Micro Grid
Micro Grid
Micro Grid
Results in Engineering
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Keywords: The paper carried out a techno-economic analysis in order to obtain the optimum battery storage capacity in
Solar energy conjunction with a photovoltaic array that can match the desired household load at highest possible self-
Photovoltaic array consumption. In addition, it determined the economic feasibility of a proposed micro-system. Annual energy
Battery storage
consumption, irradiance, and ambient temperature were measured at 1-min resolution for the year 2021. Sim
Techno-economic analysis
ulations of a stationary economic model are performed for the years 2021 through 2030.The results showed that
the photovoltaic array at 2.7 kWp capacity can generate an annual energy of approx. 4295.4 kWh and the
optimal battery capacity which can satisfy 91.1% of self-consumption and energy cost of $0.256/kWh is 14.4
kWh. Furthermore, two third-order polynomial relationships between self-consumption and net present cost with
energy cost were solved.
1. Introduction past, exorbitant prices and restricted use-case configurations were sig
nificant barriers to battery installations. Batteries are currently consid
Solar energy is generally considered crucial for addressing climate ered one of the most promising alternatives to enable the shift to
change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the energy sector renewable energy sources since the rapid drop in battery prices during
[1]. After a downturn in 2018, the worldwide solar energy sector the last decade, driven by improvements in the electric vehicle sector
benefitted from a strong rebound in 2019, with total (PV) installations [5].
around the World reaching approx. 627 GW [2]. This capacity provides In recent years, considerable research has been conducted on the
approximately 3% of global electrical consumption and corresponds to techno-economic evaluations of PV/battery-based systems, particularly
5% of global CO2 emissions connected to electricity [3]. The supply of in German where favorable renewable law was established. Allwyn et al.
assistance and the general decline in costs are major factors in the [6] optimised a PV/BA system for the Sultan Qaboos University Street
expansion of the PV market. However, subsidies designed to compensate lighting system in Oman. The authors compared the life cycle cost
for the capital-intensive nature of PV investments are evolving. Injection analysis and cost per capita for two configurations of PV and battery
remunerations paid by distribution center network operators, which will systems, the first with a large capacity of PV/BA and the second with a
be termed the injection price in the following context. Now or soon, it small one, which helps to determine the techno-economic viability of
will be lower than the retail rate, which promotes PV self-consumption. implementing the system in Oman. For that research study, MATLAB
The use of battery storage (BA), which might increase the rate of tool was used to evaluate optimum system sizing, and inputs were based
self-consumption of locally generated energy while simultaneously on experimental data. The results indicated that the cost per kilowatt
resolving real-time imbalances created by forecast errors, is one of the hour of energy produced with the large panel/BA system was $/0.08
strategies to allow the continued expansion of PV installations [4]. In the compared to $/0.9 per kilowatt-hour for the small system capacity.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: qusayhassan_eng@uodiyala.edu.iq (Q. Hassan).
Received 27 October 2022; Received in revised form 18 January 2023; Accepted 29 January 2023
Available online 3 February 2023
2590-1230/© 2023 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Q. Hassan et al. Results in Engineering 17 (2023) 100925
Q. Hassan et al. Results in Engineering 17 (2023) 100925
Fig. 2. Ambient temperature, solar irradiation and load from experimental measurements for four selected days throughout the year.
situations. The results indicated that to obtain the same level of to the first configuration. This study indicates that a comprehensive
self-sufficiency, optimization of a proposed system based on the first battery model with appropriate efficiency is more advantageous from a
configuration requires options with a higher life-cycle cost and larger technological point of view and results in a more precise battery size.
battery capacity than the second configuration. Furthermore, given the The work by Jamroen [13] attempts to find the best techno-economic
same design specifications, the system optimization based on the second size of a floating solar PV/BA energy system to power an aquaculture
configuration provides the end-user with more electricity, resulting in a aeration and monitoring system while maintaining the PV modules and
larger self-sufficiency ratio than when the system is simulated according BA weights under consideration. The reliability was computed to assess
Q. Hassan et al. Results in Engineering 17 (2023) 100925
Table 3 determined over the course of many summer days. From an environ
The daily energy, irradiance, and ambient temperature for four selected days. mental and economic point of view, the study found that a PV/BA sys
Day Energy (kWh) Irradiance (kWh/m2) Average Temp. (oC) tem that works on its own is a good way to power an irrigation system.
