Dual-Band Vertically Stacked Laminated Waveguide F
Dual-Band Vertically Stacked Laminated Waveguide F
Dual-Band Vertically Stacked Laminated Waveguide F
82 783
3 authors, including:
Ruey-Beei Wu
National Taiwan University
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Abstract—A new design method of dual-band filters with lami- with high performance, low cost, and compact size become es-
nated waveguide (or substrate integrated waveguide) is proposed sential components and are highly demanded. Several methods
by taking advantage of the existence of multiple cavity modes. The for designing dual-band filters have been proposed in the liter-
major design concept is adequately choosing geometric shape of
laminated waveguide resonators to control the frequency bands, ature. One intuitive way is to combine two independent single
and positions of open slots and feeding probes to realize the desired passband filters with an extra impedance network [1]. Alterna-
coupling coefficients and external quality factors at both bands si- tively, the dual bands can be realized from the cascaded connec-
multaneously. Two design examples with third-order and quasi-el- tion of a wideband bandpass filter and a bandstop filter [2], [3].
liptic filter responses are given and verified by experiments. By
using the low-temperature co-fired ceramic technology, the lami-
This design is suitable for two closely spaced wide passbands,
nated waveguide resonators are vertically stacked, and the filter but has the disadvantages of relatively poor return loss and large
size can be miniaturized. layout area.
Index Terms—Coupling coefficient, dual-band filter, external Recently, the method of the coupling matrix has been com-
quality factor, laminated waveguide, low-temperature co-fired ce- monly used for bandpass filter design [4]. The dual-band filters
ramic (LTCC) technology, substrate integrated waveguide (SIW). can be obtained by adjusting coupling matrix to introduce one
or two pairs of transmission zeros inside the passband, thereby
splitting the original single band into two or three [5]–[7]. This
I. INTRODUCTION method calls for significant computational efforts, and the two
ODAY, wireless communication systems are proceeding bands must be adjacent to each other. A more versatile design
T toward high stability, high reliability, and high integrity.
The demand for wider frequency bandwidth is increasing with
is to utilize coupled dual-frequency resonators, such as stepped-
impedance resonators (SIRs) [8]–[13]. Efforts should be put to
the emergence of a multitude of multimedia applications, in meet the coupling coefficients at both bands simultaneously.
particular, ultra-high data-rate personal data networking and Therefore, the design degree of freedom is somewhat limited,
point-to-point or point-to-multipoint data link. It has pushed and because of which, this concept can hardly extend to mul-
the development of technologies and systems operating at tipassband filters. One promising remedy is the introduction of
the higher microwave or even millimeter-wave frequencies. alternatively cascaded coupling structure [14], which adds extra
For example, the availability of unlicensed industrial–scien- resonators to improve the controllability of the coupling coeffi-
tific–medical (ISM) bands in the 60-GHz spectrum represents cients. However, adding extra resonators may result in a larger
a great opportunity of several applications, e.g., wireless circuit size, and sometimes increase the design complexity.
high-definition multimedia interface (HDMI) for uncom- On the other hand, the laminated waveguide, or equivalently,
pressed high-definition TV signal transmission and wireless substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) devices have become
gigabit file download for mobile device, like wireless USB3.0, popular in recent years [15], [16]. The transitions between
wireless ducking station, and portable multimedia devices. This microstrip and SIW are widely studied [17]–[19], which make
trend has been reinforced by the exponentially growth of intelli- the planar circuit integration with SIW more easily. The SIW
gent transportation applications, e.g., highway exchange-traded filters are also well developed lately [20]–[26], having not
fund (ETC) systems and automotive surveillance or collision only the advantages of traditional waveguide filters such as
avoidance radar systems. high quality factor and low loss, but also easy integration with
Corresponding to this trend, dual-band systems are devel- planar circuits. They stand on a vantage point because the
oped to meet the communication demands. In order to con- coupling coefficients can be controlled accurately at both bands
trol the RF/microwave channel characteristics, dual-band filters by slots or via spacing. A dual-band SIW filter has already
been presented in [27] using inverter coupled resonator sec-
tions to generate multiband response and transmission zeros.
Manuscript received October 16, 2008; revised February 04, 2009.
First published May 12, 2009; current version published June 10, 2009. However, the circuit size is large because the inverter coupled
This work was supported by the National Science Council under Grant resonator sections use two or three resonators to achieve dual-
NSC96-2219-E-002-017 and by the Ministry of Education under Grant or triple-band resonance, and the passbands must be close to
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Graduate each other.
Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, In this study, the existence of multiple resonant modes in the
Taiwan 10617 (e-mail: rbwu@ew.ee.ntu.edu.tw) cavity formed by the SIW is fully exploited to ease the design
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. of dual-band filters. Two design examples are given and the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2009.2020833 design methods are described. This paper is organized as fol-
0018-9480/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE
vides ten layers in which the upper four layers are of thickness
94 m each, and lower six layers are 46 m. The via diam-
eter is 75 m. The surface metallization is solderable silver and
the layers utilization stack-up is described in Fig. 2(b). The mi-
crostrip feeding lines utilize the first layer, resonators 1 and 3
occupy layers 2–4, and resonator 2 occupies the remaining six
This filter is designed to operate at two passbands centered at
30 and 35 GHz with fractional bandwidths of 4.5% and 4.1%,
respectively. The design is challenging if to be implemented by
SIRs since the two passbands are close to each other. For the
present design, the first step is to determine the size of cavity.
