Ge Si Nanoscale
Ge Si Nanoscale
Ge Si Nanoscale
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Accepted Manuscript
This article can be cited before page numbers have been issued, to do this please use: E. Mitsai, M.
Aouassa, L. Hassayoun, D. Stozhenko, A. Mironenko, S. Bratskaya, S. Juodkazis, S. Makarov and A.
Kuchmizhak, Nanoscale, 2019, DOI: 10.1039/C9NR01837A.
Volume 8 Number 1 7 January 2016 Pages 1–660 This is an Accepted Manuscript, which has been through the
Royal Society of Chemistry peer review process and has been
accepted for publication.
Nanoscale Accepted Manuscripts are published online shortly after
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DOI: 10.1039/C9NR01837A
1 Introduction
species (emitters) at low concentrations using surface-enhanced
Recently, non-plasmonic nanostructures made of high refractive spectroscopy techniques. Even though Raman scattering from the
index (high-n) dielectrics (as Si, Ge, TiO2 and diamond) have emitters directly attached (without using the dielectric spacer) to
appeared as a promising all-in-one biosensing platform 1,2 . Be- plasmonic nanoantennas can be significantly enhanced, the flu-
ing designed in a proper way, such optically resonant nanostruc- orescence signal is simultaneously quenched via coupling of the
tures as well as their arrangements exhibit excitation of various emitter to non-radiative modes of the plasmonic structures 4 . Uti-
electric- and magnetic-type Mie resonances resulting in signifi- lization of bare all-dielectric antennas provides the way to real-
cant enhancement and localization of the electromagnetic fields 3 , ize the dual-sensing scheme simultaneously enhancing the fluo-
which are crucial for optical detection of various molecular rescence and Raman scattering of the attached emitters without
the need to use nanometer-thick dielectric spacers 5–13 . More-
over, comparing to plasmonic nanostructures their all-dielectric
Institute of Automation and Control Processes, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy counterparts also offer low chemical invasiveness of the analyte
of Sciences, Vladivostok 690041, Russia
molecules canceling any plasmon-driven chemical reactions and
Laboratory of Micro-Opto-electronic and Nanostructures (LMON), Department of
Physics, Faculty of Sciences, 5019 Monastir, Tunisia
processes which could result in misinterpretation of the mea-
Institute of Chemistry, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok surement results 14 . Other advantages of such non-plasmonic
690022, Russia high-n crystalline nanostructures include their inherent Raman
Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok 690090, Russia bands, with their yield resonantly enhanced upon excitation of
Swinburne University of Technology, John st., Hawthorn 3122, Victoria, Australia
the magnetic-type Mie modes 15 . This enhanced signal also can
Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication, ANFF, 151 Wellington Road, Clayton, VIC
3168, Australia be used for precise in situ mapping of the local temperature of
ITMO University, 197101 St. Petersburg, Russia the nanostructure-analyte system in the process of SERS measure-
¶ Electronic Supplementary Information (ESI) available: [please find attached Sup- ments via tracing the thermal-induced spectral shift of the Raman
plementary information file]. See DOI: 10.1039/b000000x/
bands associated with the nanostructure’s lattice vibration 16–19 .
