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Mark Van Merca Buladaco

Davao del Norte State College


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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 4 Issue 3, May -June 2021
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Charlene Anne Magallanes1, Mary Nelva Ortiz2, Mariah Nicole Seville3, Shinji Luke
Glidden Tejada4, Ericka Mae Tuliao5, Nikko Gerald Eroy6, Mark Van M. Buladaco7
1(BS in Information System, Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku, Davao City, Email: charlenem.cha@gmail.com)
2(BS in Information System, Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku, Davao City, Email: marynelvadagpinortiz@gmail.com)
3(BS in Information System, Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku, Davao City, Email: sevillenikki@gmail.com)
4(BS in Information System, Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku, Davao City, Email: zienriddle@gmail.com)
5(BS in Information System, Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku, Davao City, Email: erickamaetuliao@gmail.com)
6(Department Head, BS in Information System, Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku, Davao City, Email:nikkogerald.eroy@gmail.com)
5(Dean, Institute of Computing, Davao del Norte State College, Panabo City, Email: markvan.buladaco@dnsc.edu.ph)

One of the safest waysto monitor products and stocks that is need of the company is the inventory
management system. The inventory management system is important to ensure quality control in the
business that handles transactions revolving around customer goods. The LJJG motor parts and accessories
were having trouble handling the stocks and products. They only have manual processing of records which
turns to tedious work, and had a tendency that they will record it wrong. The main objective of this paper
is to design an information system that will monitor their products and stocks with notification of
restocking level. Design an information system that will record, compute and produce accurate sales and
support. Design an information system that will generate sales and inventory reports from the organization
and provide process models and data models for the sales and inventory process of the proposed
information system. In system methodology, we use the agile method to manage a project by breaking it
up into several phases. In this result, we use a system flowchart, use case diagram, context data flow
diagram, entity relationship diagram, and data dictionary.Inventory Management System makes it simple
to locate and analyze inventory information in real-time with a simple database search. There's a lot that
goes into your inventory management, and it has a big impact on your business's bottom line. Using an
inventory management software solution reduces errors in your inventory management, which makes your
business more efficient, more profitable, and better equipped to serve your customers. This paper can
contribute to the LJJG motor parts and accessories store to have an idea of what they will need to enhance
their business, and to other companies that have not yet an inventory system, this paper can give you an
idea of having an inventory management system.

Keywords —system analysis, system design, inventory management, sales monitoring, Philippines

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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 4 Issue 3, May -June 2021
Available at www.ijsred.com

The manual inventory management system will

I. INTRODUCTION facilitate sales and production managers
Inventory control may be a system that deals management prices by characteristic lost sales
with the combination of information, logistics, thanks to inventory shortages; inventory
purchasing, inspection, material handling, and overrides on products that aren't selling; losses
reposition, packaging, management of suppliers, thanks to worker thieving or injury.
and infrequently security of inventory [1]. Implementing a listing management system will
Discovering and maintaining optimum levels of take an oversized quantity of your time looking at
investment all told sorts of inventories and the scale and variety of inventory. On the far
increasing the flow of products, data, and side, it being long, inventory counts, and
different connected resources like human incorrect sales figures is prejudices to your
resources and energy from the purpose of origin business.
to the ultimate point of consumption is that the To overcome the deficiencies of manual
main objective of managing inventories [2]. systems, several firms have machine-driven their
Inventory management and designing aim to see inventory system. This technique is employed to
the essential parts of offer Chain Management trace or monitor the merchandise and product of
and putting these parts into action. Inventory an outlet. With an automatic Sales and Inventory
management is that the backbone of each retail System, businesses deem computers to try tasks
company; it's a method of making certain that an that were once performed manually, like
organization perpetually has the product it wants inventory checks and product sales. Machine-
accessible, which keeps prices as low as driven Sales and Inventory System these
potential. processes are handled in an exceedingly timely
A point of sale inventory management system manner and even be a lot of correct and reliable
permits a business owner to own quite one than ever before [4]. It provides bigger accuracy
business location and adequately keep track of and a lot of flexibility within the sorts of info and
inventory at every while not being a gift. Not a reports which will be generated by the system.
lot of worries concerning worker thieving or Location systems have replaced ancient money
evaluation inconsistency between one location registers, mostly for practical reasons.
and another. The boss is away and not worry Inventory Management is outlined as a
concerning worker thieving. Worker potency is framework used in companies to dominant their
maintained. The purpose of sale systems takes interest in inventory. It includes the recording
care of these issues that result once management and observant of stock level, estimating future
does not gift. They noted that manual sales requests, and selecting once and the way to
systems square measure long, it's terribly tedious, rearrange [5]. On the opposite hand, inventory
variant work, slow processing, it's not an easy management could be a technique that
surrounding and it's tough to found records due corporations use to arrange, store, and replace
file management system [3]. At an early age, inventory, to stay AN adequate provider of
once most of the businesses square measure still products at an equivalent time minimizing price
victimization the manual system within the sales [6]. Inventory management affects the
and inventory, most of the businesses competitive advantage of producing companies.
encountered such a large amount of issues, and An equivalent study any concludes that the firm
this is often as a result of the method of the is in a position to vie supported quality and
prevailing system is simply too slow and too delivery of client orders on time [7]. Competitive
long. advantage includes capabilities that permit a
corporation to differentiate itself from its

