19MC9106 - Data Structure
19MC9106 - Data Structure
19MC9106 - Data Structure
1. What is linked list? Write and explain the algorithm for create and traverse operations in
single linked list with example. [12 M]
2. What are the draw backs of single linked list? Write and explain the algorithm for search
and modify operations in doubly linked list with example. [12 M]
3. a). Explain the advantages of linked list over arrays. [6 M]
b). Write algorithm for insert and delete a node from doubly linked list. [6 M]
4. a). Explain the circular linked list in detail. [6 M]
b). What is the draw backs of single linked list? Explain how to implement insert and
traverse operations in circular linked list. [6 M]
5. What is linked list? Write and explain the algorithm for crate, insertion and traverse
operations in doubly linked list with example. [12 M]
6. What is stack? Explain any two applications of stack with examples. [12 M]
7. What is stack? Write algorithm for operations of stack with examples. [12M]
8. What are the limitations of queue? Explain the algorithms for various operations of
circular queue. [12 M]
9. Give brief description about the priority queues. [12 M]
10. a). What are the applications of queue? [6 M]
b). How to store stack using linked list? Explain with example. [6 M]
1. a) What is a binary search tree? How do you insert an element into a binary search tree?
[6 M]
b) What is traversing? Write recursive procedure for in order traversal in a binary tree.
[6 M]
2. a). Explain how to delete an element from the binary search tree. [6 M]
1. Explain how to sort the elements by using insertion sort and derive time complexity for
the same. [12 M]
2. Write a Routine for sorting elements using quick sort method. Explain the working of
the routing with an example. [12 M]
3. Explain how to sort the elements by using selection sort and derive the time complexity
for the same. [12 M]
4. Discuss the Algorithm of merge sort with an example. Derive its time complexity.
[12 M]
5. Write and explain Bubble sorting Algorithm and also find its time complexity. [12 M]
6. Write and explain Radix sort algorithm with an example. [12 M]
7. What is searching? Explain Binary search algorithm with example and also find its time
complexity. [12 M]
8. What is searching? Explain Linear search algorithm with example and also find its time
complexity. [12 M]
9. Define Searching. Differentiate the time complexities of Linear and Binary search with
examples. [12 M]
10. Write a procedure for sorting a given list of elements using Quick sort method. Show the
division of the list in the quick sort for a list of 10 numbers. [12 M]
4. What is minimum –cost spanning tree? Discuss Prim’s algorithm with example. [12 M]
5. What is minimum –cost spanning tree? Discuss Kruskal’s algorithm with example.[12 M]
6. Explain Dijkstra’s algorithm with an example. [12 M]
10. Explain any algorithm for all pairs shortest path problem. [12 M]