Children 09 00723
Children 09 00723
Children 09 00723
Case Report
Early Diagnosis of Pseudohypoparathyroidism before the
Development of Hypocalcemia in a Young Infant
Su Kyeong Hwang 1 , Ye Jee Shim 2 , Seung Hwan Oh 3 and Kyung Mi Jang 4, *
1 Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 37224, Korea;
2 Department of Pediatrics, Keimyung University School of Medicine, Keimyung University Dongsan Hospital,
Daegu 37224, Korea;
3 Department of Laboratory Medicine, Pusan National University School of Medicine,
Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital, Yangsan 50612, Korea;
4 Department of Pediatrics, Yeungnam University School of Medicine, Yeungnam University Hospital,
Daegu 42415, Korea
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +82-53-620-3532
even when patients have the same genetic alterations. Many PHP patients experience
hypocalcemia-induced life-threatening events such as syncope, seizure, paresthesia, and
tetany [8,9]. Therefore, it is crucial to diagnose PHP early to avoid complications. How-
ever, PHP is difficult to diagnose during infancy because it is usually diagnosed with
hypocalcemia-induced symptoms and hypocalcemia often develops later in childhood
when calcium requirements increase.
Among the different types of PHP, type Ia involves multiple endocrine organs, such
as the thyroid gland, ovaries, and pituitary gland, via Gs α coupled receptors [10,11]. Hy-
pothyroidism, a component of PHP type Ia, is often overlooked because it is mild and may
be interpreted as congenital hypothyroidism, which is common in newborn screening [12].
There have been several attempts to diagnose PHP early and prevent complications; nev-
ertheless, delayed diagnosis still occurs often [13,14]. Only a few cases of PHP have been
diagnosed before the development of hypocalcemia and related symptoms [15–18]. Here,
we report early diagnosis of PHP type Ia in a young infant before the development of
hypocalcemia and elevated PTH levels owing to osteoma cutis. We emphasize the impor-
tance of meticulous physical examination in patients with congenital hypothyroidism.
2. Case Report
A 1-month-old girl was referred to our clinic for elevated thyroid-stimulating hormone
(TSH) levels on newborn screening. She was delivered by cesarean section at full term,
with a birth weight of 2.8 kg. Laboratory tests revealed elevated TSH (25 µU/mL, normal
range 0.5–4.8) and normal free T4 (0.9 ng/dL, normal range 0.8–1.6) levels. The patient
had no family history of thyroid disease, and the patient’s mother had no thyroid disease
during the perinatal period. The patient had no goiter and thyroid antibodies. Thyroid
ultrasonography showed unremarkable findings. Therefore, the patient was considered to
have congenital hypothyroidism. Levothyroxine treatment was commenced (10 µg/kg/d),
and a month later, her TSH level normalized. Although the patient was assumed to have
congenital hypothyroidism, thyroid function tests were performed every 3 months. The
patient was also carefully examined to rule out other causes of hypothyroidism. At 4 months
old, multiple hard nodules were noted on her trunk with normal thyroid function. A punch
skin biopsy revealed osteoma cutis associated with AHO, which is a major characteristic
of PHP (Figure 1). The patient’s weight was 6.8 kg (50–75th percentile), and her height
was 60.3 cm (15–25th percentile). There was no obvious obesity observed, which is an
important indicator for early diagnosis of PHP. It was difficult to assess the patient’s exact
developmental status owing to her young age. However, the patient seemed to follow
normal developmental progress.
PHP type Ia was suspected owing to osteoma cutis combined with congenital hy-
pothyroidism. Therefore, we performed targeted sanger sequencing of the GNAS gene
(NM_000516.5), which is associated with PHP. We detected the heterozygous variant
c.150dupA (p.Ser51Ilefs*3) in both the proband and her mother. It caused frameshift and
premature termination mutations (Figure 2) and was classified as “pathogenic” according
to the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics/Association for Molecular
Pathology guidelines, with evidence based on the following criteria: PVS1, PM2, and PP3.