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competitors as an outcome of important Significance of the Study
management selections [8]. The inventory This study will be helpful and beneficial to the
investment for a tiny low business takes up a following entities:
giant proportion of the full budget.
Nevertheless,internal control is one of every of LJJG Motorcycle Parts and Accessories - The
the foremost neglected management areas in tiny proposed inventory system will big help to this
companies. Several tiny companies have an company. They will no longer sacrifice their
excessive quantity of money affianced to the manual records, and it will surely monitor their
accumulation of inventory sitting for an extended products and no more employee theft.
amount as a result of the slack inventory Manager- No more hassle to check their sales and
management or inability to manage the inventory products. All he/she needs is to log in to the
with efficiency. Poor inventory management system and check for it.
interprets directly into strains on a company's Customer- they will be given good quality
income. service.
This inventory system management can help Staff- no more manual records.It will be
the business of LJJG motorcycle parts and moreconvenient and less hassle. There will be no
accessories, especially in managing their problem in recording since it's all computerized
products and stocks. As we can see also that and no hassle for updating their stocks.
LJJG motorcycle parts and accessories have no Owner- the owner will also benefit the system
system of inventory, and the tendency of it is because he/she can manage the system in which
their business will no longer reach their sales everything is provided there. All he/she needs is
because they did not monitor their stocks and to access the system, and they will the records.
eventually the employee has the freedom to steal Future developers- this research paper will be a
it because they did not monitor their products and help to them as a reference and a guide to them if
stocks. Also, the owner of this business will ever they have a research paper about in
know if they already out of their capital or not. inventory system.
By this inventory system, it will track how their
business's supply chain. Scope and Limitations

The objective of the study The proposed system and design will give the
The main objective of this paper is to propose company easy access to find all their records and
an inventory system and design for LJJG motor will provide a database that contains all the sales
parts to improve their business process. These are and inventory transactions. This system has the
the specific objectives of the study: ability to establish automatic product restocking.
1. Design an information system that will The system can do product entry that comes from
monitor their products and stocks with the specific supplier and choose the product
notification of restocking level. delivered and its quantity. The system will also
2. Design an information system that will be able to provide report generation, which
record, compute and produce accurate includes the daily, weekly, monthly, and annual
sales and support. reports of sales. The proposed system can access
3. Design an information system that will only offline, and it is accessible only for LJJG
generate sales and inventory reports from motorcycle parts and accessories.
the organization. Due to the technical nature of the software
4. Provide process models and data models and technology used in an inventory system, it
for the sales and inventory process of the can be difficult to thoroughly educate all
proposed information system. members of staff on how to use the inventory