Hassan et al. [16] constructed a PV/BA system to power small-scale
Jan 05 12.84 3.62 11.8
Apr 05 6.64 8.71 30.7 pump-based diffuser aerators in rural areas. The results suggested that
Jul 05 8.51 6.08 32.2 the system safety factor was adequate to power the aerators. According
Oct 05 5.53 4.34 23.9 to Uddin et al. [17], a techno-economic model has implemented HOMER
and MATLAB/Simulink for the electrical parameters of the modelled
PV/BA energy system. Throughout, techno-economic and ecological
the power supply capacity of the energy system to ensure its properly
assessments are provided to determine the viability and utility of the
functioning. Additionally, the levelized COE was examined to establish
micro-grid system. The simulations show an outstanding correlation,
the cost-effectiveness of energy system designs. According to the con
such that the optimal COE for the power plant is estimated to be $18.3.
clusions, the PV/BA system is the most technically and economically
The researchers estimate that 2500 home scooters could reduce annual
viable design for both daytime and nighttime ventilation situations.
CO2 emissions by 466,56 tonnes. Hassan [18] identified the appropriate
Hassan et al. [14] evaluated the economic viability of a PV/BA system to
size of a PV/BA system to meet the electrical requirements of household
power the household in a high renewable energy fraction. In terms of
applications. At day time, the PV array was used to feed the electrical
energy cost, the research showed that the proposed system was
load and charge the batteries, and at night the battery was used to
economically viable.
provide energy for load. The ideal system size was reached with the
Abbas et al. [15] studied the viability of a PV/BA system to provide
lowest COE.
electrical energy for irrigation. The size of the proposed system was
Fig. 3. The monthly and annual load, irradiance, and ambient temperature form experimental measurements.
Q. Hassan et al. Results in Engineering 17 (2023) 100925
Jaszczur et al. [19] analyse PV/BA system in terms of both appropriate size of the battery that can be integrated with the PV system
economical and the environmental impact. The economic feasibility and the best combination of the size of the PV system and battery ca
assessment showed that the proposed system could generate electricity pacity ensuring at the same time the highest self-consumption. The study
at $0.13 per kilowatt-hour, which was much less than the price of reg addresses the following issues:
ular electricity. Ceran et al. [20] construct a computational approach for
the techno-economic evaluation of a PV system with and without energy 1. The optimum battery as a storage unit can match the higher self-
storage systems. A mathematical model used to compute the economic consumption in conjunction with a PV array based on one-year
impact of the PV system integration. Using computational methodolo span energy consumption.
gies, five examples were investigated, including the use of no storage 2. The Middle East region is rich with abundant solar energy, a study
system, two configurations including lithium-ion batteries, and two was carried out using households supplied by renewable energy for
cases involving flow batteries. Compared to other PV systems with Iraq. It can be concluded that realistic results may be used in real-
batteries, the PV system with lithium cobalt oxide battery levelized cost world systems to save millions of dollars.
$0.034/kWh. The study indicates that an integrated system with 3. Obtaining the relationship between the self-consumption level and
lithium-ion batteries was considered to be the most practical and the COE.
cost-effective option. In general, the comprehensive study of PV system
with energy storage options demonstrates the distant application of this In this study, the scheduling difficulty of uninterrupted power supply
technology. paddle shift devices is handled from a multi-agent viewpoint, and two
According to Table 1, current techno-economic models can be clas strategies are used. Alternatively, a new partially distributed architec
sified as optimization or simulation models, depending on whether the ture is provided to address the same issue by distributing decision-
capacity of PV and battery units are optimization variables or simulated making across agents and utilizing a heuristic algorithm and a virtual
as exogenous factors. While most available research concentrates on dynamic tariff as a coordination mechanism. The solar energy system is
residential PV/BA systems, several also study commercial and industrial evaluated for PV panels and energy storage batteries of various capac
applications [21–23]. ities in order to achieve high self-consumption with optimal capacity.
There are several more benefits to using solar energy for powering The suggested unique technology indicates that the quick reaction of
households and residential communities and support the national grid batteries functioning as a storage unit may greatly increase energy self-
systems. Using renewable energy sources to generate electricity con consumption. This work is essential for system designers and fills a
tributes to environmental care, which could be used by a company to scientific need in this area. Prior to the implementation of renewable
enhance its image. The presented research study analyses the impact of energy systems on a worldwide scale, it is essential to improve energy
techno-economic visibility in contrast to the self-consumption house self-consumption to maintain the grid stability of the system and boost
hold with an annual energy consumption of 3760 kWh. Furthermore, a local energy usage.
technical and economic study was carried out for PV installation with
and without battery storage for a period of time from 2021 up to 2030, 2. System modelling and experimental set-up
taking into account various parameters affecting the installation. This
work is primarily concerned with addressing problems related to the The analysed system under investigation is a PV/BA on-grid system
Q. Hassan et al. Results in Engineering 17 (2023) 100925
Fig. 5. Daily power flow at different battery capacity for the day of Jan 05, 2022.
in which the batteries are charged by the PV array during the day in number of batteries to extract adequate storage power to fulfil demand
order to supply the required load at night and on cloudy days. The most with the optimal number of batteries to store the required energy.