† E-mail:
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DOI: 10.1039/C9NR01837A
Number of nanoparticles
In this paper, we present a versatile biosensing platform based e f
Base ellipticity
Side area
on the densely-arranged fully alloyed Si1−x Gex Mie nanores- 1.4
onators produced over the mm-scale substrate via solid-state 1.0
1 μm
dewetting of commercially available SOI substrate in high vac-
Middle area
uum accompanied by deposition of Ge monolayers (MLs). The d
100 200 300 400
produced hemi-spherical Si1−x Gex nanoparticles demonstrate Si1-xGexnanoparticle diameter D, nm
pronounced optical response which can be tuned by controlling
the relative concentration of Ge. Specifically, incorporation of
Central area
1 μm
g 30 nm
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Ge concentration x, rel.units
0.24 D=190 nm
ter of D=220±30 nm and a vertical (height-to-diameter) aspect 0.8
ratio about 0.6±0.1 (Fig. 1f). TEM image of representative iso- D=220 nm
lated Si0.8 Ge0.2 nanoparticle from the middle area is shown in 0.16 0.6
Fig. 1f confirming the discussed geometrical parameters. Note- D=280 nm
worthy, the relative Ge composition x of the produced nanostruc-
tures varies with the distance from the central area (see Fig. 1b) 0.08
Ge concentration x, rel.units
Eout /E0
Under resonant excitation, both the EM fields near and inside 0.20 3000
outer EM field will expectedly boost the fluorescence/Raman sig- 0.12 2000
nal of the molecules and emitters attached to the nanoparticle 0.08 1500
surface, the field localized inside the resonator will increase the 0.04 1000
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Raman intensity, rel.units
D=250 nm
Δ, cm
Si-Si D=210 nm
15 500
Ge-Ge Si-Ge 7
10 x=0.0
300 K 5
I, mW/μm2 se g D=210 nm D=250 nm D=280 nm
la atin 0 0
0.15 e
h 0 3 6 9 12 15 18
4.0 870 K Pump intensity I, mW/μm2
7.5 Optical image SEM image Raman image
(502-507 cm-1)
d e f
Si-Si band
Published on 01 April 2019. Downloaded by KEAN UNIVERSITY on 4/2/2019 9:33:59 PM.
ing from the emitters attached to the Si1−x Gex nanoparticle sur- The typical Stokes room-temperature Raman spectrum measured
face. As seen, the maximal EM field enhancement is achieved for from the isolated Si0.8 Ge0.2 resonator is shown in Fig. 3a reveal-
Si1−x Gex resonators with the diameters D≈225±15 nm (around ing four main optical bands. The first band at 520.7 cm−1 is
50% of all nanostructures in the middle and side area). This fea- related to first-order optical phonons of the Si substrate, while
ture can be fully explained in terms of excitation of the MQ res- the other lower frequency modes – to Si-Si (≈505 cm−1 ), Si-
onance in the Si1−x Gex nanoparticles, as it was mentioned above Ge (≈400 cm−1 ) and Ge-Ge (≈300 cm−1 ) nanostructure lattice
(see inset in Fig. 2b). Also, increase of the Ge content x expect- vibrations. Si-Ge and Ge-Ge Raman bands (highlighted by red
edly reduces the maximal field enhancement (Q-factor of the Mie color in Fig. 3a) have rather low intensity and large shape asym-
resonator) via increased Ohmic losses as Q ∼ 1/Im(ε). Specif- metry complicating their detection and tracing, especially at low
4 /E 4 value drops from 3700 to 1800 at increasing
ically, the Eout relative content of Ge x. The most-intense Si-Si band of alloyed
relative Ge concentration x from 0.07 to 0.22. In particular, this nanoparticle (highlighted by blue color in Fig. 3a) in the case of
indicates that nonradiative losses in the nanoresonator reduce the strain-relaxed material (see Fig. S4 in the Supporting Informa-
amount of accumulated light energy in its near-field, while more tion) has a spectral position which linearly scales with Ge com-
energy is absorbed in its volume. position x according to simple linear relation 17,38 ωSi−Si =520.7–
68·x (see also Fig. S1 in Supporting Information). In this respect,
Noteworthy, systematic analysis of the data presented in Fig. 2
detecting the spectral position of Si-Si Raman band provides in
helps to identify the optimal set of parameters related to ge-
situ identification of the actual Ge content in the probed Si1−x Gex
ometry and composition of the Mie resonators, which allow to
nanoresonator allowing also to distinguish the contribution of the
manage light-to-heat conversion efficiency versus the outer EM
nanostructure and underlying c-Si substrate to the overall Raman
field enhancement depending on the desired application area. Fi-
signal for their spectrally separated bands even at low Ge content
nally, owing to high density of nanoparticles in the middle areas
(ωSi−Si =517.3 cm−1 at x=0.05).