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Development Volume X Issue X
X, Year
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system in an effective way. In addition, the
education process can take days or even weeks,
meaning that business can come to a standstill
during this time. As a result, although inventory Fig 1. Agile Methodology. Source: InfoWorld
systems can be incredibly useful, they can also be (Isaac Sacolick, 2020)
difficult to implement.
Phase 1: Requirements
II. METHODOLOGY Before starting a designing project, it will
In this study, the method is one of the most need to create the initial documentation that will
important to understand and analyzee the process list the initial requirements needed for Inventory
and to show the different tools that the Management System.
researchers used.
Phase 2: Design
Existing Business Process There are two ways in designing the software
Sales and Inventory Management System is development of the proposed system: visual
relevant to LJJG Motor Shop as the sstore that design and architectural structure.
offers an automotive facility where you can have During the first iteration, the Project Manager
auto maintenance and auto repairs. In fact, LJJG assembles the development team and introduces
Motor Shop is the oldest motor shop in the area the following requirements that have been
of Agdao for almost nine years of operation,
operation and created. The team will discuss what they will do
they also had another store branch to gather with these
hese requirements and propose the tools
growingg customers. However, until now
now, they do that will be required to achieve the best result.
not use any computerized system to help them The developers create a smooth and simple
with sales and inventory control. That explains UI for the proposed system.
the need for having a systematic inventory
control system. Phase 3: Development and Coding
The development phase is about writing code
Agile Methodology and converts design documentation into actual
The system development method proposed to software.
be used in this project is Agile Methodology.
Due to its potential to move rapidly and simply in Phase 4: Integration and Testing
terms of software development. The proposed This stage aims to ensure that the software for
system that will use is Agile Methodology. Agile the proposed system is bug-free
free and compatible
would imply a flexible approach that responds with everything else the developers have already
rapidly to changes, andd this is accurate, allowing produced. The Quality Assurance team runs a
a developer to go back to a previous stage and series of tests to guarantee that the code is valid
make essential adjustments, thereby refining the and that the business goals of the solution are
software without much delay [12]. accomplished.

Phase 5: Implementation and Deployment

The software is implemented on servers and
made available to users either for demonstration
or practical
tical use. Further iterations update the
previously installed software, adding new
features and fixing bugs.

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Phase 6: Review activities are guides to be able to understand how
Once all the phases have been completed, this project works.
The Project Manager adjourns the Development
team and reviews the progress made toward
mpleting requirements. The team presents their
ideas for resolving the problems that arose during
the previous phases, and the Project Manager
considers their proposals. GANTT Chart

Project Planning

The project planning phase occurs at the

beginning of the project, following the initiation
phase, where all you really did was get approval
to go ahead and put the basics in place, and
before the delivery phase, where you do the
work. It also includes the GANNT Chart and
Work Breakdown Structures, which may help in
project development.

Work Breakdown Structure

Figure 3.GANTT
GANTT Chart of Project Activities

Figure 2 above shows the activities for a

proposed system that has four-phased
four which are
Planning, Analysis, Design
Design, and Prototype
Development, which is the project that was
proposed is feasible.

Feasibility Analysis Study

This section is the evaluation of a proposed
project to determine if it is technically feasible,
feasible within the estimated cost, and will be
profitable. The researchers created the following
feasibility analysis for the Sales and Inventory
Management System of the company LJJG
Motorcycle Parts and Accessories. [9] Feasibility
is conducted to identify the best system that
meets all requirements. This includes an
Work Breakdown Structure
Figure 2.Work identification description, a valuation of the
proposed systems, and a selection of the best
The work breakdown structure for the system for the job. The requirements of the
Inventory system of LJJG has 4 phases in project system are specified with a set of constraints such
activities which comprise Planning, Analysis, as system objectives and the description of the
Design, and Prototype Development. These Th outputs. It is the duty of the Analyst to evaluate

