A Brief Overview On Water Quality Models

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International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET)

Volume 11, Issue 10, October 2020, pp. 545-554, Article ID: IJARET_11_10_058
Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/IJARET/issues.asp?JType=IJARET&VType=11&IType=10
ISSN Print: 0976-6480 and ISSN Online: 0976-6499
DOI: 10.34218/IJARET.11.10.2020.058

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


Madhusmita Ghadai
Research Scholar, Civil Engineering, Centurion University of Technology and Management,
Odisha, Assistant Professor, GMR Institute of Technology, India

Deba Prakash Satapathy

Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, CET, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

M.L. Narasimham
Professor, Centurion University Of Technology and Management, Odisha, India

For existence of life, water is an important element, which is now a day’s become
worst due to rapid growth of industries and population. For conservation and proper
utilization of water, proper assessment required, which requires constant monitoring
in terms of its quality as well as quantity is effective. In some way modeling can
control water quality pollution. In water body to predict and simulate the levels as
well as the distribution and risk of amount of pollutants can be measured by using a
tool known as water quality model. The result from the water quality model helps to
environmental agencies to take the right decision. The aim of this paper is to discuss
about the different water quality models which can provides the basic knowledge
about water quality modeling. For developing country like India water quality models
are very much required to predict the water quality of different sources.
General Terms: WASP Model, QUAL2K Model, MIKE Model, MIKE SHE Model,
Key words: Water quality model, continuity equation, hydrodynamic, eutrofication
Cite this Article: Madhusmita Ghadai, Deba Prakash Satapathy and M.L.
Narasimham, A Brief Overview on Water Quality Models, International Journal of
Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology, 11(10), 2020, pp. 535-544.

The rapid growth of population, modernization, industrialization and agricultural practices
causes the pollution of water bodies. The practices increase the concentration and the number
of pollutants in the water bodies. The degradable wastewater causes the reduction of

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A Brief Overview on Water Quality Models

Dissolved amount of oxygen present in the waterbed [1]. The water quality management
strategy includes a no. of progressive inter-disciplinary decisions depends on hypothesize
responses of water quality [2]. The mathematical model describes the complex relation
between waste load coming from different sources and the quality of water influenced by it
[3]. Furthermore developing mathematical model will enable quality assessment of
inaccessible waters [4]. The accuracy of the environmental assessment using models depends
on understanding of the process which occurs in the environment, on appropriate choice of
mathematical equation, on availability of data set i.e. parameters, coefficients etc [5]. The
main motto of the water quality modeling is to build a mathematical model which will track
the changes of water quality and to simulate it with help of boundary condition [6]. Water
quality models are of two types: (a) Physical models, (b) Mathematical models, it includes
―analytical models‖ based on exact solution of mathematical equation and ―Numerical
Models‖ based on approximate solution. Water quality models are also classified into three
types according to the complexity of computer simulation: one dimensional model, two
dimensional models and three dimensional models [7,8]. Due to the development of model
theory and fast updating computer system, a huge number of water quality models have been
developed with various algorithms for different topography, water bodies and pollutants at
different space and time [9]. In the present paper a brief discussion of various water quality
models are made which will help in decision making for choosing models that matches with
the condition of the study region and primary data available.


Water quality models are useful tools for predicting the impurity in water bodies like rivers,
reservoirs, lakes and estuaries. These models are also useful for water resource management.
Currently available models are discussed below.

2.1. WASP Model

The US Environmental Protection Agency (UEPA) developed WASP model in 1983 [10].
Steady or unsteady water quality process can be simulated by it in stream, lakes, reservoirs,
and estuaries. WASP is an one, two and three dimensional dynamic model and it allows
variety of pollutants like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Dissolved Oxygen, BOD, Sediment Oxygen
Demand, Algae, Periphyton, Organic Chemicals, Metals, Mercury, Pathogens, Temperature
etc. Currently it has eight versions (WASP 1-8). @WASP-8 deals with the sediment digenesis
model linked to the advanced eutrofication sub model which predicts SOD and nutrient fluxes
from the underlying sediments. It consists of two models (a) Advanced Eutrofication
(EUTRO), (b) Advanced Toxicant (TOXI)[11,12]. Advanced Eutrofication model solves
pollution associate with DO, BOD, CBOD, phytoplankton, periphyton, detritus, dissolved
organic Nitrogen, ammonia, nitrate, dissolved organic phosphorus, salinity, solids, sediment
digenesis. Advanced Toxicant model deals with the pollution causes by simple toxicant
(copper, lead, zinc, cadmium), Non Ionizing Organic Toxicant (Arsenic, tin, selenium, PAHS,
chlorinated solvents, etc), organic toxicant ( pesticides, organic acids), mercury (elementary
mercury, divalent mercury, methyl mercury) (WASP tutorials). It can be freely downloaded
from www.epa.gov (US EPA). WASP model based on the conservation of mass and
momement equation, by which the depth, velocity, top width and flow rate is determined [13].
The continuity equation Eqn1 and momentum equation Eqn2 used in WASP model as follows:
+ ( )=qs (1)
| |
+ ( )+gA( + )=0 (2)

