Cewb1021 Exp - 4

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GROUP MEMBERS: 1. Al Awlaqi Abdullah CE01083274

2. Al Mohammed Karrar CE01082998
3. Mohamed Osama CE01083235

Water Impact of jet experiment aim to demonstrate and investigate the validity of theoretical
expressions for the calculation of the force exerted by a het on objects of various shapes.

The purpose of this experiment is to determine the reaction force produced by the impact of
jet of water to a variety of type of target vanes and experimentally determine the force
required to keep a target at a datum level while it is subjected to the impact of water jet. The
experiment is also conducted to test the validity of theoretical expression for the calculation
of the force.


1. The equipment is adjusted to an approximate level to make sure the jet is vertical.
2. The required target plate is installed and the stem level indicator is adjusted to a fixed
point on the stem.
3. 200 gram weight is put on the stem so that the stem will lower it-self.
4. The hydraulic bench valve is opened to allow the jet to hits the target and the flow is
adjusted until the stem rises to its original level.
5. The volume and time on measuring tank are recorded.
6. Steps 3 to 6 are repeated with increasing weights.
7. Step 6 is repeated for other types of target plates. The plates are designed such that
heights above nozzle are the same for all targets.
8. The graph of Impact Force on vane is plotted, F (N) versus Rate of Delivery of
momentum, WVo (N) for different types of target plates.
9. Comments on results are obtained


1. Target type: Flat plate

Mass Flow Exit Jet Velocity, Momentum, Impact

Weight Water Vol. Time Rate V Velocity Deflected m Force
(kg) (L) (sec) (kg/sec) (m/sec) by vane, V0 (m/sec) WV0 (N) (N)
0.20 4.00 14.03 0.2851 7.4053 7.3654 2.0999 2.11
0.25 4.00 12.21 0.3276 8.5091 8.4744 2.7762 2.78
0.30 4.00 10.53 0.3799 9.8667 9.8368 3.7367 3.74
0.35 4.00 12.97 0.3084 8.0105 7.9737 2.4591 2.47
0.40 4.00 10.75 0.3721 9.6648 9.6343 3.5848 3.59
0.45 4.00 10.53 0.3799 9.8667 9.8368 3.7367 3.74
0.50 4.00 8.24 0.4854 12.6088 12.5854 6.1094 6.12
0.55 4.00 8.34 0.4796 12.4576 12.4339 5.9635 5.97
0.60 4.00 9.50 0.4211 10.9364 10.9095 4.5935 4.60
0.65 4.00 8.68 0.4608 11.9696 11.9450 5.5046 5.51
0.70 4.00 8.44 0.4739 12.3100 12.2860 5.8228 5.83

2. Target type: Cone

Weigh Mass Flow Momentum, Impact

t Water Vol. Time Rate Exit Jet Velocity, V Velocity Deflected m Force
(kg) (L) (sec) (kg/sec) (m/sec) by vane, V0 (m/sec) WV0 (N) (N)
0.20 10.00 35.84 0.2790 7.2467 7.2059 2.0104 3.02
0.25 10.00 35.35 0.2828 7.3454 7.3052 2.0659 3.11
0.30 10.00 32.88 0.3041 7.8987 7.8613 2.3906 3.59
0.35 10.00 30.47 0.3281 8.5220 8.4873 2.7846 4.18
0.40 10.00 28.70 0.3484 9.0493 9.0167 3.1414 4.72
0.45 10.00 26.80 0.3731 9.6909 9.6604 3.6042 5.41
0.50 10.00 25.50 0.3921 10.1844 10.1554 3.9662 5.97
0.55 10.00 24.76 0.4038 10.4883 10.4602 4.2238 6.34
0.60 10.00 24.00 0.4166 10.8207 10.7934 4.4965 6.75
0.65 10.00 22.60 0.4424 11.5387 11.5131 5.0933 7.65
0.70 10.00 21.09 0.4741 12.3142 12.2902 5.8267 8.75

Mass Flow Impact

Weight Water Vol. Time Rate Exit Jet Velocity, V Velocity Deflected Momentum, m Force
(kg) (L) (sec) (kg/sec) (m/sec) by vane, V0 (m/sec) WV0 (N) (N)
0.20 4.00 16.65 0.2402 6.2400 6.1927 1.4877 2.98
0.25 4.00 14.22 0.2813 7.3063 7.2659 2.0439 4.09
0.30 4.00 13.69 0.2922 7.5892 7.5503 2.2061 4.42
0.35 4.00 13.75 0.2909 7.5561 7.5170 2.1868 4.38
0.40 4.00 12.63 0.3167 8.2261 8.1903 2.5939 5.19
0.45 4.00 11.44 0.3497 9.0818 9.0494 3.1641 6.33
0.50 4.00 11.16 0.3584 9.3097 9.2780 3.3255 6.66
0.55 4.00 10.94 0.3656 9.4969 9.4659 3.4610 6.93
0.60 4.00 9.91 0.4036 10.4840 10.4559 4.2203 8.45
0.65 4.00 10.78 0.3711 9.6379 9.6073 3.5649 7.14
0.70 4.00 9.13 0.4381 11.3796 11.3537 4.9743 9.95
3. Target type: Hemisphere
Analysis for table 1

The Mass Flow Rate is calculated by the following formula:
1 Liter = 1 kg
Mass Flow Rate,W : 4 kg
14.03 sec

: 0.2851 kg/sec
The Jet Cross Section, A0 is calculated by the following formula:
A0 = πd2
= (22/7)(72) = 38.5 mm2 = 3.85x10-5 m2
The Exit Jet Velocity,V is calculated by the following formula:
V= W
= 0.2851
= 7.4053 m/sec
The Velocity Deflected by Vane, V0 is calculated by the following formula:
V0 = √ V2 – 2G

= √ (7.4053)2 – 2(9.81)(0.030)

= 7.3654 m/sec

The Momentum, m (after hitting the target plate) is calculated by the following
Momentum = WV0
= 0.2851(7.3654)
= 2.0999 N
The Impact Force is calculated by the following formula:
Impact Force: WV0 cos Ө - WV
Where Ө for Flat target plate : 900
Cone target plate : 1200
Hemisphere plate : 1800

Impact force ;

0.2851(7.3654) cos 90 – 0.2851(7.4053) = -2.1113 N

*(The other calculations are done using the same steps.)


Based on the result that we get, what we can observe is that if the plate curvature
increases, the force retaining also increases. The result that we get when plotting the graph
(flat plate) for the impact force against momentum is increasing nearly. However the result
that we get is not stable. As for the flat plate, when taking the time, the time taken that we
take does not have same proportion. Sometimes it will increase but then decreasing and
increasing again. Some errors might occur while doing this experiment. Before start taking
the time we need to make sure the bottom of the load should have same level with the
original level. This is to ensure the accuracy of our results. Other than that, parallax error also
might have occurred when reading the volume of water level. Human error also contributed
to the error when conducting the experiment. Our members might start taking the time late
that it should be.


As a conclusion, the initial objective is met because we are able to conduct the
experiment well. We are also able to plot the graph of Impact force versus momentum. The
result varies because there are some errors occurred during conducting the experiment as
stated above. We also managed to calculate the Mass Flow Rate, Exit Jet Velocity, Velocity
deflected by vane, Momentum and Impact force by using the provided formula. Other than
that there is no problem during conducting the experiment.

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