Ijsred V4i3p193
Ijsred V4i3p193
Ijsred V4i3p193
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8 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Mark Van Merca Buladaco on 04 July 2021.
Charlene Anne Magallanes1, Mary Nelva Ortiz2, Mariah Nicole Seville3, Shinji Luke
Glidden Tejada4, Ericka Mae Tuliao5, Nikko Gerald Eroy6, Mark Van M. Buladaco7
1(BS in Information System, Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku, Davao City, Email: charlenem.cha@gmail.com)
2(BS in Information System, Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku, Davao City, Email: marynelvadagpinortiz@gmail.com)
3(BS in Information System, Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku, Davao City, Email: sevillenikki@gmail.com)
4(BS in Information System, Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku, Davao City, Email: zienriddle@gmail.com)
5(BS in Information System, Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku, Davao City, Email: erickamaetuliao@gmail.com)
6(Department Head, BS in Information System, Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku, Davao City, Email:nikkogerald.eroy@gmail.com)
5(Dean, Institute of Computing, Davao del Norte State College, Panabo City, Email: markvan.buladaco@dnsc.edu.ph)
One of the safest waysto monitor products and stocks that is need of the company is the inventory
management system. The inventory management system is important to ensure quality control in the
business that handles transactions revolving around customer goods. The LJJG motor parts and accessories
were having trouble handling the stocks and products. They only have manual processing of records which
turns to tedious work, and had a tendency that they will record it wrong. The main objective of this paper
is to design an information system that will monitor their products and stocks with notification of
restocking level. Design an information system that will record, compute and produce accurate sales and
support. Design an information system that will generate sales and inventory reports from the organization
and provide process models and data models for the sales and inventory process of the proposed
information system. In system methodology, we use the agile method to manage a project by breaking it
up into several phases. In this result, we use a system flowchart, use case diagram, context data flow
diagram, entity relationship diagram, and data dictionary.Inventory Management System makes it simple
to locate and analyze inventory information in real-time with a simple database search. There's a lot that
goes into your inventory management, and it has a big impact on your business's bottom line. Using an
inventory management software solution reduces errors in your inventory management, which makes your
business more efficient, more profitable, and better equipped to serve your customers. This paper can
contribute to the LJJG motor parts and accessories store to have an idea of what they will need to enhance
their business, and to other companies that have not yet an inventory system, this paper can give you an
idea of having an inventory management system.
Keywords —system analysis, system design, inventory management, sales monitoring, Philippines
The objective of the study The proposed system and design will give the
The main objective of this paper is to propose company easy access to find all their records and
an inventory system and design for LJJG motor will provide a database that contains all the sales
parts to improve their business process. These are and inventory transactions. This system has the
the specific objectives of the study: ability to establish automatic product restocking.
1. Design an information system that will The system can do product entry that comes from
monitor their products and stocks with the specific supplier and choose the product
notification of restocking level. delivered and its quantity. The system will also
2. Design an information system that will be able to provide report generation, which
record, compute and produce accurate includes the daily, weekly, monthly, and annual
sales and support. reports of sales. The proposed system can access
3. Design an information system that will only offline, and it is accessible only for LJJG
generate sales and inventory reports from motorcycle parts and accessories.
the organization. Due to the technical nature of the software
4. Provide process models and data models and technology used in an inventory system, it
for the sales and inventory process of the can be difficult to thoroughly educate all
proposed information system. members of staff on how to use the inventory
Project Planning
Admin Add Item
No No Input Product
Customer Ye
Approaches Update
New Transaction
Delete Ye
Update Database
Scan Item/s
Print Report
Input Item/s
Calculate Total
Input Amount
Change = Amount
Received – Total
Figure 4. Use Case Diagram of LJJG Transaction
Management System
Ye No
Above is the Use Case Diagram that shows More
the different use cases and their relationships Customer?