Welfare & SBF

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Zonal Railway Training Institute, C. Rly.

, Bhusawal


(1) Objects : - On Railway, for Rly. Employees & their family

members the staff Benefit Fund was introduced in 1931. The
staff benefit fund provides financial assistance for Recreation,
Education, Sports, Scout &guides, Relief of distress, Natural
Calimity etc. to Rly. employees as well as their family
members those who are dependent to their as per instruction
contained in Pass manual (Para 802-R-1) The benefit from
SBF is exclusively available for group ‘C’ & ‘D’ Railway
(2) Working of SBF :- The working of the Staff Benefit Fund is
being managed by the Central Staff Benefit Fund Committee
at Zonal Rlys’ HQ office under the Chairman ship of Chief
Personnel Officer & Secretary ship of Senior Personnel
Officer / Dy chief personnel officer (welfare ) Besides this Dy
General Manager (G) & Chief Medical Director of the Zone
shall be member of the committee & there will be
representation of 07 member each of both the recognized trade
(3) Activities :- The working of the Central Staff Benefit Fund
committees as well as doubts raised by sub – committees will
be completely controlled by the Staff Benefit Fund committee
it shall be final & the annual budget shall be finalized by
In case of any dispute on any point the decision of the Genl.
manager (Patron) shall be final.
(4) Constitution of the committee :- The constitution of the
Central Staff Benefit Committee on the Railways shall be as
I Chairman (Ex officio) Chief Personnel Officer
II One nominated officer Chief Medical Director
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III Another nominated officer Dy Genl. Manager (G)
IV Secretary & nominated officer Dy.C. P.Officer (Welfare)
member (Ex officio)
V Staff representative 14 member(7 each) each of
both the recognized union.
(Authority No. E(W)67-FU-23 dtd. 28.05.1968 (Para 8.7 & 8.8
(5) The Sub Committee at HQ Division level, Divisional level &
Work Shop Level shall be constituted as under
Divisional HQ Work Shop
level Divisional level
i Chairman Sr.DPO / SPO(L&w) SPO
(Ex officio) DPO
ii Secretary APO(W) APO S&WI
iii Officer Sr.DMO Sr.DMO/DMO Sr.DMO/DMO
Member /DMO to be to be to be nominated
nominated nominated by CMS
Besides above there will be 04 members of both the recognized
union ie 02 from each union will be nominated as members.
( Authority E(W) 68-FU-1-5 dtd. 30.04.68 & 12.12.75 )
Note :- The Suspended members will not be allowed to
participate in the meeting un till they become eligible the
another members can participate in the meeting
( Authority :- RBE No. E(W)60-NMI-31 dtd. 01.11.60 & Para
8-8 [RI] )
Note :- The Tenure of the members of the Central & Sub
Committee shall be one year but such members will be eligible
for re nomination . The members can be nominated for three
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years maximum.
(Authority RBE No. (W)61-FU-1-14 dtd.14.03.62 & E(W)65-
FUI-M dtd.11.08.65)
Note:- In case of retirement, death, resignation & transfer of
any members of both the recognized union, the another
member shall be nominated by the concerned union to fill the
resultant vacancy .
(6) Meetings -
The meeting of the CSBFC shall be held every after 03
months (04 meetings in the year) such meeting will be held for
02 days duration
As regards meetings at the HQ division , Divisional & Work
shop level will be held every months thus (12 meetings every
year) The duration of the meetings of sub committees will be
01 day.
The corum for any meeting will be 50% of the members
However chairman can call the meeting at any time besides
this on the request of the 2/3 Nos of the members
(7) Source of income of staff benefit fund -
i Annual Grant at per capita rate of Rs. 350/- (AdhocGrant) for
the year 2009-10 is credited to SBF from the Rly.revenue
ii All amounts received an account of the fines.
iii Forfitted Provident fund, Bonus of the non gazetted staff .
iv Receipts from Un-Paid wages beyond the period of 3 yrs.
(8) Allocation of fund from SBF -
For various purpose the amount from the fund will be allotted
as under however the amount can be Increased / Decreased as
per instruction of the Rly. Board. Present rates are as under :-
Head / activity Rates in Rs.
I Genl. activities viz. Education, recreation,
amusement, cultural, relief, of distress,
sickness and miscellaneous item.
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a Education. Rs.72.75
b Scholarship for higher edu. of Girl child for Rs.50.00
Group ‘D’
c Recreation other than Sports Rs.22.25
d Promotion of Cultural Activities Rs.10.50
e Relief, sickness, distress Rs.60.00
f Women Empowerment Activities Rs.23.00
II Miscellaneous Rs.10.50
III Sports Activities Rs.20.00
IV Scouts Activities Rs.13.50
V Indigenous system for medicine including Rs.22.50
VI Immediate relief for natural calamities Rs.18.00
VII Training for development of Occupational Rs.27.00
skill of Physically / Mentally Retarded Child
especially girls
TOTAL Rs.350.00
(RB L No.E(W)2009/Fu-1/4 dtd.17.8.09)
However the amount of fund are spent according to the
following proportion.
S No Head Percentage
a. Relief of distress,sickness 41%
b. Education 31%
c. Recreation of staff 21%
d. Miscelloneous 07%

