Rabinowitch (1951) PhotosynthVol II Part1
Rabinowitch (1951) PhotosynthVol II Part1
Rabinowitch (1951) PhotosynthVol II Part1
Part 1
J/. rO
and Related Processes
VOLUME II . Part 1
Spectroscopy and FInoreseence
of Photosynthetie Pigments;
Kinetics of Photosvntiiesis
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book or any part thereof must not be reproduced
in any form without permission of the publisher in writing. This applies specifically to
photostat and microfilm reproductions.
the galleys revealed that it had become too long to be published under
one cover. It was therefore divided into two half-volumes. The division
cut through the part dealing with the kinetics of photosynthesis. Because
of this, it seemed inadvisable to provide this half-volume with a separate
subject index; an index for the whole work will be found at the end of the
second part.* The latter will complete the treatment of the kinetics of
photosjmthesis (temperature effects, flashing light experiments, induction
phenomena, and the function of the pigments, especially the energy transfer
between them). The last three chapters will constitute an addition to
Volume I, and will deal particularly with the new work on photochemistry
Eugene I. Rabinowitch
June 1951
. . ..
Preface V
Algae 728
Appendix. Natural Light Fields 730
Bibliography 736
Chap. 23. Fluorescence of Pigments in Vitro 740
A. Fluorescence of Chlorophyll in Vitro 740
1. Fluorescence Spectra of Chlorophyll and Its Derivatives in
Solution 740
2. Yield of Fluorescence and Life-Time of the Excited States of
Chlorophyll 751
3. Factors Limiting the Yield of Fluorescence 755
(a) Internal Conversion (Physical Dissipation of Excitation
Energy) 756
(b) Isomerization or Dissociation ("Mononiolecular" Chemical
Quenching) 756
(c) Reaction with Foreign Molecules ("Bimolecular" Chemical
Quenching) 756
(d) Bulk Transfer of Electronic Energy 757
(e) Self-Quenching 759
4. Influence of Solvent on Yield of Chlorophyll Fluorescence 763
5. Influence of Concentration on Yield of Fluorescence. Self-
Quenching. Fluorescence of Chlorophyll in Colloids and
Adsorbates 772
6. Quenching and Activation of Chlorophyll Fluorescence by
Admixtures 777
7. Long-Lived Active States and Afterglow of Chlorophyll 790
8. Summary —
A Scheme of Fluorescence and Sensitization 795
B. Fluorescence of Carotenoids and Phycobilins in Vitro 798
1. Fluorescence of Carotenoids 798
2. Fluorescence of Phycobilins 799
Bibliography 801
Chap. 24. Fluorescence of Pigments in Vivo 805
1 Fluorescence Spectra of Plants 806
2. Fluorescence Yield and Sensitized Fluorescence in Vivo 812
3. Effects of Heat and Humidity on Chlorophyll Fluorescence
in Vivo 817
4. Variations of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Related to Photo-
synthesis 819
Bibliography 826
1. Material 833
Light Measurements 837
Measurements of Oxygen Evolution 844
Measurements of Carbon Dioxide Consumption 851
Chap. 29. The Light Factor. II. Maximum Quantum Yield of Photosynthesis 1083
Chap. 30. The Light Factor. IIL Photosynthesis and Light QuaUty; Role of
Accessory Pigments 1142
1. Action Spectrum 1142
2. Quantum Yield and Wave Length in Green Plants. Role of
Carotenoids 1147
3. Photosynthesis of Green Plants in Ultraviolet and Infrared .... 1152
4. Monochromatic Light Curves, and the Action Spectrum of
Photosynthesis in Strong Light 1158
5. Quantum Yield and Action Spectrum of Photosynthesis in
Brown Algae 1168
6. Quantum Yield and Action Spectrum of Red and Blue Algae.
Role of PhycobUins 1178
7. Action Spectrum of Purple Bacteria 1187
Bibliography 1188
Index 1193
Chapter 21
phyll preparations —the latter clearly indicated by the relatively high absorption in the
green {cf. last column in Table 21. IB).
under the influence of acid fumes (cf. Stern 1935, 1938; and Tiegs 1938);
it can easily occur during extraction, when the pigments are exposed to the
action of acids contained in the cell sap. (Harris and Zscheile added mag-
nesium carbonate to the extracting solvent to neutralize these acids.)
This "primary" pheophytin is removed during chromatographic separation
(according to Zscheile 1941, a pheoph>'tin layer in the chromatogram was
responsible for his earlier belief that leaf extracts contain a "chlorophyll
c," cf. Vol. I, p. 402); but some pheophytin can again be formed afterward,
e. g., under the influence of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
As shown in figures 21.18 and 21.19, the pheophorbides (and this ap-
plies to pheophytins as well) have rather strong absorption bands in the
green. Zscheile and Comar (1941) and Harris and Zscheile (1943) found
that the ratios of the extinction coefficients in the maxima of the red
chlorophyll bands (660 mn component a in ethyl ether and 642.5 mfx
for component b in the same solvent) and of the green bands of pheophytin
(505 and 520 niyu, respectively) reach 52 in solutions of the purest prepara-
tions of chlorophyll a, and 19 in similar preparations of chlorophyll b,
but may
drop to as low as 20 and 4.5, respectively, after these preparations
have been allowed to stand for as little as a single day in the dry state.
Zscheile and Comar (1941) recommended therefore that drying be avoided
altogether in the preparation of spectroscopically pure chlorophyll solu-
tions. More recently, Zscheile, Comar and Mackinney (1942) succeeded
in preparing dry chlorophyll a which could be stored and still showed,
upon dissolution, the high ratio of extinctions in the red and in the green
indicative of high purity; but no standard procedure for obtaining such
stable preparations could be given.
Zscheile, Comar and Harris (1944) found that the spectra of ethereal
solutions of pure preparations of chlorophyll a show signs of deterioration
after about one week storage at 0-5° C. in darkness.
Crude ether extracts
from leaves, on the other hand, proved to be comparatively stable some —
gave no evidence of spectroscopic change even after 14 weeks storage (at
— 20° C). Fresh corn leaves could be stored at —20° C, for a whole
month without deterioration of chlorophj'-ll.
Another problem of chlorophyll purification is the elimination of traces
of chlorophyll a from chlorophyll b. According to Zscheile, supposedly
"pure" chlorophyll b, used by many earlier observers, did contain up to
Meyer (1939) asserted that the band at 535 ni/u, which is noticeable in most if not
all extinction curves of pure chlorophyll a {cf. fig. 21. IB, and Table 21. lA), is not found
in the spectra of fresh leaf extracts, and concluded that a mixture of the purified chloro-
phylls a and not identical with what he designated as "native" chlorophyll (a
b is b). +
This conclusion was criticized by Mackinney (1940, 1941), who found, to the contrary,
that by mixing the two pure chlorophyll components one can reproduce the spectrum of
a fresh leaf extract in all its details (except, of course, for the blue-violet region, where
the absorption of the extracts is partly due to the carotenoids).
Fjgiu-es 21.1 A and B show the extinction curves of the two pure chloro-
phyll components in ethyl ether, according to Zscheile and Comar (1941).
(The second figure is an enlarged detail of the first one.)
ing on a photographic plate (all other data in this table were obtained by photoelectric
and Comar's moist preparation measured by Mackinney.
" Mackinney's dry preparation measured by Zscheile and Comar.
Mackinney's dry preparation measured by Mackinney.
The reproducibility of the red band encourages its use for the spectrophotometric
assay of the two chlorophylls. This method was developed by Ghosh and Sen-Gupta
(1931), Zscheile (1934, 1935), Sprecher von Bernegg, Heierle and Almasy (1935), Haskin
(1942), Comar and Zscheile (1942), Comar (1942) and Comar, Benne and Buteyn
(1943). Measurements at two different wave lengths are required to calculate the
concentrations of the two components. The use of the absorption maxima at 642.5
and 660 mix permits the most sensitive determination, but requires precise work, since
the extinction values in the sharp absorption peaks are very sensitive to variations in
the width of the spectrometer slit or to sUght errors in the adjustment of the monochro-
mator. Cross-checks at other wave lengths are therefore desirable. All errors could be
eliminated by the use of monochromatic Ught; but the spectrum of the mercury arc
the usual source of monochromatic light in the laboratory — does not contain suitable
Unes in the red and orange regions.
Table 21. IB). was noted by Albers (1941) that the subsidiary violet
band (situated, in ethereal solution, at 410 mju in chlorophyll a and 430
m/i in chlorophyll b) sometimes appears as a slight hump on the main
H2C=CH CH3* HT rn
.C, ,C C i H I
C N N C V ., \. _/
H,c-c< El I ir |c-CH, „^ o< m \ \
/\ \
H \
c c ^c'
H I lio 9. u
CH2 HC C. H^i
^ 1.
\ (Phytol)
H r
H39C20OOC mr
— CH2 LI
' H I
H3C-C(r^ C
I jj >C-C2H,
HC S Mg fl CH
" \/ ^J<
H39C20OOC— CHj
Fig. 21.2. Chlorophyll a structure according to Hans Fischer. A, B and C are three
isomeric or tautomeric (or mesomeric) structures, distinguished by the routing of the
all-roimd conjugated ring system (heavy line) and the positions of the "semi-isolated"
double bond and of the Mg—
N bonds (all of which depend on this routing). The
asterisk designates the position of a carbonyl group in chlorophyll h. A, semi-isolated
double bond in nucleus III Mg bound to nuclei I and II. B, semi-isolated double bond
in nucleus II; Mg bound to nuclei I and III. C, semi-isolated double bond in nucleus
I; Mg bound to nuclei II and III.
chlorophylls, which they called a' and b' and interpreted as tautomers of
chlorophylls a and b. The forms A, B and C have different double bond ar-
rangements in the nonhydrogenated pyrrole nuclei, but the same hydro-
genated nucleus IV. Since the red absorption band is somehow associated
with the hydrogenation of this nucleus (cf. page 621), modifications A, B
and C may have identical red bands. They could, however, differ in the
positions or shapes of the blue-violet bands, associated with the conjugated
porphin system as a whole.
Erdman and Corwin (1946) noted the spectroscopic similarity of etio-
porphyrin and A'"-methyl etioporphyrin, and deduced from this that the
two "central" H-atoms in the porphin system must be fixed at definite
nitrogen atoms for »
10"* sec. This supports the hypothesis that struc-
tures such as those represented by the three formulas in figure 21.2 are
tautomeric rather than mesomeric.
We have used so far only data obtained with ethyl ether as solvent,
since they alone offered the possibility of comparison between the results
of several observers. Determinations of extinction curves of chlorophyll
in solvents other than ether are Usted in Table 21.11.
Table 21.11
Solvent Reference
" Several of the curves of Harris and Zscheile (1943) are reproduced in figure 21.26.
appear at 325 and 375 mn. Below the region shown in figure 21.3, both
components have an absorption maximum at 250 m/i (asp. ^^ 30).
An absorption band at 330 mix was first noticed in the spectrum of alcoholic extracts
from nettle leaves by Lewkowitsch (1928).
56 -
24 \ Chlorophyll b
spectrum of phytol, and are absent from that of ethyl chlorophyllide (c/.
fig. 21.4 and Table 21.IIA); they thus belong to the phytyl chain rather
z* 60
<" 50
<f) 40
c 30
silt width: Rock solt
_l L. j u _j i_
10 II 12 13 14 15
90 Phytol CzoHjoOH
Copillary film
10 II 12 13 14 15
Ethyl Chlorophyllide
Fluorite prism
2-60 1-
<n 50
^ 40
^ 30
2 9
\ 3 4 t 6 7 8 iO li 12 13 14 15
blentz 1933).
than to the chlorophyhin ring system. The frequencies 1045, 1265, 1450.
1545 and 1610 cm.-^, on the other hand, seem to belong to chlorophylhn.
plete absorption of all visible light appears to be unnecessary, or even
ful. As stated before (compare Volume I, chapter 19), chlorophyll prob-
ably was adopted as sensitizer for photosynthesis not because of a particu-
larly favorable absorption spectnim, l)ut because of its peculiar photosensi-
Once having found a suitable sensitizer, natiu'e then
tizing properties.
made adjustments to improve the supply of light energy to species living
in unfavorable habitats —
by increasing the quantity of chlorophyll b in
shade plants, and by providing brown algae with fucoxanthol, and red
algae with phycobilins. The presence of the latter makes the red algae
capable of growth even under a thick layer of blue-green sea water.
Vol. I, page 406), is characterized, according to the earlier authors (e. g.,
Tswett), by a band in the region of 630 m/x. Strain and Manning (1942)
determined the extinction curve of this compound, first by subtraction of
the extinction curve of pure chlorophyll a from that of the chlorophyll ex-
tract from brown algae, and later by direct spectrophotometry of isolated
chlorophyll c. Figures 21. 5A and B show that the results of the two meth-
ods are in approximate agreement. Two "chlorofucin" bands are situated
in the orange and red —with peaks at 575.5 and 627 m/i, respectively, in
methanol, and at 581 and 631 m/x, respectively, in 80% acetone. Figure
21. 5C alsoshows a band in the blue (at 446 m^u) almost ten times stronger.
The ratio between the intensities of the bands in blue and red is thus much
larger than in chlorophyll b (where it is about 3), not to speak of chlorophyll
a (where the two bands are approximately equal in intensity, cf. Tables
21. IB and 21.VIII), but the general pattern of the spectrum is similar.
Wa.ssink and Kersten (1946) and Tanada (1951) gave similar absorp-
tion curves for a "chlorophyll c" fraction from chromatographic frac-
tionation of the pigments of diatoms. The three absorption peaks ap-
pear, in methanol, at about 450, 590 and 635 m/u, with the first band about
ten times more intense than the other two (cf. p. 623).
u Extract
minus a
580 610
The absorption spectrum of the '' chlorophyll d" of red algae also was
determined by Manning and Strain (1943). Since this investigation was
only briefly mentioned in Vokime I, a few words may be said here about
this newly discovered pigment. Its presence is revealed by a bulge on the
red side of the chlorophyll a band, observed in the spectra of methanol
extracts from red algae. In pure chlorophyll a solution in methanol, the
ratio of extinction coefficients at 665 and 700 m^u is 90; in extracts from
twenty red algae, this ratio was between 15 and 65. Short extraction leads
to products with even lower I'atios r. g.
; wo minutes extraction of Gigarlina
, t
SSOmjii 667 m^
lies in the near infrared and has not yet been measured precisely; its gen-
eral shape is shown by figure 21.(). According to this figure, the absorp-
tion spectrum of bacteriochlorophyll contains
three main bands one in the —
infrared (770 m/i in methanol, shown also in fig. 21.21), one in the orange
(005 m/x) and one in the violet (~400 ni/i). One may assume {cf. below,
page 622) that the two latter bauds are analogous to the red and the blue-
Table 21. IV
In chloroform-pyridine
020 l.bxiu^
Table 21.V
PoRPHiN Bands
X (him)
V (cm."0
bin. The spectrum of protochlorophyll (cf. fig. 21.8 and Table 21. IV)
does not show the predominance of the red band over the bands in yellow
and green to the same extent as do the typical spectra of dehydro- or tetra-
hydroporphin derivatives; but it resembles these spectra somewhat more
than it does the typical porphyrin spectra in figure 21.10. A re-examina-
tion of the structure of the protochlorophyll molecule is therefore desirable.
It is noteworthy that "protopheophytin," obtained from protochlorophyll
by the action of acids, was found to have a typical porphyrin spectrum.
A similar case is presented by chlorophyll c. As stated on p. 014,
this pigment has an arrangement of bands similar to those of the chloro-
phylls a and b, but the red ))and is very weak compared to the Soret band
in fact, the spectra of chlorophyll c (insert in fig. 21. 5C) and protochloro-
phyll (fig. 21.8) are extremely similar. It is therefore significant that
Tetrophenylporphin Tetrophenylchlorin
3.0 X 10
« 1.5
also have a strong absorption band in the red. She suggested tliat the
appearance of this band is generally associated with increased molecular
symmetry; but it is not quite clear why hydrogenation of one or two
pyrrole nuclei, or substitution of NIT groups for (' atoms, should lead to
higher symmetry.
6.4 X 10*
62 Rhodochlorin dimethyl ester
Mesorhodoctilorin dimethyl
5.6 ester
(both in dioxane)
the alcohol, the sharper the absorption peak. As an example, figure 21.16
shows the extinction curve of phytyl pheophorbide (pheoph^^tin), together
with that of methyl pheophorbide.
noteworthy that closure of the carbocyclic ring, i. e., the
It is further
transition from chlorin to phorbin, also hardly affects the spectrum at all,
as shown by figure 21.17. The carhonyl group in nucleus II, whose pres-
ence distinguishes chlorophyll b and its derivatives from the corresponding
compounds of the a series, has a much stronger effect on the spectrum:
The two chlorophylls have distinctly different colors one blue-green and —
the other yellow-green. Figure 21.1 shows that this difference is caused by
480 520 560 600 640 670 480 520 560 600 640 670
on the spectrum is less pronounced than that of the conjugated C=0 bond
in position 3. As stated on page 441, Vohime I, Fischer later concluded
from chemical degradation experiments that the two extra hydrogen atoms
are located in nucleus IV. A certain difference between the conjugation in
nuclei II and III exists, however, also in the latter structure (formula A,
page 608) namely, the double bond 3-4 in nucleus II is part of the all-
round "aromatic" ring system, while the double band 5-6 in nucleus III is
1 0.0x10^
9.0 Methyl chlorophyllide a
Methyl pheophorbide a
that the introduction of a carbonyl group has a stronger effect on the spec-
Chlorophyll a
7.0 Pheophorbide a
Pheoporphyrin 05
3.0 _i L
[ I
r •
I r I'
350 400 450 500 600
Chlorophyll b
Pheophorbide b
-I I
. '
Fig. 2 1.1 9 A. Effect of porphin -> chlo- Fig. 21.19B. Extinction curves of
on the visible and ultraviolet
rin transition chlorophyll and pheophorbides in the
spectrum (after Hagenbach, Auerbacher visibleand near ultraviolet (after
and Wiedemann 1936). Hagenbach, Auerbacher and Wiede-
mann 1936).
trum if this group comes into conjugation with a C=^C bond, which is
violet and ultraviolet all show the same pattern. As pointed out by Stern
(1939), neither the transition from porphin to chlorin nor the introduction
of magnesium has much effect on the intensity of the blue-violet absorption
band. This is shown by figures 21.19A and B. The blue-violet band is
shifted by hydrogenation toward shorter waves, but suffers no appreciable
change of intensity.
Comparison of figure 21. 19 A and B shows that, while both magnesium
and the extra hydrogen atoms enhance the main red absorption band,
these two substituents have antagonistic effects on all the rest of the spec-
trum, below GOO m.fx.
given in Table 21. VI. (c/. the infrared absorption frequencies in Table
21.IIA). The blue-violet and the two ultraviolet bands are best inter-
preted as separate electronic transitions.
Table 21. VI
Chlorophyll a Bands
v (cm.~0
porphins the main fluorescence bands are close to the absorption band first
band some distance toward the red from it in the approximate position of
the "invisible" X -^ Ao absorption band (Rabinowitch 1944).
Since this is not the case, an alternative hypothesis must be considered.
It is represented in figure 21.20, and suggests that the hydrogenation of
one pyrrole nucleus creates a new low electronic excitation state Y, situated
a little lower than the level Ao, "inherited" from the nonhydrogenated
system.* Figure 21.12 makes one suspect that the second chlorin band
(612.5 m/i in chlorophyll), which is stronger than the corresponding band
in the nonhydrogenated compound, may also belong to the system X
—> F
(as a second band of this system, X Yi, ^
.), and that it masks the weak
. .
Another possibiHty suggostetl by the spectra of protochlorophyll and chloro-
phyll c —
iR that the band A' -* I'o exists also before hydrogenation, but is strongly
in the maximumof the orange band, while the infrared peak is almost exactly twice as
high. According to figure 21. Hi, tiic maxinmni absorption coefficient of ordinary pheo-
phytin a in the red is about 4.2 X IQ' (in dioxane, wliere the peaks are usually sharper
than in methanol). It thus seems that the dominant position of the infrared band is
due both to its own outstanding intensity and to the comparative weakness of all other
Stoll (1936) thought that the excitation of chlorophyll by hght activates especially
its "odd" hydrogen atom in position 10.
The natural life-time of the state Y can be calculated from the integral
area of the red absorption band Xo -^ Fo.
Strictly speaking, one should take into account also the probabilities of transitions
from Fo to the vibrating states Xi,2. which could be derived from the relative intensi-
. .
ties of the successive bands in the fluorescence spectrum (c/. fig. 23.2); but we are con-
cerned here with orders of magnitude only.
Prins (1934), who made this integration, obtained for the number of
"absorption electrons" (i. e., the number of harmonic oscillators with the
charge e that could account for the observed intensity of absorption ac-
cording to classical electromagnetic theory)
r is:
3 ^, mc 2 1 _ 1.96 X 10-
8 e^ir
where m, c, e and tf have the usual meaning. The theoretical mean life-
time of chlorophyll molecules in the lowest excited state (reached liy ab-
sorption of red light) is therefore
10~^ sec, energy dissipation within 5 X 10~^^ sec. would reduce the yield
of fluorescence to <0.01% and thus make it practically unobservable.)
Similar considerations apply to state A. The ease with which states
.4 and B are transformed into state Y (as shown by the excitation of red
fluorescence with yellow or blue light, cf. page 748) indicates that the po-
tential energies of states A, Y and B (plotted against some appropriate
"configiH'ation co-ordinate") give curves of the type shown in figure 21.22.
At point M, the electronic excitation energy of state B is easily transformed
into the (smaller) electronic excitation energy of state Y, plus a large
amount of vibrational energy.
The yield of red fluorescence of chlorophj'll in solution is of the order of
10% (cf. chapter 23). This shows that the actual life-time of state Y in
solution is of the order of one tenth of the above calculated "natural" life-
time, i. c, about 5 X 10"^ sec. The various "quenching" processes that
may contribute to this shortening of the life-time of excited molecules will
be discussed in chapter 23 (page 755).
(21.4a) ^"soi. - hv = AS + 8
Probably no other compound has been so often studied from the point
of view of Kundt's rule as chlorophyll. The origin of this interest was the
fact, first noticed by Hagenbach in 1870, that the maximum of the red band
of chlorophyll in living plants is displaced by about 20 mn toward tbe red
that the "red shift" is not a specific effect, and could be caused by various
types of aggregation or complexing.
We with chlorophyll solutions in different organic sol-
will first deal
vents, and then with colloidal solutions, complexes and adsorbates, in which
chlorophyll is associated with proteins, lipides or other carrier;-.
Chlorophyll was one of the dyestuffs whose stutiy caused Kundt (1878)
to postulate a relation between the refractive index of the solvent and the
position of the absorption bands, which became known as "Kundt's rule."
Since then, numerous observations have been made of the spectrum of
chlorophyll in different solvents, e. g., by Baas-Becking and Koning (1934),
Hubert (1935), Wakkie (1935), Katz and Wassink (1939), Bicrmacher
(1939), Egle (1939) and Harris and Zscheile (1943). The agreement be-
tween the different authors is not very satisfactory— for example, Hubert
found 662.5 mju for the position of the absorption peak of chlorophyll a in
methanol, and 604 m/x for its position in ether, while Katz and Wassink
obtained, for the same solvents, 604 and 661 m^, Harris and Zscheile 664
and 660 mfi, and Bass-Becking and Koning 656 and 666 m/x, respectively.
Many discrepancies probably have been caused by the use of poor
spectrophotometric equipment; Mackinney (1938) stressed, for example,
the errors inherent in the identification of the band maximum with the so-
calledband "axis" (cf. above, page 607, and chapter 23, page 744). Other,
and perhaps more important, differences may have been caused by the
preparations used often leaf extracts containing chlorophylls a and b
in unknown proportions. It is difficult enough to obtain spectroscopic
w 0)
Tables 21. VII and 21. VIII contain a summary of the experimental re-
sults. Considering the former table as a whole, one finds only a very
rough confirmation of Kundt's rule it consists mainly in the fact that
^max. values greater than 670 ran are found only with solvents whose refrac-
tive index is greater than 1.5. Between Ud =
1.33 and 1.5, the variations
of Xmax. appear small and irregular.
However, if one sorts out solvents of the same chemical type, a more
regular shift at least of the red absorption maximum becomes apparent.
Figure 21.24 summarizes, as an example, the data of Katzand Wassinkand
Harris and Zscheile for nonpolar solvents (curve A) and for alcohols (curve
g JJ I'Butanol
664 P^opanol
"Ethanol ^Toluene
® ©iCyclohexane
Hexane 1.50 1.60
The shift of the blue band remains irregular, even in selected series of
solvents. The
highest value of X^ax. of the blue band was found in the
solvent with the lowest refractive index, methanol. (This fa(;t may per-
haps be attributed to a specific sensitivity of the blue-violet band to tautom-
erization— a hypothesis discussed on page 607; tautomerization equilibra
are known to be strongly affected by solvent changes.)
Livingston and co-workers (1949) noted that, in the series of chlorophyll
a solutions in alcohols (from methanol to octanol), the relation between the
two peaks in the blue-violet region changes systematically. In methanol,
they are equally high and separated onl}' by a dip; in octanol, the short-
wave peak apiiears as a lower liiimp separated from the main peak by a
Wakkie (1935), too, divided solvents into classes and gave four
separate X^ax. = /(^) curves —one for nonpolar solvents, one for weakly
polar solvents (ethers, ketones), one for alcohols and one for colloidal solu-
tions in water and glycerol. However, the last curve is not directly com-
parable with the other three, since, as we shall see later, the position of the
for chlorophyll a —
the former being the more po'ar of the two compounds.
For example, according to Harris and Zscheile, the red band of chlorophyll
a lies at 660 mn in ether and 664 m^t in methanol (AX =
4 m^), while the
corresponding values for chlorophyll b are 642.5 and 651 m^t, respectively
(AX = 8.5 m/x). Hydrogen bonding, too, may have to be taken into con-
If one compares the effects of varying refractivity of the solvents on the
spectra of different homologous solutes, one may expect the solute with the
stronger polarizability to exhibit the strongest shift. Polarizability in-
creases with the intensity and wave length of the first absorption band.
Thus, the spectra of dyestuffs should be more sensitive to solvent changes
than the spectra of noncolored substances, and the sensitivity of dyes of dif-
ferent color should increase with the shift of the main absorption band to-
ward longer waves. This is confirmed by the finding of Pruckner (1940)
that the solvent effect increases strongly from porphins through dihydro-
porphins (chlorins and phorbins) to tetrahydroporphins (bacteriochloro-
phyll). The first absorption band of chlorophyll is situated further toward
the red and is more intense than the first absorption band of the porphyrins
and the same is true of the first absorption band of bacteriochlorophyll
compared to that of chlorophyll. The two (or four) additional hydrogen
atoms contained in these compounds contribute electrons that are easily
excitable by light (thus giving rise to long-wave absorption bands) and
easily displaceable in electric fields (thus producing strong polarizability).
Figure 21.25 shows the shifts of the band maxima of bacteriochlorophyll
and ordinary chlorophyll in the same solvents. This figure indicates that
on the w^ave length scale the solvent effect is about twice as strong for the
first band of bacteriochlorophyll as for the first band of ordinary chloro-
Katz and Wassink (1939) extrapolated the curves in figure 21.25 to
vacuum (refractive index 1) and predicted that the absorption peak of free
chlorophyll molecules — if it can ever be determined — will be found at 648
± 5 m/i, and that of free bacteriochlorophyll molecvdes at about 740 m/x.
In piperidine solution, the absorption peak of chlorophyll lies at 642 niyu, i. e., be-
yond the extrapolated Hmit for the free molecule. This demonstrates the existence of
exceptions to Kundt's rule, probably caused by specific chemical interactions between
solvent and solute. Other (less striking) exceptions from Kundt's rule have been dis-
cussed by Mackinney (1938, 1940) and Egle (1939).
and 21.25, wave numbers (or frequencies) since these are proportional to
energies and therefore bear direct relationship to the terms in equation
(21.4). In a narrow spectral range, such as is used here for a given band of
a single pigment, linear extrapolation on a wave number scale would give
results not significantly different from those obtained by linear extrapola-
1 03
Methyl oleate 1.25
Acetone 1.26 2.95
Olive oil 1.29 —
Isopropyl ether 1 29
Benzene 1 33.
2 45
.46 —
I 1
Dry benzene
Benzyl alcohol
A Benzene activated with benzylamine
or benzyl alcohol
CD Wet
J I I l_ _I I I I
sides and thus cause a diffei-ent and more radical change in its absorption
The absorption spectrum of the "activated" solution is affected by in-
creasing temperature, indicating a shift toward dissociation of the equilib-
A few words can be added here on the effect of dissolved gases on the absorption
spectrum of chlorophyll solutions. Padoa and Vita (1932) described changes in the ab-
sorption spectra of chlorophylls a and b (in benzene solutions) in contact with nitrogen,
oxygen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. A strong effect was observed in the case
of carbon monoxide —
a result taken as an indication of the existence of a chlorophyll-
carbon monoxide complex, similar to carboxyhemoglobin. However, the spectra re-
produced in the paper of Padoa and Vita are so different from the true spectrum of
chlorophyll, that they must have been obtained with some decomposition products
rather than with the intact pigment. Katz and Wassink (1939) found practically iden-
tical extinction curves for colloidal aqueous bacteriochlorophyll extracts in atmospheres
of oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, hydrogen and air.
were noted in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum. Similar changes were
observed in carbon tetrachloride and heptane, but not in pyridine, ethanol,
acetone or benzene. Addition of one drop of alcohol, pyridine or acetone
to 10 cc. toluene destroyed the effect of evacuation. Later (1949^) the
same investigators found that the effects they had ascribed to the admission
of airwere actually caused by the admission of water vapor.
These results obviously bear a relation to Livingston's conclusions that
chlorophyll is present, in nonpolar solvents, in a state different from that to
effects of this type might be similar to those of polar solvents, i.e., they may
be caused by reversible formation of molecular complexes. Mostly, how-
ever, they are due to irreversible chemical changes such as allomerization
(or, more generally, oxidation), or reduction (which is likely in the case of
tion of chlorophyll in the particles of the turbid solution was of the order of
0.13 mole/1., i. e., similar to that in the chlorophyll grana in the leaves (cf.
Vol. I, chapter 15, page 411). Even these ''densely packed" colloid par-
ticles are still far from "sohd," but contain up to 90% solvent.
Because of the intensity of the absorption bands, the extinction curves
of dyestuffs usually are measured with concentrations of the order of 10"^
to 10~'* mole/I. No deviations from Beer's law (i. e., no changes in the ex-
tinction curve with concentration) were observed in chlorophyll solutions
in this range of concentrations. With very thin glass cells (~0.1 mm.
deep), dyestuff solutions containing 10 ~^ mole/1, can be investigated, but
even this is a hundred times more dilute than the 0.1 mole/1, reached in
Meyer's colloidal particles and also present in the chlorophyll grana in
thus appears that a shift of the red chlorophyll band toward the
longer wave lengths (approaching its position in the leaf spectrum) can be
achieved not only by interaction with a solvent of high polarity or polariz-
ability, but also by interaction with other chlorophyll molecules. This of-
fers several alternatives for the interpretation of the state of chlorophyll
in vivo. In the case of bacienochlorophyll, Katz and Wassink (1939)
noted that the absorption band of evaporated pigment was shifted by not
more than 2.5 m^ from its position in solution, while in live bacteria (and
in colloidal extracts from bacteria) the same band is shifted toward longer
waves by as much as 80-100 mn. In this case, the position of the band in
the spectrum of the living cells definitely indicates interaction with other
cell components and not merely close mutual proximity of the pigment
A "red shift" of the absorption bands be ob-
of chlorophyll probably can
tained also by adsoi-plion on appropriate carriers: According to Seybold
and Egle (1940), the red absorption band of chlorophyll adsorbates on
starch is situated at 662 m^i, i. e., in the same region as in solution. Figure
21.27A, taken from Seybold and Weissweiler (1942), shows the absorption
peaks of chlorophylls a and b, adsorbed on sugar, in the following positions:
Chlorophyll a, m/x, and chlorophyll b, 662 and 488 m^— values
670 and 450
that correspond to shifts by 10 and 20 m/x for the a-component and 19 and
35 mn for the 6-component (compared to band positions in ether). The
/ /
90 /a I
\ I I
\ I I
\i I
t I
80 I
\t 1
\ I
\ I
Ol 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I r I
(A) Spinach leaf extract in water (B) Spinocti leaf extract in 2% digitonin,
diluted 1: 10 with water
0.0 1 1 ^
400 500 600 700 400 500 600 700
Fig. 21.28. Absorption curves of spinach leaf extracts (after Smith 1941).
figures for the blue-violet bands are so high as to call for a recheck (see
chapter 22, page 705, for the position of the blue-violet bands in the living
cells). Eisler and Portheim (1922) and Noack (1927) stated that the ab-
sorption spectra of chlorophyll adsorbates on proteins are "similar to those
of the living cells," but gave no figures.
The relatively strong absorption of the crude extract in the violet may be
due to the presence of yellow pigments its stronger absorption in the far ;
(a) Phosphate buffer,^ {b) Distilled water
pH6.6, 1/15 M
— —r— — —
860 900
860 900
— — — —940
i I
— 1
— —900— 940
r" I
Fig. 2 1.30 A. Comparative absorption spectra of cell suspensions and pigment ex-
tracts of strain D purple sulfur bacteria in different media (after Katz and Wassink
1939). Curve 1, cells; curve 2, extract. See page 656.
(o) Phosphate buffer, AJH 6.6, \/\5M {b) Distilled water
740 780
— ———
860 900
r I I
940 740
(c) Culture medium No. 231 {.d) \. Cells in distilled water
2. Alcoholic extract
— ———
I I r—
— r—900— 940
on the state of the pigment and the surrounding medium. Table 21. IX
shows that the direction of the band shift in different solvents is the same
as for chlorophyll i. e., they are displaced toward the longer waves with
increasing polarity and polarizability of the solvent. From ether to carbon
disulfide, the "red shift" amounts to 43 m/x for carotene /3 and 35 m/x for
luteol —
as compared to only 10 m/z for chlorophyll. However, the effect of
transition from a nonpolar to a polar solvent of approximately the same
polarizability e. —
g.,hom ether to ethanol seems to be smaller for the carot-
enoids than for the more polar chlorophylls (c/. Table 22. IX).
A still stronger displacement sometimes occurs in aqueous colloidal
solutions. According to Karrer and Strauss (1938), the maximum of
band I of carotene is shifted, from 480 m^ in hexane and ether, to 510 m/x,
or even 535 m^, in hydrosols. This, too, is a much wider shift than was ob-
served in chlorophyll colloids. (Because of this shift, some carotene sols
with the spectra of the carotenols of green plants (e. g., luteol and zeaxan-
Recently, Karrer and co-workers (1943, 1948) published an absorption
curve of fucoxanthol in hexane (fig. 21.36) which shows a comparatively
slow decline of absorption toward the longer waves. The absorption re-
mains marked up to 550 mju, while that of most other carotenoids drops to
zero at 500 m^u. The reason for the difference between this curve (which
togethei- with that of chlorophyll could explain the brown color of fucoxan-
thinol-bearing algae) and that given l)y Wald for thesame solvent, remains
The curves given by Wassinkand Kersten (1946) for the absorption spec-
trum "yellow" and the "orange" fraction of the carotenoids from the
of the
diatom Nitzschia dissipata also show an extension of the absorption in the
second fraction (in methanol) to about 550 m/z, the peaks being situated
I I - I
O (M
1 — o
^-^ C^
S —, CO
.2 "o _
3 03
O ^ 2 'o
-G S
li' 0)
Q) 3 >^ o 3 rt
C3 O
05 O GO «D
»0 lO lO -* '^ CO t^
X 00 (N 00
O 00 t-
* Tjl Tfl Tfi Tf* ^ TjH
. .
b -3
m O
<! ni I—
<1 a
400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 400 450 500
S 2.7
at 426, 450 and 476 mn (Table 21. IX). The curves given by them for
Hve diatoms, colloidal extracts and pigment solutions in organic solvents
indicate a considerably increased absorption, in vivo, in the region 500-
560 mju.
Table 21. IX shows that the absorption bands of many bacterial carote-
noids are situated further toward the red than those of green plants and
algae a relation that reminds one of that between chlorophyll and bac-
Figures 21.31 and 32 show the extinction curves of three carotene iso-
mers and figures 21.33 and 21.34 those of luteol the most common carote- —
nol of green plants (c/. Vol. I, page 415). Figures 2 1.35 A and B repre-
sent the spectra of several carotenols of broAvn algae, diatoms and dino-
260 4510 A
220 -o4780
140 >4920
4 8 12 16 20 24 28
The absorption bands of the carotenoids are much broader than those of chloro-
phyll; they are therefore less sensitive to changes in the width of the slit, as illustrated
by figure 2i.37.
2. Theoretical Considerations
Carotenoids are 'polyene dyestuffs, i. e., their color is due to the chromo-
phoric properties of a straight chain of conjugated double bonds. Syn-
thetic polyenes, and the cyanine dyestuffs used in photographic sensitiza-
tion, are other examples of the same type. With increasing length of the
conjugated chain, the absorption bands are shifted regularly toward longer
wave length, and their intensity becomes greater.
These simple relations between color and molecular structure make polyene dyes
This problem was treated by Paul-
particularly suitable objects for theoretical studies.
and the concept of resonance, and by
ing (1939), who used the method of atomic orbitals
Mulliken (1939, 1941), who used the method of molecular orbitals. According to Paul-
ing, thefundamental resonance possibilities of polyene molecules are provided by the
which results in the transfer of an electron from one end of
shifting of the double bonds,
the molecule to the other. If we consider, e. g., a straight conjugated chain with an
even number of carbon atoms {A), the shift of all double bonds to the left will produce
structure B and a shift to the right, structure C:
gies of the states obtained by different assignments of the electrons to the orbitals.
Let us consider (Mulliken 1939) a straight chain of n carbon atoms (n = even num-
ber) and n/2 double bonds (the presence of symmetrical end groups on both ends of this
— —
conjugated chain which is common in carotenoids does not alter the problem). It
contains n "unsaturation orbitals," sweeping over the whole conjugated chain, of which
n/2 are "bonding" (i. e., electrons assigned to them stabilize the molecule), and n/2
"antibonding." Each orbital can, as usual, hold two electrons, so that the n available
"unsaturation electrons" are just enough to fill the n/2 bonding orbitals, thus giving a
singlet normal state. The transfer of any one of these electrons into any one of the n/2
antibonding orbitals leads to an excited state; there are therefore nV4 groups of ex-
cited states. Each group consists (because of the interaction of orbitals with the elec-
tron spin) of one triplet and one singlet state; however, because of the prohibition of
singlet-triplet transitions in light atoms, only the n^/4 singlet states are of importance
for absorption. The more numerous are the excited states. It
longer the chain, the
can be shown that the "center of gravity" of these states in the energy diagram remains
more or less unchanged, while the lowest excited states shift closer and closer to the
ground state as the chain grows longer. This is shown schematically in figure 21.38.
At the left we have the energy diagram of an A2-molecule, at the opposite end, that of an
infinite chain of A nuclei; the long- wave absorption limits are represented by the ar-
rows; they become shorter and shorter, i. e., the absorption shifts further and further
to the red, with increasing chain length, until it
Bibliography, page 67 1.
The only data on the absorption spectra of the isolated (^. e.,
protein-free)chromophores are those of Lemberg (1930). He gave the
following wave lengths for the maxima of the absorption bands:
Combination of the pigments with protein shifts the bands toward the
red; l)ut the amoimt of this shiftis not adequately described by compari-
son of the above-cjuoted figures with the positions of the absorption maxima
of aqueous from algae, because the data on free pigments refer to
strongly acid solutions, while those on chromoproteids relate to neutral or
only weakly acid solutions. The main absorption maximum of the phyco-
cyanin-protein complex lies at 615 m^u in the pH range between 3.5 and
7, but is displaced, in concentrated hydrochloric acid, by as much as 41
ran toward the red (to 656 m/x). Comparing this strongly acid solution of
the chromoproteid with an equally strongly acid solution of the chromo-
phore, we find a "red shift" by as much as 58 m^u; comparison with a neu-
tral chromoproteid solution would indicate a shift of only 17 m/x.
Similar figures were given more recently by Wassink (1948) for cyano-
bilin from blue-green Oscillatoria (Xmax. = 620 m^i for the chromoproteid,
610 mn for the solution of the cyanobilin in chloroform, and 600 mju for its
solution in HCl)
Extinction curves of aqueous chromoproteid colloids were given by
Svedberg and Lewis (1928), Svedberg and Katsurai (1929), Svedberg and
Eriksson (1932), and French and co-workers (1948,1951).
Figure 21.39 shows the extinction curves of the phycoerythrins from
five different algae. Three maxima (566, 540 and 498 mix) are always
present, but with variable relative intensities, pointing to the existence of
three different forms of the pigment (perhaps the same chromophore linked
to different proteins). Van Norman et al. (1948) found only two absorp-
tion peaks (550 and 495 m/x) in aqueous extract from Iridaea. It also has
several bands in the ultraviolet.
Similar observations were made with phycocyanin. In phycocyanin
from a Rhodophycea (e. g., Ceramium rubrum. and Porphyra tenera), Sved-
berg and Katsurai (1929) found two bands in the visible, at about 615 and
550m)u and ultraviolet bands at 355, 271 and 240 m/x. In the phycocyanin
from a Cyanophycea (e. g., Aphanizomenon flos aquae) they found only one
visible band, at 615 mju, and ultraviolet bands at 368 and 277 mix.
450 500 550 600 650 450 500 550 600 650 450 500 550 600 650
Fig. 21.39. Specific absorption spectra of phycoerythrins from different algae
(after Svedberg and Eriksson 1932).
» 40
(1930) himself noted that the specific extinction of the phycobiHns is ten
times stronger than that of hemoglobin while his analysis indicated the
presence of only one half mole pigment per Svedberg unit of protein in
phycobilins, as against one mole pigment per unit of protein in hemoglobin.
If Lemberg's analysis is in error, and the content of phycobilins in the
chromoproteids is as high or even higher than that of hemin in hemoglobin,
the molar extinction coefficients of the phycobilins, given in Table 21,
will have to be proportionally reduced.
Table 21.
Bibliography to Chapter 21
1913 Willstatter, R., and StoU, A., U titer suchungen ilber Chlorophyll. Springer
Berlin, 1913.
1914 van Gulik, D., Ann. Physik, 46, 147.
1918 Willstatter, R., and StoU, A., Unter suchungen iiber die Assimilation der
Kohlensdure. Springer, Berlin, 1918.
1922 Metzner, P., Ber. deut. botan. Ges., 40, 125.
1933 Winterstein, A., and Stein, G., Z. physiol. Chem., 220, 263.
Stair, R., and Coblentz, W. W., /. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 11, 703.
Rudolph, H., Planta, 21, 104.
1934 Prins, J. A., Nature, 134, 457.
Zscheile, F. P., /. Phys. Chem., 38, 95.
Zscheile, F. P., Botan. Gaz., 95, 529.
1935 Zscheile, F. P., Cold Spring Harbor Symposia Quant. Biol., 3, 108.
Stern, M., Kleine Mitt. Mitglied. Ver. Wasser-, Baden-, u. Lujthyg., 11, 47.
Sprecher von Bernegg, A., Heierle, E., and Almasy, F., Biochem. Z., 283
Stern, A., and Wenderlein, H., Z. physik. Chem., A174, 81.
1936 Stern, A., and Wenderlein, H., ibid., A176, 81.
StoU, A., Naturwissenschaften, 24, 53.
Hagenbach, A., F., and Wiedemann, E., Helv. Phys. Acta, 9,
Auerbacher, 3.
Stern, A., Wenderlein, H., and Molvig, H., Z. physik. Chem., A177, 40.
1937 Stern, A., and Molvig, H., ibid., A178, 161.
Seybold, A., Pla7ita, 26, 712.
Vermeulen, D., Wassink, E. C., and Reman, G. H., Enzymologia, 4, 254.
French, C. S., J. Gen. Physiol., 21, 71.
Rabinowitch, E., and Weiss, J., Proc. Roy. Soc. London, A162, 251.
1938 Stern, M., Kleine Mitt. Mitglied. Ver. Wasser, Boden- u. Lufthyg., 14, 39.
Tiegs, E., ibid., 14, 34.
Mackinney, G., Plant Physiol., 13, 123.
Stern, A., Z. physik. Chem., A182, 18G.
1939 Seybold, A., and Egle, K., Sitzber. Heidtlberg. Akad. Wiss. Math, naturw.
Klasse, 1939, No. 1, 7.
Calvin, M., Ball, R. H., and Aronoff, S., /. Am. Chem. Soc., 65, 2259.
Lewis, G. N., and Bigeleisen, J., ibid., 65, 1144,
1944 Zscheile, F. P., Comar, C. L., and Ilariis, D. G., PlaJit Physiol, 19, 627,
Rabinowitch, E., Rev. Modern Phys., 16, 226.
1946 Wassink, E. C, and Kersten, J. A. H., Enzymologia, 12, 3.
Erdman, J. G., and Corwin, A. H., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 68, 1885.
1948 McBrady, J., and Livingston, R., J. Phys. & Colloid Chem., 52, 662.
Koski, V. M., and Smith, J. H. C, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 70, 3558.
Livingston, R., et al, First Annual Report on ONR Project 059028.
1949 Livingston, R., in Photosynthesis in Plants. Iowa State College Press,
Ames, 1949, pp. 179-196.
Kuhn, H., /. Chem. Physics, 17, 1198.
Simpson, W. T., ibid., 17, 1218.
1950 Piatt, J. R., ibid., 18, 1168.
Longuet-Higgins, H. C, Rector, C. W., and Piatt, J. R., ibid., 18, 1174.
1951 Tanada, T., A7n. J. Botany, 38, 276.
1922 Eisler, M., and Portheim, L., Biochem. Z., 130, 497.
1927 Noack, K., Biochem. Z., 183, 135.
1932 Padoa, M., and Vita, N., ibid., 244, 296.
1934 Baas-Becking, L. G. M., and Koning, H. C, Proc. Ac. Set. Amst., 37, 674.
Livingston, R., Watson, W. F., and McArdle, J., /. Ayn. Chem. Soc, 71,
Evstigneev, V. B., Gavrilova, V. A., and Krasnovsky, A. A., Compt. rend.
(Doklady) acad. sci. USSR, 66, 1133.
Evstigneev, V. B., Gavrilova, V. A., and Krasnovsky, A. A., ibid., 70, 261.
Krasnovsky, A. A., Brin, G. P., and Vojnovskaja, K. K., ibid., 69, 393.
1913 Willstatter, R., and StoU, A., Untersuchungen ilber Chlorophyll. Springer,
Berlin, 1913.
1928 Pummerer, R., and Rebmann, L., Ber. deut. chem. Ges., 61, 1099
1930 Kuhn, H., Winterstein, A., and Kaufmann, W., ibid., 63, 1489.
1931 McNicholas, H. J., /. Research Natl Bur. Standards, 7, 171.
1932 Kuhn, R., and Brockmann, H., Z. physiol Chem., 206, 41.
von Euler, H., Karrer, P., Klussman, E., and Morf, R., Helv. Chim. Acta,
15, 502.
1933 Kuhn, R., and Brockmann, H., Ber. deut. chem. Ges., 66, 407.
Rudolph, H., Planta, 21, 104.
Stair, R., and Coblentz, W. W., /. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 11, 703.
1948 Karrer, P., and Jucker, E., Carotinoide, Birkhauser, Basel, 1948.
Chapter 22
In the second place, we note that the local accumulation of pigments in the
chloroplasts has made the concentration of absorbing molecules in the path
of the individual light beams c in equation (22.1) — variable: Some light
l)eams pass between the chloroplasts and encounter no pigment molecules
at all (a phenomenon to which we will refer later as the "sieve effect").
: :
1. General Remarks
(22.2a) A = I - T or
(22.2b) A = To - T
(22.3) A = 1(1 - r) - T
tion from the front wall is only part of the total reflection in the cell; to
make our equation exact, we should write, in place of (22.3)
(22.4) A = I - T - R
and the blank cell. The fluxes reflected from the front walls of both cells
are identical, but those reflected from the back walls are different (because
* Bibliography, page 736.
of the weakening that hght suffers in passing through the absorbing me-
dium). A second approximation, which can be substituted for (22.2b), is:
an infinite series (as with two mirrors on opposite walls) The exact equa- .
where Ro and R are the total light fluxes reflected by the blank cell and the
solution cell, respectively.
If a and r are known, exact values of To, T, Ro and R can be obtained
by the summation of infinite power series.
"trapped" between the walls leaves the cell after an odd number of pas-
If the light
sages, it added to the transmitted ilux; if it escapes after an even number of passages,
it is added to the reflected flux. Consequently, the series for T contains only even
powers of r and odd powers of 10""'^, and the series for R only odd powers of r and even
powers of lO""''. (The ratio of the sums for T and To is given in equation 22.12.)
If a and r are R
(and Ro) must be determined experimentally.
Since repeated reflection lengthens the average path of the light in the
absorption cell, it increases absorption. In the case of homogeneous solu-
tions in plane-parallel glass cells, this increase represents only a minor cor-
rection (to be estimated on page 711); we mention merely to illustrate
are supplemented by refractions and total inner reflections, which all af-
fect the length of the path of the light beam and the direction in which it
leaves the medium.
Leaves and thalli are heterogeneous systems, with numerous phase
boundaries between ah- channels, cell w'alls, cytoplasm, vacuoles, plastids
and starch grains and the passage of light through plants or plant organs
A suitable statistical theory (c/. page 713) may permit the calculation
of A from measurements of light transmission in one direction, made with
two or more different optical densities of the scattering material (e. g.,
Attempts have been made to use "blanks," for example, white parts of variegated
leaves (cf. Linsbaur, 1901, Brown and Escombe 1905, Weigert 1911, Meyer 1939,
1932i'2, 1933i, 1934), or algal thalli from which the pigments had been ex-
and Seybold
tracted {cf. Reinke 1886), or tissues bleached by long exposure to light (c/. Wurmser
1926), and to imitate in this way the method usually applied to transparent media. In
the latter case, the blanks provide an automatic correction for reflection (cf. page 673)
in the case of plants, they were intended to provide a correction also for scattering.
However, the approximation (22.2b), which is generally satisfactory in work with trans-
parent media, may give entirely erroneous results when applied to optically inhomogene-
ous systems. This was pointed out by Willstatter and Stoll (1918) and Warburg (1925)
when they criticized the absorption calculations of Weigert (1911). The error is caused
by the large difference between the fluxes R and Ra {cf. equation 22.6) reflected by the
green and the colorless leaf. A green leaf may transnut about 10% and reflect another
10% of incident white light, while a similar, pigment-free leaf may transmit 50% and
reflect the other 50%. If the absorption of the green leaf is calculated from these figures
by means of equation (22.2b), the result is A = 40%, which is only one half the correct
value (80%)!
Therefore, if one wants to determine absorption, A, by comparison of a green leaf
with a pigment-free leaf, one has to use the complete equation (22.6), i. e., to measure
the four quantities To, Ro,T and R, while measurement of only three quantities, /, T and
R, is sufficient to the same determination with a single leaf, according to equation
(22.4). Furthermore, in plant work, one is never certain whether the "blank" is entirely
free of pigments: Accordmg to Seybold and co-workers (1933S 1942), so-called "white"
leaves of Acer negundo absorb10-20% of incident white light; this absorption may be
caused by nonplastid pigments, or by a small quantity of residual chlorophyll or caro-
The transmitted light flux (T) and the reflected light flux (R) can both
contain a coUimated component, T, or R^ (light transmitted in the direc-
tion of the incident beam, or reflected according to the laws of specular re-
flection),and a diffuse component, T^ or Ra, so that equation (22.4) can
be written more explicitly as follows
Measurements of T and R must include both the colhmated and the diffuse
If the leaf is sufficiently thick, and not glossy, it acts as an ideal scatterer,
i. e., the intensity of light scattered in a given direction is proportional to
whereas thick leaves with glossy surfaces may show a completely diffuse
transmission, but a marked specular reflection.
Figure 22.2 shows the forward and back scattering of light by a small
vessel containing a suspension of Chlorella cells, as observed by Noddack
and Eichhoff (1939). The sharp peak (C) at 180° is caused by specular
reflection from the glass wall.
In practical work, one can often di'op the distinction between T and R
and measure the total scattered flux .S' ^ {T -{- R) b\' means of some inte-
grating device:
(22.8) A = I - S
An example is the study by Rabideau, French and Holt (1946) of the ab-
sorption spectra of leaves and pigment extracts.
leaves were carried out by Sachs in 1861. Later this magnitude was meas-
ured by Detlefson (1888), Linsbauer (1901), Brown and Escombe (1905),
Purevich (Purjewitsch) (1914), Schanderl and Kaempfert (1933), Seybold
(1932i'2, 19331-2, The
1943), Loomis, Carr and Randall (1941,1947,1949).
transmittance oj algae was investigated by Reinke (1886), Wurmser (1921)
and Seybold and co-workers (1934, 1942).
The first measurements of the reflectance of leaves were made by Co-
blentz in 1912, and were followed by those of Pokrovski (1925), Shull
(1929), Seybold and co-workers
(19322,1933i'2,1942,1943) and Loomis, Carr
and Randall (1941,1949). The only data on the reflectance of algae are
those of Seybold and co-workers (1934, 1942, 1943).
Brown and Escombe (1905) and Purevich (1914) found comparatively
high values — of the order of 20% —for the transmission of (infrared-free)
white light by average leaves. Seybold (1932) suggested that these re-
sults were falsified by the inclusion, in the measured transmitted flux, of
the thermal radiation of the leaves. In agreement with Pokrovski (1925),
Seybold found that an average fully green leaf transmits not more than
10% of infrared-free white light. Leaves are almost transparent in the
far redand near infrared (c/. figs. 22.30 and 31). Therefore, transmission
values obtained by means of thermopiles (or other infrared-sensitive in-
struments) are deceivingly large if the light used for the measurements
contains a large proportion of infrared radiations. According to Loomis,
and co-workers (1941,1949), an average leaf transmits 30% of total sun-
light, including the infrared. With artificial light sources of lower tempera-
70 -
I 80
5 90
shade leaf of Fagus, as compared to a sun leaf of the same species. The two
lowest curves in figure 22.14 indicate a sightly larger difference between the
spectral transmission curves of a dark-green and a light-green Hibiscus
leaf. Finally, figure 22.10 illustrates the effect of extreme variations in
chlorophyll content, such as occur in aurea leaves. Here, a few per cent
of the normal chlorophyll content (cf. Table 15.1, Vol. I) suffice to produce
from two thirds to nine tenths of normal absorption in the region between
520 and 700 m^.
Without varying the concentration of the pigments, many plants have
it in their power to adjust the light absorption by the displacement or re-
1 I
fuse light, they spread flat against the walls, whereas in weak light they
protrude into the cytoplasm, without losing contact with the walls. lUu-
Table 22.1
With some plants {e. g., T radescantia ?>mrfis). Schanderl and Kaempfert
found a reversal of the effect after the first hour of illumination {cf.
Schanderl and Kaempfeit did not prove that increased transparency of sun-exposed
leaves was due entirely to reorientation of the chloroplasts, and not, e. g., to a
bleaching of the pigments. However, the results of Willstatter and StoU (1918), which
showed no change in chlorophyll concentration after strong illumination {cf. Vol. I,
»? 70 - BLUE LIGHT
(a) (b)
Fig. 22.8. Leaves of Naegelia zebrina (after Mecke and Baldwin 1937). Normal
leaves, left; water-filled leaves, right; photographed on (a) panchromatic plate and on
(6) infrared-sensitive plate (max. 850 mju)- Increase of transmittance by decreased
scattering best recognizable on the infrared photograph.
light fields, red light does not occur without the presence of some blue-
violet hght as well.
Detlefson (1888) and Purevich (1914) found that leaves become less transparent
in the presence of carbon dioxide, but Ursprung (1918) was unable to confirm this result.
This effect, if at all real, could be attributed to increased formation of starch grains.
parts of the tissue, the cytoplasm, cell sap, nuclei, starch and cellulose.
Seybold arbitrarily ascribed one eighth of the total absorption to these
components, and seven eights to the chloroplast pigments. An absorption
curve of a white Pelargonium leaf, given by Seybold and Weissweiler (1942),
shows considerable absorption near the blue-violet end of the visible spec-
Of course, no really colorless substance can absorb visible light. But the
plant cells contain coloring materials associated with the cell walls or with
the cell sap rather than with the plastids, such as flavones, tannins, etc.
Some of these substances are only weakly colored —^usually yellow; others,
although intensely colored, are present only in small quantities, as com-
pared to the plastid pigments. In some species, however, flavones and
anthocyanines are so abundant as to give the leaves a striking red color
(leaves of the purpurea variety, and many young leaves in the spring).
The color of these leaves advertises the fact that much of the light energy
they absorb goes to nonplastid pigments.
Figure 22.10 shows, as an example, the spectral transmission and re-
flection curves of three varieties of Corylus avellana, normal, aurea and
purpurea. Curves 1 and 2 illustrate the effect on light absorption of ex-
treme variations in the concentration of chlorophyll (c/. page 678), while
curve 3 shows the considerable increase in absorption, particularly in the
green, caused by the presence of anthocyanines in purpurea leaves. (Light
absorption in aurea and purpurea leaves will again be discussed in chap-
ters 28 and 30, in relation to the yield of photosynthesis.)
As far as green leaves and algae are concerned, the participation of non-
plastid pigments in light absorption remains a moot question. It probably
varies widely from species to species. For example, according to Thimann
(unpublished), leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris contain a large quantity of yel-
low, water-soluble pigments. The same is true of the needles of the coni-
fers (Burns 1942).
It was mentioned above (page 675) that "white" leaves may absorb
10 or 20% of incident white light (Seybold 1933S 1942, cf. fig. 22.12). This
absorption, too, is probably due to nonplastid pigments.
Most investigators who measured the yield of photosynthesis in rela-
tion to the amount of absorbed light silently assumed that the absorption
400 500 600 700
30 '
' '
(0) /
C 30
OQ 70
cells —
bleached with bromine does not appear reliable, since bleaching by bromine may
not be restricted to plastid pigments.
It was suggested that the proportion of the total light absorption by leaves due to
plastid pigments can be determined by extracting the latter and comparing the absorp-
Timiriazev (1885) and Lazarev (1924,
tion of the extract with that of the original leaf.
1927) based this suggestion on the assumption that the absorption of white light by ex-
tracted pigments is about equal to the absorption by the same pigments in the leaf.
However, and band shifts can make the two magnitudes
light scattering, "sieve effect"
quite different. True, some of these factors enhance the absorption, while others
weaken it, but it would be an unusual coincidence if the net result were exactly nil.
Experimentally, Noddack and Eichhoff (1939) found that the increased absorption by
almost exactly compensates for the decreased absorption
live Chlorella cells in the far red
in the region 520-680 m/x (c/. fig. 22.21); but Seybold and Weissweiler (1942) could not
confirm this result, and found, to the contrary, that throughout the visible spectrum the
absorption by live cells is more complete than that by the extracts.
Fig. 22.12. Transmission (Jg), reflection {Rg) and absorption (A^,) of light by
a green leaf of Pelargonium zonale, and the corresponding constants for a white
leaf (index w) (after Se.ybold 1933). The figure indicates considerable absorp-
tion by "white" leaves, particularly in the blue- violet region. For other absorp-
tion curves of "white" leaves, see Seybold and Weissweiler (19430.