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the feasibility of the proposed system to generate Organizational Feasibility
the results. Individuals are innately impervious to
Based on our information at hand, the LJJG change, and PCs have been known to work with
Motorcycle Parts and Accessories is currently change. A gauge ought to be made of how solid a
using the old method, which is a manual process response the client staff is probably going to have
in recording, monitoring, and even putting
pu their toward the advancement of a computerized
sales. The proposed system will take over to system.The
The users/staff of LJJG Motorcycle parts
increase the quality of sales and inventory and to and accessories never used a computerized
expand the demand of the system to reach the system. Mostost of the staff are not IT literate. Thus,
satisfaction of the users. The system will surely there is a need for a brief introduction to handling
be beneficial to the company. the system in order to implement the system. The
users who have the right to use the system will
TABLE I need some practice on how to manipulate the
system. The users/staff of the Sales and Inventory
System of LJJG Motorcycle Parts and
Accessories Store are expected
pected to appreciate and
find the new system offered easy to use.
The proposed system can be utilized
everyday by the company. Itt can be for a lifetime
transaction by the business. It tends to be for the
lifetime of transactions by the business. It lessen
administrative work and control information got
in the system. It minimizes the time in just one


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Development Volume X Issue X
X, Year
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Technical Feasibility outweigh costs, then the decision is made to
The system that will be developed design
ign and implement the system.system.The cost-
requires users to have a background in using benefit analysis was performed; see attached
computers. Unfortunately, the employees of spreadsheets for details.
LJJG Motorcycle Parts and Accessories store are It shows that the system has a good chance of
not familiar with computers and don'tt know how significantly enhancing the company's
company bottom
to use one. They don't have a computer in their line. It was found out that the total benefit
business and are just planning to provide one for outweighs the cost of the system. This simply
the system. The proposed Sales and Inventory implies that the system is economically feasible.
system needs the following hardware
requirements in developing the system. Requirements Elicitation
TABLE III Interview,the researcher, will conduct a series of
nterviews to gather information about the events
and transactions within the organization that
plays an important role in the fulfi
fulfillment of the
Document Analysis, the researcher will examine
some records and information, which can be a
really big help to be a basis for making a
proposal research system. The knowledge
gatheredfrom the respondents
spondents can create the
researcher's style and produce one thing that can
be useful; it includes manual transactions and
recording data stuff that may serve as a basic
material to form automation. And researchers
It is vital to choose the most recent unit model,
model so also used related articles for further inf
it will be ensured that the proposed system will Research, the researcher used a search engine to
work proficiently and precisely and to avoid search information with regards to the system
disadvantages. It must be a well-known
known brand of and the books for additional information.
hardware and software in order to get the best
system performance, and conflicts should also be Technology and Tools
avoided to avoid id trouble and system crashes,
crashes and These tools are selected by the researchers for
interruption of system requirements. developing the proposed system. The Following
below are the technologies and software tools
Economic Feasibility needed for the system.
The system developed and put in is going to Net beans. The primary tool used for coding
be a sensible profit to the organization. The Browser. This will also be used by the
system is going to be developed and operated researchers, a tool to read HTML documents or
within the existing hardware and software system web pages. Software
oftware used to retrieve and present
infrastructure. [10] Economic analysis is the most information on the World Wide Web.
frequently used method for evaluating the Microsoft Excel. One of the applications of
effectiveness of a candidate system. More Microsoft office. This application will be used to
commonly known as cost-benefit
benefit analysis, the manage and generatee reports of the system.
procedure is to determine the benefits and Photoshop. It uses a layer-based
based editing system
savings that are expected from a candidate that enables image creation and altering with
system and compare them with costs. If benefits multiple overlays that support transparency.