(9) Education :- Technical Education such as Degree in

MBBS, BE, Vet nary Science etc will be considered as Tech.
The following % age of the scholar ship will be taken in
to consideration for various groups of the staff.
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a Group ‘D’ 5%
b Schedule caste 15%
c Schedule tribe 7.5%

(10) Scholarships - Scholar ship for Tech. education will be

awarded for the following degree courses
I Name of courses Amt. Per annum
a Degree/Diploma in various Rs.3000/-
branches of Engg/Medical etc &
continue Scheme.
( Maxi 02 child)
b Financial assistance Rs. 2000/-
II Other than Tech. degree courses The applications for other
courses will be considered grant-in-aid by the local sub-
committees as such all application for the following courses
for educational session will be sanctioned as per rates
mentioned below
a Cash Prize for Passing Bsc /Bcom /BA Rs. 2000/-
Final year (Ist Attempt) (One Time)
(11) Financial Aid to Deaf, Dumb, Blind & Rs. 5000/- (p.a)
Mentally Retarded child ( Maxi 02 child )
Education Assistance for the
a. Ward of Deceased employee Rs.10,000/- (p.a)
(Maxi. 02 child) upto SSC or Per Child
any member gets Comp.

b. Schlorship for Higher Education

for Girl child of Gp ‘D’ employee for Rs. 1200/- (p.m)
Dip./ Degree course
(12) Handicraft Centre:- For the families of the Railway
employees at Divisional / Workshop level. The HCC can be
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started in Rly. Colonies so as to enable the family members of

staff to utilize their extra time in beneficial work.
In these HCC the ladies members of the families & also the
lady dependent members of the staff are provided opportunities
to stitch the uniform of the staff, trained in Weaving, kintting
etc. by doing these work in the HCC . the ladies are earning
some additional amount for their families. Grant is given by
SBF @ Rs.10/- per member subject to submission of Audit
report of previous year.
(13) Recreation & amusement :- The requisite annual grant for
recreation & amusement is granted to promote the activities of
Railway Institute, clubs, cultural centre, & sports activities
etc. Grant is given by SBF @ Rs.10/- per member subject to
submission of Audit report of previous year.
(14) Cultural Centre :- For promoting of cultural activities among
employees & their families viz Drama Music & dance etc. SBF
provides aids for various events.
(15) Women Empowerment Activities: The Divin/Workshops
will be conducting seminar.A grant of Rs.5000/- will be given
to Gp ‘D’ employee for passing SSC & to Gp.’C” employee
for passing Graduation/PG while in service.
(16) OpenAir School : For Children of Rly. Employees at way side
station where no facilities of Primary education exists, within a
radius of 1.6kms & where minimum 20 students are available.
Rate of Honorarium to Teacher : Rs.5000/- p.m
(17) Aid to Bal Mandir: For encouraging National & Cukural
activities among small children of Rly. Employee studying in
Bal Mandir aid of Rs.10/- per child is given.
(18) Maintainence Grant :- SBF provides financial relief to Rly.
Employee who are on LWP due to Sickness, monthly grant is
paid in following as under :-
i) For Cancer,HIV,Thalesamia, Kidney etc : Rs. 3000/- P.M
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ii) For other cases : Rs 2000/- P.M

(19) Reimbursement of the cost of spectacles :-
The reimbursement for the cost of spectacles @ Rs. 500/- will
be made from SBF once in 05 yrs.