400 450 500 550 600 650
Fig. 22.13. Transmission spectrum (log Ta/T) of leaves of Fatsia and Acuba
(after Meyer Absolute values of ordinates adjusted to give best agreement
with spectrum of extracted pigments.
against wave length). One may measure /, T and R {or S = T -{- R),
plot T/I, R/I, or A/I (= [/ - (T + R)]/I = [I - S]/I) against wave
length, X, and call the resulting curves "transmission spectra," "reflection
•^"^^v^OOOSAmg./ml. ,
and Lewis)
-1.4 -
400 500 600 700 800 400 500 600 700 800
Leaf and chloroplast absorption spectra (on a log density basis and ad-
Fig. 22.16.
same height at 670 m/u.) (after Rabideau, French and Holt 1946). The
justed to the
Beckman curve of the chloroplastin solution (chloroplasts disintegrated by supersonics)
is an / - T plot (;'. e., it represents absorption plus scattering); the Ulbricht sphere
Emerson and Lewis) and a photosynthesis action curve (after Hoover et al.) are given
for comparison.
en 50
z 40
G, Fucus single cells according to Gaidukov
90 R, Phyllitis occordingto Relnke
£, Brown cells according to Engelmonn
of brown algae (after Seybold 1934). tion R and absorption A of the red
Maximum of transmission is at 600 m^i alga Delesseria (according to Seybold
instead of ^^550 mju as in green plants 1934). More recent curves for Delesseria
and algae (figs. 22.17-18) because of and Porphyra are in Seyboldgiven
the presence of fucoxanthol. For ab- (1943); and Gigartina, see
for Iridaea
sorption curves of Fucus and Laminaria, Van Norman, French and Macdowall
see Seybold and Weissweiler (1943')- (1948).
(1939), Emerson and Lewis (1941), Wassink and Kersten (1946), Van
Norman, French and Macdowall (1948) and Tanada (1951). Several such
curves are reproduced in figures 22.21-22.24.
Albers and Knorr (1937) measured the absorption spectra of single
chloroplasts, in the narrow region 664-709 mix (cf. fig. 22.35). Vermeulen,
Wassink and Reman (1937), Katz and Wassink (1939), Wassink, Katz and
Fig. 22.24. Transmission spectrum (To/T) of Oscillatoria (l)lue alga) (after Katz and
Wassink 1939). Curve 1, cell suspension; curve 2, chlorophyll extract.
Dorrestein (1939) and French (1937, 1940) observed the transmission spec-
tra of purple bacteria (figs. 22.25 to 22.28).
Egle (1937) and Loomis, Carr and Randall (1941) investigated the trans-
mission and reflection of leaves in the infrared. Figures 22.29 and 22.30
show that, from 800 to 1300 ni/x, T -\- R accounts for 85 or 90% of the inci-
dent light in the (comparatively thin) potato leaf, and for 75 or 85% in the
(0.6 mm. This region includes most of the
thick) leaf of Ficus elastica.
infrared radiation of the sun that reaches sea level. (About 75% of the
latter belong to the region 700 to 1500 m^.) Absorption bands at and
above 1.5 n, shown in figures 22.29 and 22.30, are due to water and carbon
Fig. 22.26. Absorption curve of ex- Fig. 22.27. Relative absorption curve
tracted pigment (broken line) compared of the pigments of Spirillum rubrum in
with transmission curve of pigment in living bacteria (measured photoelectric-
live cells of Streptococcus varians (strain ally using a scattering control of bleached
Cell suspension
Fig. 22.28. Absorption spectra of pigments of green sulfur bacteria in the red
and infrared region (after Katz and Wassink 1939).
aJ 40
u 30
Fig. 22.31 A. Summer landscape photographed in infrared Hght (after Mecke and
Baldwin 1937).
graphs (fig. 22.31 A). Figure 22.32 shows the reflection spectra of three
leaves of the same species, but of different ages, as given by Shull (1929).
Table 22.11
Figure 22.33 shows the reflection spectra of autumnal leaves of different colors
(averages for 20-80 different species), as given by Loomis, Carr and Randall (1941).
Spohn (1934) observed that the position of the absorption maximum of chlorophyll is
shifted in autumnal leaves, from 670 to about 660 niju, probably indicating the liberation
of chlorophyll from the pigment-protein-lipide complex present in photosynthetically
active cells.
page 698). The shapes of the bands, on the other hand, are affected
largely, but probably not exclusively, by scattering, "sieve effect," and
other phenomena of geometrical optics.
40 40
35- 35 -
J_ _!_
the return of the red band to the position it occupies in solution, after soak-
ing the leaves with ether, or immersingthem in boiling water (fig. 22.34)
(Willstatter and Stoll 1918, Seybold and Egle 1940, Seybold and Weiss-
weiler 1942). These treatments do not dissolve the pigments, and do not
make the tissues more homogeneous; they merely destroy the association
Table 22.III
Land Plants
Fatsia (fig. 22.13) Meyer (1939) T 677 486, 468, 440
Aquatic Plants
Chlorella (fig. 21.29) Katz, Wassink
(1939) A 680
Chlorella (fig. 22.21) Noddack, Eichhoff
(1939) A 668
Chlorella (fig. 22.22) Emerson, Lewis
(1941) T 672 488, 473, 432
22.23 for Chroococcus, and 22.24 for Oscillatoria). The "red shift" is recog-
nizable in all of them, particularly in the last three figures, in which the
spectra of extracted pigments are compared with those of live cells. True.
Noddack's figure (fig. 22.21) indicates only a comparatively small shift
—from 660 to 668 mju— in live Chlorella cells, but Katz and Wassink (1939)
and Seybold and Weissweiler (1942) found, for the wave length of the red
band in Chlorella, the value generally given for leaves about 680 111^. —
Finally, it was stated on page 653 {cf. figs. 22.15, 22.16 and 21.29) that the
red absorption peak is situated at about 675 m/z also in aqueous chloro-
plastin extracts. The position of the red absorption peak in live cells is
thus determined, beyond doubt, by the state of the pigment (which is pre-
served, to a certain extent, in colloidal extracts), and not by geometrical-
optical conditions.
has often been suggested that the position of the red absorption
maximum of chlorophyll (and the number and position of secondary
maxima) varies in different species. Table 22. Ill gives a summary of ex-
perimental results. It shows the red peak at 675 mn ± 15 mn, with the
average position corresponding to a "red shift" of 15 m^u, or 370 cm.-^
(compared to the position of the corresponding absorption band in ethereal
solution of chlorophyll a). The extreme limits of variation of X^ax. in
Table 22. Ill are 665 and 690 m^ — quite a wide range. However, because
of the diffuse character of the spectra, the position of the maximum often
cannot be determined precisely. It is therefore not certain whether any
of the tabulated variations in X,„«j are real. (It will be noticed that four
values are given for Chlorella, 680, 668, 672 and again 680 m/z!)
Lubimenko (1927), who made photographs of the absorption spectra of
a large number of leaves, insisted that they do exhibit real differences not —
only in the positions of the main peak, but also in the number end positions
in the secondary absorption maxima in the yellow, green and blue.
According to Lubimenko, the spectra of some species ("group 1") contain eight
bands in the visible region. An example is nettle {Urtica dioica), with the following
bands: I, 680-660; II, 650-645; III, 630-606; IV, 600-570; V, 550-540; VI,
512-480; VII, 450-430; and VIII, below 420 m^- The bands III, IV and V become
visible only when two leaves are used. Leaves of "group 2," which includes the largest
number of species, show seven bands (band VII of the above list is missing). Elodea
canadensis and Hedera helix belong to this group. "Group 3" (e. g., Prunus laurocerasus)
shows only six bands (bands I and II are fused). Finally, plants of "group 4" {e. g.,
the alga Ulva lactuca) have onW four bands: I, II, V, VI and VIII. The absence of
band III in these spectra is particularly remarkable. Table 22. IV shows the limits of
variation in the positions of the above-listed bands, as given by Lubimenko, and also
gives a tentative identification of these bands with the bands of chlorophylls a and b in
solution. According to Lubimenko, in passing from species to species, different bands
are displaced by different amounts, or even in different directions.
Table 22.IV
Absorption Bands in Leaves (after Lxbimenko 1927)
Band (o) (fe) (a) IV (0,6) (a,6) (0,6) (6.0) VIII
Chi {a + h) in
ether", X . . . . 669- 648- 619- 599- 571- 547- 506- 467- 439- 415—
655 638 605 570 559 523 489 446 424
Leaves, X
from 700- 660- 630- 600- — 555- 510- 450- — 418-^
. . .
phyll a band. Lubimenko's table (Table 22. IV) gives, for the band axis,
values from 643 to 655 ihm- This seems to indicate a somewhat lesser
shift than found with the a-component; Table 21. VI gives the impres-
sion that the same may be true also for the spectra of the two chlorophylls
in different solvents in vitro.
The clearest indication that chlorophyll b retains its identity in live
cells is provided by the fluorescence spectrum. According to Tables 24.1
and 24.11, the axis of the main fluorescence band of chlorophyll b in vivo
lies at about 656 m/x, i. e., only about 5 mn further toward the red than in
ether solution (while the axis of the corresponding a band is displaced at
least twice as much). This, too, indicates that the absorption band of
chlorophyll b in the living cell probably lies at 647-648 mju.
It was stated on page 642 that the bands of bacteriochlorophyll are more
susceptible to shifts under the influence of the solvent than are those of
chlorophyll. We two bands
are therefore not astonished to find that the
of bacteriochlorophyll, which are situated in methanol solution at about
605 and 770 m/x, respectively (c/. page 017, fig. 21.6), are replaced in live
bacteria by bands situated much further in the infrared at approximately —
800 and 850-870 m/x in figs. 21.30, 22.26 and 22.36, and at 825 and 875
m/x in fig. 22.25. Figures 21.30A and 22.26 {cf. also Table 22. V) indicate
a third absorption band close to or beyond 900 m/x, while figure 22.27 shows
only one, very strong infrared band beyond 900 m/x.
Wassink, Katz and Dorrestein (1939) found that the absorption spec-
tra of purple bacteria vary from strain to strain, as illustrated by Table
22.V and figure 22.36.
Alcoholic extracts from all organisms listed in Table 22. V showed only
one absorption maximum in the red (at 774 m/x, cf. fig. 21.30B) in place of
the two maxima of most Athiorhodaceae (a weak one at 800 and a sharp one
at 875 m/x), and three of some Athiorhodaceae and all Thiorhodaceae (at
approximately 800, 850 and 895 m/x). Analysis of the band shapes made
it probable that the spectra of all purple bacteria contain three infrared
bands, even if one of them may sometime be concealed by the other two.
Similar variations in the spectra of different species and strains of purple
bacteria were observed by French (1940).
The bands" with the "solution bands" of bac-
correlation of the "cell
teriochlorophyll (fig. 21.6) is not clear. Shall the cell band at 800 m/i be
considered as the displaced solution band at 605 m/i, and the cell band at
850-870 m/x as the displaced solution band at 770 m/i? This would mean
a shift by as much as 4000 cm.-^ for the "orange" and 1500 cm."'^ for the
"red" band. The first shift is so large that one is inclined to doubt the
I )
2.0 _
_ strains strains;
( 1 Rhv. I
(2) Rhv. 2
Table 22.V
Absorption Maxima of Purplk Bacteria (after Wassink,
Katz and Dorrestein 1939)
Species and strain -~
Strain D (Roelefson) 895 854 803.5
Strains 4, 7,12 (v:ui \i<-l) 895 S50 .
1 ,
865 — 802.5
Rhoduvibrio (2 strains)
864 — 803
Rhodohadllus palustn's (3 strains) 881
— 802
862. 5j
arises as to the reasons for the absence in live cells of a counteipart to the
605 mp solution band of bacteriochlorophyll. No answer can be given to
this question —
except that the matter requires renewed, and more syste-
matic, investigation. It was mentioned in chapter 21 (page 618) that the
role of the605 niM band is not quite clear even in solution spectra.
According to Katz and Wassink (1939), live green sulfur bacteria have
two absorption maxima (at 740 and 810 m^, respectively) instead of the
single band found in bacterioviridin extracts (at 668 m^, cf. fig. 22.28).
According to the statement on page 642 the width of the "red shift" is in
agreement with the hypothesis that bacterioviridin is a derivative of tetra-
hydroporphin (as assumed on page 445 in Vol. I).
being that the presence of carotenoids and other yellow pigments tends to
make absorption in this region very heavy and diffuse. Table 22. VI con-
tains some values read from figures reproduced earlier in this chapter.
This table indicates a "red shift" by 5 or 10 mju. On the frequency scale,
this shift (250-500 cm.~0 is about equal to that of the main red band.
(c) Protochlorophyll
Lubimenko (1927) could not find, in the spectra of green leaves, ab-
sorption maxima
identifiable with the absorption bands of the carotenoids
(which could easily be observed, at 510-480 m^u, in the spectra of yellow
leaves or yellow parts of variegated leaves) He pointed out that the first
maxima (at 422 and 467 m^t) and one chlorophyll maximum (at 500 m^)
are lost by the superposition of the absorption curves.
Upon closer examination, carotenoid maxima can be identified at least
whose absorption bands in ethereal solution are situated at 442 and 472
m/i (cf. Table 21.1), it follows that the carotenoid bands in live cells are
shifted toward the red by as much as 25-30 m/x. (Av = 1250 cm.-^ or
three times the shift of the red and blue-violet absorption bands of chloro-
phyll.) Emerson and Lewis (1942) postulated, in their interpretation of
the Chroococcus spectrum (cf. page 723), a shift of the carotenoid bands
in vivo by 14 m/x from their position in ethanolic solution; according to
Table 21.1, this corresponds to a shift by 24 m/x relative to ethereal solu-
tion, ingood agreement with the preceding estimate (25-30 niju)
Menke (1940) extracted chlorophyll from chloroplast preparations
(made from spinach leaves; cf. Vol. I, page 369) and found that a brick-
red residue was left. A suspension of this residue in water showed absorp-
tion bands at 490 and 540 m/x much further toward the red than the caro-
tenoid bands have been observed in live green plants (470 and 490 m/x
were the positions quoted above for Fatsia leaves and Chlorella cells).
Moistening with ether led to a change of color, and a shift of the absorption
bands to their usual positions in carotenoid solutions (442 and 472 m/x)
The absorption spectrum of the brown alga Laminaria was found by
Menke to exhibit bands— probably due to fucoxanthol— at even longer
waves, namely, 499 and 545 m/x- Heating to 70° C. led to a shift of these
bands to below 510 m/x, and to a color change from brown to green.
The transmission curves of diatoms (Nitzschia dissipata) published by
Wassink and Kersten (1946), as well as the absorption curves of brown algae
given by Seybold (1934, 1943), clearly show an increased absorption (in
comparison to the green algae, such as Ulva or Chlorella) in the region 500-
580 m/x, but give no indication as to the position of the absorption peak
(or peaks) of the carotenoid responsible for this absorption. From the
comparison of the transmission curves of live diatoms (and of aqueous col-
loidal cell extracts, whose brownish color is similar to that of cell suspen-
sions) with the transmission curves of the (green) pigment exti-act in an or-
ganic solvent (methanol and petroleum ether), Wassink and Kersten esti-
mated that the fucoxanthol bands are shifted in vivo by about 20 m/x
(corresponding to about 700 cm.^^), toward the longer waves; but this esti-
mate is not at all reliable because of the absence of pronounced maxima.
These curves, and Karrer's absorption curves of fucoxanthol in solution,
make it appear uncertain whether the increased absorption of diatoms and
brown algae in the green (500-560 m/x) is due mainly (or exclusively) to a
All these shifts are relative to the band position in ether solution. A better idea of
the binding energies could be obtained by comparison with extrapolated positions of
the bands of isolated pigment molecules. Such an extrapolation was made for chloro-
phyll and bacteriochlorophyll on page 642, but it is not yet possible for the carotenoids.
the positions they had in living cells. This indicates that in the extract,
^v E~i ^^ ^-1 ^
\ ^^ E-( t-i
o o
bi e^ c>i c-
vj --, c/3 - \,
^7 o ^^^ 0000
K^ E~< K»| e~i e-H ^ E~(
be M bD be bC bC bO bC bC bC bC
o 00
bC bC
_o _o _o _o _o _o _o
H 10 10 (M O o O o
'O CO ^< CO
Q 03
< lO
d 00 'r-
d o
CO 00 Oi O 1> .'^
o O -H --^
-O CO CI lo lO COTf<
o o o O O Co o o O O O o o
St C4 CI
C2 en
,-1 ^
s 00 .OJ a;
o O
O CO '
o C5
CO .s -^
H o in C3 C2 !2 .rf
SI CO 'l£ m CO ^
o 3
a CO
Ph O 3
O 73
« 42
o fl G
o g + s
bC bp
o +
2 + CO <£
H CO o s
to bC S bO
iz; •as m o 00 o
H a a
Q 002 (H
o ^ p O C
->i cr o .3 f^
ol-t o o.S P ^ <-^<SQk
CM (S o3
O (M CO -* 10
o O
teids pass into true colloidal solution upon extraction with water.
To sum up, it is certain that all the pigments found in extracts from
plants retain their spectroscopic identity in live cells, despite their prob-
able close association in a common complex. The association causes,
however, considerable band shifts, and probably also changes the shape
of the bands, particularly those of accessory pigments, such as fucoxanthol.
the absorption bands in living plant cells, and then with the possibility of
deriving from the empirical plant spectra the true absorption curves of the
pigment mixtures contained in them.
General diffuseness was stated on page 697 to be the most striking char-
acteristic of plant spectra as compared to the absorption spectra of the
pigment extracts. The ratios of the "optical densities," log (I/S) or log
(To/T) in the absorption "peaks" and "valleys" can serve to illustrate this
Table 22.Vn shows that the ratio of the optical densities in the "green
less than 0.01 in pure chlorophyll a, and about 0.05 in an ether extract
from barley leaves (which contains all the chloroplast pigments), is as high
log (I/S), are not very different from those derived from the transmission
. —
The fact that the leveling off is much stronger in the spectra of leaves
than in those of algae indicates that geometrical-optical effects account for
a considerable part of the phenomenon. Tanada's (1951) observations
with glycerol (table 22.VII) support this interpretation. Clearly, scat-
tering and "sieve effect" must lead to an apparent decrease in the selec-
tivity of absorption, as far as plots of log {I/T) or of log (To/T) are con-
cerned, since, in these two representations, losses of the weakly absorbed
(green and extreme red) light by scattering obviously simulate absorption.
One could attempt to explain in this way the results under 4, 5, 7, and 8a-
8d inTable 22.VII, which were obtained by the use of blank cells with
pure water. On the other hand, the similarity of results of the experiments
listed under 6 and 8, in which the true absorption of Chlorella cell suspensions
was determined, with the results listed under 7, in which the transmission
of a similar suspension was measured, cannot be explained in this way.
In the case of leaf spectra too, it is not immediately obvious why diffuse
scattering should lead to transmission curves, log (To/T) (obtained by com-
parison of green with white specimens), characterized by high optical den-
sity in the regions of weak pigment absorption (green and far red)
If one would assume, for example (c/. Meyer 1939), that the weakening of the trans-
mitted beam by passage through a green leaf can be represented by the equation:
(22.9) T = I X 10
(22.9A) To = I X 10~''>^
where d is the depth of the absorption cell, and T and Tq the fluxes trans-
mitted through the solution and the pure solvent, respectively. This
equation was sho\^Ti on page 674 to be a first approximation, neglecting the
difference in the reflectances of the two cells. As mentioned on page 674,
correct expressions for T and To can be obtained by summation of infinite
and thus to
„ = l[,o.^'-,o.(L^i;i5;=^)]
Since the term in parentheses is > 1, equation (22.13) shows that the value
of a, calculated in the usual way from (22.11), is too large and that the rela-
tive error increases with decreasing absorption. With r = 0.1 and To/T =
1.01, i. e., only 1%, the error in a is 2%. Such an error
an absorption of
can be neglected in most absorption measurements. What matters to us,
however, is the fact that the percentage error depends on the value of a
and therefore changes with wave length. In other words, it causes a distor-
tion of the transmission curve.
The character of this distortion —
increase of apparent a values for all
wave but particularly for those in which the true absorption coef-
ficient is small —
remains the same in scattering media, where the effect
becomes much stronger than in plane-parallel cells filled with transparent
The loss of selectivity by scattering can be even more pronounced in
absorption spectra, log (//*S), than in transmission spectra, log (To/T).
Radiations that would be only weakly absorbed by straight passage through
a leaf (e. g., green or extreme red light) become more strongly absorbed
in a scattering medium, we will find that not only are the valleys less deep,
but also the peaks are less high than in a similar plot in a nonscattering
This qualitative explanation of the effect of scattering on selective trans-
mission and absorption can be replaced by an exact analysis if the system
satisfies certain conditions —
namely, random distribution of scattering
centers and—in the simplest forms of the theory—equal probability of
scattering in all directions.
tropic, and the incident, transmitted and reflected fight are perfectly dif-
fuse, P' = and Q' = 1, and the abscissae in the figure are simply the
measured reflectances, while the ordinates are the measured optical densi-
ties (logarithms of inverse transmittance) The nomograph remains ap-
proximately correct also if the incident light is collimated, if only the re-
flected and transmitted fight are completely diffuse {cf. page 676). Under
these conditions, the absorption coefficient, a, and the scattering coefficient,
a, can both be read from the graph, if reflectance and transmittance have
been determined.
Another method of determination of the two coefficients was described
by Saunderson (1942). It requires two reflection measurements one —
with a thin layer and one with a layer of "infinite thickness" {i. e., having
practically negligible transmission).
Wurmser (1941) suggested that transmission measurements with two
layers of different optical density can be used to determine the coefficients
of absorption and scattering, and gave a sample nomograph for two specific
depths of the cell (0.035 and 0.1 cm.), which is reproduced in figure 22.38.
However, he did not point out that his two-constant formula is correct
only if both layers scatter sufficiently to ensure complete diffuseness of the
transmitted light.
member that the statistical theory deals with random distributions of large
numbers and therefore does not take into account
of small colored particles,
the "sieve effect," which may
be caused by regular alignment of the com-
paratively large chloroplasts. The result of this effect is the admixture
0.7 -
0.5 h
> 0.4
O 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
= "
(22.17) To/T cosh dVaia + a) + „ " , ^ sinh dV«(a + <r)
ity that a beam of light passes between all these chloroplasts, distributed
at random, is between 2 X IQ-^ and 5 X IQ-^. Consequently, if the dis-
tribution of the chloroplasts were random, the sieve effect would be
One way of viewing the sieve effect is to consider the mutual "shading" of molecules
in each colored particle, which prevents them from exercising their full absorbing capac-
light is markedly
ity; this interference obviously cannot become effective unless the
weakened by the passage through a single particle. This condition is satisfied in the
single chloro-
chloroplasts, since in the peaks of the absorption bands of chlorophyll a
plast absorbs more than 50% of incident light {cf. page 683).
changes in the true shape of the absorption bands can be deduced from the
spectra of live plants—will beg detailed answer. Several qualitative indices
that such changes do occur can be noted even now, but none of them is
entirely reliable. These indications are: enhanced absorption in the
far red and near infrared (to which we referred on page 654), decreased
absorption in the maximum of the red band, and the comparatively weak
absorption in the blue- violet region.
Increased absorption in the far redis exhibited not only by leaves {cf.,
changing the average length of the hght path in the mediinn, could also
change the absorption spectrum (log I/S as function of wave length, which
is what fig. 22.21 represents). However, it appears impossible that the
light path in the Chlorella suspension could be so lengthened by scattering
as to replace the practically complete transparency of the pigment extract
at 800 mjLi, by an absorption of over 10%. If Noddack and Eichhoff's re-
sultscan be relied upon (which is not certain) we arc led to consider the
spread of the chlorophjdl absoriition in living cells into the far red and in-
frared, a genuine change in the absorption curve of the green pigment. It
may be noted (cf. fig. 22.48B) that the absorption curve of Chroococcus
(a Cyanophycea) calculated by superposition of the absorption curves of
ratio of the apparent absorptions in peaks of the blue-violet band and of the
red band is low in algae (about 1.5) and particularly in leaves (about 1.0),
as compared with pigment extracts (1.75). The blue-violet rays are scat-
tered more strongly than red ones; but this could not explain a decrease
in their absorption. (Such an effect would only be understandable if the
diffuse reflection of blue- violet light by leaves were stronger than that of red
light; but no such effect is revealed by figures 22.12 or 22.32.) The
comparatively weak absorption of blue-violet light by plants is made even
less understandable by the fact that yellow, water-soluble pigments present
in leaves must enhance the absorption in this region.
However, Seybold and Weissweiler (1943) opposed Noddack and Eich-
hoff's assertion (fig. 22.21)that live Chlordla cells absorb less light than the
pigment extract in the region 550-680 mn; they found the absorption
of the cells to be the same as that of extracts in the peaks of the bands, and
and Eichhoff 1939). This makes it particularly advisable to use, for quan-
titativestudy of photosjTithesis, plants containing as little nonplastid
pigments as possible.
Even if the flavones and anthocyanines are absent, and the object stud-
ied contains no separate carotenoid-bearing bodies, it is by no means certain
*Bibliography, page 738.
If itcan be assumed that the pigment mixture in the cell or tissue under
investigation has uniform composition meaning that, wherever the mix-
ture is present, it has the same relative composition (but not that the same
absolute concentration of mixture is present everjovhere)— the contribu-
tion of the zth pigment to the total absorption by the mixture at a given
wave length, Ai, is proportional to the product CjOJi, where Ct is the concen-
tration and «< the absorption coefficient of this component.
(22.18) Ai =A (CiaifSiCiai)
Whatever the length and shape of the path of the light beam in the
for each wave length, by the methods discussed in part A. The applica-
tion of equation (22.18) therefore hinges primarily on the knowledge of the
true absorption coefficients of all pigments in the state in which they are
present in the cell, and here the difficulty comes in.
Even after the average absorption curve of the pigment mixture has been
determined, this will not give us the desired knowledge of the absorption
curves of the individual pigments; but it will be a step in the right direc-
tion: Some sections of this average absorption curve will be due to a single
pigment or a small group of related pigments (e. g., the part above 550 mM
in green plants, to chlorophylls a and h, and in brown algae, to chlorophylls
a and c). The changes in shapes of the absorption bands, found in these
regions, may be considered, by analogy, as valid also for the bands of the
same pigments in the regions of composite absorption. (However, the dif-
be noted that the abscissae in this and other figures of Montfort and Sey-
bold are absolute values of absorption in each separate solution, not per-
centages of the total absorption by the mixture, and thus do not add to
Fig. 22.39. Absorption of pigment extracts from Ulva tacluca (green alga)
(after Montfort 1940).
100 100
500 600 500 600 700
Fig. 22. -40. Light absorption by Fig. 22.41. l'roi)ortions of light absorbed
cliloi'ofucin (chlorophyll c), in per hy cliloroi)hylls a and d in a methanol ex-
cent of total absorption, by a meth- tract of Erythrophyllum delesserioides (after
anol extract from diat(jms (after Manning and Strain 1943). Absorption by
Strain and Manning 1942). red and yellow pigments is not considered
in the calculation.
clearly such an effect in the blue, l^etween 450 and 530 m^i, where the ab-
sorption by the 6-component is up to five times stronger than that by chloro-
phyll a.
jMiich more precise measurements were made b}'- Strain and Manning
(1942) with the chlorophyll a -\- mixture extracted from diatoms, and bj-
Manning and Strain (19-43) with the chlorophyll a -i- d mixture from red
algae. Figiu-es 22.40 and 22.41 show that chlorophyll c (chlorofucin)
contributes about 90% of total chlorophyll absorption at 570 mix; while
chlorophyll d account.s for 60% of the total chlorophyll absorption at 470
and 90% at 710 m/x.
These figures arc for methanol extracts. The relative roles of the
chlorophyll components in the absorption of light in vivo are uncertain.
In the case of chloroph}-!! h, not even the position of its red absorption peak
in vivo is kno^vn with any certainty (c/. page 701). It was suggested (cf.
The distribution of light between the chlorophylls and the yellow caro-
tenoids of green plants in the region below 550 m/x has been much discussed.
The first estimate was made by Warburg and Negelein (1923). In their
calculations of the quantum yield of photosj^nthesis (cf. chapter 29), they
decided, from extract spectra, that the carotenoids of ChlorcUa accoimt for
30% of the total absorbed light at 436 m/x.
Figure 22.42 shows the results of the first more detailed estimate by
Seybold (1936), based on spectroscopic measurements with an extract
from leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris. Figure 22.39 represented similar data
for the multicellular green alga Ulva lacluca; this graph shows the absorp-
tion by carotene and the carotenols separately (as well as that by the chloro-
phylls a -\- b, a and b). The two figures show the absorption by the caro-
tenoids becoming noticeable below 530 m/x (in solvents of low polarizabil-
ity) and below about 570 m/x in carbon disulfide. The largest percentage
1.2 /s —
p 0.8
b 0.6
and accounts for about 50% of total absorption between 500 and 450 m^;
below 450 m^u, the absorption by the chlorophylls again becomes predom-
Figure 22.44 is an attempt to interpret the conditions in living cells.
It shows the transmission spectrum, log (To/T), of the cell suspension
it would be better if it were the absorption spectrum, log I/S. Also shown
isa composite absorption spectrum of the pigments obtained by shifting
the chlorophyll bands, derived from the preceding figure, above 550 m^u,
toward the red by 10 m^, and below 580 m^, by G m^ (it would be simpler
to make the plot on the frequency scale and use a uniform shift!); the
carotenoid bands, derived from the preceding figure, were shifted by 14 m/x.
(The values used for chlorophyll may be a little low; cf. page 706.)
Two cell curve are at points where cell suspension was
breaks in intact
stirred and filtersmonochromator were changed. The dotted curve
of fucoxanthol in solution does not extend toward the red any further than
5 60
Table 22.VIII
Ratio of Absorption by Individual Pigments in Methanol or Benzene and by
THE Total Pigment in Methanol" (after Montfort 1940)
550-500 m^ 500-450 iiim
X. X.
(including f including
pl> F.) C. b
Organisms Clil. F.) Clil. /3
Ulvalactuca 0.73'' 0.34 1.37 0.75'' 0.56 0.25 1.33
Phaseolus vulgaris^ .
— — 1.6 — — 1-3
The figures in the table do not add to unity because they do not represent the
proportions in which the energy absorbed by the pigment mixture is divided between the
individual pigments, but rather the ratios (.absorption by the separated pigments):
absorption by the mixture). Chi. = chlorophyll (in methanol), X. = carotenols (in
Chi. a
« Chi. a alone.
/ According to page 684, the leaves of this species contain a considerable quantity
of water soluble yellow pigments.
considerably more detailed analysis of the absorption by diatom pig-
ments was made by Button and Manning (1941); the results are repro-
duced in figure 22.46. They are based on measurements with acetonic pig-
ment extracts from Nitzschia In constructing the figure,
Button and Manning postulated a shift of all absorption bands, those of
chlorophyll as well as those of the carotenoids, by 20 m/z. (They based
this assumption on the observation that, in the spectrum of this diatom, the
maximum of the red chlorophyll band was recognizable at 680 m^; the
maximum of the blue-violet band, although not distinct in the cell spectrum
— — —r— — — — —r—
1 [—1 I 1 I I I r-
T— — —r— — — — —
I I I 1 I I
I I I—— I
Chlorophyll o
Total carotenoids
Caretenoids other
than fucoxanthol
How wary one must be in drawing conclusions based on a uniform shift of the bands
of several pigments is illustrated by from Strain (1938): It shows the
figure 22.47, taken
absorption curves of barley leaf extracts in ethanol and in ether, and the corresponding
curves for the separated yellow and green pigments, in the same solvent. In ether, up
to 90% of the total absorption in the region 470-500 m^ is due to the yellow pigments,
and less than 10% is absorbed by chlorophyll; in alcohol, on the other hand, the green
400 440 480 520 560 600 640 680 400 440 480 520 560 600 640 680
Fig. 22.47. Effect of solvent on absorption spectra of barley leaf pigments (after
Strain 1938). a referred to 1 g. fresh leaves in 1 1. solution. I, all ether-soluble pig-
ments; II, chlorophyll a and b; III, carotenoids.
pigments account about one half of the total absorption in the same region. The
from ether to ethanol causes a stronger
difference is due to the fact that the transition
shift of the bands of the more polar pigment — —
chlorophyll than of those of the less
polar carotenoids (11 and 5 m^i versus 1 and 4 m/x, respectively).
0.9 1 1
0.9 0.6
^ 0.5
g 0.4
400 440 480 520 560 600 €40 680 400 440 480 520 560 600 640 680 720
Fig. 22.48. Analysis of spectrum of Chroococcus (blue alga.) (after Emerson and
Lewis 1943). (A) Absorption spectra of extracted pigments in ethanol, and of phyco-
cyanin in water. (B) Absorption spectra of intact cells (1.26 mm.' cells/ml., layer 1.4
cm. thick), combined extracts (calculated from A by shifting bands as described in text)
and of water extract (containing all pigments). Water extract curve has changed shape,
indicating alteration of the phycocyanin-protein complex by extraction.
tract was considerably lower than in the cell spectrum was taken as an indi-
cation of extraction losses {cf. Vol. I, page 418, about difficulties of quanti-
tative extraction of phycobilins). Therefore, in the construction of the
''combined extract" curve in figure 22.48B, the phycocyanin curve of
figure 24.48A was not only shifted, but also increased in height by a factor
sufficient to make the phycocyanin peak of this curve coincide with that
of the cell curve.
Emerson and T.ewis pointed out that the agreement between the "cal-
culated" absorption curve and the empirical transmission curve (fig. 22.48)
is much better than in a corresponding construction for Chlorella. They
saw the explanation of this fact in the absence of chloroplasts in Cyano-
phyceae,and consequent reduction of scattering. The remaining differ-
< 20
carotenoids. Above 700 m/x, the absorption by purple bacteria is due en-
tirely to bacteriochlorophyll, as shown in figure 22.26 by comparison of the
cell spectrum with the spectrum of the extracted green pigment.
in the depths of the sea and the periodicity adaptation shows itself in the
distinction between long-day plants of the arctic zone and short-day plants
of thetemperate and tropical zones.
The spectral composition and intensities of light fields in different habi-
tats of plants have been measured and discussed by several authors, for
example, Wiesner (1907), Ursprung (1918), Seybold (1934, 1936) and Egle
(1937). The factors that determine the total intensity of the available
light (in the photosynthetically important region 400-700 m/x) are the
height of the sun over the horizon, the clearness or haziness of the air,
cloudiness and the position of the plant in direct sunlight or in the shade.
20 30 40
Fig. 22.51. Total irradiation and relative intensity of sunlight in relation to height of
sun ov or the horizon (after Seybold 1936). Inner scale at left, cal./(cm.- miu.).
or even less,
the light intensity can drop to as low as 0.02 cal./cm.'- min.,
At the same time, the spectral composi-
i. e., to only 1% of full sunshine.
curves for daylight (afterTaylor and Kerr tion in the shade (after Seybold
1941). (A) Zenith sky, color temperature 1936). (G) Edge of wood (black
13,700° K.; (B) north sky on 45° plane, square = 2.5 X 10 "^ cal. per
color temperature 10,000° K.; (C) totally (cm.2 min.); (1), (2), (3) three
ceives light mainly from the blue sky ("blue shade"), the spectral composi-
tion of its light field is entirely different from that to which it is exposed in
direct sunlight, as shown by figure 22.52. The intensity of radiation from
a clear blue sky is of the order of 20% of that of full sunlight (i. e., about
0.1 cal./cm.2 jj^jn ) at sea level. It decreases mth increasing altitude,
as the scattering air layer above becomes thinner and the color of the sky
a deeper blue.
The plants that live in the shadow of other plants, e. g., the floor vege-
tation in the forest, receive their light filtered through the chlorophyll layers
of the overhanging foliage. They Hve in the "green shade." Figure 22.53,
taken from Seybold (1936), shows the spectral compositions of the light
field in the midst of a forest, compared with that at the edge. Character-
istic is the minimum at 650 m/x, clearly corresponding to the absorption
maximum of chlorophyll. A large part of radiations reaching the floor of
a forest are either infrared or deep red, scarcely visible to the eye and use-
less for photosynthesis. The total intensity of the light field under the
trees (400-700 m^u) is less than 10% of that of full sunlight above the forest
Table 22.IX
Decrease in Light Intensity with Depth
50 100 200 ft.
Atlantic Ocean
Brightness" 1076 114 37 4.4
1 2 5 10 20 m.
Titisee Lake
Intensity-* 100 57 32 21 13 10
Bodensee Lake
Intensity*. 100 54 30 15 9 6
reduction at 440 m^. Because of this absorption in red, yellow and violet,
360 440 520 600 680 720 400 500 600 700
Fig. 22.54. Absorption curve of pure Fig. 22.55. Energy distribution under
water (a = specific absorption coefficient). 1-50 m. water (after Seybold 1934).
S, Sawyer (1931). A, Aschkinass (1895).
Table 22.X
Spectral Composition of Light under Water"
Italics indicate position of maximum of transmission.
Fig. 22.56. Light absorption by algae in different depths (in meters) in per
cent of light incident on the surface (after Seybold 1934).
for the absorption of natural light were discussed by Seybold (1934), Mont-
fort (1934) and Levring (1947), and we must refer to their papers for de-
tailed results. We merely mention, as an example, that, according to Sey-
bold, a Rhodophycea will absorb up to 95% of the light available in a 50 ra.
depth, where a Chlorophycea will be able to absorb only 30^0% (cf. fig.
Bibliography to Chapter 22
1856 Bohm, J. A., Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math, naturw. Klasse, 22, 479.
1861 Sachs, J., ibid., 43, 265.
1880 Stahl, E., Botan. Z., 38, 297, 321, 345, 361, 377, 393, 409, 868.
1883 Reinke, J., Ber. deut. botan. Ges., 1, 395.
1885 Timiriazev, C, Cornpt. rend., 100, 851.
1886 Reinke, J., ibid., 44, 161, 177, 193, 209, 225, 241.
1911 Weigert, F., Die chemischen Wirkungen des Lichts. Enke, Stuttgart, 1911.
1912 Coblentz, W. W., Bull. U. S. Bureau Stand., 9, 283.
1914 Purevich, K. (Purjewitsch), Jahrb. wiss. Botan., 53, 210.
1917 Senn, G., Verhandl. naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 28, 104.
1918 Willstatter, R., and Stoll, A., Untersuchungen uber die Assimilation der
Kohlensdure. Springer, BerHn, 1918, p. 122 ff.
1886 Reinke, J., ibid., 44, 161, 177, 193, 209, 225, 241.
1887 Engelmann, T. W., ibid., 45, 393, 409, 425, 441, 457.
1904 Gaidukov, N., Ber. deut. botan. Ges., 22, 23.
Gaidukov, N., Hedwigia, 43, 96.
1907 Ivanovski, D. (Iwanowski), Ber. deut. botan. Ges., 25, 416.
1913 Ivanovski, D. (Iwanowski), Biochem. Z., 48, 328.
1918 Ursprung, A., Ber. deut. botan. Ges., 36, 86, 111.
Willstatter, R., and Stoll A., Untersuchungen ilber die Assimilation der
Kohlensdure. Springer, Berlin, 1918.
1921 Wurmser, R., Arch. phys. biol., 1, 33.
1925 Pokrovski, G. I., Biochem. Z., 165, 420.
Baas-Becking, L. G. M., and Ross, P. A., /. Gen. Physiol, 9, 111.
1923 Warburg, 0., and Negelein, E., Z. physik. Chem., 106, 191.
1936 Seybold, A., Jarhb. iviss. Botan., 82, 741.
1938 Strain,H. H., Leaf Xanthophylls. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. No. 490.
1939 Noddack, W., and Eichhoff, H. .J., Z. physik. Chem., A185, 241.
1940 Montfort, C, ibid., A186, 57.
1941 Button, H. J., and Manning, W. M., Am. J. Botany, 28, 516.
Emerson, R., and Lewis, C. M., Gibson Island A. A. A. S. Symposium
on Photosynthesis (unpublished).
1942 Strain, H. H., and Manning, W. M., /. Biol Chem., 144, 625.
Emerson, R., and Lewis, C. M., /. Ge7i. Physiol., 25, 579.
1943 Emerson, R., and Lewis, C. M., Am. J. Botany, 30, 165.
Manning, W. M., and Strain, H. H. J. Biol. Chem., 151, 1.
1951 Tanada, T., .4//;. J. Botany, 38, 276.
1908 Schmidt, W., Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Math, naturw. Klasse, Aht., lid,
117, 237.
1918 L^rsprung, A., Ber. dent, botan. Ges., 36, 111.
1922 Knudsen, M., Conseil permanent intern, exploration mer, Publ. No. 76.
1928 Hulburt, E. 0., /. Opt. Sac. Am., 17, 15.
1929 Shelford, V. E., in E. Abderhalden, Handbuch der biologischen Arbeits-
methoden. Part 2, 9, p. 1495.
1930 Beebe, W., and Hollister, G., Bull. N. Y. Zool. Soc, 33, 249.
1931 Sawyer, W. R., Contrib. Canad. Biol. Fisher., 7, 75.
1932 Hulburt, E. O., /. Optical Soc. Am., 22, 408.
Atkins,W. R. G., /. conseil permanent intern, exploration mer, 7, 171.
1946 Johnson, N. G., and Kullenberg, B., Svensk. hydr.-biol. Komm. Skr., Ill,
1, No. 1.
1947 Le\Ting, T., Goteborgs Kungl. Vetenskaps. Vitterhets Samh. Handl. (VHB),
5, No. 6.
Chapter 23
Fluorescence phenomena have two aspects. In the first place, the fluor-
escence spectrum offers a welcome addition to the absorption spectrum in
the study of the term system and molecular structure of a chemical com-
pound. In the second place, the yield and duration of fluorescence gives
significant information as to the fate of the excitation energy and thus
provide clues to the mechanism of photochemical reactions of the light-
absorbing compound. In the case of chlorophyll, we are particularly in-
terested in the second, photochemical aspect of the fluorescence phenomena.
Because of the division of this treatise into a chemicaland a physical
part, the photochemistry of chlorophyll already was dealt with in the first
volume (chapters 18 and 19), while fluorescence could first be discussed
in the present, second vohune. Certain conclusions derived from fluores-
cence studies had to be anticipated in Volume I some of them will have
Chloroptiyll a
oo o oo
r-- 1^ lO lO
the first emission band Hes, in this figure, at 664.5 mn for chlorophyll a and
CVJ>0 00
first fluorescence band is followed bj^ a second one, of lower intensity, situ-
ated in the far red, which is visible in figure 23. IB as well as in figure 23.2;
and by a third, weak one, situated in the near infrared, which is not re-
corded in these figures.
—^— Chlorophyll o
>- Chlorophyll b
Table 23. lA shows the positions of the main fluorescence bands of the
two chlorophylls in ethyl ether, as found by several investigators, and
Table 23. IB, the positions of the same bands in various solvents.
A spectrophotometric curve of the fluorescence of a benzine extract
from Brassica (containing both chlorophyll components) can be found in
a paper by Vermeulen, Wassink and Reman (1937).
In Table 23.1, some values represent band maxima, Xj^^x., as determined
by photoelectric photometry, and others band axes, X, i. e., the arithmetic
means of the extension limits of the bands on spectrum photographs.
These limits depend strongly on the spectral sensitivity curves of the
photographic plates used, and on the length of the exposure. Biermacher
(1936) insisted, however, that, as long as only the peaks of the bands are
photographed, e. g., by using suitably short exposures, the axes coincide
Table 23.1
Fluorescence Bands of the Chlorophylls a and b
" Photographic.
* Photoelectric photometer.
" Concerning subsidiary maxima, see page 748.
Biermacher (1936) found no fluorescence at all in methylene iodide (as well as in
^ This figure is quoted by Seybold and Egle (1940) from Stern.
with the true band maxima. He therefore denied that the difference be-
tween the X vahies measured by him and the X^ax. vahies found by earher
investigators covild have been due to the dechne in the sensitivity of his
photographic plates in the far red; he suggested instead that this differ-
ence was caused by the faihire of other observers to avoid "self-absorption,"
i. e., reabsorption of fluorescent light befoi-e its escape from the chlorophyll
Table 23. IC compares the most reliable figures in Table 23. IB those of —
Biermacher, and Zscheile and Harris —with the wave lengths of the ab-
sorption bands as listed in Table 21. IV. This comparison shows that the
fluorescence maximum remains on the long-wave side of the absorption
maximum in all solvents, but that the distance between the two maxima
sometimes falls to as little as 1 m/x.
It is difficult to say whether any of the variations in the shift, AX, indi-
cated by Table 23. IC, are significant; whether the conspicu-
in particular,
ous difference in the order of solvents found for the two chlorophylls, a and
&, is real.
Seybold and Egle (1940) suggested that AX is abnormally large (^^15 myu) in chloro-
phyll solutions in Hpides such as lecithin. (This assumption was necessary for their
"two-phase theory" of the state of chlorophyll in vivo; cf. Vol. I, page 393). This sug-
gestion is not plausible in itself, and therefore cannot be accepted without confirmation
by reliable measurements.
As to the reason for the "red shift" of the fluorescence bands compared
with the absorption bands, the explanation must lie in the loss of vibra-
tional quanta in the interval between excitation and re-emission, or after
re-emission. Quite generally, the molecule has a somewhat different nu-
clear configuration in the excited and in the normal state. Therefore, ac-
cording to the so-called Franck-Condon principle, electronic excitation is
light.After the emission, the molecule finds itself for a second time in a
deformed state, and, for a second time in the fluorescence cycle, some
energy converted to vibrational energy. The magnitude of AX indicates
that the vibrational quanta concerned must be of the order of 100 cm.-^,
much smaller than the quanta (1000-1400 cm.-^) postulated on page 630 to
account for the sequence of the visible absorption bands of chlorophyll.
Another explanation of the red shift could be derived from the hy-
pothesis (c/. page 631) that the main red absorption band, Xo -^ Yo {cf. fig.
21.20), conceals a weak band, Xo ^
Ao, which belongs to the yellow-orange
band system. If this is true, and if the red fluorescence band is the pure
Fo -^ Xo band, the somewhat different position of its maximum is under-
standable. This explanation is less likely because the displacement of the
fluorescence band toward the red is a general phenomenon, while the over-
lapping of the bands Xo -^ Fo and Xo ^ Ao, if it exists at all, can be only an
accidental occurrence.
The influence of the solvent on the position of the fluorescence band must
be attributed to the same cause as its influence on the absorption spectrum,
i. e., to the difference in the solvation energy of the pigment in the ground
state and in the excited state. Table 23.IC shows that within a homolo-
gous group of solvents an approximate parallelism exists between the posi-
tion of the fluorescence band and the refractive index of the medium. This
regularity already was noted and discussed in chapter 21, when we dealt
with the absorption spectra of chlorophyll in different media.
A new light on the effect of solvents on the fluorescence of chlorophyll
was thrown by the observations of Livingston, Watson and McArdle
(1949), which will be described further below. These experiments indicate
that the solvent effect is twofold: In the first place, the presence of at
has a red fluorescence band; its axis lies at 631.5 mju in ether (Dhere and
Fontaine 1931), and at 635 m/x in ethanol (Wilschke 1914).
693 mju (in ethereal sokition) and indications of a diffuse second maximum
at 750 mM-
No quantitative data appears to be available on the fluorescence spec-
trum of allomerized chlorophylls.
Proiochlorophyll has a fluorescence band at 626.5 mju, in ether (Dh6r6
1930). The fluorescence bands of pheophytin a lie and 730.5 mju
at 676
in ether (Dhere and Raffy 1935) and at 677.5, 717, 750.5 and 804 mju in
dioxane (Stern and Wenderlein 1936).
A photometric curve of the fluorescence spectrum of bacteriochlorophyU
in solution was obtained by Vermeulen, Wassink and Reman (1937). It
showed two bands, a weaker one at 695 mju, and a stronger one at 810 m/j
(fig. 23.4). The relationship of these two bands is not clear (c/. p. 751).
The fluorescence of these and many other porphin derivatives was re-
viewed by Dhere (1937, 1939).
cence with white light, and Vermeulen, Wassink and Reman (1937), who
used ultraviolet and blue exciting light, obtained fluorescence curves with-
out any indication of such additional bands (cf. fig. 23.2).
Zscheile and Harris (1943) foimd that the fluorescence spectmm of
chlorophyll was exactly the same whether excited by the mercury lines
365, 404.7, 435.8 or 546 m/x, or by white light filtered through a red, orange
yellow, violet, blue or green filter.
Figure 23. IB shows, beside the fluorescence spectra of the two chlorophylls, also
those of the two pheophorbides, and of two porphyrins. The pheophorbides {i.e.,
chlorophyllides in which hydrogen has been substituted for magnesium) fluoresce not
less strongly than the chlorophylls or chlorophyllides themselves; but certain other sub-
stitutions in the same position in the molecule {e. g., copper instead of magnesium) cause
complete disappearance of fluorescence.
Stern and Molvig (1935, 1936^), Stern and Dezelic (1936) and Stern
(1938) have investigated the fluorescence of numerous porphyrins and
chlorins. They found that, similariy to chlorophyll, all of them fluoresce
with red light, evenwhen excited by violet or ultraviolet radiation. The
main fluorescence band always lies close to the first absorption band in the
red whether this band is the weakest of the whole absorption spectrum
(as in some porphyrins) or the strongest one (as in chlorins and phorbins).
Stern (1938) found that tetrapyrrole compounds without the closed por-
phin ring system (e. g., the bile pigments), as well as compounds in which
the conjugation in the porphin ring is interrupted, do not obey this rule,
and do not show sharp fluorescence bands at all. He therefore considered
a sharp red fluorescence band as an important characteristic of the all-
chlorophyll to convert rapidly quanta of larger size into smaller red (quanta
Table 23.11
Band no.
the sake of uniformity, all figures in Table 23.IIB are based on the data of
Dhere and Raffy in Table 23.IA.)
In bacieriochlorophyll the distance between the two fluorescence bands
(shown in fig. 24.4) is much larger than in chlorophyll— 2400 cm.-^; and
the short-wave (red) band is weaker than the long-wave (infrared) band.
This points to two different electronic transitions, rather than two vibra-
tional bands in a common band system. The two fluorescence bands may
even belong to two different molecular species. Only the stronger of them
—that at 810 myu- appears to be correlated with a known absorption band
of bacteriochlorophyll, that at 770 m/x (c/. fig. 21.7). (This correlation im-
plies that AX, the displacement of the fluorescence band relative to the
This be the place to mention the luminescence that occurs when a chlorophyl
is heated to 125° C.
solution in tetralin This phenomenon was first described by Rothe-
mund (1938) and investigated spectroscopically by Stewart, Knorr and Albers (1942).
The maximum of the luminescence band was found at 677.5 m^. After the tetralin
solution was heated for five minutes, chlorophyll showed a change— its
at 688.5 to 671.0 and was reduced to one
band was shifted from its original position niyu
third its original intensity; the absorption spectrum also had undergone a transforma-
tion, especially in the blue-violet region. The origin of this luminescence is as yet un-
known, and its interpretation as chemiluminescence, suggested by the investigators,
tems) the emitted light is of a lower frequency than the absorbed light
("Stokes' rule"), and the "energy yield," e/, is therefore smaller than the
"quantum yield," (p.
The relation €f < f holds main fluorescence bands of all
true for the
derivatives of porphin and chlorin, and the difference becomes particularly
large if blue, violet or ultraviolet light is used for excitation. It was stated
above (page 748) that only red emitted in the fluorescence of these
light is
compounds this means that the absorbed ultraviolet, violet or blue energy
ciuanta are transformed into much smaller red quanta, while up to 50%
time of the excited state B (upper state of the blue-violet band system) is
of the order of 5 X 10 "« sec.
{of. page 634), the absence of even 0.01%
fluorescence in this system shows that the electronic energy of the state B
is dissipated m less than 5 X IQ-^^ sec, i. e., after less than one hundred
molecular vibrations.
Table 23.IIC
Effect of Wavelength of Exciting Light on Relative Quantum Yield
OP Chlorophyll Fluorescence
Transition to
fluorescent stote
or'' tautomeric").
excited pigment molecules lose their excitation energy before they have an
opportunity to fluoresce. The actual mean life-time of the excited state Y
under these conditions must be of the order of 0.1 X 8 X 10-^ = 8 X 10"^
sec. (cf. equation 22.3). Not all of the excitation energy needs to be lost
during this period. The fate of the residual excitation energy is not defi-
nitely established, but in the next section we will discuss indications (men-
tioned in Volume I, page 483) that the chlorophyll molecules in state A,
which fail to emit fluorescence, are converted into a long-lived active form
(level T in scheme 23.1), which may represent a metastable triplet electronic
state, or a tautomer, or an oxidized or reduced molecular species.
The fluorescence yield of allomerized chlorophyll a in methanol is, ac-
within the excited molecule and (3) chemical reaction with molecules of
the medium is (4) bulk transfer of electronic energy from the excited
molecule to a foreign molecule close by. Finally (5), if the fluorescent
molecules are present in sufficient concentration, "self-quenching," i. e.,
energy dissipation by interaction of excited with nonexcited pigment mole-
cules, may become significant.
It is important to keep in mind that the interaction of a fluorescent
molecule with a given medium can be complex. For example, the presence
of the medium may make internal energy dissipation irreversible, but also
slower. Furthermore, the general eff"ect of the solvent surrounding the
fluorescent molecule may be one of quenching, but the specific effect of as-
sociation of certain groups in the medium with certain groups in the fluores-
cent molecule may be one of "protection", i. e., stimulation of fluorescence,
and so on.
We will now consider in more detail the five ways in which fluorescence
can be affected by the mutual closeness of molecules in condensed systems.
maining vibrational quanta can then be lost, at leisure, one by one, to the
surrounding molecules.
donor and the absorption band of the acceptor). The phenomenon was
first discussed by Kallman and London in application to sensitized fluores-
cence in gases. Similar considerations were afterward applied to solutions
by J. Perrin (1926, 1927), who used classical electrodynamics, and by F.
Perrin (1929, 1932), who first attempted a quantum-mechanical treatment.
F. Perrin used this energy transfer mechanism to interpret so-called
"concentration depolarization" of fluorescence in solution (decrease in the
degree of polarization with increasing concentration). Subsequently,
several other phenomena in fluorescence and photochemistry have been
ascribed to energy exchanges of this type, and improved theoretical treat-
ments were evolved by Vavilov and co-workers (1942, 1943, 1944), Forster
(1946, 1947, 1948) and Arnold and Oppenheimer (1950). Because of
the importance of the resonance transfer concept for the photochemical
mechanism of photosynthesis (in particular, for the possible participation
of phycobilins and carotenoids in it), these papers will be discussed in
greater detail in chapters 30 and 32. Here, we are concerned only with
the possibility of quenching (or excitation) of chlorophyll fluorescence being
due, insome cases, to resonance transfer of- excitation energy not requiring
molecular contact. Examples will be found on p. 778 (quenching of dye
fluorescence by other dyes), p. 790 (chlorophyll q fluorescence sensitized
by b) and chapters 24 and 32 (energy transfer between pigments in
vivo). Self-quenching, too, may be caused by resonance (p. 797).
(e) Self-Quenching
during its life time, a considerable number (say > 100) pigment molecules,
the presence of even a single dimer in this series of "hosts" may suffice to
"trap" the excitation energy, and dissipate it into heat. (Of course, for
this mechanism to be effective, the absorption band of the dimer and the
fluorescence band of the monomer must overlap sufficiently to permit reso-
nance exchange.)
Franck and Livingston (1949) suggested another possibility —that
energy traps are provided by monomers which are in the state of excep-
tionally strong thermal agitation. (This hypothesis explains also the de-
cline in the intensity of fluorescence, usually observed with rising tempera-
ture.) Accelerated dissipation of electronic energy in "hot" molecules is
plausible, since in order to convert electronic energy into vibrational energy,
a configuration of the nuclei must be reached in which the electronic sys-
tem has the same energy in the excited and in the normal state ("crossing
point of two potential curves" in the diatomic model). This configuration
usually can be achieved only by combination of electronic excitation with
vibrations of appropriate kind; the excited molecule must wait until an
accidental fluctuation of thermal agitation supplies the critical degree of
freedom with the amount of vibrational energy required to make internal
conversion possible. The higher the temperature, the shorter will be this
waiting period, and the greater the probability of internal conversion oc-
curring during the electronic excitation period, and competing successfully
with fluorescence.
One may ask: how can resonance migration of excitation energy assist
this mechanism of dissipation? Does it make any difference whether the
excitation stays with one molecule and awaits there the thermal fluctua-
tion that will permit it to be dissipated, or whether it visits a thousand
molecules during the same total life-time, spending a correspondingly short
time with each of them? We said elsewhere in this book that a man cannot
change his life expectancy by sleeping every night in a different bed!
Whether this analogy applies here or not depends on the relative duration
of a thermal fluctuation and electronic excitation. If the fluctuation is
which is significantly different from 1 if f is not < T/n, i. e., if the duration
of the thermal fluctuation much shorter than that of electronic ex-
is not
citation of a single molecule. The former can be postulated to last for a
period of a few molecular vibrations, thus t ^ 10 -^^ sec. The total period
of electronic excitation is T ^ 10 -« sec. (for example, in alcoholic chloro-
phyll solution, the natural life-time of excitation is X 10-^ sec; the ^5
actual life-time must be ten times shorter, as indicated by a fluorescence
about 10%). Under these conditions, for t to be not much shorter
yield of
than T/n, the number n must be higher than 10^ i.e., excitation energy
must be exchanged more than ten thousand times before its dissipation
(staying < 10-^^ gee. at each molecule visited). The role of thermally
excited ("hot") monomeric dyestuff molecules in the concentration quench-
ing of fluorescence thus is predicated on this minimum length of energy
exchange chains, and on the possibility of internal conversion occurring
during the extremely short sojourn of the electronic energy in the hot mole-
cule. It may be suggested that conversion requires (at least) a period of a
single molecular vibration (^10-^^ sec). This would restrict quenching
by hot molecules (in the case of chlorophyll) to exchange chains not shorter
than 10^ and not longer than 10^ molecules.
In addition to the various physical mechanisms of self-quenching which
were considered so far, two chemical mechanisms also are feasible, analogous
to the two chemical mechanisms of quenching by foreign substances, dis-
cussed in section (c). They are: an oxidation-reduction reaction between
the excited and a normal molecule (photodismutation)
be obeyed {i. e., the absorption spectrum of the dye must be independent
of concentration). Quenching by a chain of energy exchange reactions,
with a dimer as occasional link in the chain, suggested by Forster, also does
not require marked deviations from Beer's law, since the number of dimers
present can be very small.
Which of the several possible quenching or self-quenching processes
actually limits the yield of fluorescence in a given solution is not easy to
vent. Dissociation becomes more likely when excitation occurs in the blue-
violet band, with quanta of about 60 kcal./einstein; it was mentioned be-
fore that this is one possible explanation of the lower yield on fluorescence
in this region.
not unlikely that energy dissipation by internal conversion is the
It is
basic factor limiting the yield of fluorescence of chlorophyll in condensed
systems; it is also possible that—as suggested by Franck and Livingston
(1941)— tautomerization occurs as a more or less regular intermediary
stage in this dissipation (c/. Vol. I, p. 490). Chemical interactions with
solvent or admixtures, as well as self -quenching, are then to be considered
as contributmg factors, which further depress the yield of fluorescence
under certain conditions. (According to Lewis and Kasha cf. pp. 790-2
—formation of a metastable triplet state could play the role ascribed above
to tautomerization.)
all these investigators agree that wide differences occur both in the initial
intensity of fluorescence in different solvents, and in its change with time
(cf. Table 23.III).
Table 23.III
Changes of Fluorescence Intensity of Chlorophyll with Time in Different
Solvents" (after Zscheile and Harris 1943)
Obsei-vations of Albers and Ivnorr (1934, 1935) and Kjiorr (1941) con-
cerning the changes in the fluorescence spectra of chlorophylls a and b
with time, in different solvents (ether, acetone, benzene and methanol), and
under different atmospheres (air, oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen)
revealed a bewildering variety of shifts in positions, shapes and intensities
of the fluorescence bands, which do not lend themselves to easy mterpreta-
tion, but indicate complex chemical changes. Apparently, both the sol-
vent and the dissolved gases participated in chemical reactions with ex-
cited chlorophyll molecules. In some systems, these reactions led to a
complete disappearance of fluorescence after less than one hour of illumin-
ation. One reason for the complexity of the results of Knorr and Albers
may have been the use of unfiltered light from a powerful mercury arc.