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Madhusmita Ghadai, Deba Prakash Satapathy and M.L. Narasimham

Where Z, Q, B, A, t, x, K, g and q refers to water surface elevation, flow rate, the wetted
width, wetted cross sectional area, the time, distance along the channel, conveyance of the
channel, gravitational acceleration and the discharge per unit channel length respectively [14].
WASP has some limitations: (1) it does not include some variables and process like
mixing zone process, non aqueous phase liquids, sediments drying and metal specification
reaction. (2) It does not allow large external hydrodynamic files. (3) It cannot separate
eutrofication and toxicant fat modules. (4) It can’t be smoothly run in batch mode i.e.
automatic calibration program and Monto Carlo programs. (WASP tutorials).

2.2. QUAL2K
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a series of QUAL models, those
are QUAL2E, QUAL2E-UNDAS, QUAL2K and QUAL2KW [20]. QUAL2K is the updated
version of QUAL2E and QUAL2KW is the updated version of QUAL2K [40].It is a 1D
model and can be applied to a river with approximately constant flow and the pollution load.
This model can use for both steady and dynamic state [15, 16]. It can simulate water quality
constituents like temperature, EC, pH, (CBOD), Sediment Oxygen Demand(SOD), DO, ON,
NH4+ , NO3- , NO2-, ISS, Organic Phosphorus(OP), Inorganic Phosphorus (IP), phytoplankton,
and bottom algae[17]. The calculation of TN and TP can be done. It can simulate re-aeration,
algal respiration and growth, organic matter degradation, mineralization, nitrification,
denitrification, sedimentation, and benthic activity [18,19]. The geometric properties of the
river (which includes channel slope, channel width, side slope, and manning roughness
coefficient), flow rate, pollutant loads, and meteorological parameters are the major data
inputs [20]. Various new elements are included to QUAL2K; those are (1) for graphical
representation of input, running of the model and viewing the output, Excel, Microsoft office
macro language (Visual Basic for Application) is used. (2) The size of the element can be
varied from reach to reach; multiple loadings and withdrawals can be input to any elements.
(3) To represent the organic carbon, two forms of carbonaceous BOD (slow and fast) are
used. It also represents organic carbon with the model accepting anoxia by reducing oxidation
reactions to zero to low at low oxygen levels. (4) At low oxygen concentration, the de-
nitrification is modeled as first order reaction. (5) In that model, oxygen and nutrient fluxes
are simulated as a function of settling particulate organic matter. (6) The model also simulates
the bottom algae, light extinction, pit and pathogens. QUAL2K is based on mass balance.
Equation3 represents the mass balance equation for a constituent concentration (Ci) in the
water column of a reach (excluding hyporehic exchange) [21].

= Ci-1 - Ci - Ci + (Ci-1 - Ci ) + (Ci-1 - Ci ) + + Si - (3)

Where Qi is flow (m3/d), ab is abstraction, Vi for volume (m3), E’I refers to the bulk
dispersion coefficient between reaches i and i+1 (m3/d), Wi represents the external loading of
the constituent to reach i (g/d or mg/ d) and Si for the sources and sinks of the constituent due
to reactions and mass transfer mechanisms (g/ m3/d or mg/ m3/ d ). If bottom algae are present
in water column, then the transport and loading terms are removed from mass balance
differential equation. The limitation of the model is that it cannot simulate the branches of
river system.

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A Brief Overview on Water Quality Models

2.3. Mike-Model
MIKE-II is an one dimensional hydrodynamic model which is having the property to simulate
the dynamic water movement in a river [22]. Researchers are mainly using the MIKE- II
model for river and lakes. MIKE-II has hundreds of applications. Some of the most important
applications of this model are ecological and water quality assessments in rivers and wetlands
, sediments transport and river morphology, salinity intrusion in rivers and estuaries, flood
analysis and alleviation design, real time flood forecasting, dam break analysis, optimization
of reservoir and canal gate/ structures operations (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIKE_11).
MIKE-II water quality file includes the river water quality parameters and the default values.
The list of coefficient and water quality parameter include degradation of BOD, influence of
DO, concentration on the BOD decay, settling velocity of BOD, re suspension of BOD from
the bed, oxygen demand by nitrification per unit mass as ammonia converted to nitrate, rate of
ammonia release, nitrification rate constant, concentration dependence of nitrification and
emitted heat radiation from the river. MIKE-II output includes time series of depth of flow
and pollutant concentration for any reach as well as statically option to describe the result
[23]. MIKE-II model is based on the Saint-Venant equations and is given below.
| |
( ) ( ) (5)

Where Q, A, q, h, x, t, n, R, g and refers to discharge, cross sectional area, lateral

inflow, water level above a reference datum, downstream direction, time, Manning’s
coefficient, hydraulic radius, acceleration due to gravity and the momentum distribution
coefficient respectively.
MIKE-II has some limitation: (1) Huge amount of data is required for simulation. (2)
Sensitive to data appropriateness (3) Calibration and evaluation of results for exact channel
cross-sectional boundaries are required at each reach [24].


