Creation Task

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Name: Krishelle Kate B.

Pannig Course Year and Sec: BSN-1A

Genesis Chapter 1 talks about the Sovereignty of God who by His power, authority and Word causes everything to exist.
Genesis Chapters 2 and 3 on the other hand talks about the RELATEDNESS OF GOD. Present our discussion of the each
Chapter: 2 and 3 in the given panel creatively. At the bottom is a COMPARISON and CONTRAST OF THE TWO CHAPTERS:
GENESIS 2 and 3.
GENESIS Chapter 2 Genesis Chapter 3

 Genesis chapter 2 clearly intends it to In my own understanding in this chapter 3
be understood as a real place in the
real world. This portion of Scripture  Man did not choose to obey God.
describes the river that runs out of it
Man desired to be like God.
and divides into four separate
rivers. Those rivers run through -When man choose to eat the fruit of the
places that would have been knowledge of good and evil, they declared
especially familiar to Genesis' first independence from God, who has given and
readers. They include the Tigris and provided them everything.
Euphrates, rivers that still flow
through the lands of Mesopotamia.  Man wanted to be like God

-because they wanted to play God (knowing

 God places the man in the garden
good and evil)
with specific work to do, such as
maintaining the garden and naming  When they in fact, if they just ate the
the animals. There are no living things tree of life, goodness will come our
which complement Adam as the through them because as they do,
animals of the same kind correspond God’s character and nature will be
to each other. So God takes a rib from seen in them. So they don’t have
Adam and makes a helper and known between good and evil because
companion for him. Eve becomes goodness will just flow through them
Adam's wife. when they RECEIVE the life of God
(Tree of life) Because of man declaring
 God obviously could have created independence from God being their
Eve from dust, as He did Adam, but mastery were cursed
chose instead to form her out of
Adam's own body. In that way, they -Chapter 3 (The tree of life was guarded and
truly existed in paradise, one beyond out of reach
just the plants and animals of a

In chapter 2 and 3 it tells about the same relationship and also it talks about the tree of
knowledge with God planted into the Garden of Eden. Chapter 2 talks about the creation of
first man which what we called Adam. God placed Adam into the Garden of Eden but God
thinks that Adam is not good to be alone that's why God gave Eve to Adam to be his wife.
Adam is told that they can eat freely to all the trees in the garden, except from the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil. This tells us that Adam and Eve should make a choice if they
could choose well or refuse the evil and eat the tree of life or maybe they will disobey God
and eat the tree of knowledge of good and evil and certainly die. And in chapter 3 it tells
about the conflict or fall it was told that they declared independence from God when they eat
the Tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Come up with a GRAPHIC/DRAWING that presents STEWARDSHIP OF CREATION. You may consider putting an IDEAL in
contrast to the REAL world or condition of the world today considering the question: How can I exercise stewardship in
this time of the new normal?

Stewardship proposes that human beings are entrusted with the earth to cultivate it and, at the same time, to
care for it. That’s why ‘We are stewards ‘In this creation of God all the resources at our disposal are not for us.
We understand our call to stewardship through our study of Genesis 2:15, ‘The Lord God took the man and put
him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it’. And also In the Hebrew the word for “care” is
“Shamar” which means to ‘watch, guard, protect’. This concept denotes our careful and close observation
specifically, an attentive and protective tending. In Genesis 2:15 it reveals that creation is to be worked, that
humans are created to be workers that work is the plan of God and not a curse, and humanity will be provided
for through creation. This also shows that, even before the fall, the creation needed to be cared for. This
aspect of caring for creation means we are to guard, nurture and protect creation a good articulation of roles of
a steward or servant.

Write a short explanation or REFLECTION on the above given output on STEWARDSHIP ON CREATION
Read the given scriptural texts. Briefly explain the story in the given columns. The first row is intended to provide a
summary of the text. The second row discusses how SIN [of Adam and Eve] affected the next generations of human

Cain and Abel [Gen 4:1-16] The Great Flood [Gen. 6-9] The Tower of Babel [Gen. 11:1-

Genesis 4:1-16 Adam made love Genesis 6:9 begins another new Genesis 11:1-9
to his wife Eve, and she became section in Genesis called the
pregnant and gave birth to ''generations of Noah.'' Because At one time, the whole Earth
Cain. She said, With the help of of humanity's power and spoke the same language. Let’s
the LORD I have brought forth a wickedness, the earth had make ourselves famous so we
man. Later she gave birth to his become filled with violence and won’t be scattered here and
brother Abel. Now Abel kept sinfulness. By contrast, Noah there across the Earth. God
flocks, and Cain worked the was a righteous, blameless man came down to look over the city
soil. In the course of time Cain who walked with God. God and the tower those people had
brought some of the fruits of chooses to declare to Noah His built. That’s how it came to be
the soil as an offering to the plan to end all land-dwelling life called Babel, because there
LORD. on earth, but also to save Noah God turned their language into
and his family and two of every (babble) From there God
So Cain was very angry, and his animal. Noah obeys God's scattered them all over the
face was downcast. Now Cain command to build the ark that world.
said to his brother Abel, Let’s would preserve the human race
go out to the field. While they from total destruction in the Now the whole world had one
were in the field, Cain attacked flood. language and a common
his brother Abel and killed him. speech. Come, let us go down
and confuse their language so
Now you are under a curse and they will not understand each
driven from the ground, which
other. So the Lord scattered
opened its mouth to receive them from there over all the
your brother’s blood from your earth, and they stopped
hand. Cain said to the LORD, building the city.
My punishment is more than I
can bear. So Cain went out from
the LORD’s presence and lived
in the land of Nod, east of Eden.

In this chapter the descriptive The sin that we’ve been In this chapter God disrupted the work by so
experiencing in this chapter was confusing the language of the workers that
sins are the first murder, it
the “Judgment” Just before the they could no longer understand one another.
makes sense that the story of the flood begins, we learn They said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city,
Brotherhood rivalry is a fact of that “the Lord saw that the and a tower with its top in the heavens, and
wickedness of man was great in let us make a name for ourselves; otherwise
life. The brothers and sisters
the earth, and that every intention we shall be scattered abroad upon the face of
are always competing in one the whole earth.” The Lord came down to
of the thoughts of his heart was
way or another. That is also only evil continually and it grieved see the city and the tower, which mortals
happening now the first murder had built. And the Lord said, “Look, they are
God to his heart. So God sent the
one people, and they have all one language;
involves jealousy, social floodwaters as a judgment, a block
and this is only the beginning of what they
position, this is the first thing in the way of humanity’s will do; nothing that they propose to do will
wickedness that rose out of the now be impossible for them. Come, let us go
Adam and Eve affect our grief of his heart. In the ark, God down, and confuse their language there, so
generation until now because carries Noah’s family through the that they will not understand one another’s
many siblings or even other flood unharmed to start afresh in a speech.” So the Lord scattered them abroad
world returned to innocence. It is a from there over the face of all the earth, and
people experiencing this kind of
new beginning and a chance to they left off building the city.
sins, the jealousy and other have a different end. Apparently, God was feeling sad and wanted
things that may end to fight. to make sure that people couldn’t remain
unified and co-operate.

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