Strong ultraviolet irradiation may have caused chlorophyll to react with
substances that would not have affected it in visible (particularly red)
through a deep-red filter, so that only the second fluorescent band of chloro-
phyll a (720 m/i) was measured. This eliminated self-absorption. (It was
also stated that the position of the second band is less strongly affected by
the solvent than that of the first band, which can be shifted by as much
as 7.6 m^u, cf. table 23. IC; but this seems strange, since one would not
IQ-'^ 2x10"'*
Fig. 23.6. Intensity of fluorescence of chlorophyll a in a hydrocarbon as function of
the concentration of an activator (after Livingston 1948).
Curve number 1 2 3 4 5
Solvent n-Heptane Benzene Benzene Isooctane Benzene
Activator Phenylhydrazine Benzyl alcohol Cetyl alcohol Methanol Piperidine
Chlorophyll ... a a or 6 a a a
considered possible, however, that the fluorescence in the last two solvents
was due to residual impurities.
Figure 23.5 shows the intensity of fluorescence as function of composi-
tion in a mixture of benzene and octanol. The fluorescence is completely
activated by 0.0016 mole alcohol in a mole of hydrocarbon, corresponding
to a concentration of about lO"^ mole/1. Similar relationships were found
in mixtures of —
benzene wuth other polar solvents alcohols and amines.
Figure 23.6 shows the initial parts of five activation cui-ves. Table 23.IIIA
gives, under [Ac]i/j, the molar concentrations of the activators needed to
raise the fluorescence intensity to V2 ^0; they range from 6.8 X 10 "^
Table 23.IIIA
Efficiency of Activation of Fluorescence of a 5 X 10^*^ Mole per Liter Solution
OF Chlorophyll a
(after Livingston, Watson and McArdle, 1949)
mole/1. This shows that the effect cannot be due to kinetic encounters
between chlorophyll and activator (which are too rare at such low concen-
trations) nor can it be ascribed to a change in properties (such as dielec-
tric constant) of the solvent as a whole. Rather, the effect must be caused
by the association of chlorophyll molecules with the molecules of the activa-
tor. The change in absorption spectrum supports this assumption. If the
nonassociated form is totally nonfluorescent, the intensity of fluorescence
can be used to calculate the proportion of chlorophyll molecules in the as-
sociated form assuming that the absorption coefficient of associated
chlorophyll is the same as that of the nonassociated pigment. Figvire
21. 26. A shows that this is not quite true for chlorophyll a at 436 ni/x; but
Livingston neglected this difference. Assuming a one-to-one complex
[ChlAc ] the equilibrium constant of association
(23.4B) [ChlAc] =
1 + K[Ac]o
" 1 + A'[Ac]o
(23.4D) A' = ^
chapter 27, eq. 27.12). This is a simplified solution, based on the as-
Livingston used, however, the simplified equation for all the systems
studied by him. Furthermore, he calculated the constants K, not from
the value of [Acl^/^, but from the average slope of the activation curve.
He obtained in this way the K-values given in Table 23.IIIA, which differ
somewhat (although not in the order of magnitude) from values that could
be calculated by means of equation (23.4E). (For example, the latter
would give, for piperidine, K = 2.2 X 10^ instead of 1.6 X 10^).
Deviations from straight line in the plot of log [(Fo/F) — 1] against
[Ac]o were noted by Livingston and co-workers at low concentrations of
the activator, and were ascribed by them to the presence of an "adventi-
tious" activator, Ac' (probably water). They held the latter responsible
for the weak fluorescence still noticeable even at [Ac]o = {e.g.,F ^ 0.03Fo
in purest benzene). using the same assumptions as before («chiAc =
achi for excitation light and [Ac']o »
[ChlAc']), and assuming the adventi-
tious activator to be water, Livingston and co-workers obtained theoretical
curves fitting well the experimental results.
From the equilibrium constant K and its change with temperature,
values of AF, AH and AS were calculated for three systems shown in
Table 23.IIIB.
Table 23.IIIB
Thermodynamic Constants for the Association of Chlorophyll a
WITH "Activators" in Benzene
^c^\^ ^c^'^c^ -c<\^
coming constant from there on, the fluorescence intensity declined rapidly,
(23.6) k = ke/kf
also if fluorescence were competing, not only with the bimolecular reaction
(23.7), but also one (or several) mononiolecular (or pseudomonomolec-
With the assumption C = Fo, the data of Weiss and Weil-Malherbe indi-
cate a yield of fluorescence (<p = F/Fo = F/C) of 4% at 1 X 10"^ mole/1,
and 21% at 2 X 10"* mole/1, (and, of course, 100% at infinite dilution);
but since no check was made by an experimental determination of Fo, the
true value of Fo may have been > C, i. e., the quantum yield of fluorescence
may have been correspondingly lower (not reaching 100% at infinite dilu-
Comparison of (23.10) with (23.6) shows that by correcting the deriva-
tions of Weiss and Weil-Malherbe for the possibility of internal conversion
or other mononiolecular deactivation processes, one would obtain, from
their value of A", a value of k^ even larger than the one given in (23.9)
This is at least one whole order of magnitude less than can be estimated
from the formula for the frequency of collisions in gases, and two or three
orders of magnitude less than the estimate based on the rate of diffusion
of dyestuff molecules in solution.
The rates of those reactions in solution that occur by the first (or one of the first)
molecular collision are determined by the rate of diffusion (which brings the molecules
tion. The insert in fig. 23.7 shows the sigmoid shape of the curve.
The absorption spectrum of chlorophyll a in butyl ether, measured at
2 X 10 ~^ mole/1, (a concentration at which self-quenching reduces the
fluorescence to about 40% of the maximum), appeared not to differ sig-
nificantly from the spectrum of dilute solution.
A further pertinent observation was that the partly quenched fluores-
cence of a concentrated chlorophyll solution was more strongly depressed
by an increase in temperature than the fluorescence of a dilute solution.
These observations the unchanged absorption spectrum, the sigmoid
quenching curve and the enhancing effect of temperature on concentration
quenching —can all be fitted into the picture of quenching as the result of
dissipation of excitation energy in a "weak link" in the energy exchange
chain, such as a dimeric molecule (Forster) or a "hot" molecule of the
monomer (Franck and Livingston). The concentration at which the
quenching becomes noticeable (2 X 10"^ mole/1.) is of the same order of
magnitude as that calculated by FSrster for the onset of the energy ex-
change (of. chapter 32).
fluorescent also in the adsorbed state, e. g., in starch columns used for
chromatographic separation (Sej-^bold and Egle 1940).
If we attribute the nonfluorescence of solid, colloidal and adsoibed
chlorophyll to self-quenching, and consider a consequence of close pack-
absorption band from 660 to 672 m/x (completed within a narrow concen-
tration range, and considered indicative of the transitionfrom a monomole-
cularly dispersed to an aggregated state) was accompanied by complete
disappearance of fluorescence. In the presence of oleate, the absorption
band began to shift at the same dilution, but the displacement ceased at
670 instead of 672 m/x; and, at the same time, fluorescence reappeared.
By salting out, fluorescent, birefringent chlorophyll oleate "coacervates"
could be precipitated from these fluorescent colloidal solutions.
From these and similar observations, it appears that lipophilic mole-
from self-quenching even
cules can protect the fluorescence of chlorophyll
without diluting the pigment, and without disrupting the chlorophjdl-
protein or chlorophyll-cellulose bond. One can visualize the protecting
molecules as enveloping the lipophilic parts of the adsorbed pigment mole-
cules (e. g., in the case of chlorophyll, the phytol "tails"), and thus inter-
rupting their mutual interaction. The "wrapping up" of flexible parts of
the molecule may stiffen the latter and interfere with the internal conver-
sion of electronic into vibrational energ3^ This stabilization effect may
become manifest in a single pigment molecule, as well as within a complex
of several such molecules. In the light of the above-described, more recent
experiments by Livingston, one has also to consider the possibihty that
tautomeric transformations from a nonfluorescent into a fluorescent form
of chlorophyll could be responsible (or coresponsible) for effects of this type.
It does not seem that the association of chlorophyll with proteins can
in itself protect fluorescence. True, natural "chloroplastin" preparations
apparently are fluorescent. Although Smith (1938) called aqueous chloro-
phyll-protein extracts from spinach leaves "nonfluorescent," Noack
(1927), StoU and Wiedemann (1938) and Fishman and Moyer (1942)
found that they fluoresce weakly, and that fluorescence is preserved also
in precipitates prepared from such extracts by salting out. Wassink,
Katz and Dorrestem (1942) observed that the yield of fluorescence was
about the same (~0.1%) in live purple bacteria and in aqueous, colloidal
bacteriochlorophyll-protein suspensions prepared from them. However,
chloroplastin fluorescence probably must be attributed to the presence of
its high density and irrespective of its association with proteins) because of
its simultaneous association with protective substances such as fats or
— —
what perhaps 10 or 100 times longer than the collision intervals in gases
of the same concentration.) It thus seems that excited chlorophyll mole-
cules in the fluorescent state A undergo a quenching reaction by the very
first, or one of the first, encounters with an oxygen molecule.
The nature of this interaction is not known, but it is most likely to be
the autoxidation of chlorophyll. A different hypothesis was suggested by
Kautsky and maintained by him despite much criticism. According to this
hypothesis, the interaction a hulk transfer of electronic excitation energy
Contrasted to true quenching can be the changes in the yield of fluores-
cence which are caused by alterations in the composition or structure of
the light-absorbing molecules produced by the addition of the admixture.
(AH cases probably belong to this class.) These processes
of "stimulation"
can be distinguished from true quenching by the fact that the absorption
spectrum of the solution also is changed by the presence of the quencher
Table 23.IIIC
Quenching Data for Chlorophyll a in Methanol, Ethanol and
Acetone (after Livingston and Ke, 1949)
Quencher Solvent X (excit.), m^i [0] 1/2 *' ''
Table 23.IIID
(after Livingston and Ke, 1949)
Reagent Solvent [Q], m./I. Fo/F
one at much higher concentrations has some quenching action, but is less efficient than
2-diaminopyridine, the weakest quencher in Table 23.IIIC.
clear that oxidants (quinones, diazo dyes, nitro and nitroso compounds, and
oxygen) are strong quenchers, while redudants (such as amines) are at best
only weak quenchers. Among compounds listed in Table 23. HID, only
phenylhydroxyamine showed any measurable quenching at all, at concen-
trations up to 0.1 mole/1. See also footnote b to Table 23. HID.
However, deviations from the linear relation required bj^ equation (23.16B)
do occur, particularly at the higher values of [Q] (fig. 23.8). Livingston
and Ke obtained a better approximation by using an empirically generalized
(^^•^^^^ ^ - 1 + kdQ] +k2lQr-
The broken lines in figure 23.8 show how this equation can be made to fit
the data. The values of /ci are given in Table 23.IIIC. Livingston com-
pared the empirical two-constant equation (23.1()C) with a theoretical
equation of ^\nvilov and Frank:
(23.1GD) F
elQ]p + iAT/v)[Q\
Franck and Livingston (1941) had discussed the possible existence of a residual
fluorescence which could not be further reduced by quenchers. (Such a "nonquench-
able" fluorescence is to be expected if the electronically excited molecule requires a cer-
tain time to assume the configuration suitable for chemical quenching; the fraction of
total fluorescence, emittedbetween excitation and the attainment of this configuration,
would then be "unquenchable".) In the system (chlorophyll a in CH3OH + nitro-
benzene), a weak fluorescence appeared even in a 4 M
solution of the quencher; however
Kautsky, Hirsch and Flesch (1935) found, and Franck and Livingston
(1941) confirmed, that certain substrates whose photoxidation is sensitized
by h are available for the fluorescence of a (by the same token, a must
quench the fluorescence of 6).
states {i. e., states with total electronic spin zero). Triplet states, with
a total electronic spin of one unit, can be obtained by reversing the spin of
one electron; but to do this in a closed shell, it is necessary to change also
its orbital eigenfunction, thus converting it from a bonding into
an anti-
bonding electron— in other words, dissociating or weakening a chemical
bond (e. g., breaking the second bond in a C=C, or double C=0 C=N
bond) The molecule in the triplet state thus partakes of the character of a
biradical.* The radiative return of such a molecule into the ground state,
with the emission of fluorescence, is "prohibited," because of the require-
ment that the spin must be conserved; the light quantum has no mecha-
nism for carrying the spin away. This makes "activated" molecules of the
triplet biradicaltype metastable— at least as far as termination of activa-
tion is concerned.
by fluorescence The singlet-triplet prohibition apphes,
however, strictly only when the electron spin does not interact with other
modes of motion of the electrons in the system, since such interactions give
the chance of disposing of the spin momentum by converting it into other
each molecule finds itself in the fields of force of the adjoining molecules.
Thus, the theoretical life-time of the metastable triplet molecules, as cal-
culated for an isolated molecule by considering only the coupling with the
orbital momentum, must be considerably reduced in condensed systems
in consequence of coupling with the medium. Furthermore, in addition
to radiative transfer into the ground state (fluorescence), metastable
molecules are exposed also to energy dissipation by internal conversion
into vibrational energy made irreparable, in a condensed phase, by loss
of vibrational quanta to the surrounding molecules. This is the same kind
of process by which metastable molecules are produced from the
molecules in the fluorescent singlet state (transition A -^ T in schemes
23. lA and 23. IB). The latter transition occurs within <10-^ sec. (since
it could it be that a similar
successfully interferes with fluorescences);
transition, T -^ X,
delayed for a second or even a minute? (This is the
* We mean by this term a radical with two free valencies, not a combination of
two radicals.
(o) Excitation
(d) Emission -hv -.%,- (b) Toutomerizotion
(c ) Thermol excitotion
Scheme 23.IB
have the chemical nature of a biradical, with two free valencies, and the
spectroscopical nature of a triplet state, with a corresponding paramagnetic
The following two elementary transformations illustrate the difference
between pure electronic excitation to a triplet state and electronic excita-
tion coupled with tautomeric rearrangement:
(23.16E) H H H H
Ri —C=C —R2 ^
Ri —C— C— R-. (electronic tautomerization
(23.16F) H H H
Ri —C=C —R2 ^
Ri —C — C —Ro I
(atomic tautomerization)
The return into the normal state requires, in the second case, that the H
atom moves over to a neighboring carbon atom, swinging from one poten-
tial minimum into another over a barrier. This type of metastability
may therefore be longer lived than the first one, in which the return into
the ground state can be achieved by electronic rearrangement alone.
The concept of metastable triplet states as the origin of long-lived
fluorescence (phosphorescence) of dyestuff solutions has been fiu'ther de-
veloped in several papers from the Berkeley laboratories by Lewis, Kasha,
McClure and Calvin (1945, 1947, 1948). One interesting result was the
experimental confirmation of (lie paramagnetism of the ph()si)horescent
state (at least in one case —that of fluorescein in a rigid solvent). The ob-
served paramagnetic moment corresponds to that of the spin of two un-
paired electrons, as expected for a triplet spectroscopic state, and it was
argued that this provides a clinching argument for the Lewis-Kasha theory.
However, according to what we said above, paramagnetism does not prove
that the biradical is of a purely electronic nature, and not a tautomer of the
normal molecule. (Perhaps, one should call the metastablc molecules
envisaged by Lewis and Kasha "electronic tautomers" and contrast them
with ordinary or "atomic tautomers"; the term "mesomers" usually is
applied only to electronic structures of equal, or nearly equal, energy.)
Life-time calculations of metastable organic molecules have been made
in three ways —theoretically, on the basis of spin-orbit interaction alone
(this should give a high upper limit for actual life times in condensed sys-
tems!), and experimentally, either from the duration of phosphorescence,
or from the intensity of the (weak) absorption bands which have been
found to correspond to the phosphorescence bands in some organic com-
pounds. In general, the actual life-times of phosphorescence were not
shorter, but longer (by factors of the order of 10, 10-, or even 10^) than the
theoretical life-times, particularly in the case of aromatic compounds. The
life-times derived from the intensity of the absorption bands also often
were shorter than those observed by the phosphoroscopic method.
Whether these results indicate that in some molecules, at least, the metas-
table state corresponds to an atomic, rather than an electronic, tautomer
remains to be seen. A possible alternative explanation is that the life-
time calculations on the basis of the triplet-singlet exclusion rule alone give
too small values because this exclusion rule is reinforced, particularly in
aromatic systems, by additional symmetry considerations.
In the present chapter, we are concerned particularly with one aspect
of the problem of long-lived active states —that of the "afterglow." The
photochemically produced tautomeric products or the metastable triplet
molecules may have such high energy that, with the help of thermal energy
fluctuations, they can return, after a certain interval of time, into the orig-
inal electronically excited state and cause the emission of "delayed fluores-
cence" (also designated as "afterglow" or "phosphorescence"). This cycle
(c/. schemes 23.1 A and B) provides the most plausible explanation of phos-
phoresence of many dyestuff solutions. (Solutions of eosin, erythrosin,
rose bengal and many other dyes all show an afterglow lasting for 10"*
to 10~^ sec.) According to Kautsky, Hirsch and Flesch (1935), who
studied this effect in numerous dyes, the afterglow is extremely sensitive
to oxygen; a few millimeters pressure of this gas suffice to suppress it.
. :
It is hardly a coincidence that isoamylamine the only medium in —
which red chlorophyll afterglow was observed—is a compound whose
photoxidation is sensitized by chlorophyll with a high quantum yield. It
was pointed out above that the sensitization process does not compete with
fluorescence (since neither isoamylamine nor oxygen, in the low concen-
trations used, has a marked quenching effect on chlorophyll fluorescence).
Therefore, sensitization must be brought about by long-lived active forms
of chlorophyll. If the same forms were also responsible for (red) phosphores-
cence, then clearly this phosphorescence and sensitization would be com-
peting; this is obviously not the case, since red phosphorescence occurs only
in medium (isoamylamine) where sensitization also takes place. This is
indeed a paradoxical result! One may try to find a solution by assuming
that the phosphorescence of chlorophyll in isoamylamine is a photochemi-
luminescence, with the light-emitting pigment molecules being formed in
the process of restoration of chlorophyll after its reversible oxidation (or
reduction). For example, using the sensitization mechanism (18.40)
one could write (with A for amine, and t for tautomer)
Another possible cause of phosphorescence with a spectrum somewhat
different from that of instantaneous fluorescence —
can be the direct, radia-
tive return of the metastable molecules from state T into the ground state
X, with the emission of a quantum. This is an alternative to the above-
mentioned, nonradiative return by internal conversion of electronic into
vibrational energy. The assumption that this type of phosphorescence
alone limits the life-time of the metastable state is the basis of the above-
mentioned calculations of Lewis, Kasha and McClure. Long-lived lumi-
nescence, with a frequency 2000-20,000 cm.-^ lower than that of direct
fluorescence, actually is known for many dyestuffs and other fluorescent
organic compounds, particularly at low temperatures in glassy solvents.
In the case of chlorophyll, a phosphorescence of this type would have to be
sought in the infrared.
Calvin and Dorough (1947) reported that in a mixture of chlorophyll a
and h, dissolved in a "rigid solvent" (EPA = mixture of ether, pentane
and alcohol solidified <-100° C. without crystalHzation), an afterglow
can be observed after illumination. Spectroscopic obser-
lasting 0.2 sec.
vation revealed a band beginning at 780-800 m/z and stretching into the
infrared. Similar results were obtained with zinc tetraphenylchlorin,
but not with copper tetraphenylchlorin— a difference ascribed by Calvin
to weakening, by the paramagnetic Cu'^+ ion, of the metastability of the
triplet state.
Livingston and co-workers (1948) found no such afterglow, at —180° or
-150° C. (2 X 10-^ mole/1, chlorophyll a in EPA). Experiments in other
solvents and at other temperatures also gave negative results— with
chlorophyll a +
& as well as a, and at concentrations from 10
~- to 5 X
10-^ mole/1., in air or in vacuum. According to Livingston, a personal
communication from the Berkeley group confirmed that the luminescence
of Chi (a +
h) at 800 m^, reported by Calvin and Dorough, probably had
given there to describe the most Ukely mechanism of fluorescence and sen-
sitized photoxidation in chlorophyll solutions.* This scheme, amplified
include also internal conversion, self-quenching by collisions and photo-
chemical reaction with the oxidation substrate c. g., an amine— (but A—
simplified as far as the mechanism of sensitized photoxidation is
6 © ® <h © ©
(tO,) (+A)
t + Oj)
( + A) (Chi) (+A) (+02)
the arrows in the scheme is: (1) internal conversion, (2) tautomerization
(followed by sensitized autoxidation of the substrate A, or by dissipative
return into the normal state Chi), (3) self-quenching, (4) fluorescence, (5)
sensitized autoxidation of A through primary reaction with O2, (6) sensi-
*In the last two lines of page 546 in Volume I (first printing), a misprint
and an
omission must be corrected: The lines should read: "If, at [O2] =
10-1000 mm.,
A*[02] is not 'C k, the fluorescence yield, >p, nmst depend
on oxygen pressure in this
• to lO^" mole/1.. Aj !<),] i.s«; k, and Af, |(),] is»At',
rlnge; and if, at [Oil = 10 . .
— .
(23.18) f =
(Av + A-. + kt) + A-JChI] + A-*[0.] + A-* [A]
k\ could be calculated from Franck and Levi's curves for the quench-
ing of fluorescence by benzidine, if the concentration units used were known.
A'l values in Table 23.IIIC are bimolecular rate constants in sec.
(The X
1. X
mole"'^ the h, k* and A;a values in eciuation 25.18 are products of these
constants and the rate constant of monomolecular deactivation, kf -\- ki -\-
k,^ 10«sec.-i.)
We refrain from an attempt to deduce from scheme 23.11 an equation
for the quantum >aeld of sensitized autoxidation (to replace equation 19.6'),
because the result is much too complicated to allow comparison with the
experimental data, e. g., with Gaffron's equation (18.32) for the sensitized
autoxidation of allylthioui-ea. The "self-quenching" reaction of the tau-
tomer tChl:
has been added to account for the decrease in the yield of chlorophyll-
sensitized photoxidation with increased pigment concentration [Chi], in
: :
the [Chi] region where self-quenching of the short-lived state Chi* cannot
be significant (cf. Table 18. Ill, page 513, Vol. I). This "deactivation" of
tautomeric chlorophyll by normal chlorophyll can perhaps occur via dis-
(as suggested, e. g., in equation 18.42b, page 519, Vol. I) followed by back
1. Fluorescence of Carotenoids
2. Fluorescence of Phycobilins
that of chlorophyll, or whether its greater brilliancy is due to the fact that
the fluorescence bands of the phycobilins lie near the region of the greatest
sensitivity of the human eye, whereas those of chlorophyll are in the far red,
and partly in the infrared.
Association with proteins does not impair the fluorescence of phycobil-
ins. On the contrary, according to Lemberg (1930), the isolated pigments
fluoresce less strongly than the chromoproteids.
The fluorescence of red algae was first described by Stokes, in the same
paper in which he also reported the discovery of the fluorescence of green
leaves (c/. page 805). Since then,* the fluorescence of both the living
algae, and of their aqueous extracts, has repeatedly been observed, e. g.,
by Schiitt (1888), Hanson (1909), Turner (1916), Lemberg (1928), Dhere,
and Fontaine (1931), Roche (1933), Dhere and Raffy (1935), Van Norman.
French and Macdowafl (1948), Arnold and Oppenheimer (1949) and
French (1951).
Van Norman, French and Macdowall (1948) gave a photometric curve
for the fluorescence ofan extract obtained by grinding a species of the red
alga Iridaea under water and centrifuging at high speed. It shows a sharp
peak at about 580 m/i, clearly related to the first long-wave absorption
band of phycoerythrin at 566 m/x (cf. fig. 23. 9A, from French 1951).
A shoulder appears on the long-wave side of the 580 m/x fluorescence
band, indicating the presence of a second maximum at about 630 m/x.
This probably is the second (0-^1) fluorescence band of phycoerythrin
(leading to a vibrational ground state). The first fluorescence band of
phycocyanin (correlated with the first absorption band of this chromopro-
teid, the peak of which appears, in the same extract, at about 615 m^)
lies at 660 m^, according to the curve obtained by French (1951) by
Dhere and Fontaine (1931) gave 578 and 648 m/x, respectively, as the axes
of the fluorescence bands of the two phycobilins in aqueous extract. Dh^re
and Raffy (1935) noted a second phycocyanin band at about 728.5 m/x.
According to French's figures, the fluorescence bands of the phycobilins
are shifted to the red of the absorption bands, by 14 m/x in the case of
phycoerythrin, and by 45 m/x in tliat of phycocyanin.
400 500
o r
_ Wo'er extract
u \
Fig. 23.9A. Absorption (-) and fluorescence (--) spectra of pure phycoerythrin
Courtesy C. French (1951).
Fluorescence spectrum of phycocyanin as derived from the spectrum
Fig. 23.9B.
red alga by subtracting the fluorescence of phycoerythrin
a crude water exctract of a
Courtesy C. S. French (1951).
Bibliography to Chapter 23
1940 Seybold, A., and Egle, K., Botan. Arch., 41, 578.
1941 Smith, E. L., /. Gen. Physiol, 24, 1565.
Rabinowitch, E., and Epstein, L. F., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 63, 69.
Knorr, M. V., Gibson Island A. A. A. S. Symposium on Photosynthesis
95, 128.
Weil-Malherbe, H., and Weiss, J., Nature, 149, 471.
Vavilov, S. I., and Feofilov. P. P., Cotnpt. rend. (Doklady) acad. sci. USSR,
34, 220.
Wassink, E. C, Katz, E., and Dorrestein, R., Enzymologia, 10, 285.
1943 Button, H. J., Manning, W. M., and Duggar, B. M., /. Phys. Chem., 47,
and Harris, D. G., ibid., 47, 623 (1943).
Zscheile, F. P.,
Manning, W. M., and Strain, H. H., /. Biol. Chem., 151, 1.
1944 Vavilov, S. I., Compt. rend. (Doklady) acad. sci. USSR, 42, 331.
Vavilov, S. I., ibid., 45, 7.
French, C. S., and Lundberg, W. 0., Oil & Soap, 21, 23.
Weil-Malherbe, H., and Weiss, Chem. Soc, 1944, 544.
J., /.
1945 Lewis, G. N., and Kasha, M., /. Am. Chem. Soc., 67, 994.
1946 Forster, T., Naturw., 33, 166.
1947 Calvin, M., and Borough, G. B., Science, 105, 433.
Forster, T., Z. Naturforsch., 2h, 174.
Kasha, M., Chem. Revs., 41, 401.
Pekerman, F. M., Compt. rend. (Doklady) acad. sci. USSR, 57, 559.
1948 Forster, T., Ann. Physik, 2, 55.
Lewis, G. N., Calvin, M., and Kasha, M. (to be published).
Weiss, J. (personal communication).
McClure, B. S., presented at Symposium in Molecular Structure and
Spectroscopy, Ohio State Univ., June, 1948.
Livingston, R., First Annual Report, ONR Research Project 059,028.
Evstigneev, V. B., and Krasnovsky, A. A., Compt. rend. (Doklady) Acad.
Sci. USSR, 60, 623.
1949 P'ranck, and Livingston, R., Rev. Modern Phys., 21, 505.
Evstigneev, B. V., Gavrilova, V. A., and Krasnovsky. A. A., ibid., 70, 261.
1950 Arnold, W., and Oppenlieimer, J. R., J. Gen. Physiol., 33, 423.
1951 Duysens, L. N. M., Nature (in press).
ume), the study of fluorescence of chlorophyll in the living plant can make
an important contribution toward the understanding of the mechanism of
photocatalytic action of this pigment in photosynthesis. Fluorescence is
sitive to orange than to red light. Among green plants, the algae show
fluorescence more clearly than land plants, because light scattering (which
obscures fluorescence) is much weaker in their water-filled thalli than in
air-filled leaves.The fluorescence of leaves is so difficult to observe, that
after was discovered by Stokes in 1852, and also described by Simmler
saw it— Tswett (1911), Lehmann (1914), Wilschke (1914) and Gicklhorn
(1914) —that
they gave enthusiastic descriptions of this phenomenon.
More recently, green leaves, green and colored algae and diatoms have all
been studied under the fluorescence microscope, by Lloyd (1923, 1924),
Testi Dragone (1927), Klein and Linser (1930) and Metzner (1937).
In the meantime, methods of macroscopic observation of plant fluores-
cence also have been improved, and Stokes' original results confirmed and
expanded. Notably Dhere and co-workers (see Dhere 1937, 1939) have
carried out numerous spectrophotographic investigations of plant fluores-
cence: Dhere and Fontaine (1931), Fontaine (1934) and Dhere and Raffy
(1935) studied brown, green and blue algae; Bachrach and Dhere (1931),
diatoms; and Dhere and Raffy (1935) and Dhere and Biermacher (1936),
green leaves. The investigations of Kautsky and co-workers (1932-1943),
McAlister and Myers (1940), Franck, French and Puck (1941), Shiau and
Franck (1947) and of the "Dutch group" (Wassink, Katz, Dorrestein et at.
(1939, 1942, 1945) dealt mainly with the alterations in the intensity of
fluorescence that accompany changes in the rate of photosynthesis.
French and co-workers (1948, 1951) and Duysens (1951) initiated a
very promising spectrophotometric investigation of fluorescence, particularly
of red algae.
744 that the position of the band ''axis" depends on the sensitivity curve of
the photographic plate.
Table 24.1
close coincidence of the fluorescence band in vivo (No. 7) with the corre-
sponding absorption band (No. 6), and the "red shift" of the fluorescence
band in the Uving cell compared to its position in solution (Nos. 2 and 3
compared to No. 4).
oO o
o o mo o o
I ii_
lenqth, mu: mo m o o
Spectrum: ^
oo o o tn
o o o o
If) ID
r^ h- <0 ^O tf>
m o
Dhere and Raffy (1935) suggested that the second fluorescence bands of chlorophylls
a and b in vivo, may
account for the striking brightness
situated in the near infrared,
that green vegetation exhibits on landscape photogi'aphs on infrared-sensitive plates
(c/. fig. 22. 31 A). However, the fluorescence of living loaves is much too weak to produce
such a spectacular effect. Mecke and Baldwin (1937) disproved Dhere's theory by
showing that the vegetation remains dark when illuminated with infrared-free light and
photographed through a filter that transmits only the infrared. The brightness of green
plants in infrared light is thus due to lack of absorption, and not to fluorescence.
Table 24.11
one band, at 926 mju, while that of the extract contains two bands, at 806
and 695 mju, respectively. It was mentioned on page 751 that the first
and more intense of these two bands can be correlated with the main ab-
sorption band of extracted bacteriochlorophyll, at 770 m/i, but that the
correlation of the 695 m^l fluorescence band with the 605 m/z absorption
band is doubtful. Absorption spectra of live purple bacteria show two
(or three) absorption bands, at 800-870 and 800 mtx, respectively (c/. p.
702); but here again, only the one can be identified with the main
page 702). The relation between the fluorescence and the absorption
bands of bacteriochlorophyll is illustrated by Table 24.IIA. The table
shows that the fluorescence band I in vivo is shifted toward the infrared by
as much as 120 m^, compared to the position of the fluorescence band in
vitro, and by about 60 mn compared to the position of the
absorption band in vivo.
Table 24.IIA
Spectra of Bacteriochlorophyll in Vitro and in Vivo
860-870 — 800
Extract 770 605 —
Cell 926 — —
Extract 806 695 (?) —
This tabulation indicates that, in the living cell, bacteriochlorophyll
fails to show one absorption band and one fluorescence band that are
in extracts, but shows one (or two) extra absorption bands, without
corresponding fluorescence bands, which have no counterpart in the
solution spectrum. Duysens (1951) confirmed that Chromatium and
Rhodospirillum show only one fluorescence band, correlated with the
absorption band at 890 m^. Absorption in the 800 and 850 m^ bands
contributes to the excitation of this fluorescence band; so does with a —
50-70% lower efficiency— the absorption by cartenoids. Excitation
energy is thus transferred from all pigments of the bacteria to the bacterio-
A fluorescence band at 635 m^, noted by French (1951) in a partially green leaf could
be due to photochlorophyll, whose absorption band lies at 620-630 ni/x in ether. French
estimated its position in vivo as 650 niju (from the action spectrum of chIoroph\'ll forma-
tion), but noted that this is incompatible with the location of the fluorescence at 635 m/x.
T~l I
z (b)
476 m/i
J__L I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I
The chlorophyll a band in fig. 24.4 is in the usual position at 685 mix.
However, an additional band is indicated at 730 m/u; it can be attributed
to chlorophyll d. The weakness of chlorophyll d absorption (mere ripple
in fig. 22.20!) makes one suspect that chlorophyll d fluorescence is excited
mostly by energy transfer from other pigments. This is strikingly con-
firmed by the observation, reported by Duysens (1951), that an "uniden-
tified pigment"— presumably chlorophyll d — whose absorption, in Por-
absorption bands in the green, yellow and orange {cf. Table 21. IX and
fig. 22.27), and these bands could perhaps account at least for the first
the wave length of exciting Hght between 436 and 578 m^u. This proves
that an increased yield of nonsensitized fluorescence of chlorophyll in violet
light cannot be offered as alternative explanation of the results of the first
peared when the humidity declined below 85%. The fluorescence of the
leaves of Adiatum and Paretaria was found to be somewhat less sensitive,
but it, too, ceased to be visible after one or two days in an atmosphere of
75% relative humidity.
The fluorescence of sharply dried leaves cannot be restored by simple
wetting, but returns upon immersion into boiling water. A similar trans-
formation of the "sensitive" fluorescence of live cells into the "stable"
fluorescence of dead cells can be achieved by freezing or immersion into
ether. In the latter case, the fluorescence after the treatment is consider-
ably stronger than it was in the living state.
Seybold and Egle interpreted these results as indication that practically
all chlorophyll in leaves is present in a nonfluorescent (probably, protein-
bound) state, but that a small fraction of the pigment is dissolved in a
lipide phase, and therefore capable of fluorescence. They suggested that,
upon drying, the fraction of chlorophyll normally present in the lipide
phase is transferred into the colloidal aqueous phase, while, upon heating,
chlorophyll is first extracted from the lipide phase into the colloidal pro-
teinaceous phase (thus causing the fluorescence to disappear), but later
returns into the lipophilic material (concomitantly with the denatura-
tion of the proteins and melting of lipides) and thus again becomes fluores-
cf. chapter 23, page 777). Seybold and Egle's argument is therefore not
convincing. The effects of heating and drying on chlorophyll fluorescence
in vivo can be explained in a much simpler way than suggested by Seybold
and Egle by assuming that the pigments normally contained in a weakly
more prolonged heating) and thus again become fluorescent. The dis-
placement of the fluorescence bands of chlorophyll in living cells (by 5-15
mjLi toward longer waves from their position in organic solvents) agrees
Seybold and Egle, on the other hand, had to attribute the fluorescence
bands to the fraction of chlorophyll dissolved in a lipide, and the absorp-
tion bands to the bulk of chlorophyll present in a protein-bound colloidal
state. Therefore their theory was predicated on the contention that the
fluorescence band of chlorophyll is shifted in lipides toward the longer
waves much more strongly than the corresponding absorption band. This
hypothesis was characterized as implausible on page 746.
To sum up, there seems to be no reason to attribute the fluorescence of
living plants to a small fraction of chlorophyll molecules, present in a
strongly fluorescent solution, rather than to the whole mass of the pigment
forming a weakly fluorescent complex with proteins and lipides (including
the carotenoids) . The close relationship between fluorescence intensity and
rate of photosynthesis, which will be discussed in the next section, also
indicates that fluorescence is a property not of a small fraction but of the
bulk of chlorophyll in the cell.
type, onl}' one competing process (sensitization) is affected, while the other
two (dissipation and fluorescence), profit equally by the elimination of a
common competitor.
We will now describe more specifically the several suggested mechanisms
of interrelation of fluorescence and photosynthesis beginning with the pic-
( < 1%) is much too small to make it a significant competitor of this process.
For example, if the yield of the primary photochemical process drops from
80 to 40%, and the sum of the yields of dissipation and fluorescence there-
fore increases from 20 to 60%, the yield of each of these two processes will
increase by a factor of 3. If the yield of fluorescence was <p = 0.2% be-
the steady state. However, the relation between the yields of photosyn-
thesis and fluorescence is not always that of antiparallelism. Sometimes,
yield of photosynthesis changes strongly without an appreciable change
in 3deld of fluorescence (cf., for example, fig. 28.24 in which "light satura-
tion" of photosynthesis has no counterpart in the steadily increasing-
intensity of fluorescence).In other cases, e. g., in some types of induction
phenomena, photosynthesis and fluorescence both change in the same di-
rection (cf. fig. 33.22C). The picture of the mechanism of photosynthesis
used above to explain the usual antiparallehsm of photosynthesis and
fluorescence can, however, be used also to explain how exceptions from this
antiparallelism can arise.
In the first place, fluorescence competes only with the primary photo-
chemical reaction not \vith the over-all process of photosynthesis. The
rate of photosynthesis, as measured by the liberation of oxygen or consump-
tion of carbon dioxide, often is determined, not (or not only) by the ef-
ficiency of the primary photoprocess, but also by the rate of one or several
of the associated dark, catalytic reactions. Among these are reactions
that convert the primary photoproducts into the stable end products of
photosynthesis. AVhen these "finishing" reactions are too slow to keep
pace with the primary photochemical process (a situation that may arise,
for example, in excessively strong hght, or at low temperature, or in the
presence of certain poisons), the primary photoproducts will accumulate to
a certain extent, but will then disappear by back reactions. The quantum
yield of photos^mthesis will thus be reduced, but that of fluorescence need
not be affected at all, since the primary photochemical process which —
alone competes with fluorescence continues at full speed. This can
explain the occurrence of light saturation of photosynthesis without simul-
taneous increase in the yield of fluorescence (a phenomenon to which we
have referred above).
In Volume I (cf., for example, chapter 7) we have considered, in addition
to"finishing" dark reactions (which, as just stated, are likely to have no effect
on fluorescence at all), also catalytic reactions of "preparatory" character.
strong light in the presence of carbon dioxide, but remained constant in the
absence of carbon dioxide (fig. 28.28).
The primary photochemical process can be retarded not only by a defi-
enzjTne (or enzymes, which we called Ec and £J„ in chapter 7), required to
convert the oxygen precursor into free oxygen. Franck attributes to
similar "internal narcotization" also most, if not all, the fluorescence
changes produced by depriving purple bacteria of their specific reductants
(H2, H2S2O3, etc.). He sees the reason for the enhancement of fluorescence
caused by this treatment, not (or not primarily) in the stoppage of the
primar}^ photochemical process by lack of a reactant (and consequent in-
crease in both internal dissipationand fluorescence as suggested on p. 823),
but in the accumulation of photoperoxides (which in the normal course
of bacterial photosynthesis, are destroyed by the specific reductants), and
consequent production and deposition on chlorophyll of surface-active
(narcotic) substances. In this way, the rates of both the primary photo-
chemical process and the internal dissipation are reduced, and the chances
of fluorescence are correspondingly increased.
The effect on the yield of fluorescence of the deprivation of green plants
(or purple bacteria) of carbon dioxide (or of cj^anide poisoning — both
treatments have the same primary result, namely reduction in the supply
of CO2 to the photochemical system) is less pronounced than the effect
{ 1
Bibliography to Chapter 24
Testi Dragone, G., Atti reale accad. naz. Lincei [VI], 6, 179.
1930 Klein, G., and Linser, H., Osterreichische boton. Z., 79, 125.
1931 Kautsky, H., and Hirsch, A., Natunnssenschaften, 19, 964.
Dhere, C., and Fontaine, M., Compt. rend. soc. biol, 107, 1098.
Dhere, C., and Fontaine, M., Ann. inst. ocmnogr., 10, 245.
Bachrach, E., and Dhere, C., Compt. rend. soc. biol, 108, 385.
1932 Kautsky, H., Hirsch, A., and Davidshofer, F., Ber. deut. chem. Ges., 65,
1934 Kautsky, H., and Hirsch, A., Biochem. Z., 274, 423.
Kautsky, H., and Spohn, H., ibid., 274, 435.
Fontaine, M., Revue algologiqiie, 7, 189.
Baas-Becking, L. G. M., and Koning, H. C., Proc. Acad. Sd., Amsterdam,
37, 674.
Franck, J., and Levi, H., Z. phys. Chem., B27, 409.
1935 Kautsky, H., and Hirsch, A., Biochem. Z., 277, 250.
Kautsky, H., and Hirsch, A., ibid., 278, 373.
Dher^, C., and Raffy, A., Bull. soc. chim. biol, 17, 1385.
Dh6r^, C., and Raffy, A., Compt. rend., 200, 1146.
Dhere, C., and Raffy, A., Compt. rend. soc. biol, 119, 232.
1936 Kautsky, H., and Marx, A., Naturwissenschaften, 24, 317.
Kautsky, H., and Flesch, W., Biochem. Z., 284, 412.
Dhere, C., and Biermacher, 0., Compt. rend., 203, 412.
Biermacher, 0., Thesis, Univ. Fribourg (Switzerland).
Kautsky, H., and Hormuth, R., Naturwissenschaften, 24, 658.
Franck, J., and Wood, R. W.^ /. Chem. Phys., 4, 551.
1937 Kautsky, H., and Marx, A., Biochem. Z., 290, 248.
Kautsky, H., and Hormuth, R., ibid., 291, 285.
Dhere, C., La fluorescence en biochimte. Paris, 1937.
Metzner, P., Lecture before Botanical Society Darmstadt, quoted from
5, 100.
Ornstein^ L. S., Wassink, E. C., Reman, G. H., and Vermeulen, D.,
Enzymologia, 5, 100.
Kautsky, H., and Eberlein, R., Naturivissenschaften, 26, 576.
1939 Dh^re, C., Fortschr. Chem. org. Naturstoffe, 2, 301.
Wassink, E. C., and Katz, E., Enzymologia, 6, 145.
1940 Seybold, A., and Egle, K., Botan. Arch., 41, 578.
McAlister, E. D., and Myers, J., Smithsonian Inst. Pub. Misc. Collections,
99, No. 6.
Chapter 25
1. Material
(1921), Pringsheim (1924, 1926), Pearsall and co-workers (1937, 1940) and
Myers et al. (1944, 1946). One observation, hoMever, must be mentioned:
It has been found (Pratt and co-workers 1940 to 1945) that growing
Chlorella cultures produces a substance that acts as an inhibitor of further
growth (and incidentally also as an inhibitor of photosynthesis; cf. chapter
26, page 880).
Chlorella suspensions have provided the material for the studies by
Warburg and his school, and by Noddack and co-workers in Germany, as
well as by Emerson, Franck, Gaffron, Daniels, Manning and their co-work-
ers in America. The algae used are green, roughly spherical, unicelhilar
organisms, about 5 m in diameter, containing a single, bell-shaped chloro-
Table 25.1
Characteristics of Two Chlorella pyrenoidosa Suspensions
(after Noddack and Eichhoff 1939)
(n 0.9
^ 0.8
parently wore off, and the rate declined rapidly (fig. 25.1). In all these
experiments, the cells spent about one half of the total time in light and
one half in darkness.
Among other algae used in quantitative photosynthetic studies were the
Chlorophyceae: Scenedesinus {cf., for example, Gaffron 1942), Hormidium
flaccidum (van der Honert 1930 and van der Paauw 1932), Stichococcus
hacillaris (Aufdemgarten 1939); the Rhodophycea, Gigartina harveyana
(Emerson and Green 1934) the Cyanophycea, Chroococcus (Emerson and
and Escombe (1905) and by Willstatter and StoU (1918) in their pioneer
investigations of the quantitative aspects of photosynthesis. Because of
the interruption of natural translocation processes, the time course of
photosynthesis in detached leaves may differ from that in similar leaves
attached to the stem (Vol. I, p. 332).
Whole land plants, enclosed in glass vessels, were long used in investiga-
tions of the rate of photosynthesis under field conditions. A group of
workers at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington {cf. Hoover, Johns-
ton and Brackett 1933 and McAlister 1937) showed that this method can
give results equivalent, as to precision and consistency, to those derived
from experiments with algae. The material used in their studies were
single young wheat plants.
The culture of purple bacteria that can be used for studies of bacterial
photosynthesis has been described by van Niel and co-workers (1931,
1944), French (1937), Gaffron (1933-1935) and the Dutch group (Eyniers,
Wassink, Katz, Dorrestein et at. 1938, 1942) the bacteria used included
2. Light Measurements
sea level at the latitude 42° N) about 85,000 lux* (8000 foot candles),
its color temperature (cf. Tajdor and Kerr 1941), about 5400° K. Under
these conditions, the average light flux is 2.0 X 10"- cal. or 8.5 X 10^ erg/
(cm.^ sec.) (including the infrared) or 10 erg/(cm.^ sec. lux). The diffuse
light from the clear blue sky increases the illumination by about 21,0CG
lux (2000 foot candles). The sky light has a much higher color temperature
than the sunlight over 10,000° K. for clear blue sky, decreasing to 7000°
K. for hazy or overcast sky (see fig. 22.52). At sea level, when the sun is
in the zenith, about 40% of the incident radiation belongs to the spectral
region below 700 mju (photosynthetically active radiation) and about 60%
to the region above 700 m^ (photosjnithetically inactive, extreme red and
infrared radiation). Thus, in sunlight, one lux is equivalent to 4 erg/ (cm.
sec.) of pliotos\Titheticalh^ active light.
The characteristics of incandescent lamps (gas-filled tungsten filament
lamps) in table 25. TI are taken from Hardy and Perrin's The Principles
of Optics (1932).
About 30% of the lamp light below 760 mju belongs to the region 700-
760 m/x, which is scarcely used at all by green plants, so that the proportion
of photosynthetically active energyin medium power lamps
is only 7-8%
(100-200 watts) and 9-10% power lamps (500-1000 watts). In
in high
other words, an illumination of one lux from a 100 watt lamp corresponds
to about 5.0 erg/(cm.- sec.) and the same illumination from a 500 watt lamp,
to about 4.5 erg./(cm.2 sec.) of photosynthetically active light.
Table 25.11
Characteristics of Incandescent Lamps
tween these units is shown in Table 25. III. However, without information
as to spectral composition, the indication of the energy flux in ergs,
calories, is even less revealing than that of the intensity of illumination in
lux, because 60% of direct sunlight and about 95% of the energy flux from
incandescent lamps belong to the far red and infrared, and are not used
by plants for photosynthesis. Unless the proportion of these radiations is
known, quoting the energy flux may easily give an entirely erroneous con-
cept of the quantity of light available for photosynthesis.
Fig. 25. 2A. Spectral sensitivity curve of a selenium barrier layer cell (Wes-
ton Photronic Cell).
.^ 16 G.E. Pj
C 22(Cs)
> 12
i B
G E. ly
V) 405 (No)
4 -
vessel and in the actinometer vessel, and arranging for identical light fluxes
to reach both vessels (e. g., by placing them side-by-side in a uniform light
matic" red light, isolated b}^ filters (or monochromators with wide slits),
since their sensitivity droj s by a factor of 10 between 600 and 700 m^
(fig. 25.2A).
For all these reasons, if white light is used for photosynthetic work, the
best way of characterizing its intensity is to measure it by means of a ther-
mopile protected from infrared light by a suitable filter. This will give an
adequate picture of the quantity of light available for photosynthesis, and
enable one to determine correctly the proportion of this light absorbed by
the plants.
The desire for greater sensitivity often will force the investigator to use
a photoelectric cell, instead of a thermopile, despite all the shortcomings
associated with its selective sensitivity be done only in full
; this should
realization of the errors that can be introduced in this way. Only in work
with truly monochromatic light are the photocells entirely reliable (as-
summg that the linearity of their response has been ascertained by fre-
quent comparison with a thermoelement).
In addition to the problem of a reliable photometric instrument, dif-
ficulty arises in the determination of the quantity of light absorbed by
leaves, algae or cell suspensions, because of the scattering phenomena dis-
leaves can be reduced by injection with water, or— still better— with gly-
cerol (by evacuation under the liquid), thus eliminating the most effective
source of scattering— the liquid-air interfaces (c/. fig. 22.8 and 9). How-
ever, figure 22.2 shows that, even in Chlorella suspensions, enough scatter-
(25.2) A = h - Ts - Td - Re - Rd = h -S
for the determination of the absorbed light energy, A.
The neglect of both T^ and R^ in the determination of A must lead to
entirely erroneous results, because, for all leaves and Ts thalli, is only a
fraction — —
and often a small one of the total transmitted flux.
The work with leaves requires a consideration of scat-
fact that optical
tering was clear to Maquenne (1860) and Simmler (1862) but some inves- ;
tigators—not only botanists like Sachs (1864) and Detlefsen (1888), but
even physicists like Vierordt (1871) and Lazarev (1924, 1927)— thought
that they could neglect it. In most measurements, however, an attempt
was made to include at least the diffusely transmitted light, Ta, by the
simple device of placing a large collecting surface immediately behind
the absorbing system. Seybold (1932) pointed out that this procedure
brings the risk of measuring the thermal radiation of the tissue together
with the transmitted flux. (A similar error could be caused by fluorescence,
but the latter usually can be neglected.) To avoid errors, one may inter-
pose an infrared-absorbing filter between the leaf and the collecting ther-
The measurement of the diffusely reflected flux Ed requires more elabo-
rate devices and has often been omitted. The resulting error in the deter-
mination of the absorbed intensity can be considerable, since leaves of
land plants reflect about as much, or more, light as they transmit namely, —
from 10 to 15,% of (infrared-free) white light (c/. page 683). Submerged
algae or water-filled leaves have a lower reflectance —
they transmit about
20% and reflect from 5 to 10% of white However, diffuse reflection
In speaking of the methods of determining the hght energy absorbed by cell suspen-
sions, we must also mention Warburg and Negelein's method of total absorption (1922,
1923). These authors used a very concentrated Chlorella suspension; the vessel had a
silvered back wall so that no light was transmitted; and the absence of diffusely re-
flected hght was ascertained by experiment. (The correctness of this last assertion was
questioned by Mestre 1935, and this criticism is supported by the above-mentioned re-
sults of Noddack and Eichhoff.) Thus, \\'arl)urg and Xogelein assumed, simply, A = /
It was mentioned on page 673 that, inworking with solutions, the neces-
sity of estimating R is usually avoided by using a blankcell, whose reflec-
tion is assumed to be equal to that of the solution cell. Many authors have
hoped to get around the necessity of measuring Ra for leaves or thalli in a
similar way, by using as "blanks" plant tissues deprived of pigments.
This idea has been carried out in different ways: Reinke (1886) used algal
thalli from which the pigment had been extracted by alcohol; Linsbauer
(1901), Brown and Escombe (1905), Seybold (1932, 19331-2) and Meyer
(1939) compared the transmission by green parts with that by white parts
of variegated leaves; Wurmser (1921) determined the transmission of
thalli before and after bleaching by prolonged illumination. However, the
interpretation of results obtained in this way presents considerable dif-
ficulties.It has already been said (page 673) that equation (22.2b) is
only an approximation, although a satisfactory one, even in the work with
transparent media. Weigert (1911) thought that it could also be used, as
such, for leaves, and applied it to the data of Brown and Escombe; but
his calculation led to absurdly low values of A, and its fallacy has been
pointed out by Willstatter and StoU (1918) and Warburg (1925).
In all precision experiments on light absorption by plants, measure-
ments of the three quantities I, T and R cannot be avoided. The determi-
nation of T and R can
be carried out either by means of integrating devices
that collect the reflected and the transmitted light, or by differential "gonio-
photometric" methods, i. <?., by determining scattering as a function of
the angle between the incident and the scattered beam.
Seyler (1879) and used more recently by Hill (1937, 1939). Osterhout
(1918) suggested the use of hemocyanine-containing crab blood (which be-
comes blue same purpose.
in the presence of oxj'gen) for the
Tw^o physiological methods of ox3^gen detection wei-e discovered by
Beijerinck (1901) and Engelmann (1881, 188G and 1894), respectively.
Beijerinck's method utilizes the bioluminescence of certain bacteria (e. g.,
Micrococcus phosphorens) wliich becomes visible in the presence of ex-
Scale In Ccnfimetcrs
Fig. 25. 3B. Two "Warburg vessels" with equal liquid volume but differ-
strived to improve this method and to make the bubble counting automatic;
a discussion of these attempts can be foimd in Spoehr's book (1926, page
231). An important objection has been raised by Gessner (1937): Con-
stant size bubbles can only be formed in quiet water, where a photosynthe-
phate buffer equilibrated with air containing 1-5% CO2; without this
high initial concentration, the carbon dioxide suppl.y in the carbonate-free
pH (about pH 9 for the above-mentioned buffer No. 9). Some algae are
damaged by short exposure to even less alkaline buffer mixtures {pR 8.5).
Chlorella pyrenoidosa, on the other hand, can be kept even in the more
alkaline carbonate mixtures for many hours without signs of damage to the
photosynthetic apparatus. Respiration in carbonate mixtures is some-
what slower than respiration in neutral or acid media. Despite absence of
visible damage, the maximum quantum yield of Chlorella photosynthesis
seems to be somewhat lower in alkaline carbonate than in acid (phosphate)
buffers; whether the reduction is <20% (Rieke, Emerson and co-workers)
or as high as 50% (as suggested by Warburg) is a matter of controversy
(c/. chapter 29, pages 1096 and 1107).
(If the liquid volume is sufficiently large compared with the gas volume,
KcOi will be much smaller than Kq,.)
The knowledge of these constants and assumption of a photosynthetic
Qp = AO./— ACO2 (compare chapter 3, Vol. I), permit one to
calculate the rate of photosynthesis from manometric readings in a single
vessel. doubts arise as to the value of the photosynthetic quotient, the
latter can be treated as a second unknown, and an additional equation for
its determmation can be obtained by using a second Warburg vessel of dif-
= AO2 -
(25.3b) Ap" (a'o,
If the K values are known, the two equations permit the calculation of the
increase and renew the liquid-air interface), thus accelerating the release of
oxygen into the gas space.
Because of these complications, direct chemical methods for determina-
tion of carbon dioxide and oxygen appeal to some investigators as more
satisfactory than pressure measurements; the latter give only indirect
evidence as to the identity of the gases causing the pressure changes. In
spite of this, the manometric techniques have been resorted to again and
again because of certain advantages not available with chemical analysis.
The manometer measures change in pressure, regardless of total pressure of
the gas in question. Thus, 10 cu. mm. of carbon dioxide can be determined
with equal precision (assuming constancy of temperature), regardless of
whether the total amount of gas present is 50 or 500 cu. mm. This is not
true of direct chemical methods. The manometer has a fast response, so
that measurements can be made over short periods of light or darkness.
The two-vessel method further requires exact identity of physiological
processes and identical time course of pressure equilibration in the two
For the most precise manometric work, a differential manometer may be
substituted for the usual open-type manometer (Warburg 1926). This
eliminates the disturbing influence of barometric pressure. Differential
manometers can be conveniently read to 1/100 of a millimeter with a cathe-
tometer. This technique has been especially developed for measurements
of the quantum requirement of photosynthesis (c/. chapter 29)
Several methods of magneiometric oxygen determination (based on
paramagnetism of the O2 molecule) have been developed. Pauling's
magnetic oxygen meter (Pauling, Wood and Sturdivant 1946) is fabricated
by Beckman, Inc. Its range (0-1 atm. O2) makes it not directly applicable
to precision measurements of photosynthesis.
A new method for continuous determination of oxygen content in solu-
tion was introduced in 1938, based on the measurement of conductivity.
It is a form of the so-called polarographic analysis, which has found
numerous applications in modern analytical chemistry. The essential de-
vice a small-surface cathode, in a solution such that the passage of the cur-
4 5
TIME, mia
carried away by the stream of nitrogen from the cell suspension into the
vessel containing the phosphorescent gel. The apparatus, as constructed
by Pringsheim and co-workers, could be used for the measurement of rates
down to 5 X 10 ~^ cc. 02/min. However, the method is only useful under
anaerobic, or almost anaerobic conditions, since, in the presence of more
than 10~^ mm. O2, the quenching becomes practically complete.
Flat mirror'
to B
Plant growth
(1885),and used also in the classical work of Willstatter and StoU (1918)
It isconvenient to use methods of analysis not requiring the taking of
samples, e. g., to measure the conductivity of the absorbing solution in
equilibrium with the gas (cf. Newton 1935, and Clark, Shafer and Curtis
1941). The smallest amounts of carbon dioxide that can be determined
in this way are of the order of 10"'' g.
Several methods of continuous determination of carbon dioxide in sohi
tion have been suggested. In working with (unbuffered) solutions, the
Myers (1940).
A simplified
method of estimation of small quantities of carbon dioxide
in the air by infrared absorption, without the use of a monochromator
(after eliminating water vapor as the only other infrared-absorbing com-
ponent), was described by Dingle and Pryce (1940). Scarth, Loewy and
Shaw (1948) improved this apparatus, increasing considerably its sensitiv-
and adapting it for the determination of both carbon dioxide and water.
consumption of —
carbon dioxide a result attributable to rapid secondary
transformations of the primary product, and possibly also to direct photo-
synthetic production of compounds other than carbohydrates.
The combustion of organic material is an appropriate method for the
A/jT. Magee, DeWitt, Smith and Daniels (1939) measured the heat pro-
duced in a small quartz vessel in a thermostated container in consequence
of the absorption of a certainamount of light by a suspension of Chlorella
cells, and compared with the amount of heat produced in the same ap-
paratus when the light is absorbed by India ink or another inert absorber.
In these experiments, the rate of energy absorption was of the order of
1000 erg/sec, and AHi was found to be smaller than AH by about 20%.
Similar methods were developed by Arnold and by Tonnelat (c/. chapter 29,
page 1122).
The use of isotopic indicators —stable isotopes such as H-, C^'' or 0^*,
and radioactive isotopes such as H^, C'^ and C^^ may make possible the
development of several new sensitive methods for measuring the yield of
photosynthesis. All that seems to be needed is to supply the plants with
carbon dioxide or water enriched in one of these isotopes and measure
either the accumulation of this isotope in the plant cells, or its disappear-
ance from the supplied material. However, the phenomena of isotopic
exchange and isotopic discrimination make the task less simple than it may
appear at first.
Apphcations of the isotopes H^, C^^ C^* and O^^ to the solution of some
qualitative problems in the chemistry of photosynthesis (such as the forma-
tion of a carbon cUoxide acceptor complex, and the origin of the oxygen
evolved in photosynthesis) were described in Volume I (see particularly
pages 54, 202 and 241). New investigations with C^^ as tracer, aimed at
the identification of the organic intermediates of the reduction of carbon
dioxide, will be described in chapter 36.
Bibliography to Chapter 25
1919 Warburg, 0., Biochem. Z., 100, 230.
1920 Warburg, 0., ibid., 103, 185.
1921 Wilmott, A. J., Proc. Roy. Soc. London, B92, 304.
Kiister, E., Kidtur der Mikroorganismen. 3vd ed., Teubner, Leipzig and
Berlin, 1921.
Wurmser, R., Arch. phys. biol., 1, 3.
1922 Warburg, and Negelein, E., Z. physik. Chem., 102, 236.
1923 Warburg, and Negelein, E., ibid., 106, 191.
Harvey, E. N., and Morrison, T. F., J. Gen. Physiol., 6, 13.
1924 Bo^e, J. C., The Physiology of Photosynthesis. Longmans, Green, 1924.
1930 van der Honert, T. H., Rev. trav. botan. neerland., 27, 149.
Petering, H. G., Duggar, B. M., and Daniels, F., ibid., 61, 3525.
Eichhoff, H. J., Biochem. Z., 303, 112.
Noddack, W., and Eichhoff, H. J., Z. phydk. Chem., A185, 241.
Meyer, K. P., Helv. Phys. Acta, 12, 349.
Emerson, R., and Lewis, C. M., Am. J. Botany, 26, 808.
1940 McAUster, E. D., and Myers, J., Smithsonian Inst. Pub. Misc. Collections,
99, No. 6.
Kolthoff, I. M., and Laitinen, H. A., Science, 92, 152.
Pearsall, W. H., and Bengry R. P., Ann. Botany, 4, 365.
Pratt, R., Am. J. Botany, 27, 52.
Pratt, R., and Fong, J., ibid., 27, 431.