(see Fig. 1d), one can find pairs of the nanoresonators having
nanometer-scale separations (gaps). Such dimer-like nanostruc-
Increase of the pump laser intensity I introduces the thermal-
tures are known to provide substantial EM field enhancement in
induced blueshift of the Si-Si band as it is illustrated by series
the gap area, which could further boost the biosensing perfor-
of intensity-resolved Raman spectra obtained from the isolated
mance of the proposed substrate. The calculation results provid-
230-nm diameter Si0.8 Ge0.2 nanoparticle (Fig. 3b). The mea-
ing EM field enhancement in Si1−x Gex dimer structures are given
sured spectral shift ∆ of this Raman band can be use to recalcu-
in Fig. S3 of the Supporting information.
late the average temperature increase ∆T of the nanoresonator
Composition tunable light-to-heat conversion of Si1−x Gex having a certain size D and chemical composition x according
alloyed nanoparticles. We further confirm the composition tun- to theoretical predictions from 16 . This function is provided in
able light-to-heat conversion in Si1−x Gex alloyed Mie nanores- Fig. S4 of the Supporting Information. By systematically mea-
onators by pumping the isolated nanostructures with a 532-nm suring the thermal-induced spectral shift of the Si-Si band for
laser radiation (see Methods for details), while simultaneously different alloyed Si1−x Gex nanoresonators (Fig. 3c), we experi-
detecting the spectral position and thermal-induced spectral shift mentally confirm the dependence of the light-to-heat conversion
of the Stokes Raman bands associated to the optical phonons. efficiency on both the relative Ge concentration x and nanoparti-
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with an estimated threshold pump intensity of I<70 mW/µm2 Fig. 4 Temperature-feedback SERS detection of 4-ATP molecules.
(∆T≈1300 K), which is out of the range of our pump laser. Gener- SERS spectra of the 4-ATP molecules adsorbed on the isolated
ally, the observed difference in light-to-heat conversion efficiency Si0.93 Ge0.07 Mie resonator measured at pump intensities of 5.5 and
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molecules previously reported for plasmonic 39,40 and even metal- parency with the low current ion beam.
oxide substrates 14 . Raman microspectroscopy. A commercial Raman apparatus
(Alpha, WiTec) equipped with a pump CW laser (central wave-
3 Conclusions
length of 532 nm) is used to check the chemical composition of
We have shown that emission and light-to-heat conversion prop- the fabricated Si1−x Gex as well as to study light-to-heat conver-
erties of Si1−x Gex fully alloyed nanoresonators can be gradually sion in the nanostructures and their chemo- and biosensing per-
tailored via tuning relative Ge concentration. As a result of such formance. To do this, linearly-polarized pump radiation is focused
doping, position of the enhanced Si-Si Raman band has been de- by a 100× dry lens (Carl Zeiss) with a numerical aperture (NA)
tuned from that of bulk silicon substrate to enable background- of 0.9, producing the pump area size of ≈ 0.071 µm2 , which
free optical imaging of the Si1−x Gex nanoparticles at high-spatial is slightly larger than the average lateral size of the irradiated
resolution. We also highlighted importance of temperature con- Si1−x Gex nanoparticles (≈ 0.045 µm2 ). Focal depth of the pump
Published on 01 April 2019. Downloaded by KEAN UNIVERSITY on 4/2/2019 9:33:59 PM.
trol of the laser-pumped nanoantenna-analyte system in the pro- beam is estimated to be ≈ λ (NA−2 ) = 0.5 µm, which is high
cess of SERS measurements which can be realized in a facile way enough for uniform excitation of the nanoparticles. The pump
with crystalline Si1−x Gex alloyed nanoresonators. In this paper, intensity is varied within the range of 0.1 to 65 mW/µm2 using
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