Rhetorical Analysis Outline Worksheet

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ENGL 1301 Rhetorical Analysis Outline Assignment

Instructions: Following the example of Dr. Nelson in the Rhetorical Analysis Outline Demo video, organize
your analysis of the rhetorical situation and rhetorical strategies and appeals of your peer reviewed journal
article. Complete each chart with information from your rhetorical analysis notes worksheet in order to plot
what you need to discuss in each section of your essay.

Section 1: Introduction

a. Introduce the peer reviewed journal article and relevant facts about the context of its production:
Author(s) Eduardo Abade
Topic / Title “Effects Of Using Compound Or Complex Strength-power Training During In-season In
Team Sports.”
Journal Research In Sports Medicine
Audience Scholars in Sports Sciences, Health Sciences and Human Development, Research Center in
Sports Sciences, Health Sciences and Human Development, Sports performance
Date 2019

b. Provide a brief, summative description of the argument of the peer reviewed journal article:
Article’s The argument presented in the passage is that team sport athletes can enhance their
Argument performance during the in-season period by incorporating specific strength and power
training methods, such as compound and complex training. This is particularly important for
improving the performance of weaker athletes as well as stronger ones. The passage
emphasizes the significance of incorporating these training methods for achieving optimal
athletic performance.

c. Identify (1) your evaluation of the article’s rhetorical effectiveness in supporting its argument and (2) why
the article is rhetorically effective / ineffective (this will be your controlling idea):
Controlling Eduardo Abade's article is primarily informative because it presents strong data and reliable
Idea information well supported by his argument.

Section 2: Body Paragraph 1

a. Describe the main point for body paragraph #1 that helps you prove your controlling idea (rhetorical
strategy / appeal + rhetorical effectiveness evaluation):
Point 1 Shows data clearly using logos

b. Identify the specific evidence from the peer reviewed journal article that supports the above point:
Quoted “Table 1 presents the descriptive and probabilistic statistics and Figure 2 includes the
Evidence 1 standardized differences for the pre- to post-test performance measures’ variations in S-
compound. A possible performance impairment (−2.7%; ±4.1%: mean changes, %; ±90%
confidante limits) was observed in AJ after strength training intervention program (small
effect). The TJ followed the same trend since the intervention promoted a likely impairment
(−8.1%; ±6.2%, small effect). Regarding linear sprint tests, a likely improvement was shown
in the 10 m sprint (−11.3%; ±11.9% decrease in time, moderate effect). Although the 20 m
sprint performance presented unclear results, 72% of the chances presented an improvement.
Finally, the COD test showed a possible impairment (small effect).” (Abade 376)
"The CMJ presented a most likely improvement (13.7%; 5.4%, moderate effect) after
strength training intervention."(Abade 376)

"The 10-m and 20-m sprint presented a likely/very likely positive effect (-10.7%; ±10.3%
and -6.0%; ±3.4% variation from pre- to post-test, respectively, with a moderate/large
effect)."(Abade 376)

c. Explain how the specific evidence supports the above point:

Explanation 1 The essay presents data from the research study in a clear and organized manner. It
discusses the performance measures, pre-test and post-test values, and provides insights into
the effects of the training programs on the athletes. This logical presentation of data aligns
with the use of logos.

The essay makes use of specific data and metrics to support its arguments and findings. For
example, it states, "The CMJ presented a most likely improvement (13.7%; 5.4%, moderate
effect) after strength training intervention." This data-driven statement quantifies the
improvement in Countermovement Jump (CMJ) performance, making it clear to the reader
that there was a substantial positive impact resulting from the strength training program.

Another instance is when the essay discusses improvements in linear sprint performance:
"The 10- and 20-m sprint presented a likely/very likely positive effect (-10.7%; ±10.3% and
-6.0%; ±3.4% variation from pre- to post-test, respectively, with a moderate/large effect)."
These numbers and the associated effect sizes provide clear evidence of the changes in
sprint performance due to the training program.

