Baptism in the Holy Spirit is one of the key tenets of Pentecostal spirituality.1 It can be described
as the in-dwelling of the holy Spirit in a person that completely changes him spiritually. This
Spirit baptism is conferred by the individual himself. It is manifested by miraculous acts like
speaking in tongues and healing. The word baptism can be translated to mean “to be immersed;
to be totally covered” and can be understood by looking at the physical demonstration of water
baptism. The word baptism gave Jesus’s followers an idea of what they were to expect, that they
would be immersed in the Spirit. Thus, Baptism of the Spirit may be understood to mean that
We shall begin this article first, by looking at what Baptism in the Holy Spirit means, especially
from descriptive and analytical perspectives. We shall also examine Paul’s notion and criticism
In Matthew’s Gospel, Christ instructed his disciples to “Go therefore and make disciples of all
nations, baptize them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit”. It follows
therefore that Baptism is a purifying and initiation process to becoming a full member of the
church. It is that regenerative action that makes one a new creation in Christ. The Pentecostal
conception of baptism is modelled after the bible itself, with particular reference to Jesus’
baptism in the river Jordan2, the Ethiopian eunuch’s baptism, and Naaman’s cleansing and
regenerative healing.3
Fredrick, Bruner. A Theology of the Holy Spirit: The Pentecostal Experience and the New Witness (London-
Sydney- Auckland - Toronto: Hodder and Stoughton, 1971) 60.
Cf. Matthew 28:19; Matthew 3:13-17 and 2 Kings 5:10-15.
Don Stewart, “Is Baptism with the Holy Spirit the Same Thing as Regeneration or Spiritual Rebirth?” In Blue
Letter Bible Ministry, (March 9, 2023).
spirit.cfm. Cf. Acts 8:36-38.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit, from a Pentecostal perspective is an internal religious experience (or
a prayer experience) whereby the individual experiences the risen Christ in a personal way. This
experience results from a certain “release” of the power of the Holy Spirit, usually already
present within the individual by Baptism and Confirmation. It usually leads to a deep devotional
life, an attraction to prayer, Sacred Scripture and the sacraments, and marks the beginning of a
closer union with God. Naaman’s cleansing and regenerative healing 4are indicative of the fact
that the activity of baptism must be river – administered or at least involve full immersion. In so
doing, the baptized dies with Christ and gains the heritage of resurrection. 5 The majority of
Pentecostals believe that once a person is born again, he becomes a new creation. But this is not
enough, as he or she must seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit to develop his new spirit person,
to make it come alive and active. Thus, the empowerment by the Holy Spirit of the believer to
anoint and activate him or her for special service is what is called Spirit Baptism. 6
Prof. Otonko argues that Spirit Baptism is what the Pentecostals view as “personal Pentecost”. It
is that decisive moment when the Holy Spirit enraptures a person and greatly manifests His
power in action. Otonko’s assertion proves that the Holy Spirit’s Baptism is different from and
subsequent to conversion and reception of Baptism. The waiting of the Apostles for the Holy
Once Spirit Baptism occurs, there is a manifestation of the empowerment from the Spirit. It
involves the use and expression of the gifts of the Spirit such as glossolalia, divine healing,
Cf. 2 Kings 5:10-15.
Kenneth Enang, The Nigerian Catholics and the Independent Churches, Pgs. 81-82 and 138.
Horton M. Stanley ed., Systematic Theology, Revised Edition (Springfield, Missouri: Logion Press/ Gospel
Publishing House, 1994), Pg. 139 and 141.
Cf. John 20:22; Acts 1:8.
