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NLP I, WS 2023 2024

Introduction to Probability Theory – Part I 1

Erhard Hinrichs

Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft

Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen

Largely based on material from Sharon Goldwater’s tutorial Basics of
Probability Theory (henceforth abbreviated as SGT), available at: https:


On-line Resources



Events and Probabilities

▶ What is probability and why do we care?

▶ Sample spaces and events
▶ The probability of an event
▶ Probability distributions


What is Probability Theory?

Probability is common sense reduced to calculation.

(Pierre-Simon Laplace)

Probability theory is a branch of mathematics that allows us to

reason about events that are inherently random. SGT, p. 2

Probability theory is the mathematical framework that allows us

to analyze chance events in a logically sound manner. The
probability of an event is a number indicating how likely that
event will occur. This number is always between 0 and 1, where
0 indicates impossibility and 1 indicates certainty.


What is Probability?

Intuitively, we understand the notion of probability as a measure

of how likely it is that an event occurs or that a state of affairs
However: it is far from trivial to arrive at a non-circular definition
of probability.
▶ If we assign probabilities to a set of possible outcomes of
an experiment, we often use assumptions about their
relative likelihood; e.g. that the outcomes are equally likely.
▶ If we define likelihood in terms of probability, but then
appeal to the notion of (equal) likelihood in our account of
probability, then the account becomes circular.


Two Ways for Avoiding Circular Accounts of


▶ Alternative 1: invoke the notion of the relative frequencies

of the observed outcomes of a series of experiments.
▶ resulting in Frequentist Theories of Probability; formalized
by Egon Pearson, Jergy Newman, R.A. Fisher, and others.
▶ Alternative 2: ground the notion of probability in logic and
in the notion of common sense reasoning and degrees of
▶ resulting in Bayesian theories, formalized by Cox and


Plausible Reasoning

Suppose some dark night a policeman walks down a street,

apparently deserted. Suddenly he hears a burglar alarm, looks
across the street, and sees a jewelry store with a broken
window. Then a gentleman wearing a black mask comes
crawling out through the broken window, carrying a bag which
turns out to be full of expensive jewelry. The policeman doesn’t
hesitate at all in deciding that this gentleman is dishonest. But
by what reasoning process does he arrive at this conclusion?

E.T. Jaynes (2003).Probability Theory - The Logic Science.

Cambridge University Press, p. 3.


An Alternative Explanation

It might be ... that this gentleman was the owner of the jewelry
store and he was coming home from a masquerade party, and
didn’t have a key with him. However, just as he walked by his
store, a passing truck threw a stone through the window, and
he was only protecting his own property.

E.T. Jaynes (2003), p. 3


Deductive Reasoning (Apodeixis)

Classical Syllogisms (modus ponens and modus tollens)

If A is true, then B is true.

(S1) A is true.

B is true. ∴

If A is true, then B is true.

(S2) B is false.

A is false. ∴


Plausible Reasoning

Weak Syllogisms (Epagogy)

If A is true, then B is true.

(S3) B is true.

A becomes more plausible. ∴

If A is true, then B is true.

(S4) A is false.

B becomes less plausible. ∴

E.T. Jaynes (2003), p. 5


Revisiting the Policeman Scenario

... the brain, in doing pausible reasoning, not only decides

whether something becomes more plausible or less plausible,
but that it evaluated the degree of pausibility somehow. The
plausibility for rain by 10 AM depends very much on the
darkness of those clouds at 9:45. And the brain also makes use
of old information as well as the specific data of the problem.
To illustrate that the policeman was also making use of the past
experience of policemen in general, we have only to change
that experience. Suppose that events like these happened
several times every night to every policeman – and that in every
case the gentleman turned out to be completely innocent. Very
soon, policemen would learn to ignore such trivial things.


Revisiting the Policeman Scenario


Thus, in our reasoning we very much depends on our prior

information to help us in evaluating the degree of plausibility in
a new problem. The reasoning process goes on unconsciously,
almost instantaneously, and we conceal how complicated it
really is by calling it common sense.
E.T. Jaynes (2003), p. 6


Use of Probabilities in Computational

Linguistics, SGT p. 3
▶ Generation/prediction. Reasoning from causes to effects:
Given a known set of causes and knowledge about how
they interact, what are likely/unlikely outcomes?
▶ Example: Given an alphabet and knowledge about
co-occurrences of characters and given a string of
characters, what is/are the most likely next character(s)?
▶ Inference. Reasoning from effects to causes: Given
knowledge about possible causes and how they interact,
as well as some observed outcomes, which causes are
▶ Example: Observe many headlines from a newspaper
corpus, determine which words are domain-specific and
which are domain-independent?