They are found to be mm and mm from (1)
and (2) in order to resonate at the above two frequencies.
The second step is to obtain the design parameters. They
are initially acquired based on low-pass prototype values of the
third-order Chebyshev frequency response with a 0.1-dB ripple
level. A cross coupling path is then introduced to achieve the
transmission zero in the desired trisection response. Since the
direct coupling and cross coupling are both magnetic couplings,
the transmission zeros appear at the upper side of the passband
[4]. The Chebyshev low-pass prototype values are , Qe
Fig. 3. (a) Structure for extracting . (b) Associated design curves with length
, and . Given fractional band- a = 5:14 mm and width b = 1:9 mm.
M M L :; :;
Fig. 4. (a) Structure for extracting and (b) associated design curves for
4 for 1 = 0 2 0 3
The results marked with , , and denote
and 0 4 mm respectively.
Fig. 7. (a) Simulated and measured -parameters of the third-order filter.
(b) Wideband responses. (c) Group delay.
Fig. 8. (a) Simplified configuration of the quasi-elliptic filter. (b) Its side view.
Fig. 11. (a) Structure for extracting M . (b) Associated design curves of the
quasi-elliptic filter. The results marked with , 4, and denote M L1 =
Q . (b) Associated design curves of the 0:65;0:6;
Fig. 9. (a) Structure for extracting 0:55
a = 3:73 mm and width b = 2:03 mm.
and mm, respectively.
quasi-elliptic filter with length
Fig. 10. (a) Structure for extracting M . (b) Associated design curves of the
quasi-elliptic filter. The results marked with , 4, and denote M forW1 =
0:55; 0:5; and 0:45 mm, respectively.
Fig. 13. (a) Final configuration. (b) Dimensions of the quasi-elliptic filter.
Fig. 14. (a) Simulated and measured responses of the quasi-elliptic filter.
be along the center of the narrow side. While the aperture size (b) Wideband responses. (c) Group delay.
can control the coupling strength at both bands simultaneously,
the relative strength can be adjusted by the shift in Fig. 12(a).
The design curves of the coupling coefficients at the two bands
versus the shift with aperture size as a parameter are shown
in Fig. 12(b).
The final configuration of the filter is shown in Fig. 13(a). It
is also noted that a transition is added for measurement consid-
eration. The size of this filter without the transition is 4.12 mm
3.92 mm 0.832 mm, i.e., .
Other dimensions are shown in Fig. 13(b). Fig. 15. Photograph of the quasi-elliptic filter.
The simulated and measured -parameters and group delays
are shown in Fig. 14. The measured central frequencies are 30.3
and 39.3 GHz, and insertion losses are 4.8 dB at both bands, V. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
which are about 1 dB larger than simulation predicts. The errors In this paper, dual-band filters using laminated waveguide
are also conjecturally caused by the errors of the substrate di- and LTCC technology have been provided. By utilizing the
electric constant and loss tangent, the manufacturing tolerances, characteristics of different mode field patterns, the coupling
and fabrication errors such as material shrinkage. The maximum coefficients and external quality factors can be adjusted more
in-band group-delay deviation is less than 0.4 ns. The spurious easily and flexibly to implement the dual-band filters with
responses are also mainly caused by the mode. A photo- more dynamic specifications at both passbands. Moreover, the
graph of this filter is shown in Fig. 15. resonators of the filter can be vertically stacked to minimize the
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Tze-Min Shen was born in Chiayi, Taiwan, on Au- Ruey-Beei Wu (M’91–SM’97) received the B.S.E.E.
gust 5, 1981. He received the B.S. degree in electrical and Ph.D. degrees from National Taiwan University,
engineering and M.S. degree in communication en- Taipei, Taiwan, in 1979 and 1985, respectively.
gineering from National Taiwan University, Taipei, In 1982, he joined the faculty of the Department of
Taiwan, in 2004 and 2006, respectively, and is cur- Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University,
rently working toward the Ph.D. degree in communi- where he served as the Chairperson from 2004 to
cation engineering at National Taiwan University. 2007 and is currently a Professor. From March
His research interest is the design of microwave 1986 to February 1987, he was a Visiting Scholar
and millimeter-wave filters. with IBM, East Fishkill, NY. From August 1994 to
July 1995, he was with the Electrical Engineering
Department, University of California at Los Angeles
(UCLA). From 1998 to 2000, he was also Director of the National Center for
High-Performance Computing, and has served as Director of Planning and
Evaluation Division since November 2002, both under the National Science
Council. His areas of interest include computational electromagnetics, trans-
mission line and waveguide discontinuities, microwave and millimeter-wave
planar circuits, and interconnection modeling for computer packaging.
Dr. Wu has been an associate editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES since 2004. Since 2007, he has been
the chair of the IEEE Taipei Session.