There is no reported allele frequency in the general population (Genome Aggregation
Database) (=0%). Further laboratory tests revealed normocalcemia (9.7 mg/dL, normal
range 8.8–10.8), normophosphatemia (5.7 mg/dL, normal range 3.8–6.5) and a normal
serum PTH level (44 pg/mL, normal range 10–65).
GNAS is an imprinted gene. Maternally transmitted mutations cause PHP type Ia,
while paternal transmission results in pseudopseudoparathyroidism (PPHP). Thus, the
patient was diagnosed with PHP type Ia. Conversely, the patient’s mother was assumed to
have PPHP; she had normocalcemia, normophosphatemia, normal thyroid function, and a
normal serum PTH level.
Children 2022, 9, 723 3 of 7
Children 2022, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 8
Figure 1. 1. Histology
Histology slide
slide showing
showing a well-demarcated
a well-demarcated nodule,
nodule, composed
composed ofof mature
mature lamellar
lamellar bone
within the dermis (black arrow). (A) 40× hematoxylin and eosin staining, (B) 100× hematoxylin and
within the dermis (black arrow). (A) 40× hematoxylin and eosin staining, (B) 100× hematoxylin and
eosin staining.
eosin staining.
PHP type Ia was suspected owing to osteoma cutis combined with congenital hypo-
thyroidism. Therefore, we performed targeted sanger sequencing of the GNAS gene
(NM_000516.5), which is associated with PHP. We detected the heterozygous variant
c.150dupA (p.Ser51Ilefs*3) in both the proband and her mother. It caused frameshift and
premature termination mutations (Figure 2) and was classified as “pathogenic” according
to the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics/Association for Molecular Pa-
thology guidelines, with evidence based on the following criteria: PVS1, PM2, and PP3.
There is no reported allele frequency in the general population (Genome Aggregation Da-
tabase) (=0%). Further laboratory tests revealed normocalcemia (9.7 mg/dL, normal range
8.8–10.8), normophosphatemia (5.7 mg/dL, normal range 3.8–6.5) and a normal serum
PTH level (44 pg/mL, normal range 10–65).
Figure 2. Genetic testing of the family. The patient harbored a c.150dupA (p.Ser51Ilefs*3) mutation
Figure Geneticinherited from
testing of the her mother.
family. The patient harbored a c.150dupA (p.Ser51Ilefs*3) mutation
(red arrow) inherited from her mother.
GNAS is an imprinted gene. Maternally transmitted mutations cause PHP type Ia,
while paternal transmission results in pseudopseudoparathyroidism (PPHP). Thus, the
patient was diagnosed with PHP type Ia. Conversely, the patient’s mother was assumed
to have PPHP; she had normocalcemia, normophosphatemia, normal thyroid function,
Children 2022, 9, 723 4 of 7
The mother’s height and weight were 150 cm and 50 kg, respectively. She had short
stature and a rounded face. Although these were clinical manifestations of AHO, they were
mild and not accompanied by other AHO features, such as mental retardation, hard nodules,
obesity, and brachydactyly. To avoid the onset of severe hypocalcemic symptoms, serum
calcium, phosphorus, and PTH levels were measured every 3 months, and meticulous
physical examination was done. At 1-year-old, the patient’s serum PTH level had markedly
increased to 550 pg/mL, while calcium and phosphorous concentrations remained within
normal ranges at 8.7 and 6.5 mg/dL, respectively.
Since elevated PTH precedes elevated serum phosphorous levels and hypocalcemia,
regular laboratory tests were performed every 2 months. Two months later, elevated
PTH (699 pg/mL) accompanied by hypocalcemia (6.9 mg/dL) and hyperphosphatemia
(7.2 mg/dL) were noted. However, there were no hypocalcemia-induced symptoms.