Basic Definitions: Sample Space, Event,

Statistical Experiment; SGT, p.4
▶ A STATISTICAL EXPERIMENT is an action or occurrence
that can multiple different outcomes, all of which can be
specified in advance, but where the particular outcome that
will occur cannot be specified because it depends on
random chance.
▶ The SAMPLE SPACE of a statistical experiment is the set
of all possible outcomes (also known as SAMPLE
▶ An EVENT is a subset of the sample space.
▶ An IMPOSSIBLE EVENT is a an event which contains no
▶ A CERTAIN EVENT is an event that contains all possible


Example 2.2.1, SGT, p.4

Imagine I flip a coin, with two possible outcomes: heads (H) or

tails (T). What is the sample space for this experiment? What
about for three flips in a row? Solution: For the first experiment
(flip a coin once), the sample space is just {H;T}. For the
second experiment (flip a coin three times), the sample space


Example 2.2.3. Suppose I have two bowls, each containing

100 balls numbered 1 through 100. I pick a ball at random from
each bowl and look at the numbers on them. How many
elements are in the sample space for this experiment?

Solution: Using basic principles of counting (see the Sets and

Counting tutorial), since the number of possible outcomes for
the second experiment doesn’t depend on the outcome of the
first experiment, the total number of possible outcomes is 1002 ,
or 10,000.

Example 2.2.4. Which set of outcomes defines the event that

the two balls add up to 200? Solution: There is only one
outcome in this event, namely {(100,100)}


Simple Random Sampling (SRS)

▶ SRS is a technique for selecting a subset of entities from a

given population.
▶ All entities in the population have an equal chance of being
▶ SRS is a method of choice if the size of a population is
unknown or prohibitively large to inspect in its entirety.
▶ Advantages of SRS:
▶ A widely-used-best-practise method across scientific
▶ Avoids data bias in selection
▶ For an illustration see Kahn Academy:


Sampling With and Without Replacement

The Urn Model: Given a population of n elements a1 , a2 , . . . an ,

any sequence aj1 , aj2 , . . . ajn is an ordered sample of size r
drawn from the population. Let us assume that the elements of
the ordered sample are chosen one-by-one. Then there are two
▶ Sampling with replacement: Each selection is made
from the entire population of n elements
▶ Sampling without replacement: Once an element is
chosen from the population, it removed from the


How many distinct samples are there?

For a population of n elements and a sample size r , there are:

▶ nr distinct samples with replacement.
▶ n × (n − 1) . . . (n − r + 1) without replacement.


Transferring these concepts to NLP and CL

Example 1: Lexical Decision: Participants in an experiment
are asked to decide by a button press whether a spoken or
written word is an actual word for a given language. This is
binary decision task with possible outcomes {Y,N}.
Example 2: Text Classification: Participants are asked to
classify emails as spam or not spam. This is a binary decision
task with possible outcomes {S,N}.
Example 3: Word Frequency: Counting the frequency of a
word in different corpora of fixed or variable lengths.
Example 4: Text Generation: In a grossly simplified model,
the production of a text can be viewed as a sequence of
random samplings from a dictionary of finite size.
Example 5: Word Prediction: Participants are asked to
predict the next word for a given sequence of words.


The Probability of an Event; SGT, p. 5

The probability of an event P(E):

P(E) = |S| if all outcomes in the sample space S (1)
are equally likely.

The probability of the impossible event:

P(∅) = 0. (1.1)
The probability of the certain event:

P(S) = 1. (1.2)


Example 2.3.2; SGT, p. 5

Suppose I have two bowls, each containing 100 balls

numbered 1 through 100. I pick a ball uniformly at random from
each bowl and look at the numbers on them. What is the
probability that the numbers add up to 200?
Solution: There is exactly one outcome: (100,100), in a sample
space of 1002 outcomes altogether. Therefore, the probability
of the outcome (100,100) is 1/10,000.


Example 2.3.3; SGT, p. 5

Let E be the event that the numbers on the balls in the previous
example add up to exactly 51. What is the probability of E?
Solution: We already know the size of the sample space, but
we also need to determine the cardinality of E, i.e., the number
of outcomes in this event.
There are altogether 50 distinct outcomes: (1,50), (2,49), . . .
(49,2), (50,1). Therefore, the probability of E is 50/10,000, or


Disjoint Events and Partitions of the Sample

Space; SGT, p. 6

▶ Two events E1 and E1 are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE (or

DISJOINT) iff they have no outcomes in common, i.e. iff
their intersection E1 ∩ E1 = ∅
▶ A set of n mutually exclusive events E1 ,..., En , whose union
E1 ∪ E1 · · · ∪ En is equal to the sample space S is called a


Partition of the Sample Space

Figure: SGT tutorial p. 6


Probability and Probability Distribution; SGT,

p. 6

Let {E1 . . . En } be a partition of S. For each Ei ∈ {E1 . . . En },

P(Ei ) is a PROBABILITY and {P(E1 ) . . . P(En )} is a
PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION iff the following properties hold:

Property 1 : 0 ≤ P(Ei ) ≤ 1
Property 2 : P(Ei ) = 1


Probability Mass (Function); Uniform

▶ A probability is a function from an event to values between
0 and 1 (inclusive).
▶ A probability distribution is a function from partitions of
events of a sample space S to sets of values between 0
and 1 (inclusive).
▶ A probability distribution assigns one unit of PROBABILITY
MASS to the sample space S and distributes this
probability mass in some fashion between all the Ei .
▶ A probability distribution is, therefore, sometimes also
▶ A UNIFORM distribution is a probability distribution where
all events in a partition are equally likely, i.e. have the
same amount of probability mass.