Sargent, M. C, Plant Physiol, 15, 275.
Dingle, H., and Pryce, A. W., Proc. Roy. Soc. London, B129, 468.
1941 Clark, D. G., Shafer,J., and Curtis, 0. F., Plant Physiol, 16, 643.
rarely able to control all the conditions that affect the reaction rate. Con-
sequently, seldom will two investigations of the velocity of a reaction result
in agreement in more than the order of magnitude. Beside the readily con-
trollable external factors, such as temperature, pressure and light intensity,
the rate often depends on factors as elusive as the state of the walls of the
vessel, or the presence of minute impurities. It is therefore easy to judge
the difficulties encountered in the kinetic study of a complex chemical
process in a living organism. The rate of such a process depends on many
physiological factors that do not enter ostensibly into the kinetic equations.
Among phenomena, photosynthesis is perhaps the most sensitive
all life
of F2
F2, Fi, he had to assume that for different values of a parameter, F2,
. . ,
values (part AJ5 in the figure) and are distinguished only by the position
of the break, where the ascending part goes over into the horizontal plateau.
This means that the rate of photosynthesis was assumed to be proportional
to the one factor that is limiting under the given conditions, and entirely
independent of all the other factors.
Only in the case of temperature as the "limiting factor" did Blackman
admit the possibility of a different shape of the ascending part of the curve,
an exponential (instead of a linear) rise, in agreement with the general ex-
perience in the field of temperature dependence of chemical reactions.
In the belief that the law of limiting factors must be strictly obeyed,
Blackman and his pupils made attempts to fit the experimental data into
this oversimplified theoretical picture. Others objected to this, and a con-
troversy arose, with the result that articles "for" or "against" Blackman's
theory have been appearing in botanical journals for now over forty j'^ears.
This protracted and largely unnecessary controversy has hampered rather
than helped the penetration into plant physiology of the general principles
of i-eaction kinetics a.nd photochemistry (such as the law of mass action,
Boltzman's and Arrhenius' activation equations and the quantum principle
of photochemistry), which alone can provide adequate basis for the kinetic
treatment of any chemical reaction, whether in vitro or in vivo. It will ))e
shown below that, from the point of view of these principles, Blackman's
"law" is only an idealization, which can be more or less closely approxi-
mated under certain special conditions.
Brown and Heise (1917) and Brown (1918) were among the first to
criticize the way in which Blackman supported the law of limiting factors
"Blackman behavior."
ditions opposite to those that favor the
"Blackman type" curve systems have widely separated saturation
plateaus, but coincident initial slopes; "Bose type" cun^e systems also
have separated saturation plateaus, but distinct initial slopes. We will
often refer to Blackman type curve systems as the "first type," and to Bose
type curve systems as the "second type." A third type of kinetic curves,
also encountered in photosynthesis, is characterized by initial divergence,
but final convergence in a common saturation plateau (as in fig. 26.4).
The conditions that bring about the three types of curves will be discussed
later in this chapter.
While the limitations of Blackman's law of limiting factors were de-
bated, Liebig's notion of the "absolute minimum" of one nutritive factor,
from which Blackman's concept was derived, also was found to be too
rigid, and attempts were made to change it so as to admit the possibility of
simultaneous sensitivity of a crop to several nutrient factors, each of which
was said to be in a "relative minimum." New analytical formulations
of the minimum law, suggested, e. g., by Mitscherhch (1909, 1916, 1919,
1921) and Baule (1918, 1920), led to yield curves that approached the
maximum asymptotically, without a sudden break.
Similar compromise solutions were suggested for photosynthesis.
Harder (1921), Lundegardh (1921, 1924) and Singh and Lai (1935) con-
Fig. 26.3. Kinetic curves of the Fig. 26.4. Kinetic curves of tlie third t3Tie.
second type (Bose type). Arrow indicates increase of F-2.
eluded from their measurements that the rate of photosynthesis may de-
pend on several factors at the same time; when one "factor" gradually
ceases to be "limiting," the influence of another one increases. This con-
cept stands midway between the two postulates of Blackman and Bose;
attempts have been made to use it for a general formulation of the kinetic
relationships in photosynthesis.
However, because of the diversity of factors and conditions encoun-
tered in photosynthesis, it is unlikely that any analytical approximation
willprove equally satisfactory for all the cases studied. Liebig's law of
the minimum —
applied to one kind of factor only nutrient elements; it
was not unreasonable to suggest that it represents an equally good first
approximation for all such factors, and that an improved mathematical
formulation may provide a generally useful second approximation. Such
hopes are much less justified in the case of photosynthesis, where Blackman
included under the heading of "limiting factors" such heterogeneous mag-
on the rate of diffusion of carbon dioxide from the medium to the chloro-
plasts, and thus on the aperture of the stomata. Consequently, if illumina-
tion causes changes in this aperture, it may indirectly affect the rate of
photosynthesis even in the "carbon dioxide-limited" state, not because the
rate is "truly" sensitive to both light intensity, /, and carbon dioxide con-
centration, [CO2], at the same time, but because illumination influences the
effective value of the factor [CO2]!
However, the insistence that a "true" must exist under
luiiiting factor
see there that, even when a "bottleneck" reaction does exist, the relation-
ships postulated by Blackman are only approximated, but never exactly
a colloidal system with a definite structure probably containing rows of
oriented pigment molecules adsorbed on interfaces between proteinaceous
and lipide layers (c/. the discussion in chapter 12, Vol. I). In the second
place, the supply of light energy and of the reactants to different parts of
this structure is not uniform, particularly when photosjoithesis proceeds at
a high rate.
Let us consider these two aspects of the problem more closely.
The reactions involved in photosjaithesis are, at least in part, surface
reactions. It is furthermore likely that they can be called topochemical
reactions —meanmg that they occur not by encounters of moleculesmoving
about at random in two-dimensional adsorption layers, but by a more pur-
poseful mechanism, which requires the reacting molecules to take definite
paths past a number of catalytic "reaction centers." The products formed
in one reaction center are directed to the next one, so that back reactions
of unstable, intermediate products of oxidation and reduction products are
prevented by their spatial separation. Equations based on the law of mass
action can be applied to this type of reaction only with considerable reser-
The second aspect of the inhomogeneous character of photosynthesis
the nonuniform supply of reactants and energy to the different regions of
the photosynthetic apparatus —
was repeatedly discussed in the literature,
for example,by Schanderl and Kaempfert (1932) and Katz, Wassink and
Dorrestein (1942). Even if the chlorophyll molecules and the catalyst
molecules participating in photosynthesis were available uniformly in all
parts of a chloroplast which is in itself uncertain the supply of carbon —
dioxide, as well as that of light quanta, vary from place to place.
is likely to
In strong light, and with a limited supply of carbon dioxide, the chloro-
phyll molecules closer to the source of supply may use up most of the avail-
able reduction substrate and leave only little for the less favorably situated
pigment particles; in other words, the numerical value of the concentra-
tion factor [CO2] in kinetic equations may vary from place to place. A
similar consideration applies to the light mtensity factor, /: Because of
the high optical density of chloroplasts —particularly for red and blue-
violet light {cf. figure 22.35, p. 698)—the rate of light absorption is likely
the over-all rate becomes equal to the maximum rate of a single step (a
step which in itself must be independent For example,
of this variable).
under given conditions of external carbon dioxide pressure and temperature
(perhaps also humidity and other factors affecting the colloidal structure of
the cell), carbon dioxide can be supplied to the photosynthesizing cells at
not more than a certain maximum rate, which is reached when the station-
ary concentration, [CO2], at the site of photosynthesis is zero, and the dif-
fusion gradient between the medium and the chloroplast has therefore the
maximum possible value. This maximum rate of carbon dioxide supply by
diffusion is independent of illumination (except for possible indirect rela-
tions of the type mentioned on page 863). Therefore, "light saturation"
the maximum rate of this reaction step is reached when all the available
catalyst molecules are loaded with substrate molecules. When photosyn-
thesis proceeds at a rate that requires such maximum utilization of one cata-
lyst, variations in most kinetic variables (such as the concentrations of the
reaction partners or of the other catalysts, or light intensity) cannot increase
the rate any further. Only a rise of temperature can lift the "ceiling" im-
posed by the maximum velocity of such a catalytic transformation. The
part of a "rate-limiting" catalyst can be assumed by any of the several
catalysts the existence of which was postulated in Volume I {cf. chapters
6, 7and 9) —for example, the "carboxylase" Ea, the "stabihzing catalyst"
(a "mutase" Eb, or the "deoxygenases" Ec and Eq. Chlorophyll can
about equal to the average light intensity to which freelj^ growing plants
values of Fi and F2 are such that the process affected by F2 is far below its
fects the rate of the over-all reaction long before the rate actually "hits
the ceiling." Therefore, if several reaction steps have maximum rates
which are not too different in their order of magnitude, the rate of the over-
all reaction must be affected by all these "potential bottlenecks" and not
curve"; but they are merely which the actual kinetic curves
limits within
are confined. The point we are trying to make —
in advance of its analyti-
cal proof — is that it would be wrong to imagine that the existence of the
"roof" OA and the "ceiling" BC will leave unaffected the curves situated
entirely within the "permitted area" OXC, and merely force back into this
area the curves (or section of curves) that would otherwise cross the limit-
Fig. 26.6. "Roof" and "ceiling." OA, maximum rate of a diffusion step
(proportional to [CO2]); OA maximum rate of carboxylation (proportional
ing lines. To the contrary, the existence of the "roof" and the "ceiling"
as well as that of the potential, higher "roofs"and "ceilings" {OA' B'C, ,
(26.1) CO: +A .
' ^ ACO2 — > A + {HCO2}
these "carbon dioxide curves" will be hyperbolae, which diverge from the
origin, and remain in a constant ratio up to saturation. Saturation corre-
sponds, in this case, to complete carboxylation of all the available acceptor,
and is therefore reached at the same value of the variable [CO2] in all
curves. The saturation rate rises with increasing concentration of the
reductant {H} (and therefore also with light intensity, since w^e assume
that {
H } is produced by light)
of this "roof," the curves P = f [CO2], which would otherwise begin with
the slope k^Ao {i. e., which would stay just inside the "permitted area")
will be reduced to an initial slope half as large, i. e., kaAo/2. More gener-
ally, curves that, without limitation, would have begim with a slope ak^Ao
will be reduced to an initial slope k^Aoa/(a 1). Thus cui-ves that in +
the case of rapid carboxylation would begin with slopes between 10 k^Ao
and 100 kaAo, would all be confined, in consequence of slow carboxylation,
to slopes between 10/11 fc^Ao and 100/101 fc„Ao, and would thus present a
"Blackman picture." If the carboxylation product, ACO2, in equation
The curves that would other\vise reach a saturation value high above fciAo
willbe crowded into a narrow space immediately below fciAo, and the curves
with saturation values below fciAo, will all be depressed. A curve the satu-
ration level of which would otherwise be iSfciAo will be reduced by the im-
position of the ceiling to a saturation level of ^kiAo/(0 !)• It follows +
from this formula that, even if the saturation rate without the limitation
were only one tenth of the maximum rate of the postulated monomolec-
ular transformation of ACO3, it would nevertheless be reduced by 10% by
this "potential bottleneck."
must obey a simple and rigid kinetic law has been partly responsible for the
conclusion, reached by some plant physiologists, that it does not obey any
recognizable kinetic law at These physiologists, disillusioned by the
"law of hmiting factors" is by no means the last word in the physicochemical approach
to photosynthesis, that, in fact, the concept of "hmiting factors" is foreign to reaction
kinetics. The no other kinetic laws are possible led Chesnokov and Bazyrina
belief that
(19.30) to argue that since, according to Harder and Lundegardh, the factors "carbon
dioxide concentration" and "light intensity" are not "truly limiting" (z. e., that often
tne change in either of these factors can affect the rate) the "true" limiting factors must
be sought inside the plant. It did not occur to them that photosynthesis may have no
"true" limiting factor at all.
one —light intensity —affects this process only partly by direct action, and
partly through plasmatic stimulation.
In the U.S.S.R., there is a tendency now to consider this point of view as the only
one in accordwith dialectic materialism, and attempts to isolate photosynthesis from
other functions of the Uving organism and study it as an independent photochemical
reaction are criticized as "mechanistic."* Such dogmatic assertions, practically
banished from physics and chemistry, but still recurring in biological sciences, particu-
larly in the U.8.S.R., are strangely beside the point. A reaction in a living organism
is distinguished from that in a test tube by the complexity of the system in which it
takes place. This complexity is due to three causes: the impossibility of separating the
reacting system from other components of the organism; its inhomogeneous structure;
and its complex and largely unknown chemical composition. Unprejudiced experiments
alone can prove whether, despite these handicaps, direct relationships can be established
between external kinetic variables and the rate of the specific process under investigation.
If this proves possible, a promising approach to the understanding of the process is
opened, and it would be foolish to refuse to use it because of dogmatic objections.
and Brilliant 1940); the effects of aging; and the changes of photosyn-
thetic activity under constant external conditions (fatigue, midday depres-
sion etc.) Not only do plants of different species behave differently under
identical external conditions, but variations are found also between "sun
plants" and "shade plants" of the same species, "sun leaves" and "shade
leaves" on the same branch and even between different parts of the same
leaf (c/. Drautz 1935). The photosynthetic activity of a plant often
changes strongly in the course of a smgle day, not to speak of a whole season.
Obsei-vations of diurnal changes have played an especially important role
in the development of Kostychev's "new concept" of photosynthesis.
Offhand, one would expect photosynthesis to increase steadily after
sunrise until the light intensity has reached the saturating value, and then
remain more or less constant, unless cloudiness decreases the illumination
below the saturating intensity, until the evenmg decline sets in. The actual
behavior of the plants often follows, however, a much more complicated
* An monograph, Photosynthesis as Life Process of the Plant, by Miss
Brilliant (1947)seems to be the only comprehensive review of photosynthesis published
in Russian in recent years. It contains a survey of about 200 Russian and 350 other
papers, many of them not utilized in the present book.
1931) (cf. also Chesnokov, Bazyrina and co-workers 1932), carried out
under a large variety of climatic conditions, from Central Asia to the Arctic
Sea, and with algae as well as with land plants, showed that the phenom-
enon of "midday rest" is widespread in the plant world, but that it assumes
8 II 13 14 17 20
The diurnal course of photosynthesis has received the attention also of numerous
other investigators, among whom we may mention Geiger (1927), Montfort and Neydel
(1928), Maskell
(1928i), Hiramatsu (1932), Harder, Filzer and Lorenz (1932), Bosian
(1933), Kursanov von Guttenberg and Buhr (1935), Monch
(1933), Stalfelt (1935),
(1937), Filzer (1938), Neuwohner (1938), Neubauer (1938), B. S. Meyer (1939) and
Bohning (1949).
kell (1928^) found that detached cherry laurel leaves, illuminated with con-
stant light for 24 hours,showed a deep depression of photos>Tithesis during
the night hours; thus, not only the "midday nap," but also the "night
sleep" appears to be influenced by internal factors.
Geiger (1927), Maskell (19281-2) and St^lfelt (1935) considered the
closure of the stomata as the immediate cause of the middaj^ depression.
Maskell (1928^) observed that the nightly depression of photosynthetic
activity of steadilj^ illuminated leaves can be avoided by increasing the
jmrtial pressure of carbon dioxide ("pressing carbon dioxide through half-
closed stomata"), and that steadily illuminated leaves of Hydrangea
(the stomata of which are almost rigid) showed only a slight decline of
photosynthesis during the night hours. Both Maskell (1928^) and St§,lfelt
(1935) found a parallelism between the average aperture of the stomata and
the rate of photosynthesis (of. chapter 27, page 910).
Chesnokov, Giechikhina and Jermolayeva (1932) found that respiration, too, has a
complicated diurnal rhythm. Because of this, the true rate of photosynthesis cannot be
obtained by applying a uniform respiration correction to the net rate of oxygen liberation
measured at different times of the day. They also found that the respiration of leaves
often is much stronger than was generally assumed before. In young leaves, in particu-
lar, the rate of respiration may approach that of photosynthesis. This explains why
the rate of carbon dioxide liberation by some plants during the midday depression was
found to be almost as large as the rate of the carbon dioxide consumption by photosyn-
thesis before and after this rest period.
ment were adhered to, these algae could be relied upon to maintain a con-
stant and reproducible rate of oxygen production for several hours (leav-
ing aside the short time induction phenomena to be discussed in chapter
33). According to Pratt (1943^), when alkaline buffers are used, the con-
stancy of the rate depends on the nature of the cation present: Thus, in
0.1 M NaHCOs, the rate declined during the first 10 hours and then be-
came steady; M KHCO3, increased during the 10 hours, remained
in it first
steady for the next 5 hours and then declined rapidly; in 0.065 M Na-
HCOs + 0.035 M KHCO3, the rate remained steady for the 15 hoursfirst
1933), Arnold (1931) and Jaccard and Jaag (1932) asserted that strong
trends as well as irregular changes develop in the photosynthesis of aquatic
plants kept imder constant external conditions. Arnold obsei^ved, e. g.,
that in moderately strong light (18,000 lux) the rate of photosynthesis of
Elodea dropped, in 2 or 3 hours, to one fifth or one tenth of its origmal
value; at 4000-6000 lux, it increased for the first 2 or 3 hours and then
decreased slowly only at 2000-3000 lux did it remain approximately con-
stant for several hours. Harder (1930, 1933) made similar observations
and stated that light intensity must be measured relative to the intensity
to which the plants have been "acclimated" before the experiment. By
changing the ratio of these two intensities, he obtained the family of curves
represented in figure 26.8 some showing a steady increase in photosynthe-
sis with time, others exhibiting an equally steady decline. He interpreted
these time phenomena in terms of three plasmatic effects: "activation,"
o.... s
TIME, hr.
were extended over 6 days, with rate variations remaining within ±25%.
If to these results of Gessner with aquatic plants we add those of War-
burg and his successors with unicellular algae, and of Hoover, Brackett,
and Johnston (1933), Mitchell (1936) and Bolming (1949) with higher
land plants, there appears to be no fundamental difference between plant
e 200-
o 100 -
species (even when s^'own under apparently identical conditions) may differ
in photosynthetic production by a factor of 2 or 3. Effects of age appear
not only in the higher plants (see the comparison of young leaves with ma-
ture leaves in table 28.V, after Willstatter and Stoll, 1918) but also in cul-
tures of unicellular algae (c/. fig. 26.10; van Hille 1937, 1938, Wassink
and Katz 1939 and Pratt 1943). We
cannot hope to eliminate these
internal factors in the study of photosynthesis, but it is possible to keep
them a,]iproximately constant, at least for the duration of an experiment.
Furthermore, there is not much point in treating these internal factors as
mysterious ''plasmatic stimulations" or "inhibitions." It is reasonable to
expect that some of them will be traced to accumulations or ehminations of
certain chemical compou7ids catalysts, poisons or metabolites while —
others will be found to be connected with changes in the physical structure
of the photosynthetic apparatus, for example, with the swelling or shrink-
ing of the protoplasm or changes in permeability of cell membranes. In
chapter 33 we will discuss the most extensively studied example of the ac-
tion of "internal factors"—the induction phenomena, and will attempt to
mterpret them as a result of deactivation, in the dark, of certain catalysts
required for photosynthesis, combined with the accumulation of metab-
olites possessing narcotizing properties.
neutral than in acid solution, and can more easily be extracted from alka-
line than from acid aqueous solutions. It has considerable antibiotic
effect on bacteria.
The water-soluble growth-inhibiting substance (prepared by extracting
dried cells of50-60 day old Chlorella vulgaris cultures with 95% ethanol,
evaporatmg to dryness and extracting with water) was tested for its effect
on photosynthesis of Chlorella cells from 4 day old cultures (Pratt 1943).
Figure 26.11 A shows that the rate declined Imearly with the logarithm of
the amount of extract added. Experiments at various light intensities
(fig. 26.1 IB) showed that the inhibitor affects the saturation rate in strong
light rather than the quantum yield in weak light, i. e., it acts like a catalyst
1.0 -
> 0,
teria but also for the algae themselves), these cells may produce an anti-
dote to this poison.
"Chlorellin" production was also studied, in co-operation with Pratt
and his group, by Spoehr and co-workers (1944, 1945, 1946). They worked
on improvement of the methods of cultivation of algae and extraction of
the antibiotic, first using cell-free culture medium, and later, the cells
themselves. The quantity of antibiotic extractable from dried cells was
found to increase by allowing the undergo oxidation (by grind-
latter to
ing and exposing to light in air). Brown, partly crystalline material, ex-
tracted from dried cells with 80% methanol containing 2% KOH, and
transferred into petroleum ether after acidification, is nonantibiotic; it
becomes colorless and antibiotically active by oxidation in light. It thus
seems that living cells contain no antibiotic material the latter is formed ;
by oxidation, both in the medium and in dried and ground cells (it remains
to be proved that the two antibiotic products are identical). The cell-
derived antibiotic is a lipoid probably a mixture of unsaturated fatty
acids. Pure acids of this type (linoleic, elaidic, etc.) also show no anti-
biotic activity before exposure to oxygen and but acquire antibiotic
Bibliography to Chapter 26
1840 Liebig, J., Die organische Chemie in ihrer Anwendiing auf Agricultur und
Physiologie. First ed., Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1840.
1843 Liebig, J., Ann. Chem. (Liebig's) 46, 58.
1860 Sachs, J., Jahrb. vdss. Botan., 2, 338
1905 Blackman, F. F., Ann. Botany, 19, 281.
1909 Alitscherlich, E. A., Landw. Jahrb., 38, 537
1910 Thoday, D., Proc. Roy. Soc. London, B82, 443.
1916 Mitscherlich, E. A., Landw. Jahrb., 49, 335.
1917 Brown, W. H., and Heise, G. W., Philippine J. Sci., C12, 1, 85.
1918 Willstatter, R., and StoU, A., Untersuchungen ixber die Assimilation der
Kohlensdure. Springer, Berlin, 1918.
Brown, W. H., Philippine J. Sci., C13, 345.
Baule, B., Landw. Jahrb., 51, 363.
1919 Mitscherlich, E. A., Landw. Jahrb., 52, 279.
1920 Baule, B., ibid., 54, 495.
McLean, F. T.,Ann. Botany, 34, 367.
1921 ^Mitscherlich, E. A., Landw. Jahrb., 56, 71.
Harder, R., Jahrb. iviss. Botan., 60, 531.
Lundegardh, P., Svensk. botan. Tid., 15, 59.
1924 Lundegardh, P., Der Kreislauf der Kohlensdure in der Natur. G. Fischer,
Jena, 1924.
Bose, J. Ch., Physiology of Photosynthesis. Longmans, Green, London,
1926 Romell, L. G., Jahrb. wiss. Botan., 65, 739.
Kostychev, S., Kudriavtseva, M., Moisejeva, W., and Smirnova, M.,
Planta, 1, 679.
1945 Pratt, R., Oneto, J. F., and Pratt, J., Am. J. Botany, 32, 405.
Spoehr, H. A., Smith, J. H. C., Strain, H. H., Milner, H. W., and Hardin,
G. J., Carnegie Inst. Washington Yearbook, 44, 66.
1946 Spoehr, H. A., Smith, J. H. C, Strain, H. H., Milner, H. W., and Hardin,
state of the protoplasm, which in turn influences all the activities of the
organic reductant takes the place of water, its concentration can be varied
as easily as that of the oxidant, carbon dioxide. Thus, bacteria (and
"hydrogen adapted" algae, cf. chapter 6) open a new approach to the ki-
netic study of photosynthesis. Finally, the "Hill reaction" (chapter 6, page
63, and also chapter 35, in whole cells or in isolated chloroplast material,
permits one to measure the influence of concentration of substitute oxidants
(Fe+++, quinone, chromate, etc.) on the rate of liberation of oxygen.
We will also describe in this chapter the effect on photosynthesis and
fluorescence of varying amounts of additions such as catalyst poisons,
narcotics and inorganic ions. This section (part D) forms a quantitative
elaboration (and contains, inevitably, some repetition) of the qualitative
information presented in chapters 12 and 13 in Volume I.
carbon dioxide, while all the other kinetic conditions are assumed to be
constant. The concentration carbon dioxide molecules,
of free, neutral
[CO?], will be used as the independent variable, whether the experiments
* Bibliography, page 9G0.
the cell, while ions appear to encounter a much greater difficulty in diffusing
through the cell membrane. Consequently, the intracellular concentra-
tions of all molecular species of carbonic acid, including the ions HCOs"
and CO3"", probably are determined mainly by the extracellular concentra-
tion of the species CO2 and largely independent of the concentration of the
carbonate ions (and thus also of the pH of the medium, since at a given
value of [CO2], variations of [HCO3-] and [COs^-] are uniquely correlated
with changes in the pH).
This simplification is convenient, but is likely to prove an oversimplifi-
cation. In chapter 8 (Vol. I, page 195), we described the controversy be-
tween Natansohn (1907, 1910), Wilmott (1921), Romell (1927) and James
(1928), on the one hand, and Angelstein (1911) and Arens (1930, 1933,
1936), on the other. Natansohn believed that only the concentration of
neutral carbon dioxide molecules in the medium is of importance for the
photosynthesis of aquatic plants the occasionally observed rate-enhancing
the equation:
In Volume I (page 157), we said that Arens' results are in need of ex-
perimental verification, and that, if they prove to be correct, they may be
explained (a) by the diffusion of ions through the leaf without penetration
into the interior of cells, and (6) by cell wall penetration l:»y neutral salt
molecules, such as KHCO3.In connection with the latter possibility, it
would be important to obtain quantitative information on the rate of pene-
tration of bicarbonate as compared to that of free carbon dioxide conceiv- ;
ably, the observations of Arens could be explained even if the first rate is
only one hundredth or one thousandth of the second one, and thus negligible
from the point of view of the kinetics of photosynthesis.
By considering the penetration problem as a quantitative rather than
qualitative one, we can anticipate that the influence of the external con-
centrations [HCOa"] and [COs^"] on the carbonic acid system inside the
cell will depend on whether we deal with an approximate equilibrium (z. e.,
to 5 X 10-3 mole HCO3- per liter, together with from 0.5 X 10"^ to 5 X
10-^ mole CO2 per liter) were hardly different from those observed in acid
solutions with the same amount of CO2, but practically no HCO3- ions.
A significantly different result was obtained with MyriopMjllum: In this
plant, the yield of photosynthesis in alkaline bicarbonate solutions was
ten times higher than in acid solutions with the same content of CO2 mole-
cules! In some alkaline solutions the rate of oxygen liberation by Myrio-
phyllum was as much as one third of the rate found in acid solutions with
the same total concentration ([CO2] + [HCO3-]). This was interpreted
by Steemann-Nielsen as indication that Myriophyllum uses IICO3- ions
directly with about one third the efficiency with which it uses neutral CO?
molecules. The between the two species, Fontinalis and Myri-
ophyllum, was tentatively related by Steemann-Nielsen to the fact that
E wu
(1946) enlarged these observations by determining the carbon dioxide curves of photo-
synthesis in solutions containing different cations. He found that, with Myriophyllurn
spicatum, in acid solution, the presence of sodium or calcium (in the form of chlorides)
had no effect on the rate of photosynthesis. In alkaline solutions, on the other hand,
the rate was lowest in sodium bicarbonate, higher in potassium bicarbonates and still
higher in calcium bicarbonate. The highest rate could be obtained in a solution con-
taining K+, Na+, Ca2+, Cl~, and S04^~ ions in the same proportion as the water of the
was the natural habitat of the plants. In lake water, the rate was independent
lake that
of between 8.5 and 10.5, while in potassium carbonate-bicarbonate buffer (10
mole HCOs" per liter) the rate increased slowly between pH 8.4 and 10.5 and dropped
sharply to zero at pH 11
free carbon dioxide molecules, [CO2], and not affected by the simultaneous presence of
a large number of bicarbonate ions, [HCOs"] > 10 [CO2].
Ruttner (1947) compared the limiting pH values established in water as the result
of prolonged photosynthesis of different aquatic plants. Elodea (canadensis or densa),
Photomageton, Myriophillum prismaium, Lemma trisuUa and several other aquatic
phanerogams continued to reduce carbon dioxide until the pH rose considerably beyond
pH 9; while several mosses (such as Fonlinalis antipyretica) ceased to assimilate carbon
dioxide when pH reached 9.0. At the latter pH, [CO2] = 0.4 IQ-^ mole/1.; this is X
the region in which the "carbon dioxide compensation point" was found previously
with land plants {cf. page 899). Ruttner suggested that the capacity of aquatic higher
plants to carry out net positive photosynthesis at [CO2] equilibrium values <^ 1 X
mole /I., if bicarbonate is present, indicates their capacity to utilize bicarbonate ions di-
rectly,and not merely as source of CO2 molecules in the medium. In a second paper,
Ruttner (1948) gave evidence supporting the assumption that the cessation of photo-
synthesis of Fontinalis at pH 9 is the result of low CO2 concentration (0.4 X 10 -'^ mole /I.,
corresponding to about 0.01 vol.%), and not of excess alkalinity. Earlier observations
of Shutov (1926), Bode (1926) and Dahm (1926), who found that many aquatic plants
can raise the pH of the medium to values as high as 11.8 (Spirogyra), can then be in-
terpreted as meanmg that these plants, too, can use bicarbonate ions directly as source
of carbon for photosynthesis (or, more exactly, as a vehicle to transport carbon dioxide
from the medium into the cells).
Osterlind (1948,1949) went even further than Steeman-Nielsen and Ruttner, and
asserted that certain plants use bicarbonate ions than carbon dioxide
more effectively
molecules. He noted that the alga Scenedesmus quadricauda did not grow at all at pH
5.5 (in a solution aerated with ordinary air). It reached a high rate of growth at about
pH 6.5, and increased it slowly up to pH 9. According to Osterlind, this increase is
not an effect of alkalinity, but a consequence of the presence of bicarbonate ions. He
based this conclusion on the observation that, in air containing 5% CO2, good growth
could be obtained even at pH 3-4. The maximum rate of growth was reached when
[HCO3-] exceeded 9 X 10-^ mole /I.; between 2 and 8 X lO^^ moIe/1., the rate was
proportional to [HCO3-]. Osterlind thought that, with the cell populations used, no
carbon dioxide exhaustion could occur even in the solutions which contained no bicar-
bonate ions. He also noted that, with 10 X 10 ^ mole/1, of HCOs" present, growth was
10 "« mole /I. of carbon dioxide; and
as much as twenty-five times faster than with 10 X
concluded that Scenedesmus quadricauda uses bicarbonate ions (for growth, and thus
presumably also for photosynthesis) twenty-five times more efficiently than free carbon
dioxide molecules. Later (1950'- 2) Osterlind found that Chlorclla pyrenoidosa does not
use bicarbonates; since he found no difference in the carbonic anhydrase content of
the two species, he suggested that their cell membranes arc different.
fa 3 ^1 S\ S\ S\ SI
CO 00 CO
O O 1— o
o .« *r +j
c « t. e _ CO lO CO lO lO lOiO
ooOiot>-cot--r-ot>-r>-t~ _
o O"*CRi0 0000C0>O0Ci0000 '^
H (N CO I— 1
— 1
1— 1 1-H ry2
O 0)
Q 3
< ^ 53 o3 03
o I I
n O o o
o u o
o 03
m a
O o
S 03
M e CQ
It hardly needs repeating that the problem must be treated, not from the
point of view of an apodictic "law," but on the basis of the general princi-
ples of reaction kinetics, and that these principles admit of "limiting fac-
tors" only as approximations, useful under certain extreme conditions.
Table 27.1 gives a summary of the most important experimental de-
terminations of the carbon dioxide curves of photosynthesis, since the time
of Blackman and Smith. As a general rule, these curves rise rapidly at
first, then more slowly and finally go over into "saturation plateaus."
At excessively high [CO2] values, the rate may decline again. Table 27.1
gives, in the last two columns, the concentrations found necessary to pro-
duce full carbon dioxide saturation and half saturation, respectively.
(When the approach to saturation is gradual, the second figure can often
be given with more precision than the first one.)
note that the observed saturating concentrations vary all the way
from 0.5 X 10 -s, to 400 X 10"^ mole/1. CO2. It will be shown in section 5
that the higher values are beyond doubt due to depletion of carbon dioxide
in the medium surrounding the plants, and consequent establishment of
large external concentration gradients. They can be strongly reduced by
accelerated circulation or buffering. The lower values, on the other hand,
may be determined either by diffusion resistance which is not affected by
buffering or stirring (e. g., that of the stomata, air channels, of adsorption
layers, cell walls and cytoplasm), or by intrinsic kinetic characteristics of
photosynthesis (such as the carboxylation equilibrium and the rate of car-
In the general discussion of the kinetic curves of photosynthesis in
chapter 26, three types of curve sets, P = f[Fi], with F2 as parameter, were
considered and designated as the first (or "Blackman") type, the second
(or "Bose") type, and the third type (see figs. 26.2, 26.3 and 26.4, respec-
tively). It was stated that curves type must arise when the
of {he first
parameter, F2, determines the maximum rate of a partial process that does
not depend on the independent variable, Fi, and therefore imposes a hori-
zontal "ceiling" on the curves P = without affecting the initial slope
of these curves. Curves of the type are found when the parameter af-
fects only the initial slope of the light curves, for example, if it codetermines
the rate of a process that is also proportional to the independent variable,
Fi. In curve systems of the second type, the parameter affects both the
initial slope and the saturation level. Carbon dioxide curves of all three
types can be expected under appropriate conditions; theoretical examples
were given in chapter 26. So far, however, the only experimentally deter-
mined carbon dioxide curve sets have been obtained with light intensity as
parameter. Four sets of such curves, which appear comparatively reliable
as far as the measuring technique is concerned, are reproduced in figures
Fig. 27. 2A. Carbon .dioxide curves of Foniinalis aniipyretica at various light
intensities (in lux) (after Harder 1921). Abscissa, [CO2] in (mole/1.) X 10^
A Intensity 20(20°C )
Fig. 27.2B. Carbon dioxide curves of Hormidium flaccidum at two light in-
tensities (in relative units), and two temperatures (after van der Honert 1930).
0.01 volume per cent COo corresponds at 20 °C. to 3.37 X 10 -« mole/1, (c/. Vol. I, p.
10"^ mole/1, and then abruptly became horizontal (fig. 27. 2C). In this
figure the maximum yield corresponds to one volume oxygen per volume of
cells each three minutes. The rate values were obtained by admitting a
known amount of carbon dioxide into a Warburg vessel, shaking vigor-
ously and measuring the pressure changes at short intervals until all carbon
dioxide was used up.
6 31 klux
.74 klux
b8-8 — 8-
5 10 15 20 25 30
[C02],in 10'^ mole/ 1.
Figures 27.3 and 27.4, obtained with wheat and with the water plant
Cabomba, respectively^ show a more gradual approach to saturation, but
they, too, indicate a coincidence of all curves at low [CO2] values, which is
27. 2A),on the other hand, are of a pronounced "Bose type": Curves
corresponding to different light intensities diverge from the beginning, and
For each light intensity, there must exist a carbon dioxide concentration
at which photosynthesis just compensates respiration and the net gas ex-
change is zero, and below which respiration exceeds photosynthesis. This
"carbon dioxide compensation point" has not been studied in the same sys-
tematic way as was the "light compensation point" (c/. Table 28. Ill);
Miller and Burr (1935) first devoted an investigation to it. In their
experiments, a large variety of potted plants were enclosed in vessels filled
with gas mixtures of different composition and illuminated with white
light of about 20,000 lux, until all observable gas exchange stopped, i. e.,
until the carbon dioxide concentration had declined to the compensation
point. It was found that this occurred —
at temperatures from 5° to 35°
C.— when the carbon dioxide content was down to about 0.01%. At low
are able to continue -net synthesis even after [CO2] has been reduced to
10-^ mole/1, or less, and pH had risen above 10 or 11. (The pH of the
sap inside the cells remains approximately neutral.) Aquatic mosses, such
as FontinaJis, on the other hand, cease to liberate 0? when [CO2] is
reduced to some such value as 0.4 X 10"^ mole/1. (Ruttner 1948). This
corresponds to 0.01 vol. %
CO2 in the atmosphere, and indicates a compen-
sation point similar to that found with land plants. In the steady state
reached by photosynthesis of aquatic plants of this type, the reaction of
the medium is below, or about equal to pH 9.
A rather striking observation of Miller and Burr was that the carbon
dioxide compensation point did not depend on temperature. This contrasts
with the strong dependence on temperature of the light compensation point
(c/. page 984). The reason for this difference is that temperature has a
strong influence on respiration, as well as on photosynthesis in strong light,
but only a weak effect (or none at all) on photosynthesis in light of low
intensity (c/. chapters 29 and 31). In the measurement of the "light com-
pensation point," photosynthesis is in the "light-limited" and therefore
this may occur even before the carbon dioxide has left the interior of the
cells (c/. Vol. I, chapter 19, page 529). Some intermediates of respiration,
such as certain carboxylic acids, may perhaps be utilized for photosyn-
thesis without conversion to free carbon dioxide. One would then obtain
small positive values of "true" photosynthesis (i. e., of the difference be-
tween the gas exchange in light and in the dark), even when the concen-
tration of carbon dioxide is zero, not only in the medium, but also inside
the cell.
In chapter 19 (page 528) was noted that Noack (1925, 1926) had o))-
served mainly the first phenomenon (i. e., an apparent "light inhibition of
respiration" in a CO2 free atmosphere); whereas van der Paauw (1932)
had discovered, and Franck and French (1941) further explored, the second
effect — the photoxidationin carbon dioxide starved leaves.
Photoxidation can be prevented by using low light intensity and short
exposuies. Whether it is possible to avoid the reassimilation of a part of
respiratory carbon dioxide (or of its precursors) is a controversial matter.
Gabrielsen (1949) noted that in the comparatively thick sun leaves of
Samhucus, in streaming, carbon dioxide free air, as much as 56% of respira-
tory carbon dioxide were reassimilated ; but that in the thinner shade
leaves, reassimilation was negligible. Reassimilation could be reduced by
lowering the temperature (e. g., to 5° C), and by increasing the rate of flow
of the gas, e. g., to 33 cc./m.^ min. Gabrielsen concluded from these ob-
sumi)tion of oxygen. This showed that all the carbon dioxide produced by
respiration was conveyed to the alkali and absorbed there (and none re-
Among the earliest attempts at carbon dioxide fertilization were those of Demoussy
(1904) ; the first practical successes were achieved by Klein and Reinau (1914). Among
the more recent investigations, those of Lundegardh (1924), Rippel (1926), White
(1930), Harder, Keppler and Reuss (1931), Johnston (1935), Richter (1938) and Katun-
sky (1939) may be quoted. In numerous experiments, carbon dioxide-fertilized cultures
produced crops 50-100% larger than control cultures grown in rooms with the normal
concentration of this gas. Carbon dioxide fertilization has found some practical applica-
tion (c/., for example, Reinau 1927) in the suburban greenhouse cultivation of fruits and
vegetables, since greenhouses can be "fertilized" comparatively easily and inexpensively
by compressed carbon dioxide from cylinders. The possibility of a similar fertilization
on a large scale in open fields depends on the availability of cheap combustion gases
rich in carbon dioxide, but free of sulfur dioxide and other plant-damaging components
(cf. Katunsky 1939).
Thomas and Hill (1949) made improved measurements of the rate of photosynthe-
sis of tomatoes, sugar beet and alfalfa under field conditions, and found continuous in-
crease in rate even at 0.3 or 0.4% CO2 except in the case of a sulfur-deficient beet
culture, which apparently was unable to use an increased carbon dioxide supply. The
maximum fertilization effects observed in these experiments were rate increases by a
factor of about three.
Possibility of fertilization by bicarbonates plays an important role in speculations
on large-scale culturing of unicellular algae as source of fuel or food, for man, animals, or
protein and fat-producing microorganisms, such as yeast.
It was mentioned above (see page 901) that Chesnokov and Bazyrina (1932)
denied that external carbon dioxide concentration has a direct effect on the rate of photo-
synthesis at all. Bazyrina and Chesnokov (1930) sought a different explanation of the
phenomenon of CO2 fertilization, and thought they found it in the stimulating action of
carbon dioxide on plant growth. They denied that field crops are primarily determined
by the intensity of photosynthesis, and pointed out that accelerated photosynthesis
sometimes causes an unbalanced or premature development and thus diminishes rather
than increases the crop. Granted that the size of the crop depends on many factors, it
is certain that photosynthesis is one of them, if not the main one; and it is
a coincidence that not only the possibility of crop increase by carbon dioxide fertiliza-
tion, but also its approximate maximum extent (50-100%) can be anticipated from the
shape of the carbon dioxide curves obtained under controlled laboratory conditions.
cussed, and widely divergent opinions have been expressed on this sub-
ject. Undoubtedly, carbon dioxide concentration near the ground in dense
vegetation can rise considerably above the average, particularly at the end
of night. However, extreme figures such as [CO2] > 1%, given by some
investigators, are unlikely. We
quote two examples of more reliable
Chapin (1902), Pantanelli (1903), Jaccard and Jaag (1932) and Livingston
and Franck (1940). A recent study by Ballard (1941) with leaves of
Ligustrum can be added to the list. It showed that, at 17° C, inhibition
occurred (at 35,000 lux) at [CO.] = 2%, while at low temperatures (6° C.)
no inhibition was noticeable up to 5%. We recall that Chapman, Cook
and Thompson (1924) found that high carbon dioxide concentration induces
closure of the stomata; it was therefore suggested in chapter 13 that sto-
mata may account for some of the observed carbon dioxide inhibition ef-
fects. Other phenomena, which also may contribute to the inhibiting
influence of excess carbon dioxide, are its adsorption on catalytic surfaces
("narcotization"), and possibly also acidification of the cell fluids (shift
of intercellular buffer equilibria).
That the not the only reason for carbon dioxide
closure of stomata is
(1885, 1887) and Brown and Escombe (1902), not included in the table, fall
into the same category.
An intermediate group of results, including Harder's (1921) and Smith's
(1937, 1938) on higher aquatic and Emerson and Green's (1934)
half their own volume in carbon dioxide each minute. In cell suspensions,
the volume of the cells usually is from 0.1 to 1% of the volume of the
medium. Consequently, the suspension as a whole will use up its own
volume in carbon dioxide in from 200 to 2000 min. In other words, the
rate of consumption of carbon dioxide will be from 2 X 10 "Ho 2 X
mole CO2/I. min. Consequently, if the concentration of carbon dioxide
in the medium is a; X 10"^ ilf, it will be all used up in from 0.05 x to 0.5
X minute, or from 3 a; to 30 x second. Consulting Table 8.II, we note that
in water equilibrated, at 25° C, with an atmosphere containing 0.01%
CO2, X = 0.4; 0.1% CO2, a: = 4.1; 1% CO2, x - 41, and so on. Conse-
quently, a cell suspension in an acid medium that contains no significant
amounts of HCO3- ions, containing 0.1 to 1% cells by volume, will con-
sume all its carbon dioxide in from 1.2 to 12 seconds, if it has been equili-
brated with air containing 0.01% CO2; in from 12 to 120 seconds, if the
10^ (buffer No. 330 (buffer No. 11) carbonate and bicarbonate ions
1) to
for each CO2 molecule provide sufficient reserves to maintain full photosyn-
thesis, in suspensions containing 0.1 to 1% cells by volume, for from 500
to 5000 minutes, or S to 80 hours.
These figures lead to several conclusions. First, measurements of the
rate of photosynthesis at low carbon dioxide concentrations (e. g., less than
1% CO2 in the air, or 30 X 10 -^ in solution), if they are to last for more
than a few seconds, require an ample supply of carbon dioxide, either in
situ, in the form of carbonate and bicarbonate ions, or from outside, in
form of large amounts of circulating liquid or gas, which must be kept well
supplied with fresh carbon dioxide to replace losses. Second, whenever
leaves or multicellular algae are used, very intense stirring or circulation is
required to prevent the establishment of a carbon dioxide concentration
gradient around the plants. The required stirring depends on the ratio of
surface to volume. This is well illustrated by the following example:
Gessner (1938) measured the oxygen liberation by two varieties of Proser-
pinaca palustris one with large leaves and one with finely divided, feather-
like leaves. In stagnant water, the first variety produced much less oxygen
than the second one; stirring improved strongly the efficiency of the large-
leafed, but did not affect the oxygen production by the feather-leafed
variety. In other words, in the absence of circulation, external carbon
dioxide supply must have been the rate-limiting factor for the large-leafed,
but not for the feather-leafed, variety.
It seems that, with multicellular objects, even the provision of a
strongly stirred bicarbonate-buffered medium does not always guarantee
the absence of carbon dioxide exhaustion effects. Wassink (1946) found,
for example, that the photosynthesis of 5 mm. discs cut out of leaves, sus-
pended in carbonate buffer No. 9 (7.9 X
10 -^ mole/1. CO2) and shaken in a
these experiments. From this point of view, and from the point of view
of favorable ratio of surface to volume, unicellular algae offer much better
conditions. In brief experiments, or in weak light, they can be used in
.acid solutions previously equilibrated with carbon dioxide of sufficiently
high partial pressure (>1%; it was calculated above that a suspension
containing 1 volume per cent of cells will use, in saturating light, all
the carbon dioxide contained in water equilibrated with 1% CO2, in 1.5
minutes). If stronger illumination or longer duration of experiments is
desired, acid solutions can be used only if the carbon dioxide content is
rate of dehydration of HCOa" ions was not given but we can esti-
mate it from the rate of addition of OH" to CO2, determined experimen-
tally by Brinkman, Margaria and Roughton (1933)
To obtain k', first calculate the equilibrium constant of the above reaction
from the known constants of dissociation of water (1.04 X 10~"), ionic
dissociation of H2CO3 into H+ and HCO3- (1.8 X 10""), and hydration of
This, together with the above value for k, gives (for 18° C.)
This indicates that an HCOa" ion lives, on the average, at 18° C, as long
as 2.7 X 10^ sec. before being dissociated into OH ~ and GO2. A bicarbonate
buffer containing y mole HCOs^/l. can therefore supply a maximum of 4.7
X 10 ~^ y mole C02/l./sec. by this dehydration process. At pH < 10,
dehydration via H2CO3 must be added; at pH 9 it can double the rate
of conversion of HCOs" to CO2 (assuming the association of HCOs" and
H+ to H2CO3 to be practically instantaneous). A solution containing
y = 0.02 mole/1. HCO3- (Warburg's il//10 buffer No. 2, pH ^ 10.7)
is thus able to supply a maximum of 9 X 10"'' mole CO2/I. sec. The cor-
responding figure for buffer No. 9 (0.085 HCO3-, pH 9.4) is 5 X M ^
10 ~^ mole CO2/I. sec. Comparing these figures with the above-estimated
maximum rates of photosynthesis in strong light (from 2 X 10~Ho 2 X
10-^ mole CO2/I. min., or from 3.3 X 10 ^^ to 3.3 X 10 "^ mole CO2/I. sec.
for suspensions containing from 0.1% to 1% cells by volume), we note that
the maximum supply exceeds maximum consumption in the 0.1% suspen-
sion by a factor of about three in buffer No. 2 and by a factor of about fifteen
in buffer No. 9. In 1% suspension, the supply is quite insufficient in buf-
fer No. 2 and barely sufficient in buffer No. 9. Considering the roughness
of the calculation (e. g., the use of concentrations instead of activities), the
margin is by no means secure even in the dilute suspension. Assuming the
calculation to be exact, a supply process with a maximum rate equal to
only 3 times the noninhibited rate of reaction bound to cause a marked is
"bottleneck" may well have contributed, c. gr., to the decline in rate ob-
served by Warburg (1919) in Chlorella at [CO2] < 9 X 10"^ M. (As
mentioned before, Emerson and Green have noted no such decline until
[CO2] was down to 0.7 X 10~* M, and have suggested that damage caused
by increased alkalinity of the lower carbonate buffers could provide an
explanation of Warburg's results.)
Carbon dioxide exhaustion effects are not restricted to experiments in
liquid media, but affect alsomeasurements made with land plants in a car-
bon dioxide atmosphere, if it is stationary (c/. Lundegardh 1921), or in-
sufficiently agitated (Kreusler 1885,1887; Singh and Kumar 1935); this
was demonstrated by Kostychev ef aZ. (1927) and Chesnokov and Bazyrina
(1932). Here again, not only the rate of gas circulation, but also the size
and shape of the plants may be of importance and the opening of the
stomata constitutes an additional complication.
To sum up it seems safe to assume that, whenever the rate of photo-
synthesis was found to continue its increase with the external concentra-
tion of carbon dioxide much above [CO2] = 10 X 10 "^ M, the reason was
slow outside supply of carbon dioxide to the photosynthesizing cells, and
consequent exhaustion of the reduction substrate. Experiments in vigor-
ously stirred solutions, or in rapidly circulating gas mixtures, regularly
showed the photosynthetic apparatus to become saturated with carbon
dioxide at concentrations not much higher, or even lower, than 1 X 10 ~^
M. Even in experiments of this type,one cannot be certain whether all
diffusion effectshave been eliminated, particularly in higher plants, where
the diffusion resistance of the stomata, epidermis and air channels cannot
be destroyed by stirring or gas circulation. The diffusion resistance of the
cell walls or protoplasmic layers also remains unaffected by all me-
increased by a factor of 3 in the course of two or three hours, and then be-
came constant. If the cells were cultured in air (0.03% CO2), the rate
was high and constant from the beginning. Obviously then, with cells
"incubated" at high [CO2], the shape of the carbon dioxide curve will de-
pend on the duration of the measurement.
If the carbon dioxide curve of Chlorella is determined at low [COu]
values, with cells "adapted" to low carbon dioxide concentration, the value
of VJCO2] is as low as 0.5 to 1.0 X 10-« mole/1.
[CO2], they are brought back into a medium of high [CO2] (such as buffer
No. they show a reduced rate of photosynthesis in this medium as well.
Since these experiments were carried out in carbonate buffers, the ob-
served effects can be attributed either to changes in [CO2], or to those in
(cf. chapter 8) and second, because of the dependence of the rate of forma-
but, when no further improvement in rate can be achieved in this way, this
does not mean that the remaining [CO2] effect is not caused by diffusion in
those parts of the gas path were external stirring can do no good.
In estimating the supply of carbon dioxiile to plants under natural conditions, the
llir rools nuist not be overlooked.
possibility of caibon dioxide siipplij through, It was
mentioned in chapter 2 (N'ol. I) that the doclrine of the aerial nijurishment of plants was
the second accomplishment of the discoverer or, more exactly, co-discoverer of ])hot()-
synthesis, Ingen-Housz. Since the time of Liebig, this doctrine has become the basis
of the science of plant nutrition. However, under certain conditions, Senebier's concept
that carbon dioxide can be supplied by the soil water to the roots and thence to the
leaves, scorned l)\' Tngcn-TTousz, may be correct. This may affect, field determinations
of the rate of pliotosynthcsis, basedon measui'ements of the carbon dioxide consumption
from the air, and may by other methods, if the ob-
also influence the results obtained
served rates are considered in relation to the external carbon dioxide concentration. For
It was stated above that, in experiments with the leaves of the higher
land plants, a special problem is posed by carbon dioxide passage through
the stomata and air channels, through which it has to flow in order to reach
the photosj^nthesizing cells of the palisade tissue and of the spongy paren-
A controversy as to whether the carbon dioxide enters the leaf only through the
stomata or also through the cuticle was decided by Blackman (1895). He proved, by
experiments with paraffined leaves, that gas exchange takes place almost exclusively
through the stomata, in the way indicated in figure 27.5. Only under very high pres-
sure of carbon dioxide did Blackman observe a slight penetration of the gas through the
cuticle. According to St&lfclt (1935), in the free atmosphere, carbon dioxide pene-
trates the cuticle at a rate of only between 3 and 6 X 10~^ mole/cm. ^ hr.; the gas flow
through the stomata may be as much hundred times faster, i. e., of the order of
as one
5 X 10"'' mole/cm. 2 hr., despite the fact that their openings occupy only about 0.1%
of the total leaf surface. Freeland (1946) found more recently that, in some leaves, the
relative rate of passage of carbon dioxide under pressure through the lower and the up-
per surface is so low as to suggest predominance of diffusion through the epidermis over
passage through the stomata. The thickness of the epidermis may be an important
factor in the determination of the relative role of stomata and epidermis as routes for
the entry of carbon dioxide into the leaf.
Ferns and other lower land plants possess no stomata, and therefore must receive
all their carbon dioxide supply through the epidermis. Stomata also are absent in
aquatic plants and algae, where their main function regulation of evaporation is not —
Between 10,000 and 30,000 stomata are present on each square centi-
meter of the on both sides or on the lower side only.
leaf surface, either
They are elongated slits, usually from 10 to 15 ix long, flanked by two "guard
cells" {cf. figs. 27.5 and 27.6), which are capable of changing shape so as to
effect the opening or closing of the slit {cf. fig. 27.7).
area is less than 1 mm.^ and the concentration drop is not more (and often
less) than 1 X 10~'^ mole/1, (which is the normal C(\ concentration in the
Fig. 27.7. Stoma of Hellehorus sp. in transverse section. Darker lines show shape
assumed by guard cells open; lighter lines when stoma is closed (from
when stoma is
Strassburger et al, after Schwendener). In closed state, vacuole (shaded area) con-
tracts because of water loss caused by decreased turgor (produced by polymerization
of sugars).
Table 27.11
Evaporation through Septa (After Sierp and Seybold 1929)
logQ/Qi = -k/d^
has been the subject of study by several investigators, among them Iljin
(1923), Geiger (1927), Maskell (1928), Johansson and Stalfelt (1928),
Kostvchev, Bazyrina and Chesnokov (1928), Boysen-Jensen (1932),
Schoder (1932), Stalfelt (1935), Newton (1936), Heath (1939) and Heath
and Penman (1941).
Of these, Kostychev, Bazyrina and Chesnokov (1928), and Schoder
(1932) could find no correlation between the two magnitudes. All other
in 26,000 lux, it rises to > 20 mg. C02/cm.2 hr. Stalfelt concluded that
stomatal openings easily may limit the carbon dioxide supply in ordinary
air, and therefore also the rate of photosynthesis under natural conditions,
particularly in strong light. Like Maskell, she supported this view by cal-
culations of the rate of diffusion through the stomata, based on equations
of Brown and Escombe (1900). These calculations confirmed that the
maximum rate of carbon dioxide flow from ordinary air through wide open
stomata is of the same order of magnitude as the maximum rate of photo-
These results, while clearly showing the possible "bottleneck" role of
the stomata, do not that other parts of the path between atmosphere
and chloroplasts do not contribute commensurable or even greater —
terms to the total diffusion resistance.
In the face of these results, one must disagree with Renner (1910), who thought that
the resistance of the stomata represents only a negligible fraction of the total diffusion re-
sistance on the carbon dioxide path from the atmosphere to the chloroplasts, as well as
with Schroeder (1924), who attempted to prove that the diffusion resistance of the air
channels is the rate-limiting influence in the photosynthesis of the higher plants, and in
The preceding pages show that reliable experimental material for analyt-
ical interpretation of the carbon dioxide curves of photosynthesis is hardly
available at present, not be easy to obtain. We have stated that
and will
at least two intrinsic kinetic factors could make the rate of photosynthesis
a function of the external carbon dioxide pressure: the probable reversi-
bility of the primary carbon dioxide absorption (carboxylation) step, and
a finite rate of carboxylation. The difficulty is to recognize the workings
of these "intrinsic" or chemical factors behind the more incidental, physi-
cal flow plienomena outside and inside the plant. We cannot be sure at
present whether any of the observed carbon dioxide curves reflect reason-
ably well the effect of carboxylation equilibrium (or of the rate of carboxy-
lation), or whether practically all carbon dioxide dependence of photosyn-
thesis, known so far, is due to diffusion phenomena, with possible addi-
tional distortions by the time effects noted on page 908.
Despite this unsatisfactory state of our experimental knowledge, we
willgo through with some kinetic derivations leading to general equations
for the shape of carbon dioxide curves, as affected by the several factors of
slow diffusion, limited rate of carboxylation, reversibility of carboxylation
and limited supply of light energy. We
thus obtain a kind of skeleton
analytical theory of the carbon dioxide curves, which could prove useful
for devising and interpreting future kinetic measurements if only inves- —
tigators of the kinetics of photosynthesis would change their present habit
of considering only their own limited data, and ignoring all but their own
ad hoc derived equations.
the reaction site, and second, the first chemical reaction of carbon dioxide.
In chapter 8 (Vol. I), we decided that this reaction is a nonphotochemical,
catalytic carboxylation. We usually described it by the formula CO2 -^
{CO2}, but since the concentration of the "carbon dioxide acceptor" (until
now symbolized by braces) enters explicitly into many of the following ki-
netic equations, we will from now on designate it as A, and the product of
carboxylation as ACO2. (Franck and Herzfeld, 1941 used the more specific ,
(27.1) CQ2 . (CO,)a
analysis by assuming that the degree of saturation of the acceptor with car-
and h\.
occupied by CO2. This may not be the complete description for two rea-
sons: In the first place, the first reduction product of ACO2, designated by
us as AHCO2, may require time for its dissociation into and HCO2; part A
of the acceptor is then "blockaded," during photosynthesis, by this reduction
product {cf. section / below). In the second place, the photochemical re-
duction may have to be repeated several times, e. g.
before the reduction product can separate itself from the carrier A (as
in the Franck-Herzfeld mechanism discussed in section d below.) If
(27.7) k* <K
That this condition is not always satisfied is demonstrated by the "pick
up" phenomena, described in chapter 8 (Vol. I). These observations show
that in very intense light (i. e., when k* is very large) or in the presence of
certain poisons (when k'a is very small) the acceptor A becomes "denuded"
of carbon dioxide and afterward "picks it up" in the dark.
: :
chapter 9 (page 264) also is involved, n is reduced to 1/8. If, on the other
hand, CO2 is reduced to the H4CO2 level in a straight series of photochemi-
cal reduction steps:
) AHCO, -^ -^ -^ ATI4CO, > A + H,0 + CH,0
then 71 is equal to 1. (As a compensation, the constant /;;* can be equal in
the dismuation model to the number of the absorbed light quanta, but
must be l/n times smaller in the straight reduction model, where 1/n
quanta are needed to carry a single CO2 molecule through all four reduc-
tion steps.)
Assuming that the conditions (27.6) and (27.7) are satisfied, we can
insert into (27.6) the equilibrium value (27.3) and obtain, for the carbon
dioxide curves of photosynthesis, the equation:
For various values of k* (e. g., for various light intensities, 7), equation
(27.8) represents a family of curves of the "Bose type." These curves are
(27.9) P/(Pxnax. - P) = K,[C02]
All carbon dioxide curves separate from the beginning, their initial slopes
They all reach "half saturation" at the same carbon dioxide concentration:
The empirical carbon dioxide curves deviate more or less widely from this
simple type: Even the "Bose type" curves, shown in figure 27. 2A, do not
all reach half saturation at the same value of [CO2]. We can attempt to
consider the curves (27.8), determined exclusively by static conditions,
as the "primary" carbon dioxide curves, and treat the empirical curves as
if they were basically such curves, deformed by superimposed kinetic in-
fluences. In the region of low carbon dioxide concentrations (or in the
presence of poisons such as hydrogen cyanide), these additional influences
comprise supply reactions of limited efficiency slow carbon dioxide dif-
fusion and slow carhoxylation. These two processes of limited, but [CO2]-
proportional, maximum rate tend to impose a slanting "roof" on the
P — /[CO2] curves and thus to convert Bose's several divergent hyperbolae
into Blackman's single and almost straight line. In the region of high CO2
concentrations, the additional kinetic influences must be due to [CO2]-
independent factors, such as catalyst deficiencies, which tend to impose a
horizontal "ceiling" on the over-all rate, i. e., to produce "carbon dioxide
saturation" of photosjiithesis even before the acceptor A has become sat-
urated with carbon dioxide.
2 kfk^ J k*
(27.16) - =
This equation represents, for different vakies of the parameter A-* {i. e.,
(27.17) .,.1C0,, . i-
[1 + *;
This equation shows that, because of delayed diffusion and carboxylation,
the half-saturation point advances with increasing light intensity toward
higher carbon dioxide concentrations —a behavior actually shown by most
if not all of the experimental carbon dioxide curves (c/. figs. 27. 2A, 27. 2B
and 27.3).