Section 3: Body Paragraph 2

a. Describe the main point for body paragraph #2 that helps you prove your controlling idea (rhetorical
strategy / appeal + rhetorical effectiveness evaluation):
Point 2 Has reliable info using ethos and logos

b. Identify the specific evidence from the peer reviewed journal article that supports the above point:
Quoted "This is the first study to explore the effects of a combined strength-power training program
Evidence 2 applied during a team sports’ in-season period under two different contexts.”(Abade 377)

c. Explain how the specific evidence supports the above point:

Explanation 2 The essay relies on information from a scientific research study, which inherently carries
credibility and reliability. The use of statistics, measurements, and standardized mean
differences adds to the credibility of the information presented. This aligns with the use of
ethos and logos because it appeals to the authority and logic of the research.

The reliability of the information in the essay is established through the use of credible
sources and scientific research. This appeals to both ethos and logos. For instance, the essay
mentions, "This is the first study to explore the effects of a combined strength-power
training program applied during a team sports’ in-season period under two different
contexts." Here, the essay emphasizes the novelty of the study, underlining its contribution
to the body of research in the field. This demonstrates the reliability of the information as it
is derived from a rigorous and original research study.
The essay establishes its reliability through references to the study itself and the methods
employed. It states, "This is the first study to explore the effects of a combined strength-
power training program applied during a team sports’ in-season period under two different
contexts." By highlighting the uniqueness and originality of the study, it builds the
credibility of the information presented. The essay also references relevant scientific
literature and principles to support its claims. For example, it mentions, "The physiological
mechanisms underlying the post-activation potentiation effects appear to be related to the
motor-neurons excitability resultant from a pre-conditioning high-intensity activity,"
showing that the information presented is based on established scientific knowledge.

Section 4: Body Paragraph 3

a. Describe the main point for body paragraph #3 that helps you prove your controlling idea (rhetorical
strategy / appeal + rhetorical effectiveness evaluation):
Point 3 He article is more informative and does not use pathos since it doesn’t use emotion just facts

b. Identify the specific evidence from the peer reviewed journal article that supports the above point:
Evidence 3

c. Explain how the specific evidence supports the above point:

Explanation 3 The article is more informative and does not use pathos since it doesn’t use emotion just
facts: The essay maintains an informative and objective tone throughout. It avoids emotional
appeals (pathos) and instead focuses on presenting the facts and findings of the study. It
doesn't use emotional language or anecdotes, which is in line with the goal of providing
factual information. In conclusion, this essay effectively meets your criteria by presenting
data clearly, using reliable information from a research study, and maintaining an
informative and non-emotional tone. It adheres to the principles of logos and ethos, making
it a well-structured and evidence-based analysis of the research study.

The essay maintains an informative and objective tone, avoiding emotional appeals or
sensationalism. It is evident that pathos, which appeals to emotions, is not used. For
example, it refrains from using emotional language or anecdotes. Instead, the focus remains
on presenting factual information and analysis. The essay provides insights into the study's
findings without emotional bias, adhering to the principle of delivering information based
on facts and research.

The essay maintains an informative tone throughout and does not rely on emotional appeals.
It refrains from using emotionally charged language or anecdotes. Instead, it focuses on
providing a comprehensive analysis of the study's findings and their implications. For
instance, when discussing the improvements in performance, it doesn't use exaggerated or
emotional language. It states the facts clearly and objectively, such as, "The CMJ presented
a most likely improvement (13.7%; 5.4%, moderate effect) after strength training
intervention," avoiding emotional language.

Section 5: Conclusion

a. Reiterate (1) your evaluation of the article’s rhetorical effectiveness in supporting its argument and (2) why
the article is rhetorically effective / ineffective:
Controlling [Reason]. Therefore, [Assertion].
Overall, the essay follows the principles of logos and ethos by presenting clear data from the
research study, relying on credible sources and research, and maintaining an objective and
informative tone without emotional appeals. This combination of evidence-based
information and logical analysis makes the essay a reliable and informative source of

b. Describe why your evaluation about the relative effectiveness of how the author(s) uses rhetorical strategies
and appeals to support the article’s argument is important / significant:

c. Describe what readers should do with this knowledge:


Section 6: Work Cited

Reference Pattern:
Last Name, First Name. “Article Title.” Journal Title, vol. #, no. #, year, pp. ##-##. Database Name, doi
number or stable url.

Your Reference for the Peer Reviewed Journal Article:

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