Example 2.4.2.: SGT p. 7

What is the distribution over the sum of two fair dice? Is it
uniform or not?
Solution: We need to figure out the probability of each of the
events. As noted above, there are 11 different events,
corresponding to sums from 2 to 12. Also, note that we can
define our sample space in terms of 36 equally likely outcomes,
corresponding to the six possible outcomes on the first die
multiplied by the six possible outcomes on the second die:
(1, 1) (1, 2) (1, 3) (1, 4) (1, 5) (1, 6)
(2, 1) (2, 2) (2, 3) (2, 4) (2, 5) (2, 6)
(3, 1) (3, 2) (3, 3) (3, 4) (3, 5) (3, 6)
(4, 1) (4, 2) (4, 3) (4, 4) (4, 5) (4, 6)
(5, 1) (5, 2) (5, 3) (5, 4) (5, 5) (5, 6)
(6, 1) (6, 2) (6, 3) (6, 4) (6, 5) (6, 6)


Example 2.4.2. continued

We can use Eq (1) to determine the probabilities of each of the

events. For example, P(sum is 2)=1/36 because there is only
one outcome in this event, whereas P(sum is 3)= 2/36 because
there are two equally likely outcomes in this event.


A probability distribution over eight letters2

Lett. a b c d e f g h
Prob. 0.23 0.04 0.05 0.08 0.29 0.02 0.07 0.22



a b c d e f g h
slide due to Cagri Cöltekin


Event Complement; SGT, p. 10

P(¬E) = 1 − P(E) (2)

Example 3.1.1. Suppose I have a list of words, and I choose a

word uniformly at random. If the probability of getting a word
starting with t is 1/7, then what is the probability of getting a
word that does not start with t?
Solution: Let E be the event that the word starts with t. Then
P(¬E) is the probability we were asked for, and it is 1 - P(E), or


Event Union

P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) − P(A ∩ B) (3)

Figure: GW tutorial p. 11


Example 3.1.2; SGT p. 10

Name Home country Year
Andrew UK 1
Sebastian Germany 1
Wei China 1
Fiona UK 1
Lea Germany 2
Ajitha UK 1
Sarah UK 2
What is the probability P(E1 ∪ E2 ), with E1 = the student is
female and E2 = the student is from the UK?
Solution: The probability of P(E1 ) is P( |E 1| 4
|S| ) = 7 . The probability
of P(E2 ) is P( |E 2| 4
|S| ) = 7 . However, E1 ∩ E2 = {Fiona, Ajitha,
Sarah}, and P(E1 ∩ E2 ) = 73 . Hence:
4 4 3 5
P(E1 ∪ E2 ) = P(E1 ) + P(E2 ) - P(E1 ∩ E2 ) = 7 + 7 - 7 = 7


Law of Total Probability (aka: Sum Rule)

Let {E1 . . . En } be a partition of the sample space S and B ⊆ S.
P(B) = P(B ∩ Ei ) (4)

Figure: GW tutorial p. 12


Example 3.2.1; SGT, p. 11

Consider the scenario from Exercises 2.8 and 3.1.2. We
partition the sample space according to the country that each
student comes from, with E1 = "student is British", E2 =
"student is Chinese", and E3 = "student is German". Also let B
be the event that the student is female. Apply the law of total
probability to compute P(B), and check that the result is the
same as when computing P(B) directly.

Solution P(B) = P(B ∩ E1 ) + P(B ∩ E2 ) + P(B ∩ E3 )

= 3/7 + 0/7 + 1/7 = 4/7

This is the same result we get by computing P(B) directly

(counting the number of female students and dividing by the
total number of students).


Joint Probability Table (JPT)

It is often convenient to represent joint probabilities in a joint

probability table. For example, consider a sample space of all
students on a college campus. Let us assume that all students
pay either in-state or out-of-state tuition and live either
on-campus or off-campus. Then we can construct a JPT with
each cell representing a joint probability.

on-campus off-campus
in-state (in,on) (in,off)
out-of-state (out,on) (out,off)

The rows and the columns refer to two different event classes
that each form a partition of the entire event space. Each
partition is called an attribute or a dimension.


JPT Example continued

Let us assume that probability of paying in-state and out-of

state tuition is .55 and .45, respectively, and the probability of
living on-campus and off-campus is .40 and .60, respectively.
Then we can fill in the JPT as follows.
on-campus off-campus
P(in) = .55 P(in,on) = .22 P(in,off) = .33
P(out) = .45 P(out,on) = .18 P(out,off) = .27
P(on) = .40 P(off) = .60

Then the probabilities to the left of each row and below each
column are called marginal probabilities. Each marginal
probability is the sum of all joint probabilities of the particular
value for an attribute.


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