The initial slopes of the curves (27.16) are not proportional to k*, as
were the slopes of the primary curves according to equation (27.11), but
are given by the equation:
This equation shows that carbon dioxide curves for all k^ values are con-
fined within an angle formed by the axis of the abscissae and a slanting
straight line ("roof"):
(27.20) kd<^kM
: : .
P =
2i:aAoA;* +k.i
+ K^kACO,]
1 / K,A,k*\
More generally, a primary curve wdth an initial slope aka is reduced by the
diffusion limitation to an initial slope of
{dm]). = (^) "'^
Thus, primary curves with initial slopes between 10 and 100 ka, will
be confined, in consequence of slow diffusion, between ^%\ka and ^^%Q\kd,
i. e., their initial parts will practically coincide with the
limiting straight
line,and thus present a picture of the "Blackman type." On the other
hand, primary curves that would have exceeded the limiting rate only by
factor of the order of unity, as well as those that would have merely ap-
proached, but never exceeded, this limit, will retain their individuality and
nonlinear shape, and will show a gradual transition from the "Blackman
type" to the "Bose type." A certain depressing effect of diffusion will be
felt even in a curve the original slope of which was as low as 0. 1 ka- (The
slope of this curve will be reduced by 10%.) This example of the "advance
effect" exercised by a "limiting factor" according to the general laws of
reaction kinetics has already been quoted in chapter 26.
(27.27) k^Ao<^kj
(since A-,.-lo[CO,] > AvUiCO,], > A-JA]lC"().], = /.{[AC'O,] + A*, the last
equation being the steady state condition for the complex ACO2).
Conditions (27.27 and 27.28) reduce (27.13) to:
(27.33) ./JCOd =
^ (1 + I)
(as could be derived also directly from equation 27. 17) . Their initial slopes
an equation that can also be derived from (27.19), and obviously represents
the maximum possible rate of carboxylation. By reasoning similar to that
employed just above, it can be sho^vn that a "primary" carbon dioxide
curve with an initial slope ak^A^in will have its slope reduced, in consequence
of slow carboxylation, to a/ {a + l)/Cai4on. In other words, in this case, too,
the influence of the Hmiting process is felt long before the rate approaches
the limit.
Carboxylation was treated so far as a one-step reaction, with a rate
proportional to the concentration [C02]a- I* is known, however (c/. Vol.
I, page 203), that carboxylation in photosynthesis is cyanide-sensitive,
(27.36) COo + Ea .
Ej, CO2
(For the sake of simplicity, we neglect diffusion and use [CO2] where [C02]a should be
used.) The equilibrium constants K, and K,^ are subject to the condition:
able quantity of the enzyme Ea we can derive the following equations for the steady
k*K k* \
/([l + KACO2] + ^' [CO2] + y^o)
The term proportional to A;;.[C02] in the denominator imposes on these carbon di-
oxide curves an "absolute ceiling" (i. e., a maximum rate independent of both [CO2] and
A;*, and thus of 7):
(The lower index refers to [CO2], the This obviously is n times the maximum
upper to I.)
mechanism (27.36 and 27.37).)
possible rate of carboxylation according to the
For relative saturation, as a function of [CO2], we obtain:
(27.42) P/(Pmax. -P) = '^.iiEt^L.
1 + {k*IK.^l)
which reduces
„JC0,1 =
itself to:
i (i|, + 1)/ (1 +
(27.44) ,/JC02] = UK,
The reduction in rate caused by Ea deficiency is, by comparison of (27.40) with (27.8):
K ^^ A'e[C02] + 1
(27-46a) ^ = VV+E!E^r:[C02] + l.
(27.46b) /3
V (' + sL)
and is thus equal to 3^ for a light intensity k* — ^A^ea, which without enzyme deficiency
would have given the saturation value (equation 27.41). Generally, the saturation
Thus, here again, the
is still far
effect of
tion (27.31); omitting the k^^ term in the denominator of this equation,
we obtain:
and have the following initial slope (independent of k*, and thus of light
(27.55c) E; ^—^ Ea
instantaneously, whereas reaction (27.55b) was assumed to have a finite velocity, and
thus to be capable of becoming a "bottleneck" of photosynthesis. This occurs when
either the substrate concentration [A-C02], or the enzyme concentration [Ea] is low,
or, more generally, when the product of the two concentrations is small. According to
(27.55), the concentration of the "loose" complex is:
(For the sake of consistency cf. equation 27.5- we use as equilibrium constant the in-
verse of Franck and Herzfcld's K). The rate of the bottleneck reaction (27.55b) is:
We assume— as we did in all our derivations so far— that no kinetic factors other than
those connected with the supply of carbon dioxide affect the rate of photosynthesis.
Under these conditions, the equations of the carbon dioxide curves can be derived by
calculating the stationary concentrations [A] and [Ea], inserting them into (27.57) and
then calculating the stationary concentration ACO2] by equalizing the rate of production
of [ACO2] given by equation (27.57) and the rate of reduction of this product by light.
In the Franck-Herzfeld theory, all carrier molecules, A, may be considered, for
kinetic purposes, as attached to a molecule of the sensitizer (chlorophyll), so that the
substrate molecules bound to A can undergo direct photochemical change; putting it
more cautiously, only those A molecules are taken into consideration in kinetic equations
that are attached to chlorophyll. Their total number can be designated as Ao. Simi-
larly, all chlorophyll molecules are supposed to carry acceptor molecules, A; putting it
more cautiously, only the absorption of light by those chlorophyll molecules that are as-
sociated with A is taken into consideration. We designate the total number of such
molecules as Chlo. This number probably can be reduced by certain inhibitors, such as
urethan or other narcotics, that displace the acceptor A from chlorophyll. (The same
applies, according to Franck, to "self-narcotization" by the unfinished product of
photosynthesis to which reference was made in chapter 24.)
In Franck's picture, the rate constant k* in equation (27.6) can be written as k*I:
If one assumes, as Franck and Herzfeld did, that this absorption coefficient is the
same whether chlorophyll is associated wath ACO2 or with any of the seven reaction
intermediates {cf. scheme 7.VA), then in the steady state the amounts of [ACO2] and
of seven intermediates must all be the same. This means that:
The stationary value of [Ea] can be calculated by equalizing the rates of reactions
27.55b) and (27.55c); this gives:
After inserting (27.61) into (27.60), one can use (27.56) and (27.59) to eliminate [A] and
[A.CO2] and to obtain the desired equation for [ACO2] and according to (27.58) also
for P— in Because of the assumed two-step mechanism of
terms of [CO2], Ao and E^.
formation of [ACO2] (with the loose complex A-C02 as an intermediate), the resulting
equation is quadratic. Its solution which again represents a family of hyperbolae is —
a rather complex expression, and we do not need to quote it here.
For high values of both [CO2] and /, the expression for P approaches asymptotically
the value:
zero, and [Ea] to E^. In this case, one obtains an equation containing only first
power of P, the solution of which is:
It is shifted, with increasing light intensity, toward the higher [CO2] values. The initial
So far, we have discussed the carbon dioxide curves only from the point
of view of the "preparatory" dark processes at the "reduction end" of
photosynthesis, since these are the stages of photosynthesis most closely
related to the "carbon dioxide factor."
The influence of the preparatory reactions at the "oxidation end"
ing" effect on the carbon dioxide curves as the limited amount of the en-
z>Tne (carboxylase) that catalyzes the prelmiinary transformation of car-
bon dioxide itseK.
be gained by trying to write out equations for carbon di-
Little could
oxide curves that would include the effect of a Umited supply of the reduc-
tant. On the other hand, a few words may usefully be said about the in-
fluence on the carbon dioxide curves of a limited supply of light.
The kinetic equations that follow from the consideration of the prob-
able forward and back reactions within the photosensitive complex proper
will be derived in chapter 28 (p. 1020 ff.). They show, as expected, that
the rate of absorption of light complex imposes a limit on the rate of
by this
photosynthesis that cannot be raised by increased supply of carbon dioxide
(or change in any other external factor). Consequently, the "light factor"
is in itself capable of producing a saturation effect in the carbon dioxide
One could thus ask whether the interpretation of carbon dioxide curves
really requires the assumption of an acceptor A, supposed to be present in
native mechanism (28. IB, eqs. 28.21) also is discussed in chapter 28, in
which the "primary" back reaction of the photoproduct, HX-Chl-Z, is
P — P k*I
"p.„. " f/(l + K.[C0,1 + k,K,A,lCO,]
case of the carbon dioxide supply limitation (c/. equation 27.22 or 27.33)
we had to obtain the same value by extrapolation to low light intensities
[CO2] and /). We know, however, that several catalytic steps of limited
catalytic processes
— "finishing" reactions, associated with the conversion
of the first reduction products into carbohydrates and with the production
of molecular oxygen.
What happens to the first reduction product (which we will now desig-
nate as AHCO2) can affect the rate of photosynthesis in various ways.
If, for example, this product has to undergo a chemical transformation
before can be separated from the carrier A, this transformation may re-
of the oxidation of water, such as A'HO, or with some other celkilar oxi-
dants) to form ACO2 (or, A CO2).
according to a hypothesis of Franck, +
The latter possibihties will be discussed in section le of chapter 28.
We will briefly consider here the effects of the "acceptor blockade." The conserva-
tion equation (27.4) must in this case be replaced by:
(27.72) AHCO2
> A + HCO2
we can ACO2 and (assuming the
write the equations for the stationary concentration of
validity of 27.6) also for the rate of photosynthesis. Taking the simplest case that —
discussed in section a (carboxylation equilibrium undisturbed by slow diffusion or slow
carboxylation) —we obtain:
nA.K. [CO.W.
(27.73) P=
The carbon dioxide curves (27.73) are thus hyperbolae the half saturation of which is
shifted, with increasing light intensity, toward the lower concentrations of carbon dioxide
(a shift opposite to that caused by slow diffusion or slow carboxylation; and apparently
not encountered in experimental curves). Because of the occurrence in the denomina-
tor of (27.73) of the product A;*[C02], the rate cannot exceed the "absolute maximum":
i. e., n times the maximum rate of restoration of the acceptor according to (27.72).
one wants to use the carbon dioxide curves for the determination of
the carboxylation constant K^^, as was done in chapter 8 (Vol. I), one should
The heat of carboxylation also was estimated by Burk and Lineweaver. From the
absolute rate values found by Emerson and Arnold, at 6° and 24° C. in flashing light,
they calculated AH a = 1.3 to 6.2 kcal/mole. However, Table 8. VIII shows that the
fixation of carbon dioxide by organic molecules is accompanied —
as is natural in reactions
in which small molecules are attached to larger ones— by a decrease in entropy, —TAS
being as large as +8 or even +16 kcal/mole at room temperature. Thus, if — AF of
carboxylation is 7-8 kcal/mole, - AH should be of the order of 15-20 kcal— considerably
larger than the estimate of Burk and Lineweaver.
z _
O V.
O a,
Doto of Hoover et al
X I r I I I
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
under certain conditions the value of i/^ [CO2] may have no rela-
tion to the carboxylation constant at all. This is obviously true if the
ACO2 complex is practically undissociable. Equation (27.49), for ex-
ample, contains only the kinetic constants k^, and 14 Similarly, in section
e, where we postulated that the carbon dioxide saturation is caused by
Ochoa 194G).
There is one obvious experiment by which the carboxylation constant
derh-ed from the carbon dioxide curves of photosynthesis could be checked
— precise measurements of the carbon dioxide uptake in the dark as a func-
tion of the concentration [CO2] in the medium. This could be done by
means of radioactive carbon, or by ordinary analytical methods. So far,
no such measurements have been made. The observations of Ruben and
co-workers (c/. Vol. I, chapter 8) seem to indicate, however, that the com-
plex ACO2 is dissociated in vacuum, albeit very slowly, and thus possesses
a finite, although perhaps very small, dissociation pressure (c/., however,
chapter 36 for the interpretation of C*-measurements).
was found by him to fit satisfactorily his own results, as well as those of
Warburg, Emerson and Green, and Hoover, Johnston and Brackett. In
the saturation region, where (Pmax. - P) <
P, equation (27.77) should not
differ much from the simpler quadratic relationship
Exponential functions often are used in the interpretation of curves that rapidly
reach saturation. Harder (1921) tried to represent his results by the formula:
^— " ^ = const.
,-![C0.] -(P/6)+<^1
The correction term P /b in the exponent was intended to account for the fact that the
carbon dioxide curves approach asymptotically, at low [CO2] values, a straight line with
a finite slope rather than the axis of ordinates. The correction term c was attributed to
respiration. The exponential as a whole was supposed to represent the "true amount
of CO2 available at the site of photosynthesis" —
the first two terms describing the supply
by diffusion from outside, and the third that by respiration. The occurrence of a con-
centration factor in the exponent, unusual in reaction kinetics, was associated with
Beer's law of light absorption. However, since carbon dioxide is not the light-absorbing
species in photosynthesis, it is not clear why
concentration should appear in the ex-
ponent, and the equation of Brackett (as well as that of Harder) is not likely to represent
more than an empirical approximation formula fitting some of the experimental results.
(27.82) nCOi +A ,
' ^ A(CO.>)„
[ACCOO-l.a.. - [A(CO.)] - ^"^^^^J
One may use this derivation as starting point for speculations in which
the "condensation" of carbon dioxide into a (7„ compound (perhaps, with
n = 3 or 6) is assumed to be achieved, not after photochemical reduc-
tion (or between successive photochemical reduction steps), but already
in the preliminary, nonphotochemical carboxylation stage. One could
quote in this connection the observations of Van Rysselberghe and co-
workers (1946), who found indications that carbon dioxide is reduced, at
the cathode of a polarograph, after preliminary formation of a poljaneric
adsorption complex containing six CO2 molecules.
Studies of the Hill reaction (chapter 35) and of the C(14) uptake in
light (chapter 36) indicate three possible additional complications of the
kinetics of carbon dioxide uptake in photosynthesis:
There may be several carhoxylations involved, e.g., one of the
[CO2] have been carried out, the plotting of "carbon dioxide curves" of
fluorescence, F = /[CO2], is not possible. Instead, "hght curves" have
been drawn, showing the intensity of fluorescence as a function of light
intensity, with [CO2] as a parameter, usually for two different concentra-
tions of carbon dioxide only (or simply "with carbon dioxide" and "with-
out carbon dioxide"). Several such curves will be reproduced in chapter
28 (c/. figs. 28.25, 28, 29 and 30).
We anticipate here some of the facts to be presented there : The yield
of fluorescence, ^p, generally remains constant (^^i) up to or beyond the
intensity region in which photosynthesis becomes saturated with light;
but sooner or later, it increases more or less gradually, finally to reach a new
steady level, ^2- We designate the intensity at which the transition begins,
as /', and that at which it ends, as I" The effect of removal of carbon di-
It was argued, however, in Volume I (page 167) that ACO2 and X- Chi -HZ
can be separated by intermediate oxidation-reduction systems, and,
nevertheless, an exhaustion of ACO2 may cause an accumulation of the pri-
mary oxidant, X, in the form HX, and consequent change in the intensity
of fluorescence. (A strike of longshoremen in America can cause tin ore to
accumulate at the pit heads in the East Indies.)
Fluorescence observations on purple bacteria produced new evidence
bearing upon the relation of carbon dioxide to the fluorescent pigment
Wassink, Katz and Dorrestein (1942) were strongly impressed by the
above-mentioned observation that changes in the concentration of re-
ductants affect the fluorescence of purple bacteria more strongly than
changes in the concentration of the oxidant (CO2), and that the former ef-
fect persists in the absence of carbon dioxide, while the latter disappears
when reductants were absent. They concluded that carbon dioxide does
not come into (direct or indirect) energy exchange with excited chlorophyll
at and that the excitation energy is taken up (directly or indirectly)
plants). They thought that the small observed effects of CO2 on fluores-
cence are without real significance — an unjustifiable simplification.
Franck and his co-Avorkers (1947, 1949), on the other hand, interpreted
the enhancing effect of the absence of reductants on the chlorophyll
fluorescence of purple bacteria as an indirect action caused by accumula-
tion of unreduced oxidation intermediates of photosynthesis ("photoper-
oxides"), and narcotization of the chlorophyll apparatus by the products
of action of these peroxides on cell metabolites. Using this picture, they
gave the following interpretation of the effect of [CO2] on yield of fluor-
escence, its variability with light intensity, and its disappearance in the
absence of reductants (in purple bacteria)
Lowering the CO2 concentration has an effect on the yield of fluorescence
if it makes the rate of photosynthesis [C02]-limited. When this is the
case, the chlorophyll complex becomes free (depleted of the oxidant,
ACO2), and light energy absorbed by it cannot be used for the primary
photochemical process. This itself should change the yield of fluorescence
(p. 941).How^ever, Franck considers this "denudation" effect as of minor
importance, as far as fluorescence is concerned, compared to the "self-
narcotization" which follows it. He postulates that whenever the photo-
sensitizer complex isdeprived of carbon dioxide, photoxidation sets in (c/.
Vol. I, chapter 19), and produces a "narcotizing" intermediate (probably
a carboxylic acid) which settles on chlorophyll.
This mechanism cannot come into play in purple bacteria, since these
are studied under anaerobic conditions; this explains why carbon dioxide
deprivation has a comparatively slight effect on fluorescence in these
C. Concentration of Reductants*
1. Efifect on Rate of Carbon Dioxide Reduction in Bacteria
the mass action law, since related to changes in permeability and other
it is
colloidal properties of the protoplasm and the cell membranes, which af-
fect, to a varying degree, all activities of the living cell. Dehydration ef-
fects were therefore discussed in chapter 13 (Volume I, page 333), where
we dealt with various physical and chemical inhibitions and stimulations
of photosynthesis.
It was mentioned there (page 334) that one of the ways in which de-
hydration may inhibit photosynthesis is bj'^ its influence on the stomata.
Since the primary purpose of the stomata is to regulate transpiration, they
< 75--
o 50-
b 25 -
curve" has the same typical "saturation shape" as the curves representing
the rate of photosynthesis as function of carbon dioxide concentration;
half saturation is reached at ca. mm.
(2.5%) H2, full saturation above
75 mm. (10%). Wassink et al. (1942) found, with Chromatium in nitrogen
containing 5% CO2, no signs of hydrogen saturation up to about 2% (cf. fig.
27. 11 A); single experiments at higher pressures indicated that saturation
was reached probably at about 10%, certainly below 15%. (The rates at
15% and 30% H2 were identical.) These hydrogen concentrations are
approximately 100 times higher than those required for saturation of photo-
synthesis with carbon dioxide (about 0.03% CO2 is needed for half satura-
tion). In analogy with the interpretation of carbon dioxide saturation.
E Scale of concentratjon
E 200 10 times reduced
3 100 200 300 400
Fig. 27.11. Rate of carbon dioxide reduction by Chrornatium (after Wassink 1942):
(A) effect of [H2]; {B) effect of [H2S]. 5% CO2 in N2; pH 6.3; 29° C; strong light.
given in the first part of this chapter, the simplest explanation of hydrogen
saturation is to assume reversible formation of a hydrogen acceptor com-
pound, with a dissociation constant of the order of 0.02 atmosphere (as
compared with 3 X 10 ~^ atmosphere for the carbon dioxide acceptor com-
pound). Thermodynamically, reversible hydrogenation (i. e., hydrogena-
tion with energy close to zero) presents no difficulties, since the free energies
of hydrogenation of organic compounds can be either positive or negative,
depending on the degree of resonance stabilization of the individual com-
pound in the hydrogenated and the dehydrogenated form (c/. Vol. I, page
217). Kinetically, however, the problem is less trivial, since in vitro, no
example is known of organic compounds behaving like metallic palladium,
i. e., taking up hydrogen under high pressure and releasing it when the
pressure is reduced.
Quantitatively, the results of French with Streptococcus varians and of
Wassink with Chromatiujn are similar enough to justify the suggestion
that the hydrogen acceptor is the same in both species. This common ac-
ceptor may be either the enzyme hydiogenasc, or the compound, desig-
ro .
the two acceptor systems (for H2 and H2S2O3) are separate, this result may
mean either that the cells contain twice as much of the thiosulfate acceptor
system as hydrogen acceptor system, or that the first acceptor re-
of the
acts (in the hydrogenated state) twice as rapidly with the activated photo-
complex as the second one. On the other hand, if only one hydrogen ac-
ceptor is present, and the two donors compete in supplying it with hydro-
gen, then the result, as reported, is not very significant, since, in this case,
the relative utilization of hydrogen and thiosulfate would depend on rela-
tive concentrations (even if both reductants are present "in excess" the —
only information provided).
In chapter 22, we mentioned the spectroscopic experiments of the same
investigators thatmade them think that the composition of the photocom-
plex X-Bchl-HZ (Bchl = bacteriochlorophyll) may itself be specific for
ment, the rate of photoreduction was limited by the amount of the reduc-
tant available for reaction with the photocomplex. It was mentioned above
that saturation of the over-all rate with respect to the reductant can often
be due to a limitation elsewhere in the photosynthetic apparatus, e. g., to
above, page 941), while ascribing the (much stronger) effect of the ab-
sence of reductants to the indirect mechanism of "self-narcotization" in
consequence of accumulation of unreduced "photoperoxides." Later
(cf. page 942), Franck suggested that the effect of CO2 deficiency also is
due mainly to narcotization (caused by the products of photoxidation).
Without using the concept of narcotization, we can explain the effects
of reductants on the basis of the picture of a "photocomplex," X- Chi -HZ,
which undergoes primary photochemical conversion to HX-Chl-Z, fol-
lowed by dark reactions that transfer H from X to CO2, and supply H
to Z from H2O (or from one of the "substitute" reductants, such as H2 or
H2S2O3) While CO2 starvation may lead to the accumulation of the photo-
Chi Z, may be accumulated in strong light. Each of the four forms should
Conditions of accumulation
Form Formula Oxidant (CO2) Reductant
Tautomeric HXChlZ
Reduced HX-ChlHZ - +
Oxidized X-Chl-Z + -
when both the oxidant and the reductant are in good supply (case ++)
cannot be predicted a depend on which of the supply
priori, since this will
the accumulation of the form HX-Chl-HZ, while the effect of "RH starva-
tion" is caused by accumulation of the form X-Chl-Z, the absence of an
effect of carbon dioxide in can be interpreted as evidence
RH-starved cells
forms HX-Chl-Z and X--
of a similarity in the fluorescent capacity of the
Chi Z (or, perhaps as indication that in the absence of both carbon dioxide
implies that the differences in the capacity for fluorescence of the various
forms of this complex (X- Chi -HZ, HX-Chl-Z, X-Chl-Z, and HX-Chl--
HZ) are less significant than that between all of them and the "narcotized"
D. Concentration of Inhibitors*
1. Inorganic Ions
carbon dioxide equilibrium. What we wanted to know —and did not quite
succeed in finding out —was whether the rate of photosynthesis is deter-
mined uniquely by the concentration of free carbon dioxide molecules,
[CO2], in the immediate surroundings of the cell, or whether the carbonic
acid ions also contribute to photosynthesis directly (and not merely because
they serve as a reserve for rajiid replacement of neutral carbon dioxide
molecules). One of the complicating factors was that a change in [HCOs"]
at constant [CO2] could not, and cannot be achieved without a change in
[0H~], i. c, a variation of the pH; and while some algae, such as ChlorcUa,
25U 700
200 600
o 500
A High light intensify
o LOW light intensity
UJ 400
a. <
3 Q.
plicated b}^ changes in the ionic dissociation of these weak acids (in addition
to the conipUcations caused by the dissociation of carbonic acid).
Figure 27.13 shows the effect of pB. on carbon dioxide reduction by
Chromatium in 1% thiosulfate. The curve, obtained in phosphate buffers,
shows a shght maximum of P at pH 6.3, followed by a sharp decrease. The
effect disappears at low light intensities (as do all effects not connected
with the primary photoprocess). With hydrogen as reductant, the effect
was quite different (fig. 27.14); the rate, P (in strong light), increased
steadily with increasing alkalinity.
Fig. 27.1.5. Effect of yjH on fluorescence of Chromatium (after Wassink, Katz and
Dorrestein 1942): {A) 5% CO2, 1% thiosulfate, 29° C, strong light; (5) 5% CO2,
\b% H2, 25° C, strong and weak light.
The increase in P with pH, as observed with hydrogen as reductant,
could perhaps be looked upon as new evidence of the direct participation
of HCOs" ions in i)hotosynthesis —
one were inclined to give weight to
with pH in the case of thiosulfate, and its increase in the case of hydrogen,
pH dependence of the enzy-
could be interpreted as evidence of different
matic processes by which the two reductants are supphed to the photo-
The influence of pH on the fluorescence of bacteriochlorophyll also was
studiedby Wassink and co-workers. With thiosulfate, the fluorescence
was about 30% more intense at pH 7.6 than at pH 6.0 (fig. 27.15A), a re-
sult that may
be attributed to a lower supply of effective reductant (un-
dissociated H2S2O3). As expected, the trend is reversed with hydrogen
(fig. 27.15B), where the enzymatic supply of the reductant appears to be
fect on inhibition in thiosulfate, but none in hydrogen, which makes the at-
lO .
E 500 \- —
• Scale of concentration
N \ 10 times enlorged
U 01 2 3 0.4 0.5 6
fig. 28.110 and fig. 28 in Vol. I). The difference is understandable if the
effect of hydroxylamine on photosynthesis in weak light is due to its action
on the oxygen-liberating enz^^me (designated as Eo or Ec in Vol. I); a
possible "autocatalytic" mechanism of this effect was discussed on p. 312.
600 - 200-
500 150
E 6 \ Scale of concentration
OJ £ \ 10 times enlarged
X 400 100
+ O \
eg O
O \
O \
li. 50
o \.
I- \
< a
I- 200 3 \.
0.1 0.2 0.3 0,4 0.5 1 02 0.3 04 05
CL 200
as 10 15 20 2.5 3.0
Fig. 27.19. Effect of ethylurethan on photoreduction of
carbon dioxide in Chromatiurn (after Wassink, Katz and
Dorrestein 1942): 5% CO2; 15% H2; pH 7.6; 29° C; strong
The effect of azide on fluorescence also was different from that of the
other enzyme poisons, such as cyanide and hydroxylamine. In the first
cence intensity) indicate that this poison does not, or not merely, interfere
with the enzj^matic supply to the photosynthetic apparatus of the oxidant
(carbon dioxide), or of the reductant (such as hydrogen), but affects the
primary photocomplex, X- Chi -HZ, directly, possibly by displacing the
reductant HZ in this complex. Such a close association with the photo-
complex could be expected to lead to the decomposition of the azide in
light,an expectation which might, perhaps, be tested by experiments.
Urethans. In chapter 12 (Vol. I, page 321) the "narcotizing" effect of
phenylurethan on photosynthesis of Chlorella, which appears to be equally
strong at all light intensities, was illustrated by figure 30, taken from War-
burg's early work on
Chlorella (1920). This figure showed half inhibition
at about 2 10~* mole/1.; Table 12.VIII, taken from the same paper,
indicated hah inhibition at 5 X 10~^ mole/1, for phenylurethan and 0.22
mole/1, for ethylurethan.
An inhibition curve for Chlorella, given by Wassink and co-workers
(1938) (fig. page 323) indicated half inhibition by about 2.5 per cent,
or about 0.02 mole/1, ethylurethan, and the measurements of Wassink,
Katz and Dorrestein (1942) on Chromatium (fig. 27.19) gave about 1.3%,
or 0.01 mole/1., as half-inhibiting concentration, at 29° C. Wassink and
Kersten (1945) found about 2% as half -inhibiting concentration for the dia-
tom Nitzschia dissipata.
One peculiar characteristic urethan on Chromatium
of the effect of —
similar to that of azide —
is the enhanced inhibition at low light intensities,
Figure 28. HE shows, however, that light saturation occurs at the same in-
tion of urethan causes an increase in F (of. fig. 28.50B), so that the intensity
of fluorescence finally becomes about the same with and without reductant.
It is noteworthy that in the completely narcotized state {e. g., with 3%
ethylurethan, when the gas exchange is completely inhibited; cf. fig. 27.19)
the characteristic curvature of the fluorescence curves of bacteria disap-
pears (fig. 28.50B).
These by the assumption that lU'ethan reacts
results can be explained
directly with the primary photochemical complex XBchl-HZ, and that
the product of this interaction is characterized by a yield of fluorescence
about halfway between those of the forms X-Bchl-HZ and X-Bchl-Z.
Oxygen. In chapter 13 (Vol. I, page 328) we described the inhibiting
effect of excess oxygen on photosynthesis. The light curves of photosyn-
thesis and fluorescence in the presence and absence of oxygen will be dis-
cussed in chapter 28. The only systematic measurements with varying
oxygen pressures permitting the plotting of an "oxygen curve," P = /[O2],
were made by Warburg (1920); the results were reproduced in figure 32.
This figure indicated the steepest rate decline between and 20% oxygen;
it was mentioned that this was contradicted by Wassink and co-workers
(1938), who found no difference between the rates at and 20% oxygen,
but a considerable drop from 20 to 100% oxygen.
Bibliography to Chapter 27
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Maskell, E. J., Proc. Roy. Soc. London, B102, 488.
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Bazyrina, K., and Chesnokov, V., ibid., 11, 463.
White, H. L., Ann. Applied Biol., 17, 755.
1931 Harder, R., Keppler, E., and Reuss, H., Gartenbauwiss., 5, 389.
1932 Bazyrina, K., and Chesnokov, V., Trav. inst. biol. Peterhof, 9, 58, 103;
Proc. Leningrad Soc. Nat. Sci., 61, 279, 323.
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Emerson, R., and Arnold, W., /. Gen. Physiol., 15, 391.
van der Paauw, F., Rev. trav. botan. neerland., 29, 497.
1933 Hoover, W. H., Johnston, E. S., and Brackett, F. S., Smithsonian Inst.
1939 Katunsky, V. M., Bull acad. sci. USSR, Ser. biol, 1939, 85.
Overkott, 0., Botan. Arch., 39, 389.
Heath, 0. V. S., Ann. Botany, 3, 469.
1940 Livingston, R., and Franck, J., Am. J. Botany, 27, 449.
1941 Heath, 0. V. S., and Penman, H. L., Ann. Botany, 5, 455.
Ballard, L. A. T., New Phytologist, 40, 276.
1940 McAlister, E. D., and Myers, J., Sm. Inst. Pub. Misc. Coll., 99, No. 6.
1941 Franck, J., and Puck, T. T., J. Phys. Chem., 45, 1268.
French, C. S.,
1938 Wassink, E. C, Vermeulen, D., Reman, G. H., and Katz, E., Enzymologia,
5, 100.
1941 Weller, S., and Franck, J., /. Phys. Chem., 45, 1359.
Greenfield, S. S., Science, 93, 550.
1942 Greenfield, S. S., Am. J. Botany, 29, 121.
curves in which the rate of photosynthesis was plotted against the intensity
of incident light) bent, and finally became horizontal. He had thus dis-
covered the phenomenon of ligJit saturation.
Ewart showed that, if the illumination is increased
(1896, 1897, 1898)
still beyond the saturating value, the rate begins to decrease
further, far
again, and photosynthesis may even be completely inhibited.
The initial increase of the rate with light intensity, the "light saturation"
that follows and the ultimate "light inhibition" of photosynthesis were
again observed by Pantanelli in 1903; at that time, it was natural to in-
terpret these results in terms of the theory of "cardinal points" {cf. fig.
tion, rather than the rate of net gas exchange). Furthermore, it shows a
broad "saturation plateau" instead of a sharp optimum. Therefore, they
argued, light curves can better be explained by means of Blackman's theory
of "limiting factors" {cj. fig. 26.2) than by reference to the three "cardinal
Singh and Kumar (1935) and Lubimeuku (193G) observed that the light curves of
some land plants are sigmoid in shape, and Lubimenko saw in this the proof of the exist-
ence of a "light threshold" of photosynthesis; but this conclusion runs contrary to the
results of all the other observers. On the other hand, sigmoid-shaped light curves ap-
pear to be the rule with purple liartcria {rf. French 1937; Wassink, Katz and Dorrestein
of Blackman— that the linearly ascending part of the light curves goes over
abruptly into the horizontal part. All precise observations confirm that
light saturation is reached asijmptotically, sometime over an extended range
of fight intensities (cf. the early criticism of Blackman's interpretation by
Brown and Heise 1917, 1918). It was shoT^^l in chapter 20 (cf. also fig.
impossible —even
these curves correctly represented the relation between
1. General Review
Table 28.1 lists the most important determinations of the light curves of
photosynthesis carried out since the time of Blackman.
A remark mu.st be made on the units of light intensity used in these measurements.
For white light, lux (meter candles), or foot candles, have been and still are widely used.
A foot candle is equal to 10.8 meter candles; one meter candle corresponds {cf. chapter
25, page 838) to about 4.5 erg, or 1.4 X lO'^ quanta, or 2.3 X
10^'^ einstein of photosyn-
thetically active light (400-700 mju), falling each second on a square centimeter of the
illuminated surface. light, the intensity is usually given in ergs (or calories;
For colored
1 cal = 4.2 X square centimeter per second, or in watts per square centi-
10^ erg) per
meter (1 watt = 10^ erg/sec). We will use the abbreviations klux for thousand lux,
and kerg for thousand erg. In comparing the results obtained in light of different color,
the most appropriate measure of intensity is the number of incident quanta (A';,^), or the
number of einsteins (1 einstein = 6.1 X 10" quanta) falling per second on one .square
' ^
CO to -— .'^
lO to to
t^ r^ COo o O»0i0i00t0000 to
CO CO "^ "^
•* CO
o c:,!3 A ^ -^^ i — ' ro CO
a 4) » K
_o 3 w
^ O to »0 t^ CO OeO'^0>Ot^CDOOiOOi-''~-05(N
O —
-- ,H
— — ' ^"^ — ,-^ y^ — — r^^ ^ CI r
V ^
iOtOiO,-^iOOOtotOOtO(MM f V J
» V
o o
as E (Xl\/ -to •«.- -INM
In " o"
•-^ ^ ^^
^ 2
O) o
to ^-^
a s
e3 X
(-1 i^
to O Ci ;0 O "O t^ r^ A A A A
? A A
A -^ ^
A "T
o 00 IM
1-H m O
o M
'O lO
'^ —'
o o m o t-oc^iooinooco
« o o
# o o o
* o ea -^ —' CO
C-) r-i CO (N 1-t t-<
IN m o in
f- OS
5 a
.h .h .i; OS
6 6 6 o o
^ " - Z " " z z
oo Z
o oo
too too
£S£S^ = £5^ = £?£§ = S5 5§ 3 3
3 5 = s
S C c3
S a
a t «
^ [B CO ~ .5 s
N O o
»0 O O O O
«0 .-' LO »o '-O o
Q. 01
M— A
Mo i0 0i000000000»000
S5 ca
S ^ ^ f
A ^ A ' ^
^ ^ ^ i ^ i
^' ^' ^'
i iW^ ^
in lO >0 "O 1.0 "O IM IM (N C-l (N C-1 C> IN
Eh iO»ft»0»nkO»Oc3c3c3oicdo3c3o3
o O
oj a; a> CJ c;
Z i-i C^ •* O 05 ^^
« 6 d d 6 d d 2. a.
z z z z z z +i -tJ +i
03 3 33
Q 33::;^32^^^^<Sc3^c3
00 s
g 00
a iM
— 1
O M ^
--».!• ,^ UO
01 O A "S
o »n
'-^ t^ '-^ 00 ^
LT <M '^ 10
^ -= a " o
- —
- »^ ._
it ^
S bt ^ U "
^ J: 5! <v
.^^ : -^
^ O O
o .
CO — o
6 o
< ^^ o
O (U
B3 ta
< 3 3 8=^
£ 100
pH 6.3, l%thiosulfate
200 -
O no inhibitor
• 05 ml. 50%
200 urethan/ml.
O no inhibitor
• 2.5 X 10"" mole/hter E 100
600 NHjOH-HCl
^ 200
150 X 10'
20 40 60 80 100
Fig. 28.9B. Light curves of inhibited Fig. 28.9C. Light curves of in-
Chlorella cells showing that NH20H-HC1 is hibited Chlorella cells showing that
effective at all light intensities (after Weller ethylurethan is effective at all light
and Franck 19-11). intensities (after Wassink, Vermeulen,
Reman and Katz 1938). Intensity is
in erg/cm.^ sec.
2.00 F
S lOOi-
0.50 -
O 0.25 -
350 700 1600 4000 22000 350 700 1600 4000 22000
Fig. 28. 9D. Light curves of inhibited Chlorella cells sliowing that CuSO^ is
effective, NiSO^ ineffective at low light intensities (after Greenfield 1942).
i 1.45 X 10*
- - o without cyanide
250 250
A 0003% KCN
200 200
3 xlO" 3 xlO*
15% Hj, pH 6 3
I % H2S2O3, pH 6 3
200 \- (S) ^,
without KCM
150 INCIDENT INTENSITY, erg/cm sec.
o 100
tr A
H .50 o'/0.00l5 % KCN
.9/ xlO"
600 300
1% H2S2O3, pH 6 3
1 2'7o
0187% NaNj
xlO" X IC
HCN shows no effect in weak light with Ih. With HoSaOj, effect is shown also iu
weak light. Nn^OII-IICl shows no effect in weak light (c/. fig. 28.9B). With
ethylurethan, the effect is particularly strong in weak light.
15% Hs /
300 600
O pH 6 3 o pH 63 /
A pH 76 A pH 7.6 /
250 500 /
e /
o //
O /
150 / i~ 300- /
fe / u. /
LlI o //
< UJ
t < 200 //
100- / y-
/ 13
50^ /. 100 //
X 10' X 10^
I i_
centimeter. For relationships between iV/,^ and intensity of illumination see chapter 25,
page 838.
Table 28.1 does not list the measurements of light curves in the presence
of various poisons, such as potassium cyanide, hydroxylamine or azide,
of narcotics, such as urethan, or of salts, such as copper sulfate. Several
curves of this type are, however, reproduced in figures 28.9-11; for addi-
tional information, we refer to chapters 12 and 13 in volume I, and to
chapter 37. In the latter, we will also describe the light curves of algae in
the state of (almost complete) anaerobic inhibition, which Franck, Prings-
heim and Lad (1945) were able to measure by the very sensitive phos-
phorescence method.
Figures 28.1-28.13 contain a selection of typical light curves. Attempt
was made to include curves for all types of plants higher land plants, —
aquatic higher plants, green and colored algae, diatoms and purple bacteria.
Figures 28. 1-28. 5A represent families of curves in which the carbon dioxide
concentration, [CO2], serves as parameter (strangely enough, no such set is
available for Chlorella). Figure 28. 5B shows light curves of purple bac-
teria for two concentrations of the reductant (thiosulfate) figures 28.6- ;
2. Linear Range
We will now consider some of the details of the light curves : the linear
range, the compensation point, the saturating light intensity and the maxi-
mum yield. Perhaps the most important quantitative characteristic of the
light curves is the initial slope, which determines the maximum quantum
yield; it will be discussed separately in chapter 29.
Figures 28.1,28.7, 28.9A,28.10and 28.14A,B show that many lightcurves
exhibit a practically exact proportionality between rate and light intensity
over a considerable range of intensities. This "linear range" is less clearly
delimited in figures 28.2-28.6. In the light curves of purple bacteria, it is
often obscured by an inflection (c/. figs. 28.8 and 28.11A-D). Data col-
lected in Table 28.11 indicate that (at room temperature and with an ample
II ' ^
IM ..<o oooo,lO oo O o
lO oo oo '
O 'X> '^con -f
oo o
o o
CO -f GO '
^ IM- IM -^ IM
-^ -
'^ -H (M-
IM 1-
lO lO 't 00
CO cr.
iM —
^ -f t^ IM
d IM
X ^ ^ ^
H 5| "^
1, ^ 5 —
^ "^ —-— -—23
Qj a;
c c c b
p p •
— ;=^^^ . TJ
'^i; S >T3'^
1^ ^ ;^ >H >- >H >H Pi M
„ a
PQ cu
5 10 15 20 2 4 6 8
Hg. 28.14A. Approximate linearity of Fig. 28. 14B. Light curves in purple
light curves of Chlorella in white light up hactciia in Eymers
soilium light (after
to ca. 1300 lux (or G.5 kerg/cm.- sec.) and Wassink 1938) (showing linearity up
(after Emerson and Lewis 1941). to GO kerg/(cm.2 sec.)). Light hitensity
in (erg/cm.^ sec.) X 10^
3. Compensation Point
The compensation point is the light intensity Ic at which photosynthesis
is balanced by respiiation. so that the net gas exchange is zero.
One could also call "compensation point" the carbon dioxide concentration at which
the gas exchange becomes zero at a given light intensity {cf. chapter 27) or the tem- ;
peratui-e at which the gas exchange becomes zero at a given combination of the param-
eters Iand [CO2] (cf. chapter 31); but the word is seldom used in either of these two
ways. Sometime, the designation "upper compensation point" is applied to the second
crossing of the curves of photosynthesis and respiration, which may occur either at very
high light intensities or at "superoptmial" temperatures (cf., for example, fig. 31.1).
When the carbon dioxide supply is not too low, compensation occurs
within the linear range of the light curve, where the slope of the latter is
determined by the maximum quantum yield of photosynthesis and the rate
of light absorption {i. e., the optical density of the specimen). Probably
{cf. chapter 29) the maximum quantum yield is approximately the same for
all species (at least, when all cells is not always the
are fully active —which
case, e. g., in "aged" cultures). Differences in the compensation points
found under these conditions must therefore depend mainly or exclusively
on two factors: rate of respiration and optical density of the specimen.
Table 28.III
Compensation Point of Leaves and Thalli
ture (cf. chapter 31); thus, higher temperature must cause an upward
shift of the compensation point (of. fig. 28.15 and Table 31. III). Narcotics
have a similar influence, since they, too, reduce photosynthesis (at all light
intensities) much more than respiration (c/. chapter 12). En-
zyme poisons (e. g., cyanide) may have a lesser or even opposite effect,
because their influence on photosynthesis in weak light usually is rather
small (c/. figs. 28.9A, 28. 11 A), while most of them strongly inhibit
respiration. In certain algae (e. g., some Scenedesmus strains), the effect
light curves begin to bend in very weak light, the compensation point
may be shifted to high light intensities (c/. fig. 28.15), or never reached
(3) (l)(2)
at all. This case was mentioned in chapter 26, when we spoke of the ex-
periments of Chesnokov and Bazyrina (1932) and Miller and Burr (1935),
in which gas balance was observed at light intensities of the order of 20
klux. Miller and Burr (1935) noticed that, in this "carbon dioxide-limited"
range, the compensating light intensity was independent of temperature.
This means that the temperature coefficient of the carbon dioxide supply
process (diffusion or carboxylation?) was practically equal to that of respira-
ously those imposed by diffusion, as well as those caused by enzymatic
reactions of limited maximum yield.
Among the internal factors affecting the saturating light intensity, the
most important is adaptation to strong or weak light. Shade-adapted
plants often are darker green, i. e., contain more chlorophyll (per unit area
or unit volume) than the corresponding light-adapted species or individuals.
This difference in optical density would in itself be sufficient to cause
changes in the shape of the light curves: Darker, shade-adapted plants
are more efficient light absorbers, and their light curves should there-
forehave a steeper initial slope. If the higher optical density is due to in-
creased concentration of the pigment (with the concentration of all other
constituents of the catalytic apparatus remaining the same), the saturation
rate, related to unit volume of cells (or to unit area of leaves, assuming the
leaf thickness is constant), should be the same for heliophilicandumbrophilic
varieties; while the saturation rate related to U7iit amount of chlorophyll
should be lower in the darker specimens.In practice, conditions are more
complicated, because shade leaves often are thicker, and shade cells do
grow larger than their heliophilic counterparts. These relationships will
want to quote now is that the saturation rate of umbrophiHc plants usu-
ally is much lower than that of the heliophilic plants, even if related to
unit volume or unit area (not to speak of the rate per unit chlorophjdl con-
tent). This indicates that adaptation to weak light involves, in addition
to an increase in pigment concentration, a decrease in the amount of one or
a. -I
9 II 13 15 17 19 21 23
Fig. 28.16. Light curves of net gas exchange of an umbrophiHc moss (Mar-
chantia) and a hehophiUc hchen (Peltigera) (after Boysen-Jensen and IMiiller 1929).
The difference between the shapes of the light curves of heliophilic and
umbrophilic land plants was observed by Weis (1903), who compared
the shade plant Poly podium with the sun plant Oenothera. This phenom-
enon was also investigated by Lubimenko (1905,1907,19081.2,1928,1929),
Boysen-Jensen (1918, 1929), Boysen-Jensen and Miiller (1929^) and Lunde-
gardh (1921, 1922), among others. Typical results are illustrated by
figures 28.16, 28.17 and 28.18. The first of these figures refers to an umbro-
philic moss (which is compared with a heliophilic lichen) the second com- ;
plants (fig. 28.17) or single leaves (fig. 28.18). The figures in Table 28.IV
further show that the respiration of sliade-adapted plants is weaker than
that of the sun-adapted specimens.
Fig. 28.17. Light curves of photosynthesis of shade plates (S) and sun plants
(L) of the same species (after Gessner 1937). Former saturated at 40 klux; latter
onlv far above 80 klux.
9 II 13 15 20 30 40
Fig. 28.18. Light curves of sun leaf (a) and shade leaf (b) of
Fagus silvatica (after Boj^sen-Jensen and Miiller 1929). Former
saturated at or above 30 klux; latter at 3 klux.
Table 28.IV
and Respiration of Shade Leaves and Sun Leaves
OP THE Same Plant (after Boysen-Jensen and Muller 1929)
>: g
00 M
n K
< P^
a 9
(3 4
obtained here with a lower light absorption. However, the average ab-
sorption of white light by aurca leaves can vary, depending on their actual
chlorophyll content, from as low as 30% or less, to as high as 75% of that
of normal green leaves of the same species. An estimate of the quantum
5'ield in the light-saturated state requires therefore that absorption de-
terminations and yield measurements be performed on the same specimens.
The fact that aurea leaves may absorb only a slightly smaller propor-
tion of incident light than normal green Seybold and Weiss-
leaves, caused
numbers" (table 28. V)
weiler (1942) to consider their higher "assimilation
as irrelevant (and not as assumed by Willstatter and Stoll as a sign of —
exceptionally high capacity for photosynthesis). However, the capacity
for photosynthesis f». the lighl-saturaled state, P"^^'., is not a function of the
efficiency of light absorption, but a measure of the amount of a limiting
enzyme present in the cells. The values of Pmax.' for aurea leaves show that
in these leaves an abnormally low chlorophyll content is accompanied
by a proportional reduction in the content of the rate-limiting enzyme.
Yields obtained by Noddack and Kopp (1940) with Chlorella pyren-
oidosa, if most land
related to dry weight, are higher than those given for
plants in Table 28. V. However, because of the high concentration of
chlorophjdl in Chlorella (3-4%, instead of 0.5 to 1% in leaves), the assimila-
tion numbers are not higher, but somewhat lower, and the assimilation
times somewhat longer than those given by Willstatter and Stoll for the
leaves of the higher plants.
Like the maximum quantum yield (at low light intensity) the, maximum
rate of photosynthesis (in strong light) is a constant of the plant, i. e., it is
independent of the optical density of the selected material. The only ex-
ternal factor that affects it (apart from the presence of poisons or inhibi-
tors) is temperature (as illustrated by figs. 28.G-28.8). It is difficult, if not
impossible, to define the absolute maximum rate of photosynthesis also
as a function of temperature. In short experiments, the highest rates can
be obtained, with plants adapted to moderate conditions, at about 35° C.
but, in prolonged experiments, "heat inhibition" is apt to occur even at
temperatures as low as 22-25° C. (c/. chapter 31). We have used, in
Table 28. V, mostly values obtained at 18-20° C, which are certainly smal-
ler than the highest efficiencies of which most of the investigated plants
Since inhibition by excess light chapter 19), the P ma.^.
is a time effect {cf.
The shape of the light curves of shade-adapted plants has been much discussed in the
ecological literature, particularly in relation to the photosynthetic production of aquatic
plants at different levels under the surface. Even green algae, or submerged higher
plants, found only a few meters under the surface, which should not have acquired ex-
treme umbrophilic characteristics, were observed to produce a maximum of oxygen when
placed at a certain depth, and to show light inhibition when exposed to direct sunlight.
This, however, might have been, at least in part, a thermal effect. Much more pro-
nounced optima on yield vs. depth curves were reported for the photosynthetic efficiency
of colored (brown or red) algae at different levels under the sea.
Ruttner (1926) and Schomer (1934) observed that several aquatic higher plants
{Elodea, Myriophyllum, Cerathopyllum) had a maximum efficiency 1-5 meters under
the surface. Curtis and Juday (1937) found similar optima for the green algae Ana-
boena and Gloethea (in 9-10 meter depth). Van der Paauw (1932) found that Hormi-
dium grown in a light of 2000 lux suffered light inhibition at 5000 lux. On the other
hand, Gessner (1938) found no "optimum" in the light curves of shadow-grown or sun-
grown Elodea plants in lamp light up to 30,000 lux. He tried ultraviolet light (360-400
m.y.) to imitate sunlight, but this, too, produced no inhibition. He suggested that the
reported depth optimum of Elodea may be caused by chromatic adaptation (to bluish-
green light) rather than by intensity adaptation. However, this explanation is im-
plausible since it implies that photosynthesis can be inhibited by the addition of red and
blue-violet light to green light, which has never been observed. Perhaps, carbon dioxide
supply conditions are more favorable at a certain depth than on the surface, and this
causes the rate to increase with increasing depth, as long as illumination remains suf-
ficient for light saturation.
Particular attention has been paid to the maximum efficiency and light
inhibition of colored algae in relation to their vertical distribution in the sea.
Engelmann suggested (see chapter 15, page 420) that the color of brown.
\ .^
Fig. 28.19. Typical light curves of red, brown and green algae
(after Montfort 1929). Light intensity in relative units and frac-
tions of full sunlight. Equal fresh weights of algae used.
The response of colored algae from different depths to intense illumination has been
among others, by Maucha (1924, 1927), IMarshall and Orr (1927, 1928), Ehrke
1933, i.^
(1931), Curtis and Juday (1937) and particularly by Montfort (1929, 1930,
1934, 1936). Figure 28.19 shows a typical "optimum" curve, obtained by the last-
named investigator. Montfort noticed that algae from one and the same level often
show different resistance to strong light: Some red algae, containing much phycocyanin
(such as Rhodymenia palmata), continued to synthesize effectively on the surface, while
others, found in the same depth, but containing mainly phycoerythrin (such as Dehsseria
alata) suffered a "sunstroke" and died. The surface-living, almost pure-green form of
the blue alga Gigarlina behaved like a typical shade plant, whereas the violet, deep-water
form of the .same species, I'ich in j)h3'cocyauin, maintained its jjhotosj'nthesis at full ef-
ficiency even in direct sunlight.
Only in the case of arctic plants is there an approximate agreement between Boysen-
Jcnsen's co-worker Miiller, and Kostychev and his co-workers. In the case of sun-
adapted plants from moderate zones, the average of Danish measurements (section Ba of
the table) is 13 mg., that of Swedish measurements (section B6), 16 mg., and that of
English, Japanese and German measurements (with the exception of the early determina-
tions of Sachs carried out by the half-leaf starch method), 10 mg. The average of the
Russian analyses, listed in section Be, is as liigh as 24 mg. The results obtained by
Kostychev, Bazyrina and Vasiliev (1927) by the determination of the synthesized assim-
ilates did not differ significantly from those obtained by the same group by determina-
tion of absorbed carbon dioxide.
This was denied by Boysen-Jensen and Miiller (1029); but one notices
in Table 28. VI that the newer measurements Danish school have
of the
given somewhat higher values than those of 1018-1920, and thus reduced
the discrepancy between the averages in sections Ba and Be to a factor of
about 2.
In section C, containing plants from arid zones, we find a similar dis-
crepancy l>et ween the result of Harder and co-workers in Algeria, and Wood
in Australia (1-10 mg./hr. 100 cm.-), and those of Kostychev and Kardo-
Sysojeva in Central Asia (20-70 mg.).
In section D, practically all the listed values fall into the range 1-10 mg. (no Russian
measurements are listed here, c/. however, the data of Kostychev and Kui'saiiov for
the subtroiiical vegetation of the Black Sea littoral in .section Be).
In the group of alpine jilants (section E), Monch (1037) and the Russians
agree in finding the highest yields ever recorded under natural conditions.
Earlier, Henrici (1018) had reported, for the alpine plant BelUs perennis,
a yield of 232 mg. C02/hr. 100 cm.^ This value appears so incredibly
high that we did not include it in Table 28.VI; but even the results of
Blagoveshchenskij (1035) and Monch (1037) (00-100 mg./hr. 100 cm.^)
indicate remarkablj^ high quantum jaelds (of the order of one CO2 mole-
cule reduced per twenty quanta, in light of 80 klux, and \vith not more than
0.03% CO2 present).
It shouldnot be assumed that the carbon dioxide concentration was exactly 0.03%
in all measurementslisted in Table 28. VI. In Blagoveshchenskij 's experiments in the
Pamir, for example, the [CO2] assays varied between 0.01 and 0.02%, and the highest
yields were obtained at the latter concentration (which is. still considerably below the
normal value of 0.03%). Stocker found, in the undergrowth of the tropical forest,
[CO2] values up to 0.04%. (Compare also data given in Chapter 27, page 902.)
o . ti
z § S a
> ^^ a.
00 ^
^ O
CO —
'^ '
(N CO ^ <N
^ I
3 o
M >-5
^H 1—1 C*l ^H C<l >—
00 o
-00 to ^
S S e 2,^
s £ s -is- s
Si, <5i
§ s^ s c S 00 -s
^ ^
-, e s "
? (^ !~ O 2 ~ S. I4j
h -* '^
a o
S3 03 o
O a s "-H
l-t CO
o Ci
o CO
tn 3
73 o oX
o 03 X
<1 PQ
o S P
00 CO
lO —I cr. t^ r: 00 -H CQ iM o LO T
i8 M' o iccoco -r i(M-t^lMiMOiMOOO o
-^ <N (M
S e
00 00 O
a 5»^
~ =j lie
~ e o '-^ oo
s 5. ^s i 2 I
O £ « e
^ o
~ -i 2^ =0 «i ^-'
:^ £ C .^ i;
O « *- S: """o S ^ ^
s^ O O B -c: u B c
or almost sufficient, for light saturation during most of the day, unless the
sky is heavily overcast. On the other hand, the carbon dioxide supply,
under natural conditions, may often be less constant than it is in labora-
tory experiments with a circulating gas containing 0.03% carbon dioxide
and this may
cause considerable variations in the rate of photosynthesis.
In quiet open air, a carbon dioxide-deficient air layer will form around the
plants, and cause a decline in rate, while the exhalations of the ground,
which contain carbon dioxide produced by the decay of organic matter and
by the respiration of the roots, can be caught in the foliage, and can provide
an increased supply of carbon dioxide (c/. page 902). A certain amount of
carbon dioxide, of the same origin, also may reach the leaves with the trans-
piration flow from the roots page 910).
Gessner (1938) found {cf. Table 28.V) a rather low value (7.0 mg./hr. 100 cm.^)
for the maximum rate of carbon dioxide reduction by Potomageton crispus in hard tap
water; the value for Potomageton perfoliatus was even lower (4.8 mg. C02/hr. 100 cm.^).
These yields are less than one third of those of land leaves in ordinary air, and five to
ten times smaller than the maximum yields produced by land leaves provided with an
abundant supply of carbon dioxide. This indicates that Gessner's water plants might
have been in a "carbon dioxide-limited" state, despite the relatively high carbonate con-
tent of the medium. (Gessner attributed the low yield of aquatic plants per unit area
to the fact that these leaves consist of only a few layers of cells; however there is no in-
dication that the light absorption in the leaves of aquatics could be three or five times
smaller than in ordinary leaves.)
tion (several hours), and studies lasting several weeks or months. Table
28. VII contains the results of three short-time experiments. The figures
of Brown and Escombe were obtained in the same investigation that gave
the low absolute yields listed in Table 28. VI; the conversion yields were
correspondingly low (of the order of 1% of incident energy, or an estimated
2.5% of the visible radiation absorbed by the plants). The figures of Pure-
vich and Bose are considerably higher, and can be placed alongside the
higher absolute reduction rates found by Willstatter and StoU in 5% carbon
dioxide (Table 28. V), and by many recent investigators in ordinary air
(Table 28. VI).
Table 28.VII
Energy Conversion under Natural Conditions
in ordinary air, and 30-40 mg. in air enriched with carbon dioxide, and not
the much higher yields found Monch.) We
by Blagoveshchenskij, or
and Bose
therefore suggest that in Table 28. VI, too, the results of Purevich
should be given preference over those of Brown and Escombe. However,
the whole problem is in need of renewed and more exact experimental
analysis, which alone could link the rate of photosj^nthesis under natural
conditions (strong illumination and limited carbon dioxide supply) to
the much better known rates in weak light and in the presence of an ample
amount carbon dioxide.
We nowturn to experiments of longer duration, in which the total yield
of photosynthesis of an assemblage of plants was compared, over an ex-
tended period of vegetation, with the integral of insolation over the same
Noddack and Komor (1937) studied two plots of grass, one of 9 m.^
and another of 74 m.^ In two consecutive periods of 20 days each, they
measured the total solar radiation falling on these two plots, I dt; after S
this, the grass was mowed, dried and combusted, and the heat of combus-
tion, AHf, was measured. Here are the results: total irradiation in 20
days, 2.6 X 10^ cal./cm.^ (average irradiation 0.0015 cal./cm.^ sec, or ap-
proximately 6000 lux) ; -pro-portion of incident energij stored in the hay, first
plot, Mic/f I dt = 0.67% (first period) and 0.80% (second period), sec-
close to 2.5%.
In comparing these results with those of the short-time experiments
listed in Table 28.VH, one has to consider that some obvious factors tend
to decrease the long-time average value of energy conversion by a large
assemblage of plants growing under natural conditions, compared with
that of a few isolated plants or leaves, averaged over a few hours of full
sunlight but that other less obvious factors may act in the opposite direc-
tion. Such favorable factors are the lower average light intensity (which
decreases S^
without reducing strongly the rate of photosynthesis),
and, possibly, partial retention of the respiratory gases in the dense foliage,
permitting reutilization of exhaled carbon dioxide. On the unfavorable
side we can anticipate that in a large assemblage of organisms a certain
proportion will not be in a healthy state, and others will be "resting";
sometimes the temperature will be too low for maximum photosynthetic
efficiency; it will bo so high as to cause inhibition (cf. chapter
31). leaves will be in the shade of others, at least part of the day.
These unfavorable influences seem to predominate, judged by the fact
that the average yields of Noddack and Komor are two to three times
smaller than the most reliable short-time averages in Table 28. VII.
The measurements of Noddack and Komor represent the only available
parallel large-scalemeasurements of irradiation and production of organic
matter by plants. There is, however, no dearth of estimates, often on a
much larger scale, based on agricultural and meteorological statistics. They
have been mentioned in chapter 1, where we used them for the estimation
of the total yield or organic synthesis on earth. We will now consider
these estimates somewhat closer. Putter (1914) took the insolation data
from observations of the l^rightness of daylight carried out by Weber in
Kiel, Germany, over a period of several years, and used the relation 1 lux
= 6.3 erg/cm. sec. to calculate the corresponding energy flux.
=^ He cal-
culated, for the total irradiation over a year, 35.3 kcal./cm.^, corresponding
to an average illumination intensity of about 7000 lux.
For the calculation of the heat of combustion of the synthesized organic
matter Putter used estimates of "exceptionally high" crops from agricul-
tural yearbooks; he then added the (estimated) heat of combustion of the
roots and stubbles, and subtracted the heat of combustion of the seed.