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Layers can also act as masks or filters, altering of the technology and power outages could result
underlying colors. Photoshop actions include in the system crashing —resulting in data loss.
Functional and Non-Functional Requirements
Non-Functional Requirements
The proposed system is suggested to the 1. Operational Requirements
owner to keep up with the world's transition into The system is to be operated with the use of
going technological. The proposed system can be technology, such as the computer. Because LJJG
accessed by two different accounts; the Store does not own a computer, they will need to
administrator and the cashier user. Since the purchase a computer necessary to operate the
proposed system is able to input, edit, and delete system that will be able to handle huge amounts
items and details, the researchers made it so that of data.
the adding, editing, and deleting can only be done 2. Performance Requirements
by administrators to avoid accidental removal of A delay in response should not reach more
items or details. Additionally, the proposed than 3 seconds as not to inconvenience the
system includes qualities and functions such as: system user and the customers, which will allow
• Easily maneuverable for faster and smoother transactions between the
• Smooth & Simple UI two.
• Sales Report 3. Security Requirements
The company must assign who will have the
Problems and Weakness of the Current System role of being the administrator and the cashier.
Incorrect Data Only the administrators will be able to manage
Typos, wrongly pressed keys, lack of item details and add or remove information to
attention to inputted data are human errors that help prevent data breaches and observe
cannot be fixed by the system. The system would confidentiality.
follow data that is manually inputted by
administrators and, as such, will encounter Functional Requirements.
problems or difficulties in reading items' bar 1. Log In
codes if specific data were inputted wrongly by The first process that the system will show is
administrators. the process of asking the user to input his/her
System's Lack of Security username and password.
Hackers, breach of information, 2. Verify password
whistleblowers, the proposed system cannot After asking the system users their username
protect itself from these attacks and could and passwords, the system should be able to
compromise not only employee's personal verify whether or not the inputted username or
information, item details but also owners' password is correct or incorrect. It should display
information in such scenarios. an error message if the inputted information is
Inventory Loss incorrect.
Theft, damaged items, cannot be 3. Database Update
automatically detected by the system, and as Administrator accounts should be able to add
such, cannot update nor register data on its own new items, remove, edit or update existing data.
and has to be manually done by the system's 4. Generate Sales Report
administrators. The systems would be able to calculate daily,
System Crashes weekly, and monthly sales, which would allow
As the system relies on electricity and
computer power, defective or deteriorating parts

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the company owner to check on the company's System Flowchart
gains and losses.

Use Case Diagram

Log In

Admin Add Item

No No Input Product

Customer Ye
Approaches Update

New Transaction

Delete Ye
Update Database

Scan Item/s

Print Report
Input Item/s

Calculate Total

Input Amount

Change = Amount
Received – Total

Figure 4. Use Case Diagram of LJJG Transaction

Management System
Ye No
Above is the Use Case Diagram that shows More
the different use cases and their relationships Customer?

with the actors. The diagram includes three main

actors, namely; Customer, Cashier, and the Figure 5.LLJG Sales and Inventory System
Admin or Administrator. These three actors help Flowchart
illustrate how the actors interact with the
proposed system and what functions the system The figure above illustrates the proposed
possesses. system's flow. It shows how the system operates
through user interaction and the processes it goes

Data and Object Modelling

In this section, a flow diagram and entity
relationship will be put in figures to show and

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further elaborate the structure and design of the Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 7.Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 6.ContextData Flow Diagram The entity Relationship diagram will show
the blueprint of the storage areas in the system. It
The exhibited figure above is an example of a is categorized by different classes that will
graphical representation in the data flow. This is encapsulate the data that belongs to it and store it
mostly used informally, presenting relationships for inventory or review purposes. Each class has
of process and exchange of information. In this attributes that describe or differentiate classes
case, the input and output method of the system depending on their state and/or properties. In this
is progressively shown to understand the case, there will be classes that will perform the
sequence of the data and how it yields to storing function or will execute. And just like any other
all the gathered entries via progressive diagram used in this research, this one also shows
transformation. relationship between all the factors or classes
Exhibited in the Context Data Flow above shows involved.
the direct relationship of the main actors in the Data Dictionary
system that is about to be developed. The named
actors are Admin, Customers, and Cashier, which
are also shown in the Use Case in the previous
This method is considered as a single
processing method that feeds the system with all
the gathered data from the factors included,
namely Customer, Cashier, and Administrator.
The data gathered will be uploaded in the system
and will be stored for inventory purposes.

