Iat 2 Answer Key 26.10.2022

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Department of Electronics and communication Engineering

Answer Key Date:14.10.2022

PART - A (10 x 2= 20)

1.What are the different types of horn antenna?

• Pyramidal Horn Antenna

• Sectoral Horn Antenna
• Conical Horn Antenna
• Feed Horn Antenna

2. Mention any four advantages of microstrip antenna?

● lighter in weight,
● low volume
● low cost
● smaller in dimension
● Ease of fabrication and conformity.

3. Define the concept of Huygens’s principle for Aperture antennas

Huygens’s principle states that every point on a primary wavefront considered to be a

new source of a secondary spherical wave and such a secondary wavefront can be used as the
envelope of these secondary waves.

4. List out the disadvantages of loop antenna gain of 6 dB and radiating power of 20 kW.

➡Small loops have poor efficiency and hence are mainly used as receiving antenna at lower
➡Small loop antennas have very low value of radiation resistance. This results into power loss
as heat due to flow of current with high levels

5 What are all the types of smart antennas and its applications? The field is nearer to the antenna is
called near field

• switched beam smart antennas

• adaptive arrays.

6. A linear end fire, uniform array of 10 elements has a separation of λ/4 between elements. Calculate the
directivity of an array.

7. Define pattern multiplication.

The principle of pattern multiplication states that the radiation pattern of an array is the product of
the pattern of the individual antenna with the array pattern. The array pattern is basically not only a
function of the location of antennas in array but also the function of amplitudes of relative complex
excitations of antennas.

8. What is tapering of arrays?

Tapering is the technology used to reduce side lobes in the radiation pattern. Minor lobes are
reduced by using non-uniform current distribution such that the centre source radiates more strongly than
the end source. Hence tapering is done from centre to end.

9. How we can eliminate minor lobes?

By using Uniform arrays, we get the desired radiation pattern by changing the phase, but we
get the side lobes due to equal amplitudes. Whereas in case of Binomial arrays, we can reduce or
eliminate minor lobes by giving non uniform amplitudes to radiating sources but it leads to cost
of directivity.

10. Define broad side array.

A broadside array is a one- or two-dimensional array in which the direction of radiation (main
lobe) of the radio waves is perpendicular to the plane of the antennas. To radiate perpendicularly,
the antennas must be fed in phase.
11 a) With necessary illustrations explain the radiation characteristics of microstrip antenna and
mention it’s possible application

Diagram – 4 marks
Equation - 4 marks
Radiation pattern- 3 marks
Application- 2 marks

b). Derive the field equations of loop antenna with necessary equations.

Formula - 4 marks
Diagram - 3 marks
Factors – 2 marks
Steps – 4 marks

12 a). Explain special features of parabolic reflector antenna and discuss on different types of feed used,
with neat diagram.

Definition - 2 marks
Formula - 4 marks
Diagram - 3 marks
Types of feed – 4 marks

b) What are the different types of horn structures? Draw the radiation pattern of horn antenna and hence
describe the radiation mechanism with neat diagram.

Definition - 4 marks
Types - 3 marks
Equation– 4 marks
Steps – 2 marks
13 a). (i) Illustrate about the method of pattern multiplication

Diagram – 4 marks
Equation – 3 marks
ii) Solve the expression for directions of pattern minima, pattern maxima, BWFN due to broad side array

Derivation – 3 marks
Formula -3 marks

b). Derive Maxima, minima and half power point directions with two point sources are fed with currents
equal in magnitude and phase.
Formula - 4 marks
Diagram - 3 marks
Factors – 2 marks
Steps – 4 marks

14 a) Derive the expressions for field pattern of end-fire array of n sources of equal amplitude and
Formula - 4 marks
Diagram - 3 marks
Factors – 2 marks
Steps – 4 marks

b). Derive conditions for two-point sources with currents unequal in magnitude and with any
Formula - 4 marks
Diagram - 3 marks
Factors – 2 marks
Steps – 4 marks

15.a Derive Maxima, minima and half power point directions with two point sources are fed with
currents equal in magnitude and phase

Formula - 4 marks
Diagram - 3 marks
Factors – 2 marks
Steps – 4 marks

b). Derive Maxima, minima and half power point directions with two point sources are fed with
currents equal in magnitude but opposite in phase.

Formula - 4 marks
Diagram - 3 marks
Factors – 2 marks
Steps – 4 marks
16. a i) Explain construction and characteristics features of frequency independent antennas.

construction – 4 marks
characteristics – 3 marks

ii) Obtain null directions for array of n isotropic point sources of equal magnitude and spacing.

Derivation – 3 marks
Formula -3 marks

b i) What is broad side array? Derive expressions for the radiation pattern of a broad side array
of a n elements.

Definition - 2 marks
Equation– 4 marks
Steps – 2 marks

ii) Derive depression for field produced by a array and deduce it for an end fire array.

Equation– 3 marks
Steps – 2 marks

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