Thus he obtained values for AHc] for the calculation of S
Idt, he inte-
grated Weber's data over the periods of vegetation of the several crops, and
subtracted the energy of infrared radiations (above 1 m) (It would be more
reasonable to subtract all radiations above 0.7 n, since light between 700
and 1000 niM probably is not used for photosynthesis at all, cf. chapter 30.)
Table 28.VHI shows some of Putter's results. In the last column, the
conversion yields are corrected for losses by respiration, estimated at 15%
of the weight increase due to photosynthesis during the vegetation period.
Table 28.VIII
Energy Conversion by Field Plants (after Pi tter 1914)
experimental yields of Noddack and Komor, and about equal to the highest
short-time averages of Purevich. Putter attributed these comparatively
high values to conditions that favor large-scale field experiments (particu-
larly to thecarbon dioxide supply from the ground) However, it seems more
after having analyzed the foundations of this estimate, we feel certain that
its order of magnitude, at least, is secure —even though the figure given may
be in error bj^ as much as a factor of two.
of the spongy parenchyma may be adapted to weaker light (and thus con-
tain less of certain catalysts) than the leaves of the palisade tissue.
Let us consider, as the simplest example, two suspensions of identical
cells —one optically thin (e. g., transmitting 80% of incident light), the other
optically dense (e. g., absorbing 80% of incident light). There is no reason
(aside from the phenomena of "self-inhibition" by metabolic products
mentioned in chapter 25) why these suspensions should differ in the maxi-
mum quantum yield at low light intensities, or in the maximum yield per
chlorophyll molecule in strong light. However, the transition from the
linearly ascending part to the horizontal part of the light curves wll be
sharper in the optically thin system (where saturation occurs more or less
simultaneously in all cells), and more gradual in the optically dense system,
where saturation sets in at the surface of the vessel and spreads inward with
increasing intensity of iHumination.
Figure 28.20 shows, in a quaUtative way, the expected differences in
the plots of the absolute rate of photos>Tithesis, P, and the relative satura-
tion, p/p™'^^-^ against the incident energy flux, I, and the absorbed energy,
If the rate of photosynthesis, P, is plotted against the incident light
intensity, /, as independent variable (curves 1), the initial slopes of the
R Dense
Fig. 28.20. Effect, of optical density of a cell suspension on shape of light curves.
Heavy and thin double arrows represent the "linear range" of dense and thin suspen-
sion, respectivel}'; y is the angle that determines the maximum quantum yield.
curves vary in proportion to optical density, but the extension of the linear
range must be practically independent of optical density (since the curve of
the dense suspension must bend as soon as saturation begins in the surface
layer). But if P
plotted against the absorbed energy, la (curves 2),
the initial slopes must be the same, but the linear range of the thin suspen-
sion must be shorter than that of the dense one. On the other hand, if we
plot the relative saturation, p/p"^^^-^ against either/ or/g, (curves 3 and 4),
the curves of the thin suspension will remain linear much closer to full
As an illustration, figure 28.21 shows the light saturation curves,
p/pmax. ^ j^js^^
q£ ^^^.q chlorella suspensions of different density {cf. Table
25.1) given b}^ Their relationship is in agreement with
Eichhoff (1939).
the prototype of figure 28.20 (curve 5). Katz, Wassink and Dorrestein
(1942) attempted to reduce analytically the Ught curves obtained with
three suspensions of bacteria (Chromatium, D) of different concentration
to a single curve showing the average yield per cell as function of average
iUumiiiation. In a 2 cm. deep absorption vessel, the "dense" suspension,
2 4 6
Near 7 = 0, the order of the three curves is reversed. The probable reason for this
is that, at a given incident light intensity, the average illumination is lowest in the densest
suspension; hydrogen consumption (which we think, is re-
therefore, the deficiency of
sponsible for the sigmoid shape) maintained, in the dense suspension, up to higher in-
tensities than in the dilute one, and tliis influence apparently overcompensates that of
stronger absorption.
Figure 28.22B shows the same three curves, replotted to represent
per single cell. The densest suspension now shows the lowest yield.
However, all three curves appear to approach (as expected) the same limit-
ing yield athigh light intensity; thus, except for the sigmoid shape, they
cone 3
cone I
:e 700
o 600
u. 500
are of the type 3 in figure 28.20. (The latter refers to P/P"''-^; but, since
pmax. must be proportional
jg proportional to the number of cells, P/P"^^^-
to the yield per cell.) Figure 28.22C, finally, shows the yields per cell as
function of average intensity of illumination throughout the vessel (in A
and B, the abscissae were the incident light intensities, as measured at the
front wall of the vessel). The conversion is made by reducing the abscissae
in the ratio a/c, where c is the concentration and a the per cent absorption,
by 0.8/3 = 0.27 for the dense suspension, 0.6/1 = 0.6 for the medium
{i. e.,
suspension, and 0.3/0.3 = 1 for the dilute one). This treatment causes
the curves for c = 0.3 and c == 1 to coincide almost exactly; but the last
point on the c = 3 curve still shows considerable deviation.
There are two obvious reasons why one cannot expect the reduction method used to
be completely successful. In the first place, the averaging cannot be quite correct, be-
cause the cells are not actually exposed to the "average" light intensity, but some are
illuminated with stronger, and some with weaker light. This would not matter if the
yield were proportional to intensity; but, if the yield declines with increasing intensity
(as it does in the saturation region), the yield that corresponds to a given average intens-
ity will be lower whea the spread of actual intensities is wider, i. e., in the more concen-
trated suspension.
A second complication arises from the stirring of the reaction vessel, which causes
the cells to come successively into light of different intensity. The effect of this varia-
tion is complex; it belongs to the group of phenomena (induction; photosynthesis in
alternating light) which will be treated in chapters 33 and 34. Only if the illumination
cycles are much shorter than the periods required for the completion of all dark processes
of photosynthesis can one expect the cells to work, in alternating light, with the same
efficiency as in steady light with the same average intensity. The known periods of
dark reactions, associated with photosynthesis, include at least one with a period as short
as T = 0.01 sec. at room temperature; stirring is not usually rapid enough to send each
cell through the whole cycle of intensities within 0.01 sec. (c/. chapter 29, page 1106).
Consequently, the cells in the stirred vessel are illuminated with an alternating light the
average frequency of which is smaller than 1/r. While the frequency of intensity
variations is identical for all three suspensions, their amplitude is the larger the denser
the suspension. Because of induction phenomena, the highest yield at a given average
illumination is obtained in continuous light (cf. fig. 34.5); consequently, the efficiency
losses caused by intermittency will be highest in the densest suspension. We have
thus found two reasons, each of which may explain the deviation from the average of the
last point in the c = 3 curve in figure 28.22C.
It may
be useful to note that the changes in the illumination of individ-
ual cells, caused by stirring, may be discontinuous. The absorption by a
single chloroplast {i. e., in the case of Chlorella, a single cell) is so strong
that the only significant intensities of illumination to which a cell is ex-
posed may be those with no cells or with a very small number of cells (1 or
2) between itand the light source. The scattering of light in the suspen-
sions tends to smooth over these discontinuities.
With respect to the inhomogeneity of light absorption, two cell suspen-
sions with the same number of cells per square centimeter, but with a dif-
sho-wn in figure 28.20, depends on their content of the catalyst that limit
the rate in strong light. In the case for which figure 28.20 was drawn, the
catalyst content could be assumed to be proportional to the content of
chlorophyll (in other words, the "assimilation numbers" could be taken as
identical), since the two suspensions differed only in quantity and not in
quality of the cells. When, however, changes in optical density are brought
about by ^ariations in the pigment concentration ivifhin the cells, the "as-
similation number" does not necessarily remain constant. We will deal
with these relationships in chapter 32; of the three cases discussed there
(umbrophilic and heliophilic plants, 28.16-28.18; green and aurea
cf. figs.
varieties, cf. and normal and chlorotic plants, cf. fig. 32.4),
fig. 32.2;
only the last one is characterized by approximate constancy of the as-
similation numbers, and thus leads to light curves such as those in figure
28.20. In other words, in this case only does the intracellular content of
the rate-limiting catalyst change proportionally to the content of chloro-
This yield may correspond to actual utilization of all absorbed light quanta for
photosynthesis, or to a certain, not further reducible proportion of quanta wasted by
complete or partial inactivity of a certain number of cells, or of a certain fraction of
chlorophyll. A similar irreducible loss of energy can be caused by back reactions, if the
proportion of photochemical products that they destroy is independent of the rate of
formation of these intermediates (cf. page 1037, and chapter 29, page 1137).
The light curves bend toward the hoi-izontal when the rate of the pri-
mary photochemical reaction ceases to be slow compared with the maxi-
mum possible rate of one or several of the nonphotochemical processes as-
sociated with photosynthesis. As demonstrated in chapter 26, the limit-
ual character of saturation). For the same reason, the maximum rate
reached in the light-saturated state will often be considerably lower than
the "ceihng" imposed by the limiting process.
As to the nature of the processes that can cause hght saturation, the
general alternative is between "preparatory" and "finishing" reactions.
These two types of dark processes have been fu^st discussed by Warburg,
and Willstatter and Stoll, respectively. Because all transformations that
occur in photosynthesis must be cychc as far as chlorophyll and other cata-
lysts are concerned, the questionwhether a reaction takes place "before"
or "after" the primary photoprocess is not always as easy to answer as one
would at first imagine. We will assume that a dark reaction precedes the
photochemical step, retardation prevents the occurrence of this step
if its
(and thus also all the succeeding ones), and that a dark reaction /o^/oius the
primary photochemical process, if the latter takes place in any case, and the
effect of the limited rate of the dark reaction is merely to cause an accumula-
tion of the primary photoproducts. Since experience shows that no large
accumulation of oxidation intermediates occurs in photosynthesis (this is
evidenced by the abrupt stoppage of oxygen production after the cessation
of illumination), we must assume that the primary oxidation products
("photoperoxides") are unstable; unless rapidly removed or chemically
stabilized by a "finishing" process, they apparently disappear by back reac-
The uptake of carbon dioxide may sometimes continue for about 20 sec.
in the dark {cf. Vol. I, page 200, and Vol. II, chapter 36). This may
mean that some intermediate reduction products survive for that length
poses its o^^^l "ceiling" on the over-all rate of photosynthesis; and, since
the influence of such a ceiling is felt long before it has actually been reached,
the saturation value of photosynthesis in strong light may be affected not
by one limiting process, but by several such processes—particularly since
the maximum capacities of different parts of the photosynthetic apparatus
appear to be of the same order of magnitude (as one would expect of a well-
adjusted catalytic system).
In the general discussion of the kinetic curves of photosynthesis in
chapter 26, three types of curve sets, P = f{Fi) with Fg as parameter, were
described and designated as the first (or "Blackman") type, the second (or
"Bose") type and the third type, respectively (see figures 26.2, 26.3 and
26.4) We recall that curves of the first type must arise when the parameter
Fz determines the maximum rate of a partial process that does not depend
on the independent variable, Fi. This process then imposes a horizontal
ceiling on the curve P = f{Fi), but does not affect its initial slope. In curve
sets of the third type the parameter affects the initial slope of the light
curve, but not its saturation level; this type results when F2 codetermines
the rate of a process that is also a function of the independent variable, Fi.
In curve systems of the second type, the parameter F2 affects both the initial
slope and the saturation level. Carbon dioxide curves offered examples of
allthree types, depending on the nature of the parameter {cf. page 868).
Since most parameters do not affect the rate of the primary photochemical
process, and therefore do not change the initial slope of the light curves,
the P =/(/) curve systems usually are of the first type, i.
e., the various
as parameter (figs. 28.1, 28.2, 28.4, 28.5 and 28.5A), the only exception
being Harder's Fontinalis curves (fig. 28.3). The two light curves of
Chromatium with thiosuJfate concentration as parameter (fig. 28.5B) have
the same general appearance, and the curve systems with temperature as
parametei-, illustrated by figures 28.6, 28.7 and 28.8, are of the same type.
The efiect of inhibitors, however, is uneven and some results are contra-
the effect of copper sulfate, while that of nickel sulfate apparently is of the
Blackman type (fig. 28.9D). The curves of purple bacteria with pH as
parameter (fig. 28.12) are of the Bose type with thiosulfate, and of the
Blackman type with hydrogen as reductant.
Theoretically, one can easily understand why specific catalyst poisons
such as cyanide, should affect only the saturation level and not the initial
slope of the light curves: The former is determined by the rate of a dark
catalytic reaction, the latter by the rate of supply of light quanta. With
the poisoning becoming more and more complete, the inhibition can be
expected to spread to lower and lower light intensities. If one assumes (as
suggested in Vol. I, page 307) that cyanide inhibits most strongly the
carboxj'lating enzyme, Ea, the observed differences in the sensitivity of dif-
ferent species may be attributed to variations in the amount of this en-
zyme. Some plants may contain a considerable reserve of Ea, and there-
fore show poisoning effects only in strong light; in others, the concentra-
tion Ea may
be just sufficient to maintain photosynthesis in the absence of
cyanide and very little inactivation is needed to cause marked retardation
even in moderate or weak light. However, even in this case, the per cent
reduction of photosynthesis should remain smaller in weak light than in
light of saturating intensity (as was, in fact, observed \vith cyanide-poisoned
Nitzschia, cf. above). This hypothesis cannot explain an apparently uni-
form per cent reduction of photosynthesis at all light intensities by a typical
catalyst poison such as hydroxylamine (fig. 28. 9B). An ad hoc interpreta-
tion, suggested by Franck and co-workers, was described in Volume I (page
What was said about the effects of catalytic poisons should apply also
to deficiencies of the reaction substrates (carbon dioxide in green plants,
carbon dioxide and reductants in bacteria). Their effects, too, should
gradually diminish, and finally disappear with decreasing light intensity.
The on the initial slope of light curves can be under-
effect of narcotics
stood one assumes that they are adsorbed on chlorophyll (or "chloro-
posed by the deficiency of a finishing catalyst, Eb) is lower, the two may
be not too far apart. Therefore, in the narcotized state, when a large
fraction of the chlorophyll complexes is blanketed by the narcotic and
therefore inactive, the saturation level due to chlorophyll can become lower
than that due to the catalyst Eb- This will cause photosynthesis to be in-
hibited by narcotics even in strong light however, the per cent inhibition
the concentration of the reduction substrate, [ACO2], and that the pro-
portionality factor, k*, is a function of the light intensity, /. The resulting
equations for P
were then applied to the analysis of the carbon dioxide
curves, by assuming constant values of the parameter / {i. e., of fc^)- The
same equations can, however, equally well be considered as analytical ex-
pressions of the light curves, P = f{I), with [CO2] as parameter. A speci-
fic assumption must be made in this case concerning the relation of k* to
I (e. g., by postulating that /:* is proportional to /, k* = k*I, cf. eq. 28.13).
The simplest equation for P in chapter 27 was equation (27.8). It was
based on the assumption of a dissociable carbon dioxide-acceptor complex
with no limitations on the rate of its formation. The corresponding light
cui'ves are linear (at least, if k* = k*I), and show no saturation effects.
(This is, due to the fact that, in the derivation of equation 27.8,
of course,
the equilibrium concentration of the compound [ACO2] was supposed to
be undisturbed even by intense photosynthesis.) The equation of these
straight lines is (using k* as independent variable)
For the reaction mechanism discussed in section d of chapter 27 (non-
dissociable ACO2 complex attached to chlorophyll for the duration of the
eight photochemical steps, as in the Franck-Herzfeld theory), with the
simplification (28.8) used in deriving equation (27.03), we have:
(28.8) [EaI^E:
tions of reductants are known to occur, but no definite proof has as yet been
given that these transformations must be considered as preparatory reac-
tions {i.e., reactions providing the oxidation substrate for photochemical
process) rather than as finishing reactions removing the primary oxidation
products, formed by the photochemical oxidation of water. (The second
alternative favored by van Niel, Gaffron and Franck; cf. Vol. I, p. 168.)
(28.13) K = ^*I
and consequently:
of the reacting system. The light intensity, /, is, however, not uniform
throughout a leaf or cell suspension; it varies even within a single cell or a
single chloroplast. This complication has been repeatedly mentioned be-
fore, and we it again on page 1044.
shall return to In the meantime, we
will proceed as if light absorption were uniform throughout the region
under consideration. This means that our equations will be strictly valid
only for optically thin layers. In the following equations, then, I must be
taken as meaning the light flux actually reaching a chlorophyll layer, and
not the light flux falling on the outer surface of the system. (These two
fluxes are proportional to each other, but the proportionality factor varies
with depth, as well as with the wave length of the incident light.) Practi-
cally, most if not all kinetic measurements have been made, not with opti-
cally thin pigment layers but with leaves, thalli or suspensions absorbing a
large proportion (sometimes up to 100%) of incident light. We will con-
sider on page 1044 to what extent kinetic relationships derived for optically
thin layers are changed through inteji,iation over the path of the light in the
system (and also over the differently absorbed components of non-mono-
chromatic light). The treatment of this problem is further complicated
by the structural effects discussed in chapter 22 (scattering and "sieve ef-
fect"). Still another complication arises in the treatment of cell suspen-
sions rapidly agitated during the measurement, thus bringing the indi-
vidual cells more or less periodically into light fields of different intensity.
were so intense as to cause each cell to slip through all the various
If stirring
time which is short compared to the "Emerson- Arnold
light fields in a
period" (about 10 -^ sec, at room temperature, cf. chapter 34), it would
have been permissible to take into account only the average ilhimination
and to consider the latter as identical for all cells. In other words, the rate
of absorption of light by each cell could be taken as equal to the rate of
total absorption in the suspension divided by the number of the cells in it.
(28.15) ACOs-Chl-A'HoO ,
" ^ AHCOz-Chl-A'HO
In considering this alternative, it is not necessary also to adopt Franck
and Herzfeld's complex mechanism, which involves eight consecutive
photochemical steps; essentially the same conclusions can be reached also
by considering a single photochemical step, such as reaction (28.15),
and leaving the completion of the process to nonphotochemical reactions,
such as dismutations and coupled oxido-reductions, as described in chapter
9, Volume I.
The second alternative for which certain arguments were adduced in
Volume I (page 166)— is that the compound ACO2 (and perhaps A'H20
as well, although the two assumptions are separable) is kinetically inde-
pendent of chlorophyll; its reduction is then a secondary process, a dark
reaction brought about by the products of the primary photochemical re-
The analysis is simpler if the first alternative is chosen. If we assume
that the acceptor. A, is part of the chlorophyll complex, and that it takes
up or loses carbon dioxide without separating itself from this complex
(and that consequently, Ao = Chlo, and [ACO2] < Chlo), then all quanta
absorbed by the chlorophyll molecules carrying ACO2 must be effective
(as far as the primary photochemical process is concerned) while all —
ciuanta absorbed by chlorophyll carrying "bare" A are lost. The rate
Of course, a certain limit to the increase of 7 is set by the fact that ACO2
must be <Ao, the total number of available acceptor molecules. How-
ever, there is no reason why this limit could not be higher than the maxi-
mum yield possible under Einstein's equivalency law. Therefore, a limi-
t Or 2 hu, if it is assumed that one quantum is used to transfer one hydrogen atom
from A'HoO to Chi, and another one to transfer the same atom from Chi to ACO2.
In (28.15), it is also assumed that the hydrogen donor is "bound water," A'HaO; and
that, like the hydrogen acceptor, ACO2, this donor is stably associated with Chi.
: : : — ,
tation on P/I^ must exist that is quite independent of the Umited quantity
of the carbon dioxide acceptor, A. One way in which this Hmitation can
arise is for fc* in equation (28.14) to become a function of [ACO2], such that
the product /c* X [ACO2] never exceeds a certain maximum vahie; another
is for /a to cease to be proportional to 7, i. e., for k* in equation (28.14) to be-
come a function of P.
The first phenomenon is a common occurrence in photochemical proces-
ses in vitro, where the photochemical secondary reaction competes with the
deactivation of the light-activated molecules. (The latter can occur by
by energy dissipation within the activated molecule, or by
fluorescence, or
energy transfer to other molecules.) The competition between a bi-
molecular photochemical reaction (rate constant k,) and one (or several)
monomolecular deactivating reaction (combined constant k') leads to a
yield equation (Stern- Volmer equation)
(28.18) 7max. = 1
We will
analyze these two phenomena (1) the competition of the "de-
tautomerizing" back reaction in the photosensitive complex with the photo-
chemical forward reaction; and {2) the depletion of the normal form
of thiscomplex during intense photosynthesis by using two simple —
mechanisms in which the photochemical forward reaction is assumed to
involve the tautomerized chlorophyll complex, HX.Chl.Z, and either the
carbon dioxide acceptor compound, ACO2 (mechanism 28.20), or the hydro-
gen donor, A'HR, where HR may stand for water, or for a "substitute" re-
ductant (mechanism 28.21)
(28.20a ami a') X-Chl-HZ ,
(28.201)) TlXChIZ + ACOo > X-Chl-Z + AHCO,
This mechanism is represented in scheme 28. lA. The reason for assuming
the occurrence of the secondary back reaction (28.20d) will be discussed
later. If we assume, as suggested on page 1019, that /vo[A'H20] ^ Av[AC02],
the concentration of the oxidized form, [X.Chl.Z], can be neglected in
+A (^a) k'
+ A
(28.20a) (28.20a')
L (28.20 b))(/(.
r X-ChIZ
r ]
I \
A +C02 + H2O
(28.21b) HX-Chl-Z + A'HR -^ HX-ChlHZ + A'R
(28.21a) (28.21a')
r) ((28.2lb)
r A'HO(or A'R)
r 1
X- Chi- HZ
-I- COa + HzO
and hence:
(28.23) P = nkrk*I [AC02]Ch\o/(k' + ^^[ACOa])
[CO2] acceptor, will not lead to light saturation; the latter will be intro-
duced if one uses for [ACO2] one of the "kinetic" expressions, taking into
account the hmited rates of supply processes (carbon dioxide diffusion and
carboxylation) Absolute saturation, Pmll'. will result if it is assumed that
Assuming further that the complex ACO2 is in equilibrium with free carbon
dioxide, and no diffusion gradient exists, so that [CO2] — [CO^la we obtain:
(28.30) ,/./
= AvAoA\[CO,l/(A-* + A*A'JCO,])
reaching the volume under consideration, and that light absorption within
this \'olume is supposed to be so small that the rate of absorption is practi-
cally the same everywhere within it. Under these conditions:
where a is the average molar absorption coefficient for the incident light.
This equation implies that / is measured in number of einsteins of light
falling per second on a square centimeter and Chlo is expressed in moles per
liter. According to page 838, for white light, 1 lux 1.4 X 10' ^ quanta/ ^
sec. cm. 2 = 2.3 X 10"'- einstein/sec. cm.^ We thus have:
which is the maximum possible rate of reaction (28.21c) reached when a/i
The simplifying assumption that the carbon dioxide acceptor is, even
during intense photosynthesis, in equilil^rium with external cai'bon dioxide
could be dropped, and the more general expression (27.15) for [A-C02]
ten times higher. This means h >50 sec.-^ (for [ACO2] = 0.05 mole/
liter),assuming that the primary photochemical reaction is (28.21c).
Because of fundamental significance of these conclusions, a reinvestigation
of the kinetics of photosynthesis in aurea leaves seems desirable.
(as was assumed above), but also to the oxidation of certain metabolites
(sugars?) which produces a "narcotic" (a fatty acid?). The latter settles
on the chlorophyll complex, prevents any further acceleration of the pri-
mary photochemical reaction, and causes a strong increase in fluorescence.
In the case of purple bacteria the following two alternative descriptions
of the rate-limiting and fluorescence-enhancing effect of a limited supply
of the reductants (H2, H2S2O3 ) are possible Either one considers this
. . . :
oxygen. Because of the symmetry we have assumed between the right and
left sides in schemes 28.IA and B, a limitation in the utilization of the oxida-
tion products will have the same effect on the kinetics of the process as a
whole as a limitation of the utilization of the reduction products. In the
first case, the secondary back reaction will be accelerated by the accumula-
tion of the primary oxidation product, A'HO; in the second case, by the ac-
cumulation of the primary reduction product, AHCO2.
Using reactions (28.20) we can tentatively assume that Eb acts on the
first reduction product, AHCO2, according to the scheme;
(28.38a) AHCO2 + Eb ^ ^
two AHCO2 radicals, but we ^nll use here the simplest possible mechanism.)
The rate of photosynthesis is, according to this scheme
(28.39) P = nfcelEBAHCOo]
mechanism (scheme 7.VA, Vol. I), in which the oxidant, ACO2, and the re-
ductant, A'H20, belong to the photosensitive complex, and take part in
the primary photochemical process, e. g., in the way indicated in equation
(28.41a, a') ACOs-Chl-A'H.O ^=± AHCOa-Chl-A'HO
Primary forward and
back reaction
k Catalytic
(28.41b) AHCOa-Chl-A'HO + Eb ^— EbHCO. + A-Chl-A'HO
> stabiliza-
(28.41c) EbHCOo
—>Eb + {HC021
\ tion of re-
In order to simplify the derivations still more and to elaborate only the
effect due to the back reaction, we further assume that the reactions (28.41d
and e), by which the photosensitive complex is supplied with fresh oxi-
dant and fresh reductant, respectively, are practically instantaneous.
Under these conditions, only two factors can cause light saturation: (a)
accumulation of the photosensitive complex in the tautomeric form
AHCOg-Chl- A'HO; and (5) accumulation of the catalyst Eg in the bound
form, EbHC02. The equation for P which takes into account these two
effects is quadratic; its one significant sohition is:
(28.41b) +£b K
r A-Chl-A'HO
jCHzO} 02
If A;' <C /i^eEB (so that back reactions play no important part in weak light)
we have:
(28.44) {dP/dI\ = n/j*Chlo
in other words, the limiting rate is the maximum rate of reaction (28.41b),
reached when, in the photostationary state, practically all chlorophyll
complexes are in the "tautomeric" form, AHC02-Chl-A'H0.
This last conclusion reminds us of the fact that the Franck-Herzfeld
variant of the mechanism of EB-limitation of photosynthesis does not
strictly belong under the heading of "limitation by finishing dark reac-
tions," since we have defined finishing reactions as those whose slowness
does not affect the composition of the photosensitive complex (and thus
the rate of the primary photochemical process) The reason why the reac-
(28.47A) v/
,_«(*' + « Wili^')
(It will be recalled that equation 28.42 was derived by assuming complete
and instantaneous saturation of the acceptor with carbon dioxide; there-
fore no [CO2] -proportional factor appears in equation 28.47A.)
The hyperbola represented by equation (28.42) is not rectangular; it
therefore cannot be represented in the form F/(Pmax. — P) = const. X /•
The degree of its deviation from the shape of a rectangular hyperbola, with
the same initial slope and same saturation value, can be seen from a com-
parison of the half-saturating intensity (28.47 A) with the half-saturating
intensity derived from (28.43) and (28.45) by means of equation (28.48C)
: :
The two expressions become identical if A"e ^ A-gChlo ; in which case we write
(28.47Ba) :// = (k' + hEl)/k*
This was stated before to mean that the bottleneck reaction is (28.41b),
while the catalyst, Eb, is present in excess. According to (28.47) it also
means that the maximum yield Pniax! is proportional to Chlo; and the
observ^ations on aurea leaves, quoted above on page 1031, indicate that this
condition is not realized in nature. The reverse relation, AgChlo ^ A"e,
which allows Eb to be fully utilized and the maximum rate (equation 28.46)
to be independent of chlorophyll concentration, appears the more likely ap-
proximation to natural conditions. This inequality reduces (28.47A) to:
(28.47C) v/ = ^"'^^'l^teCht^"^
^^^' << ^"^^^^"^
The reason Franck and Herzfeld had to assume that the catalyst En works on
all seven mtermediate products (and does not merely create a single "bottleneck,"
e. g., after the fourth, or seventh photochemical step) is as follows:
If one assumes eight
photochemical steps and only one bottleneck, then, in strong light, the intermediate
just before the bottleneck will accumulate at the expense of all the others. If now the
light intensity suddenly reduced, a certain time must elapse until the distribution of
intermediates can become uniform. Uniform distribution is, however, necessary to ob-
tain the maximum quantum yield (since for this, all eight photochemical steps must occur
with equal frequencies). It follows that sudden reduction of light intensity from the
saturation range to the linear range should cause photosynthesis to drop "too low," and
then gradually recover to the normal value. Franck and Herzfeld took it for granted that
no such effect exists, and this caused them to assume equal proportions of back reactions
equal role of the catalyst Eb) for all eight intermediates.
(i. e.,
This loss of active chlorophyll is not noticeable when the over-all rate is limited by a
chlorophyll-independent catalyst, such as Eb; consequently, in strong light, even if
only a fraction of chlorophyll is active, its activity may suffice to keep all Eb occupied.
In the light-limited state, on the other hand, absorption of light by "narcotized" (or
otherwise inhibited) chlorophyll must reveal itself in a proportionally decreased rate of
Obviously, questions about the distribution of intermediates become unnecessary if
one postulates only one photochemical step followed by dark dismutations or coupled
(28-47Fd) I
OH} + X-Chl-HZ (+ H,M) > X-Chl-HZ-HM -|- H2O
(= {Chi} + H2O)
(28.47Fe) X-Chl-HZ-HM (+ 10.) > X-Chl-HZ (+ M + IHaO)
where {Chi} is an abbreviated expression for the "narcotized chlorophyll,"
The components in parentheses are supposed, for the sake of simplifica-
tion, to be present in excess and to react practically instantaneously, so
that their concentrations do not appear in kinetic equations. The summa-
tion of the first three equations gives equation (28.47Fa) for the primary
photochemical process. It is further assumed that the reduction product.
The rate of photosynthesis is, in this scheme, equal to the rate of the
limiting reaction (28.47Fc)
(28.47G) P = »^e[EOH]
the maximum possible rate is (the subscript max. being justified by the
above-made assumption of practically instantaneous supply of carbon
(28.47Ha) k = ^
An equation for the rate of photosynthesis can be obtained by deter-
mining the photostationary concentration [EOH] and then applying
equation (28.47G). The result is:
(28.471) - - 2(fc - 1)
Lv 2(fc - 1) ) k-i \
(One can easily ascertain that this equation gives correctly, P = for / =
0, and P'"^'^- = nA-eEo for 7 = oo .)
The light curves (28.471) are nonrectangular hyperbolae with the initial
nkji* nkjcnk*
\dl Ji = o kekEo + k:Ch\o kUko + knCUo)
k,E,{k + 1) + 2A-,:Clilo
(28.48) V/ = 2k*kCh]Q
It will be noted that all the kinetic models used in this chapter lead to
quadratic equations for the rate of photosynthesis, P, as function of incident
light intensity, /; in other words, to hyperbolic light curves, P = /(/).
The imposition of a rate "ceiling," caused by limited supply of a reactant
or limited amount of an enzyme (in addition to a rate "roof," imposed by
the minimum number of quanta required to bring about the reaction)
changes the appearance of the light curves for example, it can convert a—
rectangular into a nonrectangular hyperbola—but in the mechanisms
discussed so far, general hyperbolical shape is preserved.
A hyperbola is defined by three parameters. In our presentation of
light curves, the axis of abscissae, I, was parallel to one asymptote of the
hyperbola (the equation of the latter being P = p"''^^-)^ while the axis of
ordinates, P, was chosen so as to make P = at / = 0. One convenient
form of writing the equation of a hyperbola in this system of co-ordinates is:
The three parameters in this equation are 70, the initial slope of the
curve, which is proportional to the maximum ciuantum yield of photo-
synthesis; i/J, the half-saturating light intensity; and P'"'^''-^ the limiting
rate in strong light. If the second term in parentheses vanishes, the equation
(28.48C) 70
Several equations derived in chapters 27 and 28 for the light curves of
photosynthesis- — —
such as (28.29) actually had the simplified form
(28.48B) however that was not always the case, as shown, e. g., by equa-
curves, cf. chapter 29, p. 1132 ff.), another parameter may be chosen
instead, such as //, the Hght intensity at which photosynthesis reaches
one-quarter of its saturation vahie. This choice leads to a very simple
(28.48D) 70
p r
- 4P
- "I
(28.48E) / = p^,,. _ p |_6./,
I ,// + p^. (,//
absence of scattering) is
in einsteins per cm.^ per sec, the total rate of photosynthesis is:
(28.48K) /a = / - r
'\^'hen the incident light intensity increases so that light saturation sets
in, most exposed pigment laj^er, the light curve of the integral
in the
yield bends, and does not become horizontal until saturation has become
complete in the deepest laj^er. Consequently (as discussed before, cf. p.
1007 and fig. 28.20), the qualitative effect of inhomogeneous light absorp-
tion must be to broaden the transitional region connecting the linearly
ascending and the horizontal part of the light curves. AVhat we want to
know is how the shape of the light curves is changed by this integration.
Let us assume for the sake of simplicity that the "differential" light cuives
are rectangular hyperbolae:
pmax. _ = k*Ii
jL*r)inax. riQ-Q:(Chl](
(28.48L) Pt = _|_ ^*j jQ-a[chi]i
(28.48M) P = =
[Chi] In 10
1 + ^•*n0^lChlJ^
m dSV'^
^zs.is.n; — ^_ p =
p^^^ ^^^[(^yj
jj^ jQ
[( 1 +
jj^ j^ ^
+ fc*/10-'^[ch']'.)
A;*7)/(l + fc*/10-«Ichi](o) ]
This series shows that the integral light curve remains practically a
rectangular hyperbola until the third term in the development ceases to be
small compared to 1; then, it looses the hyperbolic shape (because of a
third degree term, containing the product PP). Since the second factor
in the third term decreases from 2 to 1 with increasing light intensity, the
maximum value of this term is a[Chll/o In 10/6. This means that for the
maximum deviation of the integral light curve from hyperbolical shape to
exceed 5%, the integral absorption must exceed 50%:
(7o// = 2; log/o// = a[Chl]ioln 10 = 0.30; a[Chl]/oln 10/6 = 0.05)
At 75% absorption, the maximum deviation will reach 10%. This indi-
cates that to obtain experimental light curves which will permit one to
judge the true shape of the function P = f{I), objects with an optical den-
sity of up to log h/I = 0.5 can be used.
A corresponding derivation for a general hyperbola is much more in-
volved, but conclusions are likely to be not too different from those obtained
here for a rectangular hyperbola.
In the literature one can find many attempts to derive analytical ex-
pressions for the light curves of photosynthesis, partly by using very simple
kinetic models, and partly by empirical approximation.
Among the simplified kinetic equations, reference may be made to those
of Ghosh (1928), Emerson and Green (1934), Baly (1935) and Burk and
Lineweaver (1935); while among the empirical approximations, we may
mention those of Brackett (1935) and Smith (1936, 1937, 1938).
o 2
o 16
3 4 5
LOG I, meter candles
(28.48Q) p/V(pmax.)2 _ p2 = CI
continues to increase proportionally with light intensity (i. e., the yield,
(p, remains constant) long after photosynthesis has begun to show light
saturation (i. e., 7 has begun to decHne). For example, Wassink, Vermeu-
len, Reman and Katz (1938), using a suspension of Chlorella vulgaris, found
* Bibliography, page 1081.
for F and P the two curves shown in figvire 28.24: The fluorescence curve
remained Hnear up to 16 kerg/cm.^ sec, while photosynthesis became Ught-
saturated at about 10 kerg. Subsequent investigations have sho^vn, how-
ever, that such an absence of correlation between tp and 7 is by no means
the general rule. More often, a definite relation usually, antiparallelism
— is found between the two jnelds {i. e., the jaeld of fluorescence increases
when the yield of photosynthesis becomes smaller, and vice versa). An in-
crease in the yield of fluorescence at high light intensities was first observed
by McAlister and Myers (1940) in young wheat plants. It began at about
200 kerg/cm.2 sec. However, this increase occurred only when the carbon
dioxide supply was low (0.03%) no change of <p was noticeable even up to
700 kerg/cm.2 sec, when this supply was ample (in 4% CO2) (c/. fig.
28.25). It will be noted that McAlister and Myers used much higher light
intensities than Wassink and co-workers; but in their experiments {of.
Table 28.1), saturation was not quite reached, in the presence of 4% CO2,
even at 600 kerg/cm.^ sec.
Franck, French and Puck (1941), working with Hydrangea leaves, found
an increase in fluorescence yield above 20 kerg/cm.^ sec, even with ample
Fig. 28.26. Rate of photosynthesis (P, lower scale) and fluorescence (<p, upper
scale) yield ofHydrangea leaves as function of light intensity (after Franck, et al.
1941). Note that upper curve represents yield, ip, while the two preceding fig-
ures show absolute rates, i.e., intensities, of fluorescence, F.
the reductant the yield is high even at Hght intensities as low as 1 kerg/cm.^
Figure 28.27 shows the transition from the low intensity yield, (pi, to
the high intensity yield, ipi- The yield in the upper figure becomes prac-
tically constant (v?
= ^2) when the difference between the angles <p and <p2
28.28) French and Koski (1951) reported that the chlorophyll fluorescence
of a red alga declined when the exciting green light was raised to 4 kerg/cm. 2
sec. The phj^coerythrin fluorescence remained proportional to I.
We have seen above that the yield of fluorescence, <p, is often afi"ected
by changes in the yield of photosjTithesis, 7, when the latter are produced
by variations of light intensity. We therefore expect ^ to be affected also
by other, external or internal factors that influence 7.
with CO2
o with CO2
A without COz
o 6-
Figure 28.34 shows the "critical" intensity, /<-, (fig. 28.27) in relation to the
thiosulfate concentration. It rises from 2 kerg without thiosulfate to 10
kerg in 0.5% thiosulfate, and then becomes more or less constant. Figure
27.13 indicated that thiosulfate "saturation" of photosynthesis occurs in
about the same concentration region.
Wassink and co-workers noted, however, that, with hydrogen as reduc-
tant, at pH 7.6, the transition point of fluorescence was markedly higher
than the saturation point of the gas exchange.
without hydrogen
Q 2 % hydrogen
12 A 2.9% hydrogen
o 15% hydrogen
o 6
2 3
Kautsky and Spohn (1934) noticed that the fluorescence of leaves was
stronger at than at 30° G. but Wassink, Vermeulen, Reman and Katz
O 30° C
A 12° C
• 28° C
A 14° C
.t: 70
O 60
O 50
3 40
- 8
oK * 116x10^
INTENSITY, erg/cm^ sec.
(Pi and (p2 {cf. fig. 28.27), but caused the transition from (pi to ^2 to occur at
lower light intensities (fig. 28.38). (Figs. 28.37 to 28.45 are on pages
The effect of temperature on the light curves of fluorescence was also
observed by Wassink and Kersten (1945) with diatoms. Figure 28.39
shows that the peculiarity noted in the fluorescence curves of the same
species with and without external CO2 (fig. 28.28) is repeated in the fluores-
cence curves at low and high temperature: The yield of fluorescence
either remains constant, or declines at high light intensity. An additional
peculiarity is that the curve obtained at low temperature resembles that
found with carbon dioxide, and the curve found at high temperature re-
sembles that found without external CO2; usually, the reverse relation
prevails, the efi^ect of loA\ering tlie temperature being similar to that of re-
moving carbon dioxide. In figure 28.39 the yield at 25° C. remains con-
stant up to 100 kerg/cm.' sec, while the saturation of photosynthesis be-
gins at this temperature at about 20, and is complete at about 45 kerg/em.-
{d) Cyanide
respiration is weak) Figure 28.42 shows that the cyanide effect on steady
figure 28.43; but Franck, French and Puck (1941) found that it disappears
again if the light intensity is increased still further. For example, 2% gase-
ous HCN in the atmosphere increased the yield of fluorescence of Hydrangea
leaves (in 1% CO2) by 12% when the incident light intensity was 2 kerg.
12 o 29° C. 12 V 35° C
A 195° o 29°
a 10 5° A 23°
§ '0 10 a 16°
uj 8
o 6-
3 4 -
2 -
o not inhibited
A 005 ml.0.03%KCN/ml.
i TO
5 60
S 50
^ 40
g 30
INTENSITY, erg/cm.2 sec.
TIME, mm.
20 10
o totolly inhibited o without cyonide
18 1- • not inhibited 9 • 0.003% cyanide
20 40 60 80 100
Fig. 28.43. Stationiiiy values of fluor- Fig. 28.44. Cyanide effect on fluores-
escence of Chlorella as function of light cence of diatoms (25° C.) (after Wassink
and without cyanide (after
intensity with and Kersten 1945).
Wassink and Katz 1939). (Gas phase air,
29° C.)
14 14
% Thiosulfote 15% Hydrogen
o without cyanide o without cyanide
A 0.0167% cyanide A 0,00125% Cyanide
{g) Narcotics
(h) Oxygen
% Hydroxylamine
o not inhibited
110 A 005 ml 60% urethon/ml
V 1.6 X 10"*
No Reductant
10 20 30 40 X 10*
LIGHT INTENSITY, erg/cm.^ sec.
Fig. 28.51. CO2 assimilation and fluorescence vs. incident light intensity (after
McAlister and Myers 1940). Solid symbols, intensity of fluorescence, F; open
symbols, rate of CO2 uptake, P.
kf-, quantum yield, <p) — compete for the absorbed light energy. If all
state of the chlorophyll molecule has been estimated (cf. page 534) as of the
order of 8 X
lO^^ sec; and the low yield of fluorescence in vivo (order
0.1%) indicates that the actual life-time is about one hundred times shorter,
or ~8 X 10-^'' sec. produce, under these conditions, a marked effect
on the intensity of fluorescence by kinetic encounters the quenching mole-
cules must occur in concentrations high enough for the encounter intervals
to be not much longer than 10"'" sec; and this requires concentrations
of the order of at least 0.01 and more prol)ably 0.1 mole per liter. It seems
unlikely that such high concentrations of freely moving molecules of reac-
(28.51) <p=^ kf/{k, + kd) and also y ^ kt/ikt + kd); 8 ^ kd/{kt + kd)
Equation (28.51) shows that (p does not necessarily increase by the same
amount by which y decreases (or vice versa), since simultaneous changes
in 5 can change not only the absolute magnitude of the effect but even
its sign. If kt decreases e. g., if the primary photochemical reaction be-
late direct association of chlorophyll with bound carbon dioxide and the
reductant). In inten.se light or when one or both of the reactants, CO2
and HR, are absent, or when the preparatory catalysts are poisoned, the
chlorophyll complex may go over predominantly into a tautomerized or
chemically changed state. If the normal state is X- Chi -HZ, the likely
changed states are HX-Chl-Z (tautomeric), HX-Chl-HZ (reduced state)
and X-Chl-Z (oxidized state); if the normal state is AC02-Chl-A'RH,
the possibilities include, in addition to the tautomeric, oxidized and reduced
states, also three "starved" states, namely A-Chl-A'R (carbon dioxide-
starved), AC02-Chl-A' (reductant-starved) and A -Chi -A' (totally starv^ed
Furthermore, one can envisage states in which CO2 or are not merely RH
missing, but are replaced by other molecules either also suitable to serve —
as hydrogen acceptors or donors (such as oxygen, or the "substitute oxi-
molecule and the adsorbent that determine whether the effect of these
forces is to permit the excitation energy to spread over a larger number of
degrees of freedom, including those of the associate molecules, and thus
facilitate its conversion into heat, or whether their effect is to orient and
some otherwise freely vibrating or rotating parts in the pigment mole-
cule thus making the dissipation of energy within it more difficult.
between the two yields without the narcotic.) Franck suggested that
"self-narcotization" may be a protective device of major importance for the
preservation of plants from destructive photochemical reactions (such as
photoxidations) that are likely to occur whenever the photosynthetic ap-
paratus is for some reason or another prevented from working on its normal
obvious from this discussion that we should not be astonished to
It is
find rather complicated changes in the yield of fluorescence when we accel-
erate or retard photosynthesis by changing external factors such as hght
intensity or the concentrations [CO2] or [RH], or by adding various inhibi-
As discussed previously on page 1013, one would expect, in general,
the chlorophyll complex will change, the photosensitive form will be used
up, ki will therefore go down and ^ will increase correspondingly—unless
ka increases simultaneously and so strongly that its increase overcompen-
sates the decrease of k^ equation 28.51). On the other hand, if photo-
— [IChU]
(28.51A) <p = <Pi + {'Pi <fi)
The fluorescence yield light curves <p — f(Ia) are thus linear derivatives
of the function [ { Chi } ]
= /(/«) . In practice, we use as independent vari-
able, the incident light intensity /; since we assume uniform light ab-
sorption (z. e., an optically thin system), we have (c/. equation 28.33) la —
fc*7Chlo. The relation of the fluorescence intensity curve F = f{Ia) to the
fluorescence yield curve <p — /(/„) is:
(28.51B) F = ^h = <fj, + if, - ^i)
(28.51Ca) ACO.-Chl-A'HzO
+ H2O
> A-Chl-A'H.O + {OH} + {HCO2!
(28.51Da) X- Chi -HZ
+ H2O
> HX-Chl-HZ + [OH]
(28.51E) [{Chl}]=
k'lCO-i] + k*I
For the light intensity at which the yield of fluorescence, <p, is equal to
the arithmetic mean of <pi and ^2 we obtain:
(28.51F) /,I =
V^^ k*
In this special case, photosynthesis reaches half -saturation at the same in-
tensity as fluorescence The rate of photosynthesis according to schemes
P = k'k*IC\xU/{k'{C02] + k*I)
and the saturation rate is P"*''- = A;'Chlo, which gives for !}, I the value
can next consider the case discussed on page 1028, in which light
saturation is due to the accumulation of chlorophyll in the reduced form,
HX-Chl-HZ, because of slow primary hack reaction. (In other words, we
assume mechanism 28.21, with the specific assumption that reaction 28.21b
is practically instantaneous.) This leads us (for the simplest case when the
carboxylation equilibrium is undisturbed by photosynthesis) to equations
(28.28) for the rate P, and equations (28.30) and (28.31) for the half-
saturating light intensity of photosynthesis. The concentration of chloro-
phyll complexes in the inactive form is given in this case by equation
(28.26) the midpoint of fluorescence transition again coincides with the
half-saturation of photosynthesis.
can further consider reaction mechanism (28.41) (with the simpli-
fying assumption of instantaneous "reloading" with CO2 and H2O), in
which light saturation is ascribed to the combined effects of slow restora-
tion of the catalyst Eb (assumed to "stabilize" the first reduction product,
HCO2), and primary back reaction (28.41a'). The equation for
of the slow
the concentration of "inactivated" chlorophyll complexes is in this case
quadratic, and its one significant solution is:
+ k,{k'
+ r
with the one derived above from mechanism 28.21 in both of them, half- ;
[{Chi! ]
2(yt - m: + k*i)
rf kk^Ej - (k - 2)A-*7Chlo + 1
A-^Chlp X k*ICh]l 'A
Lv 2{k - i)(a: + k*i) ) ^ {k- \w^ -I- k*i)\
. F J _
- C\-iW„{k + 1) + 2AAeEo
V2^ A;*(/t + DChlo
Comparison with equation (28.48) shows that fluorescence can be half-
saturated either earlier or later than photosynthesis, depending on whether
A number of experimental fluorescence curves of this type are repro-
duced earlier in this chapter (e.g., figs. 28.29, 43-48, 50). We are more
interested, however, in fluorescence yield curves, tp = /(/) ; a plot of this
kind is shown in the upper part of figure 28.27. This figure indicates that
the "critical" intensity, Ic, as defined by Wassink and co-workers (fig.
(28.54) AHCO, + A'HO > A + CO. + A'H^O (or A + COo + A' + H.O)
(28.55) AHC02- Chi -A'HO > AChlA'HaO + CO2 (or A-ChlA' + CO2 + H.O)
In this way, the products of the back reaction are added to the pool of
free carbon dioxide and water rather than to the immediately available
substrates of the primary photochemical process, ACO2 and A'H20.
We recall that this hypothesis was first suggested by Franck to ex-
plain an entirely different observation —
the "carbon dioxide burst" some-
times observed in the first minutes of illumination {cf. Vol. I, page 207, and
chapter 29, page 1093).
When the yield of fluorescence goes up with increasing light intensity,
as in figure 28.25, and reaches a new steady value, ^2, in the region of the
light saturation of photosynthesis (fig. 28.26), this can be taken as a sign
that saturation is it is thus under-
due to a preparatory dark reaction;
standable why, in McAlister's experiment represented in figure 28.25, this
change was observed in a C02-deficient medium and not in 5% CO2.
The results obtained by Wassink and Kersten with Nitzschia (fig. 28.28)
are puzzling. The above 50 kerg/cm.^ sec. tp decreases rather than
fact that
increases with light intensity could be formally explained by assuming
that, in this organism, the form of the chlorophyll complex that accumu-
lates during intense photosynthesis has a higher value of ki {i. e., dissipates
energy more rapidly), so that the sum h -\- h increases in strong light even
if kt declines to zero. AVhat is more difficult to explain is that in the
absence of carbon dioxide the diatoms retain the high yield of fluorescence
{(Pi) in strong light, while one would offhand expect that, in this case,
lower value (^2) would prevail from the very beginning. (It was mentioned
on page 1051 that the curves would be easier to understand if the designa-
tions "with carbon dioxide" and "without carbon dioxide" were exchanged!)
In the case of purple bacteria, several states seem to be needed to ex-
plain the light curves of fluorescence. First of all, the low value of if in weak
hght (the sigmoid shape) needs interpretation. It is probably associated
with the substitution of intercellular hydrogen donors for the external re-
ductants, which occurs while photosynthesis is slow. The coincidence of
the two curves in figure 28.29 seems to indicate that, when photosynthesis
is prevented by the absence of reductants, either chlorophyll accumulates
in one and the same form in the presence and in the absence of carbon
dioxide, or the two forms (e. g., HX-BChl-Z and X-BChl-Z) accumu-
lated under these conditions have a practically identical rate of energy
dissipation, h. In the presence of reductants, the two forms accumulated
with and without carbon dioxide (perhaps X-BChl-HZ and HX-BChl--
HZ) possess, to the contrary, a very different fluorescence capacity. How-
ever, as the light intensity is increased, a further change in the composi-
tion of the complex occurs, leading to the crossing of the curves with and
without carbon dioxide. Figures 28.31-28.35 confirm that the absence of
reductants causes (in the presence as well as in the absence of carbon di-
oxide), the accumulation of a form with considerably increased capacity
for fluorescence (which may be X-BChl-Z, or AC02-BChl-A').
alternative explanation of the effect of reductants on fluorescence
can be given on the basis of Franck's concept of "self-narcotization."
Franck assumes that reductants such as hydrogen or thiosulfate intervene
in bacterial photosynthesis by reducing the "photoperoxides" formed by
the primary photochemical process. If the reductants are deficient, the
peroxides accumulate and produce the "narcotic," that blankets the
chlorophyll and causes fluorescence to become stronger. The absence of
C'Oa has less effect in bacteria because they are studied under anaerobic
conditions, permitting no photoxidation. Wassink, Katz, et al. (1938,
1942,1949) explained the effect of reductants by assuming that an "energy
acceptor," capable of taking light energy over from bacteriochlorophyll,
thus quenching its fluorescence, can be formed exclusively by enzymatic
transformation of the rc(hictants. They followed that CO2 must have no
effect on fluorescence at all —whii-h is not true.
The effects of cyanide and on fluorescence (and photo-
of loio temperature
synthesis) can often be explained by assuming that the primary effect
of both is the retardation of the carbon dioxide supply processes. However,
we have seen, in part A, that not all tlie experimental results on cyanide
inhibition agree with this simple explanation; the same is true of the
fluorescence measurements. It is, for example, not clear why the concen-
trations of cyanide needed to markedl}^ affect fluorescence are so much
higher than those needed to inhibit photosynthesis. These and the results
obtained with several other poisons and narcotics require so many ad hoc
explanations that we do not want to attempt them here. Parallel measure-
ment of gas exchange and fluorescence in the presence of various inhibitors
seems to be a very promising approach to the unravelling of the complex
happenings in the photosensitive chlorophyll complex; but the presently
available results are hardly sufficient to warrant a detailed attempt.
Franck to whom we owe both the fundamental concepts of fluorescence
and the demonstration of how these concepts can be usefully applied to the
study of photosynthesis has WTitten two reviews of this subject (1949,
1951), which contain many observations and interpretations that could not
be covered in the above presentation.
Bibliography to Chapter 28
1882 Berthold, G., Mitt. zool. Station Neapel, 3, 393; Jaltrb. wiss. Botanik, 13,
1883 Reinke, J., Botmi. Z., 41, 697, 713, 732.
1884 Sachs, J., Arb. botan. Inst. Wurzburg, 3, 1.
van der Honert, T. H., Rev. Ircw. botan. neerland., 27, 149.
Kostychev, S., and Berg, V., Planta, 11, 144.
Kostychev, S., Chesnokov, V., and Bazja-ina, K., ibid., 11, 160.
Kostychev, S., and Kardo-S^ysojeva, H., ibid., 11, 117.
Lundegardh, H., Klima mid Baden in Hirer Wirkimg aiif das Pfldiizni-
leben. 2nd ed., Fischer, Jena, 1930.
1931 Ehrke, G., Pla7ita, 13, 221.
Stocker, 0., Ber. deut. botan. Ges., 49, 267.
1932 Boysen-Jensen, P., Stoffprodnktion der Pflanzen. Fischer, Jena, 1932.
Harder, R., Filzer, P., and Lorenz, A., Jahrb. wiss. Botan., 75, 45.
Chesnokov, V., and Bazyrina, K., Trav. inst. biol. Peterhof, 9, 103.
Hiramatsu, K., Science Repts. Tbhokii Imp. Univ., [II], 7, 239.
Miiller, D., P/anta, 16, 1.
van der Paauw, F., Rev. trav. botan. neerland., 29, 497.
Wood, J. G., Australian J. Exptl. Biol. Med. Sci., 10, 89.
1933 Boysen-Jensen, P., Planta, 21, 368.
Hoover, W. H., Johnston, E. S., and Brackett, F. S., Smithsonian hist.
Pub. Misc. Collections, 87, No. 16.
Kursanov, A. L., Planta, 20, 535.
Montfort, C., Biochem. Z., 261, 179.
Montfort, C, Protoplasma, 19, 385.
Harder, R., Planta, 20, 699.
1934 Daxer, H., Jahrb. wiss. Botan., 80, 363.
Emerson, R., and Green, L., /. Gen. Physiol., 17, 817.
Emerson, R., and Green, L., Nature, 134, 289.
Montfort, C., Jahrb. wiss. Botan., 79, 493.
Schomer, H. A., Ecology, 15, 217.
1935 Burk, D., and Lineweaver, H., Cold Spring Harbor Symposia Quant. Biol.,
3, 165.
Brackett, F. S., ibid., 3, 117.
Ashby, E., and Oxley, T. A., Ann. Botany, 49, 309.
Barker, H. A., Arch. Mikrobiol, 6, 141.
Blagoveshclienskij A. V., Planta, 24, 276.
1932 Kautsky, H., Hiisch, A., and Davidshofer, F., Ber. deut. chem. Ges., 65,
1934 Kautsky, H., and Spohn, H., Biochem. Z., 274, 435.
1935 Kautsky, H., and Hirsch, A., Biochem. Z., 277, 250.
1938 Wassink, E. C, Vermeulen, D., Reman, G. H., and Katz, E., Enzymologia,
5, 100.
1939 Wassink, E. C, and Katz, E., Enzymologia, 6, 145.
1940 McAlister, E. D., and Myers, J., Smithsonian Inst. Pub. Misc. Collections,
99, No. 6.
1941 Franck, J., French, C. S., and Puck, T. T., J. Phys. Chem., 45, 1268.
Katz, E., Wassink, E. C, and Dorrestein, R., paper presented at Spectros-
copy Symposium, Chicago, 1941.
1942 Katz, E., Wassink, E. C, and Dorrestein, R., Enzymologia, 10, 269.
Wassink, E. C, Katz, E., and Dorrestein, R., ibid., 10, 285.
1945 Wassink, E. C, and Kersten, J. A. H., ibid., 11, 282.
1947 Shiau, Y. G., and Franck, J., Arch. Biochem., 14, 253.
1949 Franck, J., "The Relation of the Fluorescence of Chlorophyll to Photo-
synthesis," in Photosynthesis in Plants, Iowa State College Press, Ames,
Iowa, 1949, p. 293.
Katz, E., "Chlorophyll Fluorescence as Energy Flowmeter for Photosyn-
thesis," ibid., p. 287.
1950 Franck, J., A7in. Rev. Biochem. (in press).
1951 French, C. S., and Koski, V. M., Proc. Sac. Exptl. Biol, (in press).
Chapter 29
where AH„, is the molar heat of combustion of one {CH2OI group in carbo-
hydrates (approximately 112 kcal, or 4.69 X 10^^ erg); Na, Avogadro's
number (6.02 X lO^^); h, Planck's constant (6.55 X 10""); and p, the
frequency of light (3.00 X 10^'' /K J-
The concept of the "quantum yield" of a photochemical process arose
from Einstein's application of quantum theory to photochemistry in 1913.
Einstein suggested, in elaboration of Planck's concept of vibrational energy
quanta of electrons in atoms and molecules, that light energy, too, consists
* Bibliography, page 1139.
The inverse of the quantum yield (or quantum efficiency, which is the
same thing), is called the quantum requirement. Kegrettably, the first
term is often used when the second one would be appropriate for example,
it is said that "the quantum yield of photosynthesis is 4" (or 8, or some
other number, where n > 1), instead of saying that it is V4 (or Vs, or, gen-
erally, 1/w).
Warburg and Negelein (1922, 1923) were the first to apply the mano-
metric method. They worked with suspensions of the unicellular green
alga Chlorella. (The species was described by them as Chlorella vulgaris,
but subsequent experience makes it uncertain whether it was this species,
or C. pyrenoidosa.) To avoid the difficulties of the measurement of light
absorption in plants caused by scattering (cf. chapter 22), they used dense
suspensions, absorbing practically all the incident light. Consequently,
at any given moment, most of the cells were shaded, and their contribution
to photosynthesis was small; on the other hand, all cells contributed
equally to respiration. For this reason and because of the low light in-
tensities used (of the order of 1000 erg/cm. ^ sec), the total volume of
respiration was larger than that of photosynthesis. (In other words,
Warburg and Negelein worked below the compensation point.) They
noted that the respiration of Chlorella was markedly stimulated by pro-
longed exposure to light(cf. chapter 20, page 564) In order to avoid such
,TT ^
, .
forward reaction back reaction
(29.2a) ACOa-Chl-A'HjO > AHCO.Chl-A'OH >
A'H,0*Chl.ACOf A-Chl-A' + H^O +A + CO^
Here, asterisks indicate that the compounds formed by back reactions contain consider-
able excess energy and therefore tend to decompose into their constituents. These back
reactions normally occur only in saturating light (they are, in fact, supposed to be re-
sponsible for saturation); but in the first moment of illumination, practically all
AHCO2 formed (even the small amounts produced in weak light) undergoes back reac-
tion,because during this "induction period," certain catalysts have not yet been "re-
activated," and are unable to take care of the products of the first photochemical reac-
A difficulty of this hypothesis even with a 100% yield of the back reaction,
is that,
the rate of production of ACO2 in must be small compared with the same
weak light
rate in strongly oversaturating light. In the latter case, all intermediates formed in ex-
cess of the saturating rate are supposed to undergo back reactions; and yet, under
appropriate supply conditions, no carbon dioxide limitation is observed, indicating that
either theACO2 complexes formed by back reactions do not dissociate, or the recombina-
tion of A and CO2 is so fast as to prevent any exhaustion of ACO2 (in other words, the
rate ceiling imposedby the formation of ACO2 must be high compared with the full rate
of theprimary photochemical process and not only compared with the rate of the finish-
ing dark reaction).
