Chapter 5 Pad104
Chapter 5 Pad104
Chapter 5 Pad104
There are several types of public policy which are Constituent policy involves the composition or
patronage, regulatory, redistributive and monetary make up of government.
policies. It concerns with the establishment of government
structure, with the establishment of rules (procedures)
Joseph Stewart et al. (2008) highlighted several for the conduct of government, of rules that distribute or
types of public policy, namely regulatory, distributive divide power and jurisdictions (James E. Anderson,
and redistributive policies. 2011).
Constituent policy also includes such matters as
Meanwhile, Meier (1987) had identified 4 types of
personnel practices and budgetary actions (James
public policies namely constituent, regulatory, E. Anderson, 2011).
distributive and redistributive policies. It can be divided into two elements which are
structural and procedural constituents.
Protect national
Conflict avoidance
interest/safety Time consuming:
People not fully
an in-depth
understand the
analysis is
It provides a
Employment guideline for both Not stable and it
This kind of policy is different as compared to patronage policy as There are two types of regulatory policies: competitive and protective.
this policy employs the use of the stick (punishment) rather Competitive regulatory policy generally regulates entry into markets
than carrot (incentive). and may also regulate prices.
This policy set guidelines for the actions and practices of private
individuals, firms, or businesses (Carter A. Wilson) For instance, the role of state public utility commissions in regulating the
Regulatory policy is about achieving government's objectives price of electricity. Electric companies operate as a monopoly. They can
charge whatever the market of consumers of electric services is able to bear.
through the use of regulations, laws, and other The commissions were established to regulate the prices of electricity-
instruments to deliver better economic and social generating monopolies in order to protect the public interest.
outcomes and thus enhance the life of citizens and
business (OECD, 2016).
The Protective Regulatory policy protects the public from a perceived
According to James E. Anderson (2011), regulatory policy imposes harm. Protective regulatory policy often requires a change in behavior
restrictions or limitations on the behavior of individuals brought about by invoking rewards or penalties. Examples of regulatory
and groups. agencies are the Environmental Protection Agency, the Consumer Product
In other words, the government formulates regulatory policy for the Safety Commission, the Occupational Safety ad Health Administration, and
purpose of controlling the conduct of certain behavior that can bring the Federal Aviation Administration. All these agencies protect the public
from pollution, hazardous products, workplace dangers, and unsafe
harm to the society. airplanes.
Regulatory Policy:
A) Occupational Safety And Health Act 1994 (OSHA 1994). Able to solve people’s problem People obey and conform the
Enforced by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health promptly policy
Merits Demerits
The issue of
Those who do Less effective
priority and
not use them during economic
Low level of citizens’
still benefit downturn
from them
The issue of
Wastage of
equality of
Create Improve people’s money if
winners and society’s the project
throughout the
no specific standard of delayed/cancelled
losers. living
Deterrent to wealth
Create culture of
dependency Demerits people working or
investing in new
The issue of
redistributing the
wealth/resources to
the needy
This is a form of policy in which the government The process of policy making involves several sub
deploys incentives for individuals or corporations as processes and may extend over a considerable period of
a reward. time.
The government believed that if there is no incentive The process of policy making involves intra- and inter-
provided to the citizen, they will refuse to accept organizational relationship with a key role of public
changes or suggestion made by the government.
Public policy involves many participants (policy makers,
This policy motivates people or corporation to public, interest groups, the experts and media)
change rather than giving punishment for non-
It has to deal with many constraints such as technology,
resources, assumptions and reactions of interest groups.
There are three sub-types of patronage policy which It is also ill-structured in so far as objectives are ill-
are subsidies, contract and licenses. defined and vague.
1. the sum of all government activities that influence The discussion of typologies will provide the reader with
the life of the citizens either directly or indirectly a notion of the scope, diversity, and different purpose of
2. the study of public policy enables us to understand public policies.
the causes and consequences of policy decisions and Besides that, this topic will prove much more useful in
distinguishing several public policies.
improve our knowledge about the society
This topic also will differentiate policies in the basis of
3. enables policy makers to improve their their effects on society and the relationship among those
understanding of the linkages among the socio- involved in their formation.
economics force, political processes and public policy In sum, Distributive Policy is the distribution of new
resources, Redistributive Policy is changing the
4. Public policy as an activity and area of study distribution of existing resources, Regulatory policy is
continues to hold relevance as long as one finds the regulating activities and Constituent Policy is
process of governance establishing or reorganizing institutions.
Question 1
Briefly explain distributive, redistributive, competitive
regulatory, and protective regulatory policies. Provide an Identify any public
example of each. (10 marks)
Question 2
policies in Malaysia
and categorise it
Explain FOUR (4) drawbacks of Redistributive Policy (10 marks)
Question 3
Elaborate on FOUR (4) features of Public Policy (10 marks)
Question 4
Briefly explain FOUR (4) importance of Public Policy (10 marks)