(Always use primary field as it is the only
unique field)
To add a new field in a New field name :
report with formula [Field_name]*[Field_name]

| Yes | Find values that are Yes/True |

| No | Find values that are No/False |
| #01/01/2009# | Find a specific date |
| >01/03/2009 | Find dates after a given date |
| <01/03/2009 | Find a date before a given date |
| Between 01/03/2009 and 31/03/2009 | Find dates in a given range |

PowerPoint Presentation
 loop a slide show so it plays continuously until the Esc key is pressed 
Slide show tab  click on Set Up Slide Show under Set Up  Show
options  tick the box with “loop...”
 Showing formulae (To show formulas instead of values)  select Show
Formulas under the Formula Auditing section of the Formulas tab
 To set a cell as currency → click on the popup box in the Number
section of the Home tab → select Currency and pick the required
symbol and number of decimal places as specified on the paper.
 To color a range of cells that contain certain values → under Styles
section in the Home tab → click on the drop-down menu
under Conditional Formatting Choose New Rule → Format only cells
that contain→ add the rule according to the instructions on the paper
from the Format tab (ego: less than 100, format: green)
You can add more than one rule to a range of cells, by repeating the
same steps for the new rule.

 When you are using another file as a source file (LOOKUP function),
make sure it is open until the end, else the spreadsheet will no longer be
able to access that data.
 To make cell reference absolute, press F4 while highlighting it

Add, Subtract, Multiply, =A1+B1
SUM (Adding a range of =SUM(A1:A4)



MIN (Find the lowest value) =MIN(A1:A4)

MAX (Find the highest =MAX(A1:A4)

COUNT (Counting
generally how many numbers
are in a range including

COUNTA (Counting the

number of items in a range =COUNTA(A1:A4)
excluding blanks)

INT (Converts to the lowest =INT(A1)

whole number)

ROUND (Rounding =ROUND(A1,2) [The 2 is the number of

numbers) decimal places]
ROUNDUP (Rounding =ROUNDUP(A1,2)
numbers up) [The 2 is the number of decimal places]
(Rounding numbers down) [The 2 is the number of decimal places]
VLOOKUP (Looking up A1 is the cell to check, $B$1:$C$8 is the array
what particular values mean
to look in, 2 is column 2 from $B$1:$C$8
from a table arranged
vertically) meaning return the value in column 2 in that
HLOOKUP (Looking up =HLOOKUP(A1,$B$1:$G$2,2)
what particular values mean A1 is the cell to check$B$1:$G$2 is the array
from a table arranged to look in, 2 is row 2 from $B$1:$G$2
meaning return the value in row 2 in that
from another source file =HLOOKUP(A1,filename.csv!
=SUMIF($B$1:$C$8,A1, $D$1:$D$8)
SUMIF (adding up specific Checks if any cells in $B$1:$C$8 = A1 and if
values in a range)
they do then it adds them together
COUNTIF (Counts the Checks that cells have a value greater than 4
number of cells in a range =COUNTIF(A2:A4, A1)
that satisfy the given criteria) Checks that the cells are equal to the value in
cell A1
IF (Deciding what will go If the value in A1 appears in the range of cells
into a cell)
then write A, if not then write B
Nested IF
If the value in the range equals A1 then write
A, if it equals A2 write B, A3 write C and
none of them D
Average IF (it searches for =AVERAGEIF($D$4:$D$64,G3,$E$4:$E$64)
criteria and makes an
$D$4:$D$64 is the range, G3 is the
average of the range
according to the criteria) criteria, $E$4:$E$64 is the average range

SQRT (Square root of a =SQRT(B3) [B3 is the number]

 If the link needs to open in a new window 
<a href=”randomlink.com” target=”_blank”> </a>
 If the link needs to open in a current window 
<a href=”randomlink.com” target=”_blank”> </a>
 To set a bookmark tag in your code around this text 
<div id="top"> Destination text </div>

h2 {font-family: “Times New

Font type
Text size h2 {font-size: 16pt}
Aligning text h2 {text-align: center}
‘Bold’ text h2 {text-weight: bold}
h2 {text-decoration:
‘Underline’ text
h2 {font-family: “Times
Second choice of font
New Roman, Verdana”}
h2 {font-family: “Times
Adding generic fonts (either serif or sans- New Roman, serif”}
serif) h2 {font-family: “Calibri,
Changing color h2 {color: #000000}
Using classes to set styles.
right {text-align: right}
Can be used for many selectors
Comment in HTML - text that is not read <! - -Enter comment here - -
by the computer, only for users >
Comment in CSS - text that is not read by /* Enter comment here */
h2 {font-family: “Times New
Font type
the computer, only for users

Color Codes
 Pure red is (FF0000)
 Pure green is (00FF00)
 Pure blue is (0000FF)
 Pure yellow is (FFFF00)
 Pure black is (000000)
 Pure white is (FFFFFF)

 Inline CSS  e.g. <table border=”1” style= “width:200px”>
 Format for external CSS  e.g. h1 {property: value;}
 To add multiple fonts, add commas  e.g. h1 {font-family: Arial,
Calibri, sans-serif;}
 body {background-repeat: no-repeat;}
 body {background-position: top/left/right/bottom;}
 h1 {text-align: left/right/top/bottom;}

Table tags format

cell Table { padding :40px;}
cell Table { spacing : 30px;}
Table { border-width:3px;}
Table { border-color: #000098;}
borders Table { border-style: solid;}
Table { background-color:

Td/th tags td { font-size: 3;}

Table tags format
td { font-family: Calibri;}
td { color: #000000;}

Dimension table { width:50px;}

s table { height:60px;}

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