Figure 8.Data dictionary

System and User Testing Plan
System testing will be categorized into
different areas. As the system will be a

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multifunctional system, this will be tested clients the traditional way will now be
according to user testing, developer testing, and using the system, and the other half will
customer testing. The primary goal of this testing do the work in a traditional way. After the
is to make sure that the system will accurately shift, questionnaires will be given out to
serve its purpose, and each function of the system gather their experiences, and those will be
will cover the need or requirement of the taken into account.
organization it is developed for.
A. Developer Testing
All the data gathered from the users of the system
will be stored in the Microsoft database.
Therefore, it is important that we ensure the
capability and efficiency of the storage. With
After gathering data and conducting
that, the testing will include other functionalities
interviews, we completely design and create our
and logical errors. Furthermore, we will be
proposed inventory system based on our
conducting up to 150 records of products to
objectives. We are able to create a design and
participate in the run-through of the database.
flowchart of a system that will record and
B. User Review
produce sales and support. We also provide
This will be post-developing testing, as this will process models and data models for the sales and
be done after the developing stage of the inventory process of the proposed system. And
proposed system. All of the events in this testing lastly, we design an information system that will
will be recorded and are not just limited to the monitor their stocks and products.
error and success, as we will be including all the The developers, therefore, conclude that sales
parts that are not too friendly for the staff. And in and inventory system management for LJJG
addition to that, staff who will be testing the motor parts is the solution to their manual
system will have a briefing on how they are process of inventory and record keeping. The
expected to utilize the system. That way, they shop encountered different issues and problems
know what to do and what to expect as system such as the inefficient way of keeping sales
response. transaction resulted inthe loss of Sales,
The testing procedure is as listed: inconsistent way of handling receipt, which may
result inthe tedious task and inconsistent way of
- Since the organization staff has no solid monitoring the inventory status, which resulted to
background in utilizing any system and IT out of stock and theft. After gathering
in general, the testing will be divided into information on sales and inventory system
subgroups. Half of the employees will be management, we are come up with the
doing their usual tasks using the conclusion that this study will be very helpful to
any company, especially in LJJG motor parts as
traditional way, and the other half will be
well as the business industry, to minimize error
doing their tasks using the proposed
on recording inventories and everyday
system. They will be attending to the transaction and to avoid understocking and
needs of their clients/customers all at the overstocking of the materials.
same time. This will be done for half of
- In the other half of the shift, there will be The tool that is suited for this system is
an exchange of positions. The other half barcode data collection. Manual reporting can be
that was previously assigned to attend plagued by delays, errors, missing transactions,

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and an undue burden on the workforce to collect especially to our parents who help us and
and enter the data. Automated data collection, supporting us, without all of you, we cannot
most often through barcode scans, removes much successfully do this. We are so much grateful and
of the reporting burden while greatly improving blessed.
the accuracy and timeliness of transactions [11].
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organization performance. The LJJG motor parts performance. Omega, 34(2), 107–124.
should implement this inventory system doi:10.1016/j.omega.2004.08.002
[9] International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and
management so that they will be able to control Research (IJMTER) Volume 03, Issue 04, [April– 2016] ISSN
their stocks and products. (Online):2349–9745 ; ISSN (Print):2393-8161
[10] p. gp, "P 00447 Pharmacy Database Management System in
VB", Academia.edu, 2021. [Online]. Available:
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT https://www.academia.edu/28166788/P_00447_Pharmacy_Dat
abase_Management_System_in_VB. [Accessed: 1- Jun- 2021].
First of all, we would like to thank God [11] MYOB Pulse. 2021. 5 tools for modern inventory management
for giving us strength and guiding us in our - MYOB Pulse. [online] Available at:
research paper and to give us knowledge and management
wisdom. That's why we are able to do our task in [12] "Agile Methodology and System Analysis", Umsl.edu, 2021.
[Online]. Available:
making this research paper on behalf of our team. http://www.umsl.edu/~sauterv/analysis/Agile%20Methodology
We would like to express our deep sense of %20and%20System%20Analysis.htm?fbclid=IwAR3vyBXeIR
gratitude to LJJG motorcycle parts and GO7A. [Accessed: 20- May- 2021
accessories, especially to the owner of this store,
for being part of our research and to agree that
their store will be used as our reference in our
SAD project.
We would also thank professor Mark Van
Buladaco for his full support and for guiding us
in doing our research paper. And to all people,

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