Calcitriol (30 ng/kg/d), and calcium carbonate (50 mg/elemental calcium/kg/d) were
promptly administered. Both the hypocalcemia and elevated PTH level improved to
7.5 mg/dL and 580 pg/mL, respectively, 2 months later. The patient’s calcium level gradu-
ally improved as a result. Currently, she is 3 years and 7 months old, her height at the time
was 97.3 cm (25–50th percentile) and her weight was 19.9 kg (99th percentile), and shows de-
velopmental milestones. However, she has not shown any hypocalcemia-induced symptoms.
3. Discussion
PHP is caused by de novo or autosomal dominant inheritance of inactivating mutations
in the GNAS locus on 20q13.22 [14]. GNAS is an imprinted gene encoding Gs α, which is
coupled to the PTH receptor, thereby activating adenylyl cyclase. PHP is classified into
PHP type I and PHP type II according to the response to bovine PTH. Among the types,
PHP type Ia is caused by inactivating mutations in the maternal allele of the GNAS exons
1–13 [11,14,19,20]. Predominantly maternal GNAS expression has been detected in the
thyroid gland, ovaries, proximal tubules of kidneys, and pituitary gland [2]. Therefore,
patients with PHP type Ia also develop resistance to other hormones, such as TSH, growth
hormone-releasing hormone, and gonadotropin, via Gs-coupled receptors.
AHO is associated with heterogeneous manifestations, including a round face, brachy-
dactyly, short stature, and various degrees of mental retardation [21,22]. However, it is
challenging to diagnose PHP early based on only AHO features because of its vague and
nonspecific manifestations, which typically develop during late childhood [1,23]. In this
case, the patient’s mother had only AHO without PTH resistance; she was assumed to have
PPHP, as PPHP is caused by paternal inactivating mutations. 50% reduction of Gs α caused
by GNAS mutation leads to haploinsufficiency in tissues related the AHO phenotype such
as the growth plate [24]. The variable expression of AHO with the same GNAS mutation
suggest epigenetic modifications, other genetic loci, or environmental factors [22,25]. More-
over, recent studies related to obesity and cognition suggest that GNAS imprinting is also
involved in other parts of the central nervous system [26,27]
There has been no report of PTH resistance at birth that develops over time from 0.1
to 22 years [20,28,29]. In general, PTH elevation is followed by hypocalcemia, and PHP
type Ia is mainly diagnosed based on severe hypocalcemic symptoms such as seizures,
paresthesia, and tetany, when calcium requirements increase during childhood. Therefore,
it is difficult to identify at a young age. Moreover, its symptoms are often overlooked and
treated as epilepsy, which further delays diagnosis.
There have been some attempts to diagnose PHP early using reported characteristics
such as small for gestational age, early-onset obesity, cognitive impairment, developmental
delay, and transient hypothyroidism [2]. However, such symptoms are difficult to notice in
a very young infant, and cognitive development is normal in 30% of PHP type Ia cases. As
such, there have only been five cases, including the present report, of genetically confirmed
PHP Ia in young infancy before the development of hypocalcemia, providing detailed
information [16–18,29] (Table 1).