MIKE SHE is an universal software for surface and ground water modeling. The model
accounts various process models for overland flow, unsaturated flow, vegetation based on
evapo transpiration, groundwater flow, fully dynamic channel flow and irrigated water
quality( www.dhigroup.com). This model is having the capability to simulate surface and
ground water movement, sediment, nutrient and pesticide transport in the model area and
various water quality problems. This model can be applied for large watershed [25].

DRAINMOD model is used to calculate at the scale of an individual field, the daily nitrate
leaching for a given crop, farming, soil and geo-hydrological condition. The required
information for the application of the model include (a) soil type, (b) water and nitrogen status
of the soil profile at the start of the period to be simulated, (c) land use, (d)climate, and (e)
nitrogen fertilizer practices [26]. DRAINMOD-N and to determine daily soil water contents
and fluxes a new model known as DRAINMOD-S which is a modified version of
DRAINMOD is used [23].The basic difference between DRAINMOD-N and DRAINMOD-S
is that the DRAINMOD-N is capable to predict nitrogen concentration in the soil and in
surface and subsurface drainage whereas DRAINMOD-S is able to predict salt concentration
of drainage water, soil salinity distribution and the effect of salinity on the crop yield [27].

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Madhusmita Ghadai, Deba Prakash Satapathy and M.L. Narasimham

2.6. Streeter Phelps Models

Streeter Phelps models Streeter and Phelps established the first S-P model in 1925. This
model is used as a water quality modeling tool for measuring the water pollution in a river or
a stream [28]. S-P models focused on oxygen balance and one-order decay of BOD. Streeter-
Phelps equation also known as the DO sag equation. It is a one-dimensional steady-state
model. Streeter- Phelps equation is based on the linear first order differential equation [29,
K1Lt-K2D (6)
Where D refers to the saturation deficit which is derived from-
(the dissolved oxygen concentration at saturation) – (the actual dissolved oxygen
concentration.) K1 refers to the de oxygenation rate, K2 for the reaeration rate and Lt is the
oxygen demand remaining at time t.
This model first used in the Ohio River in the US by a Sanitary Engineer Harold Warner
Streeter and the Consultant Earle Berhand Phelps (1876-1953). Like other model , in this
models some imitation are there, those are – Due to considering single BOD input, single Do
sink and single DO source , simplification rises errors in model [29].

2.7. INCA Model

INCA (Integrated Catchment model) is dynamic in nature and used for stream which allows
integrating hydrology and watering quality into it [31]. This model also provides the
presentation of soil and plant system dynamic. It is widely used to deal with the
environmental change issues in catchments in addition with land use change, climate change,
changing pollution environments including point and diffuse pollution
(www.waters.com/software/INCA). According to Whitehead INCA model used for
simulation of pathogen in catchments. It also simulates fluxes of pathogen from both diffuse
and point sources. Manto-Carlo sensitivity scheme has been used to evaluate the model.
INCA-N allows simulating the hydrology flow pathway in both the surface and ground water
system. In a daily time stem, this model tracks fluxes of solutes or pollutants in both terrestrial
and aquatic portions of catchments. It also allows the spatial nature of a river basin or
catchment to modify reach length, rate coefficient, land use, flow velocity relationship and to
alter input pollutant deposition loads from point sources, diffuse land sources and diffuse
atmospheric sources. INCAN-N allows simulating a single stem of a river in a semi
distributed manner with tributaries treated as aggregate inputs [31]. This model is relying on a
series of interconnected differential equation, which can be solved by using numerical
integration method, on the basis of the fourth order Rungi Kutta technique. The solution of all
equation can be obtained simultaneously through its technique and it’s the superiority of this
technique [32].

TOPMODEL is common and wide utilized in watershed scales. The semi distributed
topographical hydrologic model could be a precipitation runoff model supported an easy
theory of water shed hydrological similarity with the topographical index [33,34,35] . It
simulates infiltration excess overland flow, saturation overland flow, infiltration, exfiltration,
subsurface flow, evapotranspiration and channel routing. This model conjointly simulates the
specific well water or surface water interaction by predicting the movement of ground water
level. It helps to see the saturated land expanse and also the potential for supply saturation
land flow. The surface and subsurface saturated areas are calculable on the premise of storage
discharge relationship that is established from a simplified steady state theory for down slope

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A Brief Overview on Water Quality Models

saturated line. This model has some limitations these are: 1) TOPMODEL only simulates
watershed hydrology. 2) TOPMODEL works accurately for watershed which do not suffers
from excessively long dry period and have homogeneous soil and moderate topography.3)
model results are sensitive to grid size and grid size <= 50m is recommended.

