David Chuipka Dec 3rd 2023 Rev5 PDF

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Announcements Sharon Christie ALL PEOPLES UNITED CHURCH

Welcome to the family of All People’s United Church! Sunday Dec 3rd, 2023 1st Advent Sunday of Hope
If you are joining us for the first time, please sign the guest book. Guiding us in worship today is David Chuipka
GOOD MORNING and WELCOME to ALL, whether you are a regular
member, or just visiting our church! Thank you for coming!

A Big Thank you to everyone for coming out to help with our
Christmas Bazaar and for making it a success.
Also Thank you to Charles Bolduc from St. Peter’s for helping
with our Bazaar.

We are collecting donations for Processional

Sleeping Children Around the World. See Nancy Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty!
Bed kits $35 or any amount is appreciated. Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee.
Holy, holy, holy, merciful, and mighty
Collecting donations for Shoe Boxes for homeless
God in three persons blessed Trinity!
Sudbury Secondary School - The Value Vault Words of Welcome
The Value Vault at Sudbury Secondary School (SSS) Call to worship. (Responsive)
students who need food, clothing,
.small household items, living supplies. Etc.… Grace to you and peace from God,
as advent people we give thanks to the one who is faithful.
Advent summons us,
Our Prayer List with the exuberant hopefulness of a child.
Nancy McDonald, Marlene Chuipka Advent holds us,
Gil Davies, Phil Christie spellbound with childlike wonder.
Advent challenges us,
E-mail “allpeoplesunitedchurch@gmail.com” to care for the littlest child.
Advent amazes us,
Facebook @allpeoplesunited
For God was made known in a tiny child.
We will light the first Advent Candle of Hope
Join us for coffee, Tea and
A candle is burning, a flame warm and bright,
Dec 10rd – Gerry Copeman
Conversation following A candle of hope in December’s dark night,
Dec 17th - Gerry Copeman While angels sing blessings from heaven’s dark sky,
the Service.
Our hearts we prepare now for Jesus is nigh.
Opening Hymn Invitation to Offering:

OPENING PRAYER - Offering Song (Sung by all)

O Great Mystery the one who comes in your name comes again Your vision Praise and thanksgiving, thanks be to God.
of peace and wholeness Thanks for the food we eat,
comes to us in sweeping revelations. And for the friends we meet.
And in tiny signs of hope For each new day we greet
God of the unexpected and the undreamt
In this holy season instill your hope in our hearts
Thanks Be to God!
Prepare us. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
prepare us so we can hear again the song of the angels.
and see again the beckoning star. OFFERING PRAYER (Unison):
We wait in hope. Amen Accept, O God this money offered,
these gifts given,
Welcome and Announcements the goodwill of our hearts,
that disappointment may be turned to hope,
Minute for Mission and worry may be turned to anticipation,
as we await with wonder the birth of Christ. Amen
Scripture readings
Isaiah 64:1–9 Prayer’s of the people and the Lords Prayer
Psalm 80:1–7, 17–19 (VU p. 794 Part One)
Mark 13:24–37 Closing hymn VU
Readings Response: COMMISSIONING
All: This is the word of the Lord. Return now to our world with its pain in wonder remembering the words
Thanks be to God. of the prophets the faithfulness.
of Mary and the longing of all who yearn for a sign of hope
GLORIA PATRI – (Sung by all)
Glory be to the father and to the son, May the blessing of God who is ever faithful?
and to the Holy Spirit… the blessing of Christ who still comes to us and
As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be, the blessing of the Holy Spirit who moves within us and throughout our
world without end…………. AMEN world rest upon us and abide with us this day and forever more Amen.

Sermon BENEDICTION (Sung by all)

May God’s sheltering wings,
Hymn VU Her gathering wings protect you.
May God’s nurturing arms,
His cradling arms sustain you.
And hold you in her love and hold you in his love.

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