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app ‘rel production unit, the Merchandiser has to Perform following functions: 0 Communication: It is one because the merchandiser has t in buying houses and the indust of the foremost functions of Merchandiser 0 communicate with different levels Of people ty in his day to day activities, o Planning and Programming: A merchandiser has to check the order requirement, planning for the given order, programming for various activities and proper allocation of work. 0 Follow-ups: It includes sending of samples at various Slages of order, end communicating on a regular basis with buyers for sample and other approvals, ‘dination egotiation: It is the act vuld benefit the bot Costing: It is the proces nd the subsequent price, It formation depends on t hould know the current pric do the accurate costing rchandiser in nN Apparel manuf icturing Company can be seen in the following Table Pre-production Production Produ t Development Product nd Sampling Costing and Negotiation Fits and Pre-Production Approvals Bo bric approval Product § apacity | -Producti Quality Audit der to make TNA, some information 18 Very important: How of an order with the list of task which need to be performed ty of cutting, sewing Washing and finishing batch wise and product wise capacity (Production per day per @ time of activities, e.g. raw material lead time, sampling lead time, ete Shipment date. * Production capacity of plant to be considered while preparing TNA: Style type of merchandise Festivals of manufacturing country * Holidays Shipment details Festivals of country from where raw material is imported Logistics facilities Lead time estimated by buyer Style complications Fabric and trims manufacturing complications Buffer required from each department Political stability of the country Flexibility of freight forwarder Response time from buyer at different stages Lead times of various activities like LIC payment, custom clearance, ete Cut off dates for shipments What is Visual Merchandising? A successful retailing business requires that a distinct and consistent imaze be created in the customer’s mind that permeates all product and service offen Visual merchandising can help create that positive customer image that successful sales. It not only communicates the store’s image, but also re: thestores advertising efforts and encourages impulse buying by the cus Visual merchandising is a major factor often overlooked in the succes failure of a retail store. It is second only to effective customerrela Visual merchandising is effective presentation of products customers purchase. Itis providing right producttto right custom It is defined as “the presentation of a store/brand and its customer through the teamwork of the store’s advertising events, fashion coordination, and merchandising departme the goods and services offered by store” . This means ever Sees, exterior or interior, createsa positive impact on custom

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