B.ing 5
B.ing 5
B.ing 5
Beri tanda silang (X) pada A, B, atau C pada jawaban yang menurut antum benar!
a. Salty
b. Spicy
c. Umami
d. Sour a. Sweet
b. Sour
4. My father like this fruit because it c. Umami
tastes… d. Bitter
7. Which information is correct based
on the picture?
a. A spoon of milk
b. A bunch of milk
c. A glass of milk
d. A plate of milk
11.How many pizza in this picture?
a. Sore throat
b. Sore eye
a. Cold d. A pair of trousers
b. Toothache 26. My aunt wears a…
c. Earache
d. Runny nose
23. A : what happens to father?
B : he has a…
a. Hat
b. Belt
c. Dress
d. Shoes
a. Earache
b. Sore eye 27. Bimo likes wearing a…
c. Cough
d. Headache
24. A : what’s wrong with you?
B : I have a…
a. Dress
b. Jacket
c. Polo shirt
a. Fever d. A pair of shorts
b. Broken arm 28. You must wear a … because the
c. Broken leg weather is very cold
d. Cough
25. Joni likes wearing a…
a. Dress
b. A pair of short
c. Jacket
a. Skirt
d. Gown
b. Scarf
29. Rudi likes wearing a…
c. Hat
c. Ten thousand five hundred
rupiahs :
d. Six thousand rupiahs :
4. Write in Indonesian this
a. A bar of :
b. A plate of :
c. A bunch of :
a. Blouse d. A spoon of :
b. Gown 5. Write in Indonesian this tastes!
c. T-shirt a. Sour :
d. Tie b. Umami :
30.You must wear a… because the c. Salty :
weather is rain. d. Bitter :
a. Pyjamas
b. Dress
c. Swimsuit
d. Rain coat