This experience is what Prof. Otonko Jake identifies as a continuation and evidence of the
Apostles’ baptism of the Holy Ghost till date.8 Falling under the power of the Spirit or being
slain in the spirit, which involves a person falling backwards as if fainting and most times
shaking as though convulsing or dancing rigorously – due to the overwhelming power of the
Holy Ghost, are common scenarios when the baptism of the Holy Ghost occurs.9
Luis Bermejo asserts that Baptism in the Holy Spirit is “a personal experience of the Spirit filling
and transforming the individual as it happened to the Apostles at Pentecost.” Bermejo opines that
it is from this Pentecostal experience that the movement derived its original name and
dynamism.10 The Malines Document I distinguishes two uses of the term: baptism in the Holy
First, there is the theological sense. In this case, every member of the Church has been baptized
in the Spirit because each has received sacramental initiation. Second, there is the experiential
sense. It refers to the moment or growth process in which the Spirit, given during the celebration
of initiation, comes to conscious experience. 11 In his text; The Catholic Charismatic Renewal: A
Brief Study of its Beginning and Spirituality, Francis Sullivan understands the above distinction
to mean that people are baptized in the Holy Spirit in the theological sense through one of the
sacraments of initiation which is the Confirmation. Thus, baptism in the Holy Spirit in the
Otonko O. Jake, Pentecostalism and Us: A Dynamic Reality, Pg. 147.
Witham Larry, Who Shall Lead Them? The Future of Ministry in America (Oxford: University Press, 2005),
Pgs. 135 – 139.
L. M. Bermejo, The Spirit of Life: The Holy Spirit in the life of the Christian (Gujarat: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash
Anand, 1987), Pgs.380-381
“Theological and Pastoraal Orientations on the Catholic Charismatic Renewal: Malines Document I,” reprinted
in K. McDonnel, ed. Presence, Power, Praise: Documents on Charismatic Renewal Vol. 3 (Minnesota: The
Liturgical Press, 1980), Pgs. 13-70
theological sense is understood to mean the coming into conscious experience of the power of
According to Duffield and Van Cleave, there are three applications of the term “Baptism” in the
New Testament: “First, it designates Baptism into the Body of Christ, which refers to the
salvation every member of the Church is entitled to upon Baptism. Its second application is
Water Baptism, which is symbolic of dying to the world and living in Christ. The third is Spirit
Baptism; which is an empowering experience distinct from the previous two. In this baptism,
Christ is the agent and the Holy Spirit is the medium. Spirit Baptism is an experience separate
from conversion that enables a christian to live a Holy Spirit filled and empowered life. 13”
In the New Testament especially in the Four Gospels, there are four specific references to
baptism with the Holy Spirit. The references are Mk 1: 8 and the parallels in Lk 3:16; Mt 3:11
and Jn 1:33. The four references present the declaration by John the Baptist which contrasts
John’s Baptism with water with that of Jesus who baptizes with the Holy Spirit 14. The Gospels
are as follows:
I baptize you with water; but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.
I baptize you with water; but one who is more powerful than I is coming. He will baptize
you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
I baptize you with water for repentance, but one who is more powerful than I is coming
after me; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
The one who sent me to baptize with water said to me; "The man in whom you see the
Spirit come down and rest, is the one who is going to baptize with the Holy Spirit".15
Fr Martin Eke, MSP. The Catholic Charismatic Renewal, A Brief study of its Beginning and Spirituality. (Abuja-
Nigeria: Sir Kuf Ventures Suite press, 2010), Pg. 29
Duffield P. Guy and Van Cleave M. Nathaniel, Foundations of Pentecostal Theology (Los Angeles: Foursquare
Media, 2008), Pgs. 102 & 255.
Fr Martin Eke, MSP. The Catholic Charismatic Renewal, A Brief study of its Beginning and Spirituality. (Abuja-
Nigeria: Sir Kuf Ventures Suite press, 2010), Pg. 39.
Cf. Mk 1: 8; Lk 3:16; Mt 3:11 and Jn 1:33.
To illustrate the last point, Hocken notes in his text; The Catholic Charismatic Renewal: A Brief
Study of its Beginning and Spirituality, that in Acts 2:33, “Being therefore exalted at the right
hand of God and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured
According to James Dunn, the purpose of John’s baptism is to reveal Jesus to Israel and it is only
preparatory to the mission of Christ (Mk 1:31); that Christ’s baptism will not be “with water” but
“with the Holy Spirit” (Jn 1:33). Dunn argues that this implies “that John’s water-baptism is only
A basic Scriptural understanding would be, first, Christ himself described Pentecost to mean
being baptized in the Spirit.18 The feast itself was definitely a religious experience, for the
Apostles rejoiced, became bold and expressed their joy in prayer tongues. Second, Peter’s
preaching indicated that all who repented and were baptized would receive the same gift (Acts
2:38). Third, this special religious experience of the Holy Spirit could be received at a later time
than the moment of sacramental Baptism as happened to the disciples in Samaria (Acts 8:14-17).
