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Chess Team Tournament Rules and Regulations

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APRIL 11, 2023

1. Participants
1.1. Participating teams are the different junior and senior high school students of Jarmmeth
College Inc.
1.2. Each High School Level may field a team composed of men and women players. The Grade
10 – Jerusalem Adviser – Mr. Monroe A. Lagazo – shall govern the qualifications of the
team members/players.
2. Team Composition
2.1. Each team shall composed of four (4) regular players (Boards 1 – 4) and one (1) or two (2)
alternate players. Each team may appoint a Team Captain who may or may not necessarily
be a playing member of the team.
2.2. The order of the six (6) players submitted before the start of the tournament shall be order
for the entire duration of the tournament.
3. Tournament System/Format
3.1. The tournament shall be in single round – robin (all-play-all) event.
3.2. The team, which accumulated the highest number of GAME POINTS at the end of the
tournament, wins the championship and shall be declared winner/ champion of the
on the team standing shall be governed by the Grade 10 – Jerusalem Adviser – Mr. Monroe
A. Lagazo.
4. Board and Color Assignments / Submission of Line-up
4.1. No player shall play on board lower than his designated board assignment nor more than
two (2) boards higher. Substitution of players must be done consecutive order. Violation
of these rules shall be penalized with outright forfeiture and loss of the game by the erring
4.2. At least five (5) minutes before play is due to start each round, team captains must submit
to the Arbiter or his assistants a team line – up consisting of four (4) players who shall play
for that particular round. If a team fails to submit a line – up, then the only the regular
players on the regular boards (order 1 – 4 of the official line – up) shall be allowed to play.
4.3. Teams named first in the pairings shall play white on the odd boards 1 & 3, and black on
even boards 2 & 4.
5. Scoring System
5.1. For a won game, the winner gets one (1) point and the loser gets zero (0). For a draw, each
player shall be given one – half (1/2). The total number of game points earned over four
(4) boards constitutes a team’s score for a particular round.
5.2. Final placing / ranking shall be determined by game points.
5.3. Match point shall be used for tie breaking purposes only.
6. Rate of play
6.1. Rate of play shall be _____ minutes for each player to finish the game. No player can win
on time forfeit if he does not have any mating material. Should his opponent overstep the
time limit in trying to execute a mate, the game shall be declared drawn. (Helpmate shall
not be considered).
6.2. In an obviously drawn position where in the judgement of the Arbiter a player is trying to
win on time alone, the game shall be declared drawn.
7. Use of chess clocks / uniforms/ requirements
7.1. Use of digital, manual, or any other form of chess clock is mandatory/compulsory.
7.2. Players are required to bring their own Chess Boards, and materials.
7.3. Players are obliged to wear their respective proper uniforms during play. The shirt must be
printed with the name of JARMMETH COLLEGE INC. and must be uniform in color.
Penalty for violation of this rule is forfeiture and loss of the game for the erring player.
Players without uniforms and those wearing shorts and sandals are not allowed to play.
They must produce the above-mentioned requirements within defaulting time before
making a move.
8. Recording of Games / Defaults
8.1. Recording of moves is waived for the entire duration of the event.
8.2. A player who arrives more than five (5) minutes late and has not made a move shall be
declared in default.
8.3. A team with less than one (1) member playing in a given match shall automatically lose
the match 0 – 4, result of the game of the players present however shall count for individual
award purposes.
9. Tie Breaks
9.1. TEAM AWARDS. In case of a tie, the following tie breaks in descending order of priority
shall be used:
9.1.1. Match points. – two (2) match points for a match game won (4, 3 ½ , 2 ½),
one (1) match point for a match drawn (2 – 2), (0) for a match lost (1, 1 ½
, ½ , 0)
9.1.2. Direct Encounter or “winner over the other”; in case of one-all (1 – 1)
result of their matches, the team with higher game points total in two (2)
matches wins.
9.1.3. By the BEST INDIVIDUAL RESULTS starting on board 1, If a tie still
exists, by the result on board 2 and down to the last board until the tie shall
have been broken.
9.1.4. By Sonnen Born Berger: sum of the scores of the opponents teams, each
multiplied by the second achieved against this opponent team.
9.1.5. By MEDAL System: more gold wins, the more silver (if the tied teams
have no gold medals), then bronzes (if the tied teams have no gold or silver
medals). If the tied teams have no gold or silver medal at all, the
Armageddon system in a one (1) game play off over four (4) boards shall
be applied.
9.2. FOR INDIVIDUAL AWARDS: For the Men and Women division only those who have
played at least 60% of the number of games for boards 1 – 4 and 40% of the number if
games for boards 5 and 6 shall be considered for individual awards. Tie breaks are as
9.2.1. More number of games played.
9.2.2. Direct Encounter (Winner over the winner)
9.2.3. More number of won games.
9.2.4. More games with the black pieces. (Not played games shall be counted as
played with white)
9.2.5. Sonnen Born Berger System. Sum of the scores of the opponent a player
has defeated and half of the scores of the players he has drawn with.
9.2.6. By the ranking of their teams.
10. Playing Schedule and Venue
10.1. The tournament will start on April ___, 2023 from 8:00 AM to 12:00 NN only.
10.2. All games shall be played at __________________.
11. Tournament Officials
11.1. Mr. Lagazo, Monroe A., shall be the Chief Arbiter. The deputy arbiters are the
members of the Grade 10 – Jerusalem Officers.
11.2. Decision of the Arbiter on a point of law is final and unappealable.
11.3. No protest on pairing is allowed.
12. Supplementary Rules
12.1. All mobile phones and other electronic means of communication (to include
laptops, iPad, tablets, etc.) are to be entrusted to their coaches. Players caught in possession
of these shall lose their game by forfeiture.
12.2. The following situation shall be treated as illegal moves hence for the first offense,
one (1) minute extra time shall be added to the opponent and for the second completed
illegal move by the same player, loss of the game by this player.
12.2.1. Capturing the king (completed)
12.2.2. Stopping the clock without exchanging the pawn for a piece of promotion.
12.2.3. Pressing the clock without making a move.
12.2.4. Using both hands in executing a move (completed)
12.2.5. Using unnecessary force in operating chess clock (including punching it
with pieces and completed)
12.2.6. At the end of every round, the team captain/coach of a team must submit
to the arbiter the result of the games.
12.2.7. Smoking in the tournament area is strictly prohibited.
12.3. Penalties: players are expected to maintain decorum during the tournament. If a
player does not observe the laws of chess, the statutes and directives given by the arbiters
or does not behave properly whether inside or outside the tournament area, the following
penalties maybe imposed:
12.3.1. Warning;
12.3.2. Increasing the remaining time of the opponent;
12.3.3. Reducing the remaining time of the offending player;
12.3.4. Increasing the point scored in the game by the opponent to the maximum
available for that game;
12.3.5. Reducing the point scored in game by the offending player.
12.3.6. Declaring the game to be lost by the offending player (the arbiter shall also
decide the opponent’s score);
12.3.7. A fine announced in advance;
12.3.8. Expulsion from the competition (in cooperating with the JCI
13. Amendments
The 2023 JCI Intramurals Board reserves the right to amend any part of these rules at any given time
in any manner in order to ensure the successful holding of the 2023 JCI Intramurals Chess Team

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