2.9. HSPF
HSPF (Hydrologic simulation program Fortan). It is a hydrology and water quality model
[36]. It simulates hydrology and water quality for both conventional and toxic organic
pollutants on pervious and impervious land surface and in stream. For simulation, model uses
parameters such as time history of rainfall, temperature, and solar radiation, land surface
characteristic such as land use pattern and land use management. The model provides results
about quantity and quality of runoff from an urban or agricultural watershed, flow rate,
sediment load, and nutrient and pesticide concentration. To process the large of simulation
input and output, it includes an internal database management system (scientific software
group) [37,38]. There are some limitations of this model such as: 1) problems in algorithms
and procedures. 2) The accuracy of the model limited by spatial and attribute data due to high
standard input data. 3) The model is applicable only for well mixed rivers, reservoirs and one
dimensional water bodies [39,40,41].
A compilation of the above models, their source and accessibility for researches is given
in table1below.

Table 1 List of preferred water quality models with their special characteristic.
Model Type Description Access Organization
WASP 1D,2D, 3D - Advanced model, works for Free U.S.
measuring pollutants and pollution ENVIRONMENTAL
in the water. PROTECTION
QUAL2K Stream water quality Ecologically-focused model that Free U.S. Environment
simulates daily water quality, as protection Agency.
either steady-state or dynamic
system. Includes estimation of
BOD, N, P, coliforms and pH.
MIKE Stream hydrology simulates runoff and stream No Danish Hydraulic
models hydrology; compatible with other Institute
modeling systems
Mike-SHE Steam and Advance model, integrated Purchase DHI
groundwater modeling system to simulate
hydrology and water hydrological processes in both
quality surface and groundwater systems,
in-addition with evapo-
transpiration, runoff, discharge,
groundwater recharge and
environmental fate of
DRAIMON - Prediction on a continuous basis of Free Soil & Water
D water table depth, drainage rates, Management Group,
surface runoff North Carolina State
MONERIS Semi – static Semi – empirical conceptual model. No Leibniz institute for
Based on data run-off water quality freshwater Ecology
for the area along with GIS and Island Fisheries

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Madhusmita Ghadai, Deba Prakash Satapathy and M.L. Narasimham

Streerter – 1D steady state S-P models emphasize on oxygen free U.S. Public health
Phelps balance and one-order decay of service
models BOD
HSPF Stream hydrology Integrated modeling system to Free US-EPA
and water quality simulate runoff and water quality
(e.g. nutrients, pesticide, sediments)
from agricultural and urban
Top model Stream hydrology semi distributed topographical Free Lancaster University
hydrologic model, conjointly
simulates the specific well water or
surface water interaction by
predicting the movement of ground
water level.
INCA Stream water quality Dynamic in nature and used for By request Reading University
stream which allows integrating
hydrology and watering quality into
it. Allows simulating the hydrology
flow pathway in both the surface
and ground water system.

In the changing environmental scenario the water quality models are playing very important
role in predicting the present and future status of water pollution. In this paper several of
water quality models discussed with their characteristic and uses. Prediction of a suitable
water quality model for a particular river or stream is a very difficult task. From the
description of the above model, WASP model is preferred for modeling the water quality of
Brahmani River Odisha, India. Wasp model helps to predict and simulate the water quality
changes in streams, rivers, estuaries, artificial reservoirs and depressions. This model
considers point and non point sources, aerial tributaries and boundaries of the exchange. It is
also a three dimensional program consisting of two programs i.e. DYNHYD and WASP
which can works together as well as independently. DYNHYD is a hydrodynamic program
which deals with the creation with the data sets to determine the flows and other transport
value. Wasp deals with modeling and spread and interaction of pollutants in the water. WASP
model consists of two models i.e. EUTRO and TOXI. EUTRO models related to the water
eutrification by solving problems of the dynamics of dissolved oxygen (DO), BOD, nutrient
concentration and phytoplankton. The TOXI model related to toxic pollutant like chemical
oxygen demand (COD) and heavy metal. WASP model was successfully used for modeling
the eutrofication of Tampa Bay, inflow of phosphorus to Okeechobee Lake, eutrofication of
the Neuse river and its estuaries, organic pollutants and heavy metals contamination of the of
the Deep River. Brahmani river basin is full of mines area, industrial area and urban area. The
waste water from mines area, industrial area and urban area pollutes water of river Brahmani.

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A Brief Overview on Water Quality Models

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