Selection Sort Algorithm

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Selection Sort Algorithm

Selection Sort algorithm is used to arrange a list of elements in a particular order (Ascending or

Descending). In selection sort, the first element in the list is selected and it is compared

repeatedly with all the remaining elements in the list. If any element is smaller than the

selected element (for Ascending order), then both are swapped so that first position is filled

with the smallest element in the sorted order. Next, we select the element at a second position

in the list and it is compared with all the remaining elements in the list. If any element is smaller

than the selected element, then both are swapped. This procedure is repeated until the entire

list is sorted.

Step by Step Process

The selection sort algorithm is performed using the following steps...

• Step 1 - Select the first element of the list (i.e., Element at first position in the list).

• Step 2: Compare the selected element with all the other elements in the list.

• Step 3: In every comparision, if any element is found smaller than the selected element

(for Ascending order), then both are swapped.

• Step 4: Repeat the same procedure with element in the next position in the list till the

entire list is sorted.

Following is the sample code for selection sort...

Selection Sort Logic

//Selection sort logic

for(i=0; i<size; i++){

for(j=i+1; j<size; j++){
if(list[i] > list[j])

Complexity of the Selection Sort Algorithm

To sort an unsorted list with 'n' number of elements, we need to make ((n-1)+(n-2)+(n-

3)+......+1) = (n (n-1))/2 number of comparisions in the worst case. If the list is already sorted

then it requires 'n' number of comparisions.

Worst Case : O(n2)

Best Case : Ω(n2)

Average Case : Θ(n2)

Implementaion of Selection Sort Algorithm using C

Programming Language

void main(){

int size,i,j,temp,list[100];

printf("Enter the size of the List: ");


printf("Enter %d integer values: ",size);

for(i=0; i<size; i++)

//Selection sort logic

for(i=0; i<size; i++){

for(j=i+1; j<size; j++){
if(list[i] > list[j])

printf("List after sorting is: ");

for(i=0; i<size; i++)
printf(" %d",list[i]);



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