The total volume of the gush which is about equivalent to the quantity of chloro-
phyll present in the cells is in agreement with Franck's hypothesis; but the slow re-
absorption of carbon dioxide in the dark (c/. fig. 29.3B, p. 1092) requires an explana-
tion, since thetime course of the "pick-up" (c/. Vol. I, fig. 22) indicates that the car-
boxylation equilibrium C'Oo +
A -^ ACO2 usually is established in a few seconds. It
may be noted that a similar difficulty was encountered in the attempt to attribute the
uptake of radioactive carbon dioxide in the dark (fig. 21, Vol. I) to the same carboxyla-
tion process. Another problem presented by the necessity of a high carbon dioxide
If the value M
had not been so plausible chemically, the fact that this
high yield could be obtained only by following a specific schedule of experi-
ments, combined with special methods of cultivation of the algae, would
perhaps have attracted more attention. At first, using Chlorella cells
grown in full light, Warburg and Negelein obtained only quantum yields
of <0.06. Later they found much higher yields are obtainable with sus-
pensions adapted to weak light. These experiments were carried out in
yellow -f orange light; high values of 7 (up to 0.3) were obtained by extra-
polation to 7 = 0, since the light curves bent markedly even below 1000
erg/cm.2 sec. In a second paper (1923), in which monochromatic fight
was used, the curvature was less pronounced and Warburg and Negelein
— Oo + (CH2O} + 3H2O
AW. ^ 10 kcal
AHj^ a 10 kcal
CO2 + H2O 1
(CO2} + H
The energy relations in photosynthesis, according to Franck and Herzfeld, are illus-
acceptor complex), A///j, Aff/j, Aff^/^ (the "stabilization energies" of three intermedi-
ates) and A/7p, the (>nergy of stabilization of the end products (which includes the de-
composition energy of the peroxide, {II2O2}) are shown as additional energy terms, which
together with the accumulated chemical energy, A^c, must be supplied by light.
The stabilization energy required for the prevention of "backsliding" of intermedi-
ates in periods of several minutes (which must pass, in weak light, in a dense suspension
of green cells, between the absorption of two light quanta by one and the same chloro-
phyll molecule) must be of the order of 10 kcal /mole; the heat of formation of the CO2I {
postulated instead of the "linear" reaction sequence represented in figure 29.2 {i.e., if it
is assumed that four light quanta produce four identical pairs of intermediates, which
then undergo dismutation by dark reactions, finally giving one pair of finished products,
[CH2O] + O2; cf. Vol. I, pages 156, 158 and 164). In this case, the four quanta re-
quired to reduce one molecule of carbon dioxide can be absorbed by four different chloro-
phyll molecules. (The same result can be achieved by other physical or chemical mech-
anisms permitting a "collection of quanta" absorbed by several pigment molecules in
one "reaction center." These "photosynthetic unit" theories will be presented in
chapter 32.) In this case, the total energy requirement is obtained by adding to the
accumulated energy (112 kcal/mole) approximately 20 kcal liberated in the formation
of the [CO2] complex, and the energy amounts liberated in the several dismutations (or
other "quanta-collecting" processes). It may be noted that one dismutation reaction
(dismutation of a peroxide, yielding an oxide and free oxygen) was included also in the
"linear" scheme. The dismutation of hydrogen peroxide liberates as much as 46 kcal
per mole O2 (Table ll.I, Vol. I); but dismutations of organic compounds, such as the
Cannizzaro reaction, are less exothermal (about 10 kcal/mole; cf. Table 9.III, Vol. I).
Even so, three such dismutations, together with one dismutation of a peroxide, will
bring the total energy requirement of the "pyramidal" reaction scheme up to the same
210 kcal, which were estimated above for the "linear" reaction sequence.
For 16 years, the "4 quanta mechanism" of photosynthesis ^vas the ob-
ject of admiration and the source of headaches for those who approached
the problem of photosynthesis from the point of view of energy conversion.
During this time, no serious attempts were made to check the experimental
foundations of this mechanism, and the results of Warburg and Negelein
were considered final.
We will see in the next section that even during this time some measure-
ments were made with the higher plants that gave considerably lower quan-
tum yields; but because of less suitable objects and less precise methods,
they were not considered to throw doubt on the validity of Warburg and
Negelein's results. Beginning in 1938, however, a series of investigations
appeared, in which the photosynthesis of the same algae as used by War-
burg was studied by several methods (gas analysis, polarography and calori-
metry) in the laboratories of the University of Wisconsin these measure- ;
ments gave rather widely scattered results, but the yields were invariably
much lower than 0.25. The maximum quantum yields observed in this
work (to be described in some detail in section 2) were of the order of 0.1.
These publications induced several investigators to repeat Warburg and
Negelein's determinations, adhering as closely as possible to the original
Rieke (1949) used monochromatic light (mercury lines 546 and 578
m^) and an "integrating box" for the determination of light absorption.
The pretreatment of the algae (adaptation to weak light), the light intens-
ity (about 1000 erg/cm.- sec.) and the illumination periods (10 minutes)
were the same as in Warburg's work. The quantum yields calculated from
ten experiments at 578 m/u ranged from 0.18 to 0.24, and those calculated
from six measurements at 546 mn, from 0.17 to 0.20.
Thus, Rieke found Warburg and Negelein's results reproducible, but
only by strict adherence, not merely to the original method of culturing
of the algae, but also to Warburg's schedule of illumination. Wassink,
Vermeulen, Reman and Katz (1938) noted another peculiarity—the quan-
tum yields determined according to the procedure of Warburg and Nege-
lein, —
were affected by temperature they increased from 0.11 to 0.20 when
the temperature was changed from 0° to 29° C.
Another peculiar observation was made by Rieke, who found that the
kind of water used in the preparation of the algal culture had an effect on
the quantum yield. Emerson and Lewis (1938, 1939) confirmed this.
They used water from seven different sources, and obtained, under other-
wise identical conditions, variations in the quantum yield from 0.16 to
The lowest values were obtained in glass-distilled water; addition of a stock niixture
of "microelements" (B, Zn, Co, Mn, Mo, Cr, Ni, Co, W, Ti, V) increased it markedly;
a similar result was achieved by an increase in the amount of ferrous sulfate in the nu-
trient mixture (apparently, this compound contained all the micronutrients as
Emerson and Lewis found that, for securing the highest yields, the cells
had to be grown for 5 or 10 days at 15-20° C, 20 cm. from four grouped 60
watt lamps followed by 3 days 30 cm. from a single 100 watt lamp. In
agreement with Wassink and co-workers, they found a temperature effect
the highest quantum yield was observed at 10° C. At least 5% CO2 had
to be present during the quantum yield measurement, and the light in-
tensity could not exceed 350 erg/cm. ^ sec.
These experiments could have been interpreted as indicating possible
reasons for the low yields observed at Wisconsin, and thus supporting the
validity of the results of Warburg and Negelein, if a new difficulty had not
appeared. Emerson and Lewis found that, by combining all the favorable
factors, 7 values could be obtained that were considerably above Warburg
and Negelein's value of 0.25. With 10 min. illumination periods, 7 values
up to 0.31 were obtained; and these were further increased by making
the illumination periods even shorter-. Since even a quantum yield of M
presented grave difficulties from the point of view of thermochemistry,
yields of one third or higher were clearly incompatible with the accepted
over-all reaction of photosynthesis.
Emerson and Lewis suspected (1938, 1939) that the oxygen production
in the first minutes of illumination may occur by reduction of accumulated
inquiry that they noticed the carbon dioxide "burst" (1040, 1041), and
it could have been responsible for the
suggested that failure to recognize
large pressure changes observed, and the high quantum yields calculated by
Warburg and Negelein.
Figure 20.3, taken from Emerson and Lewis (1041), shows the rate of
pressure changes as observed in minute-to-minute measurements in two
vessels with different liquid gas ratio. : It indicates that upon illumination,
an gush occurs, which lasts, in the light of (ho particular intensity
used, for about throe minutes, and then gives place to a more or less steady
rate of pressure change. In dark, too, the steady rate of gas consumption
is not established at once; after rapid, irregular variations, a rather ex-
tended, slow decrease in the rate is observed; subsequent experiments
have shown that it takes about one hour for the rate of gas uptake to be-
come quite steady.
The quantum yields of Warburg and Negelein were obtained by averag-
ing the pressure changes over ten minute periods, which included the time
during which the gas burst could have occurred, according to figure 20.3A.
Obviously, values of the quantum yield calculated in this way could be de-
ceptive, and higher averages could result from the use of periods shorter
than ten minutes.
By comparing the curves obtained with two vessels, Emerson and Lewis
(1040, 1041) sought information as to the relative role of oxygen and car-
bon dioxide in the gas burst, and in the extra gas consumption in darkness.
They found (fig. 20. 3B) that both were due to carbon dioxide and not to
oxygen; the absorption and liberation of the latter (solid line in fig. 20. 3B)
showed only minor disturbances, which could perhaps be attributed to
uncertainties in the evaluation of the measurements.
The factors that Warburg and Negelein, Rieke and Emerson and Lewis
have described previously as indispensable for the realization of the highest
quantum yield were found by Emerson and Lewis to affect mainly or ex-
clusively the carbon dioxide gush.
The carbon dioxide concentration in the medium affected the quantity of carbon di-
oxide taken up in the dark, and therefore also the amount of the gas released in the light.
This offered an explanation of the observation that large concentrations of carbon di-
oxide (such as 5%) were needed to obtain high quantum yields. (The light curves for
different values of the parameter [COa]— c/. figures 28.1 to 28.5— indicate that the latter
should be without influence at such low light intensities.)
A similar consideration applies to the role of temperature. It is known {cf. Figs.
28.6-28.8, and chapter 31) that at low light intensities, when the photochemical process
proper limits the over-all rate of photosynthesis, changes in temperature have no in-
fluence on the maximum quantum yield. Thi' observed effect of temperature contra-
dicted this experience. Now, it became likely that the effect of temperature was due to
its influence on the carbon dioxide uptake in the dark and its subsequent disengagement
in the light, and not on photosynthesis itself.
The pretreatment of the algae also seems to be much more important for the carbon
dioxide gush than for the steady rate of photosynthesis. Cells having a high rate of
respiration produced a greater carbon dioxide gush than cells with a low rate of
respiration; by culturing Chlorella cells in dim light throughout, cells with low respira-
tion, showing almost no gush, could be obtained.
The conclusions of Emerson and Lewis agree with the findings of Daniels and co-
workers (1939), who grew Chlorella with the addition of soil extracts, of a nutrient solu-
tion of 28 elements, or of sea water, in lake water, well water and distilled water, with-
out appreciable changes in the quantum jdeld.
Emerson and Lewis did not calculate quantum jaelds from measurements of the
type illustrated by figure 29.3B, but merely drew from the evaluation of these experi-
ments the conclusion that with Chlorella the quantum yield of oxygen liberation (and of
carbon dioxide uptake, once the burst is completely over) does not differ significantly
in acid phosphate buffer and in alkaline carbonate media. If this is so, then the abso-
lute determination of the quantum yield is better carried out in carbonate buffer, where
all effects caused by carbon dioxide exchange are eliminated and therefore no need arises
for the use of the two-vessel method. The latter depends on comparatively small
differences, and has a correspondingly low precision.
The quantum yield measurements made by Emerson and Lewis with Chlorella in
alkaline buffers consistently gave values between 3^ and }{i; and we will see below
that Warburg, Burk and co-workers have since confirmed this result (leaving
Eichhoff as the only investigator to have claimed that quantum yields of the order of
34 can be obtained with Chlorella in carbonate buffer).
Table 29.11
Quantum Yields of Oxygen Production by Horticultural Plants"
(after Wassink 1946)
Nunaber of
Plant 1/7 mea'surements
Strawberry 12 1-17 .8
. 23
Kohlrabi 13.5-15.4 5
Chinese cabbage 10 8-14
. . 8
White succory 13 6-16
. . 4
Tomato 16.0-43.5 17
Cucumber 13 8-24
. . 5
Endive 21.8 2
Asparagus 14 6-18
. . 4
" At 10 kerg/cm.2 sec.
Tanada (1951) made a systematic study of the quantum yield of the di-
atom Nayicula minima in dependence on ^va^"e length. This Mork will be
described in chapter 30 (p. 1173) what is significant for the purpose of the
"thin" suspension absorbing 22% of red light; the absorption was deter-
mined by means of the "ellipsoid photometer" (c/. chapter 25, page 844).
Each run included (a) a "dark adaptation" period, (6) a period in which
respiration was measured, (c) a "light adaptation" period, (d) an illumina-
tion period, (e) a second "dark adaptation" period and (/) a final period of
respiration measurement —
each period lasting from 15 to 30 min. The
illumination intensity was high enough for photosynthesis to exceed respi-
ration (from 500 to 5000 erg/cm. ^ sec). The quantum yields obtained
varied between 0.25 and 0.19, for both dense and thin suspension, with the
lower value (0.19 to 0.22) observed only at the higher light intensities and
interpreted as indications of an incipient light saturation. Similar y
values were found at 567.5 m/x. The quantum yield was found to be con-
stant over a wide spectral region, including the near infrared (where other
observers found no photosynthesis at all; cf. chapter 30, page 1155).
One peculiar feature of Eichhoff's light curves {cf. fig. 30.7) is the early saturation
in red light. 70% of maximum photosynthesis is reached, according to these curves,
with an incident intensity of only 3 kerg/cm.^ sec. Eichhoff's figures suggest that as
little as 5 "energetic meter candles" of red light (he calls a monochromatic energy flux
equal to the total "white" flux from a Heffner candle an "energetic meter candle") are
equivalent, as far as photosynthesis is concerned, to 15 klux of white light from a 500
watt incandescent lamp! The latter, according to page 838, corresponds to a flux of at
least 60 kerg/cm.^ sec, counting only the photosynthetically active region (400-700 m/i),
while 5 "energetic meter candles" are equivalent (using Gerlach's value for the radiation
of a Heffner candle) to only 4.7 kerg/cm.^ sec. Even though the suspension may absorb
red light three or four times more efficiently than the (infrared- free) white light, the dif-
ference between the amounts of red light and white light required to bring about the
same rate of photosynthesis remains striking. It suggests that the absolute intensity
of the red light might have been underestimated by Eichhoff by as much as a factor of
three or five. If this was the case, all quantum yields calculated by Eichhoff must have
been in error by the same factor (since no quantum yield determinations were made in
white light).
ruption of shaking. The light used was mostly the yelloAV mercury lines
(578 m^) with an intensity of 325-2920 erg/cm. ^ sec.
To minimize caused by sluggish gas exchange, a smaller fluid
volume was used than in 1923 and two glass beads were put into each vessel
to act as stirrers. Curves such as those in figure 29.4B and C were con-
sidered by Warburg as confirmation of the interpretation of pressure dis-
turbances at the beginning of the light and dark periods, as consequences
of this sluggishness. He described these disturbances as "symmetric,"
meaning that the two disturbances cancelled each other and the y values
therefore were the same, whether they were determined from the steady
rates, omitting the measurements in the first few minutes of light e., (?'.
from slope AB), or by interpolation, as in figure 29.1 {i. e., from slope CD).
This procedure is equivalent to integration of the gas exchange over the
This obviously does not apply to the curve in figure 29. 4A, where the pressure in-
crease in the first minute is faster than afterward. Calculation from the steady*
state (slope AB) gives in this case a I/7 value 25% higher than that obtained by inte-
gration (slope CJ)).
Table 29. Ill summarize.-^ the results. Warburg concluded from these
experiments that the limiting quantum yield in weak light is 0.25 and that
it declines to about 0.20 at 1500 erg/cm.^ sec. He suggested, as general
explanation of the smaller values found bj^ other observers, failure to cul-
ture algae of the highest efficiency; but his description of the methods of
culture revealed no significant difference from those used by Emerson or
Table 29.III
Quantum Yields after Warburg (1946, 1948)"
significant carbon dioxide burst could have occurred during the iUumina-
tion period. However, this procedure would only be permissible if the gas
exchange in light were the result of the superposition of a photochemical
process (photosynthesis, with possible addition of a carbon dioxide burst)
upon a dark process whose rate is the same in darkness and in light. This is
usually assumed to be true of respiration (although some doubts exist even
here) ; but it is not true of the reahsorption of the carbon dioxide burst (since
this process occurs only in the dark). By neglecting this component of the
gas exchange in the dark after a period of illumination, one automatically
eliminates from the calculated "light effect" a part, if not practically all,
of the carbon dioxide burst — in the same way in which the effects of the
sluggishness of the manometer are eliminated in the procedure illustrated
by figure 29.1; no wonder that the ratios Qp for the calculated "light
effect" prove to be close to unity. (Whether the elimination of the burst is
practically complete or only partial, depends on what fraction of the burst
is reabsorbed during the dark period utilized in the calculation of the "light
To decide whether a significant carbon dioxide burst does occur in light
(and is reabsorbed in darkness), the ratios AO/ACO2 should be calculated
for the illumination and the dark period separately instead of calculating
them directly for the "light effect." The ratios Qdark and Qught might
each be quite different from 1 and yet, the ratio "Qp" for the "light
effect" might show no significant deviation from unity. Thus, the method
of calculating Qp used by Warburg (1948) to prove the absence (or at least,
practical insignificance) of the carbon dioxide burst is inappropriate for this
purpose even if the experimental data used had been adequate.
Emerson and co-workers argued, however, that the experiment itself
was open to criticism. They pointed out that the value Qp = 1.07 was
derived from measurements lasting for about 40 minutes. The plot given
by Warburg shows that if only the first 10 minutes of these measurements,
i.e., the period of quantum yield measurements, were taken into considera-
that the voUime of the carbon dioxide burst depends on all these conditions
the .statement that theQp measurements were made "under the conditions
of quantum yield determinations" was therefore not justified.
Rabino witch (1947) pointed out that experiments show the integrated
volume of the "burst" to change only little with light intensity, the main
effect of the latter being on the suddenness of the burst. This relation is
chap. 32) ; this is then the expected duration of the burst. In stronger
light, the burst will be proportionally shorter.
If the volume of the burst increases only little or not at all with light
they used a fresh aliquot of the stock suspension for each experiment (con-
sidering this a less objectionablecompromise than the use of a single sample)
first measurements in a smaller volume of liquid and, after
for a series of
dilution, for a second series of measurements in a larger volume.
The discussion of these apparently minor details points to the great
practical difficulty of the (theoretically so simple) two-vessel method: it
rests on the assumption that the obsei-ved difference between the two
and gas. Even a very small difference in the actual amounts of gas pro-
duced (or consumed) in the two vessels, or in the speed with which this gas
is transferred into the manometer, can lead to large errors in calculation.
29.1) was therefore used to account for diffusion through the liciuid and
the exchange between the two phases. Instead, the yields were now cal-
culated from manometer readings made at the very moment of changing
from darkness to light, or from light to darkness. Errors caused by
"physical lag" had been considered of prime importance in 1923 and 1948;
in some examples given in these earlier papers the calculated quantum
yields would have been quite different without correction for this lag.
Time Schedule. The two vessels were filled simultaneously with ali-
quots of the same culture, and exposed alternatively to the same beam
of light (e.g., 10 min. light on vessel I, then 10 min. light on vessel II,
then again 10 min. light on vessel I, and so on). Both vessels (total
volumes 14 and 18 cc, respectively) contained the same amount of liquid
(7 cc). It was argued that whatever physiological differences may have
existed between the cells in the two vessels during the first exposure
(because of a "phase difference" of 10 min.), must have disappeared after
several light-dark cycles. This is plausible; however, Emerson and co-
workers found that at least five or six (10 min. light + 10 min. dark)
cycles may be needed to eliminate the initial difference, while in many of
Warburg and Burk's published experiments (cf. table 29. IV) only 2 or 3
cycles were used. The alternate exposure schedule was altogether aban-
doned in almost one half of all experiments namely those in which
"background" illumination was used to compensate respiration.
Light Measurement. No physical determination of light intensity
was made by Warburg and Burk. (Bolometers had been used in earlier
experiments, both by Warburg and by Emerson.) Instead, light intensity
was determined by means of the ethyl chlorophyllide - thiourea actinom-
eter, for which a quantum yield of 1.0 was previously found (bolo-
metrically) by Warburg and Schocken in Emerson's laboratory (cf.
chap. 35). The quantum yield of the actinometer is known to decline
with increasing light flux, particularly >0.1 /zeinstein/min. Many runs of
Warburg and Burk were carried out in stronger light; the intensity of
the beam was reduced in these experiments to about 0.1 ^einstein/min.
by means of calibrated wire screens before it was directed on the actinom-
In Warl)urg's 1923 and 1940 measurements, the
Light Intensity.
use of very weak incident, light was considered important, since the
quantum yield was found to decline significantly (cf. fig. 29.8) with in-
creasing light intensity, beginning as early as at 1000 erg/cm. ^ sec. (about
0.03 )ueinstein/cm.2 min.). In the Warburg-Burk work, much higher
incident light intensities werc^ uschI: instead of uniform illumination (jf
almosi the whole boltoin aiea, as used in earlier experiments (1923, 1948),
— —
a sharp beam was now thrown on the bottom of the vessel (cross section
of the beam, about 3 cm. 2; bottom area, 8.3 cm. 2). The total light flux
(red light, 630-650 m/x) was 0.2-0.6 Meinstein/min., i.e. 0.07-0.2 /xeinstein
per cm. 2 min. ca. ten times higher than the intensity at which quantum
yields of 0.25 had been obtained in 1948. Because of the extremely high
density of the suspension, practically all this light was absorbed within a
1 mm. thick bottom layer (0.3 cc.) of the suspension; thus, at any given
time, >95% of the cells were in darkness, while <5% were exposed to
light, the incident intensity of which was close to the saturating value
(the photosynthesis of light-adapted Chlorella is saturated, in red light,
in a flux of about 0.5 jueinstein/cm.^ min.).
Intermittency Effect. The finding of the highest quantum yields
ever observed when the was
almost saturating intensity
incident light of
appears startling. Warburg, Burk and co-workers explained this paradox
by the intermittency of illumination because of fast shaking, individual
cells remain only for a very short while in the illuminated zone, and then
plunge into darkness. (Assuming uniform stirring, each cell must spend
>95% of the total "illuminationtime" in darkness, and less than 5% in
Hght). Warburg and Burk proclaimed as a "new principle" that this
type of intermittency of illumination permits maximum light utilization.
This assertion is not easily reconciled with the results of experiments in
flashing light, to be discussed in chapter 34:
According to these experiments, intermittent illumination cannot in-
crease light utilization above the maximiun value possible in steady low
light. All that intermittency can do is to bring the quantum yield in parti-
ally oreven completely saturating light close to— but never quite up to
the quantum yield in low steady light.
For the quantum yield increase caused by intermittency to be at all
significant, the light periods must not be longer than the "Emerson-Arnold
period" (0.01 sec. at 20° C, c/. chapter 34), allowing the limiting catalyst to
work in the dark, after the flash is over, for a period of time which is sig-
had moved into the illuminated zone. Once a carbon dioxide molecule is
in the medium, it may have a much greater chance to diffuse into the gas
space than to diffuse into the small illuminated volume. In this way, 80
or 90% of respiratory carbon dioxide
produced during the "light period"
could perhaps escape re-utilization by the cells and reach the external ab-
It will be noted that this explanation could not be used if Warburg and
Burk's concept of all cells being uniformly engaged in photosynthesis
throughout the "light period" were correct. More specifically, this ex-
planation requires that not only the photocatalytic mechanism responsible
enzymatic mechanism responsible
for the liberation of oxygen, but also the
for the uptake of carbon dioxide, should cease operating within <0.1 sec.
after the cells are darkened. This seems to contradict the assumptions
which we used on p. 207 in the explanation of the "pick up" of carbon
medium, on p. 308 in the
dioxide after intense illumination in C02-deficient
explanation of the effect of cyanide on yield of photosynthesis in flashing
light,and will use in chapter 36 in accounting for C*02 uptake by preillu-
minated cells. In all these cases, we have assumed that the capacity to
take up carbon dioxide survives, in preilluminated cells, for several seconds
(or even minutes) after the cells had been darkened. However, as in many
such cases, apparent contradictions may arise from the use of a qualitative,
"yes or no" approach, where a quantitative, "more or less" analysis is re-
Summary of Warburg and Burk's Quantum Yield Measurements.
Table 29. IV gives a summary of the quantum efficiencies reported by War-
burg and Burk (1950); several of the experiments in this table have al-
ready been discussed above.
Whittingham, Nishimura and Emerson (1951) were able to reproduce
Warburg and Burk's results by strict adherence to the same experimental
arrangement and schedule of operations. However, they concluded that
these results were affected by a sj'-stematic error. Following are the major
points of their criticism.
1. The two-vessel method
is very sensitive to slight errors in mano-
Table 29.IV
Quantum Requirements of Oxygen Production (I/7) and of Carbon Dioxide
Consumption (Qp/7) Calculated by Warburg and Burk (1950) for Chlorella
2 Same material as in
h, H Hj
Fig. 29. 4A. Manometric vessels for two-vessel method of quantum yield
measurements. H, vessel with small gas space; hi hi, vessels with large
gas volume.
ing the oxygen exchange only, carbon dioxide being absorbed, in the usual
way, in carbonate buffer (3) by measuring both the carbon dioxide and the
oxygen exchange by the two vessel method, and (4) by measuring the net
exchange in a single vessel, and assuming Qp = 1.09.
The quantum requirements, I/7, were calculated from the slope of the
straight, ascending section of the light curves, thus avoiding explicit use of a
respiration correction. [The underlying assumption is, of course, that the
respiration, R, is the same at all light intensities at which a straight line is
obtained for the function P — R = /(/)]. Kok found the so-calculated
efficiencies todepend on the age of the suspension (c/. fig. 28.13). (This
probably means, primarily, dependence on the freshness of the culture
medium.) The yields were almost independent of the temperature and the
light intensity used in the cultivation of the algae. They were about 20%
higher in acid media (water, cultvu'e liquid, or phosphate buffer) than in
alkaline carbonate buffers. Lowering the oxygen pressure to 0.25% had
no on the quantum yield, and the same seemed to be true of changing
the temperature from 10 to 20 or 30°C.
The 1/7-values obtained by the four methods ranged (apart from a
* New results by Warburg and Burk (1951 '2) pertain not so much to the question
of thequantum mechanism of utilization of the
yield of photosynthesis, as to that of the
quanta. They will be described in chapters 36 and 37.
few exceptionally high figures) from 6.9 to 12.9; the average for non-
alkaline media (methods 1, 3, and 4) was I/7 = 7.85; for alkaline buffers
(method 2) about 10. Kok estimated I/7 = 6.75 as the most probable
lowest value of the quantum requirement.
The most interesting (and controversial) finding of Kok was that linear
extrapolation of the light curves to 7 = consistently lead to considerably
smaller values of the gas exchange than would have corresponded to the
respiration of the same cells in the dark. Upon closer study, he concluded
that the light curve underwent a sudden change of slope by a factor of
about somewhere near the compensation point (fig. 29. 4B). He took
this to mean
that the quantum efficiency was constant from near the
saturation point down to the compensation region, and then doubled sud-
denly. This shape of the light curve—according to Kok consists of three
practically linear segments —has not been found by any of the previous
observers; however, Kok claimed a confirmation of the sharp break in the
P = /(/) curve by new analysis of the data of Kopp and of Gabrielsen.
If the slope of the light curve changes by a factor of two at the com-
pensation point, the rate of respiration in strong light, determined by linear
extrapolation of the light curve from above the compensation point to
7 = 0, must indicate a rate of respiration in light equal to one half of the
rate of respiration in darkness.
Later (1949) using a more precise manometric device (a "differential
volumeter") Kok found, as an average of 50 experiments with Chlorella
cells grown in Knop's medium, Rugu = 0.5 Rdnvk- (To increase /^dark,
With Chlorella cells grown in glucose solution, the break was below
the compensation point (fig. 29.4B(5)) ; the slope below the break was, in
this case, exactly one half of that above it, which meant that i^ught was
greater than 0.5 /^dark— perhaps reflecting enhanced respiration in the cyto-
plasm. A break in the same region {i.e., below the compensation point)
was found also in the Haematococcus pluvialis grown in inorganic medium;
but in this case, the slope below the break was less than twice that above it.
Light curves obtained with Cahomba leaves (floated on carbonate buffer)
indicated that the break was present there too, and that -Rught 0.5 Rdnvk- —
Kok suggested that these experiments indicate the existence of two hght
processes, with the quantum requirement of the "low-light process" (which
he called "light respiration," cf. below) exactly one half that of the "high
light process" (true photosynthesis). When the slope in the low-light
region was less than twice that above it, he interpreted this as indication
that the two light processes were occurring simultaneously. When the slope
in low hght was exactly of that in high light, Kok assumed that the high
light process did not begin until the low-light process was saturated.
Kok considered these experiments (which had indicated a probable
lowest 1/7-value of 6.75 above the break), as making plausible a quantum
requirement of 6 for the high light process (true photosynthesis), and 3
for the low light process ("light respiration"). However, according to
Franck (1949), Rieke found in Kok's method of light measurement an
error which might have reduced the calculated quantum requirements by
20%; with this correction, the results become consistent with the assump-
tion of quantum requirements of 8 and 4, respectively.
The sharp breaks in the light curves, found by Kok, are very improbable
(cf. the discussion in chap. 26 of the
impossibility of a sharp break between
the ascending and the horizontal part of the light curve, postulated by
Blackman). However, even if the light curves are smoothly curved rather
than broken lines the possibility remains that they may decline in the
low hght region more steeply than would be expected from their shape in
the region of higher light intensities. Once before in the explanation of
the alleged incapacity of cyanide to reduce photosynthesis below the com-
pensation point (Vol. 1, page 308)— we have been led to the hypothesis that
compensation of respiration in light may not requrie complete photosyn-
thesis. We will confront the same situation in the description of the study,
by Calvin and co-workers of respiration in light with the help of tracer
carbon (Chapter 36). From the latter experiments, Calvin drew the same
conclusion as Kok — that the rate of respiration in strong light is only about
one half of that in darkness. (The remaining one half may represent the
proportion of the total cell respiration taking place outside the chloro-
plasts and therefore not affected by light.)
oxidize H2O to O2, and eight (produced by four quanta) react back, con-
verting eight low energy phosphates into eight HEP molecules (which, in
turn, are utilized as "boosters" in the reduction process). The quantum
requirement would then be 3 for the reversal of respiration and 6 for true
photosynthesis. (No explanation was given by Kok why eight HEP
molecules are needed in the latter case, as against only 6 in the first one.)
This, obviously highly arbitraiy scheme made to fit the (supposedly)
experimentally indicated l/7-values of 3 and 6, is closely related to the
"energy dismutation" schemes (such as scheme 9. HI) proposed (among
other possible reaction schemes of photosynthesis and chemosynthesis) in
chapter 9. The assumption that one third of all quanta are used in photo-
synthesis to provide oxidation and reduction agents, and two thirds for the
formation of energy boosters (HEP molecules), imitates the mechanism of
— —
tions, as in scheme 9. Ill; and the same is true of the number of quanta re-
quired (six, or eight, or even twelve).
A somewhat different — —
and perhaps more plausible interpretation of
a comparatively low quantum requirement of "anti-respiration" in weak
light has been suggested (Franck, 1949) : This is the (repeatedly mentioned)
possibility that intermediates of respirationcan be drawn into the photo-
synthetic cycle and reduced back to the carbohydrate level, and that a
smaller number of quanta is required for this process than for complete
photosynthesis. It is important to note that such a half-way interception
of respiration would not cause a deviation of the AO2/ ACO2 ratio from its
normal value of (approximately) 1 since the only gas exchange measured
in low be that due to residual normal respiration (e.g., respiration
light will
outside the chloroplasts). Calvin suggested, on the basis of certain C(14)
tracer experiments, that a cross-link between respiration and photosynthe-
sis exists on the level of malic and oxalacetic acid; however, these observa-
values derived from the absorption of carbon dioxide were not very different
from those calculated from the increase in the concentration of oxygen, thus
indicating that the quotient Qp was close to unity.
In another paper from the same laboratory, Manning, Juday and Wolf (1938) de-
scribed experiments in which bottles containing Chlorella suspensions were deposited at
different depths in a lake, and thus exposed to different intensities of illumination, rang-
ing from full sunlight (600 kerg./cm.'' sec, not counting the infrared)down to 6 kerg/cm.*
sec. The change in color of the light with depth (cf. Table 22. XI) complicated the calcu-
lation of the number of absorbed quanta; the results were therefore less exact than
those of the first paper. However, the approximate magnitude of 7 values was the
same as in other experiments —
about 0.05 at the lowest light intensities (at 10 meter
depth); c/. figure 29.5.
29.1) inherent in the manometric method. Figure 29.(» shows the polaro-
in 41.00
O 39.00
•£ 37.00
o 35.00
33.00 -
t 31.00-
29.00 -
o 27.00 -
> 25.00 -
20 40 50 30 100
The experiments were made with white light; from 27 to 48% of the
incident light was absorbed by the suspension. The calculated quantum
yields ranged from 0.045 to 0.100, clustering around 0.07, and showing no
trend with light intensity in the range from 1000 to 6000 erg/cm. ^ sec.
New experiments with the polarograph were conducted by Moore and
Duggar (1949). In these Chlorella cells were first illuminated with light
of one color (intensity, 800-2500 erg/cm. ^ sec.) and then light of another
color was added, and the additional yield determined. The idea behind
this procediu'e was that the uncertainty concerning the amount of respira-
tion in light can be eliminated by subtracting from the total gas exchange
in the two combined beams the gas exchange in one beam alone. (There
seems to be no difference between this method and calculation of 7 from the
difference in yield at two light intensities in light of the same color.) The
results of these measurements are shown in Table 29. V. The 7 values
Table 29.V
AND Red plus Blue Light
(after INIoore, and Duggar 1949)
Initial beam Added beam
Abs. Abs.,
% % 1/7
Table 29.VI
Calorimetric Determination of Quantum Yield (after Arnold 1949)
Extra heat
evolved in light"
cells, cells, a
Cells /„ J„ - AH^ AH^ % 1/7
when it contained the same suspension and was illuminated (heat evolu-
tion, E = Eo-{- Er - AHc). The energy yield, «, was then:
the slope of the straight line drawn from this point to the origin of the co-
ordinates,and not the slope of the tangent. (Similarly, we do not attri-
bute the convex part of the light curves to a superposition of low-yield
photosynthesis upon persisting high-yield photosynthesis, but to a decrease
in the average yield.)
In this way, we can deduce from the sigmoid light curves only a lower
limit of the maximum quantum yield (this limit being given by the slope
of the tangent to the curve that passes through the origin of the coordi-
nates). This limit, derived from French's light curve of Streptococcus
varians, is about jnm. = 0.11.
In French's study of Spirillum ruhrum (1937^), the yield was measured
by the uptake of carbon dioxide. As mentioned above, the light curves
showed, in this case, no initial curvature; their slope corresponded to a
quantum yield of the order of 0.06 to 0.Q7. These values were termed
"unreliable" by French because of inexact determinations of light absorp-
tion. Subsequently, however, yields of similar magnitude were found in
several investigations by the Dutch group (Wassink, Katz and co-workers).
In their measurements, the initial concavity of the light curves often was
quantum yield.
only slight, and did not affect essentially the calculated
Eymers and Wassink (1938) measured the quantum yield of photosyn-
thesis by Thiorhodaceae, with thiosulfate serving as a reductant and
a cesium or sodium lamp as light source. The results are shown in Table
29. VIII. One notices that these organisms have a very strong dark meta-
Table 29.VIII
Quantum Yields of Cakbon Dioxide Reduction by Purple Bacteria
WITH Thiosulfate as Reductant (after Eymers and Wassink 1938)
holism, which makes the exact evaluation of the quantum yield difficvilt.
The largest 7 values ever observed by Eymers and Wassink were about
In a subsequent investigation from the same laboratory (Wassink, Katz
and Dorrestein 1942), a summary of additional 7 determinations for the
same species {Chromatium D) was given, which included values obtained
at two different pH values and with hydrogen as well as with thiosulfate
as reductant. They are shown in Table 29. IX. The figures are described
Table 29. IX
French and Rabideau (1945) measured the quantum yield of the "Hill
reaction" (photochemical oxygen production from ferric oxalate solution,
sensitized by a chloroplast suspension). This reaction was described in
chapter 4 (Vol. I) as possibly representing ''one half of photosynthesis"
namely, photoxidation of water, with the ferric salt instead of carbon di-
oxide serving as oxidant. Chloroplast suspensions were obtained from
spinach, or from Tradescantia, by maceration and centrifugation, and ad-
ded to 0.5 M K2C2O4 + 0.01 M FeNH4(S04)2 + 0.02 M K3Fe(CN)G. The
solution also contained 0.20M sucrose and 0.17 M sodium sorbitol borate
buffer. A 10% NaOH solution was present in a side arm of the manome-
tric vessel to absorb carl)on dioxide (which could be produced by respira-
tion). Figure 29.7 shows the course of pressure changes in a Warburg ap-
Table 29.X
Quantum Yield of Oxygen Evolution by Illuminated Chloroplast Suspensions
FROM Spinach (After French and Rabideau 1945)
Table 29. XI
Quantum Requirement of the Hill Reaction (after Ehrmantraut and Rabino-
WITCH 1951)
(Incident Light Flux 1.5 X 10"' Einstein per Min.: t = 10°C.; 200 mL Cells)
(from Phytolacca americana)
While much time and ingenuity have been invested in measuring the
yield of photosynthesis in very weak light in order to determine directly
the maximum quantum yield, no comparable effort has been made to ex-
tend these measurements to higher light intensities and to connect them
with the determination of the general shape of the light curve, described
in chapter 28. Tliis hiatus is worth filling in.
mental results obtained in very weak light gradually fade into unimpor-
tance as light intensity increases. If the light curves, P = f(I), are smooth
curves of a comparatively simple and analytically expressible form, it
should be possible to determine the initial slope of these curves (i. e., I/to)
by extrapolation from reliable observations in comparatively strong light.
At least, it should be possible to use, as an additional criterion of reliability
of measurements in very weak light, the requirement that they should be
compatible with the results of measurements further up the light curve.
Reversing the above argument, the reliability of results obtained in
the zero point of coordinates, it seems safe to assume that its slope actually
represents the maximum quantum yield of photosynthesis under the condi-
tions to which the light curve refers. Probably, a more reliable value of
7n can be derived from this slope than from single points measured, with all
possible accuracy, near the origin of the coordinates, where the per cent
error of measurements is high and the respiration correction is larger than
the total measured gas exchange.
Whether the slope of light curves which appear as straight lines not
passing through the zero point, can be used to determine the quantum
yield, is less certain. Such a determination implies the assumption that
an increment of absorbed light energy produces an increment of true photo-
synthesis, while the photochemical process (or processes) responsible for
the curvature of the light curve near the zero point continue at the same
above the turning point-
rate at all light intensities
Warburg, Burk and co-workers (1949, 1950), and Moore and Duggar
(1949) detemiined the quantum yield of photosynthesis from the ratio of
— —
The upward cur\'ature of the light curves of bacterial photosynthesis
seems to be a generally encountered phenomenon, but the occurrence of an
accentuated downward curvature (or even of a sharp turn) of the light
curves of ordinary photosynthesis near the compensation point, remains
controversial. Equally open to doubt are assertions that the light curves of
photosynthesis (with or Avithout a break in the compensation region) re-
main linear, above this region, almost up to saturation. At least, the
most precise experiments in this field e.g., those by Emerson and Lewis
showed neither of the two phenomena, but indicated that the light curves
gradually bend downward with increasing light intensity, the first signs of
curvature being noticeable even at light fluxes of the order of only 1 kerg/
cm.- sec.
Such curves are most easily interpreted: we recall that all kinetic
mechanisms analyzed in chapter 28 lead to hyperbolic lighl curves. More
complicated kinetic mechanisms may lead to light curves of a higher order;
\)\\i, in any case, these curves will approach the limiting slope asymptoti-
cally, and are unlikely to become straight lines at any finite value of light
intensity. The most precise method for determining the maximiun quan-
tum yield may well be to measure the yields systematically as a function
of light intensity' in the region where deviations from linearity are small,
then to find an equation representing 7 adeciuatelj' as a function of /, and
use it for extrapolation to / = 0.
by a single equation the whole light curve, including the saturation region,
and to calculate 70 from the yields observed in high light, using parameters
such as the maximum yield {P"'"-), and the half-saturating light intensity,
We have seen in chapters 27 and 28 that theoretical kinetic curves
representing photosynthesis as a function of the supply of "reactants"
(carbon dioxide, reductants, light quanta), are hyperbolae, even when rather
complicated mechanisms are postulated, as long as no "third-order" reac-
tions [such as 2 COo +
A -> A(C02)2, or Chi 2 hv -^ Chi**] are consid- +
ered, and not more than two successive reaction steps are postulated be-
tween the external supply of the reactant and the "rate-determining" step.
(For example, in the case of the carbon dioxide factor, simultaneous con-
sideration of diffusion and carboxylation leads to a hyperbolic carbon dioxide
curve; but if one more supply step is interpolated, the resulting equation
is of the third order.)
The known light curves are much too unreliable to permit a useful in-
quiry into the question whether they actually are hyperbolae {cf. section
7/, chapter 28). If it were possible to demonstrate, by new and more pre-
cise measurements, that the light curves are hyperbolic, then each curve
could be determined completely by three points, i. e., values of P at three
known values of /.
Parameters such as 70 (i- e., the initial slope), .// or P'"''^ could replace
one measurement each. The general equation of a hyperbolic light curve
in terms of 70, i/J and P'^^^- is
p/(^pmu.. _ p) = const. X /
(29.6a) 70 = P^^^/^/^I
Warburg (1948)
tioned on page 1106, that the results of experiments in flashing hght do not
support the contention of Warburg and Burk), then the relation.ship be-
tween quantum yield and the (average) light intensity must be more com-
plicated than was envisaged in the above derivations.
It was suggested above that the yields of photosynthesis given for high
light intensities should not contradict the results obtained in quantum
yield measurements in weak light. What we meant can be illustrated by
the following examples taken from the work of Willstatter and Stoll (1918).
sec. These leaves contain less than one tenth the chlorophyll present in
in figure 22.10 indicate that the aurea leaves absorb, in the region above
500 m/i, not more than 20% of the incident energy. (Blue and violet light
do not contribute much to photosynthesis in artificial light; cf. page 1163.)
Thus, the energy conversion factor of the yellow leaves, can be estimated as:
~ (4 X IQ-^" X 112 X 10^) cal
* ~ (3 X 103 X 5 X 0.24 X 10"' X 0.4) cal.
o 31
may thus seem as if the maximum quantum yield, calculated from the
limiting slope of the light ciu-ves, should be equal to the number of quanta
actually needed for photosynthesis (except for the practically negligible
fraction lost by fluorescence). The fact that the experimentally determined
maximum cjuantum yields often are much lower than 0.1 shows that, in
many cases, the photosynthetic apparatus, or parts ofit, are in a noneffi-
cient state, so as to cause the loss of tiu; prodomiiinnt fraction of all the
(cf. fig. 28.13). The reasons for this inactive state are as yet unknown and
may lie in nutritional or enzymatic deficiencies (we recall, for example,
van Hille's experiments on the revival of photosynthesis in aged Chlorella
cultures by a fresh supply of N2) or in the obstruction of catalytic surfaces
by narcotizing metabolites ("chlorellin"; cf. page 880). Under the action
of external narcotics (cf. fig. 28.9C) the initial slope of the light curves is
for photosynthesis.
An interesting question—not yet investigated experimentall}^ is —
whether a "substandard" quantum yield can be corrected, at least par-
tially, by an increase in temperature. If the low yield is caused by some
Bibliography to Chapter 29
1918 Willstatter, R., and Stoll, A., Untersuchungen iiber die Assimilation der
Kohlensdure. Springer, Berlin, 1918.
1922 Warburg, 0., and Negelein, E., Z. phijsik. Chem., 102, 235.
1923 Warburg, 0., and Negelein, E., ibid., 106, 191.
Wurmser, R., Cornpt. rend., 181, 644.
1925 Wurmser, R., AnJi. physiol. physicochimie bioL, 1, 47.
1926 Wurmser, R., /. phys. radium, [II] 7, 33.
1929 Briggs, G. E., Proc. Roy. Soc. London, BIOS, 1.
1935 Gabrielsen, E. K., Planta, 23, 474.
1937 French, C. S.,/. (?m.P%s{o/., 20, 711; 21,71.
Sapozhnikov, D. I., Biokhimiya, 2, 18.
1938 Emerson, R., and Lewis, C. M., Carnegie Inst. Yearbook, 37, 216.
Manning, W. M., Stauffer, J. F., Duggar, B. M., and Daniels, F., /. Am.
Chem. Soc., 60, 266.
1939 Emerson, R., and Lewis, C. M., Carnegie Inst. Yearbook, 38, 118.
1945 French, C. S., and Rabideau, G. S., /. Gen. Physiol, 28, 329.
1946 Tonnelat, J., Thesis, Univ. of Paris, Series A, No. 2092, serial No. 2959.
Wassink, E. C, Enzymologia, 12, 33.
Warburg, and Luettgens, W., Biokhimija, 11, 303.
1947 Rabinowitch, E., A.A.A.S. Symposium on Photosynthesis, Chicago, Dec.
1947 (unpublished).
Gabrielsen, E. K., Experieniia, 3, 439.
1948 Warburg, 0., Am. J. Botany, 35, 194.
Kok, B., Enzymologia, 13, 1.
1949 Rieke, F. F., in Photosynthesis in Plants, Tlie Iowa State College Press,
Ames, la., 1949, pp. 251-273.
Moore, W. E., and Duggar, B. M., ibid., pp. 238-250.
Emerson, R., and Nishimura, M. S., ibid., pp. 219-239.
Arnold, W., ibid., pp. 273-276.
Franck, J., Arch. Biochem., 23, 297.
Kok, B., Biochim. biophys. Acta., 3, 625.
Van der Veen, R., Physiol, plantaruni, 2, 217.
Burk, D., Hendricks, S., Korzenovsky, M., Schocken, V., and Warbui'g, O.,
1950 \\'arl)urg, 0., Burk, D., Schocken, V., and Hendricks, S., Biochcm. Bio-
phys. Acta, 4, 335.
^^'al•l)Ul•g, 0. and Burk, D., Arch. Biochem., 25, 410.
Whittingham, C. P., Nishimura, M. S., and Emerson, li., Proc. Soc.
Exptl. Biol, (in press).
Brown, A. H., and co-workers (Columbus meeting of the Soc. Plant
Physiol., October, 1950).
1951 Tanada, T., Am. J. Botan., 38, 276.
Ehrmantraut, H. C. and Rabinowitch, E., Arch. Biochem. (in press).
Warburg, 0. and Burk, D., Naturwiss., 37, 560.
Warburg, 0., and Burk, D., Z. Naturforschung., 6b, 12.
Chapter 30
Sachs (1864) and Pfeffer (1871). Sachs pointed out that the yellow is also
the region of maximum "luminosity" of light, i. e., of maximum effect on
the human retina. He himself saw in this only a coincidence; but other,
less cautious authors thought that such a correspondence must be sig-
nificant, and attempted to explain it. The belief that photosynthesis pro-
ceeds most actively in green light, which is only weakly absorbed by chloro-
phyll, led to several peculiar hypotheses, such as that light energy is not
used in photosynthesis at all (Pfeffer 1871), or that the role of chlorophyll
in plants is merely to protect the carbon dioxide-reducing system from
injuryby light (Pringsheim 1879, 1881, 1882).
Timiriazev (1869, 1875, 1877, 1885) vigorously fought these miscon-
* Bibliography, page 1 188.
decline may more than offset any increase caused by the renewed rise in
the absorption capacity of chlorophyll in the blue-violet region.
Obviously, this definition of the "action spectrum" is arbitrary and ir-
even for plants with identical contents of all pigments (or suspensions of
identical cells) the action spectrum still depends on two individual factors.
The importance of one of them the optical density of the sample was —
recognized by Engelmann In a thick leaf or thallus, or a dense cell sus-
pension, the absorption spectrum and the action spectrum both are blurred;
in the limiting case of complete absorption (approximately realized in
Warburg and Negelein's quantum yield experiments; cf. chapter 25, page
844), the action spectrum, too, may lose all structure.
The second factor that affects the action spectrum of an individual plant
or cell suspension (without affecting its absorption spectrum) is the in-
tensity of illumination. If one would use monochromatic light of such high
intensity as to obtain full light saturation at all wave lengths, the rate of
photosynthesis (which, in the hght-saturated state, is determined only by
the velocity of a dark process) will become identical in all parts of the
spectrum. structure of the action spectrum will appear as soon as the
intensity of illumination is reduced below the saturating value. Since the
saturating intensity depends on wave length {cf. sect. 4), the shape of the
action spectrum will change ^vith decreasing light intensity, until the latter
will fall within the practically linear range for all wave lengths. The
initial divergence and ultimate convergence of light curves in light of dif-
in the multiplicity of the excited electronic states of chlorophyll, two (or three)
of which are involved in the light absorption in the visible spectrum {cf.
fig. 21.20) and (c) in the influence that vibrational energy, acquired by the
Table 30.1
Light X, m/i y e
Table 30.IA
Photosynthesis Yield of Leaves in Colored Light (after Briggs 1929)
Yield, ml. O2/5OO cal incident light
1155.) Below 580 mju, the yield declines considerably, reaches a minimum
at 490 mju and then recovers. Roughly, the depression of the quantum yield
curve in the green, blue and violet covers the regions where carotene, luteol
nnd other carotenoids con1ril)ute markedl}^ to the Hght al)sorption by
ChJorella. An attempt at a quantitative interpretation of the 7 curve meets
with some difficulties. Figure 22.44 shows that, if the absorption by the
carotenoids is calculated on the basis of extract spectra (by shifting all
bands to make their maxima coincide with the absorption peaks of live
cells), significant participation of carotenoids in light absorption cannot be
400 440 480 520 560 600 640 680 720
Fig. 30.1. Quantum 3-iold of photo.syii thesis as a function of wave length for
Chlorella (afterEmerson and Lewis 1943). Points ol)tained on 19 runs are indi-
cated by distinct symbols. Band half widths used indicated by horizontal lines
of corresponding length.
expected above 540 mju. Thus the decline in y, which first begins at 580
mn, cannot be attributed to the carotenoids, unless one assumes that, in
the living cell, their absorption bands are not merely shifted, but so strongly
broadened as to extend up to 580 m^i. The minimum in the quantum
yield curve, at 490 m/x, corresponds satisfactorily to the maximum of c aro-
tenoid absorption, according to fig. 22.44 (more exactly, to the center of
gravity of the two carotenoid peaks); but one notices that in this region
the carotenoids can be expected to account for 60 or 70% of the total al)-
sorption; while the depression of the y curve does not exceed 25%. It
thus again appears that, even though light quanta absorbed by the caro-
tenoids are less efficient than those absorbed by chlorophyll, they are not
entirely inefficient.
One may argue that, if the absorption band of the carotenoids in vivo
is strongly broadened (as suggested above), the maximum of this band may
be much lower than in vitro (since the area of the band —which is pro-
portional to the probability of the corresponding electronic transition
is not hkely to be much affected by the state of the pigment) . Consequently
the proportion of light absorbed by carotenoids in the region of the 7 mini-
mum may be smaller than estimated, thus reducing the discrepancy
between this proportion (supposedly, 60%) and the deficiency in 7 (25%).
O 60
° 40
42 mm' 40 mm 39 mm''
Fig. 30.2. Comparison of total absorption of Chlorella with the absorption ac-
tive in photosynthesis (after Emerson and Lewis, 1943).
The sharp dechne in quantum yield, which sets in, according to figure
30.1, above 680 mn, will be discussed in section 5.
Figure 30.1 was obtained with a dense suspension, which absorbed
practically completel}' at all wave lengths. Emerson and Lewis also made
measurements with a thinner suspension, which transmitted about one
half of incident light, to be able to compare directly the "action spectrum"
of photosynthesis in Chlorella with the absorption spectrum of the same
specimen. Figure 30.2 shows the results. The two curves were drawn
to coincide at 660 m^u. They show a significant divergence above 690 and
below 570 m/x. The lower position of the action curve in the green, blue
and violet illustrates the relative inefficiency of the carotenoids; but the
comparative narrowness of the gap between the two curves confirms the
conclusion, reached above, that the carotenoids are not entirely inefficient.
The total absorption was measured directly; "active" absorption was calculated
from photosynthesis on the assumption that all light used for photosynthesis gives a
quantum yield of 0.084. This value was chosen to give agreement between the two
curves in the red, where all absorption is assumed to be active. The half widths of the
bands used are shown on the figure. The cells used in the run covering the red part of
the spectrum were from a separate culture.
are entirely inactive. On the basis of the absorption analysis in figure 22.44
itseems unlikely that the inactive fraction of the yellow pigments does not
consist of carotenoids at all, but is formed by pigments such as flavones or
can be argued that the shape of the quantum yield curve below 570
mju could also be explained by assuming that a complete inefficiencj'' of
carotenoids is partly compensated by an enhanced efficiency of chlorophyll.
The possible difference between the photochemical functions of chlorophyll
in the three excited states (corresponding to the blue-violet, orange and
red band systems, respectively) an important problem. The available
the upper state of the red fluorescence band). However, on page 752, we
concluded from Livingston's data, that, in the case of the blue-violet ab-
sorption band, the yield of this transformation is far less than 100%
yield drops rapidly at, or only a little beyond, the violet end of the visible
spectrum (400 m/x)-
In vitro, the chlorophyll abso'rption extends throughout the near and
medium ultraviolet (c/. fig. 21.3). Whether other common components
of the plant cells, which absorb in this region, interfere with the light sup-
ply to chlorophyll (by acting as ''screens"), we do not know (this could
perhaps be elucidated by fluorescence measurements). Ursprung (1917,
1918) found evidence of photosynthesis in Phascolvs ivJgnris down to 330
him; Hoover (1937) and Burns (1942) ol)scr^•cd it in TrUiciun at 305 niju.
Gabrielsen (1940) calculated a yield of about 1 mg. CO2/5O cm.- hr. as the
possible contribution of the ultraviolet part of the solar spectrum to the
photosynthesis of leaves of Sinapis and Conjlus.
Johnson and Levring (1946) found with six marine algae (green and red),
a decline in respiration by about 1 mg. O2 per hr. per g. dry weight (deter-
mined by Winkler's methods) in near-ultraviolet light (366 mn, intensity
5 X 10"^ cal./cm.- min.). This was interpreted as evidence of photo-
synthetic effectiveness of this light. Further in the ultraviolet (260-320
m^, intensity about equal to that of the erytheme-producing radiation in
sunlight), no such effect could be observ^ed.
Light below 300 m/x is highly injurious to plants. According to Meier
(1932, 1934, 1936) an illumination of 1000 erg/cm.^ sec. kills ChloreUa
cells in 110 sec. at 260 m/i, and in 10,000 sec. at 302 m/x. Preferential in-
hibition of photosynthesis (with the cells still alive and respiring) by the
mercury resonance line 253.6 m^ was described by Arnold (1933) (c/. chap-
ter 13, Vol. I, page 344); it is not associated with a visible destruction of
The presence pigments {e. g., flavones, anthocyanines or
of yellow
other hydrophilic compounds, which may be present either in the cell sap
or in the cell walls) may cause a decline or complete cessation of photosyn-
thesis at comparatively long wave lengths. This is the probable reason why
Bums (1933, 1934) found that the photosynthesis of certain conifers e.g.,
spruce and white pine ceases—below 450-465 m/x {cf. page 1164).
In the spectmm of extracted chlorophyll, the absorption declines rap-
idly above 680 m/x; but the absorption spectra of intact cells reveal, in
addition to a shift of the red absorption band from 660 to approximately 680
mn, an extension of absorption to much longer waves. This spreading of
the red band can be recognized, e. g., in figures 22.10-22.24, 22.44,
(fig. 22.21), the absorption in the far red was found also in measurements
246 mm*
493 mm'
986 mm'
)o 0.06
P 0.04
680 700 720 740
Decline in quantum yield in far red (after Emerson and Lewis 1943).
Fig. 30.3.
Points show apparent quantum yield with three different suspension densities,
calculated for equal incident light. Solid curve extrapolated for true yield, (com-
plete absorption), assuming that differences between the curves obtained with
different suspensions is due to incomplete absorption.
shown in figure 30.1, Emerson and Lewis found a sharp drop in quantum
yield above 680 m/x. This part of their curve reproduced in more detail
in figure 30.3. To be sure that the decline was not due to incomplete
absorption (we recall that the curve in figure 30.1 was obtained by War-
burg and Negelein's method which presupposes total absorption), Emerson
and Lewis made determinations with several suspensions of increasing den-
sity, and extrapolated the results to infinite density; the result is repre-
sented by the solid curve in figure 30.3. shows that, even with a gener-
ous allowance for incomplete absorption, there still remains a drop in 7,
from about 0.08 at 680 mn, to as little as 0.02 at 730 m/x.
— —
(1941) with the blue-green alga Chroococcus (fig. 30.10A) and by Tanada
(1950) with the diatom Navicula minima (fig. 30. 9A). Ehrmantraut (1950)
noted the same phenomenon in the Hill reaction in Chlorella, Livingston
(c/. chapter 23, p. 752) noted a drop in the yield of the chlorophyll fluo-
Table 30.11
Figure 30.4 shows a comparison of the action spectrum with the absorp-
tion spectrum of Chlorella, according to Eichhoff; the two curves remain
closely parallel far above 680 mix. Even if we doubt the correctness of the
absolute values of Eichhoff' s quantum yields (cf. page 1098), i\\ewave length
dependence of these values could be significant e. g., it would not be af-
obsei-ved by Emerson and Lewis, and Haxo and Blinks. The latter
from the theoretical point of view one would rather expect the quantum
yield to remain constant within the red absorption band of chlorophyll.
The general experience in photochemistry is that wave length is not im-
portant for the photochemical effect, as long as one remains within a single
band system, even if this system extends over all colors of the rainbow.
The reason is that, within a single band system, the electronic excitation
energy is constant, and all excess energy absorbed by the molecule serves
14 70
/ \ \ Assimilation
12 60 Dense suspension /,
1 -^^ Absorption
15 min. V
10 - ^- 50
8 Q. 40
6 CD 30
< ^ /••~-,^'^'" suspension \ V'v^
\ / / 30min^ ^ \ \ ^
4 20
2 10
I''ig. 30.1. Action spectrum of Chlorella (after Eichhoff 1939). Scale at left
represents assimilation.
Another possibility is that the red absorption band of chlorophj-ll conceals a band
corresponding to a different electronic transition. In figure 21.20, it was suggested that a
comparatively weak band Xo —> Ao is hidden under the strong A'o —> Yo band; one could
suggest that absorption in the far red, exhibited by live caused by a shift of the
cells, is
gest that, in the series of transitions Xq -^ Ao, Xo -^ Ai, Xo —* A2, ., the latter ones,
. .
which lead to the vibrating states Ai, Ai, and give rise to chlorophyll bands in the orange,
yellow and green, can be followed by radiationless transitions into state Y, while the
first one, which leads to the non vibrating state ^0, cannot produce the same result
(because of insufficient energy of the excited state), and is therefore ineffective in bring-
ing about photosynthesis.
son and Lewis considered unlikely); to the presence of ferrous salts (or
other infrared-absorbing inorganic components) or the presence of a photo-
synthetically inactive pigment with a band greater than 680 m/i (perhaps
chlorophyll d; see page 1183).
Observations of the low yield of photosynthesis in filtered extreme red
or infrared light (Urspnmg 1918, Gabrielsen 1940, etc.) without the meas-
the region in which the shape of the action spectrum becomes variable.
The light curves bend earlier or later, and come to saturation more or less
suddenly, depending on the value of the absorption coefficient, and on the
optical density of the sample, respectively. It was postulated above
(page 1145) that, when all curves reach saturation, the rate must become
independent of wave length, and the action spectrum must lose all structure.
The theoretical and experimental foundations of this postulate will be con-
sidered later (pp. 1162, 1165). At present, we will assume it to be valid,
and consider only the effect of wave length on the shape of the transition
from the linearly ascending part of the light curves (the slope of which at a
given wave length is determined by the product of absorption coef-
ficient and maximum quantum yield) to the "saturation plateau," the
height of which we assume to be independent of wave length.
The effect of optical density on light curves was discussed in chapter 28,
and the results were illustrated by the schematic figure 28.20. A change in
wave length is equivalent to a change in optical density; a cell suspension
that is "thin" in green light becomes "dense" in red or violet light. How-
ever, as far as the rate of photosynthesis is concerned, transition from
green to red light is not in all respects equivalent to an increase in cell
concentration, since the saturation level remains unchanged in the first
case,but increases proportionately with the number of cells in the second
case. Thus, the result of a change from strongly absorbed to weakly ab-
sorbed light is likely to be more similar to that of the change from green to
aurea leaves {cf. fig. 32.2), where the maximum rate is approximately the
same for both varieties.