important criterion for a reliable system is that the energy stored in the Several terminologies are used in the literature to evaluate the
batteries can support the required load with the maximum level of self- dependability of PV/BA energy systems. In this study, numerical simu
consumption. Consequently, system modelling entails optimising the lations are used to determine the battery capacity and assess the
Q. Hassan et al. Results in Engineering 17 (2023) 100925
Fig. 6. Daily energy from the grid/fed to the grid at different battery capacities for four selected days.
where ET represents the total energy usage, EPV is the energy generated 2.2. Technical and economic indicators
by the PV array, EBA, is the energy stored in the battery, and EG is the
energy drawn from the grid. The following section describes the technical metrics for the self-
The energy of the PV array can be calculated as follows [51]: consumption rate, as well as the economic indicator that will be used
Q. Hassan et al. Results in Engineering 17 (2023) 100925
Fig. 7. Daily energy self-consumption for the selected days with several battery capacities.
Q. Hassan et al. Results in Engineering 17 (2023) 100925
where Acost is the total annualized cost of the system, EAC,DC is the annual
Fig. 8. Daily total energy self-consumption for the selected days with various
AC, DC primary load served, and Egrid sales is the annual energy sales to
battery capacities.
the national grid.
The total NPC can be determined using the following formula
NPC = (12)
R (i, PS )
Fig. 10. Monthly energy amount fed to the grid and taken from the grid for several battery capacities.
Q. Hassan et al. Results in Engineering 17 (2023) 100925
Fig. 11. Monthly energy charge and discharge battery for several battery capacities.
Q. Hassan et al. Results in Engineering 17 (2023) 100925
Fig. 13. Annual energy taken from the grid and fed back to the grid with several battery capacities.
Fig. 14. The annual energy that charges and discharges batteries at several capacities.
battery specification presented in Table 1). Energy self-consumption solar energy array (refer to Fig. 9). Second, the amount of energy fed to
increases by increasing the battery capacity for all selected days. On the grid decreases with increasing batteries storage capacity due to the
all days, increasing battery capacity reduces the energy fed to the grid energy delivered to charge the batteries, and this value increases with
because the energy generated by the PV array is designed in load increasing batteries capacity, in contrast to the energy taken from the
following strategy and the batteries designed only to charge from the PV grid, which decreases with increasing batteries capacity.
array (not from the grid). Fig. 11 shows the energy charge and discharge of the batteries in
Fig. 8 shows the daily total energy self-consumption for the selected various battery capacities. The amount of energy that batteries store
four days with various battery capacities (4.8 kW–24 kW, based on the increases with increasing battery storage capacity and decreases with
battery specification presented in Table 1). The value of energy self- decreasing battery capacity.
consumption increases as the battery capacity increases for all selected Fig. 12 shows the monthly energy self-consumption and percentage
days. For all days, increasing battery capacity reduces energy fed to the with several battery capacities. The amount of energy self-consumption
grid because the energy generated by the PV array goes to charge the increases as the battery storage capacity and decreases as the battery
batteries, which are designed to only charge from the PV array (not from capacity decrease, which explains why this value differs from month to
the grid). month. The results of the analysis depend on the desired load, energy
Fig. 9 shows the monthly energy generated by a PV array with a generated by the PV array, and the battery storage capacity. It is un
selected capacity of 2.7 kW based on the modules presented in Table 1. reasonable to evaluate battery storage capacity that guarantees the
The energy generated by the array is highly dependent on incident solar highest energy self-consumption based on daily and monthly results
irradiance (see Fig. 3). The results showed that the highest energy can be only. Such a decision requires at least one year of lead time.
generated by the specified array by about 510 kWh during July and the The experimental measurement of annual energy consumption was
lowest by about 148 kWh during December, and the total annual energy 3755.8 kWh, and the simulation results showed that the PV array at 2.7
can be generated by about 975 kWh. capacity can generate an annual energy of 4295.4 kWh. Fig. 13 shows
Fig. 10 shows the monthly energy supplied to the grid and taken from the annual energy taken from the grid and fed the grid at different
the grid. First, the highest energy is fed to the grid during the summer battery capacities. The results showed that the highest energy taken was
months and the lowest during the winter months, and this is in contrast 1435 kWh at the 4.8 kWh battery, and the lowest energy fed to the grid
to the energy that is taken from the grid, which increases during the was 1487 kWh at the 4.8 kWh battery. Both the energy taken and the
winter months and decreases during the summer months, but in both energy fed to the grid are degreased by increasing the battery storage
cases it depends on the amount of electricity that was produced from the capacity. Due to increasing battery capacities, more energy for charging
Q. Hassan et al. Results in Engineering 17 (2023) 100925
Fig. 15. The annual energy self-consumption for several battery capacities.
Fig. 17. Relation between self-consumption % with NPC and COE for several
battery capacities.
4. Conclusions
Q. Hassan et al. Results in Engineering 17 (2023) 100925
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