According to Dunn, Pentecostalism is built squarely on Acts. For him, it is in Acts that the
doctrine of the baptism in the Holy Spirit finds its basic foundation. 19 Michael Green notes in his
text; The Catholic Charismatic Renewal: A Brief Study of its Beginning and Spirituality, [Acts
1:4-5) that there is an explicit use of the word baptism with the Holy Spirit in the New
Testament. He identifies two emphases. The first is promise and the second is fulfilment. His
first emphasis, which is promise, is when Jesus says, “This is what you have heard from me; for
Fr Martin Eke, MSP. The Catholic Charismatic Renewal, A Brief study of its Beginning and Spirituality. (Abuja-
Nigeria: Sir Kuf Ventures Suite press, 2010), Pg. 43.
J. D. G. Dunn, Baptism in the Holy Spirit: A Re-examination of the New Testament Teaching on the Gift of the
Holy Spirit in Relation to Pentecostalism Today (London: SCM Press, 1970), Pg. 19
Cf. Acts 1:5
James, Dunn. Baptism in the Holy Spirit: A Re-examination of the New Testament Teaching on the Gift of the
Holy Spirit in Relation to Pentecostalism Today (London: SCM Press, 1970), pg. 103.
John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” In his second emphasis,
which is fulfilment, he observes that in Acts 2:1-4 Luke, records that the promise of Jesus was
fulfilled when the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples, filling them and enabling them to
Dunn says that the disciples’ baptism in the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was not a conversion
experience because as followers of Jesus they were already converts. For Dunn, it was “a second
experience of regeneration,’ which “gives the pattern for all Christ “experience thereafter.” 21
Pentecostals recognizes 1 Cor 12: 13 as pointing to the doctrine of baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Paul’s reception of the Holy Spirit three days after his conversion and the reception of the Holy
Spirit by the Samaritans from Paul after being baptized by Philip 22, “ is the breaking forth into
conscious experience of the Spirit by a deeper personal encounter with Christ, characterized by a
glimpse of His Lordship, an experience of the Father’s love that is personal and deeply
liberating, and a new awareness that the Holy Spirit is truly present and ready to guide,
encourage, motivate and inspire us to understand the things of God. This vital experience brings
with it a renewed desire for prayer, worship, the awakening from spiritual gifts, the flare to tell
others about God and makes the scriptures come alive in us.23”
Green believes that Paul gave this advice to the Corinthians because some of them who received
baptism in the Holy Spirit prided themselves on the gifts of healing, tongues, prophecy etc, and
despised others. According to Green, Paul in his letter demolishes their pride by instructing that
it is the one Spirit who baptizes believers into the one body of Christ, notwithstanding the
differences between them. Green suggests that, for Paul, “The one baptism by the one Spirit is as
Fr Martin Eke, MSP. The Catholic Charismatic Renewal, A Brief study of its Beginning and Spirituality. (Abuja-
Nigeria: Sir Kuf Ventures Suite press, 2010), Pgs. 35-36
James, Dunn. Baptism in the Holy Spirit: A Re-examination of the New Testament Teaching on the Gift of the
Holy Spirit in Relation to Pentecostalism Today (London: SCM Press, 1970), Pg. 38
Cf. Acts 8:14-17, Acts 9:17.
Otonko O. Jake, Is God in Troubled Waters? Pgs. 70 – 75.
decisive as the one Father who inspires all his children alike, and the one Lord Jesus whom they
all serve (1 Cor 12: 4).”24 St. Paul taught that Christ offered to men new life and the Spirit
communicated this dynamic, vital principle to men. Paul’s explanation of the Spirit’s activity is
very much in the realm of experience (1 Cor. 2:4; Rom. 15:13; 1Thes. 1:5).