As mentioned before, the comparison of light curves at different wave
lengths should be carried out by plotting the rate against N^p (number of
incident quanta/cm. ^ sec.,) rather than against the energy flux, 7, in erg
(or cal)/cm.^ sec. Otherwise, the light curves for the shorter waves will
remain below those for the longer waves, even if the photochemical ef-
ficiency of both kinds of quanta are identical (fig. 30. 6C). An example of
7 -
.E 5h
O 4 -
E 3 -
X 2 -
Fig. 30.5.
The same picture (fig. 30.6A) should be obtained also for partially absorb-
ing systems, if P is plotted against the absorbed (rather than against the
incident) intensity. If Nn^ (incident) is used as the independent variable
and the absorption is comparatively weak, the resulting picture must be
that shown in figure 30.6B.
If the monochromatic light curves are plotted against light energy (I,
or A) instead of number of quanta, Nh;,, the relationships become unneces-
sarily obscured {of. fig. 30.6C). (Some investigators, e. g., Montfort, have
500 600
INCIDENT INTENSITY, cal/50 cm.'' hr.
Fig. 30.8A. Light curves of Sinapis alba (after Gabrielson 1935). Top, blue-violet
light; center, yellow-green; bottom, orange-red.
7.«—"o X
Fig. 30.8B. Light curves of Sinapis alba in light of different color (after Gabrielsen
1940). The same saturation yield is approached at all wave lengths. Circles, n>d-
orange light; crosses, yellow-green; triangles, blue-violet.
curves, we consider those in figures 30.7 and 30.8. In figure 30.7A, the
relative position of the curves for green and red light is as predicted in
figure 30.6B. In figure 30.7B, the curve for white light, lies, as predicted,
below that for the more strongly absorbed red light, but the difference is
Figure 30.8A and Table 30.III show the results of Gabrielsen (1935).
The difference in the quantum yield in the green and in the red is notable
Table 30.III
Photosynthesis in Colored Light (after Gabrielsen 1935)
Max. quantum Max. P, mg. CO2/ Reached at / =
Light Av. X, ni^ yield cm.^ hr. 11 cal/cm.^ sec.
(for a discussion of similar results by Emerson and Lewis, cf. page 1148).
The maximum rates in the blue-violet, and particularly in the green, also are
considerably smaller than in the red; however, figure 30.8A shows that
the observed maximum rates may be far from saturation.
still Figure
30. 8B, taken from a later publication by the same author (1940), shows the
coincidence of the maximum rates in the three spectral regions very clearly.
It is obvious from the preceding discussion that the action spectra of
photosynthesis, obtained by illuminating plants with light of partly saturat-
ing intensity, are difficult to interpret —even if precaution has been taken
to use the same incident intensity (or, better still, the same number of
incident quanta) in all spectral regions. For example, in an optically thin
system, the yield per incident quantum should be smaller in the green than
in the red, because of weaker absorption (cf. fig. 30. 6B); while in a dense,
completely absorbing system the relation could be reversed, because of the
better utilization of the more uniformily absorbed green light (cf. fig.
30.6A). Working with systems that are not too dense, and in light that
is not too strong, one may obtain a "quantized" action spectrum resembling
more or less closely the absorption spectrum of the pigments. An example
is given in figure 30.9, which shows the action spectrum of wheat as ob-
served by Hoover (1937) and "quantized" by Burns (1937-38,1942). How-
Because of the coincidence of the absorjjtion bands of the carol enoids in green
plants with the blue-violet bands of the two chlorophylls, correct guessing is in this
case much more difficult than in the case of brown or red algae. Engelmann (1887)
recognized tliis and based his suggestion that the carotenoids of green plants also act as
sensitizers in photosynthesis not on direct experiments with these plants, but on analogy
with the results obtained with colored algae. He quoted, as an additional argument in
favor of this suggestion, the observation that leaves of the aurea varieties have a com-
paratively high yield of photosynthesis, despite their deficiency in chlorophyll. How-
ever, he did not consider this argument as conclusive, at least not without x'enewed study;
and since then Willstatter and Stoll (1918) have shown that aurea leaves possess a high
relative efficiency also in light filtered through a yellow filter. Willstatter and Stoll saw
in this proof that leaf carotenoids do not contribute to the sensitization of photosynthesis
in aurea leaves. However, this conclusion was not convincing because in their experi-
ments not only the relative, but also the absolute, yields in both green and aurea leaves
were almost unaffected by the interposition of a yellow filter. In other words, the in-
tensity of blue-violet light was negligible; therefore their experiments, while proving
that aurea leaves are liighly efficient in the light absorbed by chlorophyll alone, proved
nothing as to the efficiency or inefficiency of the carotenoids.
Wurmser (1921^) found the rate of photosynthesis of Ulva lactuca in the blue-violet
to be lower than in the green, but higher than in the red (calculated for absorption by
chlorophyll alone), thus indicating a possible active participation of the carotenoids.
Schmticker (1930) found, by bubble-counting experiments with Cabomba and Crypto-
coryne, that the light intensity required to achieve a certain rate of photosynthesis in-
creased from the red to yellow and green inversely proportionately to the wave length
thus indicating a constant quantum yield; in the blue and violet, on the other hand,
the increase was about 15% larger than was required by the quantum correction if all
pigments were assumed to be active, but somewhat less than could be expected if the
carotenoids were entirely inefficient.
After the problem of the role of carotenoids in photosynthesis had been brought
to the foreground by experiments with brown algae (cf. section 5), Montfort (1940)
made a new attempt to determine whether light absorption by the carotenoids of green
plants also contributes to photosynthesis. He compared the rates of photosynthesis of
the green alga Ulva lactuca in red and orange light (\> 550 m/x) with that in blue-green
light (X350-625 ran, maximum at 450-500 m/x) of equal incident intensity. Table
30.IV shows the results. Comparison of the last three figures in the table shows that the
Table 30. IV
P (blue-green)/P (orange-red) . 89
A (blue-green)/A (orange-red)° 1 . 19
A (blue-green)/A (orange-red)'' 1 .00"
quantum yield in the blue-green was only slightly lower than in the red, if referred to the
absorption by all pigments, but much higher if referred to chlorophyll alone. This
speaks in favor of an almost equal efficiency of chlorophyll and the carotenoids. Thus,
the earlier observations of Wurmser, Schmlicker and Montfort can all be quoted in
support of the conclusions derived by Emerson and Lewis from the much more con-
vincing measurements in weaker and truly monochromatic light, that the carotenoids of
green plants do contribute actively, but less efficiently than chlorophyll, to the sensitiza-
tion of photosynthesis.
In ChlorcUa, the quantum yield deficiency in blue and violet light is not
likely to be caused by the presence of a yellow pigment other than the carot-
enoids. (The comparison of the absorption spectrum of live cells with
that of the extracted pigments, cf. fig. 22.44, does not indicate the presence
of such a pigment.) In some higher plants, on the other hand, pigments of
the flavone or anthocyanine class often are present in the cell sap or cell
walls and compete with the photosynthetically active pigments for blue-
violet ({uanta, or even serve es "color screens," particularly when they are
located in the* epidermis, or in the cell walls between the chloroplasts and
the external light source. The presence of these pigments should leave the
saturation yield unaffected, but should depress the quantum yield in the
linear range and in the region of partial saturation. Burns (1933, 1942)
noted that the quantum yield of photosynthesis of spruce and pine seedlings
in the blue-violet (390-470 m/x) was only half as large as in the red (630-
720 mn), or red plus orange (560-720 ran). This can be attributed to the
ability ofan enzyme, the maximum rate is determined b}^ the velocity of a
dark reaction, and should be independent not only of the quantity, but also
of the quality of illumination.
Light (luality could, however, affect the maxiinuni rote of photosynthe-
Dastur and Samant (1933), Dastur and Mehta (1935) and Dastur and
Solomon (1937) described observations that purported to show that pure
red light (or pure blue light) is less efficient in photosynthesis than a com-
bination of both. Their experiments were criticized by Montfort (1937),
who found that the addition of blue-violet light to red light has no effect
on the rate of photosynthesis, provided the red light was in itself of saturat-
ing intensity (this agrees with the experiments of Button and Manning
with diatoms, described on page 1172).
Dastur, Kanitkar and Rao (1938) measured the formation of proteins
in leaves in light of different color, and found differences which they related
to the above-mentioned observations on photosynthesis in colored light.
The results of Dastur and co-workers probably are trivial, being caused
by the use of optically dense tissues. As explained above, such tissues
must (and do) utilize moderately intense green or yellow light better than
orange-red (or blue-violet) light of the same intensity, because the latter
is absorbed in too thin a layer and causes saturation effects there. White
light of partly saturating intensity, since it contains green and yellow, will
give, in such tissues, a higher yield of photosj^nthesis than an equally strong
red-orange or blue-violet light.
The hypothesis of Baly (1935) that photosynthesis requires a quantum of red plus
a quantum of blue light, was mentioned before (Vol. I, p. 554) and characterized as
entirely without experimental basis.
the light under which the plants were grown. As described in chapter 15
(page 130), chlorophyll is more efficiently synthesized by green plants in red
light,and the carotonoids in blue-violet light (although these assertions
have been contested, and may represent over-simplifications). This may
explain why plants have often been found to be most efficient in the light
in which they were grown. Elodea plants cultured in red light produced
more oxygen in the red, while similar plants grown in blue light gave more
oxygen in the blue (Harder, Doring and Simonis 1936, Harder and Simonis
1938, and Simonis 1938). Thus, the physiological chromatic adaptation
of photosynthesis may be in this case a consequence of the chemical adapta-
tion of the pigment system.
cj. page 707). Montfort (1940) discussed the experimental action spectra
of photosynthesis in different brown algae and concluded that light ab-
sorbed by fucoxanthol is fully utilized for photosjmthesis; but this conclu-
sion was not very convincing because of the very primitive experimental
approach, which included the use of broad spectral regions, and of light of
the same cells. Table 30.V shows that even these ratios varied widely (e. g.,
from 0.90 to 1.43 in the comparison of yields in violet and red light). The
most consistent was the series of measurements at 496 m^u, where seven
determinations all gave, for the ratio (quantum yield in blue-green)/ (quan-
tum yield in red) values between 0.07 and 0.08. By averaging the ratios,
1)utton and Manning arrived at the values in the last column of Table 30.V.
Table 30.V
Quantum Yields of Diatoms (after Dutton and Manning, 1941)
% of total
the ratios of thequantum yields in the bhie, violet, green and red, but, even
more by the absolute value of the yield at 496 m/x, where, ac-
cording to their estimates, 93% of absorbed light is taken up by the carot-
enoids. They argued that, if all photosynthesis observed in this spec-
tral region were attributed to chlorophyll, the quantum yield would be
0.059/(1 — 0.93) = 0.84, i. e., much larger than the maximum allowed by
thermochemical considerations. However, this estimate was based on the
distribution data in figure 22.46, and therefore is subject to possible grave
errors. True, at 496 mn, the apportionment of energy is not very sensitive
to the postulated specific value of the "red shift"; it would remain almost
the same if a shift of 10 or 30 m/i were postulated, instead of 20 m/z (the
value used by Button and Manning), or if the shift of the carotenoid
— —
bands particularly^ those of fucoxanthol were assumed to be twice or
three times as large as that of the chlorophyll bands. (A difference of this
type is indicated by some data in chapter 22; cf. Table 22. VI and page
706.) It may thus seem as if an extreme and unlikely assumption con-
cerning the enhancement of the absorption of blue-green light by chloro-
phyll in vivo, or the assumption of a spatial distribution of pigments strongly
favoring absorption by chlorophyll would be required to explain the quan-
tum yield observed at 496 m^t without recourse to sensitization by carot-
enoids. This argument, however, ceased to be quite conclusive, since
Strain and Manning (1942) confirmed the presence in blown algae and
diatoms, of a pigment with strong absorption in the blue-green, chlorophyll
c. According to figure 21.5 this component has an absorption peak at 450
m/x in methanol; in the living cell, its absorption maximum must
lie near
30. 9C, at 470 mix, chlorophyll c in a methanol extract from diatoms accounts
for about ten times more absorption than chlorophyll a. The neglect of
chlorophyll c in the calculations of Button and Manning thus may have
shifted the ratio of the absorptions by the chlorophyll pigments and the
carotenoids, from perhaps about 1 to 1, to the extreme value of 9.3 to 0.7.
To sum by Button and Manning sup-
up, the average 7 values found
port the assumption that the carotenoids in diatoms (and fucoxanthol in
particular) contribute directly to the sensitization of photosynthesis; but
the wide scattering of individual results called for reinvestigation with
material and methods giving more consistent results. Furthermore, all
results, and particularly the absolute yields at 496 m/x, were in need of re-
examination in the light of the possible role of chlorophyll c. This re-
examination could have conceivably brought the brown algae in line with
green algae organisms in which a distinctly lower quantum yield of
photosynthesis was observed in the regions of the carotenoid absorption,
but a yield not sufficiently low to permit the assumption of complete in-
— —
found as one would expect no appreciable effect of this additional illumination on
the yield, -.mA interpreted this as a proof that photosynthesis in blue light, although
sensitized by both chloroph3ll atul the carotenoids, is limited by the same dark reaction
as photosynthesis in red light, which is sensitized by chlorophjdl alone.
yield dips by about 20% between 520 and 475 ibm (we recall that a minimum
of efficiency was found in this region also for Chlorella and Chroococcus)
The yield rises somewhat further in the violet, but declines again toward
the ultraviolet, its value at 400 mju being about 30% below the maximum.
This 7 = /(X) curve must be compared with the curve showing the ab-
sorption by the several pigments in extract from these diatoms (fig. 30. 9B),
and with the curve (fig. 30.9D), derived from it, showing the contribution
of each pigment to the total absorption by the cells. The first figure shows
chlorophyll a, chlorophyll c, and fucoxanthol, as the major components.
u. 40
(However, the latter value was derived from a small shoulder on the
absorption curve, and is not precise.) The absorption peak of fucoxanthol
in vivo was calculated from the difference between the absorption curves
of the cells before and after extraction with aqueous methanol it indicated ;
a red shift by as —
much as 40 m/x for this pigment from 445 mn in methanolic
solution, to 485 mju in vivo. The blue peak of chlorophyll c was calculated
similarly from the difference between the spectra of cells before and after
extraction with 50% methanol; a red shift of 20 m/x was deduced in this
(The deduced by Tanada for the four blue-violet bands 8 m/x
shifts —
and 40 mju for fucoxanthol can be compared with those
for chlorophyll a,
derived in chapter 22, on pages 705-706, from earlier investigations.
The agreement is good for chlorophyll a; for fucoxanthol, the shift found
— —
by Tanada 40 m/x is about twice that estimated previously by Wassink
and Kersten.)
When the blue-violet solution bands of all pigments present in the
diatoms were shifted as indicated, and superimposed, a composite absorp-
tion curve was obtained (see fig. 30.9C). (No attempt was made by
Tanada to analyze the region > 620 mju, where all absorption is due to the
chlorophylls.) The quantitative agreement is not too good, the composite
curve having a higher peak, and a lower valley in the green than the actual
absorption cui-ve of the cells. This may be due, at least in part, to scatter-
ing —
although the cell cur\^e was obtained on Hardy spectrophotometer
equipped with an integrating sphere, and with cells immersed in glycerol to
reduce scattering. Another likely source of discrepancies is the broadening
of the absorption bands in vivo (particular^ of that of fucoxanthol)
The uncertainty implied between the two curves,
in the discrepancy
had to be accepted in estimating the contribution of the several pigments
to total cell absorption at any given wave length. The results of this
estimate are shown by fig. 30.9D. It indicates that in the region 500-
550 ran, fucoxanthol takes up most of the quanta absorbed; and yet, fig.
30. 9A shows no drop in yield in this region —
except below 520 mju, where
absorption by "other carotenoids" sets in. The simplest explanation of the
results is that three pigments — chlorophylls a and c and fucoxanthol — are
fully effective in photosynthesis (70 — 0.11), while the other carotenoids
are either altogether ineffective or have a much smaller efficiency.
Tanada foundfurther that 70 of Navicula minima was the same at 1.5,
10, and 20°C., and that 7 was a smooth function of light intensitj' between
0.9 and 6.9 X 10 ~* einstein/cm.^ min., the curvature becoming noticeable
>2 X 10~* einstein/cm.2 min. Points obtained in red, orange, blue and
green light onto the same slightly curved
all fell line, similar to that found
for ChloreUa by Emerson and Lewis (fig. 30.5).
We will now describe in brief the experiments in light of indefinite (and probably
partly .saturating) intensity, which can be aiiduced in support of the hypothesis that
the carotenoids of brown algae actively participate in photosynthesis. Conditions in
these organisms appeared somewhat more favorable for coriect guessing than in green
plants, because of the absence of chlorophyll b, and consequent enhanced importance
of the carotenoids for the absorption in the region between 450 and 500 m/u; liere again
the contribution of chlorophyll c requires consideration.
As early as 1884, Engelmann found that brown algae (Melosira, Navicula, Pinnul-
aria) illuminated by sunlight or gas light, produced the largest amount of oxygen in the
green part of the spectrum, and concluded that the "orange pigment" of these algae must
participate in sensitization.
Fifty years later, Montfort (1934) compared the rate of photosynthesis in white
light of a certain standard intensity with its rate in orange-red light. While greeji algae
{Ulva lactuca) were equally efficient with both kinds of illuminations, brown algae,
Diclyota dichotoma, Alaria and Desmarestia, produced in orange-red light only one half
the oxygen liberated in wliite light. Montfort interpreted this as an indication that
Phaeophyceae have a liigher relative efficiency in blue and violet light, and attributed
this to the presence of fucoxanthol. Later, IMontfort (1936) and his co-worker Schmidt
(1937) found that the removal of blue and violet rays from white light depressed the
rate of photosynthesis inbrown algae {Diclyota and Laminaria) much more strongly
than in the green Ulva. They calculated the ratio P/A (photosynthesis per unit ab-
sorbed energy) for different colors, using incident light of equal intensity in all spectral
An arbitrary selection from the confusing abundance of their material is shown in
Table 30. VI. Not all the figures in this table may be strictly comparable, but they
show the trend of the results.
In green algae, the decrease in P/I from the red to the green and the renewed in-
crease in the blue reflected more or less clearly the changes in absorption and in the size
of quanta. (These two factors cooperate to make the yield in green light smaller than
in the red; —
but become antagonistic in the blue.) In brown algae with the exception
of Fucus, which Montfort classified as a "xanthophyll alga" (whereas he designated
Laminaria and Diclyota as "fucoxanthol algae") the yields were invariably 30 or 40%
higher in the blue than in the red, and would have become twice as high if related
to the absorption by chlorophyll alone. In the green, too, the P/I values were relatively
higher than they should be according to the absorption of chlorophyll and the size of the
quanta. Moatfort and Schmidt concluded from these results that, of all the carotenoids,
only fucoxanthol is able to assist in the sensitization of photosyntlu^sis, whereas the
carotenoids of green algae are inactive (for a criticism of their methods, sec Emerson
Table 30. VI
Green ^ „^
Cladophora 0-49 0.80
Ulva laduca 0.46 0.82
Laminaria digitata
Strong light (1) 1.29
Medium light (Vs) 0.91 1 .32
Weak light Qi) 1-00 1 .23
Phyllilis fascia — 1-40
Dictyota dichotoma 90.
1 48.
Fucus vesiculosus (brown, but with low fucoxanthol content) 0.38 0.59
Table 30.VII
Ratios of Rates of Photosynthesis by Diatoms in Blue and Red Light
(after Gabrielsen and Steemann-Nielsen 1938)
standable transition from the conditions at low light intensities (where the yield is pro-
portional to absorption, and may therefore be higher in the blue than in the red, if the
absorption in the blue is so nmch sti'onger as to overbalance the laiger size of the quanta)
to the conditions in strong (saturating) light, where the rate must be (and apparently is)
independent of wave length. Montfort (1940) preferred, however, to average all the
ratios in Table 30.VII and concluded that a ratio of 1.5 between the rates in blue light
and red light indicates an active participation of carotenoids in photosynthesis. Using
the absorption curviis of methanolic extracts he calculated that the energy conversion
rate in blue light is 1.03 times larger than in red light, referred to absorption by all pig-
ments, and 2.46 times larger referred to chlorophyll alone; while, according to the size
of the quanta, it should be smaller by a factor of 0.68.
In the case of brown algae {Laminaria digitata) a similar calculation (based on Mont-
fort's own measurements) gave energy yield ratios (related to the combined absorption
by all pigments) of 0.86 and 1.18 (for two different combinations of filters), as compared
with the quantum size ratios of 0.64 and 0.77, respectively, again indicating a higher
quantum yield in the blue-violet than in the red. At their face value, Montfort's figures
appear to indicate that the carotenoids of the diatoms and brown algae are several times
more efficient as sensitizers than chlorophyll!
Mothes, Baatz, and Sagromsky (1939), Baatz (1941) and Sagromsky (1943) have
described observations of the rate of photosynthesis in filtered red and blue light of
equal intensity (in energy units). They found for these two rates, a ratio of 1 1.2 in the
diatom Chaetoceras simplicia centrosperma, as against 1 0.7 in two unicellular green algae,
and attributed the relatively better utilization of blue light by the brown cells to the
presence of fucoxanthol. These experiments were more satisfactory than those of Mont-
font in that imicellular algae were used rather than thick thalli; but it was equally un-
satisfactory in the use of broad spectral regions, and even less satisfactory in the absence
of any absorption measurements, which would permit approximate allocation of ab-
sorption to the several pigments. Mothes and co-workers pointed out the difficulty
of the latter problem, caused by the difference of the carotenoid spectrum in vivo from
that in vitro. (This difference is clearly indicated by the change of color from brown to
green caused by placing brown algae in hot water a treatment which, they assumed,
disrupts the molecular association of carotenoids with chlorophyll and proteins.)
008 , .X'
> 006
004 J Colculoted
400 440 480 520 560 600 640 680 720
Fig. 30.10A. Quantum yieldof Chroococcus photosynthesis (after Emerson and Lewis
1942). SoHd drawn through experimental points, values obtained in different
line is
runs being distinguished by different characters. Broken line shows expected dependence
of quantum yield on wave length, on assumption that -yield for light absorbed by chloro-
phyll and phycocyanine is 0.08 at all wave lengths, and light absorbed by carotenoids is
not available for photosynthesis.
From Photosynthesis
chapter 15, page 355). This makes the determination of the absorption
curve easier, and leads to better agreement between the absorption curve
of the intact cells and the curve constructed by the combination of the
(appropriately shifted) absorption curves of the extracted pigments (illus-
trated by fig. 22.485). The main remaining differences between the "cell
spectrum" and the combined extract spectrum is the apparent broadening of
the red chlorophyll band in the intact cells, and a somewhat lower absorp-
tion of the latter at X < 510 mju.
Chroococcus cells were used in carbonate buffer (85% 0.1 Af NaHCOs +
15% 0.1 Af Na2C03). These algae can live without potassium, but not
without sodium. The method of determination of y was the same as in
the work with Chlorclla. (Bands 6-10 mn ^\'ide were used in the rod and
15-20 m/x wide in the blue-violet; photosynthesis and respiration were
measured in alternating 10 minute periods of darkness and light, the value
of P hemg derived from the rate of oxygen production in the second half
of the illumination period.) Both "dense" (fully absorbing) and "thin"
(partially absorbing) suspensions were used.
The quantum yield of photosynthesis in Chroococcus as a function of
wave length is shown in figure 30.10A. As in Chlorella, y is approximately
constant between 570 and 690 nifi (aside from a slight flat maximum at 680
m/x) —despite the fact that in Chlorella all absorption in this region is due to
more than half the total absorption
chlorophyll, whereas, in Chroococcus,
between 560 and 650 m^i must be attributed to phycocyanin.
in the region
Judging from figure 22.49, the absorption by phycocyanin at 600 m/u
should be at least six times as large as that by chlorophyll; but the quan-
tum yield is the same as at 660-680 m/x, where chlorophyll accounts for
practically all absorption. Thus, the photosynthetic efficiency of phyco-
cyanin in Chroococcus must equal that of chlorophyll (the maximum
possible difference being of the order of 10-15%). Another way of repre-
senting the same results is shown in figure 30.10B. Here, the absorption
spectrum of a thin suspension of Chroococcus cells is compared with the
quantized action spectrum of photosynthesis. The close parallelism be-
tween the two curves in the region above 570 mju shows the approximately
equal availability for photosynthesis of the light absorbed by both chloro-
phyll and phycocyanin. Particularly convincing are the two separate
maxima shown by both curves near 620 and 670 m^, which must be at-
tributed to phycocyaninand chlorophjdl, respectively. The large dis-
crepancy in the region 420-550 m/x indicates the inefficiency (or relatively
low efficiency) of the light absorbed by the carotenoids. The dotted line in
figure 30.10A shows, however, that assuming complete inefficiency of
the carotenoids leads to an underestimation of the yield between 450 and
550 m/x; the best agreement between measured and calculated yields can
be obtained by assuming a quantum yield y = 0.08 for the light absorbed
by chlorophyll and phycocyanin, and y = 0.016 for the light absorbed by
the carotenoids.
The action spectra of several species of red algae were studied by Haxo
Ulva taeniata
—^ Thollus obsorption
Action spectrum
Delesseria decipiens
—^ Thollus absorption
Action spectrum
Aqueous extract
•^. 20
o ""
and Blinks (1950) with very striking results. The polarographic method
(page 850) was used, with occasional checks by oxygen determination and
manometric measurements. Light intensities used were low enough (about
twice the compensating intensity) for the results to approximate the maxi-
mum quantum yields. In the green alga Ulva taeniata (fig. 30. 11 A) the
action spectrum was found to follow closely the absorption spectrum, with
the exception of a yield deficiency of up to 100% in the far red (>700 m/x),
already noticed by Emerson and Lewis (c/. fig. 30.3), and of a certain
yield deficiencyaround 480 van, also noticed before, and interpreted as evi-
dence of partial inactivity of the carotenoid pigments in green cells. It is,
however, to be noted that the yield deficiency disappears at 415 m/i, al-
though a considerable proportion of light (over 50% in extracts) must be
absorbed in this region by carotenoids.
In the brown Coilodesme (fig. 30.1 IB), the action spectrum also paral-
leled rather closely the absorption spectrum with a moderate deficiency
(of up to 20%) in the region of strong carotenoid absorption. In the red
algae Delesseria decipiens (fig. 30.11C), Porphyra nereocystis (fig. 30.11D),
Porphyra naiadum (fig. 30. HE) (purple, indicating relatively high content
of phycocyanin) and Porphyra perforata (fig. 30.1 IF, G) (a slate-green
vegetative section containing mainly phycocyanin, and a red carposporic
section) the action spectra Avere strikingly different from the absorption
spectra. They showed unmistakable maxima corresponding to the ab-
sorption peaks of phycoerythrin, at 500 and 565 m/x, and also to those of
phycocyanin at 620 m^u (fig. 30. HE, F), but only very little of the chloro-
phyll maxima in the red as well as in the violet. The quantum yield was
estimated to be the order of 0.06 in the phycoerythrin bands, and as low as
0.02 in the chlorophyll bands. Similar results were obtained with several
other Bangiales and Florideae. The absorption by carotenoids appeared to
be as little effective as that by chlorophyll. A slight increase in activity
shown by some species at X = 440 mju, coinciding as it did with an increase
in the absorption of the aqueous phycobilin extract, could not be inter-
preted as sign of photosynthetic activity of the chlorophylls or the caro-
These unexpected results indicate that in contrast to all other plants
direct sensitizationby chlorophyll plays only a subordinate role in at least
some of the red algae, and that photosynthesis in them is sensitized pri-
marily by phycobilins. If this is the case, it would seem unlikely that the
energy quanta absorbed by the phycobilins are transmitted to chlorophyll,
since how could indirectly produced excitation of chlorophyll be more
effective than excitation due to energy absorbed directly by chlorophyll?
Rather, these results would seem to indicate that the phycobilins are
sensitizers of photosynthesis in their own right, and that their presence
Beside the measurements of Emerson and Lewis and of Blinks and Haxo,
all earlier observations on the role of phycobilins in photosynthesis have
only the weight of corroborative evidence. Most of this evidence pertains
to red algae, and has been gathered in connection with Engelmann's theory
of "complementary chromatic adaptation" of these algae to the blue-green
light that prevails under the sea. (Obviously, this color adaptation can
only be useful to the algae if the light absorbed by the red pigments can be
used for photosynthesis.) Because of the absorption of red and blue-
A'iolet light by water, a full utilization of the central part of the visible
spectrum which is only insufficiently absorbed by chlorophyll is of —
vital importance for the plants living deep under the sea. This considera-
tion was the basis of the theory of chromatic adaptation, developed by
Engelmann in 1884. This subject was almost lost sight of in the first quar-
ter of the new century, while new methods of quantitative study of photo-
synthesis by green leaves were being developed by Blackman and co-
workers and by Willstatter and Stoll. Later, Warburg made the green
Chlorella cells the favorite subject of photosynthetic studies. In the
work on green pigments was con-
plants, the presence of accessory yellow
sidered to be scarcely more than a nuisance. These pigments were not
prominent enough both in concentration and in the part they took in
light absorption —
to make them a desirable subject of independent study;
but their presence interfered with the quantitative study of chlorophyll-
sensitized photosynthesis in the short-wave region of the visible spectrum.
The fact that blue and red algae offer a much more promising field for the
study of the part played by the "accessory" pigments in photosynthesis
was almost forgotten. Engelmann had noticed, however, as early as
1883 (using motile bacteria for the oxygen determination) that the maxi-
mum of the photosynthetic efficienc}^ of red algae (CaUithamnion and Cer-
amium) lay in the green part of the spectrum, and that of blue algae (Oscil-
latoria and Nostoc), in the yellow. As in the case of green plants, the posi-
tion of the maximum of photosynthesis coincided roughly with that of the
maximum of light absorption. A year later (1884), Engelmann described
a "microspectrophotometer," which he was able to show that
by means of
the parallelism between the absorption spectra and the "photosynthetic
action spectra" of the colored algae is quantitative. He concluded that
all pigments that contribute to light absorption by the algae also con-
tribute to photosynthesis, and expressed this result by the equation
-E'abs. = E'assim. (£" Standing for energy), w^hich was a direct challenge to the
concept of the exclusive sensitizing role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis.
One of the developments of Engelmann's theory ^the concept of "chro-
matic adaptation" as a factor determining the composition of the pigment
system in plants has been discussed in chapter 15. Here, we are con-
only weakly absorbed by chlorophyll — and red algae are adapted to weak
However, the views von Richter have not been confirmed by later
investigators. Wurmser and Ducleaux (1921) compared the photosyn-
thetic eflSciencies of red and green fronds of Rhodymenia palniafa and
Chondrus crispus and found that the red varieties give yields two or three
times greater than the green ones. Wurmser (1921) compared the photo-
synthesis of the green alga Ulva lactuca with that of the red alga Rhodymenia
palmaia in red, green and violet light. He found that, if the rate in red is
taken as imitj^ that in green is 0.24 in Ulva and 0.49 in Rhodymenia, and
that in violet 0.81 and 0.16, respective^ (for equal intensity of incident
light). Thus, the red algae are more eflScient in the green, but le::s ef-
ficient in the violet than the green ones. Wurmser pointed out that, even
if von Richter's intensity not mean that color ef-
effects are real, this does
consequences of changes in absorption intensity.
fects are only indirect
by Harder (1923), who concluded that
Similar results were obtained
both intensity adaptation and color adaptation are real phenomena. He,
as well as Ehrke (1932), interpreted the result of the rate measurements
with red algae as indicating active participation of the phycobilins in photo-
synthesis, and the same conclusions were reached by Montfort (1936) and
Schmidt (1937), who found the spectral maximum of the efficiency of phyco-
cyanin algae in yellow light, and that of phycoer>'thrin algae in green
algae) apparently find their phycobihn content useful, or at least not harm-
even on the surface, this does not prove that phycobiHns are not pig-
Table 30.VIII
Position of Wave Length Maxima (m/x) in Spectrum of Streptococcus varians
(after French 1937)
Vermeulen, Wassink and Reman (1937), too, found that the develop-
ment of Chromatiuni takes place mainly in light belonging to the absorp-
tion bands of bacteriochlorophyll (infrared, red and a narrow band at 590
mju; cf. figs. 22.19 and 22.21), but not in those of the red carotenoid pig-
More recently, however, Manten and Thomas found the situation to be
more complex. First, Manten (1946), in studying the action spectrum of
phototaxis of Rhodospirillum ruhrum, found peaks corresponding to the
absorption peaks of bacteriochlorophyll (590 m/x) as well as to those of some
of the carotenoids (but not the main carotenoid of these cells, spirilloxan-
thol). He suggested that the mechanism of phototaxis involves in Rhodo-
spirillutN, primarily, a stimulation of photosynthesis, and that the action
spectrum of phototaxis therefore indicates that some (but not all) caro-
tenoids are photosynthetically active also in purple bacteria. Thomas
(1950) investigated the action spectrum of photosynthesis of the same cells
manometrically by measuring carbon dioxide consumption in the presence
of 0.015 M sodium butyrate as hydrogen donor, (cf. chapter 5, p. 106). Be-
cause of the sigmoid shape of the light curve, the action spectrum was
determined by measuring the ratio of ACO2 in light of a given wave length
(bands isolated by Christiansen filters) to ACU-j in light of a standard wave
length (yellow sodium line) Between 460 and 650 mii the action spectrum
Bibliography to Chapter 30
The Light Factor. III. Photosynthesis and Light QuaUty; Role of Accessory Pigments
1788 Senebier, J., Experiences sur Vadion da la lumiere solaire dans la vegetation.
Barde-I\langet, Geneva.
1844 Draper, J. W., ^4nn. chim. phys. [3] 11, 214.
1864 Sachs, J., Botan. Z., 22, 353, 361, 369.
1869 Timiriazev, C, ibid., 27, 169.
1885 Timiriazev, C, Aiin. sci. nat., botan. et biol. vegetale [7] 2, 99.
1886 Pringsheim, N., Ber. dent, botan. Ges., 4, XC.
Pringsheim, N., Jahrb. iviss. Botan., 17, 162.
1887 Engelmann, T. \\., Botan. Z., 45, 100.
Engelmann, T. W., ibid., 45, 393, 409, 425, 441, 457.
1888 Engelmann, T. \\., ibid., 46, 661, 677, 693, 709.
1890 Timiriazev, C, Compt. rend., 110, 1346.
1893 Oltmanns, F., Jahrb. wiss. Botan., 23, 349.
1897 Kohl, F. G., Ber. deut. botan. Ges., 15, 111, 361.
1902 von Richter, A., Rev. gen. botan., 14, 151, 211.
1903 Timiriazev, C., Proc. Roy. Soc. London, B72, 424.
1906 Kohl, F. G., Ber. deut. botan. Ges., 24, 222.
Willstatter, R., and StoU, A., Untersuchungen iiber die Assimilation der
Kohlensdure. Springer, Berlin, 1918, pp. 114, 141.
1921 Wurmser, R., Compt. reJid., 171, 820.
Wurmser, R., Arch. phys. bioL, 1, 33.
Wurmser, R., and Ducleaux, J., Compt. rend., 171, 1231.
Wurmser, R., and Ducleau.x, J., Recherches sur V assimilation chlorophyllienne,
1922 Noack, K., Z. Botan., 14, 1.
1923 Warburg, 0., and Negelein, E., Z. phijsik. Chem., 106, 191.
Lubimenko, V., Compt. rend., 177, 606.
Harder, R., Z. Botan., 15, 305.
1925 Wurmser, R., Ann. physiol. physicocfmn. bioL, 1, 47.
1929 Briggs, G. E., Proc. Roy. Soc. London, BIOS, 1.
Albers, V. M., and Knurr, 11. V.: Absorption spectra of single chloroplasts, 692, GOS,
699, 701,
Alkiro,. G. I. See Van Rysselberghe, P.
Augelslein, U. : Carbonate ions enhance photosynthesis, 887.
Arens, K.: Passage of carbonate ions throiigli leaves, 887-888.
Arnold, A. : Decline of photosj'nthesis of aquatic plants with time under constant con-
ditions, 877.
Arnold, W.: Calorimetrie measurement of photosynthesis, 854; calorimetric quantum
yield determinations, 1 122-1 12;>; inhil)ition of photosynthesis by ultraviolet,
1153. See also Emerson, II.
and Oppenheimer, R. J.: Energy transfer between pigments, 758-759; enhance-
ment of phycobilin fluorescence by cell destruction, 801, 816; fluorescence yield of
Chroococcus, 813.
Aronoff, F.,and Calvin, M.: Spectra of hexaphenjd porphins, 623-625.
Asana, R. I. See Dastur, R. H.
Aufdemgarten, H.: Thermal conductivity measurements of CO2 exchange in photo-
sj'nthesis, 853.
Auerbacher, F. See Hagenbach, A.
Baatz, I. See Mothes, K.
Baehiach, h]., and Dh^re, C: Fluorescence of diatoms, 806.
Baldwin, W. C. G. See Mecke, R.
Ballai-d, L. A. T.: Inhibition of photosynthesis by excess CO2, 903.
Barker, H. A.: Light curves of diatoms, 969; CO2 curves of purple bacteria, 893, 904.
Bazyrina, K., and Chesnokov, V.: CO2 fertilization, 902. See aho Chesnokov, \'.:
Kost>Thev, S. P.
Beadle, B. W. See Zscheile, F. P.
Berthold, G.: No
chromatic adaptation?, 995.
Biermacher, O.: Absorption spectrum of chlorophyll a and b in different solvents, 637-
639. See also Dhere, C.
Blackman, F. F.: Limiting factors, 859-861; light curves and theory of limiting factors,
(with Matthaei, G. L. G., and Smith, A. M.): Light curves of photosynthesis, 964.
and Smith, A. M.: CO2 concentration as limiting factor, 891 CO2 curves of leaves,
* Complete author index will be found at the end of Volume II, Part 2.
Bohning, R. H.: Midday depression and CO2 content in air, 875, 876; constant photo-
synthesis of land plant under constant conditions, 879; decline of photosynthesis
of shade plants in strong light, 989.
Bose,J. C: Energy conversion by plants under natural conditions, 1003-1004.
Boysen-Jensen, P.: Light curves of Fagus and Sinapis, 966; light curves of heliophilic
and umbrophilic plants, 987; maximum rates of photosynthesis, 991; photo-
synthesis of leaves under natural conditions, 998.
and Miiller, D.: Constant photosynthesis under field conditions, 876; light curves
of ferns and compensation points of trees, mosses, and lichens, 982;
lichens, 966;
light curves of umbrophilic and heliophilic plants, 987, 988, 989; photosynthesis
under natural conditions, 997-1001.
Brackett, F. S.: Empirical equation for light curves, 1046. See also Hoover, W. H.
Brewster, D.: Chlorophyll fluorescence, 740.
Briggs, G. E.: Yield measurement with leaves, 1118; yield in blue-violet lower than in
yellow and green, 1148.
Brilliant, V. A.: Adaptation phenomena, 873.
Brown, A. H.: Tracer experiments on respiration in light, 1 117.
Brown, H. T., and Escombe, F. Rate of CO2 uptake by leaves from air, 912; theory of
CO2 diffusion through stomata, 913; rate of photosynthesis under natural condi-
tions, 1000; energy conversion under natural conditions, 1003-1004.
Brown, W. H., and Heise, G. W.: Criticism of Blackman's law of limiting factors, 861,
Buder, J.: Fluorescence of bacterioviridin, 811.
Buhr, H. See Guttenberg, H. von.
Burk, D., and Lineweaver, H.: Calculation of carboxylation equilibrium from CO2
curves of photosynthesis, 935; kinetic analysis of light curves, 1046. .See also
Warburg, O.
Burns, G. R. Absorption of light by conifer needles, 684 no photosynthesis
: ; in conifers
below 465 m/x, 1153; photosynthesis up to 740 niyu, 1158, 1164-1165.
Burr, G. O. See Miller, E. S.
Egle, K.: Absorption spectrum of chlorophyll in different solvents, 637-639; absorption
and reflection of leaves in infrared, 692. See also Seybold, A.
Ehrke, G.: Compensation points of green, brown and red algae, 983; photosynthesis of
red algae in colored light, 1185.
Ehrmantraut, H. C, and Rabinowitch, E.: Quantum yield of Hill reaction in Chlorella
and chloroplasts, 1130-1131.
Eichhoff, H. J.: Light curves of Chlorella suspensions of different density, 1008-1009;
quantum yield in Chlorella high in near infrared?, 1097-1098.
Emerson, R. Light curves of normal and chlorotic Chlorella, 967. See also Whitting-
ham, C. P.
and Arnold, W.: CO2 curves of Chlorella, 899.
and Green, L.: Photosynthesis in Chlorella insensitive to pH changes, 835; C0»
saturation in Chlorella depends on concentration of CO2 molecules only, 891 (^02 ;
curves of Chlorella, 893, 896; of Gigarlina, 893, 904, 906, 908; light curves of
Gigarlina, 967; maximum rate of GUjartina, 991, 992.
and Lewis, C. M.: Transmission spectra of Chlorella and Croococcus, 691, 692, 699,
705; carotenoid bands in algae, 706; phycobilin bands in Chroococcus, 707-708;
relative intensities of absorption bands in Chlorella and Chroococcus, 708; en-
hanced absorption in far red in vivo, 715; distribution of energy among pigments
(with Pringsheim, P., Pollack, M., and Terwood-Lad, D.): Quenching of phos-
phorescence a sensitive way of measuring O; production in photosynthesis, 851.
Freeland, O. R.: CO2 penetration through cuticle, 911.
French, C. Absorption spectrum of bacteriochlorophyll, 616-617; spectra of purple
bacteria, 692, 693, 702; carotenoid bands in purple bacteria, 707; effect of H2
pressure on photoreduction of CO2 in bacteria, 944-945; sigmoid shape of light
curves in bacteria, 948, 964; quantum yield of purple bacteria, 1124-1125, 1126-
1127, 1332; action spectrum of purple bacteria, inactivity of carotenoids?, 1186-
1188. See also Franck, J.; Rabideau, G. S.
Gabrielsen, E. K.: CO2 compensation point, 899; re-utilization of respiratory CO2, 900-
901; light curves of Sinapis, 966; of sun and shade leaves of Fraxtnus, 967; of
Triticum, 967; high saturating intensity of sun leaves, 987; rate of photos3-n-
thesis of Sinapis under natural conditions, 998; quantum yield measurements on
leaves, 1188-1189; equal saturation rates in light of different colors, 1145; con-
tribution of ultraviolet to photosj^nthesis in sunlight, 1153; monochromatic light
curves, 1161-1162; screening effect of red leaf pigments, 1165.
and Steemann-Nielsen, E.: Photosynthesis of diatoms in blue and red light, 1177.
Galanin, M. D. See Vavilov, S. I.
Gavrilova, V. A. See Evstigneev, V. B.
Geiger, M.: Closure of stomata as cause of midday depression, 875.
Gessner, F.: Absence of midday depression in aquatic plants, 876; photosynthesis of
aquatic plants constant if medium effectively renewed, 878, 879; leaf shape and
CO2 exhaustion effects, 905; light curves of higher aquatic plants, 967; of shade
and sun plants, 988; maximum rates of aquatic plants, 991, 992, 1002; no light
inhibition of shade-grown Elodea, 994.
Giltay, E.: Rate of photosynthesis of tropical plants, 1001.
Green, L. See Emerson, R.
Greenfield, S. S.: Light curves of Cu + + and Ni + + inhibited Chlorella, 975.
Gunjikar, L. K. See Dastur, R. H.
Guttenberg, H. von, and Buhr, H.: Carbohydrate accumulation as cause of midday
depression, 875.
Hagenbach, A. : Red bands in leaves, 697.
shift of chlorophyll
, Auerbacher, F., and Wiedemann, E. Visible and ultraviolet absorption spectra
: of
chlorins and porphins, 606, 629.
Harder, R.: Modified law of limiting factoi-s, 862; adaptation to light intensity and
temperature, 873; time course of photosynthesis under constant conditions, 877-
878, 994; CO2 curves of aquatic plants, 892, 895, 897-898, 904; light curves of
Fontinalis, 967, 971 ; compensation points of algae, 983, 984.
and coworkers Interpretation of midday depression, 874.
Doring, B., and Simonis, W. Photosynthesis of Elodea most efficient in light of the
, :
Hartel, O.: CO2 supply through roots and midday depression, 910.
Harris, D. G., and Zscheile, F. P.: Absorption spectrum of chlorophyll in different
solvents, 637-639, 643-645. See also Zschiele, F. P.
Haxo, F. T., and Blinks, L. R.: Action spectra of red algae, 1180-1182; of Ulva (green
alga), 1152, 1181, 1182; oi Coilodes me (hrown alga), 1172, 1181, 1182; of blue-
green algae, 1183; drop of quantum yield of Ulva in far red, 1153, 1156.
Heise, G. W. See Brown, W. H.
Hendricks, R. H. See Thomas, M. D.
Hendricks, See Warburg, O.
S. B.
Henrici, M. Photosynthesis of mountain plants, 997.
constant conditions, 879; CO2 curves of wheat, 892, 896, 904; light curves of
wheat, 966, 970; linear range, 980.
Hubert, B. Absorption spectrum of different chlorophyll colloids, 649.
Kramer, P. J., and Decker, J. P.: Deciduous plants umbrophilic, conifers heliophilic,
Krasnoselskaja-Maximova, T. A. See Maximov, N. A.
Krasnovsky, A. A. See Evstigneev, V. B.
Kundt, A. Effect of solvents on chlorophyll spectrum, 635-637.
in land plants, 908; light curves of Oxalis and Stellar ia, 966; of umbrophilic and
heliophilic plants, 987; rate of photosynthesis under natural conditions, 999.
Macdowall, F. D. See French, C. S.
McArdle, G. See Livingston, R.
McAlister, E. D., and Myers, J.: Time course of fluorescence in plants, 806; its relation
to photosynthesis, 819, 824; infrared photometry as method for measuring
photosynthesis, 852-853; effect of CO2 concentration on fluorescence in leaves,
940; fluorescence-light curves of wheat, 1048; effect of CO2, 1051; effect of
oxygen, 1066-1067.
McClure, D. S. See Lewis, G. N.
McGee, J. M. See Van Rysselberghe, P.
McLean, F. T. Oxygen release during midday
: depression, 874; photosynthesis of
tropical plants, 1001.
Mackinney, G.: Spectroscopically pure chlorophyll, 603-604.
Magee, J. L., De Witt, T. W., Smith, E. C, and Daniels, F.: Calorimetric measurement
of photosynthesis, 854; calorimetric quantum yield determinations, 1123.
Manning, W. M., Juday, C, and Wolf, M.: Chemical quantum yield measurements with
Chlorella at different depths, 1120. See also Button, H. J.; Strain, H. H.
,Stauffer, J. E., Duggar, B. M., and Daniels, F.: Quantum yield measurements
with Chlorella by gas analytical methods, 1119-1120.
and Strain, H. H.: Absorption spectrum of chlorophyll d and derivatives, 616;
light absorption by chlorophyll d in red algae, 720-721; fluorescence spectrum of
chlorophyll d, 748.
Man ten, A. : Action spectrum of phototaxis of purple bacteria shows activity of bacterio-
chlorophyll and of carotene ids except spirilloxanthol, 1188.
Maskell, E. J.: "Mutual interaction of factors" and the law of limiting factors, 863;
periodicity of photosj-n thesis in detached leaves, 874-875; role of stomata in
midday depression, 875; stomata as a limiting factor, 915.
Matthaei, G. L. G. See Blackman, F. F.
Maximov, N. A., and Krasnoselskaja-Maximova, T. A.: Fluctuations of photosynthesis
in leaves, 876.
Mecke, R., and Baldwin, W. C. G.: Reflection of infrared light by leaves, 094, 696.
xMehta, R. Y. See Dastur, R. H.
Meier, F. E.: lulling of Chlorella by ultraviolet light, 1153.
Menke, W.: Carotenoid bands in chloroplasts, 706; fucoxanthol band in brown algae,
706, 707.
Metzner, P. : Fluorescence burst in heated chloroplasts, 817.
Meyer, K. P.: Absorption spectra of different chlorophyll colloids, 649-650; leaf spec-
tra, 687, 691, 699, 705; carotenoid bands in leaves, 706; relative intensities of
bands in leaves, 708; scattering and absorption in leaves, 710; "light sieve"
effect in seedlings, 715.
Miller, E. S.: Absorption spectra of carotenoids, 656, 660.
and Burr, G. O. : CO2 compen.sation point, 898-899; compensation at low CO2, 985.
Minder, I. See Kniep, H.
Mitchell, J. W.: Constant photosynthesis under constant field conditions, 876, 877.
Molvig, H. See Stern, A.
Monch, I.: Carbohydrate accumulation and midday depression, 875; rate of photo-
sjTithesis of alpine plants, 997, 1001.
Montfort, C: Distribution of light energy among pigments in Ulva (green), 719-720,
725; in Fucus and Laminaria (brown), 724-725; rigid and adaptable umbrophiles
and heliophiles, 989; light inhibition of deep sea algae, 995-996; photosynthesis
of Ulva in colored light indicates efficiency of carotenoids, 1164; that of brown
algae shows activity of fucoxanthol, 1168-1169.
and Neydel, K.: Midday depression in stomata-free plants, 876.
and Schmidt, G.: Efficiency of brown algae in light of different color, 1176-1177;
of blue-green and red algae, probable activity of phycobilins, 1185.
Moore, W. E., and Duggar, B. M.: Quantum yield of Chlorella in blue, red and mixed
light measured by polarographic method, 1121-1122, 1132.
Mothes, K., Baatz, I., and Sagromsky, H.: Photosynthesis of green and brown algae in
red and blue light, 1178.
Miiller, D.: Light curves of arctic plants, 966; rate of photosynthesis of normal and N-
deficient leaves, 998; yield of photosynthesis of arctic plants under natural condi-
tions, 998. See also Boy sen- Jensen, P.
Mulliken, R. S.: Theory of polyene spectra, 663-664.
Myers, J. : Photosynthetic characteristics of Chlorella cultures, 834. See also McAlister,
E. D.
Nathansohn, A. : CO2 molecules —the only substrate of photosynthesis?, 887.
Negelein, E. See Warburg, O.
Neuwohner, W.: Interpretation of midday depression, 874, 875; midday depression in
algae, 876.
Neydel, K. See Montfort, C.
Nishimura, M. S. See Emerson, R.; 'VMiittingham, C. P.
Noack, K.; Fluorescence of colloidal leaf extracts, 776-777; participation of flavones in
photosynthesis?, 1165. See also Sierp, H.
Noddack, W., and Eichhoff, H. J.: Light scattering by Chlorella suspension, 676-677;
absorption spectrum of Chlorella, 690, 692, 699, 700; absorption ratio in red
and green in Chlorella, 708; enhanced absorption in far red in vivo, 715-716;
light scattering measured by "ellipsoid photometer," 843; constant photosyn-
thesis in Chlorella, 877; light curves of Chlorella in red, yellow and white light,
969,1160,1162; linear range, 980; compensation point, 983; quantum yield of
Chlorella in monochromatic light, 1155-1156.
and Komor, J.: Yields of organic matter in grass plots, 1004-1006.
and Kopp, C: Light curves of Chlorella at different temperatures, 969, 973; linear
range, 980; assimilation numbers of Chlorella cultures, 991, 993.
Paauw, P. van der: CO2 curves of Hormidium, 893, 904; adaptation of Hormidium to
weak light, 989, 994.
Paetzold, I. See Stocker, O.
Pantanelli, E.: Photosynthesis as function of light intensity, 964.
Pauling, L. Theory of polyene spectra, 663.
Rabideau, G. S., French, C. S., and Holt, A. S.: Absorption spectra of chloroplast dis-
persions, 654-655; of leaves and chloroplast suspension, 688-689, 691. See also
French, C. S.
Rabinowitch, E.: Interpretation of spectra of bacteriochlorophyll, 617-618; of porphin,
621; of hexaphenyl porphin, 623; of chlorophyll and bacteriochlorophyll, 630-633;
absorption and reflection in plane-parallel vessels, 672-674; interaction of scatter-
ing and absorption, 711-712; interpretation of fluorescence spectra of chlorophyll
and bacteriochlorophyll, 750-752, 753-754; mechanisms of quenching, 755-758;
yields of photosynthesis and fluorescence, 820, 821-822, 823-824; three types of
saturation curves of photosynthesis, 866-872, 1012-1017; fluorescence-light
intensity curves of plants in strong light, 941 effect of reductants on fluorescence
in bacteria, 950-951; light curves of thin and dense suspension, 1007-1008. See
also Ehrmantraut, H. C.
Rabinowitch, E., and Epstein, L. F.: Fluorescence quenching by dimer formation, 761-
762, 765.
(with Jacobs, E. E.): Kinetic analysis of the CO2 factor in photosjTithesis, 916-939;
calculation of carboxylation equilibrium constant, 935-936; analysis of light
curves for different kinetic models, 1017-1047; interpretation of light curves of
fluorescence, 1067-1078; extrapolation of maximum quantum yield, 1133-1135;
theoretical and experimental maximum quantum yield, 1137-1139.
Raffy, A. See Dh6r6, C.
Randall, H. M. See Loomis, W.
Rao, M. S. See Dastur, R. H.
Rehm, S. See Stacker, 0.
Reinau, E.: CO2 fertilization, 902.
Reinke, Discovery of light saturation, 964.
Reman, G. H. See Wassink, E. C.
Richter, A. von: Action spectrum of photosynthesis has two peaks, 1144; phycobilins
inactive in photosynthesis?, 1184-1185.
Riecke, F. F.: Quantum yield of photosynthesis —
repetition of Warburg and Negelein's
experiments, 1090-1091; new measurements, on Scenedesmus and Chlorella, 1095;
quantum yield of CO2 reduction by anaerobically adapted Scenedesmus, 1 128.
Riley, G. A.: Yield of photosjTithesis in sea, 1006.
Roach, J. R. See Zscheile, F. P.
Rommel, L. G. : Reaction kinetics and law of limiting factors, 863-864; phase boundary
air-cell wall as diffusion barrier, 916.
Rudolph, H. : Absorption spectrum of protochlorophyll, 618-619.
Ruttner, F.: Photosynthesis of aquatic plants at high pH, 890, 906; CO2 compensation
point lowered by bicarbonate, 899.
Schanderl, H., and Kaempfert, W.: Changes in light transmission caused by chloroplast
movements, 680-681; "light sieve effect" in leaves, 715; inhomogeneity of light
absorption in a leaf, 864-865.
Scarth, J. W., Loewy, A., and Shaw, H. H.: Fluctations of photosynthesis in detached
leaves, 877.
Schmidt, G. See Montfort, C.
Schocken, V. See Warburg, O.
Schoder, A.: Interpretation of midday depression, 874; stomata do not limit photo-
synthesis, 915.
Schroeder, H. Diffusion resistance of air channels as limiting factor, 916.
Stair, R., and Coblentz, W. W. : Infrared absorption spectrum of chlorophyll and phytol,
610-612; of carotenoids, 656.
Stalfelt, M. G.: Closure of stomata as cause of midday depression, 875; CO2 diffusion
through cuticle, 911; effect of partial closure of stomata on photosynthesis, 915-
916; light curves of mosses, 966; of lichens, 967; compensation points, 982.
Stauffer, J. E. See Manning, W. M.
Steemann-Nielsen, E.: Utilization of bicarbonate by Myriophyllum, 888-890; CO2
curves of Myriophyllum and Fontinalis, 893, 903; light curves of green and brown
algae, 969; induction losses following reduction of light intensity, 1040. See also
Gabrielsen, E. K.
Stefan, M. J.: Theory of from point source, 912-913.
Stern, A.: Typical porphin and chlorin spectra, 620.
and Molvig, H.: Absorption spectrum of porphin, 620-622.
, Molvig, H., and Dezelic, M.: Fluorescence of porphyrins and chlorins, 749-750.
, Wenderlein, A., Molvig, H., and Pruckner, F.: Effect of substitutions on porphin
spectrum, 621-629.
Stern, K.: Fluorescence of chlorophyll colloids, 775-776.
Stocker, O.: Rate of photosynthesis of tropical plants, 1001.
, Rehm, S., and Paetzold, I.: Fluctuation m photosynthesis and in CO2 content of
air, 876-877; maximum rates of photosynthesis of leaves, 991.
Stokes, G. G.: Composite nature of chlorophyll deduced from fluorescence spectrum,
740; discovery of leaf fluorescence, 805; fluorescence of pigments from red algae,
Stoll, A., and Wiedemann, E.: Fluorescence of colloidal leaf extracts, 777. See also
Willstatter, R.
Strain, H. H.: Absorption spectra of leaf carotenoids, 656, 658, 660. See also Manning,
W. M.
and Manning, W. M. Absorption spectrum of chlorophyll c (chlorofucin), 614-615;
Tanada, T.: Absorption spectrum of diatoms, 699; relative band intensities in diatoms,
708, 710; distribution of light energy between pigments in diatoms, 726; quan-
tum yield in Navicula minima, 1097; action spectrum of N. minima, full activity
of fucoxanthol and chlorophyll c, 1173-1175.
Terwood-Lad, D. See Franck, J.
Thoday, D.: Midday depression of photosynthesis, 874.
Thomas, J. B.: Action spectrum of photosynthesis of purple bacteria shows peaks be-
longing to bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoids, other than spirilloxanthol. 1188.
Thomas, M. D., Hendricks, R. H., and Hill, G. R.: CO2 compensation point, 899.
and Hill, G. R.: CO2 fertilization, 902.
Timiriazev, K.: Maximum of photosynthesis coincides with maximum of chlorophyll
absorption, 1142-1143; coincides with maximum of solar spectrum?, 1143.
Tonnelat, J.: Calorimetric measurement of photosynthesis, 854; calorimetric quantum
yield determinations with Chlorella, 1123-1124.
Ursprung, A.: Photosynthesis in near ultraviolet, 1153.
747, 748; fluorescence spectrum of Chlorella and Chromatium, 806, 807, 809, 810;
quantum yield of fluorescence in Chlorella and Chromatium, 813; its dependence
on wave length, 813-814; action spectrum of growth of purple bacteria, inactivity
of carotenoids, 1188. See also Wassink, E. C.
Voerkel, S. H.: Chloroplast movements in Funaria, 679-682.
Volkov, A.: Discovery of proportionality between photosynthesis and light intensity,
von Guttenberg, M. See Guttenberg, M. von.
von Richter, A. See Richter, A. von.
Wakkie, J. G.: Absorption spectrum of chlorophyll in different solvents, 637, 641; at
high concentration, 651; fluorescence of chlorophyll emulsions, 776.
Warburg, O.: Use of unicellular algae for the study of photosynthesis, 833-834; mano-
metric methods of measuring photosynthesis, 847-850; CO2 curve of Chlorella,
893, 906, 908; effect of O2 pressure on photosynthesis, 960- light curves of
Chlorella, 967; second series of quantum yield measurements, 1098-1107.
and Burk, D. (also Schocken, V., and Hendricks, S.) Third series of quantum yield
(with Katz, E., Dorrestein, R., and Kersten, J. A. H.): Fluorescence-time course
in algae, 806; quantum yield of fluorescence in diatoms and purple bacteria, 812;
relation of fluorescence to photosynthesis, 819, 820, 824, 825. See also Eymers,
than, 977; at different pH's, 978; linear range, 980; fluorescence-light curves
of Chromatium, 1049-1050; effect of CO2 on them, 1052; of reductants, 1052-
and Harris, D. G.: Absorption spectra of chlorophylls a and b in ultraviolet, 609-
610; spectrophotometric study of the fluorescence of chlorophyll, 741-746, 748;
effect of solvent on fluorescence yield of chlorophyll, 763-764, 769.
, White, J. W., Beadle, B. W., and Roach, J. R.: Absorption spectra of earotenoids,
656, 659, 660.