(20) Reimbursement of the cost of Dentures :

Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff who purchase the set of artificial
denture will be provided financial assistance at the following
rates. Once in entire Service.
Full set of artificial denture - Half set of artificial denture
Rs. 2000/- Rs. 1000/-
(21) Indigenous system of medicines :- Under the scheme of
Indigenous system medicines the Ayurvedic / Homeopathic
dispensaries are being run from SBF in these dispensaries the
cost of Medicine & Honorarium of Doctors are being arranged
per month from SBF as bellow in Rupees. (RBE NO. 06/09)
GROUP Rate of Honorarium (P.M) Monthly Subs.
To Doctor’s On Medicine.
Ayurvedic Rs.15000/ 08 hrs. duration Rs.8000/-
--- do --- Rs.9000/- 04 hrs duration -
Homoeop- Rs.15000/ 08 hrs. duration Rs.4000/-
athic -
--- do --- Rs.9000/- 04 hrs duration
Subscription Rs.5000/- - Rs.1000/- pm to
to Ayurvedic Dispencer if
Dispencer. required
Employees Camp & Children Camp ( Hqr’s & Division):

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(22) (a)Employees Camp: Organized in Winter for seight seeing

& visit to historical places. Employees who will be retiring
before the next camp will be given the priority.
The minimum age for male is 45 yrs. & 40 yrs & above for
female employee. The ratio of male & female will be 3:1
(b) Children Camp (Hqr’s & Division): Organized during
Deepavali vacation for the children upto 15 yrs of age. The
ratio of boys & girls will be 3:1. Fund is provided by Hqr’s
SBF committee for organizing the camp.

Immediate relief in times of crisis arising out of natural

(23) calamities – The ministry of Railway have further considered
the matter regarding utilization of fund for immediate relief in
times of crisis arising out of natural calamities and have
decided to constitute the “SBF Calamity Relief Fund” for this
Training for developing occupational skills of physically/
mentally challenged wards especially girls of railway
employees – For providing vocational training for developing
occupational skills of physically/mentally challenged wards
especially girls of railway employees. Utilization of this
amount will be carried out by respective Zonal Railways, etc.
under their extant procedures.
Railways the biggest employer in the country maintains
welfare organisation to look after the welfare of the Railway
Servants in all Zonal Railways and Production units. The
welfare organisation is functioning under the Personnel
officers assisted by the Welfare Inspectors and Personnel
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The welfare measures introduced in Railways may be broadly

classified as Educational, Residential, Medical, Sports,
Recreation and Miscellaneous facilities.

School Facilities
Education is the concern of State Govt., the policy of
the Rly. Ministry is not to enter the enter the field except to
the limited extent. Provision of ATP, Primary, High, and
Higher Secondary Schools etc are run by Railway to cater to
the educational needs of the wards of the employees.

Subsidised Hostels
Subsidised Hostels are run by Railway at important
linguistic areas for the benefit of the children of the Railway
employees whose parents are working at wayside and remote
stations.In central Railway the Hostel exists at Pune.