Andrew Ryder notes in his text; The Catholic Charismatic Renewal: A Brief Study of its
Beginning and Spirituality, that “Baptism in the Holy Spirit is one feature of the
For this reason, there have been some objections to the use of the phrase. In their pastoral
guidance to the Catholic Charismatics in Ireland, the Irish Catholic Bishops stated that
the central gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Charismatic Renewal are known by various
names ranging from Baptism in the Holy Spirt to ‘Outpouring of the Holy Spirit.’ It is
perhaps not wise to use the term 'Baptism in the Holy Spirit, ‘as people may confuse it
with Sacramental Baptism. The term 'Outpouring of the Holy Spirit' is perhaps the best
one to use. Whatever name is given, it must clearly be understood that the Sacramental
Baptism is perfect and complete when received, whether in infancy or in adult life. 25
René Laurentin notes in his text; The Catholic Charismatic Renewal: A Brief Study of its
Beginning and Spirituality, that objections to the use of the term arose due to the fear that “It
may very well compete with, downgrade, and obscure the proper sense of ‘baptism’ as meaning
the first of the seven sacraments. He notes that the New Testament uses the word baptism to
signify three stages in the history of salvation and of God's gifts to the world. The three stages,
according to him, are the water-baptism of John the Baptist for the sake of conversion, the
Fr Martin Eke, MSP. The Catholic Charismatic Renewal, A Brief study of its Beginning and Spirituality. (Abuja-
Nigeria: Sir Kuf Ventures Suite press, 2010), Pg. 53
Ibid, pg. 39
passion and death of Jesus (Mk 10: 38-39; Lk 12: 50; Rm 6: 3-4), and baptism in the Spirit which
The requirement in the Catholic tradition to uphold the primacy of the sacraments of initiation
for Catholics and Pentecostals both acknowledge the importance of the outpouring of the Holy
Spirit in the life of the Church. We share the conviction that the Holy Spirit has always been
present in the Church with grace, signs, and gifts. We affirm and embrace charisms as an
important dimension in the life of the Church. Both traditions identify two principal moments for
the reception of the Spirit. For Pentecostals, these moments come in conversion and Baptism in
the Holy Spirit. For Catholics, they come in the sacraments of baptism and confirmation.
For Catholics, Bishop is the minister of the Sacrament of Confirmation whereby the recipient is
sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit in order to strengthen his faith, remain faithful to the
Church’s doctrines and soldier of Christ. However, in Pentecostalism, Baptism in the Holy Spirit
is an individual experience whereby the person receives gifts in order to carry out different
charisms. Quoting Martin notes in his text; The Catholic Charismatic Renewal: A Brief Study of
its Beginning and Spirituality, that, “All Christians receive the Holy Spirit in Baptism, but not all
Baptism in the Holy Spirit, from our discussion of the term so far, can be referred to as the
coming into conscious experience of the power of the Holy Spirit received by the individual
Cf. John
3: 5.
Xavier Leon-Dufour, Dictionary of Biblical Theology. Ibadan: St. Paul, 2004.
Don Stewart, “Is Baptism with the Holy Spirit the Same Thing as Regeneration or Spiritual
Rebirth?” In Blue Letter Bible Ministry, March 9, 2023.
Duffield P. Guy and Van Cleave M. Nathaniel, Foundations of Pentecostal Theology. Los
Angeles: Foursquare Media, 2008.
Fredrick, D. Bruner, A Theology of the Holy Spirit: The Pentecostal Experience and the New
Witness. London- Sydney- Auckland - Toronto: Hodder and Stoughton, 1971.
Horton M. Stanley ed., Systematic Theology, Revised Edition Springfield, Missouri: Logion
Dunn, James. Baptism in the Holy Spirit: A Re-examination of the New Testament Teaching on
the Gift of the spirit in relation to Pentecostalism Today. London: SCM Press,
Fr Martin Eke, MSP. The Catholic Charismatic Renewal, A Brief study of its Beginning and Spirituality. Abuja-
Bengaluru, 2020.
Witham Larry, Who Shall Lead Them? The Future of Ministry in America. Oxford: University Press, 2005.
Theological and Pastoraal Orientations on the Catholic Charismatic Renewal: Malines Document I,” reprinted in