Children 2022, 9, 723 5 of 7
Riepe, et al. [18] Lubell, et al. [17] Kodo, et al. [16] Sano, et al. [29] In Present Case
Age at
10 26 11 1 4
diagnosis (months)
Sex Male Male Male NA Female
Subcutaneous Developmental Subcutaneous
Cause of referral Hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism
nodules milestone nodules
Extremities and Both of arms and
Site of osteoma cutis Left thumb NA Abdominal wall
abdominal wall legs, abdominal wall
Family history NA Yes Yes NA Yes
HGVS nucleotide
c.317T>G c.1100_1101insA c.862dupA NA c.150dupA
HGVS amino acid p.Ile106Ser p.Asp368Glyfs*3 p.Ile288Asnfs*12 NA p.Ser51Ilefs*3
Serum Calcium
8.98 9.3 10.0 10.42 9.7
level (mg/dL)
Serum phosphorous
5.91 6.3 5.0 6.93 5.7
level (mg/dL)
Serum PTH
202 237 42 93 44
level (pg/mL)
Free T4 level before
0.7 1.0 0.87 0.7 0.9
medication (ng/dL)
TSH level before
50.6 12.8 3.01 27.9 25
medication (µIU/mL)
HGVS, Human Genome Variation Society; NA, not applicable; PTH, parathyroid hormone; TSH, thyroid-
stimulating hormone. Calcium normal range: 8.8–10.8 mg/dL; Phosphorous normal range: 3.8–6.5 mg/dL;
PTH normal range: 10–65 pg/mL; Free T4 normal range: 0.8–1.6 ng/dL; TSH normal range: 0.5–4.8 µIU/mL.
Among the five cases of early diagnosis, four patients exhibited hypothyroidism.
Although TSH resistance being reported as an early manifestation of PHP type Ia, this
condition is often misdiagnosed as primary hypothyroidism and physical examination is
skipped in patients with congenital hypothyroidism because of the rarity of PHP [30]. TSH
resistance may be milder than PTH resistance due to partial Gs α activity in the thyroid
tissue [31]. There is a potential for higher prevalence of PHP type Ia among patients with
elevated TSH and eutopic thyroid gland [32]. Therefore, meticulous physical examinations
and checking calcium, phosphorous and PTH levels are needed especially in patients that
are observed to have a mild increase in TSH concentration and presence of eutopic thyroid
gland at first visit.
Osteoma cutis is one of the most common manifestations of AHO. Ectopic ossifications
are caused by Gs α deficiency in mesenchymal stem cells, resulting from de novo extraskele-
tal osteoblast formation in the dermis [2,33]. Consequently, osteoma cutis can develop in
patients with PHP who have normal serum calcium, phosphate, and PTH levels [33,34].
Fortunately, in patients with PHP, osteoma cutis presents at birth or in early life, usually
involving a single plaque or an isolated nodule [34]. Among the literature review cases,
three cases showed AHO, however, ectopic ossification was pivotal in early diagnosing
PHP type Ia during infancy in our patient and the literature cases.
Although PTH levels increase over time, elevated TSH may be present at birth. There-
fore, patients are often diagnosed during newborn screening [2,29]. One large study of PHP
showed that all of the young infant patients showed resistance to TSH [29]. Moreover, up
to 30% of patients with PHP1A can be diagnosed at birth through elevated TSH newborn
screening [32]. If the hypothyroidism was assumed to be primary hypothyroidism in this
case and the nodules were overlooked, neuromuscular symptoms or even life-threatening
hypocalcemic complications may have occurred. This report and literature review empha-
size the significance of thorough physical examination in congenital hypothyroidism. If
Children 2022, 9, 723 6 of 7
necessary, active biopsy for lesions, sequencing for GNAS and checking serial calcium and
PTH levels are required in patients receiving treatment for congenital hypothyroidism in
the hopes of reducing the instance of missing a PHP diagnosis.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.K.H. and S.H.O.; methodology S.H.O.; formal analysis,
S.H.O. and K.M.J.; investigation, K.M.J.; resources, S.K.H.; data curation, Y.J.S.; writing—original
draft preparation, S.K.H.; writing—review and editing, K.M.J.; visualization, S.H.O.; supervision,
S.K.H.; project administration, K.M.J.; funding acquisition, K.M.J. All authors have read and agreed
to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was funded by a 2019 Yeungnam University Research Grant (219A580048).
Institutional Review Board Statement: This research was conducted according to the guidelines of
the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Institutional Review Board of Yeungnam University
Hospital (approval no. 2021-12-037).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from the patient’s legal guardian.
Due to the patient’s age, assent was not required.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to privacy.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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