Residential Facilities
Railway quarters is allotted for essential and non-
essential staff depending on the availability. Nearly 35% of the
Railway servants are provided with Railway quarters.
HBA is sanctioned to purchase a flat, plot
and to construct houses. The IRWO is constructing houses for
serving and retired Railway servants on no profit and no loss

Holiday Homes
Holiday homes are provided at places of tourism
importance for the benefit of the Railway servants. In Central
Railway Holiday homes are available at Matheran, Lonavala,
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Igatpuri, Mahabaleshwar, Pandharpur & Dadar, emloyees can

also avail Holiday homes available in other Railways without
any restriction.
The charges of the H.H is as below.
Category Serving Emp. Retired Emp.(Pre Day)
Gazettd. Officer Rs.25/- Rs.75/-(Above JAG)
Rs.35/- (upto JAG)
Group ‘C’ Rs.12/- Rs.25/-
Group ‘D’ Rs.5/- Rs.12/-

Medical Facility
The Medical department of the Railway takes care of
the health of both serving and retired employees including Re-
imbursement of Private medical expenses. Hospitals with
sophisticated equipments and special facilities for treatment of
particular illness are identified for expert treatment.
Homeopathy/ Ayurvedic dispensaries are also available run by
SBF Committee.
Reimbursement of Medical Expenses
Railway employees and their dependents are
eligible for free Medical facilities at Railway hospitals and
Health units. In the absence of such Hospitals or Health Units
near the place where they fall ill, they are eligible for treatment
in Government and Recognised hospitals in exceptional
situations. In such cases reimbursement of medical expenses is
considered on adequate justification and recommendation of
Authorised Medical Attendants and Chief Medical Director.
The GM is empowered to reimburse the Medical
claim in full when the treatment is taken at Government
Hospitals and can consider the reimbursement of medical
expenses up to Rs. 400000/- when the treatment is taken in
recognised Hospital or Dispensary run by the Philanthropic
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organisation. The GM is also empowered to consider the

reimbursement of Medical expense when the treatment is taken
in Private Hospitals in emergency. All other Medical claims
are to be referred to Railway board.

Sports Facility
Railway Sports Control Promotional Board (RSPB) and
Railway Sports Associations look after the development of
sports activities in Railways. Lump sum grants are given
periodically to the sports associations from SBF.

Railway State Bharat Scouts and Guides are
affiliated to the National Scouting Headquarters. Financial
assistances are granted from SBF for scouting activities.

Recreational Facilities
Railway Institutes and Clubs are functioning at
various stations with an aim to encourage employees &
families for recreation & entertainment & to participate in
Health & physical exercise for their better future . Financial
assistance is given from SBF for these institutes and clubs
towards recurring and non-recurring expenditures.

Community Halls
Marriage Halls / Community Centers are constructed by
Railways at important Railway colonies for the use of Railway
Employees at subsidized rates .

Handicraft Centers
Railways run Handicraft centers in major colonies.
Classes are conducted to the female members of the Railway
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servant’s family on stitching cloths. They are later allowed to

stitch cotton Railway uniforms on payment. Thus the spare
time of the family is better utilised and the income is

Railway Minister’s Welfare and Relief Fund

Railway Employees are granted financial assistance
from this fund for situations of exceptional nature like.
• Premature death of Railway men.
• Death of Railway men in accident while on Duty.
• Sickness of Railway men or their dependents.
• Purchase of motorised equipment by physically
• Employees affected by natural calamities.

Compensation and Pensionary Benefits

Compensation in case of death or disablement due
to accident under WCA, Pension, Family Pension, DCRG,
encashment of Leave salary, Post retirement passes, RELHS
etc.are some of the important benefits extended to the Railway

Family Welfare
Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave, SCL for promoting
small family norms, Family Planning Allowance and half
percent reduction of interest in HBA are some of the incentives
extended in family welfare area.

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Provision of Rly. Canteen :

Canteen in Rlys are of 02 types viz
(a)Statutory & (b) Non-Statutory :
(a)Stautory Canteen:As per provision of section 46 of
Factory act which impose statutory obligation to set up
canteen in Rly. Establishment where more than 250 persons
are employed.
(b) Non-Statutory : The provision as required by the statute
where more than 100 persons are employed, which should
run on “No loss No profit basis”.
Co-Operative Socities:
There are following three types of co-operative societies
functioning on the Rly’s. viz:
(a) Consumer Co-op. Society
(b) Co-op. Credit Society
(c) Co-op. Housing Society
Govt. policy is directed towards encouraging co-op.
movement on Railways so that the employees are benefitted
by the policies, which will release them with major worries
& will help in increase the production.

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